The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, April 03, 1868, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY . EXPRESS. la published every FRIDAY MORNINCi In CartersTlUe, Bartow Cos., Ga.. by Samuel II- Smith, EDITOR aiid PROPRIETOR at the fol lowing Rate* of Subscription : 0n« eopjrthree months,...- ?i0 Use oopy gix month* Use cc'py otie (Invariable in advance.) CL H RATES: rtveoople*, one year.... Ten eopie*. one yew Y.' fto Twenty eopiee, one yesr ’ ■ And a copy extra to the parly getting up the club. All papers stopped at the end of the time paid for if not previously renewed. ttatciT ot Advertising : Advertisements inserted at t ne Dollar per eqaare fer the first insertion ami Seventy fi-c Lents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal deduction mad (•Then »n advertiseinen. is iu eerted one month or longer- I mo, j 2 mo. 7r.ios 4 mos.'G mos ~ in ~ 3.25i 6.00 r 00( lO.OO' 15.00 Two ••• 7.5011200! 13.501 20.00, 27.00 Three ‘' 11.00! 16.00- JB.ooj 28.00 37.00 r 0 ur . ...14.00ho.OO;24.00 35.00'. 46.00 Vourth colu’n 17.00i24.01! 28 no! 41.00 53.00 *i, 20.00i27.00 31.00 46.00 00.00 Pren . .... 23.00130.00;34 «0! 50,00 67.00 P,_ht .... 26 00 33.00 37.00 55 00 74.00 wine | ‘29.00,36.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 Ten " 32.00:39.00 43.00 65.00 86.00 Half-column.. 35.00 42.00 46 00! 69.00] 92.00 Twc lve 38.00'45.00 49.00 7T.00 98 00 Thirteen. ... 41.00 45.0('52.00 1 78.06 104.00 Fourteen 1 44.00 51 ftO 55.00 83.00 1 10.00 pifteen 47.00 54 00 58.00 87.00 116.00 g llte en \50.00 57.00 61.00 92.00 122.00 Seventeen 53.00 60.00 64.00 96.00 128.00 Eighteen . . . 1 56.00 «3.00 67.00 100.00 134.00 Nineteen ,59.00 66.0070.00 105.00 140.00 Twenty 62.00 69.00 73.00 110.00 146.00 Twenty-one 65.00 72.00,76,00 115 00 152.00 C.luinn i 68.00[76.00 79.00! 118.00 158.00 Parties A Jvertising will he restricted, ie their Contracts, to their legitimate business that is to say, ad Advertisements that do not refer to thoir regular business will be charged for extra. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be •barged a* »ew each insertion. The above rules will he strictly adheared to. PROF FSSIO MA L CARDS, DR. F, M. lOHNSON Dentist. RItSPBOTFCLLY -tfer* Us profemlcnal wrvleee to the c'tlien* of CarttrsvlUe , sad vVeiuUy. Hel* prepare-i to uo w lk c... »<t I!.# Isteet sod most Improved stye.— Teeth est-ae'er , |by means of nsreotic spray). » < *.l warranted. OK e over.). Elsas-’ iterre, CARTKRIVILLK, G*. Eel). 20, l&6iwsin JERE A. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1 CARTKRSVILLE. GA. PRITCHETT 4‘ Attorneys at Law CARTERBVILLE, GA. O ELSAH STORE Oct, 17, I*67^, THOMAS W. MILNE#, Attorney at Law, fAUTfRStttLE. GEORGIA, V'iSl attend promptly to business entrusted 1 , his ear*. Oct. 5 wly J O H N J. ')0 SI £3 ITTOMiIY »T UW. Cartersville, Ga. YWJILL attend promptly to all business rn \\ trnated to hi* care. Will prtjet ce in Iks (Josrts of law, and equity in the Cherokee ('ireait. Hpecial attention given to the collec fe wof claims. Jan. 1, 1866. ly John J- Jones. JOHN J.TqnTs REAL ESTATE AGEST, CARTERSVILLE GA I a*, aathsrlrsd to sell, and have on hard several a-sd Lol*, and also numerous bulldtnff lots in the tees of Carteravllle. Also severiil plantations of van «s»«.i-<lq Bartnw connty. Parti** desiring to bn or t-ll »iu do well to g.v« me a call. A.U o-i.nmunicatiecs isemjrfljr answered. July 17. ifcSS. On. a. pixlertox, Cariersville. Georgia Tmder* hl» professions! st-vicce to the etize.'.* o artersvll * and surrounding country, nr.4 villa to and !M’« st all hours. Otßo* up-stai's in Dr. Samuel Ol»y --» ! New Brick Building. May 10. 1867,w1y S. H. Pat till o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, IV'lll attend promptly to the Cutti >g. Repair- a V? Ing and M aklng Boy's and Men’s Clo hlng. jl-i, Jfllct In bass mom of Blair & Bradshaw's store. Cartersville, Ga. — l - a - The Cartersville Hotel. I \R. THOMAS MILAM havin? A^> 1 ) charge of this House, would be H*** jft pleased to accommodate a few ® •rawith BOARD, with cu without " Lodging. Call and see him at once for terms Carte reville, Jan 17. Vj> W . n. MOVNTCASTLE, w Clock Repairer, In the Front of A. A. Skinner & Co’s store. Cartersville. jan 25 S. O'SHIELDS, Fashionable Tailor , *ARTERSVILLE. BARTOW COUNTY, GEORIGA, tIS prepared to execute all kinds of work in the Fashionable Tail ing line, with nc&tners and in du- ...iJ »hie style. Over J. Elsas & Co’* store, Cartersville, jan 23. • Errors of Tout*}. A Gentleman who suffered f*r years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and ail I >' effects of youthful indiscretion, will, fer the **ks of suffeiing humanity, send free to ail »ho need it, the rcc’pe and directions for ■(eking ths simple reared y by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so bv address ing. in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 43 Cedar Street, New York. J. H. PURTELL! MERCHANT TAILOR, Whit© Hall Street, Atlanta, Ca. CLOTHING made to aider in the very latest style and at short notice. 25, 3t. Revenue Tax Notice. T TITLI RECEIVE, at my offlcaln.T. ELSAS’ Pfnr-, * *6 Ir-come Returns for fS67, and »rt!c!--s In Sch<-d- V- ’A, for 1868. The above returns being n*w due, •njold be ryturnud immediately. SAMUEL T. ANDERSON, « , _ . U.S. Assistant Assesso*. e»n*r»rt a M'rr.ltft# THE CARTERSVILLE EXPRESS. YOU 6. FORCE'S BOOT AMD SHOE I: o T i ne . 4 HFI now vece T virc )h*‘ Jr F tI.L vnd WINTER STOOiC of BOOTS ->ND Aj \ IIOES, the large** ever nronght t > this znui'ke,.. These g icrtg e»m, 'life'l \ from tJ,e Eastern reanu f emrtep.fl''l wll be ~ t„ Country Merchant* ano tt » Trad* at V,* V.,rk>,rl **, expenses added. eonol«t'rg of Mens’. Boys’, Y'.ut’ < . nd Childrens’Wox. K p, Calf and Buff »nd Bulmora s—JEwts of e-, l -,■> k. wax. -h f, and ~f the fl ieit q lallt’es *’. i.' »>e**, ;■ r„* o*iH m' .Boots aad ihoes, oteve'j style, and an m?de to der G. II FORCE. B. Vt. FOltm, formerly of (Viar’exton will he gltd to see hi* old cus omers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10-lr. A GOOD OPENING F O R BUSINESS. lAIIE undersigned, dc-iring to change tbs business, offers to «e Sal- i m stock, c*, i sibling of horses, buggies, hacks, carri ,g s, wagon*, harness, i-mveiid r, Ac. A.; •!>■■■■.. to citlier sell or rent his stable, know . in i 'art* r ■ vide as the ECLIPSE SALE & LIVERY ST vIH.E, to any one da.tiring to t ngige in the L ve v Stable Lu.-incss, no place in N •nh t orgia affords a belter .-pen ng than Carter, vili . It is located in the very heart ol C ;i c.otee Ga ; surrounded by a country rivalled by no rupc rior in the South A cciitrai j.oint ior a gr< *t area ol territory, and Cartersville is one of the most flourishing towni between Atlanta and Chattanooga, having grown from about seven hundred to near two thousand inhabitants since the war, and is the principal point of for thirteen counties and part- of eounti: . This is the only stable in the place. For further particulars address or apply to J. G. STOCKS, (!artersville, Ga. Jan. 31st, 1808-ts. BRITISH PERIODICALS THE t/IN'OOV QULRTE'tt.Y “.EVI-lW (p-m.) TH ■; EDINBURGH REVIK V (-VI, gi, THE JtEVIE V (TUHcal.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW [F ee I'hurcb.] BLACKWOOD S EDINB’O •• AGAW.N* (Tory.] These periodical* sv * sr • y t! e coptrt bntlon* or the best writer* >njp pee. H- i ’,o , Hud General li:era*ure, h"d-.ia u tfailed in ll,e wo o if letter*. Th- v » e i*i'tspeoei *e t > Jir scholar as the pr feiisiousl roan, and to every read), g oi. , a hey fu iiivli h better re »rd of the cpfren liti- cture of the day than can Ibe obtained from auj cthtr sourco. TERMS FOR 1668. Por any ore of the Reviews .. ft O ' per annum For urn two of the Reviews 7 For any three of the Revi-iv*... 10 00 For sM four of l-he Reviews.... 1 LK). For Bla-kwood’s Magtuint- .... For Biackwood an > 1 it*, view... T 00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews loot) •< P r B’ackwood riid any 8 of do. 1;) 00 M For Blackwood and the 4 It'-vi’s, 15 00 H CLUBS, A discount of 90 per teiti will be s’lowea ' o Club* of four or m >re persons Th * four cop t , c f B res wood, o r of one Review, will be sent to one ai iros for 12 80- Four co-.les of the four Reviews arid Blackwood, for |4B 00, and to on. POSTAGE. Subscr her* *hou’d p-epiy by ‘he qna-ter, s* t> e offl eo* and ll.e y. Th postage to a- r nut fti e United Stare* is two y EN T Is n mber. T f rat* on y applies I eurren* *--bscri,itio>.r. r.r h ■ nuu b-'- Ihe p st g- « and. able. PREMIUMS TO NEW “UHSCRIB R?. New sub crlber* to epy t* ■of he * ire --j -..d •r 15b8. will be ent‘tl- and t * rerelr... c'H'.i*, suv re of the K u- Review* fir 1867. New and.. r; t »t f’ e of the Pert dical* f . I'-AS o>.'' le- g.- • J(l"ckwood or a y two of he ’ Foa • Kevi- s’’ u.t 1867. Subscribers may obtain back number* at the fol lowing redu ed rate*, viz: The Xorlh HritiMk from Jtnuary, 1863. t<- De em ber, 1867, me u tve; JZiiinbiirg ad ‘lie Went Minister f.-om Ap i'. 1764. to Decernbe,. 1867. nctu ive „„ tendon Quarterly so- th year* 1 65. 1866 sod 1867 at the rate* of ft 50 it rear f * ,-nv R ~, • also Bis kwood for 1*66 an i 4867, for f2 Ed a ye r, or he IKoveir* together f r »400. Neither premiums to Suhac ibe s, nor dl«rour.t to Clubs, nor reduced price* for b ck n mheia, an be allowed, unless the money i* temUtel direct to the publisher*. No premiums can be given to e'ub*. TH* LEONARD rCOTT PUBLISHING CO. 14!) Fuiton Street, N. Y. TU? L. S. Pub. Cos., also publish the FARMER'S GUIDE. by Henry S'e’ en*. of Eieohu-g. a-d th-' lit* J. p. Norton, of Y tie College. 2 vo;*. R ,yal ircisvo 16 )0 otger and no tie-.u* F o. Pile *7 tor the two volume—by Mail, post ptiti #B. January 8-1, --C8 E R.SUMEEN. B. W. YORK. R. T JOUR AN SASSEEN'S United States Hotel Cor. Alabama aid Pryor street*, ATLANTA, GCOIISa. Mis in 100 yards of the Passenger I.V-tot. . SAS3EEW YORK ami JOURDO.t I’ opr’a. J. *V. F. BRYSON, \ > C1,.-;*. K. T. JOUfiDAN, ) Dec. 20th, 1867-f. BLACgSmi THING. AJ 'll. GOODSON. JjTAViNG COMPETED THEIR NEW !8 op adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on West side ot Railroad,Cartersville,G.».. are p t pare.l to do all kinds of work in the B ie.ksmiteing line. They flatter them elves th-t th v «n do as good work, and at as u>w |> iee as any like ettablisliment in town. They ~-:k i rra soti hie share of the public patronage and promise satisfaction both in the characte of their work and the reasonah ene*> f : ■- charges. A. 6e M. (JOODSON. Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 31st, 1868-wlv. “ frail for the WAG ON, And tee’ll all take a ride.” Vail r'* - - W n gfon-M aki ?»g --and REPAIRING, by J. W. MANLEY, CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA, HAVING comfdcted my new shop on Main Street West side of'he Railroad, I am now prepared to put up to order Ouc, Two and Foor-SSorso WAGONS, CARTS, Wheel-Barrows and Plow Stocks ; also. REPAIRING of ail kinds of vehicles done at short notice. Owing to the stringency in money matters n y charges will be as moderate as circumstances will ad mit. My work recommends itself. Cartersville, Jan. 23, 1%67. To Arrive. TWILL have on hand, in two weeks, as Agent of the Importer of French Glars, 300 Boxes of G 1 iss ol nil sizes. Contractors and parties wishing Glass will p!ea«e call on me. as I will sell at lower price* than any one in Georgia can, as I tin satisfied with the commission paid me by the Importer. Feb. 7th, 1868-wtf. »• R. KRAMER. OartOTSville, flk. CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA.. APRIL 9. 18(18. PIA nofoutss! r*Mi e undersigned wuahl ...nuoumv ♦ . J <y.n.-?is of ('ait.-rsviUe ntd vicinity th t he i. lolly pep*re - >■» furnish y* x Y s PI.sNUFORftS. i r.T-i.a : ; OC ! A ', ES. with a’! the ver * : atvat improv. on! mast e<eg*.nt - v!t ml ir *ri man :-ilip, orie hundre ! dn.lers ten ft t•V C» i>e ;;u . ..;ej t f,ewhere south. Toe. will I. fully warranted, PIANOS TUNED ail REPAIRED In the 1 manner, and all "so-Ii warra’ - ‘ and, and sJsaii uc pleased to giv ai. ortWS prompt att.-ntion. Mii, W. TANARUS, ANDERSON will kindly gi e further iufi>rmation *t present, in I deliveran* order*, o- vou can • H <-* . bv mu!, F, L, PREFER Kean, aw fT nise. tta. <la, He * also agent ;or the s. *■ >i a!! km is o' ORGANS, Jan2swtf KfMV \ III) ItGl'ffl'Ol..)f, m& m m \ N 0 CONFRC* HON Eli. CARTERSVILLE. GA. I S PREPARED T*D I\KE anl .c I h,uid BREAD AN CAKES 'f-v-v kind, Ufh (I. ■ • k f ’ ‘ k i'l )N KlK.', a«e <• I vs.ielr . LA' It . li«C«it k .t on b r. i. Poll * til W- furuUii and -i i-tuit notice.— Nov liiWi XI, 1867 . MURRELL & 3RD., Resident Den lists, OFFER t HEIR Ri!FE-*HON -LBHR vices to the ciiiz its oi C it* revilie uric, vi'inity. Having ad th' lau-si iin - - provt i.'.ents in Dental .Mat.'u.ii Drs. ’ Murrell are prepareto Extract teeth with out p.T •>. (Uy m*- is ..J* A . a-.f’-e ns ~inw. t >■ 1, fiil w. Ii Gold. Os iritiii ial and Am gant. -*,<» .-ut in Purt -.i n- Whole Setts if lifil'i i tec: II ) G ; t Vu'cani/cd B «se, — >v n direct the sec. Dentition of children, and >.!•; am thing uni'.-? to Ihe protfesaion. All tv kiv’• . i x : ve * • sfact on. (JiTici ovci * iivt . i or Son’s Store. R. .-on ’c« . i J Y,u - M l), M 11. ' r '‘ " s. M D nid De.iti.-t, \V i< H irdman. M. D.. Monr >e, Ga, Cartersv'lie, J-ui. 23 ‘6? wlv ia: ladlTs mm m PREMIUM i \MII.V > \VW. MV HI i-s. f | ’HE best machine for every description cl family sewing made. Cal! and e**mine machine and apccimm of wnrk over S. Cid\tori Son’s star.-. Carter*. ville, Ga. S. H. PATTILLO, Agent for Bartow countv. Dec. 13th. 186 7 ts. Wi n my 11 mi* • .-/ /t*! *+ *rt'. t;rr/e)t y a4c/ -/ D R U (i S, &C. A '/>£ f/nr J Ao <c ■}, ftfjt ttAjte , BAR TO T IDU E, an Ja *n no at /• Ctt /v</ ft n m A I N ST, «f.»T f/ti't A, GILBERT & CO,, HARDWARE HOUSE. | c=s/v y { n/A -nf(n tti \yvfvn Act f/t< f/l/'vnitny / Vt EDI 3 X IST m - am/ «/« 6r//f jty a// a<- \ /«■ • fri t/t y ttnn, oav/t *t> I MEDICINES, OIL, PAINTS, GLASS. &C„ A. S C n '1 A f tT-i van /n jjfottm/ < f //tv *r< ntv f/ieio s's- v. J? <l*?= ! Jo /ft A a von A< nff anve ojf A/te /*ajA /-rnv/nvJ-X c=J/ /tn*<e- i/vcvfvvi/ cr ±r. best m: and i>ri»!«,* !s• ]' n, . Ft--'. 7 !l, ! f) W.y Ir- •(!;<• Gi -*rv t v; - —• ; -.x Q,C. r ; ak:\Ej \i. i « ■ r e s »n I Ssry-Good ■ ;j norvci s ALO, I Tbrouuce ■•■ ' Prf v ' ... reiistt.s, Or vr« 1 for Grain or *. . ... ” .t. N. > i! £ SON’, Feb. I-'- - w < ,rlr , G a , SADDLERY MB HARHiSS' i MANUFAC rORY. ri’liK i.citem-erii o. o- ■ - rmiM-ii • ••• i £ pr-Sp .. <•( n , I v'j •Ifi> , : 'no exfli»f tor going ■<' >.»• t** pwybave SADDLES, BnIDLES, KABNtciS, &J., »nd for repairing the same. 1 01 to opened, in the town ol Cart, r-<ville, a reifiiiar, SA n GLE PHD HARNESS KAK'JfAC -1 TORY, where they p vposa to nu. up everything in their lb p in the neatest. n -st snSstsntia and durable manrior, and at s>s*!«*es that wo «lely competition. Theyiiu vrt w selves that they cm ail will do wot! wlio h in even respect, will compare favorib'v with any w.>r done North ..r !S ni h. t»t»f il ?,? quality »ild pr ice. hot no oil- ig nore our work because t is done in the Souto t.or our p ices, hefwe civin ros a rial, for l > r is ah we ash to secure t. ale. On work W h ,'rtt lltcd andlli tis a sutlieient u to purchasers. Wc are determined .. build up a name and business in 0 irtc-srii'e that will be a heritage to ou r child eu after us, if prompt attention, on w .rlt, and mr e late charges wii seC’ P that cud, It .mils i, toe front of the K Kale at- ‘ Live v Stable, THOMPSON STO' KS. iCarfersnlle, G», Jtmtsrr 7»b, !WB-i^v, Bartow Sheriff Sales to: April. ' 'll be *o'd before the ('.wt li usi cha ) ('urtersv,tfe, wu/iiri /Ft regut l ours of >"« •-the fit si I veertay in April next i property. tv-‘o:t: ne setti.ieent rf.».a .y .... ( n (be 70; a' rt*« *. i ■I and * .ion of -t rir.l -• s* b 8 k *., s i’ * l* v tfii. 1 ore W. Vi.Oo.iv., v». vitid k. f e-i .a»ii fl ». - bis ku» t r».l-*1 <t n the o*-opvrtv 4* > >l. -au t<. sa is: * » ... • r court fl is. m rH boui A. ..oar, ej; utor ftt.n vi.its ••• , v- i.i (4. A. J Hugos sod Johu C, G. t A . '>'•> a.e ur-.-e lack m»r* ir:«'e, leviv.i cnasthe o'K A . J b. s>ii>D fsvnr ot It F. Price ior icc-rrs of cou t by vi ;u. I b toe 8o(.« i- rcoa t it vs s I J. b „on, «,-r t. • e til c» ui re uiu «, i-v v<l re, a the pr 'f Ik A. Job »..ii, to «■ >ly a 8 (i* riur c< u l6is ;u ■ ' u u . (J Usrc e.scculo. ,fs »id Juuusoll, , hr rt . c :# i.f 1 c » ere • sin'l Trm le ’ “ - •* Ni no*.i y v '** ... . t’..rti.» —'' ... -0 v_ of VI II ki t. -, pusr-lt*. ’ v * A* ,e* -J vg vV ..8. lb ai.. ji in (.4, •t> :u,s* , i., t e D»* , • : ,*or, f eco-i. ‘ 'aiteti. .or o i... ~ .* ■ i«. •• ut k. »n, * llu. m cl -li 8 1 ~-ct I eo U4* V* rpe y«. D .1 rto ri, i >. sly a Bill » Su. e !'J. c Ur ti I Uv r' 1 'A 8 Cl to.*.. A *.•(. v os. t* , lii'.i-ciji a u *1.4. Us * and H. T. HS.i, *, - corn *, i . is, >. o .. 1- I--' ■» os No .-Ui, ,n ri,. 17>; d': trial an* e.o coo ..* B i * c yt . » , icv e-l othe (i ! J. a Be k by v.ri Vu; A :»* ti fi ,-ae i o U id, • *■ ■> f- * * si .oU .J I, liiv. jA s PlVyrll* dual ydelv.i *.t. »* ,» 1 ’ »a- . i 4U u iu a. J. e H i. e. ..oi. a s "■ * . k *. ,i - i4o ores, ui.'tor e , o u.e 17 i .irt.ic 4 it i»e t,iiu ; .ev;eu on e* . y j.v i. ■ ini. r. be., ci-gou to •. i Iv *o l 8 *- ** v. id. £. Fonl, T. C B si* %ud Co.n.iy v» said , .ic. vtri in. tigo, u settlement ■ f 1 m.l, 16 h dUtriet ind 3. .1 sec tini, .„ 8s i o cos. y ; kvi ti . u s' the ,* o e .jr of J. . A ex» .le , **e. t ,r A. '. Wa e -, ... g* a iy a 11* s U :e*.u-d ay i>. -. Ford, f, U., eutv vs »aiu Aiesau euyeat. A u, » o ■ tieuieut f Isml ig ihe JTtn a strict and 3.1 . t. ’..-I Usrti.w county, i'/vc •>(. » Inc pn.jiir *• l). K t, - .*« s i ,-t a a. 4 Is a u üby t«. a ■a, f C.. >r v va ssio e.. b . A «, * * t' r sec- f i .J „ 0,. ti a .in,*, ei 4,») S’ i c ’ll tfi ... * Couuyj l vie 'site, I.(*r l r !.- M. A ton (I t i.lvj, 1„» 0 .4 .«»ned Uj U. B. '” and-. 1., At» V* ~4 -1 .ieaf ii'T A- . c .el’ tr.-L ( a di . c.e L . ist riot aid * . . c o el bc i « c..u a- lb fr ye y ol ilugnay g Jo . . I* 44..,1y »;*> fl i« i,- • s, o. F.i u. 1. lu'etk ii, u*.oß». A3 • one ii i t eO. 4; in .on ■»» iQe . ruy>«“ ty I ... and lit. * ,-| ut Cf, is'ued k»i t». r*. ' o . C , -i l. » » u and ti soil. A g.. f.e t«. u.< u e. s ,U knoa.i sk lie 2m '• hb. .cl, o..etr, s si. ~o;exun.rt ir •*, • Art* to sa A.y * utx &|» isa .ed t*y u. 3. Ford, J. 0., lii.stv und CuJ ty vs, B uu.-. *0 A C’o. A i to, a 1 lot ,ui. t-e , ufy ’.u. ...... i. . mo •< r CHS, iy.iic tie t. U-e • 1U Cs. le: sfilt* ; .e>le.oL4- the i-r 'ieriy cf J. L. u- viand, to sao>.i a ta.i &is i tied by if. & *otd, T. C., Mate s< and Count .' vj satu R. »t . iL A .<f lu e,H r: ne~r ( eop>t tn Carters t.jl ) .'lOabnl , 11l re r I l .4.1 .’li * sot - j jL< e. j, V. .. a<• -ud C n > vsu. Jl ii. m . J, s»»g.i a J. if w A-, , I I.U .. • , • • • y !.:.u te: *- „ft t .. - u i t- , .. • e.«, . . #.f ~n o st tU a t.-x fi ta vs db. 6 a * r t , - 1. only vs 0 aB *• <l, e-u J. S, •>. L. *u :B. 8 S *. «j and C . .J. 1 ■ « ■ t. 4.; ..* r.-y-i m Jit ■ » ~ . , tta :b -he seed dla ! u and r<f - l 0 ; b sb. ■ ,1 i .* u,.).* * lenertii a* ’.eon - To J- In f. t :•> stl* .v aid a ooi l-.r a eye , «. ur. iu •a. ■>' f H'b ItIV <’ <■' ► J ••. .F. V UW. -!« - ~.!ie s* ne, tie t os -avi ,n : * 17 h in tret and S . Section of Ua . * xu tv ; -vie** «;> t>. aetis’y a tax fi fa 's u.rl b* ' . f. fi r , t. u, atste and c luty vs. G. . The.,,**. at xi, a sett lenient of 1 tr.d in the 17th district and * and aecti-'-f nf Bsrtt w cuiity ; levie,l on to satisfy i In ii a i -tied by D.B tu and, 1. U., dia'.e suit Uoutity vs A. B. Them s. Ai* a, .me * ere! horse; iev'ad or, a* the p'Ope-ty o f Kobe t 'm’tb, t * tisf,. a t xfi th issu-d b D. 8. f .u, T (’ , r:*ite v»si.idß itii. aiv. one .•» re' l burs-; l»v>* (on *« the r nerty of W. C 'c.ith.t- e i... avx sis. iul by D. s. eo-o, T , it- v, » . . A v . one -c -t e ' of , and so the »T'Ti dUtr ct ar.d Br.( e , oti K■ i w ..u .\ ; -evie'l « fin* pv [.*'■- t- n iff ■ . Y o- t ,-: ,and i tnx a .., y £>. oF, ii, 1.1 .. Mote a•» Cos. irty vs t l. Y Pie s- t ei.i' -t of 1,tn.l o, whicn .! !. . »• an I now 1 v,-*. hi the l’ii ':s : ri-- •••!..!» li.,rt W f.*i|!iiy CO:»H. h »,» .it u •a-. T teres, mO'f nr >s , Nos. o <»t.< «th» !> vied on to Ktiis’y ,i li.trt .w N,,p«*?ior Court fi fa in favor cf J 11. Hattcrfiei I <£, Br vs. J. 1, Bowlaml. AKo. io.p ?oi i.-m ut of Ii l l ,n whi h tho t'eortb! It** i. |\V ivy, Ui tlftll.l .ti re-. 111 > l or it-iA.iv ti t known, lev*g.| on t., mii-fv h R.-rlow Sup ri.*r • u tft 1 . in ftvoru J. W i r* \ v J. i.. R'-w 1 <n-l. <••*:i.j lying i.i f hc •ft: l- i-t *<:3r ~ ti ol Bartow county (icorgi:*. Marc 12. 4t. A RO‘l COLLIN , I>. Sh’tf. i us'pntieU a! tlie name One foment fiend e n» nn... one then <nni)ne r ei ( m or less. >,.» of I u,t ,t. w,i' bn g .hi- p -i« , r hich .! 1.. t!ow and mu' .s; r en <>ti ' »■»'- ji. '-v- t w San court ft U:n fa vor of In net P. .is J. H*l I seal >ir.jf In the 4tti dit’iicl eml 18; • •" ' B , t IV c u ■ y tie gi#. mi • • ai . . - b ' ment rs "end ;or !>; .1 I. . . H .! n e i •,i" r » fourth (1i« I‘ c ><l r >a >f a. -0 a y, .tAiotog i■-t 1 eu *ml r , bio- n. Imr ■■ ,f I r .t k .mi. evict .• -sill fjr o tt » u »ri" Cos . S' , I-. favor of r,. i p t t r vi Jo in h. Ito - - A so, ore '-' .T'" if!*’,a ieri'-'l onasth* firoperty ~i Jor: .a. •* ' r# % we',, * s , r# u. iv r.atide , v". of He u "t.'-ctf .(u satisfy -n .Sopenor Oouit h ... ’ii .Vo, of Jim vi .tt (1 v .i .e>l e«. KON COI.UhS. Deputy Sut r'.ff. if»-ch '7th, I * >■ • M> >»>* «'<_‘t*p • t>C H i toiT 4 ilU.t ~ Vi name f«»r me tune having tve ■ mfi ti lieu in connection with the office 01 S act iff, Hiid I having announced mjself as# catulidate, upon mature consideration ot the whole mat ter, have determined to withdraw from the contest »n t to-* fieid to more h»n§K as pirants, and deem it j ist t i mv friends to gay ui ttns *, 11b m 1 .-.'bul ,n no (.'an lidate. H .vi ti e. n■ •' ••• • .«!«. art i c 'nse -4 1 jt|y n.-i ft 1; >, ; ifi e an f.r mny • r-irs h ..v, • .1 ert a w ■ h• se in ts-c hsni. • < <• ty • is ■ i f.r ptitv tv.itch Itns i ten al* i.t wig i.- cj - 'lie uj ; y to dts ‘ _ mv w re duty at Home, .s a in, -. i 01. :r, is #s >1 i" I w s inclined f> 1 “t • • *. vt.- . f» coosj, er.ition i i years, st vi e renle e.i. Uni i! sr fee rrw 1. ; the p i c of 1 rotrarted and ucji oiitab'e scramble, I hav ■ been impelled to tile course- ben- in .me i. in and iug this, it is property icturn to , v many fiend# in all parts of tile a f> : mv u.inluitc i thanks tor •1. ir proffered support and urgent appeals i > > iiri in the field. ' :» Cstb. 18(18. WM W. RICH. To sin Paoplc ofHbi lotv. Hiving on '’ere! mv acre t »n.e of the tui-nin 7 1 . t >-,vilie on the 2!st init. 1 ii. >i eason- a p.irtiy personal nature it i 'nit j -sihV for m- t remain a Candid <U- in. ,us. ce to Tti vseif an .! family. an i tii< ceft'etake till# method of info, riling the oeopie of the Com iy to .! I urn not a Candi late, In dot tig this, L mint return to niv mmy fric nJfi over the County my sincere liiatins tor their proffered support, and hope thev will yet he able to con centrate upon dome Candidate who we u'l can vote for, JOHN W. GRAY. March 25th 1*63. Ttyo-Horae G.uri.isxe for sale, O i lIK - S .- ri ii ft f* >-ftbi e («e I i-hvi v i < srri'ic*', in go . inn- ’ c o. e , siil b. -i'iil rhea,, fur e.nti, to v . -.lie "e'-.t ..f pcb s vernal*. t>,■ >y t • M ft*. LK K.S (Vt » ! -, G v Feb’j 20, I-6« s.t Imv sl‘o..L- _ •- • K. h t.twe, no »cia l . r-H ’®) * ’'h h. • ual nn ii, , It, t ••* • mv p- »re, ..II il# -• f* 1 -lakh*-* *■ re* -I I .o *ri ; Ant trs.j.l - ft st fdstbUi* . s. -b H m. se.j *■ -wr■ *» w mdufti-hi nt of e-r, -*.a aodc - l "'it 'I lt> T e .«n r :r e.« of the :ib .Te vtncv r l.siehv .iu tu efi w .rit, #y • >i.rg«« *nS ke tiiem 1 y will -« r .s' i •*, three '-r ■norel re bd<l t . *ii|). ttilr j* .Isvr f .m the nine of Ii sa l e " ; s vpii ,ii ~, sr>4 di 1,0,# . <.f *U J,»y VX|> ill latvp ii, yt .reh 21, 18*8*40.) A hoi ..ti* IHOiL,. a.'^LA.• Head AagUBU, ghirt ing at 15 1-2 cent*. F eu) th. N O Cr. -e it > t •“a: Wrlu-fi 'dbdtK ifamnn. 11 i»i it u. uk Vtii, Pari*, Ky.). ) J HU ary 31. j ?a n ! tit >u art the uU'.Lor of such a look >.) lonee in D. ,ti sa wu J .*q jire the •ear* >i ait th.. * g*.* to blot ut reco-ti.” j »*;:■*> ii the ii'.t*<t in t‘t- desert of 1 fe; in I < t «;ie i* the desert ot life us: ii! \\ hut inaii of the opposite sects who has rv» r sycn ’em, more «r le*s ? i i»al man don’t fl p his wiiijrsthat can i’* >lv ?r.y so. 1 don t hesitate to ex pr- t my private apiiiici, puSflicly in their favor. W'hv if il hat’n't been ior woman, i never should have had s tag to my hack or a dollar into my pocket! \!v ! mother was a woman aid Ar amitiu - » .mother. (Asl often have informed the public Araiuiuta is a step wii«* at nine.) In order to trace up the origin and bunny of woman, we shall have to j look h <ck. although a woman was once j ior'icd into a pillow of salt for looking back \ Her name was Lot's wife.— I’he first woman was Mrs. Adam, who was made out ot a rib, ami women have been ribboned tver *iu?e. ((Joak). — Ther ' have bce-.t lots of spareribs from thaj day to tliis. Mrs. Adam id to blame f.>r a family of children, one haii ot whom, thank the Lord, I ,*ve been giro «. Site ‘“raised Cain ”as ioon s*i. got Able, and they in time 1 .ised Nii i I’ii, rc i.. i, i ~Vv. I siory connected with Mrs. Adam, t!ic | G’.ll particulars of which can be found | elsewhere; for sail by all respectab'e | booksellers, an<l which is bound to 1 veil. Alt*. Adam lived happily with her husband, in E leu. lor a long length of period; but «he and tier oilier half were whoiiy turned 011 <.n account oi' calf »u up tin* i.**»t winter apph s. Al ! ni-rt i”,c didn't care a na fordie-»s ; l*ut sti could not Inujr resist tlie tempta tion to go to “ Stewart’s ” and “ Mad ame Uemorest's.” from v. hich dress was fashionable K\- : duction of the “ Biack Crook,” when Eve's original style was adopted near as possible, lam not a *• takeoff” on Mrs. Aifhsn, for, *8! the period of wl ich l write,’ Eve hed t.oihinjr intake off! She was an eve ang lie cie-,.lure. P t let us leave Mrs. Adam and ! I * ,4, •- v toen who have r one nticr , iiff. alihoufb tliev *rr not bet id he s in any « rise. Take J an d’\rc. take Fun cnee Nightmga'e. take Annie D ckinsoi—i! you want her, l don’t! Tiien there is Mary, queen of Scots, and Sal Ammonia, Charlotte Cotday and Clioriotte Cushum. Charlotte Ruse’ and Cbarlat-mi / A!-o. Biack Patau! Madame f) S( cl. and Mrs. Beecher’s I’oe ; and Queen E: zibeth, Lady Jane Cray, J unes Buctianan, Lueretia Bor gia and Mrs. Cunniiigbatn. The two ir.Jtcr were in lavorof woman’s rights, anu were noted women. But let us look 3t the women of our own time, see what they have done pro bpno j publico. ! There’s Mr' P, of New York, who wore £30,000 worth of diamonds at the opening of an opera house, the other evening; and Madtme (»., who wr»r vBO.OOO north ,*n he same urea” Mon. Ain’t tiiey women of worth t Thpn the.-e are others who are not worth so much, as the following, item from a flFwspaper in mbral Boston shows ; ‘Qiilp stw- a mi!lir:<*r*s plarard in Gothan which reads like an ungramat_ H’-tl advertisement oi a <1 i(T.-rent sttrt id a >ii y—• Cfiesp women stays here !’ Ti ose paraeraj-hs however. I find ol' careful inspoetiun, ti» refer to a portion ol a iady ’s wardi tbe; a matter that have never looked into ! There are women who haven’t the diamonds, but are jewels in themselves. “ A woman should be like an opal, a man like a diamond.” An opal con ceals its hit s, its soul, and you only know that it has one by its ever chang ing colors. Its delicate pi,ik« and greys, and rose? and lillacs, and pearl tints, are oniv so many expressions of the <-,pjrtt within, and the charm would be lost, utterly lost, if it blazed forth.— ft would then be intellectual instead of intelligent, and ftiicif tl, and spiritual, and capricious, and versatile, and new • always new: now seeming so delicate as to be dimmed by a breath, and anon giving glimpses, bfit still veiled glimp ses, ol a fire as strong as tb it which burns in the ad immune diamond’s h - rt. Mv wte is one ol these. ‘She loved me for the dangers I had<ui, and ! loved her becao' 1 I wanted to.* irhe W3B an -man. take !.‘-r fur all in all ; I ne’r shall look on her like again. In tact there tsn t another woman in the wide, wide world ed/aetlv Ike her. She kisses me when I comes home at night, and she kisses me and borrows aU my raoney when I leave home in the morfliog. —• ’Ti* swtti to kn n*r tbsif jx , n t . v< tii»t mark.: our couaiitf su.> « >ws Uiv-Lter **i:en *• e ClJßle.' And then how ni<-e it is to have imn* pretty iirtlc hand to place your dresss ; ing and •bpper*. anu torn out your coffee and handle a broomstick proper ly that thinks Arawtinta can’t handle a brnotiistick ought to sec .her wlurn she gets a notion that i atn Ihe dirt !«» be • cleaned out.’ It strikes tre she uuu rstandsit! i can’t even kiss the servant girl, but what sha will get jealous, and she snakes a lasting impression up n me for a littie thing like furnishiriug wares in my house that I won!/like to see wear out, and them .s family j irs. Tiiey are not the tltiijg to domestic happiness in. (ia-’nije reader, didst thou ever know whuf’lavas to love ? Anti then to have 1 i peeltf woman love you in return?— jO, U’s tlte dawn of a new and beanti ! . -. e ful , a flowery path in Elisi-j ail field! ; a soothing svrup, to which I • Mrs./AViuslow's is nothing i:t coinpari son; it’s nice! i' m-tkes one feel as il he owned corner !o*s in Wall street, expected a leg-aev, slept : n fairy land, dined as-' 1): Imonico’s ’ and had a lot of lilt le 4TU pitls willuTw! tack ! i! 'jc Hge si (J c* ok feirt. witti'feathers I from the of IVwdisc'V angel witi'out^iy ; ! a moral and physical bltGisiug ,Sa p*-r --sonal pronoun. As such, she should be kindly treated, slightly indulged, and never divulged. —*• lie that lava hi* hind upon a wont it* save in the way of kindness is a wretch, win.m ’twere bas,'’ flattery to call a coward,' A ixi generally, tin* unit that does so, gets ihe worst of it. Verdict of the jury, “served him right.’ There is as .mi#ii .difference in wo» men, hotvevef, as th&re is jn anybody, s'iiw ate like toTblusb .misiwm.’ tjflfel-rs' are-'^ievt-N-- S7 eu to blush J y Soir\aPWe bnt\jhemselves most,-r7U(T s so i ne * lose not wisely but 2 '\d.' of an* of good ness, while others are merely good p itiet us! AI mv women are great thinkers, writers and artists ; *n i many of them dt >w well and paint well! O r drew ;me once—towards her ! and l got i p ditted bes re sh* let tttc go ! I l isge.d j nrr, but tfi«' paint did not agree w ith imy pallet! Site changed color. A Mboiigh jvnnTen art 1 said to be ‘God’s j h:-s' gift to to *t),’ tiie selection for la wiA* i« something tike a ‘firf-l best gift —loilcrv ! VV ium you go courting jo *wa’ day,’ or •l> ikio’ daj ,’ or tluriu’ * house cleanin’/!’ fl site (ion i send word she's • uot in,' but receives oil as she is. without «<*• inieg morti fied or embarrassed at her personal ap pearance before you, depend on it that woman wII make a good w ife. 1 de tetest to hear a woman rav she ‘ never works,’m say sbe “don’t like house w irk,’ or the • don’t know how to do ary thing to save her,’ or one who in constantly apologizing about her dress, or her cake, or her puddings, when she knows they are al very good. Cut ‘ with all their faults 1 love them I /till,’ and the stiller they are, the more I inve them ! I don’t know how we could do without them, or how chi! • <lrsn could either. They are dear crea tures, especially to their husbands.— They are treasures which a man should never wish to bury 'o deep. Woman’s th star that should ligjitu tof:im», T.> iiaepiiicss, wra th and an “iiviah’f name ; From Heaven she’* vriih viiUius most ra re, And rn'ii* a husband w tdics she had staid tut re! *A !of which is rcspcctfiiliv sub mitted,’ by ‘ A Hr vn. I). S., (Dollars and Sense.) P. S.—I 1, I have stid anything in the 4 going that I am sorry fur, 1 am willing to be' forgiven. I\ I*. S.—lt will be useless for 4 the sex’ to seek revenge upon tire as I wear a wig. The Home of the Prodfgl s*a. [ From the Alta California. ] Down at the loot of Tabor, and just at the edge of the storied Plain of Fs* draeh n, is the wretrlied lot!* insignia* cant village ol Deburicli, where Debo rah, prophetess of Israel lived. It is as much like Magdaia as on-' Chinaman is like another, and tierebire has its mud . hovels re» king with filth, populous with r ts and fl -as, and sev. a «.i!uis '.f lice, and hath also its frescoed walls, and on ii< roots the everlasting towers and tur- , rents of,om imental ordure <>, beasts.— \» Deburicii is now. so has it alwty h«en. Its men are lazv, ns wom-n are slovenly, its children have sore eves.— As in the day? of old. the pensive youth >n curtailed shirt and naked shins, still breathes soft nothing in the ear of his adored tvhiie eh« gs’here! her daily NO. 30. camel filing -hkl scrt* it will. * crucal eye. I !»now because [ have set j o the at it. Every day' yoti see the v >unj -of Palestine i♦ .t-. n v - in [ itoJri ol the re! .srd of aniw jli with their gi rifle hards, and puning tbs ires uce i.'» biaket*. to he dried md orj for lu"l. 1 >m susceptible, but even up to iliis very moment I have never taken wh*t you might seriously regard as a siniie ;o one ot these women. Thev are not f.stidious enough for ros. 1 may be too particular, but such is mv bias, #nvway. However, I keep wandering from nov subject, to day, somehow. Thu* I) H uhrieh is not handsome, but it ia iyil ( ,t interest because of the fact that the prod igal Son was born and raised here. His history i? touching and #ugg*-etiv*. I'r w of your riders hare ever heard of it. I SUppoSC. The Prodigal Son and welt in the vil |;*a,* of Di bunch ages and ages ago.— Mis parents were very wealthy. Thev had three hundred goats, twriv*'Camels some donkeys ant' some horned cattle. Their mansion w is like the mansion ol a prince; and from its roof the fuel tow ered high aloft and filled the soul ofev„ cry man with envy \rt with admira tion, likewise and even hate, withal.— In the mansion w ia there not mug lack, ing; there was a bowl and a spoon and also a calah ah. Yet were not these people proud. In that great mansion was room lor the asses, and room lor the men. and room for the women-kind VI! these things were before the prodi. g.. 1 every day. From the days of his infancy naught knew lie ho* luxury.— He had two shirts th»t were his owu— shirts that hung tar down about the calves, and caused him to be admired by maidens and even by the aged and the prophets. Elsewhere, in all the coa«t oi Galiilee, was not another swell like unto him. When he passed by all men bowed low and said: Behold, t* •s the rieli min’s son. He wrought not with his own bauds, Vet every seventh day lie ale of the broth of goat's meat ami the luscious milk of as*t*. He licked not anything that hnrisn hear 1 cou and wish. Bat yet in elr.gant leisure ■ml high living there ij * ha ie that de . slroyeth happiness, and mafetti the cheerful spirit :o droop. Wherefore, in •he fullness of time, tin- Prodigal took to himself ins share of his lather’s good* and went away like many other foolish pdgrims, to travel and see strange lands that they know naught about, and are 100 stupid to learn. So he journey < and to a far couurty and squandered his substance in riotous liv ing. Strong drink betrayed lon judg ment, and in liieenJ feel fie a prey to the revengin? tiger. I lien went Ite t > the Publican tlist welcomed him with j»y and gi*d nes* and said. B.'ho'd thy servant is naked, and hungry, and penniless, and like to die with thirst, open thy gate* l pray the. But the Public: n laughed him to scorn, and said: Get to honest labor and put shekels in thy pnree. So be wrought in the field of» hard master, and lain would have eaten the busks wlmr* with he fed the swine. At last he said: 1 have seen the great world and it ir deceitful and fraught with sor row. I will arise and go to rny father A' and when his father saw non afar off im ran and toil upon bis neck and kissed him and ? iid: Bring forth the fatted calf and kill it, for my son that was last is found. And he put a garment shout ins nakedness and shops upo# hie feet, end a ring npnn h ; s hand, and s*id; Let cp feast and be nvrry. Aik* when the Prodigal's brother j hei-rd tnese thin*;?, bp sjid: I have la* bored for ton faithfully, vet have vou never given me a kid to mako merrv with my iriends. And he liked it no hute. I have said before, that a few dnye sojourn in Syria and Palestine has giv en to Bible language a newer ..nil fuller ; significance for me than it had before, j 1 understand toe Prodig.>l, now. They j killed l!it fatted call lor him on this most m rnientouf occas.m: that had ever happened in ir.s father’s family— showing that to have a fatted csifsirv* ed, w .i? in al! respects a* grand a thing as a Champagne bl< w out i* wi;h us to | day. The present citiz us of P-de«- | tine would so regard uat the present I'.rne. It is precious f w of th« m t hat have got a fatted ( all among their rich. e« and precious f* w that ever taste so great a luxury'. I never con hi compre hend before why the old party, the Prodigal’s lather laid so much »ires« on the h:*ted calf. The subject hardly seemed to me to w arrant such a flourish •is lie gave to it. It sounds too much like, Who cares tor expenses? and then sq cindering forty cents. Hut truly I preceive tliat the old man came down to the most gorgeous tunc that was pof sible to ht? gvsrit. And the brother complained that l»<* ha.if never h>. Pr g > en „ kid, so that he a.'uld hare a princely revel with bin 'rieiuls. Ihe young Palestine gentle-, man of to-day fares no better. Togive ,tnf "■ them a kid barquet would be to, make him so airy and stuck up that there would be no such, thing as living with him. They gave the Prodigal “shoes”— werth a dollar sod « half a thousand, Mid yetjOiorp indulged in by villagers who xre inclined to put on a good d-e.»l of style tha* any ether. And they clothed the Prodigal. Yet if they gave him more than one suit it was an event worth recor ding particularly. The >eaux of Palestine c m seldom afford inurh fine raiment. Shirts are a trill* scarce. Wh'cn I was io Sunday-fichool I al ways regarded that Prodigal Son as the stupidest youth that ever lived, tft go away from his father’s palace where he bad a do*c» courses for dinner, and wore handsome clothes, and fast horse* and and *gs, and plenty of money to spend and could go to the circus whenever he wanted to (l had an idea that this was a peculiar privilege of rich men’* son* ail over the world.) and travel off n» somp atraiife land and get swamped and have to Iced hogs for a living.—* But I always rejoice to think he went back homn again, and l took pleasure in thinking he must have appreciated its riches and luxury so unspeakably then, I could not understand the fatted calf, but 1 never allowed him to inter* sere materially with the unities ol my romance. But my dream is over now. It was just about art even matter be tween the Prodigal’s two homes. If he had had a shirt and something to ***t when he was feeding svrine the differ* ence between that place and his old home would not have paid for th* trouble of th# journey back again —save that une was home and thn other whs not. MARK TWAIN. A UhIIIBK Mutch. A correspondent relates the follow ing laughable story: 1 knew a darkey once, who, unlike most ot hi* race was industrious and economical. The re sult was that he owned a “house and lot” near a lilt™ village in Pennsylva nia. He conciued that it wouldn’t do to oira pioperiy of this kind without keeping domestic animals on it, and de. termnied to “stin k"’ it. Ilis first ac qusition was an old sheep of the male peisuaston; which he was very fond of lie spent many leisure moment* playing with tit* annual and teaching it various pranks; His chief amuse ment was to get down on »ll*fou r s arid nod defiawetj t the animal; seeing which the animal would make a savage plurjr* at him, and attempt to try whose head was the hardest. It was a question.— Bui as the ravage rreatut* ri me forward i kc a bhttertngaram. the darkey would incline his head suddenly and drop hi* face upon thcearth. The consequent# was, the vheep missing hta mark, would tumble over a rod or two. One day the follow failed in a couple of passing neighbor* to wanes* his achievement*. Tney came to toe fence and looked over, while he got down on hi* band* knees a* usual and began to nod at hi* property. The sheep did not seem to tee him at first, but presently raised it* head from the grass on which it win grazing and frowned upon hiui. “Ob, j is’ watch him now!” said Sam bo, in glee. Old br.cky made a rush, as was hi* wont, and Sambo suddenly dropped his lace to the ground. But s* the fiends would have i«, his flat note came m contact with a small sharp snag he had not ooverved before, and be jerked hick just in time to receive the full shock of the slierp’s head between his own note and the wool. There wm such a rolling and tumbling over for i he n‘*xt quarter of a minute that tbe neigh bors could not tell which was the sf.sep and which was the darkey. They soon got seoersted though, and the darkey got slowly up, grinning foolish ly, ind said: •‘ Pon ;iy word, he nebberdone dat afore! Geuiti’ too smart for dis nig ger ! l’se gwine to stop toolin’ vvid such a lellati as d»t!” There was plenty of mutton in th* neighborhood next day. tot the sheep was never seen again. Carry Ale Ca. : T;.e only case we remember, which fully illustrate* how lazy a person can ipf', is t at of a mar. who. being t*.o ! lazy It work, and on the verge of «ur* ! vKtion, was made the subject of a cen -1 sullation on the part of In* neighbor*. , They nnailv decided to burv him • alive. As they w*re besring him to tho [ grsve a good Quaker, leaning over hi* gate, inquired ; ••Friend*, where do you go with that man!” ••He is too lazv to work, and we are going to burv him,” they replied. “Thee ehou’J not do to haid a thing as that.” replied the Quaker. “Let i him be idle if he will not work.” •■But he is siarvmg.” “ Then 1 will send him «ome ’corn from my granary.” Cpon this liberal c.Ter there aesmed to he no resort hut to let the man io«, when he turned to the Quaker and in quired : ••1* it abellcd?” “No,” replied the Quaker. ••I’ll aeg thee starve first,” respond* cd the irate disciple of Wm. Penn. “Carry me cu then,” replied the vagabond, “I thought you had ne reel charity in your heat!.”