The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 26, 1868, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY C.IRTGRBYILLE EXPRESS. Is published ew» FRIDAY MORNING! In C*rter*vtlle, Bartow Cos., Ga.. by H. Smith. EDITOR and PROPRIETOR at the fol owing Rates of Subscription : One copy three month., V™ One copy .1. month. - Jee copy one ye» r -• (Invariable in advance.) «*>' Advertising will he restricted, in tl.eii Contracts, to their legitimate business; that Is to .ay, all Advertisement* that do not rrfer to their regular business will be charged *breitra. Advertisements inserted at interval* to be charged a« new each insertion. The above rules will be strictly adhenrcd to MQFEBSIONAL CARDS. MtlftßCLt & brO., resident dentists. office Over S. Clayton & Srtrt, MRTERBWILLB, GEORffIA flsvlnr permanently located here, and help? provl drd with th» latest Improvement* tn Dental Material, are prepared to do anything pertalnlbg Dental Sur gery. A IX WORK WARR ANTED TO GIVE SATIRE ACTION ts DRP. M. prepare a “Superior Vegetable Tooth p,!Wd.r," guaranteed to conUin nothing Injurious to th. teeth. exchange hotel, Cartersville, Oai- BV BUIOE &HILL. The an-!' signed have associated l n business, and tfi.r refi'tlng aud re-arranglng that CoMMODIODS Hut 'IE recently occupied by A. It; Hu ltten* M,* J»*L 11l (jroller- add Confectionery, on the EAST STDK t the RAILROAD, near the late BARtOW HOUSE, ,vr onef.ed In the *ame a PtltST CI.ASB HOTEL , the Kntertalnmcbt dT the TRAVELING PUBLIC, vhlc.b will to kept upon Ihe EUROPEAN PLAN. — Jtoth parti r- are experienced In the Buslneis, MR. ;ULLL :>av(ng be-n formerly Proprietor of the Ten rente U *i«t, Dalton, but. more recently of the Car •ersvills Hotel, and Mr. BUICE formerlv Proprietor „! *>,e late Kxchange UoUl, Lartersvllle, Ga., but mote r. eut ft! « Washington Hall, Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. t. o. V*. Hill Ik Genersl Superintendent, and Mr. B.jlcs's Lady .Superintendent. BUICE & HILL buy 39.-Bm. DR. F. M. JOHNSON Dentist. UXBPECTFCLLY offers his professional services to the cittaens of Cartersville sod vicinity. 3els prepared to do work . «n the latest and most improved style.— Teeth extraetej -ttrr- t . , |by means of narcotic • orav). Ri* ».i warranted. Office over*!. Elsas’ Store, CARTEBSVILLE, Ga. Feb. 20. ISdswSm JERE A? HOWARD, ATIORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 1 7 lTl TCHETT ft ’ OFF Oil l), Attorneys at Law CARTERSVILLE, GA. OFFICE OVER ELSAS STORE, Oct, 17, 180 7, THOMAS W.‘ MILNER," Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA, Will at'end promptly to business entrusted t' hi* care. Oct. 5 wly JOHN J. JONES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cartersville, Ga. WILL attend promptly to all hnsi.ics* en trusted to hi* care. Will practice in t'te Courts of law, and equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collec tun of claims. Jan. I, 1866. ly John J' Jone*. JOHN J.JONES REAL ESTATE AGENT, CARTERSVILLE GA t sat authorized to sell, and have on hand several *l»mte» aud Lots, and also numerous building lot* In the . .wn of Cartersville. Also teveral plantation* of varl • il/.-t In Bartow county. Partle* desiring to buy or well will do well to give me a call. All communication* lomptly answered- July IT. 1866. S. H. Pattillo, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, t\ til attend promptly to the Cutting, Repair-,** 7t toe and Making Boy’* and Meu’s Clothing. . dice in back room of Blair Jc Bradshaw’s store. J Cartersville, Ga. Tlie Cartersville Hotel. 1 \R. THOMAS MILAM having hw 1 ) charge of this House, would be !• Y e pleased to accommodate a few Board- ■ | a g ers with BOARD, with oj without fy Lodging. Call and see him at once for terms Cartersville, Jan It* Vx Ifr . R. MOUSTCASTLE, f Jeweller and Watch and w Clock Repairer, th the Front of A. A. Skinner A* Co’s store. LTartersvillc. jan 25 S- O’SHIELDS, fashionable Tailor , fckRTERSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY. BtORIG at IS prepared to execute all kinds of work in the Fashionable Tail- OL ing line, with neatness and indu- JUL. r»M« style. Over J. Elsas & Co’* store, 1 artersville. jan 29* I * H. PURTELL! MERCHANT TAILOR, H Lite nail Street, .Atlanta, Ga. ('t'.OTHINI* made to order in the very latest style, and at short notice. 25,3 t. I Sc 9. 1868. AMERICAN HOTEL, Alabama Street, .ITEAJTTA, Ga. Nearest Boos* to the Passenger Depot. WHITE & WHITHOCK, Proprietors. W. D. Wiley, Clerk. WAVING re leased and renovated the »bov* Hotel, ) w' are prep”'* to entertain guest. In a most ret ‘,f.Ar> Charge, fair and moderate. Our etf rtsVtll be to pleaae. free of 19- Baggage carried to and from charge. v E E.SIMEBN. D. W. YORK. B. T. JOCRDAN SASSEEWS United States Hotel Cor. Alabama and Pryor street*, ATLANT A, GEORGIA. Within 100 yards of the Passenger Depot. tASSEEN, YORK and JOURDON, Propr’*. J. \V. F. BRYSON, ) > Clerks. R. T..TOUR DAN, ) Ihe? 20th) 1867*'X THE CARTERSVILLE EXPRESS. VOL. 7. Mortgage Sale | AORKtABI K I" the condßinn* of a Deed nf Tru-t made and executed bj John H. Ruekmsn to Samuel H. Smith, on or about the 16th of January, l'«7 to secure the payineot r.f -he purchase m-ney of m acre, of land, lying In the 4th illetriet »nd Brd sec tion of Bartow conntv, and adj-dnlne the town of Car ter.ville, and the place whereon John H. KuCkman now reside*, will he sold before the Court H >,i«e door In the town i t Csriersvili-, r>h the first Tuesday In .Tnly next within the legal hour* ofta«;-he ab-we described land containing Si acre*, more or less. Sad land is bounded North by the town of Cartersville, East by land* of Thos. H Leak, 8->oth by lands of Dr. W W Leak, and West by land* of .1. A. Terrell. The •aid Dee-1 of Trust provides that if the payments on •aid lands, are n>t met within one hundred doV. after matu-lty *f note*, the land m»y t>e sold and titles per. ! fected by trustee, after advertl lng property thirty day, and in as much a* two note* have come to ma turity and the additional lapse of time expired, and no nsrt of said notes have been paid, both amonntlng to about t1200.n0 principal. The above described land, will be told under provision* of said mortgag < or trust Deed BAM’L 11. SMITH, Trustee. May 9-80. L Georgia, Bartow founty- WHEREAS, D. W. K Peacock applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Lewis Pea cock, deceased, these are therefore to cite and admon ish. all and singular,the kindred and creditors, of said ( decease-i, to tile their objections. If any they hare. In my offi e, within the time proscribed hylaw. whv said D W K. Peacock should not be appointed administrs tor as aforesaid, otherwise letters will be granted him. Given under mv hand and official signstu-e, this the ■ 22d of May, 1668. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. Georgs a, Harlow county. WHEREAS, Thomas A. Word, Administrator of the estate of John J. Word, deceased, appHestothe undersigned for letters of dismission from his admin istration! therefore all persons concerned ar* hereby required to show cause. If any they hsve, wly said administrator on the first Monday In December next, should not be discharged. Given under my hand, and seal of office. This 14th of May 1669. J. A. MtU, Ordinary. Georgia, Barlow County. XITHEREAS, Thomas A. Word, administrator D» VV boni* non of the of the estate of George Stovall, deceased, applies to me for letters of dlsmi.-sion from | hlsadmlnistrstion. Therefore all persons concerned • are hereby required to show cause. If any they have, why said administration on the first Monday in De cember next should not be discharged. Given under mv band and ical of office. This 14th day of May, ISM. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Bartow County WHEREAS, Thomas A. Word, administrator Dr. lov'd von , of the estate of Thomas E. Franklin, deceased, applies to me for letters of dlsmisSofy from his admin istration. Therefor* all perstnsContferhed are hereby required to show caust, ts any they have, why said administrator on the first Monday in December next, should not be discharged. Given under my hand ana seal of office. This 14th of May 18*4. J. A. HOWARD, Os dinary. Administrator’s SalS. BY virtue of an order form the Court of Ordinary "f FUrtnw county. ?rill be sold, on the first Tufsdaj in July next, at the Court- H >use d«*or in said county, be tween the leeal sale hours the follow!mr tract or parcel cf land to wit: One undivided half of lot of land No. (T 9in the 16th dis. and 3rd sec. of said county. Said lot- containing 160 acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Isaac 8. Gholston for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. G. C. GHOLSTON, Adm’r of May sth 1469-Tm. J, 8 GHOLSTON, decM. Administrator's Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday In July next, at the Court House door In said cou ty, b> tween the leg-H sale hou-s, one lot in the town of A-'airsv'lle, and deecribed as the Porter lot, adjoining G. 0. Ghol.ton and others, as the property of Robert Elliott, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the criditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. A. M. PKNN, Adm’r, May Bth, 1868 lm. ROBERT ELLIOTT, dec’d. Georgia, Bartow County. OIXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Joel Brawner, deceased. JOHN F. BRAWNER, May 4th, 1969-2 m. Administrator. AtmlnUtrator’s Sale. STATE OF GF.ORGI A, 1 By virtue of an order fl-otn BtKTOW COUNTY. { the Court of Ordinary of said countv, sill be sold on the first Tuesday in July 1568, *t the Court House door In said county, between the legal sale hours, the following tract or parcel of land, to alt: Lot No. 229. in the sth dts. and 3rd sec. of said county, containing 140 acres, more or less, the same being improved with good cabins, etc. -A'*". M 0 acr- sos land being off the east side of lot No. 245, in the sch Ms and 3rd sec. of said county, the same be ing tolerably Improved! Also, lit No. 94, In the 25th die. and 3rd see. of GbfdOn eotinfy, contacting 80 acres, more or less, being part of Mid lot, arid lot No. 97. In the 25th dl*. and 3rd sec. of Gordon county, con taining 160 acres, more or less, the same being -im proved and partln cultivation. Also lot No. 575, in the 19-li d.s. and 8d sec. of Paulding couuty, containing 40 acres, more or le»s< the same being sold for the purpose of division amongst the Distributees of Jo seph 11. Jones, deceased. Terms of the s»le cash. v LEVI IIF.SNKR, B. B. JONES, Admini*»tra‘ors. May Bth, 1969-lm, JOSEPH 11. JONES, dec’d. Georgia Bat row COUttly, ...HEBEAB. Th«s. H. Baker, applies to me for letters tr of Guardianship of the persons and property of Vir gil A. Brawner, Victoria Biawner, and AdeHa Braw ner. minor cMldren of Wm. B. Brawner; deceased of said County, under 14 years of age. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause, If any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted said applicant.otherwlse they will b • granted. Given under my hard official signature, this June Ist, IS6B. J. A. Howard, Ord’y. Georgia Harlow Couuty, txyHEREAS, John N. Dobbs, Guardian of the person W and property of Elizabeth A. Debt**, a minor of said County,having fully discharged hli trust, applies to be dismissed from his Guardianship, as aforesah..— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required, to appear at my office, on, or I-est-re the first Monday in August next, and show cause. If suy they have, why said J. N. Dobbs, shonld not bed's mlssed from his Guardianship. Given under my hard » and official signature, this June Ist, IS6S. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, B. C. f. M ddleman; c - 1 Bf° wn - F. M. EDDIE MA N to CO., Wholesale Dealers In Boots, Shoes- Leather, Kreach md Anericss Ctlf Skins, LASTS, PEGS, LINING AND BINDING szEtinsrs, SHOE FINDINGS, AC., AO. Next doer to Moore A Marsh, Deeatnr ***** Atlaata, ua. |W“Shoe Manufacturers and Mereftant# will find it to their advantage u. eall oa us before msking their purchases* *F r - FORCE'S BOOTIi SHOE House. ARE new receiving their FALL and WINTER STOCK of BOOTS AND MX SH OKS. the largest ever brought to thla market. Theae good* earns direct from the Eaatern manufactories, and will be sold to Country Merchants and the Trade at New York prices, expenae. added, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, -nd Childrens’ Wax, Kip, Calf, and Buff Brogans and Bulmora s—Boots of all styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, dos the finest q talltles Ladies’, Misses’, and Chil lis'.Boots sad Shoes, of every style, and all mad# to G. H. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston will be glad to sea hi* old ea* omers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10-ly. Bl> ACXSMITHXN O. A. & II GOODSOS. -JJAVINO COkPLTED THEIR NEW Shop advening Stranfs’s Tin Shop, on West side of Railroad, Carteraeille.Ga.. are prepared to do all kind* of work in the BUcksnitthing line. They Ratter themselves, that they can do M f«>»l work, and at aa tow pi ice, as any like establishment in town. They ask a rea sonable share of the public patronage, and promise satisfaction both in the character of ,u.; r wor b and the reasonableness of their eh rrc-cs A. A M.UOODHON. Carters* flic,©*•, Jan. Vat, t $«*•*•??; CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW ('OCNTV. GA.. JUNE 26. 1868. PIANOFORTES! riIHE underrtijrneil would Announce to the I citizen* of Uartersville and vicinity th «t he is fully peparetl to furnish mggSLvam PIANOFORTES. Jiff? tor* 1 3 fnrn OfcTAVE*S, tfrilti all the very latest improve ments, anti most elegant style and workman ship, one hundred dollars less than they can he purchased elftewhcfe sLJuih. They will be flllfy vvdrratiled. Pianos tuned and repaired In the very best manner, and all work warran ted, and shall he pleased to give all orders Jitompt attention. MR, S. T. ANDERSON will kindly give further information at present, aftd dl-liVcrany orders, or you ran address, by mail, TANARUS, L, PREVfiR, Kennesaw House. Marietta. (»a, He '* also agent for llie sale of itl! kiildS of ORGANS, Jan 25wtf TO THE LADIES. PREMIUM FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. fJYHE best machine for every description of family sewing made. Call and examine machine nnd specimen of work over S. Clay ton & Son’s store, Carters ville, Ga. S. H. PATTI!,LO, Agent for Bartow county. Dec. 13th, 186 7-ts. /ki vc it tiK! vet/wiy -j4c^ DRUGS, &C, flow f/ee Afo ie eenrA i f/te BARTOW HOUSE!, ant/ am nottt /ocaf t/ on MAIN ST, neief t/oo i so GILBERT & CO., HARDWARE HOUSE. c=^Y/y flecl&ona/ tsffist fion w ytotn so f/ie t/id/ienA-tny t<^ MEDICIUES, ant/ <= J/ am At //my a// at= /tc/ctA tn my /encj A tec/ a A MEDICINES, Oil, PAINTS, GLASS, &C., AS CHEAP aA can fe f/ie Aamc e/icsir/cte. cJ 7 lc= ■jflr’offltt//y Ao/tcif a con finee tiitcc tfl f/ie flia-if /inc/ieAA /ta ve itet’t wet/. O' IF 1 . BEST- ZEvT. -D. Druggist and PhartnaCcutist. Feb. 7th, 1868-wly. Cartersville tla. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. TITHE undersigned, determined to give the L P°°pl e offiartOW and adjoining counties no excuse for going abroad to purchase their SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, &C., and for repairing the same, have opened, in the town of Cartersville, a regular, SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFAC TORY, where they propose to pUi Up everything in their line in the neatest, most substantia! and durable mannor, and at prices that will defy competition. They flatterthem selves that they can and will do work, which, in every respect, will compare favorably with any work done North or South, botll In quality and price. Let no one ig nore our work liecause't is done in the South, nor our pi ices, before giving us a tiiul, for that is all we ask to secure trade. Our work is all warranted and that is a sufficient guar antee to purchasers. We are determined to build up a name and business in Cartersville that will be a heritage to our children after us, if prompt attention, good work, and mode late charges will secure that end, Rooms ir. the front of the Eclipse Sale and Livery Stable. THOMPSON & STOCKS. Cartersville, Ga, Jan. 7th. 1808-wly, Herring & Leyden, CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising all Branches ®f the business represented tn the Cust»m atiS latabj-JHaiit Otpaftmtnl* o Mens’, Boys’ and Childrens’ Clothing, With EPRNIBHING GOODS of every description, at hOWK.R PRICE* for HEADY CASH ONLY tba» ever c Id in this market, HERRING * LEYOKN. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. ROCK ISILA-HSriD Manufacturing Cos., Fine aii-wo«i spring oarsimert;*, jkakr. a«\, on consignment, VEKY LOW to Wbob sale buyer*. Merchants are Invited to call and >er Styles and Prices. HKKKING A LiYIiEN, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Domestics At. wholesale only. 4 A Sheeting, 7-8 Shirting, 3-4 Sbirfing/ 7 8 Drills Osttaborgs, Stripes. Yarns, Burlap*, For sale at FACTORY PRICES bv HERRING &. LEYDEN. Agents, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga, mar 2G WJal HEW GOODS Cheap GOODS, AT Loewenstein $ Pfe ijer ’ * * ¥XTE ARE NOW OFFERING A Sp'en \Y did WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DBY-GOOPS, boots. SHOES, HATS. CLOTHING. GROCE* RIES, ETC., ETC, ETC, WE WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Daily, AND WOULD CALL THfi ATTENTION OF BUYERS COMING TO THIS PLACE THAT WE CAN SHOW NEW GOODS WHICH WE GUARANTEE CAN BE BOUGHT AT LESS THAN ANY PLACE IN THIS MARKET. Call anti see Vs, an and convince dour selves. Remember the tJNDB* COURTHOUSE. pmCVa EAS ” SIDE RAILROAD. LOEWENSTEIN & PFEIFER. Carttrsville, Ga. May 14, IMB. To Consumptive^. th« R*v. tDW ARD A. WILSON srill send, tree * charge, 1a all »hn desire if, the prescrii-tlon with the directions for making and using -he simple remedy by which he wss cured of a lung affei-tl-'n and that, dread disease Oou*um"tion. His only ohjeet is to benefit the afflicted, aud he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it w'lt cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Plasse »ddre*s P Rev. KDWARD J. wn.SON, N«. IFS South Ptr,ct, Williamsburg, New York J. E. Roberts , sfct’t’Essott to Roberts a stocks. T>caler in PRODUCE. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. ETC. New Brick Building, Main St., Cartersville CeOi April *29 w6m .T E W E LER. JSI Watches, cKSi (PS Clocks, and Jewelry, REPAIRED BY W. O- CARTERSVILLE. GA. All work warranted. In the room with L. Benr>»tt, Grocef, Matnfi Street, East Side of Railroad, apr. 29 SMITH & RICHMOND, Wholesale Tobacco AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Alabatn i Street, ,itlnnta , G«. PROMPT attention given to filling order* and the of merchandise, produce, etc. March 26w6m Steam Jtlanufactory, Planeing, Sawing and Matching. GRIST-MILL. Sash Blind and Door OTORT. SIIGH & WcELREATh. rr,HE above firm are happy to announce to the public A generally that, having got their steam machinery a successful operation, they are prepared to Plane, Raw, Tougn* and Groove, and to contract to Build Houses, and ilo nearly all kinds of Wood Work, and guarantee satisfaction In all contracts we mske, both as to time and the character of our work. Our ma chinery, being propelled by steam, enables us to do trork wltfr great rapidity, and, consequently, at very low figif-es. Having a Steam Paw Mill near Oarters vltle #h sre we have our ow.i lumber sawed In connec tion With otff steam manufactory at this place, we flat ter ourselves that we can do work quicker and cheaper than any other contractors In North Georgia. We are also prepared to grind corn, and will have our Wheat Ml'l ready to grind wheat h.v harvest time. Our mill and machinery is on the old site of the late Magnolia Bt»am Merchant Mill-, Cartersville, Ga. april 29, iSwmms N. GILREA7H l SON. Are receiving % new stock of print? and summer goods , selected by one of Ike firm In person, consisting, In part, of Ctento* Go<lds, l adles’ DreHH Goods, Ready-Made CLOTHIJI'G, JitiMt*' **9 Cttnts' Ral*/ Bout» and Shoes, Hardware, QCEBVBWABE. Also, a well selected stock of GROCERIES. To which WO invite the attention of our friends, and beg them to cal and txamjtya—especially to b y from us, as quick sales aud short profitsda our motto 1 X. CItiIE.VTH AhuN. ap'E wIS6S. Cartersville, Ga. Oatln and LaUt. Like Milton’s tifseription of th* dev il’s prfttfiradiif 1 tit, the Radical’s can truly say ; “Which way I turn is hell —myself am ! ell.’’ In place of saving things tit make peojde stare-tmi border, lay whalwi!) keep llie*in from staring ami wondering hereafter ; this is philosophy. To economise is to draw in as much as possible. The ladies apply this art to iheius'dves, and the result is a very small waist. Lawyer ; “The coat's too lonf, the waistcoat’s to **>na ; iti fact, li e entire suit’s 100 long.” Tailor ; “Dear me, sir, I’m very sorry ; but the fact is, I— t thought gentlemen of y'dllf profes sion preterred long suits.” Peevishness may he considered the canker of life, that destroys its vigor and checks its improvement—that rret ps on with hourly depredations laints and vitiates what it cannot con sume.—John Soil. Many • min far the love of self, To stuff bis colTeru starves himself, Libor*, accumulates ami spares, 'fo lay up ruin for his heirs- Grudges the porif tin If scanty dole : Saves everyMing—rxcupt his soul. It lias been thought that people are degenerating beeausethey don’t live as long as in the days of Methuselah.— But nobody can aflord to live at the current prices. A cautious tfld bachelor, who knows that the present is leap year, say* : “If you meet a young lady who is not very shy, you had better he a little shy \ ourself.” For several weeks an exchange kept the following conspicuously at the head of its local column : “A boy wanted at ibis office.” A few days since t lie editor’s wife presented him with “a boy,” which, in a highly sig nificant manner, shows the value of advertising. A man who will stab at another’s reputation by insinuation a a inuendo is far worse than a thief. Goods you may replace, but character, once los\, i? almost irredeemable, and, as a great writer has said, a word is enough to ruin a man. “My dear,” Said a smiling Spouse to her half, “I’m going a shopping to day, and want a little cliJllge.’’ “Pooh 1” responded ihe savage, “that would he no Change at all | you co shopping every day.” In good society we are required to do oblingitig tilings to one another; in general society we are required on* ly to say them. Idleness is hard work to those who are not used to it, and dull work to those who are. A bootblack recently arrested in Lon don, though only fourteen years of age. is reported to he well acquainted with the French and Polish languages and to have beeri studying German. The latest puzzle has relation to a very lamentable fact in regard to lh» present spring. It is C 0 S I winch a long headed friend interprets to mean “the C’s on is backward and so it is. An old fovolfcf —the earth. Centre of gravity—a judge in court. Motto for the married—Never dis pair. A round of Pleasure for llie Young —A plum pudding. Ail essence that yields most—Ac” quiescnce. A strain in the car is more agrccaUr than one in the bark. lie is a good shoemaker who is faith ful to the last, ”~A real teetotal curiosity—a pair of watertight buots. The likeliest lish to laugh—The trout; it is so easily tickled. The generality o! men spend the early part of their lives in eontrinuting to render the latter part miserable, There is no extrlusiee property In truth f it belongs to him who recogniz< cs it. It not unfrcquently happens that man* ners are best learned fro* the Unman nerly i tthflffj tint* stn artist appears rtfott ihormrghfy miserable f When lie draws a long face. Too much idleness leaves a man less Ins own master than anv sort of ertt ploy ment. Short —Fashionable dresses are short —so arc fashionable husbands who paV for them. NO. 1. Mate Sf««. Bullock was mi the ll n*r of the Sen ate on the tenth. The H.iiuhtiilgp \~* ! gus mj» these Wa* mi doubt a great | *cm/-satiun in ronseipit nee. ('apt. \V. ft. ilahdiu. Ihe oldest citi I fen of LaGrang.*. died nil Wed'iesdav i last, aged 70 years, lie had lived in j that place since IB’J7. ind tilled vari | nus positions in the city government. A party ot four whit** men has been arrested recently in M icon, charged with playing high way men, disguised as negroes. A wonisrt in II ivVson attempted to leave an infant w ITIi a bachelor l ist week, but he Would not own the corn. She finally left It tfilh a negro and •loped. An attempt was mule to burn the jail of Wilkes crtUntv, on hist Thurs day. Three ncgioes who were <*on» lined in it at the lime are charged with the i.fli-nee. Mr. E. S. Williams, of ftreen countv was murdered last week by an tin* known party, lie was also robbed ol SI,OOO. Arrests have been lltide, and the affair being investigated. We arc informed that a scjUac! of 11. S, cavalry came into Atlanta on Satur day hringiug two white prisoners fiom (iwinett county, charged with flight eni/ig a n«gro. A vigilance l*niiiriiitlee ol negroes have heefi arresied in ThonUs county for whipping a negr» to death Who was j detected stealing a hog Iroin one ! their number. The hoard of officer* sent to Savan nah to investigate .1 petition which w;.s gotten up there for the removal of the municipal authorities; discot-t*!- nearly all the signatures to be forgeries. It is understood that negotiations are on foot looking to the lease ol the Mus cogee railroad for ninety-nine years by the Central road ; the latter guarantee ing 8 per cent, pi.'r aunu.u to the stock holders of tiie former. Kt. Rev. Augustine Verot, fiistulp of Savannah and Administrator Apostolic of Florida, is in Rome. lie adminis tered the rite of Holy baptism on Fri-. day and held High Mass on Surdity, The Macon Telegraph, of Saturday chronicles the first appearance ol wa termelons in the Georgia market.— This is earlier, we believe, than they h ive ever appeared before. A fire occurred in Coal Springs. Wilkinson county, on the night of the Oih instant, destroying the store house of Mr. Willis Allen, With Its Contents, and also the Masonic Lodge. The fire was the work of nil incendiary* The real estate in the City »»f Atlanta has been assessed lor the year 1808. and the assessments exhibited in the aggregate six million seven hundred and seventeen thousand dollars worth of real property. Mr. McGee, of Chefohe« couniy brought the first thoroughly dried wheat to the (tome market on lasi Fri day. It was sold to Mr. J. J. Cohen and brought $2 25 per bushel. Tht; steal!) saw mill of Rev. Frank T. Simpson, situated near the town of Washington. Wilkes county, was burnt on Sunday morning. Tlie loss sus tained is between four and five thou* and dollars. Hon. Ilersehel V. Johnson is repor ted having said. m» last Friday, to a correspondent a! the Macon Telegraph that the komiiihtmn of Chase is the on ly course to success for file Democrat ic parly. It is stated that a military detective of General Mead's lias been in Macon fur several Jays trying to find out something about the K. K. Kian. The prise offered by tlie Athens Wheat Club, for the largest yield of wheat per acre, has been awarded to Dr. Hamilton, who gathered forty-five bushels from one afre of gtrtnui. The Savannah News Sc Herald chron icies the arrival in that city of an in* voice of fwdgeiu They sr*- of brass and bears a likeness of tin great "Hatcher.’' George W. Grady, who util* be re membered as the who, while drunk, shot and killed two oth er ntembrf* iff the force tn 1066, if now on trial in Savanoabv 'l’he 11. 8. Circuit and district Coutt* met Iff Satanftifl oft Monday morning There is a large amoUiii of business before Hto be ifnjiornf «♦. The jurors of the C’rcuit Court, dismissed on tin oth, are expected to be present. Yellow feVef i* stilt raging with great Violence at Lima, Pert!—tome two hundred death* occurring daily. Thk Mammoth Thick or oaiJ£«#- ma,— 4hunt ninety-seven miles from Sacramento City; in a gently sloping. h«*av y *lifctheFt»d valley are the larg >*l are the largest and tallest Wees ih tl- * world. It is rightly called the Mam moth 1 rbfe tlh>Ve. One of Iht# gi ants of tin* fore.M Was felled, not hv chopping It tloWn. hut by boring it off with plump augers, Amt it employ tb . live men for tWi-Htytt* o days tbsoAtun.- jly at work to effect it. It* height w:is ‘320 leet. and its Oircumh reoee at tie* 1 ground was ninety -seven net. I pm* the stump, on the 4th of Julv. thirl* * j two persons were engaged in il.thl'ing 1 tour sets of cotillions at one tune. The hayk was eighteen inches in thickness, which gave it a diameter «*(' over thirty feet. Hut nioastrou* a* wen- the diittcusiiMi* *»t ihii tree. »i a short distance from it lies tlo* pii str ut and majestic body of a still larger cue. This is known aS the Father ot tbr Forest, It is now hall buried i t the soil. It measures in circumference one hundred and leu feel ; it was tour hint dft-ii and thirty five fefct 111 bright ; it is two hundred (eel to the first branch ; the centre of it is noW hollow, and a person ran walk erect through it as it it were a latge tunnel. A slm p t dist.mee from those immense trees is a double tree, The Siamese Twins, which, as their name indicate*, lias one large stint at lilt* gtoiiild, thus forming a double tree forty-one foot 10 diameter. The height is about three hundred feet. Faith am> Work.— Two gentlemen were one day crossing the river in a ferry 4 'uhhit. A dispute about I .nth and works arose, one saving that good works were of small importance, and that faith was every thing, the olneras- 4 -cried the cdiitrai v. Not liei.ig able i*» convince each oilier, the ferryman, all cnlighied Christian* asked permission to give his opinion. Consent being granted, he said, *•! hold in my baud* two oars. That in my right hand * call ‘laith,’ ihe cihef, in my left, ‘works' Now, geniletllett* (dense tb observe, I pull the our faith, and pull that alone; tJee ! the boat goes round and round* and llie boat makes no pfogre-S. Ido the naiiiv with the oar ol works, ami with precisely a similar result —no ad vance. Mark ! 1 pull both together* wc go oil space, and in very lew min utes we shall be at our landing-place; So, in my humble opinion”, he added* ••laith without works, or works with out faith will not suffice. Let there h<i both, itfid the liaHii* of eternal rest is sure to be reached,” As the (lower is before the fruit, so is laith before good works. Faith is ihe parent ol good works, and the children will bear a resemblance to the parent. It is not enough tfiat the in Ward worjts ol • clock arewtll constructed, and also dial-plate atfd htfflds ; the one must act on the other, the works must regulate the movements of the hands. —.ln 'i bitltop IThatlty. To I>a covetous oi applause, discos* ers a slender merit, and sclf*rntfgeit is the ordinary attendant of igndfatire; It >s not the reality of grievance sit much as the temper with winch they are viewed, which produdes revolution. If you let trouble sit upon ydUr soifl like a hen upon her nest, you may ex • pset the hatching of a large brood. Many a sKVeeth fashioned mouth has been disfigured and made hideous by ihe fiery tongue within it. “iNal. what sre you leaning over' that cmpH fasK lor f” “I'm mourn ing over departed spirits.” What is the difiVienee between No ah’s Ark and Joan of Are ( One was made of wood—the oilier was Maid of of Orleans. It W;t9 ll.e saying of a heathen, that he win* Would do good, must cither' have a faithful friend to instruct him* or a watchful enemy to correct him. When a fish is wounded.- the other fishes fail upon an 1 devour him.— There is some human nature tit tidi es. Imttartinc is very ill, and his death is expected evert day. Horace freely is suggested htrGov of New York, The glass in New York p istofiie.c i in New York, "ill cost $70,000* No one is « voter hi Liberia unless <•1 African decent, zud even then lie must also own Some real estate, McCook- and Coburn art* m i|, c same cell, sharing it with a black hnr »lar and a white Jiorse thief ; pasting ihe lime playing cards. Chase’s Philadelphia friehds have appointed a committee of one bundled men to electioneer for lii.n at the Nu tv York ConveiuiJtt! A negro hanging in 1 I irida w as pro ductive of rare sport, three iirrq,,,,„ being shoi if! the heighth of the full. ftirre hundred and ninety-eight pcr« •one arc going fhfotfgfh bankruptcy in Muisachusctlf. A lock of King Tlieodoin*’ L-* ?r is on exliihition ih a shop window m Plyimoith, Massachusetts.