The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 10, 1868, Image 1
i jfk WF.F.KLY mTEOSVIIXC CYPRESS. Is published every rfHOAY MORNING.- 1 . c»rtcfsvljjf» P r tp* 00., Ga.. by IT. 'ifi'.iß <* Ti P T ETOR at the fol r. of Ba!»scrip!lttn : •! --e V Pl.m ' six nv.-thx, ...f. ..... ~r one j 1 v. 3.00 (In'n. 'uhlr in advance.) • '• }ver' : sin@r will be restricted* C, t r ‘ s ta Heirlegitimate busines*; :>c:nents that no not t ' u will be c!iikr*.p<’ -. i; ; -ris .1 at intervals to be - •• '• insertion. _ i es u ilibe strict! ff adh cared to \ > sTTFTaT C A 3DS .; V RRBLL &BRO,, I resident dentists. ‘ o*er S, ('|sijton & Son, I, permanently Kwatei bare, nni belnp provi latent improvement* In Dental Material, <v,» r ed to do anything pertaining Dental gur v r.KWARRiNTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION . . .. \f. prepare a “Superior Vege*ab!e Tooth ’ r • ymaranteed to contain nothing injurious to rXciuTiG? HOTEL, Ga- BY •rU IOE &z 3rll I-i Hit. T . , drr«t?nr<l have associated t n business, and r.tntinc and re-arranging that COMMODIOUS ’. .(• .. roily occupied by A. It. Hu .gens as a Earn; „ , . and Confectionery, on the PAST SIDE ,ILU')AO, near the late BARTOW TIOUcK, :... ed ii 1 the same a FIRST CLASS HOTEL . Mhlnmi nt of the TRAVELING PU MIC, sillbetept upon ihe KUIIOI’EAN PLAN. — psr'les are experienced In the Business, Mlt. i vine been formerly Proprietor of the Ten- I IV Dalton, but More recently of the Car* . ;e lio <- , and Mr, BUICE fortnerlv Proprietor . Exchange Hotel, Oa'-tersvlllo, Ga., but mote ,i> the Washing - on Hall. Atlanta, Ck, Mr. IV' !t!l! In Os, I .f-al Superintendent, and Mrs. „ Superin'ecdent. BUICE SHULL ,2" Sm. UR. F. M. JOHNSON Dentist. : -PECTFCLLY offers v, - ' p* U donal ««. •ei to the citizen* o* C i lerayllla Sr ; 1 1 1 v. Heis pre; • • to do work , r.ivelatest and uao»t Improved style.— ;4:a extracted x-' . (by means of narcotic Wo a a i warrP'ted. OfiDe over J. Elsas’ ( ARTERBYILLK, Ga. Feb. 20, 1863w5m JERE A7hJWARD, hITORNEY rtND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, carter Mlle, ga. ; ;• //’( lIETT 4* WOFFOIU), Attorneys at La w CAR rails VILLE, GA, OFFICE OVER ELSAS STORE, Oct, 17, 186 7, THOMAS W ~M ILN ER, Attorney at Law, ’AHTERSVILLE. GtORGIA, aticael promptly to business entrusted care. Oct. 5 wly JOHN J. J ONES AT'Tr.uY AT LAW. , j tc.-'iUc. Oc TTTIIiI, att , ;ron~’>tiy toall business en \V trusted toll.scare. Will practice in if C ,urt ■ of law, and equity in the Cherokee i rciiit. attcutici given'" the coLec nos claims. Jan. i, ,866. ly uobn J - Jones. JOHN J.ION E3 REAI r >7 t,TK .4CSEHT, U , UE GA [. m itho* 1 »ell, am. have on hand several BE Ir lU jraus buHdinglots in the as »f Oarlersvl 1 - - ' \H . aver :1 plantations of van ■ she,in Bartow count; Parties desiring to buy or i will j, n ell to g.-ve mo a call. AJI communications mrptly snswere'd. July 17. 1866. S. ll Pa 11 i 11) : FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Ii: attend promptly to the Cutting, Repair 'Jh an-lMakic. Boy's and Meu’s Glo bing. ’ In back room of Blair A Bradshe w 6 store. \ff Oar:ers\llle, Ga. _ The Cartersville ?lolcl. DR. TIIOM.’.S MtLAM having charge of this House, would be j|j ■ >s Ito accommodate a tew Board-H |4|q! with BOARD, with oj without L. Igingr. Call and see him at once for terms Larterst ille, Jan 17. . U. 3IOriVTCASTLE, Jeweller and Watcli and w Clock Repairer, in the Front of A. A. Skinner At Cos s store. Cartersville, jail 25 STO’S HIEL IDS, Fashionable Tailor , CARTERSVILLE. BARTOW COUNTY, GEORIG IS prepared to execute all kinds 'ly of work in the Fashionable Tail ing line, with neatness and in du-JLL table style. Over J. Elsas & CYs store, f’artersvillc, jan 23. J. H. PTJRTELL! MERCHANT TAILOR, White Hall Atlanta, Ca. pI.OYHIN T <; made to order in the very \ J latest Rtvle, and at short notice. 25, 3t. i$6S. 1868. AMERICAS. HOTEL, Alabama, JTL.t.vr.l, Ga. Nearest House to the Fassenger Depot. WHITE & WHITHOCK, Proprietors. ff, j>. Wiley 7 Clerk, Having re leased and renovated the above Hotel, n , „ r( prepared to entertain guests in a most sat- Charges fair and moderate. Our '-ff'Ttr .vili be to please. , fr „„ of Baggage carried to and from DepotJreaof charge. 1 SE. SASiEKN. B. W. YORK. R. T. JOURDAN SASSEEN'S United States Hotel (Jor. Alabama and Pryor btreets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Within 100 yards of the Passenger Depot. ' ASsEEN, YORK an JOURDON, Propr * W. . . "SON, ) V Clerks. R.T. JOURDAN, > Dec. 20th, 1867-ts. THE CARTERBVILLE EXPRESS. VOL. 7. Mortprasre Sale. 4 GEEEABIE to the conditions of a Deed of Trent j A made-and extca'ed bj J »h«* H- Ituckman tq g-nm-t H. Smith. on or'*Wn* the 15th of January, ! 13G7. to secure the payment of the purchase nrpey of , Si seres of land, lying In the 4th dfstrict and 3rd sec tion of Bartow county, and adjoining the t u n ot < ar ! t»rsvlhe, and the pirate -..hereon John H. Ruckinan I row resides, wilt be soi l before the Court House door jin the tow:i of Cyrfersel ’-, on the first Tuesday la i Auftist next niihin the lepal holila ofsa’ejthe &bcvc described land containing Sl acres, mare or tees. B«'d ! i 'Hnd is >'• rth by tiie towof CartersvnJp, 1 East bv lands of Tl .s. II l.eak. South by land’ of Dr. 1 W. W.T.eah, and West ty lands of J. A. Tcrrelh The 1 gaid Deed of Trust provides that if the payments on ' said lands are pot met w’tbin one hundred days after ( 1 matu-lty of notes, the land piar be sold and .iUesper- 1 I fectcd ty trustee, sfe- V.MvertiMng p-opertv thirty j 1 days, and in ns much as the notes have come to ma- . tnrity and ‘he additional lapse of time expired, and no i part .<f said notes have been paid, both smonntingto about #2200.00 p incipa’. The above deteri bed lands witl be sold under provisions of said mortgage or trust Deed. SAM'L H. SM ITH,Trustee. Ju y Ist ’6B 30d fiporg'a, llarlow County. ■\ITHERKA3, D. W. K Peacock applies tome forlct '' ters of adminlstra'ion on tlie estate of Lewis Pea cock, deceased, these a*e the r efore to cite and admon irh. ail and singular,the kin Ired and creditors, of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time-prescribed by law, whv said I). W. K. I’e.icock should not be appointed administra tor as aforesaid, otherwise letters will b tt granted him. Uiven under my hand and official signature, lids the 22d da» of May, 1863. J. A. HOWARD, Old. Oeorpa, Was tow county. ITTUERKM3. Thomas A. Worii, A'’rainisl ratoy of the VV estate of John J. Word, deceased, Applies to the undersigned f iHeHers of dismission from his admin istration. Theres >re all pers >l3 concerned arrliereby required to show cause, if-any they have, wl.y said administrator on the first Monday in December next, should not be discharged. Given under my hand, and seal of office. This IliU of May 1863. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. r&corftia, Bartow County. TT7HEREAB, Thomas A. Word, administrator Z>« \V boniH non of the of the estate of George Stovall, deceased, applies to me for letters of dtsmi slon from his administration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why sai l administration on the first Monday in De cember next should not be discharged. Given under inv hand and seal of office. This 14th day of May, 1->S. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Barlow County WHEREAS, Thomas A. Word, administrator De lon’* non , of the estate of Thomu3 E. Franklin, deceased, applies tome for letters of dVaspissory from his admin istration. Therefore all persi us concerned ere hereby required to show cause, If any they have, why said administrator on the firs t Monday in December next, should not be dlscha-ged. Given under my hand and seal of office. This 14vh of May 1863. J. A. HOWARD, ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. TTY virtue of an order form the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court House door in said county, be tween the legal sale hours the following tract or parcel es land to wit: One undivided half of lot of land Ne. 6D in the 16tli dis. and 3rd sec. of said county. Said lot containing 1G(» acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Isaac S. Gholston for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms oi sale cash. G. C. GHOLSTON, Adm’r <> f May Sth ISGS-lm. J. S. CIIQLST< iN (. dee’d. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of_ Bartow cour*7 will be sold, on the first Tuesday In next, at the’ Court House door in said cou. t.v, between the legal sale hou'S, one lot in the town of Adtiirsville. and described as the Porter lot, adjoining G 0. Gholston and others, as the property of Robert Elliott, deceased, gold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash A M. PENN, Adm r, May Bth, 1868.1 m. ROBERT ELLIOTT, dec’d. Georgia, Bariow County. SIXTY days after date application will be made to ihe Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Joel Brnwner, deceased. JOHN F. BEAW NRR, May Sth, 1866-2 m. Administrator. Administrator's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, I l?v virtue of an order from BARTOW COUNTY. | the Court of Ordinary of sa- i coumy, will be sold on the first Tuesday In July at the Court House door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the lollowing tract or parcel of land, to wit: Lot No. 226. in the sth dis. and 3rd sec. of said county', containing 160 acres, more or less, the same being improved with good cabins etc -Hso. 100 acr-s of land being oS-the east side of lot No. 245, in the Sth iU and 3rd sec. of said county, tlie same be ing tolerably improved. Also, lot No. 94, in the 25th dis. and 3rd sec. of Gordon county, containing 80 acres, more or less, being part of said lot, and lot No. 37, in the 25th dis. and 3rd fee. of Gordon county, con taining 160 acres, more or less, the same being un proved and part in cultivation. Also lot No. 575, In the 19th dis. and 3e sec. of Paulding county,-containing 40 acres, more or less, the same being sold for the purpose of division amongst, the Distributees of Jo seph 11. Jones, deceased. Terms of the wle cash. 8, B. JONES, Administrators. May Sth, ISG9-tm. JOSEPH H. JONES, dec’d. Georgia Barlow' County, ~-HKREAS, Thos. 11. Baker, applies to me for letters W of Guardianship of the persons and property of Vir gil A Brawner, Victoria Biawner, and Adeiia Braw nor minor children of Wm. B. Brawner, deceased of said County, uuder 11 years of age. These are to cite ail persons concerned to sho-v cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted said applicant,otherwise they will b • ,'ranted. Given under my hand official signature, this June Ist, ISGS. J- A. Howard, Ord’y. GtMirgia Bartow County, VirHEREAS. John N. Dobbs, Guardian of the person VV and property of Elizabeth A. Dobbs, a minor of said County,having fully discharged his trust., appjies to be dismissed from his Guardianship, as atoresaU..- Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required, to appear at my office, 00, or before tlie first. Monday in August next , and show cause, if auy thev have, why said J. N. Dobbs, should not be dis missed from ' his Guardianship. Given under my hand and official signature, this June Ist, 1663. J. A. I!OWARD, Ordinary, B. C. F. M ddieman. c - 1 Erown - F. M. EDO LEM AN & CO., Wholesale Dealers ip. Boots, Slices Leather, French and American Calf Skins, LASTS, TEGS, LINING AND BINDING SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS, &C., Next door to Moore & Marsh, Decatur street A TLA AT A, CA. rW”Shoe Manufacturers and Merchants will find to their advantage to call on us before makmg their purchases. " ’ forceTboot IdThoe House. ARE now receiving their FALL and WINTER bTOOK of BOOTS AND N. SHOES, the largest ever brought to this market. These goods came direct «T from the Eastern manufactories, aDd will he sold to Country Merchants and the Trade at New York prices, expense# added, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths , end Childrens’ Wax. Kip, Calf, and Buff Brogans and Bulmora’s—Boots of all styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, dos the finest qualities. Ladies’, Misses , and Chil n,- .11 jots and Shoes, of every * B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10-lj. BLACKSItSITHING. &°M. GOODSON. complted their new adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on West side of Railroad, Carters,lie Ga arv prepared to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmithing line They flatter themselves, that they can o as good work, and at as low piice, as any ke establishment in town They ask a rca uL s hare of the public patronage, and promise satisfaction both in the eh.rart.roT Li. wort anJ "“ A T^’goODSON fh S'rs.illc,Go., Jan. 31.., 1868-ly. CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA.. JULY 10, iSGS. - ■ ~3 i fsa.xjofch'Tesi njjlHE undersigned would announce to the ns of Cartorsville and vicinity Ui4 he ia fr.Hy pppared to furnish PIANOFORTES, f*3 ii 7or 7 1-3 7j\i Ts OCTAVES, witii all the very latest improve . r:ic, nr d nfost e’eysfet sjyle and workman ship, one hundred dollars less than they can he purchased elsewhere south. They will be fully warranted, I PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED In the very best manner, and aH work warran ! ted, and .shall be pleased to give all orders projnpt attention. MR, 8. T. ANDERSON will kindly give further information at present, and deliver any orders, or vou can address, b” mail, F, L, PREYER, Kennesaw House, Marietta, Ga, He is also agent for the sale of all kinds ol ORGANS, Jan 25wtf TO THE LADIES. mm' rn'iMiß PREMIUM FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rjYIIE best machine for every description of family sewing made. - Call and examine machine and specimen of j work over S. Clayton & -Son’s store. Cartels vilie, Ga. S. H. PATTILLO, Agent hir Bartow county. Dec. 13th, igiiVjf. , crz. 1 /' /tetuc Icuvovcf/ 3tty, 6 j •/ D R IT G S, &C V ftoin f/ia Howl i /fee: BARTOW HOUSES, unc/ am no tu /ocatci/ on MAIN ST, Oleic/ e/ooi /o- Gilbert & co., hardware house. . — ///y, t-Sonci/ a ttvu fion i& if even /& //e e/d/icn-Siny o^- MEDICINES. am/ <=j/ J am -M l /my a// at= fie /ed tn my /me, Jiie/e a-A KEDJCIMHG, OIL, PAINTS, GLASS, &C., & S CHEAP a6- caw, //to dm lie 11 e '^dCT€ f /lede. <=j/ •ie= Ao /ici fa con firm ance ojf f/ic jfiadf f,tinc/ncdS X /tace bccc i oecf cr jp. best. :mi. jd. Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Feb. 7th, 1868-w!y. " Cartcrsville Ga. SADDLERY AND HARNESS; MANUFACTORY. rpHE undersigned, determined to give the | people of Bartow and adjoining counties no excuse for goii)" - abroad to purchase their SADDLES, BRiDLES, HARNESS, &C., and for repairing the same, have opened, in the town of .Cartcrsville, a regular, SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFAC TORY, where they propose to put up everything in their line in the neatest, most substantial and durable- manner, and at prices that will defy competition. They flatter them selves that they can and will do work, which, in every respect, will compare favorably with any- work done North or South, both in qualify and price. Let no one ig nore our work because it is the South, nor our prices, before giving us a trial, tor that is all we ask to secure trade. Our work is all warranted and that is a sufficient guar antee to purchasers. We are determined to build up a name and business in Cartcrsville that will be a heritage to our children after us, if prompt attention, good work, and mode tate charges will secure that end, Rooms ir. the front of the Eclipse Sale and Livery Stable, THOMPSON & STOCKS. Cartcrsville, Ha, Jan. 7th. 18G8-wly, Herring & Leyden, CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising all Branches of the business represented in the Custom ruth j&eaJjjj-iHaiit part mints o EScns’, Boys’ and Childrens’ Clothing, SXAB: ass: ‘mi i °ld in this market: HERRING A LEV BE- , Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. e,ooe: isx-iA-isriD Manufacturing Cos., TONE ail-wool SPRING CASSIMERES, JEANS, &0„ Ton consignment, VERY LOW to W hob-sale buyers. Merchants are invited to call and see Styles and Prices. HERRING & LEYDEN, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Domestics At wholesale only. 4 t Sheeting, 7-8 Shirting, 3-4 Shirting, 7-8 Drills Osnaburgs, Stripes, Yarns, Durlaps, For sale at FAC TOR \ PRH-ES bv HERRING &. LEYDEN. Agents. Whitehall Street, mar 26 w3m HEW GMiire UtflfUO mm ' AT Loe wgast e hi 4‘ Pfe if e r ’ s . | YT7E ARE NOW OFFERING A Sp'cn W diu WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY-GOOPS, boots. SHOES, HATS. CLOTIIING, GROCE RIES, ETC,, ETC, ETC. WE V/ILL CONTINUE TO RECEIYE GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Daily, AND WOULD CALL JIIE ATTENTION OF BUYERS COMING TO THIS PLACE THAI WE CAN SHOW NEW GOODS WHICH WE GUARANTEE CAN EE BOUGHT AT LESS THAN ANY PLACE IN THIS MARKET. ! Call and see Us, an and convince ■#•«♦*> H 9 u r selves * Remember the UNDER COURTHOUSE, £slfi£€o EAS” -SIDE RAILROAD. LOEWENSTEIN & PFEIFER. Cartersville, Ga. Mty 14, 13e8. To Consomptives. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send, free o charge, to all who desire it, the prescription w-iththe directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affection and tha»- dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the all.icie I, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it wilt cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Ple»3e a Lire -s Rev. EDW\!!D A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, New York fji- • # JU- 4> C3 k « SECCESSOR TO ROBERTS &. STOCKS. -V- Dealer i»t PRODUCE, O ROGERSES A U D CONFECTIONERIES. ETC. New Erick Building. Main St., € artersviil 3 - Geo. April 29 w6m .5 E W Xe XZ2 XX 1 . . batches, i Clocks, fsxm and J € weiry, * REPAIRED BY W. O. G-E'ESE, CARTERSVILLE. GA- All work warranted. In tbp room with L. Bennett. Grocer, Maine ttreei,; East side of Ra'lroad. apr. 29 SMITH & RICHMOND, \ oc* o> H -> o - HA «-? -L iu/ -31 iL Au it <J> vJ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Alabama Street. <vC*. PF.OMPT attention given to filling orders and the of merchandise, produo*. etc. March 26w6.u Steam Jtianu fact ary. Planeing, Sawing and Matching. GRIST-MILL. Basil Blind and Door CTOEY. SLIGH & M' ELREATh, ri.TTE above fi m are hat py to announce to the public j I generally that, having got' their aieim maco ' ery ! a suc-e.-sfol opcra’ioii, they are prepared to Pbirc. j Bvw, Tougpe and Groove, aid to c.-n'ra -t to ißai.d Houses, and dn near'y all kinds of Wood Work, and eaara.uee satisfaction in ad contracts we make, bo h as to time and ftie character of inr work. Our ma chinery, being propelled by steam, enabi.s us to do work with gnat rapidily, and, consequently, at very 1 itv figures. Having a Steam Ba or Mill near (’ai ters viPe w t ire we have oar op i lumber sawed iu connec tion witl. our slam manufactory at this place, we fiat lev ourselves th vt we cm uo work qu’ckerand cheaper than any other contractors in N ■ rtb Georgia. \Ye a e also prepared to grind corn, and will have our Wheat Mi 1 ieady to grit and wlieat by harvest time. Our mill and machinery is on the old ei> of il.elate Magnobft Steam Merchant Mill-, Cartersvitle, G 1... april 29, li GILREATH 8 SOU Are receiving anew stock of spring ami summer goods-, j selected by one of the firm in person, consisting, in part, of Gents’ SYirnlsiiSns Goods, I>a«lies’ Oress Goods, Itefitly-JfSade CL.GTEZI.'b (*, laißs’, fftissts’ ar.ii Cunts’ Slats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, QUEENpWABS. Also, a well selected stock of GROCERIES, To which we invite the attention of onr, ano beg them to cal and examine—eisptcla'ly to bey .rom us , as quick sales and do I ',f apri!®H«k ‘ C’arterev.ile Ga. i WJuki W ilt Use ’Di-ikion ills | h has been asri.ui 1 !, ‘-What t\iH tin? 1 l). tnocrajy ilo :! \vt* hfilp to r»L:.*p tb» tn itt power ?” Ti e question T? so wr-H land appronriate answered, aid sai i isfaetorly bummed up by Gen. W. A. (Lirman, of Minnesota, in a Lite sprfch 1 tb:ii w*t insert tbe answer liere : If the Democracy (iow.t i»t -tb i jrovernfnent, they will re<Juee tlie tnnfi I s ' j | tax on all yonr tea, and on what you | I drinL and we ir. They will restore the Union, and turn overall the n-nuhern SiatVs ex penset to lie paid by South alone. VVe will turn on ; and abtdsh ten thousand abolition Plfecdn en’s Bureau office holders, and save millions of do! iars to the people’s pockets. VVe will bid the Sooth support them selves, and go to raising cotton a in* sugar, and we will continue to r;:se produce to fet'd them. We wifi pav tlie public debt in the same curiencv we pay you', and the same you pay each other, and thus save millions more i.i the pockets ol the people. If we pay the rich in gold, _we will pay you in gold, i we pay' you in paper tnb'iiey’ we will {'ay plbUouic bond-holders in paper m.Viie) . VVe will enact laws to enable you to buy your goods where you rad buy cheapest, and sell where y -u get the best price. We will protect labor from tlie en croachment of capita!, We will leave each Stale to govern limited only by the Federal Constitu tion. VVe will reduce the army in the South and send them to the plains to protect the frontier and new routes to the far West. We will restore com merce, peace and good will between the North and South. We will reduce taxes, both State and National. We will lessen the office holders, ltid release you fron taxation to sup port them. We w ill enact laws inside and out side of tlie Constitution. VVe will restore peace at home, and maintain honor abroad. We will inaugurate a day of mode j ration, order and good will instead of 1 hate and ill-will, as now taught by Ja cobin politicians. We will give equal rights toall and grant exclusive privileges to none. We will substitute calm statesman ship tor mad Jacobnism We will make pets no longer of ne groes at tiie expense ol tlie whites, nor force sufirage for them at the expense and against the w-ill of those who have created and maintained tlie Govern ment. TTlie Eftdquence oi'U* ComicH~ f l'oin a Lecture !>y W-cmleD Fliiaiios. Perhaps you doubt my testimony.— If vou do. I will vouch for it with the endorsement of a man who never lotted Ireland, and that is John Randolph of Roanoke. [Laughter.] When he went in and Heard O Connell, the or! Virginian cried out : “These are the lips, aid tiiis is the tongue ol a human eloquence.” I think he was right.— I have listened to the impressive so lemnity of A’ehster been delighted with | the grace ol EvereiW. and dazzled with ' the rhetoric ol'Choat ; I know the iron ; strength of the logic ot Oalhmm ; L t have been beneath the magnetism o! 1 Henrv Clay ; it has been my fortune to ; sit at the feet ol the great speakers on j riie other side or the water; but 1 think ! O'ConiieU’3 oratory blended into one j harmonious wVole the solemnity of j Webster, the grace of Everett, the logic of Calhoun, and the magnetism ol Cl <y - [Applause?} Nature seemed to have i HU- u(ted him lura Demosthenes of our epoch. She gifted him with every thina til at goes to nla ke up the great tribune of the people. Id the tirsi place he had a magnified, t presence, imore'sesivis in bearing — imposing like ih 't of Jupiter—Webster himsell hard lv oiU-dtd hill in majesty of his appear c'nce. And this is much more than vou fancy at first in the qualities of an ! orator— his physique. 1 remember Russel Lowell telling us that when Mr. Webster came, home from Washington, •at the time when the V\ lug party thought of dissolution, a year or two before*its death, and he went dui'ii to Faneuil Hall to protest, and drawing i himself up to his loftiest impressive- I ness, his brow clothed with thunder, : | je stood before the listening aundience l a *nd said, “Well gentlemen lam a Whig a Massachusetts Whig, a Con stitutional Wli'g. H V‘*» brec.i, the \v |ii,r partv. sir, where am Itogo ! i “And says Uussel Lowell, “vve held i our breath, thinking it a fearful thing where he would go.” [(Meat Laugh* tcr.l If he had been five feet three, \v( should have said, “Who cares where he goes 1” R mowed laughter. So it was with O'Connell. w> LS\ /•) v/ a JSp.\:;k M >y. ::\ is. A |esn, awkward I boy ca no mi * omriiirg w the door of ■ tl*i* nriiirinai <>l a ceb*hr»ied school and : sHtol to set* him. 'I ne servant ! < ytd his if ahhy clothes. an 1 taking i !.•:;» h r a !>«»«; ;-ir seat hi-u rourt 1 to the kicheh. Tht; ’»■«v did us U« was told and in r appeared at l>>e hack door. ‘1 shot.ill Tiki* to sa- Dr. sal ! ‘ ’ "****■: n »•’. tin want n breakf.i-t. more like, said tfi’e servant, ‘and I can cive you that without troubling him-’ ‘‘Thank von,” said the bov ;’*lho an objection to a bit of bread, but 1 should like to see Dr. —• it he can sec mo. ‘•Sioiif old cioihcs, n:a\ be, you want, sit’d tie servant ag do. eveing the boy’s patch- ,! trousers. * 1 expect lie has non-' to spare, lie fives them away ; and with-nit minding the hoy’s request she went about her work, ‘Can, I see Dr, ?” asked the boy again, after eating Ins bread and butter. “Well lie’s in the library, if lie must be spoken to ; but he does like gouie time to himself,’ said the girl in a peev ish tone. She seemed to think it very f() ))islj to admit such an ill-lookiug fef 'it'w into the Doctor’s' presence ; how ever site wiped her hands and told him to follow her. Opening the library (Sour, she Said: ‘Hi re’s somebody, sir who is very anxious to see you, and so I let idm in. Ido not know how the bev intro-, dimed himself, or how lie opened his business . hut I know that after a while the prim pal pul by the book he was reading, took up some Greek books, and hi gan to examine the imw comer. The examination lasted for sometime. Every question which the Doctor ask ed was readily answered. “Upon my word,” said the principal, ‘you certain ly do well,’ looking at the boy from head to foot over his spectacles. \\ by my boy, where did you pick up so much.” “//? my spare moments answered the boy, litre was a poor, hard work ing boy, with few chances for school ing. yet nearly fitted for college by sim ply 'id;proving his sj are moments. — Truly are not spare moments the “gold dust of time?” Wanted, —An engineer from the car of deslruci ion. A root of the flower of the fam ily. The inginc :hat blew him up. A mast from a conrt-Shit). A needle to fit the thread of a di - course. A soldier from a war of words. The mail who capped the climax. A step from an air castle’ Y»asi to raise the bread of idleness. The rudder of the old ship of State. The claws of a printer's devil. Altitude of llie voice of winds. A note of what was heard by the ears of a spinning wheel. A plug (rom the tooth of a saw A biacksmhh to rivit my atten '%• tion. A twinkle from the star of hope. A 'warning trout the book of fate. A dimple mole by fortunes smiles. The dim; nsions of a piece of lit*r mi ml. Size of die‘footprints on the sand of time. The address of the Goddess of Liber ty- The material for a (east of the soul. Will. S. II iys, the taldnted poet of the Louisville Democrat, lias just plac ed in the Imnds of tfie publishers anoih er of his beautiful ballads, said to excel anything lie has ever written, We se -- et a few lines : •Bnmldul girl of '.lie South, Heart ;s loving and true ; r.a u I'uii <d «n;)tCi lit smiles. lives ol a heavenly blue.’ Wu'v got our. eyes on that beautiful girl, and M ill S., might as well stop writing about her ; site knows he s a married mui and wears seedy dollies. Besides, as we know her better than he does we’ll give a I'uiier description ; an ardent, yet tender trusting maid,, with eyes of dtlecaie hazel shade,long lashes hall biding their orbs from sight, with sculptured tore.iead, fair and white cheeks as rosy and sweet as a peach, lips like cherries, but out of reaen, throat like marble and pot too small, form like a faiiy’tf grace and all, with a glorious wealth <d auburn curls, is the beautiful queen oi beautiful girls. tCJ-Whv is a hungry boy looking at a pudding, like a wild horse ? Because he wot)id be all the better, if he had a bit in ins mouth. r J]s is well constituted who grieves riot lor what he has not, and rejoices for what ne hi?. Ttio Uuy'N Wrrftrtl by *VI tss Ef v/. \ f». Gort.r --' smith, of Charleston, S. ('.— 13 vis. iold. * MeTringht l saw ail angel f< rm Af3 clothed in puren white : A t’my harp whs m his Imnd Ilia taw was lairntid bright. aielhiWPTPtlJWW tltf mtiririrr '"then in accents soft and mild “Oh come with me my brother and r. Tbuu pure and sinless child. ’ Mothought he trek n c by the hand, And then I laughed wii.'i glee To think that l was going where An angel 1 should be. And then neiliouehi i douche* iiiy *m w \V ill) li/s as soft as down. And b id his head upon my breast, V» uti etuis so col; and brown. Again methmigld Tlieartl him say: ('bine go with me my brother? For in an ab gel hand above There's wanting stilt another.” And as the merry peal chimed forth. The ear!v dock struck eleven. The beggar boy had found I is home, A resting place in heaven. A T«!e. Two maids were walking iu the grove, (They botii were growing old,) The one to tell a tala ot love, The other to he told. “lie is not rich,” the elder said, “Nor handsome, nor high born, The nian whom I propose to wed Musi other girls would scorn.” “What is lie then ? you make me (ear -The maiden's tears (ell fast 5 “He was the first to oil', r, dear, And lie in v be the lasi.” Ciljvplsig?. “Oft! for a thousand tongues,” as an urchin remarked when inside a molas ses hogshead, A gentleman who lias recently lost an eye begs to intimate that he has now a “vacancy” for a pupil.” “I wish, said an irate lawyer, ‘you vvoubl nay a little attention to what [ say,” ’I am,’ answered the witness, ‘p a y' n £ as little ns I can.’ “Here young rascal, walk up and give an account ol yourself. Wlieie have you been ?” “Alter the girls fatlt er,” —‘Di<! you ever know me lo do so when I was a boy ?” “No, sir, but mother did.” A tricky individual was refused a drink unless he paid for il in advance, A bystander who owed the bar-keeper one in the way of practical jokes, bid him give the man tiis liquor, “and,” said he, “if he refuses to bay for it I will,” The Idtow got his drink, but refused lo pay for i'., and so did his en dorser, as he had promised he would. At a wedding in Dele ware, recently when a,l was arranged, and the minis ter called on any to speak who objec ted to the marriage, a tTusky voice cried out : “I do.” A.ll eyes were turned to the directum from whence the voice eminated, win i an individual emerged frptn the crowd, holding Ids handkerchief up to hiseys, and blubbering. “Why do you object, mv friend ?” inquired tbe minister, “Because I want la r myself,” lie re plied, A good story is told concerning the writing of .Mr. J. \V. Brooks, the rail* road manager. He had written a letter to a man on the Central Route, notic ing him that under the penalty of pros edition, lie must n mo v c a barn which in some manner incommoded the road. The threatened individual was unable to read any part of the letter but the signature, but took it to be a free pass on the road, and used it for a couple of years as such', none of the conductor< being able to dispute his interpretation of the document. Two friends, one an Englishman and the (»tlier a Frenchman, chanced to meet at the Baris exposition. “What ! you in France,’ mv dear William!’ said tie latter. •lam de lighted la see jou. llovv do you do [' ••Not very well. have been mar ried since I saw you last.” ‘•That’s good.” “No it isn’t ; for my wife was a shrew.” “I am sorry ; that’s bad.” “Not altogether; for she brought me a dowery often thousand pounds stcr ling.” “Ten thousond pound ! That's good It consoles you— ’ “No, it does't, for I invested the money in heads of cattle, and they ail died of a disease that has just been rag ing in England.” “That's bad # ” ‘Not at all ; for the skins brought me more than I had paid for the cattle.! •Then you are indemnified,, ,‘No, not altogether; for 1 bought a fine house with the money, and it has just been burned.” ‘Oh, what a missfortune !’ “Not so gaeat a one either, for n v wife was in it an I she was burned wit!, the house.’