The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 11, 1869, Image 2

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Maujp Walls. “ Onr attention,” says the J/kta/iit*' tfagrdnr, “ ban If late been culled to the question of rendering the wall* of buildings impervious to moisture. We have received letters upon the subject from correspondents who ask us to point out a remedy for the evil. We, therefore, gladly take the opportunity of making known to our readers that there is a remedy, at once simple and efficacious. This is a process invented by Mr. Frederick R insome, and which is being successfully carried out in practice by the Patent Stone Company, Hast Greenwich. It consists in the employment of colorless mineral solu tions which |k)shoss the property of forming an insoluble and indestructible mineral precipitate when apphed to buildings. The deposite takes place not only on the surface of the material tp which it is applied, but enters the body of the substance. The applica tion of the solution in no way alter* the col or of the material, a perfectly natu ral appearance being preserved in the building. The effect is permanent, neither atmospheric nor saline influ ences in the least degree affecting tin. indurating material. It not only ren ders the building water-proof, but it further most effectually indurates and preserves from decay the stone or brick ? treated with it. This process Ims recently been applied to several build ings which are stated to have been untenantable, previously to the appli cation, on ar count of exposure to a wind-driven rain. Paper now hangs well on the walls from which it formerly drooped in festoons and tatters, wiiile dryness and a cleanly appearance have taken the place of danipnesss and mil dew. This process of rendering build ings impervious to wet is comparatively inexpensive, therefore no one need longer to suffer from that source of discomfort and danger to health— dump walls. ORIGINAL AXKbBOTC. Mo. 2. Mb. Editor —Several years ago John Smith, the town Constable of Cassviile, On., was greatly enamored of a young lady of that place. She loved him also, but her perverso “parent” did not. Ha ordere 1 the young official to dis continue his visits to Lis daughter. Rut love only 1 tughs at such oppo sition. The two lovers arranged to elope on a certain night. At the appointed hour of the event ful night, our young hero made his appearance at the place agreed upon, \\ itli a horse and buggy, and with li cense in his pocket. The old gentle ously aroused, locked his daughter up man’s apprehensions having been previ in the smokehouse. Our young friend waited at the appointed place until his patience was exhausted, and he determined to evade the old gentleman’s domicil iu search of the object of his ash etion. His efforts to lind her were, of course, unavailing. When he had given up all hope, he made his return upon the back of his license, in these words, “ Vue search made by me, and no 2>ropcrty to be found subject to thisf fa. John Smith, Lawful Constable.” ..He then stuck the document under l Home Courier. Macon and Westers Railroad. —Du ring the Fair thi* popular and ably conducted road will have three stations betweenn the city and Fair Grounds for the accommodation of visitors. The passenger shed, Armory and Vineville will be the stopping points where pas sengers may get. on and off the train. The train will leave the shed every hour during the day, and will, ol course, be the principal mode of con veyance to and from the Fair Grounds, to those residing in the city and for visitors at the different hotels.— Macon Tdeyraph. The Coal .Mine Hear Dulfgti. Capt. J. A. Iving, says the Dalton Cdizen , “ lias shown us u lump of his coal, from the mines two miks West of Dalt >• . which we compared with a lamp tV >■ the Mouse Cre< k mines, and the difference is scarcely preceptible,iu fact there is no important dilerenee. He informs us that he lias struck a vein two feet deep, which increases in quality and quantity, as they progress. The coal will not be oferod in the markets till it compares favorably with any in it. and that, day will not be far distant if the mine continues to im prove in the future as in the past." Southern Cultivator. —The Noven." ber number of this valuable agricultural monthly is at hand, and presents a ta ble of contents not excelled by any other jouri al of its kind. We com mend it to our [ l uitiug friend i. The Cultivator is published by \Y. Ac Wm. L. Jones, at Athens, Georgia, at $2,00 a year in advance. A brilliant meteor, with rumbling sound and sulphurous smell, passed over Dayton. At the same hour an caor.u j.h m ite >r p vssi l over Forest Station, eastward, resembling a loco motive headlight, with booming roar, shaking houses, breaking windows and waking people, with three heavy explo sions. 1,211,193 ponndsof sea-island cotton, valued at $1,070,736, were exported from tiie Customs District of Charles- j ton to foreign countries during the j year ending t)*fr 30tli of September, I is<>9. A railroad convention, to consider ; the project of building a road from j Kansas City, Mo., to Memphis, Tenn., 1 to be known as the Kansas City,Spring- i field and Memphis K. K., was held at i Kansas on Tuesday. Delegates were preseut from Tennessee, Arkansas and Missouri. Frauds on the Treasury of New Or leans have been detected, by which for some years past, several hundred thousand dollars have been drawn out by virtue of a law for the benefit of veterans of 1812, such veterans now bring very scarce ill fact, while perjury lias sueoeied in keeping the ranks quite lull. ‘•The blessed man that preached for ns last Sunday,” said Mrs. Partington, '‘served the Lord for thirty years—-first as a circus rider, then as a locust and la#*, s* * €MSE?Eji mms -S AMCJ’jfj fi. S3t!TU, Editor and Proprietor CARTERSTILI.E. OA., NOV. 11th, I'or (fM»KreM.-)tk Oi«t«itt. GE X* P. M . B . YOUNG, or iUHTOW. 'U'.JSE. 1 J.'jL 1 — 1 .1 !!■ »J I.JI'LJJ, i\ M. Rowland, wi e Major J How'and. dvci Hicd, died at tier late res idence, on E ovr.tli River near this place, on Saturday night lost, at a good ohi »g«. Her funeral was preached lYtui Ikt rcsideaee on Sabbath evening, by liev. J. G. Reals, .alter which her remains were interrmi by the siJe of her late husband, in the family harrying ground on ti»c premises. riant Your Fntit Tre*s. —On the 20th of fhis month, Messrs. H. H. Tini.oTaox & Cos, of the Poplar Grove Nurseries, Oliio, will be in ( arfer'-viile, win* timir scious, to deliver then! to parties woo engaged them last Spring, frera Mr. .Minton, their gentle manly and Huergeite traveling agent, or from Mr. c. 1. Xfwiman, cheir acuve local agsut of tin* eoumy. This is said to be owe of the finest Nurseries ori this continent, and own ed and controlled by the cleverest set of men They raise the duett fruit grafts kuowu to have been introduced iu this country. Their local agent for this county, Al;-. KLelman, in now fruit 1 row grafts obtained from these Nurseries, and uo tj uer fruit can be found in America. have seen it and eat it, and know whereof a thru. Their gratis seem to be high priori, but it should be remembered that they *ell none but the best, and propose to replace «.ij q, 4t jjp provided instructions ara promptly xui owe j in transplanting. They keep a riety of everything usually found in a first class Nursery. They will be prepared to fill all orders for fruits, flowers, and shrub bery. AYe are glad to see a* much interest being manifested as what really is, by the people of this section, in fruit raising and floriculture. E'irc Eiiitne mid Company. Wonder why our Town Council are so rs tTcient about supplying the town of Carters ville with a fire engine? The late warnings which we have had, in this direction, should stir up every property holder in this town to the importance of guarding against this mighty engine of desu uotion»-fire. If we had an engine, the company would soon be organized, as it is, hundreds of thousands ot dollars worth of )>iui>ei >y are at stake, and not even a nook and laduor company known in the place. Rules* something is done to protect our ••litlive all" against tliedevouring flames, some fine morning, we awfully fear, we will wake up but to s«e our houses laid waste, our families shelterless, and all the labours of our lives enshrouded in ashes.— Auer the destruction of a hundred thousand dollars worth of property by tire, we may be induced then to buy an engine. The model little city of Rome cau and docs boast of two splendid tire engines and companies, certain ly Cartersvrlie can attord one—if she can't sue had better break up housekeeping and sell out to someone who is. are not disposed to be quarrel some with our Council, but fear thut the swinestiip'S of our town have resolved to ig nore their late ordinance curtailing therr liberties, from the way the aforesaid swme sitipg perambulate our streets. We Hunk Cur marshal should appeal for canine assist ance, in bringing these recreants to a pro per observance of the iiforeaaid ordinance. Iviuie iU'UiSi Stor.e Mountain is to tie solidly rep resented at the Macon Fair. Two miles of of iron have been laid on the Air Line ltoa'd. The North Georgia conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will meet tins year in Rome on the Bth day of next month. C. S. Johnson, a train hand on the State Road, fell front the cars at Vir.- ings’ station and was sou iously injured. One of his feet and his leg were crushed. Mr. Markham, who went from At lanta to Washington, to prevent the Atlanta post office from being moved to the Opera House, has returned without having succeeded in his mis sion. Work is rapidly progressing on the Fair Ground* at Macon, boo;I s, stalls, hippodromes, velocijiedromes, roads Ac*., wi;l be fiaisiie 1 by the tenth of this month—in ample time for the ag ricultural jubilee. The Savannah News notices n inaik ed iiiipirm.-ment in file morals of tent town witiun the p:t*t two years. Ihe social evil, lighting and drinking, we suppose, hi a; ail effectually suppressed. Wonder how they do it ? A band of emigrants, numbering be tween two hundred and fifty and three hundred people, left Atlanta for Texas on last Tuesday. Most of them were natives of Forsyth county in this State. Anew theatre, called the Pryor Street Ti'ctdte, hits been recently erected in Atlanta. Mr. Larkin H. Davis isthe owner. It was inaugurated the other night by an amateur per formance for the benefit of the Atlanta Library. The United States Government is “improving” the cemetery at Warren ton, where several of the boy* in blue are taking a quiet nan. The Chairman of the Northeastern Railroad Convention, which met in Athens, has appointed Committees from the countiev of Clark* l , Jackson, Frank lin, Banks, Hall, Habersham and Ra bun, to keep the good work moving. Up to the 28th of last month Colum bus received of this year’s crop of cotton 10,900 bales, against 19,839 for the corresponding time last year, and 28,224 for 1866 67. Stock now on hand 510,04 bait*. Tile cemeteries of Savannah are rap idly growing in public favor. During the mouth of October one hundred and eight persons retired from business am! took lodgings at the “Laurel Grove’ and the “Cathedral.” During the sersion of the Agricult u~ i ral State Fair in Macon the police force i of the city wJi be raised to fifty-seven j jpen—fifty-one infantry and six cavalry. I The Mayor thinks ther« is luck in odd InnmVers. —a Fire is still playing the dickens with I the cotton planters. On last Monday night the gin-house belonging to J. fti. i Simmons, of Crawford county, was de -1 stroyed and with it four bales of ootton. iPiftffod CSsb mio* <>*** Tbil Its. 'Eutres—Having attended tha Fuir at Ifimie, we propose to gay a few words concerning it, provided vou have no objection. AVe left Cartersvil!e at 11 o’clock last Thursday morning, iu company with several of onr t< wti boys, and two or three “mighty bad citizens’’ of Atlanta. Nothing of interest trans pired until we changed cat s at Kings tm. After seme difficulty we succeed ed in souring seats, by ousting some liable gentlemen and Indies; here two more were added to our crowd. Dr. | Snruud Bird of tho Atlanta Era. and an exile from “Erin’s Isle,” both of whom were jolly old gentlemen, and | joined in with the boys, and had a great I deal of fun at the expense of first one, and then an o’her. After the lapse of three long hours, the engineer blew on “brakes,” and the fellow at the door yelled out, “Rome 1” Just here, we desire to suggest to tl# officers of tho Romo Railroad, the propriety of dispensing with their engine and cars ami procure in lieu thereof, two yokes of oxen, and one of Messrs. Gower, Jones A Co’s, wagons, as we are in clined to the opinion that they would nuke just as good time, and the ac commodations for passengers would be as good, if not better, than at pres ent. Leaving them to consider the matter and settle it as best they can, we vill proceed with our narrative.— left the cans and made a “break” the Tennessee House, and took dinner, after which wo took up our line °' march for tho Fair Grounds, which p ace vi . reached after a walk of about a mile. \Y o YiU* . , _ . , , . lever beeu to a Fair before, an l we felt,.. , , ’ h e the boy the boy the cult ran over—we ~. . „ ' , , , , 'lit t have “nary word to say, but diu of the bullyest looking you ever saw we wished wo had a dozen eyes, and every one of them as big as a walnut, so that we could lock at everything and everybody at once. AYe were do ing all this looking before we got in side where all these eights were to be seen, bat was going double quick through the gate, wlum a fellow halted us, and said “ticket,” we told him we didn’t have any ticket, whereupon 'no said, “you can’t go through this gate, then sir.” We proposed to climb the fence, and pay half price, but he said he would not deduct a red cent, so af ter expostulating and reasoning the tiling until wo saw thot> was uo use “talkii g any more,” wo bought a tick et, and strutted in, thinking no one but ourself knew that we payed our last half dolLii* to get in. Wo amused ourself tho remainder of the afternoon, by looking at the 6t 'aim wiuuimdu ne h'W”~ ' TTtiicr things which wo wall not mention, not because they were so numerous, or too tedious, but because we don’t know any name for them. But suffi e it to say that everything wo saw was the prettiest, and if we had been the one who awarded the premiums we would have given everybody one, and kept one for ourself. Everything was go ing on smoothly and everybody seem ed to be enjoying themselves finely, when an accident happened which put a stop to everything, and faces, w!\ich but a moment previous, wore radiant with delight, were otercast with sadness, in fact, a halo of gloom seemed to have lowered over the entire crowd, and deep sorrow was depicted upon every countenance. It being necessaay to erect two large poles, about thirty iiet high, for the purple of inflating the balloon, in which Mrs- Lou Wolfe was to make her wonder ful, ascension that afternoon, through enreletatness we think, one of the stays which was drove in tho ground at right angles from the pole, and to which was fastened a rope, for tho pur pose of making secure the pole, pulled up, and it fell, k lling two yoaag men, Mr. Charles Morrison, of Floyd Coun ty, and John Apperby of Resaeea.— It was indeed, a lamentable affair, and it is a wonder to xs, that it was not twenty instead of two, as there were hundreds of people congregated there- We learn that these unfortunate young men were sons of Widow ladies, and their Twain dependence for support. — Although strangers to up, we deeply sympathize with them in their bereit vmeufc. The exercises of the day having drawn to a close, we retraced our steps to ihe city, and spent night the very pleasantly. Next morning, after stroll ing around town a while, we returned to the Fair Grounds, refreshed and feel ing hugely. Tho exhibition of fine Stock, Cattle, &c., wes first in order, and we are proud -to be able to eay that Bartow County stood at the head of the list, and the gentlemen hailing from said county, exhibited the best blooded, the most stj lish, and fastest horse* on the ground. At 3 o'clock the racing commenced, which was en tert iuing and exciting. Capt. Henry Styles, of this County, woe awarded the premium for the fastest pacing horse; time— 2:40. Nearly the whole af.eruoon wns spent in horse-racing, and we have no doubt but that it W kept up until night, hail it not been announced that »i tn . Wolfe was going to make her balloon ascension. After having inflated tho balloon with gas, and making every ♦tSßp’4! rfcifrt,- dbt i trgpri Jntc- * bmk ket waijh v*-» a attached to the balloon an 1 i hey Riiaed it loose, and we thought she was anoth er, and a better eoiltery than this, but strange to say, we bad r.o dispositive’ to accompany her on her aerial teur. She went up a quarter of a mile, and, it seemed to ns like she went ateut four times that distance, and that she was never coming down again. As night came on again, we wevltd our way back to the “.Vlout.ton City,” and spent another night veR pleasantly. In conclusion, Mr. Editor, pv rmit if to tav that Rome is destined tobeooinl one of our most populous and westthy cities, in onr opinion, and that before the lajifto of many years. She has ad vantages which no other town or «pv can lxm*u of, and h -r enotg* iic ciSzens, ire uuii-tr thru* utmost atukstvoA to develop her vast r**t»i>urct*s by a jali cions investment of cup it *l, and thr, i.» m> such w«d with them as fail. Me took the train early Saturdv morning, enroute for home, aftr 3{H‘ndir*y two days, and qxijoviltg of selves hugely with the Rotuans. Ikiforo concluding, allow us to sa that the music was furnished durinj the four days of ths 1 air t>y tb j Mountain City Brass Band, and reflat ed much credit upon the lnembere, aVI tjspeciftlly tho leader, Mr. Chatty Smith. Having wuid everything w* know, and a good deal m »rc, wo will close by saying we “hope those lines will find you enjoying tke same blessing.” “Cheroxee G.” Enormous Sale of Aerr<papern The Herald pnldi.sbos r tabulated statement of the sales of newspapers in New York city for the eixmonths end ing St‘ptemher SOtli, fr#ra which it uppeftj-s that an eggregtde of six mil lion dollars’ worth of city newspapers were sold in that tinje The Herald has the largest daily sale; ami the [je.dyer Stands at tlie head of the weekly issues. Narrow Gage Hallway. The I'ortmadoc and Festiniog Rail way, Wales, is now attracting much ‘‘Yuition from railroad men. This is ori<mf * uie m North Wales, which wtts of active- °' ,nK ’ 1U( f°r the purpose ut t " tramway for slate and > bill" of Merionethshire It »'*>w The chief peculiuriN 1 pftWvnger line, is that the gage is only deconstruction Hence, though the line runs tlir'wtaid. very difficult country, the expenses of construction and working are so small that the traffic yieltfe the euonnous roveime of thirty jn-r cent. The reason is simplo enough. It is because Hie proportion between the dead we.gbt tuid paying weight is so much h*ss than upon other railways. The engine and tender upon this line weigh about ten tuns, against forty tuns tqion the wider gage of other lines. Instead of a first class carriage weighing seven and a half tuns, to carry thirty-two passen gers, and representing nearly five ewt. of deed weight for ea<-li passenger, the carriages on the Festinog weigit only thirty cwt. for twelve passengers, or *•••- ■ * I ? ‘ ..fc 1 '•» -•'•tl carrier Slnrke’g Wrphlj for Coys and €»le la. The November numbers of this fa vorite periodical are received. Big Foot Wallace's Adventure grow moo interesting as the story advances, ami it promise* to be the best story yet printed in its pages. M e are sorry to learn that the Southern boys and gills are not sup|H>rti»g this publication as they should do. livery boy and girl in he South ought to take it, as it i»> al together the beat of the juvenile publi cation* of the country. Terms $2 a veitr —two copies for $3. Address J W. l>ui ke & Cii., Macon, Ga. Marlow fount j. Bartow County took nearly all the premiums on blooded and fast horses. With such men as Waring, Milam, the Stiles Bros., T and in and others of that ilk this is not surprising. We congrat ulate Bartow ujhki the possession of such men a* these. Her record at the State fair will be good we venture to say. Will not our people pay attention to this subject and help captain May to have some stock premiums at Louie? — Home Courier. The Kentucky prize scheme. We desiie to direct the attention of our friends to the enterprise* the ad vertisement of which occupies a promi nent position in our columns to-day.— This is undoubtedly the most attractive Scheme of the kind that has ever been offered in this country. It is entirely free from all objectionable features and wort hy of the confidence and patronage of every one, however sci upukms iu morals. Coming from a state whose Banks and financial institutions are at par all over the world, and having a regul r legal charter, together with the endorsement of nearly every hading, official and prominent business man in Ivy., it is as sound as any Bank in the State, and we hope may meet with the favor which it merits in this commu nity. From the Constitution.] Rome, Ca., Nov. 6. — Our friend Tay lor, of the firm of Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor & Cos., has lieeu on hand during the fair, and has shown what a South ern manufacturing, chemical and per fume bouse can do— he Ims made a bit. Root., Ga., Nov. s. —The fair is a grand success. Among those to whom premiums were awarded to-day, were Messrs. Mcßride & Cos., for the best display of silver-plated ware. Rome, Ga., Nov s.—The indefatiga ble Ed. Mercer, of the City Brewery, (Fechter & M< rcer,) takes .he prize on the best lager beer exhibited J. H. L. Opelika, November 3d. —The East A1 ibama Agricultural Fair is a great Mtoc,-** There are thousands iu at ten cl an co. Mcßride k Cos., of Georgia, trike the premium for the greatest tiiar.ilav of #*W«Bdt«Nvpkto iOi; TiiP-Ar CAHTEHSVILLS EXPRESS! No>v, WHILE ¥OU CAH GET IT AT $2,00 Per Atsn nm, " USJrCO2VOCALX.V ” IN ADVANCE ! Old Subscribers Can avail themselves ol cur New Terms Sy Paying up &11 Arrearages, AK3 PATIS3 m ACVAKSE FOR -mother year We cannot afford to \ CEED IT OUT Oni‘ Pajm !! Nov. 10, 1809. NEW ADVJ3RTIS.MFENTS, ltm-fosv Andrew j. rippey applies to me for exemption of personalty, and I will pa** upon the mdi«, at my office, on *he 19th instant, at 10o’clock, a. m. J. A. HOW *kD, Ordinary. Cartersville, Not. Rforsrln. mrlnw County. MAKV HUFFMAN applies to me for ex empti nos Personalty and setting a part and valuation of Homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same, at the courthouse, on the 22nd instant, at 10 o’clock, a. in. nor 8, 1809. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. B. C. Bartow County. ASA C. CROW has applied for exemp tion of personalty, and I will prss up on the same at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the 19th day of November, 1869. at tny office. This Nov. Bth. 1869. J. A. HOWARD. Ordinary, B. C. Rnorglvt, Ittrlow County. JU, 0. BLACKBURN has applied for # exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon the same, at the courthouse, on the 20th instant, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Tuis Nov Bth, 1809. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, B. C. Cieorjfla Barlow County. m/a A RUIN J. GUYTON has applied for lv B exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon the same, at my office, at 10 o’- clock, a. in., on the 19th instant. Nov Bth, 1809. J A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Cox At W’ikle, attys. Administrator’s Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, w.ii he sold, on the first Tucedey in January next, 1870. before the Court-house door in Cartersville, Ga., within the legal hours of tale, the PLANTATION formerly occupied by DR. ROBERT 11. PATTON, aituated in Old Cash lounty, on the Western k Atlantic Railroad, two miles West of CASS STATION This is one of the best upland plantations in the county, contains about Three Hun dred and Fifty Acres, two hundred of which are cleared. The soil is good, the location healthy, convenient to tw j Post Offices and three Churches, and in the midst of a good neighborhood. On the place is a comfortable framed Dwelling, containing nine rooms; also Kitch en, Servant’s House, Cribs, Stables, &c. ALSO, on the succeeding day, on the a bove described place, will be sold, the PER SONAL PROPERTY of said estate, consist ing of COWS AND CALVES,Farming Uten sils, and Household and Kitchen Furniture. The terms of sale will be. for the Real Estate, two-thirds, cash, and the balance on a cred it of twelve months with interest from date. Bond for titles will be g ven, and daed made when the entire purchase money is paid.— The personal property, will be sold on the preceding day, on the premises, for cash. The j remises will be showed to parties desiring to purchase by WM. M PATTON, who is residing thereon. JULIIW M, PATTON, Administrator cwn testamento annezo of Robert H. Patton, deceased. f N»v 8. JftAfl.wtd ffo square of 10 lines. •N£W All 511 ffilZßTfflm I TlHicU, yin X>*U*M. 1 . KG A L I'iUZK SCH K M KB. Popularly known as ‘-HENDERSON, KY. LANDBAL£,” granted a tpeeial charter by the K n uesy legislature, and endorsed by the Governor, the Unit* l States Senators and tO of tba moat prominent citizens of Kentucky. Capital Prize $150,000. Smallest JYize SBO,OO c »mprising the richest Ohio Hirer-bottom Tobacco Lands and most valuable city lots in Henderson To., Ky. None of this prop erty is worth less than S2OO per acre cash in gold; and most of it is worth from SI,OOO to fr.ltHJ per acre. Besides the above prize*. i there is one prize of s'>,ooo in currency, two ctf $1 .-00 each, and lour of $ >OO, wh,ei, goto the winners of the tiiet seven prizes i*. ■‘pectisply. Final drawing will take plac? December 28th, 1800, at Masonic Temple, Louisville, Ky. In or i*r to avoid the rush of the last few days and have your tickit praperly registered, buy at osca of your nearest club agent, or remit by Express (pre paid.) Draft, ?. O. money order, or tegistet»vl letter, to either of the following financial avrents, who will furnish full tie— scr.ptiv# e.teHlars. L. li. LYNK, L»»h r Farmers Bank, Hen dersoti. Ky. R. B. ALEXANDER, Commercial Bank, Louisville, Ky. JN*>- G. LATHAM, Pres. Bank Hopkinsville, Kentucky. . JAME.-s m. DALLAM, Co-®- ’ Paducah. Ky. . B. G- THOMAS C-’d* IPT > _ ngton, kj. W. B. TYLER, Cashier Deposit lik., Owens boro, Ky. a a j ANTE »—AGENTS— evetywhere, to \\ »ell Gtvng Door Bells for front doors or dwellings, duly tin nduviti* work to ad justiin. Business piotitable. Address GONG BELL MANUFACTORY', East ilarnp ion. Conn, CNOMETIiING in iikmahuih nmv wontr —vaivt.rSALisT.s look hv.kk! 18*7—STAK IN THE WEST—IB7O An 8 page Family Journal, devoted to Uuiversalisin, and containing Literary, Ag ricultural and r-eicnt.fic Intelligence, w.tii Current, Religious and secular news. Edit ed by Krv. Dr. Williamson and J. SC Cant well. $i 50 per year in advance. PiuwtrM ro v.vtiyT a*.w sufcscunixit. B*md for specimen. Those who subscribe now get the paper the balance of the year FREE. Ad dress WILLIAMSON & CANTWELL, Cin cinnati, Ohio. TO THE PEOPLE CF TKE SOUTH _A_ JM JD WEST, _A_»d ,A.;?u», O* 4 !** l ** CAN HE CURED WITH PERRY DAVIS’ I’AIN - KlliXigß' F»r W«T» Wx'ef, v-'-T-'v PH*!*- w tbi.cwt*bra. r u. -mp , SUTTW £ .faille an i reti.- [. £'4 w2v6.»p b!«: •'i«»tm t>i* v." v TtLß»it\v 8r fiod olii-fneluoneit ’V*- - C.HILV wooden Pump, amt *A > ' 1 * » les* than t.a'f ffi* nC "*» Vly a r rat>ga<t X&X «“ ' “ e-tiMrur,. , „ , ,„ pU ' - t -at any one can pai* m ~ kn g «- J keep it U r«pa*. THE PFST AND CHEAPEST Pugrp KOI *ACE. CR WHITTIER- V regular graduate of Medicine as diplo nia “*'**' “'D show, has been loucer engaged m t»>e treatment or t enereai, t»e*u :tl and Private Diaeases, than any other phy sician i« Louts. SypthiHs, Gonorrliea, Gleet, Stricture, Or chitis llernii, and Rupture; all Urinary Diseases, an 1 Syphilitic or M *reurial Artlic tion« ol the throat, rkin or LoHea, are treat ed with unparalleld success. Speritiafyrrhea, Sexual Debility, and Im potency »s me result oi self-abuse in youth, sexuai success in nu'iut years, or other causes, sil w tied prod tes s >.u t of the fol lowing elfect. ss nncturn at em ssions, blotch es, debility, div eincss, dimness of sight, con tusion of id»v.«, rvil fori boilings, aversion of female society, loss of mem ry and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper, are permanently cured. l>r \\ hittier publishes a medical pamphlet relating to veueral diseases and the disass (rous and varied con sequences of self abuse, that will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope tor two stamps. Many physicians introduce patients to the doc tor alter read ing’his pamphlet. Communication confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Office central, yet retired. No. 017 bt. Charles street, bit. Louis, Mo. Hours, ( J a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 j • in. llTANTED,—Energetic men and wo y men to sell the celebrated Home shut tle Sewing Machine. Price $25. The only reliable low price Shuttle Machine ever made. It has the under feed and uses the straight needle. For particulais and sam ple of sewing address the manufacturers. J. IV. Driver & (To,, Cincinnati, O. ’dl A to (S a3J AA P er month ) to HJ Guaranteed, Sure pay. Salaries paid weekly to agents everywlierc selling our patent everlasting White wire clothes lines. Call at, or write for particulars to the Gira and W rcMills, 2til North third St., Philadelphia, I'a, WANTED, 5 Agents sluy to $-50 pier- 7 month, male and Female, to introduce the Genuine Imp roved common sense family Sewing Machine, under feed and overfeed styles. Price only $lB These machines will stitch, hem fell. tuck, bind, braid, cord, gather and em broider. Cloth cannot be pulled apart even after every other stitch is cut, Evere ma chine warranted five years. We will pay above salary or a commission from which twice the amount can be made. Address for terms to agents Ac. George McEathron A Cos, Nashville, Tenn. Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming oft worthless cast -iron machines, under the same name or other wise. Ours is the oniy genuine and practi cal machine manufnctureil. Notice to Debtors. The last call without moke Money. Z. AV. & M. C. Jackson Ac Cos , hereby notify all persons indebted to them for work or lumber, to call and bettle.— They must have money to meet expens es, peacaUy if they can, forcibly if they must —but the money they mud have. They mean all they say and any all they mean, and that is the money mud come. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE* Georgia Barlow county. UNDER -AN order granted by the Ordi nary of said County, I will sell before the Court House, nt Cartersville. on the first Tuesday in December next, all tho lands be longing to the estate of John M. Smith, late of said County deceased, raid lands consist ing of lots Nos. 322 and 323, in the 22nd District and 2nd 3ection, and lots Nos. 319, 320 ar and 321, and the Southwest half of No. 292, in the 23rd District, and 2nd Section, all in said County. Terms of Sale: Cash. October 19th. TUGS. H. BAKER, A'hniuuitrator. ft ! ' : ‘ >v A illi'.tTihHMUN r i"i a'is S*! t»‘»\, 6 u r,< '••“.iTTe V/r* »on-. o, either wt • asu, , 0 net ,»• eim.*, *uJ a prop-rn. Ust ’j,,..,,,,* th«. r l?«*r,T JC *■’ m,f * Taar J vnoiv » U'’tice !<■»> ► ••1 theiraciirv-M, aaa te»r *• ®’ t ** UiGunpa .lUieo - T,«,a%.Vre not W*- B -il, »•» will truil #1 f.r r»e „i )U ble »f »r"ei rmi p.rtto, s », i vCiHfiii »»-np!e. wMeti wifi <•« ice '•oi* . sod « oopj Xie people'* *-r> *»- •ry locipaiuio —. i e ..| the Ureoat fn'rV famUi a*»»p ipere .-,1, sent f ee h.- 3,l ''. R-urtei. it »»a w,.,. p, ipit r „ ti pr..*t.b>* u,h ’ Art ' r e»e t tottlt A 0., A Ugutfra, V»i ;* * FnEc TO BOOX AGDiTS. W# vll, ••im • * rule. to* of ear Nt» 11!* trsieo raiii'ly fcidl* in •. y >»• k an-nt, u«e e. i i.»V». A j r »' aAI'IONaL PC4'letilbG CUU PaAE., ( tut.., r*, Ai.»u'», or Sr. Louii, *'>• V Kents w .r.leil —E. rhiw to rr*>i t• f irm (>A* •* sue, a.i *urf piate:c »t l» im lo tv«: y iiiuo, Stock H.oaer, Gs dei.ei »ud fruit •«l un»i bf >hl* 1*0" ytt' iy J,r ft > ,U*V i « iloubtvit, !• 1(1 li cv <*« llu *» we, pour men rnisot ■ nli, mi) hi.u.e»t l»t> r *>»ar i *«. *i giinh no 1 toer- au. ybi.rty bu 9 it. «> 0 iiiij in i fe# in (rum pi. Uinlit >• in*»ii>sle towu •hi, . it cau Uuk uo ueiter wur* da li|fthe If U »ii'l w inter. K.iue » .od their •» •cm rii h m *• -H>o,.er iii.i th. rend tu cii cu » . A iures* ZHu- I.kK, met I KoY A l 0.. Pfn.«d«lpl>.i», CioC.u o*U, Ohio,, ur M Ltm.i, Mo. _ A*m(»-0«r Slew, PI3IOAIAL FAMILY BIBLE. Tilt nusl aui i'fuiiua.e of all books. CohUliwn»#r*tii«n l,'SX> m<v and vu Urn lo Il'ai truti ii,s. s op, Uelei* ,o« , l>,i« lion* luf ilie HoU >- hairetdiriK me s.nptu.»», oiir -u >iu*ic >1 »uu l»«u -->*i '* ««t iol ii «•• •• , wcir-litA Creue, 'W„. • «o« i.«i uu.iy kl.Vid •.a /uiuiG Aih* u, vi*., ■ te., li. pit.non ,c*d if co9,petr*l ja.l.r* ta be »u, «rl o, lo • I -He eii li,„ . f -he tio.y i Uio, loi oee >» f»-i «i,e , o-HS'll, *|U.l*U*, Jftuws t/ol kll |U|l*»» 11 *io e, »I* and otlo m. ron*r * 00., * p,4 and §<T b*u.o» ,'t.,P..IU B*, TWO MlOlltli* Fr.LL! FREE! 1 lw> liiiitj.' JUVCDiij Ala^WXlDt ia America. Nxtiinj Sitlitnal! Notiinf 3tt»Aii*n! 'I HD Little Corporal. i:ntii€.y Urifi***** unU I*l LM*» Al. it* e**.«r.b*i» tnr th* Ln» • t 0.,0ral tor tt.o uew >e r, »»..»« .•me* »uil ainnei are oet.l In o*l. r« tk« i»it of bov*mt>«i, will rvc* v* uw AoV«uio*r *>lo li + tiu 9i ii«iub( r ul IbG# ii«t, l».e Liu • i,.,r„. r*. h*. * i*rser « rraUtlon Man a,v tun • lo M.i*a»i,e in < !*•• »oiid, Auu »» tioh- I«ir worth the p, lie Asa »ri| ither M pu*.. • pwouah- Hvcau e ot t * ti*m n.e tire* ailun, »>e *re enublrd tu tui men It «l t"e iow p. ice ol o> e UolUr » ie» : viu ,l. iiuftihe 10 Ce.ii., *f bee t»* •»> “t* * r "’ *•“ *•> luirnw s c'u . Ki»u ii*' p'.iuiwu,* t"f eiui* run aci hi-NO W. uttkilhit* mu *w y Uo * ui.- .Uu,i*- wmed L. »>.W«II A .0., PabUioir-, cluca»c, 11. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR W7O. roß * En/ b...»y lor » I,r..tu»:i», p>*y». puzki*, *»il W*n««t.. W i«>*e P **■», li Ulii»itu. belli tree uu r ceipt ol X Coil omuip »» p«rt*.o. Aduuis A id hiou bnJ »t oot. U .Km, >!•■» ff OVi fcJN U F i\\ 1 • ff ij,‘ the I’uuer-iorh, of 100 Ores' City Ihe •*(•» “1 BV »r «>«»*>■ »uuie y IM'"- t./ 1 jjfl s li. troel ihe r i r>wi o id'u bi*- Xl'S u»i< ol d*h)*r ere up. Hurt muiisi *• Bh ii lor ii vr Mtouto ikooM > tA ier Hi wm Into tin pi* < » »’> the '•• ‘ (*' •* yl f*ii cu uc'i. *t * snout umk liour-l i# tu 1U '■ ‘ f T*U p»*»»7 *■) I iu»tr-tii-ns tvtr.- .»i". A ed. sdureoo N Y. H . k <-0., IK. * . »uolvo«<, >. »• HUNTER’S" GUIDE. The KKAL ?*£ mTe "! “«> JTi'uy 'a** U u-LJ a , ,i-i *i i ii, 9 1.1 i tiei.oouy. s»*r in 'he ues ,le 0 *• S|i (< Immii'i.t toinily weeklyi iit.i* ciirrvut nciur icm k‘l.*eO ly K >. • Wild tai niA J. b. Cunts el'. ♦*,.«> p r yeur m *«- Millie. P eiiiiuuutu ueW *iit>Kii‘et“. rei U i*u men. A.litre** W itlrußiw nA l uniwo t tucl nett, <* COMMON SEKSEI Ak*!**• |>rr lu #*ll ouH ‘ifiiu nr Luuiiuub wrn»ti H wini* •'»«'. I’iu eon y Gi*Ht Ittrii'Cmiriilv to »* fo *• mtheo.i.r pupnor -.chine ... ...y-'"•»<• U'e f»in .Us ‘'KUn'ti! Lock Si-I-I -—»t Ido »>-.» kl " 1 <’ ii~* wtwu Ur UtiCir *ti> kM m «»•* Ml *— ltK».- (B M (4u un i tne ••« » »«»*! <v ir,4w<iliv Now is tftrtiui* f*» »»•»# • r cy «ui for oi cu w •. •** us i frilt*rr#*. a»ya.#•*.*, Sr. oiiD' A UotMHi, Jltttft., F..,hr to*. “STAR SPANGLED BANNER.”—ItTtiII waves, bi-tter than ever, Rich, Rurv, Racy, Ledjer sue. 40 columns. Wit, lluuior, Fun. Humbugs exposed. Kleg: nt $1 steel plat* “Evanjkdijite'’ GRATLS to EV LKY subsen ber. Only 75 cts. for a whole year—lSleoi plate I'll Specimens 0 cts. Address BANNER, Jimdsdale. N. H. Tfl C ri: Lll B BTfliliF Stewart CooK Stove THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! Over 100,4100 ia lac. O' 111 do niore work o llh (he ki(Ui« amount ol lurl UiHii any oilier Mote etri made. FULLER. WARREN & CO.- IXCU’JMVE M\M;rx* lUHFKB, I !<(>¥, Ali« TMitl*. ♦S- De*eri|itlve | *n |h it* sint lut. KNIT- KNIT, KNIT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to soli the AMERICAN KMTTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Machine ever invented. Price $25. Will knit 2,IKK) niches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass, or St. Louis, Mo. MASON 4 HAMUR ORGAN CO. WINNERS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION MEDAL, WHO HAYE UNIFORMLY BELN AWARD’D lll4.Lii-,> I’ IIHYORS AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS IN THIS COUNTRY, So that their work is the acknowl edged Mundurd of excellence in its dejariment, respectfully announce tiiat, with extended and perfccied facilities, and by the exclusive use of modern improve ments, they are now producing yet more perfect organs fhan ever be fore, in great variety as tostyleand price, adapted to all public and private uses, for Drawing rooms. Libraries, Music rooms, Concert Halls, Lodges, Churches, Schools, &c., in plain and elegant cases, all of which they are enabled by their unequaleJ facilities for inauul'actu .o to sell at prices of inferior work. The recent improvements in these organs have so increased their usefulness and pop ularity that theyare unquestionably the most desirable instruments obtainable for family use, as well as Churches, Schools, &c. while the prices at which they can be afforded (SSO to siooo each) adapt them to the means and requirements of all classes. They are equal ly adapted to secular and sacred music, are elegant as furniture, occupy as little space, are not liable to get out of order, (not re quiring tuning once whereapianforte is tuned twenty times.) are very durable, and more easy to learn to play upon than the piano forte The M. k H. Organ Cos. are now selling FOUR OCTAVE ORGANS for each; Five OCTAVE ORGANS FIVE STOPS, with two sets of VIBRATORS for and other styles at proportionate rates. For testimony to the superiority of their Organs, the Mason & Hatulin Cos., respect fully refer to the musical profsssion gener ally; a majority of the most promiuent mu sicians in the country, with many of promi nence in Europe, haviug given public testi mony that the Mason & liamlin Organs ex cel all others. A circular containing this testimony in full will be sent free to any one desiring it, also a descriptive circular, containing full particulars respecting these instrument*, with correct drawings of the different styles and lowest prices, whica are fixed and inva riable. Address the MASON i lIAMLIN ORGAN CO. 696 Broadway, N. Y.; 161 Tromont St., Boston sp&i® m W - 1 ,l •ij'XJL.wlst, Du4Xor Os wit. al; bunt post-paii.-”' r«4#t •. HD I*- * ip-y ii P'ltu’C I *. :*» t’.'tor of Med.ral Dr k.. ' mu Ave., cor. w*,vr.w.) »»■ »-*» UnUll * —i ‘fith at., >• *• \t» kt wut - . ~r\jr Cb;oromfof*n®!« the Raptured. Sent post -pa«t^ d ( t: ‘ >' lt> cents. Address Dr. f . li. fdfe%^' ot 1 20 Lexington Ave. New Lork. rjAKK Mi»ar»« C«ml> win J* £ any colored hxir or beard to a pJTt. nvnt Htack or Br-#e. on*o tvh *«at hy Mall T o "* ■ ollur. For *»lv h‘ .Xivrtheht* A Orurvlvt* t/'ttl'y. hires. Ms* c Comb Cos., bprtnpfl-W, **»'/ $75 TOsm& salsry or commission to sell out /’,»/. mt Whitt Wire Clothet fine*. Address f[ u L son River M ire Works, "l'» at., N. y., Chicago, Richmond, or Memphis. mu oJL JLt9-* W !,,,t Br c-Vl «n«l tamp e m illed f ret. A. J FI'I.LIM, N. T Tiis Pnrstrt,Bo.t and Choapwt tC* 4% w WT%I W&M.' * m ~‘ m «r. CX 4P DIIUM from 1 gallon of milk, without druM. jteud 25c. and Stamp and get receipt with full particulars. Very vituablc. Address N. M. LINTON, Wilmington, Ohio. A I>«J —33 n< w Articles for ? ?^i * Pa* Agents. Samples free. H. irAITTH, Aifred, Me. iik »«ur Doctor or For SWEKT rqu.i. ■"ti*r Q . h'. Is nmile only by F. fcTKtUNS, T>*tro't. (olbnrii’s Patten. - RED JACKET AXE, I. bf Merit* ui rririil! r »*i*re! Axes for tbe»» W* voo. ; Kt> »t—Vi our* deeic-. Pei-ood—lt d"n t in the mi oil. Thlr''—ft iloe* not j»r the h»rd Foerth —No tin el* »»«lril In tnkl ytbe *x» rut of tb# f**. Filth—Wjin Or Mmi i»hoi y-u will do olie-Ihlr4 m re woik t.h»n »>ih oevulir Axe*. Red |»*'nt bii no'hine to do with the pood qoMlitle* o f thl* Axe, for *1 mil Axexrre pwti ted red. Ih..ut h»rd«»-e Core do«* n. t ke,p our pood*, we w It *»( It *n»*er inqnlriee or fill your order* dlnet. er yleryo* tb. n*n eif the liemert denier who Veep* our Axel. LIFNICOTf k BIREWCVX, Pllfxbitrr. Pa SOLE OWNERS OF COLPURN’S AND RED JACI* ET OUR MOTTO 13 TO XL AZ. Ir Both in quality and quantity of Goods. M our Agents will testify, being the oldest House in the country, selling each article for one Dollar, shipping all Goods the day the order is received, having a large stock to select from of first class goods, bought ‘xpressly for fall trade; and to satisfy all that we are reliable, we give below (refer ence, by permission,) Jordan, Marsii and Cos., Gko. 8. Winslow A Cos.; Boston Silver Glass Cos.; Lkk h HhkFaRD I*. 8. Send for circular. Address EA3T MAN & KIiND U.L, 20 llawley Street, Bo»- ton. P. O. Box E. Too Arc Coming! Tlte great orfclnal dollar Sale of DRY AND FANCY GOODS \.M> Wit.l, FKK-KNT to *ov prraon emdlnf te *. • Oluh. * Watch. Ni k l>re»*, Piece of Sheeting, OF COST. Fend for < »t"l"*ue of Good* .nd »»mple— delixtr*4 •- «tiy kddiess free, J. B. HAW MR A CO.. PW 4 Fedeinl Sit., Bttblon, Buss., p. «». Box. r. Rf H—Samples given on application for Catalogue. Ladies lii lutte C lrc iilur _ of JJ most useful and indispensable ar ticles ever invented, address MADAM DU VALL, P. 0. Box, 2438, N. Y, City. I iR. WHirmP., 9 Wylie fit., Pittsburgh, f»., es I' Union wide lepuiNtlon. treat* nil v-netral dlse»e --*•» ; al-o, seminal weakness. impottney. Ac., the rena'l ■> »e!f *hn»e. rein, 2 »t»rr|.» for sealed pMuphlet, 5# !>»urr». No Hint er who failed, etst.e case. Consuita ioo fr»o. PERFECT MANHOOD Essays for Young Men on the evils of SELF-EN dtIRVATION, with certain help for the er ring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address How ard Association, Box P. Phila., I’a., mxm Especially designed for the use of th« Medical Profession anil the Family . possess ing those intrinsic medical properties whisk belong to the Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kid ney Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up ir. cases, containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grocers, Ac. A. M. Bininger & Cos., established 1778, No. 16 Beaver Street. New York For salo in Cartersville, by A. R. HUDGINS, july 29, 1869. wCm NuMtMie, ~ » OARTKR-VII.LE LODOIt, NO. lot.— /« ul»r ro-et'ii** *re hell on t'.ic Kiral and jgr Third Vnday night . In on* h month. H. »t. I’ATILLO, W. If. ' ' 9. M. JOHNSON, S c'v. * ETOWAH CHAPTER, tie. 86.—Regular meeting! *re hrlrt on the lirst and Thbd yi. '•'“‘■'diy »iifhts In each month, ftom the iit /\f\ October unt I lit May, ami on the Ist Tuei ' v 'day nlghti (ton lit May until lit October. D. W. K. PEACOCK. 11. T. a. sr. be upshaw. Se.'.y ENULISu PitiALK BITTERS. Cure* all Pemate complaint*. Cure* wife, daughter and mother. Cure* cam pronounced incti’-wble. Cure* all trreguar ut-rlne ictloni Cures hysterics and chloi-oab. Cure* diseased peculiar t-> female*. , J. P. DROWQOOLR A CO. 8"ld by L'rnf si-t-. Prnp'r. Memphis. Tern. ttuuitu. Tbls wonderful medicine hn» rained » world wlda fame <or the cure of affections of the kidneys and blad der, and alt who rrquire It are In seat ch of the best Dri-mgtMile A C«.'i Huchu, prepared by regular physi cian* t f Mi mphli. Term , is recognised as t he bell and chraieit. Price one do.lar. bo dby druggists every where. Do you ihske * Use King of Chilli, King of Chills never (ails to cutr. Dumb and congestive chilli cinel wl*h King es C. Kiuj o( ChliU is the malarial autiJule. YOUR LIVER. If your liver Is torpid and your bowels constipated, take one dose of timing ole X Co’s Liver Pills, and they will act eo well and pleasantly you will havens others. They are the beet purgative you ever used. Mcßride & C°, Atlanta, are sole Agents for the “Eureka | Coffee Pot”