The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 18, 1869, Image 2

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j Utt. liuruu: 1 wish to sr.y a few WuuU, inaamxch I have been “lying k»w,” for sometime, jf ycm d-u't care, ond cm you are a “don't care' kind of • follow, we don’t thick you wilt bo here goes: 1a the firet place, secondly, wo de sire to say something about shews.— Templeton* celebmted Opera Troupe, m you are aware, played in our t >wn two nights last week, to largo and appreciative atufietmt*, and with one 9r two exceptions, which of course, wa* confined to that unfortunate class whose apper-Up* were “in mourniug j for tbs deficiency in tlw upper story," well-behaved. Those to whom we have alluded, thought it was aba 'late ly necessary to laugh at everything that was done. In the performance •f acme of the most touching and sol- j •mu parts of the play s, some of these "unfortunates’ would burst out and laugh m though they were at a Circus witnessing the fantastic pranks of a £am LatUrop, or fat Ben MuCiuley.— We don’t think the boys were really tickled, for it sounded very much like forced or ‘accommodation’ laughing to a*. We suppose, however, that they thought it a “show” and as a m liter of course, or necessity, or of accommo dation, they must “las.” Good gra cious, boys! “wern’t” it funny, when “Funchon, the Cricket,” alias Alice Vane, was begging her miraerly gran mother, for even a decent suit of clothes, and bewailing her sad condi tion, and regretting and lamenting the course pursued by her mother, which had subjected her to the sneers and insults of a cruel and unrelenting wSrld? It may have been funny, but we must confess that we “couldn’t dis oern it that way; it appeared to us wore like a reality, than merely a dra ma; there was too much truth iu it, and it portrayed too Well the deplora ble condition of a child whoso mother or father has committed some act which not only disgrace them, but in conse quence thereof, the child is treated with coldness and disrespect as long as it lives. But we know people in this country—in this enlightened, civ ilized, and Christian land—who li\e in the broad blaze of the Nineteenth , Century—both male and female, who profess to be Christians, who wouU, tike the boys, at the Opera, laught at the misfortune of “Fanehou.” if it was in fact a reality, and cause her to shed many bitter tears of sorrow, by allud ing to the faults of her dead mother, and predicting that she would leave about such a record. How many good, high-minded, and virtuous girls have been driven from the path of rectitude and virtue, and lived a de graded, wretched and abandoned - life, and died an ignominious death, by | wicked men and women, holding them responsible for things which were una voidable on th**ir part, and for which th*-y should have been held blame less. Visit the large cities of our Suuny Land, aud behold tire uuml er i •f prostitutes, and Void of everything which goe< to make a lady, living in ehame and dishonor and degradation, •nd then answer the question, for no doubt, almost all of them can trace their fall back f- se ne cruel treatment for something they could not help, at some period iu the p:cat history of their ill-spent lives. Wo do r.ot assert that ibis is the case with every one, but j with a majority of them. But we are ! saying more than we aimed upon this j subject—we are no enthusiast, if wo! did say a good deal about the cruel i treatment of orphans; but we do want j the boys to wait until the laughing j part comes in. next time, if they please, j and if they don’t know when it comos, ! well hire someone to give the signal, j and when it is sounded they can come in “double forty." We think all who attended this Op- j i •ra, were delighted with the perform ances. Indeed, we think they did re- j markably well considering tho disad- ' vantages they labored under; the | stage was only a temporary concern, j and unfit for anything; the hall has no conveniences at all, and we can’t understand why it is that the gentle men who own this hall do not fix it ny we are confident they would lose nothing by it, but on the other hand b« remunerated handsomely, for then there would be some inducement to Opera Troupes to give ns a call, and they could charge a much better price for it, which would be paid without a word. We are of the opinion that this sill be done, for the young man * ho owns it, is “heavy” oo shows, j W* heard it whispered aronnd, that several of *he fastidious, swell headed counter-jumper*, who peddle calico, ribbon, &c., from behind a counter, on the East side of the railroad, became otfcnded at something contained in onr last communication, and made w»me big threats. Boys, yon must have felt guilty—didn’t you ? All we j We to says is, that if wo hare M id ! anything that has offended any of! those little, self-conceited, egotistical,! fvit.diems, and “would-bo" fascinating ; “oemnter-jnmpera,” and we are “sorry! for it, we are glad of it!” for, in the \ language- of one, whose name we re- j from mentioning, on aoeonnt of bin gtrttoh timidity, and extrotaa bufc ftAs-**, “hn that t tsweia will lot, turtfl ; Le be- took nw y, U lie ** *#*. t took \ away, \> hi-continue *• 1 to, we *kt tead to prove ti»c truthfulness of this quotation, and we thank the young ; man, who 1 lims it as original, fur having quoted it in our hearing, as we are unable to quote from Bhakspeare, Byron, or any of those ancient authors, aud moreover, we like something new occasionally, anyhow. Quite a number of Africa's uncouth, sable sons and daughters, desirous of keeping pace with the times, assem bled at Packet’s Hail, last Monda' nighty and had a regular “corn shuck ing” Ante of it. We didn’t learn the real object these “odoriferous” descendants of Ham hid in view, but suppose it was merely a “<«>»versatioual party.’ His Honor, Judge Parrott, v.iii hold an adjourned Term the Superior Court in this place, commencing on .VI on da;, next. To toll law-breakers, wy would say, keep your eyes “skint. ’ It wiil no doubt, prove a propitious season for the disciples of BLckaton, who hail the convening of Court with much joy. Having said our say, Mr. E liter, we rem*»iu yours, Ac., ‘‘Tell-Tale. " Officers of the Lodoe.—Tue election of officer* to serve the ensuing year, was held ves'erday by the broth erhood now in convocation assembled iu this city, and resulted as follows; Samuel Lawrence, M. W. 1. M. D. N. Austin, Ik XV. D. G. M. First District. S. W, Mobley, B. XXV D. G. M. Se cond District. J. L Wright, R. XV. .D. G. M. Third District. D. E. Bailor, R. XV. D. G. XI. Fourth District. J. id. Durham, XV. Senior G. War den, D. Mayer, W. Junior G. Warden. J. E. Wells, Grand Treasurer. J. Ex mutt Black.(hear, Grand Sec retary. 0. V. Brown, G. Senior Deacon. J. W. Taylor, G. Junior Deacou. G. W. Gramm age, G. Marshall. B. H. Mitchell, G. Pursuivant. ltcv. (J. W. Key, G. Chaplain. L. Trice, First Grand Steward. XV. W. Goodman, Second Grand Steward. J. T. Zimmerman, Third Grind Steward. C. H. Freeman, Grand Tyler.— J/u --con 'le.le<jnipk. Uislinjuislied Visitors to tlic State Fair. This morning ti e special train pro vided by Gov. Bullock, left for M icon with tl.o following guests on board : Hon. Simon Cameron, lion. J. XV. Woodward, Judge Watts, XViliiam Cal der, Esq., Mr. Coleman, a large iron dealer, lion. A. E. Kipp, President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, Mr. Suarptcss. Dr, Nichols, Col. T. P. Knox, Jo tin XV. Forney, and Air. luug wult, reporter for my “two papers, both daily,” of Pennsylvania; Hon. Colum bus Delano and daughter, Gen. Hor ace Capron, and Miss Kennedy, Solon Robinson, of the New Volk Tribuue, C. D. Bragdon, editor of the Rural New Yorker, and Elwauger aud Barry, of Rochester, New York. Accompanying them were Gov. Bul lock, Col. Hulbert, Major B. H. True, representing me State Agricultural So ciety, aua A. O. Baton, hi. F. Best, J. A \\ a.Sit r, U. W t Jusim, and others ox’ .lie Air-con v.-uLuniLt^e' -Li*;; er.gii'3 > i;> named “G ■:>'•■ . T'uj iocs, ami v i.-. ueeorutcd w_*.m the Uni ted Slates dag. Cm the cow-* -r, iu 11 out of the engine, Wtfe tuo uio.- toes prime. I on c«n\l ooaru ; “Glad plenty laughs—the Valleys ring. Reviving commerce lifts her head.” “And lie who’s stoutest at the Plow or Flail Will be the knight to tlay the Dragon’s tail.” The above mottoes appeared also on one of the coaches, on each side. On the right of the same coach, in large letters, were the words: To Georgia’s ‘Harvest Home’ we come.’ And on the left, “ A common interest joins oar hands.” These decorations were made under the direction of Major B. 11. True, of Madison. Tue vis.t >ru were delighted with the kind reception they had met everywhere on the route. As the train moved off, the engine Gov. Bullock formed the van, aud Gov. Bullock the rear guard—lie being iu the door of the rear car. —Atlanta Constitution 15. Tun Cokino Election* roa IT. S. Sen ator.- Thu U. S. Seuatorship will be the occasion of some excitement at the next session of the Legislature. Ku xuors are afloat respecting “.dates that are being made up” by the friends of those who desire the swit now tilled, or ; rather the seat now not filled by rea- I son of Radical fort* and fraud, bv the , Hon. H. V. M. Miller. Mr. Candler, iof DeKalb, and Maj Joseph B. Cmu | ming, of Richmond, ure spoken of us candidates acceptable to the Demoe ; racy for this important post. On the ! other hand it has been repeatedly us j verted that “Bullock” is in the field, j :i nd that there are enough of Tadpole ; Democrats who arc now neither fish : nur frog, but who will on that interest mg occasion and termiue their condition ; l) y their support of bis Expresselency. : Current rumors indicate lively times j ahead and “things much mixed.” It ! is said that there will be a Radical cau cus at the Macon Fair, us preliminary !lo the coming Radio-d Convention call* ' by Foster Blodgett, State lioad | Manager.— Aujusla Chronicle. I.n PORTA.vr BTATEMEHT. SI DomlPi ro to be Tskeu by the Lulled Mates Wanton, November 12—The , bas an editorial, asserting nori tively that by virtue of a secret treaty the steamer, Albany, loaded with arm. and ammunition, .ailed for Sir. go vm the Drv Tortuga*, where she will ship five hundred soldiers. She wih u-ice posstaadoa of the Island in tho name of tbs United tfc&tos. : ■ ■ r——■ • vl .1/ CKL If. SMITH. Editor aud Pnprittor j CAttTEKHVILLE, QA., NOV. 18th, j For CoKureM.—Tth DUtiift. i }E NJ P . M . B . YOUN G, or BaKTOW. AWWAKSt OF nituirNs. OF THE i* •■. , * ■: •U" * - ■ . V? w . - • ; Cherokee, Agricnhurai Mechanical AND HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, AT THE Fair, Hell Near the City of Borne, Ga. . on the 3ud, 4th, stu and. Oth of no vembkh, 1809. TO CITIIeHS OF BvRTOW COUNTY. Mrs B XV Lewis, Bartow county, best 6 yards home m.uly carpet, cup : worth Si. ; Mrs J G Colbert best net counter pane, cup worth Gower, Jones A Cos 2 horse wagon, i 2d. Spread &. Conyers, washing ma chine, diploma. Gower, Jones Si Cos., buggy, diplo ; run. D Quarles, best Jack, pitcher, $lO. XV II Stiles, best pair harness mulos, pitcher, sio. : XV H. Stiles, best single mule, cup, i XV I* Mfiam, best three year old : harness gelding, dipper, $5. ! J C Roper 2d best 2 year old har ness gelding, dipper, $5. T K Spronll, best pair harness geld : ings, any age, butter dish, $lO. The Committee report 5 samples of j flour, iu which they find uo difference • to-wit: Stewart & Austin, Rome Mills; I J J Cohen. Rome Mills; John Baker : &Co., Vann’s Valley; Thomas Tomlin, : Euhai lee Mills; Jacob liars, Spring j Creek Mills. Dr XV W Leake; Bartow count}', | best specimen native gold, diploma. J N, best assortment, Jug I ware; butter knife, $2. \, m II Stiles, best burlesque in har : ness, cup, $5. j T K Sproull, best farm gate, diplo | nw. A Robin, wheat fan, 2d premium, di : jfioiua. | ‘ David Qmules, best pair harness j mares, any age, butter dish, $lO. XVm II Stiles, fastest pacer, saddle, ! goblet, $lO. ; J C Roper, best blooded stallion, tu reen, S2O. XV XV Milam, best two year old colt, cup $5. XX’ L Aycoek, best suckling colt, cup : $5- Dr XV XV Leake, best bull calf Ist | premium, cup $5. ! Titos Tomlin, best saddle horse, | style, form and saddle qualities con sidered. pitcher, S2O. XX 7 I 1 Milam, best, saddle horse, sad dle qualities only considered, cake , ba; k it, $ i 0. 1 D Quarles, best aged brood mare, . goblet, $ 10. < • II Waring, best mare aud colt, tu- S $lO. G IS Waring, best Mo gan mare, goblet $lO. Mrs M A Moselv, 2d best net coun i terpane. diploma. ; XX* H Tibbs, best pair pigs, any breed, ; Spoon stand. $5. Geo if Waring, best barrel lime, ! tape measure, sl. The Ch cst.vct Chop. — The chestnut ! j crop of this region is » success. Some | j of our merchant-* have bought over 20 ! ; bushels in a «b»v. They bring about! ; three do bus aoi;lv.;l. -A'A-ms Han- j i nf} \ ! Why, Vit-nd A ikluson, you certainly ’ ; don’t live in a chestnut m -rketr. The I j firm of A. A. Skinner <£■ Cos., of this j j plarv, b right and shipped On" 'nun- \ | drrd bu*hrl# of chestnut*, on Wednesday ; Inst. Emory and Henry College has now i ■ one hundred and thirty-five students ! in attendance Cotton blankets, with a good body ! and nap on each side, are being man-1 ; ufactured in Columbus, Ga. > There are no vacant stores in An-! ; gusta, and a number Unit are unfinish ! ed are occupied. Mrs. Susan Prescott, widow of the late V\ illiuin H. Prescott, the historian, i i died in Boston on the 18th nit. j —There never existed but one Mor- j I mon Irishman, and a Mormon Irish-; ! woman is something unknown to nut-! | urah.Bts. Another new Southern Methodist i ! Church has been dedicated in Balti-' ; more. There is a Sunday School number ; ing sixty-four children on Mount Zion, j in Jorusulem. Belle Boyd late of Virginia, and well i known during tire war from her con-! licction with the Confederate secret | service.has been sent to the California j Insane Asylum. A Californian exhibits a gun that fires three hundred shots a minute. It is staled that an air-line Railroad from St. Louis to Louisville will be built at once. ! Quails aro now seeking winter quar | ters in the West. This is -said to in j dicate a hard winter. Nilsson, it is now rnnao'ed, will come ; to this country in 1872, under the man agement of Ni Liu's. During the last fiscal re*r, 7GO mil ! lions of lattore passed through the ITni j t«d States mail.*, forty millions more ! than during any previous year, and an average of twenty for overv mac, wo man and child fn the land." 1 La»r s** iiiiw i *4.; isSj*. 4 . The fi-Fiowing article, we hike, from .he Augusta Constitutionalist, and shb :uit it to the inspection of our readers i itul for their consideration. Perhaps *>ll}e of out large laud-holders, may be induced to adopt the plan proposed iu .aud uriicle, ami, thereby stop this tre mendous emigration of working men from our midst to the west, and cause, yet, ntauy others to come and set tie down among ns. Something of this sort must bo done, or our farmers %vd. be left to grow up with thorns nod thistles. XVe want plenty of laboring men to buy and settle down here, and our country will prosper. Much has been said to prove the advantages to a people of holding large plantations, and much more, perhaps, has been retorted sis to the si.qxsrior qualifications of small farms. Those who farm on the large estate j system contend that capital and skill ' presiding over vast tracts of land main- ! jly contribute t> advance agriculture i | aud national wealth. To this it is re- I plied that a land monopoly is thus ert j a tod for the benefit of the few aud the ■ detriment of the many, since vour i great proprietor’s cash, like Aaron’s: j rod, has a tendency to absorb every j j acre within reach of it. So, in Eng j ! laud, the large proprietors sue forever ! striving to f jrce the poor holders to] ; sell. Belgium, is the garden of En- j | rope, and there agriculture is on ave- ‘ ; ry small, but very prosperous, scale j ! individually. ! t is the tight of their f I rich proprietors against their less for-; tunate neighbors which is driving the : Irish from their homes and sending them adrift to America. In this coun try we have a prodigious area yet im seitled, and this question has not yet [ i grown to alarming or anxious propor- f ! tious; but our time will come and it I may may be sooner than most people i j anticipate. Not many years ago, our I j noble forests were thought to be iuex • lcmstible; .md now we learn, from the j Commissioner of Agriculture, that ] there is a famine of wood ahead of us jat no distant period So it may be j I with our territory iu many sections;] and where men most crowd there will j i they sooner contend for elbow room j j and the more energetic will strive to ] | put their heels upon the neck of the I weaker who are, until roused, always , iin the majority as to numbers and in j 5 the minority as to power. The questi « so long vexing the po ] litical economy as to the best distribu tion of land for the common weal seems to have been put to practical t.escs of late. In France, when a fath er dies possessed of laud, it is equally divided among the heirs and no amount in money or other personal property ! can be given ns an equivalent. The ; English say that this sub-division i keeps the people in penury; but the : answer is ready that when N q oleon wants a loan lie goes to the small fami ; ers for it and does not trouble the Jev. lor Christian bankers. And it Las hap pened more than once that he receiv ed more than double tne amount he solicited from his subjects. I Tho Missouri Republican has had access to a report of tUe French Com mission, which seems to settle the question in favor of s:u til farms. XVe have not space for the Republican s de ductions iu full, but it may suffice to shite that the Report marked a nota ble progress in 1 reach agriculture du ring the past thirty yevrs; but, except ing iu the departments of the North west, France had not kept pace with the progress of other European coun tries. dhe iucrease of the Northwes tern provinces was fnllv one hundred per cent, over all other departments.— Referring to the character of agricul tural development in those thrifty Northwestern departments, it has been discoveied that there tho small farm system had become an extreme feature. But material problems of this kind' usually settle themselves, and it is but fair to suppose that the planters arc quite as sagacious in their way as mor i chants or professional men iu theirs, ! and that the system best adapted to | their welfare will be the one settled upon at the proper time. Meanwhile we ! must wait for the Macon Fair, hoping ! that, in addition to other useful con i tributions to knowledge, we shall have ! some signal revelations as to the gen ! eral and comparative progress of Beor i giuns who farm on large and small scales. — T he following items we clip from our Rome exchanges, which show the spirit of enterprise among the Romans. “They laugh at impossibilities, and cry it must be done.” Rome is destined to be one among the fairest and most comely of Georgia’s cities. She is just now laying the foundations for a great commercial mart. Already she is .as suming the proportions of a great city, and her growth and prosperity is not alone attributed to her locality, but to the energy and enterprise of her peo ple. The enterprise and ent rgy of Car tersville, we fear, has culminated in the construction of one dirt side-walk.— The principal difficulty in the way of our progi-essis “that wo arc all the time expecting for someone else to come in to our midst and lay the foundations for the future growth and prosperity. We c m but say “blessed am he that ‘specteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.” Rome Water Works.— The City Council closed the. contract, last night, with Messrs. Noble & McCulloch, for constructing the Water Works. Ain’t to be paid them—exclusive of layiug pipes from reservoir— s 27,< r »OQ. Bonds will be put upon the rnaihet at an ear ly date. The City in response to pe tition of sundry citizens, has ordered a truck for the H< «-k and Ladder Com pany now organizing. As soon as the organization is complete, a regular Fi»« Department will be organized, and a chief eleeted. PEASE So HIS Wirr j Did yon ever try Pease’s etosk*— ! porter bemse, tonrwr Join or purloin ? 1 Uuut'. iilij tit. a it S' /* *,-• lauia <mii. '*• | i hese g*viti<MMeu axe Xloin# a vein I Nourishing business anti aro prepared j to fmmsh the trader-with evei y ariicL i of every sort, shape*andbize, nyLicit cm. i >r ought to be found m u first clast | | Drug Store. They have done more ad ! •c-rLsuig than any other house cf tin iciud iu tile eity,. and their prosperity md success are in a measure due to that fact. But, aside from their busi J ueks qualifications and qualities, tliex : are among the most genial and jvolitr with whom it has ever beei j >ur good f rtune to transact business, aud this has been the unqualified opii - ion ofali we h ive ever e>a versed with jU the subject. Their reliability is Ik - 1 youd question, and parties in ajud yui of the city will do wed and be sure » i satisfaction if they will patronize tlii* popular establishment. M s-srs. lleti vvmc & Fox have a full corps of eflieieut clerks, who attend promptly upon cus .omer.s, and prepare ml prescriptions dispatch and e.i,re. We would call esjiccial r.ttention to their/adver dl>em. ut pu tie last [svgp : of. today’s, issue. •;; ' • \- • V . ■* 'J' ’ . r 1 f ‘ ■>, Scott’s Monthly. -t The Nuse saber number (if this aecepfcaUu; M iguzifte- is .before lift;’uhd from the table of.-gon-. tents, we,anticipate a pleasant repast', around crur winter the, foi-the next few evenings. We are going to read it Phili ps & Crew give notice that they, retire, as publishers, in favor of llev. Henry Wyllv, of Savannah, Ga. Terms, $1 a year. Atlanta, Ga E:< (rovernor Bigler, of Pennsylva- | nil, ad Mr. Chilli, of ‘Pittsburg, in company with ten or twelve others, are ; *r sporting in Tennessee. London Quakterly for October.— From “The Leonard Scott Publishing Company,'’ 140 Fulton Street, New Y we have received this able “Quarterly.’’ Below, we present the reader with its contents: Islam; Isaac Barrow; Higher and Lower Animals; The Byron Mystery; The Water-Supply of London; Lord Lytton’s Horace; The Reconst rue. ion of the Irish Church; Sareedotal t’eli bttcy; The Past and the Future of the Conservative Policy. The article on the “Byron Mystery” will be found interesting, upsetting Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s shiuder in a manner she will have cause to mourn over the remainder of her life, if there remains in her soul one spark of a true and good woman’s nature. Ballou’s Monthly Magazine —We are in receipt of this marvelously cheap and handsome magazine for December. Its table of contents is varied aud charming.embracing the aural line va riety of serials, sketch* s, stone.", poems and attr ictive engravings- Thepublisi - ers announce in the prospectus for the eomii g year, a serial story for adults, bv the popular Magazine writer, James Franklip Fitts, and a juvenile serial by the young people’s favorite, Horatio Alger-, Jr. The price of this periodica is a marvel to everybody—a hundred pages first-class illustrated Magazine for fifteen cents, or $1.50 per year, is indeed wonderfully Cheap. Elliott, Thomas &-Talbot, Publishers, Bobton Mass. Peterson’s Magazine for December is on our table in advance. It is a splendid number, with iw-» steel en gravings, a mammoth fashion plate, a colored pattern in Beilin work, and nearly fifty wood cuts. We do not wonder at the immense circulation of ‘ Peterson”—said to be the largest m the world —for it really griers more for the m met/ tha t any other. Every lady ought to subscribe for it. Its Mam moth Colored Fashion Plates are al ways the prettiest Its storks are the best published anywhere, In 1870, iu addition to its usual quantity of short stories, Five Original Copy-Right Nov- I elets will be given, among them “ The ! Prisoner of the Bastile,” by Ann 8. | Stephens, “The Secret at Btrtram’. | Holme,” by Jane C. Austin, “How it Ended,” by Frank Lee Benedict, Ac., I About 1,000 pages of reading matter i will be given in 1870, 12 Mammoth | Colored Fashions and 14 superb Steel I Engravings. The Magazine will be ! g ready improved. The terms, however. 1 will remain two dolla s a year to sin i gle subscribers. To dub* Ui* cheaper L stilt, viz : four copies for SO.OO. with a i large engraving, (24 inches by 1G), | “Our Father Who Art in Heaven,” us , a premium to the person getting up a I club; or eight copies for $12.00, with : both an extra copy of the Magazine | and the engraving, as premiums. MV ] can tyjcak, from personal knowledge., of | the beauty of thin Engraving. Now is 1 the time to get up Clubs for 1870. S|>ecimens of the Mpgazine sent I gratis. Address, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 3(.b Chestnut Street , Philadelphia. —Gen. Logan has become a tem perance man, and has joined the Meth odist Church. —President Grant kissed three hun dred misses in Philadelphia. —Generals Wade Hampton and D. H. Hiil are negotiating for the pur chase oi the buildings of the. Military Institute at Charlotte, North Caroli na. —Ex-United States senator, John S, Carl vie was defea ed as a cand date for the Senate of West Virginia, at the election I*at week. —Koopmanschap has returned to San F ran cisco. He will forward a hundred Chinamen, next week, to work on the Memphis and El Paso lUilroud. —California claims to have room for many farmers, and is about to j send agents to the East to offer induce ments tosettle* & • N r.w A n vi.rrriSF.M f.nts. IliTpliTjlSr r X’i< liels, It?’eve TAollar*. I. KG A L HuziTscTl E M ES. Popularly kuown as-HENDERSON, KY. LAND SALE,” granted a special charier l»y J M* l * Fen uCwy Legislature, and eniioiscd bv , »Ue Governor, tier Unite! Sta'es Senators and 5-Q of the most prominent citizens of Kentucky. Capita! Prize $150,000. HmallcMt Prize SBO 00 comprising the .riche-'t Ohio River-bottom robacce Lamia aud must valuable oily lots in Henderson Cos,. Ky. None of this prop erty is worth .less than per aery cash in gold; and most of it is trc-tii from SI,OOO to 0.000 per acre. Resides the above prizes there is one prize of SSJjOU in currency, two of $ 1.200 each, and four of $ >OO, which got<* the winners of the first seven prizes io spcctivt!jr. Final drawing will take place December 28th, 1860, at Casou’c Temple. Louisville, Ky. In or ter to avoid the rush of the last few days and have your tick* properly registered, buy at ox ok of your nearest club, agent, or remit by Exp- ess (pro pa d,} Draft, I*. 0. money order, or registered letter, to either of the following financial agents, who wißfurnish full de scriptive circulars. L. 11. LYNE, t’ash’r Farmers Back, Hen derson, Ky. R. B. -IREXANDER, Commercial Bank, . Louis viflei* Ky. JNO. C,-■LATHAM, Jtres. Bank Hopkinsville. Kentucky. |.ji\Ml> VI. DALLAM, Commercial Bank, Pinlucadi. Ky.. | I*. G TfiOM AS, Cashier. Lexington. Ky. iY. B. TYLER, Cashier Deposit Bk., Owens boro, Ky. % \ 7 ANTE I—AGENT 1 —AGENTS—everywhere, to TT sell Gong Door Bells for front doors ; oi- dwel iiigs. Only ten minutes work to ad i just on'". Business profitable. Address GONG BELL M ANUFACTORY, East Hamp ton. Conn, (jsM OMETHING in the star rou evkry- CODY—IWIVEKSAMSTS LOOK HERE ! 1527—STAR IN THE WEST—IB7O An 8 page Family Journal, devoted to Cniversalisni, and containing Literary, Ag r.cultural and Scientific Intelligence, with Current, Religious and secular news. Edit ed by Rev. Dr. Willitunson and J. S. Cant well. 50 per year in advance. Premium to every new svuscßiliKß. Send for specimen, JBfcasf* Those who subscribe now get the paper the balance of the year FREE. Ad dress WILLIAMSON & CANTWELL, Cm cinnati, Ohio. TO THE PEOPLE CF THE SOUTH AN D WEST, pever AhJ or C hll|! s, CAN BE COLD WITH jPERRY DAVIS’ A PAIN KILLE IEC* For Pure Wa'e<\ «i'<* PL'e« . tli:sc»let,rale'l l’umji, n '*W rntirrly taste'eis, ,2/ durable an . retix- &6*.y tie: «»in:it »■* tiio piYBEi\T <S T pnod oM-fa«hloQt«4 I • 'Jt less than halt the : noney. line 1/ arrange 1 to mti l a non-frt*i>7. njr, Nv w,**A mi lia ronstruction bo ample #] i at aty ons can put It up and -PJ keep it in repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP KCV MADE. DR WHiTTItR -1 regular graduate of Medicine as diplo y\ nia ai office tv ill show, has been l'ongei engaged in the rreatment of Venereal, Sexu al and Private Diseases, than any other phy sician in •'St. Louis. Syphilis. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or chitis Hernia, and Rupture; all Urinary Diseases, an 1 Syphilitic or M iron rial Afflic tions of the tbri at. t kin or Bones, are treat ed with tmpuraUeld success. Spermatyrrhea. Sexual Debility, and Tm potency as the result oi self-abuse iu youth, sexual success in mature years, or other causes, al l which pro Lire s> n : of the fol i lowing effect, as nactuni il emissions, blotch - I es, debility, dizziness, dimness of sight, con ; lusion ol ideas, ivil fort bodings, aversion | of female society, loss of mem ry and sexual ! power, and rendering marriage improper, are permanently cured. Dr \\ hittier publishes a medical pamphlet relating to veneral diseases and the disas trous and varied consequences of self abuse, that will be sent to any address in a sealed envelope for two stamps. Many physic,ans introduce patients to the doctor alter read ing'his jn< d.eal pamphlet. Communication confidential. A friendly talk will c-st you nothing. Office central, yet retired. No. til" St. Charles street. St. Louis. Mo. Hours, 9 a. m. to 7 p. m, Sundays 12 to 2 } * in. WANTED. —Energetic men and wo men to sell the celebrated Home shut tle Sewing Machine. Brice $25. The only reliable low price Shuttle Machine ever made. It lias the under feed and uses the s'raight needle. For particulars and sam ple of sewing address the tuanufactiiaers. J. W. Belver & 00,, Cincinnati, O. t 0 Q*>AA P er month to Guaranteed, Sure pay. Salaries paid weekly to agents everywhere selling our patent everlasting White wire clothe* lines. Call at, or write fur particulars to the Gira and \V rc Mills, 2(il North third &t., Phi la lelphia, Pa, WANTED, S; Agents sltrtJ*o sjou per' month, male and Female, to introduce the Genuine Tnptcvcd common sense mily Sewing Machine, under feed and overfeed styles. Brice only $lB These machines will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, gather and em broider. Cloth cannot be pulled apart even after every other stitch is cut, Evcre ma chine warranted five years. We will pay above salary or a commission from which twice the amount can be made. Ad Irtws for terms to agents (kc George McEathron A Cos, Nashville, Tenn. | Caution.—Do not be imposed upon by other ! parties palming off worthless cast -iron | machines, under the same name or other wise. (»urs is the oniy genuine and practi cal machine manufactured. ftottre 10 Debtors. The last call without moke Money. Z. W. & M. C. Jackson & Cos , hereby notify all persons indebted to them un work or lumber, to call and settle.— They mud have money to meet expens es. jwarahlij if they ca.) y forcibly if they mud —but the mom y they mud have. They mean all they say and say ail they mean, and that is the money mud come. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia Harlow county. UNDE It AN order granted i«y Ili e Or di nary of said County, I will sell before the (Joint House, at-Cartersvillc. on the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands be longing to the estate of John M. Smith, late of said County deceased, Faid lands consist ing of lots Nos. 322 and 823, in the 22nd District and 2nd Section, and lots Non. 319, 320 and 321, and the Southwest half ts No. 292, in the 23rd District, and 2nd Section, ad in said County. Terms of Sale : Cash. Octeber 19th, * TIIOB. 11. lUKER, Adrcinistrator., SUW Ay V RETIME MK N Tm. VTmTTTT me.u »t Im Ule ~iu,e ,Ur K ur tvr Hui*tii«.*c „ rh . ..„. fca V/r! Ti ,e ‘ • Ml]) f ’ k»c »o trr ,v --w Su , H-opem .I.U sin, b, ia« lr *..01e t., 11- bu n,,,,. R >« ».,U ,m r», r . i ini* H ‘ T *“ l nUu '•> » »»«":* umy *'l.l thro a.ldre,., »„,! tr.t 11,,- bu.ire.-, wr U i hl IM U..R. iv.lch .. .1. Mti „ n*»i. Hr Alii 11 to |».*v for t> r ..f wru r,» tuil P 'ltn.jtm s, a vnlu tint i-wtiple, *,|i ,j u , u ouu.uiei.Mi fork -n. *nu » i«,.> „ t Tlir P, ol> l,'« I j,-,. aiy t ,'i.e „f u.» !.<■«.„ , ni| , Mu „ it., pubiialicti—*l, , lU4j| ,2*“^ FREE TC BOOK AGENTS, r " ,l ‘ T‘*, h n<l!, Ul,r l ,ru *r«t »u« ol oar New Illu uwieo »«uoly **»».!« ... a v ttt ,„ PAvVl'af rr a : llli> '‘ u - 1-HlNo cu-d IA.». I r..i.,, la. A‘.ua «, ii,„ or |,., u j,. j*„. , gent, wanted F< r 1,, w mmk, , , f., (n j” L U ,«’“ ‘' r *’ c,c “ « .«»r IV e.e. y la,u.vf, Sl'h K.i» i ,(,»(1 )1 .«, m >rull t ui'u,,». o, n,.. '>■». e r U * iua.* lie .U.ulileU, ,a ,u i. cr V* Ut * l*° ur u *vn iui.le li„..e,i ub t e.iari- ! oi. . i (tiiait am an. s.e \b. dv bu . u, oo' U: »!ll . Ait l v* , u .1 war„ ~. . j ilie »• 1, ! "100 fvf'Z ti - e “ *'• «*•’*•* 1. a. ..; HM) er iioi i,i. cbcu A t .mi* 1> U, A.ct LKuY oV i 0., 4 * a lwCi4 . J U..m„ o. Ol Loau. iio. A:g« IllM Our iletT, PICIORIAL FAMILY BIBLE. The flidiU it ana i'ruUuuiC ufaU! liuoks. Co-itiia*more tn»n l,<lnu- wine and au hen la tPae■ j tr.u j i,im # rtole. e.u;e , II..« liuus iie Hie tfcau *• oie read iujf ... ((lie ee, wur <u -uzic .1 .ml ueu **.vo cat table* 'table* cl net* .re, Weijitua, c.xun, ele„ « . eau i.ul Uiui j i.e.u.U a.iu ».,uiil. Aibua. >-10., >lc., 1 1* |u»ri(»i ceil by c i oprlent ;ail„e» tub« O' lu aUoltic ediit .u > f the lioi> 0 uic, loi l.j. u .t «» f.iiuixe , .diiiisterk,-totieut. wi.o utoerk uai j ro lcivio„' i-, u ,j.,v e>l su eU lisrr ;«t.. S>r circa n. auilluitj,* licuu.k, aid e.k Julia K. Puller a Cu,, jiuo’k. - 014 znd 617 fauiutu f L,1'..11a lelpbia, I’*, Two Fr EE! FREE! 4 be must J uv< iiiL .VLigaxitic in Ameriea. Xot s>tn3 Stttianal! Nutljinj Stturiin! THE LIUIe Corporal. Entirety tPrig.nut ami ist Class Al, iew euOkcnbeik lor tl>e Lilt eCorj ural tor trie new jc r *n>>se -kuitk auil kim.n) are k.lilli. bflure (lie lakl of Noieuibet. win ivee v* 111. .Wreoilicr *aa Peceiii ei nuiutur ullsOSli.t, The JUtl e Cory ral In,* .a l.rser e rculaiien thau a v nicer .»uv»u ,e in ilie wund, .ua is tid ier Ilie jj. ice .ban anjr » thcr M,. eil. 11.-eau e oi i giinm n»e clreu avior, we are euablru to furinkii it at Ine low p ioeul w. e u..ilai a *ea ; ala t i.umbe i'l Cr* is, o< Lee t<> wn> one who w.ii I.> to raise >cu . Beau bu> pteimuu.a i.<r ctuns. m.» rCI be NOW. ii Cl uuu.helk eau i, w y be irbl.— AUulCb. ai.lkU L. ScWeii * vW., Ullllluutr., (.meat i, I L HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR i^7u. Bon al .iiijf a K. y S.oty u.r elirik.a,.*. pls/i, puzzle, ami wonder*. 1(> itrge j>*ge«, i..u*iiauu »ei.i I ir oil r celpl ul Z ce,.l maiup lor— | AJauik A O >.,'i4 aniti Hel.i at eel. li ikloa, Via>< Won ti\ op A- T O * (he U.ititr-wwfia us iii« Urr»t Oil/ I’Ub »iu<« oi t-vt-r cm** ui lowit y » ft. Avoid the r i ro*«l o m.u. W<- uals ut uaua’er are u|. Ma.e luuue) i il foi live aieiilt Ibaeai.; ul ier limk. T»Le three p e»-> » ail Hie ia» • 1-p ut >»» w. u,, . O eiMrentu>.>k 17a orti re iu 10 u jr. 74<l p»|ic>i 4A i*. Priee *a..Vl. A ruv» w« t -.1. Xilureak X. Y. U ok Cw, 14oiv »-«u lUorl, A, 1. HUNTER’S GUIDE* The REAL-otigiu*'.” Zv.ttou »u and. Teb* «»» ie i.Ui.i. leap, ml c*th ALL a > man u.iuk iw ur* ■ till lam Il k »e e•. (4 paces, wei I, uu 1 k. erj, hoy t.e -.i»it. It will p,/. M uey refu-uel if u>. »a> sii il. Oly she**.. »l-|hid. Aud <4 {illlilel .1 ‘ «' •*» , M »»-d •»* . N #»w ft m hi -e. ii il tc • tu- »i>t t etrrj iHid’y. n* Ui« ,b i> An S |>:<g6 I'rmiiv uu. carr«ci( ►« c a.*r i r«s, Kdil<*i oy 12-v. VVi.d in <». A J. K Cant a p - tr*r lu *d VHUCr. I* fcih.u uto ittw »üb>C»ficnU i #pfcct ineii• A t»lrfc*» W' lilinuis' tt A i ffin l v c I Int i' ml’, V) COMMON SENSE! ~~~~ W-lfi'- Aa-lr * (i.’M Jer to »*U ibe onl\ Uettu ne In,, ove'l > vuauon senae 8 w.u n Machine. I’Uienny tel. Gieet mrlbCtmt-l.ti to Hienir. Thu ,s ll e i»> hi |ju|iu a in .chine •>! He (fay—makt* the fain o’ VElaefi” L> ck ntilci r —»M Jo any knui n >*>>rk it.n can Le (ioue on any kino ol machlre—loo. oi'O 01. l ari l Uie *ls oaini c o i.i.t„tly i> crea*iii|[. Now ia the time to lal e r are ey lb nrt for cPe i ! » •*- “• Beware of I fi-ince*!'. A'h!iees Sr. mill. X i'e., U nion, »iass., Piti-ebui |f, l* ~cr e . L-.u •, k. “STAR SBANGLED BANNER.”—It wil! waves, better than ever, Rich, Rare, l!ary Ledger size. 40 columns. Wit. Humor, Fun Humbugs exposed. Elegant s’>$’> meel plate •‘Evangcliiie'’ GRATIS to EVERY aubscri bcr. Only 75 cts. for a whole ycai— Bfe» plate I'tiJiFi. Spec: men jii c:s. Addrear BANNER, Iluidsdalc. N. H, Tllll « i: LE Kii i '* i ;Ik Stewart Cook Stove THE BEST IN THE WORID ! Over 100,000 iu l’#e. Will do more tvotk wiJli Dir name amount o! fuel llxau any other Mov« cvvt made. FULLER- WARREN & CO.. EXCLUSIVE M \ Mfv T L’KKICS, I ItOT, AS:V* Tditk. tFIL- Detcilpllve I an | h . la kelil Ilie. KNIT- KNIT,““KNIT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMERICAN KMTTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Machine ever invented. Price $25. Will knit 2.000 stichcs per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass, or St. Louis, Mo. MASON X HAMLIN ORGAN CO W INKERS OF THE PARIS EXPJSITION MEDAL, WHO HAM UNIFORMLY BE-N IW tHb’l) 1114.111 X 1111 \OUi AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS I.S Tins Cur.NTRT, So that their work is the sirkntm I- ' edged standard oi' in its do* ar incut, respcctfu'ly anfionnci i that, with extended and perfected facilities, j and by the exclusive use of modern improve meats, they are now producing j e( more perfect organs than fter l>v iorc, in great variety as to style and firin', adapted to all public and private uses. f<«V I Drawing rooms, Libraries, Music rooms, I Concert Halls. Lodges, Churches, Schools ; &c., in plain and elegant cases, ull es which j they are enabled by their unequal* l facilities for manuiactu e to sell at prices of inferior work, The recent improvements in those organs I have ‘so increased their usefulness and pop [ ularity that theyarc unquestionably the niu.i; j desirable instruments obtainable for family use, as well as Churches, tjchoo'.s. Sc. while the prices at which they can be afforded (£ jo lo SIOOO each) adapt them to the means and requirements of all classes. They are equal ly adapted to secular and sacred music, are elegant as furniture, occupy ns little space, are not liable to get out of order, (not re quiring tuning once where apianforte is tuned twenty times,) are very durable, and more easy to lcaru to play upon than the piano forte The M. & 11. Organ Cos. are now selling i FOUR OCTAVE ORGANS for each;! Five OCTAVE ORGANS FIVE STOI'S, j with two sets of VIBRATORS for $1 *.£•}, I and other styles at proportionate rates. For testimony to the superiority of their j Organs, the Mason & Hamlin Cos., respect- j fully refer to the musiral profsssiou gener- j ally; a majority <jfthe most prominent mu sicians in the country, with many of promt- j neneo in Europe, having given public testi- j mony that the Mason & Hamlin Organs ex- I j cel all others. | A circular containing this testimony in ! j full will be sent free to any one desiring it, ■ ; also a descriptive circular, containing full ■ particulars respecting these instrument®, w ith correct drawings of the different styles and lowest prices, whica are fixed and inva rablo. Address the M ASON & IIA JILIN ' ORGAN CO. 69G Ifroadway, 1 Ess tea. 11/ iraucT »,(■. -. ... .j J % V . 1 *'■*' o: „|ai f ,‘a* i,w P«>-f»IJ,WMr. t , . ; iOci*. Address Dr. E. L; e.-jmti-' , v ' jof Medial * tH ". ■. ,, w ,*;’/ •* ; lotl Av«., Cc*r. East ia.h V. x ! a t«* l-J Lex.ngtou Are. New L v .ic. T ,,K wiiT^han*, 1 any colored La;r or beard !„ £%rjy:-nz l r" ,r >- $75 tos2oo;^f::‘ eahoy or c0n.,,,,a,mi, ft, sell «,„ r ,> ot . son Ril e u // " , LmrK Hu I * son River Wire U orks. 76. Wm. St , N Y Chicago. U chmond. or Meutph.a. ’ , p* v > »»miic ii it* 111 IRWildtk, - Sr. C-. t auJ Maip *ui >ibd |r*». A. J H’J MM.N. T j T’ao Puradt. Boat and Cheapest SOLO JBtf. ALL CIkO^XUS. 4P«M»UkU» gOiMl OUtli-l from 1 gallon of milk, without drugs. Send line, aud Stamp, and gel receipt with full particulars, Very va’tuble. Addrww N. M. LINTON, «'ll mu,gum, Ohio. w {]»%. 14 Da f—>l •i new. Articles fnr •JAgents. Sample* free. H l» kllkW, AlfreJ, Me. iMk Tour Doctor or DniggiNt for SWI’KT <|« I All K—li r 1u »l. Hl|,„ Q,l, m.ilk bn, 7 l.y F. ftTIAKNR, t«»tburH , N Paikn. ItEn jacksr AXE, a better ,T», u , rryi.L rkhaf.eJ Area firthosrwa ‘«< k. F|,*|-I, hi,, Jeer*-. AeroM —I, a,. u i a'!«* ■ntheajpd. .Tlijr.l—fl J.. f » j.r «h, f,.nA Fan'lk ? * tcTz § W ■* rUI f»W Wl - roo t.hor y M w| ! <l* one-t M-4 ’® ••• » t*i»« W*ili »*•. ».* !*! Hfihlnr to da |hr rn* J A*#. r«ra!J«i»ir Axd w 1? w #li i r r*mr*n% • 4turf d«*r4 n \ ker-p oaf vr »•!! jf***' It intjulrWf *r *ivr r«m vfci# nMi tof il;* n»-*rept nur A x*n. LiPFfiHOTT & lIkfcEUEU, Plßuburr. I*rt SOLE OWNERS Os COUMIRfTS Af.D RED. J.-XK* ET PATENTS -OUP MOTTO IS ~ TO tfi ALL Both in quality an.LqiAHTitily of tioyda. as <mr Agema wili testify, b»ing tbr yideel House in the rpnnt.ry. selljtiK raeb ‘*rficl# lor one Dollar, shipping nb G'.O'l-.’lhe .Hf i lie order is received, ltavipg * large *!n*k -o delect from ot first clas-j gvivJr. bouy'.t -xpressl v for fall trad-; »n 7 «•> s+tdfy w'l hat we are reliable. w» giv*> b> low (iefer* •nee, by perrnbrtM •»*».-) Jevtt n.,s, 4- Cos., '»ro. M. Wi.vdr.rvw A Cos.; Busroji Silvsji Glass Go.; Lr.a A Sur.ddßn I*. 3, .Send for.cirau!*r. Addrene KAIT* MAN A KUNDALL, 25 ILawTey fcaii ■on. ■T. 0 Box E. Aro Coming! The grfwl orifflnai) dollar Kale of DRY AND FA>CV JHUiL'.I VXD V IM. P* !/ s >’NT to u’jty fieri'.r' ye>»aiH|- ua< * Club, a W *ti-h, J*i.k Drt*', f*leu* t. ^ 1 COST. lU-nS tor t «t.*h-yne oMiouCa »rd *j»nclrA-<l*l l Tfr** •o ary add ret, tier. j. K. HAWBS k 00./ !‘IS A 130 IVdri Hl SI., > SlOmlob, lIHNN.. J». O. IIOV C. 1% H —Samples given on applieatij*. fer Catalogue. • . . For 1.-.HIU v piltate ( irrular of ii most useful and ifidiapenaabl* wr i.cb's eser invented, address M.\DAM DU VALL, I*. 0. Box, 242VN- V. City. j',X. WUlTTirg. MTySie He, IMM.burjh, >*.„ *f * Uniou wj<l« rSp i.atiiJu. treat* all ▼ >ie. *»! ulr*-«. *» ; *!'<•, >rinlll»l'v. *■*«..*«V iiaf»',r.vzy. t the r*> ■ , w »eif khiikf. e«|ia'i Stan,|.a fur kraltC I'aaer. Nu ci»t'cr whu taitid, it*'.* tk'ae. C'^asufia* ion fee., PERFECT MANHOOD Essays foe Young Men on the evils of SELF-F.N .NERVATION, with certain hwlp th* er ring and unfortunate,. Sent in s aled l«n*r envelopes, free of rh-rge. Address How* AHU-Asauci.VTXfis, Box Hula., Fa., ppipNßJl^ ifcVNfl Especially design'd tor Ahe ns* of th* di.d'citl J'rtiftt* arjl, the yau’ihj, possess ing. thoMf itufimir medical properties which belong to the Old ami J’ur* Xjjit. Indispensable to Fctusdcs? Good for Kid tie;/ C'omjilaiiUi, A delicious Tonic. Tut up in eases, containing one dozen bon!** each, ■and sold by all druggist®, groeets. Ac. A M. lJiningor At Cos.. e.-.tablLshcd 17TB, No. 14 Denver Xtrtet. New V».i k For sale ia Cartersville, be ‘ A, R. HUDGINS, julv 29, 13(19. worn Manttuic. f CARTER.F ItLt turns If, NO. let.-Ser «l« ru'etinga •re hel l on t’ie First sad Jr Third Friday night, In f*-h wv»Mh. /V/V ?>. " PATULO, W,J4. ' ' f. M 40 t?OUM.S,rV ft KTOWAII.CBifTtR, Wfl. id»etlnrs are flrid on the First and Tid'd Jy Tucadsy tilth;* tn each month, from the 1»» October uni i let Stay. anO on the l*t Tael ' ' day. rights Iroin let-May uuttl let OeUibr', t>. W. K. PK.VCQUK, U. F. KNULIBa FEMALE KITTKRA Cures aU.Foiuaie com plaints. Chr«i Wife, dasvkter and m'tfer. (’urea eases proenunceW Inea-sMe. ’ Cure! hyaivtica ami chlornsia. Curs* diseaai a urcnllar t- females., j. r; i.KOVGOOLi: * co. S'ld by Pro gel la. I’mp'r. Memphis. T«m_ ivUcitu. ThD wonderf<»l medicine has iralredft WsrltJ farue 'or the euro of affection* of the kidney* asd hi*" der, and all who rtijuiroit are In search of the be* l * lir-'Uii."inle A Co.’s Buchn, prepared b* regular clans of M. mphla. T<-no , li r*eogui*ed a* fhebrtt »>’ 4 chra( est. Pri-o one dn.lar. do.d Sy drugs** l * « TP, - ! ' whoi e. Du yuo shake f C.e King 6T Chills, King of Chills never fail* totare. , li»iab and oongestlre chiUa cu-el irUhKlsd* 1 ' King ot Chills W the malarial antiUnle. . • - . * YOUB LIVIK. If yrnr 11,-er Is torfCdand your howol* eohSt'f take iJht and >ae of L<roirg'«le * OVs LiTer rllK * they will set su well ami pleasantly yO'i.wul »**• others. They are the best purgative yo» ever a* * Mcßride k Cos , Atlanta, f sole Agents lur iy~ \ jr\ '*•