The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, February 10, 1870, Image 2

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r * %IfWM t ■■***&>\ S ! Vf r Rfj 17. SMITH. E-H’or and I'r .pr-stir CARfKI;SVIU.K. OA.. Miff DhH. I^To ■p wur imii r - jm— —f W »y» w* •*&•**■ marc** Fri ui tl»c AtUnta Cui»MUuU»»n, <, i: ;>;: l u*: ai * l\t u;r -:. BEN ATE. TVi oxssdav, Foil. 3. 1870. Air. CAXDIER arose, after the refill ing of the Mowing , lint the GHAIIt tteekleil that Air. Dtvuniug was rnti tloti to the floor, an J that resolution* were in order. Mr. DUNNING offered three resol ution one ratifying tlie 14th Ameiul ment; o r, e assenting to the ant of Con gress striking out the Relief clauses of the Constitution ; one ratifying the 15 J> Amendment. The first resolution to ratify the 14 th Amendment was read, when Mr. DUN NING moved its adoption, which mo tion was seconded. Mr. CANDY’ 1 !!! arose, but the PRESIDENT stated that Mr. Dun ning had not yielded the floor. The wb fle resolutions were then read. Air. DUNNING supported his mo tion to adopt the resoluti n to ratify the 14th Arne dmeut, in. a few perti nent remarks. Air. CANDLER offered as a substi tute that the Governor’s Message, with the exception of the recommendation to ratify the 14th Amendment, be re ferred to a joint committee of three members from each branch of the Gen eral Assembly. Afr. CANDLER made one of his best efforts in support of bis motion, llis rebuke of the Governor's charges against the people of Georgia, was withering and scathing. The President stopped Mr. Candler from commenting on the Governor's assertion thnt, all legislative action since July, IS.Ty was illegal, and said that Air. Candler must confine him self to the subject before the Senate. Ali’. CANDLER’S response to the remark of the President was crushing. He demonstrated from the acts of Gov ernor Bullock that Georgia had a le gal government. Mr. BROCK favored the adoption of the resolution to ratify the 14th A tnenejment. Air. NUNN ALLY asked Mr. Brock if we were not acting under the 14th Amendment,? Mr. BROCK replied yes. A lr. N U NNA LLY aske 1 Air. Brock if the Senate were now to reject the amendment woul l it render it less valid ? Mr. I>RO JK replied, “No.” Air. WGOTTEN offered as a substi tute a resolution that the Legislature of Georgia having ratified the 14th Anierrduieut. it is unnecessary to vote on it again. Mr. SPELIR called the previous qoeV i-m, and the vote stood yeas 10, Nays 2:5. Bv consent, Air. CANDLER with drew his resolution, and the vote ta- ItVlY'nving result : Yeas—M-;a u-s. B nvers, Brock. Brad ley, Benton, OirnnbelL rum.*—, bid. Dickey, Harris, Higbee, Hanger ford, Jones, McWhorter, Rich rdson, S term i’l, South, 3 Jth, Stringer, Wal lace, Dunning, Griffin, 6th, Griffin, 21s', Jordan, Tr.ivwick and Air. President N-tv< —'l js-jrsi, X inn illy, Smith, 7.Y, AHArthur, Kick 3, Burns (under protest, Well'd vru, Candl r, Bain, Holcombe ami Wootten—lo. During the calling of the yeas and li a vs, the Democrats declined to vote, bnt the President decided that they md. vote. Mr. DUXXIXT3 jesolution assent ing to the act of Congress striking out the relief clauses in the State Constitution, was put on its passage and .adopted by, yeas 28. nays 8 Mr. NXXXALLY said he voted “nay,” because he was in favor of re lief. Air. Dunning's resolution ratifying the 15th Amendment was then taken up and rushed through, being adopted by the following vote : Yeas—Bowers, Bradley. Brock, Ben ton, Campbell, Colman, Corbitt, Dick ey, Griffin (Gib), Griffin (21), Harris, Higbee. Hung i ford, Jones, Jordan, McWhorter, Richardson, Sherman, Smith (JOth). Speer, Si linger, Wal ace, Welch, Dunning Tray >vick, and Mr. President —2O. Nays— Bums. Candler, Fain, Hicks, Holcomb, McArthur, Nunnally, Smith fTthA, Wellborn and Wootten—lo. PRESIDENT CONLEY asked per mission to vote on the adoption of the rcsolu im, but .Mr. Burns objected. Permission was granted. A message was received from the House, announcing the ratification of the 14th and loth Amendments, and the Ratification of the expunging of the Belief Laws from the Constitution by Congress. On motion of Air. HARRIS, the ac tion of the House was concurred in, by veils 24, nays 10. A tv. HARRIS offered a resolution for the appointment of a joint commit tee of five from the Senate and seven from the House, to investigate the charges preferred against Gov. Bul lock for the unlawful use of public funds. Air. CANDLER suggested that the Legislature still being illegal, and the Governor provision .1, sa -h a resolu tion would be illegal. The resolution was adopted and the PRESIDENT appointed Harris, Dun ning, Fain, Nuunally, and Brock as the committee. Air. WOO THEN. from tho commit tee, reported rule3 for the government of the Senate. Fifty copies erdtroT printed for the use of the Senate, Air. UIGBEE moved that 500 cop ies if Ft:. Governors Message be print el. which motion prevailed. \lr. SiMK’i offered a resolution L.t hit Assembly, when it |Uo‘ adjourned, take a recess until 10 t ttyk'd *• M., ou the 14th mst. Mr C VUD.EFJ? moved to amend bj inserting the 16th for the 14th, which lid not prevail. Af;. SPEER'S resolution was adopt ’d, and the Senate took a recess uu .l 1 o’clock i> M. Foot O'CLOCK p. ir. Message received from the House announcing its concurrence in the res ulutiou to take a lvceao un ii Monday. 14th iust. ■"«% Un motion, the Senate took a recess until I hat time. The House having fade 1 to concur in passing the j oint resolution to ap point aeonnuittee of investigation in to Gov. Bullock’s illegal and unlawful use of pul lie fund?, the Senate resolu tion amounts to nothing. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, February 2. House met at 10, a. m., and was call ed to orde ’ by the Speaker. Prayer by Rav. At. Smith. Calling of the roll dispensed with. Journal of Saturday read. Aless ige fron “llis Excellency, the Provisiomd Governor,” was announc ed by R. Paul Lester. Air. BRYANT arose t* a point of order—there was unfinished business before the House—and it was a ques tion whether his protest should be en tered upon the Journal. Air. BRYANT then moved to have tLe protest entered. Air. FITZPATRICK objected. Motion put, and the Speaker an nounce and it carried. Mr. FITZPATRICK said he ques tioned if it was carried. The Message was then read. O NEAL, of Lowndes, offered a res olution adop ing the 14th Amend neut, and proceeded to commentThere ou. lie said he was aware that many thought this amendment had already been adapted. Alany thought other wise. Mr. TWEEDY* culled the previous question. Carried. Alain question put. Carried. Division called for. No Democrats voted. Yeas 7L, nays nothing. O’NEAL, of Lowndes, announced, with a slight blush, that he was paired off with someone, Air. Turnipseed, he believed. AIR. AfAULL paired off with Air. Harkness, who had gone home on ac count of family sickness. AIR. SCOTT desired to know why Air. Wilchar’s name was not called, as he was a member of the House. The SPEAKER said, his name would be entered at the proper time, when the official information. The SPEAKER declared the reso lution carried. Air. BRYANT made the point of or der that a quorum of the House had not voted jfor the resolution, and fore it was not carried. The SPEAKER overruled him. MR. BRYANT then rose to a per sonal explanation. lie had not voted for the amendment, and read the fol lowing lea.jon; It is well known that the 14 Amend ment to the Constitution of the United States has been ratified Ly both Hous es of the General Assembly of this m Mentally and therefore I now decline to vote for its ratification, I »W»—i: 1r -■ • . - - n Hl.-W uns ueon illegally organized, and I therefore decline to vote for the ratification. J. E. Bryant. Os Richmond County. O'NEAL, of Lowndes, offered an other resolution, adopting fundamen tal conditions, and resigned the floor to another Radical who called the pre vious question. Yeas and nays called for. The roll was being called, when, on request, the resolution was again read, as some thought the resolution was upon the adoption ox the 15th Amend ment. Some Democrats voted no, the rest did not vote. The Democrats then withdrew their votes, and the Speaker announced that the voto stood thus—yeas 71, nays 1, and tha f it was carried. The SPEAKER admitted the cor rectness of Air. Bryant’s position; but said lie was in the hands of a greater than he; after he got out of this thral dom, he would sustain Air, Bryant’s position, but not now. O’NEAL, of Lowndes, proposed a resolution adopting the loth Amend ment, and resigned the fL or to Lane, of Brooks, who called the previous question. On this resolution the yeas and nays \7orc Air. A NDERSON said lie considered himself gagged, and declined to vote. HALL, of Glynn, voted ‘no,’ and explained that he v..d so because Con gress had declared (‘ eorgia not a State in the Union, and not being a State, her action on this Amendment must be void. PARKS, of Gw incite, said he was instructed by his constituents, and vo ted ‘yes,’ Air. Tundin voted ‘no,’ and had read the following; A proposition to adopt the 15th Amendment meets with the uncompro mising reprobation of the noble, true and brave people whom I represent, and also with the feeling of their Rep resentative, and I can bnt, in this as in all other hours of trial, remain true to them and true f?) tho principles upon w hich they elected me. And though it may be passed over my head, I shall leave for them to behold, spread upon the journals of this House my deter mined p'otest against this crowning act of Radicalism and treason against ill good people of tho South. PRICE, of Lumpkin, explained that a year ago he treaded (not beheaded) those who favored tho adoption, and therefore voted ‘yes.’ Air. Bryant declined to vote. I am in favor of the ratification of the 15til Amendment, but believing as I do that this House has not been le gally orgonized, and that persons are permitted to participate in its proceed ings who an- not legally entitled to do so. 1 decline to vote. I E BiWiNT, Richmond County. The SPEAKER announced that the vote stood thus: Yeas 5-5; nays 29, and tile resolution was Carried. MR. TWEEDY, of Richmond, mov ed to transmit tuo action of in*j House to the ?seuute. Carried- AIR. SCOTT, of Hoyd offered » res olution requesting the Uovtiuar to or der, within uoikv days, an election to fill vacancies, caused oy death or other wise, and moved to lake up the reso lution. lhe SPEAKER said lu dill not be lieve tins was consistent witu ins ‘oi vieis, from above; hut as he had been aroitrary heretofore lie would waive ins privilege and put tile question to me House. A message from the Governor (Fro* v.sional ) was here announced ana read, it restored, under Gen. Terry ’s older 18, Mr. Wilchar, cf Taylor County, and Air. A. T. Bennett, of Jackson county, to their seats in the House. iVJit. CALDWELL, of Troup, utter ed a resolution requesting Congress to relieve all persons ui the State of Geor gia, from ail their disa niities, and mov ed to take up the resolution. Yeas and nays called. WATKINS slid as the Democrats had declined to vote on the adoption of the lotn Amendment, he would de cline to vote on this. Yeas 61; nays 60. Lost, as it required a three-fourth vote. Mr. BETIIUNE offered a resolution to appoint a committee to in vestigate the charges of Treasurer Augier against huv. Bullock. Lost on motion to take up rosolu u ui. AIADDEN offered a resolution ad journing the Louse until Monday, the j 14th instant. WILLIAMS offered an amend-- ruent to suspend the pay of members 1 during the interval. BE I JUNE offered a resolution re questing General Terry to suspend the collection of debts contracted prior to j Juno 1, 1865, uutil the Legislature c m i act upon the question of relief from j the same. Motion to take up this resolution lost. Mossage from the Senate announc ing its eoncuirence with the House in the ratification of the loth Amend ment and the fundamental conditions. The Chaplain Committee reported that they could secure the services of Rev. W. P. Harrison and R. W. Ful ler, and recommended them to the House. Committee on ‘Rules’ recommended the adoption of the Rules, of the pre ceding session. Report adopted. , Message from the Senate announc ing the appointment of a eomqnittce of five in the Senate lo investigate the charges of Treas ure r Angier against the Provisional Gov ernor Bullock, and requesting the ap pointment of a committee of, seven to o-operate with t he Senate Commitlee. Yeas and nays called on the motion to make up the message., Yeas 72, neas 44. Motion lost. Air. BRYANT said he wanted the charges investigated, but first desired the offices all filled/ [He seems to think Bullock will be replaced.] He voted ‘no.’ | Air. BRYANT y- -M—; . Message from the Senate asking concurrence in fheir adiorminrwuca *■■■ Amendment offered ami a desperate attempt made/by Bryant to be heard, but the SPE4KER put a motion of someone to ebneur in Senate adjourn ment to the 14th inst. This was ear ned. [lmmense applause from the Radicals.] The IHh au<l l.ltli Amendments. The House ratified the 14 Amend ment by a vote of 71 yeas to no nays; and the 15th Amendment 53 yeas to 24 nays. The Senate also ratified both the 14th and 15 Amendments, by 27 yeas to 10 nay’s. Important! The telegraph this afternoon tells us that Sherman dispatches Terry that Hill and Miller are the legal Senators. This don’t agree with Gov. Bollock's recommendation to the legislature to go into another election. Atlanta, February 2.—The General Assembly received the message to-day from the Governor, including his cor respondence with Gen. Terry, in which Gen. Terry acknowledges the Govern or’s notification of the organization of the General assembly, and informs the Governor that both Houses are now properly organized for tho purpose of assenting and complying with the con ditions imposed by Congress for the restoration of the State to its original relations with tho ration. The Gov ernor reviews the action of the old or ganization in expelling the colored members; quotes the several acts of Congress relative to the reconstruction of the late rebel States; also Gen. Ter ry’s report of August 14th, and the action and report to Congress of the Judiciary Committee appointed to in vestigate the credentials of Joshua Hill, Senator elect from Georgia; reca pitulates the facts covering the politi cal history of the State from the adop tion of the act of Alarch 2d, 1867, de claring that until the people of the rebel States were admitted to repre sentation in Congress, civil govern ments that exist shall be provisional only, subject to tho paramount author ity of the United States, which, at any time, could abolish, modify, con trol, or supercede the same; and up to the present time, that right was reserv ed by Congress, was never withdrawn o’* had expired by any legal act of Georgia. The Governor recommend ed the adoption of the 14th and ,15th Amendments, and concludes with the dc. c iro, fox* the good of the whole peo ple, that the citizen’s worth shall be determined by his own efforts, neither advanced uor retarded by birth, color, religion or politics. The agent of Alessrs. Frazer, Tren holm & Go., late agents of the South ern Confederacy, is here, trying to in duce the Government to accept SBO.- 000 in promissory notes and dismiss al! cases here and in Fngland. Fed your Lund t Sardy’s Ainmoniateri Soluble Pa • ctjic GUANO, 870. Phospbo-Peruvian Guano, S7B. Hr. Jno. B. Sardy has made me a large shipment of the above WELL KNOWN, WELL TRIED, and EXCELLENT O-TTANOS, which planters can procure at the above figures, for cash, or on time, with a reasonable per cent, added. I also call special attention to a large shipment just received of Sardy’s Fare teouEd CAROLINA RONE PHOS PHATE, Price SIO TOO per lon, and which analyzes equal to Flour of Raw Bone, and is only about half the price.— Use tliis where you would need Bone Dust. I also have just received, from Baltimore, a lot of PURE Peruvian Cirmao, Land Plaster# Bis- BONES, AND SA LT 3 which all can get who desire to use Dickson’s Compound. Apply to Messrs. A. A. SKINNER & C°-, C urt ersville, or MARK W. JOHNSON, jan 10,w3m Guano Merchant, Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. J. E. PYKON, ROBERT BRCICE BRUCH & Ff E§ 1, Main street, Gartersville, Georgia, DEALERS IN A GRIGULTUBAL FURSMJTURE t< "™”' s Have on HAND a fall assortment of Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Tables, Wash-stands, Cane and Split-bottom Chairs, Lounges, Cribs, What-nots, Safes, &c. Also the celebrated Plow of Dodge, Rhorer & Cos., Reapers and Mowers, Horse-Rakes,*&c. Ou? Furniture is of the best quality, and we are offering it at prices that cannot fail to feb 1-wtf WhaniUs Raw-Bdne Super-Phosphate \ jr-jr . OF Ju 131 E . : THE GREAT FERTILIZER FOR / ALL CROPS! AFTER years of trial by cur most scientific Fanners, it has given universal satisfaction, yielding, in some instances, 300 per cent, profit. Price delivered on the cars at Charles ton, SGS cash, or $75 payable November L, 1870. For sale by the Agent, | A. LTIDEN, I ieaeral Uomm!ssioi Merchant, K’o, 18, Alabama sir., Atlanta, Ga. Fine Grouutl Raw-Bone S7O per ton. Lime fresh from the Kiln at market rate.-<sa feb 1, 1870wly A pot-house poet lately got off this axiom: “He that by his biz would rise, Alust either bust or advertise.” Not so elegant but decidedly tiue. General Terry has been ordered to Washington on important business, af tei attending to which he will return to Georgia. In executive session the Senate again voted adversely to Judge Hoar for the Supreme Bench. The vote stood 34 to 24, The flourishing little city of Rome, Ga., has 229 business houses, all grades. Personal.— Rev. S. H. Smith, editor of the Cartersville Express, was in the city yesterday. Ho is always readv to express persons through who wish to take his excellent newspaper, or enter the matrimonial noose. —Atlanta Con stitution. Behind the Scene.— Stage manager. —“John, go and see if the ballet are all dressed, for it is time to ring up tho curtain.” Boy soon returns. “About ready sir—got most of their clothes off.” Death of George D. Prentice.— The greatest journalist of Americ i is no more! Ho sleeps the eternal sleep! Mr. Prentice died at the residence of his son, Col. Clarence Prentice, some ten miles from Louisville, on Satur day morning last. The bill abolishing the franking privilege passed by a vote of 174 to 14. It repeals all laws and parts of laws, giving to any officer or depart ment oi the government, or other per sons, the right either to send or re ceive through the mails, free of post age, any letter, document, or other mailable matter. Mr. Abbott offered a resolution set ting forth that violations of tho public peace are of frequent occurrence in the Southern States; that the protection of life and property, by the General Gov ernment, are the right of every citizen, and instructing the Judiciary Com mittee to inquire what is the power of the General Government in the pre mises ; also, to inquire into the consti tutionality and ex; euiemy of estab lishing a national police ior -o for the better enforcement of the law. The resolution was adopted. Seventy thousand acres of land in Bullock eouutry are to be sold on (he 7th of March next, for taxes. Sixty thousand acres are assessed to owners unknown. 5*3?” A I HOUSAND WoMES TESTIFY, —♦ ••• «- I>R. J. BBADFIEIiD'S Female Regulator. WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND, A CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES, SUPPRESSED il MENSES, and other diseases peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by L. H. BRADFIELD, Whole sale Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price .$1 50 per bottle. Srsttntontaljj. Thskf.gee, Ala,, Nov. 21, 1869.— Mr. L. H Bradjfltld —Sir: Please forward us, Immediately, auoiher supply of “BradfleP,is Female Regulator.”— AA e lind it to be all that is claimed for it, and we have witnessed the most happy aud decided effects pro duced by it. Very respectfully, HUNTER & ALEXANDER. We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commend r.g to the trade, Dr. J. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator—believing it to be ", good and reliable rem edy for the distases lor which he recommends it. W. A. LANSDELL, Atlanta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR A CO., _ „ Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAWSHR, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROO r & SON, Marieita, Ga. This will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and have been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, were, at length, completely cured by one bottle of Dr, J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator. I, therefore, deem it my duty to fui nish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffering woman-kind to the merits of a mediume whose power, in curing irregular and sup pressed menstruation, has been proven under my own personal observation. Its effect on such cases is truly wonderful, and well may the remedy be called “Wo man’s Best Friend.” Yours, respectfully, JAS. W. STRANGE, April 20, 1869. OarteravilU, Ga. For sale in Cartersville by BEST A KIRKPATRICK Druggists, and by Druggist? generally. ....THEM EBICAL FACULT Y USE 1T..... febSwly Oco. Sharp, Jr., the Live Jewel er of Atlanta. We paid a visit to this fine Establishment last week, and saw the largest stock of fire Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry we have ever seen in this State. Mr. Sharp is a lire man, and proposes to sell any of his stock for a few weeks, at New York wholesale prices. Now is the time for our citizens to get bargains, as we know Mr. Sharp to be strictly reliable. He keeps nothing but all Gold Jev% r elry, Sterling Silver ware, and everything usually kept by first class Jewelers. New Advertisements. Four Copies for One Dollar. The Little Soldier , published at Macon, (ia. by J. W. Burke & Cos., is the cheapest and handsomest Sunday School paper in this country, North or South! Each number contains sixteen pages and from eight to ten elegant engravings. Single copies, 50 cents a year, or four copies, seat to one address, ouo dollar. Fair Warning.— All persons indebted to the undersigned, for goods purchased dur ing 1860, are requested to come forward and make payment. Wo need the money aud cannot longer indulge Jan. 20. N QILREATII& SON. EORGIA. Bartow County—T F Jones has applied for exemption of Person alty and setting apart and valuation of Home stead, aud I will pass upon the same, at 10 o'clock, » in., on the Ibth day of February, 1870, at my office, thi- Feb. sth, Is7o. J A HOWARD. Ordinary. NE W. A DVEKTISEMEXTS. ] S. iElllUni.l -.1 V.L .... | Wbif T 6 4? waK IV E i - For sale by all dealers in DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. (ESTIBMSBIFiD, 1830.) WELCH & GRIFFITHS, saws ! axes ! saws ! SAWS of .1! descriptions. AXES. BELTING -<4ND MILL FCJUSIBHINGS. CIR- ULAU SAWS with Solid Teeth, or ir'th PATENT ADJUSTABLE POINTS, superior to all Inserted Teeth Saws. &S~Prices reduced. ....Send for Price List and Circulars WELCH A GRIFFITHS. Boston, Mass., and Detroit, Mich. AY OATS HAVE full.v demonstrated adaptation to the soil and climate of the South. Yield 100 to 150 bushels to the acre. No lodging or rusting, are heartily endorstd by prominent planters la every Southern State, Those wishing to participate in the profits oi the s le of this seed next, year should order at once, enough for a few acres. Every one will want it next year. J. L. Divine, Chattanooga,Teno., rais ed 753 hushels on ft acres last year. The Increased value of the straw will pay cost of seed twiee over.— A few planters have already bought, Rnd there is a chance for a few more. CAUTlON.—Counterfeit seed is being extensively offered in the South, and we caution the public against imposition, See that our trade mark is produced be fore you huv. Price, per bushel, $T 50; half bntthe', *4; peck, t>i. jd. Bend money with order, to lIOUGII & CHURCH. Knoxville, Tenn., or to D. W. RAMS DKLL k C 0„ Proprietors. 2IS Pearl Street, N. Y., or 171 Lake Street, Chicago. Circulars feee. 100,000 AGENTS WANTED FOB PRIEST and NUN. Apply at once to Oritten & McKin ney, 18G8 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE N. YORKTetWIt Publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the Family, a new Children's Story every week, Chats with the Lit tie Folks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments oT Religious and Secular Intelli gence—in short, whatever goes to make a complete Family Paper. Price $2.50 a year. Liberal premi ums to canvassers. Yearly subscriptions CGuuj.euce at. any time. For specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to THE METHODIST, 114 Nassau sir., New York. LORILLARD’S J JE I ev er Introduced it Smoking Tobacco |is universally ad mired. It is’tput up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLARD’S ,y. |j choicest loaf Smoking Tobacco facts, as the Nico tine has been ext-acted; it eaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; it is very mild, light in color and weight, hence one pound will last as ion,; as 3 of or dinary tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders ev eryday for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it and convince yourselves it is all it claims to be 'THE FINEST OF ALL.’ LASILLARD'S is a brand of Fine , u » Cut cbewlng To . m LV jTSIJHb JL * bacc ®i Bnd lw Smoking Tobacco anywhere. It Is without doubt the bast chewiox tobacco lo «'»*■ LORILLARD'S \ f 11 ” P™ »aUF F & is -as still acknowledged the beat wherever used. If your storekeeper does not have these articles for sale, ask him to get them; they are sold by respecta ble jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of prices mailed on application. P. Lorillard & Cos., New York. WITHOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Medif cine. Sent post-paid, on receipt o lOcts. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, (author of Medical Common Seme.) No. 120 Lexing ton Ave., cor. East 18th St., N. Y. PEWTC Buys the only RELIABLE ADD ben I O INfJ MACHINE. Address 11. RICH ARDS, Box 3986 New York. AW.4Y with uncomfortable TRUSSES. Comfort and cure for I the Ruptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave. New Lork. 10,000 AGENTS WANTED FOR lE^IETIE^OS^IEJaTXOasr. The finest engraving In th« market. Apply at once to Crltencten A McKinney 1308 Chestnut st., Phll’a, Pa The Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. 10,000 AG EATS WASTED FOR WALKS AND HOMES OF JESUS. By Rev. D g March, 1). D-, author of ‘Night Scene* of the Bible.’ Apply at once to Crittendeu «Ss McKin ney, 1808 Chestnut st. Philadelphia Pa. Agents '■ Read This ! We will pay agents a salary of 30 dollars per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to our new wenderful In ventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshalvllle, Mich. POCKET REVOLVERS.— West's Sia: Shooter. A neat, durable weapon, four-inch barrel. Price $1.60 post-paid. Address S. G. AUSTIN, Elsie, Micb. SMPLOYMKNT.— $200 a month with Stencil Dies. Samples free. 8. M . SPENCER A CO. Brattieboro, Vt. WANTED! Agents in every town in the South and West for the LARGESt ONE DOLLAR HOUSE in the country, to whom we offer the most liberal inducements. GOODS SENT C. 0. D- Send for circulars. S. C. THOUPSOY & Cos., 136 Federal Str,, 158 State Str., Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111. This is no Uumbag. BY sending 25 eta., with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a cor- ! rect picture of jour future husbaDd or wife, with 1 name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O, Drawer No. 21, Fultonvrlle, S. Y. j DK. WHITTIER, 9 Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pa., of Union-wide reputation, treats all venereal diseas es ; also, seminal weakness. Impotency, tv., the result I of self-ohuge. Pend 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet. Ml i pages. Na matter who faifed. state case. Consults, tlon free. THE MARRIIGE RlNG.—Essays for young men,' free, in scaled envelopes. HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, Box P, Philadelphia Penn. NEW ADVERTISMFEN’TS, HoESSlii tut, iret f'* s»t ' k»AB. C. Jtk'XEY, Han«.rtr, P», 1 IX3WHOM tXCY. FASCINATION OR Stii‘l. fiIARMING. 4OO pages; ! cloth, This wonderful t*«.k has full instruc- i tion to enable the reader to fascinate either j ttrs, cr any animal, at will. Mesmerism, ! Spir-tualisiw, and hundreds of other curious , experiments. It can be obtained by sending address with postage to T. ", ENAN*j A CO., No. 41 {south Eighth Street. Phila ; dMphia. ~ I THE WILCOX & (iIBB-i SILENT S E W I N G o A PERFECT WONDER In its Simplicity, Noiselessness, Strength of Stich and Beauty of Finish. Has a patent device, which prevents its turning back ward. NEEDLE 13 SELF-ADJUSTING, and cannot l»o set wrong. Its Hero mere, Feller and Braider ure acknowledged Superior to Oihem I It Tacks, Cords, Hems, Fells, Braids, Embroiders, Quilts, and docs all kinds of Tlain and Fancy sewing with neatness «nd dispatch. IT RUNS SO LIGHT, That LADIES IN FEEBLE HEALTH may USE WITHOUT INJURY I | Guarantied To Please in Every Reaped, This machine is mounted on h neat ly finished table. Send for a Circular containing full information, notices from the Press, Testi monials from those using the Machine, etc. We refer to any one using the Machine. FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRI CES BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., No, 99 Bay St., rtavannab, Ga. 211 Broad Street, Augusta, GENERAL AGENTS for tho State of Georgia and Florida. AGENTS WANTED in every Coun ty throughout the State to sell Machines. R. STOKES SAYRE, Agent, Stilosboro, Jan. 6th,—4m Ga. See also their advertisement of Guanos in aonther column. W. ff. M'HIICH, (Successor to Barnes & McXlnoh.) DEALER IN Family Groceries# Country Produce, Cenfectioaer/us, &c., &c, ALSO, LIQUORS, 4U JJO, AND TOBACCO , 4-c. On the West side of tho Railroad, first door ou Main Street, Caktbitsv ills, Ga. dec. 7, 1869. if~you~doubtlt, come and see WE IHFE OA 11A\D AND AND ARE RECEIVING THE LARGEST GENERAL STOCK OE WATCHES JEWELRY AND C X.l O O TC s, Silver and Plated Ware, Etc., STIVER BROUGHT TO ATLANTA, and and having purchased direct from manufacturers at net cash prices, wa ar» able, hnd willing and determined to sell as low as any person, or persons, in any place, either in town, city, or village North, South, East, or West, WE HAVE BETTER FACILITIES, For the purchase and sale of certain classes of fine Watches, than any other house South has, or can get, and we will give our customers the benefit of the advantage. OUR ONLY REFERENCE IS 2i Years Experience In the Jewelry BUSINESS IN ATLANTA, AND TO THOSE WHO HAVE TRADED WITH THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF EK LAWSHE. better arrangements than any house in Atlauta for repairing Watches and Jewelry. Sept.29th, ’69-ly. LAWSHE & HAYNES. 20 BARBELS lmuretifs OAIIOA SETTS, Just received and for sale, by UEDWINE Sc FOX, Wholesale Druggist.?, Poo, Atlanta, Ga. United States Internal Revenue Tax Kotiee. Asst. Assessors Office, ) 4th District Ga. Marietta, Feb. 2d, 1870. ) I will be in Cartersville during the week commencing February 21st, and ending Feb. 26, both days inclusive, for the purpose of assessing Income j taxes for the year 1860, and articles ; in Schedule “A,” also Special License, j Taxes for the year ending April 80th, j 1871. As the law requires everybody ! to return whether tlieir Income ex-1 ceeds SIOOO, or not, I will, therefore ! assess all who may neglect to return,! according to the "best information 1 i may be able to obtain. Planters, pay particular attention to this notice. Parties desiring blanks can get them by calling at the Store of Simon Lieb mans. Sa.m n T. Anderson, Asst. Assessor. (1 LORO IA, Bai.jsv County,—All persons T indebted to tho estate of Mrs. F. M. Rowland, late of Bartow county deceased, are hereby required to make immediate pay- i ment, and those having demands against j said estate will present for payment dutv | attested as the law directs. Feb. 1, I*7o ' W 7, ROW 7, \\|> Ex'r SPEIHAH, Eitiu ftpednl Wit,* Be*<•'*»l • *•> ; >»>•'»(.■» Tdu'r ~, . , . , , - 1 *. Ni be*,) •:>a»'rt!TeiV»d. »i«i <. .e <\.uu.en*(lrr b’ue-' ?r shith's tonic sriii» Theyi-atlM i»rtl«ie u us, Dr. j 4« fiuii', va'e StHTßf* t >u each bufti*. Hr John Bull on'y [ thr lit fit to iiiiiuufac err »nd xei! the m-lglmi X,> Smith’sTouie S 3 rup of I .»bS»vl Ue, Ry. t|(i the l.vbel on eooh bitvlle. if my p r ivxte et,.irip on tb«bout •, do not parclume, or inn will Mdcedv a Se« m.v C'.lumii udvartistoiert. nod uiy the* . I will prosecute xny one lofriuglDg 'on tny right, genuine Smith's Toole Srrup c*q only be prepared ► myself. Tho public'* aervaa*. HH. JOU» BCV 1 LtiuUville, KyApril 23, lso3 to c o.\srm»Tii cs. THE Advertiser, having beea restored to hc.nitk in a fe.v weeks, by „ very simple remedy, after having rafferod several years with a p*rere lung affectiou snd that dread disease, anxious to make known to his follow-t; JVr* ers ike means of cure. To all who desire it, i.a will tv r J a c-pT of tha prescription u.-ed (free of oi.' | with the uirecCons for preparing and usiag the fatfie, which they will find a Bure Coy* j For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etf The object of the advertiser in setHten;; the Prescription is to benefit tho afflicted, spread ioforamti>jß which he conceives te to' La in valuaid r; an 1 fce hojrss every sufferer will try s;»m i-me-ly as jf ail. | cott them not hug, ftn-i may proves blMj. I iog. REV. EDWAR!> A. WILSON, V ! Williawh.iiv, Kittg--* I’oiißiv, New York. ACX&TD~ A Cdvrgyinan, while rKniding in Sooth , America h» a missionary, discovered a sass : and siuipl# remedy for me Cure of Nsrvom j Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the bi - nary and Seminal Organs, and the who* > MACHINE. train of disorders b:ought on by b; • Lm and viseious habits. Great numbers im\. been cured by this noble remedy. Promp:- ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and . n fortuna e, 1 will send the recipo for prepar ing end using this medicine, in a -ealed en vclope, to any one who needs it, Frm *j Charge. ' JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bibb: House. Sept. 15—vr5nt New Yoik City EKRORI» GF iftl’TU A GENTLEMAN WTo offered for yews from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, acud free to all who need it, tho recoipt an ! di rections for making tire simple remedy by which ha was cured. Sufferer* wishing t» profit by tho advertI s -cr’3 ex fierietioc*, can do so by addressing, in perfect csnudence. JOHN B OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New York PIANOS. The undersigned would respectfully Announce tliad. he is ehttbled to furnish . the most mnpnifi-iciit TT'anos ever seen in this country, from $325 to fSO(). Having superior advantages, and j many years experience in ihe busiueofi in Europe and Ameiica, I can sell a first class Piano, 7. or 7| Octave, with all the very latest improvements S6O o SIOO loss than they can be bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12 | months, and warrant every Piano fiv<s j years. He will have spechne ns here, 1 <>v vvnteT wnn you in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kencsaw House, F. L. FREYER, Marietta, Ga. B«X*Mj'. F. L. Freyer, Marietta Ga., is one of the firm of Phillips, Crews & Freyer, Atlanta, Ga., agents for the wale of the cele brated Knabo Pianos, and will be happy to receive orders for any of the above instru ments, at his residence—tho Konnesavr house. Notice to Treftpaaserfl. All parties are hereby notified that from and after this date, all stock tres passing upon my enclosed premises, will be impounded by me, aud held 1 until all expense* are paid, or be turn ed over to the proper authorities and sold to pay said expenses. So take due warning ahd look after yo ,_ r stock Andrew Baxter Cartersville, Och 19th, 18S/ Peslpnacd ftKarsfiiil's Srtlcs, ON the first Tuesday in March, befc.e the court-house door in Curterimi> % within the lagal hours of sale, will be sold Also, one town lot in tho town of Carters ville, No. 2; levied upou by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by the toun council of Carters ville vs. Caleb Tompkins. Pointed out by defendant. Also, one house and lot in the town of Oartersvilie, whereon the defendant lived in 1869, No. not known, said lot lying on the North side of Market street, iu front of Mr. Hillyer’s school house; levied upon by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by the town council of Cartersville vs. L. A 7 inaeu. .1. D. WELKIXSOA, jan. 11, 1870. Marshal. SBX.LENO ©PF! i ;>V r POST. 4 NTICIPATING A CHANGE OF BU iY SI NESS, 1 offer for sale, at Cost, my entire stock on Land, consisting of FAMILY GROCERIES, CO \ FECTIOifERUBS, LIQUORS, &€., &C. To all of which 1 beg leave to invite tho at tention afthc public. WM N. McNDJCH. Cartersville, Feb. 1, 1870. BLOOM INGTON, ILLINOIS Jf uSsStt 500 Acres: 20 Greenhouses! *iOO kov t,s IJosos, “Our rAftGEBF, best stock, and shipping fa j cilities. Apples 1,2, 3 yrs., 1000 fine 1 yr., $25. Apple Root Grafts, Nursery Stocks, Seed-, Osage, Apple, Fetch, Wild Goose, Plum, Osage Hedge, 10,000 $15,00. Evergreens. Roses, 1000, SIOO. Dahlias, Gladiolus, Greenhouse, Bedding Plants.-- Send 10 cents for Catalogues, feb l-w2m P. K. PHtENIX. C"1 EOIiGIA, Bartow County.—James R. T Marlin lias applied for exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon the same at my office, at 10 o’clock ou the morning of the 11th inst. Tbit January 81, 1870. J A HOWARD, Ordinary. C"1 ARDEN SEEDS of ulmo.H every Ts •%rGnj, m great abundance, and for sale hu A, A. S£L\XSK A CO\