The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, March 10, 1870, Image 2

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Th e Express. ~ va, v # if. . y—WiliW «».«—.-f ..rnwHilfii 'III* <Wf «9 SAMCKL //. .' )//77/, AV//»r «»•* Proprietor CARTRUSYILLE, Q\. t MCH, 10th. liCtt j»—-» >'—winy r—iuMji,r-..-»«■»—-v ■ w <>rWUn Slur. By the retirement of Ms. Speights and Col. Logan, Col. Fi eh becomes sole editor and proprietor of the Cri*- fin Star, ns announced in t ie last num ber of that paper. ttok-It iy stated that the Committee on Ways and Means li s agtecd to re commend the : bclitlo of the income tax. Says the Atlanta N- • Era “this me..* sure would be hail ;d with great satis faction by the people everywhere, and nowhere more than ii Georgia.’ To which we sav “true, O king!’’ t&uThe active and energetic travel ing agent of the Atlanta Daily Consti tution, Mr. J. J. Hall, called iu to see us, af< \v days since. Tie represents Hint sterling and live journal as doing Wei', which we were glad to hear, as w ; thiLk it worth of a liberal patron age, and are pr >ud to say that it is getting it at this point— it is a particu lar favorite amoa our people of this section. It, kowov r, comes to us very irregularly, of late, we having only re ceived three copies in ten days. We acknowledge the receipt of last Fri day morning’s paper, this (Tuesday) morning. -*o>~ The following is a list of the officers of the Oartersville and V m Weit Hail road Company, viz : Mark A. Cooper, Preddent; Robert W. Crawford. Superintendent; W. W. White, Chief Engineer; D. W. K. Pea cock, Secretary and Treisurer. The Judiciary Committee report; in effect, concerning Georgia, that the Legislature of 1808 was legal, that the govern moat then organized was perma nent: that the recent reorganization of the Legislature was unwarranted by law —Ist in the control and direction of its proceedings by Harris; 2d, in the exclusion from taking the oaths and from seats of three members elect, who offered to swea • in; Bd, in the seating of persons n >t having a majority of the votes of the election. Thk We r Ano used. — 13y telegraph we have tin information that the Cin cinnati C unbar of Commerce, by «• ’A.TVBLVIVUVO v s votn \\TVT* YCHolu- ‘ tiouo G no uiuing tbo ns\ifino of <§twn eral Vienna Srhenck for a recinion of the present unjust and unconstitution al tariff laws. It cannot be changed says the Au gusta Chronicle, that ihis action of the Cincinnati merchants is instiga ted by opposition to the Republican party, for iu m of both parties in the West are casting about for a combina tion which will relieve the overburden ed industry of that section from the unjust exactions of E ystern manufac turers. The West cann >t secure itself relief except by a fraternal coalition with the South. Ours is almost en tirely an agricultural people, and, like Western agriculturists, their interests are at present sacrificed by Cong es. in order that the Lowell lords and sir» My aristocracy of the E.ust may thrive and fatten. To show how completely the job is done in some of the 'Southern States, we re pro.luce a paragraph from the C MTcspondnco of the Augusta Chronicle, in regard to South Caroli- Lit us glance at the :utk:i up of the State government of this State, to see how perfectly the carpot-baggers have taken the lion's share of the spoils: Governor—Scott, of Ohio. State Treasurer Parker, of New England. State Auditor —Tomlin son, of Penn sylvania. Superintendent of Elocution—Jii son, of New England. Chief Constable —Hubbard, of New England. Superintendent of the Penitentiary —Solbrand of the Northwest. Associate Justices—Williard, of New York, and Wright of Pennsylvania. Circuit Judges —Corbin, of New England, and Platt, of New York. Attorney Generd—Chamberlain, a 1 -P '-‘'U-ite v ankee. U. S. Senator —Sawy r, of New Eng land. Representatives Whirtemore, of New England, and Hog i of New York Codifiers of the State laws—Corbin, ndc wn-east Yankee, ad Whippor, a Michigan negro. Ana soon. The Cartersville Express thinks Fos ter Blodgett a groat nu n, and hones he will join the Democracy. Too In telligencer copies his article, and gloats over it,‘and says that the Democrats of Cherokee will echo the sentiment.— Tiie Intelligencer slanders our people by this assertion. —Rome O urine. Thus speaketh the fuven'le censor of the Georgia Press, at the City of 'omo ■ wt — ~ G>!.o Still Got a * Down.—Gold lias gone down to 1 15 s ! in New York. Barrow County.—Bar ow is one of the brag counties of beautiful Northern Georgia.— A ! in ita Cm dilution. T;r:: Fruit Kirs, —From the ap jpe uw ice of tho blooms of our peach ■in.l p:u:u trees, we wed 1 judge that jgnev wav entirely killed by the late Hkl weather. Rain rbhje Ary/ua Hk >r O'dton Citizen says it is rum >r a I,r gi’o man Was hung at Cal -'donduy nig it for an attempt n&j|Sr*l^c ll poa a white woman. Tue CnxxuiiY, Mr March, with its accustomed repast of excellent readmg. literary and historical, liCL; come promptly to hand. Vv’e are glad to sec the vigor with which our friend Do Fontaine is managing his bantling, Ali i trust the Southern people will see to it that his labors are abundantly re warded. The Lvov's Ehi end Fm: M.vr-ih.—A beautiful steal engraving of Windsor Castle, the residence of Queen Victo ria, is the opening embellishment of the March number of this “Queen of the Monthlies.” Then we have the large plate of Colored ash ions, giving the late t styles from Paris. This is followed by a charming spring scene, “The Swallow’s Nest.’’ The music for this number is “The Bedford Springs’ Polka.” Among the numerous wood cuts illustrating f f he latest styles for Jackets, Suits, &e., the ladies will find a riding-dross of the newest fashion.— The literary matter is unusually varied and ulln olive. Mis. Moulton contin ues her exquisite story, “Did he Forget Herand Elizabeth Prescott “The Cascaimon’s Aaut;” Mrs. Ames con tributes “The P rcscription, and A. -I. Dana “A Bunch of Clover;” and ‘he remaining stories and poems have an attractive look. Published by Dea con & Peterson, 31 1 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Price $2.50 a year (which also includes a large steel en graving.) Four copies, SG. Five cop ies (and one gratis,) SB. “The Lady’a Friend” and “The Saturday Evening Post” (and one engraving), SI.OO. Petcksdn’s Magazine for April is al ready on our table. It maintains the high character of this favorite lady's book. The steel engraving, “Eyes Right,” is capital, full of fun and char acter. The colored steel fashion plate is superb, excelling anything in its line wo have seen. That powerful story, “The Secret of Bartram’s Holme,” is brought to the close in this number.— “The Prisoner of tho Bastile,” by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is continued, is in creasing in interest with every num ber. The other stories are by the best writers in the country: in this depart ment “Peterson” excels pre-eminently. We do mot see how anybody can do without this magazine. Term, $2.00 a year, with great reductions to clubs. Address- C. J. PETRSON, Philadelphia, Pa. We have receiv’d the first number of an .admirably printed work by the American News Company, New A ork, entitled the “Technologist,” and devo ted to Engineering, Manufacturing and lkwU Ywv;*, -witn ttpproprmto illustrations. Price $2 per annum. Ballou’s Magazine, The March number of this popular Literary Mag azine is on our table. Its table of ci ntents is full of merit, and its price is within the reach of all, being but $1,50 a year. Eiliott Thomas k, Tal bot publishers, Boston, Mass. Burke’s Weekly for Boys and Girls. —This elegant juvenile is the best of its kind, and is peculiarly adapted to the wants of Southern children, it is deservedly popular among the young, and we wonder that all the boyr and girls in the South are not subscribers to it. Price $2 a year. Published by J. V. Burke & Cos., Macon, Ga. “I Goes 1W Dat Bill, Shiire.” Manager Bateman, the Kate’s father, relates to the editor of the N. Y. Sun his experience of a recent morning vis it to the Louisiana legislature. He says lie arrived just in time to hear a most interesting argument between the members. Ihe question under d_bato was that of increasing the pay of members, which was then s(> per day. A member arose '’lid proposed to increase the pay to £8 a day. Another member strenuously oppos ed the motion. Member from the suburbs ptoposed to increase the amount to $lO a day. Immediately a big, burly, colored “gemman” jumped upon his seat, and, in atentorion tones, delivered himself of the following: “Air. Speaker, and'gemmon/ dis am de fust time I ebber had a chance to make ten dollars a day in my life, and I goes for dat bill shure.” At last accounts the colored mem ber hud bought a $25,000 residence, saying he “would pay sio down, and de b dance in a year." &£3l_ Great excitement prevailed at Stevenson, Ala., a few days since, growing out of the attempt to run out of the place a negro man cohabiting with a white woman. The negro re sisted several attempts to arrest him, and the negroes of the vicinity rallied to sustain him. He was finally arrest ed and put under guard, the negroes making demonstrations towards res cuing him and the whites turning out to guard him. A conflict being immi-! ueut, an application was made for Fed-1 oral troops, and they were ordered from Huntsville. But before the arri-, val of the troops about forty masked i men rode ini) Sletenson, demanded! the prisoner of the guards, obtained atid it is supposed hung or shot him in a swamp ucirby; though one ac count a ivs chat ho escaped from them in the swamp. At the last accounts the troops had arrived, and all was quiet. —(J 4. Enquirer. . -«eK T.ui Plantation. — tVo merely take : occasion to say that our good friends,! Gnl. Howard and Col. Alston, are ma king the R! 'Citation a lino thing.—At lanta Cos Ida!ion. —*4*ss* If a man is a teetotaller, he need not j always be out of spirits. BAiLKOib ACtM EW. rifjcca Person* Kit!erf mid For fj WcEr.dcU. On Sunday morning brief mention was made in the telegiaj h column >f an accident which occurred on the Mis sissippi Central Railroad on the 25 ii ult. Through the kindness of Mr. C. H. Lavender, of the Southern Express in this city, \v * have received an extra, issued from the office of the Jackson (Mississippi) Clarion, on the 2bth, from which we get the following particulars: The passenger train on the Missis sippi Central Railroad, due here at 12 o'clock last night, ran off the trestle work 2 miles south of Oxford, Miss., last evening, causing an awful destruc tion of life and limb. The engine and express car passed over—the baggage ear fell iu aid tho express ear fell back upon it, the pas senger coaches falling on the express car. Twenty lives lost; from fifty to sixty wounded. Hilled. —G W McDonald, road mas ter, Bolivia*, Teun.; T B Harris, New York; J Covington, Woodbury, Term ; Col Alex SpeCrs, Brandon, Miss.; 8 W Conn. 111.; EB Moore, Evansville, Ind; Thus Watson, im uigrant; Aim hinier, Glasgow, Scotland: Colored woruou unknown; two c lured brakesmen; L C Moorhouse, Elkhart, La. Wounded. —Col Sam Tate, Charles Mcßonnico, E M.M irmly, \Y Taliafer ro, all of Wafer Valiev; Sam Frazier, Nashville: C R Boyd, La.; H B Mc- Clirleit, route agent, Jackson, Term.: S Lehman, Jackson, Team; S P Mc- Daniel, Texas; Chas S Young, C Hii derbrand, Illinois; Judge Ri hard Bus teed, Alabama; lady, unknown, going to Texas; 0 apt, A B Scliell, Louisville; James Moore (colored) and an immi grant family of ten or twelve persons, all more or less injured; also W J Ber ryman, wife and children, from Glits glovv, Scotland. We would state that the wounded are being wed cared for by the citizens of Oxford and Water Valley. Most of the killed were sent to Ox ford. There are many others that are hurt whose names we could, not obtain, mostly im migrants. We are gild :o learn that Col. Tate is only slightly we unde J: Gen. Penny picker was on board but escaped unhurt. Death of Mas. W. T. Trammell.— We regret to announce the death of Mrs. W. T. Trammell on Monday last. Mrs. Trammell was about thirty-six years of age; she was a model woman, and leaves a large family of interesting children. We deeply sympathize with her bereaved husband in this, his great grief; and for the little orphans who are thus suddenly deprived us an excel lent mother, we have only to say “God temper? the wind to the shorn I ;mb.” —Griffin Slav, i Ui Gist A negro was taken f.iom the jail in V bitfield county, a few days since, and executed by negroes and whites. His crime was two attempts to commit rape. The first attempt was upon a negro girl. The cries of the girl brought assistance and he tied from the State. Returning a short time since, he way - keyed n. yonng Lely, and Uvag-g-iu” Her from her horse, carried her to the woods, but was again discovered in time to prevent Lis hellish designs.— He was afterwards arrested, and final ly executed by the enraged populace. The Great Unsuoi-at.— The corres pondent of the Baltimore Sun referring to Bullock’s manifesto before the Sen ate Committee, says: • Bullock says he is holding his office at great pecuniary sacrifice, and that there is “little comfort in being the tar get of Billingsgate and bullets,” and, further, that he has informed the Pres ident and General Terry that his res ignation is at their service. Bullock should enlighten the public as to when and where he was a “target for bullets.” If anybody has ever shot at the creature, as Judge Underwood would say, we know nothing about it in Georgia. No doubt he feels ho ought td be shot. But that “resignation"! Oh, that we had had a rope around Graut and Terry’s necks when they refused it! Savannah republican. large number of citizens of Georgia, have been reported to the Senate and House, as proper persons to be relieved of disabilities. The Sen ate bill bears the r.nines of W. T. Gould, Augusta; R. D. Sharp, Rome; I. R. Parrott, Oartersville; John Neal, Warrenton; W. S. Bagolv, Forsyth. The Temperance Watchman. — \V. E. 11. Searcy, Esq , of Griffin, announces his intention of publishing, under the above title, anew monthly paper of thirty-two pages to be devoted to the temperance cause in Georgia. The Georgia Daily Journal is the title of a pupa*' which will be issued in Macon on or about the sth instant,— The gentlemen comprising the firm be ing practical printers, are thoroughly acquainted with the publ.shing busi ness in all of its details and will un doubtedly publish a good newspaper. We wish the enterprise al u idant suc cess. Abraham So i •, cul., of the At an*a agency invested an X in a lottery, a few days ago, and profited by drawing a $1,200 prize. Sip.tli is from Musco gee, and will with this streak of luck, be able t > su'wsst pretty well until the $9 per d'uim gets into operation again. ihe Atlanta Constitution is in formed that three ladies in Lumpkin county, a lew (.lays since killed a ven erable stag in a field. They stood their ground manfully, and asserted their rights with clubs on the antlered kin<* of the forest. ®®-The Warren ton Clipper mentions , a rumor that Norris, the military Shor »if oi vV aircu county, contemplates re- signing, and remarks that the perti j uacity of the Warrentonians in re maining quiet and living at peace among tuems-dves and with the rest of mankind, renders the office n m profitable and politically.— e have heard of no tears being shed. There is n rumor that G aoral Terry intends m k'ng his heauqu uderu in Savannah. iiencmi lienui in Circulation. The Nashville Bunne v contains fne new Constitution of Tennessee. The vote on the ratification takes place 26th instant. The powder works Hint 220 acres of land at Augusta, Ga., are advertised for sale, on the loth this mouth, by the U. S. Marshall A Federal soldier killed one of his comrades at Summerville, Chattooga county, a few days since. G ;mra! Beauregard's matrimonial engagement with Mrs. Haas, of New Oi l ims, has been mmounct <l. The population of linutcodie, Ala., is about 7,000. The population of San Francisco by the Directory of 1860 is 172,050. The Sandersville Getrgiau learns that one planter iu that county will use 500 kms of guano this year. It is reported that Empress Eugenie will visit' Sweden and Norway in the spring. BE*i. A letter publish" 1 by the Sav annah Republican reports a fearful mortality in Coffee county, from nieni gitis. One hundred and fifteen persons had died, and a large number were suffering. One family of nine lost eight of its number. People were fly ing from the county. J. W. Burke & Go., Macon, have purchased the building now occupied by them as a printing house, paving SIB,OOO. firiL. Eleven ladies, the wives of the most prominent citizens of Albany county, Wyoming Court, have been drawn for the March term, as jurors. It creates considerable excitement.” — We should suppose so, among the hus bands. BgU By the will of the late General Wood, of the Federal army, General Hardee gets $2,000. BgL The post-office at Sugar Hill, eight miles from Gainesville, has been re-established, and H. H. Thomas ap poi uted postmaster. A colored Agricultural Society is being organized in Brandon, Miss. Florida Being Sold Out. —The Flor ida Independent publishes eight col umns of Alachua county Sheriff’s sales. A few years more of Radical rule and the whole State will be uuder the Sher iff’s hammer. Dogmatic.—Somebody has written a new song called ‘Shoo Purp/ and dedi cates it, with the respect, to Ulysses I. Louisville, March 1, 1870.—Silver mines of unparalled richness have been discovered in Grayson county, Ky. Undo Sandy’s old press has come back to Griffin, and our young friend Charlie (Dan,) Johnson, proposes to run a si won pure Radical paper, under the style of the Empire State, -with the old machine. —Griffin Star. Capt. Tames R. Slayton. —Capt. Slay ton, one of the most efficient contract ors on the Alabama and Chattanooga Ilairoad, the Chattanooga Times says, has obtained a large contract on the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad. A Radical member of the Agency, named Goodwlu, from Bartow county, writes a letter to the Era about Bry ant’s “rediculous lillitudes.” What Uio renow mean? Is this some new crime Bryant has been commit ting?— Telegraph & Messenger Governor Scott, of South Carolina, has pardoned and remitted the sen tence of nearly two hundred penifcei - tiary convicts, including several mur derers, since Nevember, 1863. The Supreme Court of the United States takes the President’s proclama tion of the 20th of August, 1866, as the date of the close of the rebellion. This affects many cotton cases, and other litigations. At the pressat time there are one hundred and seventeen ocean steamers making regular trips between the Uni ted States and ports in Europe, not one of which bears the American Hag. It is said that there are now four times as many cattle in Texas as thero was before the war. The D iwson Car Company talk of removing to Brunswick. At what time was Adam mar ried ? Upon Ins wedding Eye. Where did Joseph g; when he was fifteen years old ? Into his sixteenth year. jg Senator "Warner, of Alabama, has gone homo on a visit— i e., to Ohio, where he resides. Ninety-nine speeches delivered and nine Bish ips dead is the record of the Ecumenical Council. So it only takes eleven speeches iu Latin to kill a Bish op. Sidney Smith once said, “Philan thropy is a universal sentiment of the human heart; whenever A sees Bin trouble he always wants C to help him. An experiment of mixing negroes and whites in the public schools of Louisiana was tried Monday, in Al | giers, opposite New Orleans. " The re | suit was the withdrawal of all the | white scholars, leaving the blacks to “go it alone.” From West Virginia. —Wheeling. March 4, p. m.—The Legislature has adjourned.* The seat of “government | w 11 hereafter be at Charleston Terrible Loss of Life.— Cincinnati, , Ohio, February 23.—The Captain of the Emma No. 3, telegraphs from Cai- I ro that seventy five lives were lest by j the burning of that steamer. Winchester, a hospitable and truly Virginian town, during the war chang ied hands eighty-seven times; sotne : times as many as three times in a sin- i gle day. Even with this experience no : population in the State continued more devoted to its traditions and its time- 1 honored customs. While some miners were at work, a few days ago, in the Curry vilie coal mines, Ind., they discovered, at the j depth of one hundred and eighty feel, 1 tho petrified body of a sea serpent. Starch is the best article yet discov ered to show off linen, and the worst for manners. True wisdom is to know what is best worfc.i knowing, and to do what is best worth doing. HCft-Ons planter in Washington county will use 500 tons of guano this season. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS gprijTQ W A fd T E D nULlil 3 y INU AtMisVn." Ti.'ui" n nvu» vraphio and Miri linT and srr’pii m of tip fw ad'-pi.tvei of this command*-and his cotnred-s, sriHen I,< Sit ones himself. *r.d th-refore am!,, utic tn every pnitfcUtor. y. e s.leofthis bjnlt hts Oven nn:.<t unpreetileof? 1, »n.| still tlieM-insmi *« u-.ab tie I. iriiiil v n 1 y by subscription, anil exc/u*ict territory Rives to good agmis. s F. I. niBRLU A CO., PubMsher*. SU > Main th-set, f.omevil’U, Ky. sour Attention id CORDIALLY INVITED to the Henderson County, Kentucky La ml Sale Grand Prize Scheme Enterprise CHARTERED by the LugLUtture of K ntuclty, and «n(lar,t<l and recom mended l>/ every leading offi ial in the State, and up wards of JKW ol her most prominent citizens. 511 FUZES, $314,320! Cotnptising the ichest river bottom t baeco farms in the '•t-itlthy county of Henderson, Ky., with all their appui tenancy. Capital€*rize Sl5O, 000! Smat lost Prize, GSO. Also about 52C.000 in GREENBACKS, heirg the entire rent mot et of ’lie propel tv for the years I<.G9 and IS7O, which distr buted to the winners of the J)r*t »ec*n prizes respectively. Rent of the f.-rms for 186!). w as tw-lvedollsrs per acre, and it is eonfifVntly expected that they ni l equal or sur pass, this fit'iiie for 1:70. Tieketo Five I>olla i*.s. Final drawing. JUNF !hh. 1860, a! MA-ONICTFM PL ■!. TOUISVir.UF, KY. Hundreds cf our best citi zens, h ve given unqualified ce'tiiicutes and endorse ments of this mtiffnijiceat enterprixe. Fvery dollar invested bj ticket holders U beul in trust hv the commissioners appdn'ed hy the Legiila ture, until the drawing t kes piae. aud prizes are de- ; ' 1-vered. In order to have your tickets properly registered, ! huv nt OMOK of yoitr nearest club agent, nr remit by Kxr« es«, prepaid. Draft, P. O. money or l-r. or real*- ttrej letter, to either of the fii\\ow\ny Jimtncitliajdiiln ‘ who will furnish fnll descriptive cirrniar : t,. H LVNK. Ossh’r Farmers lisnk, Henderson. Kv. It. K. ALKXANDKU. Commercial Bank, Lou! vide, Ky. JOHN LATHAM. Pres. Bank Ifopslt nsrilte. Ky. i ]». fj. THOM A 3 , Ca-h fibs, and Rept'r l.exington, Kv, W. V. TYI.KH. Oash'er Depos.t IJk., Owensboro, Ky. Gftotl «T?i:l> tgents wanted eve rywhere. WT iAT S 1 T? TA Ever ywhe re, VV \ > i/ SA LESMEN Farmers a id otlier# to sell a NF.'V ARTICLK in ere»l demand. Forty thousand made by one Agent hie fir«t i month. Address Geo. McS VTURf'N &CO , Nash ville. Tenn , or W. 11. SiiEATON Si CO., New 0.- leans, La. For pure Wafer, use rue* this celebrated na -b BIATCHtR* entirely tasteless, / - . „ : durable and relta- | 4P. ble; equal to tho yAAT ’tv TILBE oT I good old-fashioned A | xvooden Pump, and east less than halt the money. Easily arranged so as to t o non-freezing, and iu construction so simple >3l that any one can put it up and THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOl*l MADE. 77 n TINT \ TAT OL \T Writes three pages 1' vJ Uri ll\ I L r i\ uith one dip. Runs | smooth and makes fine w-itine. Tiizlily recommend ! ed by all using them. Only 2A cents per dozen. Two sample Fens for 10 cents. Address K. B. CIIKSTER, Hadlyme, Conn. i fcay where you saw this Advertisement. To Those Affiliated icith Asthma or Phthisic. The undersigned wishes to open corres pondence with all who are afflicted with ASTHMA or I*HTHISIC, or a tuol’Blksome cough. All communications addressed to W. T. COPELAND, Box 300 Franklin. Simpson Cos , Ky. w' Ibe answered by a printed circular, giv ing full particulars of my own cure; how to procure the medicine* with directions for using it. All persons calling attention to notice, and procuring orders or patients, shall be remunerated, if they will me iLol. a.l.liina. War.nille*) iw {51 ><l IC'ILT 1 11 tea minutes. GRAND KAFfLE AfiD SALS of Real Estate and Personal PROPBPoT l' CAS3VILLE, GA., JUNE IST., 1870. Property Valued at SII,OOO, Puttied at $25,000. ONLY $1 FEU CHANCE ! This nroperiy Bonsist, In] part of a (renentl axsot t ment of merchandise, v lued st e'ght thousand dollars; store, 60x24. new, one thoussnd and five bundled dollars; 8 dwelling houses and improve ment”, all now, lOW dollars each: lot of Furniture 1000 dollars ; 400 bushels corn. 100 sacks f10ur,6,000 pound” bacon, 24 town lots in Center of town hor.-es, cows, &.C., Ac’ This property, and othci property not included, is value” at Forty-four Thousand D Otars. Every chance, or ticket, warranted and guaranteed a prize valued from Oue Dollar up to one hurdret, to Two Hundred, to Ei ht Thousand Pollan. NO PLANKS Twe ve disinteres ed urn will conduct the Raffle, and si e that each and evefy one, whether presto tor not will have an equal and fair showing. Each acent will he inform and of the result of the Raffle next day after it comes oT. Refer to Olliccrsof Bartow county, and c t. : r.ei sos 0 issville. Liberal per cent. offered agent*. Agents wanted in eve y county and State. Enclose Stamp. Orders for all Tickets and all communica tion* must be addressed to L. Q. SMITH & CO. Managing Agents, Cassville , (la. Dll. CLARK'S LONDON REMEDIES “FOSS SPECIAL i OIIPLAISTS.” CLARK’S INV IGORATOR gives I B F strength to the aged and debilitated ; it is especially designed for young men who Lave wasted their vigor by excesses of eve ry kind, and all persons whose systems have become weak by imprudence are completely restored by its use. Price One Dollar. «i)R. CLARK’S PURIFIER cleanes the blood from all impurities ; such as Scrofula, Syphillis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of every sort, Rad Breath, OlFensive Perspi ration, Feu! Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Roils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Skill. It is also ben eficial in diseases of the Lungs and digestive organs. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S PANACEA relieves Pain I of every description ; Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache’ Pains in the Breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy iu all Nervous Disorders, and no | family should be without it. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S ELIXIR is a certain cure I foa all weaknesses of the Genito Urinary I Organs, and discharges of a mueo-purulent nature, Loucorrhoca, Gonorrhoea, Sperma -1 torrhoea, Seminal Weakness, ate speedily I eured by its uso. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S REFULATOR, sos females only, is guannteed to correct all special in egularitu sand difficulties of Single La dies. Marriel Ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain, conditon as its effects would bo too powerful. Price One Dollar. All of tie e great remedies awe prepared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's im mediate supervision and are warranted fresh and pure. All afliieffed persons should send a carefully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper reme dy will be sent promptly to their address.— Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at his office, and will furnish all the necessary accommodations to patients who place them selves under his care. All letters address, DR. J. CLARK, Office, No. 10 AM IT V St., New 'i ork City (near Broadway.) March 10, 1870—ly. SEED POTATOES! IN STOLE AND TO ARISIVE: 15 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes. 15 “ “ Goodrich do. 15 “ Rink Eye do. 15 “ Jackson Whites do. For sale bv A. A. SKINNER X Go. Jan. 27-41 NEW A DVERTJSEVIENTH. (U J K3.i*Sli2fs, ? *:*>. 1 WELCH k GRIFFITHS, saws I axes ! saws! SAWS of *li and. M-ripi: ■ .f. a HKLIIXG .4Vp MILL FIRNI.-ISINt s 01 st- UL\|; SAWS with Solid Teeth, or wlh!>\ IKV \UJCSFABLi COIN i>, tujierir rto <llf I-is.*.•>*// 7', r lh StlVs. *QrPrices reduced. ....Send for Price L.s! ..i 1 Orcuiaifi WULCII A- GRIFFITH!!. 80-tt.u, Matt.. and Detroit, Mich. M,JBTanTEft>— Agents —s7s to S2OO * V p*'*‘ moii' L eve;", where, male anti female to into In e t e OKNJTfJIE IMPROVED i OMMOV SENSF MACHINE.— This aehir.e wid xt ‘.'h; he n. fell, tuck, qui.t, cord, hind, hraid »rd embroider in a most sunerior manner Price only *lP.‘ Fully warranted so- five year*. We will pay $ 00j for anv machine hat will s, w a stron ger, more he-utiful. or more .1 .stlc senn than oars. It makes the •' F : **tic lock S'itch.'’ K ery second stitch can l.c rn’. and is*.l) the cloth cannot he pu led apart with ot tearimrit. Wo pay Agents from $75 to til'd nor inontli amt ex >ense J , or a coo million from which twice tl u i» amount can bo made. Adiress SEGOMi? A CO., PITTSBURG. 1*,!.. BOSTON, MASS , or St. L»ni«, Mo. UACTION. —Brwtre of all agents selling Machines un er die same name as ours, unless th-v can chow a certificate of agency signed by us. We thud not In id ours'lve” responsible for wor hie”* Macbinei sold by o iier panics, and st all prosecute ail patties either selling or usj- g Machine.'(order this ame o the full extent of the law, unless such Machines were obtain ed from us or our agents. Do not be imposed upuu by pip-' e- who copy i-ur adverti-emeut and circulars and t UVr worthies* Machine* at a less price. WJOLrnr-r.-'h tfwO .un Y.Bns. • D For sale by a!l dealers in DRY GOODS & P3OTIORSS. CIIAS. A. DANA, Fimtoc. The ebeanext, smartest, and best Now York newspaper. Everybody likes it. Three ctitiensi Daily, *MIj SrMi- Weekly,4si; end Weekly,S l nyenr. AlltiikNews nt hslf-pri.». Full re no-fa < f markets, eg-ieultarc, lamiars’ end Fruit Omwt-s' O)end n comnlete etory in every Weekly and Semi-Weekly n imbe-. A r eeent of vnluiilile plant# and vines to eve-v subsc -iheri indi.ciTnentsV 1 cen x-essc'-s misu-pissed. ?l,Tii T.jfc Insomnco#. rLwn .-ft'ienoa, Mowing Machine”, Pivliir O yetis. Sowing Machines to., among the premium.#. Specimens and list# free. Send Dollar end t v it. , I. W. ENGLAND, runUshcr Sun, New York. The Parest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY ALL GROCERS^ AGENTS WANTED.— to soil the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only prac tical Family Knitting Machine ever it ven’ed. Trice $25. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis. Mo. : WAY wiih uncomfortable TRUSSES. Comfort and cure for the Ruptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of' 10 cents. Address Dr. F. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave. New Lork. Al 7 ITHOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Medif Vs cine. Sent post-paid, on receipt o lOcts. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, (author of Medical Commcn Sense.) No. 120 Lexing ton Ave., cor. East 18tb St., N. Y. Agents! Head This T* S e will pay agents a salary of %' v CIO dollars per week and expenses, or allow a ■large commission, to <ur new wrnderfcl in vention ‘.d dress M. WAGNER & CO., Marslmlville, Mich. ‘Economy is Wealth’—Franklin. la 1J Y will people ]ay SOO or more for a Se ving Ma ll chine when $22 will buy one that has reputation, is double thread, complete with Table, constructed upon entirely new and practical princi ple#, runs by friction, and ex els ad others? These cenbra.ed Machines./ ully licenced, are intended for poor peop e who wn tto save time, labor aid money. Agents Wanttd. Machines sent to Agents aud given away to needy families For circulars and reduced rices, address J. C. OTTIS CO., Franklin and Diamond S. M. Box 897, Boston, Mags. JSI&RBIiK uud Bridegroom.—E»- |jfs sava for Young Men, tree, in sealed ei.v .li'pesT HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Phil itd-lphia, Pa. DR. WHITTIER,9 Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pa., of Union-wide reputation, treats ail venereal diseas es ; also, seminal weakness, impotency, &c.. the result ol self abuse. Feml 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet, 50 pages. No mat er who failed, state case. Consulta tion free, IASYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION Oil S(/UL-C H ARMING. 4OO pages; doth. This wonderful book has full instruc tion to enable the reader to fascinate cither sex, or any animal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and hundreds of other curious experiments. It can bo obtained by sending address with postage to T. W, ENAN3 &. CO., No. 41 teouth Eighth Street, Phila delphia. " • Dr. C. W. MiLLARD r S FEMALE SILVER PILIS An unfailing remover nf obstruct! jti*, and a cer tain regulator of the monthly turn. Infallible, Harm less, and Trustworthy. Sent free by mail, to any address, on receipt of One Dollar. P. O. Box, 8020, New York City. TIT At rOT \ A IJ forced to grow in six Vi l_/ Gtu A ALII 1-jlO weeks. Recipe sent for 50cts. Addros* H. Richards, Box 3986, New Yrok P. 0. Price Reduced. The South V\ estern Printing and Publish ing Associatio t have completed arrange- | meats whereby they are enabled to supply mail subscribers, either singly, or inxclubs, with the | LEADING MAGAZINES*and WEEKLIES, | at publishers lowest club rates—either of ! the following Si.UO Periodicals at $3,00 per I annum, viz: Harper’s Magazine, Harper’s l Weekly, Harper’s Bazar, Atlantic Monthly, Tbc Galaxy, Putnam’s Magazine, Appleton’s Journal, Lippincott’s Magazine, Blackwood’s, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, Old and New, The Chimney Corner, Hearth and Home. Either of the following $3.00 Peri odicals at $2.25, viz: Codey’s Ladies’ Bock, Madame Demorcst’s Monthly, The Phreno logical Journal. The following $2.60 Per odicals at $2.00, viz: The Riverside. Pack ard's Monthly, The Ladies’ Friend. The following $0.(0 Peiiodicals at SI.OO, viz: The Eclectic Magazine, Every Saturday, The Nation. The following published at $2,00 at $1.50, viz: The Young Folks, T. S. Ar thur's Home Magazine, Peterson’s Maga zine. Address S. W. Printing and Publishing Asso ciation, care Box 410, Cincinnati, Ohio. inch o—lrn / 'I BORGIA, Bartow county.—The Copart- T JTnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, the firm name of Con yers & Gladden, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be con tinued at the old stand by C, B. Conyers, where the books may be found and payment made by debtors, (.'all and settle, as the afl'aiVs of the old firm must be wound up a: once. C. B. CON YEK*, * J\o. A. GLADDEN. CartcsviHc, March 5, 187C>. PIANOS 1 PIANOS ! PIANOS ! • Ttgrllsit > GOLD ‘ '.V A■' ?: H, At late Fairs held in the South iu October and November, 18Gt>, to C HAS. 51. STIFF V , Fur the beet PIANO' 5 , over Baltimore, Philadelphiaivad New York PIANOS. OFFK’K and Nkw VV® : :it Dims, ]\o. H North * Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, .»//>. STIUFF’S Pl.l.l'OS Hare ail the latest improvement* including the A-jraef Troblo> Ivory Fronts, AND TUB IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION, fully warranted tor ftvj years, with privilege of ex change within twelve iuiiulo* If nut ttuirely satisiao tury to purchaser*. Secon'l h ind Pianos and Parlor Organ* always on hand from SSJ to (800. REFEREES WIO HAVE OUR PIANOS IN USE: Getifra! Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va, (lenerai Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. 11. M il, Charlotte, N. C, Governor Foiln Letcher. Lexington, Va. Bit-hop Wilmer. New Orleans, J,a. Joseph llnop, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold. Atlanta, Ga. JJSi Sl* Richards, ” ” A K Scago, Send for a Circular containing n imes of person# who have purchased the SlioiT Punoi, in the South, since the war doted. mch B—Gw Executor’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold before the courthouse door iu Cnr tersville, tvithin the legal hours of sale, the following lamia, to-wit; Lots of Land Nos. 124, 166,125, and D>4 except about two acres off of the northwest corner, and fractional part of lot No. 166 on the south side of Etowah river including the Island, all lying in the 17th District mid 3d Section of Bartow county, known as the Van meter place, formerly owned by F. C. Bailey, now deceased, containing, in all, 180 acres, more or less, 125 acres cleared, ordinary im provements, sufficient, however to accommo date renters. The land in rented for the present year for one-third grain and one fourth cotton, the rents to go with the land. The place was sold, in It is lifetime, by Mr. Bailey to Air. Vanmeter, owing to unavoida ble failure on the part of the purchaser, by mutual consent it was* agreed by the legatees of said Bailey, to take it back. It. is now sold as a part of IVs estate, for distribution among his heirs. Terms cash. O. L. BAILEY, Executor [ Mch 3, 1870 of F. O, Bailey, dec’d> | Pi'intef'* fee §12.60 OIiDINARY’S OFFICE,) Bartow County, Ga., Feb. 15, 1870. j WOTICE is hereby given that the Xtl United Stases Standard Weights and Measures have been Furnished Bartow coun ty. All persons using Weights and Meas ures, will bring them to my office to be test ed and sealed, as required by law. Witness my hand and Official signature. COd J. A. HOWARD, Qrd. B. C. R. REDDING, E> i: -Y£# E§l E N * STOVES, GRATES, AND LIGHT Ml AID HOGG, PLAIN, PRESSED AND JAPANED TIN WARE, AND House Furnishing] Goods, * Maun Stk., Cakteiisville, fi t. All kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. The firm of Strange & Redding having been dissolved, by mutual consent, 1 will continue the business at the old stand, fob 15 wly R. REDDING. if.l iTßisoluo. CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING, AND PROPRIETORS OF THE CARTERSVILLE STEAM PLANING MILL, Sfisli, LBlincl fund Door Factory. Smut’ MncddnoH made in quick time for the forthcoming wheat crop. CARTERSVILLE, GA. All kinds of lumber planed and Flooring and Ceiling Tongued and Grooved. Brackets, and all kinds of Scroll Sawing, for Ornamental Work, done to or der. Shop Work, of all kinds, executed with neatness and dispatch. Contracts made for LARGE JOBS. “^-*8 Our machinery is all new and of the vert/ BEST QUALITY, having been selected by one of the firm, (an experienced mechanic,) in person. The proprietors are all experienced and skillful workmen, among whom may be found Mr. W. A. REMMINGTON, who is known and acknowle Iged, by all, to be one among the best and finest workmen in the South. Our Mill is now in successful operation, and its work is approved and admired by all who have seen it. It is located immediately on the Western ,!& Atlantic Railroad, North of the Depot, in the rear of the new Court- House. Z. W. &M. C. JACKSON & CO., ang 10, Cartcrsville, Ga. f. m. I>KXTIST. j Carttrm ille, Git. Teeth drawn without pain, by the use of nar cotic spray. inch 9. C ** 7 **^’ ; w - c ' % * Uar s,v„ •>' Sliddlc^ and GEAR, Manufactured and Repaired In ♦he very best style of the art, in the quickest time and at (be shortest notion, and for loss money than is usually paid for such work and stock. Try mej W. C. EDWARDS. CurtcrsviUe. inch l'—wly SPECIALS. EaD« Spcclnl !\ofl<c, Ilew*rcot Counterfeit*! Smith’* Tonic Syrup 1,., be«io counieifelted, *u,| the counterfttter brought t» Uriel. , SMITH’S TO.YIC sum*! The genuine artHe n.itM h«>e Dr. Bull’* p r | vateStninp on (llt h botile. Dr. J.-ht. Hull only hli . the rliihl to umnufac ure and tell U*« origin*! Jotii* Smith’* Tonic Sjrup of l.oelevtile, Ky. Kx.miDe «H| the label on «*eh tmul*. If my prlvite »tiMnp » not OD thebutti •, do not pnroh**e, lir ton «.il iK-«Wceive.J. See tny column a.lvert.aemcnt, end my ihow catd T »111 prosecute nny one infringing ?on my right. Thr genuine Smith'* Tonic Syrup c*n only be prepared by myself. The public’s ?erv»n', I>R. JOHN Louisville. Ivy., April 23, isioS TO CO.YSU>!I»TiVt:s. THE Advertiser, haring been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered Several years with a s’lrcre lung affection and that dicad disease. Consumption—i* anxious to make kttown to his fallow-suffor ers the means of cut e. To all who desire it. he will send a oopy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing ami using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure For Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser iu sending the Proscription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives te to bo invaluable; and he hope* every sufferer will try Ids remedy as it «ill cost them nothing, any prove a ble** irtg. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. i"aas^ss7 A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple i cutody for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early l'ccay, Disease of tho Uri nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and viscious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noblo remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and un fortuna e. 1 will send the recipe for prrpar ing and using this medicine, in a sealed en velope, to any one who needs It, Free erf Charge. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Statiou D. Bible House, Sept. Now York City. ESIEIOEIM OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for ye*r from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, *end free to all who need It, the receipt and di rections for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, eaa do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN IL OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. PIANOS. The undersigned would respectfully , announce that he is enabled to furnisli the most magnificent Pianos ever seen in this country, from $3*25 to SBOO. — Having superior advantages, and many years experience in the business in Europe and America, I can sell a first class Piano, 7, or 7| Octave, with all tho very latest improvements S6O o SIOO less than they can be bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12 months, and warrant every Piano five years. He will have specimens here, or confer with you in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kenesaw House, 1\ L MIIE YBB, Marietta, Ga. F. L. Fveyer, Marietta Ga., is one of the firm of Phillips, Crews & Frcver, Atlanta, Ga , agents for the stile of jhe cele brated Kuabe Pianos, and will be happy to receive orders for any of the above instru ments, at his residence—the Kcnncsawhotu*- f<sTheSth wonder of the wor’d tins been found iu Georgia. The discoverer is a pli>glcian of lon* expe rience, extensive observation and profound jud*«- mer.t, and In* .Bsem cry hat proven such * blu*.ln£ to woman, that it i* already known throughout the couctry a* “Woman * Best Friend,” With remarka ble quickness and certainty it cures a'l cases o t sup •pressed menstruation, acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treat ment of disease* peculiar to women. This the Med ical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it iu daily practice. The medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. H. Brad field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold tt $1.50 per bot tle by respectable Druggists everywhere, feb 1 wly Anew supplv of Watches. Cl X’ks, Jewelry uucl Spectacles, just received by ‘ J. T. OWEN. Fob. 17tb, 2fc. Main Street. B LOOM I NO TO N,71L1 NOLS NT USURY. 500 Acres! 10 Greenliousei! <®*Over 500 sorts Uoscm, “Otn* LARGEST, bent atock, and shipping fa 'cilities. Apples 1,2, 3 yrs., 1000 fin* 1 yr., $25. Apple Root Grafts, Nursery Stocks, Seeds, Osage, Apple, Peach, Wild Goose, Pluin, Osage Hedge, 10,000 $16.00*. Evergreens, Roses, 1000, SIOO. Dahlias,. Gladiolus, Greenhouse, Bedding Plants.—- Send 10 cents for Catalogues. fel> l-w'Jni P. K. PHILNJX. Bartow Mortgage Sheriff Sale, | job ar kii., 1870. WILL be sold before the court-house door in Cartersville, within the legal | hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu April next, the following mortgaged property, to j wit: 1 O.Tioe desk, 1 office stove, l wash bench, ! 2 buckets, 2 pans, 1 dipper, ] hinge lamp, , 3 standing lamps, 1 spring gong, 5 folding ; tables, 40 ch:*:r«, 1 pantry, (5 damask Is I blc cloths, 2 dozen doylers, 1 chauUalior nnd lamps, 1 cooking stove, 1 chicken co>p, k> bedsteads, 9 wash-stuuds, 7 small tables, If wash bowls and pitchers, 5 mirrors, 14 night. f lasses, fi slop tubs, 10 double m&ttrassce, singlo mattresses, 1C pillows, 8 bols’ers, 22 sheets, Iti pillow cases, 8 bolster cases, 4 single counterpanes, 5 oalico spreads, -T comforts, 7 counterpanes, 3 single count er istics, 4 pairs of blankets, 1 single blanket* 1 clock, 1 dozen ivey-liaiidlo knives, 2 duz en dinner plates, dozen dinner plates, t pickle dishes, 6 dishes 17 salt cellars, 11 sonp plates, 25 breakfast plates, 1C cups ami saucers, 14 goblets, 0 glass tumblers, molasses pitchers, 6 sugar bowls, 4 butter dishes, 3 pitchers, 1 castor, 2 dozen doylers, 2 oil cans, lot of sundries, All levied on as the property of Thomaa .1. Lyon and George W. Eee, (doing busi ness in the firm name of T. J. Lyon & C 0.,) to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Bar tow Superior Court, in favor of Johu C. Martin vs. T. J. Lyon <fr Cos. Property pointed out iu said mortgage fi fa. W W RICH, Sheriff. M. COLLINS, D. Sh’ff. Feb 2, 1870. [prs fee s2o} I)i*«oliition of €o|»artn(‘rrtil)». HE Copartucrsbip hereiofore existing- Jg between the undersigned, known and distinguished under the firm name of Hollin shed & Cos., has been dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of H. V. Hollin shed. Tbc books and accounts haven been turned over to J. J. Wilson for collection. —* ir, v. idhjjnsued. J. J. WILSON. (1 EOIvGIA. Bartow County,—All persons X indebted to the estate of Mrs. F. M, Rowland, laic of Bartow county deceased, are hereby required to make immediate pay hum it, and those having demands again.*-* said estate will present for payment duly ntterbed as the law -directs. Feb. 1. 1870. W L ROWLAND, t'i'f.