The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, March 24, 1870, Image 2

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Tbe Express, » * * a.p»■ ■■ ■■—■ —'"■■' i«rw»i SAMUEL. //. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor CAUTERBVILLK, <4\., M' ’ll. 24rn. IK7O ■ ii» u". j; *”* " ■><-'» A small bit of Ail earthquake .startled tho rtoifteiiH of Cartersville and rattleil their crockery and window frames on Thursday morning last. There was also an Jltrtn filiation at the time, but neither thunder nor lightning.—Savan nah licpvhfhrtn Ist h. 'I he Georgia lYTodical Association will t onvenc in ‘ aeon oa the second Mou diiy it. A ril. The railroads centering in that city.will p>atas delegates for one fa re. Mr. Jefferson Davis paid a business visit to Huntsville, Ala., and in three days took 500 life insurance policies. Prosser, a member of Congress from Tennessee, will appoint a negro boy to a cadetship a* West Point. Captain Dunlap Scott, of Rome, was married to Miss Mary Jones, of Missis sippi, on Tuesday last.. Kentucky requires insurance compa nies outside the State to deposit SIOO,- 000 before they can do business there. TlliUs more than some companies could raise that do business in this State. Passengers who came down the State Road Friday, reported the killing of On enginee rof that road, “Dud” Jid vrards, at Dalton, by a man named Black. Cause cot stated, says the At hmta Constitution. Wil .ow Wau". —F. M. Jack, corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets, At lanta, has just received a very large stock of willow ware, embracing bas kets, of various patterns, chairs, of ma ny styles, mats, fire screens, and nu merous other articles, wrought with exquisite taste. His stock is large and very handsome. Nashville, March 19.—The wholesale merchants of Nashville, have adopted the circular address to boards of trade in the principal cities in the Union, setting forth the condition of affairs in Tennessee, appealing to them to use their iallueuce against congressional [ intervention. They allege that the State is unusually quiet and peaceful, business prosperous; but the proposi- i tion to subject the State to outside in- : terfereuce has brought trade to a stand still. Income Tax. —The following clause of law in regard to the income tax seems to be bothering some honest j and other sort of people : “‘That the j taxes on incomes herein imposed shall j be levied on the first day of March, 1 end be due and payable on or before 1 ig 13th day of April in each year un- j til and including the year 1870, and no j longer.” Now, what is the purpose of this clause ? It is to define and de el we at what time in the year the in come tax is due and payable. And it j declares very plainly that the tax shall be due and payable by the “13tli day of April in each year until and includ ing the year 1870, and no longer.” No payment of the tax can be demanded later than April, 1870, aud at that time we pay the tax on our incomes of 18G9. On the income of 1870, therefore, no tax is payable. —Xeiv 1 ork Herald . An Amendment to the Georgia Kill. The following is one of the addition al amendments offered to the Georgia bill in the Senate : “Mr. Drake offered an amendment, providing that whenever any Legisla ture of the late rebel States, or the Governor thereof, represent to the President that oil organization exists therein for the perpetuation of acts of violence against persons and property, or to obstruct the laws of the Federal oi State vjrovernmmit, and it is unable to suppress such violence or destruc tion, it shall be the duty of the Presi dent to furnish United States troops for the subjugation and disposition of such organizations. Upon the arrival of such troops in the district in which these organizations exist, martial law sh ill be declared, a levy made upon the inhabitants to pay expensee ‘of transportation of such troops, and they shall be subsisted upon the inhabi tants.” There are in Baltimore thirteen man ufacturers of super-phosphates, whe produce from 5000 tons down to 1000 tons, making in all about 28,000 tons. There are aiso four or five who grind bone dust, and one poudrette compa ny\ the whole representing an annual production of about #1,500,000. Be sides these there are twenty-one agen <*os of Northern manufacturers of fer tilizers, selling from five hundred to five thousand tons, iu all about 23,000 tons, representing a value of $1,200,- 000. In addition to wliat is used here in the manufacture of super-phosphate, aljoftt 4000 tons of Carribeau phos phates are sold in the crude state, the value of which may be estimated at a bout SIOO,OOO. A Quiet Family.— The Atlanta ( Ga.) New Era says :' There is a lady in this 'city, who is the mother of five healthy, intelligent children, the eldest of whom is about eight years old. A singular fact in connection with these children is, not one of them has ever been known to cry. They have been victims to the pains and"aches that child flesh is ben to, yet all the signs of pain they have ever manifested are low moans. They Jiever cry. In other things they are as tia r children, full of life and mirth, -ynd ire more than ordinarily healthful. A physician now iu the city, wli > has iutjfci htcurdy in the practice of his pro fession for a third of a century, say. That this is tue most remarkable thing ihai &ver came under his observation. Virginia Lugisla iue has p issed the homestead bill exempting ten th >u baud dollars of property from execu tion. liA.OK4.iIA. Mr. Editin' : Ae have waited 1 <ug and patiently to what the Radical Congress of tile United states propostd to do with {f corgi a; we ha ve w atciicd their :.»«»ve meJifs with that in lures which ev«iv one should who war born on cieorgia soil, ami who has her welfare at hear*, but must confess that, as yet, we haw | been wholly unable to form an *piui.ui as <0 how the matter will terminate.— We entertain serious apprehensions as j to whether Bingham's Amendment, to | the Georgia 15:11, which passed tin House about three weeks ag >, will j meet with the same success in tu > | Senate, indeed, it has already met stern, rigid and fiendish opposition, by Bullock and his unprincipled col leagues, whom he ha t bribed to carry out his nefarious and devilish schemes 1 111 the event it passes the Senate, and is approved by the ITesidcut, Georgia . will resume her place in the Union, and will be entitled to the same rights and protecti >n as any State in the Union, and which she has been so , long, unjustly and shamefully depriv- I ed^t,-merely to keep in power a set 1 of renegade politicians, v. ko are devoid jof sense, principle or anything per taining to them. Bullock and his black-liearted crew know this; they 1 know that Gcoigia once free from the fetters which now enslave her, will : hurl them, defiantly from the posi j tions, which she holds as sacred, but i | which they have disgraced by tUwir; extreme ignorance and unparalelled meanness. Especially, will she rid i the Executive mansion of the filth and j corruption, which has accumulated , there within the past two years, and place in the Gubernatorial Chair, a ! man of whom she will be proud, and delight to honor. The Express Agent who now disgraces the position, once honored by Charles J. Jenkins, is con fident that if he and his fellows fail to defeat the Bingham Amendment, that he will sink into nothingness, and the remainder of his wretched existence will be spent in utter obscurity.; hence his unceasing nrrd untiring exertions to defeat the Bill. Jll the event they do defeat it, w'.at will be the result?— Who can answer the question ? The thought is sickening and discouraging to the down trodden people of Geor gia. It is a question of momentous importance to us all, and 0118 which will either enable us to burst asun der the chains of tyranny and oppres sion, or doom us to forever wear them. Let ns hope for the former; let ns hope aud pray that the day is not fin distant when all our In iglit anticipations of freedom and justice will be realized? the day when Jno. B. Gordon, the heroic, patriotic, gentlemanly South ern Soldier, and hero of an hundred battle fields, will be installed in the Executive Chair, to which by rights, he is entitled, amid the shouts of praise and applause of all the people. God speed the happy day, when wisdom, justice, arid virtue, shall take the pla ce of ignorance, vice and fraud— when tl;e people of Georgia will have cause to sing liozannah .to His name, for having rescued them from the hands of their enemies, aud the goddess of Liberty will have spread her wings o’er them. G. Mr. Editor: What a benefit would be centered upon mankind, if some giant intellect could discover and teach a subtle process by which the inordin ate folly aud overweening conceit, could be removed from the beclouded minds of some we wot of, and leave them in full possession of the few grains of sound sense they may be blessed with. Did such a process exist, I would recommend yo u r correspondent, “Buck,” to avail himself -of it* advan tages, an 1 that speedily, while his plas tic mind, (for lie must be quite young.) is susceptible to impresaions and the more ea-ily manipulated. I really think there is hope for the youth, and, Mr. Editor, ns you 'ocfcupy 1 a position, by virtue of which, such au ' act would be considered a kind one, will you not look him up and give him , some good adveie. Something might be done with him. He wields a ready ! pen—ready fit least to write whole : columns of t!u weakest of dull trash, endeavoring to conceal the barrenness j !of bis ideas, Under the threadbare' ! cloak of bad grammar and worse spel ling, hugging himself, meanwhile, with 1 the fond delusion that his productions , are really spiced with wit. But see him, and try to conviee him that it isn’t best to print everything he ! writes. Tell him his vanity don’t need that sort of nourishment—that other people can’t see his bantlings lin the same light lie does. After lie ’ I grows older he would be grateful for • the advice that saved him from dis ; gracing himself. Then if you succeed so far, see his parents or guaidians, and try and have him sent to school, or placed under a proper man to learn a trade, and thus ; become a useful member society, I and a credit to himself. Or if he shows any capacity iu that direction, 1 take him Under your own p-otecting wing, and make a printer of him, and perhaps—who knows—even an editor, * and iu after years he will call blessings on the head of him who kept him fioin ! i making a complete fjol of himself. If, however, he proves refractory and insists upon bringing his nausea ting productions b f re the public, could’t you s'rike off -s t\ four or five copies, containing what K has lo .say. Mj;;t be may see it in print—a weak ness he Confesses to—r.ini to show his friends, then remove the type from the otherwise vacant space, and in its place set up somethiric that would be en durable—.som-'t.'.i ;g from the Con grer-iotial Globe, or Bentons Thirty Years, and l**t the balance of your renders have that. They could stand that without com plaint, but to be visited weekly, by the >Vi akness refi re l to. they do object. Non kst invent s. iwunti* liinh. Mr Editok—From what was sta ted last week in the Express, I sup pose the Town Council have procured grounds for a public Cemetery, and have commenced work thereon. I see that it includes the ground known as the Methodist grave-yard. Last year, my Sabbath School Class of young ladies, solicited a subscrip tion to enclose, clear «if and otherwise improve both the Methodist and Bap | tist grave-yards. They obtained a subscription of $230 00, of which, the amount of S4G , was paid in Cash. j This being so small a sum for so ex ten -ive a work, I gave notice for all persons, so disposed, to meet and clear off the grave-}-Ards, which would leave the funds subscribed, to pay for fenc , ing, Ac. Three different days were ! nppomte 1, :',ju.v4 ail the clearing off j done, except about one daj-’s work on I the Methodist graveyard. It was re ported that the Couucil would take 1 charge of the whole matter, so we quit I our efforts to await their action. | In the mean time, I loaned Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick the S4O, that it might | not lie idle. j A ihort time since, I learned that tiie Council had indeed, taken charge of the grave-yard business, so I col -1 Acted of Dr. Kirkpatrick, the S4O and also $7 interest on the amount. As the Sabbath School Class had j beep so kind and used so much energy lin the matter-, notwithstanding the protestations -of many timid and inhu man individuals, I thought proper to ! purchase five Bible Dictionaries for them, with the seven dollars interest. ; As the Council have taken charge of ; the Met ho list gr 1 ve-yard, it leaves the i Baptist only, to be fenced, cut of the funds subscribed. As half the work has been taken I charge of by the Council, we will not I insist on but half the amounts sub i scribed, yet would be pleased to have all, if parties subscribing feel disposed to pay all. Those who paid cash, can receive back one half the amount paid, if they request it, but we will be thank ful if they will permit us to use al, as the amounts are very small. We wish now to let the contract for building the fence round the Baptist ! grave-yard. When the work is done ,stMem cut w 11 be published of the whole matter. We believe that the statement made at the outset, will now be fully realiz ed by all those who have participated m the matter, that they would feel j glad that tney had lout an assisting j hand. By continually agitating the ques tion, it appears that the Council have j thought proper to layout aud keep up i a public Cemetery, which is the very j thing we desired, but could not accom plish bcfot*e. We feel very thankful and grateful, that they have taken charge of the subject, as it properly belongs to them. Thos. M. (Jqmpton. March 22d, 1870.^ Tlic Lady’s Friend 4«» r April. j The April number of this popular ! magazine comes to us with the fresh- I ness and life of spring. In the steel plate “On Guard,” the alert wutch | fulness of the dog contrasts finely with the repose of the sleeping boy.— The Colored Fashion Plate is gay and graceful as usual; and the profusion | and variety of illustrations of articles . of feminine use aud adornment give the ladies every apportunity to know how to dress well Those who like to make for themselves will find assist ance in kite work-table department.— Miisic, “Tapping at the Garden Gate.” The stories are very’good. Mrs Moul ton concludes the deeply interesting serial, “Did he forget Her ?” Miss Prescott carries on “The Cascannons’ 1 Aunt” in her usual lively style. Harrie Boyer’s “School-Girls Story” will be found especially attractive and there is a rich fariety besides in prose and poetry. Published by Deacon & Pe terson, 319 Walnut* Street, Philadel ! phia. Price SG. Five copies (and one gratis,) SB. “The Lady s Friend” and j “The Saturday Evening Post” {and one engraving.) $4.00 Ballou’s Monthly. This popular Boston monthly for April is on our ta ble, far ahead of any of its competitors. This is oue of the host illustrated his i toiical and literary magazines of the day, and is supplied to subscribers at | the very low price of $1.50 a year.— Elliott, Thornes A Tulbat are the pub lishers, Boston, Mass. .Religious. The Georgia Baptist ! State Loimufion holds its next anim at meeting in Newu.m, Georgia, com mencing on Friday, the 22d of April next. liav. J. G. liyals, of this couu -1 ty, will preach the lutrodue ory Ser mon, and Dr. D. Shaver, of Atlanta, the Education Sermon. The S mtheru Convention meets in Louisville, Ivy., on Thursday, the sth of May next. Homesteads eoh Ekekdmen. —A bill is pending before the Senate Committee j on Public Lands providing that the public lauds in the South shall be di vided into homesteads of forty acres each, and given to the freed men. f J he bill provides for restoring the old laud \ districts of the Bouth ami establishing ' such other machinery us is necessary 1 to fulfill the purpose. Save Time- Jt USoiiev! aa&sisr r^ssEii M ARK E. € O Old li . <jrc*iiornl Commission Aloroluml, W ill fill Orders and St-11 Produce on fail terms to all. \0 -1 RKOIU STR ATLANTA, HA. ‘ ’ inch 15-wGm THE GREAT PULMONIC REMEDY iilobe Flower tough Syrup. IS WITHOUT A RIVAL!! it is Perfectly Peerless l !! NOW USE 2 2J» THOUSANDS. This Remedy is rapidly taking the place of all others, in all diseases of the r riiroat And It acts promptly and quickly in curing chronic and recent Throat, Asthma, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Soreness and Pains in the. Breast and BUxxl Spitting Tickling Coughs, 7 ightness of"the Phlegm, Wheezing or shortness of Breath , Weak Voice and Consum/dion. We h ive cured more than one hundred cases of PUINONArtY CONSTMP TION through the use of this remedy. We guarantee it all we represent it to be. It is a powerful EXPEOTOBATSTT with TONIC ALTERATIV hi, mid diffusirp properties, and stands unexcelled if rarely equalled, in curing all diseases of the THROAT and LUXL!S. It now commands a large \ sale, and is extensively appreciated wherever used, aud is highly recommended by thou- 1 sands who have used it. See our special Circular for full description. Sent by mail or to lie had of Dealers , '.u Medicines. Read the Testimony of the greatest Philanthropist that ever lived! —Hos. GEORGE PEA 150D Y. .White St r.i>niß Si’Kings, Va,, Aug. 2d, 18GD. Messrs. Pi mueuToX, Tayi.or & Cos., Atlanta, da. Gentlemen—l am gratified to inform you that the GLOBE FLOWER COUCH SYRUP has been of great benefit to me. I have been suffering with throat and lung disease for \ some time, aud used many of the most celebrated remedies on the continent, and can con- j scientiously say that none proved so pleasant and beneficial, in my case, as your remedy. With my good wishes for your success, l am, Yours respectfully, GiiojUiU Peauody. 1 Testimony of the Rev. 11. E. TALIAFERRO. Tvskegee, Ala., Feb- 14, IBGB. Da. J. S. Pemberton : Dear Sir— It not being in my power to visit your city soon, and as I am often asked for I your Globe Flower Syrup, l wish you to send me one dozen bottles. My has ! been cured of a long obstinate lung affection, bordering on consumption, by the use of two , bottles. Every one who has tried it wants more, and those who have not tried it wish to do so. 1 will remit the money when you forward the bill. Yours truly, * 11. E. Taliaferro # CotXMnrs, Ga., August 1, 1858. ‘ Messrs. ,T. S. Pemberton $ Cos.: ; (^Gentlemen —My wife was distressingly affected with an Inveterate cough, and nothing afforded her any relief until l gave her your Gloije Flower Strip, which produced the most favorable results at once, and I am happy to state lias restored her to health, 1 also cured my -little girl of a protracted cough, with the Globe Flower Svi.-cp. 1 can ‘conscientiously recommend it as being the best remedy for diseases of the lungs 1 have over -used in my family, and l have written these lines ol gratitude. Yours truly-, F. G. Wilkins, Mayor, City of Columbus. 226 Pearl Sr., New York, March 25, 1868. Dr. Pkmhertox : Dear Sir —You remember a year ago I- obtained of you a bottle of your Globe Flower ! Syrup. I found it. very valuable. One bottle will cure more cases of colds and coughs than any other medicine 1 have ever used- ' Please send me half a dozen bottles, and-I will remit for the same. With best respects, yours truly, E. Maitland. Many thousands of such testimonials are constantly being received, The Genuine GLOBE FLOWER SYRUP is prepared only by PEMBERTON, TAY LOR & 00,. in their Chemical Laboratory, Atlawfa, Ga. March 24, 1870. Atlanta Stencil A YarlcljjlYwkq BEN. Z. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Stencil It rail (In, Steel Diet, Steel Block Stumps, Burning Brands , Brass Alphabets, and all Articles kept in a first 'class STENCIL HOUSE. PRICELIST OF MAILABLE A RTICLES Stencil Name Plates for inark'g cloth'g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping keys together, , 25c New Style key tag, with name neat eng. 250 Perpetual Almanac, the most ingenious little article of the age, 50c Any of the articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of price, or the whole of them for $1 25 Address «EN. Z. DUTTON. Lock Box 351, mch 22-wly Atlanta, Ga, N. 13.—Circulars sent free. Kew and Valuable Pamphlet. ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. I HAVE MADE a compilation with a full aud accurate explanation of such portion of the HOMESTEAD LA#S, as will instruct any person how Sio procure 160 acres of rich farming land for -nothing, six months before leaving home, on the free lands of the West. Also, an article on the NEW WEST, or that portion of country lying West of the Mississippi, and Northwest, giving an accu rate account of its area, population, property valuation, manufactures, banks, the estimated yield of precious metals, number of voters, the various productions, and yield per acre, num ber of acres under cultivation, value of exports, table of distances, etc., giving Just such information with reference to the New West, as no man of this country can afford to be without. Will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. Address, JOHN T. BLISS, Attorney at Law, P. O. Box 6789, mch 22—w3m CHICAGO, ILL. TO DEBTORS. —All persons indebted to the firm of J W bURRI A CO , to the Ist of March instant-, are requested to come forward, im mediately, and make payment, as the books must %c closed without delay. O. PINKERTON, Surv. Parha’r. March 22, 1870.—w40d Agent for the sale of THE UNRIVALLED, . ii non-Explosive SOT OIL, Also, ©REPAIRER OF JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AND WATCHES; Also keep on hand and for ssdt the above goods. Room in the store of Sluion L’cb naa, Cartcrsvjllc* inch. 22. The Quickest Ul | ( | Best Route TO TIIE North, East, and West, Via LOUISVILLE. Two D»ily Express trains run throu/h from Nash ville to Louisville, ranking close conntcfon th trains and boats for the North, Last, and West. NO CHANGE 0E CALS KKOM LOUISVILt.I to ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Time by this Route and Better Ac commodations than by any other. Secures Spec! and Comfort, when traveling, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. TUIiOLGU TICKETS ASI) BAGGAGE CHECKS may be procured atOlßces of N. A- 0. K. R., in Chvt tanooga, and at all ticket offices throughout the South. W. H. KING, ALBERT FINK. G. P. A. Gen’l Sup’t. fob 24.-wly CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN * ATLANTIC R. R. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH Slit. Passenger T-ains will run ou the Western & Atlantic R. U. as follows: GOING NORTH. No. 1. No. 3. No. 13. Leave & Han tv 7.00 P M 5.15 AM. 3.20 P M Arrive Kingston .10.48 P M. 11.47 A M. 7.84 P M Leave Kingston 10.66 PM. 11.54 A M. 7.89 P M Arrive Dalton 1.16 A M. 2.00 PM. 11.30 A M Leave Dalton ,1.26 AM. 2.15 PM Arrive Chattanoogu.. 3.30 AM. 4.20 P M GOING SOUTH. No. 2. No. 4. No. 14. Leave Chattanooga.. 7.50 PM. 7.00 AM Arrive at Dalton 10.04 P M. 9.11 A M Leave Dalton 10.09 PM. 9.21 AM. 2.00 A M Arrive Kingston 12.13 A M. 11.45 AM. 5.1S A M Leave Kingston 12.23 AM. 11.52 A M. 5.28 A M Arrive Atlanta 4.14 A M. 3.17 PM. 11.00 A M Numbers 1,2, 3 and 4 RUN DAILY. u 18 and 14, DAILY, except Sunday, “ 1 and 2, Night Passenger Trains. “ 8 and 4, Day “ u *• 13 and 14, Accommodation. B W WREN2V, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. A L HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisor. Mch 22- J. M. ‘HOLBROOK HATTER, 40 WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta, Georgia. HAS just returned from New York, and . is now receiving and opening one of tUe largest and finest stocks of MEN AND BOYS' HATS, e\ er offered to the trade in this market. 1 also have a fine and superb stock of LADIES’ AND MISSES’ HATS, for Jobbing. Being in N-ew York market, and purchasing my entire stock during the gold panic, I can and will otter inducements to buyers, and only ask an examination of my goods to prove my assertion. Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine and get prides* as 1 am de termined net to be undersold. ALSO, A FINK ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS* CANES, RAILROAD BAGS. All of wliioh will be sold cheap for cash, at J. M. HOLBROOK, 40 Whitehall Street, 1 Mtth 22 ATLANTA. GA. GEORGIA, Bartow County.—James Mil ner has applied for Exemption! of Per sonalty and setting apart ami valuation of Homestead, and I will pass vtp»u the same at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the instant, at my office, March 11th, 1870, J. A. HOWARD, o*4 B t C. NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS anriSTP waited Mill I» S ••■‘•a (’ sum >‘nk dlUPnlfl 5 W ''' ! > At-.UUVI IV., . . a »n«'st trpa|»h»<> mi ! -*■ 1 ■*-:**(>•» *»» *f li e jrr. i|nu-* »i.K Ci-iurt*.< flint hn * rifle* bi sio!imirs • «*:•! tht*retofe ntuiiciiiio in every particular. 11-* mle ~f this l>-«>k has brrti mo«t unpreecdeiitp I. vd at tl fftc-Meniand N unabxiet. ■■M.UI only by *nl>,crn.n .ii, si,.| <sdu*ice territory gDeu to good agml*. * F. 1. IMUriLK A I’O., PnhJUher*. ; . i > M***« fh»*e**t, Ky. Your Attention is CORDIAf.!,V INVITED to tic Henderson Couuty, Xentneky Land Sale Grand Prise Scheme Enterprise CHARTERED by the Legislature of Kentucky, and endorsed and recom mended by every leading official In the State, and up wards of 500 of her moil prominent citizens. 511 PRIZES. $314,3201 j Comprising the .iche«t elver bottom t< bacco farms in the wealthy county of Henderson, Ky., with all their appurtenances. Capital Prize $l5O, ooo: Smallest Prize,, SSO. Also about S£O.(KM) in GREENBACKS, being the entire rent money of the propei ty for tlie I years ISfiff and IS7O, which w ill be distributed to the ! winners of the Jtrst Seven prizes respectively. Kent I of the farms for 1569, was twelve dollars per acre, and j it is confidently expee'ed that they will equal or sur pass, this figure for IbVO. Tickotx Five I>olljii*js. I Finsi drawing, JUNK ihh. 1 Slid, at MASONIC! TKM- , jPL LOUISVILLE, KV. Hundreds of our best clt!- ■ sens, hsvc given unqualified certificates and endorse , menu of this maynifletot enter prise. 1 Kvery dollar invested l>j ticket holders, is held In I trust by the commissioners appointed by the Leeisla j ture, until the drawing takes plac. and prizes are di ; livered. | In order to liave your tickets properly registered, buy at ONCK of your nearest clcb agent, or remit by | Express, prepaid, Draft, I*. O. money ord**r, or regis ; tered letter, to either of the following. financial agents who will furnish fml descriptive circular : 1,. H. LYNK, Cssh'r Kanneis Hank, Henderson, Ky. ■ K. B. ALEXANDER Commercial Bank, Louisville, Ky. . JOHN C. LATHAM. Hank llopsk nsviiie, Ky. | j B. O. TIIOM AS, Cash Ohs. and l!e»it’r Lexington, Kv. W. B. TYhEIi. Cashier Deposit Bk , Owensboro, Ky. j Good dub A scuts wauled eve ry wli ore. I WANTED Sr^sVis Farmers and others to sell a NEW AKTICLK in great demand. Forty thousand made l>v one Agent his first month. Address Geo. McEATHKON A CO., Nash ville, Tenn , or W. 11. SIIEATON & CO., New Oi leans, La. For Pure Water, «§• rum * . thiicelebratodPump,^fSljgflE*' n “. 6 entirely tasteless, L*a a l.iC* durable and relia- ffSS xCvlr bit; equal to the Kk. ST good old-fashioned sOya. pHUJL wooden Pump, and * cost lass than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be non-freezing, iJrrw and in construction so simple that any one can put It up and r : THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOV/ MAt)¥. FOUNTAIN I'EHSS smooth and makes fine w-iting. Ht/.hty recommend ed by all using them. Only 25 con Is per dozen. Two sample Pers for 10 cents. Address E. B. OIIKSTKU, lladlyme. Cor u. Say where you saw this Advertisement. To 'Those Afflicted with Asthma or Phthisic. i The undersigned wishes to open cornes ! pomlence with all who m e afflicted with ABTHMA or I’HTHISIC, or a thouui.ksomk cocuu. All communications addressed to W. T. COPELAND, Box .100, Franklin. Simpson Cos., Ky. ' will bear, vweicd by a printed circular, giv i ing full particulars of my own cure; how ; to procure the medicine, with directions for : using it. All persons calling attention to i this notice, and procuring orders or patients, shall be remunerated, if they will give me . their address. Warranted to give relief in j ten minutes. GRAND RAFFLE AND SALE of Heal Estate nod Personal PROPERTY AT ! CASSVII.LE, GA., JUNE IST., 1870. j Property Valued at $44,000, Rutiled at $25,000. ONLY $1 PER CHANCE ! 1 This nroperty consist* injpartof a general asset t inent of merebandi e. v-lurd at eight thousand dollars ; s'ore house, Gttx24, new. one thousand and five hundred dollars; 3 dwelling houses and improve j ments. all new, IfftlO dollars each: lot of Furniture i 1000 dollars; 400 bushels corn. 100 sacks f10ur,6,000 i pounds bacon, 24 town lots In Center of town horses, cows, &.C.. Ac’ i This property, and othei property not Included, is valued at Forty-four Thousand Dollars. Every i chance, or ticket, warranted and guaranteed a prize i value<l from One Dollar up to one hundred, to Two j Hundred, to Eight Thousand Dollars. NO BLANKS ! Twelve disinteres ed men will conduct the Raffle, and j see that each and every one. whether present or not J will have an equal and fair show ing. Each aeent will i be informed of the result of the Raffle next day after It comes off. Refer to Officers of Bartow county, and ! citizens of Cassville. Liberal per cent, offered agents. Agents wanted In eve y county and State. Enclose Stamp. Orders for all Tickets and all communica tion* must be addressed to L. Q. SMITH & CO. Managing Agents, Cater ille , Ga. DR. CLARK’S LONDON REMEDIES “FOR SPECIAL COJIPLAIATS.’ DR. CLARK’S IN VIGOR ATOR gives strength to the aged and debilitated ; it is especially designed for young men who have wasted their vigor by excesses of eve ry kind, and all persons whose Systems have become weak by imprudence are completely restored by its uSe. Trice One Dollar. DR. CLARKS PURIFIER cleanes the blood from all impurities; such as Scrofula, Syphillis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of every sort. Bad Breath, Offensive Perspi ration, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Skin. It is also ben eficial in diseases of the Lungs and digestive organs. Price One Dollar. 1)R. CLARK S PANACEA relieves Pain of every description ; Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache’ Pains in the Breastand Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S ELIXIR is a certain cure foa all weaknesses of the Geuito Urinary Organs, and discharges of a inuco-purulent nature, Lcucorrliuea, Gonorrhoea, Sperma torrhoea, Seminal Weakness, ate- speedily cured by its use. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S REFULATOR, sos females only, is guaranteed to correct all special irregularities and difficulties mg Single La dies. Married Ladies are cautioned not to useit when iu&qert&iUfcCanditon as its effects would be too powerful. Price One Dollar. All of these great remedies are prepared from Fluid. Extracts under Dr. Clark's im modiatc supervision and arc warranted fresh. and pure. All afflicted persons should send a carefully written statement of their iiiUaents I o Dr. Clark, anti the proper reme dy will be sent promptly t} their address.— Dr. Clark can b« consulted personally at his office, and will furnish till the necessary accommodations to patients who place theni • selves under his care. All letters address, DR. J. CLARK, Office, No. lO AMITY St., New York City (near Broadway.) Marsh 10, 1870—ly. L. BENNETT & CO., ARE AGENTS, IN CARTERSVILLE, for the Holwton Hnlt and Phiisto-r COMPANY, and will be please to supply purchasers with their unsurpassed Fertilizer and indispen sable savory both of meat and land, at such prices as wiijl wakQ U 4o their advantage to buy of us. moh 1 ‘i NK VV \ 11V KKITS RM R v Ts. (KST.4 BLI*9IEI>, IS :lo.) WKLCII k GRIFFITHS, ea-vs I axi‘s l saws ! SA’TAtef .tl .1. AXES. VtKLTTNG .4NO Mil.l. Ft'l’M lilN't.s rut CI.AK s.wvs with > .hd T..,t,..»>i .. ih lUlT'i' 401 US I’AULA I’OLNI’S, wty.e, ,-..#•.*«.»// ! T.rth .'.ir, f" Ri‘JOc-3 roduoddi Send lor Price List m.d Ulmtlnrs WKIXJII A GRIFFITHS, I." ton, Mass., and Detroit, Mich. X\ Av’oiiln. —$7") to S2OO Y W per nimttli. evert wltcfc. male tuul female to Intr.idu -e te OKNUINK IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FVMII.Y SEWING MACHINE TANARUS; i< acbtne ntllai :.d«; In* u. fell, tuok, qnlit, cord, bind, braid and <»t!«..liltt in a n-ost sui erior manner Price bulv tts. FuDy w uraiited so- live years. We wili |wy %'t)t)> for mu Hiicliiwe iliat will s. w a stron ger, more he-uttful. or mo’e «and. *tic seeiu than oure, if mikes fie *'Flaitio lock Sttlcli." Every second stitch can be rut. sn.i atill the el.'tli cannot be pu letl apart without tearing if. We pav Agents from to ♦BOO per month ami ex-tenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Addrc»s BKCO.MH A CO., IT iTSHURU. I*A.. BOSTON, MASS , or St. Louis. Mo. CAUTION. —It- wire of all agents soiling Machines nn 'er the Same name ;>» .no s, unless th-v can chow a certificate of agency signed by us. We shall not hold nnrstlve* re.pmslt.le for wor hieas Machine- sold b> o*her parties, and shall prosecute all patties either sellitig or usi g Macliiu-spooler this : a:ue o the full extent of the law, unless such Machines were obtain ed from us or our agents. I>o not be Imp. tied up u by parties who copy our advert) ement and c : rculars and offer worthless Mach lies at a less pric*-. BEST SIX C onn a.«» 4AQ »W,M{RVNTB and SIX-CORD. - For sale by all dealers in DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. min flrWTfmi CnAS. A. DANA, Editok. The chonpeit, smartest, and best New York newspaper. Everybody likes it. Threo ciitions: Daily, !(MJ| Sxmi- Wkkki.t.Util nndWgEKLY.SI ayenr. At.i.TtiitNKWs »t half-nrt <-. Full renorts of markets, ngricuUure, Farwiot s’ »nd Fruit flrowers’ Clubs, and a complete ttorv In every Weekly and Peini-Weekly number. A present of valuable plants and vines to cve-v subscriber; inducement-.!.' ran vxsicr, ttnsurnasseil. 41,f)0ff Life Insumnees, Granoll’ianos, Mowing Machines, Parlor Organs, Sewing Machines, Ac., among the premiums. Specimens and list. free. Send a ] Dollar and t-v it. I. W. ENGLAND, Publieher Sun, New York. The Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY ALL. CROCEBS. AGENTS WANTED.- 'o the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only prac tical Fardly Knitting Machine ever it ven'ed. Price $25. Will knit 2(1,01111 stitch 's per minute. Addrc«. A MERIC A V KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis. Mo. : W\Y with uncomfortable TRUSSLS. Comfort and cure for the Ruptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. K. 11 FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Avc. New Lork. s«si WITHOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Mcdif cine. Sent post-paid, on receipt o. lOots. Address Dr. E. 15. FOOTE, (author of Medical Commcn Sense.) No. 120 Lexing ton give., oor. East 18th St., N. Y. Agents l Bead This W c tvlUtpß) iHfA'iiini u bulury of f | «:!0 dollars per week and expenses, nr allow a * large commission, to our new w. nderfnl in vention . i.. <M K. V. . I Mil A CO., Mars iiHlville, Mich. ‘Economy is Wealth’--Franklin. l\ IIY will peop'e pay S.VI or more for a Seving Ma ll chine when $22 will buy one that has & standard reputation, is double thread, complete with Table, constructed upon entirely new and practical princi ples, runs by fi ic'ion, and ex els all others ? These celebrated Machines Jolly lictu-tif, are Intended tor poor peop'e who v a t t*. save tune, labor and money. Agents Wanted. Machines sent to Agents and given aunty to needy families For circulars and reduced prices, addles* J. 0. OTTIS A: CO., Franklin ai.d Diamond £*. M. J> x off*, Boston, Mass. BRIDE and Bridegroom.—Es says for Young Yloii. iroc, in aefflcd envelopes. II J W A 111) . .-'Mb I A PION, Box P, Phil adelphia, Pa. DR. WHITTIER, 9 Wylie Pittsburgh, I’#., of Union-wide iepu»»iio,i. tr.oris -il venereal diseas es ; nlso, seminal ue-tk- es.-. imp.-i-ucy. Ac., the ie»ult of self-abuse. J-rnil 2 s imps l<>r sealed p-mphlct, 50 pages. No mat er v.lio f died, .late case Consulta tion tree, ______ ESYGIIOM AM’Y. F\SUIN A l’luN OB S(/l 1.-UIIABMIMI. 4HO pages; It. This wo olcrful has full instruc tion to enable the render to fascinate either sex, or any animal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, ami hundreds of other curious experiments. It can be obtained by sending address w’tli postage to „T. NY, ENANS & CO., No. 11 South Eighth Street, l’itiliv and clphia. Dr. C. W. MILLARD’S FEMALE SILVER PILIS An unfailing remover of obstruction*, ami a cer tain regulator of the monthly turn. Infallibly Harm- It**, Wild Tru*tua»thy. Sent free by mail, to any address, on receipt of One Dollar. I*. O. Box, 8020, i New York City. 1 MATTQHP A f'llTi'Q force ' l ,0 >!row ln hlx ' VIUUMAUIIrjO weeks Recipe sent fur 1 60cts. Addross 11. Richards, Box 31156, New Vrok P. 0. Price Reduced. j The South VV estern Printing and Publish ing Association have completed arrange- Invents whereby they arc enabled to supply j mail subscribers, either singly, or in clubs, with the LEADING MAGAZINES and WEEKLIES, j at publisher!* lowest dub rates—either of the followin'* $4.00 Periodienls at $ll,OO. per I annum, viz: Harper's Magazine, Harper s Weekly, Harper’s Bazar, Atlantic Monthly, The Galaxy, Putnam's Magazine, Appleton's Journal,Lippincolt’s Magazine, Blackwood’s, 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Old and New, The Chimney Corner, Hearth and Home. Either of the following s#.oo Peri odicals at $2.2.'), viz: Godey’s Ladies’ Book,- Madame Demdrcst’s Monthly, The Phrcno ! logical Journal. The following $2.60 Per - ; odicals at JfTi-00, viz: The Riverside, Pack aids Monthly. Tlio Ladies’ Friend. The following S">.PO Periodicals at $4.00, viz:. The Eclectic Magazine, Every Saturday, Tire Nation. The following published ut $2,00 at $1.50, viz: The Young Folks, T. S. Ar thur's Home Magazine, Peterson’s Maga zine. Address S. W. Printing and Publishing Asso ciation, care Bax 410, Cincinnati, Ohio, mdi O—J t* KURGIA, Bartow pounty. —The C opart- Jnersliip heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Con yers & Gladden, is this day dissolved by manual consent. The business will l*e con tinued at the old stand by V. B. Conyers, where the books may be found ami payment made by debtors, (.'all and settle, as the affairs of the old firm must be wound up at once. O. B. CONYERS, JNO. A. GLADDEN. ! Carterßville, March 5,1870. speor a l s ; K\lra .special \»IU« Bewaieof Couirterfvifal t*iniib’s Tonic Syrup hi** been eounn-i felted, and li.e coun crfelter btuugt.t tv | grief. kbitii's tdyh: v«ri i> The g( inline article uoiat liave Dr. HwU'y p r { vale Stamp on each bottle. Dr. Bull 4 I th* right to n»» tut fee arc and tell the original Jakr,- Smith’*Tonic Sy tup of Louisville, Ky. examine well 1 the label on ench bottle. If my prlv.te stamp (, nill on tlie bottl d«* not- pnrulmre, or »r>u wilt «« deceivi - See my column advertisement, and u»y ,;arU l will prose, nte any one infringing *on my right, fit.- j genuine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only he prepare.! by | myself. The public'* servan*, DH. JUIIN UUI.I Louisville. Ky., April 2i», iM'.s to rGvsnii-imx Till. Advertiser, having boon restored jto bealtL in iv few weeks, by tt very simtde remedy, after bnving sHtfere<i several years tvilh a t'-verc luug ulieniou I and that dret;d disease, Consumption—dy anxious to make known to his fetlow-mtffui-- ers the menus of cure. To all who desire it, he will send u copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find n Hure Cure For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc The object of the advertiser in sending the lVosc.riplion iu to beuefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to -Ito bo invaluable; and he hopes ! every sufferer will try hist remedy as it will cost them nothing, an 1 may prove a hltss ing. BF.V. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg. Kings County. New York. -A. cJa/r/d7~~ A Clergyman, while residing iu South America as ;t missionary, discovered a sufq and simple reuady for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Uri nary and Beminal Organs and the whole train of disorders brought mi by baneful and visciuiis Imbits. Great numbers Stave been cured by this tiidde remedy. Prompt ed by A desire lo bcnclii I he afflicted mid un fortuna e, 1 will send the recipe for ptepnr ing and using this medicine, in a sealed en velope. to any one who needs it. Free »/ Charge. JOSEPH T. INMAN, , Station D. Bible House, Sept. 15—wGm New York liiiy. LRROKS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for yew* lrom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbo sake of futiering humanity, semi free to all who need it, the receipt and and). reel ions for m aking tlu* simple remedy by which he whs cured. Sufferers wishing to, profit by the advertiser's experience, turn do ao by addressing, in perfect confidence. JUIIN B. OGDEN, No. 42 t’odur Street, Now York. PIANOS. The mulertsigneil would respectfully announce that he is enabled to furnish tho most magnificent Pianos ever seen, in this country, from $1525 to sßoo. Having superior advantages, and many years experience in the business in Europe and America, I onn sell a first class Piano, 7, or 7f Octave, with all the very latest improvements SSO ( o SIOO loss than they can he bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12 months, and warrant every Piano fm years. Hu will have specimens here,, or confer with yon in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kenesaw House, F. L. FREYEK, Marietta, Gu. Bgk~Mr. F. L. Freyer, Mariottu Ga., i* one of the firm of Phillips, Crows & Frcjto. Atlanta, (*a., agents for the sale of tli« c*lv brate<l Knabe Pianos, and will be happy tv receive orders for any of the above instru ments, at his residence—the Kcnne.saw Imusif i-STTho Stli wonder of the worhl Inis been found Im Georgia. The dUcoverer i*a physician of l«ag ex|«-- rlence, ex!ensive observation and profound JuUgt ii-.tnt, and hi* discovery hat proven such a hlesiius to w< man, that It Is already known throughout ID oouLtry as “Woman s Best Friend.” With remark*- hie quickness and certainty it cure* all oases of tuy-- prenetd nie/iMtruafion, acute or chronic, and resiort* health In every instance. Dr. J. Brailfield’* FtMa»l« Regulator supplies a remedy long needed is the treat ment cf disease* peculiar to women. This the Med ical Faculty knows and admits, while many of out best physicians are using It In daily practice.. Tk*> medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. H. Br»d- Held, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga.. ami sold at $1.50 per bat tle by respectable Dritg-rlsts everywhere, feb l wly A now supply of Watched Clocks, Jewelry ami Spectacles, just received by J. T. OWEN. Fob. 17th, 2t. Mtuii Street. Fine Bull for Stile. A fine young Ball, Two and a bull years old, sired by a full blood half ami half Durham and Devou Bull. Duu from a Grade Cow, by a full Durham Bull. For terms, inquire at this oflieo, or address R. Stokes Sayre. Stilosboro, Ga. Hair TO RENT OR SELL.—The t.vo-story Jbrick business house, form erly known as the Shoe Store, the sec ond story of which is now occupied by the Cartersvilie Express Printing Of fice. . A pply to WM. MILNER ;COTTON H 1313 D. WE have for sale, at our store, tin* PEELER AND DICKSON COTTG> SEED N. GILRKATH ft SON. I Melild-wlm Cartersville, ui. LAST NOTICE. Assistant Asskssob's Office, | 4th District, Mahiktta, (»a., March 14th, 1870. j AS but few responded to my first notice. I will again afford the citizens of Cuss conn*)' an opportunity to make a return of their It*" come for 1800. The Law requires ever} person to return, no matter how small ih* Income may be. * I will sp«ud the week coin menciug April 11th and ending April 1870, »ni| all who-iiail to make return will l** assessed according to the best infonnati ,lB ! I may obtain, and a penulty of S6O added 1 am also receiving application for Sped' 1 i (License) Taxes for the year eruling May 1370. S. T. ANDERSON. Assistant Assessor- EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY—Ja'"^ " • Strange has applied for cxero|'< iof personalty, and setting apart and . 1 [ timi of homostead, and l will pass oi"' n _ o fl ! siMiie at 10 o’clock, a. in,, on the 2otu 1 j Mmireh. 1870. at office. This Marc» klWft, J- A. HOWARD. i Ordinary. *»• I NOTH®, „.i TII& Stock Holders of the Bartow ty. Agricultural Society ntc > H to meet in Cartefrmffi' «>» the , ' t ., Hil iiiHr' ■ in April next for tier purpose ot 01 .4 March 17.1870, R I>E i