The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, April 07, 1870, Image 2

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The Express. * ☆ * -• * ''fk ' SAM CEL /,’. SMITH. JCHilnr <md I‘nrprie/or "CABTERSVILLE, GA., APK, 7th. !S?0 Isthst. JVtjr.i from Washington. —The President Las sen his message} to Congress, declaring the XVth Amend ment ratified, and calls upon the newly enfrauchislieJ to prove themselves worthy of the privilege. The procla mntion enumerates the following State*, as having ratified the amen Iment: North Caiolina, West V i rgi u i a, Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Michigan, Arkausas, Florida, South Carolina, Connecticut, Mississippi, Illinois. Indi ana, New York, Vermont, New Hamp shire, Nevada, Virginia, Ohio, Alabama, Missouri, lowa. Kansas, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Nebraska and Texas—in all 20 States. The Texas bill as amended, has passed by a vote of I.‘’o to 50. No action on the Georgia bill. Dr. Bard has been confirmed Gov ernor of Idaho. - - Delegates to the (tenoral Conference. Noam Gk h«;ta. Clerical— Jesse Bo ring, Wm J. Parks, Weytuan H. Potter, William P. Hfavrisogi, AtticusG. Hay good, Alfred T. Maun Reserves — Waitor 11. Branham, Habersham J. Adams, G Jefferson Pearce. Lay George N. Lester, Ignatius P Garvin, Jas. E God fry, Thos. N. Mer iwether. Henry It. Harris, Louis D. Palmer. Ikserces— Wm. A. Turner. (Jhas. H. Johnson, Luther M. Smith, Win S. Thompson, John J. Floyd, Fr ink L. Little. Universal Aiartiesiy. The New York Tribune of the 24th instant, says that the President has prepared and will send to Congress, as soon as Georg’a and Texas are admit ted, a message reecommending that universal amnesty be declared, and restoring civil rights to all engaged in the rebellion who como forward; a message which the country will gladly hail and the result of which will be far reaching and beneficial. The Senate should show its dispositi m to welcome the measure by at once admitting tl e only two States which remain urre constructed. Disgraceful IfTriic. The correspondent of the World charges that Gen. Banks, at a recent dinner party iu Washington, said: If he had his way, he would make war on the Southern States, and again obtain military possession of them. Being asked to explain the object of such a course against States which have complied with all the require ments of the reconstruction ads, he answered that what the Republican party have to fear is the Northern and Western Democracy, and that safety in such juncture demands a now and arbitrary control of the South.” This, says the New York Express, is worthy of Butler, but not expected of Banks. There is little hope iow that the President will conseut even to execute any law favorable to the South. Gen. Canby admits that his recent conduct against the State and city au thorities in Richmond was contrary to law. but declares, iu extenuation, that he received his orders from the Tresi itlenh Simeon Beard, the Augusta mu latto, wound up his speech at the Washington Bullock meeting with these words: In conclusion, give us what we ask; strike out the Bingham amendment, which ties us hand and foot. We don’t want soldiers; we want the pow er to raise a militia; we want guns iu our hands, and we will see whether we cannot protect ourselves. Give us this, and we will give vou the State of Georgia evermore. [Applause.] Religious Aggression. —The Macon Journal has this to say on the subject; Should the Methodist Church North succeed in its present enterprise of in grafting itself upen the State, wo will nee hi this country yet a reproduction of the fires of Smithfield. We do not speak lightly, and the saeredest mem ories of all our lives forbid we speak irreverently. <9» Jlcatli ofa Prominent C itizen. Augusta, Ga., March 31.—General Lee leaves in the morning for Savan nah. In accordance with his earnest solicitation, there was no public de monstration. He was visited at the Planters, Hotel by a large number, of citizens. His Health is improving. Benjamin H. Warren, well known in social circles throughout the South, died this morning, agwd 74. Special to the Conslifmion.] Sx. Louis, April 1, 1870. To the Commercial Editor Atlanta ! ConxtiUdmi: The Green Lino are now receiving at reduced rates of seven cents per hundred i u bacon, five cents j per barrel on flour, three cents per; bushel ou wheat, and three and a half c nts per bushel on corn. W. N .R. Beall. ! Washington, April I.— Gen. Young of Georgia, was ou the floor of the Sen ate yesterday and to-day is urging the passage of the Georgia bill as it came from the House. Young apprehends that the seating erf Ames, with the votes of the Texas Senators, will defeat the amendment. Nnw Y~ irx, April 3rd.—The World considers the reversal of the Leg.d Tender decision certain, charging the kSupr me bench as feeing packed with a view to this result. X<* a * Paragraphs Gwr; i\ \)MKf Last.—Texas having l>e< n re ioro ?o the IT ion last Tues day, Georgia is ru.w the only State out of the Union. j The New Orleans papers cf i Sunday announce the death of Mm Hon. Pi< lie Soule iu that city on Sat urday afternoon last. The Americas Republican records the death of Major M. if. Stephens, in that place, Sunday last. Aaron A lpf.oria.- —The Infest account i of this notorious individn 1 is, that he 1 has Iwef* appointed Superintendent of the South (Trohiia Lunatic Ass; ir i at Columbia—at h-ast, so wo were m j formed yesterday. CTJ** Among the ' radu.»tos at the 1 annual commence' .cut of New York Medical <Jol'' 0 c for women, on \vednr day, ,vns Susan M. Smith, a colored woman. She delivered the j valcdTtoiy address, i The Illinois Constitutional Con vention has agreed upon a homestead exemption of $2,000 in real estate SSOO | in personal property. G eoroia Tocacoo.— The Atlanta Con -1 stitution reports a fine sample of to ! bacco grown near Dalton, iu this State, i The leaf was of a bright golden color, I and as soft as ilk. It belonged to a lot of 2,000 pounds purchased by a j delear iu that city, at 20 cents per pound. In Virginia such a fine aitie !le would really command the doub le that amount. Upper Georgia is ad j uiirably adapted to the cultivation of j the tobacco plant. ®3?r»Rcv. James Houge, for the past | twelve years a missionory iu China, has returned to Americas, Ga. “Winter lingers in the lap of j Spring,” to tins extent in Adams coun : ty, Ind. Mr. James Riddle, 81 years l of age, recently married Miss Elder, I aged 15 years and 5 months. Session of Congress. —The indica tions of a protracted session of Con i gress, says the correspondent of the I Baltimore Sun, increases. Specie Payments. —The Senate Fi nance Committee have agreed on re s porting adversely to Mr. Sumner’s bill | looking to resumption of specie pay ! menfc. Js‘xT‘ L is. claimed that enough has been subscribed to ensure the location of Oglethorpe College in Atlanta. Atlanta. — l The site of the old Atlan ta Hotel (Dr. Thompson’s) has been sold to H. I. Kimball, who intends erecting immediately a splendid hotel building, which he hopes to get. ready in time for the State Fair. The I>t brought $70,000. BgR, A large number of petitions for the abolition of the Income tax arc coming iu to Washington. Western and Atlantic Railroad Bonus.- The Financial Chronicle, of New York, gives $5,770,000 as the a mount of State Road bonds now in that market. There are 800 varieties of grapes and about 20,000,'H)0 grape vines in California. These make nearly 4,000,- 000 gallons of vine and 400,000 gal lons of brandy, annually. The coun try could be made to produce wine enough to supply the world. A scientific Illinoisan has a col lection of 30,000 bugs. Almost a bed full. Government will sell $2,000,000 gold and buy $1,000,000 bonds in April. Congress proposes so abolish Salt Lake. Ther s another lake it would do well to abolish, if it could. A large number of families who went to Texas from Cherokee, Georgia, intend returning. Several have al ready done so, and those remaining are reported to be dissatisfied.—Sav. Advertise!*. Four negroes occupied General Grant’s private box at Theatre, Washington, ou Friday last. Tennessee ratifies the new Con stitution by a heavy Vote. A Dark Petticoat Puts In. —A |dis patch from Jackson, Mississippi* says: “An attempt was made to day to elect a State librarian, but failed on ac count of the number of candidates. — A negro woman, named Highgate it is believe 1 will be elected.” There about one hundred practic ing lawyers iu Atlanta. Twelve Per Cent. —The Legislature of Virginia, under the new Constitu tion, has passed a law allowing any rate of m*> rest agreed upon, not ex ceeding 12 ' cent, to be collected. Cotton spmii. tors have sunk $300,-! 000 in Col unbus, G- , this season. The Proa ; dent pav«L t axcs on 110,- i 000, and Sherman on 23,000 dollars in this country. A Largo cotton train passed thro’ San Antonio, Texas, on the 4th, for Mouter' y, Mexico. Each wagon was drawn by ten mules. Revivals. —The great revivals in the North still continue. Last week the papers of the Methodist Episcopal Church reported eleven thousand con versions. The Atlanta Constitution says that oue firm in this city has sold 200 bush- j els of clover seed tins season. A moral debating society out West is engaged iu the discussion of the folk wing question. “If a man de serts his wife, which is the most aban doned, the man or the woman ?” C?®., Some of the Memphis merchants are refusing advances to farmers who will not agree to plant corn the com ing season. There have been 200,000 Baltimore oysters planted in California and Ore ' gon waters. The colored people of the South ' spent, it is said, more than $20,000 this year for tobacco. ggk- Texas is admitted into the Uni on upon the same fundamental condi tions asimj>osed upon Mississippi and f Virginia. Gen. t. H. Thomas Dead. —General Thomas died iu Sau Francisco, on Tuesday last of Apoplexy, i Petersburg, April 2. - -The Pctorsbug Iron Works were burned this morning. Loss SIOO,OOO the Revenue Notice of ■ S. Y. Anderson. (. -UiTJBaVnJJhi, Ga., j April sbi, 1,70. j ! A meeting of Rio dWtow County Agricultural Society w-ts h id this day,, .md oil motion of CM. A. JMiuson, i nomas Tomlin, Esq., called to the chair, and I>. W. K. Peacock was requested t > act as Secretary. On motion of Capt. \V. I L SMes, a i Committee of four was appointed to i rci **») • bush -ss for the meeting. Com mittee, \.. H. Stiles, A. Johnson, W. j H. P'..c'Hett, aml D. W. K. Peacock,; win i report was as follows : We ivc- j r >..,mcnd that a share of stock in tliis Jompany shall be one hundred dollars, I and that each member have as many votes ami parts of votes as he has j shares and parts of shares, and that [ we permanently organize by the elec- j tion us i 'fiic rs as follows : President. ‘ Secretary and Treasurer, (Secretary A . Treasurer to be e mbined in one,) and ; an Executive Committee, composed of! five, the President and Secretary A | Treasurer to be ex-oflicio members of ; tdie Exccntive Committee. The Presi- ; dent ex-officio chairman of the board, which was adopted, when the following officers were elected : A. Johnson, President, D. W. K. Peacock, Secreta ry A Treasurer, W. 11. Stiles, W. P. Milam, and W. 11. Pritchett as the Ex ecutive Committee. On motion of A. P. Wofford, the Ex ecutive Com mi tee were requested to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for the government of the Society. On motion of W. H. Pritchett, the next meeting was appointed for Satur day, the 16th inst. On motion of A. Johnson, it was j made the duty of each member of this Society to solicit subscriptions, and re port the same at the next meeting. On motion of S. 11. Smith, the meet ing adjourned. TauMfts Tumlin, Chairman. D. W. K. I'EACock, Sect.’y. Caktirsville & Van Wert R R.— On last Tuesday, being at C rrters ville, we took a short ride on the above named Road. The track is laid for about one mile. They are putting down the Fish Bar rail, and is to be in every way a first class rail road. Col. White, the Chief Engineer, informed us that be was very confident that the Road would be completed to Van Wert before the first July next.— The bridge across the Etowah is to be a single span of 200 feet The road work is nearly completed, and the ro -k for abutments is being brought from Chicamauga. As soon as the rock is laid to the river the bridge will be put up iu the shortest possible time. We congratulate our Polk coun ty friends ou their prospect of having, at a very early day railroad facilities.— Home Courier. Rome Carriage Factory. —Messrs. Gower, Jones & Cos., have made am ple arrangements, and are now pre pared to do a large business in the way of manufacturing Buggies, Wag ons and Carriages of all kinds. They purchase the Very best materials that are to be found in the United States, and employ the best workmen that are to be had. They are determined to merit a liberal patronage and con fidently expect it from an appreciating public. Why should We send to the far North for Buggies Carriages and Wagons when those equally as good looking and more durable, ai*e made in our midst and sold at least as cheap. They have Buggies now on hand that are quite as pretty as any of Northern manufacture that we would advise all parties desiring to purchase vehicles o:' any kind to go and examine their work and prices. The above we c lip from the Rome Courier, with a view to its endorsement. Their manufactory, in this place, is up to their eye-brows in work. What Bullock Says. ■ —Bullock sa} T s its all “newspaper talk” about the per petuation of the Legislature, and the extension of liis* official term. He says he would not hold the office for two years longer than the regular term;] he could not be persuaded to do so, as it would be too a sacrifice on his part. As for the perpetuation of the Legis lature, he says that that is a matter for the Legislature to determine, if the Biugham amendment is not adopted. This will show how Bullock talks here, to some people. It is not worth while to expose his fallacies or his falsehoods. [Atlanta Constitufton. Mark E. Cooper. —Mark E. Cooper, son of that noble old Roman, Hon. Mark A. Cooper, has opened a com mission house on Broad street, iu Constituf ion Row. He has seme of the best cured bacon in the city, corn, etc. We bid Mr. Cooper a hearty welcome to the Gate City, and wish him abun dant success. — Ibid. TliC Bingham Amendment will Pass.. Boston, April 4.~Journal's dispatches say Bingham’s Amendment will pass the Senate this morning. The Repub lican makes the same assertion. The Conservative Republican dele gation there claim that the amendment will be carried by Colfax’s vote on a divided Senate. Great Fortunes. — Great fortunes . re not easily acquired iu these days of sharp competition and base treach ery. Even when they are acquired, they too often fiud the possessor a mere wreck, having made a drudge and slave of himself iu toiling incessantly for that which he is permitted to hold for a few brief months before he is laid away in the grave. We must confess that in this view of the case, the “Great Henderson Cos., Ky. Brize Scheme” lias powerful attractions for even the most staid. Here are (jreut fortunes, to be won without haggard toil, and the whole secured by a legal charter, and in integrity. Supreme Court Knui, Just as soon as the Supreme Court adjourns, we will have ready for the use of the lawyers our pamphlet of the Head Notes of the Decision of the Su preme Court of Georgia, with an in dex, Brice, eric D-jpUm,-- Atlanta Con ttUlulion. I Wholesome Rebuff. —In It 92 the ladies were addicted to wearii g false hair, but in shape of chignons. A poet sought to e invert them from the fool ishness of their ways by addressing them in the following vigorous ttanza: “Art thou a Christian. O then vv'sy uo«t wear Upon the s/tcrcd head of fihLy h .ir Os some vile wretch, hy foul disern? that fell: Whose soul perhaps, is burning now in hell? Rich men are never ugly in poor girl's eyes. A beautiful woman smiling bespeaks a purse weeping. Every man had rather be handsome than gGod. A house full of daughters is a cellar of sour beer. A rich widow weeps with one eye, and laughs with the other. As the shadow of the sun is largest when his beams are lowest, so we tire always least when we make ourselves the greatest. Several Chicago merchants have en gaged handsome young ladiesTo col lect their outstanding accounts. The plan is said to work well, only the bachelors rather like that kink of dunning. The rrilk of human kindness is very much watered now. At a late ball in Siberia, a lady, the wife of a Siberian, merchant, wore di amonds valued at one hundred thou sand dollars. A dress worn on the same occasion is said to have cost 20 thousand dollars. Who is the largest man ? The lover; he is a man of great sighs. Since the Blondes were driven from Chicago, they claim to be a chased ex hibition. The three spot in cards can never be depended upon for a f-rick. It will always betray. An exchange says: “Truth is in type, but is crowded out by more important matter.” “She Stoops to Conquer” has run one hundred nights in a London thea tre, and by this time, she ought to have done it. “I hate to hear people talk behind ones’ back,” as the robber said when the constable was chasing him and crying “stop thief.” For a Bruise or Blow.— Apply hot water a long time with wet cloths.— Beef brine is an excellent lotion for both sprains and bruises. A veteran among horses claims that it will almost set a joint or heal a fracture. Worm wood or tansy lotions are also good.— Allen's Domestic Animals. Another Report of .lordan’s Dc sertion. Havana, March 31. —1 tis asserted that Jordan abandoning the Cuban cause, has reached Lob Key Light House. San Domingo voted thirty to one in favor of annexation. The papers fa vored the scheme ou the ground that the United States would civilize, tranqualize and enrich the island. Wsiri The Hearth & Home, publish ed by Pettingiel & Bates, 37 Park Row, New York, finds its way regularly to our sanctum. Mrs. Kate Hunnibee’s Diary is worth twice the subscription price to any housewife. It is the best work devoted to the farm, Garden and Fireside, we have ever seen. Price $4 a year. £rg“* No musical family can afford to be without Peter’s Musical Monthly. It is printed from full size music plates, and contains in each number at least twelve pieces of choice new music.— Price $3 per year. Subscriptions re ceived at this office, where a sample copy can be seen. Rucal Southerner.— The April num ber of this sterling agricultural journal is on our table. Liiliic Corporal. The little Corporal, for April is re ceived, full of life and vigor as usual; always fresh and bright and original. Let all the children have this delighful Juvenile Magazine. Only one dollar n year. Published by Alfred L. Sewell &i Cos., Chicago, 111. The Eclectic Magazine, for April, is at hand, and contains much good matter. Published by E. R. Pelton, 108 Fniton Street, N. Y. Yearly Sub scriptions $5.00. Single numbers 45 cents. The Aldine Press, published by Sut ton, Brown & Cos., 23d Liberty street, N. Y., has found its way to our sanc tum and we are well pleased to meet with such a gem in point us literature aud typography. It is an illustrated journal, published monthly; in paper and typography the most artistic and beautiful ever issued; its illustrations are very fine and from the best artists; and as claimed by its publishers, in point of literary merit it is surpassed by none in this or other lands. Sub scription price, $2 per annum; single copies, 20cts.; on rollers, to avoid in jury $2.50. _ fiigT’The Educational Gazette is a first-class Family Journal, devoted to pure, high-toned literature. Its aim is to furnish in a popular and attrac tive style the latest results in scientific, educational and literary labors, and in these respects its present success is well deserved. The March number contains valuable articles by such writers as Prof. John S. Hart, Elihu Burritt, etc., good stories, inculcating the best lessons, and much special matter in regard to National Education in our land not before published. C. H. Turner & Cos., 007 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are the publishers, and they deserve thanks for the excel lent reading which they have provided for the home circle. Send for a spec imen copy, aud while you are writing the letter send the amount of your subscription, which is only One Dollar, for you will be sure to do so after seeing it. Just received at Satterfield, Py lon & Co.’s a splendid assortment of Ladies Lace Collars, Japan Switches, Chignons, Ladies’ and Gents Linen Handkerchiefs, and a variety of artic les for ladies’ Toilet. Mar.h 31,-tf. Rural Carolinian i\m April. On time and crowded. As much reading matter iu his part idlin' line as any farmer cau well dispose of before the next will be out. And variety withal. Articles that excel for literary execu tion, unpretending articles choke-fall of facts, articles that combine the two. “Agriculture in Education,” by Wil liam Pinkney Starke, can be read with equal profit and pleasure by the philos opher and the planter. “My Planta tion,” is a well-considered planter’s Utopia. Snarl’s “Shortcomings iu ; Farming” will touch many readers in a tender place. “Novel and Curious Vegetables,” handsomely illustrated, is, worth the year’s subscription. But attempt a selection, much less an enu meration of the good things in this un usually good number of an usually ' good magazine. The table of contents occupies an entire page, and there is qot an article t hat the thoughtful farm er will neglect to read. The Rural Carolinian, containing! monthly sixty-four pages of reading matter beautifully illustrated, is pub lished for the wonderfully small sum of $2 per annum, by Walker, Evans A ! Cogswell and D. Wyatt Aiken, Charles ton, S. C. Puechinei lo. —Is the title of anew Comic Weekly issued by the Punchin ello Publishing Company, 83 Nassau Street, New York—Price sl. It is printed ou very superior paper of six teen pages. Its matter and illustra tions entirely original and by contrib utors and artists of distinction. ‘GOOD BOOKS FUJI ALL.’ “BOOKS WHICH ARE BO -KS.” Here is a list of such Works as should be found in every library—within the reach of every reader —Works to entertain, instruct and improve tiie mind. Copies will be sent by return post, on receipt cf price. New I*liis«gnomy ; or, Signs of Char acter, as manifested through Temperament and External Forms, and especially in the “Human Face Divine.” With more than One Thousand 11- lustrat nns By S H. WELLS. Price, in one 12.n0 volume, 768 pp.. handsomely bound, $5. Nliiii, in Cenesls and in Geology ; or, the Biblical Account of Man’s Creation, tested by Scientific Theories of hi* Origin and Antiquity. 15y By Joseph P. Thomson, D. D. LL. JD. Oae Vol ume 12mo. one dollar. Wedlock ; or, the Right Relations of the Sexes. Disclosing the Laws of Conjugal selection, and showing who may and who may not Marry.— For botl sexes. By S. R. Wells, l.w). How to Read Character ; A New Illustrated Handbook of Phrenology and Physiog nomy, for Students and Examiners, with a Chart for recording the sixes of the ditferont Organs of the Brain, in the Delineation of Character, with up wards of 170 Engravings. Muslin, 1.25. Education ; Its Elementary principles founded on the Nature of Man. By ,T. G. Spurz heim, M. D. With the Appendix, containing the Temperaments, and a Brief Analysis of the Facul ties. Illustrated. 1.50. Fumily Physician ; A Ready Presen ter and Hygienic Adviser. With reference to the Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Dis eases, Accidents, and casualties of every kind.— With a Glossary and copious Index. By Joel Shew, M. D. Muslin 4.00. Foot! and £>ict. With observations on the Dietctical Regimen, suited for Disordered Stateb of the Digestive Organs, and an account of the Die taries of some of the Principal Metropolitan and oth er Establishments for Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, etc. By Jonathan Pereira. M. D. F. R. S. and L. S. Edited by Charies A. Lee. M. D. 1.75. llaud-liook for Home Improve meilty comprising, “how to writ©,” ‘•How to Talk,” “How to Behave,” and “Haw to do Business,” iu one volume. 2.25. Cosmditution Os Man. Considered iu Relation to External objects. Bv George Combe.— The only authorized American Edition. With twer ty Engravings, and a portrait of the Author.— Muslin, 1.75. Moral Philosophy. By George Combe— Or, the Duties of Man considered in his individual, Domestic and Social Capacities. Bepri.ited from the Edinburgh Edition. With the Author’s latest corrections. 1.75. Mental Science. Lectures on, according to the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delivered tmfere the Anthropological Society. By Eev. G. S. Weaver. 1.50. Management of Infancy Physiological and M iral Treatment. By Andrew Combe, M. D.— A book for Mothers. Muslin, 1.50. Bjtniiy. An Illustrated Poem, by Anna Chambers Ketcbum. Published in the elegant style of En >ch Arden. A beantifill present. 1.50 JEsop’s Fables. The People’s Pictorial Edition. Beautifully Illustrated with nearly sixty Engravings. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only 1. Pope’s Essay ou Man. With Notes.— Beautifully Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards, one dollar. Natural Laws of Man. A Philosophical Catechism. By .1. G. Spurzhelm, M. D. Muslin 75 cents. Fruit Culture for the Million. A Hand-book : Being a Guide to the Cultivation and Management of Fruit Trees. Descriptions of the Best Varieties. One dollar. Inclose the amount in a Registered Letter, or In a P. O. Order, for one or lor m: 1 the above, and address S. R. Wells. Publisher 389 Broadway, New York.— Agents wanted. DR. CLARK’S LONDON REMEDIES “FOR SPECIAL l ONI PLAINTS.’ DR. CLARK’S IN VIGOR ATOR gives strength to the aged and debilitated; it is especially designed for young men who have wasted their vigor by excesses of eve ry kind, and all persons whose systems have become weak by imprudence are completely restored by its use. Price Oue Dollar. DR. CLARK’S PURIFIER cleanes the blood from all impurities ; such as Scrofula, Syphillis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of every sort, Bad Breath. Offensive Perspi ration, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Skin. It is also ben eficial in diseases of the Lungs aud digestive organs. Price One Dollar. DR. CLALK’S PANACEA relieves Pain of every description ; Headache, Earaehe, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache’ Pains in the Breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK'S ELIXIR is a certain cure foa all weaknesses of the Genito Urinary Organs, and discharges of a muco-purulent nature, Lcucorrhoea, Gonorrhoea, Sperma torrhoea, Seminal Weakness, ate speedily eured by its use. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S REFULATOR, sos females only, is guaranteed to correct all special irregularities and difficulties of Single La dies. Married Ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain, conditon as its effects would be too powerful. Price One Dollar. All of these great remedies are prepared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark’s im mediate supervision and aro warranted fresh and pure. All affiictcd persons should send a carefully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper reme dy will be sent promptly ty their address.— Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at his office, and will furnish all the necessary accommodations to patients who place them selves under his care. All letters address, DR. J. CLARK, Office, No. 10 AMITY St., New York City (near Broadway.) Marsh 10, 1870-1 y. I WHITE YOU lo ceitily that I haveused Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator in my family with complete success. J. W. D. BIRD. Chattahoochee. Fla. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 25,000 V' 'BSCliltiFllS mu Barit's Kftthlj for 13ons an!) Girls MAY Hr. OBTAINED BY THE FORMATION OF CLI BS, AT E VER Y POST or PICE IX THE SO UTB, IN ADDITION TO IT3 Present Large and Increasing Circula tion! Both Press and Public have united in de claring Burke’s Weekly the best boys and girls paper published in the United States BUKKE’S WEEKLY Is ft handsome quarto of eight pages, each number elegantly illustrated. Its contents consist of Serial Stories from the best wri ters, Tales, Poems, Biographies, Sketches of Travel and Adventure, and papers upon all subjects that are calculated to interest and instruct the young people of the South. Price $2 a year; three copies for $4 60; five copies for $7. Subscriptions taken for six months at sl, or three mouths for 60 cents. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom Su perior inducements will be offered. Address J. W. BURKE & CO., April 7, lm. Macon, Ga. ~DISBOLUTIOISr. TIIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist ing between Peter Marsh and Juo. G. Linn, in the Oil and Lamp business, is this day dissolve! by mutual consent. Peter Marsh will continue the business, and will assume all liabilities of the said firm, during its existence. Thankful for past favors, he soLcits the patronage of the public for the future. All persons indebted to the late firm are respectfully requested to come forward and settle their indebtedness with the under signed. • April 7th, ts. FETER MARSH. NOTICE. THE T\X Digest for the present year, will be open on the 12th instant for the purpose of receiving town tax returns, at the Council Ilall. All persons liable to pay tax, are required to come forward and give in to the Secretary, or they will be as sessed a double tax. I will be in the office on the first floor of the new Court Honsc, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9 A. M., to 12 M.. and from 2P. M., until 4P. M. By order of the Board of Council, April 4th, 1870. J. C. MADDOX, Sec’y. April 7th, ts. ”1«8W 600DS! T’STE ARE daily receiving aud opening V V a general Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! purchased at reduced prices, under the re cent decline in gold Our Stock consists in a large variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Ladies’ Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Bleached and Brown Domestics, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHINC, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery and Queen’s Ware, Factory Yarns, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Tobacco, &c., &c. We thank our friends for past favors, and solicit a continuance of their patronage for the future. N. GILREATII & SON. Cartersvillc, April 7th, 1870, ts. HAS STOW REAM FOR FSE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION in case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent for Erwin & Jones’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Wi* Goldsmith's WOOD COjF’ZPHN'S- he Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7th,-tf. Georgia, bartow county,—Four weeks after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, Georgia, at the first Regular term after the expiration of four weeks from this notice, for leave to sell the Real Estate be longing to the Estate of Joel Dean, late of said County, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said deceesed. JNO. C. COX, Administrator of JOEL DEAN. April Gth, 1770—4 w. Sheriff Sales for May IS7O. ONE LOT of Books of various kinds, (reported to be over one hundred vol umes,) of Standard historical and other works, levied on as the property of John S. Rowland, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bar tow Superior Court, in favor of Aunspaugh & Maxwell, and other fi fas in my hands, against said Rowland, pointed out by plain tiff's attorney. ALSO, Lot of land number two hundred anu thirty-four, (234) in the 6th district and 3d Section of Bartow County, as the proper ty of William Hunter, to satisfy a ti fa issued by the Tax Collector of said, in favor of the htate and Bartow County, against said Hun ter. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable. W.W. RICH, Shff. Ap’i G- ’7O. M. COLLINS. D. Sliff. Bartow Mortgage Sheriff Rule, ONE BLACK Mare mule, one two-horse wagon and harness, levied ou as the property of Joseph Harris to satisfy a Mort gage fi fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of John Jolley, vs said Jos eph Harris. Property pointed out in said fi fa. W W RICH, Sheriff. M. COLLINS, D. Sh’ff Ap'l 6, 1870. [prs fee sj. Fob Cholera in Cows.—Macon March 16, 1870.— Messrs. L. W. Hunt <J* Co.— Gents : I desire to let you know that I have cured three of my cows of cholera by using your Central City Condition Powders, and I believe it will cure every case, if given in lime. I have recommended it to several of my neighbors, and it Las never failed to cure in a single instance. D. C. DUNBAR. Pleasure is to mankind, what, the sun is to the flower; if moderately enjoyed it bcauti- ! lies, it refreshes, it improves: if immoder- ' ately, it withers, deteriorates, and destroys. ! All sip at the enticing glass, but reck not the consequenees. To alleviate the ills of j humanity induced thereby, we know of no | more efficient remedial agent than the “Old Carolina Bitters,” which have proven them selves to be the great Southern Tonic. Save your children from misery, by using W’iucmau’s Worm Candy. wror/cs to debtors. —AH persons indebted to the firm of J W CURRY &JCO . to the Ist of March instant, are requested to come forward, im mediately. and make payment, as the books must be closed without delay. O. PINKERTON, bui'v. Pai tn'r. March 22, 1870.—wlUd XE W ADV E R TFS EM E N Ts. (ESTABLISHED, lsao.) WELCH & GRIFFITHS, saws ! nxs’3 ! saws 1 SA’Vaef .11 rf.srrtj.ii.ins, aXF.4. BKI.TING MILL fURSiIMIIN-.S On BLAU SAWS with SoliiiTeeth, nr w.tli PtTRN’T ADJUSTABLE POINTS, superior to all JuxtrUd Teeth Situs. teeTPrices reduced. ....Bend for I’rlce List and Circulars WELCH A GRIFFITHS, Bostr>n, Mass., and Detroit, Mich. Agent*—CuiiTUNsiiig Hooks Sent Free. SECRETS 0 F INTERNAL REVENUE, By A From incut Officer of the Treasury Service, showing up the secrete and inner workings of the lie venue lltqowt in rnt, the Whisky ! If inn, Gold King, and Drawback Frauds, Systematic Kjbbery, l)ep>edallot,.. Conspiracies and ltalds on the Government, Malfeasance, Tyranny andCorrup- I tion of hiirh officials. The most startling and im- ] portantbook published. Containing about 500 well filled pages, spiritedly illustrated. Agents Wanted. Canvassing book and complete outfit sent free Address W.M. Fi I NT, Publisher, Phli’adelphla, Pa.; Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, O. HOW 10 GET ♦lO worth of splendidly illustrated books given for every 10 subscribers to the New York Musical Pioneer for lslo, a monthly journal of 1C pages of ohnice Music and interesting Miscellany. Only ftOcts. per annum ta advance. Circulars with list of premiums and specimen copy of Pioneer sent on receipt of ■tamp. F, J. HUNTINGTON, & Cos., 459 Broome Street, N. Y. 90S PRIZES Greenbacks, awarded to subscribers and agents for WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, the largest and best Dol lar Monthly in the world. Similar prizes to be re peated soon. Full particulars in March Number. For sale bv all Newsdealers, or sent with Catalogue of P emiums on receipt of 10 cents. Address S. 8. WOOD, Newburgh, N. Y. KID I) Eli'S PASTILLES- A sure relief for Asthma. Price 40 cents by mail BTOWELL & CO., Charlestown, Mass. Patent Water Proof Building Paper fur Inside and out. C. J. FAY, Camden, N. J. The Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. swse WITHOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Medif cine. Sent post-paid, on receipt o lOcts. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, (author of Medical Commcn Sense.) No. 120 Lexing ton Ave., cor. East 18th St., N. Y. AWAY ullh uncomfortable TRUSS ES. Comfort and cure for the Ruptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave. New Lork. Everybody j Head] Thisf! I\ E will pay Agents #25 per week and expenses, to 7? 8-11 the Greatest Discoveries of the Age. Ad dress WHEATON, HENRY & Cos., Marshall,Mich. Agents ! Read, This We will pay »{(enti a salary of 30 dollars per week and expenses, or allow a * large commission, to our new wenderful in vention Add efs M. WAG ER A CO., Marsnalville, Mich. A DAY !—4O new articles for Agents. Samples free. 11. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. List of 2.500 Newspapers for one stamp. G P. ROWELL &CO ,N. Y. BRIDE and Bridegroom.—Es says for Young Men, free, in scaled envelopes. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Phil adelphia, Pa. MANHOOD and the Vigor of Youth Re stored in Four Weeks. Success guaranteed. DR. RECORD’S ESSENCE of LIFE restoies manly power, from whatever cause arising. Theeffecisof early pernicious habits, self abuse and climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according to direelions (which are very simple aDd require no restraint from business or pleasure). Failure is impossible. Sold in bottles at $3, or four quantities In one for J 9. To be had only of ’he sole appointed Agent in America, HERMAN GERITZEN, 105 Third Avenue, New York. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & CO., Dcaleri In DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE Aid Befall, Atlanta, (4c orgia . Our stock of Foreign and Do rnestie Dry-Gootls is now com plete, in all departments, and we solicit au examination of our stock, from both whole sale and retail cash customers. Our Wholesale Department is entirely separate from our Retail Department. We also have just received the Largest Stock of Body Brussois, Tapestry Brussels, Wool Carpets, 2 s Ply, Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Damasks, Reps & Window Shades, Ever offered in Atlanta, and are offering them at prices to dorrespond with the re cent heavy decline in all kinds of Merchan dize. melt 30-w3m Wholesale and Retail HAT STORE, S+fLJ?IOJrS & JiLEXJIA'HEU. 42 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. mBECt LEAVE TO INFORM OUR FRIEND?, and all who purchase teg- 1 Goods In this market, that we areA§«; L now receiving, and have in Store. one of tlie largest stocks of the best and latest styles of Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , ever opened in the City, that we propose to offer to the trade. We purchase our Goods direct from the man ufacturers, by the package, which enables us to sell here at as Low Prices as the goods can be purchased in any Northern City, of which we are prepared to give satisfactory evidences. We most respectfully solicit a call from all wishing to purchase, feeling confident we will be aide to meet their views in qual ity, style and price. We think it would not be amiss to state that our Goods are all new, having been bought within the last twenty days. ROY’S RATS made a specialty. Respectfully, inch 80—w2tn SALMONS & ALEXANDER. just Rceeivcd. Improved Rotary Photograph Al bums. John T. Owen, Maiu Street, Cartersville, Ga. RENT OR SELL.—The two-story brick business house, form erly knowu as the Shoe Store, the sec ond story of which is now occupied by the Cartersville Express Printing Of fice. / poly to WM. MILNER. Anew supply of Watches Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles, just received by J. 1. OWEN. Pub. 17th, 2t. Main Street. SPECIALS. Extra KiHirtal Notice. Beware of Counterfeits* Stnitb’a Tonic Ejrup h*, been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH’S TOY IF STRI P The genuine article must have Dr. John Bait's p r i vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull only ha* the right to manufacture and sell the original Jobs Smith’* Tonic 8} nip of Louieviile, Ky. Examine welt the label on each bottle. If my private (tamp Is BoJ on the bottle, do not purchase, or j on * ill be deceived See my column advertisement, and nj show card I will prose-ute any oue Infringing *«u my right. Tp r genuine Smith's Tonlo Syrup can only be prepared by myself. The public’s servin', DR. JOljN BULL. Louisville. Ky., April 23,1608 TO CONSTM PTI V KS. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption—j* anxious to make known to his fellow-suff#r trs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a eopy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions fer preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Care For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, e tc The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to to bo invaluable; and he hspes every sufferer will try hi« remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing- REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. 4 "LL PERSONS, WHOMSOEVER; kuowiug themselves hi debt.- led to the undersigned lor goods j purchased during 18G8 und ’6U, aro J urgently and earnestly requested to I come forward and settle at once. HOWARD &, ERWIN P. S.—Mr. Erwin is now in New York, purchasing New Goods, at the late decline, which we will offer iu a few days to our friends and tho public, at reasonable rates. li. E. March 24th, lm. ERRORS OF TOIJTU. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deoay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, tho receipt aud di rections for making the simple remedy Vj which he was cured. Sufferers wishing te profit by the advertiser’s experience, eaa do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OUDKN, No. 42 Cedar Strcot, New York. PIANOS. The undersigned would respectfully announce that he is enabled to furnish the most magnificent Pianos ever seeu in this country, from $325 to sßoo. Having superior advantages, and many years experience in the business in Europe and America, I can sell a first class Piano, 7, or 7} Octave, with all the very latest improvements $59 o SIOO less than they can be bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tunc, free cf charge, for lj months, and warrant every Piano five years. He will have specimens her#, or confer with you in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kenesaw House, F. L. FREYER, Marietta, Gn. B£sk„Wr. F. L. Froyer, Marietta Ga., is one of the firm of Phillips, Crews & i'reyor, Atlanta, Ga., agents for the sale of tho cele brated Knabc Pianos, and will be happy t* receive orders for any of the above instru ments, at his residence—the Konncsaw house Hit The Sth wonder of the world has been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long expe rience, extensive observation and profound judge ment, and his discovery haj proven such a hlesilng to woman, that it it already known throughout the country as “Woman s Best Frieud.” With remarka ble quickness and certainty It cure* all cases of sup pressed menstruation, acute or ehrenic, and restores health in every Instance. Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed In the treat ment of diseases peculiar to women. This the Med ical Faculty knows and admits, while many of aur best physicians are using it in dally practice. The medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. U. Brad field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bet tie by respectable Druggists everywhere, feb 1 wly LAST NOTICE. Assistant Asskssou’s Orrrc*, I 4tii District, Marietta, Ga., V March 14th, 1870. j AS but few responded to my first notice, I will again afford the citizens of Cass county an opportunity to make a return of their In come for 18G9. The Law requires every person to return, no matter how small their Income may be. I will spend the week com mencing April 11th aud ending April 10th, IN CARTERSVIkLE, 1870, and all who fail to make return will be assessed according to the best information f may obtain, and a penalty of $ ">0 added. 1 am also receiving application for Special (License) Taxes for the year ending May TANARUS, 1870. S. T. ANDERSON, Assistant Assessor. Dr. Lduiird Smith'* Infallible LIVER TONIC, Paris A CURTAIN CUJiE-m for Torpid Liver, Constipated Rowels, Dyspepsia,Headache, Pain in the Back, Piles, and all affections of the Liver and Bowels. Read the following cer tificates : “Smith’s Liver Tonic is, beyond all question, a most excellent Liver Medi cine. Having fully tested its virtues, xve take great pleasure in assuring any who may be afflicted with Torpid Liv er, or Constipated Bowels, that the Livin' Tonic is a most efiencious reme dy.” Rev. L. J. Davies, P. E. LaGrtUigo Distriot, Ga.; Rev. E P. Birch, West Point, Ga.; Rev. George R, Smith, Nownan, Ga.; J. R Dent, Newnan, Ga.; R Moneghan, Newnan, Ga. SMITH’S AGUE FILLS always CttFo Chltfs ami in niuteen cases out of twenty the cure* are permanent 't hese Pills are put up in vials of fifty Pills, with full directious. Wo have sold them to hundreds of persons, ami in no instance that \vc are aware, have they failed to effect a euro. For sale by Drs. Best mid Kirkpat rick; only $1 a bottle; the money re turned if not pleased after thing.— Prepared by Edward Smith, m. and., Newnan, Ga. Ills tlml Flesh is Ileir To. Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelling of the Glands and Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, Secondary Syphilis with all its train of evils, Impure Blood, Female Diseases, Low Epii its, Liver (Join pluint, Nervousness, t jc., 4C., lull to the lot of mankind. But happily, they have their antidote. 1)R. TFT’f’S SAKtSA PAUILLA ami QUEEN'S ULUGH T possesses G* o u unlit i'c* to cipcl thorn from the icstoro perfect health, and produce happ 1 * ness, -" here all was misery.