The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 12, 1870, Image 2

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* u © bky re a s.j I HAMUKI. 11. SMITH. Pditor and Proprietor CAKTKRSVILLi:, GA.. MAV 12th, Is7o Lol'h! iiriii#. We me having a coo 1 , spell for May, 1 also dry; tliiw lias been tbe driest sj ring i< v the last tin years. Still tin; stamls of cotton and com are not. j Lad. Small gi. in a few show ers. Remember the Pie on Thurs day, 12th iinst., clown the C. & Y« H. R. Go, every one, and have a hap py time. We learn that brick buildings will noon be erected on ho me of the lots in the burnt part of town. That’s right, and cover with slate. No attention has yet been paid to that dangerous cellar, by its owners. Better enclose it gentlemen. Cotton in good demand at 19^cts. We, as well as a large audience, lis tened to an able and affecting dis couse, on Sabbath last, by Rev. Win. M. Crumley, of Atlanta. It was the inueral sermon of an aged lady, and ripe Christian, Mrs. Trammell. The scripture selected for (lie occasion, was that of the “vine and branches’—“l am the vine, ye are the branches,” &e. This mother in Israel had been a liv ing branch of the vine, fur perhaps more than sixty years, and had borne “much fruit,” thereby showing to the world, that she was a disciple of our Jjord. The speaker had known her o\er forty years; impressions when a mere lad, were felt at her house 40 years ago, during the ],reaching of a sermon, and his early hopes of salva tion, and his love and respect for the departed are associated together, and ever will he, as long as he remains on earth, he looks forward to the day when ho shall meet her in the land of the blessed. This portion of the dis course was most affecting, and many sympathetic tears were shed by the large audience, au 1 by some “not used to the melting mood.” God grant til it the sermon may so leave its im press on our hearts, that we may live ;.s did this precious saint, and like her, find our home in our father’s mansion above. His Excellency, Gov. Bullock, came up on a special train, on Sabbath last, to see the C. & V. W. It. R., and pass over it so the Etowah. We lea’n that he was much pleased with all he saw, and especially admired the fine farm ing land and crops, hence to the river It is, indeed, a beautiful river. The green clover and wheat fields are re freshing to behold. We arc pleased to learn that a Sab bath School 1 has been organized at the Baptist Church in this place. Mr. D. W. K. Peacock, Superintendent. This is a move in the i ighfc way, for there are children enough in our village to fill three or four Sabbath Schools. Remember the weekly prayer meet ing will be held at the Baptist Church Wednesday night. Let every one go up to the house of prayer who desires the blees-ing of God. Camp fishing has become a fashionable sport in Middle Georgia feb"* Last Saturday was altogether < ue of the most unpleasant days of the stasou. Old Boreas and the dust acted in such harmony as to complete ly till the eyes of all spectators. We are informed by Rev. J. T. Nor ris. Agent, for tire Home Insurance Company of Connecticut, and South ern Mutual Insurance Company of Athens, that those compai ies have promptly paid up their loss by the late lire, in this piece, in cash. Ws ore glad to learn that the Cupo la of the Presbyterian Church, in this placd which we reported as being in a dangerous condition, last week, has since been examined and pronounced to be perieclly safe. IsaT’The Georgia Legislature adjoured on Wednesday last, t,o the first Wed nesday iu July next. The Georgia Mutual Life In surance Company, through the Agent, Dr. Massey, of Atlanta, lias issued about thirty policies to citizens in and aronud Cartersville, within the last few weeks. Dr. W. A. L.indsdaU, wholesale Druggist-, Atlanta, G'>., advertises to onr readers, this week, that he has on hand one of the largest and finest Stock of Drugs, &Cv, ever fcefoae offer fed in Atlanta. In connection with his Drugs, tec., lie has one of the finest So da Fountains ever introduced into a Southern City. We hi t the. pleasure, cm i Intraday last, of testing its waters, and hesitnte not t » say, that it is cer tai’dy the very boat that we ever 4,* ink. This is no one-horse eotabhsh lu-.nt. the Grand Raffle at Cassuoe, ou the hat day of June. A PARDON GOV. BULLOCK. A few days ng >, our town was exci sed by the appearance of the deputy ! "sheriff of Fulton County, on our i streets, and the arrest of our respect-. 3d fellow-townsman, R. L. Sellers.— j rhe fact was soon known that the j Sheriff had arrested him by virtne of tin indictment for murder of one Mor- j ria The endictrnent included several | other of our citizens, whose names we need not mention. The facts are that Morris was killed accidentally, in an at tempt made by the parties included in P.e indictment to arrest the uoto- j nulls Jim Marcrow, and the object of j it was to extort money from them. A petition has been presented tot the Governor for the pardon of these ; parties, an 1 we are happy to annonce that, without hesitation, the Governor has granted it, and our friends are at liberty. For this act of Executive clemency si promptly and generously granted Gov. Bullock huß the thanks of all our j citizens, without respect to party.— The act was essentially just and right, and by it, we have been saved much anxiety. Our readers will pardon us, if just here, and at this time, we indulge in one or two candid reflections. Gov. ; Bullock has been much abused for liis | liberal exercise of the pardoning pow- 1 er. Some of ns have spoken of it in | terms of unrestrained severity. By this j one act he has pardoned seven of our j citizens before they had been brought | to trial. We all think he Ims done right. We understand the facts of the j case, and appreciate the justice of the act. Par tie.'-' 1 in other localities do not understand the case, and will, as usu al, we doubt riot, open a heavy fire on him. This community only will know how unjust and how uncalled for such attacks will be. From this, may we not all learn wholesome lessons of charity, just ice and . forbearance ? It is impossible for Gov. 8., or any one else to make themselves familiar with the facts of every case presented. He must act on the faith Ho Has in oth ers. Doubt less he lias never granted a pardon, except on the petition of good citizens, These petitions state the facts and justify the acts. The Gov. believes them—acts on them how could l.e do otherwise. We i should have thought mean of him if he had refused to believe the facts we presented in behalf of our friends. — OiLer communities would feel the same way under similar circumstances. | Every community believes in the jus tice of its )\vn pardons, but condemns the pardon of any others. Is this fair, is it just or right. In the name of that charity which hopeth and believ oth and endureth all things, and never fails, we think not. Every prosecuted or condemned or persecuted individu al, is dear to some heart or other.— T hose hea-ts best understand and appreciate the circumstances of their cases, and “they are they” who clamor for pardons. If each one of us understood them all as presented i to and understood by Gov. 8., how | differently might wo feel and talk? | Might not all our censure be convert ed into commendatic n? We note an j other fact—all the gentlemen pardon- I ed are active, unflinching Democrats, : and unalterably opposed to Gov. B.— j This fact divests the act of the usual i charges of purtizausbip. How many more of the numerous pardons stand on like grounds of magnanimity ? One inure remark—Our State for the last ten years has been scene of disorder and confusion. The bloody arena of mighty battles and the home of mighty passions and revolutions.— J lie storm that swept over, demoral ized rather than purified us. Long after the winds had ceased the waves still rolled high. Old sores still bled and old passions still burned. We longed for the buri 1 of passion, and a return of the “halcyon days of yore.’ I We have desired to forget the things of the past, and build for the present and future. Now we understand that j the great majority of these pardons, like tho one of which we have just ! spoken, have reference in some way or ; other, to our “old times of trouble.”— We would respectfully ask if a liberal i exercise of the pardoning power is not tiie proper policy under the circum ; stances ? Without answering the | question we would suggest that it is , liet discreditable either to the head or heart of the Governor that he has j adopted the line of policy which our i argument indicates. lore Can am—Mr-. G. W. Jack, At lanta, is ready, with a gorgeously fitted up Ice Cream Saloon, to cool off the whole town. His Saloon is specially arranged for ladies, who can retire thither to rest and refresh themselves without fear of intrusion or interrup tion. Jack is fitting up his Saloon in better style than he ever did before, and expects to make it a notable place of resort during the hot summer months. No man can do no better than lie is now. JoUIILAN, HoW All!) AII UiALSO', AT LANTA, Ga. - These gentlemen have the largest and most complete stock of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars to be found m any House, North or South. The gentlemen composing this firm, are prompt and reliable business men.— This is one of the oldest Commission and Tobacco Houses in Atlanta, and has earned a reputation co-exteusive with tiro large and increasing trade of the Gate City. See advertisement. M. E. Cooper. —Mr. M. E. Cooper, next door to the Engine House of No. 1, is one of the most systematic and methodic merchants in the city. His business is conducted with the accu racy and precision of clock work, and his goods art arranged neatly and to the greatest advantage. He is a commission merchant, and dealers will find his stocks always of the best and his dealings on the square. [At. Constitution. mi'is »y f~ri.iij.ut ui:<i light. r! —A icork descriptive of the Myste ries a7,<l Miseries, the riots, J7ce.% Syten- , dors and Crones of the City of Paris, tip ' dames D. McCabe. Jr., National Yuiiirshitty Cos., At lento, (Ju. The eagerness with which all Amer icans who can spare the time and means, rush off to Paris every year, has become almost a national charac teristic. Indeed, this is not to be won dered at, for of all places in the world, Paris offers the greatest attractions to the lover of pleasure, and what people . love pleasure so well as our own conn- ; trjuien ? This most interesting of ci-! ties displays to the novice its enchant ments iu two aspects so widely differ- 1 ent, thar the author shows us Paris in two different phases— “By Sunlight and “Gaslight.” The quantity of seri ous and veritable history presented in his work, as connected with the vnri- j ous objects of interest in Paris is im mense. That of the Palaces and other public burnings is exhaustive and ■ complete. The reader is made ac quainted with all the proud and tri umphal monuments of the past and present eras. He is led through the grandest gaJlerii sos art, and the liisto ry and descriptions of the leading ob jects of sculpture and painting, are laid before him. He is introduced in to the family of the Emperor, and carried through every phaae of Pari san social life. He is led up the gar | rets to the pretty Grisettes, and listens to the sti lies of their loves; and is made a confidant in the secret in | trig ties of the ladies rank. He visits the Queens of the Demi-monde in their gorgeous houses and counts the lovers by their jewels. He luxuriates in the j delicacies of French cooking and Par : isan drinks, and smokes his Cigarette at night on the glittering Boulevard. ! He has the curtain drawn back and is shown the dark mysteries, the rogue ries, villainies, and the frightful crimes of the City. He is amused, instructed, startled, thrilled, horrified by turns, and when he Jays the book aside, finds it haul to believe that he has not actu ally seen Paris for himself, and partici- I pated, in person, in the scenes of which ho Luo Loon reading. The book is il , lustraled with 150 splendid engrav j ings, made in Paris, by the best artists j of France, under the personal super vision of the author. It is sold only j by subscription. CAfe in S tall. We have received the proof sheet of the forth coining work, containing an expose of the mysteries and crimes of Mormonism, the secret rites and cere monies of the latter-day Saints, with a full und authentic history of the Mor mon sect from its origin to the present time, written by J. H. Beadle. This work will be sold only by subscription. It will contain much valuable informa tion, and the public should read it. Ihtioi.ic. Officers of the Grand Council of Georgia for 1870. Robert M. Smith, Gr. Tr. 111., Gr., Master. Thomas J. Perry, Gr. 111. H. of T. Win. A. Graham, Gr. 111. H. Ab. Richard T. Turner, Gr. Capt. Guard. Win. J. Pollard, Gr. Treasurer. Chas. ft. Armstrong, Gr. Treasurer. John E. Navy. Navy, Gr. Sentinel. Officers of Ike Grand Royal Arch Chap ter if Georgia. M E M P Kellogg, G H P., Marietta. Ga. M E R L Roddy D G Id P Forsyth, Ga. R E L J Glenn, G IU, Atlanta, Ga. E E W J Johnson, C S., Fort Gaines, Ga. E G T Anderson, G C 11., Atlanta. E D N Austin, G P S., Fort Valley. E H E Turner, G Ii A C., Savannah. E T J Perry, G F 3d Vail, Rome. Ed. E W K Peacock, G M 2d Vail, Cartersville. E W H Fuller, G M Ist Vail, Atlanta 32 W J Pollard. G Treas., Augusta. E J E Blacksliear, Gr. Sec., Macon. E J E Navy, Gr. Sent, Augusta. Last Proceedings of tlic Georgia Baptist Convention. The Executive committee was elected by ballot as follows: Thos. Stocks, T J. Burney, D. E. Butler, P. B. Robin son, W. G. Wood fin, J. E. Willet, J. R. Sanders. Treasurer, T. J. Burney. Yv. L. Kilpatrick was appointed to preach the Introductory Sermon next year, (F. YL Daniel alternate,) and H. H. Tucker to preach the Education Sermon, L. R. Gwaltney, alternate. Reports on Education, the State of Religion, Temperance, the Report of the Board of Trustees of Mercer Uni versity, the Report of the Executive Committee, and Finance were read, and adopted. From the latter report it appears that $1,178 05 were received by the Committee during this session, and $242 72 contributed directly to the objects named and reported to the Committee; collections during the meeting, $l3O 70; total, $1,851 47. The names of the Committee to act with the Board of Trustees of Mercer University, were announced as follows: Georgia Associations, SII Kilpatrick; Rehoboth, J. S. Lawton; Central. G.S. Obear ; Washington, W. I. Harley ; Flint River, J. D. Stewart; Fairburn, G. R. Moore ; Ebenezer, G R. McCall; Hepizibali, W. h Davis; Bethel, R, J. Bacon; Bowen, R. Fleming; Western, U. B. Wilkinson; Columbus, C. C Wil lis ; Friendship, G. A. Loftin; Mercer, J. Mcßride; Middle Cherokee, J. G. Rvals ; Sp irta, F. H. Ivey ; Stone Mountain W. T. Adkiuson; New Sun buvy. W. H. Stark; Appnlachee, G. A. Nunn,ally; Houston, L Joiner. It was resolved to make Cartersville the place of meeting next year. = 10'? SALE.—Two Wagons & Harness, Thresher, Mower & Reaper, (Buckeye) all in good condition. Ap ply to J. B. CONYERS. Cartersville, May 10.—wlm jps.sfSee advertisement of Smith’s Well Fixture, in another column. It is the very thing you want, perhaps. JKaT’See also advertisement of itobt. Bruce—Agriejulturnl Implements. See also Assignee’s Sale of valuable property in Cartersville. sure and read our School Notice:-, for the Fall Session. WHOLtEALE AM? RETAIL DRUGGIST, HO 10 WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA GA Offers splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to give him a cal!. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Class, Pine Itdieisal Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. NOTICE. SPECS AX,- Daily Drain from the “ICE CCtB SODA FOUNT 5 * All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges liis Soda competitors to produce tho fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and the best in the city. Ture Fruit Syrups. W. A. Lanstlcll, No, Xl* Whitehall Atlanta, Ga. Mav 12 1870 ly. RUSSELL tk CO’S telflllf lillS s ItlfUl AND AT THE GILREATII WARE-HOUSE. Call and see the Machines and see what 1 Warrant them to do. Cartersviile, May 12. ROBERT BRUCE. The Rural Carolinian, for May, con tains an excellent likeness of Geo. W. Williams, esq., an eminently sussessful Southern Merchant. Its pages are finely illustrated and filled with choice and useful reading. Address Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, S. C. A Ciipital Paper, The Little Corporal for May comes in good time. Fresh as the flowers and bright as the spring time—full of good things for the children and for all who love children. Great improve ments are promised in the already charming Mag zin<>. One dollar a year. Sewell & Miller, Chicago, 111. TRIUMPHANT 1 The justly-celebrated Stieff’s Pianos have received SEVEN GOLD MEDALS. and six first-class Premiums, at the Maryland Institute Fair, Baltimore, and at the several Southern Fairs, held iu October and November, 1809; Capo Fear Agricultural Fair held at Wilmington, N. C.; North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, N. C.; Lynchburg Agricultural and Mechanical Fair; Augusta County Fair; Wytheville Virginia Fair; the Fair, Rome, Ga., anil Illinois. Stieffs took the first premiums over all competitors of Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. The excellence of tone, workmanship and general fin ish of these Pianos are unsurpassed.— Persons visiting Baltimore should not fail to examine the Pianos for them selves, at his splendid new ware-rooms, No. 9 N. Liberty St. Baltimore, Md. May sth, ts. A FA.TISLY MCI>I€IA*E. We call the special attention of our readers to the advertisement of that favorite home remedy, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. It has been before the public over 30 years, and probably has a wider and bettor reputation than any other proprietary medicine of the pres ent day. At this period there are but few unacquainted with the merits of the Pain Killer; but while some extol it as a liniment, they know but little of is power in easing paiu when taken internally, wdnle others use it inter nally with great success, but areeqtiall • ignorant of its healing virtues when applied externally. We therefore, wish to say to all that it is equally success ful whether used internally or exter nally, and it stands to-day, unrivalled by all the great catalogue of Family Medicines. It is sufficient evidence of its virtues as a standard medicine, to know that its sale is still increasing. No curative agent has had such wide spread sale or given such universal satisfaction. is a purely vegetable compound, and perfectly safe, even in unskillful hands. lgisSL. Harper comes to us freighted with good thiugs. Os all magazines, Harper’s contains more general infor mation. The “Drawer” alone is worth the subscription. Georgia News. The total cost of the State Road is $6,507,087 60. Rail toad picnic. —About, 5000 per sons attended the annualjpicnic on the State Road at Marietta. The Dahlonega Signal, 22, says: The Yahoole Company have discovered rich veins of gold ore. The veins are of considerable sizo and of good quality. The rout of the Griffin and Decatur railroad is now being surveyed from Newnan West. It is said that the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad, under the vigerous management of Captain White, will be completed to Newnan by the Ist of June. A good old Methodist farmer in Un ion county r is of the opinion that no fruit, except ‘brandy peaches,’ has been injured by the recent cold. W. E. Houghton, the oldest painter in Atlanta, died on Sunday. The wheat crop of Monroe and Pike counties is said to bo very promising. It is rumored that the railroad lead ing from Barnesville to Thomaston is soon to be put in running order. Rev. R. Watson, of the Colored Baptist Church, Albany, baptized 38 persons in the river last Sunday. Mr Huff, of Forsyth, last Saturday, shipped by the Green Line 208 casks of bacon from Cincinnati. This is said to' be the largest single shipment ever made by any one man from Cincinnati Colonel LeHardy. Civil and Topo graphical chief Engi neer of the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad —has been appointed and ac cepts the position of Chief engineer of the Cartersville A Y. W. R. It. ASSIGNEE’S SALE- In the matter of ) Blair & Bradshaw, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupts. ) IN THE District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia : BY VIRTUEofan order from the Hon orable District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Cartersville, Ga., on Tuesday, tlie 7th day of June, 1870, free from all encumbrauces, one Brick Store House and lot, in Cartersville, Ga., situated on the South side of Main Street, and ad— joined by the Siore House of Howard & Er win, on the East, and the store house of J E. Roberts, on the \\ cat, and recently occupied by said Bankrupts. A 1,8!), at the same time and place, and in the same mariner aforesaid, will be sold one Stearns <k Marvins’ Iron safe, one Class Show Case, and one large Wooden Desk. Terms strictly Cash CartereViltH, Gn., May Gth, 1870. JGHN COX, Assignee es Blair it Bradshaw, Bankrupts. May 12, 2w. Cartersville .MALE High School C -n linnirMa FJonaici Johnston. ? Principals. 8. €S. Hiiiyer. i 'J'he first session of this School will com mence Ist of August, and close the 18th of November, 1870. RATSS OF TUJTSO^. FIRST CLASS, per month, - - $2.00. SECOND “ “ - - 3.G0. THIRD “ “ - - 5.00. No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protracted sickness, or by special arrangement. XUIXIOX payable at the end of each qua l-ter. The principals flatter themselves that by thus combining their experience and ener gies, they afford to the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the state. The course of studies will embrace what is usu ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough and JRSS'Strict discipline will be rigidly en forced. For further particulars apply to the prin cipals. SMITH’S Well FSxtare. 1 respectfully call the attention of she cit izens of Cartersville and the rest of the world to this ZZ&FROVSD WATER Drawer- They are safer and better than the old fashioned windless, cheaper and better than any pump. One can be seen at work near the Court House, l’rice <£‘2o, freight about $ \ All orders with the price, S2O will be promptly attended to. Shipped to any point. Addres F. Si ENOE, ROME, GA. Warranted to give entire satisfaction for 3 mos, when properly used, if not so, all I ask is that it be returned and the mon ey will be refunded. May. 12 lm. SI,OOO REWARD. Doliiiifj’s Via lTug’Si cures all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness, Female Afflictions, General Debility and all coraplints of the Urinary Organs, in male and female. 5$ 1 .000 will also he paid for any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itching PILES that Deßing’s Pn.E Remedy fails to cure. DeBING'S MAGIC LINIMENT cures Rheumatic Pains, Sprains, Bruiser, and Swell ed Joints, in man and beast. Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laborvtory —l42 Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. To Exchange for Town Proper ty- I HAVE one lot 100 acres, or two lot« o e 320 acres, either or both of which I will exchange lor property iu the town of Car tersville. The laud is well improved, in good state of cultivation, five miles from the Railroad, in a liealty section of country, and well adapted for stock-raising. 1 will make the exchange on fair terms. For further particulars, apply at this oflici. May 2d, 1870— lm. ’ “something nsw~ AND USEFUL!! P. T York’s Patent Cliurn Dash er. It is cheap and durable, very simple, and can be used in any upright churn, and .will make butter in less time than any dash now in use. It does not waste cream. No one that has tried them will do without them They work with the same ease as any other Dasher. Having purchased the right to make and sell them, I am now prepared to till all orders that may come. 1 guarantee i them (if the milk is in the proper condi tion) to make the butter in five minutes, or no charge lor them. Prices ranging from fifty ccucs to one dollar, according ts size. •Jumcm W. Strang-t', Cartersville, Ga., Mag 1 'lth., 1870. EOIIUIA, Bartow County. Dormon Smith ims applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 1 10 o'clock a, m., on the 21st, day of Myy, ! lt>7o, at my office. This, May 7ih, 1870. o'. A. HOWARD, Ordinary I>, C. TO PHYSICIANS. New Yolk, August 15tb, 18(18 Allow me to call your attention to my Preparation of Compound Extracr Buchu. TLe component parts are BUCHU LONG LEAP, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Mode of Preparation.— Buchu, iu vacuo. Juniper Be-ries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. Cubeba extracted by displacement with spirits spirits obtained from Junip-r Berries: very little sugar is used, and a small proportion of spirit. It is more palateable than any now in use. Buchu, as prepared by Druggists, is of a light color. It is a plant that, emits its fragranee ; the action of a flame destroys this (its active urinciple,) leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is the color of ingredients. The Buchu in my preparation predomi nates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspec tion, it will be found not to be a. Tincture, ns made in Pharmacopuea, nor is it a Syrup—and therefore can be used in cases where fever or inflammation ex ist, In this,you have the knowledge of the ingredl ents and the mole of preparation, Hoping that you will favor it w ith a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet with your approbation, With a feeling of confidence, I am very respectfully yours, 11. T. IIELMBOLD, Cnemiat vnd Druggist •f 16 gears' experience. [From the Largest Manufacturing Chemists in the WorlU] November 4, 1854. ‘T are acquainted with Mr. H. T. Ilembol 1 ; he oc cupied the Drugstore opposite my residence,and was successful in conducting the buslress where ethers had net been equally to before him. I have been fa vorably impressed with his character and enterprise.” WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers & Weight man, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. m Helmbold’s Fluid Extract of Bu<‘hu Is the great specific for Universal Lassitude, Proatra tton, Ac. The constitution, once affected with Organic Weak" nets requires the »B of Medicine to strengthen th e system, which HEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU in variably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Cou' sumptio’a or Insanity ensues. IlelmboltFs Fluid Extract of Buchu, In affections peculiar to Females, is uneqnaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Ketention. Pumfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. Helmbolds Fluid Extract Biichu ard Improved Hose Wash. Will radically e xterminate from the system diseases arising from the habits of dissipation, *t little expense little or no change in diet, no inconvenience of expos ure ; completely superceding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copalva and Mercury, in all these diseases. Use HelmboltFs Fluid Extract Buchu In ah diseases of these organs. Whether existing in male or female, from whatever ca use originating, and to lio matter < f ho* long standing It is pleasant in taste and odor, “immediate” in action, and more strengthening than any preparations of Bark or Iron Those suffering fromlbroken down or delicate con stitutlons, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however slight may he the attack of the above d'seasea, it is certa n to af fect the bodily health and mental powers. AD the shove <D«e-». require the aid of a Diuretic ItKMBOLD'S EXTRACT HUCUt’ is the great Diuret ics Sold by Druggists everywhere. PRICE— SI.2S per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6.50. — Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms in all communications. Address H. T. H EL M B 0 L D, DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BROADWAY, Now York. None Are Genuine Unless done up in steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, j and signed IX. T'UELMIIOLI). CAE TE irLS'VIJLIL/E! FEMALE SCHOOL, The first term of this school will begin on Ist toOKBAY IN AUGUST. And close 4th Friday in Nov. The School will'embrace three classifica tions of pnpils. The Primary, including the Elementary branches; The Intermediate, embracing those‘pupils who have passed the first or primary grade, and are well grounded iu the Elementary studies: T he Classical Department, embracing the Languages, and the higher Mathematics. Rates of Tuition Per Month. Primary $*2.00 Intermediate $3.00. Classical $5.00. “ A competent Music Teacher will ba con nected with the School, and the necessary instruments provided for all who desire to take music Lessons • Tames L. Pierce. •X. Walter Pi’iteliett. RAFFLE AT CASSYUiLB THOSE WISHINC TO PURCHASE TICK ETS IN THE GRAND RAFFLE AT CASSVILIj-E --ON JUNE, THE FIRST PROXIMO, HAD BETTER make immediate application, as there ARE BUT FEW LEFT ON HAND, AND THE TIME TO CLOSE OUT THEIR SALE IS RAPIDLY AP PROACHING- AGENTS- Cartersville, R. L. Sellers. Cass Station, Thomas Matthias. Kingston, Thomas Hargis and Joe Headder. Possum Trot, "VV. T. Gordon. Cassville, L. Q. SMITH & CO. POSTPON’D ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY virtue of an older from the Cou*t of Ordinary of Bartow omuty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in June, 1870, at the Court House door in Cartersville, in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land, in said county, whereon Ste phen R. Elli3 resided at the time of his death, containing 2-10 acres, more or less, being Lot No 821, and half of Lot. No. 231, in the Fifth District and Third Section of said county. About 100 acres cleared, the bal ance well timbered—good comfortable dwell ing and cut bouses, a good well of free-stono water, also two fine syrings ou the place—a fine orchard of peaches, apples, &c., &c. The farm lies finely, being well adapted for grass, clover, wheat, &c. Any person desiring to look at the farm, will be shovvd the same by applying to the undersigned on the premises. Sold as the property of said S. R. Ellis, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. Possession given by or before the first of 1871. Terms of sale. Cash. C. A. ELLIS, Adminisiratrix of S. R. ELLIS, dec’d. March 15, 1879. Printer’s fee $7 50. TAX NOTICE. I will be in Cartersville May 10, 24, and June 7 Cassville, *• 9, 20, “ “ 6 ! Kingston, “ 14, 23, “ “ 11 i Adairsville, “ G 21, “ “ 4 ! Allatoona, “ 11, 25, “ “ 8 Stilesboro, “ 12, 2G, “ “ 9 Euharlee, “ 13, 27, “ “ 10 Gth Dist., “ IG, 30, “ “ 13 Pine Log, “ 17, 31, “ “ 14 Wolf Pen, “ 18, June 1, and 15 Slamp Cr’k, “ 19, “ 2, “ 1G Cass S.atiou, June 3. Z. A. Mcßeynolds, Tax Rec’r. | May 5, 1870 —ts. GIVE IN YoTjTtUWN TAX. I will be in the Council Room, Friday the i 7th Tuesday the 11th, and Friday the 14th, !on which day the books will close. All who 1 fail to give in by tliat time Will be returned as defaulters and assessed a double tax, by order of the Hoard of Commissioners. May 3d, 1870. J. C. MADDOX, ___ Sec. a Tr. i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ! for Pi imnati tux bloor. JThe reputation this ex , v celii-i:t medicine enjoys. is.hvive't from its euros. ’ £ ■■ ' many of n hicti are truly -- marvellous. Inveterate cases of SiTofulous (lit. /¥ CitsC, Where the rysten fjfli sKertunl Kiltnated with Zp. \ J rff jk, conoption, have been Sr, ' -J purilii and an.l cured by it 'Bfiv ]r __ scrofulous a Auctions am. disorders,winch werenp pravatetl !>y the serofu 4 *vw=^Ssua.«.r!g'_r; A ' - Uus couuiii inaiinn uiiti they were painfully afflicting, have been radical], cured in such great numbers in alinn-t every sec tion of the country, that the public M-areely nee. to be informed of iis virtues •>. u-cs. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destrtu tive enemies Os our nice. <Mien, tin- tot- ecu am tinfelt tenant of the organism nm lerii.iiies tic cot etitution, ami invites the attack of enfeebling nr fa tat diseases, without exciting a suspicion of ii presence. Again, it seems t<» breed nift-eliot throughout the body,and then, on some f.vontii' occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of it hideous forms, either on the surface or among tie vitals. In the latter, tubercles maybe Hidden!, deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors forme* In the liver, or it shows its presence by eruption on the skin, or foul ulcerations on some part o the body. Hence the occasional use of a bntth of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when nc active symptoms of disease appear. Person; llicted with the following complaints peneraih find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, bv il7 use of this SAKSAPAItI I. 1. A; St. Aiilho sty’s Fire, Itosc nr Erjfsipclas, Ti tter. So! Jtheuni, Scald Head, Itint/irorm, Son■ lyes Sore Earn , and other eruptions or visible fonm of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more ecu: coaled forms, as Dyspepsia, />»•«/<»»/, Hem Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, A emalyla, mu the various Ulcerous affections of the muscula and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal nnd ItTrrrurial Dis eases are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies b\ any medicine. But long-continued use of tin medicine will cure the complaint. J.eueorrhar or IVhites, Uterine Ulcerations, and lent at Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ulti mately cured bv its purifying and invigoralinj effect. Minute directions for each case aie fount in our Almanac, supplied gratis. JUieumafism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of e.\ traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it as also lAver Coin plaints, Torpidity, ton yes tionor Inflammation of the Liner, and ,Lant>- diee, when arising, as they often do, from tin raukling poisons in the blood. This SAIiSA PAItIT.tA is a great restorer for the strengtl and vigor of the system. Those who are Lan guid and Listless t Despondent, Slee/iltss. and troubled with Jferrmts Apprehensions oi Dears, or any of (he affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and eon vincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. riiIZPAItED BY Dr. J. C. AYGIt & CO., X-owell, Mas*.. Practical and Analytical Chemists. KOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. For sale, in Cartersville, by J. TV. CUBBY k CO, Druggists. GEORGIA, Bartow County.— The partnership heretofore existing be tween Robert Bruce aiul J. B. Pykon, in the Furniture Business, Ims beeu dissolved by mutual consent. The bu siness will be continued by Rout B cck. who will settle all accounts agiiinst the tirm. Robert Bruce, J. B. Byron. CaitcrHville, May 3. N NE VV A I>VERTiB E MKNt s (FJTJIRLIiIIED, WELCH & GRIFFITIIS, saws ! axes ! sav/e i <s *** r, p , sw»«. axvs. toi.Tivn . v . MIU, rURNIvHIN-ns (UK- PI.A p gVw” Tsslh. or with I’A I KST ADJUST AllLa 1-t‘i, vi’ h superior to all Insert, JT. eth Sous. * * 01 NT -b Prices reduced. ....Sernl for Price List and Circular*...., n I.LCH A’ GKIFMTUR Do »<" n , Max., * Bt | ftHrott, Mlr'h yXAR SPANtiLDD 15\\\, |{ A large 40 column paper, Ledger illlustrated. Devoted to Bketehrs, Poetry wit n ’ mor. genuine fun. No. sense, (of a sensible kin m . th- exposure of Snindllng, Dumbo*, .v, V Tb cents a year, Mid a superb Ki graving “E»,n ; line,” 1 1-Ix2 Ts-t, grot <», 80.0)10 ci cu'ation ey refunded to nil alto osl it it j, wtil#-.« T*‘ fearless, truthful. Try K now. Ift r«a a ve-ir « mens rKEK. Address "BASNKR," lltndsdsie. N °h' Book Agent* Waulcrt .—“L„,;,e t n r the HAifr House." N 0 opposition -1 Steel Xngravlngs. Rapid sale,. p„ r ctrcula,, Chi” *• PUBU9HING C 0” N - V- flnclDnai; & X L \\ T BOOK.—Agents sell 100 per week P i.. 1\ E. VV _ <6. Address *‘L. STEBIiI n ar , ford Connecticut. ’ * n ' Meadville Theological School— Unitarian; educates Ministers’ ♦ 160 a yeir to poor s-udenU ; begins Aug 2» Ami’ to A. A. Livermore, MeadviUe, Pa. ‘ * 1 f PAT E NTS. Inventors who wish tn take out Lett .rs Patent ars advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., editors »f n,. Scientific American who proserult-d before the Patent. Otflce for over Twenty Vest, _ Their American »nd Kuropean Pstent Agency is ih» mest extensive in the World. Charges less than any olher reliable Agency. A ptmpelet containing instructlous to Inventors is sent g alls. MUNN k CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Sugar Cane and Sorghum IWiiu Hvnpnrotors and Horse I*ow- Kit!}, embodying all the leoent improvements and i&k lng the Pad of every kind in Mm k#t. Manufactured by GKO. L. PQUIKR 4 BRO., Buffalo, N.Y. Either Sugar or Sorgo Manuals for 1870 sent free. PARTIES having PALMKTTO TRKE-i will hear same. 1 thfnp pre.tlv to thpir a by enclo«liur *l to R. L. WILLIAMS, An<lenrie I, Carbon Cos. Pa. The Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLI* IIV AI L CiIIOCEKS, Wanted Agent n.—s2o Watch free, given gratis to every live nntn wln> will act as our Agent. Address 11. Monroe Kennedy A Cos.. Pittsburgh, Pa. KIDDER’S PASTILLES. A sure reliif for Asthma. Price 40 cents by mall STOW ELI, k CO., Ohsrlestoru, Mass. Ask your Hoelor or for Sweet tplinine—it equals (bi ter) ytii nine, MTd by STEARNS, >'AUU ACO , Cueuiltti, New York. BKCDE and Bridegroom.—Es says fol- Young Men, free, in sealed envelopes. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box TANARUS, Phil adelphia, Pa. PSYCOMANCY, FASCINATION 0U SOUL-CHARMING. 4OO pages; cloth. This wonderful book has full instruct ons In enable the reader to Usoinate e f lier sex. or any ani mal, at will. Mesiueiirm, S|>tritumlifcui, and I nndre-ls of other curious experiments. It can be obtained by sending address, wiih ten cents postage, to T W. EV ANS k CO., No. 41 So. Kigti-li St. Philadelphia. MOUSTACM KS lupjis 50 cts. Address 11. RICO ARDS, Box 88SC, New Y'ork P. O. s.nmsT>nwiiui in' mmasevm r«eeinas»es W a.aeii»»»B«mwM» NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X Y ANTED.— Eve RYBOOT GAN GKT RICH. Arti ' ' cle tniiruljr nun unU miuplo. irntrtcd tn every town. Jfirst applicants secure preference. Ad dress Hughes A Hughes, 82, High Bt., Louisville, Ry. PARING, CORING AND SLICING MvOIUNK.- Four turns to an app'e. Sold at stores. D. II Wlntte more, Manufacturer, Worcester, Mass. MOXTVALE SPBI.UsS. TstO. >| his (Hvorite summer resort, situated In Blouiit XCounty, Kist Te.iu., will be open for the itception of visitors on the first of June. The marked beneficial results at'endlng the uae o these wsters in functional derangements of the Liver, Bowels, EAidjaej « and Skin and the eure of CJltrnnie atteitt their ITlediciaa! I*i*oi»er ties. The buildings at Moutvale have been repaired, re fitted and repainted and everything put in good or der. All the accessories for enjoyment and recrea tion at Hie best watering places will he found heie. The facilities for reaching Montvale this season are Increased by the extension of the Knoxvllie k Charles ton Railroad, and re,; ulnr trains are running to Ma ryville, whence passengers are convoyed in coaches to the Borings, nine miles distant. Rule* or Board. I’er day, $2 50; per week, sl6 00, per month, S6O 00. #3-Address for Pamphlets containing analysis and descriptions of waters. Ac., JOSEPH JL. Knoxville, Tenn. YOWS ATTENTION .is cordially united to the Henderson County Kentucky Land Sale. GRA\D PRIZE SGHEME Regularly chartered by the Leglulature of Kent’cky endnr»ed and recommend ;d by every leading official in ihe Ms'e, and over 500 of her most prouiin eut cit izen*. This splendid scheme embraces 511 PIES $314, 320 rnmprifing on- t 1 ouxund acre* of the riches' river bottom tobacco f>»rms in the wealthy county of Hen derson, Kentucky, with all their appurtenances. CAPITAL PRIZE- $150,000 ! SMALLEST PRIZE, S3O. Also about AAD to Greenback*, the rt nt inon*y el*P ** v# J W Die property of the years IsCO and ibid, to be distributed to the winner* of the first seven p izes respectively. Kent for 1869 was 19 dollars per acre. Tickets §5. The Drawing will positively take p'ace July M, ]B7o, at Masonic Temple. Louisville, Ky, Hundred* of the best citizens, have given unqualiiied certificates and endorsements of this magnificent enterprise. Every dollar invested by ticket holders. Is held in trust by the commissioners appointed by the Legisla ture, urdtt the drawing t..kes place, and prizes are de tvered. Income of the property for the la*t 15 rears has averaged #3 « , « O O A. Year. ] l order to have yo lr tickets properly registered, buy a once ot your Dearest ciub agent, or remit, to either of the following financial agei tg who will fur - ni'h full descriptive circular : L. 11. I.YNK, Oash'r Farmers Hank. Henderson, Ky. ]{. it. ALIXANDER. Commercial Hank. Louisville Kjf. JOHN C. LATHAM, ITts. bank, llopkinsvil s Ky. JAB. L. DALLAM, Comraetclal [link, Paducah, Ky« H' G. Thom ta Cash. Ohs. ami Reot’r Lexington Ky. W. B. TYLER, Cash. Deposit lit,., Owensboro Ky. SEMONIN, DIXON k CO., Evansville, Ind. Good Club Agents wanted everywhere. WANTED?^' Farmers and others to sell a no* nrtiele in great demand. .S4OO CO made by one agent his Hast month. Address GEO' Mt'E\TH RON A CO., Nashville, Tenn., or YV. if. SEATON & CO., New Orleans La. Far Pum Water, «m Ru e . this celebrated Pump, B LATCH IM' enOrely tasteless, A a zIA durable and relia- R? ©ZA-&OxO ble; equal to the W59KU*%^s w TlY.BEt\T CM good old-fashioned . pSILAj wooden Pump, ami eost less than half the money. Easily arranged «o as to be non-freezing, s&ksjHk and in construction so simple that any one can put it up and TUB BEST AND CHEAPFST PUMP Nt> ! " IAAOE.