The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 26, 1870, Image 3

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TO W ZV- 31 ATT UK ” CnrtersTiilr, .Ga., May 26, JH7O. who .wishes to find out something they clout know, we re fer them to the advertisement of Mes; Tommy & Stewart.-At) ant a. Gn. ffguilessrs. Guay & Oatman, Mar 'ble seulpturors and dealers, Atlanta, Ga., have on hand a fine assorted sup ply of marble, and will put up Tombs, Monuments, Urns, Head nnd Foot tStones, Mantels, etc., tit short notice. Bee advertisement. Bold Bobbery. The store house of Messrs. K. C. A J. E. Roberts, in this place, was forci- Lly entered, from a front window, 01 Monday Might last, while it was rain ing, and their Hall’s Patent Safe, in which was deposited their funds, was removed from underneath their writing desk to the fire-place, and by the use of a poll-axe, coal-poker, chisel, etc., the top of tlie safe was t;iL.ea out, and about SH,OOO 00 was exti acted there from. The sheet iron on the top ol the safe was cut through by hard blows with the axe, and the Plaster ot Paris was .scattered all around upon tho floor like the chips around the stump of a tree that h: <1 been recent ly felled. It is evident that they made hut few licks, but made them count.— Two thousand dollars of tlie money belonged to Capt. W. H. Stiles, had been deposited there for safe keeping, and the balance to the above firm.— The axe was recognized, by Mr. Peter Marsh, as his property, and had been take i from his back yard during the night, by the rogues or their abettors, whero there was a severe dog. A pocket piste 1. a bottle of whiskey and brandy each, a box of fine cigars, and an overcoat, wore also taken by tho burglars ; a navy repeater which was lying on the desk, was left unmolest ed, and a pocket knife, of their own, was also left. The negro man. who was living in Mr. Marsh’s kitchen lias ’boon arrested on suspicion and lodged iu prison. No ono slept in the store, at night, which fact was, doubtless, known to tho thieves. The* M. E. N. W. Celebration on Friday night next. From an announcement in another -column of this paper, it will be seen that we are to enjoy a rich treat next Friday night. Tho Methodist Sab bath School, of this place, under the Superintendence of Mr. J. A. E .win is to have a Grand Free Celebration, in the new Courthouse, where the lit tle ones will “come with sorgs to greet us," together with speeches, essays, tableaux, &c., tho whole to conclude with speeches from Messrs. Parrott and Felton. It will be remembered by most of the citizens of this place, that we were favored with a similar moral ex hibition, about a year ifgo, and every body present, without a single excep tion. was not only pleased, but highly delighted. The preparations now be ing made, warrant us in saying that thu, if possible, will be more interest ing than that. Everybody is cordially invited to attend, without money ami •without price. Let there be an over flowing house to witness and encour age the efforts of superintendent, teach ers, and pupils of this sabbath school. t*3~Wlile in at Lindell’s Model Drug House, Atlanta, Gn., on Thurs day last, we were invited to participate in a little of the refreshing and exhil crating beverage known as “Soda Wa ter,” which was likened unto that that issues from beneath an iceberg in the Arctic region, whereupon he, seeing our fondness of the article, immediate ly presented us with two compliment ary tickets—one for this, and the oth er for next, year. We then felt, ind still feel, like returning Dr. LansdeU a vote of thanks, for this highly appre ciated favor ; moreover, we believe we v ill—“thank you, Doctor.” Local Items. We call the attention of the proper authorities to the street between the Baptist Church and Dr. Bests’; the 'Water running in the middle of it, has washod a considerable gul'ley, which looks ugly for a thriving place like our “Station.” After an unprecedented spring drouth ' we gratefully acknowledge to the Father of ah mercies, our heart-felt thanks for rain. On Monday afternoon we had a light shower and at night, a most cheering rain. Crops being well worked during the dry spell, will now grow rapidly. Cos - n being at almost famine prices, we are glad that the wheat crop of Bartow has not promised a better yield since 1857. Let the people thank God for it. It is only necessary to state that our friend Guthrie has taken the “Bartow House. All who know him need no further inducement to call on him, for they know that he gets up eatables ‘orown,’ to a shade. We have to re cord but ono complaint since he has t ken the house and that was made by an Atlanta gentleman, that he had eaten so much of Guthrie s good tilings “he was afraid he had injured ,himself.” We advise the traveling public to call on him, and make lliem fcelves at home. • Cotton in good demand., at 10£ cts. Bring it ia, faimeirt, and sell, it will be lower—the crop planted is large. Crops of corn and cotton are look ing well, notwithstanding the late dry weather. Our faith tends to a boun t ful crop this year. Give us whole-. * 'me laws, “Ye powers that be,” and the heads of our people will be erect, and their hearts hopeful. The State road now runs a train between Atlanta and Carters ville, for the accommodation of mer chants and others doing business in Atlanta, and residing along the route. The train leaves Cartersville at 6, a. m., and arrives at Atlanta at 9 a. jl— L ives Atlanta at 530 r. m., and arrives at Cartersville at 811. p. m. We hope *'• her roads will do likewise.—lndex. Wo reccommend that this he made *"’! fieeoniujodHtioji train. re P IS C I AliS. cassville, Ga* V May 18th 1870. ORDERED: That the following earned citizens be, and they are here >y appointed managers of the Grand duffle, to come off at Cassville, Gn., June Ist, 1870. H. H. Holmes, Esq, James Kenney. J. P, Hawks. M. ! j. Hallums. W. H. KinnebrcW. James 'l'. I rick. Gus Richie. A. G. Buford. R. L. Saxon. Win. Allen. Martin F. Walker. Join Shuelar. . We have Agents at Curtersville, Cass Station, Euharlee, Kingston, Adairsville and Possum Trot. Only a few more tickets on hand. \ll wishing tickets should secure them it once. L. Q. SMITH & CO. Man. Ag’fcs. Cassville, Georgia. TRIUMPHANT I The justly-celebrated Stieff’s Pianos have received SEVEN GOLD MEDALS. and six first-class Premiums, at the Maryland Institute Fair, Baltimore, and at the several Southern Fairs, held in October and November, 18G9; (Jape Fear Agricultural Fair held at Wilmington, N. C.; North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, N. C.; Lynchburg Agricultural and Mechanical Fair; Augusta County Fair; Wytheville Virginia Fair; the Fair, Rome, Ga., and Illinois. Stieffs took the first, premiums over all competitors of Baltimore, J liiladel pliia and New York. The excellence of tone, workmanship and general fin ish of these Piauofi are unsurpassed. — Persons visiting Baltimore should not fail to examine the Pianos for them selves, at his splendid new ware-rooms, No. 9 N. Liberty St. Baltimore* Md. May sth, ts. lime tests the Merits of all Things, fitr- FOR THIRTY YEARS ! “93 Perry Davi’s 3?« in Killer, Has been tested in every variety of cli mate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost con stant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler, on sea and land, aud no one should trav el on our Lares or Rivers without it. It is a speedy and safe remedy for burns, scalds, cats, bruises, wounds and various other injuries, as well as for dysentery, diarrhoea, and bowel complaints generally, and is admira bly suited for every race of men on the face cf the globe. Be sure you call for and get the genuine Pain Killer, as many worth less nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation of this valuable medicine. Directions accompany each bot tle. Price 25cts, 50c ts, and $1 perfßottlc. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. May sth, lm. Shaking and Burning. [t is net necessary to journey from the tropics to Alaska in order to experience the extremes of heat and cold. Thousands un dergo all the inconveniences of this ther mometrieal change every day. or every oth er day. as the case may be, without the troub le of moving over the threshold. A word with these involuntary shakers. Wliat are they doing to expedite their return to a me dium temperature?—to break the chills and banish the fever? Are they dosing them selves with quinine, thereby imperilling the soundness of their bones and impairing the vigor of their brains and nervous system ? Some of them are, no doubt, but not the ma jority of them, it is believed. The value of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters as a harmless and certain specific for fever and ague is understood and appreciated in all parts of the country where intermittents prevail.— The residents of such localities begin to take it early in the spring as a protection against the misasma by which they are surrounded; not all of them, perhaps, for a blind adher ence to error is the specialty of some people, but the greater number of them. If there is any fixed fact in therapeutics, it is this: that the Bitters are a far better safeguard against all the varieties of the pe riodic maladies produced by unwholesome exhalations than any drug or compound in the materia medica of the profession. This assertion is made with all due respect to the faculty, but being an important truth, and one that nearly concerns the health of large settlements in various parts of the country, and indeed of the public at large, it is made fearlessly. Founded on ample and unim peachable testimony, it defies disapproval. To break up chills and fevers, as well as to prevent them, there is nothing so reliable as this wholesome vegetable restorative, HI LIEBHAW, DEALER IN Bry-Cioods, Beady>iVade C’lotliing, Notion*. Hat*, Boot*. Shot**, Hardware, Crockery, Cutlery. Cartersville, Ca. The highest price paid in cash for Rags, Copper Brass, etc. Agent for the llock City Paper Mills Paper, at mills prices . my 25 The portion of the mind which would in toxicate a vulgar mind, imparts little gratifi cation to the true genius, whose views ever extend beyond reality, and who, by the very mental elevation which has won celebrity, discovers the insignificance of the ac quisition. Such is the view held by the proprietors of the “Old Carolina Bitters,” whose fame is known th’rgh out the wuole Southern country as the great cure for miasmatic diseases. The best “Worm Candy” in use is Wineman’a CryStaiized Drops! There is excessive drought in Cali fornia. The wheat crop is almost de jspsire 1 of. Satterfield & Wofford, BE4&8&3 SI Family Groceries AND Produce. CARTERSVILLE, GA. AT the old stand, East side of the rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and as low down in price, as any grocery house in town, either by the Wliole«vle oi* Retail. Ccm# and s«e us and test our sincerity. J H SATTERFIELD, npr 12wly J C WOFFORD. PIANOS ! PIANOSTPIANOST" S'VEN GOLD MEDALS WERE AWARDED, At late Fairs held in the South in October and November, 1809, to CIIA S . 3R . STIEFF, for the best PIANOS, over Philadelphia and New York PIANOS. Office and New Warkrooms, No.*9 North Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE , MD. STIEFF’S PlJtJt'OS Have all the latest improvements Including the Agraef Treble* Ivory Fronts, AND THE IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION, fully warranted for five years, with privilege of ex change within twelve months if not entirely satisfac tory to purchasers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organa alwaya on hand from SSO to SBOO. REFEREES WHI IUVE ODR PIANOS IN USE: General Robert E. Lee, Lexington Vo. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. H. Hill, Charlotte. N. O. Governor John I,etcher. Lexington, Va. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Joseph Ruop, Chattanooga. Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold, Atlanta, Gn. JJ& S P Richards, ” ” A K Seago, Send fora Circular containing 800 nsmes of persons who have purchased the Stuff Piau.s, in the South, since the war closed mch 3—sw NEW MILLINERY s t o :r, _e . CARTERSVILLE, GEO. ISS PADGETT, formerly of Stilcsbo- IfJL ro, would annonnee to the Ladies of Curtersville and surrounding country, that she has opened, in Cartersville, a MilPnery Store Room, where she wil. ..cep on hand a good supply of Fashionable Millinery Goods and attend to trimming Bonnets autl M akin g- Dresses. Her room is on the SecoEtl Floor of Messrs. Stokely a- Williams’ New Brick Store House, where she will be happy to see the ladies desiring goods or work in her line. Havng several years experience at the bu siness, she flatters herself that she can ren der entire satisfaction to all her customers. __ April 14, ’7O-tf. ASSIGNEE’S SALE In the matter of ) Blair & Bradshaw, L In Bankruptcy. Bankrupts. ) IN THE District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia : BY VIRTUEof an order from the Hon orable District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, before the Court House door, iu Cartersville, Ga., on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1870, from all encumbrances, one Brick Store House and lot, in Cartersville, Ga., situated on the South side of Main Street, and ad joined by the Store House of Howard & Er win, on the East, and the store house of J. E. Roberts, on the West, and recently occupied by said Bankrupts. ALSO, at the same time and place, and in the same manner aforesaid, will be sold one Stearns & Marvins’ Iron safe, one Glass Show Case, and one large Wooden Desk. Terms strictly Cash Cartersville, Ga., May Gth, 1870. JOHN COX, Assignee of Blair & Bradshaw, Bankrupts. May 12, 2w. _ Cartersville MALE High School jgi Ronald Johnston. ) Principal*. S. C. Hillyer. } The first session of this School will com mence Ist of August, and close the 18th of November, 1870. RATES OF TUITEON. FIRST CLASS, per month, - - $2.00. SECOND “ “ - - 8.00. THIRD “ “ - - 5.00. No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protracted sickness, or by special arrangement. TUITION? payable at the end of each quarter. The principals flatter themselves that by thus combining their experience and ener gies, they afford t» the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the state. The course of studies will embrace what is usu ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough und discipline will be rigidly en forced.^? For further particular* apply to the prin cipals. S 0 M ETH INGNEwTnTuS E F Ul7~ EASTMAN’S PENMAN ASSISTANT. This new invention isindispensable to those who desires to learn to write, in asmuch as it gives the correct position and that is the greatest difficulty with all; by its assistance you are enabled to write with ease and rapidity. For prices and full particulars, call upon the undersigned at the post office. H-. W. SCOFIELD, Age Q t, Cartersville, Georgia SMOO REWARD. UelJing's Via Fug-a cures all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness, Female Afflictions, General Debilitg and all complints of the Urinary Organs, in male and female. gfc 1 .000 will also he paid far any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itching BILES that Deßinu’s Pick Remedy fails to cure. DeBING S MAGIC LINIMENT cures Rheumatic Bains, Sprains, Bruises, an i Swell ed Joints, in man and beast. Bold everywhere. Bend for Pamphlet. l. -htmtory —l 12 Franklin Street, Baltimore. Md. ! “QUALITAS NON QUANTITIS." WL MMMCS’E jpiiiWg onteulniti.flaih Jutraci of Ileslsos)! THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER N o Quack Medicine—Formula Around I I 111 BOTTLE. PREPARED SOLELY RY DR J. J. LAWRENCE. ©rganit (Chmist# itok/POlh:. va. STRIKFS AT THE ROOT OE DISEASE BY PURI FY ING THE BLOOD. RESTORING THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND INVIGORATING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. This is the secret of its WONDHFUL SUCCESS in CURING SCROFULA, SYPHILIS, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN- HUMORS- LOSS OF VIGOR. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. AND ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A SAD STATE of the BLOOD* OR DISEASED CONDITION OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS, NERVOUS SYS TEM, (£C. It thoroughly ERADICATES every ldnd of Humor and Had Taint, and restores tlie entire system to a healthy condition. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY THE USE OF THIS MEDICINE FROM WEAK. SICKLY, SUFFERING CREATURES. TO STRONG, HEALTHY ANC HAPPY MEN AND WOMEN- No Medicine has attained such a GREAT IiEPC- : TATION as this justly CELEBRATED Compound. Approved by the Highest Medical Au thority. Endorsed and recommended by the Presidert of the Faculty of the E. Med cal College of the City of New York. Professor R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Pro f essor and President of tlie Faculty, late “Profes sor of Theory and Practice” of Medicine, Cincinnati, &c. One fit the most eminent medics? men of this age— well known as the author ofthe following BTASIBA Rj|) medical works : NEWTON’S “PRACTICE OK MKJM CIBI ” *>m«FaSKB C»E CM LOREN,” “NEWTON'S SYMFS SURGERY.” &«•, in December number of American Medical Review —page, 275, <mye : “Among the more reeent efforts to introduce popu larly, some of the new remedies, we notice anew pre paration compounded nv ,1. .1 LAWRENCE, M. IK, of NORFOLK. VA.. which is furnisho/i to the profes sion and to the public in any desired"-.quantity. We recently examined hi* Laboratory and becam e fully xatisfiied tnat all his work is and ne in the best manner, by the most appro ted process and from the best ma terials giving as a result a medicine MEETING! the CONFIDENCE ofthe PHYSICIANS and the PUB LIC.” * KoskooCures Scrofula in its worst Form From A. W. MILLS, a prominent and well known merchant of Norfolk, Va. No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. V*., Sept. 15, 1869. DR. LAWRENCE—Dear Sir : Your Koskoo has worked wonders in my larnily. My daughter has been a sufferer from Scrofula since childhood. She lost thirty one pieces of bone from her ankle, several from her arm. besides having ulcers in several parts of the bod, . Whilst in this condition she commenced takingyour K 'sko.i —it acted like a charm on her; under its uxe the ulcers a rad unity hea e.i. and her general health greatly improved. It certainty sav ed her much suffering, and p -rhaps her life. I regard Koskoo a specific for all scrofulng affections. Your Koskoo also cured my wife cf dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatl, . She ix note in better health than xhe has been in Jive ■years. With the highest regards I am gratefully yours, kc , A. YY. MILLS, KOSKOO Is endorsed by the best physicians every-, where. Read the following from Dr. I iliery, a suc cessful practitioner of many years standing iu the Old North State : Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Cos., I September 10, ] SCO. f DR. J. J. LAWRENCE —Dear Sir • I have used your Concentrated Fluid Extract «f Ko-kooln my practice «i»h the happiest results. I find it to be a powerful Liter Iniigorator Blood Purifier , ar.d Kervoux Tonic. In all diseases of the l iver. Scrofu ios Syphilitic, and Nervous Ass ctions, it is a reme dy of immense value ; in fact, in almost every vari ety of Chronic List as 8 its use is indicated. Hoping you may meet with the success which you deserve as a manufacturer of reliable medic nes. I am air, with much respect, Your obedient servant, R C. TILLERY, M. D. Koskoo Cures Chronic Rheumatism. Norfolk, Va., Sept, 7, 18C9. PR. J. J. LAWRENCE —Dear Sir : My son ht.x re ceived so much benefit from your wonderful K- shoo that I cannot refrain from expressing my gentilude. I had tried almost everything without, benefit, I be lieve, in a 1 sincerity, that yom K< skoo is an INFA L LIULK remedy for the disease from which he In* suf fered, and, so far as I can learn, lias never lai ed.— If you only knew the Immense amount of suffering that he has unc.ereone. then you could conceive the valve of such a remedy as Koskoo —THAT SURELY CURES. The great amount of good it it cow doing among us is iuesiitnab’e. With much gratitude, 1 am respectfully yours, .fee,, Mrs. M. E. A. NELfON. ReaJ the fol"i>winK fi om Mr. Womble, a prominent i Hardware Merchant of this city : No. 13 Mirkct Square, Norfolk. Va., I October 13, lt>6S. ) Dr. LAWRENCE.—D»arBIr: To the Large num ber of tettlmoi ials a l.ich you offer of the g t <y»t effica cy of your Koskoo, I take pleasure In adding my i own. I suffered great y with Nervous Debility, ileaci- | sche. Loss of Appetite, Ac. Two bottles of Koskoo restoied tue to htallh. -Yours truly, J. O. WOMBLf. From Rev. W. 11. Christian, Pastor Dinwidle 9‘reet ' Methodist Church. Portsmouth, Y», October 25,15G9. This is to certify that I know Dr. .Lawrence wel'. — He is a gentleman of cultivation, anti worthy of the fullest confidence. I have used his Koskoo with »and . vantage to myself, a ltd have adopted its use in my family incases of nervous debility ami depression. W. 11. CHRISTIAN. FROM DR. LLOYD, A PHYSICIAN OK LARGE PRACTICE. Great Bridge, Va., October 8, 1869. J ,T. J. LAWRENCE, M. J).—Dear sir : I ebper fully , endorse your Koskoo as being a most valuable pre- j paration. Upon exan in >th.n of the formula, I find each ingredient hi-'hly ixtoled by our best arid most | progressive clinical investigator?. I have te ted its effects in my own practice, and have no hesiitt on In j recommending it. In my opinion, it is the best com- | pound of its class ever put -before the public— xceed- , Ing by far all the various compounds of*»rss.,anils, &•. .ever invented. It is a decided Nerve Tonic, snd ! Invigorator of the animal force*, aiding digestion j and assimilation, and thereby producing healthy blood, which shoe id be the basis of treatment in all chronic diseases. H ’ping you will reap the reward you deserve from the public as a benefactor, I *m sir, your* truly, CHA ILEB LLOYD, M. D. After reading. the above high, recommen dation, Invalids cannot, reasonably hesitate to give the KOSKOO a trial. roll AS>I>ITIONAE TESTIMO NIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Merab ant-8, &c., see KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. For sole by Principal Druggists in the United s•<*!* t, vvd British .1'ctt. Haaolactory |t ,posiTOßV> BY GOWER, JONES k CO., CARTERSULIE ANO R3ME. GA. Repairing:, of all kinds, lioae to Order. ; Carnages, j? Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at th} Manufactory and Repository of GOWER, JONES db CO., Cartersville and Rome, Ga. ManitfaL lured and Repaired to Order, and for Sole, at (tie Manufactory and Repository of GO WER, JONES & CO., ' Cartersnille and Rome, Ga. WAGONS, One, Two, Four, and Six- HORSE, Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at the Manufactory and Repository of GOWER, JONES <6 CO., Cartersville and Rome, Ga, 1, 1570,..w1y momm,® <§ lawsit, Dealers In FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, SADDLES & BRIDLES, GROCERIES, SUGAR, COFEE -A. IST ID S Y" IE6 TJ 3? > Together, with most articles USUALLY KEPT FOR W ABIEES* SVFPLIBS. THE STOCK WILL BE KEPT UPI WITH FRESH ARRIVALS D CRING THE WHOLEYEAR. We Invite our Old , AND NEW CUSTOMERS TO AN EXAMINATION Os Our STOCK AND. TERMS. April 21, 1870—ts. DR. SHALLENBERCER’B Fever and Ague " ANTIDOTE Always Stops (he Chills. This Medicine lias been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, docs not sicken tho stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE I M MEDIATELY Hud permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to .Ttalarin, Bold by all Druggists. (*'l BORGIA. BARTOW COUNTY—Mary Ji A Lackey, hasapplied for exemption 'of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at M) o'clock, a. ni., on the 4th day of June, 187.0, at mj office. May 23. 1870. J. A. HOWARD, Ord'. Georgia, bartq»v county- -Mrs. - M. <J. Lee. has nppliod fir ex empli on of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on the 28th day of May, 1870, atmv ror office. This May 16th. IS7O J.*A. HOW A AT), Ord’y. ' i>C. CLARK'S LOXDON Kf-AiKIoKS “i'OB f PLCIAL l OnPLAim, 1 * DR. CLARKS INVIOORATOR given strength to the :ieed And debilitated ; it is especially designed for young mun who hare wasted their rigor by cxcesass of e*e ry kind, arid all persons whose systems hare become weak by imprudence are complete!/ restored by its use. Frice One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S PURIFIER clcanat the blood from all impurities; such as Scrofula, Syphiliis, Mercuris! Rheumatism, Humors of every 9ort, D id Breath. Offensive Perspi ration, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Eyes, More Throat, Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the i'kin. It is also ben eficial in diseases of the Lungs and digestive organs Pi ice One Dollar. DU. CL A 1 K’S PANACEA relieves Pain of every description : Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache’ Pains in the Breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should be without it. Price One Dollar. DR. CL ARK'S ELIXIR is a certain cure foa all weaknesses of the Genito Urinary Organs, and discharges of a niuco-purulcnt nature, Leucorrhcea. Gonorrhoea, Sperma torrhoea, Seminal Weakness, ate speedily cured by its use. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S REFULATOR, sos female* only, is guaranteed to correct all special irregularities and difficulties of Single La dies. Married Ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain, conditon as its effects would be too powerful. Price One Dollar. All of these great remedies aro prepared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's im mediate supervision and are warranted fresh and pure. All afflicted persons should send a carefully written statement of their to Dr. Clark, and the proper reme dy will be sent promptly t) their address.— Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at his office, and will furnish all the necessary accommodations to patients who place them selves under his care. All letters address, Dlt J. CLARK, Office, No. IO AMITY St., New York City (near Broadwav.) March 10, 1870-ly. SOMETHING NEW AND USEFUL!! P. T York'* Patent Churn Da*h« cr. It is cheap and durable, very simple, and can be used in any upright churn, and will make butter in less time than any dash now in use. It does not waste cream. No one that has tried them will Jo without them— They work with the same ease as any other Dasher. Having purchased the right to make and sell them. I am now prepared to fill all orders that may come. 1 guarantee them (if the milk is in the proper condi tion) to make the butter in five minutes, or nochargefor them. Prices ranging from fifty cents to one dollar, according ts size. .Tamos W. Sfristiffe, Car trrsville, Ga., May 12 ih„ 18“0. Stokely & Williams ARE NOW RECEIVING AND OPINING Their New Stock of SPRING h SUMMER ne/sr o-ooms, F and STAPLE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, EOOTS, SHOES, &C„:&C„ &C --HARDWARE, CROCKERY. CIJTL SRY, &0-. <ScO. fVI II TEHS F /LL E, Gjt. Our Stock of Ladies' Dress Goods is com plete. to which we invite their special atten tion, as we flatter ourselves that they are se lected with taste, and with an eye to the la test styles. Ladies can find everything Ire longing to their toilet, usually kept by Dry- Goods houses, in our Stock. . Gentlemen will also find every article per taining to their wardrobe, from a neck-tie, to a full suit, both ready-made and in piece. In fact our stock is complete in every line of goods kept by its, and it is useless for us to enumerate. The attention of the ladies is particul irly invited to our excellent line of head-dresses —Hats, Chignons and Switches. Call and sec us, at our old stand, and ex amine our goods bcfore“making your pur chases, as we charge nothing for looking. We also keep a .Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, &c- ATLANTA IME' WORKS. WM, CRAY, Proprietor. S. B.JUTMAN, Agent. Importers and Dealers in AMERICAS and, ITALIAN MARBLE, MONUMENTS, STATUES, VASES, Tombs and Jtton umental I f*ork FURNISHED IN THE BEST MANNER, And on Beasonable Term*. DESIGNS of MONUMENTS AND STATUARY Furnished Free on Application. April 28, 1870—ts MOWERS HD MSi THRESHERS AND SEAPRATORS. mm msm, WHEAT FANS. FAIt M ENGINES. MlliZi-SfOMBS, BOLTING CLOTHS SORGO MILLS. Sugar Evaporators* HORSE RAKES &C,, All Supplied 1) y linking early Apjtientlon to AIAKK W.JOHNSOIVi BROAD STREET Ml/ KIA CU I Cl/. May 2—1870 lui. j.B. SIMMONS, (Successor to Steadman A Simmons.) COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wholesale Dealer in tma© ®e ® 4 m » ‘.PROVIS! ON3, \o 23 ALABAMA STREET. ATLANTA, GA. ?■«&.. O nth i el» on . mentv fe ; h i-Jr J« (j. M. MoiTfIOMKSr. Fresh CtmeHes. GREEN CORN, PEACHES, STSAWBtRRtIS, TOMATOES, OVSTEH 4, PINK APPLE, Maccaroni. Sug^r< COFFEE, STARCH, BACON H \MH, Candles, ami the genuine Durham Smok’ng Tobacco, just received, at MONTGOMERY’* April 14, ts. ("1 ARDEN SEED. A complete variety of X Buists Warranted Garden Seed, at feb 16 MONTGOMERY’S. VIEW ORLEANS SYRUPS AND MO Y LASSES, affine lot, (ust received and for sale, at MONTGOMERY’S. THE choicest brands of SMOKING TO BACCO, can always be found, at feb 15 MONTGOMERY’S. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVEIi PILLS ! Cures Diseases of the Liver & Stomach. TUTT’S EZXI PEGTORAISIT:! A pleasant cure for Coughi, C01d.., etc TUTT’S Sarsaparilla and Queen's Ddijht! The Great Alternative and Blood Purifier IMPROVED lIAIR I)YE! Warranted the best Dye in nso. ter These Standard Preparations are foi ale by BEST & KIRKPATRICK, not 20. 12m. Cartersville, Ga., ****************** **************** ‘THESTAR SALOON, * **# *****##**»*»**#*##* *** **o. K-t* *•«*••*•*« Onward ! Victory ! Triumph !! • RA N H E J,. S ELL E US, Proprietor, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. TIIE ABOVE UNRIVALLED 8 \LOON has just undergone a thorough remod deling and rearm lgement, to which former stock has been added a fresh supply of FINE LIQUORS AND CIGARS j TOBACCOS i Chnxring t/fitl Slutting: FANCY CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. Superior to any ever before brought to this town and opened to the- Trade. In my line of Liquors may be found Imported PORTER and ALES, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, BRANDIES; and Liquors of all kinds and qualities. Saloon on the corner of Fuhblic Square and Market Street, in the Exchange Build ing, opposite the Commercial Hotel. Feb 22.1870. R. L. SELLERS. 1,. BKNN'KTT, W. J. WILLIFORD, L. PAYNE L. BENNETT * SO-. DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY I> r y - <i o o ands, NOTIONS, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc LADIES will find, in this establishment, all the latest s'yles and improvements tc ifress Goods, —a full toilet, from a tucking comb to a superb clock, all new aud of the best quality, aud at low prices. GENTLEMEN will find everything per taining to their Wardrobe, from a neck-tic to a magnificent overcoat. We have tlio finest lot of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ever before hro’t to this market. Our stock of f'ASSIMERES is unsurpassed, CHILDREN’S FURNISHING GOODS, in great abundance. Also, Denier* In PRODUCE, FAMILY GROCERIES, PORK: LARO: SALT: FLOUR: MEAL &c. &c. &c» Leather and Shoe- Findings, HIDES, Bought and Sold. Come and see us, at the old stand of L. BENNETT, Main Street, East side of the Railroad. L. BE NETT & CO. dec 7, 1869. Cartersrille, Ga. A A SKINNER & Cos Erodm DEALERS. r j c*'f- ,*■. r c 4 TO ►KYUGUtiI,! Ntv lux, Ai ( ttn IMJ, I!** Allow rut to tkJ! your MtteDtinn 0> », g, of Compound Extract Buchu, •* The component pmLs urn J;t ( HU j LONG LEAF, CtTBEBS, JENIFER BE URIELS; Modk ok Pkkpa ration.—Dudni, in vacuo. Juniper Bell-,, by (IlstllUUlon, l„ f,rm a fl-tv yin. Cubcb* rxtractr.l by displacement »-Mb .plrltt •pirita obtained from Juntp r Itrrrics: v,-ry Hill* tuirar la use I, and a small proportion of.p.f-tl, It It tuiir* palairabl* than any new tn use. Rnclm, »i prrpiied by pruntlitr. la if all, hi It la :l plant tbal einltx !ti fruyrtnir ; lli* acllnn of a i (lxme <1 vat raja this (It. active orlnclple.) >. vine a dark and plutinuus dmortion. Mine la The color of ineredienta. The Buchu In my preparation pr-doml n*t*«; the am a Heat quantity of the otter in K rrdlrnt« ate added, to prevent fermrjitatlop ; upon tqepoc* tiob, it *11! h* found not to I,* a Tincture, aa made In Pharmacoptea, nor It It a Syrup— and thrrvfore c»n be used In cattt where fever or latWmmatlou ex- j I*'- In tlivan have the knowledge of In- euta a'id the mn It of preparation. Hoping that you mill favor <t with a trial, and that upon H-peotlon it will meet with you- approbation, With a feeling of crnltderce, I ant very reaprctt'ully youra, H. T. IIELM UOItl), ('nr/nisf rnd Drvgplst nf If> years' experience, [From tlio Largest Manufactunng Chemists in the WorU] Nuvkmiieu 4, 1854. ‘ I am arqualpte.l with Mr. ||. T. lleinlt 'l I ; he w cuplrd the DriiyMure opposite m.v retldenre,end »aa vueveeafut tn rondttrilni the buait *•» where t’bere hail net been eqnal'y ,<» beft>r>- him. I have t ern fn vvrtbiy lutpreaatd with nil rhatactrr an I enlvrprlte.” WILLIAM WEIGHTH!AN, . *; Firm of Tower* & Weigblmari, Manufacturing Chemials, Ninth and Brown atreets, l'klla<l*l,ihi». Helmbold’s Fluid Extract of Bu<’hu Is the sreat tpeclfic f..r (Tuiveraal Lataltudr, I'roatra tton, Ac. The constitution, npce affr »ed with Organ x Weak . nr„. requires the at <ot «<*dlr',M-to alter.jtb-n the , vs till which ii EM 1101,1) and TRA< TANARUS» l .'HU |n v .rlaMj d-ea. If no treatment b aiirtnitled ta, Con ,nmpti not Intently en»tio». Ilclnib >!d’s Fluid F.xtnc! of Racha, # In a (Teel Ims peeull r < Fr, ;i *!rA. :* uneq-twbd by any other pr< p trat-io.. m Gh'oro-t ot itr'eotton. fa niulwra-, oi -Supple at >n f b,«l'Ui ly K, acu «llo,t«, CTlcrrated or Sclttrro* ■‘tato «f th# G *n, snd all corn dwtnta lnciUa-,1 r> tte t.x, or Iha decline or cl ot life. HelmboU’s Flail Extract Buchu &r<f Improved Rose Wash. Win rsdicaUy estermlnat* from tb* ava*tm di«ea«e» ariait e frr tr *be hrb ! 'a. f •Mteipatlnn. at little ext ent* little or no eh nee in diet, no Inc mvenletree of exttut ore ; completely atiporc -dlnr th»ee invtlM«ant and danyeroua ren,itMcp, Coptlva and Men ury, in hit theie diseases. Use Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buchu In all dlseaaet of th»ee crpana. whetl er ealattw* In male or female, from winterer ca u*« oi tpli.wllny. and to no matter f how lonv atamlti s It ta pleaaaul tn twate and odor, “immediate" in Seiko , and n «r* strenginenintt thaa ary preparations es Bark et Iron. Tho«o eufTerii j; from*broVen down or de'leete eon stitutlont, procure the remedy at oaoe. The rea-'er m-tel He aware tbal, however • Mi-h- way tm the a-tac*- of the above d'seas -t. It I* ce an to af fect the bodily health and mental power . . Afl 'he above d‘ae«-« r-qnire the etd • f IS i e,t*, HICMBOLI» I XTfUCT BUCHI' le the *roal Want ic» St,hi by Dt aggisia •▼erywher*. I’PM F— 51.45 per bottle, or « hottlos for S NO.— Delivered lo any address. Describe '•ymj toms in all communications. Address H, T. HEIMB 01 D, DRUG AND CHEMICAL WARfHO!JSE. 51)4 BROADWAY, New York. PJone Are Genuine Unless done tip in •deel-engrjvf'd xr i»per, with fao-simile of my Ciiemicul Warehouse, and signet! » 'niUTMTIOrAL