The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 26, 1870, Image 4

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tin" suat A<v iu is»c .vauticr of an air Jk U.ati-, OOttftiiodllt i oil fil. I SOPI.E FROM TIIE COUNTRY. will* * l,an --Basifcru^p. lnd it grcntlv to their advantage, when 1 4 M- Bet-sorts iearnM to she late ffrro of I ?« me to town, to cull at my Restaurant, /\ BL Mlt & BRA OS HAW, are heraby I e they can he accommodated both with notiffijd to c«tste forward and settle ttreir | imul Lodging, at greatly reduced prices) debt* at once, as in default tiicreof they will ' IT ri TIIRir be proceeded agam.-d as the law directs- | J. l.hil limEL, JOHN C,)X. A .denee, j M 15 'Caritrtrill*. Ga. CiutcrsviHe. Ga., April 20 IS7O-4G<!» PEASE & His W I FM• RESTAURANT- ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA is jzour.L uorssi ir> still Tain piubb of tufa . t\ fJ’ rJ f j f f-i *\ VU jl .1 jh Ad Ad J. j tfereliante nml Farmers, Strangers, jmd Citizens. Radies and Gentlemen, cannot de whichto admire mo«t, Pcttitc & Hi* Wile, or the Luxuries of llfccrr Ta* ■ . (Join-, old folks, and bring the children, and your knitting. ’ } o r,ic Roys, and bring the one you made such rash promises to, out at the Camp ing, and my word for it, you will go home liking l’ease & His N ife, and your bweet ; better than anybody in the V. orld. Ky 12th 1870—ts. : W&t&SS&BIBSAt.:-. OlLSfilf AKP RETAIL CRIGGIST, NO a» WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA GA . Vrs pie,olid inducetn-r's. and till who need good Drug* a! low figures will do well to him a call. Pays special attention to orders from ( ciwitiy Merchants. Faiuts, Oil, Glass, Fine Kadieinal iX#H©®B AH» W«*8» 1 ,-erytiling pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. IV OTXCB SPECIAL I ;i;lv Drain froai the “ICE COLD SODA FOUNT-’ 1 1 that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges his Votap -titors to produce the fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and - icst in the city, Pure Fruit Syrup-n , „ t „ , ~ A. 11, No ? 't \vl» 11 a-lijj 11 f®>4., Atlanta, (>a. , iv Pi 1870 ly. RUSSELL ft GO’S ItfllPlllfllt AND AT TIIR GII.REATU WARE-HOISE. ill and see the Machines and see what / Warrant them to do. irter.ville, May 12. ROBERT BRUCE. A. LEYDEN, eneral Commission Merchant,; n 13. Y/’LM Os , Lntc«f W»n. M Wiillams &#*<>. Ko. 18. Alabama sir., Atlanta, Ga. 'AUGUST TORY SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, DRILLS TEENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Larues, Stripes, Cheeks, r i )ls ia Store an 1 f >r Suio at Munitictmeivs’ Prices from the following: a, 3 10 and fhccnix Bfanufucturins Com can-/. Tronp, Hopewell and Annawaka factories and Sioneer Paper. Mill. SO/E A ENCY OF ROGERS' OEIEB RATED B i R D’S E ¥ E L B M E . Controlled since 1800, by M in. M. \\ illiams &. Pro. % Kydraulii* Cement. B’Si n or, Ture «roun<s Kone, Tiann’s Raw-Bone Super-Phosphate o. on nonsignment a full stock of II ILOI R (Choice P.rands) dii cct from best J— see and Kentucky Mills, ICON- LARD CORN, OATS- HAY ETC.- FROM PACKERS AND PRODTCERS or 27 wly, wwr ..,. m - !■■■.■ w an ■■ in—i ~i~ run* iitlira-- eitral City Condition Powders • 01l Worses, IYTuIc 5, Cattle, Siioand Poultry, ftelinfr** .lied ir hie for Diseases Incident to all hinds of Stock 1 [i.oss'of'Aj petitc and Vital Energy. for milch co vr. Fy ar ual experience it’m« en pr ven that these P.*w rs will increase the__qua ty V K AND CREAM 25 Per Cent., i 1 tnnl c the BUTTFP. mot ,VEF.T. Tn fatter ing Cattle it gives tin an ppetite loosens the tie, ■'’ <1 1 nkes them thrive itch fa ter. !),-. HO 3 AND SHEEP] For e l ’.senses of these animals such as OU3HS, ULCERS I'l THE LUNGS, HUG CHOLERA,, AND THE ROT IN SHEEP— *cs< Powders are invaluable. They will cure mange, and promote the growth of stunted Ja POULTRY ■ These Powder* are a certain (hire an 1 Preventive of CIIOLfiRA and other diseases of ■HICK.ENS, TURNEYS. DUCKS, etc., nn 1 will improve the coalition of all kinds of ■These Fowlers are offer el to the pub ic w’th a guarantee of practical usefulness to all BiOi have stock of any kin 1, All Dr i 'gist < have them for sale, at FIFTY CENTS per Kp, Full dircria is accompany e.ich ho.t. The tr.i la supplied nt a discount by Be Sole Manufacturers. P««?ale, in .ITi.f.lTj. by mPElfi-ERTO'', WtLKOX, TAYLOR ,f- GO, AND L. hr. BRA DFfELIK L. L. W. HUNT & CO., putxgcif.ts, cheer r ft r p : et, haccn ga' s r: jgfiii Th i:sk Powdkh.s wil strengthen the stomach and intestines, iennscs them from often ive mat ter. and brings them to n healthy state. 1 hey are a sure pre ventive of LUNG FRYER. And a certain remedy for ’Diseases incident to the }< )RSH. such ns : YELLO W IF.I TER, DISTEMPER, FOrXDEP, UFA YES, SEA Y BEING cor (;n>\ FEY EPS LdbLAAUiffirtUN, BUY MON & CO., DeaScrt fin 03 Y OOObS, WHOLESALE And EeLaily n .v 11 it n1 a , Geoi*g lii . Our stock of I'k)i*ei"ii ai»d|D« mestic Dry -Goods is now com pleto, in all departments; and wo solicit an j examination ot uur stock, from both whole ! sale an t re:ail cash customers. Our Wholesale Department is entirely ~ pa rate from our Retail Department. M e also have just l the Largest i stock of Sody Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Woo! Carpets, 2 * ,ld 3 Piy Floor Oil Cloths, ull widths, Damasks, Reps & Window Shades, liver offered in Atlanta., and are offering them at prices to dori es, ond with the re lent heavy decline in all kinds of Merchan dize. inch JO —vydm Wholesale and Retail n.v r r store, SJL.IMOA'S & .lUOkUniUK. 42 Whitehall Street, VTL \N PA, GA. BEG LKAVE TO INFORM OUR HO KISIKNU J , and alt «ho puichme BjO 0a..«1i« in 111 s riiar that we are • lit ..| uu- largest stocks of the best aud la: e a styles of Hitts, Caps a;ul Straw Goods, ever opened in the v ity, that we propo-e to offer to Ihe tr. ile. We purchase our Go ds .lirt-ct from the man Ifacturera, by -he package, whieli en hies us to sell here at as L w Prices as the j<oods eati be purchised 11 ar.y Sol them City, of which we are prepared to zive sat-siaetcry evidences. We most respeetiullj s-■ ii-it a edl from • all wish! s to purchase, feelinK confid- r.t we vvil. he ale t > meet their viev sin ([uni ty, sij le and | r ce. We think it would not be amis o slate tint* in Goads a-e all new, ha', ing Been bniifrh' within the la t twenty days. TOY'S HATS made a . peeiaitv. Respect fully. inch 30—w2m HivL.tlONc 4 & AL’ XANDER. 2{f O/.CII Ul'altt’s i'ilUlll* Gi eUtVe. :s.*7 Fan Mill*. UO Wln-at Threshers. Hoiwe Poxv<*rs. 10 Threshers and Cleaners Combined. bend for ca.alogue and price list. W, 0. EDWARDS, IIA§.VOIV READY FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION in case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent fer Erwfll & .FoilC.s’ METALiC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Wm. Goldsmith's WOOD HE Notifies ALL, that he is reti ly at all hours, to wait on them. April 7tli, —tf*. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL (H I! CELEBRATE!) GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Acknowledged by all who have used them to be the best Pen made or sold in this coun try. No blotting! No soiled fingers ! Six ty lines written with one pen of ink ! Will outwear any steel pen ever made. Bankers, merchants, teachers and till clr.s es, endorse them in the highest terms of praise. Put |up in neat slide boxes. Prices : two boxes, 150 cents; fireboxes, SI.OO. Sent free of postage, and guaranteed to give perfect sat i isfaction. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS. YVe are prepared to give any energetic person taking the agency of these Pens, a c itnmission which will pay S2OO per month. Three sample pens will tie mailed for 10 cents, Address WEST KILN PUBLISHING CO. Indianapolis, Ind. nnrit 14, 1870— Gm. HE Y\ GOODS I i WE ARE daily receiving and opening a general Stock of SPRIM2 AMD SUMMER GOODS! purchased at reduced prices, under the re cent decline in gold Our Stock consists in a large variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Ladies’ Jluis. Hosiery, Gloves, Pleached-and Drown Domestics, • GENUS FURNISHING GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHIMC, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crock »ry and Queen’s Ware, Factory Yarns, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour Bacon, Lard, Tobacco, &e., Ac. We thank our friends for past favors, and solicit, a continuance of their patronage for the future. N. GILREATII & SON. Factory Yarns. iVek'cp, on con C.gmnent, Factory yarns, of the behj quality, to se’l by the Bu'c at Factory Pi ices. N. GILKEATH & SON. Cartersvillc, April 7th, 1870,—tf. It. REDDING, an D.i: A I. K B 5 Y STOVES, GRATES, AMD LIGHTNING RODS, PLAIN, PRESSED AND JAPANED TIN WARE, AND House Furnishing Goods, Maitn Str., Car tkusviu.k, G*. All kinds of Job Work dona with neatness and dispatch. The firm of Strange & Redding having been dissolved, by mutual consent, I will continue the business at the old stand, feb Jo wly II REDDING. / A EORGIA, BARTOW CO. X T BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in August, 1870, at the Oonrt House dear in said county, hetween the legal hours of Sale, the,tract of Land in said county owir'd by W C Dean at the time of his death, containing 160 acres, more or less,-No. 42 in the 22 district of the 2 sec. or said county ; partly cleared and partly in woods ; the same said to be a fine farmin'* I/ t Terms CASH. JOHN COX. May id, 1870. Admrx. of JOEL DEAN. Tlie Express. JP" - . | Carlersviile, Ga., I^TO. i.: :. AIuEARLAND TRIAL. This is new over. We have not. pub 'ished the details a3 they i p[ e led ii ihe New Y«uk papers because the} were t)o tedious ur.d too liltbv. 'J in gist of the matter is this. Mr. McFar land had a wife who wr< te for tin papers, was an actress and did’t lovt tier husband. She imagirtd that she had ‘an affinity” (whatever that is : for one man Kieharson. He very nat urally encouraged the budding of this •‘affinity,” until Air. McFarland discov ered him in some questional L predic aments with his wife. McFarland im mediately honey-corned the head oi Mr. Richardson with some bullets.— M. McFarland was anested, and aftei ,i long trial acquitted—-the jury having decided that any man who steps be tween man and wife, may le shot with impunity. The trial was luminous with st rt’.mg developments, one o* the most prominent of which was tied Horace Greedy, that mildewy old rdu o the Tr bane, hud been having, “affi nities ’ for several ladies of the city oi G Aham. A-lack-a-day! what are we c >ining to? THE CHARGE TO THE JURY —HIS ACQUITAI . Upon the conclusion of Mr. Gurvii. or the State, the Recorder addressee hi jury. The accused was not to Le convicted upon prejudice toward the dead or tiie living, or because public policy may demand an example.— They must conscientiously reject every fact or circumstance in the evidence which in their estimation cannot illus trate the question of sanity or insanity, t e time, place, mode, and act of k 11- i ig. Tue State of his domestic reta il jus it was not material for them to adjudicate. Tue question was, how did the prisoner believe about them, and h jvv did the belief’ impress his mind—sanity or insanity. The Rec »rder then proceed to charge substantially every propcsi'iou cf | cou is*T tor defence upon me subject of iiisuiity, and continued: ‘lf you L - Love that the accused armed himself with a loaded pii.stol and sought out deceased and shot him upon grudge and malice, intending to kill, he is guilty of murder iu the first degree.— i If, having a loaded pistol, he shut de |cased without it tent or design to t ke life, in the heat of passion, then it may be either manslaughter in the third or fourth degree.” The Recorder tie i charged most of | the points asked by; the thleiise as io ! the tirst shooting, namely: That it | c nnot be taken as evidence of malice, unless the prosecution had satisfied tin in that the shooting was felonious ly and not in a state of insanity.— J The jury are to discard it from their | consideration altogether. He declined i to charge that non prosecution of the deb ndant therefor is st orig evidence that the act was not deemed a crime at the time of its commission. The upholding or protection of marriage should have nothing to do with the verdict. FoureFm, free-love or senti mentalism on the one hand, and moral reflections upon the conduct of the de ceased man or the living woman upon the other hand are not legitimately to a fleet their verdict. The inflexible rule of jurors should be that the ag grieved husband oi- father, or other i relative who takes the correction of wrongs into his own hands, with pistol or knife, and is not insane when he did l the correction, is not to bo acquitted because it is the duty of any man to i uphold the sanctity of the marriage (tie, unassisted by legal proceedure.— It the prisoner took the law into his own hands in a state of sanity, and with malice, lie is guilty of felonous hiding; if in a state of insanity, lie is | not guilty. THE VERDICT —A SCENE OF REJOICING. At three o’clock the jury retunu cl. The silence of death prevailed as they 1 took their seats, and McFarland turn ed as pale as a sheet. The foreman fi nally arose to answer the usual ques tion, and McFarland stood up to face the jury. He trembled violently, and clutched the railing beside him as if for support. “Is the prisoner at the bar guilty or not guilty came the questn nat last “Not guilty,” was the answer. The scene that followed beggars de scription. The whole audience jump ed to their feet and cheered, as though determined to shake the house to ils foundation; even the court officers join ed in the cheering. Men and women sprang over the seats and struggled tor the privilege of shaking McFarland by the hand. The ladies divided their attention 1 eLween the liberated man and ins counsel, whom they lavished with thanks. McFarli nd was wry much affected, and little Percy in his joy jumped upon a chair, and waving a handkerchief, lent his voice to the cheering. McFarland soon after left the court room and the crowd disners ed. A concuure nt resolution to adjourn the house on the Fourth of July, was adopted by 85 to 04. Four colored girls are employed in the Government Printing office at Washington. A Bill is before the English Parlia ment, which allows a man to marry his w ife's sister. A Boston correspondent says of Mr. Aldiieh’s poem in the May Atlantic, that it recalls to his mind the old rhym of his boyhood: When I was young and in my prime I could get kissed mo.-t any time, But now I’m old a i}d getting gray I can’t get kii-eid Li.l axe a wi). The general Protestant Methodist Conference in session at Baltimoie, ad apted the following: Soda Fount. —Mr. Guthrie has put | up his soda fount fir the season and 1 is supplying the public with the most delicious flavors. We have tried and I pronounce it good and recommend ; our friends to try it if they are hot .find want a cjoling d.iuk. There is Lot a more enticing place for ladies ! and genthnun in town than lutime’s, j Call and see him. “No n iEiriir tin 11 u!dn k n alii n.iny tcntiny to n r LiiuV decision n Mathew, il tq t. ID, vtise 0 ” TlLLIim PORTABLE F 13 rv O 13. (Patented April 7tli. 18G3.) Tiie Farmer*’ Fence. Cheap, yet durable. Moveable and yet secure. Simple, and yet adapted to a var.eiv of uses. 1 have purchased nie right ot ths fence for tue counties of Bartow, Floyd, i’olk, Gordon and iVnitfield, in Geori' . and a so for the State of Alabama ’ JOHN T. NOBBIS, Cartersville, Ga. Farm Bight, $lO to $25, County Rights, S2OO to SSOO. Ap’l 28, 1870, ts. SALE OF VALUABLE MINING AND Mineral Property, 4305 Acres Os LA LTD. SONT-AINING INEX haustsble BEDS OF IKON ORE, two BLAST FURNACES, and WATER :P O w IE XX SD'PFX. G/EA/T FOR RUNNING T II E M : RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST m e n t. M[WTILri Be sold, by virtue of an order y y of the Superior Court of Bartow County, Georgia, March Term, 1870, before tlie Court House door, in the town of Car tersville, Ca. to the highest bidder, for Cash, on Tuesday, the 7th of June next, the property formerly known as the Lewis & Jones Furnace I'lace, now owned by Fulton &Cos Said property lies in Bartow Coun ty, conta ns 4205 acres of land, and is situ ated from eight to twelve miles from the Western & Atlantic Railroad. It has on it, two blast Furnaces—one in an incomplete state, the other complete, but not run since the war—abundance of Sandstone conven ient ; large quantities of timber, and inex haustible beds of the finest and best of Iron Ore, and a fine Stream of Water, (Stamp Creek,) on which the Furnaces are built, affording sufficient water at all times, to run the Furnaces. The property contains also a good Dwelling House, with outside im provements, Fine Springs of Water, and the situation is perfectly healthy. The lands are valuable, chiefly for timber and mineral pur poses. The property was the basis of the magnificent fortune accumulated by Dr Jno. W. Lewis—was held in high esteem by him at all times, be never having parted with his entire interest in it during his life. It is now sold for the purpose of division among its various owners—titles perfect. The growing importance of the Iron business, the facility and cheapness with which it may be manufactured here, and its proximity to market, make this one of the finest opportu nities of investment now offering in the South. The following are the numbers of lots and parts of lots of which the property is com posed : 111. 184, 135, half of 140, 141, half of 148, 149, 150, 151,152, 153, 155, 171, 172, 178, 174.175 177 177 fourth of 182, 180. 190, 191, 205. 219, 222, 248,5 acres of 112, all in the 22d District and 2d Section of Bartow County. Lots contain 100 acres each. Parties desiring further information, can address the undersigned, or call on them in person, at Cartersville Ga. W. 11. PRITCHETT, ) W. J. WILLIFORD, } Com’rs. URIAH ST EPE HNS. ) April 10, id. Guardian Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, Geor gia, will be sold before the Cturt House door of said County, in C'ariersville, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, the interest of Jesse J. Davis, minor, being One-sixth undivided interest in the following I ots of Lund, to wit: Nos. 288. 284, 285, 293 and 85b, all in the 4th District and 3rd Section of Bartow county, Georgia. Fold for the benefit of said minor. Terms, Cash. JOHN A. ERWIN, Guard’n. Cai tersville, Ga.. April 27th, 1870 —tds AlliinUi Stencil & Variety Works! BEN. Z. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SlCllCil ISrauds, Steel Dies, Steel Block Stamps, Burning Brands, Brass Alphabets, and all Articles kept in a first class STENCIL HO VS E. BRICELIST OFM. l ILA BLE ARTICLES Stencil Name I’latcs for mark'g cloth’g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping keys together, 26c New Style key tag. with name neat eng. 25c Perpetual Ahnauuc, the.most ingenious little article ol'the age, 50c Any of the articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of pricp, or the whole ol them for «;i 25 Address BEN. Z. DUTTON, Lock Box 351. mch 22-wly Atlanta, Ga. N. B.—Circulars sent free. QA / \ A«*WAXTED, an active man, in each county in the States, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFFEE, and SPICES. To suita! ble men wo will give a salary of S9OO to one thousand dollars a year, above traveling and other expenses, and a reasonable com mission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper paries. References exchanged.-- Apply to, or address innrn diately, J. PACKER &i CO. ‘Continental Mills, 384Rowery, New York T jyfi LIVE” DRUG STORES ft FOX, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLANTA. GEORG-IA. June 1, 18G9. wly Sav® Time & Money! MARK E COOPER, OeiieiTil Commission 31ereliant, Will fill Orders and Sell Produce on fair terms to all. NO. 4, HROAD STR., ATLANTA, Cm A. inch 15—w6m lloadquartors for Toys & Fancy Goods, (k<mjf 11. -Imt Manufacturer of ClKOllI! DIALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES,' . TOYS AND WILLOW WARE Welding f ».J It TIES and SUPPERS, Sc., «ntten up la (he best style, at short JVolicc! We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our large and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRCIES. V\ HITEHALL street, ATLANTA, CA. march 10, wly CMITHISIIII.iI FOUNDRY AND 1 a o l ib 8 Shop, The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that, having opened a Foundry andMacliitio Shop in C.- rtersville, he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES. COTTON PRESSES, SUGAR MILLS HORSE POWERS, MILL GEARING, ETC. Also, CASTINGS, of evjry description; HOLLOW WARE, GRATES, STORE FRONTS AND FENCES,’ All kinds of MACHINERY REPAIRED in the most perfect manner. Highest marke price paid for SCRAP IRON, BRASS, LEAD COPPER, ami ZINC. lam prepared to compete with Northern Establishments :n price and quality of work, and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. B. SCOFIELD. Cartersville, Ga , January 1, • 870. Agent for the sale of THE UNRIVALLED NON-EXPLOSIVE SOT OIL. -AJ *o, e JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AND WATCHES; Also keep on band and for sale the above goods. Room in the store of Simon Licbman, Cartersvillc, moh ‘’.2. Z W. M. & C. JACKSON & CO. CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING , AND PROPRIETORS OF TUB CARTERSVILLE STEAM PLANING MILL, Sasli, Islin<l and Door Factory. Smut Machines made in quick time for the forthcoming wheat crop. CARTERSVILLE, GA. All kinds of lumber planed and Flooring and Ceiling Tongucd and Grooved. Brackets, and all kinds of Scroll Sawing, for Ornamental ' v ork, done to or- j der. Shop Work, of all kinds, executed with neatness and dispatch. fkssF Special Contracts made for LARGE JOBS.^Xilifl Our machinery is all new and of the very BEST QUALITY , having been selected by one of the firm, (an experienced mechanic,) in person. The proprietors are all experienced and skillful workmen, among whom may be found Mr. W. A. REM.MINGTON, who is known and acknowle lged, by all, to bo one among the best and finest workmen in the South. Our Mill is now in successful operation, and its work is approved and admired by all who have seen it, it i* located immediately on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, North of the Depot, in the rear of the new Court- House. Z. W. <Sr M C. JACKSON A CO., ang 10, 1 b()0,If Cartersvilje, Ga. JLtscht r 1 I^ ,CHT - S liICHT : Willi orWithout NlenAiure ! Conceal it Not!!! P ETER M ARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in - /Estrella Oil, Also, Dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS ETC., ETC. I can be found at Best A Kirkpatrick's on Main Street, Cartersvillc. Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat rons. To all, 1 would say, cotne and ex amine for you: selves, as 1 intend to sell as Cheap as the Cheapest , Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. PETER MARSH. Cartersville, apr. 22. Barlow Mortgage Sheriff Sale, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the town of Cartersville, tho following Mort gage property, to-wit- : ONE BLACK Marc mule, one two-liorse wagon and harness, levied on as the property of Joseph Harris to satisfy a Mort gage fi. fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of John Jolley, vs said Jos eph Harris. Property pointed out in said fi fa. W W RICH, Sheriff. M. COLLINS, I). Shff Ap’l 6, 1870. [prs fee $5. ALSO, at the same place, on the first Tues day in July next, the following Mortgage property : Lot ol land, No. 238, and parts of 212. 240 and 242, in the 16th district nnd 3d > ac tion of Bartcw County, lev : ed o;i as the prop- I erty of Jessec Ansley, to satisfy a Mortgage tl fa issued from Bartow County Superior ! Court in favor of the Georgia Petrolium Company, against said Ansley. Property pointed in said fi fa. , W.w. RICH, Shff. May 8 ’7O. M. COLLINS. D. Shff. To Exchange for Town Proper ty I HAVE one lot 160 acres, or two lots o 4 ' 320 acres, either or both of which I will exchange for properly in the town of Car tersville. The lan,l is well improved, in good state of cultivat or five miles from the Railroad, in a healty i ect'< nos country, and well adapted for stock-raising. I will make the exchange on fair terms. For further particulars, apply at this offio\ Mav 2d. 1870- ' m. WINTEII AMtANGEMENT WESTERN T ATLANTIC a AIL V/ A V Tin Old Tellable Passenger Houle TO AI.I. Northern,Eastern and Western Cities* CARRYING GREAT SOUTHERN EXPit Kog. THE ONLY HOt TE FROM ATLANTA RUXNING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIN, Preventing u possibility of twenty-four (24) hours’ delay, incident to lines having but one daily traiu. THE UNITED STATES MAIL, Between Atlanta & Now York Is carried exclusively by this line. Through Passenger Trains Leave ATLANTA » 15 A. M. —7 oo 1\ in. Making close connections at Kingston for Canton, Uleinplii* & Xcw Orleans, AND POINTS WEST. The Nashville & (.'hattannooga for Nashville and all Poiuts North, East and West. PASSENGERS HAVE CHOICE OF TWENTY-SIX DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TJDMN E W YORK. Pullman's Traveling- Palaces ON ALL NIGHT TWAINS. The Rest Eating Houses in the Country. No Nli<liii<>-lit ClinnyeK. Finely Finished Cars Well Heated and Ventilated. QUICK TIME& SURE CONNECTIONS. Tickets for sale at all Ticket Of fices for points reached by this Id no* FAIR SASVSE as by OTHER ROUTES. Baggage Checked Through. VI e do not advertise our Conductors. Their deportment and attention do that. IS. W. WRENA, General Ticket A'gt. A. HARRIS, Master of Transpor tation and Supervisor. FOSTER BLODGETT, Superin tendent W. & A. It. R. March 24, 1870-ly. I lie quickest and Rest Route TO THE Korth, East, and West, Via LOUISVILLE. Two Daily Express train* run tlirou h from Xiuh ville to Louisville, niakinc close connection will, trains and boats for the , Wait, and M eat. NO CHANG (JARS FROM 101'WriU.I | ST, LOUIS, CKICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ao commodations than by any other. Secures Speed an J Comfort, when traveling, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. THROUGH TICKETS AND I! AGO AG K dIKCKS may be procured at Offi-ca of N. A O. E. R., in Chat tanooga, and at all ticket office* throughout the Soath, W. 11. KING, ALBERT FINK. 14-T-A. Gen’l Sup’t. feb 24.—wly CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN * ATLANTIC R. R. ONard after MONDAY, MARCH 21»t. Passenger T-ains will run on tho Western A Atlantic R. It. as follow 3 : GOING NORTH. No. 1. No. 3. No. 13. Leave AMant* 7.00 P M 5.16 AM. 8.30 P M Arrive Kingston .. .10.4S PM. 11.47 AM. 7.34 P M Leave Kingston 10.56 P M. 11.54 A M. 739 P M Arrive Dalton 1.16 AM. 2.00 PM. 11.80 AM Leave Dalton 1.26 A M. 2.15 I* M Arrive Chattanooga.. 3.80 AM. 420 P M GOING SOUTH. No. 2. No. 4. No. 14. Leave Chattanooga.. 7.50 PM. 7.00 A M Arrive at Dalton 10.04 PM. 9.11 A M Leave Dalton 10.09 P M. 9.21 AM. 2.00 A M Arrive Kingston.... .12.13 A M. 11 45 a M. 5.18 A M Leave Kingston 12.28 A M. 11.52 A M. 6.23 A M Arrive Atlanta .. 4.14 A M. 8.17 PM. 11.00 A M Numbers 1,2, 3 and 4 RUN DAILY. 13 and 14. I>AILY, except Sunday. 1 and 2, N'ght Passenger Trains. “ 8 and 4, Day “ « " 13 and 14, accommodation US W WRENN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent A L HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisor. Mch 22- Plahtatiou Hrrnm This wonderful vagctafehl restorative is the sheet® anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Asa tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. Asa remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it if superseding every othei stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines tho bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro* duced it becomes a stand ard article —a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in tlie civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers apd Country Stores.