The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 02, 1870, Image 1

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[s published cverv THURSDAY MORNING: In O o-tertvl ll*,’Bartow O »«., *>y l^aninol MI. ?Smil 1». EDITOR arid PROPRIETOR. Ilalc* of Subscription : emy three months, ...» * I -9 W flne enpY six months, p'd 03* OPT •«« T«* • (Invariably in advance.) parties advertising will be restricted in their eoalracl* to Ultimate'ne*« ; tnt U to say, nil advertisements that <l« not refer to their business will be ct. for extra. , f4T Advertisement* inserted at Intervals to be -be strictly alhered>. ?rofesTional cards. JOHN W. WOFFORD, Attorney at Law, CIRTERSHIiItT’. «JK!»«U. OFFICE OVER OURRV'H STORE, Oct. 17. 1368. It. W. MOKPIIEV, attorney at law, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. *ir FIX practice in the tl-e Courts of Cherokee Cir- TT cult. Particular attention civ an to the collection »f claims. Office With Cwi. Abtl* Johnson. Oct. 1 JERE A. HO'WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CaKTH RSVILLE, GA. JOHN J. JONES, A. 11 orn e y a t Law, Farters ville, Ga<, Flf tljluHttend promptly to all busijess on- V trusted to his rare: Will practice in the Contis ol l aw, mid Equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention ffivon to the colloc tim of claims. Jan. 1, :370. Iv JOHN J. JONES, REAL ESTATE 4GE.\T, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Ia u au'horized to soil, and have on hand several Jloiut 1 and Uots, and also numerous building lots In the tn* B. f Cartersvll'e. Also several plantations of vari russi/.esin Uartow county. Parties desiring to buy or t -ll *i Ido well to gvemo a call. All communications yi.iai tly answered. J an. 1, IS7O. a . ra. rot; t i:, Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE, GA. (Willi Col. Wurreu Akin.) TTTILL practice in the courts of Bartow, \f Cobb, Polk, Floyd, Gordon, Murray, Y, j field, and adjoining counties, inch CO. J%O. COSE. J. H. WHILE. Coxe -Sc Wiklo, Air.dINP.YS A T LAW, AfliD NOTARIES PUBLIC' C t rtersville, Georgia. JHO < OX, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOB SOUTH CAROLINA. Ssj 9th 1869 lyr, «* *V . 81. MOUNTC ASTLE, i HJcwcller and Watcit and Cluck Repairer, l"i th- F. .nt of A. A. Skinner At Co’s store Cat .ctsville, Jan. 25 DU. «T. A/JACKSON. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON. Office fn Messrs. J. W. Garry & Go's Drajj Store. lie has so arranged his business that he is now prepared to devote liis whole time and attention to the practice, and he feels confident, with his extensive experience, that ke can give entire satisfaction A liberal share of patronage respectfully solicited. janG 1870—Jy. T VV Vldner, O H Milner. MILNER & MILNER, Attorneys at Law, fART RSVILLE GEORGIA. YY dl at ten J promptly to business entrusted U their c sre. jan. 15. ly ~sTTi. paTtYllo, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, YirlU atten 1 promptly to the Cuttlnp, Repair- .si* if ing and Making Boys’ and Men’s Cto'hing. OUtee on the Second Fl< or of Stokely & Wit- !j,X Hams' N«w Brick Building. Entrance from .. ..I■ Mala Street. in rear of the building. Feb IT. WABREN AKIN, Attorney at Law, CARTE RSVILLE, GEORGIA Will practice in all the Courts of the State S. CrSIiI“EIIL.iDS, Fas hionable Tailor , C ARTERSVILI E, BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA. Having j st received Charts of the latest * vies of G« ntlemens’ and Boys’ Clothing, I uropean an 1 American, announces that hi , tj IS prepared to execute all kinds sA ofwoik in the Fashionable Tail- 1A , la, oring line, with neatness and in ..IL and inblc style Over J. Elsas & Co’s store, Cartersvillo inch 23. tc. THOMPKINS, Favorably j known as a pood Workman on clocks and watches and jewelry, lias removed his place of Work to his Residence on the F ill. East Side of the Railroad, nar Mr. A. ' llliams. Work done on shortenotice. — J O II N W. DYER, H ouso-Paiuter, ATTERSVII.LE, GeOUGIA. Will attend prorptly to business in his ne jan 19, 70, wly Wyman Chap man, Brick and Stone Mason, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 1 ‘•prepared to do any of the above work J upon short notics and at low figures. 3L.FQH SALE. —Two Wagons & -i 1 * ness, Thresher, M ower & Reaper, ih ckeye) all in good condition. Ap tv to ~ J. B. CONYERS. AT artersville, May 10—wlm. MliA2*T*>W HOUSE, CARTERSVILLE, GA., . BY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. This House has just been completed and furn- j is heel — New House, New Furniture, New Pro - i prietor, Few Arrangements. A handsome l^rr -storg Brick Building, on the East Side of t-i’ IE Sf A R R and near the Jjepot: Table al ' ■ i supplied with the very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Ser. ants, and charges for Board, by the single Wf --d, day, week and month, moderate. Call ‘ml -?y fiu-e and treatment. ' y2O *J, X. Guthrie. VOL. A Kennesaw House. (Gutaicd at railroad depot.) rjlilE undersigned having bought the, entire |_ interest of Dix Fletche r , Trustee ferr Lou isa W. Fletcher, in the Kennesavv House, and the business will be conducted, in the fu ture. under the name and firm of Augustine A. Fletcher A Freyer. Thankful for past fa vors and patronage, they will strive to give the utmost satisfaction to ail pa*rons of the Kcn nesaw House. AUGUSTINE A. FLETCHER. F. L, FREYER. MARIETTA. J in. 12, Y»9. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!.! EJTAVING purchased the Steam Saw Mill H formerly belonging to Janies Sligh, 1 have now on hand, and can supply, all per sons in want of Lumber, of any kind or qual ity, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at the MUor in Cartersville. My supply of timber Doing of the best quality and iuexhaustable, I am prepared to fill or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Address MOSES 11. SMITH, qojlowly Carterav'lle, Ga. mmmm mmm CASE A.3STID CASKET S. b v Brwm &. Jones. JOHN T. OWEN, Watch and (.'lock Repairer, and Jeweler, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 4T7 i LL keep constant- gTjt \ ly on baud, for sale CjML a well selected stock of FrS WATCHES. CLOCKS. Gold, Silver and Steel (3 SPECTACLES, See. I' li furnish any kind 3* - - vfc T Plate, extra une Gold M atches oi Jewelry, at short notice, as cheap as they can he bou r’it. in aay other in. icct. Goods clu-ap. W'. rk warra .ted. Term i -cash, aug 111, iOu'J.wly LIVERY STABLE. -Hj. id. moos. CARTERSVILLE, GA., tS prepared, at all hours, to furnish con veyances into the country—saddle-horse, buggy, hack, rockaway, or wagon. Also, to board stock, ke. nov. 3. R, W. SATTBHF IEL D, O. W. SATTEST lEI l. R W- SATTERFIELD & BRO. AT The New Brick Store* Firs? Door East of Railroad.' CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Have just received and opened an ENTIRE NEW STOCK | OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTH ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY HARDWARE, AND CUTLERY, FAMI LY GROCERIES, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they invite the attention of Ihe public generally, being satisfied that 'hey can and will sell goods as cheap, if not a lit tle Chk.vvek, thaiany other house in town. The attention of the ladies is especially invited to our Stock of Summer Dress Goods. Gentlemen can also be fitted up with whatever they may Want. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market price. Having withdrawn from the late Firm of .J. H. Satterfield & Cos, I would respectfully solicit the patronage of my old friends and custciaers. R. W. SATTERFIELD. June 24th,—w ly. R. F. MADJOX. j. L. WINTER. It, F, Maddox & Cos. TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Virginia and J%'orth Carolina TOBACCO. NO. IS, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA Consignments solicited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug 1,’69 W H GILBERT & SO., CARTERSVILLE, GA., Dealers In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS, and GR ASS SEEDS, TERMS FROM THIS DATE : 3TE/IOTLT CASH!. Agents for sale of Threshing and Mill Machinery. Agents for sale of Murfee Sub Soil JPlows. of FERTILIZERS. Dickson’s Compound; ANDREW COE’S, Baugh’s Raw Bone, And OTHERS. Agents for sale of Polk County !?intes For lio<>lin«-. DR. JOHN BULL'S *»reat Remedies SMITH'S TflNlO SYRUP! FOB TIIE CURE OF AGUE AND FEVER OR CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of th's celebrat, cl medicine justly claims for it a .superior. ty over all remedies ever offer ed to ttie public ior the *<«/•<?, certain, u and/*er manent cure of Ajruc and If’ever .or Chilis and Fever whether of shorter huiir standing. He refers to the entire Western ami Southwestern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion, that In no case whatever will it fail to cure if the directions are strict ly followed and ca ried our. in a great many cases a sinffte dose lias been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured hy a sing'e bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more ce, t in to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two af ter the disease has been cheeked, more especially in difficult and long s'andinj; cases. Usually, this medi cine will not require a y aid to keep the bowels in good order; should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after h ..vlnp token three or four doses of tho Tonic, a single dose of ItUI.LH VE GETA BLE FAM’LY PII,LS will be sufficient. Dll, JGII.Y BILL’S Principal Office No. 40 Fifth, Cross street, Louisville, Ey, Bull’s Worm Destroyer. lo my United States and World-wide Read ers: I HAVE received many testimorials from profes s onal and medical men, as my almanacs and vari ous publications have shown, all of which are genuine. The following from a highly educated and popuiar P’"l> lc»»n in Georgia, is certainly one of the most- sen sible coinmunicationf I have ever received. Dr. Clerii ent knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimo ny di serves to be written in le'ters of gold. Hear w hat the Doctor says of Bull's Worm yer Villanow, Walker co., Ga. ) June 29th, 1866 DR. JOHN BUly#—Dear Sfr:—l have recently giv en your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, and find it wonderfully efficacious. It has not failed iu a single instance, to have the wished-for effect. lam doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of the kind. lam free to confess that I know of no remedy recommended by theablest authors that is so certain and speedy in itst'ffects. On the con trary they are uncertain in the extreme. My object in writing you is to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine directly from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. 1 art aware that the use of 6uch articles is contrary to the teachings and practice of a great majority of the reg ulitr 1 ne of M. D.’s, hut I see no just cause nr good sense in discarding a remedy which we know to be el ficient, simply because we may be ignorant of its com bination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all ana any means to alleviate suffering hum tnity which I may be able to command—not hesitating because someone more ingenious than myself may have learn d its effects first, and secured the sole right tc secure hat knowledge. However, lamby no m< ans an ad vocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nos trums that tlood the country, that purport to cure all manner of disease to which hum.n flesh is heir. Please reply soon, and inform me of your best terms. I am,sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. A GOOD REASON F n R THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH, READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE LET TER FROM HIS MOTHER. ’ 1 Benton Barracks, Mo., Ajiril 30, 18C6. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla, and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses, I send you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded about two years ago—was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sat up a moment since lw s wounded. I am shot through the hips. My general health is im paired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith in your Sarsaparilla than In any thing else. I wish that that is genuine.’ Please express me half a dozen bottles, and oblige (3ai>t. O. P. JOHNSON. St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—The following was written April 39, IBCS, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Capt Johnson. DR. BULL—Dear Sir: ’My husband. Dr. C. S. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died, leaving the above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of age he had a chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which 1 gave him your Sarsaparilla. IT CURED HIM. I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York. Ohio, and lowa, for scrofula, fever sires, and gener J debili ty. Perfect success has attended it. The cures effect ed in some cases of scrofula and /ever tores were almost miraculous. lam very anxious for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. He is fear ful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for It. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. BULL’S CEDRON BITTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. ARKANSAS HEARD FROM. Testimony of Medical Men stony Point, White Cos., Ark., May 23,’66. DR. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir: Last February I was in Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I got some of your Sarsapparilla and Celron Bitters. My son-in-law, who was with me in the store, has been down with rheumatism for some time, commen ced on the Bitters, and soon found his general health * l, l)r. o 'oist, who has been In bad health, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years —stomach and liver affected—he improved very much by the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great Popularity in this settle ment i think I could sell a great quantity of your medicines this fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla. Ship meVa Memphis, care of Rickett & Neely, Respectfully y C 13 W ALKER, All the above remedies for sale by L. H. BRADFSSI.©, Druggist, WAITER ALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA feb'ZOt 180U«’1|/ CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA.. JUNE 2, 1870. (j$T- X r CearSh °P ’ V. C, COWARDS. VJV vv . v%' ? Harness, J" 15ri«!1e5,52 •’ fcfki’es AD'l GEAR, Manufactured and Repaired in ‘lie very best style of tiie art, in the quickest time and at the shortest notice, and for less miney than is usually paid for such work and stock. Try me ! W. C. EDWARDS. Cartersville. ntch 9—wly \ Di*. F. 31. i \ Ca.UrsuiUe, Ga. Teeth drawn without pain, by the use of nar cotic spray. mch 9. [From the Norfolk Daily Journal, Dec. 11,1869.] Koskoo.— This medicine is rapidly gain ing the confidence of the people, and the numerous testimonials of its virtues, given by practioners of medicine, leaves no doubt that it is a safe and reliable remedy for im- PURITY OF THE BLOOD, LIVER DISEASE!?, &X'. The last Medical Journal contains an arti cle from Prof. li. S. Newton, M. D., Presi dent of the E. Medical College, city of New York, that speaks in high terms of its cura tive properties, and gives a special recom mendation of Koskoo to the practitioners of medicine. This is, we believe, the first in- j stance where such medicines have been of- | ficially endorsed by the Faculty of any of ! the medical colleges, and reflects great cred-j it upon the skill of Dr. Lawrence, its com pounder, and also puts “Koskoo” in the van of all other medicines of the present day. PIANOS. The undersigned would respectfully announce that he is enabled to furnish the most magnificent Pianos ever seen in this country, from $325 to SBOO. Having superior advantages, and many years experience in the business in Europe and America, I can sell a first class Piano, 7, or 7| Octave, with all the very latest improvements SSO o SIOO less than they can be bought elsewhere ; put it up at your house, keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12 months, and warrant every Piano five years. He wifi have specimens here, or confer with you in person, by ad dressing Residence, Kenesaw House, F. L. FREYER, Marietta, Ga. F. L. Freyer, Marietta Ga., is one of the firm of Phillips, Crews & Freyer Atlanta, Ga., agents for the sale of ths cele brated Knabe Pianos, and will be happy to receive orders for any of the abavA instru ments, at bis residence—the Ivennesa vv houso. Extra Special \olhc, Beware of Counterfeits ! Smith's Tonic Syrup has been counterfeited, atul the counterfeiter bfought lo grief. SJUTII’B TOXIC STRI P. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s pri vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull only has the right to manufac ure and sell the original John Smith’s Tonic Sjrup of Louisviile, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on the bottl do not purchase, or 3ou wiil be deceived. See my column advertisement, and my show card I will prosecute any one infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by myself. The public's servan', DR. JOHN BULL. Louisville. Ky., April 23, JSCS TO CO.VSUMPTIFJES. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lnpg affection and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-suffer ers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they.will find a Sure Cure For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription - is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New \ ork. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and Ui restiens for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. pifThe Bth wonder of the wor'd ha* been found in Georgia. The discoverer is a physician of long expe rience, extensive observation and profound judge ment, and his discovery has proven such a blessing to womaD, that it is already known throughout the country as “Woman s Beat Friend.” With remarka ble quickness and certainty it cure* all cases of sup pressed menstruation , acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator supplies a remedy long needed in the treat ment c( disease- peculiar to women. This the Med ical Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians are using it in daily practice. The medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. H. Brad field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold fct sl-50 per bot tle by respectable Druggists everywhere, feb 1 wly JORDAN. HOWARD & HARRALSON Tobacco Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, A) LA NT A GEORGIA Keep constai itly on hand, a large and fine Assortment of CHEW ING and SMOKING TO B A CCO, CIGARS, &c., which we offer at the Lowest Whole sale prices. jut e 10, j Xous iii fiioiiei al. Passengers travel from San Francis co to New York in six days and tweu ; ty-three hours. The championship fight in New O - I leans on the 10th, between Tom A’- len and Jim Mace, resulted in a ecu: - ; plete victory for Mnce in ten rounds Pease & His Wife, Atlanta, Ga., have opened the finest Ico Cream Sa loon in the South. On the Missouri river this ye r 815.- I 000,000 logs have been cut —a falling off of 196,000,000 from 1 st year. The C hattanoga Ro’ling Mill has en | larged its capital stock to $(>00,00Q The old stock amounted to 250,000. San Domingo votes fifteen thousand for, and only one hundred and ten against annexation. There were one hundred and eight teen witnesses called iu the McFarland trial. Washington, May 21.—There are thirty suits pending against ex-Itev. Collectors, amounting to three mill ions. The Supei'ior Court of Muscogee county is now in session at Columbus; f iur hundred and sixty cases are on the docket. Brigham Young is frugally striving to keep his large family from want by investing $60,000,000 in securities at New York. —The Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad is laying anew track. This road, now under the able management of President Cole, is doing a fine busi n ss. Washington, May 17. —Registration closed today. The whites are 650 a head. The last registration the blacks had a majority. Mr. Bluraer H. White, formerly a resident of Pike county in this State, ded in Smith county, Texas, on the 10th of April, aged 70 years. The Mosely Bros., advertise the sale of both the Mountain Home, at Talla dega, and the Rising Star, at Oxford, Ala., two flourishing newspaper estab lishments. Georgia is about to do a great busi ness in dried blackberries. She has orders to ship large quantities to Cal ifornia, where they find a ready mar ket at high prices. A Washington special to the Augus ta Constitutionalist says thSt Butler’s new “Georgia bill” was adopted by the House Reconstruction Committee by a majority of one vote only. There is yet a seventeenth Amend ment coming. Under the fifth para graph of the first section article of the Federal Constitution, “no person ex cept a natural born citizen” is eligible to the Presidency. At the St. Charles Theatre. New Or leans, recently, Mr. A. J. Talbot—a member of the “La Rue Minstrels”— shot, with a dueling pistol, an orange from his wife’s head. No man was found willing to present himself as a target. Pic Nics in a town in Maryland are wound up by the gills standing in a long row, while the young men go along the line and kiss them all “good night.” The Washington correspond ent of the N. Y. Sun reports a scheme is ready for consummation to sell Cu ba to the noted Spanish volunters of the island in order that the}' may sell it to the United States. A modern Joseph has arisen the per son of Rev. J. M. Wo <dm in, of Caic >, California, who announces that next year there will be an awful famine, sucieeding seven years of plenty, which the reverend gentleman says we have had. Aunt Susan says: “Suppose all the men were in one country, and all the women in another, with a big river be tween them. Good gracious! what lots of poor women would be drowned !” Longstreet is in luck. Warmouth, the surreptitious Governer of Louisia na, has just made him Adjutant Gene ral of the nigger malit ia of that State, This, with the office Grant gave him in the Custom House fir turning Rad ical, quite loads him down with honors. A terribly destructive fire at Fincas tle Virginia, on the 9th inst., destroy ed between 40 and 50 . houses, and caused a loss of $400,000 of which there was an insurance of not more than $15,000. TRIUMPHANT I The justly-celebrated StiefFs Pianos have received SEVEN GOLD MEDALS. and six first-class Premiums, at the Maryland Institute Fair, Baltimore, and at the several Southern Fairs, held in October and November, 18G9; Cape Fear Agricultural Fair held at Wilmington, N. C.; North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, N. C.; Lynchburg Agricultural and Mechanical Fair; Augusta County Fair; Wytheville Virginia Fair; the Fair, Home, Ga., and Illinois. Stieff s took the first premiums over all competitors of Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. The excellence of tone, workmanship and general fin ish of these Pianos are unsurpassed.— Persons visiting Baltimore should not fail to examine the Pianos for them selves, at his splendid new ware-rooms, No. 9 N. Liberty St. Baltimore, Mil. May sth, ts.’ Mill Picks Made and Repaired, By Abernathy & Goodson, at the shop of the latter, in Carters villo. There is no longer a necessity to go from home to have this class of work done. Give us a chance and we will prove it to the satisfaction of all. may 25, wit TXrIIRIDE A CO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Agent* For (Georgia and Alabama. A Thousand Women Testify. 1>32. J. BRADFIELU’S Female Regulator. WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND. A CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES, SUPPRESSED j ±\ MENSES, ami other difetises peculiar to women. Prepared and soUl by L. it. BKADUEI.D, Whole sale Dtuggist, Atlanta, Ua. Price <-1 flu per bottle, 3fstimouials. Tuskecek, Ala,, Nov. 21, 1869.— Mr. L. //, Bradjlthl— Sir: Please forward us, immediately, I another supply of “Bra<tfi*d\ r Female Regulator.”— j We lind it to be all that is claimed for it, and we have i witnes.-cd the most happy aud decided effect* pro- ! iluced by it. Very respectfully, HUNTER & ALEXANDER. We. the underslpned Drntrglsts, take pleasure In commending to the trude, Dr. J Bradffeld’s Female Regulator—be!U*viP|! it to be \ good ana reliable rem edy for the diseases lor which lie recommend* it. W. A. I. K NSDKLTj, Atlanta, On. PKMUEUTO.M, WILSON, TaVLOK .fc CO., Allisnta, Go. W. C. LAWS HE, Atlanta, Gn. W. ltoOr A SON,, Ga. This will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and have been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, werr, at, length, completely cured by one bottle of l)r. J. BradfieldV Female Regulator. I, therefore, deem it my duty to fut uish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffrr'ng woman-kiml to the merits of a medicine whose power, io curing irregular and sup pressed menstruation, has been proven under my own personal observation. Its effect on such cases is truly wonderful, anil well may the remedy be called‘‘Wo man’s Best Friend.’’ Yours, respeotfullt, J AS. " . 8 IRA NOE, April 26, 1809. CU/tersviUe, O'a. For sale in Cartersvifle by BEST & KIRKPATRICK Druggists, and bv Druggists geuerallv. ....THE toEDICAL, FACULT Y USE 1T..... febSwly New and Valuable Pamphlet. ONLY TWF.NTY-FIVK CENTS. I HAVE MADE a compilation with a full and accurate explanation of sucli portion of tlie HOMESTEAD LAWS, as will instruct any person how to procure 160 acres of .rich farming land for nothing, six months before leaving homo, on the free lands of the West. Also, an article on the NEW WEST, or that poition of country lying West of the Mississippi, and Northwest, giving an accu rate account of its area, population, proprety valuation, manufactures, bunks, the estimated yield of precious metals, number of voters, he various productions, and yield per acre, num ber of acres under cultivation, value of exports table of distances, etc., etc., giving just such information with reference to the New West as no man of this country oan afford to be without. Will be sent on receipt of 5 cents Address, JOHN T.BLISS, Attorney at Law, P. O. Box 5789. meli 22—w8m CHHJ.iUO, I LI, SEicriH Sales for June, IS7O. IK? ILL be sold on the f.rst Tuesday in y June next, between the legal hours of sale, before the’Court House door, in the town of Cartersvifle, the following property, to-wit: ONE LOT of household and kitchen fur niture, consisting of Bedding, Mattras scs. Blankets, Sheets, Chairs, Tables, Crock ery and Glass-ware, Cooking Stove, includ ing all the furniture in vbe Hotel, known as the “Bartow House,” in Cartersville, be longing to defendants. Levied on as the property of T. J, Lyon & Cos., to satisfy a distress warrant for rent, in favor of Sam’l Claiton against said T. -J. Lyon & Co.— Pointed out by Plaint id's Attorney. AljtSO, the settlement of land whereon Dr. S. F. Stephens now resides, in the 17 district, and 8d section of Bartow County, (uumbers of lots not known,) as the proper ty of S. F. Stephens, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Cole, Wood ij- <’o., vs said Stephens. ALSO, the settlement o. land whereon I\ 11. Keynols now resides, in the 17th dist., and 3d. section of Bartow County: numbers of lots not known, as the prpperty of P. If. Reynolds, to satisfy a fifa issued from Bar tow Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Jamison, against P. 11. Reynolds and Wm. Nichols, and one fifa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of E T Furgerson, against said P. 11. Reynolds. ALSO, Parts of lots of Land Nos. 231 and 202 in the sth dist. and 3d section of Liartow County as the property of Thomas K. Sittlc and M. A. Carter, to satisfy a fifa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor ot L. M. Mumford, against said Sittlc and Carter— said land containing two hundred acres, more or less. Sold for purchase mon ey. ALSO, the settlement of land whereon Abel Willis now resides, in the 21st district and 2d section of Bartow, as the property of said Abel Willis, to satisfy afifa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of John W. Hill, against- said Willis; Pointed cut by plaintiff- ALSO, One hundred acres of land, Nos. 09, 70, and a part of No. 71, in the 17th dis trict and 3d section of Bartow County, as the property of W. P, Milam, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Wm. L. Rowland, Executor of Fran cis M. Rowland, deceased, vs Thomas Mi lam and William P. Milam. Said land is a part of the Dr. Thomas Milam farm. Point ed out by defendant, W, P* Milam. ALSO, the lands embraced in what is known as the Island Ford place, whereon the widow of F. A. Huson, now resides, in Bartow County. Levied on as tne property of F. A. Huson, to satisfy a Justice Court ti fa, issued from Justice Court 952 district, g. m., in favor of T. R. Wiklc, Assignee, \ . said F. A. Huson. Levy made and handed me by a Constable. ALSO, one Reaper, undone Straw Cutter, two Syrup Kettles, as the property of J. 11. Ruokman, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Bartow Superior Court, in favor of James M. Echols against said J. 11. Ruokman, property pointed out by Plff’s atty. W. W*. RICH, Sheriff. MILLER COLLINS, Dopy Sheriff. jTi EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Mary \ JT A Lackey, has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the sat e at 10 o’clock, a. m„ on ihe Ith day of June, 1870, at my office. May 23.1870. J, A. HOWARD, Ord\ NO. 1. IF YOU DOUBT IT_ COME AND SEE WE IS4VE «> lliM> tM) AND ARE PvK(’E[VINU THE LARGEST GENERAL STOCK 3E i WATCHES’ JEWELRY AND CLOCKS Silver and Phiud Ware, Etc Ever bfoigiit toati.ani’ . n n«i and having j urehnst and direct front manufacturers at net cash prices, -\ve m able, hnd willing and determined to sell •,* low as any person, or persons, in any plae •, cither in town, city, or village North, Fot.t'i East, or West. WE HAVE BETTER FACILITIES. For the purchase and sale of certain classes of fine Watches, than any other house .South has. or can get, and we will give out customers the benefit of the advantage. OUR ONLY REFERENCE IS 2i Years Experience In the Jewelsv BTJBIITESS IN ATLANTA, AND TO THOSE MHO HAVE TRADED WITH THE OLI) ESTABLISHMENT OF ER L A WERE. We have better arrangements than any house in Atlauta for repairing Watches and Jewelry. Sept.2i*tli, 'tlO-iy. UWSHE & HAYNES. (BOX & HILL, VO. CHEROKEE BLOCK, PEACHTREFSL-ATI ANTA- GEORGIA Ha e in store and for sale Very Low 1.00 Bids. Fine Old Rye Whiskey, 100 “ “ “ Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Medium Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Doubled Distilled Whiskey, 60 “ Peach and Apple Prnndy, 25 “ American G.n, 50 “ Geo. Cherokee Cos., Corn Whiskey, 5 Jip s Holland Gin, 60 J and J Casks Cognac Brandy, 25 Baskets Ileidsiek Q Cos. Champagne, 25 Boxes Still Catawba, 100,000 Cigars, (Common, medium and fine,) KIJMj (NEW ENGLAND, JAMAICA. AND ST. CROIX:) W II I S K Y, • (k.jotch, Irish, Robertson County, Poplar Log.) WIN K , (Tort, Maderia, Sherry and Malaga.) ALK AND I’OItTKIt. Canned fnjda'n, ,t kr., July 15, 1860 DR. O «s PROPIEITT. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Is still Manufacturing all of llis Celebrated Family Medicines, CONSISTING OF HIS LIVER MEDICI XE, Anodyne Pain Kill Jt, ANTI-BILL OUS PILLS, A.O-TJE PILLS i*y*cnteri/ Cordial , Female TONIC, PURIFYING PIl LS, As heretofore, and will attend to all bu siness in liis line that comes to his ofheo. Bill prescribe for patients when con sulted, and examine any that come to hit office at any time, (Sunday- ’xccpO'd.') Will treat, secret diseases of all kinds.— Sppcial attention given to Female Disease.- both acute and chronic, etc., etc. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO Aid OIL 13 TELLS PROPHITPS LIVER MEDICINE- Has the advantage of almost any oilier pie paration of Medicine that acts upon th- Liv er. It is in the form of a Fluid Extract— ready for use at all times, day or night, and can be carried to any locali'y in Ameri ca, winter or summer, as it will neither sour or freeze at any temperature that t hu man can occupy with safely. It is not too strong for children, o’- tw< weak for the most robust. Tii-re i. in trouble about taking it, only to unstop The livid, e and drink it whenever you waul it. It fa’ gained a very high reputation in every lo cality it has bad a fair and honorable chance to prove itself, at any point. JUST AMERICA. and it has been used in even State south, of Maine, and it is alike applicable to dieor dors of the Liver and Digestive Fowris at all places yet tried. Traveling poetic- North and South, carry it, and find tii“ hap py effects of it in all climates. The abort named Medicines prepared only by O. S. PROP HITT, Corner Walton and Broad Streets. Atlanta, Ga. For sale in Cartersville by Best <&, Kirk patrick, Druggists, Also by L. Bennett o. Bro \ov. lS.—l^-. r. m. mmiAß&mx, DEALER IN ! TCYE3, GRATES HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS TIN WARE} &C Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, • jan 1, ISA T. ■ ... j Jt\ K IMU, Km i*h . Fra "[■' ’ ,l- rrr tell .* • F| •*. and If llilik ti.J.j null In, k I. . /V\ . . M'.inmu‘*. t, ’ f. M -lOi.VON.K.v * N I.rml*, m. etri.eo ar. i.t .». tin tir»t ku4 TM.d -a Xf Tuc.l y nivh ain each ih»i tl-.fiuai U.r lit c,.,|l Ift liny, ini in. the t«» T»ea — «.v i.ljltk font 1.1 Mur umlt Ist Oct..*»< . „ I'. IV. K. I‘FAI W K, tl. I*. A. V BRADSHAW. Etowah I.oruy No. 8., T. O. of 0. T. torcts every Tliumlnv ui-rlif, iti MiYkou i u ‘ 1*• it- ov» r Cun v’h Uniff Su»re. U. fc>. Patti ixo, 'IJ. Xi. Cut iom. I W. S. \\ C. T. 'IP j? TANARUS! <-syniptow a « liver sum* ii SIMMONS * II UlilllUUllU , the I, |„ J * ' tnUrnl mi for rli*uii R> .* ** rc '*' l loft ,vs i, I -l-'lmv. 1,, crerr.l c.fir-, Mm-.ritn,., -cl I.*m g slit, ax 1 hi- l.cnti If IrvaMr.l n 11. ~ain. *k-t t■' . f S.-1.1.M1. I . .-n*.i.trrk . 1 \ I 1/ M li* Ifw ol invnmrjr. arc ‘ f.. »■«»«’h»l sri.fiill i, ..f ha\ln( ... . . •••ft U'h|»ii« aoiurih'ha which •twl.l lisv e I evn r . on,-, cun, I. l*l In, nt «r-,k. IICM, J-l lllty »1.,l low *|.lr|«a. So H ,clt n f , Im> RO 'Vc »\ m|»t ups fcttrufl ihr nr»H nt u<hrr t|m,s4 vriy f.«• Os tfi-m; hut the Liver I* aanerath the ur tuN<* Cur% tbr I.lvir with P 11. SIMMONS* LIVE R E.EGTJLATOR. V i-t-iir.llon nf root* anil l.rb», warrartnl tab* *t, Vt'y veert -l.'r. *n.| c-n .la „o Injury to n,r onr. It ■'»» fiern li«cd hy humlrvC*. auS bnown' for th. l«-t ",try-fit «■ year* *, oienfll,. U, t rttiuacliiaa > tul harmlrra t„i p-rntl >,i* cvrr > flVn il t* he nuilrrli'g It tiikcii rcgntarly atid |Mr(Utaj|M, tl if sine In cu r. r •' I ” I ■|>.T»r*|>*’*, Lvadaih.. ja.a --• Koo-llljitor I costivei rs», .i,-k s»»d- I O 'll 1 * Chun |e ilUiri m, af. , j If*Cil'ai* us the bind tn can u itVieafcry, aOrcMna* of it,,,*, Over, nrrv..*.. nesf. chill*. rtlrc»*e* or the skin. In',purity nt Ihc bio, 4 TteUttcliiily, or and. pres»i on -I spirits, beinhurr. cll«. or pit;,! in tie h.-wcl*. p*| n i. ,hc hcait, frvar ai-d Hyttr, tii'P’cy. Holt*. p»'n 1 1,„ h nr |t »,.H || m h*, a.ifc. m», cryslpclaj, feinal* (iff ctl ns, and bilious di-rasM generally. I’ only by J. A Cos. Mac n, (*l Prico ; hy mull, $1.25. Thv frl <ntf high y perron* <*nn fullj attest to ti e virtues of thi* v>tlui*ble aud lo ft/iom v e-nrcttu’lv »# trr : , s S b‘ It (’ mps IV ;n- T. I I. F.-liter, I erry, O. l. T. |( >w' », dlnauy. O*; . J '-utitvrd, *fq , Otnuluomr .* \Y It J . O M M r.. a, K-tt.. rhcnif IJilih county; -I A llutt*. i,*.|,r,rlil*r C» • Dyke Hinl Bpa.hawk, F.ljtor, Kl, •. Inn. TalUt As.caJ bev. j w Hurke. Msnan, Ga.; Yir,l| p .wrr* r-u pcr.r.temlent 8 W It It.; D,„t. I B u |!»,«i, Hullat.l * A'a tlen, Macon and Bm s-vieli |{ K., T*y-n c .„ n >r U- • ff'ccnvtlle Wimil, Wood.. M.scr, n.'-Rtv ’ P K r *< " n-e; MIJ. A V Ueolcy, Klirjston. Kill or, Tcleu.auh. F-.r *ale by nil . ru c y Ist a. KOItSALKIN CAKTKRBVIM.E [tv BEST A KIRKPATRI k, janlO-ndm Dray tsf. Marble Dealer. JAMES VAUGHAN, Carters! Hie, (i n fl would snnnucce to mv friend* ami the public generally, that I uin now preperpd to furnish MO Ml ME NTS, TOOMHS, HEADS! OXES. I SI.KUS. 4,t. piomptly, to those deni mg mirk work. TALLINN. GEDLIV or AMERICAN MARGIE, t# uit purchaser*. I flatter myself that the faeil* : ms which I have estulilished for proi tiling Marble, together with 20 years experience, •vill enable nte to compete surrcHstutlv with my other person in litis business. Believing hat 1 can please the most factitious, I hope to merit a literal slnttc of public patronage. Ary u p wishing to procure marble, would lind i To their interest to call at my residence and examine some beautiful designs of monument* ’e. recently receive I. apri|l.69 |y VN EORGI A, B MtTOW COUNTY—Wlterw \ T a*. Levi D. Jolly. Administrator of Win S. Jolly, tleceased. represents to the Court, in his petition duly fil'd, and entered on re cord, that lie has fully administered Wm St. lolly’s eslaio; this is, therefore, to citeall persons concerned, kindred and creditor* to -how cause, if any they can, why said admin •strut or should not be discharged from hi* tdm'nistraiion, and receive letters of dismis • ion oil the first Monday in Juno, 1870. Feb. th, 1870. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. BC TRADE MARK OED QAItOUNA JITTERS. V DELIGHTFUL TOIVIC We fake great- yileastire in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. i ths public. Tin y arc compounded with «rre»t «*r*. till cnnts'n seme of the best Tome.* In the I’baritneov in. As evlilcnce of the superiority of our Bitter* ■ ve- all other*, we have certificates fr- in many of th* ea.ling in our Btate, who Imre prescribe* ’.etn in ihctr pract ce. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS* Will be found invaluable lor Want of Appetite, Genera! Debility, Chills;anit Fever and l>ysp»pel«. We do not offer our Blltsrs a* acure for aii dl-cssefr nit as an Ar-io Ht ; c Tonic, they have no equal. Fo: sale by »li DruynD s amt Grocers every where For sale in Carl ersville by A.«. III'DGINi. GOODRICH, WIK'EMAN &CO-, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals. March 31, lo7d--ly. Chat Jetton, 8. 0, Cl. o. SOGERS, No l* Decatur Street. Atlanta, Georgia* MMt VIALUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS And deal e r in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE HARNESS SKIRTING. ENAMEL AND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER, Childrens’ Carriages. Fine Carriages aad BUGGIES’ I INDIANAPOLIS FA 1M WAGONS AND PARTS. The nitention of Farmers and Teamsters s called to the large stock of Vngt us and Harness; also ALE | Kinds of SAI>DIdI« and everything usually kept n a first-class Saddlery House— Wholesale and Retail. Also, for sale, Boys’ Three-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27—wlj