The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 02, 1870, Image 4

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?EASE & His WIFE. RESTAURANT- ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 'll-8 MODEL IIOU&B 18 STILL Ti!E PJliafi OF Till: j£L Pi It rJ ' r.J |f?3 [J £j Jui J» J_i via iL ill S a Merchants aur| Kann<*r». Stranger**, and Citiicna, Ladies and fient'.e*M**n. cunnnt de alt Kliich ic arlniii p i, *t, Jk, Ills Wife, or the Luxuries oTllicrr Ta . Cos n». ol I tbMcs. m l brine; the children, and your knitting. Pori** Hoy**, an*l bring tut* one you made stic.i r isii prinn ses to, out ut the Lamp (teting, and iny w«Vr<T for it. you will go home liking Pease ci His Wile, and your Swcet e*»rt better than anybody in the \V >rid. , May 12th, 1670 ts. m, •IfHOUS.ME AND F.ETf !l DRUGGIST, NO- « WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA GA Offers njdcndid indiiccuiciif s. and till who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to ive him a call, Pay* special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Glass, Fine Medicinal amb warns* Kvrrything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. -*»*> — - NOTIC2 SPECIAL Daily Drain from the “ICE COLO SODA FOUNT” All th-K man could cspcct in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lahsdell challenges his Coll ,petit, rs to produce the fluid as near the freezing point us h,s. lhe coolest and 1,1 11,, ‘ VV/A.''£?* SAWtit'ff, S'o, 11> Whitehall Ht., Atlanta, Ga. j Mat 12 1870 ly. ‘ _ ' RUSS EL L ft GO’S 0 AT THE GIUREATH WARE-HOUSE. Call and see the Machines and see what l I! arrant them lo do. Cartersville, May 12. ROBERT BRICE. A. Ll3¥D EA , General oommission -Merchant, l r m M. WILLI tltjr, LtsU-orWiu.M Williams & Cos. No. 18. Alabama sir., Atlanta, Ga. SOLE AGE rsLT FOR AUOUSTA FACTORY SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. DRILLS* ATHENS MANUFACTURING- COMPANY Yarnes, Stripes, Checks. Goods in Store anti f >r Sale at Manufacturers’ Prices from the following: rSagie and Fheonix Manufacturing Com pany. Tronp, Hopewell and Annawaka FaCtc rics and Ficneer Paper Mill. SO/E ALENGY OF ROGERS' CELE3R AJEi ] BIRD’S EYE LI RISE. Controlled since 19G6, by IVin. M. V. illiams & Bro. Hydraulic Cement. PI: sler, Pure Broun and Pcric, {Hun’s Raw-Bone Super-Phosphate No, on nonsignment a full stock of FLOUR (Choice Brands) direct from best Ten les see and Kentucky Mills. 3ACON- LARD- CORN, OATS HAY-HTC.- FROM PACKERS AND PRODTCERS apr 27 wly, > „ „ m > M , ~, . . ~ . HnTime Is. MS©n®y I MARK E. COOPER, Ooiieml Commission Morehant, Will till Orders nn<l Sell l' on fair terms to all. KO. 4, BROAD STR., ITLWTA. (>A. mch 15-w6m llc‘ji(lqiiart< > i , .s sou Toys & Taney Ooods. Manufacturer of CAN D IIS! ‘in «'a sis, DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND WILLOW WARS Wedding and SIITVUS, #c.„ Gotten eip In the best style, at short A’olicc ! w e would respectfully call tl.e attention of the public to our arge and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at ho LOWEST CASH PIICIES. \\ HITEII ALL STKEET, ATLANTA, CA. march 10,wly . . , C A € g fia c 2iin ® Shop. i The undersigned would respectfully inform tli. 1 public that, having opened a 'oundiy and Machine Hhop in (J; rtersviile, he is prepared to manufacture all inoa of v " M AGHINER Y, TEAM ENGINES. COTTON PRESSES, SUGAR MILLS HORSE POWERS. MILL GEARING, ETC. Also, CASTINGS, of description; HOLLOW WARE, GRATES, STORE TONTS AND FENCES; All kinds of MACHINERY REPAIREO in the most fcrfect manner. Highest marke price paid for SCRAP IRGN, BRASS, LEAD BPPER ? and zinc: iam prepared to compete with Northern Establishments 1 price and quality of work, and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. L „ B. SCOFIELD l» **<|viHe, G) , January 1, <B7O. Merelmnf, y 4 O. 4, BROAD STR., inch 15-wGm CH AMBEKLIN, BuYNiUN 6. C 0.,; DcilkTY ill DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Aa cl Retail# At In ntii, Geol-j; iu . Our stock of i<s I)i*y-Goo(1h is now com plete, in :i!l departments, and we solicit an examination of our stock, from both whole . sale an i re.ail cash customers. Our Wholesale Department is entirely separate from i»ut f Retail Department. We also have just received the Largest Stock of Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Wool GarpetS, 2 and :5 Ply Floor Gil Cloths, all widths, Damasks, Reps & Window Shades, Ever offered in Atlanta, and are offering ihetn at prices to dnrrespmid with the re cent heavy decline in all kinds of Merchan dize. inch 30-wßm Wholesale and Retail HAT STORE, ,u/..1/ & A JLEXAA'OE SI. 42 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. e'7~~2i REG LKVVK TO INFORM OCR KKIKN!) 1 , *n<l ull who |iurch i.e fcfeTf 4 (*„..<(* ill 111 *nia*k t, that we hi e fL 4ri —-3® <iw tareivfnc. »tn! have It Stop me ol the largest stock, if lhe best and latest style* of Hitts, Caps and Straw Goods , ever opened in lhe v ity, that we propose to offer to the trade. We our Goods direct from the mail ufacturers, by the p tekajp?, which eu b es us to sell here at as I. w Price* as the g-orts can be purchased *ll any Northern City, of which we are prepared to tiive satisfactory evidences. We most respectiullj solicit a celt from all wlshliff to purchase, feeling oonlidtnt we will be a* le t.< meet their views in qua - tty, style and pr ce. We think it would not be amiss to stale that our Goods are all new, haling Deeu bought within Use la-t twenty days. BOY’S HATS made a specialty. Respectfully, met. 30—w2ra SALMONS & AL' XAXDKR. W. 0* EDWARDS, lIAS NOW READY FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION in case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent for Ertvia & .lojics’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AMO FOR Wi, Goidsimth’s WOOD COPFINS. he Notifies Af.L, that lie is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7th,—tf. DR. SH ALLEN BERGER’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops fbe Chills. This Medicine has been before the Pub lic fifteen yearn, and is f-till ahead of all other known remedies. 11 does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, an 1 is the only Medicine thatwill CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to Malaria. Bold by all Druggists. R. 11 R i_) 1)1 NG, ByALEIt IN STOVES, GRATES, AKD LIGHTNING RODS, PLAIN, PRESSED AND JAPANED TIN WARE, 4 AND House Furnishing Goods, MaUx STH.. CaETKIISVII/IjE, (in. All kinds of Job Work done with ncainess md dispatch. Tne firm of Strange & Redding having been dissolved, by mutual consent, I will continue the business at the old stanch feh 15 wly 11 KLIMUNG. FOR SALE, A FARM Containing 220 acres, at Cass Station on the W. .V A. R. K. with two new Dwellings; one has a never failing Spring, the other a good well of water. The latter within one-fourth, and the former within one-half mile", of the Depot There! is one hundred and fifty acres of level grass ! land, well watered. Can be made a fine Stock and Fruit farm. Ilavimg a different ■ soil well adopted to every variety of fruits, j grains, an 1 grasses. Fifty acres well tim bered, anl one hundred acres timber partly cut ofl\ Can be divided into three settle ments." Five miles North of Cartersville, and fifty-three of Atlanta. W. T. WOFFORD, Cartersville, Ga. May 19, Im. BARTOW LAND FOR SALE INTENDING to move Wedward this Fall, I am now offering for sale 320 acres of Etowah River hand, lying in the. Stamp Crock District, about 10 miles East of C'ar tersville, and four miles East of the old Eto gah Ivon Works. On the tract there are about 90 acres cleared land, about 65 acres river bottom, tbebahmee well-timbered. The Dwelling is a comfortable framed house, with four rooms, and two fire-places, good out-buildings, good well of water; and alto gether as healthy and convenient, as any plantation in Bartow County Two other setth ments on the place. Terms Cash.— For further particulars apply to, or address, me at Cartersville or the premises. May 19, 3m, JAMES KEEVER. The Express. u ’V*' -- y Cartersville, Ga., Jnne 2, IS7O. Tue, i;. an Hotel, Atlanta This jiopuLtr aud excellent hotel is un der the sole control of Mr. Hatcher, who has recently bought the interest of his partner, ,\Jr. Stark. Mr. Hatch er is an energetic and whole-souled gentleman, aud “knows how to keep a hotel.” Under his management the American is bound to flourish, and we commend this hotel to the tiaveling community and the public generally, as one of the best in Die Gate City foi cuisine, good beds, prompt waiters ; m last, but not least, low prices to sui the times. “Pabis By Sunlight and Gaslight. —We have received from the Nation al Publishing Company, in Atlanta, : book entitled as above. Tue book r descriptive of the Mysteries and M.te rics, the Virtues and Vi es, Splendor? and Crimes of the city of Paris. It i? sold by subscription ouly, and agent? are wanted in every county. Address National Publishing Company, Atlan ta, Ga. Preaching at the Passenger De pot. The second appointment was filled by Rev. R. B. Lestor, paster of Mul berry Street Methodist Church. Tin congregation was good and much in terest was manifested under the preach ing of the word. On last Sabbath (the 15th,) Rev. J. Blakely Smith, pas tor of First Street Methodist Church, preached to an attentive congrega tion, from I. Cor. vi. 19, 20. The services were closed with an earnest exhortation by Dr. Willis, of the Pres byterian Church, and everything con nected with the appointment is encour ing. Many persons listen eagerly to the preaching of the Gospel at this place who seldom, if ever, hear it at ne regular places of worship. From the experiment, thus far, the laborers feel much encouraged, and fondly hope that in tlie “great day” it will be found that tlie seed here sown has produced at least thirty if not one hundred fold. So. Chr Adv. 20 ozen Urais l atent Grain luaum. Fan AXillts. 150 Wlieat Threshers. kis 1 lorse Powers. 10 Threshers and Cleaners Combined. bend lor catalogue and price list. A Conundrum Exploded. —Most of our readers are familiar, no doubt, with tlie somewhat intiquated, but al ways successful, conundrum, concern ing the females of the feline family.— The question was, what is it that a cat has which no other animal can have, and the answer, of course, kittens.— But after the publication of a little in cident which occurred iu this city on 1 riday night last, we rather think that the cat conundrum will be effect ually exploded. On the night in ques tion a female cat belonging to Mr. Stephen Faugh man, who resides neai the corner of Line and Walker streets, not only did have kittens, but did have rabbiis. Several parties have seen these extraordinary specimens of cat fruit and testify to the truth of the fact stated. The rabbits are two in number, are of a gray color and per fectly formed. At the same time om kitten was born, but came into the world in a very dilapidated condition, being entirely destitute of eyes or nose. —Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel. A •Sum” Snake. [Flora the Paducah Herald. J Here is the biggest snake story that has been put on the market this sea son. Graves Cos, Ivy., May 7th, 1870. Col. Noble: 1 give you below a description of a snake seen on the O bion, as it was related to me by twe gentlemen. They were planting corn on the creek bank (little Obion) wlnn their attention was called to wliut they supposed to be an ox, by his blowing some forty yards down the creek from them. r Jhey thought the ox had come : through a water gap, and from the ; cracking of the brush, was making bis way into the farm. "When they had advanced some twenty paces they dis co vere the objecG of the ; r disturbance not to be an ox, but a monster snake laying its full length in the field, with its head erect at least six feet from the ground. It was at least forty feet in length, its head was as big as a bushel basket, and it had spots on it as large as a pock t-handkerchief. About this time they gave Lightfoot notice to leave there, which fifgbtered the snake and lie gave a whistle as loud as a 10-1 1 comot \e, ad ail at once started with twice the speed of a locomotive, break ing brush as large as'a mm’s arm, and tearing up shrubbery geuerally. Af ter they got over their flight they went back and saw brush as large as a man’s arm the snake had broken. I vouch for the truthfulness of these gentlemen who saw this monster snake. A Subscriber. Whites ami Blacks Unite for Re form. Charleston, May 17.—One of the largest mass meetings ever held in this city took place last night, under a call for citizens of all classes, colors and political parties, to inaugurate a movement for retrenchment and re form in the State government. This was the first occasion on w hich there has been a cordial political com mingling of the while and colored citi zens of Cha: let tun. The officers of the meeting, as well as the speakers, were both white and colored. A mix ed delegation was appointed to repiv sent Chariest >li in the State Hefurm Convention t> be held in Columbia, July 15th, and to which the other! counties are invited to send delegates. I Groat enthusiasm prevailed, Million uuf>\—Win. B As toe is de clared by those who ought to know to represent $50,000,000; A. T. Stewart $40,000,000; Coniehns VaudeibiU $30,000 000; Daniel Drew’, $(1,000,( 00; Geo. Law $6,000,000; August B*-ln oat $5,000,000, Samuel N. Pike $7 000 000; Tas. IVk. Jr., $6,000,000; J.ts. Lena? $5,000,000; aud two or three hundred others are variomly estimated from 2 to smi lions. There are a (lions u and persons in New York who are worth at the lowest calculation (5,000,000 a piece. Hie general conuni tee appoint ed bv the Baptist Cote. eution to su perintend the removal of Mercer Uni versity, meets in Atlanta, August otl. The sub-eonunittee appointed to re licit proposals fora location of Merc University consists of Mess’s. W R Mansfield, W. T. Bra t tlv, J. D. Stew art, E. W. Warre* , J. G. Ryals, P. P. Robinson, Daniel Walker, and F. ? . Daniel. M hcer Untv usury and its loca'ioi is worse than a home between a dozei dogs. Newnan has la id a meeting and resolved to go her bottom a- Ilai on it. Greensboro, Oo'ingtoit. Madi son Mi net D lion and R* o dt'e. Atlanta, as usu-1, ■■snuffeth tli-• I attle afar off,’’ and has ; p inted a huge committee of her richest, men to solicit co itributii ns for tho cause. M j. M trk A. Coojjer ad dr-: s e l the August i R.tihoad Conventu n in behalf of the projected railroad from * tianta to Decatur, ns pressed upon the attention of the stockholders y Judge Wyatt, thinking the connec tion could best bn made by the Car ters villi & Van Wert Radio and, involv ng less expenditure in cons, ruction by that route.—Augusta Const. Colored Passengers. - The United States Circuit Court, sitting in Balti more, lias decided that where a rail road car is especially’ provided for col ored passengers, equally good in all respects with any provided for white passengers, tho colored traveler has no l iglit to insist upon a seat in an other car. The Census. —The taking of the cen sus for the year 1870, commences on the first of June. The first question asked by lhe census taker is: “How old are you ?” Begin to count up la dies, that you will make no mistake.— You will also be asked if you afe mar ried, and so, how you Lke the iustitu tion. A paper is going the rounds about a girl in Chester, Vt., dying from tight lacing. An editor, commenting on the fact, says; ‘These corsets should be done away with; and if the girls can’t live without being squeezed, we sup pose men can be found who would sac rifice themselves. As old as we are, we would rather devote three hours a day, without a cent of pay, as a brevet corset, than see t hese girls dying off in that manner. Office hours almost any time.’ Death from Playing at Base Ball. — M . Parish Carter, son of Col. Samuel Cirter, of Murray county, died very suddenly, at Norwood Institute, Vir ginia, on the sth instant, of inflamma tion of the bowels produced by over heat in playing at base ball. Judge Jesse Lamberth, of Rome has made 1 700 couples happy in his life time. The judge, it apppears, was a bachelor until a few days ago, when an estimable young lady named Miss L mgstoii appeared and captured the L im-berth and the goods and chatties thereunto pertaining. Louisv llk, May, 13.- The first step in tho suit brought by the Campbell heirs, who claim over one-half of the i ity—three thousand acres, valued at seventy million dollars —was taken. In tlie Haller of Blair & Rra«t slinw—Bankrupt*- ALb Persons indebted to the late firm of BLAIR & BRADSHAW, are hereby notified to come forward and settle their debts at once, as in default thereof they will be proceeded against as lhe law directs- JOHN COX, Assignee, Cajtersville, Ga., April 20 1870— 40ds Ordinary’ Notice. 1 HEREBY NOTIFY parties making ap plication for Exemption of Personalty and Setting apart and Valuation of Home stead, OT’ either of them, if they fail to at tend on the day appointed, without legal ex cuse, their applications will be dismissed and a cost fi fa issued against them. Those who haved already applied, had better at tend to it at once. J. A. HOWARD, May 12, 1870. Ordinary B. B. Guardian Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, Geor gia, will be sold before the Crurt House door of said County, in Cartersville, on the first Tuesday in June next, within tiie legal hours of sale, the interest of Jesse J. Davis, minor, being One-sixth undivided interest in the following lots of Land, to wit: J\os. 283. 281, 285, 293. and 356, all in the 4th District and 3rd Section of Bartow county, Georgia. Sold for the benefit of said minor. Terms, Cash. JOHN A. ERWiN, Guard’n. Cartersville,’ Ga.. April 27th, 1870 —tds Atlanta Stencil & Variety Works! BEN. Z. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Stencil Brands, Steel Dies, Steel Block Stamps, Burning Brands, Beast Alphabets, and all Articles kept in a first class STENCIL HOUSE. TRICE LIST OFMAIL A HLE A RTICLES Stencil Name Plates for mark’g cloth’g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping key* together, 25c New Style key tag, with name neat eng. 25c Perpetual Almanac, the most ingenious little article of the age, ° 50c Any of the articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of price, or the whole of them for 25 Address BEN. Z. DUTTON, Lock Box 351, mch 22-wly Atlanta, Ga. N. B.—Circulars sent free. W I—A* ANTED, an active man, in each county in the Slates, to travel and take orders by sample for ILA, COll Llv, and SPICES. To suita. blc men wc will give a salary of S9OO to one thousand dollars a year, above t raveling and other expenses, and a reasonable com mission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper par ies. References exchanged.•- Apply to, or addresg immediately, J. PACKER 6c. CO. ‘Continental Mills,” 384 Bowery, York TILLISGHBTS PORTABLE 1-' K IN" C li (Patented April 7th. 18G3.) v<) ‘oniASJonw ) ' [, MUOf wuiaqw, y .j > ojni*! aqj 4<>j os u pun hi pii'w uopaof) ' ,)f> rfniliinoo oin Jb.l s.mioj s.qj jo 7q2u mi poßiMjojiid »avij i ‘ijosn jo jCjarjUA * oj paiditbw pirn ‘njdtmy •p.inoas -joiC pun • jaX ‘dtioqQ — k x.i.Hiut\{ ;»IJX Farm Right, $lO to $25, County Rights, $2lO ( o SSOO. Apl 28, 1870, ts. SALE OF VALUABLE MINING AN D Mineral Property. 4205 Acres Os EONTAINJNQ INEX HAUSTIBLE BEDS OF IRON ORE, lavo BLAST FURNACES, and WATER 3? O W HU JEZ, S TJPPI GIENT FOR RUNNING tii ii: 3i : RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST m e n t. WILL Be sold, by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Bartow County, Georgia, March Term, 18J0, before the Court House door, in the town of Car tersville, Ga.. to the Highest bidder, for Cash, on Tuesday, the 7th of June next, the property formerly known as the Lewis & Jones Furnace Place, now owned by Fulton &Cos Said property lies in Bartow Coun ty, conta'ns 4205 acres of land, and is situ ated from eight to twelve miles from the Western & Atlantic Railroad. It has on it, two blast Furnaces —one in au incomplete state, the other complete, but not run since the war—abundance of Sandstone conven ient ; ’urge quantities of timber, and inex haustible beds of the finest and best of Iron Ore, and a fine Stream of Water, (Stamp Creek,) on which the Furnaces are built, affording sufficient water at all times, to run the Furnaces. The property contains also a good Dwelling House, with outside im provcments, Fine Springs of Water, and the situation is perfectly healthy. The hinds are valuable, chiefly for timber and mineral pur poses. The ‘property was the basis of tt e magnificent fort une accumulated by Dr Jno. W. Lewis—was held in high esteem by him at. all times, be never having parted with Ins-entire interest in it during his life. It is now sold for the purpose of division among its various owners—titles perfect. The growing importance of the Iron business, the facility and cheapness with which it may be manufactured here, and its proximity to market, make this one of the finest opportu nities of investment now offering in the South. The following are the numbers of lots and parts of lots of which the property is com posed : 111, 134, 135, half of 140, 141, half of HB, 149, 150, 161,152, 153, 155, 171, 172, 173, 174,175 177 177 fourth of 182, 186. 190, 191, 205, 219, 222, 248, 5 acres of 112, all in the 22d District and 2d Section of Bartow County. .Lots contain 160 acres each. Parties desiring further information, can address the undersigned, or call on them in person, at Cartcrsville Ga. W. 11. TRITCIIETT, ) W. J. WILLIFORD. } Coin’rs. URIAH STEPEHNS. ) April 10, td. Agent for the sale of THE UNRIVALLED NON-EXPLOSIVE SOT OIL, Also, e REPAIRER UP JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AND WATCHES; Also keep on hand and for sale the above goods. Room in.the store of Simon Liebman, Cartersville, mch 22. I W. I! I C JACKSON l CD. CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING , AND PEOPRIFTOUS OF THK CARTERSVILLE STEAM PLANING MILL, Sash, Blind and Boor Factory. Smut MaoliineN made in quick time for the forthcoming wheat crop. CARTERSVILLE, GA. All kinds op lumber planed and Flooring and Ceiling Tongued and Grooved. Brackets, and all kinds of Scroll Sawing, for Ornamental ’* T ork, done to or der. Shop Work, of all kinds, executed with neatness and dispatch. Contracts made for LARGE JOBS.-AS® Our machinery is all new and of the very BF.ST QUALITY, having been selected bj one of the firm, (4111 experienced mechanic,) in person. •• The proprietors are all experienced and skillful workmen, among whom may be found Mr. W. A. REMMINGTON, who is known and acknowle Iged, by all, to be one among the best and finest workmen in the South. Our Mill is now in successful operation,, and its work is approved and admired by all who have seen it. It in located immediately on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, North of the Depot, in the roar of the new Court- House. Z. W. A M 0. JACKSON & CO., aug 10, Cartersville, Ga. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. 13011 the convenience of the citizens o‘ _ Atlanta, who desire to locate on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, md for residents on the road, who may visit to visit Atlanta daily, we will, on and After Mnj 15th, I *7O, dun an Accommodation Passenger Train be iveen Atlanta and Cartcrsville, with the ollowing time : iOING. RETURNING. »30 r. m., Leave Atlanta Arrive 9.00 a m >,61 p m., Arrive Bolton. Leave 8,36 ain >.OB p. m., Yinings. 8,18 a. m. >,23 p. u»., Smyrna. 8,01 a. m >,39 p m., Marietta, 7,45 a. m 7,07 p. m., Kenncsaw. 7,11 a. m, 7,26 p. m., Aew rth. 6,43 a. m. 7,45 p. m., Allatoona. 6,27 a, m 7,;>5 p. m., Stegall's. 6,15 a. m. 4 05 p. m., Etowah. 6,05 p. in 8,11 p. in, Arrive ( artcrsville Lcaveo,oopm SEASON TICKETS, Entitling the purchaser to travel FOR THREE MONTHS, will be sold at One Dollar Per Mile. I,OOd-Hile Ticket* at SBO. fiHapOther commutation tickets will bi «old upon application. The passenger car on tbo “Goober” will be taken off on the 15th May, after which that train will become a freight train. B. W. WKENN, Passenger and Ticket Agent. FOSTER BLODG.STT, Sup’t. A. L. HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisor Western and Atlantic Rail road. MALE I I School Ronald Johnston. ) Principals. S. C. Hi I Iyer. ) The first session of this .School will com mence Ist of August, and close the 18th of November, 1870. RATES OF TUITION. FIRST CLASS, per month, - - $2.00. SECOND “ “ “ - - 3.60. THIRD “ “ “ - - 5.00. No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protracted sickness, or by special arrangement. rriTIOM payable at the end of each quarter. The principals flatter themselves that by thus combining their experience and ener gies, they afford to the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the state. The course of studies will embrace what is usu ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough and aaT’Strict discipline will be rigidly en forced.,^? For further particulars apply to the prin cipals. CASTE K STILLE FEMALE SCHOOL, The first term of this school will begin on Ist MONDAY IN AUGUST, And close 4th Friday in Nov. The School will embrace three classifica tions of pupils. The Primary, including the Elementary branches; The Intermediate, embracing those pupils who have passed the first or primary grade, and are well grounded in the Elementary studies: The Classical Department, embracing the Languages, and the higher Mathematics. Rate* of Tuition laerI a er Month. Primary $2.00. Intermediate s.‘{.oo. Classical $5.00. * A competent Music Teacher will b3 con nected with the School, and the necessary instruments provided for all who desire to take music Lessons 1 .T times L. Pierce. J • Walt 01* Pritchett. LsGHT! Light:: Light : Witli ox- Without 3lcitsurc ! Conceal it Not!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Estrella Oil, Also, Deulcr in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS ETC., ETC. I can be found at Best & Kirkpatrick’s on Main Street, Cartersville. Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat rons. To all, I would say, come and ex amine for youi selves, as I intend to sell as Cheap as the Cheapest, Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the PETER MARSH. Cartersville, apr. 22. Harlow Mortgage Sheriff Sale, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the town of Cartersville, tho following Mort gage property, to-wit : ONE BLACK Mare mule, one two-horse wagon and harness, levied on as the property of Joseph Harris to satisfy a Mort gage .fi fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of John Jolley, vs said Jos eph Harris. Property pointed out in said fi fa. W W RICH, Sheriff. M. COLLINS, D. Sh’ff Ap 1 6, 1870. [prs fee $"». ALSO, at the same place, on the first Tues day in July next, the following Mortgage property: Lot of land, No. 238, and parts of 212, 240 and 242, in the lGth district and 3d sec tion of I'artow County, loved on ns the prop erty of Jessee Ansloy, to satisfy a Mortgage fi (a issued from Bartow County Superior Court in favor of the Georgia Petroliuin Company, against said Ansley. Property pointed in said fi fa. W.w. HIGH, Shff. May 8 ’7O. IN. COLLINS. D. Sliff. To Exchange for Town Proper ty. I HAVE one lot 160 acres, or two lots o f 320 acres, either or both or which I will exchange for property in the town of Cur tersvillo. The land is well improved, in good state of cultivation, five miles from the Railroad, in a henlty scctiou of country, and well adapted for stock-raising. I will make the exchange on fair terms. For further particulars, apply at this office. May 2d, 1870-tin. TIMER arrangement WESTERN HAIL WAV TL* Old Reliable Passenger Route TO ALL Northern, Eastern and Western Cities* CARRYING! GREAT SOUTHERN EXPRESS. THE ONLY ROUTE FROM ATLANTA BUNKING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH TRAIH, Preventing a possibility of twenty-four (24) hours’ delay, incident to linos having but one daily train. THE UNITED STATES MAIL, Between Atlanta A New York Is carried exclusively by this line. Through Passenger Trains Leave ./YT'I^JSiaLA. * 15 A. M.—7 OO P. M. Making close connections at Kingston for Canton, Memphis A New Orleans, AND I*ol NTS WEST. The Nashville & Chattannooga for Nashville and all Poinib North, East and West. PASSENGERS HAVE CHOICE OF TWENTY-SIX DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM ATLANTA TO N E W YORK. Pullman's Traveling Valuers ON ALL NIGHT THAJNB. The Best Eating Houses In the Country. No 3litliii «>l»t C'hanjreM. Finely Finished Cars Well Heated and Ventilated. QUICK TIME& SURE CONNECTIONS. Tickets for wulc at ail Ticket Of fice* ft»r point* reached by thin Line. FAIR SAME as by OTHER ROUTES. Baggage Checked Through. M c do not advertise .our Conductor!. Their deportment and attention do that. 11. W. lARENUN, General Ticket A’gt. A. E. HARRIS, Master of Transpor tation and Supervisor. FOSTER REOIMiETT, Superin tendent W. & A. R. R. March 24, 1870-ly. The 4|uieke*t and Best Route TO THE North, East, and West, Via LOUISVILLE. Two Daily Express trains run thrnu h from Nnah vllle to Louisville, making close connection with trains and boats for the North, East, and West. NO CIIANG lOF CARS FROM I.OriSVILLK | ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ac commodations than by any other. Secures Speed and Comfort, when traveling, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. THROCGII TICKETS AND BAGOAGK CITBCKB may be procured at Offices of N. A C. R. R., In Chat tanooga, and at all ticket offices throughout the South. W. H. KING, ALBERT FINK, O.P. A. Gen’l Sap’t. feb 24.-wly CHANGE T)F SCHEDULE. WESTERN * ATLANTIC R. R. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH 21st. Passenger T-ains w ill run on the Western A Atlantis K. B. as folio*a: GOING NORTH. No. 1. No. 3. No. IS. Leave Atlanta 7.00 P M 5.15 AM. 8.20 P M Arrive Kingston . .10.4S PM. 11.47 AM. 7.84 P M Leave Kingston 10.66 P M. 11.64 A M. 7.89 P M Arrive Dalton 1.16 AM. 2.00 PM. 11.30 A M Leave Dalton 1.26 A M. 2.15 P M Arrive Chattanooga.. 3.30 AM. 420 PM. .„ „ GOING SOUTH. No. 2. No. 4. No. 14. Leave Chattanooga.. 7.60 PM. 7.00 AM Arrive at Dalton 10.04 PM. 9.11 A M - Leave Dalton 10.09 PM. 9.21 AM. 2.00 A M Arrive Kingaton 12.13 AM. 11 45 A M. 6.18 A M Leave Kingston 12.28 A M. 11.52 A M. 6.23 A M Arrive Atlanta 4.14 A M. 8.17 PM. 11.00 A M Numbers 1,2, 8 and 4 RUN DAILY. 18 and 14. DAILY, except Ron dap. “ 1 and 2, Night Passenger Trains. “ 8 and 4, Day “ “ “ 18 and 14, Accommodation. IS W WRENN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent A E HARRIS, Master Transportation and Supervisor. Mch 22- Mch 22- Plantation E:tiui. This wonderful vegetable* restorative is the sheets anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Asa tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. Asa remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it if? superseding every othex stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate of frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro* duccd it becomes a stand ard article —a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers and Country Stores.