The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, December 21, 1871, Image 3

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standard and express, OAKTKRSVILLE, GA., DEC. 21, 1871. xToCA I- MATTE It S. vixssks. i;K<>. I*. Uowxi.L it Cos., anil 8. M. I’kttenoill A t 0., New York, and Gkikkin A Hoffman, Baltimore, newspaper advertising «ironts are duly authorized to contract for ad vertisements at onr lowest rates. Our Authorized Local Agent**. C. W. Harris, Stilesboro, Ga U. F. I’owkll, Morganton, Ga. T. F. Grkir EUijav, Ga. A. W. Blalock, Town Creek, Ga. T. L. Langford, Ludville, Ga. E. Ji. Oarpxntir ami H. 11. Galloway, Blue Ridge, Ga. *ear\Ve have in our Retail Dry- Goods Store the most superb and ele gant stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Laces, Em broideries, Hosiery and gen eral assorted stock of Dry Goods ever before offered by us, and we solicit in spection of our stock from' all. Sam ples sent on application. Chamberlin, Boynton & Cos., Cor. Whitehall & Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Ga. • The Largest and Most Superb Stock of Velvet Axuiinater, Body Brussels, Taixtstry Brussels, 3 ply, Ingrain and Cheap Carpets, Cnrtains, Floor Oil-Cloths of ull widths, and House Furnishing Goods now on Exhibition and for Sale at Extremely low prices, at The Carpet Store of Chamberlin, Boynton & Cos, Cor. W. Sc H. Streets, Atlanta, Ga. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 ill: fill'.owing names arc Suggested as suita ble persons for a Hoard of Commissioners for jlie to*vn oi ' artersville : Col. J. G. M. Mont gomery, Col. R. A. Crawford, F. M. Ford, K. L. t ilitrs, and James B. Conyers. Manx Vurails. Tmc following mime, are proposed for Town Commissioners for the year 1873 : K. W. Mur phy, Nelson Gilreuth, John Callahan, Alfred Williams, and 'Alios. M. Compton. Citizens. THK following names are respectfully sug gested for Councilman for the yearlß72 : Thos. ■stokely, Nelson Gilrenth, W. T. Wolford, J. C. Maddox, and Aarou Knight. Many Citizens. COUNCILMEN FOlt 1873, K. N. Gower, A. P. Wofford, J. T. Owen, Gkorok Satterfield, M. 11. McGinty, The above ticket has our influence and votes bt the election for Couueilmen for Cartersville, Jan. 6,1873. Many Citizens. ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce the name of John A. Gladden as a candidate for the office of Constable of the Town District at the approaching election. Dec. 21st, 1871. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY AMUSEMENTS. On Tuesday, the 26th December, at the a uir Grounds at 12 m., Mr. Styles’ Dexter will run against Mr. Davis’ Lujhtfvct, owners riding. Immediate ly after tiiis there will be a pacing race between Capt. Styles’ Mack and Thos. Tumlin's lately imported mare. As soon as the races are over, the youug men of Cartersville will have a Tournament, and at night a supper. 100 Boxes Window Glass—all sizes— just received at Loyless Drug Store—for sale at Atlanta prices and freight. Superb lot of Handkerchiefs. Extracts Colognes, Toilet Powder Setts, &c., for the Ladies at Loyless. 2000 Dss White Lead on hand and to arrive at Loyless. Mammoth Stock of Fresh and Pure D* , ugsjust received— No old goods o erd— Entire Stock Fresh at Loyless. Large Stock of Linseed, Kerosene, Tan ners, Lard, and other Lubricating Oils, now being received at Loyless. I propose to sell any tiling in my lino at Atlanta figures and freight—Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean what I say. Loyless. Payne A Satterfield’s In tlie place to buy your Pro visions at astonishingly low prices. Oct. 17tf I mean what I say.—ls you owe me come and pay. I Need tub Money. No Joke ! J. T. Owen. Payne tV Satterfield have the finest Bar in town, and keep the best liquors. Go and see them. Oct. 17tf All who are in need of a good Shave Hair Cutting, etc., should call on Essex Choice, who is ready at all times to serve them in the best and latest styl« of the onsorial art. 2. Payne dt Satterfield will not he undersold. All they ask is a trial, and satisfae tiou is guaranteed. Oct. 17tf Gjexts Hand made French calf Boots at very low prices at Howard & Ramsaur’s. If you want the best Cigar you ever smoked, go to Payne A Satterfield’s and get it. Oct. 17tf Job-Work done at the Standard & Ex press office must be paid for before taken rom the office. We work at cashprices. Everything in the Jewelry line for les B than New York retail prices. Plated goods of all kinds at Manufactu rer’s prices. J. T. Owen. All persons indebted to the Express, up to October 28th ult., for Subscription, Ad vertising and Job Work, would do well to call and settle immediately. This is posi tively the last call. TO those who are bowed down by nervous Debility, and despair of ever recovering the vigor and mien of manhood, we earnestly re commend Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters. Before they have finished the first bottle, they will Teel the restorative principle at work in every portion of their broken-down systems and hope will spring up in their hearts. Jfo case of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Intermittent Fever, Rheumatism, Gout or kidney disease, can resist this unequalled vegetable tonic which is unpolluted by any distilled or fer mented liquor. decl4-4w. notice. After this date we will cease toll. But will keep on hand for supply of all grados of Flour and fresn ground Corn. Meal, Grits, Ac. . Corn and -"SF* marke i ACO ad W heat. *• v.Dec. SUtISTI. maj, McFarland, of the U. S. Egineerw, was in our town last Friday, for tht purjiose of making arrangements preparatory' to making* survey of the Etowah river between this point and Home, in order to open said river to navi gation. Major McFarland informed us jthat this was a link in the great chain of the Atlan tic and great Western Canal project. The route has already bee* surveyed from Home west ward, and another ’party is now engaged in the survey of the section from the head waters of the Oemulgee river westward to Little river in Cherokee county ; and lie proposes, as soon as he returns from Washington city, whither he has been called, to enter upon the survey of the section from the mouth of Little river to Rome. He speaks enconragingly of the enterprise. RS. The Election.—We have justbeen to the pells and deposited our vote. We voted for Bmith, who is ahead by a about 40 votes, There seems to be but little interest taken in the election ; up to the present writing not a sin g\efr*tdinan has exercised hi* right* at the polls at this place. We supi>ose Bulloch has acted so badly that they are disgusted with making governors, and have concluded not to be re sponsible for putting another man in office. Notwithstanding all this we say hurah ! for Smith. n The Weather, at the present time is spring like and pleasant. Occasional we have a sud den, dashing little shower of rain, which re minds us very much of April. The “almvnic" «//#ais of cold weather before or after Christ inas! or some time sooner or later, and every body had better look out and be ready for it when it does come. Matrimonial.—Several matrimonial allian ces are in contemplation here and there and yonder, and in the regions round about. We have received something less than a dozen ap plications to tie the nuptial knot, ere the close of the present year. We always enjoy such occasions very much indeed and do not object to their frequent occuneuee provided wc can be present. Dental.—l)r. D’alvigny whose office is on East main street, has teeth that are false yet sharp and white and neat, and can lit you with as good and nice a set, as any man in this or any other state “you bet” Go or come, and see the doctor and see his teeth, and you will be pleased with both, for the doctor is a skillful workmen, a polite and accommodating gentleman, and his work, we think, will compose favorably with the very best of the sort.-and will 1111 the bill or the mouth of the most fastidious. We have seen ome of his specimens und consider them to be a» line us any we ever saw. CHRISTMAS is coming!—W. H. Wikle has a uirc lot ot (.(mlci'tiQueries and Fire-works for sale at his establishment, in front room of the I ost Office, lie also keeps a llrst-class lot of Writing Paper. Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, etc Call on him if you want things cheap. NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. Agreeahle to the time-honored custom of the press, there will be no paper issued from tiiis office next week, in order to give all hands— editors, printers and devils an opportunity to engage in the Christmas hol idaj fetivities and sports. We will issue only au Extra to legalize advertisements. We hope to appear again on the 4th day of January, 18<2, with our paper much enlarg ed and in new dress. Until then, we bid our patrons and friends a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Christmas is at Hand. —And Messrs 11. A. & 11. M. Clayton, of this place, has on hand a fine lot of Christmas Presents, Toys, Fire works, and, in fact, every thing to please the children, and rejoice the hearts of the youth, and to cheer the spirits of the older people. In other words, old Santa Claus has established his head-quarters at this house Go down children, youth, young and old folks and take a peep at the very many pretty things on exhibition at this store. EMORY COLLEGE. The Board of Trustees of this institution met on the Bth and reorganized the college, and it now has tho following Faculty : Osborn L. Smith, D. I)., President, and Professor of Moral arid Mental Science. Hon. William H. Chambers, of Alabama, Vice President,’land Professor of English Language and Literature. Rev. George W. W. Stone, A. M., Profes sor of Mathematics. ltev. I. S. Hopkins, A. M. M. D., Profes sor of Natural Science. Rev. Morgan Callaway, D. D. Professor of the Latin Language. John Marshall Doggett, A; M., of Virgin ia, Professor of the Greek Language. Rufus W. Smith, A. M., Principal of the Academical Department . Suspension of the Press Tax. — In ac cordance with the application of the pub lishers of Atlanta, the Slate authorities have ordered a suspension of the tax on the Press until the next meeting of the General Assembly, in January next, when the mat ter will be more fully investigated. Dec. 21st, 1871 GRANT’S NEPOTISM. The President has revised, for the Times, the list of his relations holding office under him gathered by the Sun, and the Times publishes the same with that guarantee of correctness —so far as it goes.— N. Y. World. I. Jesse Root Grant, President’s father, Postmaster at Covington, Ky. 11. The Rev. M. J. Cramer, President’s brother-in-law, Minister to Denmark. 111. Brevet Brigadier-General F. T. Dent. President’s brother-in-law, colonel of artil lery, ono of the illegal military secretaries at the White House. IV. Geo. W. Dent, President’s brother-in law, Appraiser of Customs, San Francisco. V. John Dent, President’s brother-in-law. exclusive Indian trader in New Mexico; place worth something less than SIOO,OOO. VI. Alex. Sharpe, President’s brother-in law, Marshal of the District of Columbia. VII. James F. Casey, President’s wife’s brother-in-law, Collector of the Port of New Orleans and electioneering agent for the re nomination of Grant by means of United States soldiers and Gatlin guns. VIII. Silas Hudson, President’s cousin, Minister to Guatemala. IX. Orlando H. Ross, President’s cousin, clerk in Third Auditor’s office, Washing ton. t X. Peter Casey, President’s wife’s broth er-in-law’s brothor, Postmaster at Vicks burg. XI. S. T. Lambert, M. D., President’s second cousin, Receiver of Public Moneys Olympia, W. TA NARUS.; said to be a defaulter, but retained in office by his cousin. XII. Alexander Sharpe, Jr., President’s wife’s nephew, cadet at Annapolis. XIII. Frederick Dent Grant, President’s son, second lieutenant Fourth Cavalry; gone to Europe on sham service of the General of the Army. Tiin 11. I. Kimball House is advertised for sale by the Sheriff. Colored Church festivals in Bainbridge raise more rows than money Washington, December 16.—Agricultu ral reports indicate that the cotton crop will be about 3,500,000 bales San Francisco, December 16.—There is a bill pending in the State Legislature for a cable to Japan and China. The I ao sr Duty.— lron in Glasgow costs sls a ton. Here, in Washington it costs S3O. It is said that Wlson failed in his effort to reconcile Grant an Sumner. Stereoscopic View’s of the Ruins of Chicago is the latest new show’. After a clergyman had united a happy pair not long ago, an awful silence ensued which w r as broken by a youth exclaiming : “Don’t be so unspeakably happy.” A lady on being asked by a gentle man. “What do you hold on the question of female suffrage ! ’’replied, »I hold my tongue. COMMERCIAL. Cartersville Whale sale u 4 Retail Prim. cotton, p ft Meat«—txmMer% x n, ... Clear Rib Sides, ft it, ... gv- ,£ 1 lain Hums, p lb 10 toll Canvassed Hams, ißr« -jo Fresh Pork, pft 6 to s Butter—imshen, 40 Beeswax C< M“ t S‘ * * »to 30 Bnmstone and Sulphur, f ft B<# 15 cheek : Cracker*—Rutter, p » Bto 15 ■soda, p ($ 8 to 15 Cream, p lb 14^*1 Cigars Imported, V, M V.'.V.'.V s7u %90 Domestic, p M 15 r® 30 Candy—Fancy assorted Wft "... 19 Z4O - Stick ptb !..... 13t03D Candles, p ft Coflee—i. to, pft . .... 33 to 3s .. Java, ft ft ; as to 33 ream lartar, tt tb .... u,-« Gram—Corn pbu 7 [| hcat ’ red p bu 1 80 (ip 1 60 Ki, 2£» oats, Sto6o indigo p°ft rßee<l ’ *9 50 to 100 M ackerei—kits, soo?®^ ft! Potatoes—lrish bu ~ 75 J? Hags-Clean Cotton, tt> 31 HicC, Hi <••••••• •««.,, in /j 1 q Raisins—l-4 box |f 25 Brown, p lb ”.***..7.1.'.’.*. I2tou Crushed, .. ." ..7.7.'.... ‘7.7 is to 17 a .. w Povrr’d, 18 (g> 20 shot, p bag 2 75 to 3 00 soda, p lb 7 to 10 Soap—Bar, p lb 8 to 15 Starch, p tb g to 10 Sprup— Muscovado, p gal 40t050 V, olden 90tol00 Extra Golden 100 to 125 New Orleans 70 (SBO Tobacco—Common, p, lb 60 to 75 Medium, 70 to 75 rv - Prime 100tol50 Tea, p ft 125 to 150 v megar Cider, p gal 60 @75 C 1 UABDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of an or- E der Irom the court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold cn the first Tuesday in February, 1873, at the Court House door iuCar tersville said county, between the le*al sale hours. Ihe interest belonging to William K., John V ~ Laurence A., Texana and Francis Murphy, minors, in lot of land No. 150, in the 6th District und 3d Seetion of said county, con taming 100 acres more or less, the same being an undivided interest cl one ninth of said lot Sold lor the benefit of said minors. Terms of sac Ise.tli. This 15th Ifecember 1871. ARENA MURPHY, Guardian / 1 EOUGIA-BARTOW COUNTY r .—W hereas, VX Jocepeine 11. Beck lias aitplied to have tlie King-ton and Cassville road changed, so as to run on site of the old road, irom the W. & A. U. R. Shanues, and intersect with Howard street m tlie town of Kingston, and reviewers have been appointed and reported favorable on said contemplated change. Therefore all persons interested are hereby notified to file any objec tions they may have in the Ordinary’s office of said county, w hy this rood should not be chang ed on or by Saturday the 90th of January. 1872, when the order making said change will he fi nally granted, Given under my hand and official signature, Ddc. 15th, 1871. .J. A. HOWARD, dec2ltiljan2o Ordinary. Special notices. PENETRATING to the source of dis ease in tlie secretions and the circulation, reg ulating every Organ, and bracing cverv nerve and fibre of the body. Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters are effecting the most astonishing cures of indigestion, billiousness, nervous weakness, rheumatism, scrofulous disorders, and chronic constipation, that the world has ever witnessed. MAGIC OF THE MOUTH-Otliferous So zodont, renders the mouth enchanting, compos ed of rare, antiseptic herbs, it imparts white ness to the teeth, a delicious liower-like aroma to the breath, and preserves intact, from vouth to age the teeth. “WHO MILL SUFFER ?”-It is now 24 year* since Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment was put before the public w arranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Old Sores, Pains in the Limbs, Back ami Chest ; and it lias never failed. Sold by Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. THE HUMAN HAIR.-Burnett’s Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, etc., is unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. For sale by all Drug gists. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL.-Nct the cheap est, hut satest and Best Illuminating Oil for family use ever made. Burns in the ordinary kerosene lamp. Does not take lire, nor ex plode if tho lamp is upset or broken. Send for circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt establish ed 1770, New York. RISLEY’S LINIMENT-Of Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure-all, acting on the nerves connected with the skin. it promptly relieves Neuralgia Pains, Cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers flesh wounds, burns, bruises, sprains. Ac. Sold everywhere at 50 cents. Morgan and Risely M holesale Druggists, New' Xork, Gen’l Ag’ts! , BAIRDS’ BLOOM OF YOUTH.-A most del ightiul toilet preparation for beautifyinir the skin, has been established over ten years • during that time over one million ladies have used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction ; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youthful appearance. Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, N. Y, THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVE RY OF Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing the beneficial effects, which this remedy never fails to produce during the criti cal period of teething. CARBOLIC SALVE—Nothing like it ever known before. Cures cuts, burns, sores Wounds, Ac., like magic. Physicians speak of it 111 terms of the highest praise. Price 25 cents per box, John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New Y r ork. PHYSICIANS who have prescribed Svapnia or purified Opium use no other form of Ouium in their practice. 1 CBISTADORO’S HAIR DYE—If all the hairs were lives, Othello said, “my great re venge hath stomach for them all.” But hair that's grey or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christopher’s Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory 68 Maiden Lane, New Xork. THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil In tire world is Hazard A Caswell’s made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected lsxcrs by Caswell, Hazard A Cos., New Y ork. It is abso lutely pure and sweet, Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the market. JOUVIN ’S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sa'e by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., New York THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. Hostetter’s United States Almanac for 1872, for distribution, gratis, throughout the United States, and all the civilized coun tries of the Western Hemisphere, will he published about the first of January, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh. Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to un derstand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions it icontains. In addition to an admirable med cal treatise on the causes, prevention and cure of a great variety of diseases, it em braces a large amount of inf ormation inter esting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and profes sional man ; and the calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct and compre hensive National Calkndae. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sani tary effects of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, aro fully set forth in its pages which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable receipes for tbe household and farm, humorous an ecdotes, and other instructive and amus ing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be had for the asking The proprietors, Messrs, Hostetter’s & Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bitters are sold in ev ery city, town and village, and are exten sively used throughout the entire civilized world. Payne A Satterfield in vite their country friend** to call and examine tlieir goods. They offer bargains. Oct. 17tf Good Flour. We are now receiving large shipments of Choice Western Wheat, and are prepared to furnish our customers with Good Flour, at who’esale and retail, I. C. Mansfield & Cos, Holly Mills. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, j/m jr For the relief tad core of all derange meats in the atom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an UMmiK. excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine- U MB. ral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent ed by their timely tue; and every fhmily should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the FiU* with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become dogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayrr’* Pill*, and stimulated into action.' Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these Pill * rapidly cure:— For DrigviwU or Iwtig-MtlM, UMlew *™’k««r«» r and R.— of A poetise, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, miiooe Headache, Sick Head oche, Jaundice or Ctroea Sickness. BID toua Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. Hyeeutery or Diarrhea,' but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Bout, Gravel, Pal- Sitatlou of the Heart, Pain ia the Ide, Back and Loins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system, with such change those complaints disappear. ~.F or nd Dr °l"K«l Swelling*, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppreuioa. a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one or two Pill* to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates th* system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pill* makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BT Dr.J. C. AYER <& CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. FOB SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. '®^&V*vSi VEGEImt SIC,UAII HAIR £Sfcr^MB?jgItENEWER Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create anew growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Prepa ration for its intended purposes.” Sold by all Druggists, and Dealer* in Medicines, Price One Dollar. Buckingham’s Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. ; As our Renewer in many cases j requires too long a time, and too* ! much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA, N.H. WM. 0. BOWLER, MANUFACTURER OF, ANI) DEALER IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Saddles, COLLARS, LEATHER. &C. rei'airlvo done With neatness and dispatch. flfiF’Shop cn West Main Street, near the old Market House, CARTERSVILLE, GA. feb 21-wly WM.O BOWLER. FRANCIS STONE,! Libel for Divorce, vs. > Cherokee Superior Court. JOHNSTONE. > July Term, 1871. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that tne defendant does not reside iu this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is on motion : Ordered, that said defendant appear and an swer at the next term of the court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. N. B. KNIGHT, J. S. C. A true extract from the minutes of said court, July Term, 1871, O. W. Putnam, nov 10-4 m Clerk, (printer’s fee |4.) Atlanta Nurseries. —Those desiring to purchase Fruit or Ornament al Trees, will do well to consult the adver tisement of Harden & Cole, Atlanta, Ga., proprietors of the celebrated Atlanta reries. These gentlemen did a large busi ness in this and adjoining counties last sea son, and, we believe, gave universal satis faction by fair dealing and the character of their trees. We have tried them ourself and found them all right; and if we did not think them the Tight kind of men, we would be the last to commend them as we do, — Car- Isjiess. oct23-aw2m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN and: ATLANTIC R. R. CC NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN-Octwabb. Leaves Atlanta, 10 30, P. M. Arrives at Chattanooga, 6 16, A. m Day PASSENGER TRAlN—Outward. Leaves Atlanta, * 6 00, a. m Arrives at Chattanooga 1 21, P. m FAST LINE TO NEW YORK—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta 3 45, p. m. Arrrives at Dalton 7 53, F. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAlN—lnward. Leaves Chattanooga 5 20, p. u. Arrives at Atlanta I 43, a. m. DAT’ PASSENGER TRAIN—In WARD. Leaves Chattanooga 5 SO, A. if. Arrives at Atlanta t *3, r. u. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Dalton 2 25, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta ....10, a. m. E. B. WALKER, •apt 14,1871. Master of Transportation. Town Lots for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale town lots, within the corporate limits, and outside of Cartersville, of anv size, from one to five, ten or twenty acres. These lots are offered at low p rice*. Call on W. W. LEAKE, not 14—bwlin. Legal Advertisements. BARTOW COUNTY. BIRTOW SHERIFF S SALES. WILL be sold, before the CourthouM- floor in Cartersville. Bartow Couim, Ga.. on the flrst Tue-ilaj in January 1873. Within the u<- ual hour* of bale, the followingproi>erty,to-wit: All that part of the Carteravilie A Van Wert Railroad, Dow called the Cherokee Railroad that lies in the county of B artow, to-wit : The land on which the roafl is built, the right of way, the roafl bed anil appnrtenances ; levied on as the i.roperty of the Cartersville A Van >V ert Railroad to satisfy seven Justico court fi fas issued from the Justice court of S±W District G. M.. in favor of Frank 11. Harris vs. said Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad. Lew made and returnsdto me by Miller Collins, Constable of said District. Also, all that part of Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, now called Cherokee Railroad, that lies in the county of Bartow, to-wit : Tlie land on which the road is built, right of way, road bed and appurtenances ; levied on as the prop erty of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad to satisfy eleven Justice Court fi fas issued from Justice Court of 623d district G. M.. in favor of Robert McClatcbey vs. said Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad. Levy made and returned to me by Miller Collins, Constable of said District. Also, all that part of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, now called Cherokee railroad, that lies in the county ol' Bartow, to-wit : The land on which the road is built, right of way, road bed, and appurtenances: levied on as the property of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy eight Justice Court fi fas. issued from the justice court of the 822d District, G. M.. in lavor of Geo. L. Moore vs. said Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad.— Levy made and returned to me by Miller Col lins, constable of said district. Also, all that part of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, now called Cherokee railroad, that lies in the county of Bartow, to-wit : The land upon which the road is built, right of way, road bed, and appurtenances; levied on as the property of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy 7 Justice < ourt fl fas, issued from the justice court of thj 822d District, G. M., in favor of James T. Mount castle vs. said Cartersville A Van Wert Rail road. Levy made and returned to me by Mil ler Collins, constable of said district. Also, all that part of the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad, now called the Cherokee Rail road, that lies in the county of Bartow, to-wit: The land upon which the road is built, the right of way, road bed and appurte nances; levied on as the property of the Car- WrfvilleA Van YVert Railroad, to satisfy twelve •nfttiua-sCTSuri fl las, issued from the justice court 0f822d District, G. M.. in favor of James H. I’owell vs. said Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad. Levy made an l returned to me by Miller Collins, constable of said district. Also, two vacant lots iu the town ofCassville lying west of the Stre t running bv W. L. Av eock and in front ot'his residence ;' levied on as the property of Levi Branson to satisfy a fi i.* issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of the officers of court vs. said Levi Branson. Also, one steam saw mill ami fixtures being an*l situated in the l«th Dist. and 3d sect of said county ; levied on as the property of.l. M. Bish op A Cos., to satisfy two fi fas issued from Bar tow Superior Court, in favor of VV. C. Smith vs. J. M. Bishop A Cos., and one in favor of Thos. V, Hargis A Bro. One steam saw mill and .fixtures, being and situated iu tlie 16th Dist. and 3d Section of Bar tow county, Ga. Levied on as tlie propertv of Bishop A Coe to satisfy one lifa issued from Bartow Superior Conrt, in favor of W. 11. Mc f ravy vs. Bisiiop A Coe. Also one steam saw mill and fixtures being and situated in the 16.1i dist. and 3d sect of said county ; levied on as the property of Thomas \V. Hooper and Jas. M. Bishop to satisfy one ti fa issued from Bartow Superior Court 111 favor of Robert 11. Bridges vs. Thomas W. Hooper and Jas. M. Bishop. Also, one iron boiler ; levied on as tlie prop erty ofCollister and Coe, to satisfy one fi fa is sued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Samuel Noble vs Collister and Coe. Levied on for the purchase money. Also, lots of land Nos. 147 and 154, lying in the 16th dist and 3d sect of said county; levied on as the property of Thomas F. Jones to satisfy a ti fa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Silas B Seay for the use of John Maguire vs. Thomas F. Jones. Levied for the purchase money. Also, lot of land No. 484, lying in the 4th dist. and 3d sect, of said county and iuside of the in corporation of the town o’s Cartersville; levied on as the property of G. J. Salter, to satiffv a fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of A. G. Caldwell vs. G. J. Salter. POSTPONED SALES. Also, one town lot lying in the town of Car tersville, situated and lying South of A. F. Morrison, bounded East by Tennessee street. South by Main and West’by Gilmer street. Levied on as the property of 'Caleb Tompkins, to satisfy one Justice Court flfa issued from 851 Hist. G. M., iu favor of Milner A Milner vs. Ca leb Tompkins. Levy made and returned to me by M. Collins, L. C. Lots of land, Nos. 485, 486, 487, 4SB, 564 444, and east half of lot Number 459, lying in the 4th dist. and 3rd sec. of Bartow county. Levied on as the property of James C. Young to satisfy a flfa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Margaret Curvy, Executrix, vs James C. Y’oung. Also, Lots ot land, nos. 486, 487, 488, 564, 444, 4£>s and east half of lot 483, lying in the 4th dis trict and 3rd section of Bartow county. Levied on as the property of J. C. Y'oung, to satisfy five Justice Court fifas, issued from 822nd district, G. M., one in favor of Satterfield A Wofford, true in favor of Satterfield A Brother, one in fa vor of C- G. Trammell, one in favor of Lemuel Dillard, one in favor of Willis Benham, vs J. C. Y'oung, Levied and returned to me bv M. Col lins, L. C. Also, .The plantation on which .Ti.mes C. Y ouug resides, in tlie 4th district and 3rd sec tion of Bartow county, levied on as the proper ty of James C. Y’oung to satisfy two Justice Court fifas issued from the Justice Court, 822 dist. G. M., in favor of Satterfield, Pvron A Cos., vs James C. Y oung. Levy made and returned to me by Miller Collins, L. C. Also, two mare mules, one an Iron-Grey, about four years old, large size; one Bay, about eight years old, large size. Levied on as the property of Janies C. Young, to satify a Superi or Court li fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Margarett Curry, executrix, vs James C. Y'oung. YV. W. RICH, Sheriff. JaS. KENNEDY’, 1). Sliff, Nov. 10. 1871, Marshal’s Sales. ON the first Tuesday iu January, 1872, will be sold before the Court House door in the town 01 Cartersville, within the usual hours of sale the following property, to-wit : One house and lot in the town of Cartersville, bounced on the West by Tennessee street and North by market street, containing 1-2 acre, more or less, levied on as the property of Ash burn Potts to satisfy a tax fi-fa, of the town of Cartersville vs. Ashburn Potts. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing 1-2 acre, more or less, bounded on tlie west by Tennessee street, 011 the east by J. K. Sparks, and south by Samuel McCanless. Levied on as the property of J. M. Lackey to satisfy a tax fl fa. town of' Carters ville vs. J. M. Lackey. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing 1-2 acre, more or less, bounded on the west by Gilmer street, on the south by Judge Parrott, levied on as the prop erty of John L. YVikle, to satisfy a tax 11 fa, town of Cartersville vs. J. L. Wikle. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing 1-2 acre, more or less, bounded on the east bv Douglas street, levied on as the property of John Bell to satisfy a tax fi fa, town of Cartersville vs. John Bell. Bridles, Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing 1-2 acre more or less, bounded on the west by Douglas street, and on the east by Tennessee street, levied on as the property of Thomas H. Powell to satisfy a tax 11 fa, town of Cartersville vs. Thomas H. Powell. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing % acre, more or less, bounded on the w’est by Douglas street and on the south by Mrs. LcElieath, Levied on as the property ol W. J. Lackey to satisfy a tax Ufa, town of Cartersville as, W. J. Lacky. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, containing >; acre, more or less, hounded on the south by Thomas Duckett, and on the east by James Laudon to satisfy a tax fi fa, town of Cartersville vs. James Laudon. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car toikAille, containing y % acre, more or less, hounded on the south by Gilmer street and on the east by Tennessee street. Levied on as the property of A. F. Morrison to satisfy a tax 11 fa, town of Cartersville, vs. A. F. Morisou. Also, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, Containing y t acre, more or less, bounded on the west by W. &. A. R. R., and on the south by J. D. Wilkerson. Levid on as the property of Thomas Stephens to satisfy a tax ii fa, town of Cartersville vs. Thomas Ste phens. J. D. WILKERSON, nov 30 td Marshal. EORGlA—Bartow County.—John G. Mc ~W Reynolds, Guardian of Mattie Mcßey nolds, having applied to the Court ot Ordi nary of said county for a discharge from his guardianship of Mattie McKeynolds, person and property, this is to cite all persons coa cerned to show cause, by filing objections in my ottice, why the said John G. Mclteynolds should not be dismissed from his guardianship of Mattie McKeynolds, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in January. 1872. Given under my hand and official signaiuro. nov. 7th, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, 4fldays. Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Bv virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary artow county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in J anuary, 1872 J at the Court House door in Cartersville, said county, between the legal sale hours, the following' property, to wit : The tract of land whereon E. G. Nelson resided at the time of his death, known as the home place and the Gaines lot, in the town of Euharlec, containing 30 acres, more or less, all cleared in cultivation, comfortably im proved. Terms Cash. Also, lot known as the Harris lot, in the town of Kuharlee, containing one acre of land, well improved. Also, the store house and lot in the town of Euharlee. The same being a tine store room and conveniently located for merchandising. Also, 4 lots of land in the 17th Dist. arid 3rd Section, containing each 40 acres, more or less, known as the Carroll place, about 30 acres in cultivation, with common dwelling, Ac. Terms Cash. Also, lots Nos. 640. 641, in 17th Dist. and 3d Section, unimproved, in the piney woods. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors "of said deceased. Terms of sale: Home and Carroll places, cash; the balance on twelve month* credit, with note and approved security Nov. 7,1871. Thos. Tumlin, ... X. L. NILBUN, 4'K'* Administrators. CHEROKEE GOUNTY. OKIHNAKY'S OFFICE,) CHEBOKE* COCKTT. U A., JJuv. 34, 1871. ) fIIHIRTI OAF Aafler the fii'K publication of A notice, UJ Legal Advertisements of C herokee county will he . haiiire.! from Cak tkksvujlx STANDARD to Marietta Jwimial. W. R. I>. MtMs, Urd^irr. (prs. fee »3 30.) A. T. S4 OTT, She iff. ' O. W. PUTN AM, Uk Sk C. Cherokee Sheriff’s Sales. WILL UK H)l,l> before the Court (louee door in the town of t antou, Cherokee Cos., Ga, \\ ithin the usual hours of sale, on the first Inesday in Jaituarv uext, the following prop erty, viz : Lots of land Nos. 1030,1051, 1010, and the west half of lot No. llii, all in the Sd (list, and 2d sect ot said county, levied on as the property of San ford Leak, to latHdy an Attachment ti ta issued from the X. PV court of the U74th ilist, G. M.. in favor ot W. R. 1), Moss vs. Hanford l,e;ik- Property levied on and returned to ine by Reu bcu H. Gains, L. C. Also, at the same time and place. Lots of land Nos. 132 and 153, in the 15th dist. and 2d section ot said county, levied ou as the property of E. 1. Mahoue, to satisfy an Attachment fi la issued frym the J ustiee Court of lOIVth Gist. G. M., iu favor of Noah Jordan vs. E. F. Mahoue, Sen. Leveed on and returned to me bv Silas K Payne, L. C. Also, at the same time and place, the follow ing, by order of the Ordinary of said countv one red and white sided ox, unmarked, estray ed by Tim Lawson, and appraised by J. J. a. Sharp and Jar. Walker tolie worth twentv-flve dollars. Also, as last aforesaid, one voke of oxen, one with dun sides and white back and bellv, mark ed smooth crop and underbit in the lett, and (waller fork in the right ear. The other red stdes and white face and back, marked, smooth crop in the left and slit iu the right ear, es traved by Ira W. Waldrop, aud appraised by E. K. Waldrop and J. J. Forrester to be worth sixty dollars. A. T. SCOTT, This Dec. Ist, 1871. Sheriff A'l EORGlA— Cherokee County..—Whereas, VJf C. W. Furgusou, admihis'.ratorofcoleman Furguson, represents to the Court in his peti tion, duly filed, that lie lias fully administered Coleman Furguson’s estate ; this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not lie discharged from his administration and receive letters ol dismission, ou the first Monday in February. 1872. W. R. 1). MOSS, Ordinary.’ Xov* 2. (pr’s fee $4.) /"N EORGIA, Cherokee County.—Whereas, VJT William A. Williams aud W. 15. Doudd, Executors of.Tonathin Williams, represents to thecourt in thei petition duly filed, that they have fnllv administered Jouathiu William’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Executors should not be discharged from their Adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday in February, 1872. pr’s fee $4. ' W. R. D. MOSS, nov 2—tlminf Ordinary. / N EORGI A, Cherokee County.— Whereas, IT Josiah Spears, a i niinistrator of Griflin Dupree, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed, that he Ins fully administered Griffin Dupree’s estate, this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, k ndred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator should not be discharged from bis ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Januarv, 1872. (pr’s fee *4.) ‘ W. R. D. MOSS, Ordinary. I. O. O. F. milE regular meeting of Etowah Lodge, No. 49, I. O. O. F., is heltl on every Thursday night, in the Masonic Hall. JOHN M. DOBBS, Sec’y. Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 9tli, 1871. Carters ville FEMALE SEMINARY, Cartersville, G-a. Misses jL. Moon ami .C. Salford. Miss O. L. Vertlery, Musi- lleprrtment rpHE next term will ojhju Monday, 16tli January, 1872. Tie Course of Study is Complete, The Teachers are xperienred. Special facilities for acquiring the HIGHER BRANCHES, WHILST THE PRIMARY ARE NOT NEGLECTED. Order. Comfort, Neatness secured in t he Schoolroom. The Terms are .Moderate. For circulars, &c., apply to the nov 30 3m Teachers. I. GUTHMAN, A gent fob the PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA WINE & LIQUOR COMPANY. Sole Agents for the Celebrated. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN PURE WINES AND LIQUORS No. 3, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. nov. 23—ly Office Selma Rome & Dalton R. R, Cos. E. V. JOHNSON, Local Agent. No. 4 THE H. I. KIMBALL HOISE, Atlanta , Ga„ Dee. 2 d 1871. PARTIES wishing to go West will find it to their interest to call on E. V. Johnson, No. 4 Kimball House, and procure cheap Emigrant tickets. dec72iu PBEPARE YOUR LAND IN WINTER. a meeting of the SUBSOIL PLOW COMPANY on Tuesday last, the following officer! we elected for the ensuing year : .1. J. HOWARD, President, J. G. Low by, Sec. and Treas., and the following agents were appointed : For Cassvilie and Pine Log, G. 11. Gilkiath and F. A. Wkkms. Stilesboro, J. M. Mason. Adairsville, J. M. Veach ; Cartersville, J. J. Howard. Who are authorized to sell rights to individu als and farms, for the celebrated Subsoil plow, which is attached to any turning plow at a small expense, thereby turning the land and subsoil ing all at the same time, and by one team. This plow ought to be in the hands af every far mer. The next meeting to be on the Ist Tuesday in March, 1872.* J. J. lIOWARb, tltinm President SATE YOUR MONEY BY PATRONIZING CUMMING HIGH SCHOOL TIIE Cheapest, Largest, moat Thorough School in Georgia. Board from $8 to 12 1-2 per Month, TUITION FRi $l5O TO SIOO The Curriculum embraces a thorough College Course, German, Book Keeping, Music, Paint ing, Drawing, etc. The next term opens First Monday in January, 1872. For particulars address JAS. U. VINCENT, Principal, dec 7 lm Gumming, Ba. TO RENT OR SELL, snd i nd ? le K«tnt residence, ten rooms ana a fire-place m each room, nine closet* just », n<l flntshed up, in the town of Car ters vtlle. lor further particulars appplv to a . ARTHUR JjaVis, dec. 6,—wlm Cartersville, Ga. WEW FIRM t STEW BVMXESN J I CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, OILS, LAMPS, SHADES, it, P. MARSH A CO., (At lhe of Blair A Bradshaw, but more recently Satterfield, Pyren k Co,j CARTERSVILLE, G-A.. NOW OPENING A SUPERIOR STOCK OF CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, too. dco. HEHOVAL! P. MARSH has removed hi* Oil and Lamp Stock from the Drug Store ot Best and Kirkpatrick, to this point, consolidated both businesses. The new firm are now also dealers in OILS, LAMPS, WILKS, SHADES, <*«'. They respectfully invite the citizens ot Cartersville, and pub lic generally, to call and see, and examine and make their pur chascs - [oct 31, 1871, w&sw-tf. CARTERSVILLE @ Hi* Factory AND BUILDING ASSOGimiON! In addition to CAR BUILDING, the Compauy is duly prepared to make, aud is now actively employed in filling, contracts for Buildin Houses, of any and all dimensions aud styles; also, owing to their facilities for Sawing, Dressing, Boring and Morticing, Tongueing and Grooving &c., by steam Machinery, they offer extraordinary inducements to cou tractors and builders, and all parties, wishing any work of this kind done. Window Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Ac., furnished at low figures and on short notice. E. N. GOWER, President. H. PADGETT, JSfx)’y & Sup’t. J. J. HOWARD, Treasurer. Read the following testimony of Ex-Gov. Brown about the first work turned out by this Company: President’s Office, ) WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO., ( Atlanta, Ga., October 16th, 1871. ’ ) Col. J. J. Howard , Cartersville , Ga., —Dear Sir —We have examined the fifteen new cars made for the W. & A. R. R. Cos by the Cartersville Car Factory, and have no hesitation in saying they are very satisfactory. Indeed they are FIRST RAT E. JOSEPH E. BROWN, Presiden Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 26, 1871—w6ra. IWI T 11.1.0 & BAKER, DEALERS II FAMILY GROC EKI E S WEST MAIN street, cartersytlle, ga.. AT THE OLD STAND OF R. C. & J. E. ROBERTS, luFrt of S CONSTANTLY HAND a choice selection of Family Supplies, oomfctlng, Ls BACON—SIDES, HAMS, AND SHOULDERS. LARD-TIKROEB AND CANS. FLOUR AND MEAL VINEGAR—FRENCH WINE AND CIDAR. SALT, RICE &C. I L AaS ~"“ A ’” “ B >” “ C -” AND DEMAKARA. MOLASSES AND SYRUP vA GUYaA ’ AVL> JAVA - TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. CHEivtE FAC I ORV CREAM AND ENGLISH DAIRY. BUTTER-GOSHEN CANNED MEATS-COVE OYSTERS, SALMON, AND LOBSTER SARDINES CANNED F RUITS—PE ACHE 3, PINE APPLES CORN PRESERVES A JELLIES BUCKETS, TUBS, BROOMS, BASKETS, WASH BOARDS WELL BUCKETS &r PEPPER, ALSPICE, GINGER, CINNAMON, CLOVES NUTMFG AC ’ TOMATOES, PICKLES, SODA, STARCH, &C. ’ * * POWDER—RIFLE AND BLASTING, FUSE, dC. t&~A. CHOIC£ VARIETY OF SEED IRISH POTATOES. *•* At Call anil see us and our Goods. Teb. 18 wly PA*TILLO * B \KEIL Pm Fall and Winter TstT. ST OK ELY & WILLIAMS Ilave just received their usual Large and Well Assorted Stock of DRY GOODS, comprising almost every article in that line necessary for Family uses. Their stock is a general one, comprising the most useful articles in almost everj f line of trade. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS’ WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Clothing of a good variety. Shirts of all kinds SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SOAP, SODA, STARCH AND FAMILY MEDICINES Dye Stuffs, Bagging and Ties, HEMLOCK AND OAK TANNED SOLE LEATHER, all of which we propose to sell at Short Profits for CASH, or to Prompt Buyers and Payers on short Time. We have a good General Stock of Merchandise. Come and see us and call for what you need, and we think we can supply you for the CASH Those of our customers who are in arrearages with 119, on Due Claims will confer upon us quite a favor by calling and paying the same at once as we need money too bad to be put off any longer. octl2-ct * BEST & KIRKPATRICK «• MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, BA., l ai Paints, Oils, #IIBL GUSS, PUTTV, / J Ufll.KT AND sH.iVIXU SO L F Golden FoB/imln Pens, Bu%