The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, January 04, 1872, Image 3

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standard and express. 7aktf.hsvii.u-. ga .aan *■ _ L O O A LMATTEBB.' 'SsrxxZZ. - r ’ * ( 0., an.l S. M. GKO. P. R®Vvork, a"*! 4 ■ PITTIVOIU. Ar o , „, new.paper advertising Hoffman, BalH» 0 to contract for ad ‘frUsemeaW •* rates. our jrtl* ll * I ** IjOCal Agent*. .7 , v 'H* ibis. Stilesboro, Ga w f ' I’ow ili.. Morganton, «a. T r. GRStB Ellijay, Ga. k >V Blalock, Town Creek, Ga. t 1.. Langford, Ludville, Ga. j, y and H. H. G allow AT, Blue Ridge. <*». \ Hts-We have in our Retail Dry- Goods Store the most superb and ele gant stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery and gen eral assorted stock of Dry Goods ever before offered by us, and we solicit in- I gpectiou of our stock from all. Sam ples sent on application. Chambeuun, Boynton & Cos., Cor. Whitehall &, Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Ga. The Largest and Most Superb Stock of Velvet Axminster, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Ingrain and Cheap Carpets, Curtaius, Floor I Oil-ClotLs of all widths, and House I Furnishing Goods now on Exhibition I and for Sale at Extremely low prices, I at The Carpet Store of Chamberlin, Boynton & Cos, Cor. W. & H. Streets, Atlanta, Ga. ANNOUNCEMENTS. f Ws„We are requested to announce the following ticket for Councilmen of ('artersviJle for 1872, as agreed upon and recommended by “Many Citi zens,” at the election on Saturday next: E. N. GOWER, W. C. EDWARDS, i All. I*. WOFFORD, | JOHN C. MADDOX, C. MANSFIELD. The following ticket will Ire aup- I ported, at the corning election on Sat- I unlay next, for Town Council of Car- I tcrsville for 1872: R. C. ROBERTS, F. M. FORD, A. i\ WOFFORD, W. C. EDWARDS, M. 11. MoGINTY. We believe that if the above ticket I should Ik* elected, the interests of the f entire town will lx* properly cared for, and the (1 nances economically expended, and tin* burden of taxa tion be lightened as much as possible, and we would ask a cheerful support of the the ticket, by the citizens of Cartersville. Many Tax Payees. Somebody gets bargains every day at Howard A Ramsaur’s. Go for yours. DONT HE DEC EIVED 1 £ki? If you fail to pay in advance for your paper, it will be stopped. UaJrThtre are several town subscri bers on our books who seem to think that they have a life-time right to read our paper and never pay any thing for it or, at least, they nuvn’t done it, thus far. tut Pastors of Churches in town are entitled to our paper free —no body else. t-.y Pay for your paper, if your time is out, or it will be discontinued. He.*?"No subscript ions on a credit at the Stan baud & Express Office. A Stabbing Affair.— On last Saturday night a difficulty occurred between Mr. James .Lackey and Mr. John Keys, in which the latter re ceived several stabs in the head and neck. We have not learned the cause of the difficulty. It is worth your while to try and see ir Howard namsaur don't un dersell any house in town. Silas O’Shields, who for a long time had been a resident of our town, died on the 22d ult., after a few days of se vere affliction. He was kind, inof fensive and obliging, and had, we suppose, but few enemies. We ten der his bereaved family our heart felt sympathies, and invoke upon it tin* blessings of Him who is the mer ciful friend of the widow and orphan. Fihk-WoKKh.—There was a brill iant display of fire-works on our streets on the night of the 28rd ult., and also on the Monday night fol lowing. We havo’nt witnessed such a useless waste, of powder since the war. On each of the occasions alluded to, the streets were in a blaze for hours, and the smoke was almost stiffing. Some of the boys of our town think there is nothing like fun. Crediting houses cant sell as cheap as cash houses. Howard & Ramsanr’s is a strictly cash house. The raci* b etween Mr. Arthur Da" vis’ Light foot , and Capt. Stiles’ Dex ter, which was defeated on the 26th ult. by inclement weather, was run I ae tirst \ ust, and the purse was ,M >y Light foot. 4 u Ab. I Inrrison was elected con stable of this, the town, district, on Saturday last, over W. B. Bishop. - ♦ ♦ Cjkistm a? is over and gone. Its lj "Js and amusements have ended. ei) and songs of ob ' T J> longer seen and heard in ' s treeC. All hands have again Gas uilleu x«r , wt* ti ust that, as i hristmas tonics but ouee a year, Everybody has had their share. Howard A Ramsaur will give more goods for one dollar than any house m town. 1 he Rev. George Kramer, the new pastor of the Methodist church in tins place, preached an excellent ser -1111,11 in the Court-House on last Sab );lth ’ 0,1 “Christian purity.” He a -o punched at night a most im pressive uis<. (urso on the “ parable of the barren ftp-tree.” a 1 "| K A e °°d» y°ung mare. Apply at this office. Our young f rienff Eindsay Jolra son came to town a few days ago and voluntarily surrendered hi mso lf to the officers Os court, waived a prelimina ry trial and went to jail. He killed Dr. W. 11. MtDaniel, liis brother-in law*, on Pine Log in this county about a fortnight ago. The case, we sup pose, will be tried at the next term of Bartow Superior Court in March next, " the facts in the case will be made known. 7" order, ve learn, has been or 1 lx; issued by our Ordinary to °l>en anew road and ferry across Et- I’7 l 1 river > bdow Cartersville, and n ' Veen Bti lt*sboro and Euharle. The ( roatl is a, direct continuation of IA J* n ° W leadin 2 out b y Capt. m ,S';c dtheold Sproull Oi r Beef Market.—Mr. Vandi vere’s market houses are kept well supplied with fresh meats, sausage, souce, chickens, eggs, imtter, milk, etc., all the time. His stock is well slaughtered, and fat. His new ma chinery for grinding and stuffing sausage has just arrived and been put into operation, at a considerable cost of money; and his systematic way of carrying on business is a sure road to success. We congratulate Cartersville on her beef market. A Little boy in our town failing to receive a visit from Santa Claus, and consequently getting no offering from his munificent hands, was in formed that the reason was that he had slipped up on a slate roof and broke his neck, whereupon the little fellow wished to know if he had no boys that could take his place. Bartow Iron Works.—These works have bee*n rebuilt and are in full blast again. We are informed that on Friday last this furnace turn ed out seven terns of pig iron, which sells readily at $35 00 per ton, making the handsome little sum of $245 00 in one day, and yet many of our citizens are lothe to go into the iron business, notwithstanding our mountains and vallies teem with the richest iron ore, and the* daily cry is there is no money in the country. The Messrs. Roberts & Turn lin have moved into their new Sale & Livery Stables. We wish them a happy new year with much prosjK*rity. Finest Black Alpacas in town are at Howard & Ramsaur’s. tetf pRoF. Boniiam gave one of his truly interesting drawing room en tertainments to a small hut smell hound audience, in this place on Tues day night last, and will appear again to-night (Wednesday,) at Town Hall, in an entire change of programme.— Our people have been badly humbug ged, since the war, by worthless, one horse itinerant shows, and but few exhibitions can draw anything of a house the first night. If, however, the first night’s entertainment proves to be a meritorious one, the second is usually well attended. We attend ed the entertainment on Tuesday night last, and can assure our readers that Prof. Bonham is no humbug.— ! His entertainments are both amusing j and instructive. Nothing in them to : shock the modesty of the most fastid ious. His music is heart-ravishing, i His readings and delineations area l mixture of the ludicrous and ridicu- ! lous blended with the sublime; alto- i gether one of the most pleading en-1 tertainments it has fallen to our lot to witness in many years. The press,j wherever lie exhibits, speak in the' highest terms of his entertainments, | even as near us as Rome; while in I possession lie has numerous personal ! certificates and letters of recommen dation given by distinguished men and corporations to the public, touch- ! ing tiie merits of his drawing-room entertainments. We bespeak for him a good house to-night, the weather permitting. Colored Alpacas—all grades—at low j figures, at Howard A Ramsaur’s. MATRIMONIAL,. Married, at the residence of Col. Jus. W. Harris, the bride’s father, in tins place, on the evening of the 21st ultimo, by Rev. H. Best, Tiros. W. Milner, Esq., to Miss Anne Har tit all of Cartersville. One after another of Cartersvi lie’s fair daughters have enterprised the matrimonial alliance until there are hut few left; Hut none were fairer or more lovely than she whose marriage we chronicle above. She was the pride of her father, the joy of her mother, and the pet of the family, and has now also become the recipi ent of the smiles and caresses of an affectionate and doting husband.— May their happiness through life be us perfect as their union is congenial. We return our profoundest thanks to the accomplished bride for her j kindly rememberance of the printer, j Married— On the 24th ult., by j Rev. P. H. Brewster, Mr. William ! Corban and Miss Elva, daughter of F. A. Boston, Esq., all of Bartow county, Ga. On the 28th, ult., by the same, Mr. ! A. L. Kinnett and Miss Sarah E., I eldest daughter of Rev. C. M. Clure, all of Cherokee county, Ga. On each of the above occasions we enjoyed a pleasant re-union of old friends and neighbors, and the happy hours were spent in social cheer, friendly greeting, and first-rate eating. Ours was indeed a “merry Christ mas,” and we indulge the hope, in behalf of ourself and friends, the re turn of many more such. Especially do we wish that those who were made happy by a union of hands and hearts may enjoy Heaven’s richest benedictions through a long life, and eternal felicity in the world to come. Married —On Dec. 7th, 1871, by A. U. Sharp, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. G. C. Reinhart to Miss M. S. Garner, all of Cherokee county, Ga. By the same, on 10th inst., at Mrs. Mary Todd’s, Mr. Wm. Butterworth to Miss Ladusca Rhyne, all of Cher okee county, Ga. By the same, on 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Henry Butterworth to Miss Sorilda Hugs, all of Cherokee county, Ga. Howard & Ramsaur’s is the cheap est house in town. One trial will prove it. A Dangerous Road.— The road leading from town to the Etowah bridge, a distance of one and a half miles, is very unsafe to travel with *'**«« thni. are. afraid of the train, and to follow the railroad. Many serious accidents have already occurred in consequence of horses becoming frightened by the train passing so closely along the hemmed-in road. We regard the matter as a great nuisance, and in behalf of nervous men, women, children, horses and mules, we respectfully and earnestly urge the authorities to abate the evil. Mr. J. E. Roberts, of the firm of R. C. &J. E. Roberts, our enterprising livery stable men, arrived in Car tersville a few days since, with a fine lot of horses and mules, which are for sale at their stables. Coming or Going?— An old lady was passing through Forsyth county some time ago, and being hailed by another as she passed a house, aiul asked if she was going to Cumming, replied “ I'm a gwine /” Painful Accident. —We regret to learn that Mr. Irby G. Hudson, the accomplished and much esteemed principal of the Stilesboro Institute, received a serious injury in the face, a few days ago, by a fall which was caused by an attack of vertigo. 7 klad to meet on our streets and shake by the hands our worthy and esteemed representative in Con gress from this district, Gen P M B Young, on Tuesday last, looking liale and hearty, and in cheerful spirits He is at home, spending the recess of Congress, with his venerable father and mother, and his numerous friends and constituents. The General is a faithful servant and representative of the people. Babbatii School Celebration in Lost Town. —On Christmas day we happened at Shoal Creek Church, situated in that part of Cherokee county known as “Lost Town,” where the people around had assem bled to celebrate the day. When we arrived Col. J. J. A. Sharpe -was ad dressing an overflowed house of chil dren and others, and we remained outside. The Col’s speech, (at least that j»art we heard,) was vefy good, and we have no doubt made a good impression. The Rev. Mr. Carson was the next speaker, and his address was characterized by a zeal and earn estness worthy of the glorious Sab bath School cause. It was thought by us outsiders that if he had quit a little sooner, his speech would not have been quite so long. We have no doubt but many thought it was good to be there. We are certain we did, especially a short time before we left. The speaking over, a procession was formed ;md marched to the inel dy of song, which was echoed among those former haunts of wild beasts and savages, and presented a contrast most pleasant to contemplate. We joined the procession just as it reach ed the ta ,le , and took in a bountiful supply of “creature comforts,” which made the “ inner man” feel very comfortable indeed, and too full for utterance. Our esteemed friend, H. K. Moore, Esq., is the Superintend ent of the school, and is not laboring in vain. We know those Cherokee folks are clever, for we have tried them a long time, and we say, hur rah ! for Cherokee, forever! It is with pleasure that we call at tention to the card of Mess. Scud ler & Johnston, in regard to the education al facilities they offer to the citizens of Cartersville and the adjoining coun try. Such an institution of learning has long been a desideratum. This institution offers the rare opportunity to our youths of entering upon a course of study, and continuing the same without change, until they are pre pared for the variousßusinessrelations of life; such as teachers, the mechan ic arts, agriculture, mercantile pur suits, or the study of the learned pro fessions. Mr. Ronald Johnson is well known to us all as a competent and thorough teacher, and Mr. Scudder comes among us highly endorsed by Southern gentlemen. These gentle men contemplate furnishing their school rooms with new and improved furniture, thereby affording the pu pils, who may attend their instruc tion, suitable comfort in the school room. Vocal music will be taught in this institution to all such as may wish to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to cultivate so important an art; and we are authorized to say that should there be young men, in either of the religious denominations in Car tersville, who are desirous of study ing for the ministry, and are not able to pay their tuition, they can, with proper recommendation from their Pastors, enjoy the benefits of the in stitution free of charge. We cordially wish these gentlemen success in their enterprise. Our worthy and esteemed friend and fellow-citizen, Thos. M. Comp ton, is having the store-room of Dr. Samuel Clayton’s, formerly known as the old Bridges’ Restaurant, be tween Messrs. It. A. & 11. M. Clay ton and Messrs. A. A. Skinner & Cos., on Main street, fixed up preparatory to opening out a superb stock of Fam ily Groceries and Confectioneries. — Mr. C. is a clever gentleman and a number one citizen, and will, doubt less, receive a liberal patronage. The Cartersville & Van-Wert alias Cherokee Railroad land, right of way, bed, and appurtenances, that portion of it running through Bartow County, was sold under the sheriff’s hammer to the highest bidder, in this place, on Tuesday last, and was knocked off to John W. Wofford for $15,000. — Thus endeth scene the first. Our esteemed friend, Geo. J. Bri ant, continues to climb higher and higher in his business relations in the town of Cartersville. He was once a poor iron works boy, but by steady application has become to be one of the leading business men of our town. It will be seen from his ffaming double column advertise ment in another column, that he has associated with him Mr. Brown —a mighty nice gentleman—and they have bought out the Dry-Goods stock of Mr. Haney, and are now also run ning the Dry-Goods business. The affable, courteous and industrious busy B’s will, doubtless, each shining hour, in making money all i the day, by selling cheaper goods and better bargains than anybody else in town. They are now prepared to feed and clothe all their friends and j customers. In addition to this George has a big wholesale and retail Groce ry House, in this place, where the latch string still hangs on the outside of the door. Go around, ladies and gentlemen, and give the iron works boy and his associate an additional ! shove by patronizing them. House building continues to be the distinguishing feature of Cartcrsville. The cry is “still they rise.” Cartersville is to have a multiplici ! there are eight on nine open soon. \\ hen will we learn wis dom ? Why not have two good ones : —a male and a female—instead of so many small ones! We want such j schools as will graduate our sons and daughters at home, without the ne cessity of sending them off to a board ing school. Many of us are not able to do this, therefore our children have to go uneducated. It is a false theo ry that a child must be sent from home to acquire sense and learn man ners. Let us determine to build up and support two good schools of high order in our midst, where the child ren of the poor may enjoy equal ed ucational advantages with the rich. The new livery and sale stables of the Messrs. Roberts & Tumlin is rapidly approaching completion.— This stable is an index to their busi ness—one of the finest in North Geor gia. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the races and tournament at the Fair Grounds did not come off, on the 26th ultimo, as was advertised. Christmas has passed off without much demonstration, except by the boys with their fire-works. A few juvenile parties and one or two select entertainments by the young people, is about the sum total. No reunions or social gatherings by the unterrified or married people. Certainly we are either a very sober and grave or a very selfish people, one or the other, or both, or all! Which is it ? ■Si.We invite the attention of our readers to the double column adver tisement of Messrs. W. L. Wadsworth A Cos., Hardware dealers, Atlanta, Ga. This is a number one house with as clever proprietors and accommo dating clerks, as can be found any where on this globe. Try them. Messrs. Gilreath make im portant announcements in this paper. See new advertisements of the Mess Jackson & Cos., J. W. Dyer, Eclipse Picture Gallery, Dr. Samuel Clayton, Sharpe A Floyd, Proclamation, Ac. Rev. R. H. Jones preached a very interesting sermon in the Court House on the fourth Sabbath in last month. Briant A Brown have a store in town, having bought out Mr. Haney. “ George” is a clever fellow, and his co-partner seems to be a nice young man. We wish them great success in the dry-goods business, and hope that the time is not distant when they will engage in no other sort. Read their advertisement. The show which come off here on the 20th ult., was largely attended, notwithstanding the severe coldness of the day. Such exhibitions are always appreciated by a large class of our people. SPECIAL NOTICES. Gently Does it, without pain or irritation, Dr. Walker s Vinegar Bitteis relieve the con stipated bowels : at the same t>me so thorough ly loiiing their inner membrance and restoring their mechanics l action, that it seems as if they had oeen reorganized on an improved plan. Yet the result Is solely due to natve, reinforc ed and sustained by the best Vegetable Altern ative anil tonie that ever passed the lips of the sick and suffering. A Fragrant Breath and Pearly Teeth are easilv aiteined. and those who fa*l to avail themselves of the means, should not complain when accused of great neglect. The Sozodont will speedily eradicate the causeoffoul breath, beautifying and preserving the teeth to the oldest ag*. Many Housekeepers arenotawa*e of the deception practised in the manufacture of Fla voring Ext- acts for culinary use. Many ofthem are deleterious and impure. “Burnett’s Stan dard Eitiacts” are made from the finest speci mens ol the fruits and spices they represent, and are pei fectly pure. To Owners of Horses. —No one who has ever used Dr. Tobias’ Horse Venetian Lioa ment will ever be without it; it is a certain cu>e for Colic, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises and old sores. Warranted superior to any other. In Pint bottles at S-1.00. Sold by the Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL.— Not the cheap est, but safest and Best Illuminating Oil for family use ever made. Burns in the ordinary kerosene lamp. Does not take fire, nor ex plode if the lamp is upset or broken. Send for circular. Oil House of Charles Pratt establish ed 1770, New York. KISLET’S LINIMENT—Of Arnica, Hops. Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure-all, acting on the nerves connected with the skin. It promptly relieves Neuralgia Pains, Cleanses and cures old sores and ulcer., flesh wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, &c. Sold everywhere at 60 cents. Morgan and Uisely, Wholesale Druggists, New Xork, Gen’l Ag’ts. LAIRDS’ BLOOM OF YOUTH A most delightful toilet preparation for beautifying the skin, has been established over ten years ; during that time over one million ladies have used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction ; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youthful appearauee. Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, N. Y, THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVE RY OF Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing tnc beneficial effects, which this remedy never fails to produce during the criti cal period of teething. CARBOLIC SALVE—Nothing like it ever known before. Cures cuts, hums, sores, wounds. &c., like magic. Physicians speak of it in terms oftiie highest praise. Price 25cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New l'oik. PHYSICIANS who have prescribed Svapnia or purified Opium use no other form of Opium in their practice. CRISTADOKO’S HAIR DYE—If all the hairs were lives, Othello said, “my great re venge hath stomach for them all.’’ But hair that’s grey or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christopher’s Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory, 68’Maiden Lane, New Xork. THE PUREST anil Sweetest Coil Liver Oil In the world is Hazard & Caswell’s made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected lsaers, by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York. It is abso lutely jmre and sweet, Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of tiie other oils in the market. JOUVIN’S Inodorous Kill Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. YYells &Cos., New York A Body and Mind Disease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to Suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It may he added too that imitation of the stomach is almost in variably accompanied by imitation of the tem per. The invigorating and tranquilizing operation of Hostetter’s Bitters is mostpowenuUv devel oned in cases of indigestion. The first eftect of this agreeable tome is comforting and encour aging. A mild glow pervades the system, the cG onto uneasiness in the legion of the stomach is lessened, and the ue von icatiousnosc which characterizes the disease is abated. This im provement is not transient. It is not succeeded to he the return of the old symptoms with su peradded force, as is always the case when un medicated stimulants are given for the com plaint. Each dose seems to impart a peima nent accession of healthful invigo-ation. But this is not all. The aparient and anti-nillious properties of the preparation a e scarcely sec ondary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow ofhile. the secretion is soon brought within p oper limits, ana if the bila.y organ is inert and toroid it is toned anti regula ted. The effect upon the discharging O'-yans is equal salutary, and 'll cases of constipation the cathartic action is iust sufficient to produce the desi'ed result gradually anil without pain. The Bitte s also promote healthy evapo ation from the su. face, which is particularly desi a alile at this season when sudden spells of aw unp'easant weather are apt to check the nato rri perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, cough- and colds. The best safeguard against all diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restorative especially p.o motes. jan4 lm. Hall’s Vkoitablk Sicilian Hath Rknewe r now stands among the first, and at the head, of all articles for a similar purpose. The testimo n“ of our physicians is conclusive as to its val ue: and we are personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has been used with the best of results. It will restore gray hair to its original color, and leaves it glossy, and in a healthy condition; while, for heads troubled with dandruff, or any disease of the scalp, it acts like a charm in'cleansing them. Try it, and you will not he disappointed.— towel Cou rier, May 2, 1868. DON’T HAWK, HAWK, SPIT, SPIT, BLOW, BLOW, and disgust everybody with your Ca tarrh and its offensive odor, when Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy will speedily destroy all odor and a: lest the discharge. (The Secret of Captivation.— Features of Grecian mould, a well-turned neck and beauti fully rounded arms, are no doubt veiy nice things to have, and laiiies who possess" these charms have reason to be thankful to Mother Nature; yet, alter all, the most captivating of all womanly charm* is a pure, fresli anil bril liant complexion. Thissuperiative fascination any lady may secure by using Hagan’s Mag nolia B alm, the standard beautifying prepara tion of the present age. It differs' from all or dinary cosmetics in three most essential partic ulars,’inasmuch as it contains no injurious in gredients, c'oes not contract or shrivel the skin as all the astriugent “b'ooms” “lotions” and “powders” eventually do, but produces a last ing loveliness by improving the health of the skin. Under its operation the texture of the epidermis becomes liner, anu the surface soft as velvet aud smooth as porcelain. Features cannot he changed, but complexions can. and it mar.itft.xe, tikiy.. tjjilt. a atti act more admiration in company than her neighbor with a classic face but a sallow skin. COMMERCIAL. Cartersville Wholesale and Retail Prices. COTTON. lb Meats—Shoulders, £ tb 8 (m Clear Rib Sides, Yib .7.7.' B y. to Plain Hams, Y tb 10 #ll Canvassed llams. is m 20 Fresh Pork, lb 6to 8 Butter—Goshen, 40(1 ** Country, lb 25 to 30 Beeswax, tb 20(3,25 Brimstone and Sulphur, « tb Bto 15 Blue Stone, %ttb ........ 15 (a 24 Cheese, lb " " """U?™ "ll 20^25 Craekers—Butter, Y tb 8 to 15 Cream, « tb 14 to 20 Cigars—lmported, V M J7O 90 Domestic, $ M 15 to 30 Candy—Fancy assorted tb 19 (S 40 Candles. « tb . Coffee— Rio, Ytb .7 23 (| 28 Cream Tartar,Vtt>' ’’77.77.7. .7.7 ”” 50 &75 fc'tdoA r lour, cwt 11 t'(T\ Grain—Corn sbu 65 70 Wheat, red Y bu 1 50® 1 60 ?a, _ jrn:-«8*8 Indigo, lb i g qq Rliru, 12 tffl 14 Mackerel-Kits, '. '7*777'.'. 800® 2 75 Potatoes—lrish ?! bu ... .*.’.’.'...". ’7 75 to 85 Rags—Clean Cotton, Y lb to Rice, lb ........ ...... .. . io(n,i2 Raisius —1-4 box jg 1-2 ** 225 Sugar—Brown, lb 13® 14 C '..7.7. 13 @ls A 16 (ffl Crushed, 16 icu 17 „.. M pour’d, is if 20 gj* U ' S , ack 2 20 @ 2 25 glUa 8 ...'.'::::::::::::; 275 r@?S Soap—Bar, lb * 8 to 15 Starch, It tb .... B@lo Sprup—Muscovado, f* ga1.... 77 77. 40 to 50 Golden 90@100 Extra Golden 1 00® 125 New Orleans, 70@80 Tobacco—Common, %! lb 60 to 75 Medium, 70 @ 75 „ Prime, 1 00 @ 1 50 Tea, Y tb ..... 125@ 1 50 > megar- Cider, Y 60 @ "5 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ~A. PROCLAMATION. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Atlanta, Ga., December 48,1871- WHEREAS, The following petition, sworn to and duly attested, has teen received by me, to-wit: To His Excellency, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Governor of Georgia :: The petitioners, Henry Clews and Theodore S. Fowler, of the city of New Y'ork. in the State of New York, partners in business in said city as bankers, under the name, firm and style of Henry Clews A Cos., respectfully represent : That they are the holde rs and owners of one hundred and seventy-live (175) bonds of the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company, a corporation organized by and under the laws of the State of Geozgia, said bonds being num bered from one (1) to one hundred and seventy five (115) inclusive, and each being for the amount of one thousand dollars, with interest coupons attached payable semi-annually on the first day of March and the first day of Sep tember in each year, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum. That your petitioners paid ninety (90) per cent, on the par value of each and all of said bonds in cash, lawful money of the United States. That said one hundred and seventy five (175) bonds were issued on and cover the first fourteen (14) miles of sa ; d railroad, and each of said bonds has indorsed thereon the guaranty of the State of Georgia for the pay ment of the principal and interest thereof in accordance with the provisions of an act enti tled “ An Act to loan the credit of the State to the Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Com pany.” Approved March 13, 1869. And your petitioners aver that the semi-an nual interest, amounting to 16,125, which be came due on their said bonds on the first day of September A. D. 1870, was not paid by said Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company at the time said interest became due, nor has said company since paid said interest or any part thereof, and the same is still due and ow ing to your petitioners. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that your Excellency forthwith seize and take possession of all the property of said railroad company and apply the earnings of said road, after pay ing all laborers’ liens, if any there be, to the extinguishment of said unpaid coupons, as by the 4th section of said act provided. And your petitioners will ever pray, &c. HEXRY CLEWS, THJSO. S. FOWLER. Dated at the city of New York, in the State of New Y'ork, on the Fourth day of December, A. D. 1871. State of New Y'ork, city of New Y'ork ss. On this, the fourth day of December, in the year 1871, before me personally came Henry Clews aud Theodore S. Fowler, to me known to he the individuals described in, and who exe cuted the within instrument, and severally ac knowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein mentioned. EDMUFD T. MOULTON, I Notary’s Seal.] Notary Public. State of New Y'ork, City and County of New* Y'ork ss. Be it remembered that on the fourth day of December, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, before me, Charles Nettleton, a Commissioner, resident in the city of New Y'ork, duly commissioned and qualified by the E\eeutive authority, and under the laws of the State of Georgia, total e the ucknowledgement of deeds, &c., to he used or recorded therein, personally appeared Henry Clews aud Theo dore S. Fowler, to me personally known to be the individuals named in, and who executed the foregoing petition, who signed the same in my presence, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same, and they also made solemn oath before me that the statements thereon set forth, are true. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal. CHARLES NETTLETON, Commissioner for Georgia, lit Broadway, New Y'ork City. (Commissioner’s Seal, ( ( State of Georgia. ) And whereas, by virtue of an act entitled “An Act to loan the credit of the State to the Car tersville and Van Wert Railroad Company,’’ approved March 12, 1869. it; was enacted by the fourth (4) section thereof, as follows, to-wit : “That iii the event any bond or bonds, in dorsed by the State, as provided in the fli-sj section of this act, or the interest that may ac crue aud become due thereon, shall not be paid by said railroad company at maturity, or when due, it shall be the duty of the Governor upon information of such default by any holder of said bond or bonds, to seize and take possession of all the property of said railroad company, and apply the earnings of said road to the ex tinguishment of said unpaid bend or bonds, or coupons, and may, at his discretion, upon con tinued default in such payment by said com pany, for a period of six months, sell the said road and its equipments and other property belonging to said company, or any portion thereof, in such manner and at such time as in his judgment may subserve the interest of all concerned.” And whereas, the State of Georgia by author ity of law, and by the act aforesaid, has a prior lien on all the property of the said Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company, now the “ Cherokee Railroad Company,’> an anaonnt of the indoriement by the State of the bonds 6Ct forth in said petition. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Conley, Gover nor of the State of Georgia, and commander-in chief of the army and navy of the State, ana of the militia thereof, upon the information to me given by said petition, that the said Cherokee Railroad Company, formerly Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company, have made de faults iu the payment of the interest due on said bonds indorsed by tiie State, do issue this my proclamation to the eud that the petition aforesaid as well as the prayer therein may be granted and carried out in accordance with the law of the State, and act aforesaid, anil do hereby make known, that the State of Georgia has taken, and hereby does take, possession of the said Chorokee Railroad, formerly Carters ville and Van Wert Railroad, with all the prop erty of said company, anil its equipments of whatever kind, character or description ; and I, as Governor of this State have, and do hereby place the some in charge of Dan’l S. Printup, Esq., of Rome, Ga., as agent of the State of Georgia, and hereby give full power unto the said Daniel S. Printup, Esq., as such agent of the State, to take into his possession all the property aforesaid of the said Cherokee Rail road Company, to control and manage the same in accordance with and as provided by the act aforesaid, and the laws of this State. And it is further ordered : Thai all officers of this State, civil and military, exercise due dili gence, to the end that the said Agent of this State be maintained in the peaceful possession, control, management, and use of the said Cher okee Railroad, formerly Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad, and all the property of the said company, until further order df the Governor of this State. Given under my hand and the Gnat Seal of the State at the Capitol in Atlanta, this tweuty eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the tnited States of America the Ninety-sixth, BENJAMIN CONLEY'. By the Governor : David G. Lotting, Secretiry of State. ian4-3t. JOHN T. OWEN IS TIIE SOLE AGENT FOR LAZARUS & MORRIS’ PERFECTED SPECTACLES. THE BEST IN USE! Warranted to Fleaae ! Don't Buy Until You Examine Them, They cost less than half the price charged by Traveling Peddlers. 3STo Hunatoug! nov7-lm. I. o. O, F. T^7 E T re £ ul ar meeting 0 f Etowah Lodge, No. .**'i. 1, -G. O. F., is held on every Thursday night, in the Masonic Hall. J „ . „ JOHN M. DOBBS, Sec’y. Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 9th, 1871. 3 TO RENT OR SELL, „A j ? n<i elegant residence, ten rooms ana a fire-place in each room, nine closets inst eompleted and finished up, in the town of'Car tcrsville. For further particulars appply to erfc « o ARTHUR DAVIS, edc. 6.—wl g Cartersville, Ga. “ WHO WILL SUFFER ?"—lt is now 24 years since Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment was put before the public warranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism. Headache, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Old Sores, Pains in the Limbs, Back and Ch«st ; and it has never failed. Sold by Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. IYI1I0E& CO., ATLANTA, GA. TO MERCHANTS! FRESH INVOICES CUTLERY! ASSORTED CRATES NOW ARRIVING FANCYGOODS An Immense Invoice especially for CHRISTMAS k HOLIDAYS! New and Elegant Goods FOR DOLLAR STORES AND FIFTY CENTS STORES, Decorated Dinner AND TEA SETTS, KNIVES AND FORKS, CASTERS, GOBLETS, VASEfc FROM AUCTION, CHEAPER THAN 1 UEY CAN BE BOUUTII FROM MANUFACTURERS. nov3o—tf. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lung*, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. r Among the great discoveries of modem science, few are of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Cherry Pectoral will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. Asa remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. Asa safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cherry Pectoral is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost fiossible perfection. It may be confidently re ied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent t uvoi, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. No one remedy is louder iff called for by the necessities of p the American people than a ■nb/ sure and safe cure for Fever J and Ague. Such we are now JR. pgyS enabled to offer, with a. perfect M certainty that it will eradicate “ the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful dis temper. This “ Cure ” expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price will place it within the reach of all—the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no Suinism or other injurious effects whatever upon le constitution. Those cured bv it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which arc Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Astir ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain inthe Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malv rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while (exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For Liver Complaint•- »rjem K Horn torpid ity of the u ,n an excellent remedy, stun uiduug the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines fall. PREPAXXD BY Dr. J. C. AYER St CO., Dowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD, __ PRICE, SI.OO PER BOTTLE. Atlanta Nurseries. —Those desiring to purchase Fruit or Ornament al Trees, Will do well to consult the adver tisement of Harden & Cole, Atlanta, Ga., proprietors of the celebrated Atlanta Nur reries. These gentlemen did a large busi ness in this and adjoining counties last sea son, and, we believe, gave universal satis faction by fair dealing and the character of their trees. We have tried them ourself and found them all right; and if we did not think them the right kind of men, we would be the last to commend them as we do, — Car- Txytest. oct23-sw2m Election of Town Councilmen. IT is ordered by the Board of Commissioners, of the town of Cartersville, in Council as sembled, that an election be held for anew board of town Commissioners, for said town, for the year 1872, at their chambers, the 6:h dav of January, 1872, under the laws and regula"- tioas now in force for the holding of such elec tions in this State. Done by order of Council, this Dec. 12th 1871. dec 14-tde J. <j. MADDOX, Clerk. FAIR WARNING! ALL persons indebted to the firm of R. We Satterfield A Bro., are again, and for th f last time, notified to settle up at once, wnich, i you fail to do upon the warning, you will be required to settle with an officer of court. We must bring up our business, as we are compell ed to have the money. Come up without delay, friends and patrons, and settle up your ac counts, and let there be no strife between us. R. W. SATTERFIELD A BRO. dec 14 ts THE HUMAN HAlß.—Burnett’s Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, etc.., is unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. Fox sale by all Drug- Legal Advertisements. BARTOW COUNTY. GroRGIA— Babiot CotnnrT.-a an and er* Hindman has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same an 100 clock A. B. on the 11th dav of January 1874 at my office. This December **th. ICTI. J. A. HOWARD. jan 4-2 t Ordinary. /~1 EORGIA BARTOW COI’NTY.-Wherea* [ VJI Leroy Burro igh applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Joshua A. Franks, late of said countv, deceased. These are therefore to cite all and singular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they hare, showing cause whv said Leroy Eutrough should not be appointed Administrator, within the terms prescribed by law, otherwise Letters of Administration will be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this Janv. Ist, lu.i J. A. HOWARD, jan 4 ts Ordinary GEORGIA— BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas Tnornas H. Kennedy and James Kennedy, j Administrators of the estate of John Kennedv, Sen., deceased, represents to the Court in ihei petition duly filed entered upon record, that they have tullv administered John Kenne dy, Sen. estate. This is therefore to cite all pe'sons concerned, kindred and creditors to showrause, if any they can why said Administrators shall not be dis charged frimi their administration on said es tate. and receive Letters of dismission on the first Hondav in Apt il, IKI Given under my hand and official signature, this Janv. Ist, 1871 J. A. HOWARD, _jan4-tltinapr7S Ordina-T. Georgia— baetow county.-wi» e« J. E. Whiteocad. AJ.ministiator of the es tate of John C. Elliott, deceased, represents to the Court in his petit’on duly filed and eutered upon record, that he has lully administered John C. Elliott’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to snow cause if any they can. why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive Letters of dismission, on the first Monday io April, 1874. G : ven under uiv hand and official signature, this Janua v Ist, ig72. J. A. HOWARD. jan3-tlminapr Ordinary. G CORGIA—BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas J. B. Tippins, Administrator of the estate of W. W. Tippins, deceit-e<l. represents to toe Court in his petition duly filed and entered no on record, that he has .ully administered W. W. Tippin’s estate. This is therefore to cite all person concerned kindred and creditors, toshow cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be dis chatged fom bis administration and receive Letters of dismission ou tie firet "Monday n April. 1872. Given under my hand and official signature, this January Ist, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, jan4—UnUnapril Ordinary. Georgia— bartow coi: NTY.-Aaroa Collins having applied to be a ipoinred Gua dian of the persoo and property ol Mar.ha White, a m nor, resident in said county, under fourteen years of age. This is to cite all persons concei ned. to be and appear at the regular teun of the cour. of Ordinary to be helanext after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause if any they can, why said Aaron Collins should, not lie appointed Guardi an of said minor. Given under ray hand and official signature, this January Ist, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, _jan 4-301 Ordina y. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK.—By virtue of an order from the Court of ord’inary of Bartow' county, will be sold, on the first Tues day in February, 1872, at the Court-house door, in Cartersville,’in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following tract of land, to-wit: Nos. 106fi. 1092, 1093. 1094, 1139 and 1141, and that part of Nos. 1165, 1166, 1167, and 1212, lying on the North side of Euharlee creek, all inthe 17th district and 3d section of said county. The whole containing 300 acres, more or less, well improved. Also, Lot of lrnd No. 1260, 2ddistrict and 4th section, containing 40 acres, more or less, lying in the county of Folk, adjoining the lands" formerly owned by Augustus Young, dec’d, unimproied. Sold as the lands of Samuel Smith, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale Cash. This December*!. 1871. RUSSELL H. CANNON, Adm. Sam’l Smith, deceased. (GEORGIA, Bartow County.— Whereas. Ts John M. Cochran and R. B. Couch, execu tors of George Kennedy, deceaaid, represents to the court in their petition'diily filed and en tered upon record, that thew Have fully admin istered said George Kennedy’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, toshow cause, if any they can, why said executors should not be discharged from their administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1872. Given under my hand and seal, this 21st December, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C. (GUARDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of an or- X dcr from the court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February, 1872, at the Court House door in Car tersville, said county, between the ieiral sale hours. The interest"belonging to William K., John W., Laurence A., Texana and Francis Murpliy, minors, in lot of land No. 150, in the 6th District and 3d Seetion of said county, con taining 160 acres more or less, the same being an undivided interest of one ninth of said lot. Sold tor the benefit of said minors. Terms of sac lseah. This 15th December 1871. ARENA MURI’IIY", Guardian Georgia— is a rto w count y .—vv hereas, Josepeine H. Beck has applied to have the Kingston and Cassville road changed, so as to run on site of the old road, from the W. & A. It. R. Shanties, and intersect with How'ard street intlietow'n of Kingston, and reviewers have been appointed and reported favorable on said contemplated change. Therefore all persons interested are hereby notified to file any objec tions they may have in the Ordinary’s office of said eouiity, why this rood should not be chang ed on or by Saturday the 520th of January, 1872, when the order making said change will"be fi nally granted, Given under my hand ar.d official signature, Dec. 15th, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, dec2ltiljau2o Ordinary. GILMER COUNTY. GEORGIA— Gilmer County.—M. L. Corban, wife of Learder Corban has applied for ex emption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at my office in" EUijav on 12tli January next at 11 o’clock a. m. This Dec. ..’6th 1871. JOHN W. GREER, jan i 2t Ordinary. Georgia— gilmer county.—whereas j. l. Keeter applies for Letters of Administra . ;«n on the estate of George Hise, late of said county, ueeeusea. xiii& is th©ir«iorH to cite anti admonish all and singular the kindred and creditois of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in February next to show cause why permanent Letters of Ad ministration should not be granted said appli cant. Given under my hand and official signa ture this 22d day of December, 1871. JOHN W. GREER, jan 4—4 w Ordinary CHEROKEE GOUNTY. Ordinary’s Office,) Cherokee County, Ga., Nov. 24,1871. j THIRTY' DAYS after the first publication of this notice, the Legal Advertisements of Cherokee countv will be changed from Car tersville Standard to Marietta Journal. W. It. D. MOSS, Ordinary, (prs. fee $2 50.) A. T. SCOTT, Sheriff. O. W. PUTNAM, Ci’kS. C. C'l EORGlA—Bartow county.—John G. Me- X Reynolds, Guardian of Mattie Mcßey nolds, having applied to the Court ot Ordi nary of said county for a discharge from his guardianship of Mattie McKeyHolds, person and property, this is to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, by filing objections in iny office, why the said John G. Mcßeynolds should not be dismissed from bis guardianship of Mattie Mcßeynolds, and receive Letters of Dismission ou the first .Monday in .January. 1872. Given under my hand and official signature, nov. 7th, 1871. J. A. HOW A UD. 4(jJays. Ordinary. GEORGIA— Cherokee COUNTY..—Whereas, C. W. Ferguson, administrator of Coleman Furguson, represents to the Court in his peti tion. duly filed, that he has fully administered Celemuu Furguspn’s estate ; this is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said Administrator should not be "discharged from his administration and receive letters oi dismission, on the first Monday in February. 1872. VV. ti, D. MOSS, Ordinary. Nov 2. (pr’s fee 44.) GEORGIA, Cherokee County.—Whereas, William A. Williams and W. B. Doudd, Executors ol Jonathin Williams, represents to the court in tliei petition duly filed, that they have fullv administered Joilathin William’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Executors should not be discharged from their Adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday in February, 1872. pr’s fee $4. W. R. D. MOSS, nov 2 tlminf Ordinary. FRANCIS STONE,i Libel for Divorce, vs. > Cherokee Superior Court. JOHNSTONE. > July Term, 1871. It appearing to the Court by the retnrn of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is on motion : Ordered, that alaiil defendant appear and an swer at the next term of the court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. N. B. KNIGHT, J. S. C. A true extraet from the minutes of said court, July Term, 1871, O. W. Putnam. nov 10-4 m Clerk, (printer's fee |4.) I. GUTHMAN. FOR THE PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA WINE i LIQUOR COMPIRY. Sole Agents for the Celebrated. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN PURE WINES MO LIQUORS No. 3, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JCEW FIRM I YEW BUSINESS ! ! CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, OILS, LAMPS, SHADES, Ac., P. HARSH A CO., (At Ihe o!d«*taad of Blair A Bradshaw, but more recently Satterfield, lyre* A Cos.) CARTERSVILLE, GA., NOW OPENING A SUPERIOR STOCK OF CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, See. See. REMOVAL! P. MARSH has removed his Oil and Lamp Stock from the Dmg Store of Best and Kirkpatrick, to this point, consolidated both businesses. The new firm are now also dealers in OILS, LAMPS, WICKS, SHADES, AC. They respectfully invite the citizens ot Cartersville, and pub lic generally, to call and see, and examine and make their pur chascs - [oct 31,1871, w&sw-tf. TOMMEY, STEWART & BE.CK MIME MERCHANTS, 79 WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Sole Agents for Low’s Patent Improved SHINGLE SAWING MACHINE AJTD EIGHT'S PJTE.IT.IA'D SELF-EEEDtJTG Shingle Machines, Capacity of Machines frem 15,000 to 50.000 Shingles per dav, and BURT’S LATHING ItACIIIXR manufactured by C. S. A S. BURT. « % ALSO AGENTS FOR Portable Steam Engines of all Site FRENCH BURR AND ESOPUSMIU STONES. Bolting Cloths, etc. Sy amort Powder Company Hide and Blasting Powder. CARTERSVILLE Gar Factory AND BUILDING JSSOCKTION! In addition to CAR BUILDING, the Company is duly prepared to make, aud is now actively employed in filling, contracts for Building Houses, of any and all dimensions and styles; also, owing to their facilities for Sawing, Dressing, Boring and Morticing, Tongueing and Grooving &c., by steam Machinery, they offer extraordinary inducements to con tractors and builders, and all parties, wishing any work of this kind done. Window Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Ac., furnished at low figure? and on short notice. E. N. GOWER, President. H. PADGETT, Sec’y & Sdp’t. J. J. HOWARD, Treasurer. Read the following testimony of Ex-Cov. Brown about the first work turned out by this Company: President’s Office, ) WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO., ( Atlanta, Ga., October 16th, 1871. ) Col. J. J. Howard, Cartersville, Ga., —Dear Sir —We have examined the fifteen new cars made for the W. &A.R. R. C by the Cartersville Car Factory, and have no hesitation in saying they are very satisfactory. Indeed they are FIRST RATE. JOSEPH E. BROWN, Presiden Carteravi lie, Ga., Oct. 26, 1871—w6m. PATTUXO & BAKER, DEALERS IN FAMILY GROCERI E S WEST MAIN STREET, CARTER9VII.LB, GA.. AT THE OLD STAND OF R. C. & J. E. ROBERTS, pfrt of ß CONSTANTLY ON HAND * choice selection of Family Supplies, consisting, U BACON—SIDES, HAMS, AND SHOULDERS. I.ARD—TIERCES AND CANS. FLOUR AND MEAT SUGARS-^A^ ,E 4 C '^P” NE v A nni :IDAR BALT - Rl^E > *C. COFFEES RIO r B APITRri D v? E , MAHARA ' MOLASSES AND SYRUP CHEESE TOBACCOS AND CIGAR* IJ.r: FAC 1 ORY CREAM AND ENGLISH DURY mrrm rraupv CANNED FHUrr^ C p F Aph Y A T m’ (; BALMO ' N ' AND LOBSTER. "SARDINES. BUCKETS TUBS BROO A w PLESI CORN - PRESERVES & JELLIES. TOMATOES, PICKLES, SODA, STARCH AC 8 ’ NUTMF(} - POWDER-RIFLE AND BLASTING, FUSE ic * a}rA CHOICE VARIETY OF SEED IRISH’ POTATOES. Fall and Winter 187 L STOKELY & WILLIAMS r/irm« jUSt recei . ved t , heir usu al Large and WeU Assorted Stock of DRY a^ mostever J article in that line necessary for Family almost eve e^nn C e oftrade neral COmprisin g the mo9t ÜBefnl article * ia DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS’ WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Clothing of a good variety. Shirts of all kinds. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SOAP, SODA, STARCH AND FAULT MEDICINES, Dye Staffs, Bagging and Ties, HEMLOCK AND OAK TANNED SOLE LEATHER, all of which we propose to sell at Short Profits for CASH, or to Promt* Buyers and Payers on short Time. We have a good General Stock of Merchandise. Come and see us, and call for what you need, and we think we can supply you for the CASH. Those of our customers who are in arrearages with us, on Due Clatiat, will confer upon us quite a favor by calling and paying the same at ones, as we need money too bad to be put off any longer. octlljrf|jp. *