The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, January 11, 1872, Image 3

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tandard and express. CARTERSVILLE, LOCAL MA *1 T E RS» G*o. P- K v ( '*rork, find OmirriN* Pxttkno ill „ ew »p»p<-r advertising HOFFMAN, I * t , ’,ihor!/.<-'l to contract for tul our »rnmi*m. Our Authorized Ixical Agents. , W Harris Stilesboro, Ga. y ¥ Powell, Morganton, Gt. T F. Grkrr El!ij»7, G«. A fF. Blalock, Town Creek, Ga. T L Langford, Ladville, Ga. 1 M. Carpenter and 11. 11. Galloway, Blu# Ridge, Ga. jfcj-We bavo in our Retail Dry- Gocklh Store the most superb and ele- Kiuit stock of Ladies’ Dross Goods, L a cos, Etnbroideriafi, Hosiery and gen eral assorted stock of Dry Goods ever before offered by us, and we solicit in spection of our stock from all. Sam ples sent on application. Cbamuebum, Boynton k Cos., Cor. Whitehall & Hunter Streets, Atlnuta, Ga. The Largest and Most Superb Stock of Velvet Axuiinster, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Ingrain and Cheap Carpets, Curtains, Floor Oil-Cloths of all widths, and House Furnishing Goods now on Exhibition and for Sale at Extremely low prices, at The Carpet Store of Chamberlin, Boynton & Cos, Cor. W. & H. Streets, Atlanta, Ga. TO TIIE CITIZENS OF IIIKROKK COUNTY. The Standard & Express lias a circulation in your county of about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY. We are informed and believe from the best Information which we can obtain from the various Post-Offices in your county that the Marietta Journal has a circulation in your county not reaching thirty. The Branuahd A Express has hitherto had the publication of the legal ad vertisements of the county, to which it was and is by law entitled, but for some reason not known to us, it has been taken away and given to the Marietta Journel. The law r says that the paper having the largest general circulation in a county, shall have the publication of the legal advertisements. We have the right to insist that you see to it that the law’ in this case be carried out, merely suggesting that all the adver tisements appearing in the Journal are illegal, and that no sales can take place under them which will be binding. For the benefit of our subscribers, in that county, after this week we will publish a synopsis of the legal advertisements of that county. Rev. P. 11. Brewster, an old and highly respected citizen of Cherokee county, is one of the Editors and Proprietors of the Standard & Express. Notice to Subscuibers.—AU sub scribers whose time has expired for which they have paid for the Stan dard A Express, will find a cross mark with a pencil on the same. If they fall to renew their subscription at once, their names will be dropped from our list. Look out for the cross mark and act accordingly. Something xi iv v«d Uanoui. The John C. King cotton Planter and manure distributor, will be on exhi bision at the depot in a few days. We call the attention of farmers to this great labor-saving machine, and ask them to examine it, and judge it for themselves. For particulars apply to P. IT Brewster. DONT BE DECEIVED ! fesHf you fail to pay in advance for your paper, it will be stopped. fiktpThere are several town subscri pts on our books who seem to think that they have a life-time right to read our paper and never pay any thing for it—or, at least, they havn’t done it, thus far. Itesr-Pastors of Churches in town are entitled to our paper free —no body else. for your paper, if your time Ls out, or it will be discontinued. Kw)'No subscriptions on a credit at the Standard A Express Office. The exercises of the Cartersville Female Seminary will be resumed on Monday, January 15th. Pupils are requested to be present promptly the til'st day of the session. Dr. M. L. Lichtenstadt, of Atlanta, informs his patrons that he will visit Cartersville, on the following named days during the month of January: Monday, January Bth. Thursday, January 18th. Saturday, January 28th. Notice. —Dr. W. W. Leak has ta ken the Law Office of Col. J. W. Har ris, between Gilreath’s Store and the Standard & Express Printing Office, where he may be found at all hours during the day, unless he is out on professional business. Residence on Market Strict, near the new Method odist Church. jan. 9-lm On Saturday last A. P. Wofford, W. C. Eewards, It. C. Roberts, J. O. Maddox, and M. B. McGinty, were elected Town Counciimen of Carters ville for 1872. J. D. Wilkerson and A. M. 1 rauklin are the Marshals. A Chicago German blew out his brains with a pistol loaded with pow- j der and water—a terribly effective ; charge if used at very short range. 1’ iN'K pictures may lie seen at the “ Eclipse” Picture Gallery, east of the i Railroad and opposite the Depot, j Mr. Rapier is a a skillful artist, and , his work is remarkably cheap. All ! should go and “secure the shadow ere the substance fades.” 1 here are now 124,115 miles of rail roads in the world. There are seventy-five licensed bar rooms in Atlanta. The U. S. Senate has rejected the House amnesty bill, in effect. Hon. John A. Winston, ex-Govem of Ala bam, died in Mobile last week. The committee to investigate the official conduct of Gov. Bullock have organized and gone to work. The committee to investigate the fairness or unfairness of the lease of the Western & Atlantic Railroad or ganized a few days since. It is reported that 1,500 ex-Confed crate soldiers have gone to Mexico to the assistance of Juarez. The Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, it is said, has received ten offers of marriage within a year. The Texas cattle trade, it is estima ted, during the past season, amounts ta 600,000 head of beeves driven to Kansas, Nebraska, and the Western Btates and Territories. Cartersville.— We are not wil ling to place Cartersville in the cate gory of presumptuous “burgs.” It is too clever a village for that. But then that Standard A Express— what a vain and arrogant paper! It wants Cartersville to assume the name of “the city of Etowah.” Then it wants water-works, though the sub ject of wind works could tie discussed more satisfactorily and an enterprise of that kind inaugurated without any opposition—simply because the Standard & Express could take all the stock and do all the “ blowing.” —Hmckinsville IHxpatch . The above is cool even for this sea son, coming as it does from such a source! In all our Mowing we have never reported a gourd-vine 25 feet in diameter and 300 feet long. The Etowah Iron Works, we are gratified to learn, are to be rebuilt in a short time. A company, we under stand has been organized for this pur pose, and a hundred hands it Ls said, will be employed in the work in the course of the next month. The prop erty is valuable, and the enterprise is well calculated to promote the inte rests not only of our immediate sec tion but of the whole State. A Rail road up the river will tie a necessity now, and we say, on with the work. special notices. Gently Doe* It, without pain or irritation, Ilr. Walker’s V inegar Bitters relieve the con stipated bowels ; at the same time so thorough ly toning their inner membrance and restoring their mechanical action, that it seems as if they had been reorganized on an improved plan. Yet the result is solely due to nature, reinforc ed and sustained by the best Vegetable Altern ative and tonic that ever passed the lips of the sick and suffering. A Fragrant Breath and Pearly Teeth are easily attained, and those who fail to avail themselves of the means, should not complain w hen accused of great neglect. The Sozodont will speedily eradicate the causeofloul breath, beautifying and preserving the teeth to the oldest age. Many Housekeepers are not aware of the deception practise! m the manufacture of Fla voring Extracts for culinary use. Many ol them are deleterious and impure. “Burnett’s Stan dard Extracts” are made from the finest speci mens of the fruits and spices they represent, ami arc perfectly pure. To Owners of Horses. —No one who has ever used Ilr. Tobias’ Horse Venetian Lina ment will ever be without it ; it is a certain cure for Colic, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises anil old sores. Warranted superior to any other. In Pint bottles at sl.®. Sold by the Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New Y ork. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL.—Not the cheap est, but safest anil Best Illuminating Oil for family use ever made. Burns in the ordinary kerosene lamp. Does not take tire, nor ex plode if the lump ls upset or broken. Send for circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt establish ed 1770, New York. KISLKY’S LINIMENT—Of Arnica, Hops. Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure-all, acting on the nerves connected with the skin. It promptly relieves Neuralgia Pains, Cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, Ac. Sold everywhere at 50 cents. Morgan and ltisely, Wholesale Druggists, New Xork, Gen’l Ag’ts. LAIItDs’ BLOOM OF YOUTH. —A most delightful toilet preparation for beautifying the skiu, lias been established over ten years ; during that time over one million ladies have used it; in overy instance it has given entire satisfaction ; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles anil sunburns, giving the skin a youthful appearance. Sold at all Druggists anil Fancy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, N. Y, THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVE RY OF Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing the beneficial effects, which this remedy never fails to produce during the criti cal period of teething. CARBOLIC SALVE—Nothing like it ever known before. Cures cuts, burns, sores, wounds, Ac., like magic. Physicians speak of it in terms ofthe highest praise. Price 26cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, H College Place, New York". PHYSICIANS who have prescribed Svapnia or purified Opium use no other form of Opium in their practice. CRISTAIIORO’S HAIR DYE.—If all tile hairs were lives, Othello said, “my great re venge hath stomach for them all.” But hair that’s grey or sandy, white or red, Hie ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christopher's Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory, (58 Maiden Lane, New Xork. THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard A Caswell’s made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected lsxers, by Caswell, Hazard A Cos., New York. It is abso lutely pure and sweet, Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to auy of the other oils in the market. JOUVIN’S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., New York A Body and Mind Disease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the ouc to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It may be added too that irritation ofthe stomach is almost in variably accompanied by irntiuion of the tem per. The invigorating and trunquilizing operation of Hostetter’s Bitter# is most powerlully devel oped in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tome is comforting and encour aging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region ofthe stomach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This im provement is not transient. It is not succeeded to lie the return of the old symptoms with su peraddod force, as is always the case when un medicatcd stimulants are given for the com plaint. Hitch dose seents to impart a perma nent accession of healthful invigoration. But this is not all. The aparient and anti-billious properties of the preparation are scarcely sec ondary in importance to ils tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bilavy organ is inert and torpid it is toned and regula ted. The effect upon the discharging organs is equal salutary, and in cases of constipation the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. The Bitters also promote healthy evaporation from tliesurface, which is particularly desira able at this season when sudden spells of raw I unpleasant weather are apt to check the natu ral perspiration and produce congestion ofthe [ liver, coughs and colds. The best safeguard against all diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restorative especially pro motes. jan4 lot. Re-anlmating the Hair.—When the liair ceases to draw from the scalp the natural lu bricant which is its sustenanc, its vitality is, as it were, susoended, and if not promptly at tended to, baldness will be the certain result. The one sure method of avoiding such an un pleasant catastrophe is to use Lyon’s Katha kion, which, when well rubbed into the scalp, will speedily re-animate the hair and prevent itfrom falling out. Besides that, this inimita ble resusciant and strengtliener of the Hair nourishes and stimulates Us young and tender fibers, removes all obstacles to their growth in the shape of dandruff and dirt, and ultimately produces anew crop of hair, stronger, glossier and twice as abundant as the old. Asa hair dressing it is the most agreeable, refreshing and serviceable article ever placed upou a dressing-table. Symptoms of Liver Complaint and of ■Some of the Diseases Produced by it. A sallow or yellow color of skin, or yellowish brown spots oil face and other parts ot body ; dullness and drowsiness, with frequent head ache; dizziness, bitter or bad taste in mouth, dryness ol throat and internal heat; palpitation, in many cases a dry, teasing cough, with sore throat, unsteady appetite, raising of food chok ing sensation in throat ; distress, heaviness, or bloated, or full feeling about stomach and sides pain in sides, back or breast and about shoul ders ; colic pain and soreness through bowels, with boat; constipation, alternating with fre quent attacks of diarrhoea; piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of exiremities ; rush ol blood to head, with symptoms of appoplexy, numbness of limbs, especially at nigr.t ; cold chills alternating with hot flashes, kidney and urinary difficulties; female weakness, dullness, low spirits, unsociability and gloomy forebod ings. Only a few of above symptoms likely to be present in any case at one time. All who’use Dr. Pierce’s Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis covery lor Liver complaint and its Complicu tions, are loud in its praise. Sold by all first class druggists. COMMERCIAL. Cartemille Wholesale and Retail Prices. COTTON, Y n> 18 Meats—Shoulders, £ !t> 8 @ Clear Rib Sides, V tt> B>, (05 Plain Hams, lb 10(H) 11 Canvassed Hams, 18(^20 Fresh Pork, %ltb 6(s 8 Butter—Goshen 40 <eo Country, lt> 25 @ 30 Beeswax, lb 20 (and, 25 Brimstone and Sulphur, ttr B(<pls Blue Stone, tb 15 (g> 20 Borax, M lb 50 <gi ® Cheese, lb 20 (gj *5 Craekers—Butter, tb 8 (a 15 Soda, (§ 8 (Oi 15 Cream, V tb 14 (tc 20 Cigars—lmported, M S7O (j> TO Domestic, f M 15 (a) 30 Candy—Fancy assorted lb —« ... 19 (i 40 Stick f l . lb 19 (it 30 Candles, W tb 12 OS 25 Coffee—Rio, %»lb 23 fe 28 Java, tb 28 (® 32 Cream Tartar, vßlb 50(jb75 Fggs, doz, 25 M3O Flour, ft cwt s4(ib 5 Grain—Corn bu 65 70 Wheat, red3B bu 1 50($ 160 Rye, 75 @ TO Peas, 75 (§ Oats, 50(h)® Clover Seed, 9 50 @I2OO Indigo, tb 175@ 2 00 Lard, 12 @ 14 Mackerel—Kits, 2 00 @2 75 Pepper, tb ST« 40 Fntty s S jO Potatoes—lrish ft bu 75(m85 nfS. S_ » i^ ail totton - ¥tb 3>. (rt> Raisins— l-4 box $T* 1-S “ 2 25 Sugar— Brown, ft tb 12® 14 9 13® 15 £ '-y 16® Crushed, 16 ® 17 Powr’d, 18 ® 20 Salt, V sack 2 20 ®225 Shot, ft bag 2 75 ® 3 TO Soda, ft tb T® 10 Soap—liar, lb 8 ® 15 Starch, ¥ *> 8 («o 10 Sprup—Muscovado, sl*l 40 (4 50 Golden TO® 1 TO Extra Golden 1 TO® 125 New Orleans, 70® 80 Tobacco—Common, ft Tb ®(<s7s Medium, 7U ® 75 Prime .... I®®lGU Tea, Y lb Vinegar- Cid«r, ft gal *0 @ 75 A. M. FOUTE, Treasurer, In Account with Bartow County, for the Year Ending Slat December, IS7I. DR. F«b 28 —To ain't transfer ! from Jail Fund S9OO 00 Mch B—To ain't from E Harling, former T C, 78 00 Mch 18—To ain't from E G Nel son. Retail License, 2500 “ From TO Moore *• 25 00 “ “ JM Smith “ 25 00 “ “ W Barnea “ 500 “ “ J C Layton “ 25 00 “ “ V B McGinnis “ 2500 “ “ 8 W Spencer “ 25 00 “ “ D Parham “ 25 00 “ “ Rowan k Haney “ 25 00 “ “ Mathew Goodson ” 2500 “ “IS Day, former cl’k Inferior Court, 45 00 ** “ Sale Estray 125 “ “ ** old iron 50 “ J A Manion, P’s Li cense, 1 month. 2000 “ “ H J Croft on, do 20 00 “ “ P Lynch do 2000 Mch 16 —From D 8 Ford on fi fa 23681 Ap'l 4—From E Harling form’r T C 7800 May 2—From “ “ 31 20 May 30-From J R. Parrott C H Sub 170 41 May 30—From J R Parrott cost plas tering office in C H 44 80 June 2—From D W K Peacock, ag’t, ape. Geo Simmons 2085 July 11—From J J Howard C H Sub 575 00 July 12—From E Harling form’r T C 20 67 Sept 22—From Z A Mcßeynolds T C 80 00 Sept 26 « “ “ “ 10000 Sept 26 From D 8 Ford on fi fa 112 28 Oct s—From Z A Mcßeynolds T C 120 00 Oct 13— “ “ “ “ 12000 Oct 19— “ “ “ “ 460 00 Oct 30— “ “ “ “ 16000 Nov 1— “ “ “ “ 44000 Nov 8— “ “ “ “ 1160 00 Nov 20— “ “ “ “ 24000 Nov 23 “ “ “ “ 280 00 Dec 11— “ “ “ 320 00 Dec 14— “ “ “ “ 350 80 Dec 18— “ “ “ “ 80 00 Dec 26 “ “ “ “ 80 00 Total Receipts $6595 57 CR. Feb 27—By ain’t pd Milton Love less No 1 328 30 Mch I—By p’d I Alley No 2 62 90 Mch 1— “ L Bennett &CoNo 3 805 Mch 1 — “ L l'ayne &Cos No 4 100 00 Mch 1— “ J H Satterfield No 5 17 40 Mch 2 “ 1 A Word No 6 2o 00 Mch 2 “ “ No 7 650 Mch 7 “ H F Price No 8 231 80 Mch 7 “ W T Wofford No 9 50 00 Mch 8— “ Z A Mcßeynolds No 10 52 91 Mch 8 — “ E Harling Noll 900 Mch 10— “ John H Cobb No 12 21 66 Mch 11— “ .1 T Guthrie No 13 2000 Mch 13— “ J A Howard No 14 199 30 Mch 15— “ S H Smith No 15 75 00 Mch 16— “ D S Ford No 18 236 81 Ap’l 4 “ SII Smith No 17 72 50 Ap’l 6 “ Lewis Tumlin No 18 60 00 Ap’l 6 “ J T Guthrie No 19 950 May 30— •* J It Parrott No 20 215 21 June 5 “ AM Foute No 21 670 July 11— “ Howard k Erwin No 22 485 00 July 11— “ “ No 23 90 00 Sept 22 “ Stokely &. Williams No 24 70 00 Sepl 22 “ J L Gash No 25 9 00 Sept 20— “D S Ford No 26 43 15 Sept 28— “ “ No 27 09 13 Sept 28— “ Stokely <St Williams No 28 75 00 Oct 10— “ “ No 28 100 00 Oct 16- “ <• <* No 30 55 00 Oct 19— “ Mrs W P Elliott No 31 9 00 Oct 19— “ Z A Mcßeynolds No 32 9 00 Oct 10— •« “ No 33 900 Oct 24- "EC McDaniel No 34 900 Oct 24- “ “ No 35 800 Oct 24- “ Sant’l Clayton No 36 16 00 Oct 24- •' *• No 37 16 00 Oct 24- “ “ No 38 15 00 Oct 24- “ “ No 39 15 00 Oct 24- “ “ No 40 15 00 Oct 24- “ “ No 41 15 00 Oct 24- “ “ No 42 900 Oct 24- “ “ No 43 900 Oct 24- “ “ No 44 900 Oct 24- “ A A Skinner No 45 550 Nov 3- “ F R Calhoun No 46 900 Nov 4- “Z W Jackson &CoNo 47 17 56 Nov 7- “J R Henderson No 48 74 00 Nov 8- “ J S Harris No 49 900 Nov 8- “PC Waldrup No 50 900 Nov 8- “ Me D Harris No 51 12 00 Nov 8- “A R Hudgins No 52 900 Nov 8- “ R W Satterfield & Bro No 53 40 00 Nov 9- “ I Alley No 54 13 80 Nov 9- “ A A Skinner No 55 70 50 Nov 9- •« “ No 56 21 00 Nov 9- “ W H Howard No 57 54 50 Nov 13-“ W arren Akin No 68 280 00 Nov 13- “ J M Smith No 59 1500 Nov 15- “ B T Leeke No 60 12 00 Nov 15- “ “ No Cl 9 00 Nov 15-” J M Veach No 62 12 00 Nov 15-“ “ No 63 197 00 Nov 16- “ WII Howard No 64 50 00 Nov 21- “ I Alley No 65 62 00 Nov 22- “ Thomas Stephens No 66 900 Nov 24- “JR Parrott No 67 33830 Nov 24-“ Howard & Erwin No 68 12800 Nov 24- “ “ No 69 21 00 Nov 24-“ T A Word No 70 20 00 Nov 25-“ Thomas Stokely No 71 15 00 Nov 25- *• H M Clayton No 72 17 00 Nov 25- “ N Gilrenth & Son No 73 9 00 Nov 29- “ William Milner No 74 9 00 Nov 29- “ Z A Mcßeynolds No 75 54 88 Nov. 29—By pd A J Weems, No 76, SSO 00 “ Z A Mcßeynolds, No 77, 20 00 “ Z A Mcßeynotds, No 78, 9 00 “ Z A Mcßeynolds, No 79, 3 00 Deo 1 “ W Benham, No 80 10 00 “ J C Wofford, No 81, 80 00 “ 2 “ Silas Stephens, No 82, 850 00 “ 6 F M Ford, No 83, 9 00 “ “ “ “ 84, 30 35 “ 7 “ L Tumlin, No 85, 132 00 “ “ “ 86, 110 00 “ “ “ 87, 391 81 “ N C Sayre “ 88, 900 ‘‘ll “A Baxter, “ 89, 52 00 “ 12 “GW Satterfield, No 90, 75 00 “ 14 “GW Satterfield, No 91, 75 00 “ Tom Tumlin No 92, 900 “15 “ J D Layton, “93. 150 00 “ 16 “AC Trimble, “ 94, 900 “27 “ J W Wofford •< 95, 300 “ A R Hudgins “ 96, 900 “ Gilbert & Baxter, No 97, 3 02 Total Disbursements, $6198 04 Commission on $6198 04, 154 95 “ “ 5795 57, 142 38 Balance on hand, 100 20 $6595 57 NEW JAIL FUND. Sept 22—Amt Z A Mcßeynolds, T C 240 00 “ 26 “ “ “ “ 300 00 Oct 5 “ “ “ “ 360 00 “13 “ 360 00 “ 19 “ “ “ “ 1380 00 “ 30 “ “ “ “ 480 90 Nov 1 “ “ “ “ 1320 00 “ 8 “ “ “ “ 3480 00 “ 20 “ “ “ •• 720 00 “ 29 “ “ “ “ 840 00 Dec 11 “ “ “ “ 960 CO “ 14 “ “ “ “ 1052 40 “ 18 “ “ “ “ 240 00 “ 26 “ “ « “ 240 00 Total Receipts, $11972 40 CR. Oct 7—By pd L A Chapman, No 1, 27 00 Nov 5 “ C G Trammell, « 2, 1000 00 “8 “ B Scofield, “3, 1502 00 “ Wallace & Chapman 4, 386 43 “10 “ “ “ 6, 1000 00 “ 13 “ C G Trammell, No 6, lOCO 00 “ “ “ “ 7, 1000 00 “ 16 “ A P Wofford, ** 8, 110 00 “ LA Chapman, “ 9, 693 01 “ W B Wallaee, “ 10, 41109 “ L A Chapman, “ 11, 115 32 “W W Leak, “ 12, 54 00 Nov 24 “JR Parrott, cr ‘*l3 500 00 Dec 2 “ “ “ “ “u, 500 00 “ 28 “ “ “ “ “ 16, 2000 00 #10298 85 Commission on $10298 85 257 47 “ “ 11972 40 290 31 Balance on hand, 1116 77 $11972 40 JAIL FUND. Feb 84— Amt J H Cobb, for Treas., $1614 23 March 8 “ E Harling, “TO S4 00 April 4 “ “ “ 34 00 May, S “ “ “ 960 July, 19 “ “ “ 636 Sept 99 “ Z A Mcßeynolds, T C 30 00 Sept 26 “ “ “ “ 37 60 Oct 5 “ “ “ “ 45 00 Oct 13 “ “ “ “ 45 00 Oct 19 “ “ “ “ 179 50 Oct *0 “ “ “ “ 60 00 Nov 1 “ “ “ “ 165 00 Nov 8 “ “ “ “ 435 00 Nov 20 “ “ “ “ 90 00 Nov 29 “ “ “ “ 105 00 Dec 11 “ “ “ “ 120 40 Dec 14 “ “ “ “ 131 55 Dec 18 “ “ “ “ 30 00 Dec 26 *• “ “ •• 30 00 “ Total Receipts, $317174 CR. March I—Amt trans to Gen Fund, No 1 S9OO 00 March 1 “ paid John Jolly, " 9 99 65 March 8 ,‘ “ Z A Mcßeynolds, 3 16 28 April I “ “ John Jolly, No 4, 146 35 April 14 “ “ Egbert Moody, 5, 18 00 May 1 “ “ John Jolly, Kofi, 117® June » “ “ W W Rick, ** 7. 118 SO July 4 “ “ John Jolly, “8. 136® July 10 “ “ J Lackey, “ #, Si 95 July 10 “ C C Wofford “ 10, 30 00 Aug 1 “ John JoUy. •* 11, 50 00 Sept 93 t Satterfield AW cr 19, 25 00 Sept 98 “ “ " IS, 30 00 Oct 16 “ “ “ “ “ 14. 49 50 Oct 18 •* “ “ “ “ 15, 49 50 Oct 19 “ “ “ *- “ 16, 6970 Oct 18 “ “J W JoUy No 17, 825 Nov 9 “ Satterfield A W No 18,143 10 Nov 9 “ “HM Clayton, No 18, 150 90 Nov 6 “ •• Isham Alley, “90, 310 Nov 6 “ “ “ “ “21, 6 90 Nov 8 “ “ John JoUy, “29, 47 3u Nov 1# “ “J T Norm, “23, 5100 Nov 10 ** “ “ “ “94, 31 00 Dec 9 John Jolly, “ 25, 54 95 Dec 90 *♦ “G H Chase, “96, 6® Total Disbursements $9383 08 Commission on $1483 03 37 07 “ “ 15® 51 39® Balance on band, 715 64 $3174 74 PAUPER FUND. Feb 94—To am’t from J H Cobb form’r T 2 86 Mch 8— “ “ E Harling TC 24® Apl 4 “ “ “ 24® May 9- 9 ® July 19- “ “ “ 636 Sep99— “ “ Z A Mcßevnolds T C 90® Sep 96- “ “ “ 25® Oct 5 “ “ “ W® Oct 13— “ “ 30 ® Oct 19— “ “ “ 115® Oct 30— “ “ “ 40® Novi— “ ** “ 110® Nov 6- “ “ “ 2®® Nov 90- “ “ “ ®W Nov 99- “ ‘ “ 70® Dec 11— “ • “ ®® Dec 14— “ “ “ 87 70 Dec 18— “ “ “ 20® Dec 26 “ “ “ 20® Total Receipt* 106459 Mch B—By am’t p’d Z A Mcßeynolds No 1 16 28 Mch 15— “ J P Shaw No 2 5 ® Junel— “ C M Griffin cr. No 3 10® Nov 6 “ Isham Ally No 4 18® Nov 8-, “ Best A Kirkp’k Nos 10810 Nov 20- “ Tho’s H Baker No 6 ®® Nov 29 “ J W Lewis No 7 48 01 Dec 6 “ F M Ford No 8 114 72 Dec 7 “ CM Griffin No 9 32 75 Dec 7 “ Lewis Tumlin No 10 I®® Dec 7 “ “ Noll I®® Dec 7 “ “ No 12 93 88 Dec 11— “ “ No 13 1® ® Dec 19- “ I Ally cr. No 14 75® Total Disbursements 87177 Commission on $87177 21 79 “ 106166 26 54 Balance on hand 1U42 $106152 STATIONERY FUND. Amt J H Cobb formecXreasurer 89 59 Mch 8“ E Harling, “ TC 6® Apl 4 “ “ “ “ 6 W May 2“ “ “ “ 2 40 July 12 “ “ “ 1 59 Sept 29 “ Z A Mcßeynolds “ 10 ® Sept 26 “ “ “ “ 13 50 Oct 5 “ “ “ “ 15 00 Oct 13 “ “ “ “ 15 ® Oct 19“ “ “ “ 57 50 Oct ®“ “ “ “ 20® Nov 1 “ “ ‘ “ 55 ® Nov 8“ “ • “ 145® Nev 90 “ “ .... go oo Nov 29 “ “ “ “ 35 ® Dec 11“ “ “ “ 40 00 Dec 14“ “ .in 4385 Dec 18“ “ “ “ 10® Dec 26 “ “ “ ‘i 10® Total Receipts. $604 43 CR. Feb 27—By pd J A .Johnson, Nol 5 25 Mch 8 “ Z A Mcßeynolds, “ 2 407 Mch 18 “ J A Johnson, “3 7® Mch 25 “ WB Bishop, “4 6® Mch 25 “ J F Biawner, “5 6 ® Mch 25 “ A B Harrison, “6 6® Mch 25 “ J A Johnson, “7 6 ® Mch 28 “ T J Lyon, “ 8 350 Mch 29 “ T F GouldsmitU “9 3® Apl 1 “ W 1 Bishop “10 6® Apl “ W I McCarson “11 10® Apl •• A B Harrison “12 6® Apl “ J F Brawuer “13 6 ® Apl “ J A Johnson “14 6 ® Apl 19 “ W W Rich “15 1115 Sept 26 “ A B Harrison “16 5® Sept 97 “ W J McCarson “17 3 ® Oct 5 “ Miller Collins “18 9® Oct 18 “ RA& H M Clay ten “19 1155 Oct “ W A Dewese “20 26 ® Oct 20 “ R L Sellers “ 21 52 n0 Oct 24 “ T A Word “ 22 45 70 Nov 8 A B Harrison “23 4® Nov Jas Lackey “ 24 7® Nov J A Johnson “25 5 00 Nov Jas Lackey “ 26 4 ® Nov Wm Kay “27 COO Nov J F Brawner “ 28 6 TO Nov Wm Ray “ 29 6 00 Nov J A Johnson “ 30 4 TO Nov W B Bishop “31 6 00 “ “ • “ 32 6 00 “ Wm Satterfield “ 33 6 TO “ “ “ 34 6® Nov 10 “ OP Heath “ 35 9TO Nov 21 “ Isham Alley “36 1315 Nov 24 " L l’ayne ACo “37 260 Nov 25 “ WH Howard “ 38 600 Nov 29 “ Vs B Bishop “39 9TO Nov “ J A Johnson “40 6 00 Nov “ Jas Lackey “41 5® Dec fi “ W W Rich “42 32 TO Dec 23 “ Walter Williams “43 5® “ J M Smith “ 44 10 25 Dec 30 “ AM Foute “45 500 Total Disbursements $414 09 Commission on s4l (02 10 34 “ “ 514 84 12 87 Balance on hand 167 20 $604 43 ROAD FINES Feb 24—Amt J II Cobb former Treasurer, 098 Dec 23—By pd Gilbert & Baxter Nol 098 J UllY FUND. Feb 24—To am’t from J II Cobb for. T 41190 Mch 8— “ E Harling for. T C 18 00 Apl 4 “ “ 18 00 May 2 “ “ 7 20 JuitelO— “ T A Word jury fee 3® Julyl2— “ E Harling for. T C 477 Sep 22 “ Z A Mclteynalds T C 20 00 Sep 26- “ “ 25 00 Oct 5 “ “ 30 ® Oct 13— “ “ 30 TO Oct 19— “ “ 115 ® Oct 30— “ “ 40 ® Novi— “ “ 110 00 Nov 8— “ “ 2® ® Nov 20— “ “ 60® Nov 29- “ ‘j 70® Dec 11— “ “ TO® Dec 14— “ “ 8770 Dec 18— “ “ 20® Dec 26 “ “ 20® Total Receipts 1460 57 Surplusage to bal. 3569 $14% 26 Feb 28—By am’t p’d J G Lowry No 1 7® Mch 8— “ 7. A Mcßeynolds No 2 1221 “ S K Lowry No 3 2® Mch 20— “ B F Shaw No 4 200 “ Thos A Owens No 5 2® Mch 23 “ J C Branson No 6 5® Mch 25 “ A H Rice No 7 6® “ O P Heath No 8 6® “ M H Hall No 9 6® “ Walter Lanier No 10 6 ® “ D W Slaughter Noll COO “ R It Couch 12 0® “ YVm Collins 13 6® “ James Dunn 14 6® “ JW Tinsley 15 6® “ J J Johnson 16 6® “ T B Maxwell 17 6 00 “ ML Pritchett 18 600 “ A J Casey 19 6® “ W A Leeke 20 6 ® “ JT Bailey 21 6® “ Thoa A Owens 22 6 ® “ O M Dodgen 23 6® “ W M K Miles 21 6® “ R G Mays 25 6® “ L Payne 26 6 ® “ D V Stokely 27 6® “ P R Lewis 28 6® *’ John Shuler 29 6® “ J M Smith 30 600 “ ND Allen 31 6® “ iohnGShaw 82 6® “ Monroe Goodsou 33 6® “ A M Linn 84 6 00 “ J L Mosteller 35 6 ® “ J P Hawks 36 6 TO “ Joseph Smith 37 6 00 “ Blunter Barton 38 600 “ H C Myers 39 6® “ J B Pyron 40 6® Alt Hudgins 41 6® “ A A Skinner 42 fi® i L Wikle 6® ilclt 97 John H Fitten 44 5® “ „ “ “ 45 5® Best & Kirk’pt 46 600 xr I«> !! RC Saxon 47 4® Mch 30 GW Satterfield 48 600 “ W C Allen 49 4 00 Amt pd Tom Tumlin 50 400 Mch 31 “ J A Jefferson 51 500 , , “ 52 600 Apl 1 “ Joshua Tass 53 600 “ J A Moore 54 600 “ F M Durham 55 600 “ T S "Upshaw 56 600 “ J W Maxwell 57 600 “ J F Morton 58 600 “ J A Terrell 59 600 Wm Eddleman 60 6 00 “ J A Jefferson 61 600 “ Thos Stephens 62 600 “ HA Johnsey 63 600 “ J C Sims 64 600 “ J E Shaw 65 600 “ Jarrett Gordon 66 600 “ Levi Branson 67 600 “ GCGholston 68 600 “ RC Saxon 69 600 “ F M Shaw 70 600 “ W J Hicks 71 600 “ AS Lipscomb 72 600 April 6 “ W J Satterfield 73 500 “ B F Mosteller 74 200 8 “ WJSwain 75 600 10 “ J D Bowdoin 76 100 12 “ T M Laj’ton 77 600 26 “ ED Puckettjr 78 600 May 1 “ F G Ross 79 500 Sept 22 “ WM K Miles 80 700 “ Jos. Bradley 81 400 23 “ A R Hudj'ins 82 900 26 “ S Venable 83 900 “ S McGuire 84 600 “ Silar West 85 500 “ W J AILn 86 600 “ 8 W Leland 87 600 Oct 5 “ JCP Logan 88 600 “ Benj. Heath 89 600 “ Eli Costner 90 600 “ OL Bailey 91 400 “ T J “ J T Hardin 93 600 “ Joe J Jones 94 600 “ W H Wofford 95 600 “ J C Maddox 96 600 “ Z A M’Reynolds 97 600 “ “ 98 600 19 “ JEShaw 99 900 “ AS Davis 100 600 “ DBCunyus 101 600 “ T N Harris 102 600 “ W C Gillam 103 600 “ htederic Page 104 900 “ T M Ansley 105 200 “ Jas P Wood IC6 600 “ FM Johnson 107 600 “ G M Isbell 106 600 “ Geo YsTlMPoagh 109 600 “ DP Brandon 110 600 Oct 23 “ WWIx-ake 111 600 “ WE Foute 112 500 i Nov 1 “ RC Saxon 113 900 “ ASLiptcomb 114 900 “ W W Myers 115 600 “ W 8 Attaway 116 600 “ Tilman Leak 117 600 “ L D Jon<?s 118 600 “ GJ Briant 119 600 “ WC Green 120 600 “ J Greenvrood 121 600 “ WM loveless 122 600 “ R Johnston 123 600 “ A A Skinner 124 600 “ JP Bradley 125 600 Nov 4 « JR M Burge 126 600 Nov 8 “ MG Williams 127 600 “ J W Cal lahan 128 600 “ J W Stubbs 129 600 “ R L Rogers 130 600 “ R A Howard 131 600 “ S Venable 132 600 “ JDHtad 133 600 “ R H Dodd 134 600 “ A Collins 130 600 “ P G Collins 136 600 “ J W Le wis 137 600 “ A Knight 13S 600 . “ J Yarborough IS9 600 “ SAMLiebman 140 600 “ BF Godfrey 141 600 “ G B Loveless 142 600 “ B Scofield 143 600 “ Silas Stephens 144 600 “ PL Moon 145 600 “ John Baker 146 600 “ JR Henderson 147 600 “ J J Haney 148 600 “ Z A M’Reyn’lds 149 600 “ Emsley Stegall 150 600 “ J G Ryals 151 400 “ HA Johnsey 152 900 “ A Knight 153 900 “ A Collins 154 900 “ J W Lewis 155 900 “ R L Rogers 156 900 “ J D Lajdon 157 900 “ J C Sims 158 900 “ JF Morton 159 900 “ Emsle\ r Stegall 160 900 “ “ 161 500 “ W r J McCarson 162 500 “ B Scofield 163 500 “ RL Rogers 164 500 “ J J Brawner 165 200 “ AH Rice 166 900 “ “ 167 100 “ A R Hudgins 163 500 “ “ “ 169 600 “ W' L Kirk’pt 170 600 “ “ “ 171 900 “ J F Best 172 500 “ “ “ 173 600 “ “ “ 174 900 “ R W Satterfield 175 600 “ L A Cline 176 600 “ W B V r allace 177 600 “ Silar West 178 600 “ T J Rogers 179 600 “ H H Hall 180 600 “ G W Gresham 181 600 “ Patti 11 o& B 182 300 “ JW Dyer 183 400 “ A L Barron 184 200 “ M A Leak 165 600 “ “ “ 186 600 Nov 29 “ W J Swain 187 900 “ M Loveless 183 900 “ G C Gholston 189 900 “ J H Gilreath 190 900 “ SH Smith 191 900 “ J A Terrell 192 900 “ W A Williams 193 900 “ M C Jackson 194 900 “ W B Wallace 195 900 “ J H Satterfield 196 900 “ J L Neel 197 700 “ S T MeCanless 198 600 “ J L Dysart 199 700 “ J H Gilreath 200 600 “ N G ilreath & Son 201 600 “ “ 202 600 “ “ 203 600 Dec 2 “ J W Strange 204 600 “ SH Smith 205 600 “ W A Williams 206 600 “ WO Bowler 207 600 “ J W Foster 208 600 “ Milton Loveless 209 600 “ W I Benham 210 600 “ J L Neel 211 600 “ L A Chapman 212 600 “ J S Owens 213 600 “ Fred’k Page 214 600 “ JB Conyers 215 600 “ Z A M’Reyn’lds 216 500 “ OShaw 217 500 “ T R Milam 218 500 “ FMShaw 219 400 “ J H Gilreath 220 300 “ ST MeCanless 221 300 “ AY Shea ts 222 300 “ J H Gilreath 223 200 “ W B Wallace 224 200 “ S Disheroon 225 200 Dec 11 “ Thos Stephens 226 900 “ WA F Stephens 227 600 “ J A Richey 228 600 “ R W Murphy 229 600 Dec 14 “EL Eddleman 230 600 “ Thos Tumlin 231 600 “ “ 232 * 4 00 “ “ 233 900 “ H W Fite 234 900 “ Jarrett Gordon 235 900 “ Thos H Baker 236 600 “ Stokely &W 237 600 Total Disbursements $1434 21 Commission on $1434 21 35 85 “ 1048 67 26 20 $1496 26 Respectfully submitted, A. M. FOUTE, Treasurer B. Cos. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRISE MEDALS AWARDED. THE GKE.IT WM. KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MB. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence attained an unpurchased pre-er/iiitencc , which pronounces them unequaletf, in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP, And BUR ABILITY JJ&-All our Square Fianos have our New Improved Ovebbtuuno Soalk and the Agraffe Treble Skas-We would call speeial attention to our late Patented improvements in GRAND PI ANOS and GRANDS, found in no other Piano, whiuhqMi tig the Piano nearer Per fection than has yet been attained, EVERY PIANO FDLLY WARRANTED POR PIVE J&ig-We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and MELO DEONS of the most celebrated makers, Whol6- Bale und Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt ly furnished on application to WM KNABE & CO., Baltimore, Mi Or any of our regular established agf nces. oct a3-tec C artersville FEMALE SEMINARY, Cartersville, GEa. Misses L. Moon and •C. Safford. Miss O. L. Verdery, Music Deprrtment rjWE next term will open Monday, 16th January, 1872. flie Course of SMy is Complete. The Teachers are xperiencei. Special facilities fob acquiring the HIGHER BRANCHES, WHILST THE PRIMARY ARE NOT NEGLECTED. Obder, Compobt, Neatness secubeii in t he SCHOOLROOM. The Terms are Moderate. For circulars, &c., apply to the nov 30 3m Teachers. JAS. W. STRANGE, Dealer In, and Manufacturer Os TOf WARE, AJffD Honse-furnishins Goods, ALSO DEALER IM First-Class Stoves At The Lowest Cash Prices, WILL BARTER FOB COUNTRY PRODUCE, KAOS, A rter»Tllle. Jan. JOtb, ’7l-lr. mu co., ATLANTA, OA. TO MERCHANTS! FRESH INVOICES CUTLERY! ASSORTED CRATES NOW ARRIVING FANCYGOODS An Immense Invoice especially for CHRISTMAS & HOLIDAYS! New and Elegant Goods FOR DOLLAR STORES AND FIFTY CENTS STORES, Decorated Dinner • AND TEA SETTS, KNIVES AND FORKS, CASTERS, GOBLETS, VASE£ FROM AUCTION, CHEAPER THAN 1 HEY CAN BE BOUGTH FROM MANUFACTURERS. nov30 —ts. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. aloss and freshness of youth. Thin nair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that anew growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to tho scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical and Analytical Chwalits, ~ LOWELL, MABB. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Ueucorrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system movas on with renewed vigor and anew lease of life. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical C hemiatt. BOLD BY ALL PBUQQIBT9 KYEETWHMK. Atlanta Nurseries. —Those desiring to purchase Fruit or Ornament al Trees, Will do well to consult the adver tisement of Harden & Cole, Atlania, Ga., proprietors of the celebrated Atlanta Nur reries. These gentlemen did a large busi ness in this and adjoining counties last sea son, and, we believe, gave universal satis faction by fair dealing and the character of their trees. We have tried them ourself and found them all right; and if we did not think them the right kind of men, we would be the last to commend them as we do, — Car- Eapest. oct23-sw2m PBEFARE YOUR LAND IN WINTER. a meeting of the SUBSO IL PLOW COMAHY on Tuesday last, the following officers were elected for the en suingyear: J. J. HOWARD, President? J. G. Lowry, Sec. and Treas., nd the following agents were appointed : ForCassvilie and Pine Log, G. 11. Gilkeath and F. A. Weems. Stilesboro, J. M. Mason. Adairsville, J. M. Veach ; Cartersville, J. J. Howard. Who are authorized to sell rights to individu als and farms, lor the celebrated Subsoil plow, which is attached to any turning plow' at a small expense, thereby turning the land and subsoil ing all at the same time, and by one team. This plow ought to he in the hands af every fur uier. The next meeting to he on the Ist Tncsdav in arch, ISS. J. j. HOWARD, titinm Pmloont Legal Advertisements. BARTOW COUNTY. Georgia— b**tow countt.—Sander* Hindman has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock k. M., on the 11th dar of January 1872, at rav office. This December 49th, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, jan 4-St Ordinary. GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas v* Leroy Burro tgh applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Joshua A. Franks, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite all and singular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they h&TC, showing cause why said Leroy Burrough should not be appointed Administrator, within the terms prescribed hr law, otherwise Letters of Administration will be granted said applicant. Given under mv haud and official signature, this Janv. Ist, 1871 J. A. HOWARD, jan 4 ts Ordinary GEORGIA— BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas Thomas H. Kennedy and James Kennedy, Administrators of the estate of John Kennedy, Sen., deceased, represents to the Court in their petition duly filed and entered upon record, that they have fully administered John Kenne dy, Sen. estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said Administrators shall not be dis charged from their administration on said es tate. and receive Letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1872. Given under my hand and official signature, this Janv. Ist, 1875. J. A. HOWARD, jan4-tltinapr7S Ordinary. GW EORGIA—BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas J. E. Whitehead. Administrator of the es tate of John C. Elliott, deceased, represents to the COurt in his petition duly filed and entered upon record, that he has i'ully administered Johu C. Elliott’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration aud receive Letters of dismission, on the first Monday in April, 1872. Given under mv hand and official signature, this January Ist, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, jan3-tlminapr Ordinary. (1 BORGIA—BARTOW' COUNTY.—Whereas JT J. B. Tipping, Administrator of the estate of \Y. W. Tippins, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed and entered up on record, that he has fully administered W. W. Tippin’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they cau whv said Administrator should not lie dis charged from his administration and receive Letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1872. Given under my hand and official signature, this January Ist, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, jan4—tlminapril Ordinary. GEORGIA— BARTOW COUNTY.—Aaron Collins having applied to be appointed Guardian of the person and property olMartha White, a minor, resident in said county, under fourteen years of age. This is to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held next alter the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause if any they can, why said Aaron Collins should not be appointed Guardi an of said minor. Given under my hand and official signature, this January Ist, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, jan 4-30d Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.-By virtue of an order from the Court of ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold, on the first Tues dav in February, 1872, at the Court-house door, in Cartersville, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following tract of land, to-wit: Nos. 1066, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1139 and 1141, and that part of Nos. 1165,1166, 1167, and 1212, lying on the North side of Euharleecreok, all in the 17th district and 8d section of said county. The whole containing 300 acres, more or less, well improved. Also, Lot of lrud No. 1260, 2d district ana 4th sectiou, containing 40 acres, more or less, lying in the county of l’olk, adjoining tho lands formerly owned by Augustus Young, dec’d, uuimpr’oAcd. Sold as the lands of Samuel Smith, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale Cash. This December 23. 1871. RUSSELL 11. CANNON, Adm. Sum’l Smith, deceased. (N EORGI A. Bartow COIN'TT.-Whcreas, jf John M. Cochran and It. B. Couch, execu tors of George Kennedy, deecasid, represents to the court in their petition duly filed and en tered upon record, that they have fully admin istered said George Kennedy’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executors should not lie discharged from their administration and re ceive letters of dismission on tho first Monday in April, 1H72. Given under my hand and seal, this 21st December, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C. G GUARDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of an or s der from the court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will lie sold on the first Tuesday in February, 1872, at the Court House door in Car tersvillel said county, lie tween the legal sale hours. The interest belonging to William It., John W., Laurence A., Tcxuna and Francis Murphy, minors, in lot of land No. 150, iu the 6th District and 3d Seetion of said county, con taining 160 acres more or less, the same being an undivided interest ofone ninth of said lot. Sold lor the benefit of said minors. Terms of sac lseah. This 15th December 1871. ARENA murpiiy, Guardian GEORG 1 A—BAUTOW COUNTY.—Whereas, Josepeine 11. Beck lias applied to have the Kingston and Cassville road changed, so as to run on site of the old road, from the W. & A. It. K. Shanties, and intersect with Howard street in the town of Kingston, and reviewers have been appointed and reported favorable on said contemplated change. Therefore all persons interested are hereby notified to file any objec tions they may have in the Ordinary’s oi'.icc of said eountv, why this rood should not be chang ed on or b'v Saturday the 20th of January, 1872, when the order making said change will be fi nally granted, Given under my hand ar.d official signature, Dec. 15th, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, dec2ltiljatt2o Ordinary. GILMER COUNTY. (> EORGI A—Gicmkr COUNTY.—M. L. Corban, 7 f wife of Learder Corban has applied l'or ex emption ol personalty, and J will pass upon the same at my office in Ellijav on 12th January next at 11 o’clock A. M. This Dec. 26th 1871. JOHN W. GREEK, jan 4 2t Ordinary. EORGlA—Gilmkr County.—Whereas J. L. JT Keeter applies for Letters of Administra tion on the estate of George Hise, late of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in February next to show cause why permanent Letters of Ad ministration should not be granted said appli cant. Given under my liana and official signa ture this 22d day of December, 1871. JOHN W. GREER, jan 4—4 w Ordin ary CHEROKEE GOUNTY. Ordinary’s Office,) Cherokee County. <;a., Nov. 24,1871. | miHRTY DAYS after the first publication of X this notice, the Legal Advertisements of Cherokee county will he changed from Cah tkksville Standard to Marietta Journal. W. R. D. MOSS, Ordinary, (prs. fee $2 50.) A. T. SCOTT, Sheriff. O. W. PUTNAM, Cl’k S-C. GIEORGIA— Bartow County.—John G. Me g Reynolds, Guardian of Mattie Me Rey nolds, having applied to the Court ol Ordi nary of said countv for a discharge from his guardianship of Mattie Mcßeynolds, person and property, this is to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, by filing objections in my office, why the said .John G. Mcßeynolds should not he dismissed from his guardianship of Mattie Mcßeynolds, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in January, 1872. Given under my hand aud official signal'ure. nov. 7tli, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, 4odays. Ordinary. GEORGIA— Cherokee County..—Whereas, C. W. Furguson, administrator ofLolemau Furguson, represents to theC'ourt in his peti tion, duly filed, that he has fully administered Coleman Furguson’s estate ; this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not he discharged from his administration and receive letters ol dismission, on the first Monday in February. 1872. W. R. D. MOSS, Ordinary. Nov 2. (pr’s fee 54.) GEORGIA, Chekoeee COUNTY.—Whereas, William A. Williams and W. 11. Doudd, Executors of Jonathin Williams, represents to the court in thei’ petition duly filed, that they have fullv administered Jonathin William’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Executors should not be discharged from their Adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in February, 1872. pr’s fee $4- W. R. D. MOSS, nov 2—tlminf Ordinary. FRANCIS STONE,> Libel for Divorce, vs. > Cherokee Superior Court. JOHN STONE. > July Term, 1871. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant docs not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is on motion : Ordered, that said defendant appear and an swer at the next term of the court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. N. B. KNIGHT, J. S. C. A true extraet from the minutes of said court, July Term, 1871, O. W. Putnam. nov 10-4 m Clerk, (printer’s fee $4.) I. GUTHMAN, ARGENT FOR THE PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA WINE & LIQUOR COMPANY. Sole Agents for the Celebrated. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN PURE WINES AND LIQUORS No. 3, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. nov 28— ly WEW FIRM ! YEW BUSINESS ! I crockery, GLASS-WARE, oils, LAMPS, SHADES, &c., P. MARSH A CO., iit lhe oldfStaud of Blair & Bradshaw, but more recently Satterfield, Pyroa Jt Uo-J CARTERSVILLE, OA.- xow OPENING A SUPERIOR STOCK OF CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, &e. &c. REMOVAL! P. MARSH has removed his Oil and Lamp Stock from the Drug Store ot Best and Kirkpatrick, to this point, consolidated both businesses. The new firm are now also dealers in OILS, LAMPS, IVI CHS. SHADES, AC. They respectfully invite the citizens oi Cartersville, and pub lic generally, to call and see, and examine and make their pur chases. [oct 31,1871, w&sw-tf. TOMMEY, STEWART & BE.CK HIRDWARE MEICHAITS. 79 WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Sole Agents for Low’s Patent Improved SHINGLE SAWING MACHINE .lA’O tr.IKT'A IMTE.IT.WB AL L f- U U f; Shingle Machines Capacity of Machines from 15,000 to 50.000 Shingles per dav, and HURT’S LATHING M V(TUN manufactured by C. S. A s'. BURT. ALSO AGENTS FOR Portable Steam Engine* of all Hi* e FRENCH BURR AND ESOPUSMILL STONES. Bolting Cloths, etc. Sy amort Powder Company Slide and Mil listing Powder. CARTERSVILLE *3 ar • Factory AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION! #tw v In addition to CAR, BUILDING, the Company is duly prepared to % make, aud is now actively employed in filling, contracts for Buildin Houses, of any and all dimensions and styles ; also, owing to their'facilitie for Sawing, Dressing, Boring and Morticing, Tongueing and Groovin g &c., by steam Machinery, they offer extraordinary inducements to con tractors and builders, and all parties, wishing any work of this kind dona. Window Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Ac., furnished at low figures aud on short notice. E. N. GOWER, President. 11. PADGETT, Seo’y & Sup’t. J. J. HOWARD, Treasurer. Read the following testimony of Ex-Gov. Brown about the first work turned out by this Company: President’s Office, ) WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO., ’ Atlanta, Ga., October 16th, 1871. 5 Col. J. J. Howard , Cartersville , Ga., — Dear Sir —We have examined the fifteen new cars made for the W. & A. R. It. C by the Cartersville Car Factory, and have no hesitation in saying they are very satisfactory. Indeed they are FIRST RATE. JOSEPH E. BROWN, Presiden Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 26, 1871 —w6m. PATTILX.O & BARER” DEALERS IN FAMILY GROCE El E S WEST MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GA.. AT TIIE OLD STAND OF R. C. & J. E. ROBERTS, i KE EPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a choice selection of Family Supplies, consisting, in BACON—SIDES, HAMS, AND SHOULDERS. LARD—TIERCES AND CANS. FLOUR AND ME\L m. » EN »°,F 157, NE AND CIDAR salt, rice, &c. to COFFEES RiO LACIIVRA » A RA ' MOLASSES AND SYRUP CtJrrijijo RIO, LAG LYRA, AND JAVA. TOBACCOS 4Nh Uhl tPs CHEESE—FACTORY CREAM AND ENGLISH DAIRY. BUI'TEIUC’OSHFV CAN NED F A rjnfq T mv’ P S , A D L M ° N * AND LOBSTER. " SARDINES. BUPKFTS 0 m’gv I u£ APPLES ’ CORN. PRESERVES & JELLIES. TOMATOES, PICKLES, SODA, STARCH &c ’ ’ * POWDER—RIFLE AND BLASTING, FUSE <£C. g©“A CHOICE VARIETY OF SEED IRISH*POTATOES. Profits'p Oß CA SFL'‘ ®>HUNTKY^KOnur is , offerc ' l l ‘> the trade At Short ~ „ , , ntODlCt bought or Bartered and gold. Call and tee ns and ourGoOds, , eb . 18 wly PATTILLO & BAKER. 1871 Fall and Winter 1871. STOKELY & WILLIAMS r fs?nV DBt recei y ed their usual Large and Well Assorted Stock of DRY GOODS, comprising almost every article in that line necessary for Family uses. Iheir stock is a general one, comprising the most usefnl articles in almost every line of trade. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS’ WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Clothing of a good variety. Shirts of all kinds. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SOAP, SODA, STARCH AND FAMILY MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Bagging and Ties, HEMLOCK AND OAK TANNED SOLE LEATHER, all of which we propose to sell at Short Profits for CASH, or to Prompt Buyers and Payers on short Time. We have a good General Stock of Merchandise. Come and see us, and call for what you need, and we think we can supply you for the CASH. Those of our customers who are in arrearages with us, on Due Claims, will confer upon us quite a favor by calling and paying the same at once, as we need money too bad to be put off any longer. octl^-ct.