The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, February 01, 1872, Image 4

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STANDARD AND EXPRBSfrj CARTERStYILLE, GA., JAS 25,1872 j TWO DOLL AM A YEAR, IX ADVANCE rates of Advertising. ,j| | | [ j T ! If * Ii ! | x j i |i | g; | | 5 ! I ! i * ► ? 1. 4 li s i i I Itl ! a l 1 JRj 5 1 H H 1 H ’l l 1 eoi» 1 «6 | I 00 * J s<> | 5 (W,| 8 00 I 12 00 2' 200 300 400 *OO 10 00 12 00 18 00 li s oo' 4jo iml (• 75 1400 ie 00 24 00 4 4 OO! (75 700 850 17 00 20 00 30 00 I' 500 700 8 SOi 10 oo; l'J OO 23 00 Sfl 00 fl' 8 00! 825 10 Old 11 50 20 5" 2C 00, 42 00 7 j BSO 023 11 so! 13 WM 22 00 29 00 47 00 t; 700 10 SO 12 75 14 SO, 2.3 s<' 32 00 S2 00 , t 7SO 11 75! 14 25; 16 00 21 SO JS 00 58 00 j lOi 8 00; 12 25 IS 25 17 s"' 2S JO 37 00' 64 00 ! U! 8 SO, 12 72! 10 00 13 So 27 00 39 0» 70 00 ll 1 9 00' 13 23 16 60' 19 25 29 00 41 O') 73 00 13 9SO 14 23 16 75 20 00 31 Oo 14 10 00 14 75 17 OO 20 So :SO IS I 10 so. IS 23 17 23 21 00' 34 on 47^®||| 16 11 OO 1 13 75 17 SO 21 50 35 .50 49 00 17 i 11 50 16 15 17 75 21 75 37 60 51 Ott; 100 00 | 18 12 00| 16 75 18 00 22 00 38 Oo 53 00 105 00 ; 19! IS SO 1 17 00 18 26 22 25 .39 OOi SS 00 110 00 ; 50| IS 00' 17 25 18 Mi 22 S" 40 On 57 00, 115 00 111 13 50 27 54 18 ST' 22 75 4lOo! 50 091 120 00; • **[ 14 00 17 7S! 19 00, 23 00 42 OOj 61 00 125 00 ts| 14 SO 18 Os) 19 SO 23 SO 43 00 63 00 130 OOJ 34| 15 00 18 25 , 20 00 24 00 44 00 65 00 135 00 j Agricultural Department. SI I Fl> INI) Bl>T HIE FIBMEBB. Said one of the oldest find most successful farmers in New York: “I do not care to have my men get up beforo five or Imlf-past five in the morn in r', and if they go to bed early, and if tu<?y Ciin sleep soundly, they will do more work than if they got up at four or half-post four.” We do not believe in ihe eight-hour law, but, nevertheless, are inclined to think tin**, as a general rule, we work too many hours on the farm. The best man we ever had to dig ditches seldom work ed, when digging by the rod, more than nine hours a day. And it is so in chopping wood by the cord, the men who accomplish the most, work the fewest hours. They bring all their brain and muscle into exercise, and make every blow tell. A slow, plod ding Dutchman may turn a grindstone or hitming-mill better than an ener getic Yankee, but this kind of work ie now mostly done by horse-power, and the farmer needs, übovo all else, a clear head, with all his faculties of mind and muscle light and active and under complete control. Much, of course, depends on temperament; but, as a rule, such men need souud sleep and plenty of it. When a boy on the farm, we were told that Napoleon needed only four hours sleep, and the oltl nonsenr.e of “five hours for a man, six for a wo man, and seven for a fool,’* was often quoted. But the truth is, that Napo leon was enabled in a great measure to accomplish so much from the faculty to sleeping soundly—of sleeping when he slept and working when he worked We lmvo sat in one of his favorite traveling carriages, and it was so ar ranged that he could lie down at full length, and when dashing through the country as fast as eight horses, frequently changed, could carry him, ho slept scmudly, and when he arrived at his destination was us fresh as if he had risen from u bed of down. Let farmers, and especially farmers’ boys, lmve plenty to eat, and nothing to “ drink,” and all the sleep they can take. SMALL FAR*! MAXIMS. 1. Small farms are cheaper and ea sier to manage than large ones, and pay better for the capital invested. Therefore, small farms are best. 2. If you want to make your farm pay, you must give it your daily, per sonal attention. But if your farm is too large you cannot do this; hence, ns I said above, small farms are the best. 8. If you don’t want your farm to run away, you must stop the little leaks. We mnj expect fewer leaks on a small place than a big one; hence again, small farms are best. 4. Feed your land well, and it will feed you. It takes less to feed a few acres than a grent many. So you see small farms are best. 5. If you would live long and enjoy lift*, work a little then rest a little. But if you have a large farm you must la-' bor all the time. Here again, small farms are best. G. To raise big corn, you must keep small grass. To make small grass you must cut often. So in this, we find small farms the best. 7. If you have a good fence, you need fear no loss by stock. But fences are costly. Thus, ouce more, we find small farms are best. 8. If you want good roads, and plen ty of schools, churches and mills, you must have a dense population. If farms are large this is impossible. Therefore, I declare small farms to be best. 9. Farms should increase in value year by year. It costs less to improve a few acres than a great many. Here as before small farms are best. — B. W. J. in Enrol Carolinian. ASfIES FOR SWEET POTATOES. A correspondent in the Southern Cultivator savs: " 1 notice the question is asked, which is the best fertilizer or manure for sweet potatoes. From the experi ence I have had, in manuring the sweet potato, I must say that rotted ashes, when properly put on, have precedence over all others I have had any experience with. The plan that I adopted was to open a deep furrow with a scooter plow, and put in a plen ty of ashes. Bed out on the asbes, and a sure crop may be realized on the poorest soil. Cow-penning is good — so are cotton seed and stable manure; but, after experimenting with the ash es, they will all bo abandoned, provid ed ashes can be had. I experimented on as poor soil as I had, and the result was as fine a crop of potatoes as I ev er saw on auy kind of land- Rotted ashes are good for cotton also, and al most any kind of vegetation. lam convinced there is not a better fertili ser made on any plantation than rot ted ashes. So every one will find it greatly to his interest to take special care of it.” The Teeth.—Horace Walpole wrote: Use a little bit of alum twice or thrice a week, no bigger than half your nail, till it has all diosolved in your mouth, and then spit it out. This has so fortified my teeth that they are strong as the pen of Junius. I learned it of Mrs. Grosvenor, who a speck in her teeth, until her Ajrer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing . which is at once agreeable, and for j the Egg. jayUMjC: iiu.r. It soon ■ ns fad'd or gray hair io its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair ia thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where tho follicles are de stroyed, or th* glancE atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved* by this.application, and stimu lated into- activity, so that anew growth of haiffis produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical and Analytical Chemist*, LOWELL, MASS. SICIUAM j hair Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its U6e, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create anew growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best PREPA-j ration for its intended purposes.” Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines, Price One Dollar. Buckingham’s Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewcr in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO.. NASHUA. N.H. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRISE MEDALS AWARDED. THE GREAT Southern Piano jl-Jlj: manufactory. WM. KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, jim. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic lor nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence attained an unpurchased prs-sninenct, which pronounces them unequaleu, in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP, And DURABILITY ©s3p“-All our Square Pianos have our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble, ft-fi”" We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PI ANOS anil SQUARE GRANDS, found in no oyficr Piano, whiuh bring the Piano nearer Per fection than lias yet been attained, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE are bv special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and MELO DEONS of the most celebrated makers, WAo/«- sale und Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt lv furnished on application to WM- KNABE & CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agences. oct 23-tec JAS. W. STRANGE, Dealer In, and Manufacturer Os WARE, AXD House-furnishing Goods, ALSO DEALER W First-Class Stoves At The Lowest Cash Prices , WILL BARTER FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, RAGS, & rters ville, Jan. 20th, ’7l-ly. C »i*tei*s ville FEMALE SEMINARY, Carters ville, Ga. Misses L. Moon and .C. Saflord. Miss O. L. Verdery, Music Deprrtment rpilE next term will open Monday, 16th January, 1872, The Course of Study is Complete, The Teachers are xperieneed. Special facilities for acquiring the HIGHER BRANCHES, WHILST THE PRIMARY ARE NOT NEGLECTED. Order. Comfort, Neatness secured in the Schoolroom. The Terms are Moderate. For circulars, Ac., apply to the hot 39 3m Teachers. JAS. S. ADAMS, MANUFACTURER OF TIN WARE, AND DEALER IN Family Groceries, CARTERS VILLE, GEORGIA, BEGS leave to announce that he has opened business at the old stand of J. A. Thomp son, in the rear of Messrs. Trammell A Norris’, where he will manufacture and repair all kinds of Tin-Ware, at short notice, cheap for cash. He has ulso in connection a Family Grocerv, and will be pleased to have the good citizens of Cartersvifle to call and share theirpatronage W Rags and country produce token in exchange R! R. R. RIDWIY’S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS in from One to 20 Minutes, NOT ONE HOUR. after reading this advertisement need anyone SV KFBB WITH PAIN. It was the first and is Tho Only I*nin Remedy that instantly stop* the most excruc iati ng pains allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lungs- Stomach. Bowels, or oth er glands or organs, by one application, IX FROM OXE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC. Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crip pled, Nervous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer. Railway’s Ready Relief WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BIAOOER, INFLAMMATION OE THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP- DIPTHERIA. CATARRH.INFLUENZA HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, NURALGIA, RHEUMATISM COLO CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS, The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure CRAMPS SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN. Sics Head ache, Diarrhea. Dysentekry, Colic. Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains, Travelers should always carry a bottle of Railway’* Ready Relief with Uff*n. A few drops in water will prevent -i«dPre>s or pain from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimtllant/ FEVER AND AGUET FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. - Tbere is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Mela rious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers, (aided bv Radway’b Pills) so quick as Uadway’s Ready Relief. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BATJTY! STRONG AND PURE hICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. R A DWAY’S SARSAPPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASSONISHINO CURES; SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. The Great Blood PURIFIER. Every dropof the SARSAPPARILLA RESOL VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scro fula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular, diseases, Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tumors, Modes in the Glands, and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores , Scald Dead, King Worm, Salt Rheum,, Ery sipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh- Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Ross of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are with in the curative range o / this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and afe w days'use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure. Kidney «fc Rladdcr Com plaint.*. Urinary, and 'Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick and dust depos its, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bil lions appearance, and white bone dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensa tion when passing water, and pain in the Small of the back and along the Loins. dr. radwa:y’:s PEFECT PU G&TIVEPILL , perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. RacHvay’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid neys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Billiousness, billions Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels. Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. A few doses of RADWAY’S PILLS will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY' DRUG GISTS. HEAD “FALSE AND TRUE.” Send one letter-stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. 87 Maid en Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. july 7,1871-wly. SAVANNAH,^ THECREATBWOftPURinf Properties ILSKIN DISEASES&ERUPTtC | DYSPEPSIA A CENERAL DEBILITY | INFRVOUSOISEASESLIVERCOMPI AIN T| pBfCOOp^bRTHEMENTALORGANI^^O^ Em WILL RESTORE YOUTHFUL VICO r 1 CURES NEVER WELL PEOPLE Me Standard ZX X F . 0R X PRESCRIBE IT H Turn? Young or Old, , Single, the»e Bitters are un^V and hare often been means of saving life. N i.BOTTL I. / i\ S HI cy if/ /q - OF THE W .AGEI P1.1..1111 UICIMII. 7 i it, iB6O. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. KeMmblMfoli Acknowledged by all who bar# mood It to be the boot Pen made or Hold In thUoonn* "7] try! Will not corrode. Sixty line#written rr~ C\ with one Pen of Ink! Will outwear n donen 4 rjj bent steel Pent. Put up In neat allde boxea. r\ N SOLD ONLY BY AGENTS, and for this N reason any energetic person can realise A2OO per month. Profit over 800 per cent.! > Two sample Pens, 10 cents; two boxes, 60 sj 3 cents; five boxes, 61.U0| twelve boxes, (2 50 Western Publishing Cos. J 51 Manufacturers* Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAUTION. —The great popularity of these kJ Pens has led to many Imitations of an Info- V rlor quality■■ Buy only the genuine FOCN- O TAIN PENS sold by this Company. In wrl- LL. ting for Pens give your Name, Town, County, and fttate, plainly written, and orders will meet with prompt attention. Jb’or sale in Cartersville, by Best & Kirkpatrick. CASKET S. BY Erwin & Jones. Carerrsville, aug. 22 LEWIS BUTLER, BOOT ADD SHOE MAKES, Cartersville, Ga. 1 AGREE to do all work at short notice making and repairing, for cash. My Gro cors and Leather Dealers call for Cash. Xou wl U find my sig nat the dobr, L. B UTLEB. *iul&-ly. Professional and Bnsiness Cards R. W. Jlurphey, AITTORNEY AT LAW. OUTERS VILLK,. GEORGIA Will practice in the court* of the Cherokee Circuit. Particular attention given to the col cctioii of claims. Office with c«l. AMa John son. Oct. I. ~ JOHN COXE, LAWYER AND Justice of the Peace. OFFICE with General Wofford and at tha Court-house. jan. 1-97 E. B. MeD ANIK L, ATTORNEY T LAW CARTERSVILLE, * BORGIA I with John W. Wofford. A. P. WOFFORD, ATTORN E Y AT LAW. CARTERSVILI.E, GEORGIA. at Court House. jan2B T. \V. HOOPKIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KINGSTON, GEORGIA. mh9. T. W. MILNER. o. n. MILNER. MILNER & MILNER, ATTORNEYS AT LJ W, CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA. 'll/’ILL attend promptly to business en s Y trusted to their care. July 28 JOHN W. WOFFORD, ATTORNEY" AT LAW. CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE —Over Pinkerton's Drug Store July 28 JOHN J. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW A REAL ESTATE AGENT, CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA. WILL attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care; also, to the buying and selling of Real Estate. Office with John H. Wikle. February 23d 1871. JOHN H. WIKLE, Attorney at Law, AND REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA. FFICE over Post Office. A. n. Foute, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CiRTEKSVILLK, GEORGIA. ( With Col. Warren Akin,) Will practice in the courts of Bartow, Cobb, Polk, Floyd. Gordon, Murray, Whitfield and ad joining counties. March 30. Warren Akin, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTKRSVILLK GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts of the State. DR . A. JACKSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE in W. A. Loyless’ Drug Store, next door to Stokely & Williams’. oct27 W. R. MoimtcaNtle, Jeweler and Watch and Clock Repairer, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Office in tront of A. A. Skinner & Co’s Store. Nam. 11. Patillo, Fashionable Tailor and Agent for Sewing Machines, WILL attend promptly to the Cutting, Re pairing, and Making Boys’ and Mens’ Clothing; also, Agent for the sale of the cele brated Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. Of fice over Stokely & Williams Store. Entrance from the rear. feb 17. SA.SSEEN HOES (Formerly United States Hotel,) CORNER ALABAMA & PRY’OR STS., Atlanta, Georgia. E. It. SASSEEN, Agent. .. . Proprietor JOHN K. SPARKS, FIRST-CLASS BOOT JJ’D SHOE .11*1 It Ell, CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA. ALL Work warranted. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every particular, and tvork done as cheap as the cheapest. » SHOP—Over R. A. & 11. M. Clayton’s store, West Main Street. Oet 26 lUKEW ST, . \Vew York. Cherokee Railroad Time Table. ON and after Monday, Octobcr9th, trains on the Cherokee Rail’Road will run as fol lows : Leave Taylorsville 8,30 A. M. “ Stilesboro 9 “ “ Arrive at Cartersville 9,50 “ “ RETURNING. Leave Cartersville 1,30 P. M. Stilesboro 2,30 “ “ Arrive at Taylorsville.... 2,50 “ “ C.T. SABIN, Sup’t. Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 7,1871. Cl'S with gentleness ancl thoroughness upon the Liver ancl General Circula tion—keeps the Bowels in Natural Motion ancl Clean* es the System from all Impuri ties. 1 1 — -rr-Tri j Never fai Isj l-p. „ n t> , . ,1 to Cure Li v < i rjjDr, Q, S. Propiiitt sj j£ 1 “ 1 * ase , r< j r “ mentrDyspepsia“lncligestion, Loss of Ap petite. Nausea, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn. Debility, Low Spirits, Cold Feet ancl Hands, Costiveness, Listlessness, Colic, Chronic Diarrhea, ancl Chronic. Chills ancl Fever. ftS?” Compouncd in strict accordance with skillful chemistry and sidentific pharmacy,^this Comp'ountl i ihas. after the severe ! I CELEBRATED est test of twenty iyears in cessant usc.j ' ——JC’een styl ed the Great Restorative and Recuperant by the enlightened testimony of thousands us ing it; so harmoniously adjusted that it keeps the Liver in healthful action; and when the directions are observed the process of tvaste and replenishment in the human system con tinues uninterruptedly to a ripe old age, and man, like the patriarchs of old, drops into the grave full of years, and without a struggle, whenever] I-- Death claims his! | r . „ . preroga tive. Ada- iLiver Med lcine. p t« a t o the most! I delicate tempo rn- """ . j merit A robust constitution, it can he given with equai safety and success to the young child, invalid ladv or strong man. June 2, 1871. DR. O. S. M* ROD HITT’S Anodyne !Pain Kill It! NEVER FAILING! KILLS PALY I\ E VERY FORM. CNURES Rains in the Rack, Chest, Mips or g Limbs, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Coughs, Colds. Bronchial Affections, Kidney Diseases. Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint ; Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Pleurisy. Asthma, Heart Burn, Tooth Ache, Jaw Ache, Ear Ache, Head Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Contusions. Sores, Lacerated Wounds, Scalds, Burns, Chill Blains, Frost Bites, Poisons, of all kinds, vegetable or animal. Os all n liLill It Z H the Remedies ever discovered tor the relief of suffering humanity, this is the best Pain Media tor knoten to Medical Science. The cure is speedy ami permanent in the most inveterate diseases. This is no humbug, but a grand medical discovery. A Pain Killer containing no poison to infiamc. paralize or drive the inflammation upon an in ternal organ. Its efficiency is truly wonderful —Relief is Instantaneous. It is destined to banish pains and aches, wounds and bruises, from th e face of the earth. 0ct.16,1871. A. HAKRALSON, M. HARRALSON A. JORDAN, A. J. HOWARD Jordan, Howard and Harralson, TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLSALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. decl4-ly. BARTOW HOUSE, CARTERSYILLE, GEORGIA, J. T. Guthrie, Propritor. IS now in thorough repair, and fully prepar ed to entertain all who may call. The rooms and furniture are kept in the neatest order, and the Tables supplied with the best the Market affords. No pains or expense will be spared to render all guests of the House comfortable. A NEAT BAR Is kept, in rear of Office, where fine Winess Brandies, Champagnes, Cigars, etc., can always b* touncL 04:16 CARTERSYILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. ESHAM ALLEY HAS Ju*t Received from New York, and h»i opened at his old Stand, a very superior Stock of STAPLE A N D FA NO Y FALL & WINTEE GOODS, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc. Hi. Stock consists, in part, of an Liegaat Stock of LAVIES' dress goods, LAHIEs’ IIATS, SHOES, HOSIERY, Shawls. Balmoral and Boulevard Skirts. Jew elry, and in fact everything that pertains to a I. ulie. - Wardrobe, of the finest aud best quality at the cheapest prices. Gentlemen will find a su erb Stock of CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hat.., Boot, aud Shoes, and everything necessary for their wear, of the best and cheapest pru-e. iiooifirhsiiim; goods of all descriptions, from a box of blacking up Gufis and appurtenances, the best ever brought to this market >1 usical Instruments. Mirrors. Crockery. Cutlery. Hardware. Saddles and Harness. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Gar.kaing Implements, Mechanic’s Tools, Hol low Wares, Family Groceries and, in fact, a thousand and one articles too tirdiur to r.ention. Come am. see and examine my Stock and prices, and if any one fails to be pleased at my Goods or prices, they will have to le-ve Car teiweHle to do better. oct3l —s wt f. R. 111. SATTERFIELD & BRO. Art non receiving and opening their new stock of F ALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, a AND Invite EVERYBODY to Cone and see tlliem, and, it quality and prlee suit, buy them. We guarantee sales if these are the eonditlous of the purelias Cartersvillc, oct. 31st. - \ WAK'TED! MO N B Y ! ! Fllllt'tlE indebted for goods or work, will I pljfise call and pay. 1 void not make this request, if I did no need tie money. JOHN T. OWEN, liov * ts HOL L Y STEAM FLOURING MILLS, CARTtRSVILLE f GEORGIA. miIFBE Mills are now running day and night in griilttt* Wheat and making Flour, of all Grades. The Proprietors are getting their Wheatifrom which they make their best brands of FLOpR, from MISSOURI, and known as the AMBER SPECIES; —ALSO OF— WHITE WESTERN WHEAT, both of lliich they also keep on hand, and will sell to Farmers for SEED WHEAT. We liavs a FREE DELIVERY for all ILOUR sold to the citizens of Carters vill, wkch will be laid down at their doors, FKEE of DRAY AGE. We clffilenge the World to BEAT us on GOOD FLOUR. Try it. Augui 4,187 ii I. GrUTHMAN, THE PHILADELPHIA anil ATLANTA WINE I LIQUOR COMPANY. SoluAgents for the Celebrated. IMPoi'ERS OF AND DEALERS IN PURE NINES AND LIQUORS No. 3, ranite Block, Broad Street, ATLiNTA, GEORGIA. hot’ >-ly JOHN T. OWEN J.S THEAiLE AGENT FOR LAZARUS & MORRIS’ PERFETED SPECTACLES. THE BEST IN USE! "Warranted, to Ploaso ! Don’tluy Until You Examine Them, They cosklss than half the price charged by Traveling Peddlers. Mo Humtoug! nov7-li^. MANHOOD : tSfeglnnw LOST, HOW RESTORED! JnstpuhLhed, anew edition of PR. CC L VERWEL. S CELEBRATED EisSAV on the radical of certain weaknesses, the effects of Errors B,d Abuses in early life. The cel«9rated author, in this admirable es sav, clear! demonstrates trom a thirty years successful .ractice, that the alarming conse quences a*.ach errors and abuses may be radi cally cur# without the dangerous use ol inter nal medidheor the application of the knile ; pointing’ « tt a mode of cure at once simple, cer tain, andjjtffactual, by means of which every sufferer, i > matter what his condition may be, mnv cur®i iaiself cheaply, privately, and radi- Tl s Lecture should be in the hands of every' youfU *nd every man in the land. Sent, uiof seal, in plain envelope, to any address, petpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post sumps. Also, Dt. Culverwell’s “Marriage Guide,’ price 25 cit Mi. AddretsubH Publishers. CHAS. J. Cl. KUNE * CO., 187 Bowery, jew Y'ork, Pout-Office Box 5,580. janSSlSTS.ffly. CARTERSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS GOWER. J 0 NES & CO.,' MANUFACTURERS OF And Dealers in CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND I, 2&4 Horse Wagons. MATERIALS, AC. REPAIRING, of all kinds, DONE WITH NEATNESS and DURABILI TY. CARTERSVIILE, 3A. feb. 7, 1871. wly WAX. GOLDSMITH, Manufacturer and Dealer iu ALL KINDS of FURNITURE. ALSO DEALER IN Wrought, Galvanized, is ELF SEALING METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND WOOD COFFINS OfEvery Desoription, Kept on hand, and made at the SHORTEST NOTICE Jan 10—swlv. CARTERSVILLE SALE AND LIVERY S T ABLE. A f THE OLD STAND Established twentv years ago, it being in fifty yards of tne Bartow House, a commodious Hotel, kept by J. T. Guthrie. I have been in the Liverv busi ness for Fourteen Years and all I ask is, that the citizens and traveling public will give me a call, and find me and the veritable J -N. C K. ST .A. C KL at all times ready to furnish SAnDLE AND HARNESS HORSES, HACKS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and everything necessary in a First-Class Sta ble, and ready for trade at all hours, SWAP, SELL or BUY’. june 30,-tf. JOE BRITT. A NEW SHAVING SALOON. YXJ E the undersigned respectfully announce t T to the citizens of Cartersville, that we are located at the Bartow House, for the pur pose of pleasing all, who will favor uss w : th a call. A. POTTS & JOS. YOUNG, sept T—ts. G. W. AXDKIiSOVS NEW EATING SALOON! Meals at all hours. BOARD, Per Month, sl3. ALSO, CONFECTIONERY, FAMILY GROCERY, &c„ EAST SIDE SQUARE, Cartersville, Gfa., aug. 31 CARTERSVILLE BAKERY AND CONFEGTIONERY, WILKIE & BROTHER, Proprietors. WHERE can be found at all times nice, Fresh Bread and Cakes of all kinds. Confectioneries, etc., Cakes made and Ornamented to order. Having a long experience in the business we guarantee satisfaction. sept 7 J. C. REGISTER, “ (In McGinty’s new brick Building.) Cartersville, Georgia. DEALER IX STOVES, GRATES Lightning Rods, Plain, Pressedand Japanned House Furnishing* Goods. Roofing and Guttering, and all kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch, aug 3-6 m A. A. SKINNER S CO., GROCERS, —AND— PRODUCE DEALERS!! MAIN STREET CARTERSVILLE, GA. NEW PHOTOGRAH GALLERY. MR. PAUL F. WAGNER has opened anew Photographic Gallery, on East Main street in front of Livery Stable, where he is prepared to take all kinds of PIC TXT R n the finest style of the art. Particular atten ion given to children’s Pictures. OLD PICTURES COPIED and enlarged. Satisfaction guaranteed. sept 28 rpnOMAS W. DODD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE, GEOBGIA. OFFICE with Dr. Baker. Janlßlß7*. m J. Walk... Prvpri.tor U. H. ilcDmutii A 0., Dr * Sm. Agrrutt. Sn l'rwdMo,Csl .and M Cwutuwr. S!.. N.Y. 9HL(,IOX!i Bear Tntimsnr to their Wonderful Cnraiire Effect.. Vinegar Bitter, are not a vile Fancy Drink. Made of Poor ltum. Whiskey, Froof Spirit, and lie fuse Liquors, doc tored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, j called “ Tonics," “ Appetizers.” “ Restorers," Ac, | that lead the tippler on to dirnkenncss and rnin, bat are a true Medicine, made from the Native ! Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They are tho GREAT BLOOD PL RIMER, nntl A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect S Renovator and luTigorator of the System, carry iug off all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood j to a healthy condition. No person can take these 1 Bitters according to directions and remain lons I unwelh provided their bonus are not destroyed j by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They arc n Gentle Purgative ns well j ns n Tonic, possu?sins, also, the peculiar merit ; of acting as a powerful arent in relieving Conges tion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all tho Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in youu* or old, married or Binyle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turned life, these Tonic Bit ters have uo equal. 1 For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheu matism nntl Gout, Dyspepsia or lu digestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers* Diseases of the lilood* Liver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, these Hitters have been most successful. SueU Diseases are caused by Vitiated lSlood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Disestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA Oil INDIGESTION, Headache, Fain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all im purities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN* DlSEASES,Eniptions,Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Kves.Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and car ried out of the system in a short lime bj* the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will con vince the most incredulous of tlicir curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, urking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD A: CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal., and 32 and 31 Commerce Street, New York. DARBY’S Prophylactic Fluid! Hi invaluable family medicine, for purify ing. cleansing removing had odors in all stings; for erysipelas, rheumatism and all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria; i'or colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash soften and beautify the skin ; to remove nikspotsTmilde", 1r ul l st a ins; mErnTmternaU ly as well as applied externally so highly recommended by all who have for sale by all druggists and Country Merchants, and may be ordered directly of DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Street, New York. GILBERT & BAXTER, DEALERS IN Hardware, iron, Agricultural Implements, AND GRASS SEED. TERMS EXCLUSIVELY CASH Agents for sale of COAL, GUANOS AND Agricu.liiiral AND MILL MACHINERY. Will buy to Fill Orders, COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, FLOUR, HAY and other Produce, or Ship for Farmers on Consignment. Feb 2 ly GEO. J. nil I A.NT (Is himself again.) WHOLESALE md RETAIL DEALER IN Ail Kinds and Qualities of Liquors, And ran Nell jts Cheap as any other Deal r in the South , AXfl> WILL DO IT ! Try Him! He also keeps a number one si nek of FAMILY GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES, On Eastside of the Railroad. GEO. J. BRIAMT. apr. lwly CARTERSVILLE, GA. WM. 0. BO WLER, MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, t§|s, Saddles, COLL/ RS, LEATHER. 4:0. REI'AIRIX'U DOSE With neatness and dispatch. JB£ss“‘Shop < n West Main Street, near the old Market lions J, CAKTEKSVILLE, GA. feb 21-wly WM. O BOWLER. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the firm, name and style of N. Gilreath & SSon, is this day disolved by mutual consent, James H. Gil reatli having retired on accouut of feeble health. Either party wiil settle any business connected with the firm, and those indebted to us will please come forward and pay up. Cartersville, Ga., January Ist. 1872. N~. Gi HEATH, J. H. GILREATH. The undersigned having sold liis interest in the above business to Miller H. Gilreath, who has entered into copartnership with X. Gilreath under the firm, name and style of N. Gilreath & Son, takes pleasure in recommending the new firm to the favorable consideration and patron age of his old friends and customers. J. H. GILREATH. COPARTNERSHIP. We the undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm, name and style of N. Gilreath & bon, and will continue the mercantile business at the old stand, where we will be pleased to serve our friends. Cartersville, Ga., January Ist, 1872. N. GILREATH. MILLER H. GILREATH. Jan 4— lra GEORGE W. JACK, MANUFACTURER OE Candies and Crackers. DEALER IN CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS, AND WILLOW-WARE. WEDDIXGUPAitTIES, Sl PPEJis, Ac., GOTTEN UP I N THE BEST SI\LE, AM) ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE* W e would respectfully call the attention of the public to our large and conipktejtock— sdected with great care, and bought at tho LOWEST fTHMTEHMI. STREET, .1TE.1.1 T.I, GJi . marchlO-wlr. ’ J. 11. Anderson. G. W. Well. ANDERSON & WELLS. o, 20 Alabama Street, Atlanta, Georgia, Opposite the Passenger Depot. DEALERS IN AtiKIC I LTI RAL IMI*LEMENTB, STEEL, HAY-RAKES, COTTON Gl\B, COTTON SCRAPERS, C OTTON PRESSES, POST lIOEE DIGGERS HORSE POWERS, STITNIP PULLERS, C’OTTON SWEEPS C IDER MILLS AC ~ AC., ACT. Machinery Os All Kinds. V GENTS for H. &F. BLAXI>Y. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationery Engines, Saw Mill*, Cura and Wheat Mills, Hone Mills, Machines, Ac. Also, Agents for Schofield’s Cotton Presses and Horse Powers. Agents for Wayne Agricultural Works, Reapers. Mowers, stock scales, Ac. Agents for llrenton s Threshers, both Separators and Overshot*, ranging from one to six horse power, and Wheat Fans. t\ e will ulso sell Pitts' Machine, Aultman A Taylor eight and ten horse power Separators Having negotiated speciul contracts with the best Manufacturing Establishment* in ths coun try, we are euabled to offer all with Freight added. ■©-Farmers and Dealers are requested to cal! and see us before purchasing, and send Tor PKIJJ& LISI. Goods at Manufacturers’ Prices. ANDERSON & WELLS, nias 20 -sutf Passenger Depot, ATLANTA, GA. “THE LIVE DRUG STORE” R E D W I > E & FOX, DEALERS IN Pure Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS. Having increased our storage capacity and enlarged our general STOCK, we are able to offer to the trade inducements unsurpassed by any house in tho Southern country. Call and examine lor yourselves, ut Nos. 11 and 13, Corner of Will to* hall anil Alabama Streets, ATLANTA, GA. REDWINK A FOX. Spt, 26-wly H . A. L A NS DELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. 19 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, CA Offers splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to j give him a call. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Glass, Fine Medicinal LIQUORS AND WINES. Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. noticiTsfeciai. W.J/ir .V«.fU’ EltOJtt THE “ICE GOLD SODA FOUNT.” All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges tho j Soda competitors to produce the fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and Ihe best in the oity, Pure Fruit Syrups. w. A. LANSDELL, NO. 19 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, LA. May 12 1870 ly. THOB. M. CLARKE, 1 JKO - KIRKPATRICK ROB’T C. CLARKE, ( JNO - FITTEX. Established In 1854. THOMAS M. CLARK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO T. M. & R. C. CLARK.) IMPORTERS AND DEAEERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARD W A St E , Cutlery, fron, k Steel» Nails, It. K. Supplies, &o„ PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Returning you our thanks for past pat ronage, we hope l>yYutnre efforts to merit a continuance of the same, promising from our ton# experience in tho II Ahl>\\ AKK trade, (being the oldest Hardware house in the l itv ol Atlanta,) and strict attention to Jiumiov. together with our pre»- ent facilities of DIRECT IMPORTATION, and EXCEL Sl\ hid i-:u>t» pun bases, that we.can offer equal inducements to those of tiny Northern market-. . .... Wehave now in store, and arriving daily lor the t ALL TI.A HI., Cie I.AROL. T AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. < CTLKKV , Ac., ever broncht toihis market, and will sell at prices that defy competition. . . -. With the view of making the JOBBING trade a sPECIALi t, we are now fitting up lmmadi atelv in the rear of our present stand a WHOLESALE SAMPLE ROOM, where merchants can select their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoiding the i;ii« nercnceoftheretail trade. • Extending to you an invitation to call in and examine ourst.a k when you visit Atlanta, or send on your orders, we remain, yours very respectfully. 1 DOS. M. CLARKE A CO., sept 10,1870-swl.v Atlanta, Ga. LAWSHE & HAYNES, Have ox hand and are receiving the finest stock of the Very Latest Styles of Itiinnond and Gold JEWELRY, in upper Georgia, selected, with eat care for the Fall and Winter Trade. Watches, of the BEST MAKERS, of both Europe and A* merica; American and French Clocks; Sterling and Coin Silver Ware; and the best quality of Silver Plated Coods, at prices to suit the times; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, to suit all ages Watches and Jewelry Repairsd by Competent Woium; Also Clock and Watch Makers Tools and Materials. sept 13.-swlv ATLANTA, GA. R, F. MADDOX, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Tobacco, Segars, AND LiaUORS, ail-Road Crossing:, National Hotel Block, ATLANTA, GA. Agent for the sale of Virginia and North Carolina Tobaccos. may C’-wly DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing be tween Gilreath A Jackson, in the saw-mill business, has this day been dissolved. The bus iness in the future will be carfied on by Z. W. A M. G. Jack,on. January Ist, 1873. Jan 4—B m Bridles, HILLYER’S MALE SCHOOL. This School, after a suspension of a few months, will re-open in Cartersville, on tha third Monday, Isth January next, in the school house it occupied before, oh the corner of Jno. W. Wofford’s lot. Rates of Tuition w ill range from |2OO to S4OO per month, and will be payable monthly. The Spring Term w ill continue through 94 weeks, and close with public exercises. This School will be conducted after the most approved system. Speeial attention will be given to Arithmetic, Writing and Reading. For further information apply to S. G. HILLYER, Jb. Cartersville, Ga., Dec. 21,1871-wlm. MERCHANTS, I Buy Your Crockery and Glass .Vo. tT Peathtree Street, Atlanta £*., —FROM— T R. RIPLEY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER. Established Twenty-one ears KEEPS a large stock. Occupies three floor* 120 by 30 feet. Housekeepers can be furnished with Fine China Dinner and Tea Setts, and extra thick Hotel ware. Inducements offered to Cash buyers equal to any market. oct26-Bms. THE "ECLIPSE” FEBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, IS SOW IS FULL BLAST, and turning out very line pictures. The proprietor has come into our citv and reduced the price of pic tures one-half, and we think it no more than justice to him, that we who want GOOD PICTURES should give him onr patronage, We advise all who want GOOD pictures to go to the “ ECLIPSE,” w-herc it is a good show to seeylie fine instru ments used in making these pictures. Ladies will be politely received and waited upon. Pictures taken In cloudy weather as well as in fair. J» n 4- J . W. DYER, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAIN TlillU, WILL do GRATSISG in Oak, Walnut, Birds’-eye Maple, batin Wood, Mahoga ny and Rose wood. Also, IMITATION of the different marbles. Sienna, Black and Gold, St., Am’s, Verd An tique, Egyptian Green, Rouge Koi., Italian Jas per, Dove, Bl’k Bardilla, Derbyshire Spar, and Granites. Returns his thanks to the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, for past favors, and hopes that by a strict’ attention to his profession to merit a continuance of their patronage. Janl-ly.