The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, March 07, 1872, Image 3

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STANDARD AND EXPRESS. CARTERSVILLE, GA., MARCH 7, 1372 LOG A L MATTERS. Mkssrs. GKO. P. Rowki.i. ft to., anil 8. M. PlTTimilX A Cos.. New York, and G* , *f. l * * HoriNak, Baltimore, newspaper advertising agent*.-, are duly authorized t-u contract tor ad vertisement* at our lowest rates. Our Authorized Local Agent*. C. VV. Harris. Stilcfiboro, Ga M F. Powell, Morganton, Ga. T. F. Grkir Ellijay, Ga. A. W. Blalock, Town Creek, Ga. T. L. LaaaroßP, Ludville, Ga. E. M. Carpkntkr and H . 11. G allow at, ] Blue Ridge, Ga. We haye in our Retail Dry-Goods Store the most sui*erb and elegant stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, I .aces, j Embroideries, Hosiery and general assorted stock of Dry-Goods ever I**- fore offered by us, and we solicit in spection of our stock from all. Sam-, pies sent on application. CHAMBERI.IV Boynton & Cos., Cor. Whitehall and Hunter Sts. Atlanta, Ga. The largest and Most Sui>erb Stock ! of Velvet Ax mi ns ter, Body Brussels, j Tajiestry Brussels, 3 ply, Ingrain and ; Cheap Car)*ets, Curtains, Floor Oil- J Cloths of all widths, and House Fur- j nishing Goods now on Exhibition and for sale at extremely low prices, at The Carpet Store of Chamberlin, Boynton A Cos., Cor. Whitehall and Hunter Sts., Atlanta, Ga. The enterprising firm of Gower, Jones A (Jo., of this place, manufac turers of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, and other vehicles of nearly every description, are still enlarging their borders and pushing forward their business. Their business is on a firm basis, and they challenge the world to beat thorn in the essential features of their line of business, to-wit; Qual ity and Price. See advertisement. Don’t forget to cult at N. Gilrcath ft Son’i t Main *t., Cartersville, Ga., and see tlicir new stock of prints, checks, delancs, drills, cotton yarn*, Ac. They have also on hand a fresh supply of genuine red clover seed and oats Also sole and harness leather, boots, shoes, french calf bkins, Ac. Sold at low prices for i ’lul. Call and Janlfctf To PIARTXBB or Garden Skid.—l have just received 5,000 papers, and warrant every paper to he true to label and sure to come up or return you your money. W. A. Loyless. Jnnlß tin Garden seeds, all fresh, as they were all pu up with our own hands, with twice as many seed in a paper as the purchaser usually gets, for the same money. Call and see ours before buying elsewhere. A. A. Skinner & Cos. jaulH tin Old prejudices are dying out. New facts arc killing them. The idea that invulUL weaken ed by disease can he relieved by prostrating them with destructive drugs is no longer en tertained except by monomaniacs. Ever since tlm introduction of l»K. Walekh'h Yinkuaii Bittern it lias been obvious that their regulat ing and invigorating properties are all-suffi cient for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheu matism, constipation, dlarrhiea, nervous affec tions, and malarious levers, and they are now the standard remedy for these complaints in every section of the Union. Feb. 15—4 w. Farmers, Contractors and Builders—Look to Your Inter ests.—We have in store 150 boxes French and American window glass 3,000 pounds best brand White I read 8 barrels raw and boiled Linseed Oil a large lot of superior and well assort Colors; Paint and Varnish Brushes; White Wash Brushes; Putty, Ac. We are offering to sell at special low rates to induce cash customers, and invite an inspection of our goods. Best A Kirkpatrick. Feb. 22, 1871—ts 20,000 Lbs. Clear Sides will be sold to farm*Mrs for upproved paper or lien on Crops, payable Ist of November, 1872. J . J. HOWARD. Cartersville, Ga., Feb. 29—3 t. characteristic enterprise.— The great Chicago flretl laid waste, during the futal forty hours between Sunday evening, Oct. 9th, and Tuesday morning following, hundreds of millions of dollars in property. All the prin cipal buildings, Banks, Stores, Warehouses, Printing Offices, and Publishing Houses, went down; among the latter were the offices of the new family weekly paper “ OUK FIRESIDE Fit IEN It,” but with that Indomitable energy which is characteristic of Chicago, the publish ers, Messrs. WATERS, EBERTS & CO., while their tine offices were yet bu ruing, wore making arrangements to resume their business anil car ry forward their groat enterprise. They imme diately secured anew location at 7KI State Street, which they occupy until their former place is rebuilt. They are now issuing their paper, a beautiful eight page, illustrated, lit erary and fireside journal, filled with choice reading and finely illustrated, anil are pursu ing their original plan of distrihutingonehun dred thousand dollars among their subscribers for 1872. Specimen copies, Premium Lists, etc., will be sent free to any address. 99. Read! Read!! Read!!!— lt is well known to Doctors and to In dies, that women are subject to nu merous diseases peculiar to their sex— such as suppression of the Menses, Whites, Painful Monthly Periods, Rheumatism of the Back and Womb, Irregular Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive “ Flow,” and Prolapsus Uteri, or fall of the Womb. The pro fession lias in vain, for many years, sought diligently for some remedy that would enable them to treat these diseases with success. At last that remedy has been discovered, by one of the most skillful physicians in Georgia. That remedy is I)B. J. BBADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. YVhat Dyspepsia May Do. Indigestion Is not dangerous, say the faculty. Perhaps not in itself, while it remains mere in digestion; hut look at tho consequences to which it may lead, and often does lead when it becomes a chronic disease. A spark of fire is a small thing. A pressure of the foot will put It out; a breath will extinguish it. Yet It may fire a powder mill, or kindle a flame that will consume a city, in like manner indigestion may produce guiritis, cancer of the stomach, congestion of the bowels, apoplexy, liver dis ease, and many other dangerous maladies. Is It not wise, then, to check it in the germ? Nothing is ni .re clearly and indisputably es tabli-bed th n that Hostetter's Stomach Rit ters will i'v iieate dyspepsia in all its stages. The true licy, however, is to extinguish it in the first stages'with this wholesome, powerful, and infallible tonic and alterative. It is easier to quench a spark than a flame, and it is easier to cure dyspepsia when it is first developed, than when it has made headway by neglect, and become complicated with other ailments. There is not the shadow of a doubt that the bitters arc as directly antagonistic to dyspep sia u> water is to lire. There arc thousands of cases on record proving this fact. The remedy is safe and agreeable. All the liquors of com merce prescribed as stimulants leave a sting behind. But the sting is taken out of the spir ituous basis of this great remedy by vegetable medication, and, moreover, the stimulant thus medicated is of exceptional purity. Os all tonics taken as safe-guards or remedies for fever and ague, bilious remittents, and other epidemics, it is the only one that can uniformly be depended on. mcli7-lm The rim K who W!b arrested for robbing Parson’s store in this town, was found to have aquantvof Ayer’s Hair Vigor in his posses sion. When asked why he wished to steal that article, he answered that he “ wanted to re store his hair, for it was hard to be a thief and bald too.” If that invention of the great chemist could restore a faded character as ef fectually as it does their natural beauty to bald and gray heads, it would surely be, ns thev say it now 'is, truly invaluable.—Lewiston '(Me.) Journal. _ The Great Hair Producer—Hair Oils, Po matum, and Pomades have had their day. They belong to the musty past. Nobody that under stands the chemistry of the hair and the phil osophy of its growth thinks of using them. In stead"of clogging the pores of the scalp with thick onguents. and thus obstructing the insen sible perspiration which is essential to the health of the litres, we now tone the surface of the head with an invigorating application which penetrates to the roots of the hair and stimulates them in the same way that the fer tilising agents spt-ead over the meadows stimu late the grass roots and cause the blades to spring up in myriads, coating the earth with verdure. The invigorant best adapted to this purpose is Lyon’s Katharion. Jt may well be called the fertiliser of th* head. To the barren scalp it communicates vegetable power. If the “ 81 j dropping out or becoming dry and with- STfV 1 a ril e *£ v><> process of dilapidation or blight. The hair thickens and becomas glossy and flexible under its genial operation, and as it dressing it is unapproached bv anv prepara tion that lias yet been laid on the toilet of Fashion. mchT-lt. If you desire rosy checks and a com plexion fair and free from Pimples and Blotch •a, purify your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It has no equal tor this purpose. mch'-it. That Road Again.—We called attention, in the last issue of our pa per, to the importance of opening a road Eastward from this place in the direction of the old Etowah Iron Works, and furthermore recommend ed the Grand Jury of the present week to take the matter under ad visement. Since penning that article Judge J. A. Howard informs as that reviewers have been apjtointed. and they have reviewed the route and re- IKirted it practicable, and that he is ready to issue the order for opening said road to the corporate limits of the town of Cartersville, whenever the town council signify their will ingness to open a street in conjunction with said road to the depot; but it is useless for him to issue the order for the opening of the road to corpo rate line, unless the council also opens the street, which will tie a continua tion of the road to the depot. We appeal to our town authorities to have the street opened forthwith. This is important from several con siderations, some of which we set forth in our editorial of last week. There are other yet more pressing necessi ties for opening said road: The old road between this point and the river, runs parrallel with and close to the railroad all the way, in one or two places a high embankment on one side and a long line of fence on the other, making it very hazardous to life and limb to travel it by private conveyance. The people of Etowah District and Cherokee county have no other means of transportation but by carriages, wagons, etc., and their stock is unused to railroad cars. One of the leading citizens of Cherokee county, whose main market is Car tersville, urges us to insist upon the opening of this road, as he had rather travel all the balance of the distance to his house in Cherokee county than the two miles between this place and the river, for fear of meeting with the cars. The citizens all along the route are eager for this road. They ought to have it. Cartersville clamors for it. The county is willing to do her part towards opening it. What say our town authorities? To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. —Owing to the fact that our county, since the war, has been hard pressed with taxes, and in order that the citi zens might receive the benefits of the actings and doings of our grand ju ries, we have heretofore consented to publish the General Presentments at half price. We hereby notify all par ties that we will do this no more. If we publish them it will beat our reg ular advertising rates or for nothing. “The laborer is worthy of his hire.”— We now have an order in our pocket for all of last year’s county advertis ing, done at half price, some of it done over a year ago, and we are informed by the County Treasurer, that it can not be liquidated before the tax for 1872 is levied and collected. While we censure no one for this, we simply say we cannot afford to work at half price and wait eighteen months or two years for the money, and that, too, without interest. We will do no work for the county at half price. We see from several of our exchan ges that counties, less able than Bar tow, are publishing their general pre sentments in two and three different newspapers at full price, certainly the noble old county of Bartow can have them published in her only organ! Bartow Superior Court, first week, March Term, is now in session in this place. His Honor, Judge presiding. A full bar in attendance. Heavy dockets to clear up. We did not hear the Judge’s charge to the jury, but learn that, as heretofore, it was plain, pointed, and forcible. Several very important cases, both civil and criminal, are pending for trial during this term. This being Court Week is a good opportunity for our subscribers, who are in arrears, to pay up, and for new ones to subscribe for the Standard & EX PRESS. We would assure our worthy cor respondent, “Corn,” that we do not, by any means, endorse our ‘Local’s’ sentiments about raising more cotton and less corn. He is absent this week, and we not being authorized to speak for him, will leave him to fight his own battles on his return. The Rowland ferry road just after forking with the Douthitt ferry road, becomes a perfect loblolly. This can be easily obviated, simply by running out Main Street westward in a direct line to the corporate boundary of the town, near the residence of Rev. J. T. Norris. We have several manuscript con tributions to our paper, both in prose and poetry, which wiil appear in our next issue. They could not be reach ed this week. Our “Local,” has just returned from a three day’s peregrination on his old stamping ground—Cherokee County, with a list of FIFTY NEW SUBSCRIBERS. They say they do not object to the paper except upon one ground, that is: its presence al ways gets up a scramble in the fami ly as to who shall read it first. We have now the largest circulation of any paper that goes to that county, and are legally entitled to the legal advertisements, which we claim. Our esteemed friend, Geo. S. Ruble, of Chattanooga, Tenn., is in town on a flying visit. He lives on the top of Lookout Mountain and carries on his business in the city, which is selling Agricultural Implements. His hale, ruddy appearance indicates that he is well kept. He lives so high that we are not astonished that he is so fat and cheerful—roosting by night among the nightingales, and sporting by day with the larks in the vally along the banks of the majestic Tennessee. He has been recently burnt out, lock, stock and barrel; but nothing daunt ed, Phoenix like, he has risen from the ashes, opened out a large stock of Implements, and is driving ahead as though nothing had happened. He has now on their way to this place, samples of the finest plows ev er before brought to this market, to which he invites an inspection by our people, as they will be put upon ex hibition at the courthouse. Fall of Real Estate.— The black-smith shop of Gower, Jones & Cos. partly fell on last Friday night. There was no mortgage on it, hut a large amount of snow, which caused the roof to cave in. We are glad the accident did not occur in the day time, for if it had, friend Gower would have been caught certain, for the shop is his office , as president of the Car Fac tory, d-c. The weather is very pleasant. Messrs. Fnrriims "T Ilk 'jeMSßßif to see that the subject of hoiking and shooting within the corporation of I Cartersville is calling forth some | thought, for indeed thi* matter de- I mauds serious consideration. It has been, and is now, I presume, in direct violation of an ordinance of the town j council,; and yet there is not, in ail probability, a single place within the limits of the whole county, of equal extent, where there is as much hunt ing and shooting as there is within the corporate limits of our town. If there is an ordinance or law on this subject there should be one of two things done, either the law should be rejwaled, or the violation of that law should not be allowed. The continu al violation of one law has a natural tendency to the violation of other laws, and in fact of all laws, human and divine. That there Ls such violation of this law no one amongst us for even a few hours, by day or by night, can deny, anti it is by all ages and colors, from the frolicking boy of eight or ten years to the age of gray hairs, and it has become so common that it is now scarcely thought to be a violation of law. The time lias been when the boys were instructed how to take care in handling deadly weapons, but how often do we now see the weapon of death in the hands of those who have but little knowledge or care for any thing, and indeed it is marvelous that so few accidents have occurred. I am frequently startled by the loud report of a gun near by, and which always brings to mind an oc currence of years long since gone, when a boy of twelve shot and in stantly killed his brother of eight ] years; and yet that boy was perhaps | less blamable than much of the gun ning in our town. But we shall be told that no one has been killed yet by hunting in our town. Very true, though I deem it my duty to state that a few months ago a gentleman of undoubted veracity told me that as | he was near entering the west end of Main street a ball came whistling near him and struck the ground some ten or fifteen steps before him, and that he considered it very unsafe to go or come by that way, But what is the use of writing or talking on this subject? What can one individual do ? I have no expec tation of stopping this continual shoot ing, it will most certainly go on until someone is killed or wounded; and I would suggesst, and recommend the council to repeal that ordinance, and then when the death of someone does ensue, the verdict will not have to be “ Accidental shooting in viola tion of law.” Possibly it would be better to call a town meeting and have the subject fully ventilated; argued pro and con, and let the people decide whether they prefer having the ordinance re pealed or the present ordinance observ ed. I have no desire to make laws for the town, but most earnestly desire that whatever laws we have should be faithfully observed. A Citizen. A Big Snow.— The largest snow of the season, fell here on last Friday night. On Saturday morning, it was five inches deep. This has indeed been a snowy winter, and a cokl one. “ When the Spring time comes, gen tle Annie” we will be glad, and we suppose gentle Annie will too. It may not generally be known to our citizens that John A. Terrell has been employed, by the town council, to receive and collect the town tax for 1872, and that he has entered upon his duties. The Lawrenceville Herald tells the following story one of the up country delegates to the late Agricultural Con vention at Savannah: We c annot resist the temptation to tell a r ather amusing incident which occurn 1 in Savannah during the session of the recent convention. The convent) on was invited by Mr. Green, President of the Chamber of Com merce, to a party at his residence on the first evening of the session. Asa matter of course everybody went. Mr. Green lives in a splendid mansion fitted up with the elegance of a prince. His large parlors were beautifully ornamented with statuary, paintings, etc. At one end of the large double parlors was a very fine mirror exten ding from floor to ceiling. One of our u[(country delegates, after look ing through the two parlors, thought he saw another parlor with a crowd in it and concluded to walk in. When he got near what he thought was the door he noticed a gentleman approaching him coming out of_ the room, when he very politely stepped to one side to let the gentleman pass, but the approaching gentleman equal ly polite, stepped to the same side he did, when our up-coutry friend polite ly bowed, at the same time remark ing, “ I beg your pardon, sir.” His astonishment can be readily imagined when his nose came in contact with the glasss and a loud roar of laughter greeted him on every side. Our up country friend quietly retired to one corner, saying—he did not see any thing to laugh at. If any gentleman desires to get an old-fashioned fight on his hands, all he has to do is to inquire of this delegate whether he made any “ new acquaintances” in Savannah. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEALER. After a return of thanks to the far mers of the South for the very gen erous patronage I have received dur ing the past six years that I have been in their midst, I again beg leave to present myself to your favors for the year 1872. I will guarantee to j furnish AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- I MENTS suited to the wants of the farming community, warranting every implement from a Shovel Plow to a Threshing Machine, or a Steam Engine. Now being the time to “ plow deep while sluggards sleep,” I would say that I have just received a large stock of Plows, which 1 know by a long experience to be the plow best adapted to our soil. Farmers give me a call, and I am sure you will be well paid for your trouble. lam now located at my new establishment on Market Street, east of the new Post-Office, and op posite Thos. Webster’s machine shop, Chattanooga, Tenn. mch7-2m. GEO. S. RUBLE. We invite attention to the adver tisement of Mcßride A Cos., Crockery and Glassware dealers, Atlanta, Ga. This is one of the largest, handsomest and best houses in the South—it is a perfect palace. See the Sheriff’s sales for April, and other legal advertisements. Pi H. fBCTSTKK, Lom EffltOT Be Settled. —Every one should strive to secure a home of some sort, and then be settled, provided he can have food and raiment, and enjoy good health. Discontent is the bane of life. Then lie content, if possible. Don’t imagine that you could do better somewhere else, for there is trouble anywhere and everywhere. It is the lot of mortals to suffer in some way. Don’t suppose then that you are more unfortunate than many others, for all have their difficulties and trials; we should therefore have charity for all. And we should be thankful to the great Giver of all good that our conditions are no worse. En vy not the rich and prosperous, for if you could exchange your circumstan ces for theirs, you would be no better satisfied than you are at present, and perhaps not half so happy. If you have an humble home, make it as convenient and pleasant as pc«sible, and don’t think of leaving it, for as Dr. Franklin says, “ I never saw an oft removed fam ily, Nor yet an oft removed tree, That thrived so well as one that settled be.” Above all, endeavor to have a con science void of offense toward God and man, and you will then have nothing to fear in life, in death, nor in the great hereafter. The Great Evil.—lt cannot be denied that dram-drinking and drunkenness constitute the mam moth sin and curse of the age and country. The desolating car of war may roll over the country for a time, and spread devastation, ruin and death all over the land, but its rava ges are partial and of short duration, when compared to the awful and un ceasing work of the demon, intem perance. Day and night it goes on in its terrible power, and claims all times and seasons and all classes for its miserable victims. Wretched ness in all its forms follows in its wake, and the heart that has any sympathy for human woe, grows weary and sick in contemplating the picture. Can nothing be done to ar rest the fearful tide? Can not men be pursuaded to abandon the liquor traffic? If all Christians and philan thropists would work earnest ly and constantly for a reform, would not the evil be greatly mitigated, if not entirely removed? The Atlanta New Era says “ the Standard & Express nose a good deal about guano.” We don’t sup pose that the Era’s nose would object to inhaling anything now, since it has become so accustomed to the pe culiar and disgusting fumes of Radi calism. Guano is as pleasant as “ meeting-house draps” compared to the rank and file of that party. Foster Blodgett’s Exit. The case of poor Blodgett Yet stands on the dockett; But why should he dodge it With a pardon in pocket ? Perhaps he thought best not to trust In merely one string to his bow, And while he had plenty of “ dust” He resolved it would be safest to go! The Atlanta Sun says a man fell down in that city, the other day It would have been a more circular sin gumstane© if he had fallen up What has become of all the shows ? There has not been a circus, nor a monkey, nor a singist, nor any thing of the kind (except such as be long here) in our town in a long time. It is said that the Grand Duke Alexis passed down the road the other night, but we didn’t know it in time to make any demonstration. He must think we are dis-royal here. A little girl lour years old says she don’t like the lids of biscuit, but pre fers the inside. A Strange Case.—A certain yan kee has been indicted for swindling, because he dried snow and attempt ed to sell it for salt! Who but a yankee would have undertaken to make money in such a way ? It is also reported of another one of the same class, that he bought a bushel of shoe-pegs, on speculation, but failing to find sale for them, lie whittled off the other end, and then sold them for seed oats! There is nothing like yankee ingenuity. The Dignity of Labor.—“ Six days shalt thou labor,” is a divine command, and our general well-be ing requires that it be scrupulously obeyed. No man has a right to be idle, for there is work enough for all; and no man should be ashamed to work, for usefnl employment is hon orable and idleness is disgraceful. It j is a great misfortune for boys to be raised up with nothing to do. It is far better to be driven by necessity to labor for a support, than to be able to live without employment, for “an idle mind is the devil’s work-shop.” Funny.—The Air-Line Eagle says its “ devil” has a pocket-book, and wonders what use he has for it. Our “ devil” is more inconsistent than that, for he tried to buy a pocket book on a credit, the other day. COMMERCIAL. (artersTille Wholesale and Retail Priees. COTTON, y It. 20>i Meats—Shoulders, £ tb 8 @ Clear Rib Sides, y It. 9 @ 10 Plain Hams, y Tb fin 14 Canvassed Hams, 15® 16 Fresh Pork, tb 6to 8 Butter—Goshen, 40 to Country, y lb 90 to 25 Beeswax, y tb 20 to 25 Brimstone and Sulphur, lb 8® 15 Blue Stone, y tb 15 @ 29 Borax, y lb 50 @ 60 Cheese, y lb 20 @25 Craekers—Butter, y tb 8 @ 15 Soda, y to 8 @ 15 Cream, y" tb 14 to 20 Cigars—lmported, y M S7O @ 90 Domestic, ft M 15 to 30 Candy—Fancy assorted y lb 19 to 40 Stick fi tb 19 to 30 Candles, y lb ...... 12 to 25 Coffee—Rio, lb .♦ S3 to 28 Java, y tb 28 to 35 Cream Tartar, ft tb 50 to 75 Eggs, y doz. 15 to 20 Flour, y cwt $5 to 6 Grain—Coins bn @ ? 5 Wheat, redy bu ISOtolfiO Rye, 75 to 90 Peas, 85 (a. Oats 70 to "5 Clover Sudd, 9 50® 1200 Indigo, y tb 175 to *OO Lara, 12 to 14 Mackerel—Kits, 2 00 ® 2 75 Pepper, y tb 28 ® 40 Putty, 8 ® 10 Potatoes—lrish y bn $250 @260 Rags—Clean Cotton, y lb 3\ @ Rice, y tb 10 @ 12 Rilisins—l-4 box $1 25 1-2 •• 2 25 Sugar—Brown, y tb 12 to 14 C 13 to 15 A 16® Crushed, 16 to 17 Powr’d, 18 ® 20 Salt, » sack .. *2O to 2 25 Shot, y bag .. 2 75 @ 3 00 Soda, y lb 7to 10 Soap—Bar, y lb - 8® 15 Starch, y lb 8 @lO Sprup—Muscovado, y gal 40 @SO Golden, 90® 1 00 Extra Golden 1 00® 125 New Orleans, 70 @BO Tobacco—Common, y lb 60 to 75 Medium, 70 @75 Prime, 1 00 to 1 60 Tea, y lb ... 125t0 1 50 Vinegar-Cider, V gal 50@60 I’maalura Lom of Use HiUr may be en- I tirelv prevented br the n**«f Bume«N toco aiucJ It has never failed to arrest decay, and :u> promote o healthy and rigorous growth. It : is at the same time unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. Cast them Oat—ls there are any di-cates I which deserre the name of demoniac. Djspep ! sia is one of them. It racks and teds the sys j tern like a veritible fiend, and render* life a burden. The medicines of the dispensary will ! not expel it. Cast it out with Dm. Walkek’s j V EOVT a ILF Vikkgaß BITTERS. There is no ; form of indigestion or liver complaint that call withstand this potent tonic anil alterative. No Ladies' Complete Unless there be the ! fragrant soxodont— onto the breath sweet odors it imparts, the gums a rubr redness soon as sume, the teeth quick rival alabaster tint, and seem as pearls set in a coral vase. •50,000 Will he Paid for any Remedy which will cure Chronic Rheumatism. Paius in the Limbs, Bock and Chest. Sore Throat. Insect Stings, Croup. Dysentery, Colic, Sprains and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment. e>tab!isbcd in 1847. Never fails. Sold by the Druggist-. Depot 10 Park Place. New Y ork. Carbolic Salve, reeommeniled by the lead ing Phvsicians and the President of the New York Hoard of Health, as the most wonderful Mealing compound ever known. Gives instant relief to burns, cores ail kinds of sores, cuts and wounds ; and a most invaluable salve Tor ail purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole Proprietor, BCollege Place, New Y'ork. Svapnla is Opinm purified of its sirkening and poisonous properties, discovered by Dr. Bigelow , Professor of Botany, Detroit Medical College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist, New Tort. ChrUtadoro’s Hair Dye 1» the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of inferiordyes, while the black or brown tints it produces are Identical to nature. Factory <lB Maiden Lane, New York. Pratt’s Astral Oil—Safest and best illumi nating Oil ever made. Does not take fire or ex plode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,1X10 families continue to use it. and no acci dents of any description have occurred from it. Oil House oft h&rles Pratt, established 1770Neve Y'ork. THE PUREST *nd Sweetest Cod Liver Oil In the world is Hazard X Caswell's made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected K.vers. by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York. It is abso lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have unc*j taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to aav of the other oils in the market. JOUVIN’S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. Forsaleby Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cent* per bottle. F. C. YYells ft Cos., New Y ork Bliley’s Philotoken is an established, war ranted remedy for Painful Menstruation ; an 1 equally efficient as a Nervous Antidote in all cases of Nervous Excitement, stomach and Sleeplessness in male or female. Sold every th here for $1.90 a bKIGv. Morgan ft Risley, Druggists, New Y'ork, General Agents. A Youthful Appearance and a Beautiful, clear complexion is sty desire of everybody. This effect i- produces! (y using G. W. Laird’s “ Bloom of Y outh,” a harmless beautifier of the skin. Will remove all Discoloration, Tau, Freckles and Sunburns. The use of this de lightful toilet preparations cannot be detected, For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, Depot, 5 Gold St., New Y'ork. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—ls re lieves the little sufferer from pain, cures. Wind, Colic, Regulates the Stomach and bowels, Cor rects Acidity, and during the process of teeth ing it is invaluitble. Perfectly safe in all cases as millions of mothers can testify . Professional and Business Cards JOHN L. MOON, A TTO rn e y a t la w , CARTERSVILLE, ga. Will practice in the counties comprising the Cherokee Circuit, Office over Liebtnan’s store. JJ W. MURDHEY, ATTOIt NE Y A T LA W , CARTERSVILLE, GA. Will practice in the courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Particular attention given to the col - cction of claims. Office with Col. Abda .John son. Oct. 1. P. WOFFORD, ATTO It NE Y A T LA W . CARTERSVILLE, GA. OFFICE in Court-House. iatt 20 JOHN W. WOFFORD, ATT O R N EY AT LA W , CARTERSVILLE, GA. OFFICE, up-stairs. Bank building, july ’7O A RRENAKIX, A T TORN EY A T LA W, CARTERSVILLE, GA. YVill practice in all the courts of the State. M. FOI’TE, ATTORNEY A T LA W. CARTERSVILLE, GA. ( With Col. Warren Akin,) WiUpraeticc in the courts of Bartow, Cobb, Polk, ffloyd, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield and ad joining counties. March 30. ji b. McDaniel, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Office with John \V\ Wofford. jan ’73 rj W. HOOPER, ATTO It NE Y A T LA W , KINGSTON, GA. nov. 1 rjn HOM AS YV . DOD D , ATTORNEY A T LA W, CART CHS VILLE, GEORG IA. OFFICE with Dr. Baker. jan 181872. W. I>. TRAMMELL. ATTORNEY AT LA W, CARTERSVILLE, GA OFFICF W. Main St., next door to Standard ft Express Office. Feb. 15,1872 —wly. NOTICE to FARMERS! Y our attention is respectfully invited to the Agricultural W arehouse OF ANDERSON <& WELLS, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, DEALERS IN GUANOS, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, FARM WAGONS, REAPRS, MOWERS WHEAT THRESHERS AND PLOWS, And General Agents for PENDLETON’S GUANO COMPOUND, Cash, $67 per ton of 2000 lbs; credit to Nov. Ist, $75 per ton of 2000 lbs. “FARMERS' CHOICE,” Manufactured from Night Soil, at Nashville, Tenn.; Cash, $45 per ton; Credit Ist Nov. SSO. And all other kinds of Implements and Ma chinery. which we sell as low as any house in the South. Call and see vis. til may 25 ANDERSON & WELLS. J. C. REGISTER, (In McGinty’s new brick Building.) Cartersville, Georgia. PF.ALF.R IS STOVES, GRATES Lightning Rods, Plain, Pressed and Japanned TIN-WARE, House Furnishing Goods. Roofing and Guttering, and all kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch, aug 3-6 m WINE MS LIQUOR COMPANY, GUTHMAN k HAAS, DJE.VLERS IX PURE WINES AND LIQUORS And sole A glutU. for Van Jansen- SMuvdwn schnapps, ami the celebrate*! , No. 3, Granite Block, Brood Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. boy , 23—ly JOHN T. OWEN 13 THE SOLE AG EXT FOR LAZARUS & MORRIS’ PERFECTED SPECTACLES. THE BEST IN USE! W Arrautod toPloa»e! < Don't Buy Until You Examine Theifj, , Thee cost less than half the price charged by Traveling Peddlers. 2STo Ilumloug! nov7-lm. SIJ|NP A MOXTII to sell our Universal Q / JjCement, Combination Tunnel, But w 1 v ton Hole Cutter, and otlter articles. Saco Novelty Cos.. Saco, Me. RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Agents, we will pay you S4O per week in cash, if you will engage with us at oxer. Ev erything furnished and expenses paid. Address, ' F. A. ELLS A CO.. Charlotte. Midi. $lO from 50s 1! Samplis sent (postage paid) for Fifty Cents, that retail easily for Ten Hollars. R. L. KoLCOTT, ci.V, p A A AGENTS WANTED for our splendid refill life size charts of GENERAL LEE, JUW “STONEWALL” JACKSON, and 20 other HISTORICAL and 1:KL1- GIOUB CHARTS! 1 Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc. have a universal sale. No risk!! Large profits!! IIAASIS LUBKECHT, EMPIRE Mat andCuakt Establishment; 107, Liberty s»t., New York. ntnis IS Ml lit MBUi 1 & ft By sending (MINTS with age, height, color of eyes ami hail, you will receive by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, I*. <>. Drawer, No. 24 FuKonville, N, Y. PSYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Chat m ing, 400 pages, by Heroert Hamilton, .15. A. Ilow to use this power(which all possessjat will. Divination, Spiritualism, Sorceries, Demonolo gy, and a thousand other w onders. Price by mail $1.23, in cloth; paper cover SI.OO. Copy free to agents only. SI,OOO monthly easily made. Addrees T. W. EVANS, Publisher, S. Bth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Free to Agents. A bound canvassing hook of tlie PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, containing over 5500 Illustra tions. With a Comprehensive Cyclopedia ex planatory of the Scriptures. In English ft GERMAN. WM. FLINT ft CO, Pliila. Pa. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. We desire to engage a few more Agents to sell the World Renowned Improved BI’CK EYE SEWING MACHINE, at a liberal sala ry or on Commission. A horse and wagon giv en to Agents. Full Particulars furnished on application. Address W. A. HEX PERSON & CO., General Agents, Cleveland, Ohio, and St. Louis, Mo. The Pen Letter Book for copying letters without Press or Water, continues to grow in favor wherever introduc ed, and thousand* now using it attest its won derful merits. All praise its Simplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness and reliabili ty. ‘it lias onlv to be properly shown to be ap preciated by ali business men. Price $2,25 and upward. Address P. GARRETT A CO., Phila delphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Best selling books ex-fJKfKJfJE* 1 Nt&nt. Works of j ine interest. Agents wan-1 1 ted. 48 page a Extracts. |gWf pi Iffif Sample Engravings, culars, &c., free. .. - r C. F. Vent. Pub.. Cin.. 0.. and 68 Murrey Bt, N, V. Agents also wanted l'or Chicago and the Great Conflagration by Colbert A Chamberlin, Editors Chicago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully il lustrated. 30,000 SOLD, Address a- above, or J. S. Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. llo vey, Boston, or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. 1., or Walton A Cos., Indianapolis, Iml. WELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS FOR COlGlis, COLDS & HOARSENESS. These Tablets present the Add in Combina tion with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure of all THRO AT and LI NG Diseases. HOARSENESS anil ULCERATION of the THROAT are immediately relieved and statements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat difficul ties of years standing. H A Don’t be deceived by wortli- U A JLUIN less imitations. Get only Wells’ Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cts. per box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. 1. Send for Circular. Sole Agent for tiie V. S. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF GEU. H. E. LEE. The Only Authorize! an! Official Biography Os the GREAT CHIEFTAm. f'dllTinW Old and Inferior Lives of Gk.v. wAUIIUSI Lee are being circulated. See tiiat tiie book you buy O accompanied by a sn perb Lithographic portrait of Gen. Lee, on a sheet 19 by 21 inches, suitable for framing. Send for Circulars anil see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, NA TIONAL PCBLIsIIINGCO.. Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St. Loui-. Mo. T HO 3VE SON’ S WOULD-likNO WNEU PAItN 1 Glove-Fitting Corsets fit you want tiie most satisfactory beet fit tiny and THOMSON’S GLOVE-FITTING. No (,'orset has ever at tained such a reputation, either in this or any oth ercountry. As now made in length and fullnes of IT CANNOT BE IMPROVED. Every Corset is stamped with the name Thom son anti the trade mark, a Crown. Kept by all lirst-elass dealers. THOMSON, LANGDON & CO., < Sole Owners of Patents, 301 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OH, WOULD I WERE A CHILD AGAIN! sighs the weary and exhausted one, as the lan guor and lassitude of spring comes upon him. Come and receive vigor and strength from the wonderful South American Tonic, JURUBEBA. Long and successfully used iu its native conn trv, as a JPmrer/vl Tonic, and Potent Purifier of tlCe Blood, it is found even to exceed the antici pations fonnde lon its great reputation. Ac cording to the medical and scientific periodicals of London and Paris, it possesses the Most Powerful Tonic properties known to M ateri a Medic a. DR, WELLS’EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA is a perfect remedy for all diseases of the BLOOD. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, GLANDU LOCS TUMORS. DROPSY, SCROFULA, IN TERNA!. ABSCESSES, and will remove all ob struction* of the LIVER. SPLEEN, INTES TINES, UTERINE and URINARY ORGANS. It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nu tricious food taken into the stomach, it assimi lates and diffuses itself through the circulation, giving vigor and health. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerres, acts directlv on the secretive organs, and, by its powerful Tonic aud restoring effects, produces healthy and rigorous action to the whole system. JOHN y. KELLOGG, 18 Platt Street. N. Y. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. $25 REWARD. STOLEN from the subscriber, in Cartersville, ou the night of the 10th iunt., a mouse-col ored mare mule, small and chunky, fresh shav ed mane and tail, white saddle marks on each side of her back, considerably shaved with harness. Also a blind bridle and an old and very indiferent saddle taken at the same time. I will pav the above reward for the mule and thief, or #ls for the mule alone. Feb 15-ts lA. G. B. VANDIVERE. B ARTOW CO U N T Y. BARTOW SHERIFF'S SALES. X 4T ILL be sold, before! he Court house door is Yt CartewvUte. Bartow County, ti*.. o« the first Tuesday in April, Itfre, wfthii. the us ual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The Alabaster Lime kilns and seven acre* of land of the Southwest corner of Lot Xu. s#l la the 4thdi*t. and 3d section of Bart.>w counts . Levied on as the property of St vies Peck, A. ('. Ladd and P. H. Lada, to satisfy 1 a U fa btuni trotn Bartow Superior Court in favor of Wm. 11. Howl rs. said "tvles Peck. A. C. Lathi aud P. H. Ladd. Also the plantation w hereon the defendant now resides, lying in the l«th dis Land 3d seek, of said county. Levied on as the property of Harvey S. Crawford, to satisfy a 11 fa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Warren Akin vs. said H. S. Crawftml. Also one store house and lot. w hich i* now occupied by S. A M. Liehutan on Main street in the town of Cartersville. Levied on as the property of H. J. Siigh, to satisfy three Justice Court* fhs issued from the 822.1 dist. G. M.. one iu favor of Satterfield A IV offord. one in favor of Pattillo A Baker and one in favor of Aaron Collins vs. said 11. J. High. Levy made and returned tome Qv A. B. Harrison, L. C. Also, lots of land Xos. 182. 164 and 18a. in the 16th Dist. and 9d Sect. of Bartow county, levied on as the proiierty of a. 11. Coilister. to’ satisfy two Justice Court fi fas issueii from the 952 I>i>i. G. M., hi favor of J.N. Pearson, ami controlled by J. W. Copp vs. said Coilister for the purchase money. Levy made and returned to mo hv I„ Burough, 1- C. Also, Lots of Land Xos. 719, 7*2, 647. 648, 649, 577. 646. 506. 718. ss*. 632. 643. 654. 427, 430, 429 and 657. in the 4th dis. anti 3d see. of said countv, and I Alts Xos. 755, 826. 825. 759, 684. 683. £67. 687 and 754, lying in the 17th dis. and 3»i sec, of Bar tow county. levied on as the property of KoV>t. M. Stiles, administrator of \\ . 11. Stiles, to sat isfy a mortgage ti fa issued from Bartow Su perior court, in favor of Sarah Mackey and Jane Mackey vs. said Bobt. M. Stile*. Alto, One town lot, containing one acre, more or less, ljiitg South of A. F. Morrison, in the town of Cartersville, levied on as the prop erty of Caleb Thompkins and Eiuilv It. Baker, to satisfy a Justice Court II Ta, issued from the 851 dis. G. • aver of Milner A Milner vs. said Caleb Thompkiu* and Emily It. Baker. Levy made and returned to me bv Miller Col lins, L- C. Also. The house and lot in the tow nos Car tersville, now occupied by Joshua Sumner as a residence. Levied on as the property of Joshua Sumner, to satisfy a Justice Court Ufa from the Justice Court tsfcld dist. G. M. in favor of C. Mc- Gaskey vs. Joshu Sumner. Levy made turned to me by Miller Collias, L. C. Also, The store house and lot on the east side W. A A. IL H.. in the town of Carters\ tile, oc cupied by 8. ft M. Liebmatt, levied on as the property of H. J. Sligh, to satisfy a Justice Court il fa, issued from the Justire Court SsTM dis. G. M„ iu favor of W. S. Green vs. 11. J". Sligh. Levy made and returned to me by Mil ler Collins, L. C. Also one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, known as the Johstou School house lot, containing one acre more or loss. Levied on as the property of Uonuld Johnston to satisfy a Superior Court lil'a issueii from Bartow supe rior ( onrt in favor of Z. VV. Jackson ft Cos. vs. Uonuld Johnstou. VV. VV. RICH, Sheriff. JaS. KENNEDY, D. Stiff, C"\ EORGlA—Bartow County—Four weeks JT after date, application will he made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a por tion of the real estate belonging to the estate of Jus. L. Elliott, minor, for the benefit of said minor. This March sth, 1872. J. X. WHITEHEAD, Guardian m7-30d. of Jus. L. Elliott, minor. (GEORGIA— Bartow County—Four weeks 3T afterdate application will he made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a por tion of the real estate belonging to theestat e of Caroline Elliott, minor, for the benefit of said minor. VV. H MCCRAVY, Guardian m7-30d. of Caroline Elliott, minor. C'VEOKGIA— Bartow County.—Four weeks IT after date of first publication of this no tice, application will he made to the Court ol Ordinary of said county, at a regular term, for leave to "sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Francis M. Rowland, late of said coun ty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This 28th day of Febv., 1872. V\ M. L. ROWLAND, feh 29—SOdsys Executor. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue xV of an order of the court of Ordinary of Knlimond county 7 , will he sold on the first'lues day in April next, within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in the city of Au gusta in said county, one undivided third of town lot No. five (5) in the town of Ellijay, Gil mer county, Gn. The lot is well improved, and has on it a'two story house, well located for business, on the corner of the public square. Sold as the property of the estate of Jonathin S. Wilcox, late of Richmond county, deceased. Terms cash. J. M. HAN D, Feb 22—40(1 Administrator, (printer’s fee $10.) (1 EORGI A, BARTOW COUNTY—Whereas T VV. 11. McCrary has applied to lie appoint ed Guardian of the property of Caroline Elliott, a minor resident in said county, under fourteen years of age. This is to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary to he held next, after the expiration of thirty days, from the first publi cation of this notice, to show cause, if any they can, why said VV. 11. McCrary should not he appointed Guardian for said minor. Given under mv hand and official signature, this Feb’y sth, 1872. J. A. IIOIVARD, Ordinary, 11. C. (1 EORGI A— Bartow County.— VV hcre as. jf many citizens of said county-have applied to have a public road from John M. Cochran’s to the Stiles boro depot, via. the Stilesboro mills, on Euharlee creek, and leaving the present route at Mount Zion Church, and running east along the north line of lots Nos. 983, 982, 981, 9><J and 979, until intersecting the Euharlee and stilesboro road uearthe depot, and thence along said road to depot, opened and established, and reviewers having been appointed, and re ported favorably on the same. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby notilied to file objections in my office if any they have, why said road should not be opened and established on or by the Second day of March. 1872, when the order establishing said road will he finally granted. Given under my hand and official signature, January 30th, 1872. J. A. HOW A Rl>, lebl-t2m Ordinary. GEORGIA— Bartow County. —l. A. Moore having applied to be appointed Guardian of the persons and property of Medora I’., Ben jamin VV., Lenora C. and Lula Hill, minors un der fourteen years, residents of said county. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my- office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause if any they can, why -aid J. A. Moore should not be entrusted with the Guardianship of the persons and property of said minors. Witness my hand and official signature, this January 31st, 1872. J, A. HOWARD, feh l-30d - Ordinary. (I EORGIA—BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas if Thomas IL Kennedy and James Kennedy, Administrators of the estate of John Kennedy, Sen., deceased, represents to the Court in then petition duly filed and entered upon record, that they have fully administered John Kenne dy, Sen.’ estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can why said Administrators shall not lie dis - charged from their administration on said es tate, and receive Letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, 1872. Given under un hand and official signature, this Janv. Ist. 1873. J. A. HOWARD, jan4~tltinapr72 Ordinary. GILBERT & BAXTER, DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron, Agricultural Implements, AND GRASS SEED. TUR.VIS EXCLUSIVELY CASH. Agents for sale of COAL, GUANOS AND Agricultural AND MILL MACHINERY. Will buy to Fill Orders, COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, FLOUR, HAY and other Produce or Ship for Farmers on Consignment. Feb 2 ly DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership under the name of B. A. & H. M. Clayton, terminated January 30, 1872, by sale of K. A. Clayton’s interest to Charles B. Irwin. Either member of the old firm is authorized to settle the accounts. IL A. ( LAYTON. IL M.t LAYTON. leh 1 -3m In withdrawing from the above firm, I cheer fully recommend the new frm, Clayton ft Irwin to the public for their patronage aiid support. R. A. CLAYTON. feh 1-1 m We the undersigned, have this day formed a copartnership under the firm, name and style of Clayton & Irwin, and will continue themercan tile’business at the old stand, where we will be pleased to serve all who desire anything in our line. - ILM. CL AYTON, Jan. 30,1872. < . B. IRWIN, feh 1-1 in The accounts due S.C layton ft .Son., aftd R. A. ft 11. M. < layton unpaid at the expiration of3o days, will be placed in the hands of an Attorney lor collection, feh 1-lm Notice. Milton c. ja< ksox, of the firm of z. w. ft M. C. Jarkson & Cos., having died, it be comes ncces-ary to wind up the business of said firm immediately. Those indebted to said firm will be expected to settle at once. Feb. 17, 1872. Z. W. JACKSON, Surviving partner feh S2-4t A NEW SHAVING SALOONL \\J E the undersigned respectfully announce Y Y to the citizens of Cartersville, that we are located at the Harlow House, for the pur pose of pleasing all, who will favor uss w : th a call. A. POTT* & JOS. YOUNG, sept 7-ts. CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, OILS, LAMPS, SHADSS, fte., P. MARSH A CO., iAt the old staud of Blair ft Bradshaw, but more recently Nattarfleld. I'vree ft vet! CARTERSVILLE, GA. NOW OPENING A SUPERIOR STOCK OF CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, Ac. <fcc. REMO V A L! P. MARSH has removed his Oil and Stock from th« Dru<? Store of Best and Kirkpatrick, to this point, consolidated both businesses. The new firm are now also dealers in, OIXB, LAMPS, WICKi, SHADES. and(. They respectfully invite the citizens ol Cartersville, and puk lie generally, to call and see, and examine and make their pur chases. [oct 31,1871, w&sw-tf. TOMMEY. STEWART & BECK HARDWARE MERCHANTS, 70 WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA, GEARGIA. Sole Agents for Low’s Patent Improved SHINGLE SAWING MACHINE .i.rn eight's p.irfj.rT.i.rn self-feed ijtd Shingle machines, Capacity of Machines from 15,000 to 50.000 Shingles per dav, and BCRT’9 LATHING MACHINE manufactured by C. S. 4 S. BURT. ALSO AGENTS FOR Portable Steam Engine* of all SI FRENCH BURR AND ESOPUSMILL STONEI.^ZZ Bolting Cloths, etc. Sy amove Powder Company Hide and Masting Powder. CARTERSVILLE IS ar Factory AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION! In addition to CAR BUILDING, the Compauy is duly prepared to make, aud is now actively employed in filling, contracts for Building Houses, of any and all dimensions and styles; also, owing to Jtheir facility for Sawing, Dressing, Boring and Morticiug, Tongueing and Grooving Ac., by steam Machinery, they offer extraordinary inducements to co»* tractors and builders, and all parties, wishing any work of this kind done. Window Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, &c., furnished at low figures aa on short notice. E. N. GOWER, Presiding H. PADGETT, Skc’y & Sur’i. • J. J. HOWARD, Treasukrr. Read the following testimony of Ex-Cov. Brown about the first work turned out by this Company: * President’s Office, ) WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO., V Atlanta, Ga., October 16th, 1871. ) Col. J. J. Howard , Cartersville , Ga., —Dear Sir — We have ; examined the fifteen new cars made for the W. & A. R. R. Cos., |by the Cartersville Car Factory, and have no hesitation in saying they are very satisfactory. Indeed they are RATE RATE. JOSEPH E. BROWN,|Presiden Cartersville, Ga., Oct. 26, 1871 —w6m. ' T. M. COMUTON T. B. SHOCK LRY. COMPTON Sc SHOCKLEY, WEST MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GA., ' DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FAMILY GROCERIES. AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Believing the CASH SYSTEM, at Short Profits, the only practical system for the times, i they therefore adopt it, but will take the usual products of the country in exchange for Good* ; at reasonable rates. They will do a General Commission Business also. jan251872-3in. W. C. EDWARDS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in s£& HARNESS, JilPr AND HAHNF.<B MATERIAL, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, AC., CARTERSVILLE, GA. KEPAIRIXG done with ilurability and dis patch. Col. R. H. Jones’ new Brick build ing on West Main Street, Also dealer in Metalic and Wook BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS. always on hand, and is ready, night and day, with his o wait on those who want him. Jam l 6 BARTOW HOUSE, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, J. T. Guthrie, Propritor. IS now in thorough repair, and fully prepar ed to entertain all who may call. The rooms and furniture are kept in the neatest order, and the Tables supplied with the best the Market - affords. No pains or expense will be spared to render all guests of the House comfortable. A NEAT BAR Is kept, in rear of Office, where fine Wines! Brandies, Champagnes, Cigars, etc., canalway* be tound. " °ei® Wm. GOULDSMITH, Agent for ge:or:g:iaimar.bie works, Cartersville, Georgia. feb. 8 JOHN H. WIKLE, * Attorney at La|ur|„ BAND) BEIL ;eSTATE3 AND PS 2IE*EArCT CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Q FFICE over Post Office.