The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, August 01, 1872, Image 2

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STANDARD AND EXPRESS, CARTKRBVILLE, GA., AUG, 1. 1872. jTw. HARRIS, Political Editor. |. H. SMITH, Nrw> itnd local Editor. P. H. BREWSTER, A*ricul«ur»l * Local. W. S. D.WIEI.K, Publlohcr A Com. Ed. FOR PRESIDENT: Horace Greeley, OP NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: Benj. Gratz Brown, OF MISSOURI. STATE ELECTORAL TICKET. POIt STATE AT FAROE: Principal*. Alternate. w. t. worroKO, a. h. colquit, H. L BINNING, ELI WARREN, JULIAN HAKTRIDGE, A. H. HANSEL, WASHINGTON POE, GEO. D. RICE. DISTRICT ELECTORS : 1. H. G. TURNER, 1. J. RIVERS, L P. N. ELY, 2. A. L. HAWES, 3. W. L HUDSON, 8. H. F. SMITH, 4. J AS. M. PACE, 4. T. K. NEWELL, 5. N. R. C ASEY, 5. A. M. RODGERS, #. J. N. DORSEY. 6. L. J. ALLRED, ■J. E.D. GRAHAM, 1. R. A. ALSTON. FOR GOVERNOR, JAS. M. SMITH, OF MUSCOGEE. M W' Reading mutter on every puge The Louisville Ledger comes squarely out for Greeley. General Banks has joined the Gree leyites and is happy. The Northwest develops for Greeley and Brown. * Pomeroy’s Democrat has been sold for debt. Grata Brown says Grant will not carry three States. (%rl Schurz is confident that Gree ley will be elected. Dead. The Mexican revolution. At least for a time. Brazil is getting ready for some more Argentine war. Bismark is trying to prevent emi gration to the United States. The Turkish Government has sent for a lot of American mowing-ma chines. There are said to be 500 Baptist Churches in South Carolina and only 300 ministers. Ex-Senator Warner, of Alabama, is out for Greeley. Chief Justice Rice, of the same State, has declared for Greeley. In Michigan Governor Austin Blair, who has come out for Greeley, is carrying with him legions of Lib eral Republican recruits. Senator Thurman predicts Greeley’s election. Greeley is sweeping the country like a whirlwind. The contest in North Carolina is becoming very exciting. Both par ties claim the State. A. T. Stewart has deserted Grant, and sent a check for $25,000 to the Liberal-Democratic Executive Com mittee. __ On the cars and boats in the North and West a Presidential vote is now taken almost every day, with the universal result of a majority for Greeley. _ Senator Wilson, the Grant candi date for Vice President, is reported by the New York Herald as thinking the prospects gloomy. Switzerland is about passing a law prohibiting boys under fourteen years of age from using tobacco. Liverpool publishes the names of all persons who get drunk in public. Consequence, less drunkenness than heretofore. Thirty thousand people sailed from Liverpool to the United States, in May. The Tribune heads its account of the proceedings at Baltimore with two hands grasped. A Niagara Falls dispatch says that the Democrats and Liberal Republi cans have agreed upon Sanford E. Church for Governor of New York. P. T. Barnum bets $5,000 that Gree ley will be elected. Heavy bets in New York on Gree ley’s election. Mr. Hancock supports the Balti more nominations. The Georgia State Agricultural Con vention meets in Griffin on the 13th of August. Nine stores were burned a few days since in the new town of Birmingham, Alabama. The Texas Pacific Railroad will be 1,515 miles in length, and for 250 miles it will be an Air-Line. H. I. K. is said to be running a needle factory in Switzerland. Sharp business, that. The Duck-Town (Tenn.) Copper Mines are daily manufacturing 6,000 pounds of pure copper. Both the Rome papers hoist the name of Hon. Dunlap Scott, as a can didate for Congress, from the 7th Dis trict. A I'ennesseean wants to bet SIO,OOO that Grant will not carry two South ern States, and we hope he may win. According to a recent census the population of Macon foots up a little over 13,000. The damage done by the late heavy rains in Alabama, will probably amout to $5,000,000. A Maryland farmer cultivates 300 acres in watermelons. He realized $14,000 from his patch last year. Paris has a population of 1,800,000, though it has decreased 5,600 since 1866. 441 tons of strawberries is all Chica go could eat before the crop gave out. A number of Northern fruit trees planted atHeiskell’sstation, in Knox county, have proved to be crab apple trees. Market street, Chattanooga, has a lake in which several have fished with cucumber bait for the street commit tee. A sixth member of the Republican State Committee of New York has abandoned Grant and declared for Greeley. Columbus, Ga., received in ten months 2,170,000 bushels of corn, and 6,558,000 pounds of bacon,And yet she says she is prosperous. POLITICAL. We think we hazard nothing in saying that, in this region of the State, there can be found only here and there a Democrat who refuses to abide by the Baltimore nomination, and cordially give support to Greeley . and Brown against Grant and Wilson. Whatever may be the case in other sections, we are sure that the number of recursant democrats in our midst is simply of no importance, and we trust that as the campaign advances we shall be able to present an undi vided and united front to our politi cal adversaries. One word, however, to any who may lie still disposed to hold on to old predjudiees and ante bellum opinions, and, however they may be opposed to Horace Greeley because of the past political opposi tion which he has made to Southern policy and Southern interests, are yet convinced that no greater or equal curse could bo visited upon the coun try than the re-election of Grant, and the re-installation of the immoral and pecunious bands which flock around his banners. And here we take occa sion to remark that so far we remem ber to have heard of but two gentle man in the State, who have publicly renounced the Baltimore ticket, and proclaimed adhesion to Grant: Mr. Philip Clayton, of Greene, and Mr. Loyd, of Floyd; while if there be others who agree with them in opin ion, no public dissent to Democratic action has yet been made known by them. We know that many are dis satisfied, and would have preferred a different selection at Baltimore, but as it is, the content being narrowed down to Grant or Greeley, we can but hope that, ere long, all dissatisfaction will be bushed, and a general acqui escence in the Baltimore ticket pre vail throughout the party at large. One thing is certain, that either Grant or Greeley will be the next President of the United States; this proposition is as plain as any ever announced by Abe Lincoln; and under the govern ment of the one or the other we are to live for the next four years. We introduce here no argument, and give no reasons why we should prefer Greeley to his opponent, but take it for granted that the former is by all considerations the most desirable of the two—but scarcely can any man be found among all the discontented, winy, vviille lie expresses bis dissatis faction at the nomination of Greeley, will not, at the same time, resent, even almost to angry heat, any idea that he could be induced to support Gen. Grant; so that, at least, we think, as between the two, there is scarcely any difierence of opinion among the Democracy, as to which would be the most desirable as our next President. One of these men will be elected, and it may be that the failure to vote at all, by any con siderable number of the Democracy, might seriously affect the filial result. The truth is 'so rapidly has the in use of rational liberty and good government advanced since the nom inations at Cincinnati and Baltimore, so great the disaffection among the Radicals, so constant the ever-increas ing tide of popular favor in the Libe ral and Conservative direction, that the Radical party is almost alarmed out of its propriety, and the most ex traordinary and unparalleled exer tions are being made, by the faithful, to stay the already too fearful wave of public opinion. Hence, Henry Wilson, the Radical candidate for the Vice Presidency, and Boutwell, the Secretary of the Treasury, and Cress well, Postmaster Qeneral, Cabinet of ficers, with other leading and promi nent radicals from various sections of the Union, with pamphlets, and newspapers, and documents, and speeches by the score, and it is said also with not less than $250,000 treas ury funds and the people’s money, are invading the old State of North Carolina, cajoling, threatening, per suading and “ greasing ” the good people of that State, lest the first blast of the trumpet might proclaim Radi cal defeat and Democratic triumph in the first field of battle. No means will be unused, no stone unturned, to insure the success of their cause; and yet beneath all this waste of energy, and outlay of public and private means, and array of Cabinet officers, and outlay of public funds for party purposes, and the thousand and one declarations constantly repeated of their undoubted success, there is, af ter all, under all this outward parade and show, the fearful consciousness of overwhelming defeat and loss of office. We said we had one word to say, and it is this: It is currently re ported that Senator Morton, of Indi ana, has written to a friend, “The only hope we have now is in prevent ing Democrats from voting for Gree ley.” And so it appears the leading Radical among all the radicals ad mits already the defeat of his party, if the Democracy will only stay away from the polls. If Democrats can be prevented from voting for Greeley, then Grant is elects; if Democrats, true to the party, to their nomination, to themselves and the country, will vote, then Grant and Morton, and Boutwell and Beast Butler, and the whole host of evil doers must give place to better and truer men. If then the defeat of Radicalism is as certain as that Democrats shall cast their votes at the coming elec tions, we ask where is the Democrat, in all the land, who will suffer any cause to prevent him from voting for the Democratic ticket on the day of the election ? Remember, that their chief spokesman and leader in the Senate declares that the only hope of Radicalism is in preventing you, fel low Democrats, from voting at all. Rome, Ga., July 24th, 1872. Editors Standard & Erpftm: The Corfierators and subscribers to the cap ital stock in “The Etowah Steam Boat Company,” held a meeting in this city on the 20th inst., for the pur pose of organizing the Cos. and elect ing officers. Gen’l P. M. B. Young, our representative in Congress, being the only one present from Bartow county, the meeting postponed the organization and the election of offi cers until Saturday evening, August the Bd, at 2 o’clock P. M., in this city. ! It was made my duty to notify all the Corporator and subscribers to stock, and all those living on and contigu i ou.s the the Etowah river from Rome to Canton, Ga., of the action of the meeting, and extend to them a cordial j invitation to attend either in person j or by proxeys, (but would much pre fer the former,) and participate in the organization and help build up the enterprise, the object of which is to afford the citizens living on and near the river, a cheap and convenient transportation for their farm products, lumber, wood, etc., etc., to such mar kets as they may select. We have assurance that the obstructions in the Coosa river will soon be removed, and from B orne to Canton, which will give Canton water transportations to the Gulf of Mexico, and when “ the North Georgia and East Ten nessee Steam Boat Company” suc ceeds in her enterprise, w hich will be i before a great while, with Knoxville, Tennessee. No doubt many who have never investigated this matter, nor not given it a thought are ready to say and w ill say it can’t and will never be done. No it would never be | done if all act and thought as they do, but fortunately for our section of the country we have some men with brains , money and enterprise living all along the line of the river from Can ton to Rome, who knows that God gives them the reins for some purpose and they believe it to be their duty to make it a blessing to them and to their posterity. It is the duty of all to aid in this enterprise, for all will be benefitted alike. It will enhance the value of their lands and bring it into market, and develop our country. None are too poor to take at least one share, $lO 00, who will not be called upon to pay but a small portion of that for some months to come. In all communities you will find drones , who are anxious to see new enterprises put on foot but will not aid in consumating them, knowing tooat the same time that they will reap as much if not more benefit from them than those who do. Those reading the above will please consider themselves personally and cordially invited to attend the meeting at the time and place designated, and those who have not already enrolled their names as pioneers in this great enterprise will do so, and help carry on the good work. I adopt this plan as the most effectual way of notifying and extending the invitations to all interested. Yours very respect fully, Thos. J. Perry, Secretary. The following bills have been read the third time in the Legislature: To repeal certain acts regarding the Georgia State Lottery. To regulate the rates of freight charged by railroad companies for transportation. This is an important bill. To exempt from taxation the prop erty of all agricultural and mechanic al iair associations. To revive and incorporate the Mil itary Institute. To make penal the act of of any im migrant who comes to the State and leaves his employer, unless he refund the expenses incurred for passage money and other things. To amend the election laws, so as to open two ballot boxes for white and black voters. For facilitating the sale of real es tate. For encouraging emigration. For incorporating the Ocean Steam ship Company, of Savannah. To authorize certain corporations to subscribe to capital stock. For regulating the per diem mile age of the members of the Legislature. For defining the terms of office of the several civil officers of the State. To amend the charter of the Plan ters’ and Miners’ Bank. A bill to incorporate the town of Dawson, in Terrell county as a city, has been passed in the Legislature. Mr. J. W. Wofford has introduced a bill in the Legislature to incorpor ate the North Georgia and Duck-Town Railroad Company. NOMINATIONS. To-tlay we place at the head of our columns the name of the Hon. James M. Smith as the Democratic candi date for Governor of the State. Hav ing no opposition, Gov. Smith was nominated by acclamation by the Democratic Convention, and stands before the country, endorsed by his previous history and the united voices of his party friends, as one, worthy and well qualified, to occupy the chair of State. It is not known who will be his Radical opponent, Ackerman, D. A. Walker, or who, but one thing is certain, James M. Smith will be elected Governor of the State of Geor gia. In another paragraph we publish the names of the electors for the State at large and from the Congressional Districts, selected at the same time by the late Convention held at Atlan ta. To the cordial and hearty support of these Democratic nominations we need not persuade any true blue Dem ocrat. It is sufficient only to place before him the ticket selected by his representatives in Convention. A Terre Haute, Indiana, pape says: “ This is a most bountiful year. The small fruit crop is immense, the wheat crop is huge, the oat crop is very promising, and baby crop is un paralleled.” The owner of the little farm in Vermont, on which Horace Greeley was born, offers an old pine stump, from which young Horace used to get splinters to make a light to read by, for $4,000. From the counties of Polk, Bradley and McMinn, forty applications for license to distil brandy and whisky under the new law have been made. The National Camp Meeting Com mittee have agreed to hold a nation al camp meeting near Knoxville, commencing Sept. 10 and lasting ten days. Charleston, July 24.—The Su preme Court decides the issue of Blue Ridge Railroad scrip unconstitution al. This wipes out two million dol lars of State liability created by the last Legislature. Some of the largest steamships burn 800 tons of coal crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Late dispatches from New York announce that the Grave Diggers have struck, which is thought to be the last one, as the “striking” busi ness seems to be “run into the ground,” though it is feared the skeletons may strike next! We have been shown a letter to Governor Vance from a distinguish ed gentleman of Washington City, says the Southern Home, saying that | Grant’s orders to Boutwelll were to spend the last dollar in the Treasury, if necessary, to carry the North Caro lina elections !—Savannah Republi oan. Editors Constitution :—I see the good people, or at least some of them, desire to change the name of their well known and flourishing town from C'artersville to some thing else. The Standard A Express wants it Etowah City; someone else has sug gested Tumlin. If any change is to | be made, allow a well-wisher to sug gest. name it in honor of some of our big men. Call it Jeff Davis, Braxton Bragg, Joe Johnston, of the military, or Jenkins, Milt. Smith or Norwood, of the civil service. Norwood would be a fine name. Georgian. Harper’s Weekly, edited by Cotton Pork, Esq., is in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. It is now' en gaged in firing the Northern heart against the Southern reltels, and wants no peace short of an utter ex termination of the Southern white people. That is the platform of the Grant party everywhere. — Chattanoo ga Times. A Grant organ produces the follow ing; “Motto of the Greeley Democ racy—‘We stoop to conquer.’ ” This is almost as good as the motto of the Grant office-holders’ party—“ We steal to conquer.” Mr. Hunter moved to take up the Senate resolution, requesting the Georgia members of Congress to use their efforts to secure an appropriation to survey a canal across the State of Florida, to connect the Atlantic Southern States with the Western States. The motion prevailed and the resolution was concurred in. The town of Carthage, Indiana, was thrown into commotion the other evening by the breaking up of sever al saloons in the place by about 60 fe males, who formed themselves into a company for that purpose. The ring leaders are said to be the wives of drunken husbands, and took this way to crush the traffic. Big Business.— The sale of tickets for the days that Barnum’s show ex hibited in Louisville amounted to 42,000. The Commercial says this is the largest business ever done by any one show in that city before. The Confederate archives have been sold by one John T. Pickett, for $75,- 000. This closes up the last of the Confederate spoils. “ The entire population of Europe at the present time is estimated at 340,- 000,000, while the population of China alone is 415,000,000. Ex-Governor Saulsbury says that “ not five Democrats in all Delaware but that will cheerfully fall in W'ith the Greeley movement.” A bill has been passed in the Legis lature to require the Judges of the Su perior Courts to give specially in charge of the grand juries the vagrant laws. J udge Hopkins, of Atlanta, has de cided that Foster Blodgett’s securi ties are liable for his defalcations as an officer of the Western and Atlantic railroad. A call has been issued, and is receiv ing signatures, for a Straight-out Democratic Convention, to meet in Atlanta August 22d, to send delegates to the Louisville Convention, and to nominate an electoral ticket. Rev. J. H. Curry, favorably known to many of our readers, is now located at Union Springs, Ala., having ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist Church at that place. Seventeen hundred gallons of whis ky were destroyed by lightning in an Indiana town the other day, but it was a pretty even tussle between the two. New Advertisements. FOUND! ONE SMALL BUNDLE, supposed to be the property of some young ladies, w r as found at the Depot, in this place, on the 29th inst., which theowner can have by calling and pay ing charges, at This office. Cartersville, Ga., July 30th, 1872. CARTERSVILLE CAR FACTORY AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION? C'artersville, Georgia. WE TAKE this method of informing the public that we are now prepared to till I smalt or large orders for L XT M BER., Either Dressed or Undressed. With Competent Workmen, we are also pre pared to execute contracts for Building Houses, AS WELL AS RAILROAD CARS, and to furnish the public with Doors, Sash, Blinds. Mouldings, ALL KINDS OF SCROLL WORK & TURNING at short notice and low prices. Parties wishing any thing in our line would do well to call and see or write before purchas ing elsewhere. E. N. GOWEIt, President, H. PADGETT, Superintendent. _ 7i-iy GREAT CAUSE “muman misery. Just Published, in a Sealed Pure lope. Pr ice 6 cts. X Leeture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure Os Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by self-Abuse, Involunta ry Emissions, Impotence, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generaliy; Con sumption, Epilepsy, a»d Fits- Mental and Phytical Incapacity, Ac.—By ROB. J, CLL VKRWELL, M. D., author of the “Green Book.” *Thc world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly I roves from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of Sell- Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical op erations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cor dials pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain aqil effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, anil radically, THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON lO THOUSANDS AND TAOUSANDS, Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage “5® WYuiW§W£“ er S Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 187 Bowery, New York, Post-office Box 4,586. 1-25. 6-2. 8-1 New Advertisements. C*l Araailc Intar’lO et». Call ami examine or $ X Wl3 Sample- sent (postage paid) for 511 cte. that retail quick for lift. R. L. WOLCOTT. 181 i hntliain Square. N. Y __ AQ t A A MONTH easily with Stencil aad Key-Check Dies secure Circular and »iul}ilc-,/Vr- >. M. SPEN CER. Vrattieboro.-Vt. HAS CURED | k| 7 1 DEAFNESS HOBS Ii RK M / A and WILL f USE ■ ” CATARRH. For 4 tire 11. (or Test Sample 25 cents,) by mail. Dr. E. F. H Y ATTOiMGrand Street. Sew York. Rare Ch ance for Agents AGENTS, we will pair you S4O per week in cysh, if you will engaji e with us at once. Ev erything furnished anil expenses paid. Ad ■lre-s F. A. ECUS ,lt CO. Charlotte, Midi. Kft ft ft AGENTS Wanted for onr most at~ JW WW tractive GR EELEY and U HOWN and GRANT anti WILSON Campaign Charts. The best ones out. r Seml for Cfreuiar. Immense sales. Large profits. H A Ais * LUBRECHT, Empire Map and Chari Establishment, 107 Lib ertv Street, New York. “P'ITSOMASf’T, or Soul Charming.” £ How either sex may fascinate and gain the love ami affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple uiental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cts. together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Or acle. Dreams. Him-to Ladies, Ac. A queer, exciting book. lOU.OOO sold. Address T. WIL LIAM A CO. l‘uli-.. Pliila. AnCHTC " \\TKD for the Autnbiogra- HUL.II I O plfy of HORACE GREELEY. Anew illustrated edition, now ready. Get this the best and only edition written by him self and endorsed bv the Tribune; and our 1871 CAMPAIGN MANUAL for ajl parties, just out, price $1.3). One agent sold SO in three day-, splendid Steel Portrait of Greeley, sl. S3OO a month made bv selling the above. E. It. TREAT, Publisher. 805 Broadway, X. Y'. AGENTS WANTED. For GOODSPEED’S Presidential CAMPAIGN 800 l EVERY CITIZEN WANTS IT. Also for C A MPA ION GOODS. Address GOMSPEKD’S EMPIRE PIBL’IM, HOUSE, _ 107 Liberty Street, New York. HA NOT rilll'fliile on your Summer UU lIUI r AIL Excursion North to se cure one of the CELEBRATED IMPROVED Stewart Cook Stoves, With it- special attachments. Roaster, Baker A Broiler. The Stove and Furniture carefully packet! for safe shipment. Books sent on ap- Sion. . Warren & Cos., 236 Water St., New York A "the records of tests at Low EI.L, Mass., proves W N. F. BURNHAM’S W 1 HXKU T l H B IN E superior to II gave a higher percentage than any other wheel . common finish. Puuiphlet-^^MBHBIiA^ ROANOKE COLLEGE, SALEM, TA. Twentieth Session, begins Sep. 4, 1872. Ex penses for 10 mos. about if2oo. Tills embraces board and Tuition, including modern Langua ges, as well as all necessary incidental expen ses. Special attention invited to unsurpassed location, salubrious climate, moral and intelli gent community, thorough course of study, good conduct of students, &c, Students in at tendance from fourteen different States. Send for Catalogues, Circulars, &c., to Rev. I). F. BITTLE, I). 1)., President. LLOODPURmER It is not a physic which may give temporary relief to the sufferer for the llVst few doses, but which, from continued use brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening tlie inva lid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of” Bitters” is so extensive ly palmed off on thefmblic as sovreign reme pies, but it is a most powerful Tonic and al terative, pronounced so by the leading medi cal authorities of London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. DR. WELLS’ EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA retains all the medibinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent curative agent. Is there want ofkction in your Liver anil Spleen ? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, pro ducing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, &c„, Ac. Take Jurubeba to cleanse, purify and re store the viiiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach? Unless digestieu is promptly aided the svssem is de liilatated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weakness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary suf ferer. Have you weakness of the Intestines? Y’ou are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful Inflamation of the Bowels. Take it to allay irritation and ward off ten dency to inflamation. Have von u-i'-fas of the TTc.ii-. Urinary Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently to keep the system in perfect health or you are otherwise in great danger of malarial, miasmaticor con tagious diseases. JOHN y. KELLOGG, IS Platt Street, N. Y. Sole Agent for the Uuited States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. 7-4—4 t. COLLEGIATE AND COMMERCIAL IN STITUTE, New Haven, Conn. Prepa ratory to College, Business, Scientiffc Schools, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Fall ses sion, 36th year, begins Sept. 13. For Catalogue, address Gen. WM. 11. RUSSELL, Principal, VIRGINIA FEIALE INSTITUTE. STAUNTON, VA. ’ Buildings contain over SO rooms. Grounds, nine acres. Pupils from 17 States. The Course is comprised in eight Schools, under twenty Professors and Officers. Location beautiful and salubrious. Terms moderate. Apply for Circulars to It. 11. PHILLIPS, Principal, or W. H. TAMS, Sec’y, Staunton, Va. KENTUCKY Military Institute SIX MILES FRUM FRANKFORT, KY„ Besides a working Faculty and course of stuilv not excelled, presents peculiar advantages not to be found together elsewhere, 1. Entire exemption from the manifold temp tations attending college life in the city. 2. Division oi classes into small sections, so that every student recites daily in all his class es. 3. All at the Institute constitute one family, under strict military government. Send for Catalogue, containing full in formation, to Col. It. T. I*. ALLEN, Farmriale, Franklin Cos., Kv. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR Wli Agents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell at Sight. Pay 100 per cent, profit. Now is the time. Send at once for Descriptive Circu lars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engrav ings of all the Candidates, Campaign Biogra phies, Charts, Photographs, Badges, Pins, Flags, and every thing suited to the times. Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samples sent for $3. Address .Mqohi: & G godspeed, 37 Park Row, New York. ff 011(1x0 CCfini'erMcmth. Agents want 4>OUU 4>OUU ed. Address ERIE SEW ING MACHINE CO., Buffalo, X. Y., or Chicago, 111. AGENTS Wanted.—Agents make more mon ey at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. G. Stinson & Cos., Pine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. co., n. y. price, (hnn , O. No Agents. Circulars free. UflLiri/ FOR ALL. Bestbusinessev- Mlliy r Y er o fie red agents. Address I*l Wilt I j. CROWELL, Louisville, Ky. A. WELLINGTON HART 4 CO. * adjusters or claims For york. jfcrT tnVreuccs^fiTngffcs^cßaracter! 1 " Send for Circular. FRAUD' FRAUD! FRAUD! Don thui liOGl s Fertilisers! Fertilizers! Fertilizers! Liberal inducements to AGENTS for tlie popular and useful hook, AMERICAN MANURES, And Farmers’ and Planters’ Guide. (Second edition.) The book has already saved Thousands of dollars. For terms, circulars and copy of book~»i ice f1.50 address WILLIAM 11. BRUCKNER, Monroe,Mich. |f| Reject all Violent Purgatives. They ruin tlie tone of the bowels and weaken tlie diges tion. Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Ap erient is used by rational people as a means of relieving all derangements of the Stomach, liver and Intestines, because it removes ob structions without pain, and imparts vigor to the organs which it purities ami regulates. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. U REWARD Lor any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Piles that lit Bi Nil’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, $1.60. The enterprising firm of Gower, Jones <fe Cos., of this place, manufac turers of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, and other vehicles of nearly every description, are still enlarging their borders and pushing forward their business. Their business is on a firm basis, and they challenge the world to beat them iu the essential features of their line of business, to-wit; Qual ity and Frice. See advertisement. Rome FemaD College. THIS IS A * PERMANENT INSTITUTION OF Higli Grade, IN WHICH Yountr Ladies li-om the South, North, East or West MAY RECEIVE A THOROUGH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. flYhe entire cost of Board. Tuition and Con -1 tingent Expenses for a Session ol twenty wweks, is 412700, one-half paid in advance, and one-hall'in the middle of the Session. Extra charges for Music, French, Drawing, Oil Painting and Gvranastics. For circulars, ad dress J. >l. M. CALDWELL. Brest.. .Inly 25--3 t. Rome. Georgia. WASHINGTON rXIVEtSih MEDICAL SCHOOL BALTIMORE, MD. The next annual session of this Institution will liegin Oct. Ist., 1872, and continue five months. The Clinical advantages of the School are un surpassed. FEES, including dissection and Hospital Tickets, ®<J5. For Catalogues containing full particulars, apply to Prof. CII AS. W. Cll ANC EL LOR, Dean, Baltimore, Md. lw. HHjXjYJEn’S ~ MALE SCHOOL, The Fall Term of this School open on the 12th. Day of August, Next. The Rates of Tuition range from .$2 to $4 per month. Tuition payable at the close of each month. July 25—4 t. HEAR THIS! Mr. and Mrs. Miller, expecting to leave (Jar tersville in a >hort time, request the citizens to call at their house anti purchase at reduced prices their HOUSEHOLO&KITCHEN FURNITURE Together with their MILLINEKY GOODS. Articles delivered at pleasure. Don’t hesi tate to come. Also hope those owing them will call and settle. FOR SALE—A BARGAIN. TITHE BRICK HOUSE AND LOT known I as the Jas. M. Lackey property, on Tennessee street, near Car Factory, will be sold at a bargain. One of the mast desira ble places in Cartersville. Terms, easy. For further information apply to JOHN VV. YVOFFOFD or JOHN H. WIKLE. J uly 24th, 1872. <L C. ROGERS, Opposite Kimball House, Decatur st. Atlanta, - Georgia. Wholesale and retail dealer in SADDLE HARDWARE, BABY CARRIAGES, HOBBY HORSES, BUGGIES, Carriages & Phaetons, Also manufactuior of Saddles, Harness & Bridles Os all kinds; also Cart Saddles & Breeching FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES. Just received and in store, a car load of the celebrated Million Concord Iron Axle Wagons, of all sizes. TWO-HORSE WAGON, WITH BODY, SIOO I warrant all of my Wagons for twelve months. For neatness of work and durability, these wagons connot be excelled in any mar ket. Farmers and citizens of Bartow and North Georgia are invited to call and see my large stock when they visit Atlanta. . 7 4-ly PLANTERS’& MINERS’ RANK CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, ORGANIZED JUNE, 1872. DIRECTORS: LEWIS TUMLIN, J. J. HOWARD, M. G. DOBBINS, Jas. W. BALL, B. J. WILSON. M. G. DOBBINS President, D. W. K. EACOCK, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO. Paid in, 1^50,000 mills Bank will do a regular discount and _L exchange business; will receive deposits of money from Courts, Public Institutions, Ad ministrators, Guardians and private individu als of all profession, payable at call or on time Certificates of Deposit, and allow such interest as may be agreed upon. Collections a specialty -ts _ EXCURSION! FROM ADAIRSVILLE TO ATLANTA AND RETURN! SATURDAY Aug. 3,1872. ONLY $2 50 ROUND TRIP. FIRST - CLASS CARS. ROOM PLENTY. ITIOR further information and tickets apply 1 to DU. F. KING, Adairsville, ) A. M. FOUTE, Cartersville,> Agents. 11. H. FREAK, Kingston. ) July 18, 1872-21. HOLL Y STEAM FLOURING MILLS, Cartersville, Ga., JJAVING been enlarged and improved with increased grinding capacity, will now com mence grinding for the PUBLIC for the usual toll. A good yield guaranteed and satisfaction given. Farmers, bring in your grain, and we will grind it promptly. The Mill will rnn every day in the week, EXCEPT MONDAY. FLOUR and MEAL on band and for sale as heretofore. Highest price paid for WHEAT and COBS. I. C. MANSFIELD & CO. July lfi. 1872. (Y EORGI A—Baktow County.—Mary L. Mc- X Bride having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of Administration upon the estate of Isaac W. Mcßride, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted applicants Witness my hand and official sig nature, July 19tli, 1872. J. A. HOWARD, 7-25—30d Ordinary. GEORGIA— BARTOW COUNTY—Or dinary’s Office —July 19th, 1872. W. A. Mauney, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob G. Mauney, dec’d, has applied for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, in accordance with his Will. This is therefore to notify all per sons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else leave will be granted appli cant as applied for. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C, NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Defy. Coli.. office, V CARTERS VILLE, G A., July 10, 1872 ) Notice is hereby given that the following seizure has been made by me for violation of Sec. *i!, act Julv 13th 186(5, and Sec. 39, act July 20th 1868: One'barrel of country corn w hisky, 17 gallons; also live 10 gallon kegs, empty. Al so one barrel of country corn whisky, 19 gal lons. Any person or persons claiming any of the foregoing articles, are requested to appearand make such claim within thirty days from date hereof, and give bond as required by law, oth erw'ise the same will be sold and the net pro ceeds deposited to the credit of the secretary of the Treasury. M rRANK LIX. 7-18—lm Deputy Collector To Rent. TWO HOUSES to rent, on East Main street, by J. I. CHAMBERLAIN. 6-23—ts DISSOLUTION. mUE copartnership heretofore existing be- I tween the firm of Hoffman ,t Stover, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. John A. Stover will complete all contracts, and is alone authorized to settle the business of the firm. HOF FBI AN Jt STOVER. May 10th 1872. 3-lfi-Sm I will continue to contract for House and Sign Painting in all Its various branches. KALSOMING, WALL COLORING, PAPER HANGING, &C. ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY INSTANCE. Give me a trial and I w ill do you a GOOD JOB AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Orders left with W. A. Lovless will receive PROMPT ATTENTION. JOHN A. STOVER. 5-16—3 m. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! 1 AM now occupying a portion of the build _l ing next to (jilreatli's Furniture Store, where I am prepared to make toorder any kind of BOOTS and SHOES for either Ladies or Gen tlemen. I pledge myself to use nothing but first-class material, and have it worked only by first-class workmen. FITS GUARANTEED! ALL WORK WARRANTED AND REPAIRED GRATIS if it does not stand. MARTIN WALKER will continue in charge of the Shop, and give each and every piece of work his special attention. Remember, Fits Guaranteed and all work warranted. Repairing done cheap. 11. C. HANSON. Cartersville, Ga., June 6, 1872. liV GOLD. We offer this amount to any one who can pro duce a better Remedy than our COMPOUND EXTRACT OF STILLINGIA one that has or can effect more remarkable or wonderful cures. Reail the following certificate: Wkst Point, Ga., Sept. 16,1870. Messrs. Pemberton , Taylor & Cos., Atlanta, Ga.; My daughter was taken on the 25th day of June, 186:1, with what was supposed to he acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In March, following, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and contin ued to appear till all the bone lrom the elbow to the shoulder joint came. Many pieces ot bone came out of the right foot and leg. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling. After having been confined to her bed abont six years, and the case was considered hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillingia, and was so well satisfied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six years belore she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and sews most of her time—has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. 1 attribute her recovery, with the blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am yonrs truly, W. 15. BLANTON. WKST Point, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Messrs. Pemberton , Taylor Ac Cos.: Gentlemen— The above certificate of Mr. W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most re spected citizens will certify to it. As much re ference will be given as may be desired. Yours truly, Crawford & Williams, Druggists, 7-11— lm. Hon. 1L D. Williams. NOTICE TO FARMERS! yrOUR attention is respectfully invited to th Agricultural Warehouse OF ANDERSON & WELLS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN Guanos, Field and Garden Seeds, FARM WAGONS. PITTS’ TH RESHERS. Size 26 to 32 inch cylinder, with or without down and mounted horse powers. SWEEPSTAKES THRESHERS. Size 96 to R 2 inch cylinder, with or witgOllt down and mounted horse powers. Bali’s Reaper and Mower, Buck-Eye Reaper and Mower, PLOWS—ONE AND TWO-IIORSE BUGGY PLOWS. Also General Agents for “Pendleton’s Guano Compound,” Cash, $67 per ton of 2,000 lbs.; Credit Ist Nov., $75 per ton 2,000 lbs. “Farmer's Choice,” Manufactured from Night Soil, at Nashville, Tenn.-Cash $45 per ton; credit Ist Nov., SSO; And all other kinds of implements and ma chinery, which we sell as low as any house in the South. Call and see us, or send for Price List. ANDERSON & WELLS. 5 2- FOR SALE. 140 ACRES Os good hill Land, about one-half mile west of Adairsville, in Bartow county, Ga. 50 Acres of the above enclosed, of good quality, and will produce well. NINETY ACRES in woods and pretty well timbered. This land adjoins those of Penn, Huge and others. Its proximity to Adairsville, with its good schools, churches, &0., the good quality of the land, and the timber, which will soon he in great demand to keep up the fences of the rich valley lands near it, all make it a very desirable place for investment or residence. PRICE, $1,400. Apply to W. P. PATTILLO, Atlanta, Ga. or SAMUEL AKERS, Adairsville, Ga. CARTERS VILLE MALE HIGH SCHOOL. The Exercises of this Institution will com mence August sth, to continue four months. For particulars apply to G-27-4m. R. JOHNSTON, Principal. TOWN TAX! THE Town Tax has been assessed on prop erty at one-half of one per cent., and Street Tax S3OO. The books for the collection of the same will be opened from the first of Ju ly until the first day ot August next. I can he found at the store of S. & M. Licbman. By order of the Board : J. C. MADDOX, Sec. and Tr. Cartersville, Ga., June 24,1872. CARTERS VILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. The second session of this school, with the same corps of teachers, commences on MONDAY, AUGUST sth. Every facility afforded to young ladies for pursuing a thorough course of study. For par ticulars apply to Misses MOON & SAFFORD. 6 20-3 m W. G. HOPE, JNO. W. LEIGH, WM. MCCLURE. HOPE, LEIGH & CO., Successors to Y arnell, Leigh & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF M APF FT eTABBT, ( UJ TT*tJ%'O OGJ, Prompt attention to Orders and Cash Ad vances on Consignments. Refer to Messrs. Satterfield, Pyron & Cos., Col W, W. White, J. C. Wofford. Special reference to Banks of Chattanooga. 6 20-6 m S2O REWARD. I WILL give the above reward for the appre hension and delivery tome, in Cartersville, with evidence to convict, of the party or par ties guilty of tearing off the plank from the fence around the Fair Grounds of the Central Cherokee Georgia Agricultural Association, near this place, or in any other way tresspass ing upon said Fair Grounds. May Ist, 1872. ABDA JOHNSON, 6 2-ts President Fruit Trees ! Evergreens ! ROSES! SHRUBS! BULBS! EVERY KIND OF NURSERY STOCK ! H AYIXG Itought an interest in the Stork of the GATE OT Y NUUS E KIES, I propose to furnish Nursery Products of every description at the lowe-t Cat dogne Kates If desired, payments can l>e made half Cash and half on Time. \rri. le» of trail,- <f r »i-. will he taken in exchange on liberal terms. 1 ~!,n or u < v These Nurseries are located near Atlanta. Ga . and have beeu in cueeessfut operation many STOC K AMPLE AUTO ASMORTMEXT (OHFLETE. If you wam Fruit Tree- that will PO wkll, get them from a nursery xeak tuutr.. Address or applv to JOH.\ T. NOHKIS. C artersville, Oa. 7 14-1 y TO THE PUBLIC. Having disposed of my -toa of Drugs, Medicines, Ac., to Messrs Leake A Williams, i most cordially recommend them to the favorable consideration ami patronage of my old customers ami the public generally, ami trust that the pstronage so liberally extended to me in the past, will be transferred to them. \y. a. LOYLESS. NEW 1 )lil (r FIRM. DRB. W. W. Leake A M. G. Williams, having associated themselves in business, have pur chased the Drug Store of W, A. Loyless, will continue the business at the old stand on the Depot Square, first door north of Messrs. Erwin, Stokely & Cos., Cartersville, Ga., ami will keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of FRESH DRTJGrS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY ALSO, A GOOD STOCK OF Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Dyestuffs, &c. Coupled with the Drug Business we also offer our PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the community at large, and hope, by patient attention to business and promptness in onr duties to the public, to merit their good will and patronage. W. YV, LEAKE, M. G. WILLIAMS. HARVEST I S COMING. EXCELSIOR MOWERS AND REAPERS. Sprague Mowers, Lawn Mowers BAXTER ENGINES, HOADLEY PORTABLE ENGINES, Grain Cradles, Cardwell Threshers, Pitt’s Separators and Morse Powers, Horse Hay Rakes. Hay I* oiks, Grass Scythes, Fan Hills, Fruit Dryers, Evaporators. Sugar Mills Washing Machines, Walking Cultivators, Dixie Double Shovels, Blanchard Churns, Vibrator Churns. FLO W E R. POTS. ; STORE TRUCKS, AXLE GREASE, CORN SHELTERS, REVOLVING HORSE HAY RAKES ! STRAW CUTTERS, WELL FIXTURES, GUANO, SEEDS, Etc., all in good variety, at MARK W. JOHNSON’S Agricultural Warehouse, 42 Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. may lfi H. J. SLIGH, * H AVINU bought out iKilli Grocery Houses heretofore owned by Geo. J. Brituit, one on the j Fast and the other on the West side of the Railroad, will continue to keep up the two stocks of F 1 aini 1 y Gr roc eries, where consumers may always find supplies in abundance. Everything, from a isk of to an ounce of Mace. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Invites the old customers of his predecessors in business, together with the public gener ally, to call and make their purchases with him, as he promises to do as good part by them as any other house in like business in Cartersville or elsewhere. This is all he asks, and certainly all that consumers should expeet, aplll-ly. R. W. SATTERFIELD & BRO., DEALERS IN DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, &C., &C„ SC. NEW SPRING AND SOMMER GOODS FOR 1872. We are just receiving our new stock of Spring and summer Goods, consisting in part, of all kinds of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—HATS, SHOES, &c., in fact everything pertaining to her toilet. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS—everything pertaining to his wardrobe. DOMESTIC GOODS—a full supply of all kinds, for family uses. Our stock is large and varied ; all sorts, all qualities, all prices, from the highest to the lowest. Call and examine for yourselves both qualities and prices. Also, a splendid stock of choice FAMILY' GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, md CUTLERY'. Thankful for past favors, we earnestly solicit a continuation of the patronage of our old customers, and promise to do as good part by all our new ones. aprillß It. W. SATTERFIELD & BRO. SPRING AND SUMMER. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, JOBBERS OF BOOT© and SHOES. TRUNKS AND VALISES, OUR line of all Celebrated Makers of Brogans and Women Shoes, will be sold very low for quality of goods to tnc trade. Merchants are invited to call and examine. Sign Big Iron Boot. G. H. & A. W. FORCE? nov23 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. NEW S CHEDULE. CHEROKEE RAILROAD TJROM and after this date the following X 1 Schedule will be run on the Cherokee Rail oad : Leave Rockmart at 7:00 A. M. “ Germantown, 7:35 “ “ Taylorsville, 8:15 “ “ Stilesboro, 8:40 ‘* Arrive at Cartersville, 10:20 “ Leave Cartersville 23)0 P. M. Stilesboro 2:45 “ “ Taylorsville 3:00 “ “ Germantown, 3:40 “ Arrive at Rockmart, 4:15 ** D. W. K. PEACOCK. April 13, 1872. JAS. IS. ADAMS, MANUFACTURER OF TIN XV ARE, AND DEALER IN Family Groceries, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, BEGS leave to announce that he has <>P cn ® and Tin Shop corner Main and Tennessee"*., w here he will manufacture and repair all of Tin-Ware, at short notice, cheap ‘Jrf ‘ He has also in connection a * , citizen* ami will be pleased to have ‘.‘ ,e COod ciU*«n* of Cartersville to call andshare their pationage country produce taken |n exchange for Tin-Ware ams Groccr.e at price. J XV ARE, SOMETHING NEW FOR SPRING & SUMMER '72. N. CILREATH & SON, ARE now peceiving and opening their new stuck of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, ware, Ac. , . . We also keep on hand a stock oi FAMILY GROCERIES, C Toffee. Molasses, Salt, Bacon, Lard, nm! 5 good stock of Memlock and oak-tanned Sole Leather ami French Calf Skius-m sac» almost anything you can call for. We invße the public generally to call and examine our stock, and if wa do not sell yon your goods, it will not be because we do unt offer you goods at low figures. We have the goods r and propose to sell them, so come and look for yourselves. X. GILREATH A SOX. Cartersville, Ga., March®, 1872. W. R. nouiitriiMile, Jeweler and Watch and Clock Repairer, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Office in front of A. A. Skinner & Co’s Store.