The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, August 29, 1872, Image 2

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STANDARD AND EXPRESS. CARTERHVILI.R, GA., AUG, 29. 18*J» FOR PRESIDENT: Horace Greeley, OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: Benj. Gratz Brown, OF MISSOURI. STATE ELECTORAL TICKET. FOR STATE AT LARGE: Principals. Alternates. W. T. WOFFORD, A. H. COLQUIT, ! 11. U RUNNING. ELI W ARIIEN'. JI UAS MARTRIDGE, A. H. HANSEL WASHINGTON POE, GEO. I>. Kit*- DISTRICT ELECTORS: 1. 11. G. TERSER, L RIVERS 1 H.N. El,', 2. A. L HAWES, S. W. I. HUDSON, *• R-T*M£n.E 4. .IAS. M. PACK, 4. T. *. NEW EI.L t N?R. ( ASKV. 5. A. M. RODGERS, A J. N. DOltsEY. A- I* J- ALEKEI). , 7. E. D.GRAIIAM, 1. B. A. ALSTON, j FOR GOVERNOR, JAS. M. SMITH, OF MUSCOGEE. FOR CONGRESS* 7TII DISTRICT, GEN. P. M. B, YOUNG, OF BARTOW COUNTY. Subject to the decision of the Con vention. Mr Reading matter on every page The Legislature adjourned on last Saturday night. Many local bills went overboard. _ the congressional con vention for the 7th DISTRICT, will meet in the Court-House in this place, at 11 o’clock, A. M., on Thurs day, the sth day of September prox., to nominate a democratic candidate for Congress, 42nd HEN. CONVENTION. By agreement the Senatorial Con vention for the 42d District, to nom inate a democratic candidate for Sen ator, will meet in the courthouse in this place, on Thursday, the sth of September proximo, immediately af ter the adjournment of the Congres sional Convention. ATTENTION]DEMOCRATS. A Convention of the Democracy of Bartow county is colled to meet in the Court House in Cartersville, at the hour of 11 o’clock, A. M., ou Saturday the 31st of August. Washington, August 21.—The Kentucky war claims were paid to day by the Treasury. Savannah, Ua., August 24.—The Frees Association will meet in Atlan ta, Thursday, September . r >th. A Martinsburg dispatch states that enough is known to say that the Con stitution is defeated and Jacobs elect ed Governor of West Virginia. Merrimon has determined to con test Caldwell’s election in North Car olina. The evidence of fraud is over whelming. — ♦ ♦ The Cartersville Standard A Ex press suggests the sth of September as the time, and Cartersville as the place, of holding the coming Senato rial Convention. All right, Brother Standard & Express. W e’ll be there, and will bring up a good Wofford delegation. Does that suit you?— Rome Commercial. Reduction. —Soon after the lessees took control of the State Road, for the purpose of encouraging the pro duction of hay in Georgia, they re duoed the rates of freight 25 per cent. They have made, in the last few days, a still further reduction of 25 per cent. ___ The Rev. Francis A. Harding, whose case before the general confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1844 proved the entering wedge to the division of the church, died in the city of Baltimore, July 29th, in great destitution, in the fifty ninth year of his age. Died, at his residence, one mile from Calhoun, August 18th, Col. laiwson Fields. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION. DAWSON A. WALKER NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 21. The Republican Convention met to-day. Its proceedings were very harmonious. Dawson A. Walker was nominated for Governor. Reso lutions were passed endorsing Grant and Wilson, and arraigning the Geor gia Legislature. Horace Maynard made a speech in favor of Grant to-night. General Gordon delivered an elo quent address in behalf of Greeley, at the Opera House, before a crowded audience. Columbia, 8. C., August 24.—The regular Republican Convention com pleted their State ticket by nominat ing Francis L. Cardoza, a native mu latto, for Treasurer, Solomon L. Hoge, white, from Ohio, Comptroller Gene ral; H. "W. Purvis, mulatto, Penn sylvania. Adjutant General; J. K. Jillson, white, Massachusetts, Super intendent Education. The Republicans of the Second Congressional District nominated Alonzo J. Ransier, mulatto, native, for Congress. A split is threatened. The bolters’ convention completed its organization and nominated a State ticket, headed by Reuben Tomlinson, white, of Pennsylvania, for Govern or, and Judge John T. Greene, white native, for Attorney General. LEGISLATIVE. To incorporate the city of Carters- : ville. Passed. To incorporate the North Georgia and Ducktown Railroad. Passed. To incorporate the Polk County Slate Mining Company. Passed. To reduce the official bonds of the county officers of Pickens county. Passed. To make juries, in criminal cases, Judges of the law, and the facts, j Passed. To prevent gaming of any sort in 1 any retail liquor house or shop or room connected therewith. Passed. A Senate resolution continuing the j committee appointed to investigate J the management of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, with the powers : heretofore extended to them, was concurred in. The Senate bill appropriating one third of the proceeds of the agricultu ral laud scrip to the endowment of North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahloaega, one-third to | High School at Milledge- , ville, and one-third to the Agrieultu- 1 ral College of thr> Atlanta University j at Atlanta, was taken up. Mr. JPierce moved to amend by striking out the words “ Presbyterian High School,” and insert “Middle %n<l South Georgia College,” at Mil legeviile. Passed. AGLUCULTL'KAL LAND SCRIP. It will b«eni< *nal>ere<l that this fund wife, somh- short time since, de livered Iver by Gov, Smith to the University of Georgia for the pur pose* of education, nd that the trus tees accepting it, the Chancellor ofi the Uniuersity and the faculty have ' already proceeded to the disposing of it towards the purposes for which it wasdohated,acquiring benefits and assuming responsibilities on account of the same. The disposition made by theGovernorof the fund, we know, excited much disputation and dissat isfaction in many quarters of the State, almost every section of the State feeling that they were entitled to the benefit of the scrip. It was natural that they should so think, and not surprising that each should put in their claims for it. The Gov ernor however in the exeereise of the authority vested in him disposed of it as above stated, wisely as we think, and as we believe to the satisfaction of a majority of the people. Wheth er this be so or not, the Legislature has given unmistakable evidences of at least their disapproval. The Sen ate taking the matter in hand, passed a hill completely ignoring the course of the Governor, and ousting all claim of the University to any j>or tion of the fund, giving one-third to Dahlonega, one-third to the Negro University at Atlanta, and the other third to the College at Midway, near Mllledgeville, so that old Franklin and the good town of Athens were incontinently thrown overboard. The bill as passed by the Senate was after an immaterial amendment of fered by Mr. Pierce, of Hancock, carried through the House, and im mediately sent hack to the Senate for concurrence. The press of business before that body, and the lateness of the session, however, prevented any action upon the bill, and so the Leg islature lias adjourned, leaving the matter just where it was before any legislative action was attempted up on it, to-wit; the action of the Gov ernor undisturbed, and the fund in the possession of the University of the State of Georgia. We take oc casion to say that we think for many reasons that the failure to pass the hill, or any other, which seeks to take the fund out of the hands of the University, most for tunate both for the fund itself and the interests for which it was set apart. It is not to be presumed that Governor Smith would have failed to veto tlie bill had it passed, and thus go back upon his own well-consider ed action in the premises, and it is doubtful if his veto could have been overruled in either House. If, how ever, he had been disposed under all the circumstances of the case, in the event of the passage of the bill, to have given it his signature, and thus make war upon his deliberate action of only a few months ago, we cannot doubt but that such action of the Legislature would have been wholly powerless to effect, in any way, the status of the fund, and the right which the University lias already acquired under the legal disposition already made of it by the Governor. The fund has already been disposed of, and disposed of according to law; it lias already been accepted by the authorities of the University of the State. It has passed out of the hands of the State by virtue of contract be tween the Governor and the Univer sity into the possession of the latter. All the ends for which the fund was created have been obtained and in accordance with the law of its dona tion, and in addition to this the Uni versity has already received benefits and assumed responsibilities and lia bilities by reason of the disposition made. It appears to us then that she has a vested legal right to the fund, which the Legislature can no more take away by bill, than it can the title which any citizen holds to his land and home, and that by virtue of all the facts the whole equity of the case fully and clearly entitles her to the fund. We hope that the next Legis lature will let the matter rest just where it is, and just, too, in our opin ion, where it ought to be, and not by the passage of any bill, seeking to divest her title to the fund, force the trustees of the University to test the question before the courts of the country. If, however, it should be done, we have no doubt as to the final decision, both upon the law and the equity of the ease. h. UNI VEITSAL SUFFRAGE—UNI VERSAL EDUCATION. We have learned with surprise and regret of the action of the Missouri Democracy on the above subject. A resolution was offered in the Conven tion declaring that Universal Suf frage demands Universal Education, and advocating common school edu cation for every child in the State. This was wise, just, liberal, democrat ic, and neceasary to the triumph of the party ; nevertheless, it met with opposition, and was withdrawn. To say nothing of higher motives, the State ought, even as a matter of self defense, to see that not one of her cit izens should go out into society with out sufficient education to vote intel ligently, live uprightly, and enjoy, as much as possible, the pleasures which the Creator has on all hands provided for the intelligent and moral creature. Is not the Democratic party the party of progress, the really liberal party? If the Democratic party were not the > party of progress it could not, and ought not to expect, ever to be victo rious. The secret of the continued success of the Republican party in the United States, we believe, to be this: That it has contrived, by unnecessary effort, great audacity, and consum mate tact, to make an impression i abroad, and to considerable extent at ! home, that the Democratic party is a thing of the worn out past, mediaeval j in its doctrines, in its tendency retro- 1 gresslve. Nothing could be more un true, nothing more unjust; ueverthe-j less, it is even so, the impression l doest exist, and it must be removed, j In spite of all the astuteness of our enemies, this impression is surely, j though slowly, wearing away, and j hence, we regard the action of the j Missouri Convention as peculiarly in opportune. This action of the Mis souri Convention, we believe, indeed know, to be not In sympathy with the Democratic party; but whether it be so or not, it is unjust, it is wrong, and we condemn it accordingly. We hope everybody else will. T. Philadelphia, August 21.—Many sporting men left here last night for Pittsburg to cross into Virginia, where the Mace and O’Bald win light comes off. County District Meetings. In pursuance to a call by the chair* man of tte Executive committee of The DoAcratic party of Bartow coun ty, a number of the citizens of the 4th District assembled at the Court House on the 24th instant. The meeting was called to order by the chairman of the Executive Dem ocratic committee, who stated its oh-, ject to be the selection of five dele- j gates to represent the 4th District in the county nominating convention to Ik* held on the 31st Instant, On motion, S. H. Smith was called to the chair, and T. Warren Akin requested to act as Secretary. It was moved that the chair ai>- point a committee of five to select sui table delegates to the county conven tion. Adopted. The chair appointed as committee, j A. P. Wofford, M. B. MeGinty, Thos. Stokely, R. C. Roberts and J. W. Clayton. The committee reported the names of the following gentlemen as dele gates from the 4th District: J. B. Layton, Z. W. Jackson, S. W . Le land, T. W. Milner and A. P. Wof ford. J C Aycock moved to substitute for the report of the committee the fol lowing names in lieu of those report ed : Dr. T II Baker, It W Murphy, H W Cobb, P S Shelman and J D Head. The motion failing to receive a sec ond, action recurred to the commit- j tee’s report, which was adopted by a large majority. * I 1 W Milner offered the following resolution : Resolved, That we, the people J the Cartersville District, in accord ance with a resolution- adopted by the people of the county of Bartow in mass convention assembled in the month of July last, do nominate our active fellow citizens, A P Wofford aiul Samuel II Smith, as candidates before the county convention to as semble on the 31st instant, as mem bers of the Executive Committee of the Democratic party of our county. Adopted unanimously. S. H. SMITH, Chairman. T. Warren Akin, Secretary. At a meeting of the Democratic party held in Cassville, August 24tli, to appoint delegates to represent the 828th District, G. M., in a convention to be held in Cartersville on the 31st to nominate candidates for the Senate, House of Representatives and county officers, on motion, G. R. Gibbons was requested to act as chairman, and I. L. Irick appointed secretary. On motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that this meeting proceed to ballot for all the candidates before the people, and that the delegates be instructed to carry out the wishes of this meeting, considering the vote as instructions, which the delegates will carry out in good faith. The following candidates received the majority of votes cast. The dele gates are instructed accordingly: For Senate —J W Wofford; For House of Representatives—Neal and Leland ; For Sheriff—W L Aycock ; For Ordinary—lt C Saxon ; For Tax Collector—J It Gilreath; For Tax Receiver—WTGordon; For Treas urer—A M Foute; For Surveyor—E Gaines; Coroner —W Earpe. On motion the the following dele gates were elected: A M Linn, J Bogle, J II Walker, S R Lowry and P II Gilreath. On motion it was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be pub lished in the Standard & Express- O. It. GIBBONS, Chairman. I. L. Irick, Hecretary. Pursuant to the call of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of the county, the people of the 17th District assembled at the Court House at Eu harlee on Saturday, the 24th inst., for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county convention to convene at Cartersville on the 81st inst. The meeting was organized by call ing Wm. Cunyus to the chair, and requesting T* J. Morris to act as Sec retary. The object of the meeting was ex plained by Judge Thos. Tumlin, who stated that Dr. Sims and himself be ing the only contending candidates in the District for the Low’er House of the Legislature, they had agreed upon the following names to be sent as delegates to the county nominating convention at Cartersville: Dr. J. W. Cochran, S. F. Stephens, Peter Ham mond, R. B. Couch and T. A. Owens. After some explanations the above names xvere nominated and elected by acclamation. Thos. J. Lyons then offered the fol lowing resolution: Whereas, the delegates have been agreed upon by the contending candi dates to represent the 17th District, Bartow county, in the approaching convention to nominate candidates to the Legislature, therefore be it resolv ed, That the delegates from the 17th District be and they are hereby in structed to make uo nomination for county officers, that the people of the county may have a fair chance of ex- J pressing their choice at the ballot box. The resolution was opposed by Judge Tumlin, v’ho urged. upon the people the importance of abiding the action of the convention, regreted the disposition of some to create conten tion and discord in the party, and of fered as a substitute the following: That the delegates elected to the county convention, be and they are hereby sent uninstructed to said con vention. Capt. Lyons opposed the substitute and urged the passage of the original resolution, and denies any disposi tion upon his part or those he repre sented to create discord or contention in the party. Action was then taken upon the substitute offered by Judge Tumlin and adopted. Resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Car tersville Standard & Express. Meeting then adjourned. Wm. CUNYUS, Chairman. T. J. Morris, Secretary. Pursuant to call of the Executive committee of the county, the Adairs ville District held a convention in depot for the purpose of electing del egates to the county convention: On motion, Maj. C. Hiblierts was requested to act as chairman and J. L. Gash as Secretary. On motion of Col. J. W. Gray, went into election of delegates by ballot, andfpolis to be field open un til six o’clock p. a. On motidß, the following commit tee was appointed to -Meet eitizeasto 1 hold the election : J. L. Cjasli, J. W. Gray and J. I, Anderson, who fleeted the following gentlemen to superin tend the balloting: J. H. Lam-, A. J. j Fuller and A. T. Livingston. At 6 o'clock the ballot was called, > and resulted in the election of O. D. Anderson, W. J. Swain, J. L. Chilton, j F. F. Strawn and J. G. Mcßeynolds. These gentlemen receiving 9s votes, and the opposition 44 votes. C. lIIBBERTS, Chairman. J. L. Gash, Secretary. At a meeting held in Allatooua District August 24th 1 c 72, the follow ing named persons were selected to ; represent the District in the Conven tion to be held in Cartersville on the 31st August, 1872, for the purpose of; nominating candidates for county of ficers and House of Representatives, j and to select delegates to the Senato- j rial District Convention : J. C. Wal- j droup, Elliott Moore, O. M. Dodgin, T. L. Wallace and I. O. McDaniel, Senior. Alternates—Abel Willis, P. C. Waldrop, J. A. Pugh, Jonas Kee ver and Jefferson Clark. T. L. Wallace and P. C. Wahlroup were recommended as suitable mem bers for the Democratic Executive Committee of Bartow county. i. o. McDaniel, Chairman. T. C. Moore, Secretary. Kingston, Ga., Aug. 24th, 1872. Editors of mandat'd <fc Krpress :—At a preliminary meeting held here this day for the appointment of delegates to the convention to be held at Car tersville on Saturday, the 31st inst., for the nomination of delegates to the Senatorial Convention to be held at Rome, Ga., on the of , 1872, and for the nomination of can didates for Representatives to the Lower House of the Legislature and for the various county offices. J. C. Roper was called to the Chair and Thos. F. Jones requested to act as Secretary. On motion the following gentlemen were appointed delegates to said con vention, viz: Thos. F. Jones, J. S. Harris, H. S. Crawford, H. H. Frear and B. F. McMekin. A motion that the delegates be in structed to vote for John C. Branson, for the Legislature, was carried by acclamation. A motion was then made that the meeting proceed to ballot for a nom inee for the Senate, which was carried, the ballot resulting in the choice of I Jno. W. Wofford. On motion it was resolved that the I proceedings of this meeting be pub | lished in the next issue of the connty newspaper. On motion the meeting adjourned. J. C. ROPER, Chairman. Thus. F. Jones, Secretary. Delegates from the 6th District: JohnShular, Redding Floyd, Rich ard Hays, Jas. Carson and H. W. Fite. ; From Pine Log District: | Levi Pearce, W. F. Weems, Capt. i Taylor, J. Dysartand J. F. Linn, i From Wolf-Pen District: Silas Bell, B. G. Poole, Win. Cot | son, WmCorbin,and Wm. Chitwood. From Etowah District: Munroe Goodson, Wm. Tidwell, Drury Byars, Wm. Rogers and Clay ton Erwin. Friday Nigiit, Aug. 23, 1872. At a meeting held at the City Hall in Cartersville, for the purpose of organizing a Hook and Ladder Company, on motion 8. H. Smith was called to the Chair, and Thos. W. Milner requested to act as Secretary. On motion the Secretary was in structed instanter to enroll the names of such persons present who desired to connect themselves with the Com pany, whereupon there were thirty names enrolled as members of “ Car tersville Hook & Ladder Cos.” On motion the Company then pro ceeded to the election of officers, re sulting as follows: Cltas. D'Alvigney, Foreman. W. C. Green, Ass’t Foreman. H. A. Pattillo, Director. Thos. W. Milner, Secretary. Sam’l H. Smith, Treasurer. On motion J. B. Conyers, W. C. Green, Wm. Lyons, andT. W. Simp son were appointed as a eommitee to solicit members for tiie Company. On motion Thos. W. Milner, Chas. D’Alvigney, W. C. Green, T. W. Simpson and It. A. Pattillo were ap pointeda committee to draft suitable rules and regulations for the Com pany. On motion the fullowing names, members of the Company, were ap pointed a committee to solicit mate rial aid from the citizens of our city to enable the Company to completely equip and uniform: Wm. Lyons, T. E. Gouldsmith, H. A. Pattillo, S. W. Scofield, A. It. Hudgins, and S. H. Smith. * On motion O. H. Milner, J.B. Con yers, and Ab. Harrison were appoint ed a committee to tender the services of the company to the town council. A committee was also appointed to see B. Bowers, agent W. & A. R. It., and ask permission to use the Depot bell as a signal and firealarm bell, by the company. On motion the company was by a unanimous vote named the “ Carters ville Hook & Ladder Cos., No. 1.” On motion the meeting then ad-1 journed until Friday night next. S. H. SMITH, C’h’mn. ‘ Thos. W. Milner, Sec. J. W. WOFFORD. We are glad to welcome our talent- I ed representative to the Legislature, once more in our midst. Always jin good cheer. His sojourn at Atlan ta during the session so far from op erating injuriously upon his appear ance, returns him to us fresh and hearty, and ready for business. At lanta must be a good place, at all events in his case any drawback which it may be calculated to pro duce upon members, was obviated by weekly visits to the invigorating air of the mountains and his pleasant home in Cartersville. We in common with our fellow cit izens, tender him our hearty congrat ulations on his return, with the com pliments of the season, unmistakably warm. H. Columbia, S. C., August 24.—-The regular Republican Convention was adjourned till to-day by the chair man. Crimination and recrimination, with drawn pistols, preceded the ad journment. New Advertisements. CITY . A- _MCS«d!S fuEamiVEßf STABLE, CARTLKSVILLI:, GA., BY ROBERTS & TUMLIN. Proprietors. IX READINESS, at all horns-. tin* best -took and vehicles— Saddle-Horses, Hufjjjirs. Carriages, HaekS. Wagons, | y<’r Out , Tilo, au«’ J our //cm*. STOCK BOARDED aILiW Prices, From >opticmher until April wo will keep on i hand fur sale, nt thu. e stable?, a tiue lot of Doth j HORSES AMD MULES. Stock Houglit & Sold, Give this stable one trial ami youlwill not ko any father. UOIIKItTH A TUMLIN. j Carter* trUe, aufc. Sfi -wt y J. W. BURKE A CO , Booksellers, stationers, Printers and Binders, Publish Stkblino's SorriiKK-i He Hunt Rihh«, | “ CAI.PWEI.I.'S i’HAI.'TH AI, ,\H ItII MKTI| and other valuable Works. No. 03 Second sir.. : MACON, GA. t ail sell Book* at Wholesale nml Retail, a.- cheap as any liotw In Georgia. Any Bonk ! published in America furnishedat short entire, j We a.-k ol our old I'rieiuL in Bartow and nd- i joining futilities, u t rial. ang. 27 —wlm ! OOP vfNERSIUP NOTICE. J rnilK l irin Os id.UPTON A SHUCKu. 1i» I .1. this nay d.s.o; ved by mnfnat consent. T. U. SHOCK I.hit will continue the business, pay ail demands ag.third the late linn, and collect all amounts dm- the linn. T. 11. MIO( IvI.EY, T. M. COM l*t ON. Cartersville, uug. SB, IKTS—wSm NOTICE. t-jl EAI -1 -1 > PROI‘I ISA l.s will he roeeived, at >■7 the Ordinary's Otliee, Bartow county, Ga until the 7th day of September next, So’din k, J*. M., for building a Bridge across stamp ( reek, on tlie Bell's Kerry road, near William ( hit wood's in said county, l’lau and Specifi cation of Bridge will be furnished bidders on the day ol letting. Bond ami security required in terms of the Statute. Limitation of the price bv the Grand .lurv, t 2.50.00. .1. A. HUWABi), aug. 01, 1572. Ordinary B. C. ('XEougia, Bartow t or.\Tv, jr OKPIN'AKV’s; OFFICE, Aug. 27th, 1372. SAMI' Kl, B. JUNES, Administrator of the estate of \ ireut L. Clardv, deceased, has ap -1 plied tor leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased, ibis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to tile their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed bv law, else 1 leave will be granted the applicant, as applied : for. .1. A. HOWAIt 1 >, Ordinary B. C. (akougia, bart'ow county.—w. k. K Woodward has applied for Exemption of j Personalty, ami 1 w ill pass upon the same at 12 o’clock. A. M., on the 7th dav of September, i 1872, at my office. This August 20th, 1872. .1. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C. (IQXA V MONTH easily made with M(JU Stencil ami Kev-('hec k Hies. I Secure Circular and Samples, free. S. M. SPEN CER, BrattU-lmro, Vt. riXO IUK -WORKING CLASS, m e I JL male. SOO a week guaranteed. Respecta ble employment at home, day or evening; no ! capital required: full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent free by mail. Address, with 0 cent return stamp. M. Y OUNG & CO., lfi Uurtlandt St., New York Rare Chance for Agents AGENTS, we will pay you $lO per week in cash, if you will engage with ns at once. Ev erything furnished and expenses paid. Ad i dress F. A. ELLS & CO. Charlotte, Midi. AGEWTS WANTED—far the Lives of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN SS& monos all parnes. Over 40 Steel Par traits, worth twice the cost of the book. sVanted eve rywhere. Ag’ts have wonderful success, send for Circular. Address ZIEGLER & McCUR DY, 518 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. | Agents Wanted for the AX JTO BIOGRAPHY of HORACE GREELEY The hest anil Only Edition written bv himself; and for onr 1872 CAMPAIGN MANUAL, a book of the times for all parties. One Agent sold 80 in three days. Also, for Headley’s Life of President Grant, and Splendid Portraits ol Candidates. S3OO a month made. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, X. Y'. THE RECORDS OF TESTS W at Lowell, Mass., proves N. F. BURNHAM’S IT NEW T It It B I Ni: JML. superior to all others. It gave a higher percentage than any other wheel «frater-SriSf^^a common finish. Pamphlet l.uAg and Price List, by N. F. BURNHAM, York, T»a. WATER BALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE Was incorporated as a regular College in 1849, with power to confer degrees. It was liberally endowed by the State of Maryland in ISfiO, anil affords every facility for a thorough and ac complished Education. It enjoys the patron age ofthe Middle, Southern anil Western States. Catalogues may he had at this oiliee, or of N. C. BROOKS, L. 1,. 1). President, Baltimore, Md. ST. CUSH HOTEL , Baltimore, Md. This New and Iteaiitiiiil Motel is now open to the public. Locate.ion MONT WENT SQUARE, convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Baltimore em bracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths, and all other conveniences. To aifommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers and others, the rates will be $2 per da\ for rooms on the fourth and fifth floors, making the difference on account of the eleva tion. ordinary transient ratos for lower rooms, |3 per day. Guests 'desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests is constantly running, from (i A. M. until 11 I’. M. HARRY H. EOGEE. Manager. has cured I y a deafness DOES CERE / fi and WILL LURE * Sm Ft CATARRH. For Cine |(, (or Test Sample 25 cents,) by mail, Dr. E. F. HY ATT, 248 Grand sin et, New York. NORWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, E Session 1672 73 opens Sept. 20th, 1872. WILLIAM J). CABELL, (Univ. Va.) Principal. F. Key Meade, (Univ. Va.), Instructor in An cient Languages. Ro. L Harrison, M. A., (Univ. Va.), Instructor in Modern Languages, English, Ac. Taos. A. SkddoN, (.Mathematical Medalist, Univ. Va.), Instructor in Mathematics. Ro. L. Brown, (Univ. Vie), Instructor in Book keeping, English, .Ac. Waller llolladay, B. Sc., C. & M. E.. (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Applied Mathematics and in Analytical and Applied Chemistry. D. S. G. Cabell, (Uuiv. Va.). 1 instructor in Law. Address, WILLIAM IJ. CAISELL, Principal, Norwood, Va. University of Virginia. Mar 9, 1872. To Win. D. Cabell, Esq., Principal. My Dear Sir:—l have a high appreciation of the work, your School is doing for the State and the. Country, ofthe importance of sending you the best men as your assistants. Yours, verv truly. CM A KLESS. VENABLE. Chairman ofthe Faculty, U. of Va. PURIFIER I | It is not a physic, vliie-li may give temporary ] relief to the sufferer for tlus llY.t lew Joses, but i which, from continued use brings files and kindl’d! diseases to aid in weakening the inva lid, nor is it a doctored liquor, winch, under the popular name of “ Bitters” is so- extensive ly palmed off on the public as sovreign reme dies, but it is a most powerful Tonic and al terative, piouguimed so by the leading medi cal aiUltintfCs of London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries w ith wonderful remedial re sults. DR. WELLS’EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant utd mast he taken os a permanent curative agent. « JWllw 1 Jv w Is there want of action in your Liver and Spleen ? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, pro ducing scrofulous or skin diseases. Blotches. Felons, 'Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Jtc., &e. Take Jurubehn to cleanse, purify and re store the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dy speptic Stomach ? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is de buatated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weakuuss or Lassitnde. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor lo the weary suf ferer, Have yon weakness of the Intestines ? Y'ou are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful Inflamation of the Bowels. Take it to allay irritation and ward off ten dency to intlamation. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs? sou must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a buftU'P- Finally it sfiould lie frequently taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are other wise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic oir contagious diseases. * JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt Street, N. Y'. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. a-S»-4w. BOARDING. *XTi: UAV*. secure.! rite rleg|nt Brick W\ MansyjfcvfCol. JMjjjCi M. > .tlh .m ur. the corner street*, toentertain Hoaiders. r.nd would s>#'thttukf«l . for such patronage as wfinay merits J s|ftS. N. S. ((ILK, J %t--.9-tl. M 31IIS. M. E. IIA V.O COTTON CROP OF Ts 72T | ,1. HOWARD tenders the »seof Ms NEW COTTON GIN run I>v TT3CTEK TOTO, to tlie public and hi',friend*, and w ill GIN COTTON at the cus tomary rales of (hti country, IV ill furnish Bagging and Ties at (Tmer-v'ilte prices to all customers, lie will run day and night if nec essary, and w ill pack on the celebrated Brooks’ Pres-. The Gin i- located between thet'a-sviPe Road and the road leading t" Mr. lI»W|V one and one-<ui»rt< r mile* IVoin town, (bust roads leading from both public reads to the Gin. Givethis n>\v, celebrated Water G<»> a trial. J. J. IIOWAUD. P.S.—Fo* SiLK.—One good set-ond-hand Griswold Gin an.l all tlie running gear In complete order; also au t'Uoy Pres- will he sold on a creiit until Ist .January, 1873. 8-2U-2m. J. J. UpIV.VIII). ASSIGNEE S SALE. On tin first Tt.r lay 'dd.) in September, 1872, 1 will continue the .sale of LiQUons. Belonging to the estate of Collins ,t Goodwin, Bankrupts, lit ere are about '-ill HarrelK oi* WINES, WHISKIES, AND brandies: Yet unsold. Also one BILLIARD TABLE. TfcMkl, rK?ii. t.. JS. MCDANIEL, A»*dgrtee. lilt. < IIAH, lI’ADVIONY, t ; i> bz a r 1 s r r , G;ii-lcrsviU«', (in. SPE( JAI. ATTENTION gi'cn to children’s teeth. 8-15- Stock Farm for Sale. SIX lU NIiKK!) ACHES <d' good land, wcl' improved, ull necessary buildings, anil I plenty good springs on the place. The place lies 14 miles North-Bast from l artersvdie, and 11 miles from Adairsville. This is the most | beautiful and desirable place in the county. Call on or address, J AS. M.CAKKOM, I 8-15— liu Tine Log, Gn. WASHINGTON IMVIRSHY MEDICAL SCHOOL BALTIMORE, MD. I The next annual session of this Institution will : begin Oct. Ist., 1872, and continue live months. ! The Clinical advantages of tile School are tin ] surpassed. FEES, including dissection anil Hospital Tickets, !SCS. For Catalogues containing full particulars, | apply to Prof. CIiAK. W. Cll ANCKLLOK, Dean. Baltimore. Md. 4w _ . FOIL BARGAIN. riIHF. DRIOK HOUSE AND LOT known | us the Jas. M. Lackey property, on i Tennessee street, near Car Factory, will be i sold at a bargain. One of the most desira ble places in Cartersvilie. Terms, easy. For further information apply to JOHN ! W. WOFFOFD or JOHN H. i J uly 24th, 1872. PLANTERS’ & MINERS' BANK CAKTKKSVILLE, GEORGIA, ORGANIZED JUNE, 1872. DIP.ECTOKS: LEWIS TUMLIN, J. ,1. IIOWAUD, M. G. DOBBINS, Jas. W. BALL, B. J. WILSON. M. G. DOBBINS President, D. W. K. EAOOCK, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO. Paid in, $50,000 rillllS Bank will do a regular discount and i exchange business; will receive deposits 01 money from Courts, Public Institutions, Ad ministrators, Guardians and private individu als of all profession, payable at call or on time Certificates of Deposit, and allow’ such interest us may be agreed upon. Collections a specialty 7 4-ts H6L L Y STEAM FLOURING MILLS, Cartersville, Ga., TJ AVING been enlarged and improved with increased grinding capacity, will now com mence grinding for the PUBLIC for the usual toll. A good yield guaranteed and satisfaction given. Farmers, bring in your grain, and we will grind it promptly. The Mill will run every day in the week, EXCEPT MONDAY. FLOUR and MEAL on hand and for sale as heretofore. liiglie-t price paid for Yf IIEAT andCOBN. I. C. SIANSI IEI.D & CO. J uly 10.1872. CARTERSVILLE CAR FACTORY AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, Cartersville , Georgia. WE TAKE llii» method of informing the public that we are now prepared to fill small or large orders for L XT aM: jO ZES 3FL , Either Dressed or Undressed. With Competent Workmen, we are also pre pared to execute contracts for Building Houses, AS WELL AS RAILROAD CARS, and to furnish the public with Doors, Sash, Blinds. Mouldings, ALL KINDS OF SCROLL WORK & TURNING at short notice and low prices. Parties wishing any thing in our line would do well to call ttnd see or write before purchas ing elsewhere. K. N. GOWER, President, 11. PADGETT, Superintendent. G'. €. ROGERS, Opposite Kimball House, Decatur st. : Atlanta, - Georgia. Wholesale and retail dealer in SADDLE HARDWARE, BABY CARRIAGES, HOBBY HORSES, BUGGIES, Carriages & Phaetons, Also manufactmer of Saddles, Harness & Bridles Os all kinds: also Cart Saddles & Breeching FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES. .Just received and in store, a car load of the celebrated MiHmm Concord Iron Axle Wagons. of all siies. TWO-HOEBK WAGOW, WITH BODY, SIOO I warrant all of my Wagon? for twelve months. For neatness of work and durability, these wagons connot be excelled in any mar ket. Fanners and citizens of Bartow and North Georgia are invited to call aud see my large stock when thev visit Atlanta, 7 4-iy Wm. Goulds mi tli, Mamiiaotevcr and 0) ler In JBi \ FUnNITUHE, .'-it—ynfdl METALIC BURIAL CASES & CASKETS Also keeps- on hand WOOD COFFINS of every description. All Orders bv night ordav promptly attended tm aug. 22 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SAM now occupying a portion of the build ing next to (jilreatn’s Furniture Store, where Ituu prepared to make toorderany kind of BOOrs and SHOES lor either Ladies orGen tlemcn. I pledge myself to use nothing but first-class material, and have it worked only by first-class workmen. FITS GUARANTEED! ALL WORK WARRANTED AND UEFA HIED GRATIS if it does not stand. ts Atm'S WALKLIt will conlltine In charge of the Shop, and give each find every piece of work his special attention. Remember. Fit* Guaranteed mid all work warranted. Repairing done cheap. «. r. iiATtsos. Carfefsrflte, O#., .tube ft, 187?. deware of Counterfeits' JOB MOSES* are extensively oor»T*Rr*rT#r.. lilehoneei ftrug pittg endeavor to With* "oontotfelte to make gr'atgr profit*, The emvtn* http* the nnme of Joh W on earhvarJkage. Another* are rootthl'*g imitation* The o.eriv. pin# »t» ntifulUneln the care nf ell those pelnfnl end rlunreron. 'li*«es«s to which the femele eonstitntion Is subject. They roo4er*U .11 •tcesecs end rotnoye all obstruction*, from wh*c ever o»us«. __ » TO MAJtRISD LADIFB they sre particularly suited. They will In a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity; and aUhom'lt very powerful, cnnUiln nothing hurt ful to the roustltutfou. In all cases of Wervoti* and Spinal Atfectluns, Pain. )n the Book aial Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart. II picric* and Whites, they will effect a cure when all other means haye failed. The circular* around each package give full dirw tloas and adrtce, or will he sont free to all writing for them, lualed from observation. N. Ik—ln all caacs where the osxctxx cannot be obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Hole Proprie tor, JOB MOSES, IS Cortlandt Bt., New York, will Insure a bottle of thn genuine, containing Fifty Pill*, by return mall, securely sealed from any knowledge of it. contents. RELIEF GN TEN MINUTES] BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Cure Cocobs, Colds, Asthu*, Brohohitis, Sobb Tuboat, Hoabsbnesb, DirrtccLT Uriathikq, Is cipiext Consumption and Lcso Diseases. They have no taste of modicine, and any child will take them. Thousands have been restored to health that hadbeforo despaired. Testimony given in hundreds of cases. Ask for BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. Price 3S cents per hex, JOB MOSES, Proprie tor, 13 Cortlandt Street. New York. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. DELAMARRE’S SPECIFIC PILLS. Preiiaredby J. GARANOIERE, No. 2i4 Ruo Lombard, Paris. These pills are highly recommended by the entire Medical Faculty of France as the very best remedy In all cases of Spermatorrhma, or Seminal Weak heas. Nightly, Daily or Premature Bmissions , Sex ual Weakness or Inipoteney; Weakness arising from Secret Habits and Sexual Excesses; Relaxation of the Genital Organs, Weak Spine; Deposits in the Urine, and all the ghastly train of Diseases arising from Overuse or Excesses They cure when all otherrem ■ eires fail. Pamphlet of Advice In each box. or will no ser.t Free to *any address. Price 81 per li ox. Sont bv mail, eecurely grated from all observation, on recelptof price. OSCAR G. MOSES, 18 CORTLANDT 3t , Nsw Yob6, Solo General Agent fnr America. NOTICE TO FA!!MEHS! OUil uttcution is reaiiuctl'iilly iuvitedtoth Ap'ritiU'ltural Warehouse OF ANDERSON & WELLS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, DLALDUS IN Guanos, Field and Garden Seeds, FARM WAGONS, PITTS’ THRESHERS. Size 2ti to 32 inch cylinder, with or without ilowii »nd mounted horse powers. SWEEPSTAKES THRESHERS. Size 20 to 32 inch cylinder, with or wltgout down and mounted horse powers. Bali's Reaper and Mower, Buck-Eye Reaper and Mower, PLOWS—ONE AND TWO-HORSE BUGGY PLOWS. Also General Agents for “ Pendleton’s Guano Compound,” Cash, SG7 per ton of 2,000 lbs.; Credit Ist Nov., $75 per ton 2,000 lbs. “Farmer’s Choice,” Manufactured front Night Soil, at Nashville, Tenn.-( ash $45 per ton; creditlst N0v.,550; And all other kinds of implements and ma chinery, which we sell as low as any house in the South. Call and .see us, or seuil for Price List. ANOKBBON A WELLS. 5 2- CAKTERSVILLE MALE HIGH SCHOOL. The Exercises of this Institution will com mence August sth, to continue four months. For particulars apply to <i-27-4m. 11. .JOHNSTON, PRINCIPAL. | CAIITERSVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. j The second session of this school, with the ! same corps of teachers, commences on MONDAY, AUGUST 5tL ; Every lacility afforded to young ladies for • pursuing a thorough course of study. For par ticulars apply to Misses MOON 4 SAFFORI). G 20-3 m - ; THE GREAT CAUSE v. A OF U.— MUM AN MISEKY. Just Published , in a Sealed Envelope. Priced cts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure Os Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by self-Abuse, involunta ry Emissions, Ini potency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fils; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.—By ROB. .J. (JUL VKItWELL, M. D., auUiorofthc "Green Book,” Ac. Jt The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly f roves from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self- Abuse may he effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical op erations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cor dials. pointing out a inode of cure at once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter wliat his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO thousands and taousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Also, Dli. CUL\ Eli WELL'S “Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. .J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-olHce Box 4,586. 1 -25. 5-2. 8-1 BECK W I T H # 1 O SEWING MACHINE. 'VTO HUMBUG, but a perfect and beautifully ■J3I finished Machine. Warranted for two years. Go to .John T. Owens’ .Jewelry store and see it. R. STOKES SAYRE, Agent may 7—Gm CARTER’S FERRO-PHOTO RAPH GALLERY, CAItTEKSVIJLLE, - GEORGIA. (On the site of the old Skinner Hotel.) Will Eemain a Short Time Only. CHARTER’S FERRO-PHOTOGRAPHS are j the only Permanent Pictures. Perfect Pic tures guaranteed in any kind ol weather, cloudy orsnnshine Children, to insure success should be brought between 10 aud 4 o’clock. Dark dresses are most suitable for any kind of Photograph. Copying a Specialty. Aug. 7th, IFht.-im. If you want number one Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, and Scotch Snulb call at Leak & Wil Hums’ Drug Store. 8-1-ts. Fruit Trees 1 Evergreens ! ROSES! SHRUBS! BULBS! EVER!' KIND OF Ni BSEIifjISTOUK ! H AVING bought an interest in the stock of the GATE CITY MRSERIES, 1 propose to iurniUt Nursery Products of evow description at the loivc-t Catalogue Kate-. If desired, payments can be made half ( ash aud half on L'iiue. .Verifies of tr or ti g will be taken in exchange on liberal terms. These Nurseries are located near Atlanta, t.a , and have t»eeu in cucce-sful operation many years. STOCK IHPLE MD ASSOUTMEXT (DEPLETE. If you wont Fruit Tree that will Do wkll, get them from a nnrsery home. Addre-i or apply to JOHX T. NO it HIS. < artemille, G!a. TH-ly TO THE! PUBLIC. Having disposed of my stock of Di ngs Medicines Ac., to Messrs I-eakc k Williams I mo#t cordially recommend them U» the favorable consideration and patronage of my old customers and the public generally, and trust that the ps iron age so liberally extended to me in the past, will he transferred to them. AY. A. LOYLKBS. NEW DIUTCT milM. Ivii'. W. W. Leake M. G. Williams, having associated themaeires in business, have pur g i ltaci and the Drug (store of \V. A. Loyle-s, w ill continne the bnsiuess at the old stand on the Depot He»t <ioornorth of Messrs. Krwiu. Stokely Jt Go., Gartersyille, G»_ and will keep constantly on hand » splendid assortment of jaiESH DRUG-©, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY ALSO, A GOOD STOCK OK Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Dyestuffs, &c. t with tin* Pmjf Husjue»*i vc aUo offer our T* XL OFESBIONAL SERVICES ’ to the coynoianily at large, and luipe, by patient attention to burine-s auj promptness in our s >ln*ie« to she piildfc, to merii their good will and patronage. \V. AV, LEAKS. .Al. G. AiYILLIAMS. 711 11 A R V EST I S COMING. EXCELSIOR MOWERS AND REAPERS. Sprague Mowers, Lawn Mowers BAXTER ENGINES, HOADLEY PORTABLE ENGINES, Grain Cradles, Cardwell Threshers, Pitt's Separators ami Dorse Powers, Horse Hay Hakes. i Hay l urks, Ginas Scythe.-, Fun'Milk, Fruit Dryers. Evaporators. Sugar Mills \\ ashing Maeaiues, Walking Cultivators, Dixie Double Sborels, Dlancbdi’t] Cbarn-s, Vibrator Churns. U 1 JLm O JE3 £=L r> O T s . , STORE TRUCKS, AXLE GREASE, CORN SHELLERS, REVOLVING HORSE HAY RAKES ! STRAW CUTTERS, WELL FIXTURES, GUANO, SEEDS. Etc., all in good variety, at MASK W. JOHN SON’& Agricultural Warehouse, 42 Broad Strout, ATLANTA, (44. may 1G ! H. J. SLIGH, H AvING bought out both Grocery ilouaesheretofore owned by Geo. J. Uriaut, one on the j Past and the other on the West side of the Knilroad. will continue to keep up the two stocks of Faini. 1 y Cjr ro oeries, where consumers may always tin i supplies >a abundance. L. cry thing, from :utk of Ba an to an ounce of Macc. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Invites the old customers of his predecessors in business, together with the public gener | ally, to call and make their purchase* with him, as lie promises to do ns good part by them af any other house in like busint-s in Cartersville or elsewhere. This is all be asks, uml certainly all that consumer- should c\;»cct. aplll-ly. R W. SATTERFIELD & BRO., DKAI.FRS IN DRY ~ <3- O O D 8, CLOTHINft, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, HAD WARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, &C., &C„ &C. MEW SPRING AMD SUMER GOODS FOR 1872. IVe are .fust receiving onr now stock of Spring an t‘-iiuimer G.m i-. consisting in part, of all kinds of J,A.UrKi* DKKSri GOODS—It Ai’-, sllOlvS, Ac.., in fact everything pertaining to her toilet. GKNTLKMEN’S FURNISHING OOOfJS-every thing pertaining to his wanlrobe. DUMLSTIG (,()ODS—a fail supply of all kind-, for family uses. Our stock i* large and varied ; all sorts, all qualities, all prices, ffptn the highest to tite lowest. Call and examine for yourselves both qualities and price-. Also, a splendid stock of chotcn FAilil.Y GUDCEItILS, CRGUKLRY, IIAUDWAUE and tVTLKTiY. Thankful for past favors, we earaejtiv.solicit it continnatiou of the patronage of our old customers, ami promise to do as guod part by all our ne w one-. aprillS It. W. SATTERFIELD & BRO. un<MH«.YaeiTiUß -=•-• - - - AJt .at err.. . .jmuts-ex - • <7. «wnn-*awnßnaßHMt«iaanM*ai SPHI H<i AX D SUM M E It. a. H. & A. W. FORCE, JOBBERS OF BOOTS and SHOES. TRUNKS ANI) VALISES, O Hit line of all Celebrated Makers of Brogans and W.nncn rimes, will be sold very low for quality of goods to the trade. Merchant- arc iuviivd to call and examine. Sign Big Iron Boot. G. If. A A. W. FORCE, nov 23 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. ISTOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. MESSRS. T. VV. WHITE and H. E. WOLF haring purchased the Interc-t of M. C. Jack son, deceased, of tint firm heretofore known and distinguished as Z. \\. & M. t. Jackson & Cos., in the C CRT CItSV I IJ .C STEAM PLANING MILL AND SASH, DOOR, AND BLIND FACT RY, have formed a copartnership with surviving members of said firm, under firm name and -tyie of JACKSON, REMINGTON & CO. The new firm will continue the above loudness in all its hranche-. and hiving a? gootl * corps of workmen as can he found in the State or South, are fully prepared to take centric - < BUILDING HOUSES ENTIRE, or furnishing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc., Etc., ll uon as reasonable terms and at as low prices as such work caa he done eithei Not i.i o. -south. Also OREMHNG LIIMIIKB. A.\l) GROOVISfi, CEILIXC4 A\l> FIiOOBIXG, KRACKETS AAD SCROLL WORK, and any and all kinds Work done in the very neatest style in the shortest length of lime. NOTICE BXTnAORJDIKTAB.Y. ill «arsons indebted to the old firm must come forward and settle up Jfitbgnt delaj, a AL 1 P Failing to settle, all accounts indiscriminately wdl to an o ffi£?™lmnd! id. collection. Thankful to the public for their past liberal P*™****' « tiieoldtlrm the’new solicit a continuation of the same, under the pledge that nc ndl make it to the advantage of people to patronise ns in preference to going elsewhee^ Cartersvil le, Aug. 14th, 18751. n ts.