The standard and express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1875, September 27, 1875, Image 2

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CARPETS! WM. A. HAYGOOD, 2t Marietta, corner Broad Street. Atlanta, Ga. CARPETINGS! OIL CLOTHS. Mattings. Curtain Goods. CORNICINGS. WALL PAPER. Upholstery Goods. \FULL STOCK CONSTANTLY in Store No trouble to show goods. Please call ami examine. Prices as low as any Standard House in the South. All Orders will Receive Prompt At tention. fcblß-ly. STANDARD AND EXPRESS MONDAY, September 27, 1873. City and County. 13. H. RICHARDSON & Cos., .Publishers’ Agents, 111 Bay St., Savannah, (Ja., Are authorized to contract for advertising in our paper. We are informed that the Chero kee Prcsbytry will meet at this place on the i Tib day of October, —next month. 1). W. Curry is selling Sewing Machine Oil cheaper than any one; try him 1 and be convinced. “Christmas comes but once a year,” and shews come only now and then, so we hope we will be excused by our patrous for yielding up so much of our space to their advertisement. It pays us. By this advertisement will be seen that nov elties, such as have never before been witness in this countiy, will be exhibited. We have been assured by those who have seen this ex hibition, that it is all it claims to be, and that <he best part of the show is not on the bills—as has been too much the case with most of these mouster shows which have vis ited our country during the last twenty or twenty-live years. We feel satisfied that this gnat Londou Circus and Menagerie, which exhibits on Cham berlain’s lot on the Bth < f m-xl month, will be au immense affair, and ih i all w ilt be satisfied who visit it. We hardly u ;i. the Louisville Journal would endorse a 1 arabug. Parents should let their little ones ride in the great Car, which talus part in the pre cession. All between the age of six and twelve are invited to do so. The Car is immense and will comfortably seat one hundred. We rre assured there will be no more danger than in a common carriage. It will gratify the little ones—let them come For a good article of Kerosene Oil, go to D. w. CukkY’s- A Smile of pleasure illumined the faces of his friends, to-day, when it was re ported that Mr. Skinner had rallied about ten o’clock this morning, and there was a pros pect for his recovery. We, with iiis other friends, utter a hearty “Thank God.” Carters ville could illy spare such a good citizen as Gus Skinner. We are informed that the engine which was wrecked on the Van Wert road is all right again, nud will probably commence running to-morrow. AN e did intend to have commenc ed au interesting series of letters this week, from a gentleman from Kingston, on South Florida, but the great Circus advertisement has taken up so much room, that we will have to deler them,as well as other interesting communications now hanging on our hook until our issue of the 11th of October. Mr. J. J. Chamberlain has a stalk oi corn on his place which has an ear nine feet five inches from the surface of the ground. Council Proceedings. Sept. 12th, 1875. Present. Erwin, Johnson, Williams, White, Clayton, Edwards,and Maddox,Aldermen. F. M. John son, Mayor Protem., presiding. Read and approved miuutes of last meeting. Authorized the street committee to move the fence of Col. Harris, on Leeke street so as to widen the street, Col. Harris to give the ground. The marshal reported that he collected in fines 815.15 on street tax SO.OO. The clerk of Council reported dray tax $2.00. Amended section 81 of city laws by strik ing out the words “on the Sabath day,” which makes it a violation to get drunk on any day. Ordered that Treasurer pay N. GilreatlnfcSon account lor lumber sll 20. Appointed J. C. Wolford cotton weigher, ajHl to require all parties who buy cotton to have him to weigh it and mark it,aud the pur chaser to pay him five cents for each bale, and on failure to comply, to pay a fine 0f55.00. Council also passed an ordinance to prohibit spritious liquors or intoxicating liquors to be drank in any business house or office, or any public place in the city. The penalty $25.00 fine, oue-half to be paid to the informant. J. C. Maddox Clerk. Buggies.—lfyou want a good Bug gy at the lowest price call at Mauk W. Johnson & Woodruff’s, Atlanta, Ga., Colonists, Emigrants and Travelers Westward. For maps circulars,eonaensed timetablesaud general information in regard to trauspotution facilities to all points in Tennesee, Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas,Texas] lowa, New Mexico, Utah and California, ap ply to or address Albert B. WRenn, Gener al Rrilroad Agent, Office No. 2 H. I. Kimball House Atlanta Gu. No one should go West without first get tiug in communication with the General Rail road Agent, and become informed as to su perior advantages,cheap and quick transporta tion of families, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. All information cheerfully given. W. L. Hanley. G. P. & T. A. Largest lot of Toilet Soaps ever brought to town, at D . W. CURRY’S. For Sale at Cost. AHOI Sh AND LOT on Tcnne see street. New buildings. Good garden attached. juoe contains about an acre; well fenced and contains a good well, thoroughly walled in Terms easy. Apply at this office. augl6m Howes’ Great London Circus and Hippo drome—the Hippodromatic Pageant. After the vast mulitude of people had final ly settled in their seats the show opeued by a spectacle at once so grand and so novel —so origiual,brilliant, picturesque and uuiquc,tliat it would be impossible to doit justice slioit of a photographic and truthful colored illus tration. This was nothing less than a grand processional centree around the oval space surrounding the entree ring, and consisting of the male and female artists mounted on their splendid thorough-bred horses, followed by the gaily caparisoned elephants, camels, and other animals ; by the painted and be | decked Iriquois Indians ; by the chariot con taining the trio of burlesque masks, whose grimaces kept the people iu a roar ; by the Roman chariots driven by beautiful women iu ancient costume ; by the men-at-arms on foot representing the reign of the early English Heurys with their helmets,lances and shields and casques of burnished silver glistening like diamonds among the rich costumes, ana gorgeous caparisons which bedecked the ladies and gentlemen and covered with dazzling brilliancy the prancing steeds and stately ele phants. While this interesting procession, beaded by tHe splendid baud, was making its tour outside the ling, inside the intricate equestrain performances were being conduct ed by the ladies and gentlemen with a grace and 6peed and beauty that were iu artistic I coutrast with the slow and measured tread of the gorgeous moving panorama which sur rounded them altogether making up a kaleidoscopic picture of such bewildering beauty and inexpressible grandeur that no further attempt will be made to detail its inul titudinousexcellnecieß,but which served so we 1 ! to show the inexhaustible resources of Howesl | great London show. — St. Paul Pioneer Press, July VMh. You can buy Drugs, Patent Medi ' cines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Dye stuffs etc. from D. W. Curry at bottom figures ; give him a trial. The Ladies Are respectfully invited to call and examine our large variety of TOILET SOAPS, containing over 100 varieties of all grades. —also— Household Necessities: Pure Ground Spices, in bulk, Flavoring Extracts, Corn Starch, Laundry Starch, Soda and Cream T artar Pure Mustard, Gelatines, Sapol ios, Stove Polish, American Wash Blue. Parlor Matches. Choice Hobb’s Extracts, Fragrant Sozodont and Danf'orth’s Sanitive Dentrifice, Moss Rose Cologne, Florida W ater, Shoe Polish. Choice Tobacco, Cigars, Snub. —also— Ingredients for making DR. R. T. PUSH'S Labor Saving and Bar Soaps. Lard Oi,l for machinery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnish and Patent Medicines, at KIRKPATRICK A SAYRE’S. Cartersville, Sept. 2'>, ’75. Frazers Axel Grease, cheap at D. W. Curry’s. D. W. Curry is selling strictly pure White Lead at 12 cts. per pound. Ain’t it cheap Y Howes’ Circus, Menagerie, and Hippo drome. At least live thousand people attended the ex hibition of Howes’great London Circus-Hip podrome yesterday afternoon and night. The atractions promised were such as to excite general curiosity,and everybody went prepar ed to be disapnointed in case everything was notofsuperior excellence. The performance and exhibitions over, the managers were as sured by the many expressions of favor that their combinations of canvas-covered wonders was not only above the average, but far ahead of any show of the kind that has pitched tents in these parts for many a day. The street pa rade was n ally gorgeous. The six golden char iots as they moved through the thoroughfares drawn by cavalcades of richly caparisoned horses, presented an imposing architectural spectacle of fantastic threedecked magnificence on wheels that at once indorsed tiie high char acter of the show of which this feature formed only a minor incidental. Under the pavilions, however, there were zoological and arenie novelties to be seen, that challenged the admi ration oi the old and young. The entrance passage ushered the visitors into the menagerie department. Here were ranged the cages and stalls of some of the rarest and strangest crea tures o! the animal kingdom. Among them were the African eland, Bless Bock ; the poto quaine or sable antelope ; the zebu or sacred bull ; the brindle gnu. ichneumon, the black tiger of India, the only one in America, and tiie South American tapir. In addition to these five elephants, camels, zebras, kangaroos, an aviary of beautiful tropical birds,nine hyenas five Bengal tigers, leopards, lions from Asia and Africa, a drove of mustangs, and in fine, representatives of almost every department of natural history. The circus was exceedingly good. The artists gave their respective spe cialties without a balk. Mr. Clias. Reed, the equestrain, performed a number of interest ing feats on horseback, one of which was the throw ing of a backward somersault through a hoop. Mons. Wm. Conrad’s “dog family,” was remarkbly well trained. At the merest verbal suggestion they would execute the variety ot tricks,that almost bespoke human intelligence. Mile. Cordelia, the “Queen of the Arena,” went through a pr gramme of banner-leaping and hoop-vaulting without the “pad,” and | was loudly applauded for her skill and daring, j Mr. and Mrs. Austin, the trapezists, belong to | the modern school of gymnasts, and their evo- I lutions upon the suspended bar are very thril- I ing, and out of the usual run of such perform ances. The leapers and tumblers of the com pany were usually good with tlie rest. One of them made a double revolution in mid-air over two elephants. The five performing ele j phants were brought into the ring together, j with their keeper, and actually perl'orm | ed the pyramid illustrated upon the post ! ers, much to the surprise of the skeptical. The e were only a few features of a long and absorbingly interesting entertainment. The clowns, lour in number, made abundant mer riment for the spectators. The accommoda tions lor the throng were first-class. In the reserved quarter the seats were provided with backs, which added greatly to the com fort of those occupying them. *No one w ho may desire to attend a circus and a menagerie thoroughly good should fail to visit the 110w r e Combinations.— Cour.-Jour. May laf. Fine Cigars & Tobacco at D. W. Curry’s. Wheat Premiums. To Editor of Standard and Express : I This beiug the season to prepare aud sow wheat, I wish through the papers of Chero kee Georgia and Alabama, to be one of five hundred, or more, who will give one dollar,or one bushel of wheat,as premiums for the best acre of wheat to be raised iu 1876. Only such fertilizers to be used as are made ou the farm. I suggest for the best acre $250 ; I suggest for the second best acre $l5O ; 1 suggest for the third best acere SIOO ; Entries to begin now and during the Rome Exposition, at the fair grounds. Report to the secretary, J. T. Perry, N. E. Should the SSOO, as proposed above, not all be subscribed, then the wager to be pro rata. J. J. Cohen, Manager N. E. Rome September 11, 1875. Best Green Tea at I). W. Curry’s only one dollar per pound. Excellent Teas.—Tiie Origi nal American Tea Company, of New York, of which Robt. Wells is President, was estab lished in 1840, and since that time has been steadily gaining in favor, not only in tlie city of New York, but all over the country, until now its teas reach every section. The leading iiressof the city and of hundreds of places iu the country have endorsed it as perfectly reli able, and parties wishing excellent teas at low prices, can with perfect confidence send to this company lor them. Their teas are put in one pound packages, with the kind and price printed on the wrappers ; also, iu boxes containing 5,10,20 and 80 pounds. They ran<>-e iu price from 40 cents to $1,30 per pound. Our merchants can have samples mailed to their address by enclosing 10 cents for each sample. Ihe company wish reliable agents in every town to get up (Clubs amongst families for their teas, aud offer great inducements. Send for our circular. Address always Robt. Wells Paes’t No. 43 Vcsey Si., New York. The Knights of Honor meet every Monday night, in the Good Templars hall. The objects of this erder are: 1. To unite fraternally, all acceptable men of every profession, business, or occupation. 2. To give all moral and material aid iu its power to members of the order by holding moral, instructive, and scientific lectures ; by encouraging each other in business, and by assisting each other in obtaining employ ment. 3. To establish a benefit fund, from which a sum not to exceed §2,000 shall be paid at the death of each member to his family, or to be disposed of as be may direct. 4. To establish a fund for the relief of sick and distressed members, and to ameliorate the condition of humanity in every possible man ner. F. M. Johnson, Dictator. T. W. Baxter, Reporter. New Advertisements. To the Teachers of Bartow Cos. IT IS PROPOSED to organize a “ Teacher’s Institute” for Bartow County, on Saturday, the 16th October, in the Court House. All the Teachers of the county, are cordially invited to attend and take part in the organi zotion. TIIEO. E, SMITH, U. S. C.. RONALD JOHNSON; IRBY G. HUDSON, L. R. MILLIGAN, J. W. PRITCHETT, £ept27-2w Teachers. SELLING OUT. HAVING determined to go farther South, 1 will sell what goods I have on hand at reduced prices. Store House also lor sale. Sept27ml W. H. RUST. TO THE CITIZENS OF BARTOW AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. 1 k |TE, THE UNDERSIGNED, beg to call fY your attention to our Stock of FALL ANI) WINTER GOODS, now arriving—Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Salt, Syr up. Molasses, Ragging, Ties, Hardware of all kinds, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Woodware, Tin Ware, Drugs, Medicines, Ready Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Saddlery, Dry Goods of ail kinds, Notions of every description, Crock cry, Guns, Clocks, Tobacco, Cigars, Housekeepers’ Fancy Goods, etc., etc., in fact all kinds of Goods usually found in a General Stock, and adapted to the wants of all classes of citizens, and at prices that will compare favorably with any market. Remember, when you buy from us, you do not pay higlirates of city taxation, high house rents and high clerk’s hire prices lor your goods: hence the low prices found in our stock. You are invited to come and sec for your selves. We will buy your Wheat, Cotton, Corn, Rags, Chickens; Eggs' Butter, etc., etc., and pay you the highest market prices for them. Come and see us. ROME PRICES PAID FOR COTTON. W. L. WOFFORD & CO. Cass Station, Ga. Sept.29m2 Attention, My Gin is now running and ready to gin all offered at that point. 1 will start anew gin at the Fair Ground in a few days, to be propelled by steam. All seed cottpu offcrred wdl lie stored in tiie large ware noitsb, capable of holding one hundred bale- in the seed. The gin will be piaced eighty yards from the ware house, and only one bale at a time lie in the gin room, to avoid accidents by fire. Toll for ginning will be the custom of the country. 1 shall be able, at both gins, to pick and pack seven or eight bales a day, so there will be no detention. Cotton will ue delivered at the platform at Cartersville, when desired, free of charge. Toll can fie paid in cotton seed, if theowner desires it. Both Gins of the noted Gullett improved make. Will pay cash for all washed Wool, and will purchase seed cotton at all times, at lull cash prices. (septl3.2m) J. J. HOWARD. Tax Collector’s Notice. fWILL BE at the following places, lor the purpose of Collecting the Taxes for the year 1873, on the days mentioned, to-wit: At Wolf Ren, Oct. 4th A 18th, Nov. Ist “ Pine Log,. ... “ sth A 19th, “ 2d “ Sixth District “ 6th & 20th, “ 3d “ Adairsvillc... “ 7th & 2lst “ 4th ” Kingston “ Bth & 22d “ sth “ Cassvillc “ 9th & 23d “ 6th “ Eubarlee “ llth& 25th “ Bth “ Stilesboro “ 12th&26th “ 9th “ Allatoona “ 13th&27th “ 10th “ Stamp Creek.. “ 14th&28th “ 11th “Cartersville... “ 15th, 16th, 29th&30th and Nov. 12th and 13th.’ “ JLigon’s Chapel. “ 15th “ Taylorsville “ 16th W. F. CORBIN. 5ept13,187511 el Tax Collector, Residence for Rent. IWILL RENT my residence, containing eight rooms, good well at end of hall, sta ble, crib, barn and buggy house combined, good garden, orchard, grapery, etc.: commenc ing Ist of October or November next. Apply to B. F. Godfrey, Cartersville, Ga. Scpt2o-lm T. M. COMPTON. Private Boarding Honse^ MRS. C. MARSH lias taken the building known as the “Foster House,” on Main street, Cartersville, and is jnepared to receive boai-ders, by the day, week or month, on rea ionable terms. This a large, commodious and roomy house, and is in an elligible situation. Boarders can be made perfectly comfortable here. August3o-lm. Dissolution. r|IHF: FIRM known as JOHNSON & CURRY, 4 is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be carried on at the old stand, by David W. Curry, who res pectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore extended to the old firm. LINDSEY JOHNSON, M. D. DAVID W. CURRY. Sept 13,1875. JOHNS, MARTIN & CO, GENERAL Blacksmiths and Woodworkers. Repairing Work A SPECIALTY. uia call at our new shop, corner of JT Main and Gilmore streets, and learn how cheaply you can have your work done. 5ept13,1875. ROME FEMALE COLLEGE. Fall Session will Commence first Monday in September. VTtX REV. J. M. M. CALDWELL AN i *!&;•?, nounces that the exercises of the ‘ a,)OVC named Institution will bere '■iXWjr.M sumed as stated above, with a Full ’jKgpF Faculty of first-class Teachers. He gratefully acknowledges the liberal patronage hitherto receive ed by this College, and hopes there will be no abatement in the exertions of its friends in its behalf. It is very desirable that all pupils should be present at the opening of the term. Ten per cent, deducted from the catalogue prices for board. For further particulars, address augl6-m J. M. M. CALDWELL, Rome, Ga. A. ROBIN Haifa* ail Healer FURNITURE. Cartersville, Georgia, Alt. kinds of household furni ture on hand and manufactured to order, lie makes a specialty of WHEAT UVAJXS and keeps a full stock. His are undoubtedly the best ever made. Call and see his line display ol Furniture. novlß-tf. HOUSE and LOT FOB SALE! A HOUSE and LOT, on the Rowland Ferry road, X of a mile from the courthouse, in Cartersville. The house is beautilully situ ated on a five-acre lot; has 10 rooms, good stable aud all the nccc-sary outhouses,a splen did well—all under new plunk and post fence. Price Three Thousand Dollars! one-third cash, balance on time. Titles per fect. Apply to ARTHUR DaVIS, or Stokely AfWilliami, aarlßtf. Cartersville, Ga, INSURE IN THE SAINT LOUIS; Life Insurance ny.! o ITS PLANS are so easily understood and its j Policies are so plain that it is impossible to j be deceived in them, and there is no chance for j you to be disappointed in the future. • By their Frntis shall ye Know them” ~~ ; This old Company has been,a faithful trustee for the ivid ou'S and orjjhins, and h is paid Over Six Millions of Dollars to its patrons in death losses, ahd now holds over seven millions pledged to future payments. INSURE IN THIS Tried and Faithful Old Company, where you will get the largest amount of Life Insurance for a given amount of money. W. 11. HOWARD, Agent, Cartersville, Ga. THOS. U. CONNER, Manager of the Georgia Dep’t., Sept 13,1875-y Macon, Ga. Bartow House, Cartersville , Ga. mills HOUSE has again been leased by the fl undersigned, and she hopes her old friends and customers will not forget her. Her tables are supplied with the best to be had in market, and the rooms are neatly and comfortably fur nished. MRS. E. M. STOVALL, P. S., Proprietress. Clerk. junel7-tf. FURNITURE! Coffins, Coffins, Coffins. I N CONSEQUENCE of the scarcity of money I have recuced the juice of my Collins as ollows: Metallic Cases 20 p ecernt. less than formerly. First Class Wood Collins from ?8 to $25. Second quality do. do. 6to 18. Third do. do. do. 2 to 12. Common Collins from $1 50 to SB. My llearse furnished to customers in the city, free. T. F. GOULDSMITH. August 2, 1875 3m SAVE YOUR MULES TT 4jl Only Three Hundred Dollars. Four - anil -a - Half Horse Power ONLY S3OO 00! \fOUli ATTENTION is directed to tiie ex ceeding low price of the liOOKU ALTER ExGIN E. i hese engines are especially adapt ed to the driving of Cotton Gins, small Grist Mills, etc., and guaranteed to do all claimed for them or the money refunded. Orders received and further information lurnished upon application to T. W. BAXTER, Agent for Manufacturer, aplß-y. Cartersville, Ga GOWEII, JONES k C 0., A FTEII MANY YEARS of close applica tion and indefatigable labor, have suc ceeded in building the best WAGONS-BUGGIES, Carriages & Pliaetous That were ever introduced into this country. Their trade extends far and wide, and their work has given entire satisfaction. They are now selling a great many Jobs, and have 11 educed Their Work TO EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES! O Thankful for past favors, they would solicit a continuance Oj their patronage. Gower, Jones & Cos. are also Agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagon, and keep constantly*on hand their 2-IIORSE FARM WAGON. ALSO Diamond and 3-Spring Picnic Wagon, for sale at extremely low ju ices. These wag ons have been fully tested in this country, and have been proven to be the very best Western wagon ever introduced here. PRICES FOR 2-JIORSE WAGONS: 2>y Thimble Skein Brake and Spring Seat $ 95 3 “ “ “ “ “ 100 3 1 4 “ “ “ “ “ 105 Diamond Sjiring Wagon 12i Picnic 3-Spring “ 15® ap!22-y, AMERICAN WASH BLUE. For Laundry and Household Use, MANUFACTURED AT THE American Ultramarine Works, Newark, N. J Our Wash Blue is the best in the world. It does not streak, contains nothing injurious to health or fabric, ami is used by all the large i laundries on account of its pleasing effect and cheapness. Superior for whitewashing. Put up in packages convenient for family use. Price 10 cents each. For sale by grocers everywhere. Always ask j lor the A merman Wash B lui, if you want ■ the cheapest and the best. American Ultramarine Works, Cfilce, ?2 William Street, Kew York. April 15-3 m Usa-P* Uor sale by Kirkpatrick A Sayre. KIN GSFOKD’S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, For Puddings, Blanc Mange, Ice Cream. &c, Is the original—Established in 1843. And pre serves its reputuation as pukek, sroxger and moke delicate than any other arti cle oi flic kind offered, either with the same name or with other titles Stevenson Macadam, i’h. D., etc., tlie high est chemical authority of Europe, carefully an alyzed this Corn Starch, and says it is a most excellent article of diet and in" chemical and feeding properties is fully equal to the best ar row root. Directions for making Puddings, Custards, Ac., accompany each one pound package. For Sale by all Firs jClass Grocers. April 15-3 in KINGSFOM3S’ j OSWEGO PURE AND SILVER GLOSS STARCH, For tlie Laundry. MANUFACTURED by T. KINGSEORD &SON, THE BEST STiRIII IX Till! WOULD. GIVES A BEAUTIFUL FINISH TO THE LINEN, and tlie difference in cost between it and common starch is scarcely half a cent in an ordinary washing. Ask your grocer for it. mr For sale by H. S. Best. 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BIRTOW CO ISTY SHERIFF’S SALKS. WILL BE SUED before the Court House door in Cartersville, on the first Tues-dav in October. 1875, within the usual hours ol s.tic, the follow ins property to-wit: The undivided one-half interest in lots of i land nos. 278, 279, and 299, all in the 17th dist., ! and 3rd section Bartow County. Sai l lots containing 120 acres more or less'; sold as the property of Lewis S. Ramsey, to satisfy one Bartow Count' - Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of Francis A. Kirby vs. Lewis S. R.uuscv as garnishee, in the case of said Kirby against Martha Dawson and Elijah Lumpkin pYtnci pals, and L. 8. Ramsey garnishee, l’topertv pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. Also, the house and lot whereon the defen- ; dant noyv lives, containing one acre more or le=s. bounded on the south by; Main street,west • by J. W. Harris, Levied on by virtue ot a , Justice Court 11 la,from the 822 U Dist., G. M. in favor of Padgett, Gower & co vs M. IL Stansell. Levy made and returned by W. G. Anderson L. C. Also, lot of land N072, in22d Dist., 3d section of Bartow County, containing 160 acres, more or less; levied on a li. fa. from Bartow Super ior Court, in favor of M. G. Dobbins & co., vs. Win. T. Quint by; property pointed out by PDFs Attorney. Also the farm of O. U. Glasgow, one of the defendants in li. fa., whereon he noyv lives, in the sth l)ist., and 3rd section of Bartow County containing two hundred acres more or less (Nos. not known); bounded on the east by S. B. Jones, on the North by George Gilreath senior and Richard Gaines, on the south by George Gil reath senior, and partially on west by George Gilratli senior. Levied on by virtue a Bartow Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of First National Bank, Chattannooga, Tenn. vs. U. L. Acock, J. A. Fleming, O. IT. Glasgoyv, makers and Ba ker & Hall endorsers. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Also, the north east corner of lot number 126 in the 16th dist., and 3rd section Bartow County, containing 26 acres more.or less, sold as the property of 11. 11. Frear, to satisfy one Bartow County Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of George W. Oglesby, surviving partner vs. Thomas F. Jones principal, and 11. 11. Frear security on appeal. Property pointed out by 11. 11. Frear. A, M. FRANKLIN, Shff. septfi, 1875 G, L, FRANKS, D’y. Shff. £ 1 EORGIA-BAIiTOW COUNTY—ORDINA \JT RY’s office, September 24,1875 Frank P. Gray and John A. Erwin, Adminis tratoofr the estate of Letvis Tumin, deceased have applied for leave tosell all the lands be longing to the estate ol said deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to file their objections, if any thev have, in inyoflice, within the time prescribed by law. else leave will be granted applicants as ap plied for. J. A. HOWARD, scpt27ml Ordinary. (GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.— JTHi's. Catharine M. Harris, lias applied for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, ami I will pass upon teh same at 10 o’clock a. Jt. on thesth day ol Oc tober, 1875, at my office. This Sept, 21st 1575. sep2l-2. J. a. Howard, Ordinary. (1 EORGIA, B ARTO W COUNTY--ORDixT- K ry’s Office, September 27,1875. Mrs. Mary J. Smith, administratrix of the estate of W. D. Smith, deceased, has applied for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, This is therefore to cite all persons concerned fo file their objections, ii anv thev hav°, in my ollice within the lit. e prescribed bv law, else leave wil be granted applicant as applied for. Sdpt27 J. A. HOW ARP, Ordinary. (1 EORGlA— Bartow County. X Joseph Ballard has applied for exemp tion of personalty, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 21st day of September, 1875, at my ollice. This 10th day <*f September, 1875. septt3-2t* J. a. Howard, Ordinary. (1 EORGIA- Bartow County. % Joshua Guyton has applied for exemp tion of personally and valuation of homestead, and l will pas- upon thesame at 10 o’clock a. m.. on the 217 t day oi September, 1875, at mv office. Ibis September 7th. 1875. J. A. Howard, Ordinary. rf 1 EORGIA. BARTOW COUNT Y-Ordina ry’B Office: September 6th, 1875. Martha Barrett administrator tie bonis non. on the estate ofJno. Russell, deceased, lias ap plied for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased. 1 his is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to file t hei r object ions, if any they have, in my office within the time prescribed bv law, else leave will be graute I applicant as applied for. Witness my hand and official signature. sept 6 J, a. Howard. Ordinary. Tax Motice, COMMISSIONER’S COURT. BARTOW COUNTY, ) Special Term, August 24, 1875. \ I T IS ORDERED by the Court, that the fol . lowing Tax be assessed and collected from the tax payers of Bartow County, over and above the State tax. both general and specific, when entered on Digest, except wherein ex cepted by law, as a county tax for said couniy for the year 1875, to-wit: First—That thirty-live per cent., on said State tax, both general and specific, be levied and collected, to pay the legal indebtedness of Bartow county, past due and to become due, which has accrued since the Ist day of June, 1865; to pay the necessary current expenses of said county for the present year, and for building and repairing bridges and other public works, not mentioned in this order. Second—That thirty-live (35) per ceut. on said State tax, both general ana specific, be levied and collected to pay Jurors, and necessary Court expenses. Third—That ten (10) per cent, on said State tux. both general and specific, he levied and collected to pay Commissioner pauper farm and expense supporting paupers, etc. Fourth—That ten (10) percent, on said State tax, both general and specific, be levied and collected to pay bailiff’s fees, fuel, station ery, etc. Fifth—That ten (10] per cent, on said State tax, both general and specific, be levied and collected to pay jailor’s fees. Ordered, That the lorcgoing order be pub lished as the law directs and that the Tax Col lector he furnished with a copy thereof. R. H. CANNON, 1). V. STOKELY. R. H. D DI), JNO. H. WIKLE, County Commissioners. A true copy from the minutes. JOHN 11. WIKLE, August 30, 30d Cleik. Only Three Hundred Hollars, Notice to Debtors & Creditors. STATE OF GEOItGIA Bartow COUNTY All persons having demands against the estate ol Lewis Tumi in, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. And all persons in debted to said estate, are hereby notified and required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. FRANK P. GRAY, JOHN A. ERWIN, August lfitf Administrators. Administrator,s Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold on the First Tuesday it October, 1815, at the Court house door in Cartersville, said county, between the legul sale hours, the following property to-wit: the one-eleventh undivided reversionary interest in lots of land Nos. 457, 407 and 886, in the fourth district and third sec tion said county. Each lot containing 40 acres, more or less, being the place whereon Mrs. Nancy Harrison now resides. The purchaser will get the possession at the death of Mrs. Nancy Harrison. Sold as the property of Ab solom B. Harrison deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. This August 21st, 1875. JAMES 11. HARRISON, August 23, td Administrator. NEW SCHEDULE. Cherokee Rail Road. 171 ROM and after this date the following . Schedule will he run on the Cherokee Rail- Leave Rockmart at 7:00 A. M. “ Taylorsville, 8:00 “ “ Stilesboro, 8:25 “ Arrive at Cartersville, 0:10 “ Leave Cartersville 3:00 I*. M. Stilesboro, 8:50 “ Taylorsville 4:30 “ Arrive at Rockmart, 5:15 “ may 24 D. W. K. PEACOCK GEORGE PACE & CO,, Mauufactnrers of PATENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW SKILLS, Grist MHl*, Leffcl’s Turbine Water Wheels- ' \V nod Workme: Machinery of all kinds, and ila ' Shlfliets’ Sundries. SEXD FOR fATALOOtim S'emroß iTATALoGtfjsa. H, A. P ADGETT & SONS, Contractors and Builders, Manufacturers of Sash, Doors BLINDS, Etc. FLOORINC A SPEC SALTY. Having purchased one of the best CJO 1C IX >l% JPV s*®, and a PR Which will make heavier and smallei bSJKt to usfo^a^gomfte'rus'as can £ hKt fit useot Baxter s Fire i'rooi Warehouse, in which we will before u i aft Our gtn is entirely disconnected with the warehouse which u >n,, . ' 11 • _• etc. \V e will deliver cotton at the depot free of charge! ' v ‘ -u - ;j Having had long experience in running machinery and ~h „ that we will give satisfaction. ' 1 we ice! -afi . M e ago still prepared to furnish parties with Flooring. Ceilia - j>,„ . , UC ” "’ !1 “ rla1 ' —* contract. Thankful lor the patronage we have had, we respectful}- ask a liberal share i Aogu;t 23,197E-4m03 PADGETT & SONS. iiis( i;i < i l v vEax s A i>vi-iuta nm.tsi; vds. LARGEST AND GRANDEST FAIR EXPOSITION Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanical, Mineral and Art Ever Held in this Country, Will Commence in Home, Ga. ( at the Old Fair Grounds, October 4, 1875, and Con tinue until the 9th. COME, ONE AND ALL, TO SEE FHE GRAND SHOW! Exhibitors are earnestly requested to commence preparations NOW, ami to bring to ti . all their Fine Stock, Mechanical Inventions, Minerals and Works of Art, not alone j'..- Iremium, but to gain reputation lor our intelligence and skillful workm uishio \„ D,ra i t ic l e s o n,xh i b , tion. f A great many ot* the most note 1 anil prominent m \ ; r ( i States arc invited and EXPECTED. J. T. COHEN. ."Manager. ___T. J. PERRY, Secretary. CARTERSVILLE ADVERTISENIENITS. THE IMPROVED WJNSHIP COTTON GINS! I. Acknowledged to be the Best by oil who Use il or have seen it in operation. It is now the Leading Cotton Gin in the South! Very Large Reduction IN PRICES ! Only 83 50 per Saw, Delivered. Che Win ship Cotton Press! The best and Cheapest YY ROGIIT IRON COTTON SCREW in the market, ma le to work Hand, Horse, Steam or Water Power. Prices reduced to suit the times, and now very low — SIOO Each and Upwards? according to style of Press wanted. Every Gin and Press Warranted! For further information and terms, apply to T. W. BAXTER, Agent, junel t-3m. CARTERS VILLI-, GEORGIA. T. W. BAXTER, Jnnisioi Merctal ail Geinl Apt for lla Sale of Stailii Fertilizers, Agricultural Machinery, Gins, Mowers and Reapers, Wagons, Saw and Grist Mill, Sorgum and Mill Machinery, Threshers, Hone Powers. Horse Rates, Cotton and Hay Presses, Epos, SOLD AT MANUFACTURERS’ TERMS AND PRICES. Office on Main street. rr . _ Warehouse on W. & a. Railroad. aplß-y. GarterSVlile, Georgia. ETOWAH FOUNDRY —AND— Machine Works, C. B. WALLACE, Proprietor. | CARTERSViLLE, Gi Manufacturer of and Dealer in All Kinds Brass and Iron Goods . —IS— Prepared to do all Sorts oi Repairing Usually Done in Machine and Foundry Shops. J 11 ED WAUDS & CALLAHAN. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Harness and Harness Material, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Etc. Cartersville, Ga. REPAIRING done with durability and dis patch. Col. R. 11. Jones’ new brick uuuding on Vi est Main street. Also, dealers in and metalic wood Burial Cases aui Caskets. Always on liaDd, and is read}* night and day on win* need his service feb 3-}f. Erwin-st. Male & Female Sclioo^ Caricrsvlle, Ga. ff XHE FALL SESSION of this School v, L JL gin August 2nd, and close Dec. 17.1" RATES OF TUITION—PER MONTH: FRIiIAKY DEPARTMENT. Ist Class—Spelling, Reading, Writing 1 mary Arithmetic and First steps in 2nd Class— Spelling, Reading, Writ in?- ' ! mary Geography, Primary History amii:g mediate Arithmetic ’* " INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. English Grammar, English Composition. H‘*‘ tory, Intermediate Geographv and R>-., Arithmetic * - Higher English and Mathematical Hei'gV ment, including all the higher branches. U' and Greek " The School will be taught in the old il< t!: > ‘ dist Church building. The Public School Fund will he allowed <■' the first three mouths of the school. . . L. B. MILLIGAN, Principal Mrs. m. g. Mili.ican, Assist*" 1, July 15-2 m