The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, January 31, 1859, Image 2

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    roLf Mill % mnk. MNI MW =1 ***•
Hank oftwluiabun.
Qla the VO lb inat., Ike Capital Atedt ul'llioiW' 1
institution wm increftaud to the Muutinf •tiftfcoflMul
by tb* ckwtW On that d tty the !<**’
dollar of this mum waft |mid iu mill Ike hank
launched upon a career or aid*r u-elulu***, com
unm-mato with it* ahgroonfed ru-oure*- *’• H
nmtter of eutvgrattilHtionwith ot*r ebatnimiil.v,
hiid nil .Uufft Ibnt have -hared the benefit* t>r H
nfmrntioß, that, during exktatKH- of Iwo year*,
n -ingle tircum-fance lm not -coamd U> <H*Urr
the i onfldene* which i wia|*fo<iw ItiMMfumthiM
wm ho well eatruintaUw jMtßifc-
Wid Mfrernn fl hiin* leiJllly advanced tu
popular Aiwor. iind today, at hoftac Mid übnod, it
envy* nnoqttat rank with the Aral banking tn
atifuftonn of the fMmtfc. The place which it holtta
in poMte may to* uifarred from 4tor
tr* that the fippUfodlun* for -lock far ovorrnn ifo
charter UtnltMton, and iffrfof and nhitlf |*r cunt,
premium ww offered nod replied for Ktibs.-idptUni
to the ** -toek. No better guarantee thiwt thin
<d it* nbl aud faithful manajf*nifotf curt Id b* giv
cn.uap** tally when It I* known that the premium
hid wm made try a gent krai.i., hfmtalf a baukur.
nod aktiird in all the tatflMMtMf of flu uncial Op
The rnmk kumej <ta"*** In Klarldn.
The TaUaJiaa-a* lloritfm Smtiunt, except* to
the tow normUv pa-reed bv Mm *d
Florida rorjuimm foftaga Hunk agencies doing
hn-wiiM in that Htair ta.rotUowt their note* in
B|eci*, and eftpruare- a 4nn , ’i both *p to the ‘a-
Ruity and p*Jteg <d Mint aw-aro l|t 11* lat
ter point. nntieipnUiiit too rn<H of pnhlio •#•
(Hill I|t in Ur event of Uni practical enforce won I
of the law. and *>*, “tf Tto> effort of the Inw -ball
ho to retire tlm >|yH“tv from the Htah-. * jwe
dief tlijnl the < Inin r again*! til* law will lie great
er Uinn it ha* v*g ireyn agnta-t thu ape acre*/’- ■
W e think our tfotemfiomy u* 4gbi. * ? *T Uiene
< Mmulti-n yl emf'iiai uiui* idher dremndan.-iw In
(i romimmity tnwhine ta Hiithortue nr indmo* a
jiv/tni? “fthi- •wpitnl u> h cm|ilo>od ui hnnhtay
i.pernUojaa, >1 wort hotter tlmt rnoh tacdttk-a 1m
nuj.|ii'n*d fiom .|urtw> wher- theiwraaaiMloaewo
let. VVin 4 ibirt tiiuw arriraa* tl* twmlt ronght
now to be o||Uiae<h Will euroly take |ihr. and
without tbi'iDiet veolwa of taw. Any jn-eimiUir
iuteruti-dflluig wiUhtH l nt*U*i ie elnwef eiti tahi
t*l*e aUendtol will ilu*>n*iitiMMlt-'wU.*tiM*eoiiiM
ntty. What would bw thought wf law Ma oI)m-i
of wltndi irouid Aw u*k*- every |wr*on pro*
dure KpcedicnlJ.v fwy hif that he iwo or
cuiujuouh. and the oft'ot l which would Ax- n
doftioy the ie< npjilinti of Uie iwfieiliiflti It i*
iiiflitind) bettor to Utave U mwU quoationw to he
tiotarmini-d hy Ui* ititfmuUoiled hatimita of indl
ykiopJ inter*;/*t.
Nad Arrldenl
The T.mnjiklu I'aUadiwiu <*f the -IhUii oeatAina
the attti<ulnaetttipit mid UetMi* of h diwtrw-mg
runah)’ whieh oenirm) uu Uieldth I net., in (Stew
art ootiuty. hf w b.MWttiMg nf Iha .bailer ofaMoaiu
rnHl. Throe pvt-dour. MtaN. Swith. Joh neon uhd
fflAcßTiuiu. all eitiocii* of biwnuri goitaty* w< i
hlMod. nud -rural o(Ucra more or la injured.
Tim min, which wm ciopUdely iloatruyed ljr the
et)doHiou, wit* iho |iipTty of Mr. Wlloy U. lior
ton Itnd wiut nitiittU and liliout leu iuiloh ahove J'lor
iUil.'mid Miitrlnnurlal Naltilo.
Who abnll pre-nme to fV there 1* nothing neW
under the nun? Au iMci-ivul lu*k place iu llelh
vfHc, Ohio, which i witlo-ul a |re<-dcnt. The
t’olitnihn* fOHlb) Stdte-miih *ayn a ittilnmd mini
got married at HellovtlW* the other day, alnl * hi*
roturmwl <. fbe evening train to foiambu*, hi.-
fdtlow mH-roa<b*r“ determined m|m*u gi\iug him
urn I Htr fliirbrt'le a Hnliile. Fifuoo or iwuutylo
oonit.iivna were Iwoilght up tdiiudiug wii a -wil< h
at tin’ depot, nnd n* the train Waring the linppv
lair |hudmhl hy, th w hittle on oaoli limm.iiioUvo
wa made to gin- n HnhhlUuwou* Idimt. the like
nf which wan never h>un! in that v iriu'ity Injfore.
The hulooit* rnOeert would have Kwaltcnod the
woren ataeptm, ft* it did the eubuea for milce
nroimd, seivrlug thu urbane bmh'giouin out *d’ hi*
U*uuJ Moreue 4iuMii unity.
Kanutmux or Hxi'enimtcwk. Tho Secretary
of the Treasury It ft.’ prepared and iiubuiiiled
to rygjosv it bill fur the 1001 irumxatinn of the
Collection dtetriubn and to reduce the port -of on
try iron out hundred and •<Uum.ii Vo seventy
five, and to discontinue ultogvtlu'r twenty not* ol
tho eighty *U port* ui tlr.Jjvary. Ify thi? metis
ura In* uetitnata.i* tbr* diving in the colWdton
of tii. revenue will bo n*ut four hundred thou
awl ttdltfer* |M>r annum. It in not proposed-to
reduce the salario# of the offloads ins under the
to w nrraugumant#. they would have additional
duties. ill* suggest# 1 but tugs for revenue
purpose* lie used at lUr larger port#, ami whellior
‘'inugglingcould not the bettor be prevented and
relief tii distressed vessel# furnished hy employ
ing ve##etsftho navy. It in miouuuumted (but
the revenue cutter# be ultimately di-ponsed with
and that their servinv he performed by the navy.
The difficult v ‘landing In tUnhtjr acciM” to be the
dv ■ •sitimi of the revenue murine unniere. lint
I bey could be inuod unu adjunct {of tho na
vy until their piewmt ootmntssiona expire, nml
those who have rendered Important ami worthy
service bold an a rimllatod rank ip the navy.
-Wu tiereeive from the proceedings*of Uungivsr
yueterday, that Mr. Korn-worth (repuMleuu) ©t
I Hindu, a-bod leave to offer a long preamble set
ting forth the importune© oi our possessing all the
British American pre\ incc-.ceueludiug w ith it
resolution instructing the UmmmUco <• Foreign
Affair# to impure into tle expediency of initiating
measure# to secure them by Immwahte treaty.—
The resolution wa? objected to. perhaps hi* n slur
nt the t.'ulm thirty million proposition; but w lutf
objection can there he !<• (be auuuxutiou of all
BrfrhU North Auntie*. if it can be houghtf It
w<n2U *uui* |my for itself from * the public lands,
tUkories, Ac., which would thus aud
the Fugitive Bln\< law might thus l*e htomght
within the roach of munu thousand# of runaway
slnvea on the other ude of the t'anadiiiii btiumlary.
W ith the Southern annexation* of t'uba .uid
Mexico, the North will doubtless iuaiut upon the
acquisition of (he Camilla*. New Brunswick. No
va Scotia, A a.; and what lumn wotdd then’ he in
■ Minding the* Hriti#h government in advauca,- Lot
Mr. ParnawortH's proportion have an airiug. It
# tap grand to be treated as* juke. .V. 1 tf< <•
old, TU re*. •
TheutrlraU a< it HI erti.
We twiru with apUafaelUm. that Mr. 'ri#p with
bin < Union company, will online nee a eile- of
iliantoiie wntertainmeiits in thi? city mi Monday
night next, burin;: (lie preaent and a part of
the poet week.lie ba; U.MNI pvrtueming to mil au
dieueva iu the \nty of Moiitgowet v, tmd onr ex
ebangaa tram that place pe.*tk of bis eiuertain
non is in te mi* very flutU'iiog lo the talent and
■pirit of ttT reipi. Wc I>P* he will receive a
liberal cMcourajfoiiMftai while he mar remain with
A Florida paper wire thnt anew party 1# being
organiaed down m the Vlrida swamps, to be
Styled “The the S‘Ul,” true us >U objects
>e said Gbe to pruscritn: eittr. nos Northern
birth. The party, we surmise, is compoc<i sufe
ly of “teqj teuHcrs.”
A>w For! Jofir. nf Cum.
By what term nf reproach w ill tlie Juunip) de
nominate that party In the worth the i <t
which Is #<<f to 4r U* prw? riba cßtsMis •# South
ern birth and Mtueaiiou/ Wo should Hke to hear.
Tim follow lugi# no h--* starUtag lhaa nstr. It
i* the crektion of a mind durilug ut thr realm* of
• f nl me down iu Unuight profound,
Thi# maxim wuo I ilrew s
It's easier tar u> like a girl,
Thau uiuktf a girl like you !”
Tiling gentlamcn uffevtiwl with calico pr'*cli* i.
will pteaiK’i’ p.'.
(ongrewt tonal.
Wamujcwto*, lan. 86.
Tk'j I’afUc Kilwj Mil WM ■ the
■Sount. U. O.T. •■<! il 1..111U il UI W pnm* <•
h vote on to morrow*
Th Senate refuted le a'lii’ Mir. md
Mr C.rty, the ImtfU. to the Oo.rr
..I the seD.l.’ whil. their clia> I” -.U w™
In the lioiiM Ue civil and .Uplouiatie appro
prliiihui WII* were up for eonWderatbig. The
l.oithern moinhera took ntrong gTauud agam-t tlm
ippropHation to defray the exjeawie for the main
•.-I .Mure and ed lie ad low of Mm Kflho wegroea. The
northern lmmoer<’> and JUpubfinowt auHtaiued
IM otproprlatJon.
The Senate win n*it In Hewwioii on Moturdcy.Jt'd
Ja t.fce Honf of Rwprewentafhe*, Mr. Morri*.
.f Ib iiimylvnoia. ptwaentad Joint rmxdutloo# ol tin;
Iri-gi'lalore of that Htale, thidr Sena
lor* and KepnnmtitaMve* in < ongreaa to lalior dti
ring the preacut acacion to obtain an inemcc* of
revenue by the Impodfion of dutle* upon the pm
duel* of foreign rialioua that eta— Into direct eon
uuit with tboac of our own oountry, and more
*i‘iwk-'y to urge au mcrae of dutfoa on eoai
■nd uon ; alco afDiming that the iewg of the
lt. -Ident a* Biymtal in hie niemage in fnvor of
‘l/eeljM lnti* meet tholr hearty approval; whieh
wen laid oil the table nod ordered ta.lm printed.
Mr. Hiekhm, of N’ew V<rk, ackedU. tulrwduec a
re olntiof, re.piloting the I*re*idenl lo eomiuuni
•ate ih* cßgmgate Mfiiount of indemnity alnuned
by of the fnited .State* for Mipoliatioim
upon Ameriiaii coin mere* prior to Jhimi and now
eXhmtag ; al*o the uMnen of the elaiinanUi, |ici
tying Urn dglinantc now living, A.
Mr. Mile?, of South Carolina, objected.
On Inofiou of Mr. Kilgore, of Indiana, a reaoln
♦ton wii l adopted calling upon the I'rcaide.nt to
coinmniift-ate to the Ilcuite what infonuatiou bar
been reecivod by him, if any, iu regard t- the ini
poruMntf of alavealHm Afriga into Georgia, or
ftuy other State, mid Whaf'gtepg bera been taken
to apprehend per*dn* engaged In that violation
of Mm Inw, and to prevent Much vlolatioiiw here
Mr. Talbott preaented the petition of Cacwell
Oahrtnt. of Puhiwki county, Kentuckv, praying
‘ on grew* to pgH a law grunting to hitn fewer
to tKao.iv or the real catm* of the mtifk miekn— in
tin’ Writ and Aouthweat, the amoiiwt of public
land loilfbdeiit to Induce the undertaking nnd i>
r**wiird the enterpriae if atteeewaful. iUforroil to
the Committee on Public hand*.
Nlatc Trade Appropriation.
WaaniaoTOw .fan. 26.
Mr. Ifowdell. of Ala., in the'll-mae of Cun
gtooe, to day, inovtoi to atrike out tiir approprin
i hoi j aevenly live iboimand dollar* (ill the eon
“ulnr and diplomatic appropriation MH>) to enable
the l'lC’Nideut to carry iptc afoot the aS of Con
greMM id’ ihl March, IhlM, and any wubaeipient
hi*Xm now inloree, for the wttpprcuHiou of the idavc
trade. The motion Mto an angry geetional die
Troiihlrs with the Nniuta Indiana.
Sr. Ixitta, .laiiimry 26.
The New Mexico mail how arrived, which an
noiumcg that tljc Nevada Indian- have recently
lua—acrud -even white* and wouudrd other*. A
bloody border war i* appruhemled.
The Mobile k I.lrani Hall Hoad.
TTlffc the exception of about four mile* of the
we*tern end, llii* (loud Ik in exculleut order, and
the train* make nude iw good time* u*tho-eof the
other Honda of Georgia and Alidmuia. Tlfb |mr
tlon alluded to at the We*tarn end, will be put in
good ..rder a* soon a* the acuKOn and locution will
Admit. Ttatiy trains run regularly to and from
ColUffthtia. - f r ufon ftpriAfji fjtnrllr.
• gai
PovtAor Hreonu. The pogt office committee
•tftbc l.'idted Htate* Men ate. it la atattnl, hpvade-
Wirmined to report favoraldy on the bill of Sona
ior Hunter for a reform in the postage lawn. Tliig
I dll propone- pi bo!l*h the franking privilege of
nil printed matter weighing overtbree ounce-, ex
eepi the Ph**M*nt’- annual nVNWSgC and aceom
pau> ing document-, the annual report- of the
.Secretary of the ‘lTea-Mry and the Patent Office,
and the Congrordrmal Globe t to inordaac thl in
laud poMtagefrom three to Ivf cent* upon letter*
conveyed tintniid) les* than three thou-and mile* ,
lo leave the pu -iage to and from the l’geifle side
at tan ntoita, a- at pre-ont, and to charge hcreaf
tar twenty cent-on foreign letter- to and from
point* over 2,hUU mile- di-tant.
v;<* Wc lea iu from the Nwwr Orlean- Picayune
ilull the Kuv. lr. KUiott, Ui-hop of Georgia, oun
ducted diviim oerviee at -Trusity Church in that
(Sty uu la-t Sabbath uiorutng.
From the N. O, Picayune
■'outturn Muttufutiiires
The rhiutb ia makiu,. steady advance in manu
lm-turiug enterprise. Nu sudden riwh is wit ness
ed into new busiucHa eiigugmuouts, but iptioliy.
in city alter city, over the extent of the Southern
Slates, ii tiiovoimuit it made to net the spindle and
in motion, thus varying our employ
incuts auil adding to the source* us our proa
In the present coudiliou of the country, any
advance in doiuoMticatiiig manufactures in ilu*
slave btatoa is a favorable indication. It shows
a disposition to Roqrtlro uidutrinl iodapendeuce,
and brings uew agvueiea for harnuniUing eonflie
ling interests into action.
Mississippi lias made several auceessfal efforts
to cstublisli manufactures. The most profitable
factory in the Vuioti is iu one of the Kaslern
counties of that Slate. It may lie due tn this fact
thnl a disposition i„ gaining atrenglh in tbut State
to embark to a greater extout iu this specie* of iu
Many nf the cotton planter* have introduced
upon their p'onlaiious the uew maebine lor spin*
niug the raw staple nt the giu. Thin, perhaps,
ndda t*‘> thi* favor i\ itli which invesliucat iu facto*
lies begins to be viewed.
Vl a uieutiug of the M arruu Agricultural Soci
ety held hi Vo-k.-lung uu the :hl, it was r
solved to establish a cotton factory in that eoun
fy. under the protection of the association. The
de-ign is U> mauntacture cuarsc cotton fabrics,
and ibe member.- of the assoeiation pledge them
1 1 os i” each other to give the enterprise their
undivided support.
Tltc enterprise iat*l*e eouimwneel nn a veale and
under M ili.uuigeineiil which will secure success.
Negroes arc* to Lh* turned to service iu the vari
ous department* of the factory, and the whole
enterprise Is to de|M*nd. nt the commencement, up
on a home market.
This is a ui*i\ ciucnt iu the right direction. The
South can uinuilfucturc cheaper than any other
pari ol the world. W ith the raw material grow
ing in sight of the factory ; with slave labor that,
under all ciivumutam-es and at all times, is abso
lutely reliable; with provision* of every descrip
tion mid oft he beset ipialtty, and cheaper than iu
any other quarter, furnished without cost of trau
spirtaiioa, the manufactured fabrics can be pro
duced so as to compete successfully with the
world. The North, and Kurope herself, will ulti
mately find that the South ha> advantages, fbr
tun unfurl u ring that even pauper white tabor will
not eoun tor balance. Success to tin* movement to
tuaniithoturoiu the South ! It is destined to form
sue ol die most powerful elements Iti ouradiauvc
menl iu wealth ami power.
Brink lug riming luting Men.
The Philadelphia Sun say* truly that indis
criminate (l inking among nur young men cyan
tnalh maSoaite mark upon the population of our
cities. We can see it already betruyiug itself in
the rising generation. Uis imiiossihl# fur any
man to drink even pure liquors six or Sevan time#
a (lay without -nffenug severely in constitution.
And whiuhc iihumiui- thi# Unpaired constitution
to hit* sou. who iu turu impairs ilstill further hy’
the -nine course, it requires little foresight to see
that we an- preparing a population for our cities
that will not, iu pin steal frames, be uiueh hotter
•Luu tho wretched A/toes. This love of drink and
bar room* i* every day increasing. Kvery day
*res our youth IwK-ouiing more ami wore the vie
Gin-of the habit, for we really ihiuk it More a
bald* than a passion. It Is no love of joviality,
that toiupla them, except in few eases. Iti? uot
the Uot exuberance of youth. It i? uot the svati
e*ecu| impulse cf the gav young fellow who is
sowing Id* wild oat*. It i-. as has been said, a
••old. deliberate, eoiifirniefi haldt. No atmosphere
of rerklessness surrounds the drinking group?,
except on ocgaaiou. and uo pent* ol merriment
atone for tlie sol, by proving that it is at least
unusual. A grim and melancholy air pervade*
each countenance. The drink* are poured out,
the glasses are raised and touched with a loath
some uff of custom, and each man swallows his
portion with the -aim- impassive countenance he
woal.l wear if he were drinking a gin*# of plain
wtur. AU the concomitant* that partially re
drew. q excuse drinking, as far as it can bo re
deemed or excused, sr wanting in this sad and
termri ceremony.
f’woi* FsTiaxrrm. -Wright A >.’* New York
t ‘ntfeu ( uvular, of the 10th Inst-, says in regard
to the cotton crap :
Th< late letters from New Orleans advise a
change of opinion ou tha subject of crop, 3,400,-
09f and 3.50t,9M0 estimate? are given p. 3,000,*
90# hales finds more general I'avor, while there
are many more advocates fur 3,T#.00#. In this
city the opinions vary, hat ths muss is towards
the Inrgor esUmates.
Heathen Mjlhoiog)
For the benefit of our lady reader*, we collate
and publt-h the afhidttaii H the Heathen Gods,
no oftau referred to in tire inythology of the hii
Juno was the daughter of Saturn A Op*. r.*rc
prewided over punch on-hard* and other garding
-a— Mar* wa- ih* God of war. Pan |>rotactei
thow rural eititens engugml in tending
V'enu* Mttcinled toaffair* of l-.ia, and r<-gnlata#
the motion* of ainitory youth*. Jupiter we- God
of the ceie-iial region-. Apollo wm a prophet,
a pretty mao, nod ••./tiaeyu*utlv had the nine
niuiMi-, who ware fotnah*-, running siftar him.—
He owned two uii'U.ur ho mi nit-, named Triphod
itud byre; the latter 1* MIppOMMI to tie the |N-r*on
who invented lien, u commodity n*>w cxleneivdy
need. Vulcan waa a ma-ler of a blank-hith -hop.
and had g partiality ln lira. Mercury vow the
man! iroanii* <H the God*, and presiding genius
of the thieving fralornUy. lie u-i'd to goaroimd
iu coiapauy with Jrl*. tire daughter of Tbanrua*
who who hi* liettar half. Jhauu had a greattave
fur boa at* and tree*. Neptune rtthd the ocean,
though it in not intimated that he had ihc con
trol of any very large ve***hi; a tiny -hailop
wa-ull that ha could order to do hi* bidding.—
flercule* wa* u real bruiaer of the Taw llv'-ror
■ ier; nothing dclighu-d him more thau n forcible,
effective and well planted blow. Cupid alwuy*
maintained a great intercut in attair* of the heart,
and wan supreme ruler *f tire liuuiun gjaaard.—
Hebe wo* Koine pumpkin* a* u waiter, and tended
table for the divinilie* with marked appro*ah—
ftuc. hu* wue thcGml of riltM, aud IrcpicMtly had
the delirium troutendon*. i'roteu* waa a fortnne
teller, and **• a* tai iuP> a uiillatone u* tin
man that piaiked it; he wa* u very changuulda
fellow, hn-etb word protean. Pluto wa* a nu
five of- tropical eliute, and c.,nw.junll> had H
/enchant for warm thing*, and hell tire, ilygien
w* a protect ore** of health, aud u very kind
trearted female. Mr. Joe Segur the hotel
at Old Point Comfort after her. Phitu* o-uti to
“s|Mibd hi* money fuse,” (m-h ong* of ctbiopUn
sernnader-.) and wax a broth of a hoy on a mid
night carnival or general bn-t. Olympus mred
hi tend a light houne, and look aftar the hour*.
Flora wa* the tni-fru-s of u fl-.wer garden ho
Ijuet* oiMJil to sell very high in her lima. The
Oryad-and Nymph- were generally utility folks,
who haunted round-hady place*, and did little
chore- for a consideration. They have bud plen
ty of imitator*. Satyr wa* a rare old fallow, oh
Jsrtnd to a man blowing hot and cold with the
-unie breath, and left a nuioci-.u* proggfcy who
can do the name thing; he wa* alwuy* prepared to
go it, but belonged to the abort horned bread.—
The Fawn* were given to prowiseuou* dancing ;
they were always in for a frolic on the lawn, and
itii> 1 no objection to S “eoftou factory ball” -tick
et* one dollar and a flghl in tin; prospectiva.
/‘rtrmlmnj ( |'.) /V—,
Thr Urm lurk l.rtlgcr A Trio or 111 I lan*.
In our advert i-ing ndnwnr may be found an ta the effect, that Homier, of the
hwtar, bu* brought into fraternal jnxtapO-itiou
in his iioluiuiik. throe of the greiltc.vl m-oiindrCt*
unhung, hy eiii|doying tjlrgoloy of tire Tribune,
Hay in. >nd of the Time*, and Bennett of lire Her
ald, to contribute, each, an article for the Ledger.
This exhibition of the three greatest rogue* evaf
known to fm eonnected with the pre-K of the conn
try, wiil prove a ruort wweaftsflil feature. Every
body will wi-li to “go to the hanging” -to *ec
the*.- three great criminal*, -ide bv vide, in n neu
tral journal.
What wiil these men write about? Greely
know- nothing out *f party politic*, except tire
Mcioiree, of Free l,nye: Hgymond i* a writer of
talenl*. and might gel np n very readable cm-ay
ou the blc—ing* of Jlamlyoamfioa, without trench
ing on Greeley * ground; while Dennett might
produce, ill hi* had Engli-li “ 77b- /f k Go*in./-
m and Hitftrir>ilh/i or “Thi I d> inform oj lio
Kniuht of thr Htiuk Mail,”
‘fnc employment of theft*; rich. MUcec**ful. aud
influential hauler* *f H cor nipt and vnial pro—,
muht -timulate the mrio-ity of tin nation to it*
greatent pitch. Ten* of b nnd red- of*
of eopie- of the Lf-lger will be -old to people
anxioUM to s*-e how tlre-e political liar* and libel
or- will deport theuwclve* in an arena where do*
coney ix -uppowd to obtain. Wl an*pe. t il.m
Bennett and Greeley will fed much countrainl
a- if they hud chanced to fall int*. tire company
of gcutletncn : the ‘*Little Villiau” i* *tdd to he a
niuii of gun)cel habit* and uiunner* in private
We shall look for the /Vm /’•#* copy of tin
Ijcdgor, with much iuterest. So Mr. jiypner,
bring out thw animal* mm Soon posaihlc. Tits
whole world will !• there, with it* finger* oil it*
Hold !we wore too fast! The subjects arc .1.
-igHAted, and iietinett actually ewutlihute* poetry,
tireat heaven* ! what poetry it must be. if vcr-.-
In- mu-t write, ho ought to have given u* an od
to tire muiuorv of Juda* I-cftrhd. lfoaft/oatny
Ax Km>oi knt Kxik m-t.—'“<l m-intion nl't<*r
generation,” says a line writer, “have fait as we
led, and their live* werfiactive ns oiirown They
passed away like a vapor, while on lure wore the
same asjwet of buwnty as when bei t'reator coin
mauded her to In*. The heavens shall he a* bright
over her grains as they are now nrouml our path*.
Tin* world will have tlw attraction* for our off
springs, yet on born, thut she had mice for our
selves, mid that she now has for our children.
Vet g little while ami all this will lime happened.
The throbbing hoort will be “tilled, and we shall
beat rest. <>ui funeral will wind It* War. and
the prayers will lc and ortr fVleuds will ill)
return, ami we shall la* loft ladiiml in sih'iiee and
darkness for the worm. And iiiuy be for a short
time we shall he spoken of. but the things of life
will creep in. and Our names will he forgot
ten. I>ays will continue t.. move on, ami
and fwng will he heard in the room in which we
died ; and the eye that inouinwd for us will be
dried and glisleu again with joy ; and wvmt *ur
children will to think of us, nhd will not re
member to lisp our nani". Then shall we have
become, iu the touching language of the iVnlmist,
‘forgotten and clean gone out of mind.”
MwipoHF.. We out from Sorter's Spirit tin*
following obituary notice of Mr Prjnf* horw*
Moidore, that was lost iu the disaster at HnuduHV
Dkatii or Moiiiouk. Among the losses by
tho late frightful disaster on the Muscogee Rail
road (Georgia) was the Jiaco Horse Moidore,
whose exploit* on the turf have so often graced
our record. Muidorc ran nine times last year, as
u three year obi, beating Hallas and Jack ‘lam
tie, at Columbus* ‘la., over the Chattahoochee
course, for a purse of five hundred dollni's, at ,'t
mile heal*, taking the two hist in .do. ,'k;Vlj and
boating Gov. Johnson, Adelgisa. ntul Sebastopol
at Columbia. S. C.. also at three mile heats, win
mug the two lust iu ir.Sd'i. ti tbi. Moiduru was
by imported Yorkshire, out of Picayune.
Urkav Hmitai.n.—The London rime* of the
tith publishes in its city article iu an auuouy
motif letter from Washington, in regard to tlie
President’s view* of the Meyiran questiou, ami
profaees the letter with remark*, condemning
both Mr. Uuohanaii's and Mi . Ibmgias’ pnijaets
for abtfurhlug Mexico! and insisting that ‘ir**at
llritain. on account of the large debts due her
from Mexiuo, ought to be udmitted aa the partner
in the proposed protectorate and dismemberment
of Mexieo.
Additional arrest* of parties hii spec ted of hav
ing been engaged ill the late seditious lilov emeol
had taken place at Heliast, ami also at Kilkenny.
The conspiracy turu-* out to have been more ex
tensive than was at first Mispccled.
The Lundou Times say-that an American in
vention had been taken to Kngland, with a view
to its being disposed of to the British or any oth
er Kuropean government, and which, if it ilm< -
oue half of what the patentee guarantee* can ho
done with it. will makcHneh a change in the mode
of carrying uu a naval war a* will put steamer*
out of ihw question,and render of no avail the
tremendous fort* us Cron-tailt ia* ( herbourg.
The invention is a submarine Ihmi for workiug
under water without air tube*, or any other com
mnmcntion with the surface of the water, and ca
pable ol’ carrying men and a large quantity of ex
plosives. The Autericun and French govern
onent* atvsaid behave dtelincl to have anything
to do with the invention, while the British Adifti
rally wosgiviug it full and prom incut attention.
The Loul-lami Xruator-hlp.
BafoN Rot ux, La.. Jan. 24, 185®.—The de
moeratie member# of the Legislature met iu cau
cus this evaniug, hut made no nomination fur
United State* donator. On the last Imllot Mr.
Ueitjautiu wasdropptal, and Mr. Snn-lidge did not
receive suftcieut votes to give him the nomination.
Outers hare baan reootvfid from \Va*hingtoa for
the friend* of Uoiqatuin and Mr. Saudidagu to
ACnw Lauv’s Onxtox ov iik I**ch\sk
or Uta. American gentleman i play fully I*o
you know, madoiue, that u#xt year 1 shall hav
the pleasure of calling you a follow citiaon of
mine 7
Cuban lady tindlgiiantly)—Never! Was thsre
ever so unprincipled nation ? Because a thing
suits you. you think you haw a right to steal it.
American gentleman —Oh, tt. madam : wo do
not mean to steal il—-we propose to buy it,
Cuban Lady Ha! ha 1 What, you buv Uuha f
Why you caunoi buy your own Mount Vernon
There is a young man in Vermont who
feeds his geese on iron filing*, and gathers steel
pens from their wings.
♦ -
“l wish,” said a beautiful wife to her studious
hushsml “1 wish 1 was a book.” “I wish you
were—an dtessac,” replied her loving lord,
“aad then I would get s now on# story yaar. -
Just thta tha silk malted.
Territorial Hill Mr. Stephemi.
Thu Hou*w Conifttittau ou tarritoric* had u
ins* ting Monday, the 24th iust. Hon. A. 11. Ste
phens nuhwittod the following propoeition, which
will doubtlev. be adopted and raportad to the
House to-wit:
That hereafter no Territory Khali be adniittad
into the tTidou a* • State with a population h***
than the number required by the then ratio of
repruMPMtion for a repretontstive iu Congress,
to bv niictertolntif by eensuH in pursuanoe of law ;
thnf whenever any Territory Khali oonlain -ufli
chmt population to <?oii-tilute a State, a* prescrib
ed in the foregoing aoetiou, the Lcgisluture ol
such Territory in ay proceed to call a convention
for the pttffXHM ol forming oonatitution, and
may take all uecessury -top* for the.estabU*hment
of a State government In ooufonnity with the hjd
aral constitution, iibjeet to -nch limitation- and
icKtricGona a- U#Ure mode and manner of It* Ap
proval or ratification by the people of thl propo*
ud State us they may havc prcueribed by law. and
shiill las entitled to adwi*iou into the Union a*
a State under -ueh con-titution thu- fairly nud
legally made, with of without slavery, as Mvh
c.uwtitution uity proscribe. That for tbo purjo*c
of a-eertaintug whether any Territory curtain* the
populaiion to eon-iitnt* a Stale, a een
so* of the inhabitant- Urereof -bull be taken, uti
derthe ‘liicction of the United State*, upon up
plicatluu being uiaile therefor by tire Logi-baure
of such Territory.
The a t ic to be incorporated aud mad** a par*
>*f the organic law of each of the Territories of
United State-, aftd all law- and part* of law* in
con-i-leut with the act are to be repealed.
Thr toning Wheat C rop.
The Cleveland (Tano.) Bonner -ay* : W r o hear
it grunt deni of complaint among the former*
about tire coming wheal erop. The pronpect now
i* not at all flattering—tire winter thus for has
ireen very mild and the fly ha* injured it eoMiil
crably. __ _
iLgt. The eNpvma- of iho United State- Su
preme Uourt fftr the ln-t five year* exeluaiva of
Judge** salaries, amounted to oita hundred and
twelve Hiou-niid five hundred and nine dollar-, of
which wa- paid the clerk over tweuty-om? ibou
-und dollar*. _ _
Thr Trraxurj htlll Ahoff Par.
From tire foC that a government loan of ton
i, bilious or dollar* wo* taken np at 102, it appear -
that Mr Cobb wan -till command hi- premiunr-
This in all tb more encouraging, taking into tire
estimate the new loon Idll before t ongresu of
twenty übllioßß, an impending treasury note ro
i*-uc of twenty million-, and the thirty uiiUiou*
of l,out!- involve.! in tire new Cuba iwvnmni. T
Wlren flimnereri aiid money lender* huva ftueh
confidence in tire Treasury there eau ire no very
great danger of federal bankruptcy or ropudm
W uunMSM. Jan. s
The proceeding- iu both huu-oe ot t’ougrwaayc* i
tor •lay wtra highly iutere*tiug. Tlrefommitteea ol i
both Hoa-eeon f••reign rvkatioM rep.iried in favor ,
of appropriating s3t),(HM>,oflfl to facilitate the nr -j
gotiatioiiM with Spain Ibr the pureba-c of Cuba. j
A long debate ensued iu the itou-c upon tire
Consular and diplomatic bill. Mr. Crawford of j
Giijrgia movad to strike out of lire hill the appro
priation to the loroign ndabtaHi—a vote, hire yet j
been taken—
The Indiana bogus Senator- have Ireen refused ,
iidiuiMuncc on the Senate floor. Ihe Fneifte Hail
Hoad hill will Imj doteated.
The “Georgia and Alabama claim hill” ha- bccu
defuatud iu the U-ureo. Mr. Stephen* with nil
hi- parliamentary tact could not |a— it. Ho ‘
uigdu a capital -pooch in favor of the claim.
The House Comwitfo of Way* and Mean* are
ui favor ol iai*ing the lariff -Me-srx. J>*wdeH ol (
Alabama and Crawfonl of Georgia, hoOi mem ‘
her- of tire c-.uludUee, oppose tire advaaec ou
•Julies. { ■ ’
WasHixuTeg. Jan. 24. j
The oorre*pundeiiOß hut ween Seualm * Houghre
und Fit ah will be yorblialred iu ihu fit ion of to- ;
morrow. It appear* Mr. llougta* called ou Mr. j
Filch to withdraw the offensive language iiwl to
ward- him in the debate on Friday, when the
Senate was Iu -ecret -e-sdou. Mr. Filch replies
without withdrawing the ufleusive remark*, but
saying that Mr. liougUs ha* expUhtad -atretac-
I torily U* him in regard to the statement that hi*
< Pitch’-) -on wax (huktornetl In tho liimoi- op
j. The •ou.-oiid uota ui’ Mr. L'ouglu*
affirm* what he had -aid in tho Seonte. nnd Al
ford* Mr. Fitch another opportunity to withdraw.
In hi-reply Mr. Fitch withdraw* the offvnwvw
language busud on wind he assume* to ho Mi.
Douglas explanation.
Thi- withdrawal Mr. T>ngla- accept-, relating ,
that he bad -aid nothing in hi* curfu-poudene*
which he liii<l not wiki in tho Sonata. To thi*
itato Mr. Fitch vapUea, hut report doe- not -Uto
the -uhsiaiiec of hi- note. The probability 1- that
the entire matter end- with thin eorreapoudouee,
I an there appears to be no ground.* fur fugftber
i priHurediug*. Me—r-. Pryor and liawkius woro
the friend* o# Mr- Hougla*. nud Mr. Benjamin
the friend of Mr. Fitah. The fHwJ* of Mr
li,.itgla- assurt th*t he will fight through hi* pnm
vut difficulties U’ neco—nry.
Senator Davis i under-tootl to have voluntary
ap(dogi*ed to both Mr. Douglas and Mr. Fitah
for hi-hivr-li remark* shortly alter Friday’- oe
i currouee.
The Senate went into Executive session, and
i roh'rrrel a number of appointment- -out to the
Senate to-day by the Pivsiuent. Tire ooiiflruia
I’ tion of Mr. Potter, which gave rtoe to the debate
ou Friday, wire postponed. Mr. Ward, Minister
o China, wa* confirmed.
The Arqubditon of t üba.
The bill rrjiorted by Mr. Branch, from the fom 1
mittce on Foreign Affair#, proposes to appropriate J
thirty millions of dollars to unable tho Pres Want |
to conclude with Spain a treaty of amity, and for 1
the Hetflement of all difficulties with her, inclu
ding the cession of the islund of Cuba. It also !
authoritu* the President, if he shall see fit, to ad -i
\aiu.* this sum in advance of the ratification of j
the treaty.
The majority say in tlieir report that they hope |
that circumstances may never occur rendering it i
incumbent on the United Hates, under lire impel j
alive and overruling law of self preservation, t” j
take possession of the island without the concur
rence- of f*pwin; hut if they should, suinnmry
measures could lie much more easily justified if
wc are prepared t<> show that we have exhausted
all honor#ldo negotiation# in attempts to avert the
necessity, aud h;ul offered to Spain an equivalent
in exchange for it, a# such an offer mirht be ne
: cessurv to the complete vindication of thi* govern
msnt hereaftor. We ought not to b# deterr. and
frem making B hy auy supposed unwilUngiie*#
on the part of SpAin to accent it, or evvu to eu
tertuin It in an amicable spirit.
Large l otion t rop.
Mr. Joseph Bond, a planter of Baker county.
1 Gcoiqria, ould hi* cotton crop, a
few day# since. ciu#iHtiiig of 2,200 bate*, to Mr.
T H Bloom of Macon, for the sum of oar hundred
dollar#. Thi# is, perhaps, the largest
erepof eotton ever made in Gevirgia. The soil of
the South-Western section af the State i? well
adapted fur it# growth : tuauy fanner# making
nine and ten bag? to the hand.
8a n Acciukxt ix M acon.—We regret U* learn
from our Macon exchange*, that little Mary
Marsh wa# severely burned, while acting on the
stage in that city on Wednesday night. Thu ac
eideut oocured hy the child coming too near the
foot-light#. Mary died in about 34 hours after
getting burned. She wo# a sweet little girl of
about uiue years. We believe this company
wore toexhibtt iu Columbus next week, but thi*
very painful accident may deter thorn from so
Prices of Nkukoks in Cuarlmston.—The
Meremry us Wednesday notices the following sale?
of negroes bold a fellow, nineteen years old, for
sl,llO, and hi- mother, thirty-eight year* old, for
$425. Avery prime gang of rice field and long
cotton negro**, -old ut an average of S7OO each
■l-o, a hoirte boy, twelve year* old, for $705.
Mr. K M Mar-ball sold a family yf-U twrvaou
at an average of SWS each.
Pkath or Ilinnaoso*—We regret to an
nounoe the le-th of thl* old and well known clti
-on of Columbua, which took place at hi- reni
denco on Wcdne-day evening. Mr. B. wa-ad
mired for his strict integrity in all the W-inea*
transact ion- of life. He ha* for several year- hold
the otticoof county Trea-urer, and ha- tilted the
same with honor to himself and credit to tire
county. Thu- arc we again remimled, that u<>
degree of merit, however enuoldiug. con exempt
poor humanity from the common doogi.
••Tire boast rhpraklly. U”- poinjp of power,
All that Ireaui), all that w.-altli e’er gave.
Await alike the luetdutble hour.
Tim p*Ui* of gfor) lead but n Hit grave..
Hcnatar IvrfMJß.
Thi- gentleman by hi- bold and manly speech
ou the Pacific Hailroad Bill, ha* revived tire droo
ping spirit o! the Mouth. He will, a* a matter of
courite, receive a due portion of censure from
those who admire the oomreriaGam of Hammond,
and the of Douglas—from
those who maintain that * r tnc South is on rifting
ground, and-that the Union i- the pnrumount
political good.” The Republreans too, have a
keen appreciation of tho value ol tin: 1 uiou,
heeauM they have managed to aoemits a
monopoly of Its licireflt*, and werrj foully hoping
lo obtain iede ma-tory of that gigantic enterprise,
the Pociflii Railroad—they,too. will reiterate llreir
formularius of abase upon tire man, who-aw, ex
pi.sed. and very proboblw defeated their -etflfth
aim*. Mr. Iverson opposed tire l>ol because it
was a Northern measure, and it- benefit- would
iuaipl> accrue to that -action, la view of the ox
istmg relations between the North and the
South, ihe probability of a Black Republican tri
uin pit in .the Presidential election, and the on
•eqireat di-soluti.m of the Uniou, he wan p)Mj*e<t
to any inea-ure calculated lo weaken usau* give
additional strength our enemies. If wc grant
a road lo tire North, he waitaiidcd.tbeu w-. should
have one for the Sooth- llu would have equality
in the l nion. or foiling in that, he would go out
of the 1 nion. He would not consent to make
terms with, or cringe Irefore the power of the
North, though it be tire doiiimaul section.
Senator Iverson is not u, di*uuioui*t, but boldly
and fearlc—ly aanmince- the only wndituare up
on which tire Union can exist. For thi- he i*
condemned by Xoftham Journal*, and by notne,
we regret to *tata. even at thd Mouth. A nwrgo
pondent of a Nortirern -ays: “tire g-wk
i most earnestly cotuh-mned by many SouUhth
K-MlmuM, a* not In accordance with H.nittien.
-unliiuout, and as caleulatad to provoke a violent
retort from the North,”
Thi* may be true, but il is to such men us Ire
that the SohUi will turn in the hour of danger,
for eoun-ul and help. “Violent rutort*” will nev
er impair lh ounfldent® of the peoplo in out who
dare- to sp<!uk the truth, and awaken hi- country
men of the South to a sense of their true position
in the Union, and the necessity or making more
deohrive offort for e.piality in that Inion, or in
du|Hiudeuc out of it.— Tmokojnm Jh m-trrut.
Hun. Jamea V (tonflcU.
If on Janie F. Dowdell, of Alabama, bus writ
ten a letter to Ilia constituency. declining a re
ehg-tiou to Omgres*. A pulishd -eholar. a pt> r
feet gontlemoii, and an uneoutpromising fTund
of tire rioulh, hi* alreence from the halls ol (’on
gre* will be a loss uot only to hi* vonstitUruta,
but to the country#—Jtb# Ifonnmr.
ttoii. Vt art lii J. trau ford.
i We would |m- k a word to foo-e who are dis-
I jjosc.l to charge this geutfvlmin with haling dis
! regarded Ibr- interest- of this portion of hi* dia
! trict. Have any of you ever applied in vaiti to
the “Hon. Martin J. Crawford for a.**i*taoeo in any
Coiigru-nioitai in-tter’ On the contrary hire Irt*
not alwa>N evinced a disposition to comply with
your riMfiu st, to theuxtaut of hi- power, and ill
! almost every in-tanco succeeded in obtainiu-r
what you desired* >\’e, ar* 1 satisfied you could
uot-ay Ire had not. What, then, is the burden ./f
your • oiapfoint? I* it that Ire is is not more ao
iicitou* of your welfare than you ru yoncaelve*;
! th-t be has not done what ho wa* not rctpre-U-.J
to do, and what his Ignorance of loculi fie* re
wl hint incapable of doing? And if this i* the ;
the groiuid and yuur complaiut, gre you not doing
him great Iftjo'tive thereby, -ml ixM|uiriug of him
that which i not pos-lMe for any lmumn being
to nerfiirm?
The injustice likely to result to thi* wet ion
of Judge f’rawford * Dretriet by loUmg out iitatl
eoutracU toßellvire, instead of Dainbridge re on
ing aofoly to the iodifferrtnoeofour |*;ople to their
own interests. It is not rat too late to enlist the
, mfluenee ot Judge Grawiunl to Jpreront thU
w rung, and if we continue U> bu iuaetivu and in
different in the matlur r and the Bellevue euutraet
lot out, to the excfohi.m of Baitibridge, ourselves
aud mti Judge Crawford.-will merit the blauic.
Wa should luuieuiher that no n-prcsentatii e
■ tlmt could possibly Ire able to know the want*of
| every portion of hi District without h.- wa* iu
formed by tin* parties in interred what those wants
were, and it Judge Crawford has failed to .h> an
impossible thing, wc can't -u thu {>r<]4iiety of
finding fault with him for it. Our belief i* that
the Hupretrentative 4<J tins District in eoiiackm
tiou.*, high louctl. IcuoraMu aud cflicieut, and
who could not be induced, by self intore-t or j
the interest ms any person, persons'r loritfdy. to j
and. what h believed to be wrong. S.*me people
can uni be sgtisfred with any thiug or anybody, biit
arv always on tire aleit lo huut up -onreiiitug of
which ft. cmplain. Btfl our motto is, “lot. ju*
tiee be done though the heavens foil.’'urn! we are
sutrefiet! ‘udge Cvawford does uot a-k more than
this—he should uot expect le—.. — Mm,inkrid*f* Ar-
IThe Organi/AiloN of thr next Hoove
The Washington eorreapondeut of the Rich
mond Knqumer. any*: that there is eon-id*-rabiu
talk already about the organisntiou of the next
Honso of Congres-. There ore two caudi'late*
tbr Speaker from Ohio - Thoma* Corjsio an<i Mr.
.Sheriuaii. Washbiirno, of Maim*, i- an aspirant,
and his brother from Illinois is also looking that
way. Grow, of Pennsylvania, is a i*ndidate.
If a republican cannot bo chuson, some **uihein
American, of the Bell and Criltendeu .-ehool, will
W taken up. Mr. Phelps, of Missouri, is at pre
must the m<ai prominent democratic candidate for
that ofliuu. Cuiubovk, late momber of Congress
from the Penrborn Uistriet, Incuiuu, is alreudv iu
the Held for the t’lerkship. Southern American*
claim that they writl certainly hold the balance of
power in the next Jlotuc. If a Northern Repub
lican is elected Speaker it is thought it will be Mr.
Corwin, as he *• betwixt and betwvoo on the vx
ni slavery question, and can therefetv bettercou
cent rate the opposition vote.
Trial Trip of the H loans steamer
The Baltimore paper* stnto that the new steam
ship inveuteil by the Messrs WinM* has made a
IWWnfri trial trip ddwlt the pHtapsco. M'ith u
pressure of about Hfty six pound* of steam to
the square inch, about half the capacity of the
engine, a -peed of twelve miles an hour was ob
tained. Tue poiut* of the ho* and stern barely
touched the water, ami the oven progress of the
vessel canned mi commotion of the waves, but left
a smooth wake like a grove. The ventilation be
low decks wo* perfectly preserved dunug the run
uing of the maebiuery <iu<l at no time did the
thermometer rise above >j° Fahrenheit.
Our reader.- will, pcrha|>. rciueinta r that this
steamship is a novelty in mechanics, iu
raapente. In sha|>e it re-emhh-* two cones put to
gi tliei at the larger end, or, to ue a more famil
iar illustration, it is like an immense well rounded
and sharp-pointed cigar. It ha* uu deuk, uy
masts, no bulwark*, and is, in ftiet. all surface.
It is supposed that the adoption of this form will
quicken the speed, prevent the shipfiing of sens
and the danger t cupsi/iug, and give greasier fn
oility of inoveuieut iti rough weather. The pro
pelling wheel, which J* a compound us the paddle
and the screw, iiilrivn by four disHm-t engines,
supplied with *teaiu by two separate boiler* situ
ated in different end* us tln> \o*cl. Two yf the
four engine* are -<*upled <*n to., no end of the pro
pelling shaft, and two of them n the other, so
that one or more of the ougine* can be detached
without interfering with the workiug of the oth
er*. The arrangement i* such that if the crank
piu or journal of the shaft should give way on
one end, tlie vessel can he pro;died vrßh good es
IVet by the engines which g*ar on the *ther cud.
The profiling wkaal is better shielded fYom in
jury than eillnr the ordinary *crew-propeller or
the side paddle-wheel, and ia, fYvmi it* make, les*
liable to datnngi*. Furnished, at the •onie time,
with a rudder at each end, it will go backwards or
forward* with equal ease.
Ken trout ikr Fialuv.
St. Lon*. Jan. 24, lt*,W.—The Sanla Fc mail
of the otk iust, re.-ulioil Independence yesterday,
l'cucc hud been concluded with tin* Navajo In
dians. The Neosho mail party arrived at Santa
Fc oa the Si. They were detained hy the slow
movement* of Lieut. Beale* party, in whose
company they traveled. They saw no Indians,
but signs of their vicinity were risible every day.
Thestruugth of the company was doubtless the
only t;un*uu of their not being attacked. No
Santa Fu newspapers have been received.
/fWrt*. Jnuuory 53.— I Twentv-live ballot* have
been taken in the I,eglutiirc for a Sujifttor to
succeed Mr. licnjamin. Mr. Sandidgi* load*—
Bwiyiunln stands next. Both of these gentlemen
have telegraphed from Washington to their
friends that, alter another ballot, the hindmost
candidate shall be dropped, the object Wing to
dlat outside candidate*.
cousin*, SOMIAt, JA4IAKI 41. SS#l.
Gaffiprc**—Farlflr Railroad, tcit.
Tho present uemtionof Cougre— , though a-hort )
on, has had for iUcousidei-tiun questien--J tin;
gravest moment. The Pacific Railroad untorpn"’
the purchase of Cuba; the ruising of the tarifi.
are all subject- which interest the public pind.
Mr. JBuchanan,wbelieve,woa thu fir-t democrat to
-ctjforth the opinion that a Railway to.the Fupiflr
was necessary os a menus of “uutional deletise j
—declaring iu hi* letter of the 17th September.
1 HJti, that Cougre-a po—e-suxl the -auv* yrewer t<f ‘
■take appropriations fur tbc cnn-lructijn el this
road, that, it bad to “erect foruiicanotre at the
mouth of tho harbor of San Fraiiei-co.” Mr. kill,
more in hie aumntl ‘ne—age to OongreM in iX5d, j
also favored thi- enkrprise, aud ruitarated his
views in a latter ilated at Buffalo iu August in
ls6fl. A- a dutnocraUt; doctrine, wo opposed the ;
building of u rood to the Faeifie, when Mr. Hue* j
liauaii's letter find ma*le il- appearanee. We took
i-siw then with tha Fresideut, whom we had con- \
rributod an humble j*art to etoet: yre ar equally |
all hontibi to the ureosurc 10-day. andeejorere over
its defeat, os amißuneed ly the talegraphie dia- i
patches, iu the .Senate of the United ritauw.
We coiileas we have read aide argmnent* from
distinguished democrats —-Uon. J*tfer.*oii Du .a j
and Others—going to prove the eon-tic'.luiudMy ■
of thi* muasure, but are -till unr-mviiierei aud
regard the apjiropriatiou for .-tteh a purpose an
assumption of power umaithoriavd by the Cm- I
■Fitatien. In this wc may be inistakan, but are |
content t* have u suft; liue of precedent- on *ur ,
Mr. Madison vetoed a bill to “faeilitota erm- 1
merce among tbe .States and to render [more easy
and less expensive the nreaus aud ‘provisions of
the common defence.”
“Mr. Monroe, also, iu 1813, vetoed a bill, pro* *
vidiug for the “preservation and repair of Ihe
Cumberland road,” and -eut a message to Cun*
gres-—whieh wn* justly regarded as Gre very
text bo<jk of the Htnti;* Rights
pletely deinolisiriug the argument that the au
thority to boiltJ roads by ihegoviiiuueui, was de
rived from the power giw in tlreoim-u lift ion, to
declare war and ”r|il invasions.”
Geu. .hu kson, again, iu his eekrhraied Mays
v ills* veto, iiimouuccd the tru d<*ctm that the
Geireral (iovenuueut had ire right to engage in
works ol iuternai improv cm ut.
We repeat, we rejoicuiiver the defeat of thi*
stupendous enterprise, and this unwarrantable
exercise of 'oonoti tut tonal power.
For the same reason, wo heartily approve of
tbe motion of the Jiuu. Jamkh F. BaWMU, to
strikeout of the l%lwuti and Consular WII
the appropriation lo support and educate Hie
Kcko’i Afrtaana returned to Uibcria. Whatever
iu ay Ire the power of tj'agrvpo to execute tbe
law*, it is -nrcly uu unw arrsnitable of au
thority to giveaway $75.061 or $ l bW, 00(1 ou ac
count of a sickly ■atitiuicntolity for the poor Afri
can after he is dulketod to ..tho Gevcrnoreiit
| agents.
But to return t’roui this digrcMtion. The ue
1 ee stty of strict con*traeti.,n of Tb*- Cotitu
| lion at this lime, wh.-re lire abolttoni.*ts would lay
. their -icriligious hand* upon U, c-niurt be roo
| apparent t< Southern fw*t It be Watch
ed with ail tb uAieloa- vigilance, a • did the
V estal Virgin- tlie fire of Vest*.
Wc shall, perhaps, again allude to this subje-f,
wheu our spftcc will permit.
Seuator Douglas
Thore are variou* eoiiflicting opinion* afloat a*
tn the preiMilt nnd future partisan pusiti-n of
Mr. T>ongl*. Some pe**pb.- -ay that after that
■ terrible out break of the I Bin*.is Renat riu exec
utive Ke—ion ou Friday lost. Again*! ihe Illinois
af4|4oUitureiiUi of Mr. Bucbairan. there i* no hope
of b treaty of peace Muwii thl* Senator and thu
odtnin ist ration, and no huj*. of even a >lßftfMry
Hun. John h. Hard.
Gen. Ward, of Go.. <hii minister te. CWtis, has
boeu in thio-aity for scr*ral days punt receiving
Iti* instructions. He lesvci on the next trip of
the Arag", about the Ist, proximo. The l* ref idem
ha* clothed him with a wide ranoc of
ry power, looking mainly to a further opening np
of the trade *f China to our pcopl. i ij tlm laic
treaty the American minister is allowed a rc*L
deuce at I'ekiu. and Immediate cominnniention
with the Kmperor. Gw#. War<l. hopes to secure
m<>*t )il>eral advantage.- to our commeicc. Al
ready hy the recent negotiation, it stands liwrr
lav arable footing than that of any other nation.
Had( uijt'i* Stu
Krmo I tab Krlgham loung i oniumart.ius.
The .Sun Francisco Bulletin has l rqji dates to
Xuv. 211.
Huy.- the Bulletin <*nrrespondent:
“l'hiae mtsueeesnful Hiteiupt- were rceentlv
m*do hy Mar-hal Hotaon and his deputies to
•erve a subpeena upon Brigham Youug, requiring
hi? attendance before the cuui t us a witnes*. The
lirst time the Marshal went to the house, he was
told that Brigham was not at home; hut the sec
ond and third thnes, the gate* in the high stone
wall which aarraunds Brigham * house were shut
in hi* lace, and he wa* positively denied admit
tarns*, although be stated hi* hu*im-* and de
manded admittance In the name of the I'nited
State*. It will now be necessary fur the court to
• *sue itu attachment requiring the Mar-hal to take
iCrigham’* body, and Compel his attendance be-
I fotc the cotin ; and if h still refuses to allow Ihe
Mar-bui t>> approach hiui, it will liacoine wetiki
rjr to call upon the army for assistance.’*
Hon. U. J. ( rawlord
We safer nur reader* to tha remarks of this
guntleinnn in another column d*li\ereil in the
House of Representatives, lli* motion to strike
out of the appropriation UHi the appropriation to
various officer-* was earritol notwithstuiMling the
i oppoMßinn <>f Mr. Phelps, chairman of the Way*
and Means Committee. Rt'treuehmuiii and
omy in expenditures should bn the motto of good
following Is said to be an excellent
recipe for cleaning silk; Bare three Irish pota
toes into thiu slice* and wash them well. Four
i >n them half a pint of boiling water, and let H
stantl fill cold. Htrain the water and add t** it an
! equal quantity of alcohol. Sponge U* *lk •
’ the right side, and when half dry, iron it nn the
wrong side. The most delicate colored sifts may
W eteam'd by this pracevs which is equally ap
plicahlv to doth, velvet ot crape.
Kala ! lUin !
Sat unlay was n rainy .lay In C.lqinluis. The
|tre*la were umixiaHv uiwd ly aud tin. < roasiug.-
wtru hal for ]H*da*triau*.
No accident, however, to the Hail Bond* and
uo danger anticipated.
| TR A tint. —Tonight the talent ml Company
, under tire management of Mr. Crisp, make- M
| lirst appeaianoaiu <ur < ity. with a highly intwr
; csiing programme ••Mattctt Ajrr ol Vrmi k” and
I “l.Anv ox tju: Lakk.” Mr. Crisp L* *o wdl
J ku*wii_ in thi* city, and hi* reputation a* a fbc-
I atru al manager and eWver gentleman, lii fully
1 umleretHai and oppreciatiHl, a* U reqairv* no coia
meot from u*. The pres of‘be cilve? where ha
has vacantly jierfonucd. iqwak in the highest
terms of hi- present cor|**. .
No fh.t* Mahsu\ Jar an.—N’o single n.mwa
arc allowed in Jti|iun. Kvery man is alh>wd
one legaT wife, and a? man\ toward wive* a* his
moan? will allow him te ‘support. Thu second
wive? are selected by law from the poorer (lasso*
of society, whose relative* are Unable to mftintaiu
them, and thechildren are all adopted by the legal
wifi*, who i* the only acknowledged mother.
The old rule is therefore reversed in Japan, whore,
instead nf a hoy not knowing hi* own father, hun
dred? and not know their own mothers.—
Catroi.icikm i> thr Cxitru Hr The
Metro |mßtun •’ududiu Almunae. for IHdV, states
that in IkfiH there were in the United States 2 |
bishops. ti.*t priest*, aud Sti churches, . church
edifice*. Ten years inter there were 10\ixhops, •
2-12 priest?, and 230 churches. At the close of I
the next ducads there were 17 bishop*. 4'2 priests,
lad churches. In l4h. thsre were 27 bitbopa,
SkU priests, 907 churches. At the present time
there are 45 bishops, 2,108 priests, 2.334 churches.
The sompilers of the Almaii* refrain from esti
mating the Catholic population of tbe United
States, on account of tire • intrinsic difficulties”
which the subject prenent-; but au e-tiinale of
dith member* to c.n h ebarefc would give 887.200
at* the Uatholi*! population of the tpiied States.
Tbr Border Tro.iblm In Runna.*.
Lra?kn worth, Jan. 2.6, 1850.
The 7VW publisiicnt letter giving an aooount
of a conflict bokWeen a party ut men under (’apt.
Brown and a posse’ under tht Deputy 1 uttftd
States Marahal, near i'aolh l.ickens county. Five
of Captain Btown’s party and the JtafcjyLg Mai
shal and two of hi- akilftfardM are reported to have
lieen killed. The account i- not *ouc.hi*d for,
and is probably exaggerated. Tbe friends of
Captain Brown assort that he Is not Ju the Ter
A second attempt, resulting 1 > -ucce—, was
made to rescue the alleged In itiva barley, alius
i Peter Fisher, last night. T’ e and of of ihe room
[ in which he wa- confined was ut down, aud he
wa* taken out; the res< uhlg party Umv ing the
; city with him as quit- I j a possible. The ex
citement wa* high in ega l to tire matter, find a
J party ha- gonu iu pumuit of tire nejyro and hi
i r sutler*.
( on gre** lon a l
W.vshinutox, Jfitr.
In tire Fonato to duv, Mr. fltrfr, of ralifornia,
gave notice ol a motion fit re< n*ider thu Psreific
railway bilL
In the Hortw, Mr. .HmPHRxs, of Georgia, In
troduced bills establishing Tonitoriol govern
meut- over Arisou i, lucut-.ih and Wfcwoi. The
lost Mflxhnwei the Ftatto treniftry.
itcmarkß J, frawlord of Ua Deilvmtl
In the House of Repusimtatlve- - on Kxprufldure*.
Mr. Phelpo. W’ Mi-'turi. I apjwal to the com
mittee to proceed willi the bill, und let tire de-
bate bo coaimed to the subjeet-mattor ol tho
, amendment pending.
Mr. rimith, of Virginia. I withdraw ray amend
. luent.
Mr. Crawford. 1 move to-trike out. in line
1 seventy nine, the words “reie hnndrt*d,” and
insert “-evenly^-oue.” so that the elHiixe will
i read:
’ For uompeireatiuß of the eotmuhi-ioncr. seeiw
! I ary, chief adronoiner and surveyor. ofkiH-ot as
tronomer and surveyor, clerk, and fur prov itkrnu,
’ irausportation, and (.ommgencic-of ibe c.inimis
| siuh to run and mark the boundary line but ween
| tire United StiUe* aud the British posis-sisiouH
; bounding ini Waehmcton Territory, ?7l,*fidi.
i 1 find, hy rohrriug to the act of 188(11, which
; piovi.k- for the carrying of thi* truatv into f
---i foci, I rial the-alary of tbe oouMftDrreiwr wa-fixed
| at s;..**oo a year: tire sntnrv of the sccretAry,
j *2,fiWU j ol the chief astr .iiouifr and *ttfveypr #
j Xkl.ftUtt; the assistant aaiiMiionrer and -urvvyor,
; and tire salary of the clerk, Sl,2ftt. Those
.ire all the ..fficcr treated by that net, and the
amount of tho salary af cauh i* *).eciited am tire
mount 1 have slated. If the House desire* to
undiTKiHiid exactly the number of officers and
persons actually employed initial wrviec, hr turn
ing to Miscellaneous Docuiumit No. >. whk-h oe
conip.viiie.- thi* bill, they Will there find the
. uiat-tur discloiwd.
The law provided for bat nix wr eight officer.- to
run this lino. Beanies those, there art employed
: an M.-iot-iil uftii computer ut $125 a month : u
j recorder and ureiuondogisi, ut .*1.24*0 a year; aud
an murpreter ut *d,2(Hi. There arc tw.. ust.#-
I'.gical. and reeounoit:mg par tie a at $17,5('f1;
there ure an assistant ge. bgj*i, a v iirg-*-<.n. und
ii.ilun.list, at s2.hhu, then* are a .inartermu-tar
j and as-isUiol .|inuicriii.*ter, aft (s#,#&• ; fher-’ iuv
eighty p. rous umpinvd at suvoniy-ftve a
iy, who cusi. lire twniui-l ; then
Inert* ia a by Uograpuu-al party, which co-t* the
<ivvruaifi4l S'K.ftUU ; and Ure hire and snbhi.-trnce
|of Indians, repair*, and niouunieut *, tWftt tho-liov
ernnu ut 3>l
J Now. sir. the la ato a limb J to* re referred pro
j videl only for the officer.* lint* 1 firstmentioned,
raijd fixed their coiu|Rni* iiK>n at theratv* I stated.
! In that law of l w .ifi, tin- sum ui sII.IMH* was pro
v idet f-r tin# pay of the ufffcvcftt and, iu addition
j thereto, the *uin -J was provided, in 1 , -j7,
■n> run this boundary litre. And ro w. in this ap
. pv -pri.vtioii biU lor Jaftft. w# ari* a-kd to ap]>n.- i
priote (h(t -um us {‘lhll.UWU to eopleta thi* *wr
vuy. Now, task any gentleuiMii to show me the j
; law under (he authority tis which (hi* immense j
uumber of viffiues ha* ire* n crenled. There wa* j
no-ueh authority in lire art ol ISjft. If. there i
fore, tire House desire*, in gmd cnrnist. t*. atrike ‘
• .if the expenditures ‘W Uw tsovui ltmeut, 1 ask thcin ‘
to strike ut these office-, which arc ant nnthorl/.ed |
J l>y tho law of ls.ib, and u> Icnvw tbosc officer* j
whose appujuUireul wa* untborized by that act to
, receive ilk amount which un r are entitled mi
j iler i.
1 tired, also, hai li*ey have aft .-istronomicnl pm
ty. whieh floret* the (iuveriHuent u year, in
addition to those I have already named.
l Here Ue hU)III or fell. I
Mr. f'hefjtrt. of MixstMri. I uui <qqo*cd K< the
1 amendment off red hy my friend fnnu Georgia.
1 The estimate -nbniitb.l to u* of the aiinmut ne
| fitfsuary to enable liii> line to W mu wa*
for the er.*iing fiscal year. Thu Committee of
1 Wat? iUi:f Ale.,ii? rce iuuileml that but tldM.Otlt)
! diall be appropriated 1W that purpo-o. ibu* redu*
1 eiug the estimah’ of tfls couiiMinsuoiier who repre
sent* ywr Govvruuicnl, alel o- now tmgHgod Uj the
1 survey f this w-.jk, thirty-fhrvo an<i one third p r
* cent. The ausiunt of the nalario* pixm rtlwd by
1 tli act ->f ?Tl,fK)o, mi l *f the utn ruewtn
| mended by the Coflauiittue and Way* and Me.uis
•diall he appropriated, that will have for
; the purjip-e of snltsisling iht* pinMcv engaged in
thi- work rinii their uouteiuun Mnpiuywr*. if they
; ware emjpl(yed m uu inhabited eonffay, or in a
eountry where Qte surv eying par tie* aoutd W ke|
iu the field trine mouth* out ot the twelve, a*uud
1 lor sum than we have rocotniuondod would, iu ury
j opinion, suffice ; hut you muat rotroilecl that it i*
the Mite of latitude 49, abmg Uio Hoeky Moun
tain# to I’uget Sound, which i* be surveyed.
There is a ueevs>itv for these a-iionoimcal }>ar
I t+SH, heegnsfi that line is a line of latitude, and
there i- more difficulty in running that line than
there i- in runaiqg a meridiuu line. Frequent a*-
| tronouiiml obaorvatiou* ha\ to he mode, tor ikore
j is a to®deucy of the liuv to diverge from the trfte
. lino. Th eimtmissioner give* a* a r<**ou why
j hi* estimates are flint) they were for the
preceding yea-, that the service* to he performed
i hy his employes arc in the ui ighhorhootl of the
Fraser river gold iliggipg#, and that iu coueequen'-e
■ “f the recent dfoeovery of gold u(mq that river, he
will he e.m|gdlcd to pay higher wage* U ike men
lie may employ, and higher price* for tho* aru
, els* Ghieh may be necessary for hi.- party.
In consotpieUee of the depressed condition of
j the Tre*ury, the Govarutnesit deUviuimwi to its
i ‘''U*** th<* ex pandit me* of the e-amunatiou to ah-#’
uupuHrent scale, and to employ uo more perann#
ttiiMi were ab*..lately becessitry. The estlbmto*
are: fbr astronoihleal pnrposo*. 7.520; fur uur
vgytnf purpoiwwt 423,240 : for laborer.-, who are
employed at furry dollars prr mouth, twuuiy two
■in uumlcr. #l. sis. Iu thtm e*timales the sub
1 srsteme of fh<‘ portias must be taken into ooneid
erati- n. The country through which they are to
i p*** i*. for the most part, broken or luoiiutainowa;
there are uo rood? lending iup it, and the provis
ions and •mppHe? for toe subsistence of the par
ties hare to he earned frotu many mile* diatiuit
j upon the hack? <>f mule? and horse* ; and bswe
the ncce-sity nf tiie pure ha-e of supply antutal*
! for that Tmrpojje.
[Here <he hammer fell.]
, Barksdale, t ile.-ire to offer an additional
section u* the bill.
The Chairman. It i* not now in order.
Mr. Crnwt rd. 1 move to amend by reducing
the amount
Mr. N’iehob-. Tim gendemnn has nßendy Hit
. auiriidment pejMiiiig. it, a u>t ui order t . move I
J to atneud his MW*, aiueuduiem,
Mr. K its. To enable iliu g*'i>ib-m*n from ,
; Cm.rgiu to mkwit hi? remarks. I inure t.. reduce
the appropriation Xk>iMk
Mr. ( rasl’ itk 5 Mr, Ciiairiunu, the object-
I bare in view ir moving tuy amendment. \
; “ally, was stmply to get the matter before the I
Huu, so that We eonbt have n \dfo ofaiSTl. [ ‘
aiu very indifferent myself with regard to what
, c-mrs'c the House .-halt take with regard b*H> £-trll I
I ** they desire to ruduee tho ex|(vue* of the Gov
ornment, I intend to gfive them nu qqortunitv -
- ju** at a point where they emu do so With pwrfeet
The twffof lififi ft mine rah* specifically ibcof
i floor# wti<> may he appoinled on this expedition.
It ?ay? there mqy b app-iigtcd by the Pre-Hem.
i b\ and with the nd, tee and i uii-ent ol the ■'tenale.
. .• eomtntMironer. a cUiefa-uoiiumer, a eurveyer i
and then it enumerate- the inferior officer# wire
nmy he appointed, *tt* ha# :wei*tnt a-iroriuim r.
as#i*tanf -nrwyor*. clerks, scereiarie*. Ac. But.
I tn addlttob to those which One Urn aurimiixc* to
: ”• appointed, I *aethey have gut a re<H*rdcr and
, mete >rr>logi#t. H here i# the Aitthmity for that ‘(
[ They have gut uu Uilevppsfer. at u salary ol Ai,-
[ “ h, * fe the law of the Uud for that ? -
‘hen they UnvtvgMt a.-trologieul and ri7Couu>>itar
ing pAi>. r H#k the chair iuwu of the Uouimit
tce nt W ay* nml Mean# for what auth<ivitv in the -
law of f <,r these parvjo#, at sewt us fl 7 2<’
l*er year. Accompanying thv surveying partv te
a topographer, at a *alnr> 0f41,J00 a year. No
topographer is mentioned in the act o£ lKafi.—
Then there Is a geologist and assistant gaotefftet,
at sl,siH a year. I a*k the chairman of the
Uommittee of Ways and Mean# where is theini
tbority f*r the appointment ir a gwdogist in tlie
act of There i? a sergeyn and a naturalist,
at a salary a year. Where it the au
thority f*r the appointment of a ?urga#i uml
naturalist f Then there is a hydrographical par
ty. at $9,000 for three month*. Where i# the au
thority fbr that 7 Here is the hire of Indian*, re
pairs, monument, Ac., $4,902,
Now, Mr. Chairman, the only expense* which’
were autborired to he incurred were the *alar*e# of
the officer*. BFI.OOO, and then add other expom
es of $6,000. which was the umount appropriated
by the act ot 1856, and you. have $71,00(1. which
is all that ought to he appropriated, the amount
asked for in these fotiniatM being $150,000. J a .j. I
- duoi-ion on uiy aimuidniunt. and I will , , ]
trouble tbe couiniiUee with further disuus*ioi, , t I
reference to it.
Mr. Kcilt. by unajrimoua consurit, withdrew h I
Mr. ( raw ford’* anicudnicfit ware then agree! : . I
The IU turned Afrknn* iungre**
Mr. In.w ddl. of Alui-ma. moved iDmi the ; I
lowing -nction be stricken out
“Ty unable the PrefiWhmt of The Unite.] I
to carry into effect (he mt of (’ongrt*>> „j ( I
March. cigJilccu huudicd aud niuctvvn. uml I
iMibire*|nciit act* now in fi rec for tbe suppri s.j,l
of the slave traib*, iwvuilj h"’ fopo-and ii.,|j,,,.’ I
HrpfoiiiidL That ku much of -aid Hiprupriaiu . j
mav irei rc.|dirc(l i jwy cxpcn-es already n I
rd may Ire used from foul after rite ]—*£<. ~ I
thi* ac(.”
Mr. J.'owdull tot id he dil not think the I
was rigidly pia<H*l in thi* bill. It certain I \
not culirvd.v authorisid by law, and be p,-'.i,
ugainut ihiv Bpfirof.rintton of moficy win re ih,.,.
wa no law to authorise it. The govern men t u
hot a Missionary riocrety.
Mr. I‘hclpre, ot Missouri, opposed the Him i ,
ure-ut, and jiuniflcd Ihe con raft the Fresibn;
pursued. The Freshfonlware requiTf.l by tb.
of li<lV t. remove tbesc ■iiplurcd African- MIU
out the of the United States, and \, r
iuid j.urf.rmc<l hia duty in the best jioftftildc mui
Mr. Dowdell inquired whether il the ! > rc*ii|.. m
had the right n clothe, julhuiL educate, and
port them for twelve months, lie had not the . .
to do the same for twdvs. tffenty. .r thirty \.
hlr. Phelps replied that he WWW Mt, but llu
go ilb uicn proponed tu turn t&gm’ Afrivan
up 11 Tiibrerm. when tlicy could tint s|)ak the 11
gna jc. They were intonded to Income citw
f t ui t country, uml ho Wax willirtg that the -m
expense ut* cssurv for their -chooling ahould v
i paid by the guvorurueut.
Mr. Olftv, .f K'Mitifokyj, sul he wa> oppos. and
all ttoNffi law-In tr!-rcm eto the slave trade. :u,..
would mu use d/dlar.
Mr. Plmtore. ‘lhen. I leply, repeal them.
Mr. .'•inglcloJi, of Mi-sissippi. moved to aihl
truviaa. that tu> putt of the appropriation tthrmi
r* ureodforthe renppAit or education of any Afi
uau huretolboc reiurned. or hereafter to Ire rotor,
cd. tu their nativ e country, to accordance with >
provirioaw of tho uci of iHiil. He repudiated
contract made by the T’residcnt, if he felt thin iu.
anlliority ware vuretod in him to make it. lie w ; .-
periuctly vviUiug, ® far a* he ware Aiwieerned, i
pay uil (bo expensed which hod been incurn -.1
the renirn of tilt* capture, because Uiuy were .n
•tirred under tta- law of IHTII ; lut he wa- mu
willing W pay for their maintenance cr cdu< i.t, ,
after thty iva*! leon luiumcd.
3tr Nichofs. of said if there was one
tion in thfi bill which tn ore than anoibur no”
approbation of th4> {rt-oplc. it was that now under
con&idurutiiin. It ware the most weritorfou* up
propriatiou in the entire bill.
Mr. Curry objected tu (he Fro-blent ‘a amki’ .
a contract to -npp ,rt ntnl educate tb nugroc
the kobo. If be coubl make a contract for ..iu
year, h could make n contract for life. He in t
.i rigid adherence to the eonsfiDition,aud whs i
able to dis. rim in ale between a folrec and atruiu-.l
cutlet ruction of *aw by a high executive officer
aud by a bund of nn o.
Air. Cixdgtt. ot Norik t'ar.dinu, moved to ad i
a proviso tn (to- bill: !>ut il wa- not received. In’
cause it was similar t> that submitted bv Air
And Guilt, or motion of Mr. Washhttme. of llli
.. noire, without takiug liual iteli m ou the bill, the
‘cuiumiUcc rose.
Thf OvcrlftTirt Malt.
Fr. Lorift, January 20.
Pawacnger- hv the overland mui! report die
weather mnarkaidv fine nnd the roads iu
The (iidiAii 2<*\:t nt Fort Tnmt bad retunicl
from tiie M’dinvc vitiates, without at*compli*.‘i
mg tbe ndcaaa of the w oirteii and children uicn
tinned a* captured, in n previims report.
Gob H otfman bad left F<>rt Tcj..n with an erecort
ofouvidry. to establish n post for hi- coinmund. the
Sixth Infantry.
The Apache* were peaceable and the Catnan
chore hart gone fimidi.
A large fire wa* raging fn ihe wood* near Fay
j t-.tevilio, Arkmisa*. which it was feared would ox
j mod many wik - tusd deal rev tnrtch projverfy.
| A large party of gold hnntcra were preparing
J to leave Fort Hndtfi for PikeV Fck.
| Mr. Butterfield bn* abandoned the project of
j convey m'4(he mail fT .m Fort Smith to Mcmphi
| by river. .n m chuui .f the low sfapu* of water,
j Au uuue<uai ugnotiifi us snow along thu 2iid
. parallel, dciitiiiod tu*'iii*uls. Thu fndiaure were
j I “o very hiotffe.
j .Much excitement eyDfed at Tarson Valley r<-
-peeling ihe laws at Utah, nnd nieetin?s have
been held faking -Ugng ground- airuiusr thu ju
lisdiction of Utah, and itMpiiimg thu Utah Bre
(.at*’ Jttdoe t ab-laiii from the cxcrcirec of the
duties of hi- office. Other meeting* sustained tire
\ ih uuihi-rit-ico, but favored scjiaratlon from
that Terriforyv
Tile Oregon bego-latuie bad been ta-enpiod for
several (Tny-in discussing a proposition to adjourn
*iut.di4i ina-tnnch a* State legislature ha.
i been ulccted, and that the probabilities were that
! dreg..ii vv uiihl -uou asMiuiu the reina of ftelf-gev
i From the ’‘lndependent B lgv'’
IBin ssi.i.*.. Jan, u lfijp.
To day was eebbiatt and at the Lcgutiou of the
i United Mate*. The marriage ■•( Mi*- Strother,
j dr.ii .'liter ot*rhe late Hon. <T. F. Strother, uo'niiier
of Uongrcso, with the fliuim Fliilip KuhnenU-ig
I <le Buvghciui.
I bride was ahviaksl ly, - Mrs. Fair, the wite
J of tbomiiristcr resident of flic United ptato- at
; Uru-scis, Mr. Fair, an.t Alr. Baylor. United States
j consul *t Manchester.
! The wifnea-es of the bridcgruuui were Count
Mni-goch. ('ftttnt <h- Thnn. and his excclkucy the
j ibn-.ii dc Ihfiita, theom ..y of Austria,
i The nuptial buuedictUtß wa- given to the young
j couple b v t?i< Kcv. W. Drury, Kpi-cpni. cbapla n.
’ ind by Mr Verh-mstriurten, th deacon of Si.
| viudnle ( Htfi. drab Tfic Woow of the legation
j wgr* decorated for thu ocowaion with the stai
! -pangled l.iumcr. nj-ou which the Austrian flag
had bann dtap. and in tb<- umnirer us au e-cgtahanti.
j After a ehretitofiy, a wedding breakfact united
around the t.ihle of the Amerlean minister .soure
iwcuty puison.*. the friends of Imtb families.
Thi: Dkkii Aer>>Ri.rsimn. —fte gate an iw
’ count a few days ago of thc-aSTest by a couple of
i bogus “offictaltTpu hoard of a stenuier ut the
j wharf, of n green chap from the country, who wu>
‘* his way to Aberdeen to get married, aeeouipa
-1 I.ied by it yum.-r t;ir! some tourtcew year- of ag
j The chap, otter a hard crying qndl. was permit
j ted to go uu his way rejoicing, • ir signing m bill
of hiding, which he -uppo.- t d U) U a bond for
! ro eover fifty damage that might ensue
j from hi* inatriuiouuß recklc.-Mare*. Mr. B. W.
j I >o jlu. clerk <d tlm steamer lviunae, signed the
• “btvnd’’ with him, and on Saturday that geutie
( ‘'* received the f ill-.wing letter front the happy
j bridegroom md his wife: ‘
j Jxvi \nv 7th. 1*59.
“B. W . Buyk We :u:eoiii]di*hed our de-ires,
■ Vna wa.- married *<-oti iu the morning by squire
J -hcHoii \fe arc a ihouknd time* uldreged to
I you for yotts a-sisiancc
Nothing mure at prWRMt but we remain your
! affectioiiMte friend till death
\ on wars a -trauger m kindnnd trua
1 wifi live and -lie for you.
denning* Mason Lusk.
.Mary U 1/n*k.”
I this is uu origum! autograph letier, it will
- probably la* trained and hung up in lita cabin 4‘
j tk Koniee by the -tie or tlu* equally original
*Mh.nd’ which wa- #o inafmraenta.l in freeing Mr.
La-kfrum dm hand*of the “ptwfcv officers.'*—Cin.
* Ga/ette.
I A into ax Hi.avk TuAwtt—-There is no use in
i to crop it. The people of the Bouth
| era Mates will have them. The African Have
I Cftde i opened, and we question whether a
I month ha* passed, or will'pa-* away within the
next five year*, without a *fffwf Africans living
I landed u|i oiu Southern eou.-t and given food,
raiment,prAteiftun aud Christianity to.
Hiiinor ha# it that considerably over 290 of
there red etu< and savage- hare lately found homes
not a thousand mile- Jrora our city, and that
Louisiana and Mississippi, a* well as Alabama,
Georgia. Florida and the Caruliuua, will soon
have three new rwnit* hasih engaged in draw
iug from the ftuiL a> water from well, the wealth
, u< our loud*. Cotton, ooen, sugar,
tuhiwco. A,, need and nunt liaui the laU>r of
lh‘?c MrieHrts.
take a tv w wWrrelf an the “market terms.”
j .Y*Je4*> Frr* Tf'ffri.
Commercial Gent- ••Amuher outbreak. oh!->-
Tln ■*: riot.- w ill be g terrible biudruneo to all
kind* of busine**,” Fashtonable gent-—“Aw,
dersay! B< lighted lo liem H 1 Aw, olwar# had
the greatest aiersion to ail kind# of busincMf”
lUl.ln, ,y', OlStMß^T.—ErjsijK J,,4
-f,llclime,, arc infilllibly removed
l>.v. I lie upplteauon of tUI, )iellu K ami
dole t> cutaiieon* and glapdular disc ores; tho
knife hath no greater stiperredu'thjMi this great
er substitute f.. r swrgieiH operations. Then# are
many living aim have escaped becoming the vie
tim of the latter by hg timely ure.
nt the manufkctorx’. X<. KO Maiden
New York, and hv all brnggust#, at 2Fc.,
and $1 per But nffiox. Jan2sdwlw
(\r\ conns well MEAfloNait pine vroou
W a mq*i> at ta oftre ocGu dtt