The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, January 31, 1859, Image 4

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From Uw (MatfU. TrkuraFb T* MM U.l. . S-, aflfM MM'I. Fair Mleatral, thy uium hat* ana* with clell*ht, Os th. baattlia. of r.rth that rarirl. U,„ >l*kl; Xba (Wry that rrowaa tha boar mnaoUtr'a hrarl. Tha arrft ahady daii, ad tha .m'ry Biaad ( Os tiprtng'a obaarful arraan, anil tha. antahm raat Os Autumn, wbirh tel I a us that life cannot liut. OfwhiaperUtff rill, and bright pfi"h’d lake That mlrrr the heavens, and thence oolor take; Os the waves of the Otwab lull'd t* When tbo atom -toad hath lashed and furrow'd it* bfaaat; ftf moraiag's bright beam, end tho mellowing Irf* Os evening that blend* with the shadow* of night Thro’ Chore bright ailver tleldr, thou hart wan der'd atilt Where the ftari their mysterious misl<n* ftal*l, And the noa, pale empress of night bold* sway And divided eummand with the monarch of day. lint the chief of all beauty that dwell* neath the ■ky, Thy ten modest mum did in dime# mm by; ‘Ha woman, dear woman, who hold lethal high Her beauty i/fhSW, and her heauty of sane; liar grace* of mind, and her kind, gentle heart, Jnrpirc a pleasure naught else ean impart I turn from e world where beauty umy fade, Where * often mingle the sunlight ami ahade ; Where the laurel new wreathe* the brow of tin brave, Alien the end cvprne* glooma over hia grave; Where the landscape which now tnay look fair to the fight, Will to-morrow be larnieh'd with mildew and blight; Where the heaveaa wboee hrightneae now dasate* the eye, Shall ere tong lie darken'd when *Urrm sweep the ■ky, To woman, true woman, whom nothing can move’ Move *tern in her faith, ever oonatant in love, Aud give itraiiM’ to Him who in mercy did tend Man's earnest partner, and latest -best friend; Then the beauties of earth are the good and th true, Whoaetype Idiscover, aweet Minatrel, in you. deer. 7. Here, With my beer I sil. While gelden moment* flit : Ala* I They pas* Unheeded by. And# ■■ they fly Being dry, Sit, idly Ripping hero My Beer 11. <H liner far Then fame or richee are, The graceful smoke wreathe of thb* free cigar. Why Should I Weep, wail or aigh ? What If luck Uax paened me by ? W hat IT my hope* are dead My pleasure* fled f Have 1 not ntlll My mi Os right good cheer Cigar* and heer > nt (Jo whining youth, Foraeoth ! On weep and wall, Sigh aud grow pale, Weave melancholy rybmea On the old times,, Wboee Joya like shadowy gb*t* appear But leave in to my beer : (><rtd in dm#*- Imve if loss—- Ho, if J gulp my eorrow* down, Or let them drown In foamy draught* of .>l<l nut brown, Then do I rear tho crown. Without the eroee! Appointment* by Ibe President tty <i mi tn'iA the advir.r and otmtdt of the St naif. Jm, H. Bowlin, of Missouri, Commissioner of tbe B. to Paraguay. Juo. |. Drown, of Ohio, Hnewtary and Drag” man of iho legation of the Cm tad States at Con stautinoplu. Garey W. Bookman, of California, Stterefary of the legation of the V. 8. iu Chill. 22iH) |i *o*U M ‘m*” Walker, of Miraiasippi, Consul ol’ the f. 8. at Genoa. Roht. Dowling, of lowa* Consul of tha V F. at Cork. Jo*. W. Livingston, of N V., Consul of the C F, at lm liuiou, Fan Falvador. Alhart Mathleu, of N. Y., Consul of the I*. F. at Carthagens, Now Grenada. Cha*. A. lews, of Maryland, Consul ol the ti. ft. at Revel. Henry Antbon, Jr., of N. Y., Consul of fcha 17.I 7 . S. at liatavia. Ueo. T. Ingraham, of Me., Coniul of the U.'H. at Laguna, Yueatsn. Edward I*. Peter*, of N. Y., Count! of the U. 8. at Trebisonde, Asiatic Turkey. J. W. Mamieville, Hurveyor General of Cali forum. __ _ “Knur. a u A.I aNT I’ovKki v. Rome miserly inorallNt haa recommended that if you are deter termiued to eoinmit suicide iu consequence of po verty, do Uic deed early in in the morning, instead of late at night, and you will nave the expense of threemeaU. We oan ejpbrtf better advice. If you with to protect your well against poverty ad dreee a line to Wood, Rddy A Ce., W ilmingtoo. Delaware, or Augusta. Georgia. enclosing ten,five or two dollar* and a half receive in return 11 wtrola, half, or quarter ticket. Thin will uutUlc yt>u to a chance in the magnificent pile of fifty thousand dollar*. .Should you draw the prixe, or its proportion, do not foulialtly squander it, a* eonie men do, but.toiUetoturiy Invent it. Instead of Its diminishing, it will increase. You will uoi •ualy be provided against poverty, hut you will he rich and happy. Cut this recipe out and paste ft in your hat or scrap book. Navigating De Air. The startling advances in the various depart incuts of scientific investigation within recent year*, seem somewhat to prepare us for still mote startling achievement* The mind become* addled iu seriously contemplating thr result* of the past, and yet stilt higher aims and bolder es forts aw mono and put for want, to eclipse the wonders already accomplished. We have grown cautious in expressiug a doubt as to the result of the most seemingly improbable effort* that uiey attract the attention of the public. Many of the derided inventions or suggestions <•/ a tew year* past, have been ouudueted onward to o tnpio tio. The latest and boldest explorer Into the utasas of difficult achievements, Is Prof. Steiner, of Ohio. Tim Xenia News announces that he is about to make a practical application of the results of bis experiemw, in traveiiug through the air ; and he proposes to construct a balloon, or air ship, in which be can cross the Atlantic iu sixty hours. The bottom of the air ship is to be of thin sheet eofttpr, three hundred feet long and eighty feet in diameter at the centre, and tapering toward* each extremity. •Beneath this balioou is to he suspended, by wire cables, a platform of the same eauioal shape, with ths balleeu itself-—and eo tke • cutrul pari of this platform is to be placed the machinery aud tho cabin for paoscugers. Tb.* mirfare measure of the air-bil> will be one bun deed and fifty-one thousand four hundred and twenty-five square feet, and its total weight thirty •even and a half toils. It will coutaiu two util lion eight hundred aud ninety-four thousand four huudred and sixty cubic IWt of gas. which will suuport in the air a weight of eighty six and a half tuna The platform, cabin, machinery, Ac., are estimated at eighteen tons, leaving power euough to elevate twenty-one tom* of passenger*, freight undballast.” —.layssfu t'onelituti .mullet. A OhALMCNtt*.- Mr. Marsh A Cockrell, of NsshviMe. puhlishe* the following ekalleiigo : He first, lo lake five sheep from his Aock, fitlW sws ari two bucks, aud match them for f*2tK>o aide, agaiuat five other shm>p. The prise to be uwarded to the owner of the thrre >bccp oat of Ihe fi having tke largest amount of soft Rue wool. Entries to be made with the Bee rvtary of the Tennessee State Agricultural Socie ty before the -Oth of April, ami the exhibition to Uske place at the Nashville course on tke 24 Mon day May. lftfifi. .Second’ A match for a side of two 14on1 horse*, against two but trotters, not hlomimi or half blooded. The annual traveling the greatest distauca iu two hour* around Nashville track to take tke purse. Third A match for fiJtHHI a *idv, wf two mule’ against two camel* or dromedaries, to convey each (too pound* on wheel* or not. us they think prop er The animal that takes the burthen tht great ast distance around the Nashville track iu two hour* to take t* • prise. He Wishes to show that the cotton climate is more favorable than that of Silacia for wind raising that the blooded home ia the most active axid strong ast of ths race, and that the mule is a bettor annual for army labor than the cornel or dromedary. .SWfir A Mexican editor desertiw* the state of affair* in tke United States as follows ; Already the North are* armed, and are preparing lo de dare war against the Southern Stale, having Itaeo greatly enraged against them by a book called fads few'* fuhm . and they are deter mined to either exieruuug'c *hcm or Compel tboiu o abolish slavery. TIMES sm PRINTING OFFICE. Randolph StrMt, Colombo*, Ooorjl*. HAVINIi in .MMf"l ■•p.r.Uon ttronf HOK A COm CYLKKVKK I’HKWBH KtTNWIKO BY STEAM, W arc prepare,l to execute, at abort notice, over.) of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in un*arp*d style, a cheaply a* can be done anywhere in the South. We have on band a largo variety of NKW JOB TYPE aud hall keep a constant supply of Plain A Fane) Paper A Cards, ililitMi for Omiiittf ..If llti, kiml of work, Wl'll ~ompU.UHt .il l will iiihli. it (twit. I y tn tliu InMirM, if p.r.uni Ui i-iiiil til POSTERS, HANDBILLS, caumi.Aitfl, PAMPHLET*, DEEDS, BONDS, DK, XAHATIONS, BANK CHECKS, 811.1.S OF I.AKIMi, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATAAOOCEH, LABELS, WAYBILI-S, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. ALSO, KAILUOAb A HTKAMIIOATHLASKH liXXrji T7H A CAY,!.. This Department is under tho Management of Mr. D.H. I*OKTIK, wboee long x|*erioncu and acknowledged reputation at a Job Friutor, tire sufficient gniirantce that all work cuhruHted to bts re will he executed with energy and faithfulness We have now in connection with the cfllee a complete BOOK BINDERY and having very recently secured the services of Mr. E. M. CI.A UK (late of Philadelphia, , in this branch of our liusine**, wo pledge ourselves to give the inofi purred satisfaction in the louiiu lecture of all stylus of Ledgers, Account Books, Dookete, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, dco, Wo intend not to bo outdone In the style and finish of our work, in either department, by any establishment Houth, and that we may lx* able to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopted the CAHiI MYHTKM. Jan. i, iH'tU. U. K1.1.1M A CO. Hint It her Plantations FOR BAXE. tl wig self ut * reoMojuiOJc price ami upon ilircf- year* credit, one plauln lion on ilie rai Mile ol I-Inn Uivnr, l.g* when* the Rail toad from < .'olouibu* to ‘ warns, mnsisitii* of FIFTEEN HUMiRI'.H AND FIFTY Af'REH of bottom and marsh I .unit*, Mild eight huiulri'd and (Illy arres of J'bic iiiml The bottom and marsti lands arc ns good as nifi be found in Georgia. This uia> Imj divided into three Hi-llli-im-iits. An extiM.sive t vec tins turn huitl. hut more wirrk must yet ha done, to secure th* laud per, iiiuni'litiy from overflow. Also, a Plantation iiumcdiuicly b<'lo%v Mm ••*lnte of Gov Town*, on the west side of 'the river, and one and a hull miles below flic PtßfMd, embracing IWtliure* ol Uic best Itiv.r HoUom, wilhottt any marsh ;nnl and ut..nil sixty or •evenly •• r*nl high pine lUn.l. up on w likli there ii henutihil Hint ranVUSiMlt •-♦•til* men! 11 |m>ii title tror-t there rc two utiles and n hall of food Irvtir.. lint rei|line* some rejmirH nnd r<<n*hlc nild. exUiucion to lender il the land* secure. Upon lurtb |daoliiiinus. Ilu* land* ure. tvlrli slight ovcepiiona, fresh, ami extremely priulurtivei on the west sitfi-il h all fre*h but ru-venty acre*. Any gentieman wi*li mg to examine lhem. will please cull on Mr Lillx mi ibe cast side, and Mr. Young on lire west side of tin river, and should a purrhuse Iwianii# desirable, seem* ul Columbus Poi4e**ioii given liisf Jannarv next JOHN II IloW AHI) January 11, Jfttft—-w fc dll || r IJoliimbii* Lmjumn. I oilier Mtona and Man ulrMae copy tlm above weekly two uioulbs. 1000 ACKKS OK Flint River Lands, for Sale. THK undersigned being desirous of wtnd ♦TgjpL I *g up their business, offer lor sale, mi any to suit purchaser*, a valtahle settle * meat of On Thousand Acres of Land, lying on the West aide of the Film River, ten miles Oglethorpe, ami ten miles ‘"south i of Key uold*. Two hundred aerosol thin soltiunieut I* num ber onepine laud, the balance (FOO acres) entirely swamp, rhe swamp land Is loss liable In be iniiun dtttod by lire River than any land* on said Rlvar In Macoir county, and will doubtles* make from •Hi to HHinshels of rjorn per acre, and rr<*m IJMHi tu JiMMIIbs ol coltrtu. There are Hll aere* ol ptne land, aml 15 ol Mwamp cleared snd In • state of culttvs- Hon. Waktr, hcalthand •oclel) caunoibeexoelhat lu Mouth Wosterr IJm.rgln. Apply to Ofti *K h MONTFORT, Julvil wtotwtf. *t Oginthorpe.Oa. FOIt SALE. r | IfR suhNfrlhci has on hand a few HTII.I.F idr the I lUitiiHltirinrilig of PBAtil HRANDV or Will* KK \ . wbit'h he will *eil at very low price* Also Tin. Sheet Iron and Japan. Ware. of every variety and dexeriplion, whs It ran bp bought ni ibe lowest rale*. ,rou WORK, Done at *borl noiueand on the mo*l liberal term* J H ItU KS. Agent*. Next door heiow Han* So on, Hn.ud Wlieet July lb, IHSH- dwtl A GREAT BARGAIN! r pilK Subscriber*, having now purchased the 1 soli fa propany of the Coweia Kails Maim iaclurmg Company, otter the same lor sale. It is out* ol Ihe treat situations lor Milling and Manu facturing purpose* in the whole country, and will lie Mild on long credits, nnd the most liboial term*. ‘l’lllesof Warrantee will he made. SKA BORN JON MS, I*ALL .1 BKM Mh>\ JOHN L. MI'S IMA N. fuoe 10, —wtwtf JAMKS W. WARRKN. HARRISON & FITTS, AUCTION A COMMISSION! MERCHANTS, NEGRO BROKERS, ltd aud It I Uroacl Street .( olumbus. Us. v '* ILL *Gll c •ntiuuo ibe atu.v* Uu at our old > i stfiAd* IHauklul for lire natrouaHC trersto loio a> liberally extended to u* by our iVleuds and the public, we h >pt by reuewetl exertions to merit It* coutlutisncc. No effort* wifi be apsrvd to give enure ta tsikctlou to those wbo may y>ullde their uualttes* to our earn. We will give oar personal attention to tbo tale of Roal Estate, Norroe*, Merchandise and Pro duce. Having liouee* fitted up expressly lor tli purpose ,we are pre pared to board, purchase and sell Negroes on t on.mission. Liberal advance* slllbsaudl a* heretofore on Negroes and Merchandise Adminlsiratorsaud Kaecutor*’ sale* attended to on reasonable terms. Hr A Mtock of LIKELY NKGRGOKMof all classes will be keptooustauilv on hand. GIIAH. M. HARRIHON, GBOHUB I. PITTH • ‘oliimhni. Mo|U 4. IKSH.—*t I* FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. fij HAVIN(* made our for jnl fba Fall trade, we desire to purchasa gt 50 or 81xty Likely Negroes, u| g(Kd charaxiter, couHist ug ol young men, women, plough ho >•.and gi'U, lor whom the higneet markutpneo will be paid. I'ois ms ha ving imgroee for sale will find it to their interest to give us a call. We will receive and sell No groiw on Conumacton and do idlorts will be spare*! to make notialaclory aalne, for those who ntay plane their negroe* in our charge. Litieral advances tl ways made on uegtoo* wlmn desired. Call at the Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON 4 PITTS. au*l- wtwtf SO A 61 Broad Street BEDBTEAD & MATRASSES. I AM selling an vxodleut Cottage Bedstead for . Fixe Doßars, (101 l ami see them nl J. If. SIKES’ Furniture Store, dft Broad St. Also Matra*.-ei- by the grosn us a Superior quality. daofift—dt GKOUGIA -MamifwtVubty: \DMtNIKTR \ rorS M ALI. Hx virtue of an <*f iter foun the If in,>iabb’ 4'min hi Ordinary of Mirerogre rountx. Ga . I xx ill *‘U al tin- Market liouiw . in the rhy af Columbus, Ga on the fiisi Tu-wlay in in IVhruary next, within Ihe legal hour* of *ate. txx<> Lei* half acre each, in the city oi < ‘Uumbiis known by nunihrra ftTPand .VB.xxith all impinvemrui* tlteteon— •eld ■> the fftoprity i*l‘ Jam* *I. liurnnl. tlereased. for the betisfi* of the lietiF and cn.'ditir* es -aid estate Teiutt of Mai,- I Swli K H AHN AND. Adm’r kij.ima M vrniiM. Aucitomre C<>lunißu, |K, IJ, ItxJM did URORQIA CkstUhinn lirr toiinlyi <'K*ttuho*ckt* t’onrt „i Orefinuiy, Jan. Turn ‘JW. Pieseiti E 41 UMKOUH. OidiHArx TTFOHMte Itettttoanf A J. Pratbri snd liomeu K A Jenkins. adniiiONttaior’ <*n tin esinte „f i.eunc W fade, deeensed Il is oretereft. that alt p*-rsotMk mmeiucd shew cause, on or liefiire Ue first Monday m Auxurn next, hv *ai<i Prather and Jenkins, shratltf nnl be disiuoned fmoi *xd •dtu uinit rat km A true tranwTipt fbun the nxiiiuies of said I'-nurt Jan iWh. IftM* EG RAlKttiU), #rd.nory. Jon l, IhM-wtda. ■. T. MARTIM. J. J. MARTIN. J. J. HLAVK MARTIN, MARTIN A BLAJJ& A-tix>rueiys at Law, COLUMBUS OA UvceiulM-r 17. IMS.—dwtt i. 11. HE iILN, ATTORNEY AV LAW, HAMILTON UA. Will iwaclice in tbccotxnttes of Harris, Muse., gee, Talbot. Meriwether and TroSpc. Farticular altention will be paid to collections l>aceu}ber S— wAdly.’ lion aml A Wrrnin, attorneys at law, CBAWFORD ALA anar. n. howaki*. wai.ter m. wwaft*. Crawford, Ala. June fl. wddtf. \V. S, JoliiiNwn, ATTORNEY .‘AT XiA-W, C U HET A, CHaiinlioo’.lioc> C ounty, (h. (live* his entire attention to the practice in Chat UthooL-bee and aijoining eountiea. l|*ril 2(5 wAiiijr. %%'illiaui Taylor, ATTORNEY A. T X.A.W, Cl TIIHFRT, RANDOLPH 00,0A Will pnw-ti<-4‘ in the •••ainthv of Kandolph, Calhoun, Tciroli, Karly, Clay, Baker. Dougherty Miller and Stewart. IlKrtii To- Wellborn, Johnson A Sloan. Attor neys at Law, Columbus, (la. All bufiuc-H* entrusted to his cam will mceivc immediate attention. June 6 OM—wdtf. Harioii Hr flume, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALBOTTON, Talbot Cos., Oa October 2i, IH.h. wkdtf. HOM'M A IdIHM, ATTORNEYS A.T XjA. W, COW M HUH, aHO KOI A U J MOrtRH WM. A f.AWH jNP*'Ofll rt- next dour to the Poet Office. Hept. I, fkM. dwtf. T. J. I \ A, ATTORNEY AT LA W, HAMILTON, OA. Will attend promptly to all l>iifbi** entrusted to his earn. ‘ Ju*2H fHJtt- wly. K. A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, C r T H R R II TANARUS, IlHmlolpli Count Having rum<rvod from <*us-t to Culfthurt, Randolph county, will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to Us earn. April 27, J MX. wti ‘l'liwiiiii*. \% ( iihli. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FHKHToN, Webftof County. La. Wilt practice In the counlie*of ('lay, ChaUa hoi)<*h('e, Webster, Early, Handolpb, and Sumter. Fart icular at Utit ion given to colleuting and romitling. Jun2fl IB6t- wtf. wu. n. r.i.AM. tn anr hs oi.ivkr. lOliun <V Oiiur, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BCTBNA VISTA, MAmoNiimiNTy.oA. Will practice in tho counties nf .Marion, Macon Stewart. Taylor, fhoUahnoclitie. and any us the adjoining count h-s, when their sorvlecs in ay bo reomrml. Also in the District Court of the I ‘ni ted States fur the District of tleorgia. Hep tern her 11, DC*H. wtf*. WM M < HAMRSIHS. WM. M aottßlNs- j * ni.HHIS* Chambers, Robbins & Robbins, ATWfaijxrK-x- ax’ i.axv-, BUrAOLA, ALABAMA V ill prarlicu ifi the i-ountia* <f Barbour, Pike. Henry. Cofltr Bale, nml Kuswrll. lohl -wly, mnWbHL Attorney at Law, BLAKEI.Y. fIAHLY. CO,. G A, Blakely fin.. April 2, Jbdb. wtf. Ja. A. 4 l<-ciil‘iiln. AX'aOXIHTUX AX’ X.AW Anil Nolle||or Ist 4'liMnv<-r>*, ARBtfftLLK, fIKNKY ‘‘ol NT \, ALA. July 10, wly. M3/tt w. i ion-, b. ii. % Ifiraitul snu4‘4ii, OFFICE Corner Broad and Hnnilolph St reels, utnbua Georgia. Decembur 17, IRoiW wAdtf. MEgtfjSk J - FOGLE & SON, DENTISTS, ifto-Gflb ‘ <*n Randolph Flreet, near Broad, COLUMBUS, (JA. Columbus, Doc. if, lho7. L wtf. NOTICE. *1 I>Rh GHIMRF 4k.* W INGFIKI.U Imv* renmv ini thair officii to Juno’s New Building, over Hmu Ware tk Co’* Flore. tJuiuinhus, tin. Jan 6, ln.\* w&dif RII’PIW; 4 IttS PAPER. OF ALI.SIZFS ANDOIIALiTIKS, TOR 8/ LE AT Rock f.slaiid Paper Mill Dice, IN VaOSTUf PALACK MILLS. TKKMKUASH inalwlwll P. LAN DON, IS STILL AT THE SliiN OK THE when* may be fimud alt kiuds, sorts, sixv*, de MHHitious,piali(iea and quantities rf HA l'B AND CArS.and ilia prettiest Childrou’o lints Sc Caps. C L I K A P. Columbus. l*a.,Ocl *B. IHM. w A dtf BEDEI L & WEEMR Wliotsanle snd Ketatl GROCERY DEALERS, YY’IDI. t eep constantly on baud a well aeloc ted Stock comprising all arUolaaiu thair line, which arc offered to tb-ur •riendsajid the public generally at the LOW ESI MAKdET PKt T &S. (ive ue a call. Lock WUiMX. a.’o. IBMLL, Columbus, (ia IW.St. wtwtf COTTON. COTI'ON, COTTON! (lOfKM ts IHW sellingnt n m>ol prims and If the nttlesatid aceonnU past due loJ Knuu X iV. arenotstum paid, suit* will he instltute<f inditmrim tuately. A w.tret to tha wise ia sufflrttiut. octl4 J. ENNIS fc CM. LFOlp.l \—<'hatttihom'hi'e Couiiy. f’earl of Ordinary, October Torm IK6B. gVTtIEBKAS Hilliard ,J. WllUams. adiutuistra t v i*io I'u i lie estate of John K William vlec’d, I'cUtioos this t'ourt ioi letter* of .i'*u tsaiou irom said administration: It|* therefore ordered, that all person* concern ed, be required to skew cause. If any they have* within the time proeciibed by law. why atd . erter* should not be granted. A true transcript from the minutes of said Court, thi* October 4ib. IW W , Oct. 7. IHW. w- itm K. 0. R AIKoRI), Ord. FI HAITI KIL I HftlKEs, nxefteci hilly ret urns hie JZ2P P thank* to hie Irp-ndtlor past lavor* W ami laxge leave to remind them of the fact that he ie still at hie old hue.nose and etand, 36 Broad fttreoi, w here he will lie glad to vec his old customer*, and as many new ones as are willing to give him a trial. Mutt ranee* m any quantity for Nth* cheap Ro painng ot evgry diwenpUon of Kurattore done ut oooe.aod in tfw noawnt style. Particular aitemiou giveu u. upboiotering Church Pewe, Ckairvaud Cushion* oi all kitule. Oct H, wd ts. BLAJVK.S, Os every deeeription usexl by Lawyers, or officer* of Court, priutml neatly aud <*u *u|ierur paper, uitbu TIMES OFFICE. BROWNWOOD INSTITUTE Near LaOrange, Ga. THB Mention for IhM, wilt be opened M onlay 10th January. il consist of two Term*—one of n months, the other of three. ‘fAsiiL'irv* IVVII.LI AM JOHNU, i'rinmai and Pnrpnrtvr. netrweter 10 Political Econoiny,Moral ic Men Heienr* f EDWARD R DICK MON, Instructor in Ancient Lanauagcs and Physical fine nee. II I*. BI.AOKHTONF. Instructor ui MatticuuUa s— Mixed. RODNEY DENNIS, Instructor in English language arid Literature. R M HEARD AND LADY, liourding Department lßrn|bfr 11, ll(si—dAwlf. MARION HIGH SCHOOL. BUENA VISTA, OA. This school will be re-opene<l for reception of students on the third Monday in January, IS/iW, under J. R. PARKER, principal, assisted by B. W. KF.NNKKLY, A. B.formerly of Touueaaee. The subseriU-r take* pleasure in aunouneing to the public, that there t* no longer any necessi ty ui sending young wen to Colleges to have their morals and manners corrupted -educate them at or near home. We are now prepared to giro a thorough col lege course. Kates of Tuition per *ehdastic year of fen month*; 18, 24, JW and SJ6. Board at from to $lO per month. J. R. PARKER. Dev. 0, lHhb. w2ui OLENNVILLE MALK & FKMAJLK ACADEMY, Karly County, (*a. afflSte THETRUMTBErt take pleasure in iimtuH me i” llie ntr/.cns ol K.i till- iiiljoidiiik > Olintics. ttiat tins -< 10-.i sSfaiHaw is now open for the re. epiion of |atpi)s under the . barge of an experienced Teacher, a graduate of a MouUiern College It is the intention of tin’ Hoard to make tins a pannanent Institution, worthy the conh dence and gatronage of the public. To parent#, win. have to board out their sons aud daughters to school, they recommend this place |for its heailhfulncM, good society aud ftyeedoni Ram immonil luttmn..* ‘Pile] “clioinstnyear consist* of two terms'of twenty-one 1 weeks each. The rales of/vktnu are a* follow s: Tuition: MpdNinff alld Reading per >*ar §l6 Oh M|M|ling, Ih-ading. Writing, .md fundamental tuhts trt Arithmetic per year <R tW fJAognipb), Anthinatic., (jTaimnar, History rind Writing, tier year. tfi 00 Philosophy, ('beinistry. Algebra, (ieometiy Trigonometry. Rhetoric and l.ogn jier year M HU Creek, Latin and Hurveying 40 GO Pupils w dlls; cltarged from the tune of entrance jo . lose us the term Nu deduction made for alsieace of Mss time than two weeks, and then only in caw* of pro vidential httsthnnee Hoard *am be •.btann-.t conven ient to the Academy froiu eight to ten dollars |*et month lights, washing, hr included JOHN H MKANM, Mm'yto Hoard Janmtry 14, 1*39 wtf LiHKirmnu. acmdi-mi. Chattahoochee County, Oa. THE Exercises ..f this Institution will commence ou the first Moitdav m Kebrtt next Uonrding tan b obtained m ei. ellent families at ait tsi per moiilli Ttie locality of ihts is remarks able lor heiillii, and the uoighlMirhood w ill t'Diupare witii npy in morality and refinement HATKM OF VI moN i Per l*ef„.lastic year $lO. aud 833 Must. #43, intrfnd mg'fiie use of the Itißlrunienf ror Particular* address the subscriber at Pim-vthe, U tier 1- w *'t M M ORt HBH A CARD. HA VIN (• withdrawn Irom tl Hrin of HiMJHKR DANIEL & t'0.,1 cbeuriully ret-oimuend tliurn to dll our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN H. KABTHAM ’ l'llK Hulwonimra will continue under the Mims 1 name and styla—a general HTORAUK & COMMISSION BUSINESS XT THK FONTAINE k LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful lor tho pant liharal patronage ol our friend*, we solicit it* continuance, and piadge out individual oxertmrM in plea** ail who may entrusr their ImmiMi to us. We are prepared to grant usual faciJmo* to our customer* MjcIIKH, DANIEL 4. CO.. Wm. M lluoHKa, Wm Da niki., WtaLiv C. Hvuukr. Aug. 5, U. IT) THOSE INDEBTED. YY 7 f- hereby glv’ u.nire that all claim* due u*. amt ** not (Mud or HSllsfUctority arranged, prior to imst reliim day id the respective counth- 111 hT.mTi the par lie* reside, will be sued None will be slighted inartO-dwtf K. BARN ARli A CO CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, i j w v BOXKH Havana Cigars of various brand* I * M f lor sate at small advances for Cash by Jan 19 —wtwtl E. BARNARD 4 CO. i Bacon! Bacon! ! YV K >lftV6 oowoiihand and willlw oousUnUv rv- Helving, Prime Tennessee Bacon Ham*, ide- I and rilu.ulders, which we will sell althelowe*. Com* mission House prices. Martft wfctwtt f.. Barnard a cd. I. BARNARD 4 DU., COLUMBUS, OA. WHOLESALE AND HETA 11, GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS irrm llAVßouhamlnml will rontinne in receive j m: ITTn largo aud wen selected stock, euihrar tug eve ■UQ rv article In ihwirliue. which are oflomd to ibeu and the public at market ore.-. Home and see us. septlW ftos7—sKx II (■KOItbIA, Slntsrl t oniilyi OIXTV * niter date Application will be made to l ’ the Court of Ordinary-of Stewart county fbr leave in *e|l llie inter* *1 of thr minor i lullin'u ol .Muhala Welch, deceased, late of Hievvmi County, iia . in the town proptMy belonging tot said vNiate ui or near tbe iHi'orjMimied ntnit* <•? tiw Tow nos Cuthhert, fieoiggx, then imere*! being three-*eventh* l *iud pn>peiiy. K F KIUKMKV, Guardian. January 10, WM.~wkn. CHERRY PECTORAL, For th. ropld can of 1 COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOFIA'G-COUGH, CBOUT, ASTHMA, AltD COHSUHtTIOIf. HatMKixi.n, Ms**., QOth lb>r . IgM. Da J f Avxs -1 do mu hesitate to *;> tb* best remedy 1 have ever touiid ft*r I'ough*. HonnuMie**, Intlueiixa. aud the • onomninul *> mplom* of Cold. I* vour t'IIKKRV I'KCTOfI.U It* constant ue in my metier aif im litmdv for tho last ten year* has shown it to possess MMpenor virtue* lor the treatment of the*.- • onipiaini* KHK.N KNIGHT, M I) A R MORtbKY. Ketj of Mien, N \ writ. * ‘1 have tun'd your Pectoral my self and m m> tUiuily evsr •inei’ you invented it. and belters it Dm beat mtvdmne for il* purpose ever pm out With a bad dd I should sooner pay twenty five dollar* for a bottle than do without u. or take any othi remedy CHOOT, WnttOPlNG cut i, 'll IM-'l.l K.N/ A. BraiMOPliLn. Mt** Feb 7. IfiM Brother Ayer: 1 will ciieerthUy yuur Pectoral is the Ih-1 remedy we ponses* fi>r the cure ot II luminng Oayr*. ( ami the cliest diseases of children We ul vour fiuirrmiy in the Mouth appenate your skill,and commend your medicine to our people HIRAM 4'ONKLIN, M I) Amos 1..*. F.m) . Monterex, Is . wnte* 3d Januarv IHcai. “I had a tedious Intfuenxa. which confined me in doors six weeks; took many niedieMie* without re lief; dually tried your Pectoral bv tin* advice of our Clergyman. The first dose relieved the aorencM in mv thvoat and lunge; le*a than one half the bollle made me completely well. Your medicines are the cheapest a* well a* the heel we can buy. and we esisem you l)t. and your iii<‘dicines as the poor man's friend ASTHMA OR PirrnißlC. AND HRONCIHTIB Witt M*m hi*t:u, Px.'Feb 4, IW<l Mir, Ymir Cherry Pectoral is performing marvelhma suie* in this section, It ha* relievsd several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who ha* labored UMtorllt artbetion ofthu lungs for the lasi forty years IIKNRY L P ARKS. Mercham A A Ratnsuy, Ifi. D . Albion. Monroe County,lowa writes. Me pi. fi, IB); “During my practice of inenv years, I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pec toral for giving oa*e and rMhtflo cousumptlve patients oi curing such a* are curable “ We might add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof of ihe virtues of this remedv is found in its effect* upon trial. BOLD ;by Dr. David Young, and Dan forth * Nagel, in Cohun *• ... and by Druggit* and dealers in Medicine* gener •Uy every where eel.TO- wd3m WANTED, 4 N Overseer for a lore* of eigliteen hand* in Mouth Y Western Georgia He must lie sober, industrious and honest, and must furnish a recommendation of hi* t-haracirr in aM three respects. A married man would b* preferred, but hi* fimstiy must be small Apply in pereon ut thi* olfice Nsvl— wtf LUMPKIN HOUSE. LUMPKIN, STEWART CO. GA. THE aobecriber, having purchased the |**Jj above houae.ts rettolved to make it one Jjjui,worthy the patronage of the travelling public. If good tare and attentive servant* should entitle a Hotel to custom, the uoddraigoed flatters hinwelf, that those who trv him once, will come again. Connected with the Hotel, are commo dious Stable* with trusty, callers. Dot 19. wtf. JOHN YARBROUGH. SEED OATS, A LARDE MIJPPI.Y constantly on hand, front the .Middle Hut**, where th* Rust did not prevail nct.'iS w'2m 41 BN HY A ( O -J. B. k W. A. ROSS, Wholesale and Retail DRYGOODS k GROCERY MKRCHANTN. Macon, (iror{ia. Also, Agents ier Wheeler's and Wiiaon’a Sewing Machiaea. #ctU—Btf. TROY FACTORY, ( olunalHiN, <ia. If? K.the undersigned, have thmday purchased \V Irom James Hamtlion, the I roy Factory and entire stock, and will continue the buuneeM under the name ami at vie of Troy Manufactuting Company aud will manufarinre and keep con stantly on bend, at wholesale and retail, Chaira, ifadsteads, Wardrobes, Tuba, Buckets. Hafea, Tables, Bureau*, and other House Furnishing article*. All orders addressed to the Troy Manufacturing Company, will receive prompt attention. JKFFERSON A HAMILTON. JosKrir Jefferson, John H. Hamilton Columbus, Oa , April 19, BROWN'S HOTKL, OPPOSITE THE PASSE MILK DEPOT MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR, B. F. DENSE, Buprttond<mt. tv Meal* ready cm the arrival of every Train. Macon,Oa , April lA. 1856. wtf. PLANTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. OOLUMBUB.CA , June|!ii, 1868. THK undersiged return their thanks kjMkjT ‘ , b'*' r friends aud tlie public generally the liberal patronage heretofore b*mow ed, and hope by a strict attention to buametw 10 merit further favors. They are happy to state tit at thev have secured the service* of Mr J. M. WATT a* Hook keeper,and Mr. W. A BFD KLL as Halesmao.wh.j will be happy to serve tlietr Inends aud il.e customers of the houao. DILLARD, POWKLL A CO. ColuiniMU, June 29,1858.—wly. BEDELL & WEEMS, MAVH renioeed in ih oorocr formerly occu pied by W A Redd. 4Co , lately by Watt and Sappmgtoii, where they will keep constantly on hand, a well selected stuck of GROCERIES, consiepng in part of Bacon, Bagging and Rope Sugar and Cofloe, Liquors, 4c All ul which they offer at l*> lowest market prices Aug 30, tfifiS. wtf MORE NEW GOODS: AT ATKIN SDN 4 TAYLOR’S f*LK second new Block of Kail and Wiiuer Hoods ha* arrived and * non in store and Hie 9A ladies say. comprise the hnndsomest ami rv licet isiK HCloelton* now on eahibitwn in the trade < Msr ale receipt* oiuprwe an entire new slock of Cloths. Cassimeres. Doeskins. Satinets Tweeds, Jeans. &c. &c WHITE AM) RED FLANNELS, 1) K I. A I N K N, CASHMERES AND PLAIDS. SHAWLS, in almost every vansMy and color, all of. she latest ♦lmp.-* aud make* A I.AKGK I.OT .OK VERY Tlttndwoone “Pi-iutia, varying in price from to cent*. We have now in MtorC a v* i> hundnoMie Miork of swiss ;kmbh< mdkred collars, Mb* eve* and Ibllan in seta, of llie finest Freucii work. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Opr kits reeciots al>>> rornprixt* a goml a* W sortAiMNM of i.atiio*. th.iiileunm*, Boy*, uml f Ml 4'hikfre**s AIIOKM, wlihli arc very Cheap We also have n HATS & CAPS, fit DOMESTIC GOODS, A T ‘MAN T FAC T l K H R'H PHICgS, ofwldrh we have a tine select mu ftiun the h*i maim- , lIM Hirer* We eapeeiaity mvHr the ijtdie* to rail and etNiiime our goods before purc|ia*mg. We buy no in lermr auelion Imsof <dd goods; neither do we buy anv good* at auction, butoeb et torn llie best, rirheal and Inrgesi aim k* lit llie NorHn ru market*, rejecting such a* are imperfect or out of style. In regard to price*. w are deieruiimoi not to fie und rold by any house m the ti<J . ami mdeed our ana i* to deserve to be called th,. I ‘lo upe*! I'iudi Mloie m < ’u)uuibu*. W*’ have lately engaged tho service* of two more salesmen, by which we Imiie to remedy ihe onlv oiijer ion to our house, that of b,-mg uuahki to aerve all our palroim promptly. We Hiiall m a fi w day* rcreive a large lot of Germantown Zephyr Woollen*. rottMistlng of Talmas, Basque-. Jackets, Sacks, Cloaks, Boots, 4c. Ahm Knitting Yarn in White, black and fhney color*. If you would !„ suited m price, qualrtv and style, give U* H,-All. No *ec ond price. Terms t'ab G. W. ATKINSON * TA VI.OR. f olumbus,Ga., Nov.lsitk *tf ! W IT MkYRK A II WHCTB MAT HE X WHITE, (L r ominissioii Bltrclianls, DKALKRk IN ° Pork. Bacon. Lard, Flour Butter, CHEESE, DRIED FRUIT, *c. oow nliiut Street Particular (mention w ill be given to tbu Purebase and Mhipmenl of all description* of Western Produce, and articles of Coirnmati Mauufiu'turv. November , lbib dlmwrtiu. Timber Cutters’ Bank. KXniAHHJK AT MIGHT ON ow VOHK, LOUDON. FA KIN. Frunkfort-oa thfMaln HAM IK KM, UK H LIN, UIIK MKN, Ae Ae Pur sale at Ihli Bank iu sum, u> suit purchasiers J.B. Hl’rTON, ( aahior. Bavaunan, dept. 0, litiet. wfim. GKORUIA— TaIbot Yuuntyt r |nVO month* alter date appl,i at ion will be made to I the Court of 4Ordinary ..| aid,rounix. lur leave to sell Maith.i 4 negro woman aud hei ‘two children, Charie*. a buy about three year* <*Ul, and an infant, be longing U the estate of James L Caiiier. de ea*ed IMA AC CHRNEY. KDWAKD W Pt>|'. Exevut4>is of Janie* l. • alher. dreerused Deceember 47, IfON. w'itm A DMIMMTKATOR M hale-Wiil he sold a. Fort tJames. Ga,. on Mt Tuesday in April oexu to the highest bidder, four Negroe* to wit; Kittv a wo man 40 year* okl; Maria a woman 40 year* obi. and her children Jtdui H xcar* old. and a child 4 veara old. a* the property i>f Win Tboey, deceased IIOHT. G. HH KM, i .. . W. TON BY. January M. ISsh—wtds. PkIGESTO SUIT THK TIM I S. the eagle MANUFACTURING CO, OFFER llwir v.rion, styles ol Goods, conipri ■mu osnaburcsTyakns, FASHION. (orMripw.) FINK-KNOT PLAINS. NEGRO KGRBEYB SOUTHKRN LINSF.YS, “TRUCK FOR TROWSKRS,” COTTON ROPE, 4e. Ac. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The, m,ile ihe necwl atleolion of the Trade to their Stock whtch >r coaiplele in every reepeol J. RHODES, BROWNE, Aceni Columbia. Dm. 4, 1847. iwliett. 4J E4UI4. 1 A.jitay Csuntyi Two month* after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for clay county, for leave to ael| four negroe*: Kitty, a woman; Mariaii, a woman; and John* hoy, and Mary a child, belongmi* h> the es tats ot w m. Toim-v. deceased, nfi'lw courttv.Ua KIi.RICKH, . W. TONBY, 1 Adm re Jaauary b. IKM w4u. Book Binding Ij'XECUTRD in superior sivls at ib office of the U CalontbusTißMw.” ~3^ NEGROES! NEGROES! WE are constantly receiving from Vir gima and North Carolina a large JR B and well selected stock of Men, Women, boys and Girls, including field hands, house fIX servants, mechanic*, Ate., bought by one of the firm cxpreasly lor this market. Our friend* may rely on getting negroes of good charade!. coming up fully to our repreaeotatioos—aa we sell oone oa commission HATCHER & McGBHEE. July 26, 1858— wtf inais-ismiLA ®BM®ei EATING SALOON. Jay. / N WILL be opened by the _ th ° ° c(ober Boarders will l>e taken by the month, week or day. Meals at all hours day or night. !KrT HI 8 JJ A R will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors and Cigars. This House is two d<> r >r* tmlow the P. O. oct4—wtf. F. WILHELM, Proprietor. 1)11 W‘ W. WILSON, DEALER IN DRUGS, Medicioe*. Chemicals, Books, Sta tionery and Fancy Articles. Talbott on, Ga., Sept. 24, w—iy. j SPftOTFS CELLHRATKD VERITABf.E oi.i) ! :xc. l.isi 1. AMERICAN HITTERS, AN TONIC, DIURETIC, AM) ANTI-DYftPEPTIC. QCIRNTIfICAbbT prepared from tne original O recipe of oIJ Dr. rtproti. and {eminently succee full aud bigbly , popular piiyniciaQ of Hbropafcire, I England. Theae highly palaub'e mxl a*r eable bitter* being [ composed of ! I't’ltKl.Y VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, I judtc oualy aelecUMi and akidfully eomp<>tiidcd are | eoiiflieiitly roeommunded to Ibe public lor their Valuable Medicinal Properties n Kor Loa* >.( Appetite, Sfcrv.ju* DeUifltjr, Knout, Dytpepata, they are litdirpeitvable. la functional deranHemeut* of the Liver aud Kidney a. a* well a* Jaundice. Rheumauam, Gootand GraviL ‘liey area-aiwe qua noa” Kor Female Complaioia tbta prvpart wai* pecu liarly adapted. For children barra*md with the Colic, and Die pains of Itotilitloul it is a<>o bins a-suager. v Asa stimulus to Invalids, (be e-ieNtde<j and sick these bitter* ar.- unsurpassable and free from Alrho hol and. are a sure previ-ulivt of Lbiits and Fevt-r. DfKbOVluMfl A wineg'asstwo or three timesaday. For ladies tw'tblrels; ('i.ildren In proporliou. J'or ery weak t atomactis one third water. t Prepared at at KagS Laboratory, Montgomery Ala To be had of Druggist's and country merchants’ generally. riepl.4—wif H(T1,1.. DlH'KfcOO. J H FKMRERTO.N 4. .N) HANDS WANTED AT THE Engle Factory, COU MHUH, GHORlih : TNIFTY IIAN DH ran find regular cinplnvmeiit at thie F Paetory. j IL7” Boys und Girts ran earn from 7to 90 dollars per ’ moiitb, a< cording to age and sktil Nov n. IN3N. a Jim NOTICE TO COTTON PLANTERS, WF., tKo underngned, invent*.t* of the lroo s4cr:w Frees, tako pleasure to calliog at tention to Free*, for which we have obtair ed lertier* Fsttent From experience we are satisfied that this Prra* in not ooly capable of pressing cat ton to the u-usl size, but with a small additional co*t of compe.-’kon at the Giu la m size suitable f*<r shipment by *ea going v mss la The Cost now for coinprevHing w froinvU to9o ceutsper bale, which j indirectly come* out of the planter. Th;n Pree* w durable, as all of its bearing and straining parts are of Iron.simple and suitable for negro manage meint. We are making arrangements to put up ! the Frees at all suitable points for inspecli >q. For further information, add rens us at Selma, Ala., * or D. A Hobb e, Journal Office, M outgom**rv Ahn.or B. C. Corbett, Columbus, Ga. W F. f C. J. PROVOST. August 8. ’57-wtf. I tSKBT BUKIIL tISIS. 1 Ul, < \--Kt ! !,( KIAI, 1 \sE ...... . A ed by ihe above engraving, >s beautifully fin ished in imitation of polished Rosewood, and is the most taateful and appropriate metallic chi* II >w used. It perm ns a view ol ihe enure* body after it w enclosed, the top being composed of thick plate glam, protected by elaboraioly orna mooted tape, one of which may he seen iu its place in the engraving. AH sizes from 27J to 75 inches in length, constaatly on hand. NAME PLATES lurui*h*<i, neatly engraved. N- B.—• No Charge tor lhaynge 01 Dtltcerv DILLINOHaM A. DENSON. Sept. 15th, IMSB. __ d4twtf rail \1 iv €-1 %\o: npHE undersigned are daily expecting a large I *upplT ol this |iopular fertilizer, purchase*! 1 from the agent ol the Peruvian government aud warranted genuine Price four dollar* per one hundred pomidu, or g 7 p r | on G t fiooo pounds Terms cash in all oai*. Octl4~wtf QUNHY 4 CO. | VALUAULL KIVU: I*I.ANTA I K)N FOR SALE. Til K Miibacribcr now offer* for sale hi* vatu river Plantation.ight mllMabove Fort <raina. couuining 715 acres, of which 815 ,-wpre. are first rale River Kotiomaml the balance : high PineLaod of gooff qualitg. a good and comfortable dwelling, with a well of excellent water, anew Cot ton Screw and Giu Hou*e and all uo oemrery oiithouaoß and fixture* Os the boUoui laud 30 acres sre cleared, one third of which ia fresh. In my absence apply | 0 Samuel A. Grier or Bemls , klPreeeoti,at Fort fialnes. Ja.nrar. ■*... JAMRHCMUCR. PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. t A VIN(; determined to remove Wet I offer for sale my Plantation and Milts in < hattahooche* c.ouniy. The body of (imams about \ 300 acres, of which llmre ia a conaiderahle portnm open and in cultivation T he mill* (lirtet and flaw; are in good repair al most new, Nituated on ihe road H ading from Co lumhos to Bums V.sta, via (Jienalta, on the Ochil. Greeg, *re operating advantageously Persons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, are. rmiueeled to call and examine for tfiemselves. as sured that a great bargain may be had. Dunug ; my absence the proimrexs will be shown to purcha sers by G. P. Gordy, who may lie found on the i' l *, l *; . BAMOKL 1). HARP. July If—wtf Great Inducements toj LAND BI YEKS! ifßi X’T'K'K ass l!!;^*cottut y , Ala, iMMMI *• • will sell iny home place. situated mhos Mouth *f toe town of lajion j alt* per acre. This plans contain* One Thousand’ Acres, Kun are cleared, 45u fresh, lies well, and Is one of thohandsemoat places in the country The grow th crop, which purchasers are Invited to examine will speak for the pnHluctiveness ol the land. The woodland is heavily timbered with oak and hickory The improvements are of the beet character, smbrw’ iii a two-story bouse, with eight rooms, well built am! in good repair The health ol the place is •*- cel'ent, beyond al’ doubt: and there in an abun dance of the best water Fence* la excellent order and theplantatlon improvements** good a* could be desired. < In Immediate connection with this place, I will soli a b*d> of jdW nccss, 3W ucree oimn, irst rate fences and the other improvements pretty good. Price *> per acre. Mold separate or in ooanecitou with the home place aa preferred. 3 Also 900acrea of laud throe miles distant from the other places, known aa the mill tract, in ibis place there are 30# acres land open, balance well timbered. Hvalth and watc* excellent ami the land strong and productive Price six dollars per acre 4. Also, several Desirable Kalidlog Lots, In the town of Clayton t ‘y ( owe soon and bny bargains. _ J'HV 11. MI LIKR. Clayton, Ala. Aug Mft, ittSO—wtf. VALUABLE Chattahoochee River Lauds. FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. fTHE uib-cribcr uHan lor ml* 3*oo norm ol land lying od Irontmg two miles on the Kiverin Heory county, Ala., 15 miles fort Gain**, Geo. (to which place the South Western Kail Koad is now being ox tended) and 5 miles above Colombia, Alabama. The tract is susceptible of division into two very desi rable settlement!*-—lies very level, iswell watered the location remarkably healthy, aud the purcha ser could have the corn, fodder and stock at a low rate. Being determined toaeU.thoee deatring a bargain, will not be able to find ooe more di*. posed to give them one than 1 am. I shall keen this advertisement standing until I sell. Coma an d look for yourselves, or (or particulars address me at Columbia. Term* easy to the purchaser July H.vmJSr*****™* Augwt. •owoiil>,n.lw nopy wnnkly till fnrkd T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL WATCH M AKER Successor to S. It. Purple, cor. Broad &. Randolph st. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 73R2 WATOSffiftSa M /, STERLING SILVER & PLATED WARE. HAIR. WORK., A beautiful variety of Pattern*. I will make to order any design and .itylc and |datt you may require. WATCHES, CLOCKS <Sc JEWELRY Repaired by competent and experienced WaHpnen, and warranted. CANES! CANES! (•old, Silver, Ivory Loaded Head*—Hickory Crook* and Swords. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, ’ an<l s,eel Frames, of the best quality tnattufu. furcd. OItHM set in n’d frames tofiui* al 1 eyes I invite the attention of all t< my Stock, and will thow it with plea MB re, whether y*n pnffWls old Staiol. Corner Broad aud Randolph Strveti*. Coluiubu*, (Ja., Obi. SO, 1858.—dwtf T. 6. SPFA R lIcAVITT’S At the Old Stand, next Door to J. Ennis &, Cos. 99Broad St., ColumDus,Ga. WHERE can be found a superb assortment and! Watches, Jewel- ry, Silver W'are, Fancy Hair Pins, Head Ornaments, Guun, Killer* Pistols, best quality of Hold Pen*, tnd every description of good rV usually kept in a first class establishment, for Cash or approved V* ||g Ciwlil. Every will be warranted as represented, and fti will not be allowed 10 e sold any other way. Mr. J. H. BRAMHALL, a practical Watch-maker, and Manufac turer of fine Chronometer Duplex Lever and other Watches, i in charge to do the Wutch Work. I will add that Mr. B’s reputation in New- York as a firs’ class Workman 1* beyond question. He will he happy b nee all who have pood Watches, and desire them kept so by having them properly repaired, also those who have been unfortunate in having had their watches injured by incompetent workmen,and desire them put in as good condition a a when fiiat made, and at reasonable rote*. Samples of his new work will be shown nt any time. Mr. GOLDS BECK ia on hand at his poat, ready to ***t diamonds, make new Jewelry, engrave neatly, all kinds ot liair Braiding, in a neat and artistic style. Thankful to my friends and the community at large for their liberal patronage hereto fore we hope to merit a continuance of the same. Oct9—w&ditn A. H. DkWITT. J, H. DANIEL & GO., Have now in Store ami will be constantly receiving <!uring the Fall months, the most Fashionable ami approved styles of READY MADE CLOTHING! entirely of'UHMr own nmnuf'erliire, which they claim to mirpaee anv brought to lb* SfUihrn Merkel. -sass* A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Huts, Caps , / mbnllas, Trunks , Valises , Carpet Bags, Traveling Blankets, Shawls, &c., &c. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTH’S ULOTHING, of tL. i wn manufacture, ranging from 10 ta 18 years. • CLOTHS, CASSIIIKRES AND VESTINGS, of the latest sty Ice and greatest variety, manufactured to order in styles to suit patrons A targe Stock of SUBSTANTIAL GOODS for laboring men. Sept 2t>, 18L8— dwtf. J. H. DANIEL & CO. TOKQ- m, warn, AUCTION & COMMISSION MBHOHANT CUTHHERT, OA. nRY GOODH, Gr<><'fie*. Frodure. ami Goode of ••very deernptmn received ami sold on coihiiimsiwu KtPERB Tl>; Jenkins. Atkin* Aln ; fiiliw.ii A Atkina; II Broke; J"**•* A Kiddirn; A T Amo*. M‘rrhaut*; llan David KiildiMx; Judge J 1> Leuaarvi. Hood A Kobuwon. Curh fien. Georxin Aucttou *!•** every week. Consignments Muliritrrf Deci'Mibvr 17, IBsre~wthu NOTICE. \LADY experienced in Teaching, and com [Mdent to instruct in tke usual branches of au English Education, with music on l'mnu and (iuitar. Druwiug and Paiutiug aud French, iude *irou* of forming an engagement with a private family. Would not object to forming a ."elect Rckool, by the union of several families. Address A. B. C-, Drawer 17ft, Columbus, (Is. liest of reference given, December 22—42 A wtf, LOST, IN Albany. Doughtily ensuty. or lieiween that ,vfare and Newton, Baker riNiniy. a I'mmissi.rv Note fir S4t 00. Mtepben ThomitHon. maker, dated *o;m lH*e m June, tuft;, and iwyable to A. J Bnlev or beu rvr. six mouths tfter tbs date thi reof I hereby ftm warn all perm us ugamsi trading lor *atd note ) JanlP—w3t* a J BRILEY EARLY SHERIFF SAf.ES. U, T II.L he sold hsfltre the Cout Ileus* door in the town nl Blakely. Early county, (.a., on the find Tuesday in February next within the legal hour* of sale ilm- billow mg psipeNr, to wit: Lot of 1 Arid No 236. in the sixth District of Early minify, levied on ns the |*mp*rtylil U II May ato satisfy one ft la. from Early Superior Court in favor of Henry B Ruhr, vs dpi. II Maya; property pointed out by the defendant. Also, number MW, in the **th District i>f Early coun ty. as the property of John Drtl to aatiafy four ft flu from the Superior Court of t’lav county; one in favor of Frau. Woufrlitd klnvi Dill ami Marshall.; one in favor of Brow ning. Hiewart & Alien rs Dill A Marshall —one ill fk vor of Draper A Kidmig* va Dili It .Mur shall; one mi fhvnrof Mallei A. Putmier vs Dill A Mat ■ Imll There is. but 1 30 acres of this lot levied on; that the west part of it—pointed out by* the Hh'fTof Clay. dec SO—wtd A Ut ft 111 NS. Sheriff POSTPONED SALK. Mm, mt tkt turn* Um> and place, unit 6c soM, fDK of Land nhlither'three hundred and forty four, in the *Vtb district of Early county, containing 2.V1 acres more or less, levied or as the property of John E Raida to satisfy one h lit issued from the Mu perm r Court of Early county , in favor of KmH W Mitetheld. Adwi'r property penned out by Piamtilf. Alsu, Lot af land Wo. one hundred and siity-four, in the *JMt> district .and Karly countv. levied on as the property of William H Williams, to satisfy one ft fa ftron. Early Mupenor Court in fhvnrof Lewis Day, va. VV K Williams; property pointed ont bv defendant ANTHONY 111 Tl lIINM, Mb'ff December 9U, 183*. wtds. Early County Mortgage Sales. WIU. he sold before the Court -house door in the v lows of Blakely, Early county. C*a . within the usual hours of aale oa the first Tuesday tn March uext, the following property, to-wit: One negro wnmau named Sally, sold to satisfy a mortgage OA in fhvor of Hnni* It Prescott asthc pnvperty of Nrliam H. Wood. 1 Alao at the name place, on the first Tuesdavin Feh’y Two lots o| land, numbers 11V and l*. iu the sixth ( district of Early county, to satisfy two Mortgage tl Iks, one in favor ol H. U If NesMtt va K II Wood; ftie 1 •Alter in fhvor of Thomas Nesbitt and Starnes, vs. V > I! Wood, Trustee for ‘Mart- L Wood, said property pointed out to said ft fas ANTHONY IIUTCHINSheriff. December IS. lfti* t, w-ut Nolle* to Debtor* auct Creditors.-. Alt j persons indebted to the estate of Stephen Weath- . an* are hereby revested to to make immediate pay ment, and ail holding demands agau st said deceased are hereby notified to render them in to me, duly au thenticated* within the time prescribed by law. for par merit. FRANCIS T WEATHERS, Admr. January 11, li3<k—w4od TWO months after date application will be mada to A tlte Ordinary of Muscogee county for leave to sell two negroes. Henry and Gilbert, belonging to the es tate of John E. Diah&roon, late of said county. _ _ T J. DAVIH, Adnt’r. Dw l#4d-wn> With ib will annexed Ad nitnUtrstor'* ffwia Agreeably to an*or der of Ihe honorable ihe c.nri of fir.tmary ol Chattuhooebee county, w ill le sold Indore the ('win , lloiine door in the low n ol Cu**eta in said county, on ; llie firwl Tm**da.v in January nett, within llie fegwl hur* of sale—One Negro man Allen, about :M or .16 , yeors of age. a* the progest? ofßammd C. < eam>d. Mold for the benefit of creditor* Terms made know n on the dav of *ai* JOHN H DIM AN. > . . , W.J. OILM AN, \ Adnir * November 8. 185§ w 40il GEORGIA, Talbot County. Wwhreaa Archibald Atkinou applies to me fbr etter* of yiiardtniiship of the |* rson and ol Ja*iH-r Bueffihg* aud Martha Mnetllnjpi. orphan* t Henry MneUing*, deceased. 1 h'*c are- therefore to cite ami inlmoii!*h ail jiersoTi icelmgan interest in said xuantliuiship to be and ap|*-ai at my ttfiWe w itbin Uie nine pre*enbrd by law, then and there to show cause, if any ibex have, why said Imier* should not be granted Given under m> otfiHal signature, tin* loth Deeeui her, 1850. MARION BETHI NE. Ordinarx Dec 13, w4od. GKORGIA, i II U r.Vlllim IIKH CO. WHEREAS Samuel D, Harp, Guardian, for the per aoo and property of John C. F. McCook, applies lor fatten of dreimeaioo from ton same. All persons concerned, are hereby required so appear at my otfice, within ihe time prescribed by law, and *how canoe, (if any.) why said letters should not be grant’ and. Given under iny band at office, the 2d day of Auguc-i, Ittbtt E. G. RAIFOR.D, Ordinary. Aug. 7, IBM svfnii G EORfffA—Cliufahnoclivv County; \I T HKRKAM Mubett f Fattenmu ami Marl ha Brew Ihe estate qf Ferr) Browning, dec*a*ai, laic of oant eoMHty: Tfiew* are then-sere t. r-sts- and admoi.nih all and sin gular. the kindred and creditors of *oid deceased. U> a4> paar at my nlfine and die their ohjei-tions. it any iliey have, on ,ir bethre the second Monday in January next otherwise Letter* will be granted lo mud applu uul* Given under my hand si <.re. Uec . Ihsm Daclfi—w3Ud K. G. ItAIKOKD, tkrdiiiary. V>TI4 ETO DKBTORM AND ( REDfTORS-a7 permn.K md bleii to tin .-emote of (feurge Oulten. late fw Musei(fee county, (li . deceased, an- requested to make uuiuediole payment; and those holding debt* oanmor figmowto agomst said itei eased, will present them duly aiitlientirated to me, xx itliin the tune prescri bed by law lor pa vine in De. ft) -wtds WM R TURMAN, Adm r r I ’ W(J mouths after dote application wdl be made J the Court of Ordinary'i(Tal!>oi (..uiitv lor leav i ’ **** belonging to the estate of Mrs Elizabeth Dun- an, lute of Talbot county, dec’ll : JOHN 8 DI NCAN, Administrator ! Nov. loth, lift* —wide \il ml nI at rat or*, Sale.-Wm bn ild nn Kin first Tuesday in January next, the house and lot in i the town of Lumpkin, known as the residence of Ma hala Welch, late of Stewart county, deceased Hold ! for tke belief?! of the heirs ami t red i tor* of said estate j Terms made kmnvn an the day of sale N* I I KIIIkHCV. Ad’nir \ DMINISTi \Tt IR’B SAI.I WIHh -*V tin- Court Mptiee door in ‘the town of Tnlhotto n Talbot t uuiity. CJa. on Wm? first Tuesday in February ’ nail* with ll the legal liowve of sale, agreeably to an order of is ourt of Ordinary of said county, all of the aegri • s b l. Hgiug to He estate ol Ehlridge Adaius, late of raid MNMtty deevased—vg: Franks man 8H years of age. Mhuts. u uian OP years old; EmHv yw old. and her buy child 3 yours old; Husun years old and bet three children; Rose a child Mold for Hu- ngr poe* ?f division JOHN K. HAKKI.SDAI.E, Her 11 —wide Adm'r de bonis n*n L'KaU'tki.oi ket Court of Ordinary Dtc. Turm \bb6 l’resou t E. ti. Km ford, Ordinurj. LTPONIk* PetrUon of Hyman Afbrhten, Administra -1 u>r on the estate of tireen Bently. deceased-. It Murdered that all persons coueerued. shew cause if any they have, why said Administniiorshould noth* discharged from said adininwiration by order of said Court, on the first Monday in June, IRW. A true tr:u-script from ‘ • lumntes of paid Court December 14, IS6H. decJp—wtim K- O. RAIIoRR. Ordinary A DMINUITHATOR MBAI.I Agreeable to an onldr *1 of Court of Ordinary f Muscogee co.. will be sold at the Maiket House in the cily of CuluiiihuM, m sanl county, on the first Tuesday in February next,* negro mail by the name of George about *5 years of age be longing to tin- estate of John M Russell. deceaM-d;also Fanny and her four children, and Henry about 13 year* of age. belonging to the estate of Harah E llusseU, de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale JAM EM M HUMHKI.I.. Ad’mr .. _of John M. and Harah E Russell December 18,1 MI W4od AND JEWELER,