The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, February 21, 1859, Image 3

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COLUMBUS TIMES. COMMERCIAL RECORD^ t'tll.l HBl'H, Fkb. 21. COTTON.—TLo receipth of cotton Kuturdar werv 123 I*>l*f nmt the .utli** won* 310. The mar ket for the past week biuhoeu a-nittU that we eouM not give quotation* hut after the Steamer* new* of Friday, prices udviuioed about 1 Nkw York. Fob. IS. COTTON—SaIe* of cotton t” ‘lav, 2,50 ft bales : Uplands 1 The market waa buoyant Mouii.k, Feb. 18. t'oTToi**-- S lc-s of cotton to-ilav 7,5 oft bales. Middling MU* ((fill rents. fcmlc* during the week 2.5.U00 biles, and the receipts 22,700 against 3 ft,- HiMl last year. The ineroase at this pari is 200.280 bales, and the stock 288,600 hales. M<>Bit.k Kcb. 20 1859. CU’i'TUN —Sale * ©f yesterday 1,000 hales at a decline of)!*. Middling 10 7^. Naw (>k*fa*h, Feb. 18. i Cotton —Rales to-day 9„ r *oo hales, nt un changed prices. Holders demand :ui advance, but buyers have refused to accede to it. Mill dling (<i 1 lc. The steumers nt*w* hail iu> of j feet. The Sales of the week roach 67.000 bales and the rei*eipta, 6u,000 hale*-. against 67.5UU bales last year. The ejtfi.m of the week nor. sb.sfttt and the total exports 907.250 bales. The itu-rcaac in the reoripU at this pouit is 3.16,000 and at all port* 1,011.500 bales. The stock is 533,000. Wheat dull. Sugar quiet. Lard stead; Cofleo firm at with mks during th© weak of bags, and imports ol 3,000 bags- -Ue stock in first hands .>.750 ugniast 21,000 saek last year. tftorluig bl* Him- N*:W On UK AN*. Feb. 20. COTTON- Rale* yesterday 9000 hale*, market generally H>'hanged. The bcUcr grades are firm er. Montgomery, Feb. 18. COTTOJI—<>ur market to-day has been very much excited to-day, and with a good demand. About 500 hale** were sold, at an advance of l *c. on former rates. Wo quote Middlings Ift Good Middlings ll<*ents. Savannah. Feb. JB. COTTON of cotton lo -day 1,150 bales. The market, wa* Urn., with an advance of an AfiAh to a *%th inton all qualities, but m< ally on fail and middling grade*. At ovaxa, Feb. 10. The Steamship America arrived at Huston last night with Liverpool date* to thc‘JVth nil Liverpool Cotton Market.-rib* soles u! the week were -10.000 bales, of which speculators took 1000 and exporters 3,500 bales. All qualities had declined. ‘„d. Rale* on Friday the day before the departure ©f the Steamer 6,000 bale*, with a dull market. Fair Orleans 7'-*d. Middling Orleans ft .'*d. Fair Mobile 7 and. Middling Mobile 6 sid. Fair Upland 6 11-lIM. Middling I'ptaud 6 7- l fid. Stwk at Liverpool 4,24000 hale*, if whirl. 365.000 are American. Manchester advice* were unfavorable. MARRIED. lu Onlumbiis on the 15th his*-., h> the Ktv .1 II IfeVotie. Mr. KHASMI S l>. NAVE. . t Marlon. Perry Cos. Alabama; ami Miss JRAKv iv U,W. es this! City, At the ritfiltßre Mrs. Prutlcnro Person-t, near Glenr.viile. Ala.. on flu- 25th ulf.. hr tin* Rev. ThomXs U. Uawko*. Mr. A. If. MITCH KM., tu ML- ANN t. R Kit MIX*. Uu (he 12th instant, at the I’cirj- liaise, by W. V. Hutchins. Es>j.,Chftrle? 0. Rush to Emily iioi toll, holh ul’ AlnJctun In this City. >’<n the Li lb instant. hy . R Turman. K*ft. Mr. dump* D. Mi'M >■. Miss Miwpy Hook, all of thici city. ••Across the thresh off led. And every tear kissed off as s.Kitt as shed, His hotue she cuter*, there t-* in; alight. Shining within, when all without is night; A guardian angel o'er Ids life presiding, Doubling bus pleasure, aiui his c&rcs dividing. Tribute of'Respect. Cot.fMßt s br unis AnnimT, I February Ulb, l'v9. j At a meeting of the Cufunthu* Guard-, held .-u their Armory ou kite evening yf the. 7ih in* uot. the follow lag preamble and resolution* reported hy a eoUMuittne were uutuiimou.slv adopted: Our\rothr in arms. JOHN’ E. f’LA KK, in u” more ! He has obtained his discharge from nnr rank* t<* join the great army o! the dead! Hie name ha# been rtriejen front (i K -ii bui it still remains in oar memory: hi* place ha* been fitted hy another, yet his virtues cannot io- forgotten. Friend alter friend must depart —name after name must be stricken; in pcCce as in war the soldier must die—at Initne or abroad as fate will allow. Our regrets at the death ol ■ur brother are sincere: as a soldier and a friend, our hand loved him. Hi* virtues wore euiispu'iious and bright, and were of (fetch kind as aftraot and re tain the affection- of his felluw*. in tßHliinuuy of our respsH, theietore. wo do Hoard ve—- That in the death John E. Clark, w have lost and efficient soldier and a valued t rieud. That we tender Io hi# relative* our ympd*b? for tlreir lout- and that a copy of these resolution* bo furnished them. That these resolutions be also puhlishod in tfir papers of the city, that the public may know of rmr Joss and onr appreciation of the <Je;td. VAN MARtT*. | JAS. M. EVER ITT, e Com. j. Bradford. ) KK KDK KICKS’ PHOTOGRAPHIC TEMPLE OF ART. 583 and 58? itromlwny !Vrw York. ‘pilE LARGEST A Nit MuT M AGNIFICENT 1 GoMcrie* m the world Photograph* m Oil. Poatel or Water color* from the • nee of tile to :he smallest foi targets and Hr-ast Pias I.IKKNEBBEB OF DECRaHF.D PERSONS, 81/E j OF Lirr.. Correctly mad* mm Daguerreotypes or Anthroiype* The public of CulUDilm* and vmmtv are particularly requeued to hear this fart in mind, that from a siuaii and indistinct Daguerreotype “ perfect and guarnnieed Phoi..graph L.K-i.-sm color, and hi till, Hostel nr Wultr Colon*, ran he made try Hie process observed at this Kiiihlnhmsnt FREDERICKS MIMATt RE PHOTOGRAPH*. For present* in liiiiulics. handsomely colored and jot up in small Velvet Case*. Lnckets or Broo< he* The. Picture ts superior to the Ivory Miniature, from being a correct likeness v |es and Aiubrotvpes, made at all prices C. D. FREDERICKS. flyaiwtyptr nr Aeebrbtfpet nf /.icing or Jtn ras*t Person* rmn be sent by Hi pres- nml tkf Pirtttrm mode froui them returned ttalh lbs roptti in from three, tu Jour week*, and yumrsnte*! tube eaturfartory December l*-~dßn. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. To Thk Million !—.Prof. Wood, of St. Loni*. bus, after year# of deep study ami untiring ra ggarch. succeeded in presenting to the public no article superior to any now in Ufa, and indeed It in truly a wonderful discovery—wn advert to hi* Hair Restorative: the only article that has been completely *tic**#ftil in vbeatiug age of hi* gray lock*, removing dandruff, itching, scrofula. Ac. It restores the gray-headed tn more than the orlg iuul beauty; add* new lustre to lock# ’ a!ready luxuriant: having the effect on coarse, harsh hair to roudur it glossy and wary: fastens permanent hair that i loose or falling, and many otberqual itins which will become known soon as used. The pride of Mankind tn siuguiarly developed in the keeping and arrangement of the hair: per hap* from the tact that if Is the only portion <.f the human body that we ran train in any way we choose: how important thru, having this por tion left to orrr rare, that we should use all the means science has placed in our bands to render it Iwantiful and permanent. If yon would liar beautiful hair, glossy hair, hair with it* natural color elegantly preserved to extreme old ago. don’t fail to purchase Wswl'i Heir Restorative. Bold hv all Druggist in thk city, and liy deal er* end ilrugglatM gene rail? throughout the l oiled Btataa and Canada* febl’i—ftl2w, House* Cleared of Vermin. And tlerden* preserved from the ravage#. of insect* ind HnM, by Ly<m’> Magm-ti c Powder* and Pill*. Farewell 10 *leep. when lied’bu** fifty. Or rat* and mice .confound in*m i (day FimAhoi 1.50*11 found n plant in the inferno of Aoin the pmvd. r**d letiv eaof which in rrtaiti death to garden insert-. nut*, roaches, bug-, fl< -aa, tick*, woUk, 4r A moult nmniini ofthi* powder will prc*#*rve a garden of plant*, and nd a bon** af nil the** annoying peat* ~ Kis fret from pmnuu ami harm!*** to mankind and do inesin animal*. ft | more valuable in preserving crop*than Guano Ml makingthem grow. Many worth ies* imitation* are advertised The only genuine ** ■igned E Lyon It Mi) he ordered thrnxrli uny mei- UtMl. ’Ti* Lyon'a Powder kill* Mmh t* in a trice, WI11I*! Lyon'* Pill* are mixed for rat* mid mire Sample Fla*k, 25 <euta; regular sue*, So cunt* 4 •! BARN LH 4 PARK, So W York. January 25, Itts-d4w lilt ENTIRELY NEW! ENTIRELY NEW! WHAT is ITf That Wonderful Purifying Agent Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid! Thitiua .Vcht Divcovny. it it the reetilt of tie (lined Jirerunh. ft it a triuntpLof Scientific Skill ! | IT is n < ‘licnueril l nkin of materml*. provided by Na | 1 tun* hersr-lf, I'm rendrjiig pure ilieauvvu Utcalln It* action is in ©bedi<*llre to filed taw* QPK'Ix.S IRK. ROW Kim U 1 It purities dwelling*. sinks. kttUiehs. It u-tunvesali offensive mint'*; It cures burn* with instant certainty; It i* the best iireparauon ever used f>r t'tvsh wound* It destroys all v.•triable and annual |HU*ot|; It relieve* in a lew second* the bile* of insects. j bees, etc It scWtierc boil* vv hen ft-niiing; It soothes boil* vv lien formed, and heals tliem rapidly It is good for car bum lev. ujeers, coins ami so mm; It cleanses tin* teetli and piutftcs ihe breath; The worst symptoms of Typhoid ami Wcarfei Fever j at - ** mitigated by lire use of tins, Fluid; it bus been | known to check ttie spn-ad ol Typln id Fnet in F'.im • die* and upon plantation*. l.iNidiiii’ ph>sichiai.s are Using it in Charleston. Cos j liimlna. Savannah. Augusta. C’aftia, Mm on. (oluoi bun, M"iilgi>merv. Set inn, Monde end New Orleans. , TIW Hospitals or New Orleans and Mobile are using ii llospirnl*, eor|K>rations. ilkip master*. iniwiutaciurers, planter*, pliyslritfb*, rMiiiisli. u by the gallon at teduced rate*. For wile h,v dnttrpfcts anitemiatrv ineralianis gener- i ■lllv. ffiltn unioni nriler* are res|iertftiljv solicited Try at least one Irotite. Price 50 nuts. Follow di reCtboi* L / “.Mnn u fart tired only i; the Laboratory of I .1. DARBY . Auburn. Via FOR half: in nibl dlll s IIY .Vi F.F. IVERSON. J. A WHITESIDE & CO Joll.N \\ brooks, J F I'KMIUJItTt IN tL CO JanlS-dwtf DAVID YOI N(. iMt. II \i'mdAi'k iii his travels on the enj*e n Good Hope fays : I found very fre|Uon‘ly among the Dutch \ Boors of the back country. Ayer’s i'hcrry /Wtn t'‘ral, which they keep hung up by a thong around the neck of the battle to a pog over their hum mocks. Indeed thiu seem* to be their sol© pro- j teetion agaioet the throat and lung disorders which arc quite prevalent among them. 1 thought it a speaking comment on the practical genius of the American people, that they should furnish the staple. I believe the only, remedy this people 1 buy to psu. Asking it they used ibe same man- { ufacturer* Fill*, fhty told mu that better pur , gativesgroor ail around them than any body could prepare. THAT KX/'M V OF .VA.YA7.VA Cnneump- , turn ! on<4 lie cured, but it is far Letter to prevent j the eruel disease froin fastening itself on the sys tein, by the titin lv use of ii remedy such us Dr. Wistar’s Balaam us \> ilj t berry utlord*. 55ft”There’s vile Counterfeit of this Balsam, i thtieloro Ikj sure an*l biff only that prepared by ! S. ‘V Fowi.k A t‘o.. Boston, which Sa* th written signature of I. BUTTS on the outside wrap- i !*• ■ 7*o Fht*prpticm.—~tst* tin. Magnesia, and all Alka li©*. either vfiord but tomporumry relief, ©r ein firm the disease into a chronic atVeelton. The t'xvgennted Biitei* iminediatoly redievo and per- 1 m.meutly eure all forms of Dy-j epaia, and stom ach difficulties. Vertigo, Extreme Languor and Exhaustion Will not trouble you after using one bottle of BOCRUAYE’R HOLLAND BITTERS. Take half a tea-spoonful regularly, one bnif hour be fore meals—eat moderately—take a short walk before breakfast, and you will find that all j that has been said tiiia remedy is true.— j Try Jt; it raiely fails to relieve Siek Headache, VYeukuea* of any kind. Acidity of the Stomach. •>r any symptom of I>y>pe|M>ia. See Advertiseinent. Feb 18 -lwdw. INTO FAMILY, Can effont to ik> n itl-iiil l iiinii. nl in thei house. The mam acehlnut* we are liable tn, may un it. r ii neecssarv hii\ moment, ami nothing i- . .tpat.l- of p-ftoruung such a certain run . {Hitcart | ‘ln liiinia ihe kctik* fnnn ihe tin’ it caught Mini scnlh'd ni> hand* i*l person v.-ry severety •*• intml alnsu to , t rrirp “I'll*- - torture was unliearuhlc It wasau uwfril night ■ * * * The Miixtiing l iniment ippenrc.l i.> -\i■. t the pain nlm-st in.niciliaielv It hSnlefl raiudlv amt left in. scar ofaccflum. • ‘Has Fos'j I:R 8i Phßndclphin ” h tm!v a w-omlcrAi! arm i- |i will cure any cam- i Bw<*lhng*t Itnrrtß siu| .iumi* Eruption* m Rhciiinaiiin Foi Hniv.s, ,i •.koiil.l n \ “I l>- ili.-|i< nei-ii with. One liollxi* north of Miimiiuk ! j ha* fn ou'Htli saved a valualilc hnr*e It i ncst;gid . i Bpr.nn* Hiuyb'.ir. gpavin and FomihlCi*. H-w nrc of liniunlons Sold m all pari* oi'ihe halo iniilc gloiic. n S H\F.S A PARK, Projiridor*. New V.irk. :il, IO.V*~ w in. Hoi.i.ow a v’s l'n.i.s. without a vestige of tu-r cury or othi-rAlletcri*Hi< jmrliclc*. coinposci) -n ----frrely of vegetable -xtmcts, form the mo*t pow erful cyinbiuHlimi ever di*nvcred for the removal ! es interuul diseu*c.Thi v recuperate tho system.and ! act a* n tom • a* well a* an ajtcrient in all alago* of or couditsm* of tin body. I the ittunuiu*tore, No. SO Aiaidt n j Latie. New York, and by all Drugiri>t*. nt 85c. f j , 63e.. wi'i !?l por l*ot or Box. F*hfß- *lwlw ST. MARY’S SCHOOL. RALEIGH N C R . lU.v. TIIo.MAS ATKINSON. I. li. Visitor. Hkv. ALItI.M SMKIiLS, 1). !>.. Rector. #THIK ffcshool hM keen edtehliekvd eighthou yurs. It ulTvin advimtage* in rcspeid to health, and moral, reli gibus, and literary euiun-. not often For a circular containing full ap ply to tbe llwtol.or Ur his friend, the Re\. W. I N. Hawks, Rector of Trinity Church, Columbus, t.a. lyhlff -d2wlt Ihiok-kccping! \VV HOI'MF,, engapc l in a wholesale, rciail, ship ping r*r f , rmnii*i , 'u Rusmc-s desiring c* Honk* i kept by l.Mihlc or Hihgi*- Entry, either u ifti nr with out n Journal, is refew'd to the *ilis< w how is li es k situation Biuiihi-ior> re sere life can In given. THOMroi.KMan Cuthhert. fin. Fell *2! wii w *. iouaao*. r a. riikf.r JOHNSON & RUCK Eli. AU*rHEXBTH AT LAW, ft HSKTA, CIIATTAHIKR HKE COCNTY. HA. ti 111. give prompt attention i .fil bu-inr** entrus V* !■! I fh'-ii r.ire tiir-ugh ut lh<- P H.lMiil • ITCUII. ml i)ie counties of Talbot, flltTk .Marion. Taylor and Bcblj ofUu t h.'iitaliovthet Circuit. February 2i, RtSU—wly. GEORGIA —Chattahoochee County: U7HERI A8 W mum D"dson, applies to me for lei sere of Adnumatralure on ihe estate of Henri etta D*.ds<*n, true of said county ‘deceased.: These are therefore |o cii- urn) admonish nil and *iu gular. Ihe kindred and* “I saal d-* ens-d. !<> tie and appear al my ofti-e on or before the rtrst Monday in April next, and tile their objection*, if any they have. nfb#rwM* said Aduntualrolmii will be granted i said applicant. Given under my hand at odlce. Feb, l*. 18je Feb*l- w3od t G RAIFUHD. Ordinary OEoRGfA rhatfabooebee County: Chnttnfutochee Court of Ordinary F-h. 7#rm, ‘DU. Present E 41. HAIPOHD. Ordinary , f ‘PUN Hie I'.iifU'ii nt William 8 Johnson, admiii- L isiratnit'.r dr hoeir e.. on Hit- -stale of Isaac ('rushy, iiecea* u. It if* ordered, Thai nil per- .sis l onrenu and. he re.ptir ••d In ilinw uu*-e im or before the first Monday In Heptcmher next, w hy in- Mie>uid nat lie disuiiased irom hrul om!minmtration. . A true traini-npi ffom Urn minute- of said Court, February !BUi, February IH Wf>m E 0 RAIFORD. Ora Rtrizß m i. HROKiilA—Muaoogtre County: Court tty Qrdimuy, / < hrmny Trim, IHjff. f AMF.h ,M ItE'BBEI.L, adimiiiarrntor of Hie estalaa ♦ I of John M. Russell and Haiaii E Rusnell. dwuesed having applied for dismission, from said administration Therefore, nil pei-on- concerned are hereby notified to shew cause (If an- they have) why said ndminis- irator should not le’di*mi<M*d at tin* Court of Onhna rv to In* hold 111 and for *nid county on tt*e Hr*t Mmti tfay in September m-tt, and that tin* order tic* publish **d in tern>**bf the law A trni extract f."tn tin* minnic* of *sid i oiirt. Feb It*. MMk—wftrn. JNO, JoHNRON. Onl Black-imith for Sale. \Pn*KIIIUOH BLACK-SMITH, I.MO to make anything in hia lino—holiest, upright and smart lor :il*. Kni|Uiri at Tint** Ohice. Fabrmtry I—Wdtf. BEDDING. \ f ATREBSF.S PILLOW* AM) HOLSTER* Mm. iVI a lew* more oft Imp M t ottage Bedstead- at mi Hmad Htreel |IH*IO) J. il HIRES FRESH SUPPLIES OP HIRAM SMITH FLOUR, H *t Country Flour. Freak Buckwheat, Best Co-ken Hatter, Large Unite ('hn*w, Nutmeg Cheese, Pin** Apple Cheese. Hap Hugo Chess**, Mom Mackerel In Quarter Barrel*. No. I Ma* k<*rel. in 14 }■!, and h£lll*l** llicaktaMt Bacon. Pui’- Feet. Ilommy WlkuuM, CodlMi and Potnlma, 100 B.ianela Crnuml Pea-. at fl Mrfkpii*', Peabody'a Prolific C orn, at ffIJW f*<*i kb-h<* if VAN MAIHT* < oluinbua, (•. Jaq 27 du. DRUGS. JOHN W. BROOKS, Slii.V OF TIIKXKURO ami MOKTAR, ‘ln tli,.CnrnHr of Krna.l and Itiuololpti Strcots.i ( 01.1 ll 111 *, 1.101(014. Would (Invite the Attention of MERCIIAKTTS AMI i’ll VNiiiwa TO ills LARGE STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VA HXISITKS, I’I’.IDTMKHY. cbo. else. ctio. SGLKf'TKD K\I’IIFSSIA FOR Ills SAIuES, AND t.'uMFRISINU One ol the Lar^Nt A Nl> T-Rinest A ssortmeuts 18 THE SOUTHERN MARKET, W hioh he offers at LOW PRICES FOR CASH OR APPRO VE 1> CREDIT. EXAMINE MY GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE ITIUTIASINTI 3B X. KIiTE X: H 38 . j I'tl.ruiirj IH-- .Iw 11 JOHN \V RKOOK.S. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE ton pai\i, IVIOjN tqomjkr y, ala. CAPITAL slOl 100 K,S TAULINHKI) IN 185 8 . A. IVILI.IAMK, SEC V. . mo*. H. W ATTS, I’IU.S T JAM KS M. W ATT, AGENT| FOR COLEMBI'S. GEORGIA, CfFice at Planteia’ Warehcuae. Thi* Coinpnuy is entirely Southern. The Stock is held principally by pr<meut citizens of Mont gomery and surrounding ••>nn.Uc. It i* coiu mended to the citizens of’ i'olmitbus, Ga„ a** en ! tirclv worthy of a lilwral patronage. ©ii** Fire Risk* taken on raasongkle terms. Ooiumhus. tin. Feb. 16. dwlm. COLI'.M lit S Saddlery, ilareir>e>i, j AND LEATHER STORE. 11. MIDDLEBROOIy vV CO., 91 Broad Street, /*- IA MAM FAf;TIKEKB AM) DEAI.EUS iV^K^." 1 >n4,,| bs. Ilnrurs*, A Lent hair, wnu ll in. tollowing comprise* a pact • —Spanish Uuibcil .Saddles nvciluid; Eng ’i ■* 1 1 do; I'lanler*’ Plain do; YoHlh's and Boy's do; Wagon an Plantation doj ami E.idie* Saddles, —vtirie- j I) <d *l>|e* Itri.ll.'x. Marllninilci, Saildle llapi, siu.l >1.'.11, al do. 1 I A lIN ESS. Fine Silver plated t ‘arruigc llhih, all uualitie* Roidunvi.y ‘• “ •* “ Double liiiggy “ *• “ “ Single do “ I Plhiii black HarncHH. all siylen and qnilltiM. LEATHER, Skirting Leather. Ilndle do. Hog Skin-, Pad Skin* Harness I .cm tier. Oak ami Hemlock, Sole Leather, fall Skins. Lining Hk*ns. ! Shoe Peg*. Lasts._Thread am! I'liidiiigH. *< AJ ji< *! lino li,■ ILi ii<^. Lenther and Rubber Helling, a'l widths, i.iuhl Rubber amt Canvas belling, for Plow Hack Hand- .lusi ihe thing (br Planters. Heli Rivet*, and lair- Leather. THTJNHLS, igsrrm Ladles and GrnUtmen’x rose and Traveling Trunks, all quoßr ’ s reiw i ’- t i 1 &Ju- - and styles. Itoiim t Horns, Valiae* j and t mi pel Hag* ('A It HI At* K IHI \l M I NON. . ■yat’M . I nam. lie.l Leather Pal Dnsh ..-Rlher nnj . wg—l'lqnnicied Cloths, all widih* anibqimliUes; ’ iiiicT-Tj.* i. Laces. Fringe*. Head Linings, Leather C|-th Hooting*. Nails. Tin k* Kr Stimifia, Hills. Km Kies. Harness Mountings, Hume* Collar*. Whips, Wagon Breeching. Ami Ulthd Kridb * All the above goods are of our own manufacture; made of Mis liesl maleiial and by evpcceneed work j men. We invite ail those who are in want> of articles hi owr line to call t*ud examine o'ii* stock, and wcas-j sure ihem clihl ilrev will ire well satisfied with the nualily of goods and the prices; as ihev w ill be told on I the very HEBT TER,VIB \ H New Work made, and Repa,img ilono at the j shortest not ir e dee I—dwtf NSW stass. CARDEN .seeds. I'ltl'lT A, Kl/IWIIR TRKEa.KKRTII.IZERH, AUtIK Ul,- TIJKAI. IAII , I.E.\IE\TS, iu .Sus. JOHN LEE, Agricultural ami Harden Kwd Store.’at Baruard's OLD STAND, opposite Kpdil, Freer A Cos.. Broad Htrret, COLUMBUS, <)A, r 8 now .receiving a eempleie assortment of articles I ~,lime led with Agriculture in litre s-mon. Mr. i j Lr-e having a prut ticsl know ledge of ihe details of se ’ lei ung and planting Reeds, from acveral years expe ueun in rulHVHting Gardens. On liarde nml Nurseries, in this neighborhood;hopes l*y bringing it to bear in ihe 1 service of hi* cutilomeiN to merit Uieirsuppoti lie lias ! received amt ha* now in sUoe Fruit Trees, [Apple*. Pear*. Peaches Plum and Quince Trees. &<• | 1 (•rape Vines, lliack Prince, fiolden Chnssallas. Diana, fatlwbl, e’. Cardin geedi, i Garden Pea* H -an* Cahhage, Turnip. Corn, Hnmii Bets, Raddish. lettuce. Ac and every variety Huiuilde (lir the season. Flnwtr Heeds, A choice “selection ‘ illy self led for this • liruaU to which and toe Plains and Flowers, he invites the attention of the I.udio* Flowering Plunl* Hiid i tihrlibs, . Japonira*. wnh Klootii huds. Chine*. Azalia*. Oeran 111111* Roses. Kpirea*. Dahlia* .Inpan Lilies, llyaiiiuli* Tulips. Gindi.ilus. die. Kvtrlien ring Hiupbri i b*. Agricultural Implement. Will be shortly received Oram < radie*. Oil’ll Sliellem, Plow*. oit and Hhuck I utter* and a roiiqiM* assortment of liortn iitiurnl imph-mem*. Ilanurr* ml l*'ert tilxrr*. lie i* daily exporting a large lot of Pure WE ANO,Bone Dut. Planter, and will take *irder* f<*r future Potalom for Meed. A i I \ K VAHI LT V O N If A N l j Having ‘concluded arrangement* with the leading Nurseries 111 Hu* rtbttr and at tin North. t mtiilily llieir : .iioMt desirable Tree* and Plaid*, lot wlmh order* wil Im* taken at an) unn* and for any quantity, j ( 0111 iiilmM. Jan I* dwtf. It. 1. lurni|HiP4‘4, ATTORNEY J’b.'T LAW, FORT HAINES, OA. Will j. rant he it Clay untl afljolofeig cuuntiu* 111 Oeuit'ia, .**• lin Henry t-ouuty, Ala. I'uhruary 7,18. r U-— w'f Til I I I,nul :m*l f>i<* Kook. ! _._ y _ Afternoon of L'ltinAiried Life, by the /#!/m.iiutlior of John ffftHfnx tientlenitm and MLfWßSttp W>* min • rliought* about Woman yJkouA'jSr H. Ivan llolt ihiughter by fl in** W liat wnl we do with it by Sir K Itdlwar l.yttnn While II aa* Morning. In Virginia PI <> rnn-tul. Future Life, or Beene* (ii Another W'nHd by George Wood, author of Peter Hrhlewilhl in America. A NEVA Ml PPL \ oF I Ttie Life and labor* ( flaniel Maker; Vernon Grove; The Win lie* of New \ork.ju*t received hv J VS PP.AME, j feblOdwtf M 8 Broad Street. Early County Mortgage Sato*. Unj.L be Mild before the fluuit-imuee door 111 the town of BlnkeJy, Early toiinly, tin . within the usual hour* of sale ori tin* lir*t Tue*duy in March next. Urn frdlowing|*rrqierty, tn-wifl (ln<* negro woman fiamed Hally, aoldto •ntiity n mortgage li fa in favor of Hernia 4 Pfear rut aa the prrqtertv trf Nehatn II Wood ANTHONY IfUTt HINT*, StT* DRUGS. xrish; i^iistetsts, Uaiii'iiKkn, Diii|u*rM. Ac., Ac. IMPORTED DIRECT. JA.M&C M'PHIUIPS 140 BROAD STREET, Would call the attention >t ilmse riemroiiM ol liurchaaiiig GENUINE LINEN GOODS, TO HIM I.AHOK MTOt'K Imported direct from Ireland, mil as In* buy* nml sell* exclusively fbr the F K s 11, tie It alter* liiuisHt in* will l- eiialihul to oiler great in liueuieiitn to tlliHMi who wUI fiivoi Inin with a call.— I be stock coimiriscH mi extensive assurtuu nt of tilili'i lag Linen*, Linen Mlieet Inga, Hlllotv ('Ha© I.lnetiHt I.ineu l>n uiimL, Table ('lot lin, all Hires. I.lnen Diaper,’ Linen Towpli, IN u iikiiis, _ IOV llm, HUCK°, CRASH. ,ind IN fact rteryihine in the /. /A’ K A’ l. lA’ F. J M< T. i* NatiHiieiithat a call w illronvihce any lady dial lua Mtorr Is ihe plarc to hay XjUKTEKTS, And House-Keeping Goods. JAMKSM ePII I 1.1.1 PS. 146 Broad Street - Masonic Building, dati. dwtl oluuihiwt. tluorgia. CLEARANCE SALE! A KEDUTIDN I\ PRIfGS OF m iii ram DRY-GOODS, AT THE ISTEW OISTIE-JPIFtiaE tm stars i 140 Broad btieet—Masonic Building COLUMBUS. JAMES M’PHILLIPS, Having deU'nuined, in order t > mak** room for the Spring Stock, lo clear out the cm ire halance remaining of hi* Fall ami Wilder Goods, Will on and after JANUARY FIRST, utter hie entire stock us SILKS, SIIIXXI.S, iVIICICI \OS, OKLSS LOOKS j BLANKETS, FLANNELS, AND OTHEU WINTER GOODS, Without any Regard to Profit! ‘ CALICOS \ IIOMKSIM .\s, Ot every description, at very low prices. CASH BUYERS will find they can save money by making their purchase* here, a* hie large assortment of WINTER GOODS must b disposed of during the present season. The whole stock Ims boon marked down to price* I that must unsure speedy sale*. REMEMBER TIIE ADDRESS James A1 c L’liillips. 140 lliond Street. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Columbus. (Jn., Jan I. ikVi la,ivii HIDES, \\ I! WANT HIDES JI- “'ll buy Hint or dry suited hid” in I t any quantity and alniusl any pri< c. bring i them in. The cinb i> ready. We pay more than anybody when we buy, and charge less when we sell. Try us and sec. febin ilwtf TY LI:U A S 1.1 ORTI!R. ! OKI) MAONOI.I \ WHISKEY ‘ r l’ HE best am! pure*l of all liquor*, warranted I tree ul poison. Lover.** of good liquor, Imre's a chance for you. \\ cure agent* for the nianu foeturers, and sell to the trade at their prices. fehlO—dwtf TVLKR A SHoRTKR. MOLASSES. |ll|| Burred* for .s.*il<’ hv j M TV LLH t SHORTER. SEED (I.Aj'S. tjjßKl) OATS raised In M,n vlainl mid free from k!l rust. Farmers Inn (font/ *>./ or none. I'ebln wdif. T\ IJilt A SHoRTKU. Nl:\\ MACON. ONE Hundred Thousand Pound* just teeeived - New rifttns, New Hhoutilei'S, Hailed and Pi, kl< and Pork. TVI.KR A PIffRTKH. COHN AND 11,01 K. A GOOD l.t now arriving ntidfor swle low. fc:blO—dwtf i \ HER A SHORTER. 3NTE-W SADDLE AND HARNESS K,STAMM. SU M KM. a~”i K T!’:rr;’ ramp! 1 o|mili.-i-h.|.Miihie J^RTEIuI FT lly under iln- nan ** • J 1 U and style o| *ii i;it ti t * a co., For Ihe purpose of Carrying on the SADDLE AND HARNESS; IIUSINESS IN ALL ITB BRANCHKH. We have taken the Wore between OimbyN Corner and tint Bank ol Coiuinlius. w here we ittlend keeping s good assortineai of UADDLEB. IIARNEKH. Tit 15 N KH. HHIDI.KH, COL | LARS WHIPS. MACHINE BELTING. SADDLE Ac HARNESS TRIMMINGS. I and everyihingMMiiiliy Kept by the Trade of our own j make and the best nonberu iiianufio lure, w hich we Will sell a*low lie can In, bought in the Houtii Hailtllcs and llarncNM I of any *tyl*>r quality made to order, and repairing done j at the *liorle*t Hole e and on the mo*l reasonable tenna. V\ I. Hill. It MAN, A HATCH. Ci'lumhuft .lan l*t. I*5A wdtt 111 AMIES IV 111 SI NESS. I rpHK HUM of DANFOKTII. NAG IT. \ t’O.waa ] diaaoived hy mutual *oiiiM-iil nil Hut S.’td of lle ; eniher la*( and ilia atock 01 Itmga and Medinnea have now nu*aed entirely into toe hamlw ot di lib rent |*er * .u* But J A MF.M'A Will IT.HIDi: om and the late j firm of Ibmforth. Nagel & to, with Jowepli Hurling, have bought the atock of Drug*. Medn inea t hemi. a). He recently owned by |>r |1 Vtil \IJ m ,\o l^.’i ! lironrl Street, and having ornie.l u t opurtunahip will I 1 any on the I )ri 1u; Itusinoss j lINOP.K THE NAHBA.NI> STYLE OF J. A. WIHTEBIDE & (JO. And would HfirtMHrtly Nolicit a liberal aliare of tl:e pat ronage *<> kindly Imihiowcil on the late inm l Dantortli. Nngel A t o . and would !* *OO.ll a cw.ltliUti. e ol tin- Hivora b*a***wed on l>r V oiiug The hooka, meuinta. note# \ c of linnfnrtb, Nagel. 4i < .. are in the hand* ufuui Hr. Wliitnaid**. nnd hr would moMt earnestly beg all inilebted to . all an.l make early paymenta. and tie icby wnuble him to nettle with the credit**rw <d Itauforlh. Nagel4 Cos. without delay. He me 111 liar Mae Plhcp, 7th Store South of Threew it*. Holt A Co’* olrl Corner NO. 100 33110 AD STRUET. We make liheral .Induction* on good* aolrl Our credit price I* aa low a* that of any l>rug Flora in tin* City Reapectfiilh 4e., F. 1.5 dwtf J A WHlTtfftlfgE 4 CO A NEW SI PPLY EA MiIIETII S Jugt rueeivmi hjr J. W. I’KASE. OEORUJ A .VluwoKim Comity: \BMIMMTK ATOM’S SALK My virlue of aa or der from the lln .table Court <>t Ordinary of Mumcogee coiiuly,<a will bn *obl at the Market IJoum*. ruth. < tty ot Colauihu*. Gn. 011 the fir*t Titeaday in A|*ril next, within the legal hour* of aale. twn negro men, Gilberl fllid Vfenry, belonging fl* the r*. late of John I: Bixlieronn. derea*.*d Sale for the l*ei*eflt of the legatee- Gilbert and Henry nr. well known about OolunibH*-. and po*ng** highly vnlunhle qualltie* TIIOS. J. DAVIS, Adiu’r. Mi Ml wil'd with tin- will 4. CTIWO month- after dale application will l** made to J the Court of Ordinary of ChuUaliooclin.* noMiity for leave (o *e|l the real exfite and m: a roe-, belonging to the eataie ofPem Hrwiiiug. dec'll. Hi P.ATTERHON. I . . ra MARTHA HRiiWMNG, i * nm r< lOfkl, 145 V w2|'i To the Farmers and Planters of GEORGIA AND ALABAMA! ECONOMY, IMPROVEMENT, CON VKMEM.'K REESE’S Manipulated or /‘honjdto-P-ruviuu Milano ! r PIIK fart Oim this Guano is equal to Peruvian, -i iniuiiil per pound, ra a* well estahlishcil us any furl run he >MtahliHliei by human UiMtuuunv ami e.v pertence Four good reasotiH why Furir.em shoulil use this Guano iii pretennive to any other— -Ist. hi* lolly equal to Peruvian on the iiiut crop, ‘fil. It nwiM, atpnweiil prim ol Peruvian, ftln less in i mu, Ul It is |>erfa<'tly picparcd for IttUQedtate us©, by drill orotherwme. 4th Hcoiuuma fifty per warn , mor© Pltospluite than I'cruvian, and ihoicioie a more periimneni improver of the soil. Tin* Giumo is lined by the following mimed tpuiUe iiieii, among others. Horn w horn its results uia> ho l—rwecl Jf* '* Earle, Ksq . Mil Archibald Taylor, N. C. M I Goldsboro ** l)i. Goorge tT**ld, “ **"* Eubank, V*. G.-n J X i.iitlejoim “ ffatnud Faw. *• JUGrtMiuo. %t l>r Hemy Field. “ Kola Norlleet, •• l onsiiiMcis must In* partn-ulai io sjw, t t) jn their or dei* It EE HE h. and obsene that our mini, is branded on tin* tings. Tcmim Cumli. or arcepiable lime draftson rily bouses. rampbleiagivuißß lull account ol the above Guano can Ik* obtained b> addressing GIXHX A t 0., SOLK AUKNT.V FOR COU'MBI'S, (U. January 13, IW6— wAtdSm Irish Potatoes. |( H \ HItFS Choice Northern Potatoes, thi sale!*- I” / janl;t—-riwit GFNHV A Ct. I’ci-mian t.iiano! \ GEN FINE AIM’D I.E warranted, ae.l a*cheap as au tie iuiddow ii Irom Nmw York NIIY 4l CO. American f.iiaao! THE combinaiions of this Guano give* u Vugli re- I pule US a lmili*cr,and it is , lu*sci a* liiln . qual to itie Peruvian. A large supply exp, i ted ai lineuilv d*y UIMIV .v ( <i Columbus. Ga. Jan. 4, los*J. dwif. Potomac Herrings. 11l IIAI.F HUI.H Potomac llernug. in pickle, lor ’ *“*h* by itl’NBV A* co. OuudiTtm. r I 1 HE subsrrtbaraare receiving and w ill keep con* A Mlanli) “ii hand tlie follow mg ami u-s No I and ‘4 Mat keret, in Hail Kil* and Kit*: Hug&r (hired Hums- u cbone article. 110 vklusi Hut-ou, Miuuked lleet. He.o Tongues, Also, ttip toliowuig aim les of ttie t>ssi quality viz; l.itne Plastei Paris, llydruiilit Cement, Gyjismin, Blast mg Powder and Batty Fuse, Hock ami Ahum Malt, Jan 13—will! GI NHY A CO. Pickled Pork •) r\ BUI.B, Itiiu.p Pork, very fine foi sale hy ianlJ-wdit fil’MlVi Cos JLtsT RKCKI \ KD, I r.O BBLS DHY HALTED MEAL, /x/ il.ue Fisli hi Hall and \\ lit is llieuKl.iM But on; < Tiuk e Mutton Hams; lixtiH Hmoked He. t; Extra Uloue t'ln Hams; I D-ill mol UlUbvd it.i. <i|i Sole*; Hams and Shoulders. PiOneU .Pork Round* teliHit For sale by GDNHV CO i CEACKERS !, II ST HE( LIVED, Hoda Crackers, •I Holier Hosioii ** Hand Made Butler, V\ me la lllllion “ Cracknels, for sale by (ill NUT A CO. I February euh, till. llAtl*. \H M AI. I. LOT OF CHOICE TLN.NEHHEE Hums lor sale by Gl.Mtl fit I February 8, 185© dtf. i. BARNARD A. Old,, COi.UMBUd. UA. WHOI.USAI.K AMI UL:TA 11. OKOCUHa* PHOVIarONDEAtUKd ttkiU’ BAVE on hand lUid will continue in receive ■TTTTa huge aud ‘weli selected slock, embracing eve K Wry nu:< le in thitrune, which me oifered io iheir 1 “lends and Urn public HI market pines < -me mi svviu. sept2P leS:—dwtl j M I.SS PORK. If W | Hlil.s ho sale hy I"*’ Feb 18 dw ll E HARVARD &. CO j (iOLDEN S\ Rl |\ .>f |>o GALLON KI.GS, Choice ’eG toi Ulj by t. UAK.NARD &CO I Fell. Id, dwil TO lIIOiSh.IMtEbTKI). V% K hereby give nun-e that all claims due ii* and ’’ Uot paid or saiislactoniy erranged. prim to ucxi re urn day ol iln- n-sp-i uvi counties m wL.c-li the par- i lio* n Hide, w ill he huuil. None will lie shghied mur-Ai dw ll K, HA UN A Hit <v C(l IMlllllillK I'OlillOPK. If W t BAKHEI.H PINK 1 \ EM. fm sale hv II M f lebiililll K It A IL\ Aiill A CO ‘PII NllfUll’ anil ittOIiINMFN If t HHDB Hugar, all grad-* *! * I .’ai Hlile nml C, Uh “ chon e .MobiNse* lm sale by | If hi lull l I hAHNAItI) KCO l'inii‘3 l lotir. •>f | BHI.H Extra Clioirc Maim I. on*, tor sale by •417 leb-Abitl I. HAHN AIM) A <it Ni*w Itacoii. mllll DM Mule*. Hams .oid Hhoiililor* choice j meal, for sale hj liH AItNAHD &ii 1 1 | I February l, IHftO—-iltf lllouik Nall. r,l \ HACKS for sate by j *JI / lebMtdti Elt ARM Alt DAc (’O j On tonviifiaiiiftiil, I *l/ |{ k COII.K Uuud hpun Hope, n good arliele for I suiem lots by L HAHN AHDk CO j CniuiiihiiM, Feb. 10, IB6o—divif Good am! attrarthe lleatliug! WaCON DtPObITOHY OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS! BATIi i;i. ttOVkl V A’t. n.AM cotislunily on hand ami is in re. -ipt of’ all the i New and suitable Works for ihe Family and Hab baih H-hool Ltbrarv Also. Hooks suilahle so M|\ IBTEHM, TJfiAt HLP.B and HCID.L.\UB, g,. ,| va i let V of HI 111. 1.8 KAMt'EI. Io\KIN. Feebruui v 14 -w 3m llept Again Notice. L’TOI.EN fmm my Plantation on Thursday night E-r Hie 3d instant, a tine grey MAKE rather’While -well tormeil, Ifr or II ynr* old medium size, the "lr bail ol the tail rathei lila< k, hut a In.nrh proceed mg froin ihv end neatly w hite, and win. h appeara heaillifulg w henever he is ex. l ed; part id the nine lame m her light fore foot, and the uppei edge of the Imof, between the two teel Hiere is a i on*id< r.iliig proiuberame. from which her lameness proceeds All persons in C-orina and Alabama particularly are re quested to look out tor her Any oorre< t uihiruiuiioii given me in regard to her will he thankfully received and Ihe person giving it shall la- rewarded ti.rtheli trouble. My post office u Adams’ Hlniinn, Lee county fin Feb 7 w3t JONATHAN DAVIS Mil'll 17 IT is *aM that a Mr JAM EM ELLIS fonneriy nf Halifax county. North Carolina n 1 now perl, .p* a r.'Nideiil of Hie Hiafe of Georgia is the ownet of a small Ira. tol land, ■ onta.ning some Fifty Acres, s.iualedin Ihe i.eighl.orhond 1/oiu whence he removed, will. I. fell to him hy the death of a sisler. and w ill. Ii 1 am d-sir o.i* of pur (’basing Mhould Hi i” itnii. full under the observation f Mr. EUfts, or his b.-trs, lliey will pfense address A W WIftTEIIKaD. Fch7—wßm* 8. oiiaml N. ,k. N C GEORGIA’ -ChaUahoorhee (.'ountj Chutinhoorher Court of OrtHnmy, Ftb. Term, ’.'til. Present E G RAIFOHI), Ordinary. If PUN the Petition of N N Howard, ndiuinisirn tor on the estate of l.itllefon M-ogan. ft-, eased ll i* ordered that all perwma conrerned. shew cause I on r before the first Monday in Meptemher next, why *anl N N Howard Mhould uot Im* dwmissed from hui.l a.lmiHiMiratioi. A true transcript from the minutes of said Court. February 10. IB6W R. tl. RAIFURD. u,.| February 14 wftm. r |' , WO MONTMH aft.'f date application will he made I to the Court of Ordinary “f Chaltaliom lie com ly ftr leave to sell a. ertau. negro girl belonging m the .-stale of llosea Puinam, deceased ELIZABETH I’FTNAM Ex’trix Peh II 1858 tm ; I’HKhK *1 tl aro note 1 r. Karml a-lnndiirr!* •'or Curroct Weigh t, and arc In u-e hr mnrly eve ‘y Rulroad 1 oinpany, tlerc ami inanu actu- H,J eiLabllMbment thro’ nn ihu o-iuntry. The re l*uiutioii which there Aal Imvo uci|ulre<j ha* linen ift ateadg gr iw.h Horn the unmiD*BHl*nl |to the |ire**nit lime, ami l* ba*ii upon the nrlticl ide artoptod by u, and never and. v ai. -l from, of al'owinv noim but p rloot ij|bl|li| gMOhIMM to go I orth frout our otablt*h mnt. We have m >re than one ihundreri dlff.*rent uiodifl callonaof the*.* Hc.hU * a*l Aplerl l n the wan'* ot eve ry department of hi|*in> **, where a ror.i’i t and dura hie Seale i* required Caliaiid examine oraend lor un iliiiMtriiled circular I EAI Kit AN KS 4 CO IHR Broadway, New York FAIRBANKS’ grain*. FAIRBANKS’ FAIRBANKS’ Mcrlcm. Hell, Frentieo V Cos. Agt SHvanuah, (*a Oet 22—d#aw 4m. UALL, MOUEip Jl Cos., Agmita Coluuibua, Ua, GOl’A IITNRRSHIL*. r |'HK UMdersigund have fills day enierod Into Co s partnership forthe purpose of doing n General GROCERY ANDCOMMIUrtIoN HFHIMIHt* under lie nuiue ami style of OGLE Pit EE 6c tl MINED. C. OGLKTKEE. H It IIAK.M l) ('nliinibus, Ga Jsu. Ist, 165!) c OGI.ETRLE. H. 11 IIA UN ED. DGLLTREE &. HABHED, tMIIILCS tl.i; AM) Kt. I'AII. (si’ocer* :diil 4'omiioisMion Alercliaut*, No. 16 BKOAD BTitBET, col I'.ii It In, (5 a. Will keep constantly on hand a well selected stork ot GRfifte - X .. •* -on GOOD st pl-I.Y -’ 5= gHCr5jES^ I,, KKin tt , Hope. Hull. Tobarcu, bb,m>r,,Xc. Wliuil w 1! be sold at tin* lowest tnarl.ei prin - Tlmiikfiil for Ihe Hlieral patomue extended by our old lYiends and riiHtnnietx. the) H'*p-cll\tliy mo licit and hope io merit a ituiUniiame of the satin* JlllUtirv IK, 183 P. .nui JOSE EUR & (JO., IMPORTER* of HAVANA CIGARS. RANDOLPH ST. COLLMBI S, <i.\.. Two Doors \\ est of ihe Coluiultu* Time;- ofilct*. .4 11.1. Kc> |. . ..i>-i:uih on hand lnigc .i.ontoi'Dt > > of the I 111 >ll I- I IIIIAMIM Onh'iNlVom tin* tnunm are reapertlnilx soliritcd. and willbt filled at the vei v lowe*t pure for cu.-lt January *45 dw i t TO Til K I’I.WTI.US Os (>corgin anti Alaiiama. KEi'TLEWELTo MANK'ULATfiB GUANO, ORPEKI MAN AND PIIOHPIIATiC .l A Mi. IMPoHI Elf from tin: islnuds t>| < mnoi aid >• vassn. Combined and t lohelt integrated by m:i. Linen . . N". I warmuteti t” toniani * pci tent. Vmm ooa, 45 to M percent. Plnisphate ot l.mie. No. ‘■! warmnietl to contain !> percent. Ammonia, 55 to t.O per cent. Phosphate ot Lime. first Crop, and tto{ ie’ li u*f Jb* ttfe i! q • ro\le m’ •! il’ *t> i* i'l $ Soli. “Ml MaiMpuhted Gitaun having be. ome the accept ed and siiiHCsstul rival of Peruvian Giinm>, I trust I sliuli be panloned for putting upon public record ivliat i* so iiuiversallx know n m ltuiuinoie. that l.imsoU iy and ext lusivel) the (>ii£imii< i ol Ibis aim lc l.t o„ ue of ma. liDiei) Xmeii.'.in laimo. in..,. KING, ALL£JN & OAMAX, SOLE AGENTS. COM- MfU N, urnnun \ Juniiat) *45. IWU. dw >U Ist April. MAV (OPAKTAi;HSII 1 p. UK have tin* day mmh.kiioT wm. n*,%i. i.t.u it MILLER, ami mle.nJ to . . Diome tin ;:i m _L>J I Y GOODS buxine** at ibeold stand of MAM.EV A HoDGEH. VYe retuni our Hl'-I eie thanks l> I the lilm i.i. p.t.ioj.- age heieUiloie extended in u*. and r. -|s*t i Wi'.lJ Soih.ll a < continuantt: of me same lof the NEW FUliu’ MANLEY, HODGES 6c CO. JNO P MANLEY. J WHODGES G. H MILLER. Jmiuary I. IHfnt wdif. Coparmoi*slxir>. ,, DU .1 \ ITiqt HMIT and POSTER S. : iainiAl'M AN r. I'e.iim t _in-,,. ,• ,ha! r!.<■ v bfi have■ puivl ed the < Sinlmslmient of the hui ■ ‘lk ‘i-’ •• , 'u ot ,Ar 4 aml \t • “ii ! tmue tin-DUI 4. HLHINi.HH at the oi.t stiu.d uiyfci Hie him ami name ot • UHGUHAMT CMAFISAN. i t in) son-it Use iHuttniied |i.iii-'ii.!,,’ <n then old j tiicml- and i iisuont'ia. with au olheis who in.’ \ he I pleased to give them a call. br. ( a-t|iiiiaia. | Will xmtimie till* prnetl, e o| Medl. me. and U ill keep Ills olio-* at Ihe Drui! Hi, in I 4 4,.t Jan I .'.1.1.1-. divil. • XDXBSOX^XJXXOiNT. I r | ‘HE Copartnership >d niHMiKH IHA PM \.\ w t J dissolved on iIK l'’l > b Hji. by mmuiii roi cni All |Wrsiin* imlelued to said firm aie noiuted in make pa\ j uient null to.lobn \V. Iln-.I who. having pureliased I nil note* and nre-mnt- belongiug to the lai,- linn, is aloiieatitlioil/a'd In line ihe itrui mum m .•iii. im ut of outstanding biismcss JOHN \\ miOOKH. F H r|| \l*>| A N BTOTICE. i r | A HK.iinilei*igned bav mg purchased the entire inlet i I eal in the Drug Store 1.1 Hruok* 6c f'liapuikii will I couliiiiie Ihe biiHiin ■ oil III* indiviitiltti Ut iounl A* | meiiibei ol The late linn he would male In- atkimut edgenn iil lu the geueroiia pillions of Ihe house, and re speclfrilly solicit a t e of |hell colilideui -and | pntmnnge. JOHN W. HltooKS Ja on irg-19, IH.’Mt <hvtf ! TSTO“W YL Sent /W Pniil .mn eipl .ts the Inn illustrated. i Rl UAL MAM ALSf j These chimin'* ac, if voted lo a pup'il ii -■■ j.•• -u■ •.11 lof iln more important timurln * of Mum, ■b onomy , j and Rural Ait: thus prmmmiig public las’ . eti.'iammg I j ilniiiesin i nmfrl toul diniiiu-: Ihe > pm:* I nn i-irsiog ih-profitsoi itural late and lm inn. T'n-i I I are udapfed load section*. Southern a- North j mu inlri-M* lii mg initlitiilty icpir-i iii-d ih-i-in. The ■a-rh s compris* - THK HO CJfSK : I A Poclel Munual o| Kui il Airinl- or to build i I Inn cc . Itufii.*- and other oiil-hiiiiduik*. wiih many I j * M Igllhh Design* Pm ein pupi i coVi i- 30 cent*; in mmtljn ,'io cents THE OA.HID£JJNr : 1 Ve<jet:iblc* FrtMls. Flower.-, ami (‘rnaiii-iila: Tn es j j am! Shrub* and nu evposilinn of flu laiwsof V-geta- Itle Life ami Growth Pi ne, m paper covers. 8u veins; in musl'ii s<> cents. THE FARM: , With Clinpi-i* -ii A. in mi. -ii Chemistry. fSoihi >i mure.'. Di.lining. liin/aiion, 1 mho;. J'.rm Imple ment* eh I tin* i rated. j Price, in paper mvem. 30runs; hi muslin £.(’ rents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. A Pocket Mjiiu-i of c.mi • || . . ami Sheep !Li bumlry . With Dne-tion* tin-the Mi-.mjig .ami Mau* ageuimil id Swim Poiidj ~ Pigeon*. Rabbits D ig*, etc., the treatim iii of iheir‘Dir- *c*. and a-< hapfi i on Her*: j Price in paper i Sheen:*; in nuislin 50 rrnis. TIIEHoimE THE GARDEN THE FARM - AND DOMES I D ANIMALS. Hound m one larg- handsome gilt vmniyc may le imd for on-Tlolitu and a hail Ii forms of i -I'ji Com i* tier r I. titit- it v ok Hcrai. Amri's and -I “- id h. v- a p,:n.e on 1 e *ltelf ol t v civ i-ndmii “I the coiinliv Sen'. pi< nud bv drift ninii. Afidre** ‘ IT.WU.iU WELLS, No. 308 Hroadwfty, New York I Howto no Hoop aKDOKT “Paid for it.” Tike an Agem v for our Pubic .ttion*. The term* are kii< Ii there mo In no possihuay of (• **. Family will be glad tu home of ihein Foi p.uli ul'ir:. a Idle** F"WI EH A WEI LS feh 14 w4t N-. 3io llro.tdwiiy, N Y. A fine Cotton Plantation F(JH sau; Tins Plantation . ntain* IMM Anes <f Axflt I .ml. Ivin. -n A. lib c- u il-.*.* Ci.**k ~ml im ! WKk"o’ “ “ lb.’ B .irte* lv-.M’lu ‘■ “” ‘I-’ X. aude. iv. nn ni to <I H. l. -, id *. h* •>. 1* .. a 1 oms utble Dw eijo a g .nl t <ve: .eem ilou*e ; good j negro Cabin- i.■ •<! Gin h . •. 1 whi lli* in peiierl by water power* Mill alia. bed. lie ei pi* •.eni h|iii*.‘.l'het. re crop i plant.'il, I ’ will lake SPJ.fih |h i A re for it For paniruUi- .i ldr’ me at Giennvilla. Al l A BASS I Feb. 14, 150 wtf TIIOS MACKENZIE & -ONS. Impoitcn. of SADDLERY HARD-WARE,, MANCCA.'TI RKtlB f>¥ I MATED COACH AMJ Otli IIAMES, A\l> 111. VLBUh IN TBIOTWGF. No. *C4*A HlHno e-*l. Near ( liarlrii KAI/i'IMOKK. I'ebruary 14. lc.t ~w ly* AC AH D, 1\t >VV liav. on hand a lartreutwoikuient of V I’.III t I.KS. of tin* rtn. *i tmi|< nal iind chow *1 mttnofnc tun ever before otter. i| ill lln* liankel, 1 ibracmg COAOHKH, HKHI.INM, CAI.EKCUHH iWnck t nl. eelie-. ltoTnwnya, TOP AND NO TOP BUGGI ‘B, ALSO. A HIM.EMMII STO< h OF New York Trotting Baggies, OF EVERY STYLE A.N|> DKHI KIPTION, winch 1 olii*i Oil belter |. riii*Umii call he utlonled ol**- wliere. for 1 a*h oi ippruVed credit. 1 ajii ahniit windin'.’ qp uiy jkiatiie-*. ami would he obliged to ail indebted h note or urroutif to cull and aelHe eithrv hv rntdi or *ii!l*fhetorv W-nbWtil All who omit thi* will tlml their < hum* in Un hand* of m* •- tornex for • olhu rton 11. t Vs KkF. NIL All tho*e vx ho do not nitind paying without lining *ned, nr.* notilled Hint M\ • i**r < en< w*U **• de du< t.*d liy calling at the captain’ ottl find Mrttiiug forthwitli. II C M< KKL t oKiinlni* .January SI wtf DRUG STORE. UKQIWART & CHAPMAN, AT I'll,) MTANIIOF DANFORTH & NAGEL. ( OH MBI S.OKO. rj Would lespeeUllll) edit tile attention tl of their mend* ami of nil others u iriilng Mgjff Ul D> buy Dings and Medicine*. In then tnrge YH t*t*6 eoiiMtantly im n-trsing stock of Cm PURI DRUGS, MEDIGIHE.S AN’D ci li:m iCAiaS, I'aiiifM. X Mi-iklNlieH. Ol In, \\ lllduxt billlkM mul Putty, Ijeutl nul Itruwlxes, Ficncli Pi rtiimsry, Os the richest variatv. and all FANCY ARTH I.Ert .'oi Toilet it*,* I'm kailnw and Gendi nien Murgieal A itentul Instruments of the most improved style* ami iiiainilbeture. Artificial Teeth, Tin and Gold Foil,! FOR DENTAL PIKPokKH Pure Brandy and Wine, FOR MKill’ 11. I HEM l oi llousek*‘> jierslbex Imve a large supply of Fresh I‘KITKU AND SPICKS. XI HO. .1 eUtitie* and Cooking W the*, superior quality. liF.HT HPEKM OIL. HI IIMMI Fi t ID Kt HOMNE till AND I \ M PH. pi IT A** It. G UIDKN HEEDH. it, . it, !D “’he i*rder* from IM.mte.s and IMi> “iciang, a. xx ell n*tli"-r “ll'aumy, will In* filled with Hi*’ turnout . are and promptitude, and upon a* liberal term* a.- can be oftered an) house in the ©late. The pic >-ri|itioiMni Phyait ian- an* sniu fled, and will In* prepared at any hour of tin* day *>i night, by experi rb io *l and nkillftll apotheeurie* Max tug secured.the .•,*rvu*s of Mr. OLIX'LHt DAN FORTiI, In* w ill In* happy to see and serve hi* old ii lends and patron*, wlienevci Ui. \ nun favor liini with a , all. J \. I RC4I lIART Feb 4 158 dull’ FOHTF.K H CHAPMAN NOTICE. MOBILE A GIRARD RAILROAD The Stimlay Traina on tlii* Rmul w ill be ilisroti tiuueu on and after February’ l.Tth. Feb. B—PI w wltn. if a. *. v , til I t 2 k. kk l’ A- aJ. £ *) %€ & .'. yVW a. i> Jr* -I 4 \ a I'H* CRLKHIUTID HOLLAND HRMLHT F()> BYBJPFf’SJA, niMMSi; OF TIIK KIUM.'VK Liven coMplaint, KXKVKSS ,>F ANY KIM --•v-n frt'g, 1a id ill,- inua fie,:l on* coiisequflQt Upon a diseased STATU < > K CI 1 K I .IVKIt. Stirli as liidtt'eelion Aridity of tue Htounicb. Coin * Paine. I lean hum, L*>* of Ap;-etite. Bv|Kni<leney < itveue*. liliml and Uleedmg J'lie* in ail N--ir,,ti- Kheiimatii and \> imtlgie Xnertiou*, it has in nuttier -it- i list a lire* proved highly lienefir tab and iii oiber-> et fertr and a derided cure. ni- i si purely vegetable compound, prepared 01 .strictly k, lentiti, prtm ipb**. stllei the jn.ii ner oX tin i clebi JJi’d Itognud Pr-*l< ‘-or. Kieibave Iterause - I ns great sm - eee m i.msi ot ih, Europe hi Statue, it* in inulu, Hon into tin- t tilled Siat-s wn* intended more ■ -rjie, uilix lor ibose ot mu laitterlaml s- aM- ied *> u and there e ver the farenflliie might) , oiinli> 51 et mg w ith greatism a ess among them. 1 you offer it to the American public, know mg that it- truly womb-rhi iiH'diri'm] must b*’ uvkimwlt dged It i* pHiii- tilnrly recommended to tbo** punum wli -'itsi.unions max Imvt been impniretl bx Hi- J i oi.tinuoii* use of ardent iiits. or other 1,-rips of din j -i|.itn>ni 4enernlly instniitdiieoii* nt etleci. it finite iff \x ax directly t<> the seat of iu*. tlumtng him) qtiu kei hig every nerve, raising up the dr- iring spirit, ami in Inct | int>istng new health amt \igor iii the s\*tem NOTICE. Whoever expei I* to find Hit* a Leverage . will I”- disappointed; butt, the sick, weak ami low • ut Med, it w ui pn*v© a grtleftti ammatic rordinf. |mt *esH*d of singubir remedial properties vavr in v / The gro©l popularity oftliis delightful armim ha* in dm-ed man) imitation*, which the public should guard ‘ against purchn*ing. Be not i>er*ttnd>-d to buy anything j else until ),-ii have given Iberlnivr-’* Holland Hittet* n ) fair 11 tub 4 to, boil e will eorix ince jon how mfintlei) j ■ tqo t il is I,- nil these tu.nation*. Hold at *1 per bottle, o i six butt 1.-* for $3, b) th -SSOLI: PKOPRIFTDRS, BENJAMIN FACE. JIU CO. MANIIFAcTUKtNG and C.h rmiat*, PiTTBBUHQH, PA. For sale it; Coluinbii* by If rook” A Gliapmnn. and by droi'gjsis gemirully ihroitglioui the Hlut. April 4. t-'.AH -Iv.lwi* THE LIVES INVIUO K Al() Ii , PREPARED HY It It. 8 A N D F OH I), COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. i8 one and llie heel purgaliv and l.iv-i >E di< uies now j Iw-h i-file pubhe. ihatscls Us a Culhatlic. easiei i milder and in<n* -rte-mal than any tuber inedn n c | known. Hi* not only a cnihartic but a liver mine fy j acting ijrst on the Liver !■> eject it* morbid matter then | on the sioiuarh ami lertvels io carry ml ihe matter, j thus accomplishing two purposes ell* luaiiy. W iiEout ‘ any of Hie painful feeling* e.\ja*rie;ice:| in tin* operation j of lie l cathartic*. If strengthen* the sutemnl til ling time It purge* if; nml when taken mtiiy in metl • r.t:- doses, will Hrotigthijii and huthi up with unusual mpnflty. The Islver is oneot ( <hv prim ipfe regttlu tors of the hiiluuii b” ( j dy. and w hen it per form-its mm lions wen ( 1 p, vv-t*of the -y > It* ii ace filliy d-veiupeii |: J A* 11.- -loimn I, t*jn in ul -hiir-.y tb pen and b Ji*' l,lol “.t i ii i. ofoc Liver for tin i /.{ |"n;'er j eih uu.ti . • ol H* functions, when ll.< I ‘t sbintacb IS at fund li e h t.v-i* at li;nil. Bmi S* - 'J ‘ue whole in mu. a cnnseipu'iice us v J" 1 "’ organ Ihe Lit •- r having teased tu n* duty. Fur • h si sos that organ, n die proprtelt i ■a* made it his study pratiue ul im-m ii.tu twenty yearn, tn w | hml •me rauieov wlu rewith to coUMter t <“ i ill* matiy duriitge neiits It* which it i* , 1 .table. T't prov • that this i- ‘ w ;i" > lyi* nt list fninU. uiy |ier*t n troubled / icr Cnu - liiitiiK in any of n* lor .us. im. nut tu try a .oil,#*, aad convicUtm # •1 “> fenaiu. These gum* rt flinve 3 r j all nmrbul or bad mul .i fin in Ihe system.! ‘'.supplying in their pin* e ■ h-.itlhy ll"W ol l.i.t . j *i. ‘ iLorln mg ihe .a.u iiach <:• o-mg loud to L ‘ ■*• w-H, purify ing riir bl ttd. t xicnm Ht e and h-auii ..lit- whole mat hint- ( J r,. .amoving du -an*- ii ii.e ilim asc -ei.t. ( ll " nnlFai euie. 11l l luiv aiinelihi cured. null, wlut Is by Ho . ismiiai use t.f the j a, Give) lavlgins. inr J ‘ ) One dtse aller eating f~j •* s'ltie i-nt to relieve ihe siomutb amt prv the tool mut. using and souring. ( | Duly one t|oe lukeii ) — I J before retiring pm v tmi* . I ui* i* ;, /• (in. v one and. .V ‘taken /) at eight, Untsciis ti.. bow. * gently. and Hjcur.s i Out <l"*’ i.ikeii alter meal will vui< l> •>e*-e . |gr Onedose ol two spoonful* -viil al ways relieve kirk licsdachst tine ilota taken liu ‘ i female obstructu u re move the imine of 111- ‘ | dwease. ami makes a j-eifet I cure. 5 Only one dose relieves Hioli-■. while mrnm • On- tlose often repea- fed is a sure cure lm loilcrs l*i ■>•• s, ‘and urvv. oiuiivc oi (little ra J H -only one hoi lie r iis uretleil so throw imi til llie •vstemtlie nlfet ts VJJ t*( medicine after a hwig sickness. |yt Oih* boille fuk-, /x > ell for Jaundiis ie niives all sallow ness nr unuaiural color iinm im skin. One dose tnYen a slmrl time before eal i... gives vigor tn tint , upjs iife nml (uakH fbnd digest wef!. One d<dm* ofren repeated cure* 1 ‘ RronU Olr l ima, hi it* worst fonnf. while Hummer and lltiwrl complßinls yield nlirmsf to the first dose. One or lw"dose* cures ufiaeks caused by *• orms hi chiidreni there iw no surer, aatur nr *peedir remedy nfiM ■ ||'< .1 “ new I lail* i *r A few ImUles cures Urrt|M)’, by exciting On ilixorbants. We take pleasure in recommending Hu* nieilu*(yie >* i preveptiMlv- for Fever i* ak. Ci*l l• Fever, and alt Fearers of n Htdous Typ*r Ii ojt-iate* with certainly, and thousand* ore wilting to estity Io ifs vvoml-rfril virturs. AH who use it are giving ii Iheir unanimous lesluil"- ny in It* favor. Mix w ater in ihe mouth with Hie Invignintnr ami vviillow froth fogefltei. THE livrr invigor ator. I* a arurntklk medical dhn ovary, and •* dally work .eg r un**alnioat iwo great lor belief. It cureau* it by i.agic, even Itie lire I d*e giving Iwnertl, and h.*Uloui mm* than one bottle 1* required t'> cure Buy kind <>l Liver Complaint, from the w-r*i jaunde eor dy*p.M*.|a o a c .lOOlOll heH.hicl..*, all of'winch aie the reault ol 1 di*.*ii*ed liver. Irn • one Dollar par lloltle. SANFOitB * co. Ptoprteton, 345 Broadway N. Y. WiIObKSAI.K AORJKra. H imr*. 4 Park. New York; T. W. l)i*ytt A Kona, I'lolndelpltiai M H Hurt II 1.’.*,, UfWtoti; II II 11 tty 4 1 o. Fort land; John i> Hark, (Mncinnatß Oayhud 4 ll.iHiinond, Cleveland. Fahii*t<ak4 Daw*. I’hh ago; OJ Wood 4 Cos. St |,otn; Uforgi* It Keyaer, I'ill*- liilig; S S llancM, Billttiuorr Aud retailed by all UtuggtnlM. WhoU"ulr ved HoUtil J. S PKMBBRTON & CO., BROOKS A CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH 4 NAOFI., May ‘to. IH.Aa -d4w ly and ail Druggiala. WOOD, EDDY A CO’S Mingle N'miibcr XOTTEjRIES. Capital Prize ,$50,000. ‘I I0 Ii Ki’ 8 ONLY TK K DOL I, A R 8 NOTIM TO TUB !■( HI.(C. A* the ntembwrM of our tirm have, by wuy of pur | chase, become ihe ow Tleroi the grants chartered Lv tits States ot ‘Delaware, KenlH, k). Missouri, and part of those m Georgia, pudei the imiiiHgeim-ht of Mounts. Gregory 4. Maury,of W’fltnmgtnn Iwiuwors, we have deemed tl expedient to change the name ot our firm, on uml after Jaimar) Ist. Ibob. to i lint of WOOD. ED DY At C 4), who wm lumimlUm Have the inaiiMgemwiit of the Hpartir Ai adeni) l.nttery, atnl the* ms above nuimul. In ail traitnarlioh* we have endeavored to conduct our htlKinens with •ttiegrll) and proiuplues*. and we tan assure ttir ptriiHr rfiat the patt e-migr l>e stowedoii iin is w ell deserving of b, mg iiaush rred io ; “in micimMik, Van raapiit iniHy. ; AiignsiH.Gn Dec Is, ‘(O’ ti. SW AN At CO. Wood, EDDY A(()„ MANAbkUH. [HI 4 V EHrtORM TO It. WW AN Ac CO.J The fnlluwiiiß sChWoe will be draw n by Wood, Eddy j A. 4 0.. Managei* of the Hparta Academy Lmieix.m i-neh of lll.'ll Huiulm Nlliik.i I- isuteries t. i February IKSV. at At i-i'ST.x. (is., iii pulilic under the siiparinteii* deuce us ComiiinMiionem. Cfas* fi ilrawb cSautr4lHy, Feb. 6, 1859, ClaH 7 Saturday, Feb. HI. 1859. Class 8 liraw Hatunlay, Ke . 19, 1869 (ylaa*! 9 drawh Skturdnv, Feb. 28, iB6O. On th® Pisn of klngls Nii in tiers. £O,OOO TICJCLT&- 5.485 rKIZ£B. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERT NINE TICKET* ill.'miifimil Scheme! To b© drawn ©vary Suturduy in February. I I‘riaa of |5 ~0410 * ~ ati'Hio f “ - i",- j 1 “ 4,! UK) y 5,004) .w “ i - ’ !*’ “ 4,1 lb!’ “ 3 >4) HW “ 15.. I| “ ,m> AI PROXIMATIOM PRIZES. I True sot Aimrox’g to ts Prize are l.tMrt I “ v5*J •* D'.niiU “ 10'iu I ** 8 :i 44 .1,01,0 “ © i I “ 8 4) “ 4,'4)f, , .• HO I “ I l “ , “ belt) 5 * ItM) “ “ j.'WO 4 * an rt.... •idu.Oi.u •. S5 Prlz-a anumbilr.p to j.ivi ii% Whole Tickets >flO. Halve* H 5 (iiiariers *8.541.* A Ihrcular sbowiflf the Plan of:k LoUsnes will be •ent to any one desirous of rwcMViPg it. I'eiuoia c m oi I'm kageh w u, be sold ul the follow ing rates w hu h i* l‘je risk: Certificates o* I’nrkage of It) W hole Tickets. #BO “ IU Half ** HJ “ 111 Aiiiartais “ 20 ** “ 10 kighth “ TO INOKIHRING TICK I 1H ih • HUFII AIX Lnrloss Ihe money in our addreiw fortheitckotsor- Itfivd, ©a remipi nt which they win he ti-murilad by trsi uiuu. Piircuaser* can have tu kots ending in any igtire they may designate. l-i*( ©f Drawn N umbers and Prize* will be sent to ,-uif iniMers iumiedluti ly after the Drawing. Purchaser* w id please write their signatures plain, md give tbeiy post oltuc, county and Hiute. # RetoPOiber ttmt every pH* w draw n, and payable in mil without ili:dci< iu.ii. All prize* of *l,iHih and under, payable iinmsdiately ‘fterthe drawing, other ptizes at the mini tune of 30 my*. NI m< ’L T(I tft K R EBIM).VDwNTS. Tinea- w mi pret- i mi sending money hv mail can use I’s Adams Etiriv l oiupaii) , whereby .nem:v lw| ‘ll* 111 t-U!U i I ’fell Domna and ttp > m:.-> an In-sen! Us AT Gill itISK AND EXPENSE .Vom n-v city or tmvn wl-emtl.e) have nti uihie. Thu money ami order niu*u In* enclosed i . a (•"Vcrimieut Po uiiu-e Huiiujt. il Envelope, or the Express Compa ny l umtoi re eive them. All comniuni. sirietly confidential Aihlre-- -ufi I* -i Ti- 1 ei or Ceniftt alt *to WODl). LIH)Y Ac CO.. Ammsia Ga n. Wfitil). EDDY At CO . Amenta. Ga. nr W'tMil). i.l/lft Sc 4 *K. W iinimci-ii |)el Person* rnoufing near Afimlgomerv . AM., or Allanta, Ga. ran li.m then orden.lilieu ami save lime liv ud Ires-mg . J ft i o arejib'er efjlieae ni„-s. A i; ot Ue* iioiii"’ tbei .re draw o tri ai the vvliee. a till tm- aiiimlnt ->t the priw ib?ti ei h bite is m,lined to. TV 111 be published after ©©Dry drawing m the follow mg <Ge) Arir Or <u,.” iitlim .il-fint* Kfgu-o; Uuirltr, Atlanta ■ .Acm \urk It etktt) l.ny {Utiil. ; .'jimi.tiuh Hotly .Ai ,r >- sh. hu tout ul. r; A'w Turk Ln.'/utrh- I'liniitiu/f (A/i.-:. ) CHanan. nvt iMttt tiark (Ark.) /me t).,■ a> Georgia State Lottery. ■ I• ! I ‘I , “ ‘ ; HOY AI. HAVANA LOTTEKY, -For the benefit ol tbe— MOISTTICELLO UNION ACADEMY, dr JASPr.n i’4)t jjty, ft a. | [ Authorised by Special Act oj the Letjulntnra. Ucliiniiei A ( o. . I'o Iw ilr.iw n m pulim uudm the sworn #uperiiiteHd i I'meonwoC, mioi.-sii.m -• .iiipou.ii and lor llial purn*t*e ! 11l th. < in nr S A VAX NAIL fJA. CLAbS 7 DRAW 8 ON KATHHD W . l EURE ARY 19, 1859. CLASS B DRAWS UN .SAIT IU) \\K EMU* AKY. MB, 1 859. CLASS 9 DRAWS ON SVTI lID.W MARCHS, 1859. Capital Px-isßo •I'll KKTS t.,M.\ Tt.V UOL.I.ARH. H.ilves. Quanuiv and Eighths in pro purl ion. ’ CI.ABB 7 hn* oh NM:t) NTihihers nn*l 3.60) Tuxes \ an.-unungm 8-jini i.-io anil :h- CH|dmJ Fnw is i%M,WO j ami-the lovveM f*ri?. i-i BMI. I C|,ABB *> Im in i in. Numbers, m.d fft.lftU Truteo, | nmt.Mii > To 2 rasi, M’ te lhan ttue Pme lu every ‘ two Te i.. is. The iowem Tnoe h Hlu. tapi ml I'iuw | I- >3.-..e* c CLASS g ha* >7. .nen iMimtiers. and ‘JXG'27 prize* anioimung Io f :< E Tia XI. ic pjaaes than Iduiik*.— I Capital I'rur” hMi.W/O. l*'ui.( Frute .sio.f ON THE LAN OF ‘IM.I.E M MBKHB. 50,1C0 TIC Ktlfe —25 C 27 FhiZt S. M(/KK THAN ONK FRIZKTO ENKKY IWO TICKETS. fiavnilioiil Xrbrnir To Di iwii null Safurday in Fehmary untl March. ’ Fir/e of •>.',(),•( 0 I 5 Frizes of *I.OOO IS.MKJ |lO •• 600 ISf a ‘Hid | 4 “ 400 I 4.1*4* *2 •* JOU I ** 3.600 I i “ ........ 200 1 “ ‘AW'f’ | ‘0 ■* 150 l “ 1,500 j IMP ** luo 1 1.100 l Al*Pri uX l M ATI ON FIUZI6. 4 Frizes of 4dOU appm.xim'g RiO.OOO prize are 800 4 I JO 15 000 “ 600 4 “ lU| “ 5.000 •’ 400 4 “ M) “ 4.1.00 ** 390 8 toll S.flHO •* 480 8 “ 50 ” 8.(00 “ 400 H “ 40 ** 1.509 *• mi H “ !HI “ Lioo “ 240 mu “ an “ 100 “ 85.900 prizes of 10 are 8541,000 ameHinfingln J8317,7iA) W Imle Tickets 940. Halves (Quarters 82.50 1 LAN OF THkT.OTTEUY. The niiml ei* li.u.i I In .’tß.noff t c rresjajiuiing w ith Hie • nui ‘hen <>ii liu* ii. kefs prmted on separate slip* .|pt|wr tire am its fed with sinud tin liiheu ami placed in mu wl,. <l. Tiie msi 17” Prize*, smnlarly pruiiud and encirefed are pin eti in anothei v. he|. Ti .■ wl,Peis are Hien revolved, and a nundiPi i* diawn iiitm the wheel of mmdters and at the same time a prize is drawn li-.iu Ihe nlher wheel. The unui bei ami pu/.. drawn . ul nr- opened and exhibited to the uiulieme, ami regtalgred by the prize being pia< cl ng-uind ll . miaih.-r drawn This I -per ilI"n is r.jient. and until ihe prize* are drawn mu. APPROXIMATION I RIZKB The two pmrevd mu and the m u *m. eedmg i.uuibeis i flm*e draw mg ‘lie rtml 0 I’u/.-s vvul In- enliiii diu Hie 44*> Appmxiuia ii"ii Frizes Inr exan.pi-: if'fii kef Nu. IJSifl draw* the *.'.n (Hid pu/.-, ili"— li'keis uiinil.erwd (1218. 11*48, “-u. im, will i„ —” t; entitled to Bvi!f'. IftfeketNu 550 draw* Ihe M 5 (MNi Prize, (hn*i* tickets inimhered •’.ls, XM. 4.51, 55’i, will be ear Ii entitled tu *l6o and an “ii aectinJing In the scheuie. CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGER will he wold at the following me* \\ he h I* the ri*k: Ceiliriniu** of Package* of 111 Whole ‘Ticket*.,. *N> 10 Umli to Id Quarter **. *ju “ “ 1 LndiUi* •” 10 IN OHDERING TICKF.TS OR CERTIFICATES, Lie lose I Im* looney to *. u arldre** Ibr tin* ticket* or tiered, oil receipt of which they will lie forwarded by first iii;ul. I'uuh.iHei-can have ink. I*, ending many figure they may deeignote. The l**t of lira wo ihmiilh'i* and nrlaea will l*e *eut to pur* ha*ciM liiinn*<l iat**ly after the . rawoig I'nnl.UM is w ill plen-e wriia tl.xir ig tiuure plum.and give llieir pout old.. . u*mt) aud Mian*. rnrß'Biiembe. that every priy.c Im drawn and pava hie 01 hill w ithout ftedu*tinh. All pn*.*'*SIJKJO atil under paid immeilirttely af ler tire dial* mg other prize* at the umiul twin- of thir ty day. Ad colli mu ui< ftliuti* *tm,lly * oiititU-ntisl Address order* for Ticket* or certilkate# to Mi KINNEY A CO, Sav irtnali. Oa. \\ T A list of the number* fhnt are draVvu ft..m the wheel with the amount of the pri** Ihft! eicli one is entitled b>. w ill be published tiftrft every draw mg m the Huvmiuali |>aih iNeu- ib| dwtf. Thirty Dollars Reward HfNUKRE wn* st'HT.*n from llw* plantation ’of K h I Martin, in RttakHl •■•uiMy. Alalurmn. five mi lea north of I'nraoti*.’ !>■ pot. on the .Mol.fie and Girard Itudmad, it utedtiim /.ed htiy Ml l.|v *lnuj all arunnd aud rubheil by tin girt Minlei llr* lielly. |i i* .iift|t... .*d that the theft wu* committed by two ‘liblmjen. Iw in give thirty rkdbir* for the mu!, nn.t appreheuaion of the thieves, or fifteen rt.*Hr* f>*r Ihe mub*. Feb--w.V \ ,i 8101.1, \ GKORUIA—TaII.>( Conotyi tpwo munUlM after .lute application will he wade N I the Court of Ordinary ot said county, tor have to sell Martha, uc* gro woman and her two children, CharlOH. a l*y about tlm*e year- old, and un infant, be longing I” time-late or Jamb* L. (JuUier.xfaaMised. Isaac cmejn by. ET>VA ARI) M POP, Executor* r.f Jiune* L Callier, dfcehned. I>. Cfvtnher 07, lAkS. wgi^