Newspaper Page Text
H)LI Mitt H, ritlllAl. MAIM'H H. 1*59.
The Vt rather
Tta weather bM Win very un propitious for
the preparation of land for the next crop. It
ha* rained nearly all the lime f**t P ,w '^
and in ii(4 of U plowing and preparation
*bWi •i)i<mi I*l have been done in I'ohriuiry find
the car!) day* of Msrrit, 1* now necessarily pmt
pone until April. No corn h*i> yet Un planted
in Ibis section, and the probability ia. that ootton
wIH not bo put In the ground within three week*
of A* early e* lost year. V u matter of oonrse n
In u< aoon to indulge in’ |h9<*uJmu>m an to the
coming crop, but still weeannot forlmur mention
log the general unfavorable indirallen*.
fovrritar Brown.
Up to Mm present time, the udui in miration of
Governor Brown, bfi* been marked with the most
signal kucocmw. fn tta history ol Georgia, no
Chief Magistrate ever presided with more credit
to himself or moro ffttiihi'thw to the people.—
Nominated at n moment when the Democratic
party seemed almost divided by the violent and
conflicting dlaimr of rival aspirant* hia nomina
tion at once calmed the troubled waters. and hi*
triumphant entry into office, waa but the forerun
ner of the immense sneer** which baa iroanail
hi.* honeet labor*. Tta credit of the State never
stood higher, either at home er abroad. Th
Western and Atlantic Hadrond, which, under pro
vewa adniniitrHiioiiA, wan far from a oonrcu of
revenue to the State, baa, in hie hande, auddeitly
become an element of wealth, arid by It alone,
three hwndrod and rixt.y-fivo thousand dollar* will
be added tlne year to the Stole Treasury, Ilia
re nomination In June, ia next to a certainly, M
the Hocemidage ol the pw|y in I on uni lion, a I
though a time-honored > iot<im, can hardly lie port
ride red a fleoft#tlly. We predict for biui the
unanimous nomination to which bin merit* entitle
him, end that if tbir nominated, he will meet
with no opposition.
We copy with pleasure, thff following article
ft run our esteemed friend of the t'or net Stone;
i and id ate fur bnternor
Our Democratic friend* warn to be in Aottie dif
ficult? on the Mebjwct of a nomination. Asa par
ty matter, of werim, w have no right to *ny
anything upon the subject ; but os a tdflxdli we
have nr uwuh right a* auy body, and. Intend to
exorcise it. Out opinion, then, ia that there bud
better ho no Humiliation union* Gov. brown wx
preanaa n purpose to retire.
Our /{>•■'&>,* ft baa Been the mat out for a
Governor’ to hold two terms, utftese the oppuaitc
jarty can Wat him. Ariurding to party on a tow,
therefore, Brown would lie I hi: nominee. Wo be
bare that all parties are. at loud, about a* well
satisfled with Min a* they would be with uny
body, nod it la probable that if he ahould he per
mitted h run without a nominatlou, there wHI bo
no opposition, andTor om , we should bo glad to
we*’ owe eiuefien hi which th people <if the State
would not In- arraigned t each oilier upon
a mere question ol party without any princi
Again, there will ta Itourii difficulty in making
a Nomination. Tb dtifflocratic party I* tn atrong •
that a nomination i* c.onaidercd equal to an alec
tioii; ami mc doubt not. that there will be very
auxioug to put iliauMolvv l *’ whoau friend* may
Wiah to put rhwii. in a piutitiou which will iiiaure
an gUoMon, and It itmy la* that in tJie eonfliot of
iutercMt.* in a-con vent iuii, angry and cached con
teeta may aafle, mid remit in the tniinitialion nf
i*m9 maw ia nob bo-* aecoptatib* to the party a:id
to the pvop| gi-in rnlh tiiau tha hrtMMnt hrcitui
brut. In auch an ovout, new combination* w<uUl
ba fnmie.d and new tdmuntA of * trite orgiuuta I,
which would add to the bitternca* of the (umteat
whieti would ucceaimniy result.
M'e can no good that nan remrit to anybody I
tVnni a nominal ton; but we can arc gfnut go.wl u.
the country in letting If alime. It ia our opinion
that without n iiotAtnittiun, Drown will liavo no
ofi|aM>ii*nu ; with iq wi bHiavr he or whoever may
ha uomiimtod will, aud, we repent, we want Lw m*o
one cb:elion wilbugl ft bitter eanteat auiong tlic
I/Ol Brown, then, ba considered the candidutc
the dotuorrain- oindidate, or hi* own candidate,
or any body etaa’fl candidate. If he don't Unit tii*
demoerwy, why of oillHrM let them MobiluaPi
•oiuehwdy aguinat him If he don’t nuit the other
&**'-<'iimli'liiton for lh P resiliency, says the
Washington <Mirrep..iuifi|t <f rb* N#r York Ooiu-
Hiun<iul, tire starting up from every bush. 1 have
beerd Os several new ones lately. Kvory Senator
or member who ha* charge of u prominent imm
uw*. nnd of HHirm every lieu.! of tt depart tmmt, is
in the ring. Mr. Cobb and tinvernor Jiruwn are
the. hiiTettmli.laie* in the cabinet, though Heim
tor Tko*j>*u Will not he for beliiml them in the ‘
Having the form*.
We arc pleased to notice ihi the City Uounoil
are meting in the matter of having Urn struct#
|ntv*d. lari liiocnii rprifo lie ■Jinlo.l t nine, and
|.u.-hd on igorously, and public ophiiuii will
waruilv sustain it. Cut the stone sit ikurs com
nieuey opera U<m iHiMu diately to-4av. if unssi-
Kv.ry hour „f (a|u .
* w ” urn* thrown nwuy. All honor „,„l „ r ,.,iii In
Ihr no.uil.rr* win, bar, R,hom>wUhi polioy—
"takatho instant way.”
The above from the August* tlannHutinmiHnt,
huHealee tho public spirit of the City Connell of
that oily. There is go neoessUy for paved streets
In Columbus ; far they eauuol Ik. surpassed by any
City in Hut country for width, smoothne## and
beauty, hot the Hide walks are awful. Nuw and
then, in front of Rome elegant store, there ip a
smooth and even hriek pavement, but osagcuernl
tbiiiif it is no pleasure u> promenade the avenues
of Bread Street. The men with thick boot* „nd
bard feet ean stand it, but we should provide but
lev for the Ladies.
We would prefer the roughest rad to a p H \-
moiit emu posed of brisk —atone high, some low.
some new and mono old, even if it were in a City
Win not our more) touts show g little more enter
prim- in Ibis mailer ’ We address you at the *.
quest of many ladies.
Kiiu at I’l.Agi kmik.- Nkw nni K.k\*i, Mur.
7. A <ic(*truiMiv flro ww ruportmi (bio wvuillf
• Fl%%)knuia - tutiti tub*v d V nt toyod Imlf the
k,wu * .Reliable particuiitr* u* to the eftoet *Jfet
uly tw roflw bourn* were burnt.
Tint Lath Bk<nv Arpiuriji k kntitk >
Louisville, March l). Tb, ..rtuidjaiy of Hopkins
county found in* ground* tor indicting th® mui
dortrra of Thoniwi H. I.ow „f Hawtu-vill*. Th
Juumnl imhlixhvK thrtr if port ty morrow. tfevo
ml of the have left UawcviH®, fearing
’ tulenre Akhu Uimuullmws.
Wn.aisuTHS. N ('„ Man'll, ft.
MfUJoOlin, Xf. lirlruynl hy /Vre—Til# Village
gs Magnolia, forty-eight mil®* fmm here, on the
WiHukigtuu wnl Weldeu Hallway, war burnt tat
Hoad's wandioutM. full ff gud a . Herd
man'll rtnre and Uirae or four dwoHUif* wci* d®
rtruyHl. Th* Um U hutofy, prohaUy over *®v
only thousand duilais, on which there was owue
Fnoa Nkh llrsitu- St. Imeift, March 4 th.-*.
Tba New Mexican mail of th® ITrhult . ha*mv
•d at itideprintooew.
Mr. ('raurhaw, mail o-.*trafeCh)wrt fh*u Zou\.
rat k-u Uiat it will Ik* ituptlM® to oarr.v the Kan
**nty amt rWkfwM mail, m-aardluf contract,
unlfs* ttivmmtcartnra arc p*t®cil again*! the
Mohave Indian*.
A New Kturtdii Hawk
Th. Sts,. Bonk of jr|..,l.u weut
> few days *.. n.l tea eduim„.w,| it ,
n " h '”- tB. MacOU 7',/-y,,,p>i bw 10.-u.Vod UMO
f Ibob Wit.. ....1 makes Mio following ,t,l.
of tlio hast, no whirl, thay on iasaed:
It. ll*. on *v iirod by > sdwhre „f unl.n..
“on*; deposited will, ihr Slot,- tmmpmdl.r. ad
M Ml. ore,.l ah.rcmekuretgued lij kin,. .
l i,.ia-I .i#j,lltv hiioroiur, nf this ultimofn seeenlv
V honk tb tb. oM,t ~r it. .o|ntol ,u th, 11,10,1
Sioto. nut IlmU mure pm*.-, „o„ IM j,
character oud .lauding of it, officer. „and
rnr,. U,. Wot. 1-U, , wij, ij ko„„ „ . J,„.
Hot,.,i nf great woolth. i. the l*reMdv,„, and IVu,.
K. I outer, Km., equally diidtu,|o,riiod lot hi.
Wt> oud t'O.iu... uhiiit.v, w lire I o,tnor. Tire di
rev-wrjr oud 00rp0r0i.,~.
‘'’“t ”*" 1 wv WMt tho WooJlhioM
,u,rrt ‘* nu ^^—a
Another sprrtnl llrmigv.
Atnln. .Mock Tliur.l*y l*ht ll>e I're.i.tont
i,l th.i I'nite.l tnui.mUttd to tho
,nl,j„uMJ njwri.l iw -Mge :
March S, IKW.
r I*. and ® “/ KrpvttMn
tfriH : ;
An impondiva *enAe of duty compel* m to
nmkv mu appoul to OmgreAX to prenorv a the uredit
,tftb country. Thin la the l**t day of the pr*
-util CoufrecA, and wo proviHion ho* yet
been made for dft payment of appropriation.
mi\l to luaot the out atHiiding Treamry note*, b
nuttd undor fha authority of law. From the In
formation wlikdi baa already been com mu ideated
to t'ongriuiH by the Bocrwtary of the Treanury, It
;n manUo*t that the ordinary receipt■ into the
Treacury, avsn under the moat favoralda cireum
ttatiaaa, will eareely meet the ordinary upMin
of the government during the remainder of the
pri'Kimt year, ending on the -tOfh of June. At
that time m arl) eight million* of Treacury no.te*
will have become duo, and iimuy of tboaa
not yet due are daily paid for dutia* at tho differ
oat port*, and there will be no mean* in the Trea*
ury to moat them. Thu* the country, whicb la full
nl r*ourcoA, will )> dlahonored Wore the world
and the American people, who are debt paying
p.-ople, wilt be diegraeed by the <uiii*io|i ou our
put), to do our duty. Tt i*. impo**ibk- to avoid
tbl* aatjMtroaha, uulana we make proviaion tliia
very day to meet tbo lawful demand* on the pub
lic ixeamry. if tbi* were the flmt, in*toad of the
la*tiMiMvbn of a t'ongre**, the a*e wouhl l> dif
ferent, You might f bon be eonvened by procta
unit ion fvr tomorrow morning, lint there are
now thirteen Slate* of the I tdon entitlad to *cv
(Uity-e.ight HepreAeotativu in which none have
been Olccted. It will therefore be impracticable
for a large importfy of the*e State* to elect their
iircinber* before (he trea*ury shall he compelled Pi
•ton payment.
tnder theae circuin*ian<WA, I eamcidy recom
mend U tjotigreea to make jwovuion within the
few retroiiniug hour* of the Mtsidon for tho premsr
vatiou Os the publie credit. The urgency of the
ca* not only ju*titicM but demand* that if Meet
aary, tliia *hull lm done by a Mcparato bill. We
ought to incur no ri*k when the good faith of the
country i at *tak.
Jamß* 111 CMANA*.
linn A. H. htcpbetiH.
The Xutionuf /nteUigouctr, alluding to the ten
der of a complimentary dinner to Georgia'* dls
tingtikbcd KepreAcntative in Congrtnui, lion. A II
Stephen*, *y* ;
The c<i|ii pi iiiicii t which it i thli* profH*ed to
pay to tbi* eminent civilian liu*, bv the manner in
which it i* conferred, the merit of doing honor h*
well to thorn- from whom it proceed* a* to him
who i the worthy object of a dniuntra! ion which
wc arc confident, i* a* *inoere ha it ia battering.
Mr. Stephen*, no lc** by hi* habitual dignity and
eonrte*y ibau by hi* vigiutl ability and legidative
esperuem o, ha* conciliated in a singular degree
the confidence and regard of all with whom Ire ha*
boon cid led t* aooiute in the diduhargu of Id*
service in the National legislature, and we arc
sure that we do hut echo the common sentiment of
In* country men when wo nay that hi* withdrawal
from public lifts, in what mieniM the mi.l career of
hi* iiMcfuliionA, will lutunivcreally considered a ions
that eftnuot be easily repaired.
Judge Lamar.
When the Grand Jury I’rtuuiutiiicnl* had been
read. Iverson L. Ilm-ti*, Ksq., at the ro.puwt,
and in hubulf of the local liar, expressed to hi*
Honor, Judge l/uuiur, the grout satisfaction llt by
the Dht, at hi* administration during the Term of
the Court- thoir thanks fur the promptness with
which he yielded to the application to preside fob
Judge llnrdoioan, and relieve him whilst in such
ill health from the onerous duties of the bunch ;
and concluded by tendering the curncsf wishes of
the Bar, that hi* life may be prolonged, and be at*
: tended with *uch murks of public approvul
To tlu: compliments of the Grand Jury ami those
of the liar, Judge Lamar, who wih deeply touch
ed by such testlmoiial, made a feeling and band
some acknowledgement. - MilUdyuvtile ftdtrol
f/mon, Mur eh *il,.
Georgia Method!*! < hurrh.
The Minutes of the Georgia Conference, recent
ly published, present* tho following gratifying
The net increase in Church member* reported
wo* 4,500 white und HJMHI blacks; total, 7.500.
There was raised for Bund ay schools about ftfJMtO,
for the Tract Seoicty Hlmut $3,500, and for the
Miesionary Koeicty, including the nnnlversary
collection, about $2,000.
A New Paper.
W* learn from rim Montgomery I/a./ that a
new KnmUy paper to bo culled the Field nod Fire
*idr, i* t.i be established in tbi* cl ty by James
Gardner. K*q. to be eJitod by W W Mann, K*q.,
in it* litemry, and by In. Lev in its agricultural
(input Uncut. Wu have board Hying rumors of
o</ f trreule 1* bound tvi succeed. Auouetu
Ihk ArwcAiti Rrulaimkd. Our reader* will
r oilo'i that Mcveral weeks since two negro hoys,
alleged tube Africans and a part of the Wander .
er * cargo, wore* arrested iu Macon, and brought
n tW ” ( ,ii V ft, " , 1,1 i ,lii } 'y IfepOty Mumbai
itoss. rtrey have remained in eustody of the
jailorever since, until yesterday, when they were
brought out on a writ of possession, issued by
Justice SLulay, at ihe instance of UAL Lamar,
K*q., who claimed them os hi* property. He ad
dueed testimony which, in the opinion of the
t ourt, established Ids claim, and they were deliv
ered to him, lie giving bonds io fiI.UM) to defend
h right of property in the negro®* in any suit
Uiat may be hereafter brought against him for
their raoovfry.— 9ttv, Keam, March tt.
mat on Pn.i-iTx. Henry Ward Beecher
in an article upon “Churches ami Organs,” raps
the mtlpit in a most irreverent manner, lie calls
it, ‘this saned mahuwauy tab or reetaiigular Ux.’
wheb looks ‘like a Wu swallow's nest plastered
on some Imam • an,| where “the nmn learns
every kind of hidden awkwardness -standing on
one leg and crooking the other like a slumbering
horso t a hitching post,” ,ie. lie gives Web
* u ' r S remark that no lawyer would risk his rep
utation before*jury il he had to speak front a
pulpit, and that he (Webster,) considered the sur
viving of spite of pulpits as ou of
fne evidence* of itsdivinity.
/&#"M Kossuth is said to be in straightoned
cir* uinstance*, living oif the proeeeds of his 100
tures and contribution* to newspapers, eked out
by the remnant of his wife’s most of
whi< h wa* lost in ruilruad investment* in the Coi
led State. THe*s| 00.01)0 euUeeted by him in
tin* country is stated to have all been expended
■ n political objects, not a cent hrtviug beun an
p.opriated by Kossuth for his own us*. The
gnmt Mavger is said to I.K.k twenty year* older
tliuu he .ltd when in this country seven years
A Hair nit.
Hie Atlanta Inl-Uigencnr having suggest ml to
.senator her sue that lie retire from the candida
cy tor rc election, after his present term expires,
(to give place to tlov. Johnson,) .... the ground
that he was alecto<l by a romprumtin’ arrange
met a writer in the Smiibm Confndmruvm very
significantly enquire*, what will btmoi„ of (Jor
Brown, on the same principle! The latter was
about the tilth choice of the Convention that now
mate.! him. and hence ought to retire also, it the
IntelligtM.ecr * rule is albwrcd to work generally !
, Hi* the cerrespondent of the Cuufedorncv. We
Udievc •• that it is not only the duty of the party
u return Judge Iverson to the Hnnale, but Jue
tioe to Georgia, and justice to the whole South de
mands It. He ha* latent* of superior order, moral
coinage possessed by few other*, and a devotmn
U the interest of the South, that should place his
claim# beyond cavil,*’-—bVotyM. (it inh.
; Nkw Hki.uia* Minintkii. Th N. w
, \ ork .loufual of Conuuarre, of th* 24th ult.. bad
the Min wing •
Wo uiitli-r.Und turn Mr. K.lworil JUwmlool do
OrionMml. O|.|,.iuliuool o. lire
Idem Hflirtuiu in tin- I'niiod StU*s. was an
0.iut.,.,..l mure thou n .voor own, will .hurtlv 100.,
nrureol. fui Woofctafton. It i. niKonul mdiiil..
motir oin-liw. thin M will uhtoiii tho
rink ..f on Motor Kvlrourdiii.r. mid Miui.l.r
1 v <*o>hl| twfnre hi. ond Him ho
ul, fo-itod with oom lory ini t , u rtout uoyo
tiali>n*> withuur ‘imiuiii.i relative tu time .
mercial relation* of the I’nitad Stair* and Bo]
M. Biomiael. it will be rawmbemd. ranresentod
B.l|tium OUh. I'owit of Iht Siiltm, r„„„ Ism
till, rhino of ISui. uml iiwlny lo In, ollo(od Inin-,
torom-o in th.oi,wii„i„ „l ihs Uonobion iworuren.
. aiuiuwiNl from t'o,i.tonlinu|do 111 tho Pun.,
of 111. Iw.lijfutinii nf All,ins oml Mnol.iul Whon
iht- ruptun- of di|dutnatie relation* between Tar
key and Mjjmm , eaumxi by chin di*|.ui. w n
patrvd. tbu Sultan tuad hi* i****® with .M. Hb.ii
, • , r n ‘ KU '” iv 4, , hi, “ “**■ ha.ltr® t.r an or
der of lurkish dm airv. t,rw*emd him with ato
Wc. lox, aachuied with diamond*, worth 2i.-
utm ft-ano*.
JSISI Mlaiafof U aald to immmmi*
n J™ 1,1 * 1 *• wwawhat diatinjrvi*Wd a*
Kuodrroi or IStWonMor 1.0.rml Kroon.
M.i-h 10. Tll ,,,
lot.- I ootuimlrr tloov-rol. Hon. a. V. itrewn.
dopontod t0.„,,„r.r.1y in Ih, ConpooHowi non..
i7 Iht. sd-renmi. Thorn wo, ■ <
i rewd It, tho pnirereii.n, oml th. hoWoi,,, „f ‘
“to ow,. W. holt mom, „„ , j
mid mi|n>.ln( o.fwct to tht toon..
Hcnatur ll|fl
We regret to sec from auy portion of the lferno
< ratio Fress, a spirit of oppowition to the re-elec -
lion of the gentleman whose name heads this ar
tide, and that too, at h time when hi* recent pat
riotic effort iu Die Senate of the United ft tote*
should have endeared bi* name and his fame to
every true friend of the ftouth. It eoiuen with a
|MMTuli*r had grace from those professing to be
long to the Constitutional State* flights lieieo*
crary, who, so far from defeating him for the
Senate, should lie the most eager, by every mean*
-in their power, to endor*e and approbate the sun
tiuierit* he has so inde|amdeiiily avowed. We
are wedded to no man or set of men, yet we can
not see why a good and faithful public servnnt
should be set aside merely because he was origi
nelly elected a* a compromise between autagoois
tio wing* of the party, or because he ha* already
been in office one term. If he wu* elected as u
compromiee, it proved that ho was the most popu
lar candidate before the laigislature, or lie coubf
not have lieen elected. Ami if ho has filled the
office creditably for one term, so much tho greater
reason for keeping him there, and not risk an un
tried mau in a position of no much responsibility.
The fact i*, the country doe* not demand a change.
Politician* may fancy that a change is required,
hut Die people are abundantly satisfied with the
ftenator. The eeitnmeut* contained in liis recent
speech on the Pacific It ail road hill has awakened
an echo iu the great heart of the fttatc liights
Democracy everywhere. From every quarter,
the plaudit of “well done good and faithful ner
vant” ha* come to fortify, by approval, ihe bold
and manly Stand he has taken iu vindication of
the right* and honor of the Mouth. Judge Iver
son bus douo well. If every ftouthern ftenator
and Representative would hut follow in the path
he has layed out by hi* eloquence, the slave State*
would (KH-upy a far higher position before tho
country. The South cannot afford to lose hi*
services in the Menate. She needs his oratory to
lead on her host* in the hour o! greatest danger.
Unlike most politicians, Judge Iverson has n>
ambition for Federal honor*,his eyes are not turn
od on the Presidency, bttt satisfied with the dh
tincHon* of hi* native State, he has always been
found the able and uncompromising defender of
its rights and it* houor. Then where the noecssi
ty of change? In ability, lie has lew, If any #u
imriors—in loyalty and devotion t the ftoulh,
none. Already the retirement of Alexander H.
Stephens, from the Jlmise of Representative*, has
met with the uuqualilisd regret of every one, that
•0 much ability should ho lost to the .State and U>
the South. Better would if be that hi* vacancy
should be properly filled, if po**itl-, than at the
sumo session of Conghom for the State to lose two
such man ns Iverson and Stephen*. To fill the
vacancy of the latter iu the eyes of the nation,
should more than gratify the ambition of any
Muntgomery and I hluh Spring* llallroad.
We copy the following editorial from the Union
Springs Gatvttn, on the subject of the proposed
Railroad from Montgomery via Union Springs to
Eufaula, because of it* general interest to th peo
ple of Columbus. The completion of miuli a road
from Montgomery to Union {Springs wouhl benefit
the Mobile and Ulrurd Railroad, ami of necessity,
tliis city, although it would injure materially the
Montgomery and West Point llmid, and particu
lurly the Opelika branch. A* a natWof oowrs®
it would he constructed of Ihe same gage of the
Mobile aiul Girard Road, and a* a consequence,
all frieghts at Montgomery, destined for Coluln
hu, would seek that route, and after the construe
lion of the bridge across the river at this plane
avoid tho necessity of ra-ibipneak We believ
tho road will bo built usfar a* Union {Springs, but
with our contemporary, we hastily think it will
over Ins extended to Eufaula, fur tho simple reason
that it would not pay. Freights or passenger
destined for the Atlantic, would never ta found
going round by Kulaula and the ulhuw of the
South Western Kail read in preference to the di
root route by Columbus.
“An improintu umotiug of the friend* of this n
terpriae in Muiitgouicry, un the 26th ult., which
ha* brought the ooUHtruction of this loud distinct
ly the cnnimuiiitv. and which, followed in.
in it, will, womuHt think, secure its early oomph
tiou. By refbreuca to advertisement, it will be
*eeu that *everal otthe most prominent, wealthy
and influential men of Montgomery huve alreailv
takeu *tc|s for the Mpuedy incurpomlion of a
company, to accomplish this enterprise M > i, U|H >,
tant to Montgomery, aud so desirable to the *dti
nous at this end of the route.
We are inclined to the belief that no effort will
be made immediately to extend this rood beyond
• tie intersection at this point, with the Mobile and
(lirard Bead The estimates for this portion of
the road are set down by Mr. Gray the Engineer,
at fki2s,oot|, exclusive of the rolling stock
4 pMblio meeting of the friends of this road hi
the surrounding counties is called, to bo held at
Kstolle llall, in Montgomery, on Friday the 14th
inst. We look forward with interest to this meet
ing, not however, indulging a doubt as t.. its re
suit The Montgomery and Union Hprings Hail
road ho* become a necessity, and “necessity know.-
uo law.” I.oug winded movements won tdo in
this rast.ngi*, and more especially in this impul
sive section. I sit this thing la rud..i through.
lst the words fail, or falter, not be used or
kuown in this undertaking.”
S. M. l*el4injgotl A Cos.. (ho well known adwr
tising house in New York, have sent #.otl >(,•
Kverutt iui their contribution U* the Mount \e, ’
nou ftind. They state Houner of the l.tdg*, has
spent through their agency.over #lOO,O fur ad
vortlsiug during the past year.
Benner has found out the value of Printer’s ink.
lie is reaping his reward. A distinguished tire
cian orator was once asked by a student for ml
v ice which would give success,togpublic speakers.
I'ho orator criml, action, notion, action. If aim
mess man should ask us for advice, as to how to
succeed in business, we would answer. udi>rfi*r,
adttrdmt. odvt rt|#.— At/ont,i
Conespomtenceid the N. Y Journal efOetmeerre
The Washington Trogcd).
■ld**tonal /WticM/fM ,j th K .{jjfair. A month
in H'.isAiuytow.
IHK I.ATK Tit Align V.
I cannot say that I was Mirprisod. though l was
shocked, at the late starling development of
crime in Washington. In this efty, (Washingtou i
there are two distinct set of people : ti„,
consist* of those who are permanent residents
irrespective of any of the public offices , * sedate
sober, virtuous and Christian population, as is to
be found in any cit vof the land. There arc setae
J*v.tnd Cbristiaus hi the churches, who have la
bored Haiti for the refonuatiou of the victim*. The
other is the transient population, on many of
whom there is little restraint, and over whom
there is often a slender dominion of principle*
Most ol the bawl*and public disgraces are caused
by this latter class.
1 limn mth oil Iho fiinv.iitii.nol nminlmire of
tiowii-un norioty, there ore thn™ of With oon
,, olooiiff tho vl.ltore, who lndul|[o In froodutu, id
which virtuo ond doonruiii iniyht well Idnah A
.11 ores.ion of portion, roooption,, dnuior. hopo
, luvlls, wdroo*. ond the like, srrvt. wondortUlli to
infliuun tho oornol o|.|„tlt,. ond pnnfnn. nf ii„„.
. whn 1-nyofm lo Uiom. oud |irej>ore, the wnyf.-rtho
ll,duly,-ins- of Ow fniiNr fiitm of lioontinusure..
Tho Snhhoth is lynnrod by mouy of tho,o i0..,,| v
mid you iwirooivott no on thol dor tliot tho
rent troyody wn. pn-vokisl ond coimnittod l|„w
•lidurent from Iho noble, plum, fothor of iho dn
orere.l -o pntru-t ond o t'hri.Uun -KrouoH Sf
Key. whn wo, hu ornmuonl in Wo.hiwgton ■„
ty. ond o niomln-r of tlio ohotoh. mi ootlv o (rieu.i
ni’Sohhoth Srliools, ond win. os lli,triel Attornoy
tooloutl) rnyoyod In his tiinoln thr work ofolwr
m* out tho Ai.-yonn stnhlre of prnstitntiun in the
molM|H>li>. Tlio oivniilpllshed OOOOtn of Knv
ton, wos Iho wife of the Imo Hr. WiUinui .Veli,,'-.
and lUltimore. Hare bus Wen aflagrunt r*MHai>
llnw much inh(uilv i, iuokcd umTor the mout.-l
ol fhir spooeho., polite milliner., m,d linn proses
‘J I*U >••* un-lertoke Is, snv ; lml 1 toll I. if root nred el roh.nn in WniWnyion.
” * “ rt y no* mean to W understood
a im|H<achin K the purity of the great htnly t , f
American Umlm** who upend their winter* in Wiw>h
lagtou. liut the vanity of *om ha* been inila
fod, not only by the dandy compliment* ~f cjamv
who frisk about them but by tho*o iueon.ideral,
letter writer* of certain journal*, who n**uuu’ La
describe the person*, depict tho beauty, and de !
iu.eate the very motion* of curtain gay and fa*h
lonahlw belle*, priming their name*, or .„ U cl, 1
of them Mh( provoko inouire. w*,. thorn larnnKi \
oml d.llored ono. are. Tho roreauly lolinn w„
mon wo. tho, shown up hr tho ttos's,| H -rs of the 1
new,. .. Olnwing euli.|{iM” no the Bedwer ore
pruwmneod ia the Distriet Court hr tho Inoynrs, 1
•oil then r “ concurred In” by the Judgo.’ Is J
this justice, or the grossest wrong ? T* it truth,
oris it falsehood ‘! As u community however,
popular a* Key was in it, it coudemnu this inerti
IViagdevelopment of corruption ami profligacy.
Thu “gay season,” anyhow, is over; “ Lent” s
on u*,and ail (mrtie*, hy custom, cease at that pc
p*ml in the throe citing at lctud among Kpiscopu
liuns arul Roman Catholics, so that the transgre*
or* will have u chance to tart and prow and
|Muit of t|u;ir sins.
The Ameri<an people may well he proud, or
utilier liffiKelhl, that while such obnoxious and
disgraceful exhibition* are seen iu high place*,
in tins hi-jher retgns the spirit of moral purity and
propriety. Whether we select the ia nifties ot
Polk, Taylor or hiiohitimu, we And the domestic
hearth sacredly guarded, tlie domestic a flections
beautifully developed. Fair and lovely women
have reigned there, uyu, some hf thorn Christian
womens indeed, thus lias It ever beeu in our “Re
publican Cqurt.”
The wife of one of the Presidents once gave the
writer her views ill full, ©f what a Presidential
family,to be, amjlmr happy niljueucu luu’
ever since been felt in that high place. We do
not Indued tba! 6 tbesCerm* of Charles 11,
or Loai* XIV , wiil bt re enacted in thisoourttfy,
but there is danger of tire irrupt ion of private
and public moral*, and the public print* must
act as a conservative power to restrain and ehus
tis© the first upproaolies of so uiaFiguant a spirit
and practice. The pulpit doe* not reach such
trnrisgp h-ors, for they keep out of it way; hut
all jojopiu read the pajiers, uad thue they hefolue
in i|p important .scare, the guardians of pnldic
virtue. I might udd that, so fur a* my observa
tion ami inquiry have extended, the domestic vir
tues and feliaitf<* a to exemplified iu the faiuiiiea
of the various beau* 6f department*, however
splendid and tempting the tdiVoes which they
Mr. Siekles, in jail, pa*.- as his time in reading,
writing, and receiving the visits of his |cr*oiml
fVicuds, number* of whom cull on him every hour
in t tie day, and up to a late hour at nighu Mr.
H. js confined in the jailor's room, for the conven
ience of access ta bis fi lends, some f whom arc
almost always in attviidannu upon him lleroii
verses cheerfully with all who uddre** him. lli*
dress ia alight gray sack coat end pantaloon*,,
and a Agured vest; and his general ‘appearance,
as he occasionally walk* un ami down tho wide
passage in the haseuicnt of the jail, is that of a
person wlioee tuiud in entirely oouy.
The minor about town last night that Mr*.
Si-.kels hud been arrested, to bo detaiiM ‘I as a
witness in the coming trial, i* untrue. Mr*, ft.
still remain* at br home in the west end.
A Fighting woman
The wife of Gen. Miratnon, who has lately be
come Fresident of Maxiao, I* said to boa regular
trump safd, ftlie notified her hudmnd a .voting
man vs 27 year* tiiat he must tight his way into
the Presidential chair, or she would not live with
him. VV hat a w-miaft cannot do it i* not exfiedient
fora man to Undertake.
And it is also true that what n man thinks he
cannot, do, a woman will sometime* onderlaku
do, or u break A hum string” trying, (treat insti
tatlnns, fheso women. The wife of the new Mex
ican President is perhaps several institution*, huF
she will bo hardly able to .keep Miriwa.oi in the
posiDon her indomitable will has forced him to
take. Six months as Fresident of Mexico wonld
Im eonsbiurod an astonishingly long term. .Va*/i
vilfr (delicti*.
ktopi mml ( nor at Atwlnirrh
A ('lrrififiimn Jiuu* Aviy irill, ~ Y >u>uj tyirl
of XfntbtH. Tlkj quiet tiiWti of ,\. wburgn was
thrown into great excitcuieot on Friday, by the
elopement of a young eb-rgyuuui of that place
, with Miss CftUumn* I)., daughter of an excellent
. family of Longvillc, near New Windsor. It would
uppeur that ,Mr. J. had lat< lyja-in in the habit of
• visiting the house of Mr. 1).. and being U yyuug
man *tf pre-pos,sensing iwidrtss, lmd oonlrlYcd to
I ingratiate himself with all the family. Notion#
serinus, however, was 4jv>ughH,f until this morn
ing. when tli#loom of Miss ij. w,v t ,uu(J waeant,
. the window upon, atwl some hoddotb* - hanging
, suspended from the sill, f>n the evnnipg pro* i.m*
Mr. ,1. nmi aWfondt <L uo out) know how of where.
.Snlwcqucnt inquiraa, however, have brought to
* light the melancholy fact that this iuiftrudhut
i couple wtwu married at Montgomery last night.
Further particulars cannot ho dm-overed. it is
supposed that their in unit ion is In proceed to, ediere the bridegroom has an uncle by
the Mother s side.
We need hardly say that the family of Mr. f
isl in greul distress. Mr. .). had been so Jong
looked up fa with the utmost confidence : his <le
ineauor bad Imen uuc\ccpti<*flnld : hi* chars, ter
so far a# known, without a blot. When |u! in a
lucklc-s moment, he stoops so far as ft) ■‘c-fuce a
girl f ninetoen years from her fatJ>cr' Imnw
the greatest sympathy is entertained forth* It*.,
and it grieves us much to add the mu*on of Mr.
E>. ig seriously impaired.—-f.V. Y. N>v.
DKATB of A ]>Kft€glMJfT or Hooi.n WIU.tANM.
—Huimikx I>mat.~ Frederick WilHams, an aged
and well known citizen of <'ranib>n, died at his
residence yesterday morning very suddenly He
arose in hi* aeeustomed health,and went out. He
presented Cniniftim ui ‘ Vlic” tJeneVaT A •mi.’lv
many years, and was life long H „ Ar dmit Hem.’
cral. He wasa direct .lemtemlant of the fonnd. r
ot this State, mid wu* born an.) linn hJwhvs liv.-.j
H|wm the farm which belonged to Joseph William*
the sow of Hogfir. The family burying ground i<
very near to the bouse where the dec* used dwelt
which is annually visited by antiquarian*. The
inscription upon the grve-tM is stijj Jucible
and reads as follows
• Here lies the body of Joseph Williams K-,
•Ot* of Roger Williams Koq., who wo# the first
white luau that, afoot., FroVidegcv. Hv wnw bom
ltM4. Ho ,Ihl August 17, 1724, in (ho HI it
of Ins ago.
In King Philip’s war he courageously went
Al " 1 Wi” il.tivo In.linn. h.limvclv i.M , n lliu ,
An.l h,.' ,l.,wn to tl. K ,0v,.. )„
will bo no more,
Until it picwsAu. Almighty ud hislmdy
Inbi some projs’r shape, as he thiri!.* fitto lav
Fur baps like, a grain of wheat, u* Paul sets forth,
you sec,
[CorinttiUn,, l, t li„„k, I .„b dmi.l.T, ,17th
Pririi/rnctr Joui%nl r March 2.
0,1. V Han DVw.A, Sir. 1t,.*,.,.
li.'iu* „t Bight from ’ nwt ,
the door by hi# wife.
••PreMy li„,„ of „i K ht, Mr, Boiror,., f„ r vuo
fiatir hiuiM; protljr !,. thfro „vlo.+ in tho
loormnß; Mu, • rAfai*blo mania Ihu ~,
uily, and a father of u laiuitv !’
“•■ri. n't if.oMl., on*. I hrar.l tt-trike ;
Couneil always at* tU ono o’alock “
aoul! Mr. Bnworr, v.„ ,r Hruuk .
os in alive, yog iv drunk. It’s three in the
“I ray, Mrr. lh.wrra, if, „ n |j. ow . f „
stnko one us I equM round the coroar heo rhr,
time* / M
UnYAt UtHUOM- Our Into lunr.uiean r ~,,
stute that the Kin* of Smnliniu i-aheut t., inurre
1, ' 1,l Jhuthi. ehuire hu Ihllen upon th'n
KoumtiUrimd liutehe.s, .Murm .\„-„h,jew„. d
dnsl d.ujthtrr of the nulpnre.r Niehehir. who ,rs
bon, in JBIP, ond i. iho widow of .MuHnillaii,
I’liko of In-in,l.lmiK-ru-Rnd Prinee of Kmleslndt
who died in 1 Suit. lue lirwml llutelnw, is , itu
mmuenl hi 11,.me. Tlio Kmy, il is wl-led. elmi .ed
lln- Mnr<|ui, Alfieri with mukin,- li lB w lslm-.-
known m Hie I'riiics, who rwwived the odmnoo
In tile ou„l oucnwruuioy wwy. Tho Ur,tod llulrh
re. lim-,1 son revenyowi. „l o*o by hot lirsl hu.--
bond, uni hi a fcw opmlli. older thn the Kin*
\ let nr Ehmnuel. ret ,l„ i, -till ,-,w,si.iotv.i ~i,e
ol the moot hiuulsoiiie I'rioreree, i n Humim, lire
first liuahoud wiu iho ynoiigv,, sou ni Hacoue
neolihmnis, tlio ndnpled sou el Nmudeiui the
f u 11. Kogene Uiorrie.l the olikHt dnuitltler „t
Um Ktmt.el llovwrio. Now hi- luurrins lhe rein,,
in* priuoe ut the huiiso of Kturoy, dun.h
ter ho, just wedded a prince or the Nan-Iren
Molly. The altiaueu is really one between
rraure ond,har-luna and Kuseio, atidofter Ihe
old fashioned ~ „f lunkin K ot sueli il,, u ~
Would he I-Hiisidered uvstl.v ilupnrloiu. t, K,.,. \v -*
quickly upao lliv union of the i'11,,,„j p r „- SIM
with Ihe Prhioou liuywl „l I3n*liuid, oud \ 1ei,,,-
huimnlmel evidently iutemis that pe,,,,|0 .hall
nmlorrtaud that althnuyh he hu, „ ,tu K hter old
cnntfgh toholua*rlod,l)o haa not vet „ , U e umm
the retired h-t. r
The marriage will make work for the tailors
l tnilmers, j,-w,-lU,| s, o-nfoctiouer,, Cneksaod , ~,,,-h
makers, mid lueiaaao the iiuuuivl budyv, „f Sanli
nlai but ulherw ire il is of ,„v more 000 iuea,e
than u union hutwoentlie duughtei oi ,i Wollouwe
nmiker and Ule aou of a .--eulh streol shipi.inir
mon-hmil. file elder Napnlaml tried the strenu
, then bi,dynasty by a whotoralo *y>,,, 0, „f w ,.,j
diu*s. hut his royal relotives won of an value to”
him In tin tine of need. The present ,'.„i.,-i-or
prnfltc.l by hi* itaclc * c. ul m.rriwi
from luclinatnni rutlirr thim poUoy. 11® was, ,| ie
tlr*t reigning *i>\crkigu U> avow Umt lli iuhUi
uiunial nflniidofwu iu|H?r®r wore u* much kit
priynbf litVttir* . the wedding of ploughman’
•"”* ‘ • Ul ” raihoi n .( , ,j j
wliK'b might have been wcakem*d by union with
any of the tuinbU-dowu d.vriu*tic pf the cutui
nent. The Kuipertir of the French, a /ta
uiarricii u> a wumau without a ilrupuf rural blood
in her vein*, .land*. U. day .the uio*t ‘powerful
man in huropc.aml can make apart ufkiag* ‘Tho*,.
pi'diftree yo haeh a tkounaod year, and tn.'.ro.-
Clmaily allied ns the royal fauiliM are.lhor would
dn lie ol tilli-e, in tho event „r a fcwmrol wr ,„„i
therefore, a royal lanmaje, ,moa a lerrilde tiiiire
is now of no enmwipionre, except to the partlua
oouooraed In five I, xery few n-iuuiny priwn-s ,
Iresre anythin* to do wiih iho nnlka£<moat ot
publie a*iur,mid ;umreforo tIH-y may nmrry nr
beiftien la mm ria*,-a,tfuti os’thov please. It ‘
Motor Kumimmel lm,l||,repose,l n ’ o lorson of >
the name ot.Smith, inroad ol the dao*r-ia-.',. ,
of Kuyetie Ueouhamair. oml the sj-u-r ~f (he
■UKporor of Htuaia, tho effect on Kuropeau puli- ‘
ties Would have in-en thosiuue: i. u., there would r
bay* been no effect what ecu or— X, lit,,, 1,1 i
Ablie net Argument
With a few honorable excoptlor.A, the American
pres* of Go, la waging a most bitter warfare against
the Democratic party. A warfare of word* ouly.
A casual observer of the time*, would Nippon*,
from u reading of these journal*, that our institu
tion* were aafailure, and that our public iun
were suppliant* at tho footstool of Federal wealth
and patronage. Public virtue wnnly a name, and
is sacrificed at the shrine of expediency—jiaUrio
tiaui is A syren nong which laacinatoa, demagogues
only—honesty ia a barren theme, which i* b
---*orviunt*to personal interest.
It is true, there 1* no party that pogpMflte suffi
eieut virtue to command the respect and admira
tion of tho whole people. We differ radically a* to
men and measure*. For instance, we would a<l-
V(icate a purely Southern party, holding our
right* in one hand and disunion In the other. —
Other pajtfM K, perhaps, Wiser, wouhl tbiuk it the
extrciho of folly to ondaugey the* gloriou* Union,
if for nothing else than it* very name-sake. —
Hence, it in, no party can arrive at perfection-
The count*, sowevor, of the opposition, 1* only
calculated to provokU retort, iu which we, a* the
representative of \party, do not feel diaposed to
sin ink. The Democracy may be all that Is *iud
of K—oorrnpt—spolls-Joviog--unworthy of *op
port and what not—lmt pray where stand* the
opposition ? Where is the American party South ?
They have to choose betwoun Rejaihlicunism ami
Democracy ? When they fail to act jvifh
on din Congress, they stand “cheok by jowl” with
the other. The Democracy may lie extravagant,
as the charge I.x, but the Americans South in the
United Bfate Senate vote in column with the Re
publicans to ‘jive non if land and the revenue
iug fhmi it, eqtiul to *'.• million vs duUurt / It
may be without principle, yet tho main feature* of
th aduiinitra;ion policy has reeeived tho sup
port of Americans. It may be disorganised, dis
fTacte(h divided, and yet, It Is tho only party that
<ao vanquish tin- Republicans, and we find the
great leader of the Americans Sooth (Mr. Mar
shall) *o stfniouucmg it, and tied wring that his
party will never l found in the embrace of the
Refffiblieans, but will choose rather the Democra
cy. So it is, the poeitiefi of the American party
ia dearly defined their judgment 1* convinced
(bat Americanism hm> seen its day,and in tho very
nature of tiling*, must hh bwo its identity, yet
ibeir prcju-lic en are too strong to award any credit
to tho Democracy. Hence, wc are disposed to re
ceive those fierce harangues again-1 the Democra
cy as ebulitioint from an excited brain, which
cooler moment* worth! have oibdued tad (juieted.
Wc have no abuse for the American party—will
not *ay they have no honesty and n integrity,
and that their public men are actuated always by
motives of personal Interest, but we do say, that
the principles upon whioh that, party waa called
into existence, arc not dow made tho test af fel
lowsbip with it*-tbat they are not living issue*—
thatthby have parsed away, ami that the AmurD
can v,rater who woflld (liacus* the naturnlixatum
law*—catholic question Philadelphia platform
—twelfth seutioii and third degree, would be con
sidered as resurrecting the fossil of some
obi decayed political bo<ly. We may not ndotfe
the whole policy of the administration or the
Democratic party, but it is tmdesft to disguise the
tart that no other party except the Democratic
party, array* itself in opposition to the liepuhti
ciui. wild in Dm next Congress wo must choose
between them. Do not, reader, be (Uirru'd away
with abuse, bat let reason duteriiiiue your
Uhraiigr. Ilamtltwn A < olumi.u- Kallrotut.
Mr,eere. Reborn :
.A* thiswnterprise is lieeemiag a tangible reall
ty, Mid is attracting the attention of num <d cap
ital, allow oue win* ba* nr ]feeunhry iuterest in
the project, to upptMid a few argument* aud siig
gMstiows pertinent. They may be trite, yet arc
impuiont; aud ortunot )m too deeply impressed
upon the public munj*
The utility and profit of Railroad enterprises
have long since ouasad to lie to the citisens of
Georgia, matters of'thuoruticni speculation. They
have gr6wu to be indispensable institutions; and
s.eaiu-power baa communicated it* resistk*** im
pulse to ctiergy. ivutivity and industry la every
All along the lines of her various railroads,
thriving villages have sprung up mid heroine the
abodes (.f art, Hciuuue and coßitmiree. That the
railroads are in themselves profitable, wv have ]
only to examine their periodic*! Report* to taris- I
■ y uurw lv - Xliere-is not at this time within
mr borders one single eoMptoled raiiread that j
vs no* |>ay P> He stoc kholduran reasonable div- j
ideud. Hut to our subjvnt.
1 he ml vantage of a directly connretiag link lie- j
tween LaDrange ami ( oluuihe* must he obvious
♦ ■ every re fleet iug mind. Iu truth, assuming the
Mobile and Girard Railroad a* a hoto©d matter, j
andthu Air-Liuu Railroad as a future prohobki- i
(v, the “LaGrange. Jlauulmn and Columbus” j
Railroad bereiues at once mi imperioue necessity {’
in completing the great and direct Railway route ]
bet to: th northern uud middle States and the I
Gulf of Mexico—betwcou .\w York and New t>r- I
Icanr. Tllo iumioure lirlr „f travel theiivv, uuw
ilaw iu*thr<.og|i .Moiiiß.imery ad down th Al,-
b “*l* n w‘ Ih.u ho (iimtr,l u, (V.tumhu.,
iudthMKThj the Mobile ,t ,J. H.
Apori tin ooimidaratiou, blml thr i.a.iranu,.
il. 4 ('. It. K. if qompiotad wonirl bo , pqimj
..MV, i, beyond The long ar.d cireoitoua
route Ut’tu-Mjn Iho ierijOJIM!JOR ,>ojmu. rut. Ujoil- i
ka. the rouaequant grral ioa, of tint,, and iurrear- i
r.l coat of (rauiftortnUon, o*iii, from tha iueouro- i
uieu.e. deluy, aoj rirk o/tnoMilire traurlora of I
frrighi and pnadangnfa, ormUaatad with tho h„n, ,
•, and .lirecl route, withotn ebanga o. Carr I
Hamilton, can eorUtinly leave uo doubt aa to j
which would ma.ive .be yafrunttße, Added to ,
.1n.., the not ineonriderahlo itou, of way troqtht, ,
aiai tra. oiling jtatnmngn, of tha wealthy, tortile,
and denaaly pofulatad vouutry travaraed : and tha ,
irme of profit ir .lod beyond ad roaUnßtucioa. ;
Tha load unoo v u.tiuelol l built for all time.— I
l oiirving over a Idqh and dry, region, veoariug lutt
tvw streams, and thoM narrow with hiqh and liini
hanh ‘, it can never he liable to those terrible loea
v, of life and property, yearly oceurrin* from land- i
slides and freshen,. The abeen fa.-t we would
eoamtuad h> eapitaliata who reek a raid and proh
trhle iaveaUuent for Uioir surplus fuuds. To the
eltiaona of Troup, Harris und Muaeogeo otmnUea. urpcciaUy, Iho cjiitru* of Harris, would ,
lilt, road lie of incalculable advantage. The
handing up of villages and depots, would iuerita-
I’N, and laraely augueat tbew value of Iheir real
estato, l.auds now selling at fromlve to eigh* del
tars per aers wmiM be worth Ifom ten. to Aflaeu
or twenty. For veriboarion of this. h>ok at the
old and worn r.o‘ lauds, along the railroad lines
iu the older portion* of the State.
A realty and available market woatd at oner lie
1 ‘'K-ugh tto their very doors. A market noi only
I t„r their osiltuo. corn and other elnplo prodoetoj
I hul tor.their butler, i*gs. poultry and sueli other
arto-lre as do not uow !>ay for tho cut of carry in*
to distant market., ax UUaaufe or f„|niabit..—
And m turn the eitiions of Hiom thhviu* towne
wuiil-l rentsve Iho same and other roinniuditmr at
reduced lain, fora, mueli, os they have not only
now to pay tlie prodaeor Kir hi. produce, bnl for
his time and hirer spent iu carry in* to market. j
Wo 01, water, and work will be re,,nired 0. 1t.0.p ,
the rod iu ot.ler andoaah will always be paid for
fimtUkiog the (uuao.
” 0 could* had wo tho Tpxc®, tbmiflh utatHitic*
u prurw tUI while th* road would U rrudcriug
ich, uml many othor bcnoflciul rmult*. that a
great and rapid iuHux ofpupubOioa would follow,
ileuuuuliug burn®* uud aupplic* and boariug
with it rendv nuiucv to pay in aiA'hangv. Now
,H t 0 tby arc not a* charily
contribution*; tb outlay to be returned jo m.-ral
benefit, uJthough that might follow, llut th *ub
scription i* a di#bur*oment to b ropaidin dollar*
and ecu ia, aud again the *ul-crtpti<nM> dn not ro
quire a* many uppo*a, to be paid dowu in actual
c**h *(* Boon a* the amount ucc<w*ary for th® road
i* fubscribod; butuii to b® pnl by inatullwuui*
of ooe-tUlb, 000-fourth, or oua-third of the amount
*ub*eribad, due tM iuUrvakof throe, *U, or twelve j
month*, a® the lKrrctor* to be idmaen.iuay deoidc.
Hexidc* cimtraeu may b taken for building th®
road; and the *ubcHptton* In who}* or j
in jutrt, muy bt wvrktnl out. Slwkholdw* may |
furnlxh croreties, wleuper*, and bridge timbers, the
value of all of which, will be re readily.placed to
their credit.
Planter* would find it greatiy to their interest,
to take stock in such an enterprise. Those who
have a larger foree than is requisite to cultivate
their lands, would be amply remunerated by em
ploying their surplus foree* in marking out “con
tracts” and so pay for their stock. Others, and
iu troth, auy would he vastly benefitted by em
ploying their labor in building the road, for which
thoy would be receiving fair wages, while their
lands would be improved by renting. Aside from
those considerations, they would be aiding in the
promotion of a great and useful enterprise, and
one which of itself, when completed would increase
ibe value of their property from fifty to one hun
dred per cent.
In conclusion we would suggest that to secure
oil and many more such benefit* and facilities as
have lxmii Imre mentioned, the road muH It built.
Good and Mubetantial eubeeription* are nrccceary
■to in tore it * completion.
Let no man stand back, and wait for his neigh
bor; consider that whatever benefit from public
enterprise accrues to your neighbor, the like is in
store for you, if you but stretch forth yaur hand
tflreceive it. The stock mast be taken or the
railroad will never be. LaGrange ho* commenc
ed about it earnestly and honorably ; let others
emulate be laudable liberality, and miccom is
*ure. She box sunt oat a corps of competent on
gincor*, who are now eugaged iu making a pre
liminary survey of tho route. But that is pot
building the read, neither will k be built, unless
the citizen* of Harris and Muscogee manifest
their interest in the matter. Harris county with
her eight millions of pro|icrty, might build the
road wit limit any assistance. Aiul surely her
citizen* Will not suffer a prqject fraught with so
great benefit to them, to languish and fail for the
lock of spirit and liberality to subscribe a few
paltry thottuauds. We have a* yet, heard noth
ing from the city of Columbus. Her citizens have
never yet shown themselves wanting in liberal
public spirit, and we can not believe, that they
now will. K.
Kxtra Heastoo.
The President, it is said, favor* an extra ses*
sion of Congress ou the first of October.
latal Iruucdj,
Mr. Joseph Bond of Macon, Geo.,—one of the
wealthiest planter* in the Suite—was killed in Ba
ker county, on the 12th inst. by an overseer of an
adjoining plantation to hi* own. The overseer
had whipped one of Mr. Bond’* negroe's—an al
tercation took place in which Mr. Bond was shot
from hi* home with a pistol and soon expired.
Hi* remain* were expected in Macon last night
(13th hist.,) for interment at Rose ilill Cemetery,
lie leaves a family.
Ihlrty-tUxtli t'ongrrv*.
KXTRA assaios.
W a.hmXutor, March 8.
The A tec-Preridfcnt presented a memorial from
I ciiineee of Nebraska protecting against the *u-
I m'xatUm of a portion of their territory to Kan
Mr. Hale calk'd up hi* resolution that no part
! of the Senate wing -hall tie occupied except for
! the purjwHic* of the Senate, Supreme Coert, or
Court of Claim*. Lie wished to prevent the rooms
from beiug occupied by quack doctors and steaiu
engine*, fpe Him cure of invalid*.
Mr. Fitch, who is a phyvician, agreed with Mr.
Hale so far as quack doctor* were concerned
j and woe for coj.lining cures to the regular fac
| Ou motion of Mr. Bright, the resolution was
| referred to the Cupnußtu on Public Buildings.
I The Senate west Into secret sessiou.
Arrival of the Quaker City
Nrw Dulkaxh,
The steamship Quaker t’ity i* talow, widi Son
Francisco advices of tho 19th ult.
| The steamship Golden Age left on that day for
; Panama with SH2;iU,OO9 iu gold, aud one hundred
Thore had been lieavy rains throughout the
The mining account* are favorable. Water was
i T'lenty ja, the gold distriots.
troop* for the Uolorudu River.
j Tlw O ’ ,rt o<l Mu of Jaa. 24th arrived'at Hub
I FlWtlwo Feb. 17th.
Sales of Java coffee at cents, amd Rio
at ITS route. Haxutl flour, $9 sUafilH. Wheat,
#3 75.
Later t rum Hex lev
11, tl*. arrival of tba Soaker City at thc*Ba
*c l “ r ‘!>’ war tiii |.repario* to
imiriih Ml Vera Cru, at wtkh place Juarei v>.
I*rej*aritg t* make a •tespernte resistance.
Xew Hampshire KlerMon
| The election for tiovernor. three roembera of
! CoagrtM and inemhers of rt,e> legislature has ta
ken place iu New lluuipsbiro. Tho result, as far
as heard from, indicates the triumph of the Slack
I RepubHeans. The Hepubliean candidate for
Hovernor wae lehahod U.ulwm and the Dome
! erotic cHu.ii.luu-. Asa. P. Oate.
Sixty van mwn# give (iudwin Cote,
Umlwin # umjurity, 2,f017.
0c bumirwi and five rvpMhlicans and ihirtv
six ffom.K rat* are elected to the }|fu#e, an*! out
of the twelve State tSettqtora etght are republi
i The three republican candidates for Congress
i ore elected.
The republican majority in the Houac will be
’ about the sauic as lost year.
Jones T. Mskn, Ksq.
Ibia geutieman, who occupies so prominent a
poaition a# ojournojisk i# suggested as * suitobie
Macoessor to Mr. .Stephuif. The .Augusta Ihapah k
! •
“Though a young man. lie has acquired mu en
viable reputation a# a tbinkcr. and writer. I'm*
the political i>*qes. and Fe*ieral, now bafore
we ar< quite safe in saying that after
Mr. Stapbous, no man iu the district is better in
j formed than Mr. Nishet. And from w h* t
know of hi# senlimenta u|Km the imi>trtant sub
ject# that will come before the next t'nngres#. we
fool assured that the interest* of the Stiutl* and his
named in te cmstituency would be safe iu hi*
hand#. ’
I School In Marietta
, Tho movement tor having a count* of Lectures
dolivaro.l, by Judge tbmld, in Marietu, during
tlm routing rummer, will moat probably bo *uc
ee.-ntu). Th® great benefit* U> retail from thir
arraugomont it. Ui® profo**ion and to rtudenta of
law, who may avail thematdvaa of the advantage
of th® prop.*®.! law Will M! luaiiiffMt on
very *ught reflection—JfeKefftt Advent*.
■ <m m
Olh Buck’s An.—W* find th* followtog in
the Miasouri Democrat.
, “ 11 * remark able that there ti no much dl*-’
pnt# aln.ut Mr. Buchanan’* \g. H.< acku<*w|-
dM only dxty eight, which i* old enough fora
Whwlor. lint hi* record came® him further
hwck lutn tlie lt neutuf,. Hew*.. pFm-tietujr
.vtioriiey in Kentucky in th® year lAD4 aud
u* ebmamr Ciiltcudcn and Chancellor Bibh have*
*tatd and i* well known. Kren tho recard ha*
oevn Mar hcd and found to corroborate th® fact
A teirewimote meko, him reveuty-s.veu yewre
‘•ld at the pre.v nfe time.'’ J
■a *i .
Lore letter* r®. generally, only a spec,®* of
pajmr.- > ) Mm /Wr
KrKnntUti AWw., The fair tic* apmiinted
lo reociv* the a*a®ts of the Ohio Lif® ami Treat
i ouipauv.
Portage rtanips are mad® to adhere by the u*e
of heh-quid glue.
Lioil IMI i i.lru il Lott mu na.—The Ea*-
i *®J*C*d.) Sfenr. in a notice of iho celebrated Kd
tqry firm of Swan A Cos., now Wood, Kddv k
to.ol Augurta, (la., *pak of the** great Lottery
•Iterator* In term* or just commendation. No
complaint* have ever boon made againrt tbe*e
gcntleimMi by any .f the public having dealing*
I ts resi.nt.llv U* n “!• *
Jv el In—til,t vof interest,-,I pwrtWs. who. nimble
te ctwjntln With them hut,nr,Hv. hew re.urte.l to
tlwhuoontWv newu. to injur,- their ho,in,.*,. The
pnl.lw heym. more eon#,leu,-, in Iheh- inlev-nlv ‘
than they happen is, rep,,.,. | 0 ,h r npp„ n ,„„
yonttbue to Hn,l (heir weekly itislalm.nts of tm’
i live, autl two au.l „ half Jollnre, an,l reeeiva in
retora, a share in ibeir niagniff.-enl loueriea,
whieh pays then, sometimes a fortune, n,l harJlv
I V'ml w for their outlay.—
Al oi'ftTA, March 10.
Tho Steamship Arabia has arrived with Liver
pool dates to the 26th ult.
Sales of the yeok 42,000 bales. The market
opened at a decline of 1-164 to %e, and closed
at an advanco of l-16dlo %and., owing to Pucific
Money markot dull and decidedly more strin
Additional by the Arabia.
Halifax, March 10, —The solos of eotton in
Liverpool during the week reached 42,000 bales,
of which speculators took 3,500 and exporters 6,-
000 bales. The Steamer's news from the United
States and the warlike rumors which prevailed
caused a decline in all qualities of cotton. Up
lands gave way and Mobile and New Or
leans declined I-16<L, and the market closed dull.
The sales on Friday were 7,000 hale*, and the mar
ket closed steady t the following quotations :
Fair Orleans 7Vd.
Fair M0bi1e5....'... t.„.7H4
Fair Upland* 7d.
Mid. Orlenus 7d.
Middling Mobile* 8 7 i,d.
Middling Uplands 6 11-Jod.
The stock of cotton in Liverpool woe 32,000 bales
of whicb 343,066 were American.
Latest from Livebuool—Saturday, Feb. 26
Clark A Boim, in their circular, report the sales
on Saturday at 7,000 bales, at an advance of 1-
lftd. to ’ftd., and the market closed with an up
ward tendency, uuder pacific assurances in Parli
LirKurooLfGKMKKAL Market —Flour wo* dull
and wheat wa* dull at steady prices; Southern 10s
alOsVd. Torn closed dull; Yellow at 4s. lOd. to
6s. 2d. Sugar wa* steady. Coffee firm. Rice
quiet at 19*. 6d. to 21s. Rosin was firm at 4s.
lOd. toss., and 4s. 9d. wo* offered for lots to ar
rive. Spirits To routine was firm at 395. 6d.@
40s. 6d., and cloaed at 41s.
Consol* 957,,.
Havre Cottox Market. —Sales of Cotton du
ring the week 8,000 bales. Orleans Tres Ordi
naire closed at 101 francs.
hearral News
Lord Crowley had.gone on a special mission
of conciliation to Vienna.
Minister* announced in the English Parliament
on Friday, that there wa* reason to hope that
Austrian and French troops would soon evacuate
Rome. These facts gave strong hopes of peace,
notwithstanding the prevalence of warlike ru
Tho favorable report* of continued peace caused
the three per cent, funds to advance one per
cent., but tho advance was subsequently lost.
AnersTA, March 19.
Os the sales of cotton for the week, 3.500 lal<*
were taken on speculation, and 6.000 bales forex
! port. The sales on Friday the 25th ult, were 7,-
000 bales. The Steamer’s news from America,
ia commotion with war rumors from Euroj*c, had
caused a decline, but the market recovered from
this loss on Saturday, and cotton was advancing
at latest advices.
Stock of Cotton at Liverpool 382,009 bales, of
which 443,000 hales were American.
The prospects of peace on the continent were
decidedly flattering.
I'recautiuuary and defensive preparations are
continued, whicb indicate apprehensions of trou
ble, although the magnates of government* pro
claim their policy to be peace.
Coli mbi k, .Mar. 14.
COTTOX.—The roceipt* of eotton .Saturday,
were 100 bale*, and the sales were :I,HOO at pri
oea ranging from 10 to 12He, alt offered wa* free
ly taken by shippers at these quotations.
We qaavW — SI'JL It •-. IlJ| 4
Momi.e, March 11.
00TTOX Sale* of cotton Thursday, y,rto
bales. Middling Mobiles 11 %to 11%. gtem
ur’# news caused an advance.
Sales hi New Orleans 27,t>00 bales. bSteamer s
news caused greater firuiuess.
MoaiLK, March 12.
COTTON—SaIes of eotton to-day 2,i(H! bales.
.Middling Mobile# ll%e u l!%c.
(h a hi. its to. s, March 10.
Sale# of cotton to-day |Hd bales Tb <)
\ atiee for the week w %(a>Vie.
Obarlrmton, March 12.
COTTON Sales of cotton to-day 1,100 bales
nt prices unchanged from quotations heretofore
Political news of little interest.
Nbw York, March 10.
COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-day 7,000 bales,
with an advancing temlcncy. Middling Uplands
quiat. at U‘■4(4l S’ ‘. utt. ;Kl,.ur dwllning,
with salu* of 14,500 barrel,. Whaat heavy, .j, h
sale* „f 10,000 bushel*. Cora Srm. with sale. „f
24.OOUbu.bela ; mix*.l at aBB cants. M ,i yel .
lew at 84 a Bc. Hpirita es Turpentine dull at
“ M “*>•• R“*io Brui, at il 75 per 810
Nnw York, Maroh 11.
COTTON- The ,ale* of oetton loth A llth—
M.OOO Bale* Market Srm-Middling Ueergia
-VoarGonißT, Mareh 10, 1850.
COTTON.—There ha* been but little dene in
the article, helders are tiff, buyere to
gtve asking prioee. Wcquetc Middling? at lie
Hood Middling, UK W IH4 rente. Market
Pu.Tinoa.-lt.v.nrr.yTir, af„ r all. i, „„| T .
yaewey.inan printer, and his -Tale* „fa Travel
“lean only fl , r mT pM<wot
health, from the eonalant though moderate u
mg from my yonth anffered at interval, f r „m the
I'lles, in both forms, sometimes so severely as to
eompletely prostrate me. 1 have for several
month, though rethjeet U> to., of .leap, lul ,t
unnaual phvieal effort, been entirely free fr,wn
any symptom of this distressing disease; nhrle
my general health is mu,-l, improved. H
Persons doubting the authenticity of this eertifi
earn, are re,ne.led to call upon or commuaiaate
with the proprietors. They will take pie.,,, re
in referring them to it, author, end to many oth
er, Who have use,! tho Holland Bitter, for the
saute affection with equal ,nereis.
See advertisement. ranrll_lw
h I t ree ee-u. -
*V VOI R HOltkKg.
, “We take great pleasure In raeommt ndinff Ihe Met
, wan Mesial,( Lmimeet a, a valuable and indiapeaaahle
anwle for Sprain,. Korea Keralehe, or Galls oa lie,
1 “*■ “"en ka,e used tl lor aevere Bur,>a Kralars
Korre, Stiff Joints aud Hlieumalk Haina sad all nv
Musts like ataglr We use aeotkartiaiaseaL
J w HEWITT, p.,reman Ihr
A up-r—an. Harden’s amt Well. It l „; Kxpres.
BustUmyu—had aasgro man ereik •
took cold from .id nun. ,„ d w „ „m,ie„ f ,„ „„
one year; 1 had tired every thing I could hear of a uh-
OUI Leoenp nan! I tried the More.,,, „ h „
HerMr,!) cared btm and I ran sow get ihe au„ve price
mr liim Ki-*p®®tfully youmj
Kvere Teatureer end Family should have tbi. In
valii*|>b> titki®.
Mes-are of Imitations. Sold in all pan, of the hah,
lakh* flob®
lIARNKx * PARK. Proprieloie, New Vork.
Hollo wav a Pills are ospreialty reoomman
| dod for the cure of aeurry and U,o other com
plan,!, more common to mariner, and thow una
ble to got fresh moat They ’re, as, .übetitnt.
for saccharine matter, and ueulraJite the effect of
a saline dwt, absorbing ,tbe poisonous effect, of
the tall, and l rendering the bt.uoi pnre and the vi
tal energ,., fro, from dobilitwing’
* u £r
•■•* par Pot or Bo*. ‘
publish as a great cariosity the follow
ing characteristto■ totter, received by our friend
Dr. J. C. A.vkh, ofXuwull, tho ••Heb
ei Chief,” or usurping Mmjeror of J.'hiniv in-ac
knowledgineHl for qturntilk his Cherry Fee
torul and Cathartic Pills, the Doctor sent him
a present.
To Dr. Aykr, in America—
The great caring Jiarbariari of the outride coun
Your presentof nwoet curing seeds {./‘HI") arid
fragrant curing drQps, {Pectoral) of Cherry
snmll, ha* been brought to llng-seu Tsene—-the
mighty Kmjiuror (Kwangtol of tho terrible st..ut
Ming dynasty, by the grace of ht*ven re\ ivc 1 ;i(
ter an interval of age*—Prince of peace (Ta ping
waugj of China, the oentral flowery land. Ho
directed In* powerful Mandarines to givo them t<
the sick according to what thd Interproters rend
from your printed papers tdinctioH*.) Be ji.
soundly happy, 0 wise Barbarian ! for I, Yang
sen-Tsing, say it. Your curing seeds and sweet
curing drops wore given to the'jrick in bis Army
of the Winged*Sword, and have matlo them well.
Be profoundly happy wbilo you 1 i\• for this i
known to the Mighty Emperor of China, who ;t j,
prove* your skill, and permit* yo* to send
of your curing uiedkiuuE for his fierce armies of
my raid* of men.
They muy be given to Clwang Liu, Chief Man
darin of the Red Button at Shanghai, who will
repay you with Tea or Silk or Gold.
The high Mandarins of Ehina, have heard f
your great knowledge, surpassing all other For
eigners, even aspiring to equal the keen wisd-.n,
of oar own healing teacher?, who make remede
that cure instantly. W® are gliul to kuow you
bow in trembling terror our Mighty Empe
Written by
Mini*ter-in-chief of tfie restored Inqierial Ming
Dynat>. destieed by the heavenly wisdom to
rule in China.
( Translated by the American (’onmnlatcjit J/iuuj
Kong, t'biua,'.Ul May, IK.._) dllu
There are plenty of young gentlemen os well
as plenty of old once, whoso beards are turning
gray, which gives tho formeru great dual of un
easiness, and expose* the age of the latter, in
avoid there little perplexitic* wc adyife such ot
our reader* to use Prof. Wcmkl's Hair Restorative,
which will, iu the course of a lew weeks, c-hangt
the hair to it* natural color. It does not dye the
hair like the most of tho hair restoratives,- but
produce* a gradual change of color from the ro< i
of tho hair to the final eud, and gives it aline
glossy appearance. We hav# won many per.-nj,-
who hare used it •ucce.wJ'uUy, and prwiioum t-.l a
the only invention which has cxuue thoir idi ■>
a “cure for gray head*.” W- commenced usin
it about two mouth* since, and if wu are any
judge of age and beauty, it has made us at ieusi
ten year*youngcr in tact we ure bcgiuuuig to
look quite young, and feel very much like getting
a young wife. The change is miraculous, and it
would be a* difficult to find a gray hair now *it
would be to find aq idea in the head of the Duke
of Buckingham. We know several old tuaid.-
and some young widows, whose lock* arc be
ginning fco assuinu a silvery hue, aud who have
been .seriously talking about resorting to tins
remedy, and we advise them not to delay any
louger. It never fails.—[/’row the Saint Lorn*
Bold by all Druggist* in this city, and by deal
er* and druggist.- generally throughout the l aifed
Btates and Canada* in.ira—wd2w.
To Dyepeptice, —Soda, Magnesia, and all AIK i
lies, either aflord but temporarary re lief, or con
firm tho disease into a chronic affect inn. The
Oxygenated Bitters immediately relieve ami per
manently cure all forma of Dyspepsia, and stom
aeli difficulties.
There t a rile counterfeit of thin Bitleant,
therefore be mire and buy “nly that prepared l-y
S. W. Fow l* A Cos., Button, tekick hue the WKli
trn liynaturc of /. HVTTS on the outride ttrup
llou#e# Cleared of 7ermiu.
In (iuftmiH when tin- #tm is inw,
Comm- fi<rtti in swarms tin- i tic.
Aihl tbi our biiMid lits-y bori- you know,
An.l auck K in m.iNt nqiMily
Hut tMiff#, ruacln s, Vkceleni—filack or white
In dfaih's embrace nr,: stUfem-d quuc,
If hytn*s povfd.-r* rtmnce to lijifiit
In ttieir obscure vh-rnuy.
The elfoc.t of tins jkw der is nluiost iindantarirou
death to oil the inwet iriin-. Uanieiw can lie pn^rn
-, —a ... U ln..u4.f,b. „ p.-wi | T 1o , Ui ,
Pommi, and harm loss to umnkind anddOibc-M,,
Many worthlesa iimtalHinß arc odveitiw-d. Tin* “ii
ly famitae wmgned ‘B. Lyon. It may In* ~nl. .■ .1
throufii ufty merchant.
t?! - /• V ." MS kill# insects in a true.
\A bile Lyon’s Pills arc mixed lot rat- .m.j .
riampie l-’iasks, Xdveiiis; ri'i'ularsi/.cs, St cents A- - 1
BAIiiYEH & PA UK, New York.
FltelT.t!, lfi.Vt—die w I in
That Wonderful Purifying Agent
Darby's Prophylactic fluid!
Thin in it AVic Diuntjv cry. // ; 4 /fag ~*
Learned k. it m (| triumph ut
Scientific Skiff /
fTi# a Chenu at I'uiiin of materials, providnd t, v \
J. lure hvrseH, ttw remb-njig jnif ib an ,y> ~, ,
Ita action is in ahediv uee in fixc.t law >.
It purifies dwelling*. #Hiks, kitcln ns.
It leiiHivesail offensive .mDk-;
h cures burns with instant . ertoiiity;
It b the besi Reparation ever u—d to, frel< wonnd
lt dietrob and ali veoetable and animal i*4a*. m -
It relieve# in* w loaimUs lue bu, -
bom, #tr • u
It preserves meat from apoiiing.
It makes harm w atah suit.
It relieves the Itcart tuirn
U m the Im-#i commik
ll scntler. ImiUs m licii Ibrniin*;
It sooihe# boil# when formed, and heals them r .t i-
It itffood for carbuucfem, corn# and sores-
Itchranses tiic leetii ami purifies the hraatb-
The worst syiwptom# of T\j.leinl ami r.-iirlet 1..
are mitigated a, , hw um .
known t<> check U,. spread ofTypfioid fever in fan,
iltcs and tijMin plantations.
Leaduw ~b>-icia.4sare iismart in Uiartmiton to
fomWa. ffavwauat.. Augnsia. Atlanta, t uhin,
boa, Montgomery, Heima, Mobile ;u .I \. vv . ...
Ihe llospiuu of New tiileai,, ami \i
using it .m
Hospital# ship manter* mu.i.t-.,■i..,,
planter#, phylum*, fornwbei. ny the #. ! . u,‘ V, ,
rate*. 7 nni ”
For Rile by druggist ad conntrv ucr hant ,
* *^” M4 o lmm orders are resm-ctfoiii #,,;i ,*,.# *
Try at least one bottle Prm- so , ~u * . h ~
rertmus r M,w 111
IL/ ‘Manufactured only •: the IJlm.raUirv of
t, , L J- BAHKY. Auburi. Mi
For sale by all the ftruggwi, ot
•V R -Persons wndiU,g smts . „ , ,
alyced can have if done on reuoi. >,• , i J
‘..gvoProi i>AHin ‘*>,
T HAVE pufi-luiMpffi „f M r j M „. t Mile-. A ~r tl
I a*ilb>. c;b. nf mill It, Ii„. MSP ~, I|(J ,
101 tn® fUHlltll®* ••(’ Mltriill. Iblh- ll rtVlfl M1,1112*
Ala. The Post a, writ ns the He„-u’ ~ of
Irun. anil Im* tlw a*l\ iujunfi- •!” U uic • i-oinutoif
U r*quir® hut iaK® room f.>r u #r ,-"unit i. *
I>hi up eMlier in n (all Inn room o r u
him) b® prclvrn-il; h ( i, k- iin,!v au.l
wiilkiul the n*® o| a unite
Tk®> will Im* put up .ill iPumufelc U rnu. ami
l®Hl lo * f ®e sail'tat lion
My adfiie* in Hardaway, Macon county Ala
Ketereare-W. J. Tarvcr. Jus. .£.£
Mktmtatrorv manner, fofwhn h rea.i. m ell
pr**t*.MT H nil It l mini, J, T
Mareh 14, Iran—ureter rt.itcuAe
.Strew free all k .-membra”..
• to. “d* matdeure near Ellers,,. l,Hr,
*>lt Itrond *(rrrl,
Oolumtoua, 000.,
HAVE in Mturc,n<j are finil) nsu i-
Thifi new .iltd eh'rmt decfgn* m
Plain Hnl Fhikv Siik*
Doffilih-Skirt l<ilk*.
Rnhe. a l.e* Hilkw.
, to>i>*i< re aiuM ‘hi i k toi'k*
Black amt Whit® Anlitpje ami Ren *Jjk. *
<ro d'Kinne. Tafheia. ami Uaruthea ••
■mall (IMU res.
Rohe a !,#■*,
R**ln- a
H<he a krowini,
Rohe A
Rotoe a Atoned*
PRINTEIM’hally*. I'htntr.. Ml'tol.ix
Rrillianl®* ami ,Uwa,
hetland, zephyr AN® MAXO.NV wool®.
4 tow to* K**t*; Etubmidvrie* nfall t>>*
l Jacunfi H®U;
Oomeitici and Linen Goods.
March %—fiwltoG