The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, March 28, 1859, Image 3

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ENTIRELY NEW I ENTIRELY NEW! WH IT IS ITt That Wonderful Purifying Agent Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid! Thi* • lt < the rveulf q/’ Learned Heeearch. It in a triumph of Scimtijic Skill ! TT U a Chemical Union nf material*. provided by Na -1 ture hereußi fl>r rsitderihg pure the air we breathe lu action I* in obedience lo fixed laws. QUICK, BUKE, POWERFUL! Il purifies dwellings, *iiik-. kitchen*. It iemove* all offensive odur; It cure* burus with uisiant certainty; It m me best preparation ever used lor Fresh wounds. It destroy • afi vugeluble and animal poisons; It relieve* in a few second* the bites of fnaerta, bees, etc. It preoanrfs meal from spoiling It makes it aan AVATKH aorT. It relieves the hcail-burn. It i the best cosmeti It scatter! boils w hen forming; It soothes boils when formed, and heals them rapidly It is good for carbuiirle*. Hirer*. corns and sores; It i I nines the teeth and pi in ties the breath; The worst symptoms of Typhoid and Scare-i Fever an; mitigated by the use of this Fluid; it has been know n to check the spread of Typhoid Fever in Fam ilies and upon plantations. Leading physicians are using it in Charleston, Co- : luaibis. Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta, Ma-on, t olnm- ! bus. Montgomery. Selma. Mobile and *N, w Orleans. Tli’- Hospitals of NevV Ortaaii* and Middle ate j using it llospitnla, cnmomrioits. ah masters, ina mi tact “rets. ‘ planters, physicians, furnished by the gallon at reduced ! rates. For sale bv dm grists ntid febtinffy merrhanis gener- 1 ally, fWnu whom <>rdei ate t<*p.Hiiuliy and. I fry nt least one U*i:ie. l*rtce Ml cants. I ullow di naiMini. ,•*.Manufactured only ir the laboratory of J. DARBY. Auburn. Ala. For sale by all the Druggist* of Columbus. •V ll.—Persons wishim: soils, ores, w ater. Ate. an alysed can have it done on reasonable terms by send ing to Prof DAKHI mar 14—grtim WOOD'S HAUL RESTORATIVE. The Urea tent J/ieeo eery nf the Aye. —lt scKiptu occurs, that # nutic-a, under wiy c-ireoiiiatanovs, patent medkiusr, restorative*. or anything ofthe kind, for we have a prejudice- against uioat of them —but on dor compels us to invite attention to the advertisomout of Prof. Wood’s Ilair Restora tive iu the lost column at the bottom of third pugo of this paper. We are too juvenile* to require any thing of the kind, but tome insttunrs of it3 use base come to our knowledge which almost assures as that it ia a sovereign remedy agaiuat the hair becoming prematurely gray. Ilia not a ••Ilair Dye:” but upou its application a* directed, the effect is produced on the ?kiu, which brings out the original rnUivu colon*! hair, wilhout stiffness, and gives it a glossy aud natural appeanuiec.— , We have seen persons who hnveufpd it. and they ! art much plcnsed with it. Examine the affter- j tbemeiit. Sold by alt respectable druggist*. j Mnwouri Republican. Sold by all Druggisti in this city, and bv doal- i ers and tlrnggiau generally throughout the United States aud Canadi* mar-J— wdliw. 11ST 3DXG EBT XOINT- DaRXKHTOW.N, MoNTUOVEItr Cos. Ml). ) Jamiury 31*t,J957. } I never felt the benefit of any medicine so much as from the bottle of ‘Tborhave’s Holland Ritters’ i 1 purchased last fail. 1 wish to know where I ‘ cau get it without fear of imposition. (Signed ! JOSEPH C. PELLET. PROM A DRUGGIHT. Apollo. ARbstrono Cos. Pa. Deo. 15, IBsir, j Messrs. B. Page, Jr. A Do. — Dear Hire— l pur chased on© riom-ti of your “IkorLavc's Holland Bittern, from your traveling agent, wMcli ha* giv- ; en great satisfaction in this section, r>eiu mo ] another dozen;*for which T enclose the money. | W. C. BOVARD. I Soe advertisement. m;rr22—lw The Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE S Celebrated Female Pills. f‘rtf iared from a prescription of Sir J. Clur fce, j if. D. I‘hysician estnnn dinuiy to the Queen. THE GRKAT ENGLIKH REMEDY THE GREAT ENGLISH RUM ED V THE GREAT RNGLIKH REMEDY NIRJAMF.H CLARKE’ft FEMALE PILI.B KIR JAMr.S CLAIUK ft FEMALE PILES SIR JAMES CLARKE'S FEmALE PILLS SOLD BY AM. DRUGGISTS HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS HOLD BY AM. DRUGGIST* N 11—#1.00 and *u postugo •lump, enclosed to , any authorized agent, u til insure a bottle, ioiiiaming , 30 Pills by return mad. numb' l —dw ly. ] Sold in Columbus, by Pemberton dt Carter, Are© Ac verson and all respectable Druggist's. JOHN W. BROOKS, DRUGS. SKIN OF THE NEGRO WNP MOftTAK, ! (On the Corner ©f Broad and Randolph Struct*,) j COCI.UBIX, OCOltl.lA. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in IIIU IIS, tied ici nes.Ul DM If A LS, SnWUCAt, AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paints, OH a, Varnish*'*, Ova Stnfla, and all the articles pertaining to the Drug Bunincsa. AXa 80, A; RARE AND FI LL ASSORTMENT OF Choice French Perfumery, Fine Soups, Pomades, Toilet Waters, and Hair ami Tooth Bru.-hes, SRSIDEB, Flavoring Extracts, Spices. Potash, Congress Water, and Brandies ami Winos for Medical and Culinary COMPRISING ALTOd ETHER. A FILL A ('••mpietc tftock, which he oiler* to tbo public <>n liberal terms. A deduc tion of HI to ti* per rent will be made on all (.'ash Bills. March 25—dwtf. JOHN W. BROOKS. T-MSHING TACKLE, sold bv I Marti JOHN W BROOKS / ‘(INGRES* WATER. sold 1.-. Y/ mart.) JOHN W BROOKH H RANDIES \ NO V\ im - mart 4 JOHN \V BROOKS ( ‘ RAY POT A 811. sold bv \M marts JOHN W BHQOKB POUTER AND ALE, sold by mart.'. JOHN W. BROOKK Havana cigars .-uni by marts JOHN W BROOKS. 11l RMNG FLUID, sold by \i martft JOHN V BROOKS To Planters & Farmers. JOZHZUNT LEE, Agricultural and Garden Seed Store, Opposite Redd, Precr It C-o. Broad Huref, COLUMBUS, AGRICULTURAL AND WARDEN IMPLEMENT*. r I'll K best collection of Rakes, |lo, Bruli;i, Bhnv- J tn, Forha, Bjrmigr*, Pruning Mhears, Plows, Oul- | tiv atnrs. o*l and Khm K CvHcfl. Com filirllers, Ac aver nflerad for *;e In tiiii cHy, nil *v whu li Imn deter- j mined to tell MS per rani below the nmul prleei. Fresh Warranted Garden Seeds, My arrnngetiiMtt heme nw complete. I am prejutr dto sell all ihe best vaneties of the purest Darden Betsd* at 5i nt per paper -I*l papera for 50 cent* Pure Peruvian Guano. UM Planter, Bone Dun, Elide lilaud, Columbian, and Me*uan (inarm, at NVw York jmres, freight merely added. HOYT’S Celebrated Super-Phosphate of Lime. I am aoir agent for the sale of this fertiliser lor ihn city and neighborhood If has been applied with the most marked met pm to Cotton. Corn. Potatoes, anti Darden top* in several parts of this VtMr. Call and get pamphlet*, with anaiyata and rtrlHit-wtoa of u*tru qualities. Honeyblae ar an Grass Seed. Now ith* lime to plant th:i new and highly exioll cd Grant; a large lot to arrive in a day or mo Flower Jam, Flower Read, Flowering I’iarita, fee., •11 at 30 per cent lean than inch thing* could b- bought heretofore. rnarvhgl—dw tr pOTARII. BOD A. STAID H, SPICES, C.fcl.A- J TINE, Ac. for Mia at the loweai ndk prices by March 15. ISW —dwtf J A WHITESIDES. NEW BACON. ONE Hundred Thousand Pounds just received —New Hams, New Shoulders. Baited and Pl'kUd Pork. XVhSR * H TER. NEW GOODS AT TIIE tin fork Hi-aadi store, Butler, Tuylor Cos., Oa. THE undersigned lauotr tveeiviug a very cx ton live stock of Spring and Bummer Hoods, con sisting of DRY (<>ODS, CLOTHING* HOOTS, ami SHOES, to., &.*„ which ho will sell at wholesale and retail, at prices to girt* general sat isfaction. a E. JOSEPH. Proprietor. I'rone & Levy, Agouti. Butler. March, 2. wSK 1859 XEW SPRING & SUMMER © © 0 31 $U AT G. W. ATKINSOII & GO'S , Broad Stroet, Columbus, Ga. | JT girt* tm nun n pn*Hfttrr m return our thanks and I gratitude lo our trienda and patrous, who have no liberallj bestowed Uu-tr pai.ff t .q.c upon us the n*>t | season, and now have the renewed j)i.*a>ure ofiditime I bUv.ptlieni! ir Din iiiar describing t >ui NEW SPRING STQG.IF, [* Otir*ew Spring Stock is ver\ large and comprise- t j ti.ert. ii. ~! nod haiuLnmesl. .-nlcclem oi Fancv Goods i ,v oib id hH oirt t|bm. Bel'iw we call yl’o'f alteimon to a fetv of mir 1.-ailing i s llU a ami lubru . for spimg and Summer Wear j “ri" r i- it"W have fit rtUM-v, Offhtge Hsliw. Ikwh!.’ Jupe Parts Tissue, ll’ T.ICI- Kobe*, Double Jup.- Satin, Beraae Rohes, a Len. lieraye Itolus., Kugehie Ihfruro Robes, iiouUte Jupe, It crape Kobc, I'aiiMenuc, fAt prtcoi invrt #.' 50 to ■) Onmmlr.- Robes, n I,es, Droaptiu) .Rob. a. iuvatkne. Organdie R.. K-s. Ti.jpV. .aie, Orsandie K.>b-s. ‘i lupc^. Organ-Im Kobew, Plain. Orcandte Robe- Favoritn, sligandH* NqI)M, teooora, Orgnnilie Uob. K. A. i!. i:n At Prices fnun v .► 50 to *lih per Robe MR Sli.k DEPARTMENT C>> * a eninplile Slock, Doolie Jr pc Silk Robes oi bmp'. *>-*D !< per Robe; Rtack fJredrt Rbinea. best quality; Lyon's Patent Black Kilks; Plain Ilia, k l*ouu m- rtoie; ILk. k Armures; lii u kand t'olV. Ciic do Lpsom. ctiene Dm \u dt-rc; Baya.lcie Viiuii t>nk Kobee; a \erv l:uw lot of low pri.. S,.u R-4.,-m..i I#..s es; f>ut au to cvn : per Taiium; Flam \ Frcuwh Jacoi-eu.Loni quahtv; Piiim-d french Jaconets; Printed Jaconets, Cbiiu&t'atom; Plain Fu.-mb Pci t:ib>; Fr.mli Frintyd Pcrcaics, Finn f’raje* Mnr,-r. all ont| Flute. Berage*. all .ol plaltt, VS ime and it .rages fbr shaw 1.-. Pa ns Print- and tlermfes. PI on t.rena ditms. Mam Crape bewmii, Illegal.i Gren adine v! June Lh-bes, iiiecniu Pmiteil Mn .un do Moie. Lace Aluntliltta, REAL LAl'Kii. .Vr.&c. Real ClHintiily Luce Mantilhv Real Fieiu h Lu.e M.uiiimis. Real Ptrsper Muutiluis; Pi. ml. niini PulpCT Luck* <3, I.uie I’qitrf Mantillas; tDona.luic Boidi-i'.-d Hi.iage. Shawi*. RiMutn Bordered pf r.*ge Shaw!,, tiffr Herage Shawl*: Bl*k lh-rage Shawl.-; S:lk Lac■ Shawl* | OurMontilln tt.! Shawl Pcimitment >.ao|ins' ma ny iioveßie*, amhtig wbn litoe siw -f Pgrw’* richest ’ produetu-n* We hnVr the tnosr cotnpb i.: La- I r*s ever offered m retail in lienrpia, / oiitprfeii tr White i Gap Nigs, .1 Truth Knn Merhtins.* Brack suh Nets, j Queen's Hlorui. Wove Tn-ad Edging*. Fim i Imitation Thr*-:-..? l n <•*, Black Gurpuic Lail’.inlrr'd Mnlnvv, Un;;Ush Tiiread Edging . Ur -.l llonit.m Va ■ leHetae. tec. EMBROIDERIES, &c 1 H->nilr.n <.’r*llrr- mriftb- 1 w. Book n-ui .ta “ nef S ’fts. I Point Apjiliqw B■'* - c■ 1 - b GolLu*, Dr- akl j Rea! \ . i . ,n- * * -R-iSr-: Thing Ket- f 4 oila- ad ] S.eexe*; P.hjt fi.ip t--ilr:• ■■ and rti*w*vi>y lb , I ren. tr j Uin iroi l. n<>; Ma..rse and Guiyqjv l oiaut. Lxi.ala**: , i Muslin rtt hsi IU at Soanish La- •• f solar*; Piruch Lin i eii Ltw n s -its; Lmbioide.ied ii'dk is; inianl • i*u ; nrt>re < ~;ih4 looks. Frock*. Basque*. Hats, ami In tents’ Real !,ace Caps. Children’s Drcv-f* “, BriUhmtf, | Pique. Roy;,: Cord and Lawn Jaefronet and s.*, Edgings; Jaconet and mu Fioimcmgs; Cambric. ’ Book, and Mult A large si--k of Low 1 Priced Liu broideries, ehihracbig ill dieeui j ftrtidery line. White Goods, Muslins. &c, Jackonrts. Ijanihjic*. Tape Check?, Hwi** ( Uerk*, ; | TnM Siripe*. Bin iP Mlt.jh■*. Btsliop Latv>is, N.iu, ■ I—Nainsooks Hiecked and Striped; Bmiiiiiiu. Dai. Coni. iJiinitv. H-rtin Skirting. Omm-u- I init v 1 ntla Book,lndia Mull. S>. : spots, te. -We have a innu of tlioge goods, and sluiil oiler them ;.t very low j price* HOSIERY, OLOVI'M. tec. ; Ltdie*’ Part* Silk Mit. I.adicß* and ffetils’ hal i; e*. I best quality; Ladw*s and Gent* ♦ igufl. Silk and Lm i en Uo*e; Misses’ and Childrens’ Siriped IIo” .Bonnets, I iiTjbons,<te. ( Oursto. k at Ribbon*. Flower*. Blond* Ilwnsct*. Fiat*. ■ 4'Mtriri llai*. te< - is very • uiupb-te. ami n • think by ( Ui. aid of an an >mit lisiind Miilinar, who lie*, hargvol’ ; this depiiitmcnt, that v<• ivi.11..-able ;o mil tho no-nt • fastidious tasiv ofuiy. V* e shall he able to offer tin-•< t goods a! lower prt.e* ihati ever be hi re, and rcspeitfdl- J ly invite tbe'laihcs to give na a call, before they have | mtidetlieu pureliases. Medium Priced Dress Good.--. | Fine Jaco.-iet* and Lawn* nf W<U per yard; .?arim*t : Robes, two Volant*, fiom s-2 to >5; Berai'e Rohes a J I.CS. 0-otii #4 Fnre Freneli Jnronefs, nt Hr*c. per \ard: Plain and Figured Hr rata** at s:<r. peryaol; Fast : Colored American Prints, at G , to 10c ; French and 1 American Ginghams it i2-> LINEN DEPARTMENT. i Onr Luj. ii Department eourpriss-s a f’u i- ark oTevery thittp in Lstieii'. Arc- Wc make no pretensions a* to | rtiri-f f ffiipoiiuthui of Linen thiods, inn ludieve that we j e*t ourFtock of Linens under mom favorable rircum- I srance* ifeaii we rubl to director import them o|ir- I Win sell Linens a- eln-ap. ..rein .qnTThan iniy II"u | in Georgia Goods for Gentlemens’ Wear. i White Uarneshv Drill. Brown Linen Dri!i. Coftonade# j Linen Ducks, Hpntig dukiiiwf**. Mtth K Doeskin*, ’ I ren. h .mil Lngiieh Drapd. Lies. Italian 4 boilm. Whim j and 4 ulore.l Mai-cile B.nck ‘-m l, 4 Kdli-*, te We . also have a full line ol Lint'll Good* ibr Buy*’ Wear. ( BOOTS eSc SHOES. I Our Boot and Shoe D. ;• irtmcni t veiy compiete.and com,*i a great vuri. ty of Myl-* U.r Ladies’ Gent*’ Boy*’Mi-*', s’and Hiper-alfy Children's wear, all of which w ill heabW very rlienp, fora gooff mriide. Hats, taps, and Straw Goods. Wf have now in fcfore a large -re. k of Hut*, • ap*, aad rttraw 4ood*. con.i-.ina’ “I M> .. -■ ih>> s. < ffren’s.ail entirely new, anff will be sold at icuiarkfibly DRUGS, RKADV.MADE CLOTIILNG, luitro dian it over our tyc have a huge toupi filled w ith t.i-mooaWe and good Ci"thing, for Gentle lia-u’a w . manufactured (In* Spring .or our trade AU we as* ill this department i* an irtfpei Imp, alter which,those ov want ot n* ly made Gu<k. will he* sure to buv ft “in u- GOODS. In llorucsti’ Goods. wi be |> ver;, large *u*R. nnd *••!t Hum at llu Mannfm lor. i- prMen. (hir mm in pint n e this ad vdniseidcnt b. ft-u you. i~ to HHlnrc ton to I all and vxaiiilfn* I. ol Good*, when Sisumg Coluicuu-*. yXie do not boor late to say, j that we Indio v* : It WlinW to y.Ut inti-n -t to git*’ n.- a caii before making jn.ui pur. haws. We think we can offer you Good-lower than von will find them else i where in < oiumbus, and show you lh<‘ tartest stock |l>. select fro 41. Out t mi - are strict!} ( aelt. w hit hetmnies Us to otter our 15 to 3*i per ecjD low* i rh-'u a rs lt llmi-e; .mil ft.* etm t indin - v. * i< n r.• • have !■ i j nut our goods cheap. enttUM* “to <'B Uiem a*;’ I ti<>u loin* than aliy other hoiic* m Cr.hiiifl.n- Metmai I Unit tn< lam** Bto’ kw e are r.\btkitina. and the Isirrum* w nil ‘V he bwe deal W ith out ptolrun■*, will” •> -uil.- out to induce VOl4 In liHum.ii bulore puuluonug- TKR.MS CApH —NO .SECOND PKiCK. G. W. ATKINSON & CO , imoAI) H I , < 01,1 MUCH, GA. March 21, H 59. Wtf. ! PILES, FIsTULA, STRICTURE, | CAM EKS AMI ,'CHOI'I.LA OUMSU. J I)AMPULETM tom .lining testimonial* of tin- highest I Ii liHno tt i. aa lu hi* sue. *** Will bo forwarded to j 1 any that uinv w ish (Rmu. ‘Huh* wishing to test the eificai voi Dr < LUFTOVrt amidenid r- metl.M must j live a correct destirfptfoh of tin* disease. ns iippearam e mils incipient stage,anwot vuinKMiD) I'lCttUon. Ar. A thr* <* r* nt stamp (mild an <>iiii> t. 1 H mniniut na lioiim Addr- J \. ( MH'TDN, Hunt- vijb , Ala. CURES <l \HA\TKKD mflrtferh WANTED, IN’ evory town & county in tho Inion, Genii*- i men or l.aditr. to learn new ;iiul beuutilul I art. which, for Attractiveness, is acknowledged l> nil wb havo learned the art, tv)>e far aunerinr to anything oi the kind ye? known. Ni<> cufcitul fo ri uired. For further particulars, Ac., enclose four postage stamps for returu postage. AtUlre**, a W. J. K. ksikkteon. mar2*—wte* * Richmond. Va. ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE 1 I ACHES in Henry roiiniy, 3 mil— below ,l) I 1 •• tn rnt. i. i nth Chattahoochee river, and •A> mile* below fort (.Junes*, *s** acres an* cleared— Ot.ii tirirt life river bottom, w liu h will produce Irorn 2b to in bushels Corn, or from l.orsi to T.MO pounds ot Colli,m to the acre On the pbt. e are nit the />•. traaary improvements- Houses lor Ref wet; good water, ami as healthy as any section in A.aban.a lor further , partu utais, apply tfi tnr at Widtvay, Ain . or It Allison and A ft Jnnes'on tlie pmno-i s. Also. Willi acres Land, near Midway. Barbour rottn ty—anil acres cleared all fVdsli having I ecu tUarefl In the last seven years Tins i strong lime land and will piodm e from go to 3u bushels I *>ru. and Irom one to two ilMiusnMd pounds cotton per acre. Improve incuts fine—the dwelling coat IM.OUtI, and is nlDlled on a high sandy ridge w ith good water, and bverj convenience desirable in o country residence. Both of them’ place* are known in Columbus, (la.. where, inquiriesan be marfe. I invite those wtio are purchasing, to examine these places during the coming spring and summer, and fudge them March Ifi-wtf Midway, Barbour Cos Ala 86 ILLIUS &RO E, 86 I (SUCCESSORS TO H QROBBM A YBR.) Ao. SO UROAII STREET, Have Just received a large aud spbimlnl nsNoilnicut of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Mantillas, Embroideries, HOSIERY, UANtIKERCHIfiFS, VS KM I LESS VAUIBTY )P BOOTS £z SHOES, DGMISTIC DOOBS, I iUIADV MADE CLOTHING, fi’ hoods, I I .\TS,('A PS, ct *. In fan ."i -*r> article from a piece of tape to the coin- j plut*- on! fi i ol a house and fmmiv, and alas low pi ice# ,* Hie saint- L'eoda can be bad in All3 Souliierii -tSarkel. We w i'u’ I rc->ic,*tti)liv Itiv-. e ihn l. t.ltea and Don- I Hem. :t oft.'ojtiinh.i* and MirroundiUK conniry, I” gi\. us an t'ftily e-uli# and tvauunc our goods before pmclm ILL!US Sc ■Uoßls, MsrchSS - dwSin Sign SO at the door (sphing^aldsummer j a.iiv : fsooss* i IT liMT received tmm .New \oikuud Europe, bv DI- I KLCT IMPORT Y’PU)N ■’ J, &c GO’S Vo. too Itcoa.l st. Owing to thu loua iiuling ami well known repo inti, u of'.iir House, we deem ii um.e. es-:.ry to Hood the iown nud country with flaming Imn.l bills hiidlong j unmentnug advomseu.enis Tin., sewoii, however, j “c\\ a,.1 lie doing uyiiNin e to our friemls, cusloiuern [ and oiln is, by neglecting to inform thcmthul OTT3TL STOCK. (NOW OOMPI.DTK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT) I Is the Largest and Best Selected WE I YER ll\l>. OR WAS | Ever Received in Columbus, ! IT EMBRACES ALL THE KEVVE ST Si 1 LES OF OEEKSS In every fahric known, including the jpixv; \vv\,\', i;ki;n.vdim:s. FLAIN AND DOUBLE SKIRTS, and th m.m ANBLAIS: l-'ABRK S ENTTIIELY NEW. Also, a full assortment of every article in the DRY (HOODS LINE, A Targe portion of which an* I ,\! POU iE p II V OUItsE LY E S j Duvet fi-oru Icu rope! J thu*waving b> tho <• who buy ol us the Impoiera and I j Jobtmr* Puifilb in New York. I Uo.nmblis Da ‘I nch If., lbf.9. dwtf, | HULL, BUCK & CO. ."REMOVAL. t f, .* THE SubHcriber* having purchased the i ■ li.t Dhwnmv formerly . o.pi-.l by Hill,! i Holt A Cos., aro now prepared to supply i Uie;i - cuntomers with everything they may need, i the : Slock emi.rn.-imT i,/addition to GROGKIi | IBS and LIQUORS, Dry-Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Sad ! dlery, Boots <i Shoes, Hats, B.uga j & Medicines, White lead, Oils, #c &c &c. i Mok tug a complete nn.l general 8-.rtinent. ! Rio, Java, I.aguayia and Mocha (.'otTuo; I \wv Or lean 8 Sugars, of ail g radon, r f’l.tfen-, Grubbed au*i Powdered Sugars in hbls and ‘ half liarrcla. j Palfj Bagging, Rope, Maeksrcl, Flour, Hncon; I Ham-', .Shoulder* and, Candle*, ToaH.Cwidy i i Nuts, of all kini.N, Pepper, Spice, Starch, .Soda, | | Pot Mali, Situ If, Mustard. New Orleans Syrup; j ,Stewart’* (ttolden Syrup, wHh everything else for i Plantation and*’ Family uk*; lln l.iuii'i>, wo lie v.- Fin.- Brandies, Wine*; j Hour lion, Mot)Ug;thola, Rye and Com Whiakios; j llollaudtJin. Jaumicu mid Ht. Croix Jh'iiu i Together with Dorn.-tie Liquors, of nil kiuda in great variety. ry-& turns. We are now tweiviftg a full and dasirahlostock of FAHOY & SIAIIE IKY GOODS, J tnclnfUng nli new and di-Mrahlastyles, which tho ’ puWlc arc rc-tper-ifullv invftfed to examine-. HULL. DUCK A CO. j s*j ilk v> I | ULL. DU UK A U Broad Si reel, linvajmd I | 1 p-ccivcd mi as j -irttnent of Fowler’s patent portable Hail Filteixi .-. Every family should sup i plv thctnselvmi wilt, this uiiiclc. ( all and exam ine th.-m, March dwtf. Hai.lwnrc :u! (i-wlifrj. I Wc have in store und'to arrive, 11 tho staple ar ( tides of HARDWARE and CROCKEKY requf rU by Planters, which w u.Tcr ui. low figure*. HULL, DUCK A CO, j ES.ITS, Xi. A large nsaorfment of Fashionable Moleskin, I Casiinerc ami Soft Huts, in grot*, of styles Lad Coior.-d, J.l-iiiKHtN ILVT.-’ I’LANTA | Titi.N WOOL, aud l’Ai.M LEAF HATH. HULL, Dl (K A CO. j HOOTS X SHOES. A general Stock, ctnhra.-iiig a full sssorlmcnt I of Ladien’Shoe* of tho bet inuiiufuoturc and all I others in variety, Men's, Women's, Children’*, IN. grot •, Ac. ‘ III:LL, DUCK A CO. •Staple tiros* A medicines. Wn ki-f|. 1* full (uMify ‘.fall tliu l|.le Drag. hii.l Afoiiidtiic* nueded on n plantation. lILLL, DIKK <fc CO. uißiri: m:\2k oils ai. We have it fresh .••took of White Lead, Oils, , diflaraiii kinds and qualities, at usual prices. 1H I.L, 11l Uv A CO. rtOI.TIAM ( LOTUS. The osiinl variety of Numbers of the BUST OVALITY Imtouted. HI LL, DrtCK A CO. also, A large variety of otiioi articles, suitable for Vlfmtcr, ait'l I'.uluiliTe’ Owing tt ie.Wol | Partner in .New York, wo can offer inducotnouls >o purchasers equal U> ativ bouse in fbe South. 11 i LL, DI CK A CO. ; Columbus. On. March 17. dwtl. LrfPKi lAL NOTH K a LI, persona indebtad to the late firm of Brooks A /V ( liMpiri'Ui. by nolo or sonuiii. bre re.jne-i.HI to make m.niMiinie iMivim-iit, ns further indu.seine < Hn- I nut be siveo JNO. W. IHIOOKH Oohm.luiH, (la.. M u h tM—dwlf. SPRING CLOTHING FOB 1059. jl. A.BROEAW&CO MAVi; jil.t r.f..veJ It IMNIMUMK WlT.f SPRING CLOTHING, •41 1 ■ “ kVm'l yj 1 r M.uml Silk and Linen Suit*, via Jl in Hindu lured c\iir. -- !y Tor otir Hpnn - —LL Trd-. Also, n line Mos CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, FOR COATS A.N'U PANTS. VESTIN GS, Os greni variety, which w WHI maid to order In the moat fashionable styles. Vt e sliait be receiving by the w eekly sp amers from New York, nnr stock of Spring & Summer Clotliing, w'hirh we invite oar fiienda and the jinblic generally to call mid exapiine, as we are determined not to be outdone either m style or price by any Hoii“e in the citv. We wHI invariably deduct Iff per cent tor ( astl- I A BIIUKAW l fO rolun bus, Maxell 4 l*’.*' l dwtf DR. THOMAS D. IPARK, tfOKdan i will promptly intend all professional calls orti-* at In* iesid*nca near Eiirsli. Harris Uk County, where tie can found ut all tunas when ■’ profassionally tngaggd. m*rl4—wlm (sosiissj si'Bi\c nut coons AT JAMES McPHILLIP’S, 140 Broad Street, (NEAR Til, MAl.Kir uoisl) ■rui: NEW 03NTJa-I?StXCE TOiil HR HAS TUB FINEST G3OBS, OHQIQZSr PATTERNS, 1 BJ'IST Ai-SitirUKD Most Extensive flock Ever Oltcrcil E'or Sale in i GOTjIU3VE33 TJSS . All of which ho HOIMIIT FOR <fABH aud Will Sell for Cash Duly, AT PRICES MUCH lilil.OW THAT OF AM HOUSE IN THE SOUTH 11 JAMES WI’PHILLIPS, II AS NO OLD 00G U S | IN cry article is- of the latest and most t-erAeii'A* | style* now in lashiou. Having a liuyer residing lin New York to purchase all new* ns noon j n * introduced iu the market, he will continue to receive addition* ty hi* stock vault tveck. lie .mpofts his x.xKrEsia- DI It Et’T FROM IKKLAN'I), Os which he has a large stock of every descrip tion. Pit reha sc i,s aro invited to call and sot- gou uiue IR 1811 LINENS at price* *w PER n \T SiEUttY what is commonly charged fora spurious article. It KM KM HMR TIIR ADDRKSS James Mcl ’liillips. One Prxe (Jafh Store, 140 Bioatl Etiect—MasonicEuilding OOLCMBUH, (JKOIUHA. ! Cniuinhus, Gn., Marrh Irt. iK'.p. .lAwit CASH DRIB SJORE, We an- now ia receipt of a frcsll supply of IDIU'GK. nEDGNEs, N’HUMK Vi.s, PERFUMEHY, White Lead, Oil, &o , &o. Which we arc offering at the lowest casti pu.< s. Piir elu.seis are invited to c.vaiiiuo: our goods, and lliey will tin.! that wb are selling them from IU to V.i p. i cent Uiwci'lhan ihe usual credit price*. J. A. WHITESIDE N CO. I NO. ia& INEt.OVA 13 ST. ( OLUMBUS, GA. ! LARGE AND HEALTHY SWEDISH LEECHES, H’fiT RE* IIIVED ami LOR KALE #l the lowrat ‘ ♦> . nsb p> 1. .-. l-v J. A. WIUTESIDI. dt CO. , i Mami 1., 1 ‘•.V.i—wdtf Kerosene Illuminating Oil. T'HE tii inline Kerosene Oil, warranted, just receiv- ] 1 ed amt foreaie at the Cash Dnii{ Htme. bv j martJdtf J A VMiriKHIIIE&CO. To the Farmers and Planters of GEORGIA AND ALA HAM \ ! KI ONOMV, IMPROVEMENT, 4'ONVENIBNCE. iIJET.JSSJE’S i Manipulated or l'hoxplio- Peruvian uGuno ! T I ‘HE tar t that this ftiinno h eipiai in Peruvian, I jiotimi |i. f |M>iind. in as well eNiubiMbcU as any fiict can lw establiidicd by liuiikiii tcsiimony ami ri pericnee t■ -ur g.Miil r. a .oinr why I'aiinem sliould use this ’ (sueno m preiereli •to anyuthei l-t. Ft in fully eipial to Peruvian on the fimt erop 2d. It rosis, ni pi.*ent price of Peruvian, #lO lean per ton. 3d li w perfi’ -rly prepared for immediate use, by j drill or otherwise. lib It contain- fifty percent, more Phoephare (ban ‘ PuruviMii, and Uierelon: a more pertnaiieui improver 1 Os the soil This Guano is used by the following named gentle 1 men. among others, tioin whom io resultN maybe learned: Jas. T Earlo, Esq., Md. Archibald Tavlor, N C. M T. tiulilsboru’ I)i. Geoige Field, “ j Janie-Eubank, Va. <•< u,l it Lutlejohn “ | 1 HainueiFaw . ” Jlf Greene, “ ! Dr Henry Field, “ Robt. Nurtleet, “ j C’ioihiimei- must be partinilar to Hpn ily in their i>r ders REEHL H, and olwo.rve that our name is branded on the bags. Terms Cash, or acceptable time draltson rity houses, pamphlets giving a lull aecouiit of the above Guano can be obtained by adducing HOLE AGLNT.S FOR COLUMBUS, GA. I January IJ, IWJ. —wA.ilJiii Irish Potatoes. j/ li \ HBLH. Choice Nortlrern Pntntoes, for sale by I'/l/JiuiEt —dwtf (iIJNBY A. < t> IVmvian tiliiano! \ GENUINE AKTH I.F. warranted, and Mcheap us can be lard flown from New York. GUNIFY Sc C American Guano! fj'lli; cniiibiuntiobs of Ibis(iuauo gives it tiigh re -1 pule an lertihzer.nnd it is classed as fully equal to tin* Peruvian. A large supply expei ted at an early day u> GUNBY Sc CO. CuininliiiH, Ga. Jan. •!,” IWJ, dwtf. Potomac Herrings. m HALF BULK. .Putuiuac Herring, in pickle, for , 4 |e bv GUNBY *. CO. Sundries. r I ‘HE subscribers iw receiving and will keep rouj i. stantiy on hand the following arm h-s: No 1 anil 2 Mackerel, m llalf Kds and Kits: K'lgar I ’ll reel flam- a fTmn article lln ukfuel Ha* mi, Huiok* .1 Mi el. Beet Tongues, Also ihe lollowing articles of the best quuiiiy viz: Lum: Blaster Bans, Hydraulic Cement, (• \ pMuru. Biiwtingßowder and Bully Fuse, Itock nml Alluiußnlt. ,lau 13 wdu GUNIIY A. ( O Pickled Pork nr. BBLH, Hu nip Burk, very film for sale by jC*J janU -wUH GUNBY fc GO. JUST RECEIVED, eA nBLH. DRV MALTED MEAT. ax’ ‘ Blue I i!| hi Hail and VA ii*!• MUI. Breakfast |1:uon; ('hoief Muttou llatns; Extra Hmoled II ‘ ?; Extra t hone I’ig Hams; | (flear and Ribbed Hncon Muir s; Hams and Mbouldi*r*. l*u kted i’ork Rounds. fnbl4tt For sale by UUNBV k CO. CRACKERS! Il rtT RECEIVED, rtoda ( rarkera, •j Holier Boston Hand Made Butter, Wine Ixriirnon “ ( racknels, for sale by GENII Y Sc CO. February hth, fIW, —dtf BIIHS. \ LARGE LOT OF ( HOICK TENNK**KE j . Hams lur aula by OIJNHY St UO. February l/lh.Vt —-dis IRON SCREW, | HAVE purr based of Mr James Massey of Thnm- I usville. On. tlie rlghl to the use of hi* Patent Hr rew for the countie* of Macon. Russell and Montgomery, Ala The Host as well as the Hr rew is of Wrought Iron, ami has the advantage of b tug so complete ns to require but little room for its erection. It may Ire Imit np either in a toll lint room oi a separate room, ns maybe preferred; it packs finely and conveniently without the use of it mule. They will be put up on reasonable ter ms mid guaran teed to give saiisfai non Mv address is IWrdavvav, Macon county. Ala JOHN A DUNN Reference—W J. Tarver, Jn*. G. Banks, Enon.Ala Ma. Dm*-The Iron Hr rew that Mr. Massey put up t*r me Jt fall, prove* to do good work, in a very sntld'atcoiy manner, for w hich reason, ** well ns be cause it i* convenient aud so well protected, I am much plassedw uhn Yours, J. T PERBONB | Marth 14,1359*wCm. m 8 ■ JUaTREcEIVCD BY MINLEt, IIOISKS i CO. ! “’care in receipt of one of the LARGEST and HANDSOMEST STOCKS of DRY GOODS, ! Ever offered to tho citizens of COLUMBI A, j If consist* of .-very variety heretofore kept by j thu old Unit of'MAN LEY A HODGES with many I additions, among which will Detouud the MOST i DESIRABLE STYLES uF SILKS, viz. Itlnck. Silk*, He,.Milk-, Double KUli l SIIUm, Du)'*<li-i-i- Silks, | *4 !u|m- Silk*. Kobe n Let klik*, tlourniug Silks, Tlim|,(iri'uaiiN Ac. Ac. AXifctß. BAUKfSIvS- -Plain, llayadeKt. anil Donhln Skirt, ORGAN I>IKS Kobe Alnu.da, Bobo m Lo*, Robe Rinnilv., Robe l-avorita. JACONETS---Plain, Small Figured Robe, and Flounced. BIUI.LIANTKS—Fivneh Cauibrie* and Lawns. Out EMBROIDERIES ana W HITE GOODS cannot bo surpassed, mid tcill be sura to ploase the lift.lie*. OUR S TOCK OF STAPLE GOODS I is VERY COMPLETE—comprising the boat S-d and 10-4 Table Damask, Pillow, Shirting aud Housewife Linen*; Linen and Cot ton Sheeting*. Toweling*, Napkin*, Doylies, in 4. 11-4.12-4 AIA I Toilet and Marseilles. White and Colored Quilts. MUPKIIY,HOSIERY,ULOYHfS 1 iiilii-cII.-im <X Parasol*. | We invite ALL to give ottr Stock nn cxalnlna ! tiou. It is large, and we aro determined to sell. “Lot those buy u>>w who never bought ( ofu*) before, And those who always buy (of *) now buy the more.” M.IALEY, HOiKdN & CO. 66 BTKBBT. Matvli I6,iSail —dwtf. A Word (j the Dec imaged. DR \NDHI’S .'Hers in all ease* ol Uiumnmptlon uii.l Nt-ivmis Debility, rcroiulH and all Ulu-onni j ic, Paralytic and Mcrciiriul utlection*, (liaeaae* ol ih.- j lluiioi.l Kutiiej* nn.l ilia.liter. Gravel. Dropsy, ! Arc—a HHle and apeedy cure; Iciimle \Venkne*sen, i Suppu‘si.n, Irregulaiiue*. and alt Uisciih.;* ..i the \N oiiili, Sim turn* in tin- loci lira, Pmiula and Pi’. -, r. ini-dic.l without the use of liirtljumani* <u : AUerivventy yuan, ui personal and |)iPotcß.sionul eip-- i iciice, he cun stale Hint nn pemott m the world can I i • mic diseases with .Muivini ur Yccetnlilc Alcdi. iio \ : alone; he uses no Mineral Medicine; Ins r.-inedie* are j n In vary lor all. (ihe *u k or w ell,) and cn vide the mom I dcl.iliiaied to enjoy n* great |M-rfccii.n of lu-altli, u idle I inking m.-.liciN.r, ns mi any period o| ili.-ii In.--, lie inn ! !■(• niiiMiltoil bv Idler by n.idrosMng Di. IIENKV \N j DRI S, N.-w < irldiim. I.a .. in losinj; ti\■ dollars and I v\ Ul lie Imwanted ti> uinilto him uont oflice j lin llte Union. niHr'il -wMhi ! 1. BARN AR3 & GO., COLUMBUS, GA. WirOLK,S.M,i; AND tt K TAIL GKOCEHS & PROVISION DBALEI.S ... II AYE on hand aud will continue to receive Kuo 11 large and well aelcctnd stock, embraciug -ve- HylJTr. article in iheiriiue, winch are tillered to then l3C* lll ndß and the public at market prices- Come 11,1 p - IHsT—dwil MUSS PORK. 14 1/ t BIII.S tor vile bv IU/U Feb. In.—dwi! K. BARN ARD, te 40. | GOLiIKN SYRUP. ,)4\ 10 GALLON KISGS, Choice. vO lot sale by l. BARN ARD te 4 0 I Feb, 18, dwif TO UHUSE INDEBi'ED. \\ E hereby give n iricu thm u claims dm-us. and not paid or sutisihi tortly iirrangod, prior to next re-Hill day ut the respeeliv. counlie* ui which the par lies reside, will be sued. None will be alighted mark) (lwtf h. BARNARD te CO riacniiiu; I’olaloc*. inn HARHKLS PINK EY KH. for*sale by IUU icbUntil’ L UAKNARDte CO. Hew and .noia*<44‘* fit IIIIDS Rugur,all grade*, ’ I* “ 150 Util*, and j j bln* choice Molasses for sale by leblOdll L. BARNARD te Cos. I® l ull.:) i'lour. • )|| HBLS. Extra Choice Haim Louis, for sale hy £>\} i.-icjudif i; BARNARD te CO. i\C’ itiKOII. ill IIIIDH. Hull*. Hams and Bii.iul.lers, cjioi.e • m meat, for sale by K. BARNARD te CO | February 10, 18j0 dtf ItIUMII KUll. ■ ol I HACKB for sale by • M 9 ftrblOdif E BAKE IBP te CO Oil t . •>f || t I.’OILM Hand Hpun Rope, u good article Ibr •JA 9\f sale in loi* by Iv BARNARD te GO. Columbus, l-*eb. 10, Ihiit—dwtf. OLD MAGNOLIA WHISKEY. IMI I) bivt ami purest of all li(|Uort<, warranted fl freu of poison. Lovers of good liquor, here’s 1 a ohMe for you. We. ure agents for the limuu fueturers, uml sell to the tra ioat fliuir prices. , fblO—dwtf * TYLER & BIIOUTER. SKJSI) OATS. SEED OATH raised in Maryland and free from rust. Far mors buy tjuoUueed or none, lehlti- wdU. TV LLR ,t SIKIHTFR. HIDES, WE WANT HIDES \A TK will buy Hint or dry salted hidss in V T any quantity and almost any price. Bring Mitemin. The euah is ready. We pay more than any body when we buy, and charge less when we : sell. Try ns and see. , feblO—dwtf TYLER A SHORTER. MO I, AS,-US. I/ U \ Barrels for sale by TYLER A SHORTER. CORN AND FLOI R. AdflOI) lot now arriving ntnlfor sale low. feblO—dwtf TILER 4 SHORTER. TO THE PLANTERS Oi (•cwi-gia ami Alabama. KETTLE WFLL'S MANIPULATED GUANO, OH PERUVIAN AND PIIOHPHATIC GUANO, JM POUTED from the islands ofChmca and Nevassa. t .imlmied iiud 1 bsly mtegriiied by mm Iniiery No. 1 warranted to contain * per rent. Ammonia, 45 to 50 percent. Phosphate of Lillie No. 2 warranted t<i 1 onlum 5 per cent. Ammonia, 55 to 00 |a*r cent. Phosphate ol Lime Kiirpassnig Peruvian Guatm in the production of a First Crop, and Hone Dust in the luiprovemeiit of the soil. .My Manipulated tiumio having'bei oiiie the areept ed 11ml siifie-Hlul nval of Pemviun Guano, I trust I shall be pardoned tor pulting upon public record whnt 1- so universally known in Baltimore, Dial I am solely niei •\< lusively the Originator ofUiis article by llie use of non him ry ---American Farmer, 1*57. KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, 801. K AOEN TS. col i bus, odo max January 95. I*W dw *UI Ist April SPRING GOODS. REDD, JOHNSON & CO., Nil Iti-oarl SI reel, Colu.mtous, 000., IIA VK in more, and are daily recei ving new and elegant design* in i'liiin ami Fancy Bilks, DoubleMknf Milks, Robes A Lea Bilks, Bayadere and Check Bilks, Black and W hite Antique and R p Milks, tirod’Rlnne, Taffeta, and Barathea •• i HA KEG EH, ORGANDIEM ami JACKONBTTB, in sniull figures. Kobe a Lea. Kobe a l.e* ‘J Volantes. Kobe a l.cs Ix-ormra, Kobe a Lea *i Jupes, Kobe a !<-* Aimerla PRINTED Challya. Chmlr, Ml Ml IN GINGHAMH. ItriluauteM and Lawn* M HETLAND. ZEI’HVR AND HAXONY WOOLS. I,ACE BETH. HERI IIA'M AND HI.F.RVEfI. j Mwi*s Hcta; Enibroideries of nil styles, f Jaconet Mets; Domestics and Linen Goods. March t—dw.'lm. S. HOWARD, AUCTION & COMMISSION Morolmnt, NO. X3tßt<oAD bTiOJtir COLUMBUS.GEORG IA \\f ILL gite prompt attention to the sale of all kinds V? Mer bandiae. Country Produce, Morses. Mules, HU kinds of B;or k, Vehicles, Real Estate, and Nsgroes Columbus, Fsb 91—dim. F. IjATSTDOIST, (SIGN or THE) HAH returned fn>,u New York w Ithoncofthfl finest avatniueiii* *i ever hefoiv offered m this city euibr.n mg llolcsKln-lti ati Otter-Brah and Black Kcittrr, cahkimeuk i hkncii host hath, and every variety of Panama, Hiraw. l.egborn and I an. y Hat* all oi wbicli tic otters to bis friends and . nstomersKt LOW I'HHI.H: He would also call ai idiinin I.) Ins lure- stock t l nilirrllns, Chiicx v < eti's lints, ~f nil kinds und .(u nities .Mae. a line lornfslotii Straw hii.l Wool Hat* for Ne groes ll’/-11 VI'S MADE TO ORDER. M itch |A, 185 U.— dw'htt. Trusses! Trusses! i GOOD ASSORTMENT of the most approved L \ stvl.-H, just received and for sale ut the Cash Drug Store, where all article* in the medicine trade arc of fered at the lowest cash price*, by marl.'* dwtf J. A \VUITRHIfE A Urt. COLUMBUS Sioidlrry, iiarness, AM) I. EA T IIE K STO I. E. 11. MIDDLEBROOK & CO., 94 Broad f-treet, | .** A MAM T.M TI HEKH AM) EAI.ERH I fyWll 1,1 Swilinfl1 ’ liariie**, 1 Leather, which tin* following comprise* a pan n SpaiUsti Quilted Saddle*, overlaid; Kng bah do; Planters’ Plain do; Youth's and Roy’s do; Wagon an Plantation do; and lauiies Saddles.—varie ty of styles. Bridlcw, Marlln*alcN, Snd.lle- Uhsn, and Medical do. HAItNESS. Fine Silver plated < arriage llai ii.-ns—all qualities. ” “ “ Kockaway “ ’* “ “ Doutdc Huggy “ “ “ “ Hiuglu do ,4 “ Plain black Harness, all styles and qualitie*. LEATHER, • Skirting Lent her, find In do. Hog Skin*, Pad Skins, Harms- Leal her. Oak and Hemlock, Hole l.i-uthcr. Calf Skins, Lining sk'ii*. Him* Pegs, and Findings, 4te. Nlacliin.’ Holting. Lcniher and Rubber H.*‘unp. all width*, Liglil Rubber and Canvas ii.-liuig, tor Plow Back Hands. Jiisi tin- tiling Ibr Pluntera. Ueil Rivets, ami Luce Lt-ulher. THXJNK.S, Cjyrra Cadies and (iHiilenu-n’s Di ess and Traveling Trunk*, ull qualt **-J * ic* and fltyiaa, Honnei Boxes, Valises | and Carpel Bags. CAUKI.VGE TRIMMINGS. EiiamuUed Leather. Tat Dash Leather anJ : ‘aJi'* Ununipie.lToths, oil w ohh- and quanta-*; . ‘n i .ii pet. La. c~, Friilir.-s, Head Liniiigs, Lcaih.-i Cloth Hooting*. Nails, Tacks, Hill inp-, limn, Itu. klcH, Harness Mouiitiiig*, Haiti. Coltuis, \N Dips, VS agon Hi* celling, And tilimt Hi idle All me alatvt* good* are of our own manufacture; , made olTlic best imitetiul and by evpci-ein. and work j iu. it. VVc iu vile ull those wtm are in want ol uitu-le* in on r line to call and examine our atm k. and w e as sure thnin that tin s w ill Is. well satisfied with tin-, quality of i,uod*aiid the prices; as they will ha sold on the vet\ IIIIST TERMS N H New Work made, and Repnuing done nt the shortest notice dy.|—dwtt. NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS KSTABLISIIMLNT. vliklUltV te 44)., For *lii- purpose of Carrying on the SAOJIE AND HARNESS 1111 SiN KSH IN A LI, ITS BRANCH BE. We have taken tha Hton* heiween Gunby’s Corner and the Bank .it l.'olunibns, where wre intend kiuquug a good ussortnieu; of HADDi.KH, II ARNF.HH. TRI NKH. BRIDI.F.H, COL- I. A UH. Willi’S. MAt DINK. UI.LTING, SADDLE te HARNESS TRIMMINGS, and everything usually kept by the Trade, of our own make anil liiu best northern manufacture, w hich wc will sell as low as cau he bought in the South. Xaililli-s nn.l liai-ncsN ofauy style or qualify made to order, and repairing done at thu nlnuieat noUcuand on the most reasonable term*. W. L. SHERMAN, A HATCH. ColnmhiiH. Jun Ist, IHSH. wdtf. COTTON, COTTON, COTTON I / OTTO is now snlimgMia gooff i rice, and It lh nolo* and account* past due t• J Emil* te Cos. in- ,iot booupaid, 8U.13 will ho Insttiutiul iudißorim lualely. A word loinovviot it HUKlciout. | wted i l f.\ ■lSte <“. THE LIVES 1 N VIGOR A 1’ O R , PREPARED MY U It. S A N U F O R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FHOM GUMS. IB one oi lue best purguuvi and Liver Medicines now before ihe public, nun a. is us a Cathartic, easier milder and inrtre effectual than any other medicine known. Ii is ii*>l only a cathartic but a livei remedy acting hrst on the Liver to eject us morbid matter then on the Mount, b and bowels to carry off tiie matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful lecling* experienced m Die operation ol most eultiuriic*. It strengthen* tiie sy.i. iu ut the s.iii.c time it purge* it; aud when taken uatiy in luud eruie do-ies, win sliuiigtli.-nuud build up with uuusuai rapidity. Tb.- Liver is one ot f}; the principle regula tors of the tiuniHii t<> -'ly. ami when it per forms |ls functions well | the pow ers us the sys tem are luliy developed jr ( As the stomacli is al iiiumi ehtiie.y ilepemi , ( eui on the healthy ac ii .ii ut the Liver lor D.e /p piopet performance o its inncuotis, when the A ‘j *i‘uourh is ut taull the liuweis at laull, ami Jk—.J ‘he whole system sutl >is :n cotiscqui in c ol nw'j one organ the Llv r r having i eased to >lu its fluty. For the discuses ol that organ, I'wtjr mm ol the proprietors mm made it his study. ( y-sj “• pracUf •• ol more ilian twenty yean-, to \ limi aonm remedy u lie re with to ioiinler J a. 1 the many derange meiiis tf> whiclt it is liable. 1.. prove that Ibis re medy is at lust found, any person troubled with Liver Com pi aln 1.. in any ol ii( bus but to try a bottle, and coiivirtiou • i certain. These gums remove 3 L J all morbid or had mat let 1 roiii the system, J * J supplying in their place a healthy flow ol bile, 1 invigorating the Mto non 1. < ausing food 10 digest writ, purify. iuf( It e blouU, giving tone ami liealUi to the whole machine c J ry, removing ths cause ni Ihe disi use—ell 11 ) • uug a radical cure. Ullioii* cured, and, wlnit Is hotter, j J prevented, by liie in < Hsiouul uss nf the Sj-k j vr lir vigors tor x 1 One ilose after eating frTj is sultn teal to relieve the stomach and pre veat the food rrom rising and souring. # ( only I. ne dose taken ) p-; before retiring pre vents Nlglitmarc ...! Only one dose taken tiigiit, loosens the lii.vvi-j- gently. and Hj • ures tostiveuese Oih’ dose taken alter > each meal will cure i)ysprpsi*. >il I p ol'two ( .ea spoonluls will al ways relicv*’ Mick l"j liesdacbc. due dose taken for r* , leutale qbaiructions re move tin cause of Uie dkataae, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose intnie- relieves cholic, while • One dose often repeated is a sure cure lor liolei* .Hurbui, r (and preventative ol Cltoleru LGi 40 Only one bottle Xr Jis needed to throw out of Die systeiuthe effocU ( ‘; of medieinn after h long sn knese (J Imllie lak ( / /s s !i!ii for Juundlea re moves all sallowness or ? [ unnatural color from the skin. '_j! One dose taken iiiMni short time before eat nc gives vtgfir to Die j\ * appelite and luakse food digest weft. One dose often reper ted euref 1 hronlr Olar rhus, hi its wurst forms, while Bummer and tJ<wai lotiipbiiul* yield alinos’ to ‘he first dose. One or two doses cuvas attack* mined by W units in • luldreni there i* no surer, safer or speedim remedy in the world a* it m ver fails. Ilf A lew bottb a cuiea Ilrupay, by exciting the absorhants. We take |den*urn in recomm*nding this medicine i* a preventative lor ►'* var and A l>llti fever, and all Ktrcrs of a Blliuun Tjrpa, It ojierate* with < ertainty. and thousands are willing to leetily to its wonderful virtue*. All wlm use it are giving It their unanimous teatlmo ny in it* fkvor. Mix water in the nioutb with the Invigorator and swallow both together. . Hu iiIVUH INVIOOR VrOR, I* a scientific medical discovery, and I* daily work ing cure* almost too great for belief. It cure* a* if by magic,even the first dose giving benefit, ami seldom more than one bottle Is required to cure any kind of Liver complaint. Born the worst jaundice or dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result ol a diseased liver. Price One Dollar per Bottle. HANFORD *. CO Proprietors, 345 Broadway N. Y. WHOI.KHALK AUK NTH. Harm s St Park, New York; T. W. Doytt St Mons. Philadelphia; M H Itinr it ( <>., Boston; fl II Hay Sl Cos. Portland; John D Park, Glnctnnali; Gaylard St Hammond. Cleveland, F alius lock St Davis, Chicago; OJ Woiml St l ‘At. Hi. Louis; George l{ Keyser, Pitts burg; H H liauca, Baltimore Aud retailed by all Druggist*. WhulrtuU vnd litUtxl by J. .PEMBEU,TOiN Al CO., UUOOkb 6l CHAP>I AN, UAN FORTH (f NAOEL, May V), IMB—dSXwly. and all Druggisis. AMERICAN WATCHES! -V IN GOLD AND SILVER CAHKM. kny. At Puiota’a old Miand, Jons’* New Building, Jg-d JiCoiumniif, Gapr§l*. _ il6usm Oct au-dwtf T. B. BPEAft nm STfiSi. GARDEN NEEDS, EIiUIT FLOWER TREES,FERTILIZERS,.AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS, &K.&C. JOHN LEE, Agrlculturul anil onlim Sl„ru.’ol Tlarnar)’. OLD ST/YNT), „l>pa>i! K.ilJ, Ppter A Ci,.. Ur„*d Slrcol, COLUMBUS, <, A, I S now receiving a complete n**uriii|nt of article* connected with Agriculture in thm section. Lee hnvuig a practical knowhidge of the detail* of h-ctlngaml planting Meet*, from several year* exp,.- riencn in cultivating Gardens. Orchards and Nurseries, iu Mils neighborhood;hopes by hringingil lo (tear m the service of his customers to merit the ir support. He has received ami ha* now iu ntwre,* Fruit Ti-ers, (Apple*, Pear*, Peaches, Plum and Quince Tree*, &c.| Urpc Vliii-n, Black Prince, Golden ('hassalln*, Diana, UataW ha, etc. Garden Seeds, Garden Pea*, Beans, Cabbage, Turnip, Corn. Onion Sets, Kaddixh, la-ttiice, Ac., and every voj'iety suitable lor ttie season Flower Seeds, A choice selection especially aele. ted for this clmiale to which, nod his Plains an.l iT.nvers, lie invites the nltenimn of I In- Ladies Flowering Mnnt nn.l kli i iilih, Japonic**, with Bloom hud*, t lnm-ae Asalias, Geran iums, Roses, Hpirea*. JiMian Lilies, 11 \ u< luiha. Tulip*, ttladiaius, tee Kv crlirNi'ing Uusplu i-i Icm. Agricultural implements. Will be shortly received drain Cradle*, Corn Mbellor*, Plows, Oat and Shuck Cutler*, and a coin plot* assortment of Horticultural iiiipicuiem*. >lon it res ;nml Fertiliser*. He is daily expecting* Inigo lot of Pure G(J AND,Bone- Dust, Pia-ler, and w ill lake orders liir future w delivery Pot at or.* (far Meed. A KINK VA K I HT V O N HAN D Having “concluded arrangements with the leading Nurseries in tins Slate and at the North, to supply their iik>*l desirable Trees and Plains, for u liich order* vvil be taken at any lime and lor any quantiiy. toluabinkJan. Iff. dwtf MORE TO HE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM EVER Worn by Emperors or kings. WHAT <? Why, a Eeaufcitul Mead of Hair ! BUf Ai'HK it i the ornament <>>si himself provided for uh our nice. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the giow inx lu-.-k, Die c>. be ever so sparkling Ute Ivetti be those ol pearls, it me head is hvreit ol u* covering, or the hair be suaned amt shriveled, /ona/i unU dry, or vvoise still, il sprinkled with gray, nature win lose more than hull her charuir- Pro! W ood s Ilair Kesioralivu, 14 um .1 two or liner limes a week, will restore arid porhianciilly secure lo all mall an oiuaiutml. Read ills tnJbmiug and judge Ttie vviiiui ot the first i* tiie i.-lnhiated I'iaufki, Til At.- Nlw Y ork. April l!, 1 Dr Wood—Door Sir. I'erintt mem e.\preMto you Hie obliguiioiis 1 am under ti l)i- enlii*- i. sto ration of mv hair )• its original < otor; about lire time of my urnval in i lie U. Stum* il was rapidly bertqning giay, but upon the applicanon i y..ur Harr IG-slora live it soon r. c.ivered its original hue. I .ousi.l i your Rcsiorutive a* a very womitifill invention, quite elli cacimiM an well a* agreeable, I aui deni sir truly yoUnr, H. TIIAI.BISRG “Drych a’r Gwylledydct.” Welsh Nwspa|H.i othiKt Nassau st. ) April la, lf..M S Paor. n J. Wood- Dmii Sir: Some luoiith or *i\ week* ago I received a b-ffile ofy.nji Ilair l< siorativ c and gave it to niv witv whocuiuiuded lo tr. How in i liair, tlUie ihinkiug at the tuue that u w.und restore lb* gray hair to its original color, but to her nr w it s ; my hinprisu, alter a lew week's trial, it has pertouueu 1 liial vv<>adarful etle.t h\ ;n lio- gray nait* to 1 Ia dark brown,at Hie same lim- be.iiinly iug midt.ii. k ! emng lb** b.rtr. I siroiigiv reroiumcn.l me above | Hentoraiiv wlo all persona iu want <l such a . ban*;.- *-f j tlreirhair. 4 rIAKLL.S L.aUDEAV Ntw A otta, July •*.>, i'j.. I’nir fi J Woof). Willi conihlewcf- do I rerom inendyotir flair Restoralivc, s being tire most cUhw. rioiia article I ever saw. Store using ytmr Hair He j storntive my hair aud wlusk. is wliuh were aJinuai white hake gradually grown dark; and I Mow fed con fident that a lew more application* will restore them to their natural color. It also ha* relieved me m ail dundruff and unpleasant itching, so common among person* who perapire freely. J.G tvll.UA Pwok. A\ nun- About two year* ago my hnir c.un ineured tMihiig off’ ami liirmiig gray; 1 was ihsl hecoiiniiK bald, uud had tried many renn-ilies u* no effect. I . oinmeii.e.l iiHiiig your Ri-itarulive in Janu ary last A h-w applications lasleued m> iuu bind). Ii n.-gan to till up. grow out. and turned hack to lis former color (Ida. k i At tins time it is Billy restored to its I.timer color, health, and appearance, and I .In er fully recoiunieml it* u*<* to ail. J. D IIOES. t lu. ago, Illinois. May I, 1*57 The Restorative is put up in I to tiles of 3 si/.es. vi/. large, medium, and small; the small holds *- 4 a pint, ami retail* for one dollar per bottle; the medium* at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the •mall, retail* Ibr two dollar* per bottle; the large holds a quart, -iff per cent, more in proportion and retail* for three dohurs. (>. J. WOOD te CO., Proprietor* 444 Broadway N. V and 114 Market St. Loui-. Mo And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Good* Dealer*. mardiU—ilw 3iu. FAMILY SLU LYI, L N ES. IT’ROM the very dan- ring manner in which ihe Gro- J’ ver At Baker K. wing Machine has been received by the public, (resulting in the sale of upwunis of Twenty Thousand,) Messrs. •I HO>. P. STOVALI. A CO. of Augusta, Ga , hute beeu induced io open a Sales Koom in Columbus, Georgia, w here they w ill keep on hind a variety of tiie GUO v Est Ali A pattern adapted no iuuiia mn and JhamUy ue, an ol wliii h nie waintoted peihvt , 111- struuious lor uaing them wit! be given free Ail M dunes ordered trom the t iiuuuy w ill he seeureiy mid compactly boxed lor transportation. Neejn e. lTireau, Bilk, and Mai lime Oil will be kept and sold at the usu al prices. Citizens of Columbus ami vicinity are r*- speti hilly invited to call at No. OK UKOAD RTKKI3T, FOUR DOOR# AliuX E T IIL Cult sEK OF MANLEY, HODGrEa die GO ami examine a Machine which is haded by woman ar hei emancipator trom the ton and never-*easing diudgeiy Ol the needle. xx subiitu the lollowing certdimi.-s, froai wel kiiowu gentleinen of this aectiog. wlm have thorough ly tested the Grover and il.ikei Kvw tllg Machines. [From Hev A. A. Lipscomb. Tuskege**, Ala ] I hereby t ertilY, that 1 have utn!. 1.1 of Grover A Biik.-r's Hewing Mu times tor some months in my tain tly.und that n ims given enure satisfkcuon. I consul ertnege machines invaluable in a family, and I very heartly recotumeud them to the puhljp. Feb SJdißAei. A. A. LIPHCOMB. (From Rev F. G Ferguson, Tliakegee, Ala.] I take pleusiue m slating to all wh<>m n may con ceru, that my wile has beeu using Ine •*’ (iri.v* r si. : Baker's Revving MaiTiiue . lor soiik months. It works well and w easily kept ill order. Hold we are mo than sauslied. February V, 1H59 F. G. FFRUUttON. (From Rev. J L Moultrie, Union Hprings, Ala. Mr. Kkitm Tm- Giover A Sfakei JRatbuie purelias ei nf you has IhlJy eqiiullsd ai> xjM‘tluUon*. Avery important charm wrist ic of the Mai lime is, it ts so Very simple that anv negro of common understanding uxi. manage it. Mine lias been used exclusively by a Ne pro servant üboul six uiontiis, and has never been out yforder JAM. L. Mot LTRIK. February 14th, |HS. (From I A. Brokuw It Cos., Columbus. Ga. We have used one of Grover A Baker's Mewini Mm limes m our shop for three years past, and find it perfectly practicable, easily kept m aider, and web adapted to various kinds of work in a Tailor's Mnop. We take pleasure in recommending it to the pubh* Fob. 25, IKSV. I A HKOKAW A CO. D. A. KEITH, Agent. COXuTJIN/tBXJS, .GEORGIA. Columbus, March D, IMMH-dwtf. NOVELTY WORKS ! F U 1 1 N I.T U I t It: AT HETAIL 1 SALES ROOM OVER J. MThilllp’H Dry Roods Store, No. 110 Krond Nl.| ColnntlittM, <4. fl. AT the sole nation of iimuv friends 1 have and terinmed to seilmy Furniture at ITI Retail a.s well as Wholesale. And I will be happy to meet and serve my former friend* uml customers at my sales room, as above de signuted; and I must ask of ilioaa whom I have ui served to i all aud Ist me almw them mv FI RNITURL aud if It la AKGOOD AND CHEAP Art NORTHERN FURNITURE, I know that they will ns Houthern people, give me thetr patronage g p Dealers are invited In examine my stock befhr* going Nottlt. Braekils, .Mouldiaiis, Uarvlngi. Turu- Ing. Fancy Nswlugi Ar. DONE AT fcHORTNO ICE. COFFINH, both covered and mahogany, always on hand and at all prices irrordera solo ited and promptly attended to. Address, W. K HAltltls* ('oHimbus, Ga March 13 _ dwtf BOOK BINDING, IN ALL ITS DIIAIS'C (ICS subsHniiany and olegautlj done at short notice withi TIMKrt OPVICK. Columbus, Rr. Nov. 27—dtf. “wanted, tfk COllli* WKtL KEASONEI) PINS WOOD OU ilTply .1 IMi'.'Sc. owWdir WOOD, EDDY & CO’S J Single Number lotteries. Capital Prize .$50,000. TICK IST* ONLY tun DOLLAR* NOT ICO TO TUB PUBLIC. A, th- ini-i.itMir.iit ull I lit lit hav., I>, n„j „f 2*r- ti, ,lam.iti.iU'itHl krito W.U-.01 Unaware. K.-niu.-1 y. ate aarl.u Ihiia, 111 (..-ornia, iia.u-r iu. mamtenmlu Os > A VVifn.ii, lo„ uTuma,,. "te” c d.-eia.-ii it e\(.edetillo change the name of our tiftu ,ou ulidaffei JuiHiai) Ist, iouW,-. rhut of WOOD, Kl>’ D\ te CO, who will hereaftw have the managurmint “J the Sparta Ai ud*pi> Lottery, and the others *„ nlsive mtiiieil. In tut trima< tion* we have endeavored to conduct our busiiii-ss u nit integrity nn.f pn.mptness, and we Wo'na-j'l'n 1,1, f tu.-Mfl(,K,re 1... Ohr hum, ssoir.. y cry reapeglfiiJii', Augusta, i lie 15, m. sw AN t CO. OBI), KUDI x i U. f MAN At-MUS. iHI CCLHHUMS TO ti. SWAN te CO J Tlre fl.lfo. Mteifarwulte \V,„a(. EdJ, A t 0., .Manager* otihc Sparta Academy LuitVrV.a V* ill and Ibc-ir k rngic N unitei LnluiKK |,.| Amir . K,o. ll |-,., m , 0.1., m |,ul,lit un.ler , u ’ dencuol Comniissloinrs. t * ■ Ciae 14 drawn iSalur<iay, April U, iHLu, (Jaws i;i draws ISaturday, April P. 1864 Class, ID draws Saturday, April 18, 18ftH lb draws PatuniHy April 30, 1859 On the l-laii ufkingl* N nin Ire ra. £O,OOO liOK-LTa-- 5,485 rKIZ.CfI. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICK F Til .)! a guilt ecu I stlitni. ’ lu bo drtwu orcry rfutunlay in Ajj 1 Prixe of • J u f),Wb { M J :q*xj Jo - ‘•>* i r ::::::::::::::::::::: ii lftC APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Pro.. * of t‘-x) \ppr..i’g to Prize are I,Bui 4 “ .u u “ a.).uuu “ evuu * :* “ < **’ “ 3,i;uu “ y.,0 4 44 -JOU “ 4,doh M m 4 ISO “ B,O'JD •* ouu 5 “ 100 *• i* my 6,axi“ WI re ffl<lO,OuO :>.4i5 Prize* ninountimr to *;ivo.i4ib Whole Ticket* #Lu. Halves #6. Qnatier* 4W.50. A Cm ‘liar showing the Plan of the Lotteries will tn* sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Vertiftcnte* of P;n kag* -. will be. sold *i the following rates which is Him risk: , I'ertifl. ate* of Package of 10 Ticket*, IlfiU 10 Half “ ’ 40 111 Gasrteri “ so )U Ligliin “ it; IN ORDERING TICKIiH44i i.imFICA •8 Enel..*.- the money to our address for the ticket* or der, and, on receipt ut which they will bv forwarded by fiisl mftii. Fur. miser* can bfK UiKet* emlwig m any Agnrs they may dtutignate'. la4| oi Drawn Nuiolh -and Prize* will he *ont to pun iee-er* diuuniUMW ij alter liur Diawmg. Puri lui-.*.is will plc;o.t) tvi.ii their signature* plain, and give their post olfue, county and Stair:. R- member that every prize is drawn, mid payable in fuli w uliout iledm AH pri/.i .-I'■l. sio and under, payable immediately aih-i the drawing, olbt i prize* at Um nauai lime of W day*. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Tin v- wno preiVr not sending money by mail can use Tiie Arlant* K'.{iicm* Coinpnny, whereby monci iukds 111 saw* of T.;n Dollar* ami Uli w arris ..utn v, i,lub l ‘l,UltiSK ANDK \4‘LNK ir.ona.iy if \ • u.wu vlivi.ilit-y Jiaya iUi otfue. Die moiicv tud hrder must be encioeetl m a Governuient I’om Uflic Snimped Envelope; or die K.xpr.-** Coinpa ny canmu rtneive them. All . omiiiutol. su-ni-s strictly cnnlldcutiHl. Addrc oidtra f,:. In -i i eruucaies to WOitp, LDDY * CO., Augusta. Ga. u WOOD. EDDY A CO . Atlanta, Ga. * or WOOD, LDDY .v Cos , Wilmington Del. Persons residing near Monfornery, Ala., or Atlnnt*, Ga., . .in nave then nr.iei* tillwl and save tune by art dressing s. Bwau te Cos. al either at these ■men. A i:-i •■! the nuiolo r.- Ui.-t . i• orsw it Irom die when, with ilie amount .'1 the prt/e thin e .eli one is enuiied to, will he alter . 1,1, drawing ui the to.’ow mg papers:— .'fuen - r >tiu ‘■ OmHtittuSaf,et; .Xeir Or. Itv a* Delta; lie/rmHer; f,..rr?n. AUttMn /N.V.’h.jcNcrr,- Aru- Do imKoj i u DuUji Alice; t%M ittrtmd L>i-/*st. <;; .\ rU- i urs l/uy.tih; htuhUng\J\lU*.) VUi'UfM- It mi Litik Ruck l-fr4.j i rut Larges! Arrival of the Season! $30,000 worth of NEW SPRING GOODS! JUST RF.GIYF.Ii UY NANCE & RENFHQE, j “" v ’ ,w 4 , ‘ ,v ,to * 01 *“ vvurtuirti nue lo receive Largest, Best anil moat Magnificent AM) VARIED STOCK OP DRY-GOODS I Kvi-ai uiiuui an- to uonuimuß. I W,- intij..- n- pAu! •at r,. ii in. -m.tip fh.* -lirtfri-nt j article* a. and sty h. of goods, the papers are all tho ruiail. We will tnerrlv sav that we have nil the NOV£LT(;i Gi- TH.S i-EASCNI ’ We did mil buy out NMV ioKK. but took a large port i m of all tbe K ewe-t & Hand some At Styles THAT COULD BE BBJSN. We are di t< rmnit-.1 to sell our Iren:, i. ■ . k AT SUCH PRIONS AS SHALL CONTINUE EVERV PEL*.ON # Os :be luipurtuuco of buying Where the largest Stock in tit; y is kept : AU wu ask w one can to cnnviii-e you of what in we *> We have the goeit*. entne and look We most earnerPf and especially invite the L.idica to come and examine our Block. Wc are convinced they wni agree w.tfi a* tbut they never saw such a sunk before Di this <hy. A* to our Dresua Stilus, W K CIIALUNOI TII K HTJTt NAHCE & EENFKOE. r(hiufhiiß, March 14—wtf. ’ iU ORLKBIU ID HOLLAND RKMJBDY OR C’-'KASC THK MOXIBfS, UIVc < COMPLAINT, VTRAJO KPB OF ANT IfTND, ;rv-p ague. and the lons ffert ona oneeqnent upon a dtsensed STATE OF THB LIVER. Hucli us Indigestion, Aridity of the Htomach, Odiek i’uins, Ili Jolburp, 1.0-* *1 Appetite, DeapuudcUcy.Cva. tiveoe*. Blind and Uleediixr l’ilea. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Nsuratgic AriiM-tios, it has in nuiner. • MisiustHiiroaptoviHl highly beneficial, and in others et fe. u and a decided cure Ufdl This is a purely vcqeiwhl* compound, prepared on slrirtiwacientific prim inlee, aUi Urn manner of the reteblSdcd Holland Prof. *-sor. 110 rlmve Ntitiiw of tta great eucatateln most the Rutiqiauii Btutes, its in troduction into the United Mimes was intended mora es|ienlally for those of our iHlberl.'ipd scattered here nut tin-re over the face of this might? ttfulitry Mal* mg with great m res-among them. I now offer it to the American public, knowing Hint ns truly wmiderltt liiedn I'iai (towers must to: kimiVlcdl’etl. ll is paiticiilnrty recrumnetiilud •” *I* OWJ >vlio*u couttUliilutiis may ha< l c*en impaired by Ilia onfiitU'Uli* tire of ardent iq-infs, oretht.'r I*>rttis of dis slpatton Generali t iiMiianianaoua in eflbet, it finds its wav directly to tin seat ot life, tlmUing and quickening . verv nerve, t o-b.g up .lie dnmplngspirit, and 111 fact Infusing m-w lie al l b aud vigor in the system. NOTH •• Whoever expects to find tin* a beverage will be disappointed! hut to the sick, weak, and low spirited. “ will prove a x'ratefnl aromatic cordial, pore* ,i MNcd ol ‘■luguinr retnedial pnipertu s. C AUT ION! The great popularity of this delightful aroma ha* in dneed man) llnltntlons. which the public should guard against purchasing. B<- unt perauatied to buy anything .Ue until you have given llr rlutve’* Hollnpd Bitters a lair trial One bottle will ronvince you how Infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. Mold at fid per bottle, or six bottUta for $5, by lbs* hoi.f: rHorititiroHM. benjamin rage. ju.Aca MANUKAFTUBING Phann-vcG tiitta and Ciiemiata, PITT3BUROH, PA. For ale In Colniubus by Brooks k. Chapman, and by druggist* generally rbroughonl lh* State. kt.rlflt. l-ISH I vdw b NOTICP. , DRR ORIMKH Ac WINGFIF.I.D have rwmrtv acd thair office to JumN New Muildmg, over llmtl Ware ACo’sHtore. Columbus, Ga Jan. 6, ISM. wAdtf