The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, June 06, 1859, Image 2

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4 011 M II \ 1 IIOATt JWII §** Ta, Sew NaMunrtJ I’artj. * The K*)*if*, alluiuig lo ibo Troop ooun t rosulUUous, says, •‘ft i ooVjr esiential, in combining and organD fag tile upp union that tUnr :tn ationU ‘■•Ai • m A*to**l m #<#*•' native. Are not (bu lruuj r iuI.4UUS OUIIUCCti/ so ?” Tha taSiea in thaabov* are our own. Tuna it wili bti * on Hurt iho plan for a nev par.y epott • •triri nut,oaal b •!* is UM*tiQ} With fa r..r from ibe Aiburtoaa pres* Tho ‘luvinciule litUa Samuel’’ u to babri*d— Am ricana Will rule America and tba duinocrac; wiUtr.uiupli- Tbo Union waUhworJ inurtcatfi tbu democrata now, in place of thu aecrd slgnr and o.tlhv. Wo h iv. no id a iba* it will auccec • Mjg of tU oppieiti i pto* i* wj o •mm fated u the policy of drawing off down rate from tb Nat'oual orgatdxulfau by advocating houlliun Rights. Wo never believed that they were real I; !u oar.el*. in pr liidag Jul„u IvefiJU'e Somber, •pooch, although they talked like uicn who bad a heart the internal of the South, and win. wr aoxioua to create a sound, budiln , Boutbcri. •antiuunt. Ii would have been an uopuiatioi upon their honesty and purity of motive had w dirod insinuate tuny were raiaing the banner o: 8 ifftbtrn Rights and ami compromise with tin. North for mare uflTjct an 1 for political ?nJe, Art. WoJuU(Ud iu withholdingaucb u charge now?— 11 m* not the opposition in this Bute and Alabama advocated the Strictest Southern line of policy aud have limy not wiili a unanimity seldom equal led in the annals of party politic*, praised tbo men nartv*d iaontiain. and plant themselves upon a Bouthern Uigbta pUtfarui 1 \Vu not the policy working adiuirahi.y, and wore notdemorracta pro pared to break off from their National organic* Hon, ao odious was thj charge of nationalism be torn tbo great muss of tbo people? Waa not the true Southern democrat prepared to denounce the words “ National ” and “conservative” a* unwor thy the vocabulary of the honest patriot, who imw that they wore used aa a syren song to lull them to alnqi while iu the discharge of tueir duty? I>id not the Opposition press inn tbo •park of discord which threatened a conflagration of the great National Doinoeralio edifice, which has Stood for years rising up in grandeur and magnificence urnid the storms and passions of party politics? Were not the valiantsuntinols on the watobfower of tioutboru Mights crying out the wonfof alarm, and was it not catching from rauk to rank, sod fllo to tile that there was trow •on iu the camp—that an enemy wu iu the walls '! Tbo democratic lire cater* wen- ready with knap sacks on their bock to expel a common enuuiy— to lift the atumiord of Houthera Rights from the dust --to awake, us the sleeping Turk, and ex claim “the Greek ! tblfffwk! Ibey coom ! tiiey oom-•!**—to demind our just rights at the hazard of t|l9(tftlslinle! the opposition raise the flag of truce, present a peace-oli'cring in the way of Union, ignore tho wrongs of the Mouth—repudi ate bravo words roecntiy spoken—desert their oOthoru allies, and with tho noway, Mre prepar •and to bul l down tho democrat* heuuatb North orn oppression, so that they will be as unable to resist, as wa Laocuon in the folds of the uvr puma I Wo rejoice, however, to know that tho people will appreciate tho devotion of tho Democratic party iu the cau*e of uur Constitutiuiiui rights, aud wili turn u dual ear to the cry of “eunsarva tires,” which is but another word lor submission, and an invitation to aggression. W*> fv-joio* in the taut that tbo opposition can not now change their policy from (bat of a sound, 8 lUtberu line to a union and conservative out-. It la too lute, la Alabina*, the orders have been published to dcuaaud the full m a sure of vui ngule. In Georgia, they cannot issue a deularu tiou of war against their brethren in a sister State, i Sutfh, however, is the euye. Wbiln Mr. Judge’s pj.ny wauli uj ike ifaj people believe that they are irue beyoud doubt, and will defend every inch olg round before yielding to the unjust require in uta of tbe North, the Georgia wing is denounc ing tbd fl< uiocrats iu diauinotiUis, two sewimual, leva ih • s# .uta imo well, they must be crushed and • new puny brought lute life, whose watchword shall Oj the Colon, jhju c, quiet, aud submission. We regret that (ho tnyoner is leuding its aid to a u. w pt. y having fur its basil such u sentiment, as unionism and uoutwiTuusui. I, u*u a position is not iu direct nutagonism wilb the hue os policy heretofore marked out by the opposition, we hate mislead the oppus tiuii journals, ii su.-b a p ititiou duos not strengthen tue dkiuourucy with the true Southern uun, w. kuow dttle ol their ehivaly, iudcpcudcucu uud aattietiuii. 6>lJ ff- U tlmnc lor tun bit** W*s aro requested to state by Utu. J. M. Betbuue, of this city, that bu is uu iudopcudout Can didate lor Cougres* in tLi 2d District. lie make# tbo question us “Fnc Trade uud Direct Taxa tion tbu Issue, uud will uddrcss bin follow-citl- Kpne upuu tbi* lopie. Wbilo wo doubt whether isolated subject like (but of Tree trade and di rect taxatiou can be uiude an Imtie during ibo present canvass. when the uiiud” of tbu people are looking to tiiu, uiaiiMgcmc-iil of ibo Slate Hoad aud Fodoral qucstiou*. jut wfi do Gen. itoihiiuv the juslioo to aay, that In- argues bin liobbj witb oarue.ucss amt aval, and no ouuvuuhml is boos t'oe truth of bin principle*, tbui bo will doubtless continue to advocate tboin a long an Uu baa a pen to write. From lha query e addresoud tbu Goul. e un i litno since, whether bo bad not bettor make hit speech in Congress, in which tho response w.i returned “would wo help him f” we wore satis tied of bin intention# to bu u candidate, though by no canon# of countruutiou could our worda Itcrcgaid •d ua a committal to hia nnpport. Wo promise to do our 1 oafnad cotctuporary Justice daring the ruiiva-s, and truat, ahould he bo delestod, ho will bear it with that becoming gmou *© eharaoteria tfv of him. Should bo bu elected, wo would at leant ntand together upou free trade, and ba\o the cotmoiaiiwu id kiiowiugthut we bud a straight forward* houuet Kept ceauativo in Dongle#*, a# in ibo lion, Mituu J. Crawford. Thr Houtb.ra t unit niton. “The Savannah Republican, in a recent issue, declares it I the rb*wibm Convention) to beau a#- actu ‘.*go of mdividuali for tnnaonaule object#, and culia upon our next Legislature to regaid H a# sut b, aud prohibit it* anticipated Uncling by tbo euActuiciii of a law providing pain* and pen atUoa adequate thereto, fhu particular feature in to* Vicksburg Cunvcutiop, wutch li a* exposed it and it# suoco#* *r ta tho iudignatiuii aud do Bunciotiuu us tbo Ucpubticau, i ita notion upou tbo qiion.iun of to op uiuu'thv Sla\o Trade.” W o ufce tb- above trout uu articlo in tbo Col uuuj4 whichomeludea witua cbnmetorie tic ctfoaiou lrout ibo Mu.>u Ueorgia Ciiimi. It in but fair that tbo liune should cuiructly represent ibe Hcput Leap- it be Hot done o in tbo before u*. The advno of this paper t etuui a u ojj hjm U >uvoution from tuunta .v, wo* hot baaed moiety upon iu passage ol a rteo lution oomuiauduig ibvir rc|ioal. ihe lueiory ot the Convention wai reviewed and iu object# ed (lj th-* ret rout. t hut otj ci waa religiously be lu'vod ta bo t ie overthrow oi tkutvdvral constitu tion and the dirupliou of tnia governmeuW Min wuUuiv'u a purpose in ibrnr hearts, are not a]it li tkiillbi Hto iu<i Virfiili luii without #u#pi cion t t-y in ty ano >tiui uiots* u*ji eflerM*© u-ana .or me arcouaptitbiiuni of their end. It ta }ut o wi.b tbu tvouiug spirits of ibia Uonvtn tiou. They hold out a vurtoty ol flugi to deceive the unwary, bn’ every * viing held for tbo lat three jfcnra d,m ur rate! to tue intelligent tuiud tliai vuo block li ig ot Ujauuivu ta ibo wuij iruo One. w. have no nor quarter for aueh pa > a V r, ad h>i *e o tij *r pab>a Ij ig aiu e rJ<idUJLbui ii *j r tin u iio y IJ liau or dia* o . ic&ix) wicked, i noy do uoi not mg 10 bur tor, and afmr e oinpnattv n lond.uioaiion it ie an Iu ulc furtb m I j i .irwde theirdungvroUf pr.e c.icj u oubAr. tVouavo l oaympuiby fur tboir r#v lutljn irjr an l wdcaou.H *e-e wbjr lawn e'j m u uut uo p a#cd agmnai ibtuiaa wall aa ag iitiat any utb.r lucondiartc# W' have ajrcre ujxal uaalrua ly upuiitbo atatuto b k lor invu far ><-• and ingot .ua to the pence of Oociety and ti e goc.i. in ut undo, which wo live.— .vicuhnuA li mo It p’tW ran ie a I'lafiod wit the above ex wonro. ifaata eauiid If veaioaa wo ra aurprised to bear sorb sentiment* in these ra •ublicaa days, when fr..ednm o! spemtWis the at ribubs of framen and the glory gs our institu ion*, past aUr airaiost the aisetnhling of n onveetloa! Who ever beard of such an idaa ? Vbers will our Uulou at any pn< e^pt^-temporary ,et to after white? War la Italy—Ottctal Tobix, May Iff.—'The Austrians withdraw to- Uy from Dobbin, and our com wander pushed r ward a second and still stronger reeonnoiter* ag party us far a* the walls of VvruiUi, but with .it result, the enemy out having made any a •veincnt wbutevor. The Rmpnror has transfsrred his heailquartrr* o Allesundria II j traversed the town on horse • tck. accompanied by Marshal CauroherL The <truoU prcftuuted the appuarance of a fete day,and ;rja; In istrotions of joy. in honor of the La ■ isrial cortege, ware tnalu by the people. Tue Ring went to meet iba Emperor. Knrrott* fin->orl*o KacoOtubb ixtbb Pome iTiKrx.—About Miieo'aloolt y. aterday afternoon dr. i'oiiid X'ur, of the Union and Am rican, and dr. Duaumout of thu Rupubiican Daeuer, be ween whom a personal collision bad cenirrcd, it thu Dann r otflee in tbe foranoon, met in (>dar ureut, oppoKde the Uapitul, each accuinpamed by i friend, f.r tbo purpose evideoily of setting their Issi ulty. Wti a coolness, which, under the trou rt an <‘a, might be conaidcred eottiinenda lie, (h-y u kpiifi tons so at W> lire across tbe way, mi* avoiding the danger of in uring persons pas ung up and uwo the street. U nng pistols, they irod .liw i t imukamaiualy, neither shot, bowev tt, taking wtf. ct. On thaaieun 1 shot Mr. Menu i ut received a slight desh Wound in the leg.— dr. Poindexter waa unharuie i. With the woun iiuguf Mr. DeauiuoatbufiilhiM caaerd. Woarc { Mhffad t b'-ar ‘hat tlm dilJ.-roucus between the • dll|srent have been amicably settled, nod their oruMcr f.isodiy relations restored.— Authvii/t iunttte, 21 t DirtsTnii or Wn. Smith O'Damr,— Mr. t'lir • i left for 1 roliind in the Vigo on Saturday. accompanied l > the Battery by a long prui-essivo us Irish military cmapunie* uud civic * xjieliua, and was escorted some distance down tha Day in steamboats charteied fur the occa iivfl. Form.itl m ofaNewNtala On the UJlh of April a Con vent inn was held at Auraria, K. T. composed ot delegates from Den ver City, Auraria, Arapahoe, Fountain City, £1 Dorado and Rl Paso, tor the purpoao of taking action upon a proposition to form n new State wlticli shall embrace the following territory:— its northeastern boundary commencing at tha <nt< rsoctioii of the of the lo2d meridinn of west ion (itude from Wahiug(on City, with the 43d parallel of north latitude, and running west on Slid parallel to its Intersection with tbe 10th rn .Tidian of west longitude, thenoa south to the 37th parallel of north latitude, thence enst on parallel to too 102d meridinn, nod thence north to the beginning. The, name to be given to Hie proposed now MUle 1* JeflWrsoo. The citi v n* of tbe coming Stata are r. <|rubied to elect Delcgatos to n Constitutional Convention to lm held In D niver City, on tho first Monday in •lona, 1 869, aud Iks election of delegates was fix ed on tho second Monday of May next, or be tween that time and the time specified for the mooting of tbo Convention. Fiom the Albany Patriot, The Taxable Properly in Albany The following exbibit wilt show tbo description ami amount us taxable property aud the taxes as itemed lor this elty far tbe present ynr, vis ; ‘.66 persons subject tu Pollux Up s<r $153 (>o 846 • ” , titreet tux Gy $3 66 less sl6 50 973 50 86 Professions euttjnet to lax of #6 60 2M 60 1 Daguerreotype Artist 20 60 6 Free persons of color, each $lO 56 00 4 Slaves hiring their time, each sl6 40 60 2 City iuts taxed far certain improvements thurtion 41 00 2 Warehouse, uebV26 50 00 A Dunk Agencies, each $26 75 00 s‘t7.> Corn, on Cos 111 totes lon Good* (to 1X... 5 63 unimproved C ity Lots (p $/.ieb 1238 56 $1,023,525 68 value ot (.'fly property H-5... 5247 64 Btf.ulOOo ‘* uuimproved (iroperty $1,713,671 66 Total value City property. Amount of (*x.a assessed ibvreoii i5...56.128 88 Yours, truly, K. 11. SWINWEY. Clerk City Council. Itomv of n<s#s from tbo Albany Patriot: City Taxable Pkoi kutv It will be seen by tofuren o to tlm report of K. 11. tiwium-y, Clerk of Uuiiuuil, to be found iu auotbur column, tbat the t aublo |>rupriy of this city increased $90,660 o/er tlio u.-*ua*qmnt ol last yoar. Wo loam from nun that our population boa largely increased over a reduction of duatbs, nmovafa, Ac. This we regard us a favorable future far our growing and pr. perous city. Albany Guard*—The Alhiny Guards left this city early yesiu’day morning to enter upon tlieir first Kneuni) mom at (he “Blue Spring” about faur miles so iu town. The Brass Baud Horn Macon will bo with them until MUurday uveniug next, at wlitcb time the Volunteers will break up cutup and return home. Fr<.in the x tmsive preparations which they luv made wo have no doubt but ell who honor them with a visit will be hospitably and pleasautly enter tabled. Uur Hook ami Ladder Compnny have been in vited and will be present with them iu full uni form on Friday. Tbe compl inentary “Pic Nic” given by tbe ladies, w ill tuku pin* v at 4 o’clock Friday eve ning, uud the merry dance may tbvn be expected, Hiid continue to the ’'atiiall hour*” ot tbo night. On thu whole, We an lie 1 pate n pleasant and a live ly time. following uewa paragraphs aro from lUe Suvunmih Hominy A 'two, wt Juue lat: Drown*d —We learn that two necro men, one named Crew, property of Wilier, Wheatou A Cos, ot ihia city, and tbc other, Stephen, properly of Mina Aunu M tloutd, were drowned yeaterday attemnon. about S o'clock, at McAlpin’a mill, up i th river, while loading a (hit with timber, they being knocked overboard by a piece of the name. Thr Met ting at St. Amhttrt Ha It —There wna h Very iutgo aancmblage at Si. Andrew's Hall lait night, to li.*U)U to Col. tiiiuldeu'a addrvaa on tho policed’ ro-opening the African alaVe trade. He to with marked attention and inter* hour ami a half. At the done of his aildreae, resolutions in favor of the repeal of all lawn, State and Federal, agaiunt the importation of African elavea, and ri'comiueudmg tho re opening of the trade, were | offered uud adopted without a diaeentiug voice. ! The follow ing in tho ciicular issued by the Sec ! retnrv if the ticenury, to which refennee was made in the telvgmui troin Washington afew days, since. Twr.AlvHV DarAWTMitNT. May, Its, ISftP. i The Immunity of our merchant \ennels at aea | front sei. .11., s. arch, dfcteution or visit, in time of peace, by >c*m !s of war or any foreign nation, being now admitted by nil the maritime powers of the world, it ia very desirable that the flag of th t luted Slates, the proper indication of the na tionality of our vutsela, should always bo |nnpt ly displayed in the pcom?nee of ashipol war. t urn directed bf the Pronidunt to instruct col lectors of the customs to riquent the captains in the merchant service ut their representative porta al w ay a to diapluy ilicir colors a promptly a# pos eible, whenever they moot upon the ocean an arm ed cruiser of any nation. 110 WELL COBH, Secretary nf the Treasury. I'nun iht Utdotece .l/ff'CN/y. A PosTt*’ NKi ta.ii.irv. Mr. Puuch has sent his euuiplimunta to tbo whole world, and has ta* kai! oucA#iou to pivach political irid sound neu trality to tho warlike nations. Ho sings bis ad vice : Lot France delight to go and fight. If'Us her folly to; Let Austria cry for “territory I” With which we've nought to do. Our shout must bo “Neutrality !*’ To Fnglan t peace ia sweet; II il. Irian da, (hat she may uculral be, Lot's Mau our Forts aud Fleet.!” Tkxas WitgAT.—ln *|>oakingof tbo flattering aoutmuts of tbo wheat crop* us Texas, tbeSliretre j port (Louisiana) Gnsrtfe, remarks: “As soon as our railmaff extends into thoprai* [ rivs. capitalists will eatablisb large flouring uiiila in Shreveport, aud ship thousands of barrels of new flour to New Orleans, a tuouth holore (he wresfvru produce comes into the market.'’ A Tupth.-—An exchange says, “show as a newspaper w bo#e coinu>i s urvi'tuwdtd with new adveitisvutouts, ami wo will bosr you a comtuuni t.v alive with bus.ness and enterprise, l'be sge tsn muting oue. A uisu that stands still iu th# e “latter dar# ’ will, in a abort iiuis find himself b -bind hi* competitors. &%,Briek that will float used tubs made year* are*, oat the art bat bevn last until rvcwntly. A M intkur Faroul hs, it is said, dlseovered their . oiU|H*sition, wbieb is said Xo be live parts of stlL iotiseerek, iiften ot niagaevla, fourteen of water, ’ w#lve ol alutnini, three of litae, and ono of rou. | They aro infusible, sad will float ia water, though •oe-israntistb part of eommon clay be added to ihvm Th-y r*'t water, unite perfectly with lime, an I are subject t no * haugu from hut or cold. They are nearly as roug s*common brick, though outy about one-siHib as heavy or consid erable lighter than water- They are such poor ojudaotorsof Uust that one and m.v be heated rad hn waUs ihe a-her nay bt held m Ue hand. COLCMBtt, ftATTRIMT, JCN* 4- IV, Dare far Tlrvltat Swail Pox, Sc.triaUna and MnuML A merchant and ship owner of Boston, ba* had tb following reeipe ant lo him from England, where It was furnished by Mr. L. Larkin, am ra Ur of the Royal College of Surgeons, who vouches for it aa “a medicine, that will effect a revolution in the healing art, aa rsgards the prevention aud cure, not only of small pox, but alio of measles and scarlatina, however malignant the type, in a wanner more efficient and extraordinary, than coaid ever have bean anticipated even by the most ardent philanthropist'* On the first appearance of tutor or irritation ushering in attacks, whether occurring in families or large communities, tha subjoined mode of treat went should at once be entered on : Take one groin each of powered fox -glovo or “digitalis” (valuable in the ratio of its gruenneaf) —:bedark should be rejected—and one of sul phate of sine (this article is commonly known as white vitriol.) The*# should be rubbed thorough ly in a mortar or other convenient vessel, with four or five drops of water ; this done, a noggin (or about four ounces) nor*, with some syrup or sugar should be added. Os this mixture a table spoonful should bo given an adulf, and two tea spoonfuls to a child, every second hour, until all symptoms of diseaso vanish. Thus conducted, convalescence, uif by magic, will result. Tho rapidity of an event so auspicious, will equally dolight and astonish. It may, however, he no cassary further to note, that should tbe bowels bscome obstructed in progress of tbe disease, an evil by no means common, then a drachm of tho compound powder of jalap (formed of two ports of cram of tartur with one ofjalsp) and one grain of the herb, treated as above, formed into a pastil with syrup or sugur, should bo given to an a lult, and hair the quantity to a child. This simnle gMdkjflt, Shuts out overt, - “ *'* wnntmer, os totally unnecessary, if not per uicioos. The “methodns medendi’* of these medicines, onUe of rfoollng remit, to gigantic, remain mm only tn l>e given, and appear to be a, Tolluw, : The herb, by It, anti-febrile propertied, Jay, hold at ence, of the rover, the proiide eource of oe, which it immediately itranglo,, while the line an, the pari of tonic, Ineraritly roHorlng the equilibrium. hew t ounlle* What a mania there is to form new counties in Georgia! It is the talk aud gossip of othr States, where the policy is thought ruinous. How oiuny more will tho Legislature make? The last msdo fifteen, and the prospect is, from the calls for new county meetings through*ut the State, that ss mauy more will be made by the approaching Leg islature. The reader will smile when we inform him that a now county, called Glasscock, made a year since, is ouly seven or eight railos across, and that one’s thumb placed upon it on the map, will exclude it from view. Vet, such was the mania for new counties, it was only necessary to have a petition aud the eounty would be made. Will not the people rise up in their muj. -ty and provent tbe abuse of the privilege of making new counties? in Alabama, (hero is a Constitutional provision against tho formation of uw counties. There are many some sixty miles in breadth, and yet, Georgia must have every Court ground a county site! Hbe will rue the policy wbaniti* too late. Let members of tbo Legislature be elected, who will oppose every new county pro ject- IV o should rejoice in the triumphant sue ooss of tbe Hon. William A. Harris, of Worth county, who wojioe is a candidate for re-election to tbe Bute honato upon this issue, aud who is worthy tho confidence aud support of his constitu ency. Estate of Joseph Loud The appraisement of tbo estate of the late Jo. sepb Bond amounted to over nine hundred thou sand dollars. Land and negroes valued by ap praisers under oath, are usually placed at the lowest market rates—we may therefore regurd the estate as being worth ono rnilin nos dollars. The Plantations in Dougherty county was val ued at twenty-five dollars per acre, all other plantations at twenty dollars per acre. Out of five hundred and thirty negroes v()4 wire on plan tations In this county—not one of the negroes be longing to the Estate wua aick at the time of the appraisement. This speaks wolt for the health of a see’.lon of country which upper Georgians re gard as a grave yard. We are not in possession of the average value of the uugrues. So says the Albany Patriot sf June I'd. In the Democratic Gubernatorial Con von* in Louisiana, T. 0. Monro was nominated for Governor, Mr. Hiatna for Lieutenant Governor, Mr. Uardy for Secretary of Btate, aud Albert G. Seintnva for Attornoy General. The State Hoad paid into tho Treasury of Georgia, for the month of May, HM, the um of thirty-six thousand dollars. P&* The steamers Alabama, Florida and Au gusta, will continue their regular trips between New A ork and Savannah as heretofore, without any interruption whatever. Correspondence of tbo Times. Wobto County, May 28. Mturi. Fititorn .•—Tho crops in this section are not very far advanced, still, tbsy are promising. Aa regards politics, Judge Iverson is tbo favorite for United States Senator, and Mr. Crawford will be supported for Congress. Win. A. Harris, Esq, is a candidate fur re election to the Senate from this county, and is opposed by anew county man Mr. Harris has served us faithfully, and we trust wilt be elected. More anon. C. The democrats of Dougherty county, held a meeting the first Tuesday in June for the pur pose of appointing delegates to the Gubernatorial and Congressional Conventions. The Georgia Episcopal Convention ia now in session at Augusta, Geo. Rev. W. N. lluwks from this rity i# one of tho clergy men in attend ance. On the 2d instant it was deteriuiuod to hold the next Annual Convention of the Diocere? at Christ Church, Savannah, on the Thursday alter tho first Monday in May, IbtJD. Letter from Baker t omit) Though intruded as private, we publish the following letter from a farmer iu Baker county: Gentlemen:—l send you un car of coru, on the JOth of May, from Ih field of Eli Thomp son, in tbe 7th Distriot of Baker county, grown iu (he neighborhood of Bond'# Mills iti Raker Cos. The subscriber has a field that is now in full silk and tassel. My object in this is to call at. tentiouto this couutry, which is now the finest planting country in Georgia or the Southern 6tales. We are suffering for rain, and tbe car sent would have been much larger, bntforthe lad that we have bad no rain for near four weeks. I taw on one limb in my plantation on lha 20ih May, three squArtt of cotton. Yours truly, J. B. front ttsAblngton. Washington, May SI, IfiSd. The War Department hat been informed by Brigadier General Clark, in a letter dated Los Augelus, May 2d. oftbe compute success of Livu tenuut Colonel Huffman's expedition agsiust the Mohave Indiana. The President and Secretary Thuiupaon left this afternoon for North Carotins- They wore accompanied from tbe President’s house t* the railroad station by other members of the Cabi net. Mr. Appleton has resumed bia duties aa Aaaiat ant Becretary of htate. Secretary Floyd, who, two weeks ago, went to Vtrgiuia to recruit bis strength, which had been waa tod by sickneee, write# that his health ia con siderably improved. JSk-” hco the .iu-trians l*ok the horaea of Albert, Viotor Emmanuel's fsthy, iu 184D. y oung Viotor swore like a trooper at tbe barbu riaua wbo did not respect a sovereign's ‘*#iud, M But mark : The horses which were io the sublet of the Tusoao Duke have been sent to Turin 1 r tba use of tbe Sardinian army. Hew differently men think when they are the aggressors er the aggressed eg sink , Oar Railroad. Wo do not know that we can makoit profitable, but we are iucliueti to answer ?otneof the argument that are made against our KudroaU route, and iu lav or of the other, or DadtvdU route, iu alat* number of the Tallapoosa Times wo fiind a com ujuijieatioo, which, as it uses the sumo old argu ment*, we will make use 01, and notice it once ter alb In the first place, they find out bow much cot ton is to be Ai tin.-ported over their road, and in stead of relying upon the statistics ol iSutl, for the utoouu t ui cotton raised iu tbe different coun ties, they adopted apian which they seem to consider a sate one. That is, they took the trouble to travel over tbe oounny and inquire ,u! every man owning a gin, how much cotton wa* giunod atbiagiu last year. Aud tbos whom they did uotaoo, they sent word u, as one of them said at Columbus. In this way they have made up an estimate which is about s near true a* some of their other sun. men is, und that is n<>. raying much for its truth. Now, any mun with a thimbleful of brains must see mat inis is an cx- IrctneJy übsurd manner of telling how much cot ton would be transported over a Railroad. Kveu if tLey Imd seen ev.ry gin owner, winch tiuydui not, and if each one had known exactly bow much cotton he ginned last y.ur, whi< h they do out, no one can then leii bow inutb ol this cotton wouiu be carried over the proposed road. We hep none of our readers aro verd ml enough to sup pose there can bo any truth in such u report a this Next, as to tho ostimlatcdcost tftbo two routes. Wo were astonished that even people from Dade villa would go U> an enlightened city like Colum bus aud say that their road could bu built lor SIJ ,UOU per inile. AVo went down there perfectly prepared to listen to uli kinds of Munchausen urn*, but we did hot suppose liny had thut much bnun. To cop the cl.msX, they Said that they bad unphyed an extclivht engineer to nm. over cur route, “and,*’ anyx ibis tomflpen dent, “he hays it will take more money to gel through tbo mountain ti. East ot Oxlordihan will probably be raised. ’* This “engineer” (we suppose that Mr. Barnet’ is alluded to) tuay be a good one, but tons he looked a* (bough bis uunoH energies would be required to biuxo out a cow path ! But, admit iUi. route. Mr. limit* u lode ovir part of the- country between Oxford uud Opelika—part of thu coun try he Jid not even ride over—and this lx tbe way our route Has surveyed lor us, und this is the way tin-y estimate the cost thereof! Wusater any thing more absurdly unfuii? Wo have been cal culating that our route would cost, on gn average. sls ,Uofi per mile, und the other will not he huih lor less. The correspondent furibor says that we (the La Fayette Branch Compancy ) “have ever Hiuii-d to Hop at LaFayetle.” This is simply Ja(st, and requires no further argument. >Vo pay no attention to the figures of this cor respondent—whom we suspect to be Col- tiiaugh ter-—b'Cxu*ft his figures are as destitute us taii ness a* hit arguments. Rut there I* an objection brought by thu people of Columbus to the effect tbat West Point would tup our road at or near La Fayatta, thereby dewing the travel and freight from Columbus', ‘l hi* ino aigument ut all.—- After our peoplu have expended their money in building a Haiiroad and market towns, our Leg ialature would l strangely unmindful of the in terests of Alaloittia if il chartered a road which would injure ours. They could not construct a branch road without n charter, and tho Alabama Legislature would nevor charter a roqd to injure her own people. If the people of Columbus have no better objections than this to bring agamai ur road they might remain silent, und nut iry to cruw-lishuut of the help they virtually prom isod us, on such argument* as thin. Will thu Columbus papers show us the snuo courtesy they have shown uur opponents, and copy Uj is article ? A SfUfl'i Ran hoai>.—We learn from the last Atluutu nMfigttnecr, on Saturday last, tho treat urer oftbe Georgia Htato Railroad remitted to the Ptate Treasurer $3A,060, net earnings of the read for ib month of May. This amount wt< also paid in n# the net earninga for April, and we he jtevo that nut lees than $25,000 have been paid lute the State Treasury of Georgia, as he net earnings ol the road, for any month of the Inst twelve. Such a road is worth bar tug, at no mat tor what oust. This road enriches the people u.- well u# tho Statu of Georgia, and makes u# iwk with longing eyes for the completion of our road to Decatur, uu tbu Tennessee river, which will pass Lhrouglit (ar richer country than the State road of Georgia does.—A/owf. Matt. Death of bilk C Stevens W© arc pained to announce the death of Seth C. Slovens of ilalTer county, which occurred in ttiia placo on Tuesday night laat. 110 whs m native of New I lain) shire, but was a ettisen ot Georgia fur fhu last twenty-tiro years. lie has resided nearly all that time in Raker county.— For lit teen years bo was ibe Cl* rk of the Superior an<l Inferior Courts and of ti e Court of Ordinary of that county. When the Ordinary jurisdiction was taken nwny from the Inferior Court, he ww Ike tret Ordinary of that county, and as such displayed that accurate judgment f< r which be waa go distinguished. lie resigned the several positions he bold, and devoted himself to his pr ; vale affairs. During nearly nil this time Baker was a Iwrgo county, and comprised all of what in now Dougherty and Mitchell, and large portions lions of Calhoun and Miller ruuntits No otb er testimony need be offered of his extraordinary intelligence, business capacity and sterling in teg rity, all of which he possessed in a remarkable degree. Ho was buried in this city yesterday evening by tho Masonic fraternity of which bu was a member —-Albany Pntriut. JttHt 2 <t. Death of a popular Actr, •<*. Savannaii. June 2. Mrs. Fleming, an actress of consideraele merit, and the wife of Air. Wn, M Flusimg, the Mana ger of the Savannah Atbwncum, died to-day. L:titat from U iv-ina. Nkw Oklxajvs, June 2. The steamship Indiaoolais below, with Hava na dates to May 30th. Sugar and molasses were reported active, and exchangis were dulL 4nilttpatcil Trouble* with Mi lire Washington, June 2. The Nary Department has authorised Captain Farragul to land a sufficient force of marines to protect the American Consulate and citizeua of the United Stales, if that city is attacked by Aliramon, Gen. Twiggs.- -The San Antonio Trxan says that Twiggs is still very sick, but it is believed that his disease is assuming a mi re fa vorable ebai actor. “There can be nebetter moody for Indigestion, llo'irtburn Mild Los* of Appetite, timn Ikerhave's Holland Bitters.” —Michigan Urgtutor. Another lupoutation or Arnicas*.—The following H'lverthament appears in the Richmond (Texas) Reporter : For Stie. —Four hundred likely African ne gr**es. lately landed upon tbe coast of Texas.— Said negroes, will ho sold upon tho most renron sblotcrui*. Ono-third down, the remainder in one and two years, with eight per cent, interest. For further information tuquireofC K 0, Hous ton, or L RG, Galveston. Fliiht Hlfh fhc (amsnchi* St. Locih, May 30,—-IntulUganeo ha# been re ceived here (bat Major Van Dorn hs* had s se vere fight with th© Camanches at the fork of tho Arkansas. There wore forty Indians killed, he sidws thirty-six of them taken prisonors. Only three soldiers of Major Vsu Dorn’s command were wounded. The AuN.rtan Tadic*. The following i xinrets are from th© letter of the Puri* rorrevpoudcui of tbe Globe, dated Tues day thu 10th: “Borne of tho learned strategists xrbo write loaders in London journals must sflord miuum tueitt to the folk* actually on fhogre-uud (if I Ley have leisure lor it,) as the Timnn brings 10-Uay u (*|>ueul:Uion about the Austrians ‘ having quitted Y>ghvra and Tor ton a,’ to quit which tiny should first have got thuro. Thooo two fortress town* wore never appreaclu'd by thtm within cannon range, though they did succeed iu cutting the wire# midway belwe©u the two strongholds. No fortified towu has yet been taken by them, open boroughs, such us Novara, aud YercoUi, being tbeir only trophies.” The English Racks.— I Th© following ia the summary given by the London Star, of tbe New market race for the “Queen"a Plftte,” on Monday, the Oth Inst., in which Mr. Tcu Brocck waa a winner: The Queen’s Plate of 100 guineas for mares; four year# old, V st. 01b.; five, 0e:. 81b.; over and aged, 12 st. R 0 3 miles, 4 fur, 129 vds. Mr. Ten lire*eck't Prioress, by Sovereign, fl yre, 10 st, (Fordhnm,) \ Mr. Bnewing's Poletar, Aged, lUst, (J Gouter.) 2 Mr. Augull's Target, 4 yrs, fist. 9ib, Sharpe.) ,„„S Retting: 6 to 2 on Prioress, who wuu hy twou ty lengths ; Target beaten off. The Ac:lre Commander or thr Allies. A telegram fr o* Berne says : “Marshal Cat. rohert directs tbo operations of tbe allies. His lu'sd quarters are at AlesaatidriA The French sod Sardinian* are supposed to tn<’iint to 120,. 699 men, And the Atstmas to 140,919. COLIMBIH, MUX DAT, JINK 6. IMb. The Market Ordinance. There is an ordinance passed by the City Coun cil, which require* the produce offered for *uli 1 the City to bo carried to tbo Market Ilouee until the hour of 12 o’clock M. The member* of the Council, wbo voted for this ordinance, believe it to be no doubt, to the convenience of both buyer and seller that it should be carried into effect.— That at tbe Market House, min other cities, tbo ’buyer can repair wt any early hour and boaccora modated by the seller. That tbe housekeepers and housewives can never be disappointed in their selections from vnry/thing brought to tbe market and will not be obliged to depend upon the un certainties of the cart system. And that on tbe other band, too seller from tbe country would have a stiffer nrirlcet under the ordinanco than without it—all buyers would repair to the market bouse and readier sales could bo made. This no doubt, was tbe object of the passage of ihc promnt ordinance. Our opinion is. however, tYit it works to tho hardship of the Country peo ple, who prefer selling their produce from their wagons and carta. And such being tbe experi ment of: few months operation of this law, it would not be antias in the City Council to reciod it in wholo or in part. Eitbor limiting tbo hour to 8 A. M., after which time tbe produce could be carried to uny part of the City, or rocin ling it altogether. Sixth DlHtr:rt Judge lvfr*n, It Is cheering to the friends of Boa (burn rights in this section of tbe Sfat.-to see county meetings m Cherokee, where, heretofore, it was supposed he strongest union sentiment prevailed passing rofoluti >ns of approval of tbe course of the Uon. Alfred Iverson io the United State* Senate. It ibows conclusively lhat the grest mass of the •eoplo arc sound upon the nw**' 1 —•■ ‘ n<i win not crush with tbo iron heel of condem nation a man, who dare* utter tbe strongest tiouibern rights sentiments in the halls of tbe Volionai Congress. It would be poor encourage ueut to bitn who risked bis reputation, pos tion irwl all iu rallying firmly around the States Rights flag w bun surrounded by bitter foes, if he wsn to be superceded in rtfek for no mbaj reason than there aro other patriotic, true, Southern men. Judge Iverson lias been endorsed by three counties in tbe 6th District, as far arf wo have seen, and about fifty counties io the State. Thus ihe ball rolls on ! We are glad to see that tbe 6th Congressional Drisirict is wheeling into line and supporting Judge Iverson’s claim*. tot A II Kisao. While the Mtilodgevillc Mouther* ftroorcter and Savannah are condemning Col. A. 11. K<:nau for announcing hiuaaolf a candidate for Congress in the 7tb District iu accordance with the vmbes of the American par;y iu the lower part of the Diet., it will bo gratifying to that gentleman to know that thu offorl* of these journals to dispar age hi* claim* arc not appreciated by American journals at a distance. The Montgomery Mail thus allude* to Uoi Renan : “OitouoiA.—Without disgftracement to the <■l*lol.l us any ouo, or the Ihm( desire to interfere- 1 with laattuM which do not itmno Lately eoneern on, we are truly rejoiced to leuru that there in a hpu*i(ien manifested in portions of the 7th Uou grunxiouai District of Georgia, to place in nomina tion the ii line us Col. Ail Kuuan, of Baldwin county, for a seat in the next Congres**. Warm hearted and chivalrous, he is a towering intellect and one who has been kept in tbe huek-gfuond upon toe plea of expediency quite too tong.— C ’iitcmpuraiieously in ttte Goorgiu Legislaiare with Tooiaosltnd titepboos, be ww always their frqttal in deb-'te. But it has ever been Col. Renan’s mufurtnut to be a modest, unobtrusive uiuu, and bt-nce be wa* unable to compete with his more brazen compeers in obtainin'; political preferment. Georgia cannot send u better rep reseutative to Congress than Col. Renan would prove, und wo trust that tho people of tho 7th Congroasr.’iial District will honor thettseivus by aeudiug him.” . Anlrew female tdllrge Wahavo rect ived a catalogue of tM* flourish ing institution, situ tied at Cntbbert, Da., Rev. Oliver P. Anthony President. In tho Library Do pirim jut thore aro 117 pupils. In the ornamental ‘JL Board of Trust uus—Huv. 0 P AntUony, AM, President. Rev. Morgan Callaway, James D Wade, A M., S P Orr, A B, Wn P Howard, Prin cipal of the Music Department. Primary Depart ment, Sf isa 8 C Hayden, Principal, and Mias Arabella. Brooks. Ornanasntal, Miss Unydon’ Ant rirani in luorgi i end Aubamo. This and That. Tbc Tuskegoe Ut>tv crut brings us resolutions, recently passed iu un Amuricun meuting in Ala bama, iu which all parties aro invited to ignore past distinctions and unite upon a Southern rights platform for the protection of our just aud equita ble rights. That slavery is the paramount issue and It must bu untiled, or a ‘Hiivision of the Union occurs.” In Georgia, tbo Americans ery pe.tco, pence, peace; “theslavery agitation will! alienate” aa it will “do harm;” it “jeopards the institution where it exists.” Wo wilt unite with “off Mrs, North, South, East and West, in the formation of anew party upon this basis.” Thu* it will bo suen that the Americans in Alabama and those in Georgia, occupy a position the very antipodes of each other. The oue for a sectional. Southern rights party, making slavery the great issue—the otber condemning agitation as universe, an t de manding a national organisation, composed ~f men North, South, East and West. And yet the opposition talk about unity in sentiment and af fect much amusement over the “harmonious” De mocracy. Renumber the “mote iu thine own eye.” Hero arc the Troup County, Oa. Kesetwtfons: Reunited, That wo be love that more harm than gfvul has been done hy the long continued agita tion of the slavery question ; that thociniinonnce of such agitation, both North and South, cun pro duce no other effect than to atienato from each other people who should be united ; itjeopaniuo# the institution# where it exists, and that we arc opposed to the further agimtioii of that question, b.dievlng ns we do, that the power of Cong roe# at present, requires no assertion of this distracting theme, because tho guarantee# of existing laws arc already applied to every foot of ground with in the boundaries of this Union. Reuotrcct, That as the foregoing preamble aud resolutions iuoorpurai© our present political sen timent We are willing to unite with all men, North, South, East and West, in the formation of anew party, upon that basis of action. Ilore are the Alabama Resolutions. RentdveH 4. That, ns wo believe the continu ance of the old parties of Whigs, Know Nothings and Democrats, aerve only to keep tbo Southern people divided and indifferent, in tho heart of thoir party ooudieuto tho paramount question of slavery, wo pledge ourselvea t teach other to vote for n. man for ofliee, until that question is perma nently settled, who runs as a candidate of either of said parties, and who doe# not acknowledge the principles we hero avo n upon that subject. .tD*Tho Boston Journal soya:—Among the vessels detained at tho bar of the M si**ippi riv er last winter. was the ship Mary E. Campbell, of Thonmston, Captain Mono. Fhe left New Orleans December 31, aud on reaching th© bar was compelled to anchor, foe want of water to float her over. Tbo C*>ptnin waited for the ex pected rise of water until April 22, after a deten t.ou of ono hundred and cloven days, when be succeeded ia getting to sea, being tbo last to get off of tbo large fleet detained tbero for month*.— Ibe ah ip arrived a t this port after a remarkable voyage of one hundred and thirty nine days. All this time, excepting twenty-eight days, was spent at the bar. She 1 rings a very valuable cargo of cotton,consisting in all of five thousand and eigh ty tbreo bales. Tho voyage has been on* of con siderable loss. Sound Advicx —Mr Wm. Smith 0 Brian. In his speech on taking leave of bit friends in New York, gave soins very sound, practical advice, which is equally applicable to others .11 to the countrymen of Mr. O'Brien, for whom it was ap parently intended, lie referred to tbe iosano desire for official position, which ha had been told prevailed among his countrymen in America, and expressed the following opinion on that point: “If they follow my counsel, they will abstain as much as possible, or altogether from solicit ing situation?—for I helier# that those who make il a practice te solicit situations rarely succeed in making tbeir fortune during their term of of fice. I b-x'e seen a great many individuals, both io America and Australia who, cotniug ;o tbe mitry with BtthUg bit lit later ©f their arms to depend upon, bare coded in piling thousand* upon tbous.mds, but I do not remember any single instance of a place holder ranking a magnificent fortune. Therefore, it *hould give me very great pleasure to learn that there was not one single Irish man in the United ftta'es wbo was seeking office as a place holder. But this, I think, they ought to do} in making choice of a man to fill a public station, they ought always to select the most bonust uud must able men, whatever be may bo, whether native American or Irish. [Ap plause.] Paris in t7lv-Pnhlon*. Tbat brilliant writer, Mary Wbortlcy Monta gu, in a letter to Lady Rich, from Paris, in 1718, says: “I havesoen all tbe beauties, and such —— (I can’t help making use of tbe eoarse word) nause ous creatures! So monstrously unnatural in their paints ! theirhatr cot so short and curled around their faces, and so loaded with powder, that it looks like white wool! And un their cheeks to their chins, unmercifully laid on, a shining red japan, that glistens in a most flaming manner, so tbat they seem to have no resemblance to human faces. lam apt to believe they took tbe first hint of their dress from a fair-sheep newly mod died. ’Tis with much pleasure I recollect my dear pretty country women.” FturnrLEST Picntna.— I Tbo Memphis Appeal of the 2Vib, says: •* M. W. Wart, yesterday, opened a bale of bay at his feed store tbat bad been weighed by tbe inspector. Its weight was 385 lbs. Within it was found a log of wood that weighed 67 pounds, and a quantity of limestone . weighing 168 pounds. Two hundred aud fifty five pounds of tbe whole wa* r.uod and stoae I The bale was from A meter turn, Ind. A Dark Rruo*.—Tbe Tampa (Fla) Peninsula of the 21*t ult., says: ‘*Madme Rumor **ll siones about a cargo of slaves being landed somewhere on tbe Florida coast. We don’t vouch far the truth of this report, but would not be surprised to have it confirmed in a few days.” Two flew Opposition I’lsitormi. Tbo curt'jnt year promises to bu unusually pto lifit: in Platforms. The Opposition are pouring them forth u*qut. adouner/tut. —Cahaba produced one on tbe.SLKI instant, and LaGrauge, Georgia, fallowed suit on the 2 4th. Funned by the sumo party —the Opposition—these two Platforms dif ter like tbe Zenith and Nadir. Il will be remem bered that LaOrangc i* tbe county wife of Troup; and in point of wealth and intelligence, a first claw town of one of the first class counties of Georgia—the residence, moreover, of B. 11. Hill, the pi” eur head and leader of tbe Opposition in that State, fa the public meeting, also, which fanned this platform, were found kit personal and political friend*. We may, therefore, safely regard it a* expressing tbe prevalent sentiments of ibo Opposition in that Slate at this particular time. We propose lo contrast these iwo docu ments. “ LaGrangc” deprecate* the agitation of the slavery question—thinks such agitation has done more harm than good, as it alienates the people of both sections, teA ow jkt to Ims nailed , and jeo pardises the iiiktitutiun where it exists—is oppos ed to tuiy further agitation of the slavery ques tion, a* the existing guarantees are sufficient. *’ Cababn” repudiate* ail former party rela tion*. aud fartn.l a ucw party wilb intent to agi tate “ the par-iutouni question of slavery” until it be permanently nettled—-will vote far no man who will nut pledge himself to keep up such agi tation—think* tbi* is rbe most effectual! mean* of securing our rights either in or out of the L uton. Tutknjee JjtMucrat. Democratic Meeting In fiehley Country j Pursuan to previous notico a respectable por | lion of Um Democratic party of fccblcy country convened at the Court lions©, wbuu on motion, Win. Hickey Esq., waa called to tho Chair, and Kiihu N. Wldrip, requested to act as .Secretary. C- li Hudson Esq , having explained tbu object oftbe meeting, vis: for the purpose of appointing Delegates to represent this country iu the ap proaching Guboruulofial and Congressional Con ventions. When on motion of John T. Hart K*q., the Cnairinau appointed a Committee of five, vis : A J. Womack, 8. A. Sellers, Hiram L. French, C. 11. Uudsuu and John T. Hart, to report business lor the action of the Convention. Said Committee after retiring and through their Chair man reported the following. Uontdnnd, That this Convention, send as dele gate* to represent Sibley county in the Guber natorial Convention, the following named per sons to Wit : Dr. J.J. Mapp, K L. Worthy, Wm. Athon, J. J. West and John T. Hart. To the Congressional Convention—John 11. Miller, li. B. Perry, John Milner Jr., John R. Kai*dtn aud • . B. Hudson. Rnontnnd, That the Administration of Gover nor Joseph K. Brown, ouiy meets the approba tion of the Democratic pert, of Schley county, but also of the great majorities of the people of | all secti-ins oftbe State that tbemsaae* have si wuys #p <ken from the mountains to the seaboard, I f u, *J endorsing the same, and instructing their , delegate# to nominate him for re-oUction. lhc-roforu Kesolvc-d— that our delegates be in structed to cast their votes ‘Jo,’ as our first choice.— Resolved—that tbs lion. Martin J. Crawford our ablo representative in Cougress has faithful ly discharged ui9 duty to bis constituents, and aa such entitled to our confidence. | Therelore Resolved—that our delegates to the j Congressional Convention, ha instructed to vote first lor him in preference to all others, but should : the Convention in their wisdom see fit to nomin ate another, we will chertuUj give to such uom i inee our support, having lull confidence in tbe fi , delity ot the Convention iu carrying out tbe wish es ol the people. Revolved—that in our distinguished Senator, Hon. Alfred Iverson, we recognize not only a pure mi.n, but a great Statesman aud a sound Demo crat, aud that we earnestly desire his reduction to the office which he so ably fills. K .’solved—that the delegates a pointed have full power to fill any vacancy which may occur in ci.bur body. Resolved that tbe proceedings be signed by tbe Chairman and Secretary, and that the latter be requested to ffernDh copies of the same for tho South-Western News/ and Columbus Times for publication. Alter which the meeting ad fournud. WM. HICK LEV, Chairman. Elihu N. Wald rip, Sect’y. Snmi- Wnnt-hf Citinno, June 2. P S. On yesterday, Thursday, the Grand Lodge held an cle uou for Grand Officers, witb tho tolloaing result: M W. (J. Mutter, B. F. Dense. R- W. D. G. “ Ira K. Dupree. R. W. G Warden, Jhuio# J. Humphries, R. W. G. Secretary, George R. Raker. R. W. G. Trees. E. C. Grannis. K. W. G. Representative, George Patten. These officers being installed into their respec tive -tutioue, Grand Master Dense announced the following appointment of subordinate* : li. W. Grand Chaplain. Rib. John W. Burke: R. W. Grand Marshal. 8. Levy ; R. W. G. Con ductor, T.J. Mickuljohn; It. W. G. Guardian, Geo. R. Dodge; R. W. Grand lltrald, J.J. For syth. The Grand Lodge adjourned in tbe afternoon. Male Aid Wc had fluttered ourselves that the miserable heresy of Statu aid to rail roads, had received tbe final condemnation oftbe people of Georgia, ia tbo last legislature. But from a late article in the Albany Patriot, we arc warned, that tbe agi tation is tube re newed with redoubled energy. A convention of the triends of the various pro jects in contemplation has been called. By ibis it is expected a ccmb.nation may be formed, which will ensure success. We iloubr not the ptt°fd* tf Georgia are opposed to tbe principle of State aid; but it they fail to give due attention to this subject in the selection of tbeir candidates to the legisU tore, tbc policy wbtcb they despite will be foisted upou thvcu by tbeir more active opponents. tho question was very ably discussed during the last sreeion of the legtelatere, and we have no and mbt tbu cause of Stats Aid. was weakened by every debat©. It Is Si arcely possible to build any more roads in the State, without materially affecting the io forests of roods already eonetnicted by private capital and enterprise. The injustice of tbe bail diug up, by the g -vernmeut, of roads to break down there a’ready in oporatiun, and not indebt ed to th© J* fate for assistance ia obvious to the commonest understanding. If the government is te give aid te railroads, there is no reason why it should not give equal assistance te any enterprise, proroieing good to tho country. It ia itnpoHaible not to see that partiality, in the distribution of public favor* will bo inevitable. Soottons and individuals will be • Seated for the bestowal oft he richest bounties. South Wnulnrn Arms. Austrian Eiactions. Tbe Poidmontese women snd children are com pelled to work on tbe Austrian defences. Several Sardinian Mayors who refused contri butions to the Austrian army, have been placed under arrest. The rains were falling excessantly ia Italy and tho rivers greatly swollen, which ia said t© ac ooual for tbe inactivity of tbe armies. “A good cor on is osver thrown away.” This is the reafion, pr bably.why wa find se nvy saw vs ibe* lying retiadUfse. TELE CRiMS OF THE WEEK REPORTED FOR THE DAILY TIMES. LATER FROM EUROPE. arrival°r H AMMONIA. COTTON DECLINED! Nkw York, May 30. The Steamship Hammnnia, which left South ampton oo the 18th inst., arrived at Halifax, to-day. She reports the sale* of cotton at Liveopool on Tuesday, tbe day previous to her departure, at 4,600 bales. Tbcre was little inquiry in tbe cotton market and tbe prices were weak. There was a decline of about X of a cent. Flour is sulvanoing. Wheat, also advarcing. Cora ditto. Consols 91 X to 91%. News unimportant. SECOND DESPATCH. New York, May 30tb, 1859. Chase’* Liverpool Circular quote* the decline of Middling Uplands from ons-sixth to oaa fourth of a cent. I Manchester advice* were favorable. Additional by tbe America. SRCO9D DISPATCH Tbe news from the seat of war presents no new feature of interest. No battle has yet been fought. The Austrians had removed their beadquar immm m fl.i.|.n - ujihsi tuwu of Piedmont, and | bad withdrawn from Vercili, which was nowoo j cupied by tbe allied French and Sardinian far* cea. A decisive action between the armies waa daily expected. Many of the Austrian porta had been blocks* ded by the French squadron. Later intelligence from India bad been receiv ; ed; and it was announced tbat the merciless Mantis Topee had been tried and hanged. THIRD DISPATCH. COMMERCIAL NEWS. Liverpool, May 21.—0f tbe cotton sold ex porters took 4,066 bales, and speculators 260 bales. Sandy cottons were aimout unsaleable.— The sales of Cotton on Friday amounted to 5,500 bales. Holders were pressing sales but tbe market was dull. Tha quotations were— Fair Mobiles 7 and Middling Mobiles, 6 %and Fair Uplands 6 T id Middling Upland 6}£d Stock at Liverpool 585,000 bales of which 501,800 are American. State or Trade.—Manchester advices were unfavorable. Goods were sligntly cheaper.— There was a better demand for yarns for the In dia trade. London Monet Market —The bullion in the Bank of England bad iucreased £154,000. tiearral News Vague report* were circulating that the Empe ror of Austria was about to take command of the troops. General Heas bad reached Milan, and left for I'avia. The Austrians were expected to remain inactive nntd the Emperor would reach the camp. The Liverpool Poet publishes, on what it calls reliable information, a sentiment that thepassage of tbe river Ticino, by the French troops, will be considered cause fora European alliance against France, and also for Austria to march on Paris. Tho war bulletins are unimportant. All tbe channels of the Venetian Capital were blockaded so tbat no information could be obtained from that quarter. Tbe English elections were concluded. Tbe ministry gains twenty-three members. Tbe Bombay mail of the 26th of April bad ar rived- Commissioner Yeh is dead. Exports active. Imports firm. t irgina Elertlnas Richmond, Va., May, 31. One hundred and twenty counties have bean beard from. Mr Letcher's majority for Governor is three thousand two hundred and thirry-four votes. Mr. Letcher is tbe regular Democratic candidate. In one hundred and eighteen counties, Letch er's majority is 2,500. The remaining countias gave Wise 2,106 majority. Mat 31, 1 P. M. Between three and four thousand majority for Letcher. From Washington Washington, May 27. Tha Presidents of several of tbe Railroad Com panies whose lines extend from Weldon to Char leston. together witb tbe President of the Fernan •lina R. R. Cos., are now here on business relative to tbe Great Southern Mail, tbeir object being to enter into arrangements witb tbe Post Office De partment for transporting it lucre expeditiously, especially between New Orleans and New York, aroiding tbe failures which are now so fre quent. It has been stated that Lord Lyons is of opin ion that tbe British Minister in Mexico will soon, if he baa not done so already, recognise tbe Juarez Government, and that it is understood be baa in structions to that effect; but there ia no founda tion Ur this statement, aa it is reliably ascertained that Lord Lyons baa no information respecting tbe intentions of Her Majesty’# Government witb regard to tbe contending parties in Mexico, and baa expressed no opinion on the subject. Male of Navanaab Simmers New York, Jane 1. The steamers Alabama, Florida and Augusta, of tbe New York and Savannah line were sold at private sale to-day, to Mr. Cuyler, Pretident of the Georgia Central Railroad- Virginia Election. Richmond, Va., Jane I. One hundred and twenty-nine conn ties have been beard from, which give Letcher three thous and seven hundred and three majority over Goggin, for Governor General %t wspaprr Drepatrb. Washington, May SI. General Jcret, Minister from Nicaragua, has been officially advised of the ratification of tbe Belly contract, but with such amendments oa avoid complications or impedimenta in tbe fulfil ment of treaties witb other nations, oar own in cluded. It concedes to Mr. Belly no important grants or privileges until the canal shall have been completed. Costa Rica, it will be recollec ted, first ratified this contract, and her assent to the amendments made by Nicaragua will, there fore, be necessary before it can take effect From what is known here, it ie not probable that she will acquiesce. However, Mr. Belly's scheme is regarded in distinguished quarters as a harmless affair. Oar government has accepted th# Convention negotiated by Minister Lamar, which contains the principles of tbe Cass-Yrisarri treaty, hot dis sents to the anti-filibuster clause as unnecessary. Os thia the Government of Nicaragua will at once be informed. Gen. Jorex, wbo will leavs Wash ington for New York to-morrow and return to Nicaragua in tbe steamer es tbe sth of June, is confident that when this fact ia communicated an extra session of Congress will forthwith be called to act upon tbe subject, and that they will strike ont the objectionable clans* The last steamer brought to Mr. Jeres fnll au thority to take measures for the re-opening of tbe Transit as soon aa practicable, and on rwaaonable and liberal terms. The steam Blip A orHre N*w York, Jane l.—lt is believed here that the steamship America, with Liverpool dates te May 21st, has arrived at Halifax, and that the “W *m% hmiH *if ta the taemtxg., Tifglnla Election Ricamoxd, Va., Jane 3. Returns from one hundred and thirty.foar counties have been received, and Mr. Letcbcr’i majority is upwards of forty-two hundred. Congressmen Probably Elected In Virginia From the appearance of tbe figures, however, at time, the fallowing mumbtra of Congress have been chosen: Diet. 1— Murcne R. H. Garnett, rc-elocted: no op. position. 2 John ti. Millson, re elected; no opposition 3D. C.Dejarnette, iod, dim., over John S. Caa kie, late representative—io doubt. 4ln doubt between Wm. 0. Goode, dem sod W'tn. C. Flournoy, opposition. 5 Thoma* 8. Uncock re-elected; no opposition. B—Shelton F. Leuko, iqd. dun, over l'auiui Powell, lat representative. 7 William Suiitb, elected. 8— Alexander K, Bolder, opposition, over Chas. J. Faulkner, late representative. 9 John Harris, dem., over James 11. Skinner, the regular democratic nomine*. 19—Sherrard Clemens, re-elected | no regular opposition 11— Albert Q. Jenkins, re-elected. 12 — Henry A. Edmondson, rg-dected ; no oppo sition. 13— In doubt between Benj. Rush Floyd, deo , and Elbert 8. Martin, opposition. Celebration ut the 4th of fbl j We understand the Baldwin Biues bare scV t:d Lieutenant LII Kenan to deliver tbe oru: 3 on tbe 4th of July. Dr T bom ns F Green wili read tbe Declaration of ludepcndcnoe, and tho Rev Mr Warren will act m Chaplain. Gen Walker Bfnrned New Yoax, May 31. General William Walker of Nicaragua, arid his friend, Mr Nat/mcr, arrived in this city on the Northern Light,*on Saturday. A Filibuster Rencounter. New York, May 31 Col Titu* (formerly of the Nicaraguan artnyj was severely beaten at the St Nicholas Hotel, in this city, on lost night, by Coi Anders-m, Mr Wheat, and other fiiibustera. Law School in Athkns.—Judge Jos. 11, Lnmpkin, Tbos R. R. Cobb. E.*q , and Wm. 11. null, Eq., wo learn from the /fafa-vr, content plate opening a school far law students in Athens. Columbus, June 6. COTTON.—There wore no receipts, or saiei renorted on Saturday. Savannah, June 3.—The sales to-day foot up 97 balusat 10S cents. Chaklk.ion, June 3.—Sale* of cotton to day 760 bale*, at prices ranging from B%c. to lo V Tho market bad declined lie. to \i ft. New York, June 3.—Sales of Cotton today 560 boles. Market heavy. Middling Uplands 10%c. Flour heavy; 4660 barrels sold; din ed 10c. per barrel ; Southern $7 60 ail • Wheat heavy; sale* 3,000 bushels; Whitt r $2 66. Corn heavy; mies 13,600 bushels , Mu ed nominal, at 87c. a 88%e. MAR HIED At the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr< Clarissa Perry, near Covington, Newton corn on tbe afternoon of Thursday, the 28th inst . the Rev. John T Clarke, Wm L Essord, E-q . .> . Mies Clara P Perry. At tho residence nf Samuel Crowell, K- Rusacll county, Ala., on the Ist instunt, by tue Rev. John Crowell, Mr. Thomas Raglun j and Miss Louisa V. Wooten. In this city, on the 4tb inst, by William !’ Turman, E*q., Mr. William Rabox auu Ms t Harriet Mainvard, nil of Columbus. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT From rich and poor, bond and free; all crv r, grades and conditions of life we hear the **lol* of praise awarded this wonderful article. Sores arc healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable annua.* mad* useful and untold ills assuaged by 11.i* first memcine which are surprising 10 the judgment -t m n What family does rfot require a standurd Linum i;t Who ever heard of the same effe ts prodintri l.> any other ar iclel For Cuts. Bnnes, 8; ruins Rliewmat.-n (Swelling*, ftiramed Horses, Ac , it has no t qua; Every Teamster and Faintly should have Uur in valuable ankle. Beware of Imitations. Hold in aIJ parts of Die bat • table globe BARNE4 Al PARK, Proprietors, Ncrv York June 1, w Im The (heat English Reined). SIItJAMES CLARKE’S Celebrated Female PiL’s. Prepaed from a preeeripitoo of Sir J. ('• ‘ .V. l>. Piiueicin !• extraordinary to the Qute't. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY THE GREAT ENGLltiii REMEDY RIB JAMES CLARKE'S FEMALE HI.L6 SIR JAMES CLARKE'B KEM \i Elli id SIR JA.MLS CLAHKt'B FEmALE PILLS MOLD RY ALL DRI GGIBTB HOLD BY ALL DKLGGIHTB MOLD BY ALL DKLGGIMTd N B SI. OO and sis postage stamps enclose to any authorised agent, will insure a bouie, . * AO Pills by return mail. RjaniiO— u <) Bold in Columbus, by Pembsrton ft Carter. A> - A verson and all respn uible Druaxiai’s. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE The greatest natural ornament to tbe “human form divine,” is unquestionably a fine, luxu rian% bealtby growth of bair. It has been to esteemed in all ages oftbe World, unci ua: < nations, savage aud civilised. Ilenre. tbc It disn brave regards the scalp of bis emniy as Li* greatest trophy. Fora similar reason, tbu !. - ionablu belie often disguises the region us vaiii?;', as well as bur other pbreuologicat organ- wi.b burrowed locks. He who should discover a mode of preventing the hair from showing tbe inroads of *i;•- - Time by turning prematurely gray, a nutb* t <-y which it could be restored when fulling oil or turn ing white, and a nrny of promoting its continued and luxuriant growth, wot.ld bo justly •■u’ 1 to sank among the beuefactors of tbe human <- Read the testimonials in another column of ibe wonderful not to say almost mi aruloue effect* “Profeaeor Wood's Hair Restorative,” aud *•’ >! be has not accomplished all this.—Capital City F set. Sold by all Druggiau n this ct‘r, and by lea! •r* and d'ruggi-t# generally throughout the l u.u-d States and Canadas. just—edl# Hollot/ay'# Ointment and Pill* have been bisely counterfeited, and as a protection to tb consumer and tbe public generally, they an- re quested to observe tho water-mark, “Hellowa> New York and London,” which exists in i leal of the book of the directions iroafto * u pot and box. at tbe manufactory. No. 80 Maiden Lane New York, and by all Druggies, at - fide., aud sl. per box. juueJ—lwuw. DR. 11. E. HO WELL. (dT New Yorh, say s t the moat effectual remedy to improve the tone and energy of tbe stomach is tbe Dxygeiiutcd Billet* For Dy#pepia and Indigootion these Bitters arc unparalleled, as testify numerous cures. | ENTIRELY NLW f ENTIRELY NEWI wu.t r i* it* That Wonder r ul Purifying Agent Darby's I'ropliylactic fluid! Thit in a tfnie Dincovnrp. .It in tkn muult us Learned JtcuearcK. ft in a triumph o/ Scientific Skill l IT is a Chemical Union of materials, prov ided hy Na ture herself, for rendenhg pure the air * hiuailis- Its a’ liun m in obedience lo fixed laws. QUICK, SURE. POWERFUL! It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens Il removes *ll olt'ensive odor*} It cures burns with instant tertaintV) It is ths best preparation ever used for fresh wound* It destroys all veaeiitbie and animal potsonsi It relieves in a few seconds the buss of insects, bees, etc It preserve# mast from spoiling. It makes HABD WATER SOft li rsitsves the btait-born. It u ihe best rostnett It natien boils when forming; It soothes boils when formed, and heals them rapidly It itfotd tor carbuncles, uk-era. corns and sores; Itchansts the teeth and purines ilie breath; Ths worst symptoms u I Typhoid and hcarlet Fever are mmgated t>y the use of this Fiunlj it has ‘ eea known to check the spread of Typhoid Fever th Fitui dies and upon plantations. Leading phyaiuansorc using it in Chorlaemn. C v lumbia navaiiuah, Augusta, Atlanta. Macon. Colmu bus. Montgomery, Selina. Mobile and N w Orleans The Hospitals of New Orleans a.ul Mobus * r using it. Hospitals, corporation*, shipmasters, manufact ire'*, planters, physicians, fiirntaheu by the gsulon at rsduted rates For sale by dreggteae and country merchants gener ally, from whom orders are respectfully solicited Try at least one bouie. Price 50 cuota- Fouow di rections l£TManufactured oniv (r. th*. Lat*urwor> of J. DARKY. Aithurn, Aia. For sale by all the Druggie • of 00l tubu* N K.—Persons wishing sous. ores, water, fce “B* alysed can have i; dous on reesoaa-jie terms b> send* H N frW • AIV. uu/ie—warn