The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, June 27, 1859, Image 4

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Haw rrr-4*’ •*’ *"** The Itnui. Jnnal. <** ’ lUpfcMVul ckafffiwitb the figtteedntf.f, I® tarum* over a barrel f nj)eciad uiJWrHp(> to-day. hunting lor souwtbiiiK which ** did "i flti l, or eye happened H> Unger for u im ieu um • wry unpromlslng-lookiug menu-nipt, tb# i hnijtopi <>!’ paperoud the ta<*i sebool-girllMi ‘•> bondwriting*. and. to our very gr*i itriooih ment, we read at* follow? s Iliriß*’ 4VARKBI- OiMt Jay bvMl'bvo iwt How-d’-ye ‘k Too oiooo In shun saluting : But noon the rival aiders flew from kianittic R* di*j*otiuf. “Away !” *oy* H>w-d'ye-de j “yoar mt*n Appal? ay obeerfol mlunt No name N *d a# yo%r* i* **• In iottov'ißomtiiolllurr ? WhcM’w l give ooe xiintdiim- hour. Your aloud manw o’er t lunl ll i Whene’er l plant Wv boawn flower, Your uiildvwr drop to fade it Km How rt'hai tuned each tongue To ‘llupe'n delighted untMtin-. Good-bye in friendship's eor ho* rung The knell of parting pleasure. From sorrow* past my chjniio akill Draw* muih-.s of coaiMtlation While yon from preoopt eye distil The tear* of separation.” Good bye replied : Year stateiunni'*tnie, And well your cause you're pleaded But pray whoM think of llow-il’ ye ‘I". I nlexk Good bye preceded Without my prior influence f-'(Ntki you have ever fteerlehcd * And can your hand one flower dispense But what tny foam bare nourished ‘ How oft, if at tbe Court of Lore Concealrmßl he the fashion. When How d’-ye-do ha? failed to move. Good-bye reveal* the fuueion! Ho, hid the timid lover ebooer, And I’ll renigu my charter If he for ten kind ljfowd’-dn *tw'* tine kind Quod-bye would barter!” For *one eight or ten year* thin beautiful love table hue laiu in a barrel of rejected manuscript*, ft i* possitilo, of rotinn-, that the writer may have preserved a copy, and. mean time, published it oloewbere ; hut, if so, it i well worth repealing : m* we have o#iy (o expre** our bo|e that we have not inutiy autdt editorial *in* to answer for a* thin non-recoguition of geuiua, hut (ho|* No. 2) that our correspondent* will lot it operate a? * ooirectire to their hand writing*. Naubow Ks'-atk ok Nacolicox.—-In hi* visit to the field of battle at Montebello, the Kinporor Napoleou nai/ovrly escaped being made primmer. He hud panhed on an far a* Cnateggio, him) wa* observing with hi” telescope the movement* of U© enemy between Barbiaudio and the Portico del fltsßti oil the, Vo, when suddenly n dciHt-li incut of Austrian- presented fbetnsejve* before hint, onlv two hundred pace* distant. Whether they had liwit their way, or whether they had ad vanced thus fur from more hardihood, cannot be t'ddj but it i* probable that 111 latter uppowi turn i* eerrect, linutmueli a* the advan • c.| punt* of the Austrian* are much more energetic and daring than thorn* of the Freacn-riiirdiiiJait •. Directly, however, tbo Kmj;ror hhw them, lie changed color, throwaway hi* cigar, drove the -put* into hi* borne’* flank*, and galloped back to Voghera at a pace which would have done honor to the winner of the Derby. *d|L."” write* from Wa*hitiglu Bouton Journal, a bit of goattip touching the re cent marriage of Mr*, iiutoii, wife of thoHcvretarv of War under Guneral Jt*ck*o'n Admini*trn I,ion : Tli* only timr that Umi. .faiksnn eVdr fuili**! lo orrjr hi* point, ami lo itrako lu> |r*inn billow ern MMpt th oitotJi us lili Imu w ill, wax when ht> undertook to make sh wive* of hi* Hecrctaric- Wait Mu. General Knton. Hi-nmlsl had whl*per *4 hard thing* about ilic ntrriim*uf Uoii. Katon, tlcn IJwMtary of War, to Mr#. Tiuihoilnkc, wid ow of J'uraor Timberlake, ami society rurued il* back on her. Old Hickory iwpoua ad her cause, and hud hot stolid at lii* side at an oveninjf recep tioti, that be might **jroo*nlher to lb uisvnted <■< iutnla 6f ih* metropolis. llut tbo wive* of the other fcerretarle* oliMtluatelv refused to rcoognUe bor, and n orinoJim i|tt arret ensiled, which alum lately broke t|> the t alduot. “Mr*. Eaton, nitioo tbo decease of her liumlmiiU, : Ha* resided in the First Ward here, visiting in ; dttniptondm, aud pointed at wheitshu went ahrond ! •• lady that broke u|i Jackson** t'nhhict, in i |iia of all be oould do. Hbe ia an active liltl lady, some sixty year* of ujre, and lust Huutlay cho irm married b*r the third to an Italian | dAiiciug-niastar and musician, who ianhout (wan ty-two thereby can-dug much scandal. / t>dd i f®* o /” da y all the dame* who rotuned to visit I her in I*29.’’ t rai*. mu Nn iiai.uia. The Daily AltoC'ilx I fornia, of the 2fitb May, oayst Bone time since wt* puhlrehud at the ratjuiwt ot a friend, a re*i|H> to cure tbo neuralgia. Half a drioduo id’ Mil ammoniac in an ounce of cani|ibor water, tola) taken, a teaspoouiul at a done, and don*repented several titmw, at interval*offtvc minute*, if the pain lie not relieved at otter. Haifa doxon ditforant |Mxron* have since then tri ed the reci|Mtnn theroooniuiendation of the ,- Alla.” and in every cade an immediate enre waaofTeeted. In tuns case, the sufferer, a lady had been iMibjoo teil to vary acuta paiu* toi more than a weak and her physicians wan uaablo to alleviate her suffer iug, when a teaapoonfnl of the solution el *l ammoniac in camphor water relieved her within a coo pie of minute*. Whether b rceipo will cura all attack* of neuralgia in n question which we cannot answer . that it will cure many ware well assured. Loru Naimkh.-Tliu Washington “special,’* a tbo New York Herald, thought the followiug gos sip about the late British Minister, worth tch*- graphing from the aaot of govurtinicnl; The friend* nf Lord Napier in Washington, have received let ter* from him, in which he speaks of flu friendly diapogition of the British Govern * menl toward* thi* country, aud say* the conduct of £ir William tiara Ouoeley, in the matter of the treaty with Nicaragua, was disapproved without hesitation the moment the Government was in formed us what he had dune. m • as i Ar*unoi*HM to thn Now on ex hihitimi at Biko** Peak : tld boa#, or animal. or beast ! Tall me, did nature um l up all tlie yeast. In causing you to rise to such ix height. Whereby y<u easily observe daylight About two hour* and a half before the rooster* crows f And are you thorough-bred or low ? Unpack the carpet bag t trunk and let it* observe W hether you are *>r no ; And then for wonders I no more will pant. For I can truly say “I've seen the elephant V CnvRLKK Mackav'a Book. The book It lias been rumored M r. Mckuy was about to put to prwi baaed on kis late visit to this country. ha* been published, m two volume*, with tinted illustra tions. It is called “Life and l.iberty in Amoi ica.” The following I* given, in the English pros*, a* an extra* t from the author's preface to the book He went to Auierics neither to carp, to sneer, nor to caricature : but with an hitne*t love ofllb city, ami a sincere desire to judge l**r him self, and to tall the truth A* to the result* of ihe great ex Ssrimeut of wdf-goveruiuent which iju Anglo axon ami Aa|MMtlc races are making in Am erica, under the iuo*t favorable chrcumstance*, ami with uothlug. not Mpringmg from themselves, b r fetter their progress. He returned from America with a greater respect for the p**<* pic than when he hist set loot upon the soil. A Cmirkhk —<tn Saturday aHarnoan, the nuptials of some Celestial young ldks came *A in great style. Three carriagas neve dranu up in Hunt of the ou-.u-cvei bride's residence on Jackson street, which were soon tilled by the dus ky-skliuod pug nosed, flat-faced bride aud bride groom, with their wrinkled, parchment Meshed parents and friends. The bridal eortegu lrottci off at a brisk pace, and followed by utaruv crowd of laughing Molican men, to Saeraiaenio-sirect, wlitra the nuptial party disimuintad, and the ina triuiouial kind was tied in the I’hincsa t'liap*'l. I*t rral/jf, for the oeraaiony was p*trtonue<l by the knotting togetiun >f the man's pig-tHil ami the wuiUau's fat-l*esiured hair. V*m ■ .Yu A Yul'ed Man lltHNj wifti.R Pra> i imm. is a GrMN xan *.—A mu*l 41ilwwittg uMliknl ix'eur rud at Detroit Friday lost, I ting in tbv death of Henry T. Barnvwgud Ifi. and sen ofthsen ior editor of the TrUdim .f ihat Hly. It -eoiuf Hum but ween 10 uud 11 <•'. u k th xramg man vlritod lira gytunaeiuni, m whhl 111- mom ill the habit of excreiaiiig. nli'iiv Mlt oYWk amoli ar young repaired to lira rraiiM ami Iminxl Jluury hanging by a strap Itraii one the ladder*, lie wo* ioiniediatel v cut dftw it but life had tied. It if supposed that h* was vxpchun ntnig with the strap about hie uek, uj* n lira Lidiiwt, and tliwt he aeeidacitly U*t hi* looting, and *• ftrauglvxl Os to prevent hi* helping himself with hi* hands or foot. Jotne* Madison JaCsUMni. a nephew of President .1 offer r--m. died on the 2V(h of Mav last, at hi* ruaidonce. near Klkton, Hy. VJ*. <JUeu Vietoria was -IB year- old on the I 24th inat. Nonrnr u.v •'■bi.i-.’ —obi a rwudeiue in New York Fifth Avenue, some maid serranU went off bocanee they were Ret permitted to hare tea par tie* twice a week .* CULLKNH A TJJRNIPBKRJ). ATTORNEYS AT UA.W, FORT GAI>K.i. tiA. Will praetk-c in Clay and lulioinmg countir ill 0 corgi*, and 111 Henry county, Ala. Apr’ * lAA<—wtf w. #. joMxao*. r aiK*. JOHNSON A RUCK Kit. ATTORNEYS A.T LA W, tTKIKTA, t'IIATT UIOOCIIKK Cut-MTV, UA. Wild, give |ir<nHpt attention to ad buano **• coim. led t/i ilieirciire rlimugliout the I’xlriMlo I ‘m mi. ml'tlld ounin *of Tallin i, ll*rri*. Marion, Ta>loi and|actitj , of Hie 1 linliatioorbcc t'ir< UM, rchniart ii, isyi wtv. a. JOVKw, Attorney nt Low, UNION HI’KINOM, AI.A. Ur 11,1, jji.l’ Ihe in file dlllcfcol I'utlil” 111 Mar.,ll nod adpdolof roanlic* Hldef allcnlion given mtlic cuileetioH of claim* •< *•'< -wtitu TANARUS... <■ I \ V. attorney yvx x./vw, ha m \, aa. Will jTt.uiptly 1., till Im-i it,.-- * ritr,i,u.l l„ hi, ,t#i.2H ISi 1 *- ,v I v a tiiiiii, ATTOHNKY AT I /AW, PKI.ATON, Wuhxtcr t'ounty, Qa. Will practice in the con otic* “I t'lav. fbalb* htroifhnt. Wobater, Marly, llaiMbrtpli. Slcwurl and Sumter. Particular attention given to collecting and rcinitiiug. Jn2<l 1 f4.'7— wtf, WM. n. Rt.AM. TlltUBI H OMVKU. IClain \ Oiivce, ATTORNEY A.T LAW , BUENA VISTA, MARION* OUNTY.OA. Will practice in the oouatie? of Marion, Macon Htcwnrt. Taylor, rhattalioochee, ajo<l any of tbo adjoining eountic, when their aerviee* may he reauirud. AIo in iho Di*triei Court of tbe l/ni ted State* for the Dictriet of Georgia. .September 11, ISAM. wtf. s. N. Nliilliiril, Attorney nt Law, lILAKKLY, EARI.Y.OO., HA, Blakely <Ja., April 2, I Soft. wif. • \. ClciiUincit. AX'THKnTKY A‘X‘ X.ATW A ml NoltcltorlH tliaucery, ABBKVILIiK, HKNRV (Dt'NTY. A J,A. July 10, tSAfI. wly. Shorter, ( liiunlicrs X Shorter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KI FAIILA, ALA. Will practice in Barbour ami the adjoining oouotie* of Alabaunt and Georgia. F..*. MlonTliir. W. . I HAMBKH*. It. It. SIIOftTRIt. May 27, IS.MI. ts <co. S. Tlioiiiiim, AT'JfOXXCaiT- AX* XANT, OM’K KIN KMITII’H IIHII.IHMI, KAMI SI I* K, OK WUITK HAM. HTHK.RT, ATLANTA, Gs A.. Urn. |, Practice In the ttV*rol f.'iMtrU of I'ullim Cos. The Superior Court of ilie ('ouniie* of fa**, (’laytnii.C.'obh IteKalh. Fayette,'Hpiihliug amt Troup. The Haprußie t Unirt of (ieorgia, at Atlanta. Tim lb* fuel t.'uort ol ilio I lulled Miatea. at Maricttu. J an liar v —dflai. •fOM k |ll I’. I*oll, ATTORNEY -A.T LAW, COLUMBUS, (USOROIA. Urn.i. nttciid promptly In nit tnininess eulrilsted to his rare in the eoHHliea of Mnsrogecj Mum* Talbot, Taylor, Marion amt I ‘haftnhnochee Ollh'e on West Hide ofTlrond slroei, over Wynn U Park's Htnr. aprltl I ■ willy. Hominl <1 Uoiiiv ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CRAWFORD, ALA. Roar. a. Howard. wai.tkr. n. wkkmx. Orawfonl, Ala. June 8. wAdtt. William ‘l'aylor, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rt<TIINF.KT. It VNMOI.I’II f t* . *• A. Will praelieo in the counties of Itinnlolpli, I'alhoun, Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, ltmigherty Miller and Hie wart. lU.kkh to- Wellborn, Johnson & Kluun, Attor ney* at Law, Columbus, (in. All business entrusted to bis cure will reecho immediate attention. Juncti ’6B- ivdtf. VI a non Ilrtliiuir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALBOTTON, Talbot Cos.. Ga October 24, 1868. wAdff. ,V|M‘B *V IcIWV ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMHVS, UKOmHA. It. J MOHP.H W M A LAWS iffdP'Oftce next door to the I’ost Office. Kept. I, 1868. dwtf. B. Y. MAHTIM. J. J. HARTIR. .t. J. SI. A UK MARTIN, MARTIN & SLADK, -A.ttorilOVH fit liilW, COLUMBUB, GA Bvcnmlier 17,1868.—du11. WM. A. HARDAWAV. K I ORAV HARDAWAY A GRAY, GENERAL Commissiou and Forwarding ax ss xt c xx a Sir t s. Comer of Olivo and Commercial Street*, siAi.vr i.oi is*, no. February 22, 186 - ddwly. Till'. liptlKsTEAll FIRE INSIiRANPK COMPANY, (O’ M: \ (IKK. Priiir!|.ul 0m,'... Wlmliwk ItulUlug. No 136 Nasoaii St corner of Beekmau, Hraiieli Older II Mrveliaui'aKxc haugr < ;i|>il!il 8150,000. DIKKOTORK. NX in < liuuuosx. Win t'liaiiui-nv h. (N>. 11l (l|,| Hlqi M 0.. , Taxloi. President Guy Bank Paul Hsoubiil, Kpotlord, Tlieston A tN*., ‘W llroailwav P i Van Hvlian k; Nan Hrhaivk, Kdwanls A i ‘•>.. io Front Btreei. N Hat salon. 82 Water Htivit Ja- II WUsou. totoieriy “ li-on A (oliti. .It Froul-et r D. Mpragui', lxt it, Hpragui: A ( “ . In? IMui -i 1..U1 ll II II I.III;. It r.. 11l I-, „|-.1 John ( llolbtook. luleinational Lite liisiiraini’ t'o 71 N\ all -t TJ folemnn.J (’('olmnun A t•• i”J Wall -t NV in K Hlrong, .*• Pine Htraet Rilwonl Uaigbl, Piosuiiut of the Hank of the iNun inoiixx ealtli Win A Wheelei. tri NYilham Ht i Melella, 53 H. ver Htrx-et N < Platt. Prx'-idrnt ArtWiu’* Bank, Nassau -t John I Wilson. 73 Fullrai *i. It ,xi W liitl.H k. II M A I. A NVhilovk A ( o n 11,. ; man alt net. Win I. N| Donald, 15 Heeknisn *1 Win tlohlretlfn, II Men hauls’ Exeliangv John G Likliilkxlx . 24 lie*-knttm si Nat liaiih'l \N Hu 111*, N NV Unite A An Ve*.-x t I’aoli I.Ht>rop. LalhiopA NYilkui-on, I.NMunax -i NN M Nexvell. Newell. Ilaiinan A McDoANjd. Ll Mm ray ►lre. l Fred, in A. Fi-hei, NSolh>, |>n-Ii and Fisliei. ?> Warn-ll slrerd Minaid II Fowler, ISM*. Nnau si Roli. il II (*utrier. Mx lilis, t Uirk'l A Hhi'iwximl, 42 VN anew si. John li t’oiiie#. t'itx llali Geo VN Head, thin W ti Jeltinl Read. I2t i *tr*t Jutiii II Hnonk. krxhdeG. I- ( lißint'.-r- *(. (George I stroll. Carroll, ll< lin k A- NDsid, 40 ( hiiinlieis si rryi \V II Uiilklex. Alim. Mi Lean A Bulkhx. I' chan, her* itift DM lloldrvdge N \ H ll.itim; to. Ite Ih ra.lxx ax Fiwm-t* MNkr M l. Iffi Forsyth hi Fills CoiapOM.v Hiaures Itnildim: NL u haud<v l uiunun . Morinif‘ -’ luten'*t. laasx's. Hi nt*. Nes eU in Purl mol tlreo Cergoe*, mul prisons! pniperlx gr nerwllx. agaiirat lsa or damage Wy Iwß at Bn ivdin ed rale* l iiwmiiug Lean -and Ri-tit* t- a hew Ibature and is xvorthy ot none nm-uiion than it Iras lieralofixre re reived W’h*rx'lnsuranx • is etlis ted Itu two yai*n Itls-i.xl stutleioeul xx ill Ut made in (ite rah Paite‘ w ixlimg u-ursme.ot desiring (he agr io N *t this Coinpsiix, hx tt|qd\in* d>> mail ot olln-i xx i*e> at the offire iii Sew \ ork. and gixmg nil on,>-aix (mi th ulsis w ill meei w ith prompt atieolHin. Helen mg lo the high hamrtei o| oxii Dio i tton. n ■ iu|iie assiiram e tot the |inuiqii and lilmhul tranaotion of imii husiness, we lespxitfutly o|n it a slmii- ot xui paliotiMge and illtlwotli e. WILLIAM ( IIAI'N('EY, Pieai.trol. W ILLIAM HOLDREDGE. Yu r,VM.Ira( John K OAKL.BY,itcrmiY. Junr A. 185v* —w til. BOOTS AND SHOES STI M'l-; tm¥f 1,.,, m Mop. OUT ] ITj SI MMl.i! , Tin KI ChiWr*n'i BOOTS Ac SHOES, which for cpialily, fiian:lf v, arid oecfiomy to the , pprcbaner, urpa?-cA iioyihjug inougbt her*'. j AmoWgourtti *<d< may l*c found i ok oi;vrr,i;ui,\, ilent*’ Kre.neb Calf Pump Boot*, - “ Light Weft, ‘• “ “ < ‘a!f Oxford Tie*, .. •• Kil “ “ m b fair lew Bboen. Pump*, and ” rJl'ive “ “ light welted, ” t ‘otgrant Calf (iHitcr'. !‘ “ Kid ** *• Pat. Leather Gaiter*, •* Bilk ” “ Opera “ “ ffuiun ” La-nog Tic*. *• Pat, Leather Oxford*. Pump* A ‘, w *• ttcidt'fie*, “ Slipp-Ttn wjtli and without heel*. ** Higalflnd Tic*. And nuiuerou* other KindcbnUi flue and commoii, IOK Kid und Morocco Luce iuid Congre** Boot*, thin hulcs. with and without liocl*. J iiie.-d ‘ilk warp lusting lue*- and Cmigre?” do. Serge ile Berra, do do do do. Kugcnc do do do do Italian ami Kngliah do d<> do. French Mid Glove Kid do do do. Kid 11 col Slipper*, ICnglirfh hid und Moi'**codo. Kitglixh La*t.iiig do do. Velvet Toil. Slipper*. French Kinbrofdered Slipper*, White Kid Slipper*. Kid and Morocco Burkin*, * French Ki<l Tic*, Calf and float loco Boot*, with and without hucl*, n ***•>. Mi •:*’Glove Kid Congrc*.-’ Boot*, “ Lngliah do. with and without heal*. ” Silk warp, Serge, ami ” Kngli>*li Lifting - OongrcM A Lace Gait er-. with and without hel*. “ Kimi Kid Slipper* with A wiUimitheel* •* White Kid Slipper*, “ Heho.d Hhoea--something tlurable. a tUILIIKI'.S. Children’* t .ongrc** heel Gaiter*, “ Lace bee.l Gaiter*, “ Kid 44 kUppora, •* •• u Bool*, anti about 30 ad ditional kind* with and without heel*. t 1.11U.E stock or Xegro lirogans and Servants SHOES, Hewed and Pegged, coiodanfly on hand. Wo are receiving iresh Good* every week from our own Factories. To Country Merchants and Traders ‘WK OKI hi: turn U001)S AT NEW YORK PRICES. Only One Prlc.o From which tiicr%will Ire no deviation in any in stance. A. r. SAUNDERS A ('O. 102 Broad Street—-Next Door to J. Kyle A Cos. Cntuuihu*. Gw. May 21. <lwtf DRUGS, MEDICINES, M., -A.X CASH PRIOEB. .1. A. WHITESIDE & CO., I >UI CJCJ IS’l’S, 4'01,1 mil *, UGOIHJIA, UA VF. the pleaeure ol invilint lire aitenllon of (lie public l< llicir large, frenli mid well assorted IHtKiS, CIIEIIICALH, Ac., wliKli they are *elling ul I.OW PIUUCrt for C \HJ| Aitiide* wiiicli tieiinlty eel! |i,r one dollar, they are of fering hi 76 to 86 tenl-, < ’AWH T 1133 GREAT WONDER Os the Nineteenth Century, PROF WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. SA YH tlm rt(. l.tnii* lleiuormi; lldutv we puhlisti It letter lo Ur Wood of this city, lomi a ifcnlle man in Maine, w iiieti epmiks umwiiiclv of dm Mtiperior merits of In* liaii lunu . Hindi cvidem • uui-i have i|h , I'DtN i, wheimtnung from u rrliaf>Ur source, ifrertii | irate* are guarantee* of tiutli. itu* Mr. need* no cu- i KMiiilllii*, nor useless pilftbrv from Hie press Bath, M um., Jan ■. IH6U | PROP O J. WOOD fc ( o Mciiih'iucii: Itiomii m> ulicuiioii railed a few months since to the highly heneth ial rlleru ol imir liair re*toialv, I was induced to make applirurtmi of H upon ui.v oivn Into , winch had become (pule grey piotmhiy one-ttllrl while; my w tuskers were ul same ( liatarler Huim; three moiitlis -lore I procured*! Imtllc o| your hair lesiorative, aud used n 1 soon tinuid it wo* proving what I nmt ui-hed I used n alMnt twice a week. I have sineo promreit anotlu r holt to, us which I liave used mnue Iran now rcrtily to H! worhi that ill** gray or w hile hun totaliy dicup peared, imth onmy head amt lie e. and my hair has resumed Us natural roloi, and I bslirv more soli and glossy than it ha* been before for twenty live years Tam now sixty yearn old; my good wife at Hie age of fttlx two, has used it with ranir •dferi The above notice I deem due to you furfyouf vain able di*c'Very lam as*tovcl iliat whoever will n*ht ly iwe, a* per tliret hour, will not ha\e orrasion lo contradict my statement- tam n citizen ui inis c ity and a loimleiil here foi Hie last liileeu vears, ami mu known to every om-lieie amt adjoining tow ns. Any use you may moke of the above, with my name m lactied. is hi your service, ns 1 wish to preserve ihe beau I to* of datum in otheisas won a* nivseil I am truly youis, A. V IIAYMOM* WOOD’S HAIR RKBIOKATIYK. oxi Timor*: Jan. a;t, laas P*or O J Wocui: Hear Hu— Miiviiik had the mis fortune lo lose Hie best poiiicoi of my tiair, pom the piled* of ihe yellow fever m New Oilcans hi 1861, I was luduecdlo muho tc trial of your preparation, and louud it to answer as *.ti very tliirig needed ,M> ban is now thick amt glossy, and no word* cun express my ohlivation* lo yon in giving to Hie nltii-Ted aurh a lieasure, I I.M.KY JOHNSON Tlm’ undersigned. Rev J K Bragg, is V minister in legulMi stmidtng. and pusloi ot’ (In Ortlmdox t’hurrti al UnrokrieUl, Mass, lie isn gcidleuiaii of great in fluoiiee. and tntiversally bhived. WILLIAM l\ I R liaooKMM.ii, January I*2, lsiw Pmlc'psoi Wood Hear Hir: Max iug made tnal of xour llalr Kesturutive. it give* me pit .esure lo say (hat dsert'.-d has lienn oxcelleni m removing dnudiutr and u constant teiideiiry to itching with w Inch I hnvc been troubled Ikiiii nix clnidiiooct; and lii iilmo m stored m\ ban. whi<h was he< oiiiing gray, lo it* original color. Idiuve used no oilier article with auvlhiug like the name'pleasure or profit. Yours truly; J lx. IIKAtML The Rrstorattvn is pill up in bottle* of 3 sue*, vix— large, medium, trad small; the small hold* n pint, and retails for one dollar pei boil|e; the medium hold* ill Inmil twenty per cent morn in proportion tiiau the small, ret.ol* lot two dnllai#jicr bottle; the large holds a quart. 4(‘ mo cem. more in proportion and* for three dollars. 0..1 NVOnp* CO.. Proprietor* 44-1 Broadway N. Y and tit Maikct Ht. loiol*. Mo Audsold by all good Diugaist* ami Fancy tiood* Beale r* jit tie 1 tk~d w .Ini largest Arrival of Hie Season! $30,000 xvoith of NEW SPRING GOODS! .11 HT Hi:i IN F.D H\ NANCE & RENFROE, IX ‘ F me noxx rereiving ami will noil nine to teceivr r mini xx e shail have ihe Largest, Best and most Magnificent A.Mi VARIKIt STOCK OK DRY-GOODS KX Kit HKOIUiIIT TCHXJI.rMBI S. XV. xx ill make no t tfuri u< enuinerating the dilien ixt artn'le* aud fix le* o|‘ goral*. the papers ate all too ratnll NN will merely sax- tiwt w have nil (he NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON NV. did not buxom NEW \ Ol(k. but took a large pxiiiiuiiot all the Newest & Handsomest Styles that rot li* hi: silky NNn.iie tklftltutli'd null UMr unnuns. shak AT SUCH PRICES AIS SHALL CONVINVK LVEHY FKIiSON Os the luiport.Tim- of Uuxing Where the largest Stock in the City IS KEPT ! All w‘ ask * one e*ll u nnivinre yon of xvhai xxe x< mix NVe It*ve Ihe goods. i oine and louk. XVp nio*i rarnesll) and pe<dally invite the Ladies loronm and • xauiineour sunk NN.. srv rotiviarod tln-i w ill agtee xx ilh * thil they nexvi saxv mu li a tdm k hiTure tn till* nix As lo our Drosß Sillsjß, Wll CHALLENGE THE HTA TE. NANCE & KENFROE. Columbus, Match 14—Wtf gi THE undesigned are daily pxivcctlng a large eupply of thie jiopular lertilwr, purchawd from iho agent o| th Peruvian govajamoot and wariMitod genuine Pnee lour dollUia per one hundred pound*, *>f S7B t®r tuu of 1000 pound*.— Torn** < a*h in all c*e*. Oiill—wtl GUNBY A CO VALUABLE WVFK I’LANTATIOS* FO’K A L H . I MF dohsc.rihernow ofleihlui •aiebt* vain note. I.or PlanUt u.ii, eight nii)eutov c Fort MpC Caine*, cootaiaiug 716 uerc*. of which I6 arit ft *t rate Hirer HoMomam] the tialanre I ugh ?tne Land oi irood qaallty. einlrani.g a good ami comiortnbii* dWcUlnu. wlH.a well oi exualleul I water, a iicwCottoi! f*pfew mid Gin Hoiiseumi ail e ---cevsary outhoniwo* unit fixture* 1 bthe bo'.MHn land I :lW .iMWUa areeicareiLooc tUtrdol wtiieb i* freati. In my alMwace apply to Samuel A. Grier or flemta At Priwentt.nt Fori Gwlnwa. Janunri Hi. JAMB*BRIER. .). B. & W. A. ROSS, Wholouilean<3 Retail DRY GOODS 4 GROCERY M HFtCTTANTS. II a con, < corgi a. Alan. Agent* lor Wlarder’* and Wnmm’B | Hewing Mooli inn* aetll- -wit LUMPKIN HOUSE. I.UMI'KJN, NTr,WART f'O. <iA. Hui>*criber # having purchas'd tho ia£l ah ‘ >v ® l*°uie,i* resolved to make it one wnrihv the patronage ol the travelling public. If good lam and utientive norvant* *huld entitle a Hotel to cuwlorn, tbe unddraigucd HaOer* hiinoelf, that those who try him once, will cornu again. Connected with tho Hotel, are curnino diou* Ht*hle* with trusty < idler*. Octjy. wti. JOH> YARBROUGH. 3BHOWi’S HOTEL, i OPPOSITETIIK PASHENGKIt DEPOT MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR, B. F. DKNSE, Superintendent, gy* Meal* ready on tho arrival of every Tram. Macon,(*a. t April 16, H*srt wtl. BEDELL & WEEMS, ff AVK removed t-- the corner formerly oceu -11 pied by W. A Redd. A. Cos., lately by Watt and Sappington, where they will kM)p cuuatantly ou build, h well *e lev ted stock of GROCERIES, con slating in part ol Bacon, Bagging and Rope Sugar and Goilee, Liquor*, A(.c. Ail ol which they offer at toe lowest market price*. Aug NEOKOES! NEGROES! WE are conutuntly re;ivirtg from Vir gtma and North Carolina a large JRfa and well suheted woek ol Men, Wonjen,*!tfl noya and (jirl*,including Held hands, house servaut*, roechanic*, dtc., bought hy one o’ ‘ the firm exprivaly k>r thin market. Our friend* may roly on getting uegroe* of good eharactei. coming up fully to our representation*—a* weaoil none on uoininiiaiou HATCHKK & McGEHBE. July 2ft, JB!WL-wll PLANTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. COLUMBUS,<iA , JuneY*l, WSS. iy^v\Ws THE tud’ r*fged return their thanks fiJaHjjto their friend*ami the public gem-rally the liberal patronage heretofore baniuw ed, and hope hy a strict attention to Lublohm) to merit lurihcr favor*. They ere happy to *tte Hint lb'-v have secured the service.* ol Mr. J M. WATT a* Book-keeper, and Mr. W. A. BELL ELL a* aaleamao.who will l happy to serve their friend* and the customers of the house. DILLARD, POWELL A CO. Coliinihii*, Jinm 99. IHWt. — wly ALABAMA LANDS FOH SAX. 23 ! I ACRES in Henry county, 3 mile* below I 0/1 ColiiinliMi on Itie Chattahoocheo fiver, and ‘ ‘."S mile* beloxv Fort Maine*; H3<i acre* are cleared 1 000 acres ornrlv<r bottom, which will produce from 20 ; to 60 bushel* Corn, or from l,tWt to 2,600 pmioda of Ii otton to tiie acre On the place me ail Ute necessary j improvement* Mouses for Negroes; goodxvniei. and ja* healthy * liny section in Alabama For further j particular*, apply tome nl .Midway, Ala , or R Allison and A o .lanes on the premise* ! Also. 1200 m-n s Land, near Midway. Barbour roun tv -HUoacre* cleared--all fresh huving U-en cleared | Vii iln 1 Inst seven year*. This is strong lime laud and w dl piodnee from ‘Jo to 30 liuhlirU t orn, and from oicn to two ihousioid pounds eotimi per acre liuprnvi ments Um—lbe dwelling rout I*4.(WU. mid I* situated •mi m high sandy ridge, \x nil good wruer. uud every coiiveuiencn desirable- ill country residence . Both <>f these places are known mi foiumlm*. t.o , wln;r*r inquiries can be made. I invite those who are purchasing, to exnmine these places during the coming spring and niiinmcr, mid Judge them by what they ate. V. A. HOME. Marc h Id— vvtf Midway, tlartemr Cos Aia. BtiiiLiLA M®!o | I'.ATING SALOON. i WILL Im opc-nod by thine, _ j VMV4tlt ol October T^j%k Boarder* will bo taken hyjJJJCjE i tin* inoiith, week <>r day. Mi-mlh at ail hour* day i or night. (rrT M 1 H II A It will alweya be I supplied with tlit* Choiort*! Liquors and t'tgar*. Thm House is two door* b*low (he P. U ocl4—wtl. K. VVILHLLM. Proprietor. SPROTPM ( F.LLURATEU VERITA BLF. OJ.I) ENG El SI I, AMERICAN* BITTERS. AN INESTIMABLE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANl> SOIIINTH'II'AU.f prnparvd from me original recipe of oli Mr. Mprott. amt muineniiy success lull and highly , popular phyeirinn of Horopehire, EnglamL Thvse highly palatnh'e ami tigrecahie htllei*being ooinpoeett ot I't’KKI.Y VK.UETAni.K EXTRACTS, Judlr ocisly tfllocted and ski ‘fully compounded Jure OouSdently rocoinmended to ih public, for their Valuable Medicinal Properties, e 1 For Leasoi Appetite, Nervous Meuillly, Liuttil, MyspepslH, they are tudirpeuoahle. In fuucTional deraitgemriilA of the 1.1 ver and Rhine v*. nsweil u* Jaundice. Rheumatism, limit and i.rav.l, .hey area ••*itn > qua non’’ Cm Female Complaint* |thl prepnrtion ia pccu i liarl) adapted. For children harrassed with thn Colic, and the pa'tm of Meiitition'it is a soothing n-naM.-r ; A* a stlmuln* to luvaUds, the enuvlded and sick these hitters are itn*ur|>a*Mhle and fn c tYx>m \idio- Itol and, are a sure pn-xeulive of Ciuß* and Fever, BlttrCTlONB A wu eg-Kss two or throe tinieaaday. For ladles tw thirds; t'l.iblreit tti proportion. .For xerywesk stomach* ouothird water. Prepared at at Fav*s Laboratory, Montgomery Ala Ta bec kid ol Mruggist’s and country merchants* generally. Sept.2—artf MI'LL. MUc'R A. c< >. J S PKMREIITON A CO THO3. MACKENZIE & SONS. Importers of SADDLERY war o-ware, MA N U ¥ ACT t’ KK RS OF PLATED COACH AND GIG HAMES, AND DF.ALFHH IN CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. No. ‘l2 ! Baltlmorr-al. Near Clinrlrt, BALTIMORE. February 14, I*o—wly* llook-kccpiu^! VN Y HOI'HR. mifOfed in a wholesale, rrtnil. ship ping, oi i'oinnuwilon Business, desiring its Honks kept bv Double or Knigle Hntix . either with or xvnb •ut a Journßt, is referred to the sabsrola'r. xx ho wisli e* 4 situHitou Ht is factory reference can be given. TIIOM VH COLL.M AN Cuthbeit.Gn. Feb. 81-Dll PILES, FIVTULA. STRICTURE. r.VNI’KKS AND SLUG FT LA CURED. |)AMPHLF.TM coniaiaing toad mo mala of the liirhest I cliaraitei, ns to hi* sxiccess will he lorxxnrded to any Iliat iony uishtiiaiu. Thoaßwiabiag t test the eif t . i. vol |>i CI.OP'rON'H xxomlerfiil reiuedi; •< miisl gix e n correct description oftM disease, its npimninnc# iu Us incipient stage, prewnl coiultlioii, lociumu. Ac. A Utreu •<•! *uiaiit must ixmmqcw.x nl! coniHiumca lin us Nddres- .1 A CLO|*TON. iliintrtVille, Ala Cl KF.ff (U AH\NTF.I.D mr*Bw lx TO CON SUM I‘IiVES. \l l.t RG \ XI AN htiviiq; fined In* son offoneUtnp . lion iii l* w*o>t singe*, after brdng given up to die. by 1h most celebrated physician*, liesirv* to m ike known Hie mode ol the cum.(whichpnvts mukssi'iil ih every yuse.) to those afllictnl with Cough*, Ootda, ami Coasuinpte'n.and he w ill send the name to any nd dress, fre# of cliarge Addr***. enclosing tw o stamp* to pay return postage. D VNIKI. ADFK. march? wfjl *ll #eiitn itiwt, N Y HR A Vim A KOKtiKR, 30 BROAD ST. OFFKK Til 818 BXdEW.BNT STOCK of PIANOS MELODEONS, &C., If| ’{"f| AISoi prlcti. * A gHudViulwfurMW; fModemi-- rr.m to fI2,S. AUo, mioxio Hoiit llr)tri for I'lcuroh or l-arlor ol Coll *■■'• eujuniw.- l 3* BrouJ K.rool JU, I—lrjjr. s'i.Mi Reward. A .NEGRO man with wife ami JR , i tiilii.pilbcf run au a> or Were i.|olcn yLC from the nt*eri t-r, near Kll rn*’ in ll liri* eounty, lift , oil It* l ITtti uit , Tin-negro man L about 3H year* old, J* su sett or over in heifht, raw boned and of a very dark copper color The * y vvoinaii i* 2byear*old; bears a*tiong JC tmL Tfc - reaeoihlanre to tier iiMKluuid both in • ‘ and feature, but ofo little darker complex bin. Tlm? child h a hoy and aged one year. Ttnouj;nefroes belonaefl flirineriy lo lr. Km-u if Limeal'oio: Hpruix 8 t . and may probably be making an attempt to leiuntto that place. The above reward will be given for Ihe arrent of the neporu and thiovis, with proof in ronvic Lor fifty dol lar- for the safe conflnem* m of tl* negrr>s them nelve*. j Tim Atlanta InialUgcncerandthe Macon Teleyraph ld<‘M*e copy In wecfclv one ni<>nt|i and forward lulln to tbi office. II L. LOWE M i) . 1H.V.1- ail .. ALABAMA LANDS i oit xi.i:. S ! , MV FLAMTATION adjottimg rbe Inion Hpimita, ■ oitlauona SMNIau re> 7or UWicru cleared, in good repair and cultivation, willi ■i, now framed buildiiigH of all kind* for the mauageuißt of miclia farm. Tlm? balance well tiin bci’ il. The Intel luciudes ihetuosl beautfui buildin* situation in tin- Hpriug*, a floMrirdthig village with good school*, lo wlm.ii point the M<die A Girard Railroad 1 will reach tills fall, and n'hhit m ai#o the point of in tersection of the Moulgomery Hailromt The tract i* j of iime character, embracing Hammock. Prairie and ! Ridge l.ionls I Or, I will will myGakrbes pia e, lying tour mil’s from rtuspeiiiOou, n |>epof < u the Mobile ft Girard ! (load, containing I Jr2U acre-*, ;*.o th nred, in good rc | pair and roitivution. About baifol it *-* Prairie, the | reto'tinder IbimoMM k und Rideelatods, well Ihnbeicd, i with good hewed log house*, and a framed k* bouse I I t*e lotted tbes* lands early from location and •piaiuy ibrmy ow n use, ami I am only induced id sell one of I llieui now to make an experiment on some swamp j lands in Louisfai ■ If. IILAt-'kMON. hunnenuggee, Maconcotintv, Ala. 1 (j'/’*'Augusta f'onstHiitioiinitat and Kavannnh Itepub lican Will (ilease copy and forward bill this office I for collection. mavlft w 3rn. NOTICE. -wat The subscriber offer* tor sale valuable i*lock Farm in the 7lh Utdriil ol Worth conn . Chi . consisting of'-.MO acre--. 1 l and, 1.7t10r I6n Acte* open Lands, n new <m Hmtse ami JcreW upon tire plaec. 160 or ‘o*l bead of I'attle. about the same number of hogs, and SB lo ad of sheep Terms will ‘<■ made occoniimrdmm gaud strH-tly so when the casli isoltered. Lnipnn.* ,u Albany atlas if ill's Livery Htabb-s. for directions to the place, fam i wtf J Horn H. KKNDAI.L RICHARDSON’S IRISH X-HSTEIsTS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS Ac. CVONrtIiMLKH of Rnliardson’t Linens, and those de. ) liruui of obtaining the CEMIN K tOOlrrf, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed w ith the full name of the firm, a©saAeea)M, aae a enn, as a guarantee ol the soundness and diiraldlfty of tire Goods This caution is rendered essentbrily necessary, as large riMantittes of mlt-rior and defective Linens are prepared, season afiet season, and sealed with Ihe MM lilt lURDMfNI, ♦> In-ii Hooaflt, who, regardless of the injury thus innu iedalike on the Atm rn Hit toiooimer and (lie maotil’artureni of the gemone goods, will not readily iibundon a husiueas sopntfiiable while purchasers can lx; imposed on w ith good* ol a worthies* character. J HI LLOt ‘KK A J It LOt ’KR. nov.lA w ly. Agent* Sfl t'hurcli *Uwl, N V IRON SCREW, 111 AVK pun based of Mi James Massey of Thom usville, tin. the right to Ibe use of bin Patent Herew for the muiUVes of Macon, Kussi-U and Montgomery, Ais. The Post os w sllas ttie He raw is of Wrought Iron, amt has the advan age of luing so cornphtle a* to but hide room fur its erection, ll may be pul up either in a tali lint room or u epurnio room, us maybe preferred; it. packs finely and conveniently Without lb- use ufa mule. They will tie put up oti reasonable terms and guaran teed to give satisfaction My address u Itaidnwav, Mar on conrttv. Ala JOHN K IM W Reference W J, Tarver, Jus. G Hanks, Loon. Ala. Mr Ita—The Iron *crcw that Mr Mn*e\ pm up tier me Inst fait, prove* to do good work, m a very •atistiUi'ory man tier, tor which reason, a* well as be cause it i* convenient and •* well protected, I am much pleated with it iotin, JL T PER*MNn Mare It 14, IN.W—whin. WANTED, fIiXA HI MHRUt clean, well-saved < “w Hair, sJWU mavrn-xvtf. it l coi.F.MA.N TKOY FACTORY, ( oliiiolmim, Iff? I'.tho have thinday ptirchaaed VV I rum J ante'* Hannllon. tli I roy Ivctory mnl entire stock, ami will continue the bumrteex i u.ider the tiutito and “I vie ol Troy Munufactuting | Compauy and will tuanulaoturn and keep con | stnrtily on baud, at wholesale and retail, I lmira, Ikerlstew<lm, Wardrolirs, Tubs, Uui krli, Safes, Tables, Vlureana, 1 and other Mouse Furnishing art idee. All orders j add maned to the Troy .'VtauutarMurtng Company, will receive prompt attention. JEFFRRSON & HAMILTON. j Jon ter it Jkffkrßon, John 11. Hamilton ! Columbun,Ga , April t'J. PRJC ESTO St IT THE n.M'S. THE EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO, OFFER their varutua styles ot Good*, compri sing OBNABURGS, Y ARNS, FASHION, (or stripes,) PINK-KNOT PLAINS. NEGRO KERSEYS, ! SOUTHERN LIN FEY s, “TRUCK FOR TROWSKRS, M COTTON ROPE, Ac. Ac. AT greatly reduced prices. They invite the suecial attention of the Trade to their Stock which i* co.nplete in every reatiact J. RHODES, BROWNE, Agent Colufubun, Doc. 6, 1857. twltwtl. A CARB, 1 NOW'have on hand a targe assortment of VKHI CI.I7H, ol the finest maleruxl and choieest niauufai hire ever befuru olTered in thia uiaikei, * ibractng COACHES, BERLINS, CALKECHES, Mock [('aleeches, Hnckaxvayi, TOP AND NO TOP BUOOZH’B, ALHO. a SPLENDID HTOCKOF New York Trotting Buggies, OF KYKRY HTYLE AND DKHCKIPTION. which I ofter on better term* than can be afforded else where, for cash or tpproxed credit. I am about w imliiig up my business, and would he obliged to all indebted |*y note nr account, to call and settle either by cash or salislhctory renewal VII who omit this xvdl find their rtatm* in tin’ hands nf an i ---ternev lot colleelKin II ( McRF.K. Nil All those who do not intend pax lug xxulioiit being sUfd. are notified that five ra-r cent, w ill be de ducted bv calling at the cuptaiirs office and settling forthwith || C. M.KKK ('(dUHitiiis, January SI —wtf LIOHTE & BRADBURYS, riittin Forte Haiiiifneturers, 141 llrmiiur Street, Xn* York. UJH desire to call tlu* attention of the Trade, and of the public generally, to our Piano Fortes, justly pronounced superior to all Ti here in volume, richness aud purity of tone—possessing also a pecu liar singing qiialit). adapted u> aud harmonious w nit tiie humau voice They am* very properly called ihe “Orgm* nr Vweul huno “ l. *•* made xxMii the Patent Anh Rest Plunk, they w ill stand itt turn- tn all cl!- mates. NVe guarantee out customers that no efforts that a life long experience, untiring industry oi capital can procure, will be spared in uiaiiUain for our in*tru tnenl* their xvoild-wnle reputolkoa 0* ’thn bent hauu,” and that every nuproxcinenl of intrtnatc value to a Piano will he found hi om- All orders xvtth which we may Ih* favored will be prompt!) ami huthtuliy attended to, K M PI iOY M E N T. WO A MONTH AND ALL I’.XPF.NHKH PAID An Agent is wanted in ex cry loxvit and count) in the Lulled Htates to engage m a respectable and eax business, bx which the above pn>tit may be lertamlx reali**d. For further partieularv, mhfre-s I)R. J. HENRY’ WARNER, coiner of Rroadwax and 18th street. Nexx York city, emlosing postage stamp April 18, IMs‘d—xx Jin DR. W. W. WILSON, im DUUGS, Medicine-*, Cl.PtnmaU, Book*, St*, tiooorjr mid Fancy ArticU*g, TgltH*tHxo. (4a . Sept ‘J4. w—ly. GKORGlA—<'hrtllHhoc!t*f 4'otiiijr. Xl7 HERE AH, Oahoru G W lOMm* apidies to me for ? v letters of Adfn.nistrntion on the estate of llub batt William*, late ol said couuly, deceased: These are I here fore tn rite atidadutonish all and sin gular tin- kindred und creditors of said deceased, lo ba ami appear at Ui) office on or before the tirst Monday in August next, and shew cause, if any they have.w hy said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under imv hand 01 office. June ih ifijy June 13-w4od E W RAIFORP Ordinary, ©tolTlKiniM l m. BMMIML& ®® a9 AUK RECEIVING Their Spring Stock of REACT MADE CLOTHING I 01 TIIEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, Comprising a greater variety of choice Goods for Spring aml Shmin e r Wear, Than can be found KLewhere. They rciqioct fully invite the attention of all perfton*, who desire a GOOD GARMENT mode in the BEST MANNER possible, ami WARRANTED to be as represented, to their late receipt* of SPRINC3- Ac SXJIVCIVrEFt. CLOTHINO. Also—To their Kitriniir Slock ol (Kent's furmß!)iito 6aotrs, Now receiving, which embrace* every article of comfort and luxury needed for a Gentleman's war drobe; SiiIRIS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ac. Ac. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Mode to Order in LATEST STYLES by experienced Workmen. 7ii at o, ?ir. 10, ?i ato,7iia ts ot every style and arade now worn. XJ MBfIEIXaXsAS* a large stock just received. Call and examine our Good* before purchasing elsewhere at No. 125 Broad Straet, Columbus, Ga mar 12, JBs9—dwtf. J. It. DANIEL &, CO. T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER Successor to S. B.^Purple,cor. Ilroail Sc Randolph st. COLUMBUS, GBOnOIA. arjsra WAflfJMiußa* STERLING SILVER & PLATED WARE. HAIR WORK., A bountiful variety >f Pattern*. I w ill makato order any design und style and plait you may requiro. WATCHES, CLOCKS Ac JEWELRY Repaired by competent and experienced Workmen, ant warranted. <’AN ES ! CANES ! Gold, Silver, Ivory Loaded Heads—Hickory Crooks and Sword* C PEBBLE SPECTACLES, GoldftSiStwl Pramcs, of the best quality manufactured. Gi***** set in oht I none* lotuitol* eyes. I invite the attention “fall tmuy .Stock, and will show it with pleasure, whether yoi purehese or not. Xffi-l’urplo’Bold Stand, Comer It mod mid Randolph Streeta. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 30, 1858.—dwtf T. S. SPVAR. UKtlttGlA t'hattaliooilif* countyi CkaMnhoo* k** Court of Ordinary, Jan. Trnn’bV. Present K CJ RAIFORIL Ordinary. T TON the Petition ol A I Prather and Horace M Jenkins, administrators on Bin estate of Leinue j AY Cade, deceased: ll is ordered, that alt persons concerned shew cause. ] on or before the lir-i Moiidav in August next, why said Prallier and Jenkins, should not bcdl-mivsed from said administration. A um-transcript from the miimu-s of said Court, Jail 10th. I*su K H RA IFOR I. Ordinary. 1 Jan. 16, IB6o—wills. t.LOKi.I t tmtliihoofirr*** County. C'AothiAoocAe* Court of Ordinary, Jan. Term ‘5'J. : Present L <J. Rnifiwd. Ordinary. J TPON th** Petition •*’ John It. p. irk man. Adininui- U traloi de boms non on ihe estate of Hurrana Piirkman dccea*ed. It is ordered that uilpi- I son* concerned shew cause, on or before the tsl Monday in August next, why- he should not In? dismissed from said adminisiratiou. A trm transcript fiom tin- miuiites of said r’ourt, January IH, |HSV K M. UNIFORM, Ordinary. January lift, IIHF-irtai UKnttakooche* Court ts Ordinary lire. Term 1858 Prcwsut E. U. KwilorU, Urdiuary. IT I ON the Petition of flyman Alhrilfen. Admimstra ) lor on the estate oftirwa Bendy, deceased: It is ordered that ail person* rimmiiiil. shew: cause, if any they liaxe, why saw! A dministratoi should not be discharged from sunt admin'slralion hy older of said Court, on tltsflht Monday ui June, IKilr A true transeript from c minute* of said Court, D’ ember 14, IhAW. dec 18— wftm. E. <i UAIFORD, Ordinary KILL NISI. GEORGIA—MaMogN County: Court of’ Ord.nary, February Term, 1858. I'AMK* M KIIMMKLL. adininwirator of th< estate* of John M Russell and rtarab K Russell, decawaml having applied for disniission, from said admniMUration Thera lorn, ail |*ersons com erned ace hereby notihed to shew can*e (if any they have) why sab! adminis trator should not tie di-iiiissed a', ihe Court of Ordina ry to be tietd in and tm said county oil the first Mon day in Be;uinber treat, and that this order be |Uildi*h *d in terms of the lan A true extract from thn minutes of said Court. Feb 111, IK6U —wrtm. JNn JOHN HON. Ord GEORGlA—Chattahoochee County: Court of Ordinary, April Term, 185. If PON the petition of N . N Howard, iid hi mist rat or J on the estate of Charlotte Morgan, deceased, for tellers o| Disnuaslon, It i ordered that all ;er*N*ns roncernnd. shew raiisn, if any they have, on or twrore the tirst Mondnv in Or toher next, why liesliouid not be disuiissed irom said adinintslraiion, otherwise letters will then he granted. A true extract from tire minute* of raid Court, April 4th. Ih6<i. L ; RAIFOKD, Ordinnrx April 10th. 1858.—wtun. FOR H WALK - Agreeable h> ah Order ftwm L the Itunorabie Court of Ordinary of Chatta li.H>ctiee c*anty,(ia w ill he sold ketore the Court House door in the town of Cuwsetn. in said county. on the first Tuesday m June, next, within me legal hours of sale, lot of Lund No. ih'J, in the 10th district of said ronnty; also a likely negro girl. Hold as the property of Hose* Putnam, deceased, tor the to n. lit of credi tor*. Term* made known on tie dux of sate BUZ ARE I II Pi . \ kil. Ex’* April I Ith. 1852 - sliiii GEORGlA’ —Chattahoochee County: Chattakoorkuu t'ourt of Ordinary, Feb. Term, ’59. Pre-eui K ti. HAIFuKIL Ordinary. ITPON the Petition of N N llowitnl, ndniintarra ) tor on the estate of Lift lei on Morgan, deceased; It hi ordered that all person* concerned.shew cause on or before the first Momt.iy in Hepiember next, w by od\ N Howard shoiiht not be dismissed from said administration A true transcript from the morales of said Court. February l. INJW E ti. lIAIFORD, Ord February I I— wrtm. \d in 11l Ist rut or V* NaJe.— Agreeably to an or der of Ihe Court ol (irdiuurx of Muscogee county, fia , will he sold at the Market House in Ihe city of Co (limbus, in said rountv. on the timl Tpesday in July next, during the legal hours of sate, one house and lot’ mnlniMiiig three acres of land, tv tug about three miles from the city, on the Muscogee Railroad, know n a* the Idlest whereon Mrs Mur) Hpne* now lives. Hold as the property ot perry Browning, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditor*. IVrmi* Cash R I. PATTBRHO%, Adm'r MARTHA BROWNLNt;, Adm i Mav t.Mh. IHs2—w (<M GEORGIA— foabty: TWO months after date application w ill he made to 1 the Ordinary of Mnarogee county for leave to sell ail the real ami personal estate of William U. Moore, deceased. NANCY’ A. MOOR, Adut'x. May .10,1*58-w2ni (iKOIH.I \—ChaliMhoot'lie#’ County. IV r HKIIE.VB Thomas 11. U'lngham applies to me IV for letters of Guardianship a the persons and property of K. T ami J. V. Hickey, nuno. .oohans of John J. Ridley, deceased, ami residents ol stud cnauty All persons couceraed are hereby notified and re quired to appeal at my otlice, on or before the Diet Monday Itt July next, and shew causa if any they have why said letters should not be granted to said appli cant Given itiidar mv hand at office. May 15th. !86d ttay IQ*-m 30d E.G RAll uRP Drffiaary GEORGlA—Chattahoochee County: CkattakoocKur t'ourt nf Ordinary Feb. Term, ’59. Present E (i RAIFOKD. Ordinary. ITPON the Petition of William H. Johnson, admin ’ istratrntor <tt bom* mm on the estate of Isaac Crosby. deceased It is ordered. That ai! persons concerned, be requir ed to show cause on nr m*t>i* the first Monday in Hepiember next, why Ite saouid not be dismissed from said adnunmuutioii. A true transcript from the uiimitea of said Court, February lath, 1859. Fehntarv 1 **—wfin E G RAIFfiRD, Ord UKOHUIA, Miucogte County. \ DMINIHTRATOR H HAI R By virtue of an *‘Y order from the lloaorabi* Court nf Ordinary of Moxcoget county. Ga., will t sold, at the Market House in llte city of Columbus. Ga.. on ih- tirst Tues day in June next, within ihe legal hour* of sale, two negro wen. GILBERT and Ilk.Nßi . belonging to the estate of John K DuriMfteon, deceased Hale (bribe Ik-lie lit of the legatees. Gilbert and Henry are well known iu Coliinitni-. ami {Miaae** highly valuable •praline* I Hors J. DAVIH. Administrator. Mh> ‘i w4ikl with the will, Arc Y#tlce to Bebtora’and Creditors.--All i. a |ier*ou* indebted to the estate of Franns'Jetei, tote of Merriwathet County. Georgia, deceased, are hereby r<qe*ted to lo maka immediate pay ment, and all holding demand* against -aid deceased arej hereby notified to reader them in ® us. duly au thenticated, w itinn the iline prescribed hy law,for pax - iue.,l L II JtTKR, I ll M JETBR, May 23, GEORGlA—CbatUhoochew County: UV IIERF. AH William Bagley applies to me for let ter* of Aduimistratioii on the estate ol .Mawuel Jones, late of ssid count) deceased: These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and Mo dular the kindred and creditors of said deceased In he and appear at m> office on ot before the first Mouday in Jul) jiext. then aud there lo shew cause.if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted, to said applicant Given under my hand and official signature, this the 84th day of Max, 1851* May 50—w4od E (. RAIFOKD, Ord OBORGIA, Talbot Ctnnly. lA’ IILKLAH John E Barkesdale applies to .me * * tot letters us guardianship of isaa( liarvc v: These are therefore In rue and admoMtsh all ;atson9 leungon interest 111 said guarduutship lo be and n;pear i my office within the lime pre-a nhed nv law, then and Uieiv to show cause, it any they have, why said letter* should not la- granted Given under m> official signature, this 85th May 1858. M ARION BKTHIJ N F., Ordinary May 30. w3od. UKORUIA-Talbet eownty, Sjxrial Court of Ordinary May 25(4 186®. lI7HEKRAB Mr- *Kiznih Ford, Executrix nf the * Estate of John W Ford petitions Uus Court tor letters of Disnimsiori: Be it ordered, that ai! person* rottcerned !>• ami ap p#*ar at toe December Term nett enauing of thuoiurt then and there to shew cause, if any they have, whv •aid letter* should not he granted. A true extract from the Mium-t* of said Court, May 85th. I *sß M ARION BE Fill NK. Onlmary. Mav 3h. lUstf win.. UKOKLI A-ffttvogre C'oanly. Court of Ordinary Marck Term, UL’LK NI Hl—Whereas Mary Russell; Adminwtra tns of the estate of William R. Russell, deceased, having anplied for diamiMooii from aauladuunislra'mn. It i* ordered. That all persons concerned show raiiMt (H anv they travel why said admiimtrstnx lio U ld not lie iliammsed at the 7ourt xf Ordinary to be held in and lor Mid comity on Ihe first Monday tu October next, and that this order b published iu ternia of tl law A true transcript from the minutes of said Court’ Marrh Kill, IBSV. mar !•—w Am IGIVN JOHN RAN. Ord JOSE MIR A CO.. (SHORTER* ;OP HAVANA CIGARS. RANDOLPH ST COLUMBUS, OA. Two Doors West of the Columbu* Titn** Offieu. Ur||.L keen constantly ou hand a urge a*jmuoel •humOHOlfliHT BR v\lts. Orders item ihe nointry are respactlUßy solicited, and w ill be filled at the vary low eat pro * lor cuali January 15 dwly. nPHE Subscribers will ccmUoihi uotter tbo sans A lisme sod Stylo—a *ooeral STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT TIB FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRK-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful ter thn past liberal p-.tronage ol our friends, wo solicit its conlinuaoce, tod pteds* out individual sxerttoos to pleosa all who may eatruar tbetr busmens to u*. W ora preparud to grant usual faoilitiea to our customary. HUGHEB D.\N IEL A 00„ Wm.H. ilruaas, W. Damtri., WruiC. Homm Arc . rs. BARLOW’B INDIGO ELITE, FOR BLUEING CLOTHS. A FEW grains dropped in a tub ot’ water being suf ficient fbi a whole wa*h Sold by JOHN W BROOKH, April 21,186 V DruggiKt (xKll POTAsiT JUST raeeirad by April 21 JOHN W BROOKS FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. HAVING made our for )|| the Fall trade, we deeire to purchase SO or Bixty Likely Kegroei. ol good character, consiatinK of 7000* men, women, plough boy*,and gi*la, for whom the hignest marketpnee will be paid. Peracna ha ving negroe* for sole wiiihud it to their to give u* a call. W* will receive anti sell Ne - groa on CommiMion and no efforta will be spared to make Hatisfactory aalee, for thoae who may j place their negroes iu our charge. Liberal advance* always made on negroes when desired > Call atlhe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, augii—wtwtf 50 A*, fll Broad Street. Economy and Progression, IN this age of advnnement, many things new and invaluable have baeii introduced net the phan loins of other age*, but new ones, >f souud aud prai tii si utility. In wo other department h pregraesion bet ter marked 01 more vuubi) lo be seen (ban in the med; n sl. when origuiiiting with competent men and cousin ed to scientific limits. Precisely of that charm In are the following remedial agent*; none will prove more efficient or oooffim ‘needed Dfl LITTLE'H AMMHNKt'OIfiH BIIOPS. A mew amJrrrtatn mm* for CVr/*s. (MA, Artkma. Patm in the Breiul, nUo Crimp, * H Hu-ptm# t\m#kg, On aCktldren. This is a pleasant medicine to take, producing imine diate relief, and id mue out often rase* a prouiptcure. It exercise* the most controlling mfiueuce over Cough* and Irritation ofthe lung* of any remedy known, of ten slopping the omst violent in a few hour*, or at most in a dsy or lan Many coses thought to be de cidedh consumptive, have been promptly rured by us ing alw iMittlea, and wearing Little's strengthening Plasters on the chest. As anodyne expeclorani, w iih outastringing ihe bow’els, it stands paramount to all coogh iiii*tur*s DOLLAR VERMIFUGE. Prepared and put up tu bollles and phials, only by W. G. Little. In using, nothing else i required to relieve children of worms; and, beside*, being one o llie best and chvajieat ever oflerej to the public, its fVequeut use in tbuitiies willsave much trouble and expense, as well as the lives of inuny children; for of At out of every ten cases generally require it. Ur. Little’s French Mixture. This is prepared from a French Recipe ;iu tbe form* of No. I and 2; the first for the arttte, and No 2 for tbe ibrume stage.) that has been much improved upon in this country; and from its unexampled success is likely to supercede every other remedy for the rare of diseases o| the Kidneys and HUdder, Gouuafrrhivxl. and I.ucrhurrhoMl of Fluor Alhtis Aflkctions. This extensive romponqtlfOWlbiues properties loisily dub i •nt in taste and character frum auvibiitgio Ug fuuml in the I nited Hiates Plt.inuacnp.ea nr in private prai tire; und in point of safety and etßchntcv is not rival led in A lurin'a. DK. LIT!LF'S KING-WORM A TETTER 01 .MMKMT iluudr.-ds of cases of Cbroun Teller*.* and disease* of the skin generally, have hern cured by this retuedy. and since the introduction ol the ,N. 1 preparation (being stronger) *. ur. eiy a case ha* been found that it will not rlfertwlf) eradicaie in a short lime. For the cure of t'anceraus Sores and fleer* nis applied in Ihe liiriu of piaster* and in almost infallible Medicines, like everything else, are better and more economically supplied 10 Ihe great mas* of the people, by merchandize than in any other way. Physician* are referred to the 13th page of |>r Littles pamphlet, to tbe catalogue of medicine* of the Mate ria Medica. that to- uses iu < oaipouuding hi* ditfeiciit remedies, and asked to say If they arc nl Ihe chief re lionce of the profession, a* he himself has practiced medicine extensively for more than ten yearn, before retiring to the drug hu.-mes* HOLD IJN LITTLR Ik HKO Wholesale Druggist* Macon, Ga ; by Pemberton * Carter, John W Bro.iks Colaniims, and by .%fer hauls and Drriggisi* generally April 11, IH.Vl—wfVm dlaw Scrofula,'or King’s Evil, L a conatitutional diwase, a corruption of tke blood, by which this fluid become* vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in tho circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ ia free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is Variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, liltli and fllthy habits, tlie depres-nng vices, und. above all, by tho venereal infection. What ever b its origin, it is hereditary iu the con stitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “ I will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon their children.” AND JEWELER, Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, winch, m the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders iu the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they hare far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbfcrs perish by disorder* which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated bv the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the Sstem from its destructive consequences. encc it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eecptiyk and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, or Erysipelas, Pijam Potcm -, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Ruki m, Scald Head, Kinowokm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dot rases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arisino from Vitia ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood ” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue es this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. are so composed that disease within the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action* and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to famish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificate# of thtir cures and directions for their use in the following complaints; Cottier nru, Heartburn, Headache anting from disordered Stomach, Soumt, Indigettion, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Botcelt, Flatulency, Lott of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, fob tub rapid cornu or Coughs, Colds, Influmwi, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of its cures, that almost everv section of country abounds in persons pub licly know n, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over avery other medicine of its kind is too apparent to etcaiw observation, and where its virtuos are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate, while many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by overy trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to b.fc'gou™ PREPARED .V DB. J. C. AI'ER Sc. CO. LOWELL, MASS. Bold i.n loLI MBI'S BY ic (h[ !.■!> J A V, Iwlrwt.i,, A Oo nd