The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, July 25, 1859, Image 4

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Drain ot Rnftn I4ui*l This rti.iingui"li.'l *Mileran dl<Mt *1 llulirux on ibo 184**1nil. Ho m MHM >.v lo l:ur "( K ior hi* hoallli. Imt nniue In llrO uShn>r,l>l In dioalios to Hi* tlrft port of tbo vojtofo. b’- l"“ * oil ot the Hc flMo to leluro hol l •” ‘'orl.v doj-. The (into of Mr Clniote'o birth W. 1 Ttolct !.'■ I7BP- olid he wo# Itierofore in the Qhtliyoor <>l hi, ago at tbo tint” ->f hi death, lie graduotni at l-tortlotmth. with the klgtieft hnlii'i- in J l' l continued in tfi College ’* tutor one vi*r . h i entered the law iteh-wd at Fatnbridg**. (iM'rwiir t nUidicd year at Washington with Writ. * uud completed hi*tu<iion u Salon*. *!*•*•• *•* *•’ native county of L"* o *uit tci proctor <4 bis profession h Danvers, afUrwatd i to oalvm. and t|oedfiy obtained m prom ibent position nt thr li From thu period ni career has one ol iindodlttaf tUßft**, /or many years, especially etaw bis removal to Boeten in 1*24 he ha- b*-tn regarded m*u >1 the first American lW?fr*. The public life of Mr. Choate has been such i.- would bo quite *t iafaetnry to even the warm. - aepirenuifor public honor*. although rtifli hint quite subordinate to the more congenial I abut hie protbeelan. Uaserved in the curlier part -<f hie career, in both House* of the M.* - Legislature ; In 1 H.'t2 wa* elected from hi- native County to Congre**, in which body he served > ogle term and declined a re election . in Dll we* chuec.n V. R. Henatof in pla oof Demid Web •tar, who at time enter* 1 ‘ ,f !'’ • blent Harrison, andservod a* senator to the < Imo of the term in IHib, when he retired from publi> life. BiiMM the laet mentioned period, the oner fie* of hie mature and cultivated mind have liwn devoted to hi* profession, hi* legal pmeth-e hem. limited only by the physical power* which )>• could bring to hi* labor*. In politic*, Rufus (Jbootn was through life *‘Whig” uni*** hi* declaration for Mr. Bucfetinm for tin; I'reeWency in 186 ft, render.- it proper from that time to class him with the Democratic port v We do not however understand that he wm fully com in it ted to the doe trim* of the Hewocreti’ platform,--but thrp uglily notional and patriotic in bis opfhlon*, he wire compelled, n* a Prominent public men, to c.lumkwbetween the Hciwvdtupc parties in 1866, and unhesitatingly gave hi* support to tbo Democratic ticket, and inado a powerful epeech in favor of Mr. Buchan m’* elect ion. Since that period, like Kverelt, Winthrop, Hillard and other oiil Whig* of WtresonhlHietl*, lot lie* eteadiir refuted !.• < oqntenance auy Mfttlanal par tv, aud generally kept aloof from political us fair*. The hilling in I‘ptMMi -forreftlou. Ou the 4th Inst,, at the Warm spring* in Fj. e<nt county, lir. W hi. 1.. .Nelson, of rk-eeent I till. Taibotcouuty, was *hd. dcud by Mr. Henry t . **ft tipson. The ball entered the ion hrmi of Ir^.Noisou. Ah a diltcn-ucc of opinion ha* been < vprc*r< and us t the design or cbarni't< i ( of tlo siiot.Uug, wc will not copy cither version. The Rhorift'of Tuihot county write* to unto correct nn error in the of Wortln v, which bo* been given by au Augusta puper. Il< denies the statement of that paper, that \V.rih**y middle linger he* been cut off, and *ond* u*> the following deeciiption Henry 0. Wortuey is aboui six feet hlgji, tm skin, hirge l.luo ye, weigh* about HJM or I7t’ tiounds ; ue i about 2.'> year* of age, Imp dark iitir, (itnck when spoken to ; he has n liwsh scar mu hi* Jorehcud, received in the tight, and the end* of hi* forefinger* are probably cut with the point of hi* knife, a* lie hud it in hi* lieioh with the point down, covered with a handkerchief, and closing his hand itUck tbo point of the ktfltc in the end of one or two .f the middle Unger* on his right hand. Knifiti rer, I A Vi UK AT On Y AttOl’T A I.ITTIK Wool,- - Runic j of the itoetun paper* urt milking a great fo* ■ over Mr. Oeorge Sumner’s oration delivered Lc fore the civic authorities on the glorious fourilt. Mr. Sumner, who Hccrn* to be follower in flu* footsteps of his brother, th<* Senator, aired the Almighty Nigger instead of the American liaglr, and utterly annihilated Chict Justice Taney on the Dread Scott <|ite*tini). AIU-ofijwrvHtiye Uor ton is in a dreadful state of mind about it. and the Corporation has postponed ctinxiderfttimi id the usual resolution of thnuk*. itcally.. our caw tern friend* are making a great cry about, rt very \ little wool. Knowing the Siimuer doctiiue, Hint philoMipher wtw invited to orate, ami ithi*p*eli i was not palataiiiu ike authorities huve only them ■elvesto hiaiue. It certainly can do no harm. I*cau*c m one ever road* a Fourth of July on tion. and the Supremo t’ourt will ptohaldy g<> mi nearly thu saint* as before, if the liostmi anth> rities want a cut ami dried oration, why not take mi old oimoutof the severs I barrel* full tbatthey hove in their archive*. Then they con Id judge of the article beforehand, and prevent mistaki •. .V. y. Jfrraid. Baj.i.oows j* W.mi, Tho Timet In- i •he following. The Kmioryj - t Austria tni,k< op his min*l to do a rouarkuhl.v line piucn-ol Lmii* Quarter'., j strategy. Ho .'xwiite. ah c-Uihorntc* piece of old lashi-me-l deception, emsulni* the Mitsuio with bis whole font, and (Uuu ru*< r-.K*iug jt \vitU lu. two hundred thousand men. nnd lixiutf life eon touiplated surprise -i the mtmy a! 1* oVlwek in tho morning. The Emperor of (hft French, ri j restmting the juvenile Irregular t-cUuul, refuges lo he surprised. Having rernursn to a m>w*l.,iglo-l expedient which no trustworthy veteran who m count hitt seventy yours would oondeuccnd to ti*, he sends up a mini in u balloon: and, at the ex pense of a lew yards of silk and a few square feet of gaa, is told the exact pOhHUm of all those masses which are druwu up so soient rile ally -nil of hie sight, with the Intention of surprising him tot the comfortable, lot surely h*>ur of niu-- A. M. The tutiujof his time- -tlteelovcr, active, shrewd. ; nothing contemning adveuturor of thcjuiqetc-'iilh i century, by dint of this t-mul! contrivance. be I ooinos muster and the position. Ho knows whet .-j going to happen and where Ida enemy is, and { how many he is, and while the heavy, sols-com plaoeut Austrian is tihurkiiig at the fonnul sur prise that is to ootno off at II A. ftl., ho attacks at daybreak, chooses his own time and point of at tack, and remains master of the field. Tho Mm io rifle India to Kuglund, the rilled cannon wou Montebello and Magenta for the French: and to the same anil, eombinod with Die much ridiculed balloon reconnoiasanoc, the Frouch owe it that Solfarino was n Frciudi victory, and that lil. is now before Veroun. The lesson to Us is nl! important. Danokk op Naimh.ion. In u letter written from Milan, under the date of 111 It of .turn ,by a Soldier of the First Regiment of tho (Imutdiei* of the Quail, U UtU puss.-ge ’’•At the begin ning of the Iwvttle .f Magenta, when the ftbunVrs aud our regiment went t-. attack the Iridgo, the attended hy nil his stnfl. was clone be hind us, olid l assure you that, in spite ol the halls, the grape shot and the shells which flew in all direction*, he coutuaudcd as tranquil ly as if ho were attending a review. Hut at last the danger became n*. serious that his generals represented to him that it was not prudent t<> re main there. The Emperor however did not stir, and wo all had to surround lmu, and to tell him that his place was not there, in order lo induce him to retire a little.” Bowkii or umiWuer, whose name it is got nereesary now to give, had n *<m wh-> was quite a rogue, and withal • miothlng <-f a j wag. One day tho bay hud been guilty ol torn misdemeanor, for which the lather called him V-> | account, wheu the following dialogue took pla-w - “John, you have done wrong, ami l must pun 1 iuli you.” ••Very well, sir. just as you say.” “Thau take oil your coat. “Certainly, sir.’ “Now, take off your vest.” “Just as vou please, sir.’ “Now, my sou, it is my duty to flog you,” “Yes, sir, : but, father, would it not be West first to engage in prayer v ” This was too much for the minister : the wag gery of the son completely overcame hieft, so with out either prayer or flogging he dismissed the boy. while ho turned away to relieve hi* risible?. LffuA burglar wa> ou< e frightened out vl N scheme us robbery by the sweet simplicity of n solitary spinster, who. putUag her night-cspp. l head out of tho window, exclaimed* “<•■ w ■> aren’t you ashamed '!” Woman’s tub, like ingy-rubber, It stretch fle note -lo inure you lub her Woman’s love is like Scotch snuff, You get one pinch and that’s enough; Tuk WgATingn it Cwrtv* XT i We were um j led with a slight raia storm last night. Tluftliei i mometer during the weak ha* !..< ,-l tr-.m I*o I 100 degrees in the shade Troe religion - h<g i> iidvrnity, tempers pen pvritv, aad animate- u? with hope in the lmm ..f j death. Kvcry sodauh, rlc onto, and e vary day of id!* nass and uselc*.- living, fop? ,tf braia h from our short life. Kaundcrs, the Philadelphia souls-t. r. has just flnisbe-i a marble bust of the linn. Alex an drew 11. Staphcn* of tieorgm. An exchange says, the best erne for palpitation of the heart is to leave oft hugging and Mating the girls. If this is the only remedy that can be produced, “w, b.r om- ,*ay, let'or palpitate.” SprinyJitiJ lU/ukln on. There is Bo man so deep hut he bus a shallow plaoc. When the heart is out of tune, the tongue ] 4oxd gives good music. KASBM ANN’S IRONHOOPS AMD TIES, KOH r (ITT* IN H.M.KB. A.V.6 CVo u,,.rU„ \*S\ ine r* ii(drum? the advanta*** of Iron ov*-i Rojk- a* tiimloiK Mtlmi t*a**. will bo kiii|*n-ciJ that It ha* not been ■iluptr-rf Inna ago. In aaftiifeM flic there i* nn ovsrwhclinisg reason for it* adoption. Th<: j.rewney in the niMje/ri i hip* have been the mam I'rni**-.., ii ;i.t t*eina genetully arloptert; hut MOW that •h|cr-ti*n i“ removed ff*nerslly, Hint the Orlean* l*r •* -the largcxl in New Ortenn- gives it the prefareiMe over Rope., Thn Fa*matin Iron Hoop and Twiatlie ntjUQVeincnl of one at'the Proprietor*, usd i* arhipted rmn th* fm, that it I* found attar tomi**xpertinent, to i owihoie the gresfett mant* in shaghrity and farthtv of ftpjit| -<iiion ol'anv one tel made. It i**o prepared n* •’ ie*|mrc tm* tiNotfe to? rc ‘ -onpn <ing Thin* **t uaiing the only remaining difhndtv at the seaboard The hOop| an -rut ofany Iffligh, tioin right In ten feel, and a flitlgnsmutee given that neither the Tie* riorll'inp* wi.l bicak And tnrther. that all cotton tiMimd m them “hull lie received on the Maine terms at tbi Orltm* Pic hound rotmn I lie wt(ht liei Iml, ~ Hie mme .im rope, not one pound ll.'ii.- ~| |, || I ii f-limv the opinion <dif|tftta*ler” have ft, we give Hte following, muting Hliincrn'.h (:oiii(nt’ii.lulion we . Ttie uinler.-igited, niiiM’er* of vessel*, having hod ‘OMi|rr**.*w Willi pKNomann'o new Iron iloopa md Tie*, to n li> •<. uninimd the -tine. The halo* l*e U.llrotupr. -Ml. and the InittoiiM or hturps never lirciiktug when thrown down 111 the Whip’* lodd, or when Hiowe*r. I. I. t ’•■nd* \, t’splat ll of sliln Mo'< IhiVetiport, A. ytoliinMou, Madras. JaineaToiiia*, “ *• ll* .m ~ A Tuihot. • , Ibiri'H". oket, •"'.*! It. in ’ Juntee Flint John ft Wiiner, Mhllioiimc. If K<>ppi ntioldt “ M Klin A I lark, I. I* llarilJ, *’ “ li.ok Klmhnli. The prii rof Hoop* mid Tii'M l New Oilcan- im ix ent |*onnd, und JI order* will receive piompi at• tuioion i.dicral de dun lona ’ made to merchant* for Hly act cptancc. P It PM'll Fit, Agent. I2 1 , I omiueirial I'lice. New ttrlenn*. Jtfjy * • Ornw “ !■:. <. fOSBETT, BROKER and Dn.'nr in SLAVES, KAVANNAII, (iKORKIA. VI/ ll.h keep constantly on hand n gfMMI stppiy nl Virginia and flaorgln Negroes f.o ~a|. |.|c will also receive, hiiyund sell lortluar desiring hie servi ce* lir in also prepared to make the inoinl advance* on properly, holh real and pervonul. left in til* • liar go far siik. ftdn,. near tin- l*nlnki House and Post Office JtllV t. UMW -whin. Will n; SI IJ'lll It-SPRINGS, MrjRHIWIiTHEn COUNIY, -i_ TUB Pmndtdni* take oleastwe hi m forming their many irmnd* and pafiun*. • dial .lo ll Im.t-e hk-heen refitted, and is now open, under tln-ir own *upervision md control, ibr the accoiniiiodntioii of WO or run* goesl*. We slinll do what We i un In render ali our Visilors rnniforUlhie Daily 11.0-liH will run from l.ntfrauge to the Hprlng*. und Mewi*. Vernoy St ( >., wilt send up any party llmt uihv prefer coining ditevl liom (’nlnnibn* . It. M AltKri St HON June Imii. IMW-dJw w'4w. FOR SALE. r fTHK Subscriber, dofiring to movn Want, of I sere his residence for Hale, containing 4**o uerns of g'*w! upland fmi vnd) oak and biekory, aud pine. 1 00 acres cleared ntul In cultivation, HOO tlncly titobnred. mid in onn mile of Kurt Onines, the ierminu* of the R. W. IlHUroml. ft is one of tuu pleasantest places in thn Houth, and the wuior is iittogceptiousle. full and w it, as lam i determined to'sell. * DA NIKI, >l. BIU'NKRj .tunc LO. wfltn * jwu $75 REWARD, d* A KANAWA \ tioni the eubserihei on the j /M_ HI at hist, PKTF.R, a negro man about 34 urSA w\ ytisr* of ;g, ilvrk > uiplern*d,sf 0 <>r Mu high, f ■aiw... and woiati- aliout M* nr iAO poll ml- He I* j stip|M>sed to be either about Jtlic residenre of ilw nn- j dcr*lgried. ncsrOkmivil/H, or ut (:nfambus, Un. The / mliovc reward wiil W paid for Id* apprehension ‘and ! delivery to me, near Oswilchee, Ala ,ur 4*9oiUodgi-d I hi ini-, null-lad so Hint Inin get Inin. T i IIOYKIN, Jmn-v;- lm O-wilclicC, IbihMcllcoiuitV Alii mm MACHINES! I. 11. Nil*i;4T'!l, 4>. K.NltmOiV I o'", Wrovillw A 4001-ll'*. WH are prepared to take orders for either of the above celebrated Machine*, and purllculnrly invito llioce wishing to purchase to rail and see them before purchasing elsewhere, tuftillatiwr Air i'ION K*HM. julyO dat wtiteS r.MiIR A MATIUB. THOS. MACKENZIE & SONS, Inqioitcrfl of SAOOLERY HARQ-WARE, MANVFATTt'IIRIIH OF PLATE!) COACH AND *OIO UAMES, AND lII’.ALEKH IN CARSIASS THIMMINOS. No. kl‘l’4 Halt lmor*.*l. Near ( linrh-u, HALTIMORK,. Fell. 14, isiw-wty* BOOTS AND SHOES flTl WH havo ntiw in Store or |TJ PUMMIiR STOCK or Ladies, Misses & Childrens BOOTS Sc SHOES, which for quality, quantity, and oeonomy to the purchaser, furpusses anything bruught here.*— Among our Stock may be found— for .i:vm,i:us:y. (fonts’ French calf Dump 11-*<>!*, “ •• bight Welt. •• “ “ Calf Oxford Ties,* ‘• •• Kid ‘** “ “ French Calf bow Slums, Dumps, and ** 11 love “ •• ‘* light welted, “ C’on groat I'n If Halters, i 4 •• Kid “ l*at. beat her H niter*, “ Silk * 4 Opera “ “ Union ” basting Ties, I'ut. I.outlier Oxfords* I*umps A ’* w •* Scott Tic*, Slippers with and without heels, Highland Ties, And tt tuner -i* other kinds both fluehud common. i a i.\nii>. Finest Kblatol Mro*:co ami Congre** B. i:. tt.i i *oh . with ami without heels. 1 im-ftt v*;irp hi-dug lace ami ('ongross do. Serge -io Hem*, do do do do. Ftl gone do lo do do ludiMu rvtul Kuglish do do do. i iviii li ami HU*’ o Kid do do do. •* Kid Ueci Slipper-. I KngUvh Kid and Morocco do. busting do do. Velvet Toilet Slippers. French Kmbroidere*l Slipper*. White Kid Slipper*. Kulnml Morocco Uuskin*, French Kid Tie*. Oalfand H-*st lace Boots, with ami without ; heels.’ j MUses’ tiluvc Kivl Coagrcus lloots, •• Kngiish do, with and without heels. “ Silk wurp, •Sergo* and ” English lasting--Congress A baec Hait or*, with and without haul*. “ Fine K bl Slippers with A withouthccU White Kid Slippers, “ School Shoes- -something durable. (IIII,DRF.\. [ Children's (Congress heel Haitcrs, ” ba- c lo ci Haitcrs, ” Kid “ Slipper*. ” “ “ Ibmts, and about flfl ad* | •litiomtl kind* with and without heel*. A MKI.I VI IH kOl \cgr llrogans ami Servants S H O HSS, Sowed and Fogged, oonstaidly on hand. We arc recoiling frosh Hoods every week from our own Fact-Tie?. To Country Morohants and Traders w i-; ormumrit hoods at NEW YORK PRICES. Only One Prloo rr.'M whk'h .ill ho no .tmiaUun In any in suiice. A. C. SAUNDERS At CO. 102 Broad Street - Next I>oor to J. Kyle 4 Cos. Columbus, Ur. May S4. dwtf UL-jgA IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Uil ,le*uiUjr •l-'iir. .1 abort nutlo* TINES OFFICE Columhui, U. Not. 17—<ltf. CULLKXfI & TIIRMPBEET), - *A.TTOR3ST33'V AT X-.A-W, FftßT O A INKS, HA. Will practice jn flay and adjoining counties in Georgia, audio Henry county, AU. Apr*’ * ’MM w*f W b JOHNSON. t * mt I ’ .lOIJNSON vV RUCKKK, A.TTORNKVB AT W, j (IHHKTA, HfIATTAIiOOrfiKK COUNT'Xs HA. \1 f ll.l.give prompt attention to ail knsiucM enlriis- j VV o-il l>i iheiMiir.-Iltrooghoiil llio I'atnola Circuit, I ml lie t -HiHto-sot i’alhot, llsiri*. Marion, Taylor i andJH. lihry, of the rbattahoorhe* ('ircuit r. hrmo v li, IWI- wlv. *. JOAEk, Attorney at Law, union *i-kim;h, ala. Uril.l, practice in the different kiflfli tn Macon and nd|oinmg- Htrn t HticntMin given to the i oik* ||oi| ot Haim- fob3—wftfil T. .1. ii I ,\ A, ATTORNEY AT X.A.W. HAMILTON, <i\. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted told* care. Jan 2B 1868—wly. Tlioiti;)” H I'olili, ATTORNEY AT I,AW, I'HKBTON, W.-1.-t.-r County, On. Will prneiiee in the couutiflsof Clay, Chatta hooobee, W-bster, Curly, Randolph, Stewart und Smuter. Jbtrtii-ulnf attention given to collecting ami remiUiug. Jaii'Jfi 1867 wtf. WM. T>. KI.AH. TUADKI'g OI.IVKB. ElainA Oiiv.T, ATTORNEY AT I.A.W. BUENA VISTA, MARIONS. OtWI-y, OA, Will practice in the counties of Marion, Macon Stewart. Tuylor, Chattahoochee, and any of the adjoining counties, when their service* inuy be required. Also in the .District Court of the fni ted States for the District, of fiuorgiu. September 11,1868.—-wtf. Ni. N, HiiaKoi-tl, i Attorney at Law, m.AKKr.v, v. \ in.Y, ( 0„ o llLhrly lla., April 2. 15. wlf. ! ,la. A. 4'lenlinen, A'X’Trmnrmr at Ai*d Bollrlt4r*lii f liHiirrry , aijui.vjm.j:, hkmiv tor.vrv. ala. July IA, I HAH. wly. Rogers & fhdiratlcnrciil, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. VIENNA, Dooly County, Georgia, a. not,rum. m. tu-ußAtrirNtißtn. j May 27, 18611. Shorter, Chambers & Shorter. i ATTOJJNEVS AT LAW, EUFAI/LA, ALA. j Will practice in Barbour and the adjoining i counties of Alabama and Georgia. w. SHoniRR. w. it. <hamhi;i-h. ii. h. hno arm. ! May 27, 18.59. ts Jownili F. roil, j ATTORNEY AT LAW, j COI.UMHITN, <;KOR(tfA. j \X7 D.I. ti.-nd promptly to all Imihliic-n cnlrunted lo * , v hi.- rare in (tic coiinticn of Mmu oc> .Harris ! Talbot. Taylor, Morion and < huiUlmurhee ! Dili. Cnn West Wide of llriiadstroel, ov.-r Wynn fc Park’s HUnc iiprill4—wdlv. . llowaiMl A Weems, ATTORNEYS ATLA W. CHAWrORD, ALA, rout. n. now a un. wat.trr n. wrrm*. i OniwlVrii. AliT. .ImieS. wAdlf. I William Taylor, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. rM IIIIHHT, JIANIiOLI-U CO , (I, | Will praotico In Uw , ‘uiiUo. of Hnudolut, ‘ Cj.lh.uln, Terrell, Harl>, C'ley.Kuker, Dougherty ! Miller and Stewart. Rnr** to—Wellborn, Johnson i Sloan, Attor- | nr) ut Law, Columbus, G. All biHduenii ontrustud to hi* rnro will receive ; iuimudiiiteattention. Juuofi *6B- wdtf. I fflnriwn ISciliiiiif, ATTORNEY AT EAW TALBOTTOW, Talbot Cos., Oa October 24, 1868. wAdtf. Host s X liitivtt, ATTORNEYS A.T LAW, COLUMBUS, O’ ICO HU!A. K J. \V \l A I.AWh flfrOflloe next door to tho Pent Wept. 1, 1868. M. MAKTtM. J. J, MA 11 I'l V. J, J, MI.ADK MARTIN, MARTIN & yUVIIIi, iVttoruovH nf Gitw, COLUMnua, QA December 17,1858—hIwii. WM A HIRDAWAV it t ~H aV ! HARDAWAY A GRAY, general Commission and Forwarding ax k xi c xx a nr a* x, Corner of Olivo uihl Commercial Streets. *\l.\T 1.0(1?, HO. February SS. IBSU—.lAwly ,ca w. p. i>. u.n| Uoulal Siiikcuu, OFFICE Corner Broad and Randolph Ktn-ct?, COLUMIWB GEORGIA. December 17, 185(1. wAdtf. Ca J. FOGLE & SON, DENTIIS TS . I iiH,Office on Randolph Street, near Broad* | colum aua, a. Coiumhuf* Dec. 9, IWf. dd wtf. AMERICAN WATCHES! I fio IN<;OM> AND3#ILVKK CArtEH, Al FuriUe** old Ht%nd, Join ’s New UuikUag, I JIT a 1 -dUHlhu*, ttaorgia Kll.SXl -M - tail T. . KPKAH Book Bunting TTHXRCt THU in il|H>rto xivln iT |im ol liie 1 Iv 1 ColitutHiiii Tickm” FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. HAVING medo our a'laouemcotM for the Kail trad*, wo dew ire loporolia-e “jk 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, ol *->od i h.tracmr, co.-nu tug ol young men, women, plough bojm.and girl*, lor whom the higneel markotprtco will tc paid. Persons ha ving nogn-ua lor aulo willhnd it to their inlereet to give ue a oall. W will nveivc and soil Nu* grow on Comniiaeion and no effort* will bw apared to make wtnd*oiory eaUw, for those who may place their negtoee in our charge. Liberal Advances alwayu tuado on negtoen when de*-red. Call ettho Auction and Negro mart of HAWtIdONA. PITTS, auxtl—wtwtl Mdt 61 Broad Street. ADMIMM u \ i-ik>*.m.i; U 111 I, ■ l tti* l Coint Uuiim- doer in the Cauntv *i MUtmt. oil till- Hint 1 ue*da> ill Afiiiuuibci next, bolos Land Numtar the tki lnttui sml 3d elect ion of ('iwrokea Furrha**- ifuld n* thu propenx of I’vrry lb owning, dweaaid. late of CliattAlKMM nee counlv IVniw ( a*]., Hour, t. PATTKRit(N. A-iu'r MARTHA IHtOWNIMi, Adm’x July 1, lK5u.-.\v*M ** JOSE MIR & CO., IMPORTKRH OF HAVANA CIGARS. RANDOLPH ST.—OOLVMBVB* QA. Two Door* West of the Coluuthu? Times Office. \tflLL Keen eonstanily ou hand a arge awiortiuiit W ot iheUlOH KST BRANDS. Order* ho in the country am m-i-mfiiUy solituted, ami will lo rtilad at Die very lowret pnee Ibr cnh. Jarman 1& -NrfY FRESH CONtiKESS WATFK. , JV9T received by J. A. WHITIIIPI A CO, I RRitVIM A KORiVER, ae BROAD ST. Ortliß Til Ki K BXCKI.LES'I’ STOCK Ot ‘■■oWvaPIANnS MELODEONS, &C„ pjjjjj At NorthfrN pricea. )A good Piano from S6O to $126. Alao, an excellent Organ for Church or I'arlor at sl6h. Call itnd examine nt Ufi Broad I Street, Jan 4, 1869—wly. .). H. k W. A. ROSS, Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS & GROCERY MERCHANTS. tl :i y,on, 4, corgi a. j AIo. Agenw lor Wheeler 1 a and Wilaon’s I ! Hewing Mm-hinna. oetll —Wlf. j ALABAMA LANDS I OK SALE. . . MY PLANTATION adjoining the Union Mprings, rontairiiiif 9100 acres 7or HfXiarre* . cleared, in good repair und cultivation, with „JLi new framed Iniiiding* of all kind* for the manugeineiit of uc|i a farm. Tlhj l>ulance well tim bered. The trai l include* the (float hea*i(fnl huilding situation in the rtprmg-.a flourisliing village with food schools, to Which point tile Mobile A Girard Kailniad will reach (III* fall, and which I* also tile point of ln terxertiuii of the Montgomery KsilnuA The tract w of lime (haruuUtr, embracing I lam mock, Prajrle and Kidge l.aml", nr, I will sell myOileliee place, lying four mile* from rfuxjM.-n-ion, a Depot* n llie Mobile 4t Girard Koitd, containing l,stk lu res, 6(H) cfenred, in g**od re pair und cultivation About half of it is Prairie, the remainder Hammock ami Kldgel.nnd*, well timbered, witti good lie wed big houses, and u framed gin bouse 1 selected llie*e luini-early from location and <|ualil> fiirmy own ure.uiMl I am only induced to nell one of them now to make experiment oil some swamp lauds In Louisiana. If BLACKMGN, Cliunneimggee, Maconoottnty, Als !I >’Augii*tu 4;onstiliMiinlis ami rtuvaunali llepul* li* an wIM please copy and hill to tht* office ; lor collect ion. inavltV v 3rn. j KTOTIOB. jgm The subscriber offers for sale a valuable . k Farm in the 7th Histru iof Worth conn 1 (ia , consisting of a* res *f Land, 180 or I 150 Acres *>p*oi Lands, anew Gill House and Screw upon llu place, IWor 2UO head of t attle, atmut the same iiumtM-r ot bogs, and ; Mend of sheep Term* wiil l- made accommodating and strictly so . when the cash is offered. Hmpilre in Albany atJas Hill’s Liverv Stables, fordirection* to the place Jam . I if Oft (I (LEND \i I RICHARDSON'S ’ IRISH LI2STE3SJ-S, IMMAUKK, DlMM',its Ac. /'lONftll M l.ltrt of tUcliardson’s Linen*, nmGhose de j sir**us ofnbiaioingtlMi GBNI'INK GOfor4.*lmtild see that Hie articles they pnrehuse are sealed with the | fell inline of the firm, | KJUSJAMisaew.SOKiaa owuim* Ins agHaianteeof the soundness and durability of the i Good*. This caution is rendered essentially necessary, a* { !nrg'i|iiantities of inferior and defective Linens are j propanol, reason after immumoi, anl sealed wtlil the j mime of Hit ‘ll AKONOB. by Irish tloures, who, regardl-ss of the injury thn* indicted alike ou the Ante ri< an (onsniner nu*l the insnufactiirers of the genuine ! goods, w ill not readily übandnu u hiialiies* so profitable ! | wlnlo purchaser* can In* ii,i|Mt"ed on with goods of a ; worthless character. J IHT.LOLKE&J U. LOf.'KE, ! nov.HV—wly Agent*.*<>• rtmrrh Htroot. N Y. IRON SCREW, 111 AVK tiurthaaed of Mr. Jnme* Momcv nf Thom’ j . -vi!le, Ga Uie rtglit to tlnmse of iii* PatrntftcrHW I 1 1 l--r tire roil•• of Mm on, ltiiM*e|| mol Momaomarr, : Ala. The Post as Well it* the Hr r*w is of Wrouabt ! Iron, nod tin* tire aim of l tnir so complete ns j |to require Init litiio ro<.ni t-*r its eiwthm. It may Ire f i put up either in n tail lint room or a -emulate root*, ua j inav ire preferred; it pnrka tlnely uud convunieatly | without the use id a mule. They will In-put up ou resMtuabie term* and giiHrau j teed to give Mtwfiu-iiim. ! My address i* IfaHt iwsy,Macon emtnty. A|.i John a im’Xn Reference—W J. Tarver, Ja* ft liunk-, Knou,Ala. M*. lit vn—The Iron Hrrew that .Mi Massey put lip tor me lust fall, prove* i* do |wni work, m n very sHlWffocory manner, (4,r which reason, a* well a* !•- cause It is couvetueiit and ko well protected, I am mm ii pirn-red with it Yount, J. T. PFHHO.NH Manrh 14. IHMt—wfim WANTED, BUftHELM clean, well-saved Cow Hair, iFJ'J inavltt - wtf. 11. F. GOLEM AN TROY FACTORY, ColuinluiM, Gn. TT7 I-. the uiitiersutned, have thiaday pure based *V Irorn Januua Hamilton, the 1 roy Factory i and ontiro stock, and will continue tbo ImsmeeH I under the name and ntvle ol Troy Manufacturing ! Company and will manufacture aud keep con- j stautly ou hand, at wliolcealoaiitl retail, Clmlrs, Itetlslesdv, Wardinbei, Tttbi, llucket a, Safes, Tables, Hureaua, and other Kurnisbing articles. All orders ! i addressed lo tiie Troy Manufacturing Company, j will receive prompt attention. JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. JotiEru JEFfkksoN, John H. Hamilton ColiKubua. Gn . April 19. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO, OFFER llieir vtiriou, styles 1 1! < Lx,l-, rtitnnn •ia* U3NAliUltcS, Y AHNB, FASHION, (oretripee.) PINK-KNOT PLAINS. NEC HO KERSEYS. SOUTHERN I.INSF.YS, “TRI CK FOR TROWSERB,” COTTON ROPE, Ac. *c. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. They invite tho specie! attention of the Trade lo their Slock which i, co.itiilete in every reepect. 1 J. RHODES, liRUWNE, Columhua, Dec. 5, Irt.'iT. twltwtl. A • A ttl >, f NOW have on hand a IniK*tMorlmrnt of VKIII- I I ( I.F.H, ot the rinc-ni uialr-rißl and luii*‘*i iimiiufiu - j j line ever betbrr oflhred in tin* ninrttet, itiraring | COACHES, HER!,INS, CALEECHKB,I .Mork'Caleaches, ltot-kawaya, TOP AND NO TOP BUOOIBS, AI.BO. A HIM FM)lD;8TO( K OF New York Trotting Bvffies* | OF F.VF.BY HTYI.E AM) UEHI HU'TION. | I whirli 1 offer on bolter .terms than can be niton Vd etse ! when*, for caah or Approved credit J lam about winding up mv businon*. sml wen Id In* j obliged Iti nil indebted by note or aicoiinl. lo cm! amt ; scrtb-t-nhi-rb) cnah or mtti*fartnry renewal All who I omit tbt* xvill lind then claim? in'the bands ot an at* tormtv f-r coUectioii || r McKKK J N It \lUhoa<-ivho do not iatetui payini without to*ins sued, me notified that five per cent. iYi in- do- I ducted by tailing at the captajir* office ami m-ulm* iVirthwiili. || r McKKK I ('obimbit, January ll wtf LIGHTE & BRADBURYB. Plano Forte Xanulaelurers, -I’ll Ifrnoikte Hired, \• o \ ork. Ill’ K -l -i- t- call the atteaDou of ili Tiaitc. ami > of iti,’ public generally, to <nr Piano Forte*, luatly pionoumcd tape nor to all ;o.her? in volumo, nrhiu-M ami purity of tone-po??i *in* also ap, -i- Itarrinsins quality, adapted to ami hßrmouion* w itli , tin* bum in voice They arc- very properly called tlw ; “(Prnm vr t -*vl tinmu.” Being mode with the Patent j Art'll tt- ft Plank, they %\ill •land in tum- m all rli* mate? W. suoraule, our atatoiueie (tint no efforts | that h'v *"•>* xpeiieiice, untiring tnduMtry or capital j ran procure, will be nparvd to maintain Ibr our instru , iiientß their w .Id-Wlile reputation m? ‘ ikr *## taw.” and that every improvement of intrinsic value to a I‘lntio wiU be found in .-mv All order? uilli winch o> mnv he favored will be prvunptly ami fmihfutlv Hilerided to E MP LOYM ENT. *SO A MONTH AND ALL KXFIINHEH PAID— Air \tvut i? w anted in every town and county in the t lined Hiates to engage in a reapecjabls and easy i bushims, by which tlie above profits may be certainly realised For further particular*, addre** DK J lIKNRV WAIINF.K. corner of Itrondway ami JYth ►treet. New York city, u- losms postage ■lamp April 18. Ihi'J—'wlm Dl!. W. W. WILSON, “ DEALER IN DKGGH, Medionms, Chouticals, Books, Sta tionery and Fancy Article*, Talbeiten, Ga., Sept. 24, w—l y. (iFOKHI V-ChnllnltiHH'iiee t otiny. UfHFHKA*. (• bom l William* opplie* to me for Letters of Administration on the e*iaieof Hub bsrt William?, late of said county, deceased These me therefore to cite and ndmomsli all and sin gular the kindred am] creditors of said deceased. t* he and appear at my office on r belbrc ihe (trst lloml.iv in Auguai next, and shew’ cause, if any tbvv have,w hy said Istter? should not be granted to said applicant Olven under my hand at office, June nth losv Jane lf*w4M K V KAIFOKD, Or*tnar> TO CONSI M I’l l \ l.s. ACLEBOYMAN having cured hi* son ofconsunip tion In IM worst suges, after hem* given up to lig, by the moe celebrated physicians, desire? to make known the mode of the cure.(wtuc!i proves successful in every case,i io those afflicted with I'ougba, I'oids, land C'oiiemiiplion.aud be will send the saute to any ad pivu, tree of charge Address, enclonlii* two stsmpe LUMPKIN HOUSE. LUMPKIN, STEWART CO. UA. IHK kubscriber, having purchaned the IS*■] above houitft, is resolved to make it one JuJuLworlhy the patron-go ot the travelling public. II good fare and attentive aervsnt* should entitle a Hotel to custom, the mtddreigued Hatters hinweitj that thoae who try bun mica, will coma again. Tonnecied with the Hotel, are commo dious Stables with trusty < at lent. Ott 19. wtf. JOHN YARBROUGH. , BHOWB’S HOTEL, OPPOSITE Til F, PASSENGER DEPOT MACON, GEORGIA. | E. E. DROWN, PROPRIETOR, 1 1 F. DENSE, Superintendent. tar Meals ready on the arrival oi every Train, j Maeon,Ga., April 15,1856. wtf. BEDELL & WEEMS, HAVE removed to the corner formerly occu pied by W. A. Redd, fit, Cos., lately by Watt and Sappingtoii, where they will keep coutaully ou hand, a well selected Block of GROCERIES, consisting in part of Bacon, Bagging and Rope Sugar and Coflee, Liquore, &c. All of which they otter at the lowoat market price*. Aug. JO, 1856. wtf. NEGROES 1 NEGROES! WE are constantly receiving from Vir- * * giuia and North Carolina a large and well m‘l *cted stock of Men, Women, hoys and Citrls, including Held hands, (muse servants, mechanic*, dec., bought by one * the firm expressly lor this market. Our Iriand* rnay rely on getting negroes of good chars cum . coming up fully to our rcptooeoUlTona—as weacii I none on commission. lIATCIIER Sl McGEHEE. j July M s IHSB- wtf ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALR ! I R7I A’ HL ■* in Henry county, .1 mils* Imluw : I \) I I folun i'. i.'in the t'liauatmochcv r vi-r, and W tuilm Is-tow Fort Game*; 85d acre* are cleared— MMI acre# are river Ixrtwin, whkli wiilprod-ice from to 30 bushels Lorn, or from 1 .000 to S,6t) pounds of i;uttou to llie act*- On the nla* e are all the necvsHury I improvement* lloilse* for Negroes; good water, anil hi healthy as any section in Alabatnu For further particular*, applj- tome at Midway, Ala , or It Allison and A. G Jam-* on the premise* Als*i. JUfMt acres I-ind. near Midway, Barfeuir eoun- J ly -NKlHere* c leared-all fresii liaving iieen cleared I in the last seven year*. Tins in *tr<uig lime land and I will produce from 00 to 30 bnshe}* Corn, nnd-fiom one j lo two thousand pound* coitou per acre Improve ments fine-dhe dwelling cost e-I.OOU, and i situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, and every l onvetin-m e dcsirahie m a country residenr e Motliofthe.e ptu-es are known in Columbus.Gu . where inquiries ran he made. litivue those whnan piin haaiiiK. to etatiiltie these pirn os during the routing spring and summer, ami judge them bv w lint tbeyse,- C. A. KOBK. March I6~wtf Midway, llartmur Cos. Ain iissaajsa j EATING SALOON. A N WILL ho opened by ihe^_ mJ lilt ol October. ] Boarder* will lotaken lbo month, week ->r day. Meals at nil houreday j or nieht OST’T II IS BA It will always u suimlied with the Choicest Li-]uoni and Cigars, ihm llouso i* two doors Imlow the P. 7), ocid—wtf. F, WiLHKLM, I’roprtatot. J SPROTPS CKLKHHATKD YFUITAIiI.F. < )LD ENGLISH; AND AMKRIOAN HITTERS, AN INKSTIM ABf.K TONIC, IMUHKTIC, AND AUTI-DYMPEPTH. SCIENTIFICALLY prepared from tn original recipe >f ola Dr. rtprotLand eminently ‘•‘ill and highly , popular physician <d Hbroiiehiro, j Ragland. I These highly pataiab’e and agreeald* billers being ; cotn|>o*ed of ! IMIUKLY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, judiciously aelectad and -billfuliy cout|MMimi--d arc j cuaftdomly recommended to the public lor their Valuable Medicinal Properties. | For Lose of Appetite, Nervous Debility, Knnul, Dunep-is they are Indispensable, In functional-leraiigemeritM of the Liver and Kid neys, a* well as Jaundice. Rhe<nuui>m. Uout ,uuJ Oravel, thsy are a “sine qua non ‘• For Feuiule Complaints, thm preparation is pecuii ariv adapted. For children hurras?-d with the Colic, and thu pain , ot Dentition it i?aN4iotii|iiga??uugt! Asa stinmlusto Invalid*, the enfeeble! and *irk these biller are unsurpassed and free from Alcohol uud are a sure preventive of Chills and Fever. DIRECTION*!. A wine glass two or three times a day. For ladies two-thirds; children in proportion. Fur very weak stomachs one-third w at.-r. Prepared ul Fag’s Laboratory, Montgomery. Ala Tobe hud ol Druggists and country merchants gen erally. HI LI.. Dl Ck A CO. ***Pwif J 8. I*F.MIIERTON A CO flunk-keeping: j AN’ HOF HE, engaged in a Wholesale, retail, ship .l\ ping, oi Commission Husiness. desinngiiN Rooks kept by Double nr Hingie Entry, either with or with out a Journal, * referred to tin: sabarrlhor, who wtsh oa a situation Halisfnrtnry reference can be given 1 THOMAH COLEMAN i Culhbvrt, <;a Feb *1 wtl. PILES, FIBTULA, STRICTURE, j CANCERS ANi> SCROFULA CURED. PAMPHLETS - -mtainiiig testnnomai? of the highest Ii hatacter, ns to hM sUvc- ss w ill tw Airw ards-I io j any that may wish them Those wishing to test the 1 efficacy of Dr. CI.OPTON'H wonder At l remedies must give a cornu t ds* riptmu sl Uw disease, it* appearsm e in its im tpient stage, present condition, lo- ainm, \< V three cent stamp must F< ompa,.v all I'ommuafea lions \ddres* .1 \ t I.tH'TON. Iliiiilsvill.. \| n I < FRE.H Ol ARAM RED mar**wl> Till: HOWERTEAII FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Ni:u YORK. Principal Office, Whitbwk Building. No. 136 Nassau St corner of Beeknian, limncltOrttc-e II Mtrrhaut'iKarliaugc 4':i|ilal sI.IO.4MML DIRECTOR.S. Win. CbauiMWy. Win Chau me v x to, |<l Obi Hlip 51-nuts Taylor, Piesntcnt City lUuk Paul HnortWrd, Bpoittwd, Tiicston A Cos ,qu llmadwnv I’ t Van richuick; Van He hawk, Edward** t .. UA From Hired V. Uaraaloti. IN Water Mtreet Ja? li WUmoii. formeilv Wilson * !’ I roni st K. D Upragtt*, Da tv'll, Hpragite * t .. , 107 Front i iteiij II l.illle * Cos 111 Fearl-si John 11 Holbrook, Intelnational Lite Insiiram-e l\> 71 Walt-sl T J Coleman, J C Coleman * Cos. f* Wall *t W in K Htroug, jtl Pine Hiieel. Edward llaight. President ol the Rank of lite Com MMHiwealth. Wm A W li- Her. tt.l William Ht t Meletta. Alt ll.Mtn Htieet. N Plall.PiesM- nt Aiii/.nn’? Dunk, N.i-mui t John T Wilson. 7.1 Fultn t It m Whitioek. II Mi KA Wiuhuk * to II 11- k luan-at i eel Wm |. Mi UonaUl 15 llcekittan *t, Wm Hold red ge, 11. Merehant*’ Ex-hange. John O l.iglutNidt, *4 It-ektuan-st. Nathaniel W Bums. N W Hum** C. . ,V Ve? r at Pauli Lathinu, Lathmp* Wilkin-on. lsMurra\?t ” M Newell, Newell, Harman * Me Donald, 13 Mm ray iieet. Frederic A Fiaher, Wolfe, Dash and Fisher; 38 Warren street Minard II Fowler. Ilf- Nassau at. Robert H Currier, Melius, CUiricr * Hherwood,43 Warren at * John H Corliss, City llall Leo W Read, Ueo W * Jehtai Read. 130 Chambers street John li Hnook, Architect, 13 Chambers?!. George Carroll, Carroll, Herrick* Mead, 40 Chamber* street Wll Hulkley, Allan, McLean * B ilklej, 4* Cham bers street D M Holdrrdge. N Y 8 Heating Cos, 449 Rr-tadwa> Francis Miller, M D. lu* Forsyth Ht Tin? Cont|an> inmtn - lluildiitga, Menhaadtxe, Furniture, Mortgagees’ lute real. Lease?. Renta, Ves sel? in Port and their Cargoes, ami personal pronerts generally, against loss or damage by tire at Hh reduced rates Insuring Leases and Rents t* anew feature and i? w orthy ol more attention than it ha* herotnfere ie ceived. Where Insurance is effected fbr two years a liberal abntenieni will bv made in the rale Parties wishing Insurance, or desiring the agency of this Company, by applying (by mail or otherw ise)at the office in New \ -irk, and giving all necessary par ticulars will meet with prompt attention. Referring to the high character of our Direction, a* ample assurance tor the prompt and liberal traiiNaction ol our business, we respeetfuliy sola it a share of your patronage and influence. WILLIAM CHAUNCgY, President. WILLIAM IIOLDRKDUE, Vue Fie.,dent *OIIN K OAKLEY, Secretary June 0, I*so.—wttt. COTTON, COTTON, COTTON!~ /"10TT04 Is now aollingata good price, and if the \J notes and aooounls past due toj. Kunls* Cos. are not soon paid, suits will t>e instituted Indlsorlm* inafel). A wt rJ to the wise Is sulßcleiit. Oet 14-w fcdtr. 4, EN NIB * CO. Silk®) L) n WORTH OF CLOTHING AT COST FOR CASH! X. A. BFIOBLAW db CO. NOW OFFER Tillilß ENTIRE STOCK OF REfimMHABS UOTBING wm mm mu 1 The Stock is one of the best ever ofTered in tin* market, and embraces a lull assortment ofSpriny and Summer Goods, just received from the manufactories, together with a line stock of GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS, All of which, without klsekve, will be sold AT COST. A rare chance is here offered to make a sale and profitable in vestment o( ready money. This course is adopted in order to reduce the stock as much as possible preparatory to a change ‘ Hie firm. I. A. HU OKA W it CO. Columbus, Ga., May 18, 1859. dwtf mraiMi (gaj@TOBK i kslTo Mo JjfjLiHj ARE RECEIVING Their Sj/ring Stock of HEADY MADE CLOTHING! OF TUKlll OWN MANUFACTURE, Comprising a greater variety of choice Goods for Spr iii an <1 Snmin e r Wea r- I Is.ih can I>4i foimil i-lbewhcrv. They respectfully Invite the attention of nil porm.rm, who desire a HOOD G ARMENT wade in the RKBI MANNER pussibie, and WARRANTED t< be as rcprosante<i, tu their late roeeipteof | sc summer CLOTHiisra. Also—-To Ihcir lltlenfiite Stock of Cn'nt’s furnishing Gaoiis, Now nmitrinir, wlii.h einimio.s „,ry arli. lo ofconrfwt nn.t liixnrv f„r n U.ntl.ra.n’. war ! : SII IHIBRAWKBS, OHAVATH, SPSPKNDEBS.MLOVIiS, 11-ISIKKV, Ac. Ac. (’LOTUS, CASSIMUHES AND VESTINGS, toOrJCrin L 4TEST STYLE'S l.y cxiwrionM.l Workmen. ® t, lb nt ®, ip ,1 1 a t fit at s ot every style and grade now worn. ITBIBriEL,I,AS, ‘ large Mlock jiihl m ritnl. Call and examine our tioods before purchasing elsowbere at No. 126 Brood Street, Coiambus, Go mar 12, 18.7.)—dwtf. J. 11. DANIEL & CQ. T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER : C ‘ ?'‘vj 4 e_ > S4i<-cess4)r to S. It. Purple, cor. Broad A Itmulolph st. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. vra ukknb STERLING SILVER & PLATED WARE. HAIR WORK, j A beautiful variety of Patterns. I will make to offer any design and style.and plait you may require. j WATCHES, CLOCKS Sc JHWELHY Repaired by competent and experienced Workmen, and warrautel. CANES ! CAN KK ! Gold, Silver, Ivory Loaded Hoads—Hickory Crook* and Bword* PEBBLE .SPECTACLES, S! "’ f' ranie!< i the best quid itv manufactured. Ulosms set in old frames to suit al 1 eye** I invite tire attention of all to my Stork, and will t>h.w it with pleasure, whethor jot imrehase or not. *urple's<ild Stand, Corner Broad aud Kaudolph Street*. Columbus, Ga., Oct. at), 1868.—dwtf T. S. SPFAR. \ <1 mtulstratov a Sal*.—Agreeably to nu’or dri of the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, Ga., will be ►•• Id at the Market it mure in the city nffo iitlttbu*, in said county, on the first Tuesday in July next. duriiiK the legal hour* of sale, one house and lot containing three acre* <>t land, Ivinjc about three unir* from the r iiy, on the Muscogee Railroad. know na► the |dare whefeon Mr** Man Spire* now live* Sold a* the pro|M-rt> n Perry Browning, deceased, for tin* benefit of the heir* and rre.litor* Term* Cash. It t PATTKRHO.N. A Jin' t MARTHA IIKOVVMMi, Adiux May 15th, 1859 w4tkl KARIjY BHHRIFP SALEB. Uril-L be sold on the tir*t Tuesday >n August next h*fng* the Court Houm> door in Blakely. F.arly rountr.Ga.. within the legal hour* of sale, th- follow ! in* property, to-wlt- I Two Lot* of l.and. numbers one hundred and thirty, ►it and one hundred and thirty-seven. hi thctweu ly-*ivth dißtnrt <*f mii.l count), levied oi u the property of G. H Hi. liard*- -it i<. •au-.iy tin.■•• .Ituuugi t ’oiift it flw, one in Htrorof fMntou. Green * f*o mM Rirtiardn. 1. It I,ft wry v*. said Ru-hardsmi; and i'll* inthyor 01l t Bulree \ * J \| K l.utfo y i ~ ITofNHty pointed out and returned to me by u < (•n'nhtr ANTIIONV HHTCIIINKSh rl July 4. 1859- wide 4 ■ WEOBlil t Talbot C ounty Court of Ordinary, June Term, lU9. RULE NISI. Whema James Howell. Adininislra- , tor of MitlhfW Howell, deceased, petition* thl* Court ft* Letter* of Dismission: Ite it ordered. That nil persons concerned he andap- J pear at the January Term nett ensuing of this Court i then and there to*how ratine, if any they have, yylty j (•aid letter* should not he granted. A true extract from the the minute* of said Court. I June Mih, lift*. * MARION BETHtWB, Ord I July % lMil—w fim ■■ EORQIA Stewart ounty fpWO month* after date application will lie made to 1. the Court Ot Ordinary <>! *nid county, for leave | to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of riioriia* William*, lan of saidrouatv. deeea*ed. E KlitK*E\. Ad'mr. July 2. 185P-w2m. TWO Month* after date anpHeation will be made to i the Court of Ordinary of Talbot County. Georgia, for leave to *ell the Heal E*tate belonging i. the estate ofßaaboin Weathers, late ofsaid rotintv. deowd. FRANCIS T WEATHERS. Adm r. July t, 1154—w 2 m <*ICOR(iIA Harris Count) i Month, afterdate application will be made 1 to the Court of Ordinar y of llam* f aunty, for leave to aeU Uie laud* of William Copeland decease.i W COPELAND. Executor June It, Ittfi —wtm 6KOHUIA, Talbot County. ITT HERE AH Beniamin J King, guardian of Joel VT duellings,petitions this Court fbr letters ofdts mission: Be it ordered. That all jierton* concern* and hr* and appear at the September tenn next eMtttnf f thl* Court, then and there to hew mute, if any they have, why said letters sould not be granted A true extract front the minutes of *aid Court, June fifth.lbsV MARION BETIICNE. Ordinary. July %, wtdd, I G EO&GlA —Chattahoochee C*>unty: t-’hattahoockee Court of Ordinary t'eb. Term, ’ SV. Present K G. KkIKORD. Ordinary. ITI*ON the Petition ofW'ilUam K Johnson, adnun- J isirairator dr burnt mim on tile estate of Huai Crosby. deiijiM'd It m ordered. That all irersnn* concerned, be reqair ••d to allow cause on or before the first Monday in September next, why lie should nor be dutmiaaed from ufd alnuntsftatkiii AJnre traneeript from the minutes of said Court, j February IMt, I Mil. | February 18—wfim F fj RAIFORD, Ord. GEO KG I A*—Chatluiiooclioe County: Okuttahooi he* Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, \ r 9. Present K , ‘KAIFORD, Ordinary. |‘*’PON the Petition us N \ Howard, admin Ist ra \J tor on the estate •.f Littleton M.ogaii, deceased: U w ordered that all persons concerned, shew cause “7 .**[ iM-tore the first Monday in September next, wliv said N N Howard should riot be dismissed from said administration A true trailerrip* f>..m the minute* of said Court l‘t-hmary In. IMo E u. HAIFORIi. Ord February 14—wom. H KOKfal A—Alnscogpf* County. Court of Ordinary March Term, 1859. Ml EE NI SI-Whereas M iry Russell; Adminnrtra- IV tux o| the estate ol William K Russell, deceased, having applied for di*mi**ioii from saidadministra'ion: It it* ordered, Thai all iiersons concerned shew cause [ (if any they have)\vhv said administratrix should not he dismissed at the Court of Onunary to he held tn | “'id Rr *aid county on tire first Monday lu October ■ next, and that this order he published in terms of the law. i A true transcript from the minute* of said Court March 17th. !& iimrlU— wftui JOHN JOHNSON, Ortl GEORGlA—Chattahoochee County: Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1859. Present E. G. Kaiford, Ordinary. UJ If ERCAH, William Baxley, Guardian for Amy Short, formally Amy Davis, appiie* for Letters ; of Disiuiwinii front *aid <*uar4tansiiip. ! It in therefore ordered, That ail (rersouc concerned be required to shew ranee, if any they have, on or be | fore the first Monday In Septemper next, why said l letter* should not he granted. A (rue transcript from the mnitife* of said Court, July 4lh. lHfttl E G KAIFORD. Ord. Jultrll—w4Md. GEORGlA—Chattahoochee Count j: Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1859. Present and presiding, E. G. Kaiford, Ordinary. UrBBREAS. it ia shown to the Court by the pe tition of Nathan J. Ilussey, and William G. Wooldridge, administrator* estate of Thomas K Wooldridge, deceased, that said estate is fully ad ministered, and praying for Letter* of Dismission from the same. It is therefore ordered, that all persons concerned, be required to shew cause, if any they have, ou or before the second Monday in January next, why they should not be dismissed front the administration of said estate A tnte transcript from the minutes of said Court July 4th. ISV Julyli—wOm E C RAIFORD, Ordinary, Scrofula, or King’s Evil, i* a conotitutional disoaao, a corruption of tNe iilood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, I weak, and poor. Iking in the circulation, It pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from it* attacks, nor is there one w hich it may not destroy, llie scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, lilth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generationindeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “ I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children.*’ Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of Uffe, *o that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they huve far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not Rcroftdoua in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de ctmatea the human family has its origin directly in this Hcrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from oi arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous; tlteir persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, aud their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system w e must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wc supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedial* that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences, lienee it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Kaumvß and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiuk, Hosb, or Eiitbipklas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tkttek and Balt Khrum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dia >:amb*. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, mdeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia ted ou Impure Blood. The popular belief I in * 4 impurity of the blood ” is founded in truth, j for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The ! particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa ’ rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, | without which sound health ia impossible in | contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are oo composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate eTcry portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring it* healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties’, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costire vrtt, Mearfhttrn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach , Nausea, Indigestion , Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Barrels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURB OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abound* in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming ana even desperate diseases of the lungs by it* use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is toq apparent to escape observation, aud where its virtues are known, tne pilblic no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPAAED BY lIK. J. C. AVLIt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. SOLI) IN COLI A : j j Urquhtrt 4k Chapman, J A >V M ii. 4c Cos t.d drugfivts and <t*al<-r In niedirit-, *<-*•**it* FidniTaiv t. 165*. Awiftii N otice to i• abtox * sad rredlton—Ali IM-rson* iHiU-htt' l tu tin t. *(;,. I Fnimw Jtii-r, !•• ol Mcrriwe L- 4’-*tit>. Gi-..'*n, itaeawd. are bwvb) ~i t*- o* mak? imniediaie jia>- iiM-ut, and nil {Mild'n-f i'.mujmhG icntnxt dercused an.- nendii t a !<• tvuiter them hi re it*, duly au- UH-Htuatiil. w ill it, iii* ituit- iin.-;rt*i*d by law,lor tav mriit. I, ii. .iKTr.u. i . M M tp/|KR S May 53, ifW.-.s tital | PXEi'I j'OK'ti S ALE - ■Af'tv i ; jjy to au orderlnun Ij tin- lion i .ii!> Court *1 Onf-.n of Cliatta | Ihsm Im u i ounl v ,tia til Uk relit tsefure the <'etttflp.*e •l'nr in th>Mv a tl L'uF. ijt*, ia uwt *T>unty, on Uin tw*t Tuemlay in June. ne*t, w it.’iiu the lri hours Int *a!e, lot of Land No N)2, hi th* H*fh Hist rict af said uoubty; oi*‘> a Hfedy nesro girt. js,ki a* Do- |mp.-rty ofHiMn * Putß’dii. declared, fr tire In io-tit ul credi- Hrs. Term* mad. known on tire ,!mv of %ttr ELIZAHffrn IM TNA.M, E x. April Util. IS.VI VY4<l UKOttO) A- rl tiot cotruiyi S'pccml Court a/Ordinary May 2stk 1859. \X/HEiti: \s M, K /iah Ford. Rxeriiir aat The Vt Lstair ot J dill VN I 1,111 jwt o ion* ill ’4 toflrt lor Letter* of Dishhmiou. li* - it •iri|-jed, nut ali jM-rs<>n-> cm- ruHld be md ap pears 1...- II tcnibcr Turin irext nailing of Uiwco.irt (lien und tliere tor!.*v , tnre. 1! >*ny tbev Itave, why said inter. *ii->ul i uoku, arauind. A true .-itract tn>-n the M o| *wd <kun, Miy *>"*. <•'* MAMON bhl iILM., urdmary. M.iv Jo. l .'6d. - lyiui. AND JEWELER, GEORGIA—ChatIsUkoouMM Luumy: r ,„rt of Ordinary, April Term, 1859. LTPON the petHkin ••( ,\ \ Howard, administrator < on tire estnie of Charloile Morgan, deceased, for letter* of Oiwnn<Hr>ii, It IS u.l. red that all pcnun#uucinoJ. shew cause. H any i h<> have, on or Ire fore the first Monday in <> toher neti why he ►hoiild nm be disnihMed from said adiniinstru i.xi, len. rs ill then he granted A line xtra.-t from tin-unnuii .- * ..urt, AniU *“>. lbV‘ K. (f K.MF<)|{it, o,dmarv. April lUtli. IKM—wfim. ■ i ‘. r xV , l,f .‘ , V ,rt :' ,onl,ni '> “fMu ••mem , Will (resold attire Market Gouge Uiilar ally u s ColunilMis. m said county,* on tire first- Tueeduv hi August next, a ne*n* woman by tire name.. Anna, ahotn *J4 years of age and her sou Jim about •., ~r* of nge: * Hold as llie proper!) ol Os th . ire..l HximiiH A Uarfey. dsr'il June Hi. KVI. dUi- n a IHLI.INGrf, Adin r (*E(H{(<IA, Chuii ihimcilie * ounty. Chaitukaoeko* Court of O diu.try, Jau, Tenn ’69. Present E G R.tilord, Ordinary. L| PON the Petition of John II Parkman, Adnunis ) iraior lie bonis lion on the estate of Hunan t Parkman deeased: It is oftleri'd that all persons concerned strew cause, on or before the 1| Monday ig Auirust next, why lie should not he dismissed from said mliniiiistration A true transcript from the ini utiles of said Court, January I*. IMb E g RAIFOKD.UvdiMry. January 90,1M9 wfirn GEORGlA— Chattahoochee County: UriIEREAH Nancy Roberts applM * to nre for let ters of Adniinistration, with tne will annexed, on the estate of WiUiam K dierts, late ofsaid county, deceasml. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be aud appear at toy office on or before the first Monday in August next, then and there t strew cause,if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 27th day of June, IM9. July4—wlOd E G KAIFORD, Ord “ DISSOLUTIOKT. q’Mi: l,..|nnft.lii(> ~f BROOKH k CHAPMAN tu I .fi —.■.:v—.l on til, IStli nit. by mutual tonnent. All penioii* indebted to said firm are notified to make pay ment only to John W. Brook*, who having purchased all notes and accounts belonging to the late firm, is alone authorized to use the firm name in settlement of outstanding business JOHN W. BROOKS, F. H. CHAPMAN. STOTIOH. fTMIE undersigned having purchased the entire Inter* X estin the Drug Htor of Brooks 4l Chapman, wUI continue the business on his individual account. Asa member of the iateflnnhe would make his acknowl edgement to the generous patrons of the house, and ref spectftilly solicit a continuance of their confidence anfi patronage JOHN W BROOKS. January IX I&so.—dwtf.