Newspaper Page Text
21. ELLIS & GO., Proprietors.
Volume XIV.
r |DIR Annual!'-mir.-e >1 I! i m t !>is Department
1. vvul to in nit net! mi MOM) vY, Novi .über 14, Ib.Vj.
au i writ terminate* m Uu maul. < t.arcfi.
.) AMBa JUNK.S, Al. D., Prof. of Practice ol
M ‘ ii ine.
J. L RIDDELL. VI. I>f t’bomiitry.
WARREN rIONK, M D, i’r.if, of Surgery.
A. 11. UENA.S, M l>, Prof. ofObAtetriet*.
iH STAVUri A. NoTT, \1 J>, Pro;, ot Materia
T. G. RICH AHDSON. M D. Prof, of Anatom v.
THOMAS HUJtiT, M i>, Prof, of Physi.-iogv
ami Pathology.
M L>, Iteinontrfrarure ot Ana''.my.
Th.* room* for Blitting will sc open the se
cond M ißtity in October.
The Faculty are \ .siting i’aysiciun* and Sur
ge >o* of the Charity Hospital.
The Sttfd ots accompany the Professor# in their
riots. an | free of expense enjoy extraordinary
pr i -tical advantages.
Preliminary to the Course. Lecture* will be de
livered daily in the Amphitheater of tin’ Hospital,
from the Ist >f 0.-toher. on C.inival Medicine. :iml
B’trgerv, aji l other subjects. without an v charge
teSii.nts. HUNT. M i . Dou.
Tiie \ lui ini strut or* .f the Charily li. >-;>ilil •.duet
annually, in April, fourteen Resident Students,
who are maintained by the institution.
Aug. 2.)—wt)t
A Valuable Residence ami Plantation
tMa Situated I t iiuktH < :n*t i.t C’ol imbus. known
<6raK|A me vvul iw h D -w o, lit tin- oig.aal I. ••ihi-.
Uim or the i• si l no*- of iw bit” <.t ur . C .
)*!■■ ‘ 1 n >i li mis con ,i. i \ g .'i'll
a re- of a# £• ( farimmi iui"lx as itten- row arc in
•ani county; 875 nrive well MitUetcd woodland, die
tilis-u laiui iiis iauiout miriij for tea or lifueu
On InepremoM-s is a Mpiemlui lug- . nnvi” lent Mini
ro iituo.ln>..M Kink Dwelling Uoinot, the lion*©
ami kit lien are both ol uti< k, ttifc otitlcm*©* are mile
wiut diiapMaicd. Tnc I<m aiten is lu'.ilih) , wmertoo.l
an I i:i an tx<vilt*;i iieuiibo*lio< il, <: >i ligiious to
btutre actoioi#. 4rr., fmr uuiH , Ir on tin Muc-’ge*t
tteilr .ul It ain rvery reMM ‘ otia of be most lie
#n:it.,c farms nud re.-nl uce m Wcv'eru Goorjpa.
Terms wiii be liberal and lime ui > o.ouiodatinr
A “|l> in Mij Heury Motion, or I*. J. I'lnltips, at
C I ‘.lulltlx, till
I*. . I. w ill be sold privately if (leaned and lit e*
made indi.-puUfiie veptei wljxu
.ll:ibaiu:i 1,.-unis for bale.
r | , ilL sub*.Tiberoffers Ins plantation in Russell
*■ county Ala., for sale, within 7 miles of Colum
bus, Ga., containing INtt acres, 320 acres Oak and
Hickory, and Iflfl Pine Land with about"oo acres
cleared. With framed dwelling with 5 fount.- and
four chimneys, 0 negro cabins, gin house and
Screw, a splendid barn and stables, carriage house i
and an excellent well of water ami .-evera! y “ I
springs on the place, Tho Glciivilio sind Kiitaulu j
roa 1 runs through a portion of it : any ono wish
ing to purchase a small farm, would do well to ‘
call soon and see the place, as I urn determined
to sell. WJI U ALI.KN. j
August Sth, 1859, w3m
OR RENT l(J7l a-.vo* laud on the Ch.ittuhoo
ehee river, in Henry county, Ala., 2 miles
from Columbia, an i25 inii - ‘r. .... Fort Gum.*,
SwO aore-4 ■ *'i ‘'.v . ti::r •• . whi . . U.sti,
240 acre* cleared last year. GUI Aero* river !**
tom than which tbuiu is none better on the river,
improvement* suffioieui for the place, water good
an 1 ab.iud.ud, aid as healthy us any p r;iou <d
Ala. $ p-r aero war offered and rcfuae.l !>*r a
plantation just above thi.- 1 ., which in iny opinion
ii no better. I will selkilhe place at a roas"ii:iblc
price, uud oil long tiiuo—i ur years, it doired, or
I will rent it at $.2 ad per a re. For further par
ticuiar* got* meat Midway, Ala.
Aug. Bth ISs9—wtf ’ \ UO.SU.
Spirit of the South, Kufaulu. pleas * copy.
A Bargain.
HP HE subscriber offers a bargain in six or seven
* huadri- l acres good land, • Bulging i . th<
.•state of James M o ri-, reared, there ii arly
490 acres cleared. ThO plaee it situated about
threw miles North of Cotton Hill, Randolph coun
ty, at which place is a first-rate school and one
mile anti a half South or the Depot between ruth
beri an I (fceorgetown, witti wood improvements.
Buyers had hotter come and look for thiu-elves
U they wish to get a bargain.
Rep i—w dui AMANDAJ. MUft It IS, Ii v’l r.
FOItSA 1.1 :.
TTMIR subm ri'o-r haviHg n-1 • ! *n• 1 t!• ii In* force
JL require* and buinar m cehi for half of it, oiler*
for sate his plantation lying on the Uaion Kjiring* toad
ahull 4 mities south oi Tuske*.;-.
The tract consists of tmr ceil tmndre I ami forty
*rre* in a body, of the Arm quality of cotton unit gram
lend, of which about dort acres are m a High tu.ieof
ruitiviUon. The Improvements consisting of a neat
jpg dwelling house, negro InoisC *, gin house iuiii*nr**w
gad ail other I.* <;-ary out-ii u-e-, ,ir<* in lh<r.>u.:i
repair Ulrica bountiful supply of vvcii i. .<
well • the a tv anugca *r a croc it r<mniii2 through i
be Which sioca water is mi in übunlanc< A.
eoßeiderati.y portion oi th iracl is ol ihe hrst quality
baiamock lud, a “mail portion pme, mot the ImiHik *
oak att I hickory upland Tha tract lt-s well, ihe np- j
land being slightly uudul*ttug. lie hammo, k level.
For couvemence of locality, being dr-rut four on---
froin Tu*Kc<ee, a vihagn uu-ur.rassctl by au in die i
H at fi*r s.-hotrl andchurcti privi’-e.*, ai- i widen ton
miles of the Miuir-mery anil W. si I'imiil K-iilroud ;
fir firming < tpau'.y ami nth -r facilities, 1 think it cm
cblib-use comparison with any idtioalion in the lotin
ty I wUI take pleasure in showing (be Iml to mi/
person des-pms of purcli >*iug. bin ‘* foun tat in y
residence n T,isk*-g-e, when nor at Ihe , I iiiiatcoi
dept. 12 -w>b. N A. ><I.T.LL*Wd.
TT !rt COMPOI MED ENTIRELY from oms.aml
1 lia* he imw rutestahiished fbci.a standard medicine
approved by an that . have used n and i
■urted lo wah court W deuce ui ail dient*u* lor
which it is recommend- ■* cd
It Ins cured thou mi-i* writhinthe last t o ) mr*
Who had given up hop.- of relief an nuiuer-tjs
unsolicited ceiufit nine ™ in my possession show.
The dose must be itdap #> Usd to the lewpcraumnl
of the individual taking it a .-l no-.l msui hqunn
tlfie* i* n. act gently . mu tuebowc-
Letthe dictate-s ot vom a* judgment guide you in
tine of the LIFER IX ** FIUURATitR. nod if
will cure Livtr Com /‘‘amU, BILIOVS At
tockt, /> YS PEPSI A um Ckrtm. & tar rka
*VM MK H COM PLAIXTs. D Y l.\ 11.
F.S, and may be used *uccesfu!ly a* an'-nui
are, b.inuly MrtLzitU — It will • uie Sit. A
HE ADA C// E. (an ™ thousands ito testily j m
ire/tty minute*, y r * u or ** r “ /*
tpmrnfuL art tokt* at commencementoflhe
AU mho i um U tart , their testimony
in i' favor mm
C l hatliartic Pills,
Pm r Vcyetslile Ktlrartu, nn<l put up
tu illmum nr. Air Tight, snci win
keep In any Climate.
The FAMILY <’A- A tiutu Pill is a gn
tic out active Citharii U vln- h the proprietor uu
used in hit practice more than twenty years
The constantly increasing f denmtid fwon those who
have lon* used the PILLH -and the satisfaction which
allelpresa in regard tot heir H use .has induced me to put
them in the reach of all. . ,
The profession well know ‘hat different rhatharics
aU>-n different portr-ns of. the bowel*
The F AMILY <;a jTII A RTI <’ PIU.
lias with due reference t r this well es nbiished fact
been compounded from n Jd variety oft he part .t vegsu
tsbie egtiacts. which art *L dike on every part of the
alimentary canal, and are 4 good and sate in all Ml
es where a Chatham- is H needed. -iirh <s Dg-
Hijr-.rariri us th e _ rTtA|AI’FT. StßMt
COHriVRMBK S. PAIN vu Sohkxess OVM
tub WHOLE BODY -.from sudden cold, whbh
frequently, if naflected qj end in a Inn*eotirseof Fe
rer LOSS Op APPE- H TITE, a OpStViMo ***-
■ 4Ttor o* Colo nvrt tub Buv, Resclkss
*rs* HEADACHE wf wcttT U thf Drab,
Purifier <*f the Blood, m mdiuanyuieoa* -stowhich
flesh ta heir,too numerous *to mention in tins alvei*
IIMIBMI. DO3L lto ‘A. ‘
Price 30 Cents.
Tfl AKTD’ PILLS arc retailrd by Druvants fonarUly
and told wlinlasale and retail by th Trad* In all th
large towns.
* 0. T. XV. lAS FORD, 51. D.,
Manufacturer ahii Prjjriathf,
‘jM7eeWlok tu Dnmdirar, Ntw Ttt*.
“’ ‘ ‘ ‘’ ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ b ‘ i.
uhimms, msim. oitobeu is. d.v.?.
Uppuxltiua North and South lonlllten.
We call the iitt-•*■•’>; m oi our .<su'.:i t • ut ah •
article from the Richmond Whiy, the lending
opposition organ in Virginia, proposing a coali
tion of the elements opposed to the democracy in
the organisation of tlio next Congress. It speak#
out boldly and without reserve, the policy to bo
pursued by the opposition South. It says, ‘•we
should vote with boldness aud with cnrdiulity
/>r the t< t,,'Kust of Muck NepuWu'in* for
-’PFAKiin ill proforeneo to ny demo rat wbatev
er!” I.” stho Coiumbus Enquirer and other
lesser lights or the opposition party endorse the
Richmond U'a.'o * The boasts that there
is not a to.Vt:” against the coalition
in the “par'y nt tho South.” it eYijoin- upon
.•very opposition member of Congress, by ull tbal
is patriotic, noble and honest, to detent the de
mocracy in the election of Speaker, and boldly
proolaiu.*, “that uo opposition member of titfur
section will stand excused to bis constituents and
the country,” who fails to form an alliance for
this pm’p ■. Here is a voice from Virginia to
dm opp'-ilion in O corgi a. warning them of their
iuty, and tolling them to embrace the abolition
ists in preference! to tb© democrats. Kneruies of
iur section ♦ It matters not. Degradation is
nothing. The opposition hunger lor the spoils,
and thirst for the flesh-pots! Yet, this i# the par
ty that essays to teach the democracy Southern
Rights, and holdup their hands in holy horror
at the mention of Yankee Squatters ! They can
not stand Douglas, but lovingly embrace hi*
enemies aud (be enemies of the South.
F.lefiioo* Norih.
The recent elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and
Indiana, show Republican gains over the Demo
cracy. The scattering Americans sympathized
mid voted with the Republicans.
In Ohio, tho incomplete returns from thirty
counties gave a Republican gain of about 5,000
•ver IS.'>7. and indicate a Republican majority in
both branches of the Legislature.
The Republican State ticket has over fifteen
thousand majority, and the returns thus far indi
cate a Republican majority in the Semite of nine,
and of from twelve to fifteen in the House.
In Pennsylvania, the democrats have lost two
! members of the State Senate, giving the Opposi
i tiou a majority of three votes. Tho liouac w ill
j probably stand, opposition 57, Democrats R>.—
! Last year it stood, opposition I*7, democrats Jkh -
I This is a democratic gain often member*. Still
! the opposition will have a majority of seven teen
j on joint bbllm.
Hon E. A Mibct
i The Savannah (Opp.) suggests the
| name ot^'this gentle mao, as a suitable candidate
! .j lho Unit.-d Slates Somite at the appvou’ h’
I election in Millcdg. villo The Chronir/i- t> SVu
t liel di- cuts from tho rocomuicudaiioti, ami
**il wo arc to bsivoa d.-ni'.crat, give us one of
I the otdmvhnnl. Wo u lit no flvsdgl itig ol>.-Ur
i day. who abandoned hi* party associations, at
| the first moment he thought ho saw their for
tunes 0n. .1 he wane.”
This iiuputatiouupon Judge N’ishet's political
integrity is as unjust ;t- it is unwarranted irotn
the facts in tho case. Actuated by high-u mo
tives than party success, lio exhibited tlic hero
ism of a true patriot in being lei into tho demo
eratic party by the light of principle. We honor
him f>r h o purity of purpose The Cn*titntUm
ali*t, sp.aktng no doubt from nuth rity, says,
Judge Xisbet is not a candidate for the Senate.
The >< w CoagresH.
Pr.un tho Uicbiooud Whig.
The Siteoker, Clerk uud /’o/ito’- .I XSoHthcm
Oppo*iti"H l>id fjr u (Juilitlon with the lltpub
lom I'orly, Etc., Etc.
M i- rejoice to ob ervo the unanimity which pre
vail* among the Southern opposition pres- infi
vor of a union of the opposition in the organiza
tion of tho next lion** of Representatives. So
tar as we have seen there, is not u dissenting voice
to the proposition m the ra. ks of the party nt
the South. All perceive the m-cr -* ty of electing
to the speakers hip u man wdio, will not pa> ! th:
commitieo-, with the view to a suppression of in
vestigation into the enormous trnuds and abuses
whioii have characterized the history of (Ins pres
ent administration ; and consequently, the enure
Southern opposition party cordially favor the idea
of a union among tho opposition memU?r* ol
Congr"—North and South—(dr the ptirpose o
elect in :r suitable per# on * to the various of
the Uouso, and especially to the iuiportsnt and
responsible office of Speaker. In tle judyim ut
of the Southern opposition uo democrat, whether
from the North or the South, should under any
eiroumstaooes, be permitted to occupy tho posi
tion of peaker of the next House ol Ruprusei;
tatires. In their opinion uno hut a mcuiher of
uuu or the other wing ot the uppoaitiou should bo
selected to bil that office at the present time. —
And thus thinking, there can occur nothing to
I jutify or excuse a single opp osition lm uibtT of i
[ Congress from the Sooth iu giving hi# support to
a democrat for Hpeukor, or in withholding his
support from any oppo.-ition member who may he
designated by tho united oppositiou as their can
didate for tho post.
Asa Southern man, sincerely and devotedly
attached to Southern institutions and run them
light*-, and vet unshaken in our ardent devotion
to the union of the Staten, we affirm now, as we
have affirmed before, that not even inquisitorial
tor tare* could force us into the support of either
a Northern or a Southern democrat lor the Speak
ership of the next House of Representatives.—
We uffirm now, a* we have affirmed before, that
as a patriot and ut ici honest man, who cannot
uud will not connive at the corruption which has
been practiced under tho present profligate and
detestable administration, hu should vote with all
cordiality for the very blackest of tho black re
publicans tor Speaker in preference (•< any demo
crat whatever. On this ground we hike our Maud,
aud on this ground we shall eontinue to taud, in
spite of tho wailings and bowlings of all the dem
ocratic demagogues on eurth or in tbo region* of
1 their father, hi* r ibie majesty of the realms of
’ darkiicss. Any intimations or insinuation* from
them to the effect that, in thus advocating tho
election of an opposition .Speaker, whether in tho
person of a .Southern whig or a Northern repub-
I ii**:iti, vrt are manifesting disloyalty to the South
| and r-y input bitting with the objects of it* enounc*,
I owe sbstil treat with tho unutterable contempt
which such slander” and falsehood deserve. It
ha* been with Southern democratic editor* and
i politicians the settled habit of their live* to char
aetcriw) Southern whig* as abolitionist* in dis
guise, simply because they refuse to countenance
> or tolerate the manifold r*< alitiea and villauies
!of tbedemoerntie party. Wo are accustomed to
l these calumnious accusations, and cannot, atthi*
j tiuiejof day. be either intimidab: I or di coueerlcd
j by them. Thaw uegroles* democratic demagogue*
very well know that, in ioiduautiug u charge of
infidelity to the South against gonthern whig*,
they are only giving utterance to deliberate and
vilful falsehood, designed to impose upon the Um
easy credulity of the honest, but ignorant aud
uuiufornied voters in the Southern fetates.
It it their custom, we icpeit—uud esfiecially
on the ere of an election---to pin? upon tlm sensi
liveMM of ftouthorn mf iu regard to tbe institu
tion of slavery, for the sole purpose of promoting
the vile and despicaUe ends of parly, aud there
by continuing themselves in the p>*eefiloo end
enjoyment of the publio plunder. But the tn..-s
----e of tbe Soft hern people uuderslaud, at last, the
object of their noisy and clamorous profeeeioo*,
of devotion to Southern lligiits, and of their
(iil*e and silly accusations against (ho Southern
Us position. They see only lore of tbo r|eils at
| tlie bottom of ull their pretentions end all tlo ir
movements, and btuce their cuckoo cry of abo
lition against their betters has lost ii* power to
bvnrfit themselves or deceive other!, and ii (ma
ted by all men at the roulb, who aro "t irre
‘claimable fools, as the idle winds which they re
gard not.
in conclusion,therefore, wc Uf7ite ctery bon
thern Opposition Member of Congress to hesi
tate not a moment about co-operating with tlio
Northern Opposition ip the orunAtAiiu* of tlio
next House. It is th< ir solemn public duty to
amt** with them in this simple and urgent mut
ter es eesinete, ut view es the eterwkeijilg ia
1 p • ou of ferreting out and exposing the frauds
. ‘ jTUj'!i.m< which prevail in every depart
incut i l l'” Vi-ramci.f Wo repeat ‘that no op
p"siMin uicuihci ofciiher v.cti n wdl stand cx
cii vd to his c •nstitiu iits and to the country,
who fails to and” everything in I.ii p""> rto[ .•
vent ihcchction of a dein ..cratte speaker, who
would ncccsMirily so con* t itute the c"laniUtvcs ms
to tlie iuveKtig.iti.'ii into tl.e niutsc.s <*!
which his own party and hi# v n admiaistration
have R.-cn notoriously guilty. Let, then, ei. n
opjiosition member from tho South march baldly
up to tho discharge of his duty, regardless ol pei
soual consequence*.
American Hotkl^. —A cm respondent is fa
voring the I.audmi M.-nuiig Chronicle with
sketches of‘•America and the Americans.” The
tilth number, devoted to Philaiielpliia, i* thus
••The (.liranl House was named after a patri ,
otic e:ii,cu of I’hiladopliia, who lor his large
benofacii.'iis to his native city, acquired the title
of the American “Ureshaci.”
American hotel life is very much ‘.ho same :
thing throughout the U nion, and our pre.-ciit
abode only difiers from the ono we have quitted ;
at New York, 1\ iuuug up-u a limilcd > ale
aud msleudof the waiters being composed almost 1
entirely of very indiflarmit specimens of humani- |
ty from the Kmo raid Isle, wo aro noiv a i tended
up >n by a numerous retinue ol “hereditary bond
men” lr.>ui the western shores yt Africa; the?,
latter are most of them slaves, the property of
Southern planters, who find they can make moie J
of them by letting thorn out to hotel keepers than >
by working them ou their own exhausted planto
New Post\t. Cu vuoks at LtvTitoot..- \no i
tlce lias lieim i*#uc'd t” the rfleet that nil late let I
tors posted at tin- landing stage, f>>r America and |
foreign port*, will, in future, bo charged sixpeueu t
instcud of, ns hitherto, one ."hilling.
Nkvt Orleavs, Oct. 10.
Advices from Mexico, state that Miramon i k
preparing for a vigorous eauipaigu. and threatens
the poit of Alvarado. Alvarez ha* received mu
nitions from Now York.
The Fillilmiter*— Testi* Sew.*, (fee.—lt isl ro
ported that Cidleetor Hatch has discovered a
see ret receptacle in tho hold of tho steamship
Philadelphia, containing boxes of musket , which
j it i supposed uiv to be shipped t New York.
The Alls'.in tiuxctlo any* that tlio Cannim-he#
I and other tribes <d Indium? are planning a grand
j expedition against tho Northern frontier of
| tiiii. Twiggs has asked to Re relieved from tlio
I command •t tin* military department of Texas.
t i.KVKt.October Id.—Tho Ucpublenn ioa
jorily on the State ticket will by 17.0(111. To the
N'lmii’ ‘J.i Republicans and 10 Democrat* are
el clod, uni to tho Ilmiso til Republican# and ID
i iemoorat*.
lowa Kmsctiox. —There i nothing definite a
vet from loan- Roiurna from thirteen counti #
have been received, whK-h giro about tbe sumo
majorities as in 1857.
V * ■ ..i-i.ATrnr - The two braoclicsof
• . • i L"‘:isiiuro ouim-ucd to-day. -
; 1..’ t i . ru. ! Martin eaUed the Senate to or
| dt i, win n (lie oath* were administered. Muv.
Win. H Lord was elected Chaplain.
Tiie lU'U'c “i'j mi/’ 1 ly the election of Mr.
Kdmunds, “f Burlington, mh Speaker, the ballot
standing as follow :
IMinui.Us, Repu'di.-a.i 17 1
I*. D. l. iii, ol Ramard, Dem :;o
Charles < umiumgs, of iiratUeb'.ro, wn* ro
elceted Clerk.
/.di-Just previous to the election, tho “Oppo
sition” hud a grand (!) rally at Atlanta, and Inc
I‘rizo Rniiuer, otiered to the county sending the
largest deleguti .n to naid rally, was cUinndund
taken by D. liulb county, the Dumber irotn that
county I cing, according to *‘Oppeitiou.” report,
tbHt. Now, i lirowl. received 7 '2\i Vote* and Al in
4.: i in that county, the question ualuraily arise*,
where is the Oaiancts ol the lie. hundred ‘•Opposi
tion” v eis who won the pru banner ? M lit the
Coutedrrui-ij or American pica tie iulolia US
Snrth (ft ayoi Time*.
Hk< L ilt.—This w\rk hu* attracted mure atten
tion than any American fiction which has been
presented t” the public for a quarter of a century,
tie production of u native of our Statu, (from
Haidwiu county,) wo can have no IcVliugx but
tlose of pride and cxult.i'ion, at tho encomiums
wiii.-u havo be n#o largely bestowed upon the
work of the lair author. )‘h hook is in every
body's hand aud praise in everybody’s mouth ;
and beyond the-n •‘•ess it has achieved as a iitc- ;
rary production, it will bring to tho publishers a (
peeuniury reward, that, iu a umtulio eye like ours, |
is a glut dying evidci.'-j of appreciation. Aliss
Lvami i* a deep thinker, and n clear amilyser.—
Her characters, which ure of our limes, are plac
ed lc ,c th” icade, in bold relict and the “itl/is”
p -smliar to those who live in u ;-]n:eulativu world, I
urti brought out in a style us deeply attractive us ,
it is purely morn!.
Wo have already published a lengthy criticism
upon the work, but its merit will warrant our ad
ding tho above, so Hi at (iourgiaus may Imvu bo
fvr ilium the tact that ono of our daughters is so
justly famous. —• Savannah ll‘-publican 15.
Thrown Irani a Mule anil kit In!
Wo nr pained to hear of tho denrh oftheeldwt
son of i'homas A. Swearingen, of Mitcbel Cos., !
(la., very intelligent littlo boy some eight years ‘
old. Woiist reluming from s dmol eoine da\*
ago he was thrown trom his mule ; one of hi# tert ,
hung in the sturrip mid be wu* dragged aomo .
huodr and aud fitly yards over a newly cut aud
very rough road.
New Ua vkn, Conn., Oct. Hi.
Coxnk;tu;i'T .Siati; i air.— Hie State Fair at
lirawster Park w in suooessiul operation. The
•bow of horse* tu number aud excellence far ex
needs any <ther exhibition iu the State. The dis
play of cattle is also better than usual. The dis
play of produo‘B is,also highly creditable. Tho
admission* to day aro estimated at from 12,000 to
15,000 persoua. Thursday is the groat day of the
lair, which closes on Friday night.
Tho fishermen have a very curious way
of catching fish in tlio Rhone. They wmiu into
the water at night, with a knife and u watertight
lamp. They place tbe lamp under water, uud tho
trout will soon follow iu As tho fish eomu up to
the surface of the water the fisherman kill* them
with his knife. This is no fish story, but veritable
f*ALARVor Titt: Bonn Mayor oi* Lospox.—
The Lord Mayor ha* nn allowance of £7,900 j
if i* generally cited at but is barely that
much. It i variable, even to Ihe extent of ono
thousand pound* a year, more or less, owing to
n portion of it bring derived from dues on fruit.
Hi* ho*iHi.'h”!il nt the M iiision House, consists of
2-! gentlemen, and ho hu* a good retinno of ser
vants. ID* hu* to provide Li.-* own horses, and
lu* f” find a carriage and horses for tho Lady
Mayore* . Tho expense* of the Mayoralty usu
•udlly exceed tho allowance by £. r ,OOO.
Tub Baht Rkfikkmext ix Bcsiskhs Drim
/fixr;,—Tho financial editor of tho N. Y. Inde
pendent, referring to some of the modern extra
vagance* practiced by jobbing bouse* at Boston
and elsewhere, in the way of courting custom,
says: “We aro reliably informed that, a largo
business linn in this city, bavo now connected
with ’jjoire-üblishmcut, iu full bluet, a woll Turn
(shed, eating, drinking and smoking saloon,
where the eustomors of tbe the house aro regu
larly introduced at rertam hours and if occasion
i*quirc", at intervals several times bftween. Tho
“institution” afore-aid, it it remarked, is highly
approeisted by (be trade uud works admirably.
I’ sometimes happens Unit tbo customer* of this
“popular hnu <• in oonscqaooee of other ougago
ments, are unable (o call upon them daily. A
note is made of such absence, and if it u too long
protracted, i young man i* dispatched in the ev
ening to the hotel, wub a bottle of wine to “jog
the memory of the delinquent.”
Coat, aid fttox.—From the official returns o
the British Mineral Districts, it appears that tho
produce of tho coal mines iu the United King
dom during a recent year amounted to 64,894,-J
707 tons ; tho estimated value of tb coal produ
ced during the year was valued at $04,000,000.
J-arAn old woman called at the telegraph of
fice at Loudon Bridge, and requested the opera
tor to soud her carpet-bag to Maidstone, and re
tßia her (Uesf by telegraph that day ture.
<■ mthbih, wfiDMtmr. outohkb i. is o
A Word about ilutqultot*
White the falling us uutuiunal leave* sa idont
tho heart, it i* made j yful by the thought, that
tlio /env.ii ij ae>t uiq>rpitiuus fra speeie* of
in •.i .leu'iniiiiai.-vl n.u-quit-x> Tin y have
been uur boon “i.mpAiiiutid duiinj; tho past sum
mer; seldom leaving our si eic'y, und loving ns
with all the a ilorof clierished nlieeti'in. Thu
leeiproeity of tIU nttachmeut may blind u# to a
1 true deliueattou of their many \irtues, ar,d sub
ject tu to tho charge of partiality iu thia brief
’ alluiion to them. To thi* weakness, wo plead
guilty, for we have u fv ‘.mg recollection of tueir
coal worth. Worth, did wo ay; what are the
I m.seela made tor ‘( M’hile every specie* of tho
I winged creation present * mo claim to merit, the
• iiiuiquilo alone i* tho embodiment of total de
pravity It gladdens the heart to hear the carol
, of tho merry songster, pleases tho eye to behold
i the perkHtiou of taste a# dispUiyul on tho but
; lerfly's wing, /dinuilute* drooping energies to
wituos.; th • *• e it in.p.ove* each passing
j uiouient, awakeii.i interest t• < see tbe agile
i ilea l -np two hundred time* ii* diameter,
hut tho musquitn/ poor thing! ho lias mu
ale i-<miug qualiiy, and i* unworthy tho
I associutivu of Id* HKeica. Ho hi* no graeo of
| iU"vomeni, no huauty of form, no sweetness us
V.II'V, no ii !me- • • cdor, 110 gutillciie** of UI
, ture, n ‘ attribute of hummi sympathy. Hu is
| t io very iuoarnutiou of malignity and hitter aui
| luosity.
During tho past summer, ho ‘• i>> k hi* obscure
1 haunts, where, hcrclotero, he preserved a . incti
monious, penoeable, hypocritical silence during
| thoday, aud exhibited spirit onougiiia open liglit
lo Sound hi* trumpet-touguod sibilution, und
gratify hi* insatiable carnal hunger by the most
indomitable energy and stubbornness. Keen
now, whilo wo write—the cool wind blowing
through our window—the summer past—hu lin
gers in our sanctum -sing* about our ears, and
get* dead drunk ir< m the gushing fountain of
human life that flows in our veins.
Reader, imagine our delight in welcoming win
ter, and bidding udieu to this sociable uompun-
The Luqulrrr uml the hiephnnt**
j Thu allusion us tho 77w<etf to Judge Crawford’*
victory in this disliiot being ns overwhelming n.s
that of Pyrrhus uud hit ulcphtiui-, was seized
upon by our voteuiporury during the canvass, as
1 wonderfully appropriate. U said, Ryirbus was
’ routcil ut his third battle by his elupluiuN being
uunitinugoablc, uud so the lion. Marlin J. Craw
ford would hu in his third race. It tpvv turns out
j Umtthc Lmfuircr acknowledges that it misquoted
I history, and sets down the fourth f utile as the one
! of total annihilation of the Democracy iu the 2d
j district. Query: Where will the (iud a
I hole to get out :il the next election should the de
mocracy succeed, of which there is little doubt?
i We expect it. is uovv satisfied with the above
snnile. Well, wo take pity and forbear any uilu
-1 iion to history again, us our neighbor rends it so
as to make (lit* parallel between Pyrrhus and
Mr. Ciuwfoid apply us well to n victory a • a de-
I feat!
Hon T. b. t.nerrj.
IWo ro.joire to see the uatuc >.(’ our friend Hon.
T. S (Juerry, among the do* tto the next Legis
-1 lature. JIo deserves tho oonlidence reposed in
I liihi by his coiudituoiiH and will icpreoeut their
j 1 iterest with lidolity. Quiliiiau has done her duty
in triurnphunMy electing so true and tried a demo
crat, aa bur Senator in the Legislature, lie will
hold a high position by the foroa of his gonuiue
. merit and worth.
Legislature I'nllllral t luv-itliatfon.
■ From tho Hat of .Meiuhers elect to (ho
j turc. we find that the Democrats have a very
large majority. The returns are not accurate,and
we c.m only Approximate the probable differ
eneobetweefi tho two parties. One hundred and
twenty counties aro heard from, leaving only 12
‘to complete the list. From these returns and the
I complexion of tho counties >is heretofore known,
i the Domocra's will have at leant one hundred
, Senator- to somo thirty one or two of the Oppo
-iLion. Tho ilousu will have about one hundred
and twenty-live dewoeiutic uiemherN, uud th®
j opposition a lew over fifty. The democratic ma
| jorily on joint ballot will he about ono hundnd
and ninety ! It may possibly wpproxitnat* two
hundred ! This is a pretty large majority of one
party over another in a Stale. It ought to aat
i.sfy the limbi’i ni of any reasonable Democrat.
>it*M -srs. Mctjchec, ..f Houston, (Juerry, of
Quitman, King, of (jlynu, Reward, of Thomaaaitd
I Collier, of Fullon, arc Hoggested as suitable per-
I sons for tho Piesidency of the Senate. Either of
them are qualified for the position, and will aatia
fy tlm democracy.
Mr 1 Irwin, of Wilkes, will, perhaps, have no
competitor for the Speakership.
<m •
Milledgevillo /"ferof t'm>n leans
that. U A. Thokhton, F q., of this city, is tom
dale for Clerk of the llouso of licprcsciilutivo.
J his is u mistake.
Tho valuation of real estate nu I ‘raneisco
for the pri-sent year is ?17.U!b:, I2J, which is nn
increase of nearly 54,500,000 compared with tho
year previous. The totui valuation ( real and
personal) this year i*> $!15,777,076.
4 ‘ii rd from Urn. (. J. Will lams.
f'oM'.MUt s, (Ja., Oet. IKth, ‘■/.*.
Mmuri. fylitort: My name has been suggest
ed, In v>ur paper, in connection with the otUcoof
Speaker of the next House of Kopre-untalives.—
Fully appreciating your motives, bat fearing that
my silonce may ho construed into an acquies
cence *o the suggestion, i hog leave to say. 1 will
not be a candidate fertile puaitiou.
Vary respectfully,
Concord, X. 11., Ont.ll.
AVis Ifuae/iehire Democrat te Utmiintto/i.- —The
Democratic citato Convention held hero to-dny,
was quite fully utioudod. ‘i he ballot for a can
didate for Governor, resulted as follows -Asa P.
Late, of No rlh lie id, 122: J. H. Cheney, of Man
chester, P 9 ; ooatUriug, 4. Mr. (.’ate* notuimi
tion * made unanimous. ’J lie Convention did
not act upon tbe qm >tioii of ilulcgato.i to the
; Cbarlest -n ( onv>rHi<>n.
Okmcva, N. V., Oct. 11.
I Senatorial Nomination, —At tho Deinoeratir
Henatorial Convention held here to-day, for the
2flib district, (Jen. Charles h. Stuart, of Ociieva,
was unuiiimoosly nominated.
Richmond, Oct. 12.
The Episcopal Convention.— A largo num
[ her of resolutions a* and aimmdments to lln* consti
tution were prcHonti and in the Episcopal Conven
tion to-day, but nothing Hunt was done in relation
’ thereto. A lurgc portion of the day was spout
, in di*eussii'g tho proposed amendment to article
six : To allow the General Convention to estab
lish a Court of Appeal* for the revision of decis
ion* of tho Diocesan Courts in the trial of i'rss-
I by tors and Deacons: but no uctiou was taken.—
| The consul ration of bishops will tulin place to
, morrow in three diHuront churches. A proposed
arrangement for performing tho ocrcmonies in the ;
Capitol grounds occasioned uu oxciting debate in
. tho House of Deputies.
| Tbo earnings of the Auburn State Prison for
tbo mm. last months exceed tbe ordiuary 1
. ditures 89.199 CO.
K ri• pcudenoo of tho Times.
CMU Cin a cat’s letter to Id# Son Jacob
My l)ea S.n— You no 1 told you I would
rito buck t’ y u and lot yott know tho statu .| :
things gincrally. Well after I left you und the
old mu man, I went rile strata down the kouutry.
ny onto two hundred ni dus, and I tell you I see
a hoop of t!ii>._, that tuck my fanny, sieh tilings
a* sandy lodes, big cotton and korn feels, uu
above ait ua# tim M • s on all the trees; whit!”
U-lo fftsc of the uwtli *j, e.-voted with it, and
they tell me iv‘.at that gro*u the silo is rich and
i luixt with lime, lint Juke, h poor teller kan'i
l.y landdoun thar, so I l*lt for the Mas*is#ippi.
10, t back to t’olumiius, jestbelVne the leelion,
and rito here, Jake, I'll tell you an Am- juke
l hoerd as 1 euiu threw Trupe county. An old
lTlc*r tolo a young fuller that if lie woud marry
his gal, he would giv him a dog, Die young tciL r
consented and married her; acourdin to promi#
the old tumii giv a him the dog, lie was well
plowed with hi* dug, and bavin w right to do jest
us ho pleased with him, lie would get hi* dandn
up und go nut and whip hi#dog. After vvhippin
the dog two or three times, lio couio lo the cou
klushun, he pood jest wliup anybody; so bo went
up iu town l day and cutumnuat rarrin round,
and swuar lie eood whip uuy tnao iu tho die trick.
Arter a vvhilt a teller h ine hod him aud give him
a good whippin. lio went homo and tolo In#
wife about it. and said ho intended to r- loum hi >
k*motor by giv in her a whippin. That raised
her obenescr, and alio irtehod round, got thu iruu
poki-r and fi t in ou him. Mu> tttek him longvvuy*
the baeflv und eum mity nigh bentin him to doth,
lie went to b"d—got up next tuumiii iu amity
bad burner, rolled up hi* sleeves aud sed— welt,
thuro’s iiubody to prevent ui *, I’ll go out and giv
my dog one ui'.ro good whippin. Well, juke, I
t"fl and lift and loft. I uXcd who was the tel
ler they had that junk ou, and they said, Rig Rod
—-bc/. 1 bow'* that? sez they, he was a young
man und liis father was a dituui'rat; they luld
j him If ho wood l'.rsuko father and mother they
j would give him old Troop,.so ho consented und
’ got old Trupe. .So every lime ho g->t hi* daudvr
l up lie would whip obi troop. Alter whippin oie
j Troup two or three times, hr enm to tho cou<-Ui-
Bhun ha could whip any man in tho dbdiick l< r
I t'oiigraee; so ho ooniimucud Ftirria round aud
- befum he undo it a feller from Merry weuthm t’o.
j licked him and were him out. He then under
j tuck to redeam hisself by whippin any man iu (
tlio .State for tinvuur; that raised (luv, Rrowu's.
Ilsical nerves, tnd ho retched round got holt ou
ncros# tigli or barof t-irun, what wn* lyin on
the Stritc rodo, und es lie did’ut make him Ake I
wood’utsa so. And they an ho will ha\ethat mth
| er feljor, Akin a akin wors than (hut In a few
| days. .So he wont home in a bad huuicr, rolled
; up hi* sleeves, looked round uud sed, Well, thar
| is kn>.wbody to prevent me, I'll f giv® old Trupe
I one incur good whippin. Well, moody M.i niu r
cum and they loinmoiieod votin, here would cum
iu a #uarm >d dimyerat*. aud thar would Como
!in ii .warm of- <r er-tS— well, tho tiillier side.
| All the cun'd) date* was rile there, and tit the be.-i
j humour you over seed fullers. There was Craf
lbrd with his had up, as much a# to *u,v ] (an
gwino to g.) to pongraeo, mid when he looked so
much like go hi to Congnioc, 1 thought ol t,lmt
good old sariiiout, Farewell, brother < ; fi.
Well I tell you, the ctiudydate* in -hi Mi^cogy
nre sinn; they held out liulhlul
o'clock, when ihe new* eum iu from u nutber
proelno. I did’ntknow nulliin nliftut wlm had
tuck pluse, but l heerd ouo say Nance.*; after a
; while I board another say, AUtbuuiyans. Then
1 •ed mint© of the cfiudytlittea go ami set down
like they wu* sick, and a frond tofil me tbo Kars
wood sturt in a hull hour. I left then* voiiu,
i went up to (hndepo, got on Ihe ears, und tho b>*<
iltirtg I heard hater© the ear* started wan, Nance*
• uud Alabamyuns IwUlglvi* you all the nti*
us l goon. Alabama(3 upnrty slate, nnd I will
give you Iho |mrticulur© in my next.
Nothiti mure at proseui from your fat It or,
! P. S.—Take kocr ol the old until I git
j llepoi ltd lor the Journnl of Coiimn reu.
A Very iFashlunuhlc Unltlln ;
i Tim of tlm t.'nhun iiiilliomiira, Sonor
Oviedo, with Mifin Hhil’ It, duiighli-r of CapL.
. Uarllett, Into of the ( . H. Navy, look place >ti
lerdiiv l tit. Patrick’ h'uihedrul; and tlm high
iinticipatioiiji of tlm In <hionnLle world
tliuu sHtisflol. Ftotn II to 12 the vtmvrahle edi
lieo wiif, besieged hy u throng of the WualUiicMl
metropolitnidP. ntid it wait wit',, the ntmont dilii
cully thut the police could keep an opening in the
• truet.ii for tho eoiifttHiit ktream of .splendid enr
riige-, hearing tlieir hurdenw of heaury mid fu-h
---!!• in ti> tlm wedding fete. Alint 7,000 of
invitation hud been issued, and long before noou
tlm vast cathedral was crowded, and hundreds of
guests were deluded for want of standing room.
1 and so were compelled to form part of the undis
tinguished throng of citizens who pn-ked an
-ddi walks lor squares around, and Iv'tllii.d tlieir
interest in tho occasion hy loudly cheering the
bride and groom, and their Accompanying party
of eix bridustiiahls and six groom-men, t ,s they
drove up to tho ehurch door. The f’crcuionma
went conducted by Aruhbishop Hughes with all
the splendor of tlm Roman Catholic ritual ; and
at their conelufion, tho Archbishop madoa brief
personal address to the liapny couple, in which
he alluded to the sanctity of tho marriage Uo, to
j the reprehensible facility with which divorcesuio
j obtained, and to tho iinposiiibility es what i- cuJ
! led a double inaniag’ -one solemni/ed by tho
j Protestant and Catholic prion! hood at Buccodsiuii.
j Tho latter observation wan construed by tlm-o
■ who heard it, to be u manifesto in behiill of the
oxoluzive marriages of tho Homan Catholic Church
i in eases whore (us in tlm olio under notice) one of
the contracting parlies is a Catholic and tho other
’ Protestant. Jim bride presented u film appear
ance ui tlis altar. Alter tho ccreuiohy, the new
ly ucd-iod pair and thtir friends left tho Patim
<lral, HJiiid tho cheers of tho oiilsidor*, and pro
■ ■■eile-1 to the residence of the bride's parents in
Nth street, where there was a grand jam of con
gratulation until three, P. M. The bridal pre
senU wore superb. Those for tho groom, in the
shape of jewels alone, wore valued at UUU.
Hut it (th old Whig parly i is not strong en
ough lo net separately and alone To accomplish i
any real good for tho country, and for. i"‘ ■ .iu !
fit troth nml free*loin, it uiusi co-operate, with the
-•lher elements nl opposition to au Adiainistrat'n.u
nnd it party which have divided the nation into
sectional fractions, nml lm\ dal troy mi tho peace
and contldancc of ylm country, and have oudan
ger -I its integrity.—A’dte. U><t*.
M e comnmlid this onlightoiivd sentiment to the
attention of those person* and presses who will
not co-operate to defeat the lilnek lb inouruey,
except f-ii their own lor ms. —Pul riot.
Kashas PoUTtrs.—A van worth
to tho Republican says thut the Topeka. Conven
tion on the I2tli, nominated a full ticket, headed,
by Charles Robinson, for <lovrnor, und J. F.
Hoot, for Lloutmmut. M. F. Conway was nomi
nated, for Congress.
Tho Convention was harmonious. Robinson,
who is also Govucuor elect under llm Topeka
Convention, whs dominated on the flr -t ballot.—
The cloetiun for fctate officer will take pluyu in
1 leecm inir.
lb pnbliraiiA and Ami rbuit -.
Tho Baltimore Pat rim, tn influential Opposition
Journal, is in favor of tlm union of Americans
and Republicans in the orgnnizutLft of the next
Congress, it says ;
A letter ha* hewn roeeived by a gentleman in
Washington from a lea-ling douih A inert can mem
ber of Congress, lu which he stales that the Re
publican* nnd American* will organi/a
tion of the House without any trouble or delay.
The matter has beou arranged by un equal divis
ion of otiicos and spoils between the two parties.
As for the nidi-Lccoinptonitrs, he says neither
party have any confidence whatever in them, uud
, they will do nothing to conciliate them- He utso
etHiee that either Winter Davis er Mr. ibihrl lge
j will be the nest Speaker.
tandldalen larllrrUshJp
‘fhroar many candidate* for Hucrstory of ‘ho
Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives
at th® approaching soar ion of thu I.cgi.'daiure.—-
I'll®so offices are high and honorable positions,
and worthy the aspiration* of our duuiocratlo
friends. The name* ol many tuloutcdt worthy
members of tho party aro montiouod iu tho pub
lic pe®#e. Among others, that of Charles J. Har
ris. bsq.. of Thomas, tho onorgetle und efficient
\ ,>t:u!t S cretary of the late Sonatti J. A.
Pringle. F#q , of Houston, who ix well acquainted
with the duties of th.* office. INI, Hertford Green,
Os Pike, formerly Senator from that county, and
an old and tried democrat. Dr. Blackburn, of
Stuwatt, William H. Hall, Esq., of D.-mtur, and
[. M. Del.ion, of Lowmlcs. They will be sup
ported by their friend*, and will reflect credit,
any ouo of them; upon their party, l'or Clerk of
tho House, our former townsman and talented
young friend, R. R. RcUruHenrcid, K*q., is a
candidate. He was one of lire Seorotaries of QoV.
■•ohiiKon, during hi* popuh.r adiuimstiation, and
i worthy tho position. Air. Dinni'.iid, of Do-
Ivalb, another eandidate, was one of the lloprc
setilativts from that county in the last Legisla
ture, und wn# a bold,animated debater. Anoth
er aspirant, Mr. Shropshire of Floyd, wu* tho
Assistant t.'lerk under Alexander M. Spoor, Esq.,
In the last House. Ho wo* proniolad to tlio prin
cipal Clerkship after tho resignation of Mr.
Spoor and provod very effloient. Mr. (loorge
Hiliyer, of Walton, a eompeiiior for tho honor,
was a conspicuous member us tho laet LegisiatUVo
and took an active part iu tho debates. Mr.
Charles Phillips, of Cobb, lb the son of Ur. Phil
lips, of .State Ro.vl notoriety, andte.raaerly an in
fluential nu mber of liabenibam. Lust, tat not
loRSt, comws mir friend, Mr. A. J. McCarthy of
tbo Albany /Vitnot; who aspires to tho position.
Ho wm nn cnefgbtfcClerk under Mr. Speer, and
is a fine write r, ss tho ooiuinn* of tho Patriot will
bear testimony.
\\ o thus allude to the candidate* fbr the n cTm
modmion of tho member*elect to tho Legislature;
aud tho information of our renders, who tny feci
nn intoroHt.
.MMlcilgcvllli’ Ualtles.
lulling Iho sosHlon of tho Legi-bilure, soon to
eonvette us Milledgovillfl, our roteinporaric.x of
the Federal f'ninii, and Soulhehi li -order, will
issue Daily, instead of Weekly papers. They will
have competent repot tors of th© proceedings in
tbo two ! ..die*,and will present to ihoir readers u
tru© record of tho business huing tfunsnotOii Nov
is the liuto to *'jb?eribo to valuable journnls.
The flrsrifls n imtr.
Tliwjc in c .iisHor.iMc ability among iho mem
ber* elec. to tho donate ut Gourgnu Ain .og oth
ers uro li'*it. Juuio J,. SoHuud, .f Thomas, Hon.
T. R. Kiug, of Glynn, lion. K. I*. Trippo, of
Monroe, and Hmi. ltiues ilolt, ol Muscogee ; all
of whom, have repi aontod Georgia tu the t ‘un
gras.i of the United .Slates.
• htute Printer
Th© Atlanta Intel/iyenvir and Ft dura! /'nt'on,
we undi r#fnd, aro eaudidateia for tins public prin
ting at tlie approaching session, i litre may be
other’ whoso caitdiduey is not yet mailu public
among our t.rcificren of thu pros*.
Cottcti riaiilt iV iOHTffitlon
At tho regular sesdott iu Juno 1 of tho Cot
ton lHout'-tV Convention, ot ibu Slate of Geor
gia, a resoiutiuu p***ud ttuthoriziug U.u picsiding
o.fleer, (after cousuiiution w ith th© vi o Proai
duiii.i.) to call tlio Convention together, should
business require ii ; dooming it important that
tle Oonvunlion xhuiild ass -mbie, iu*i having iho
eorropuodciiee of tlmse nrhoiu 1 vvu* tu Coitanit,
1 hereby require the member* of tho Convention
to meet iu the City <*f Macon, on Wednesday, the
Itiill of November next, ns business of (be mo3t
urgent imuiru require* the action oi the Louven
It i# very dcsirabl” that each Ctton growing
county in the State should b repre.-mnted; there
fore, each county is rctpirtsted tu *< id Dulegatc©
to tfie Convention.
Individual Planter*, (not County Delegate*)
may attend and become member* of lit© Conven
Newspapers friendly to Direct Trade, and to
th© Convention and it* object©, nr© ver) rufpoot
fulijr requested to puhiisfi this notice.
Perry, Get. J, 1851).
TV ill the Planters of Georgia, generally, re
spond to tbi* call? This interest whi-di
hold* in equilibrium, the social relations of tiio
nations of the eurth, and nustuins tho happiness
and prosperity of tho human frnnity*, should be
numerously and ably represento 1 on that day.—
Every man in the South who raises a bah of rot
ton, should not only cherish, but manife.-t an
abiding interest in the success of this great cutei
prese. Regarding it, as we d*>, t o most impor
tant movement of the uge, for the prosperity of
the Southern States—viuhraeing ull interests in
its success—wc have buckled on tha harness for
the work. The man Who sUsatbunic. indifferent
to the call, nn 1 can look on namovri/ at tho ele
ment* in motion to enhance thevaiiie of tho groat
Ataplo product lie grows, and bents down a
monopoly that has oppressed his energies, and
hangs like un incubus upon the of
the South, would manifest a like indifference, If
his fire-side was invaded.
Continental Europe extends tlie hand of com
mercial favor, and seeks a direct interest in tho
manafartwywvd mr great stuple. The proposi
tion is noble and liberal. Cot ten I‘ianter* of
Georgia, will you accept rh© boon ? V.'e trust iu
your sense of duty, and hope your patriotism will
prompt you to lay bold while it is offered you.
From (he New York HcruM.
Bui shki S. pt. 1, FS3O.
77c .Vir Car i H"nh on thr Cmi'irnt of tUiro/n -'J he
F >'*• ’/'nk u .Molhrr Hunt, to hr tit Frnnkf it or Unit’
**h -.N rtr nnm* i!//.; alii ttn Cn m—l+ttral
('nmrmtttr itfC't'nH I Imltrm to Ihi >nnl i titor }“*-*■
ftu-tinn. F'rrmk end firrman Comwr rod Cuttry
to am m>.fh tkr < ‘*•• n hi ties of J non. Hrla+smo—Ce
deugra/ikt u l . I ■ itr n Udtnnort mat .tin utrp~-.'More
mi nis us . hnrrmiuj, \r.
The ffnam isi nlldir to wliicli I have alluded
beroluforo, iia.i nffivo my lust, UHsiiincd a regular
form. The bail* of the now rnitou bunk i.- Bud,
und iIH operations will no doubt bmomio very im
portant, your Routlicrh trader* uioy talm an inter
e*t in tbo matter. ’I he r>ajtll son-k of tho now
hanking company is npi yot fixed, nor (lie yumo
by which it. will hu known. Tho prinoiplu of ii*
formation i* vitbstunUolly what Ia aid it would
he. Tbo shares will bo fixed at a inoiK-ruie sum
each, und the clinftfcfcr of its investment uml dis
counts b< rugulated entirely in av<'>r>ianco with
the wan ts of the ooUou growers of the boulhern
Staton of America. It is taken for granted that
no interest which produces um>uaity to the value
or*!M,ooU,®o9 in the loiui us ho eunvcriibie mii
srtH'le as cotton, may, by good matutgetuenL Ij
made the foundation of uuexienaivu buoktug op
eration. The mother Lank will he either at Brus
h'll or Frankfort, under tho directiun of an emi*
nuut nauieoM the hiiuuciHl world. The first op.
oration in Auu iua will lake place, as 1 said, in
Georgia or Alahamu. A given district in the
cotton growingpyriion of tho Btato will bn stdec
ted as the placo of ‘‘trial’* of tho first buuk.—
Louna will no made to tho plant or* ripou their
growing crops,and based on the Value of their
plantation securj'ies, at the Europium rates of iu*
t rest, ihe crup*thus controlled at tho point of
productiun will bw gout loiwurd directly to L'u
rope fur shlm it) Btironv. On thu n. rival of tha
curgoes thu muiu facility <>| uredit will ho extend*
ed to tha buyers, aud Uiim thu Auroriuin plantar,
instead of receiving us now the whula. uls price of
hisifiuple in America (wbk h price is always thu
lowest; wiil gst the last retail priuu iu Eurupe,
whieh price is always the highest. Thess persons
who have for so many years done this vast export
trade for nothing, or uta dead lose lo tin um Ives,
will be thus honorably relieved from ihe necessity
ot ■ < niiuuiug thuu sactifleu* lo the public in
. uo unsettled condition of Europe, combined
ulth tho advancing power aud prosperity olgjjic
L'uiled Swiss, is giving additional interest to
Aiucriuuu securities. It was to be expected that
liio Southern States, having unco formed an alli
ums.) with an influential and active cominiltoo of
brokers on tho Continent, should have ilio claims
of cotton securities and plantation securities
brought forward. The whole affair turns upon a
tow simple question* : -Aro tho securities good ?
Vrothoy convertible ? Aro they profitable if—
We do uot, of course, expect to divert to tho cot
ton plantations of the .South tho entire sum des
tined for America ; hut money, like water seeks
it* own lovcl, and if ono million of francs can be
invested at the South In cotton securities to au
equal ad vantage, us compared with tbe Northern
rail way®, you may depend on it tiio trial will bo
made. There is now ut thi* moment some want
<f confidence in securities which oneaxtoud high
in Europe, und this will incline many to seek the j
South. Tho manner in which the Nw Orleans !
bank* went through the late crises has had a j
wonderful iufluenec in Europe whereve r that tact |
i. known ; und I know positively that nn olabor-.i
at.? statement, to be printed in Merman and En
glish under tbo name of a high financial author
ii y, wiii make thi* foot still uioro,known. X learn,
ill*", that aftpcclaT delegate front Eurup© gene out
soon to the United State* for tho purpose of ma
king tho uoeiMsary prothniutry unaiigcmenis,
and to consult personally with route* of tho load
ing men of tlio South. It is possible that it cen
tral committee of oorrcspondotice or organisation, l
embracing the tnorfe iuiportant grower# of cotton, ]
will hotoimed in Alubuma und L-eorgia.
The Continental and Southern Direct Trade
Association of Belgium continues to receive grat
ifying assurance* from the ZoHvereiu, Austriaaud
Switzerland in regard tn tbo object of tho
ciution. Letter* I rout America aro equally en
couraging, und as the idea of the Eunqmn cot
ton bunk originated from tho publication und la
bor) of this commit tee, tho two influent is may
combine. If so it wdl form a strong company,
aud become a serious rival to ihe Dutch truding
company. Indeed, one of tho wo tubers of the
Belgian committee consider* that next to (be late
East India Company of England, tlii# ba'ikiog
uud coiuiucreta! league with the cotton planter*
of America, will be tbo most influential combin
ation Europe hu* ever seen. It is believed that
the cotton crop of the United State* of America
will eventually control tho exchange* of Eu
Os ono thing no one pan ho mistaken, and that
i. j , that under til© combined influence of Russian
policy, of Franco and of the Zollveivin, a direct
trail© between th© Southern State* of America
and the Continent, of Knrop© has long boon assu
ming imposing proportions. Th© movement was
first initiated hv Holland, tho Netherlands Tra
ding Company taking the lead. Rut that body
only gave impulse to a hall which, oflee in mo
tion, gathers strength of itaell.
Belgium has now coine forward, und aoeks to
bocußie the place of transit of the trade betweeu
tin* Smith ami Central Europe. Th© great Lux
© nburg Railroad will wonbe finished to a point
coinmaudiug thu ttw* roads. When thi* line i
in lull working order, you will see tho umgnifi
.©nt position of Antwerp. By her railroad io
Cologne she will hare nn open und cheap access |
to Central and Northern Germany, li;. the great ;
Luxeiubetg she will command Switzerland: tinu
Belgium ran, through her unlimited manufactu
ring power*, furnish tho bases of u regular expor
tation to the P'outh. In other wonls, sli© wiii be
the tiugluud of the eontlucnt, and Antwerp will
he to the Southern State what Liverpool is to the
j North. Th© manufacturers of Belgium are now
engaged t aking the neewrary step* to supply tho
la*tvs and wants of tho Southern market, urn! 1
le.irn that uur Baltimore friend* uro going to bo
naked to co-operate hy being the importers for
the Smthcrn trad©. Tho position of Baltimore
and Antwerp is very similar. Both occupy a
central position on each continent. Both have
an extensive and an expemdvo railway system
which only needs a regular and direct steam com
munication to make those groat works complete.
Antwerp is becoming a fine tobacco market, aud
through her arrangement with Cologne and
Switzerland will ufler strong inducements for ihe
tobacco and ueval stores exported from Balti
more. It is hoped that the necessary prelimina
ry arrangements will have been completed by the
•. ud of th© year, so that the trade may commence
in u largo way.
The American party at Spa has been broken
up. The Minister (General Fair) has returned
with bis family to Brussels, as also the honora
ble Mr. Bpence, late United Stnt©* Minister at
Constantinople. Tbo u w American Consul at
Antwerp ha* also-returned to his povt from Spa.
This g nlteman lias made a very iavurable im
pression at Antwerp.
There are several American ships in that port,
living iua cheerful umuuer tbo banner of stars.
Th© captains and crews are all wdl.
)fetors. Editors : I find that the Impression
generally prevails that all the “Dank Cnees, M
that is, the suits and claims of tho bill-holders of
the broken bin ks ut this place, have been settled.
This is a mistake. The facts are these: Last
hu muter, during the session of the Supreme Court
ut Mucon, a compromise was effected, and the
term* agreed on, so far as tho liability of tho
and Directors of the Planters nnd
Mechanics Bank of Columbus was concerned.—
That arrangement itself, has not, i9 yet, been
fully carried out, hut it is being done, and it i t
believed, will he consummated soon. Whcu that
is done, it will not extend to uuy other bank, tior
embrace any other liability, than that of the
Stockholders and Directors of that particular
bunk to pay its debts. Tho amount to he receiv
ed, will not discharge the debts uguinst that
bank. Tho creditor retain* the halaucu of hi
claim, and has reserved th<- right of pursuing tho
aascti of (lie hunk for its satishi'. ti< n, which he is
now doing,
Thera is tho Chattahoochee Railroad and
Banking Company—the old Bank of Coif tubus—
tho Bank of isL Marys nod the MihiuLk■iqfer*
uud Mechanics Rank wln se outstanding Labili
ties amount to some two or three hundred thou
saiid dollars, and for the portion in bills, the
stockholders are liable by tin ir respective char
ter*, except the bank of St. Marys, are not em
braced in, nor in any manner effected by tho ar
rangoment or compromise before alluded to.—
Many of the holders of these claims aro preying
their collection ; suits are pending against the
Stockholders or Directors of most, if not all of
these banks, and the right* and liubilitius of the
parties arc yot to bo adjudicated by the Courts.
J have deemed it not onlyju*t to tho parties
Ituiin diu’cly interested, but aho dm* to the pub
lic, liiai the erroneous impression* which *eein to
prevail on this subject should be corrected, and
respect fully ask the liberty of doing so through
the columns of your paper.
Yours, Ac.,
Prni.AhEi.pnu, Oct. 13.—1 t la stated on good
authority thnr John W. Forney bus received u
nutifleatUu from President Btndmnun of Ins in
touUou to institute a prosecution for lU**l on h- ■
count of thu article In tho Pro** on Monday in
relation to the death of Mr. Broderick.
lot. Ltignr fi. Da whom.
Thi* gentleman, who is tint *ou of the Into !
lion. Wiu. C. Onwp'ii of this Statu, in tiio tutu
cunviM.* in Musuegeo made a most gallant light. ;
iU w.mi the Democratic candidate for the Semite, |
and mi barely beaten by lion, Hines Holt, who !
i* acknowledged to ha one of the men of hi., j
party, uud who from family influence and other
iMiat* had superior advantage* in the race.—
Tbia wo believe ia the first time that CoL Duw- \
non ha# boon a candidate for oHioo, tho eye* of
the liemooracy are upon bim.uudwv predict for
him a useful and honorable career iu future, llu
is u talented energetic and g.illant young man.—
t’tdernt IJuinu.
Ten mills make one uent.—[Federal Cur
rency Table.
We know of several mill* that haven't done
anything of the sort these tu year*. —I Hartford
Time*. __
A miturallit, doteribiug tho rook rays. He
loros the blue empyrean, und he quits hi* lofty
! hegbt, when he ia brought to this dull aarth by
the were fore* of t.Ufpilliy Ritraotioo;
JAMES W. WARREN, s Edltora
Niimber 43
, Prtiiy hini zits.
Leaf hy leaf li o roms full,
Drop hy drop ihe rpimperun dry;
Ono hy oneboyond r- oali,
Summer bcautu* :do and die;
Bui tfie roses hlootii
And iho Spring will Iducb anew,
In tho pleasant April rain
And thu summer #uu und dew.
So in hours of deepest gloom,
When tho springs of gladlivts fail,
And tho rose.# in their bloom, *. $
Droop like maidens Wan ni rl pule;
W© #lin!l find hope thut lie*.
Like a silent gun apart,
Hidden fur from careless. yea
In tho garden of the heart.
Some swcot hope to gladness wed,
That will spring alnsli n::d new,’
Win n grief'# winter shall have fled,
(living place to rain and diw-
Sumo sweet hope that hrcntbis ol spring.
Through the w ary, weary time,
Budding for its blossoming,
lu the spills glorious ciimo.
flan. M. .1. Crawford.
Tho people of the second congressional dl. tr’ct
aro p:rfap*j better represented, than any umtr
porte.ii > i litc fciuie, Mr. trawf id's invite* do
not obi.m f'-r him uuy thing liko flashy hiillmiVf
ey. They do claim for him, iho suundi.iSo oI judg
ment., eotidiiy of mind accuracy iff informal ion
lon 011 w ill, purity of purpose uprmhc# trs of
cou-iuel, dignity oi ikuieauor, aliubility and gen
lieiun ill (iiaMic-r, that ulwuv* hnvo uud ulvvuy*
will at li uct conlhh nco and leslow power und iu
ttucnc© in flfiy and every sphere of li’.e.
Tilt so view* wv have betoro exprosod, nnd wo
are grulitied to liud them fully corrohuruivd iy
ouo who has so much opportunity nnd iii-iiity
to junge of his in (.'ougri#", a* the Duu.
Roht Toouilm. —South H'ri/mi A etc*.
Tin, Caloric Dxoim: in Printing. —Th#
Northampton (Mas# ) Gazette thus record* tho
frimnphs of its new caloric engiuo :
It got* ‘Miko a clock.” Puffing and blowing,
it tug# away at ii* work like u Boy ut hi* stem.—■
Huuureda >l pooplu have been to bee it. *• U hut
makes i( go ?’ u*k one. ••Wultc is tho water ?’
usk*unothtr. “UTuit the dcueo won’t riiy gol
up m \i And on it goes ! -U hut’s ihut bu w
iugiili'?” That is tbo escape hot air. When
luoru heat is geucrulud ihuu is needed (o drivo
ihe pte-s, it is pa-.-ed “1 tln'.'.igii liie utuph pipe.
No water is um and. A lire i8 built iu the Rule jur
naec ami Hi© wheel .<•( in motion, uud nwuy it
goes, it ueed* no attention any l unher.lhan to
keep tlie lire, burning. Any hoy tan manage it,
And beside- driving tbo puss, ii g voW alt tho
heal nee - r.ry to warm tho room iu tho coldest
weather. It can cuusniuc but litilo lud, und
thvreiuie cuuuol cost much to run it. It is tfio
eheapi.i-f power in Iho world. \\'hen first not up
ike win imi go oil, mid it failed to show n*
I .over, hut iliaf diliieiiliy iutr iievn ovitcotnu, uud
now i. iike u top.” Throe cheers lor iho
calorie priuter!
Pknnsvi,VANlA MAIi Faim.— I'llJLAltr. t.riiiA,
Sepi. i!fi.—Tho .Siuto Agrieuburul Fair unitee<ed
great erov. ii today, i hound ot Mvxui Tiro
Eugine: eoinuitii ed y oslvrdny, uud will be linicfi
ei 10-inmrow. wneii na-,. ... wdl be anuouicad.
rim tale -! pl.fyin ; yet Ui . led i* by tlio lial.i
umro bli-um i ire i.ngine.eoutiruuivu unh a i-ul
lou pump. The Feauar \\ u.-hii.giwu, ot
city, similarly emißtiU'.ied, but ol glint pow.r,
W ill pny to-iuorrow. Ap,> alaUees ludd'uio Jiat
ouo of Hu so engines Will will the firsi pule.
Chops in Ct snt.u, Misjihsippi.—TUo At nla
Chronicle of the 2dd say*;
hineotho heavy rain of lust Sunday night, wo
lihvu been vujo) tug tfit mot dteighifui Wvumer.
Uur piuutmmn iiiomi aro gatboting their corn,
und mauy doing a largo bu#tue£* n, tbo way of
picking eutlon. U e i.v.iiu one gcuiteiui.t. *pouk
ol hi.? nun o* gathoiiug HbU unu 4VU pounur uuay,
uud while tvo uavo ticuru thal luo Wuirn* tiuvo
done iuUeh d.uuagv Soiuu plain-. 18 voUu-i.U.Ug
that Ifivir eio| b nave hevu cut oU one bud —wo
know ol s-iiiio geijiiteucu who aro making uiotu
eoitoo thuil I he y euu po#*tb)y g. her, oxeqa miu
extra help. Tl.u In nilh Ol the couniy m auiiy
improving; there is suit #. luc cans ol iiiuis und
li'Hf here und there, but nothing like.weal u wa
u few weens since.
“Luvj: ok \ bossn ‘ —lLursiLy in N\ York,
was ihe opening Uuy ter txbibi.n.g .he lull fu.-h
----!• us, and the iiiiilimn .'hops bur#i into ihe mil
blooui oi finery ifiui is soon to be aired in Dimid
way and th*- Fitiu aveuuu. Tfio express say iho
crowds thut ulteuded thu aticauu teo
undiuiiuirhed lUlvretllelt in iho .-tytes ut ure*d
thut promise to be lu VugUO this lull uud winter,
and hollies some * uvu ut tm.iue.s,aui> tin iu
uveiy aiyliah winter honnut ui black vdvu, with
rich bare© of black tLrcjd lucu over ihctroni, U o
©mis tunning a side nimming. Du the other *ido
n blin k ami orange feather ui peuulmr ekguuco
was tuteud. Tfie strings were black. Tl.ciuco
triuiujiug* Wdis ui Velvet leaves, wufi hows nf
black aud while thread lace. Another ci.uipood
of violet velvet, edged with white thieud luoe;
tho luce trimming was ol purple uud green vel
vet tiowus, :■-hailed with uuolher nlt ol iLicud
lace. Another u> black velvet, huiehcd with
orange piping. Also un elegant uracie made of
uzopti green velvet; a long gre-eu leather, Upped
wun wnite; lay crus* the f p, tbo luiu
tnuttumg. l .uaiiy, a Unas pink velvet, wi.h
open front, with u buudtau ol i.arrow quriiu g
</l velvet, twined with a white iacu hurte.
Gen. Jackson a m.uoolmasteb.—Who would
hnvo thought a ? it is DtverihtltJs tiue, tnut
Uid Hickory began ins inner i._- u tcuchci ui an
“Uld Field reboot,” ut fcojili Caiol.uu, ai.o tn
■ tbal Vocaltofi cuvited the Utoucy wfiiefi suppoiud
Inin while lie btuoied law. inis is ou© outing
the. iiiuiiy eiiriou* and liitensiii.g Joel® pitMUud
in Air. FurUtli * loitfieofijilig iu© o| Gen. Jack
son, the lirat volume ol wfiiefi is now in the bunds
ottho primer. Many cut incut Aiuu.iun# fiuvo
begun b e n te:ielters, but wo huruly iApeeteu to
find the iintefimutil© In to of New Otieai.u uuded
lo tnu list.—(N. U. Baiietiu.
One <>f Sir William Armstrong’s guns, made at
KUwick, was tried ou tbti HU mu n eviu a o*U
11,(111(1 yard*, or upward* ol live mile*.
In regard to Ibo udullerntiun ot wbiekey, tho
anuly*:* of Some of the beverage has ucvi loped
the existence in it cl the pmaoiiuu* coubutui i.t v(
('ociiluß lud leu a, in the proportion el two grain*
to the pint- it is dcauiy poison, and nc tuU
considered fatal to hurnuii ft: j iu quuuuiiu* of
from itve to ten grains. il.u Ucum ol a umu
from drinking wuiskcy iu Pvikusyivuuu, led to
the investigation.
A Kale tool i.-iis been inveuted f< r tbreuding a
needle. It ia mudo witii iwo blades, Hindi
llic uocdle with it* eye cppoeitu a i.Ule tunnel
iihaped opening, into nbitu it i pciiniiy eu>y
lor u pereon ol wuk sight to pa*s tuw thread, and
tho thread Inevitably passes luiough tnueye.
pi.NCt i. Ait I\T i a Hi plow it. —Yesterday, *
(a.iy* lie . il.hburgKveu ugJuuruui) idr. i ia
erick A. Hcelfn, ol ourtny, ivuo Uu& pae4eu ow.e*
ral yen 1 1 iu dip oiuuuc service* in Ex u.U Auu r-
ICII, and wbiuc U.arnugu to a vveullby and OcaU
titul Chilian l.nly we have uiivuuy Uicnu
departed In- t eveuing for Avw loia, m take p*.
aiigo lor film, in wi.ieh ehaiuiing eeuniiy uui*
tends for tho luture to reside.
Niu'it and Slbep.—Whut a wonderful nnd
I blei.sed thing i* mgUi, when nature vuineiuw* iue
-tiuiulus poured upon the brum i.w m-
I tie oliuiinul of thu eye, und all the u,.> uuu la*
, tigues ol the pant day, like oour uuiai wUo
having Lem r-s- with thu wayward vnuu limit
via- weary, turn kind und eeUipurAieuhie a. lut,
and rock llio Ui>ud to sleep, •* x tie nienkel ol’
diHk” Shukspturo lulls if, and couiiu*,* u wi U
IJeavcn. Now, doubileas mere i in.i:y or wuk*
ed thing done behind Uiubiui-tui; tut 1 *<e l et
why tho misuse of uny of Leutvu ■ Um gi.u t-y
man and iiiau's pa-smi.s ahwuiu lake uv. u y t.eiu
thu value of that gilt, ihe best bvou au. ewr
wiu conveyed euu bewbuaed. Whin U> u cround
the evil and thu guod, ho p-.tuiateu me uVU nut
orduined the good, und leu mud lu inwesu be
tween tbfiu.—-Janes.
Tho (lerniau siuukers are in nn etatney of do-
J light in cuimi ijuvnee of a repun i. ul i foiior
1 Leihig has di.*eo*ireU a tuouo oi imparting le
! ordinary tobatflki tho per mine nnd Kuverui iu.
j finest Havana, it i* tuiit ihat 'tiro um e.'.pui*
I need ooaaetseura l.uvw been |ut tu Inu u*., aud
have smoked tho prepared lutueeo in mu nuuf
that'll was iho tiinst Cuban ll lid* be me .set,
it will doubtless have u undoney lo udncu mu
p-.ieea of the finest tobacco.
A( who recently traveled over acvr*
1 taiu railtoud, winch it misfit excite jta.cusy io
me itiuii by name, declared hi* upinmu mat U
war the 6i4 osl road [u Ihe oouutry, us iue tupo'.
int ndem keeps a boy running ahead of ihe Uuiua
M drive ptf the cAivel end