The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 31, 1859, Image 2

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ULIMKI, nWT. IKTItUtIK I*, !<.. waxns ■ •••w'atS -* 4* Itt l tor t*IM. The rweet UuierrorttoMry .1 llr IM’t Story i fra,l*,’ rttv pfaMMl to*"* wWeh tie people i.flbe w™l.l .lo will t. efipfeelete. Tie (keelepmente erlleb n eeer *ti eeit Inednhl. 1,-ieltej el Ow .iliur hee WeeKbt to iljtil, nlrarty pr.voK that lie plot to jf • tßitlUeef*U *r pi ft* Hoetleto Btetee e* net the sooidentil ebtnere Os e nwlmiD'n lr*hi, let e dehWreieljF form..! jurp,.s* hi tie epeee ttoe of wliieta Urge mu*t>r us or JiorUiwii enoteieM fio-o|rte4. **■ >ol l*~ teftftry .oil foul-lrardy UMapt —* fttteapt, th.i ftbftodoument of trkieb, the ftllplteet tfteoeeith tie tenper of oor elftTepopelati.o. eoeltl here eonpetled ; pet, It dononetretot m>* l4r ly Ae elnoerltp of tlioe pbo ueioUiu tukl H” olein the ttootrine of the “irrepreselble eonfUet” --tliftt elevory ami foe lftbor, eenftot io-e*lel •• UHt gaeeruweel, ,lul that. rionor or leler. tl o one nut iooeuwli to Ae other. Let not the feet tint Ae Iret roeolutioeory oeArook of eboUtion plHMty bftemt with • enubluf rebuke, 101 l tie into ft hurled stud dcfonwlore •mirity. It It not to be expected that inen ho re fanotivel ftnd ■■reuenable In Hair pnrpoeot ftboald fthmr* dieploy wiodom wot etuttlofl in their ttoreto.w— Bet who will ty that their reiioni prompt fttol oeerwhekninK defeat will IftroKO the ardor ot our anaiaioe I Will it not rather Ail the firee of •belhlim to an tnlroor beat 1 Drown and bin comrade* will ba called martyr* In the holy eauae of fieodom. Thay will lie apothoeftlaftd and wor ehlppad at abolition altira. I heir fata will have eh* effort, not of prophecy, hoe inapiratlon 1. their hftaottod followrr*. May not their neat plon of attack, laid with equftt aMalth, lift inatitutnd on der more favorable aaaploar. There eonld hftvo been nolppreliourino of their iccear*at Harp T> Ferry if ftairrapplioooof of men anil artua had haea anpmoiitod a l.uinlrod fold. They were eritbta fraiuriog of A* dnne at the Federal Capitol, and at a point where leenty Ibonrand men could bare been eonceutniird ill ft dftyj but abo could bare predic ted lk result it Hewftfil bad wpH*ltl th* Fad ar a.l rarerd, or who shall #ajr wb*! an> transpire wbla the next oaifaugfat so Hl3A* upon the border# nf Kentucky within hailing flirteoce of the thou ran (I* of abolition myrmidon# f A t ‘tioraon danger call* loudly for a union f tbe Southern people. Tbeir inloreeM are <ne, their etietni'-.* are united, and, unJo* they.intitule t.h<* unity end fraternity of the tb* day so em ing, and not far dfotent. when they will dejdore the folly and fatuity wbirth held theta divided In aretes* conflict# about national poUtw*#, and de livered (hem an easy prey to iboif conqueror* Ucapesalhilftf “Oar eeinrtat prayer and hope so that the Southern Oppoaitl-.u Bieinte-r# will, from Brat to last, vote for ond of their own number, and for no body dee, for Speaker of the ffwuee. They r 0 a were handful, ami cannot jually b held to any reepontibility for a failurr? by tltu iWogrmt partly* to effect w but each Individual UMinhor of UieUpfioaiiien party can aud ebottlU lo held to accountability lor hi vttn rote. -En ynirKT, of yrutarday. The Etqairnr but repeat# a rruMm in deelarlaf that each uitfh i? responsible for hit owt and not for anortcr 1 # oonduct. But there w uh ft thlug ft* coosoijuot <o* to action, and every matt is just ly held accountable for the evil results which n wise ami prudent course, uninfluenced by pas sion or prejudice, might have avoided. Every man In the House of Representative# i. entitled to on# vote end no more. Thia vote be i called upon to give, not ns a partisan, under the cyn •iraint and yoke of factioa, but as a inautW of the Federal Couaoll, aud with an eye to the i forest# of the whole country. Exactly the sam amount of responsibility attaches to each. If faaatiobun and misrule triumph, or if the wheel# of government be dogged, an wjual share of eolpabllity stains the skirte of pvery one who eoutd hare assisted to prerent. it. Whetlmr th<* Boutuero Oppoeitioo members, therefore, oau be justified in aeoepting the advice ol the Enqmrwr, Is tomnehut contingent. Oar Legialfttnre. Wo poblteh to-day, MI Übh of the niomboi# •loot of tbo next Legislature, with their politiuftl aumpluxioti. It i cumpilod f-*iu tho boat infur mauou we liftva been able to collect, ond we pra #unie it i# accurate or very oloaoty approxini#tea thereto. It will be efcn tliat tire DeumortU have flfl member#, tho Oppoiitinn Bi, end ihw former, •cmeeqaentlv, ft majority on joint ballot of I.ML felumbn* Mecfaaotem ut the Atlttitto Fnfr. A oorre#pondent of the August* piaptfoh, no tiring the various artido# on exhilutioli, at the JPftir in Atlanta eayn : “A gin fay ftroww, of Cos lumhu* attract# attention for the workuuwHhip axhibited in the finish us it# machinery and th elegance of Us decoration. It ia a double oylin dar, Matty raw gfo.” Tho writew. of emir##, eould •peak only us what fa saw. ts li had known wbat the planter# every whore in the South have learned by practical experience, he could InuAp faorn tettimony to it# exooUoooo in many tb< v more lmporUat rcspcti*. ” 11 * pST-Vto are authorived to state thut #4-;,tHn havo he#u rewived ftt ihr Tre-i.-'iry as (ho next earning; of tho State Road for tfee month of le toW.— F*4*rot Union. What become# of the slanderous insienariou# nf the opposition press that Hovemur Brown wa# cauaiug the publication us spurious, extravagant returns of the income of the State Road aider**./ to the election, and that there would boa faliiug off afterward# ’ _ _ Who Paid the Kxprasrit? The Chief of the Harper 1 ! Ferry Insuvrentfam, Brown, we believe, is nut undo retrod to boa man of much wealth. He prehabJy hail means enough to eupport hiuieelf comfortably iu life,—toil bv rerun ii lv bad uut the wraith nerteerary u put aw army of Jlfiifn kuniired men n a war footing.— We ray “fifteen hundred,” bveau## that is his own siatement. Among hi# invmitory, we. #e** are,— Two Iliftidrad Sharpe*# Rites. Two Hundred Ruvolvere v OneThoueaud £p#ur#. And Plenty of Anuuunition* A good nfie ooftte afaofit f2t*. (We think that ere# about (fie quoteri -n at the Mew He von Church meeting.) Two hundred of th'-m would make # bIU of $5,tKM> Two hundred revolver., at tho New Turk average price-nmy oach—would makes3,oo(l more. The “tp**r” 1# a nog Instru ment of death, we balfove. iu this country : but e# a ‘‘speaker,*’ t W worth Nuything, oupbl to oovt at Irast tft, one thousand of them add# an other lo the bill. Total, (wtehuut (be om mouuitfon j f U.Ohh. Fntd it cua l>e proved that Drown had that much mouey. in cash.—the In foresee remain# that there must be some cut-able ooatributors somewhere. Now, the tptenUnu i#, who ere thoM ooutribufor# t Time and enquiry Will tall. —X. y. Ejrprem. ‘’ The It eduction id the LeglftlaMfr. Wcare pldftfted to notice the unanimity with which the Pres# auJ People of Georgia denmud a reform in the co#truction of aur General At rembly It will lw the ijuestloa of the ftveeion, and we hope that there will be u- differvmre of opinion among the member# a# tv Ihe propriety aad |lan of reduction tote the Monte remain as bow constituted, but the Gentile hbuuld be reduc ed to thirty. The plan which euesae to be meet favored is. to creute ten Histriets, giving to each District threwdk four Senators, tol*e elected for four yea:#— wH-lmlf going - ut every two yearn. By this arrangement wc shall rerture Mteraud more experinneed Herat or# at one fourth the oust of the present iMiwieldly system. Wenre not wvddwi to ftuy p!#n. hut want reduction, and th* people e#nt it. ami w<> be to the members who oppose# thi# rofurtu.- Jfch MfNrpfi. Ta# Kbacriotv ix tiiiv vre.—Th news #o far received froui the diHireui count lei lit this State took* decidedly doiu- rutiah. We carried aeveral counties by bund sum# uiMjorities that we lest last yer, and li e gains In others ere largo. Ia aume democratic c- unuea wc bare test souse of thn county candidates by unfortunate dt ■lons, but they will give their nuts! uinji-ri.n** a# heretofore f-r the general rickets of the party. With an acceptable presidential candidate and platform. Indiana will be largely delaoeratio in ilfiO.— lndiana Santinal, (l(Hlil V HAM HUH. Os TfllH.II 7f. * •*. ■- <.•**• AN- •••■VS*S •- ‘ fmnptswffor Ueurml*# Report Wehevs received ft out Pfforeon Tbweaft, Ks(. a |urtb>n of hi* Annual Ucp#rt to the flovesnor. upon the financial eonditioa of the Htafo, and otb #r subjeef* which Ills msde bi# doty uoiiee.’ A podfon of it will be found in au other cot man. And we shall cdfitlmic to pmend our rcoW>rn with c.thraMafrniu it upon *u:h subjects * we may I<mho of grefttevt interest. The report is replete with valuable itiforma<.io% ami fitnisfail bvrt an- Utb# umong otrmerows evidence# which that -fentltnnan has given es hi# i|salification for tlic ‘W)M ho occupies, and (he on (legging energy which he bring# i* the di charge of his duties. Tt f# nWlto## in cxpreM the dtopo fh'iit Mr. Tbweott will be retained In hi# present psl lieu ; indeed, so far #v we have beard, be ha# n competitor. He u* jually popular with Mov. Hruwn. and would, doubtless, encounter opposi tion with equal A frap Mvwuwif. Tbim ujou property which the people of Georgia pay for the proteetnm of the State Uor ornn> nt, excepting the tax upon Itaiiromi and Hanking eapifaT, is RH cent# on the #itn. A eoiuparlaon of this 8m with the amount# levied iu the several dialer, will aatisfy them of the lightness of the burden. The Comptroller (len oral, who lias investigated the nubjont with en ider#b!o industry, furnisher the fathdh • f u . In a note aptiendcd to k\* report, be thus rpeakc Wf the oonjparisoji in this respect, so it large uuiu ber of the Routbern Htafesi •‘lt will, IhorefoiW, Iw scon, that while the tax in Texas want*hot % oeftt on the blub of being <h>uhieour tax, the one per cent, tax in the vtri •m# other Houthern Staler above named, is more than double that of Georgia, while Alabama and Kwtneky fe more than tbreetime# larger ; Lou isiana is more than four (fine# larger, and the per cent, tax in Virginia is more than •' <BM larger than It 1# in Georgia.’’ In comparison with the Northern States, be shows difference to b still greafor, Thu# the ratio which tbo tax In Geor gia bears lo the tax in New Hampshire and Afsine is a# I to 3 i in J’cunxylvanta, a# I to 4 ; in Min nesota, ft* i to 4 : in Ohio, as 1 to it, and In Illi nois, as 1 to lit. Surely the eltUou* frf the Empire Ktato of the Woath will pay with cheerfulness, the pittance that is repaired of them. _ The Mobile Register. This p#r>er comes to us in anew and beautiful drcN- It i edited will) great ability and uniform rt..urte#/,and t# one of tmr most reliable exchan gos. Frum it# views on the territorial qamtlon, however, though presented with much force and fairnes#. we sre compdled to dissent, and will take an early fpf*ortunity to combat what we conceive to be ils great atid unfortnimte error. T*t Frkr CoLonan Pteowb*.—The “National lotoUigCDer H sft/a it l#proper tube mentioned, among the other incident# of the Lime, that on Tuesday Un, when the excitement on the subject of the HarpcfV Furry Insurrection wa# At It# hbrWt, a commit toe which had been deputised by the free Colored population of Georgetown, waited upon the Mayor of that town, and respect fully proffered hltn their united and thorough co operation in any service In which he might ace fit to employ them iu the preservation of the public onhir and fienflu. JSiT’Thw Triennial Parade us tho New York Fire Huperrwen# which took place on the 1 7lb inst,, wa# probably the grandest display of the kind ever made hi tho world. There were forty seven hose, and fifteen hook and fodder com pa nto# on the roil. With the full compliment of inn, these uompanie# number about six thousand. The parade cost $I0o,0u(k AdtiUiunnl from Harper'# Ferry. WfittfiNcifon, Oct. 2s,—A special dispatch flrom Harper’s Ferry, state# that further discoveries have been made of a uaturo which have not tran spired, tending to the suspicion thut u plan of an outbreak which is more extended than it w#s first supposed. Circumstances have transpired recently which revealed, lead# to tho belfol’ that the negroes in the tt-lj-tiutog ouuntioe ure eoguixant to the detn onsbrutioQ to ite mudv. It so eonhdenily assorted that Drown has made dfoclosftra# to Gov. Wise, which will be placet! in tbo baud# of the State Attorney to be used on tbo trial. Oil ahlbstown, VA.,—The preliminary exam ination of “fold Brown” and his aoootnplwjog in the recent rebellion at Harper’s Hurry, took place to day. Several witnesses wero examined, but aotbing new wu# elicited. Drown t# laid to he I quite Add liferent as to whether hr has counsel or not. Thu oartM will probably go to the Circuit Court to-morrow for trial. W Aaut.xurost, Oct* 2S. Cook, tho notorious outlaw, who escaped from Harper's l orry, wa# wrested at Chatnbcrebarg last night. A requisition has been fosmd for three others, supposed to he iu the mountains us Penuftylvauio. Diligont search so being made for their discovery and urrust. H aunisui'Ho, Penn., Oct. 20. Governor Piu-kcr. of peunsylvauis, bus ordered Cook and llaxlott, who wore arrestotl iu uid charged with huing Harper # Ferry eupspira t <r, ti be delivered u] tuthe authorities of Vir jioia f-*r (rial _ The* Vote tor Betfraar \\ giyv in ur table t -lay the full voto for t inn. n.r. we do mu say that our flgur.*# nro efttreyt- -ex rtiev are nearly, if not tprire •. U. makv v.’s umjority iwthe titatc, - I ■•it; dutthfoai# ui' ! iu.\) ! Thi- i#imu,x-.. i Hlun. _ x Folltiri uka V''. PCiv|.eN. The ]*ev, Air. MiUouio. iu In- very popular autobiographh-ai Weik. uiuiU” an iuci cut which lm* be*u cxU-nsuveiy circutoud and freely eoiumvuted upon. White travel if man Glut* river ftteiuaboat, he refotee hi* • m- Iruetofi by th tuibecouiing coiulto i ; • u< *n baraut CortgretJ, who o|>ent the . w My in . ambinig and driukiug, amuseuiv.H .-pi. vdbv u abnmlanve ol proiaue swearing an 1 i;>dwor* ott# foog'iugi lIIVVMMtI ut tld.-, 1.0 *;<ipb.yrd the oocrao-n of a sormyn which jo o invik-d by the paraenger!’ m deiv>f, to inveigh • .• i st such -ra# g ;iDrtUy, lu a.* ari-u by h Iter* .al otiptivotHui the Jlo".x : : picsont, aad telling them they dt.-gr.o o-l ri.v uatiuu by tbeir muuuci-sdcbftuehwd youlb by their example ami would infallibly b demanded to give account l’h** M. C’l for from resenting this bluntness, •nnde up # puree for Uiis bold preacher, und at the next anMioartfOongrres pnatarod his appoint moat a# chapfoiu. To this >wry pretty and ro mantic story, the Him. toaoc 15. Morse of Lni una, Member of Pongee*# tV-na the fiffth to tite JUt t’ougres*, im-- Mv ire# a Hat denial. In a letter to the X t>. feuuday Delta, Mr. Morse say#: 1 was -no or those Members of CongrtM. 1 heard mdbiug like that sermon, #nd have too much pride and self respect to have contributed to nav the expeueoft of any one to Washington and use my best exertions to get him elected Chaplain, hod 1 hoard one tithe of what is there set down. Having made so many trips up and down the Ohio, it Is difficult to ray who were on board at this particufor time. My impression so that there wore tew members of (Hutgiven, aulm>ne answvr ’ mg the description us this wholesale slander.- l think lion. J. J.*Crltl endow of Kontncby, wus ‘me. and withext consulting him nr aay person, ( ftla catfoUeil Unit be and the other members on tmard willeurrofacirate everything l *<**•. It is true (bat we nil attended divine service on Sunday, and wore <*u much n-turetted for this very vowng man on account of thn modesty, poy. erty and his great alHu-tion, that we made aeou inhution aud nmtodbim to become a cau-lidate fbrilieehepfoiucy. I think the 4dea originated with myself 1 know that I worked very hard to secure hi# oU-otioa. 1 rev ol loot one circumstance couacoted with bis vlaetiun, which will probabfo ho iwollected by many uicmb|i# from tb‘tsuth. A ruu.w wo# put in circulation that Mr Mil! burn au aboUthmfoi, and tuuOJ of the South, or ii tnuu burs vuiae to ,ine, and 1 sutislicd them that u was not true. u I could rouch for. from the conversation had with him u that suhjeot; and it etrculoied through the hull that Mr Morse knew and vouched for hltn. And but fur the ex ertions of two or threw of us ho could not burn, Wun elected/** he wa# an entires sirauger by nsmuand reputation to. a vast majority of Ike House. Mr. Millhuru ha# published thi# wholesale slander for and wide, nndfl trust (hat those morn here who were oboard m the time, will give their statement to the public. Mr. f'rltteudon 1 know so neither a drunkard nor a gambler, nor ain 1, but tho position which Mr. Mtllbura must occupy, whether this state mentis true or false, is nut at all enriablo. Very reepee if ally. Ac.. ISAAC E- MOIISE, llrmfo r* klen to the fociMaiurr. Ap)dinx- Kiirl*. .1 ir#hatfi. and, •vjfoier—fouo.n-, dun, Hofomoo, d* m. tvrlifcsue, dem. B#usM*'-l*niu! and. AHap and finernrtfi—Wifli.iiu* -i. N'd'U'* and. -•Bibb — l Tnfo.v# {dem),’ !.*>fk<r, (dew), Amb.r ----v w , Iri>bfc#— d J,dMMm*l-*ou and. pmtoryfa-- Hurt, Smith. 6‘ tnti. : *iovdto.u, iicin, —Burke -Huirg*#, idem j, ttewgli, (defoj, Roesier, fdmu.) . ... • tiwHnits - lijrar*, ‘tom.. H.irkncss.drtm. ‘aihouti—Mavun and. Euovrle# and. . . t’amphelJ - fatUß di-m.. Tugglc ‘hton. - Atlunsiin and. .Hufbur and. i tiol>JolniftiinB > dam. Wofford* -font. Harden and. —•ratoosa- Hackct deupray 1* fry du. Charlfon Maddox and Hogans and. Lawtob* Hcrcveu, Hariri<hrc, tlctna Cherokee Hightower and. AVorlcy and. FJcmingd. - -, Clittahooch#*’- Johnson, dftm.. Whittle, dew. Cbatno'ga- Klr%, d-m., Echols, dcio. ■wi'lat-kc -Billups, op.. Lumpkin op, Dehmey, A. m *ClhyUtii —Jrhn*on. chmi., Hla#, <lftfn. •w Clay- Burnett and. Culfco* and. —'Clinch **lriUttn and. Williams and. •• Cobb Oartrell dcra., leiwr dem., tlreow d(W. Ci*tf(i -Hrtott and Hinlth and. Wynn, dn,, Martin, deni., McCleu den. deni. Columbia—FuHon, dcin., Colvurd, dco.. W’il son, detn. Colquitt—Tillmsn cp. tluv and. -♦Crawford Walker, dem., Hicks, ‘bun. Hade - lievi# U. Tfttuiu and. ‘li.ttvioti- ind JiockcnbuH and. |fo>l>rea'ur-—Che#icr,opp., JVrniH, ind. —Alexander, (opp), ILtgwlale. idem.) l>oughcrty--ILinris, dutn.. Ely, ou*. I*rtnly—Brown and. Famuli and. —> Early Robinson, defo., (bodi, dom, Ecindy— Carter and Hcgisfor and. <eßffingUaui- IHnc*, <ii ovenstine. tfpp#. Elbert—'Carter, deni., jCgtrk, opp. Lmuniit-1 M< l#yd op. MnQr <l. Fannio. llyded Barks and. Fayetm Denham, deun, Cndcrwood, opp. -Fb>vd- I'rintup, dcin., Alexander, Turner, op* Forsyth Htitcblnstl. Huvid 4. jlrupmil. Fruiiklio- Morris and. Kari and Fulton—Collier, dcm.. Thrasher, opp. tJilnmr- tjnHUan and. Fain and. Glu.-#iicit-- Lsry, dem , Kelly, do to. tllynn -King, dem . Jlarrm, debt. Hordod—-Hholnut, deni., Fain, duu., Uuu'rh, dem. (Jreemi- Ward opj*., McWhorter opp., tiraene opp. Gwinnett-fomoir, opp.. Hlakey, dem., ilecd r, dew. Uabcinhain - Ivey dKceJtug and. Hall— Pool op. Hmitli and. Hancock—Hmitb up Lewi# op Brantley op. ♦►Harris -Hood, opp., Keunon, opp., Mullins. opp. Harralvon Green and L'<cbndl and. Hart—Stowers, dcm., HftHattd, dcm. —Henry—Clottd op. tlcndorron op. Harper up. ♦•Heard—Oliver,lieu., M ar*, dem. •"►Houston- MeGehee, dem., Gwen, data., Bvown opp. Irwin-—Young tl. Young and. Jaekson—lielapierri', dm., Mint/, op., Bnfthd, opp. Jasper— Bnrtlott, <q*p., Key, <>%p. Jefferson- Tarver, Brlusott, iqips. Johnson —Knell and Tftpley and. ■afsftl* - Gin v st, dem., Finny, deui. Laurous Moorad. IJidthaaopp. —* Lee —Batts, andm M (lock, dots. —l.ifoirty—• Boggs, opp., Harrington,,opp. LinoAhu—Lock art, Barkßd!c. ‘tom*. nd— Brinsob and. li<*wt<ii and. I.uaipkln--Rlley op. Rehanbl op. Mayes and. <aMaion- Cook, opp., Fitts, op'j*. Madison- Hitidn ock, dom., btrifkland, detn. Muriou--Hiuhen, dem., Bivins, doin. Maples up. Jones and. Mfllntosh—-Hpalding. dim., llopkin*. dem. Hall, dem., Ector,dora., Render. (deni.) —Allium *-Co wen and Bowel! and. Monroe—Trippc, opp., (Bark, opp,, Kettle, 2C >rgn —Raid, daw., Fanin. opp. Murray—Wilson, dam.. McDonald, dem. -m Muaoogoe—-Holt, opp., VVilliaioH, dom., Dixon, (dcm.) Montgomery—Mollae op .Sharpe op, Robert* and. Joiner <l. ►■Newton—Juno#, llenderxon. dcm Kiewnrt, op. Oglethorpe - Barrow, boD, Ki*rhart, dcm*. • Fauldiog—Whitawortb, McKaever, dem*. to Fierce Donulsou and. Swcut tl. Dickon*- Alwl and, Price and. *. Pike— Head, don., MiiebVil. dejn. ••Polk—Ware, 2nd. dcm., Hoicbmc, opp. Pulaski—Jordan, dem,, DeLamar, ib rn. l'utnam— Tumor, deni., Vaughn, dem., Fcott. dem. (juitmnu ~ Ouerry, cfoni., Morris, dcm. Rabun Williams and. Joticsd. Piiuidolpb-Bawyor, Uum„ Coitman, Uuu. Taylor, dein. Ricbimuid Miller, (opp), UiWon, (opp,) Pibodos (opp.) •wKvhley --rrittendvn, dem,, Perry, dcm. Cooper, dem.. Prescott, opp. •• Kpulding—Mathews, ueoi. Patrick, dcm, • Stewart - L\ani*. opji., iloUouioti, opp., WL ton, opp. Sumter mn. opp., Brown, dotu. Harper op. • TaUiatbrr*i Ut id. dcm., Holden, opp. ••Talbot—Smult, dem., MnCreary, Lurnw dan, opp. Tatnall— (irice and Brcwtou tl. ♦KTaylor—Wallaoodem., Mct'ants. il in., Tftffoir— Paine op. Me Rea and. Terrell Williums Op. Vanover op. ’'►Thomas- -Seward and. Whaley and. Tdwu*—Jumi'on and Smtob *i. •Troup --llill. Fannin. Norwood, i*ps. ••Twigg*—tlrlfiin a- Smith and. I’nion—Barclay and. Pam and. •wdlpaon—Flewellua op, llo*lny op. Walton—White, dim., Hurst, dem. Sul man op. *oWaiY---Sweat, dotu . Ctwo, Uui. —raM’arreu •Wellt*oru, (duiu), Gibson, (opp), Pilcher (opp.) Washington-—Well# opp,, Irwin, doru.Wicker, detn. Wayne- -('Hiinon and. Knox and. Walker -Ifoud op. Patton op. aJWehster— Bhnpj*ard, opp., t’uuscy. opp. White -bheltoß and West and. Wilcox .MrDuffie and. F rtner ii. wWffkinsnn—Whitehurst op. (’onler and. Worth Harris, dem., Ilcndersoti, dciu. tnr tdoprid t’rilfteu* ftnd the Abolition inMtm* Uonlsts i te w >rtty of rcmiuk that tkongli the ho. li'f ft# had i’- nn a whole year plotting tho in > M ‘lia*. Harper's fferrv, tfaey were tiriablQ to enri.-t r -ingift foreign faeru citixcn in their ranks ■ ‘t • u 0 ti* foun-i umong them to share’ their treason ngainst theirracu and nation To on# fn.J'iu.ui ut teast belong# the crMllt effacing turning th- ffret to off or them resistance. Among the r- ,a- ;ut the Ferry who have given statemcuia iu i*> the insurrection is Patrick Higgins, awalekn-.Mi, who was stationed on the out-of town side ->f the railroad bridge at the time of the attach. Be says : “At fho usual time 1 passed through the bridge. A# I Mint over here f wondered what was the reason (hat! -lid not see the other Watchman.-- The aams of that man is Dill Willium . i waft not long left iu doubt, for over here 1 mot two men, armed with long spears ; one of them i*kvd me “which way ? s ‘ said I, “not for ; 1 am ut toy station. ’’ “l take you prisoner,” said one* ‘WhAt for,” said I*—*'l ilon't suppose 1 have -lone nny man a wrong,” H suid—■• Well you have to come with me or yu die in two minutes.” With that he took hold of my hand, the otic in which ( bad my lantern. I struck him. his companion swing him stagger, thrust at nto with his spear, l do,fa ed him, and having by thi# time reached the ho tel, burst in at the vrindow. two shuts whistling in my wake, one of than passing through my hut und leaving a mark np-m tuy head The noise that 1 made ftiui the tiring wakened thn people iu the hotel. I also woke the fafockronn (fley wood) that keep! the depot. uu-1 went uw to look for Williams i went to hi# house and toi-1 hi# wife that 1 tisarvd ho must be dead. I thro got down ami met tho train : l stopped it and fold the con ductor, “You -annot go over, the bridge 1s taken fay a lot of murderer*.'’ With that conductor Phelp", the engineer, Bill Woulct, and the fire man cam* Ofawr, they wore Brelt men who halloiHul to them ‘run back, yon— —the place is taken.” Seven abut# were* then fired, and about (his time lleyood was *llOt. ‘ VuiQUtU Tobacco Cnor,—Tho Abingtun Vir ginian say# there ha# nsvor fo-cn a more lav ora hte veumi fa*r tho culture of tobacco than the present, it adds: There* Un.* bran umra grown in thi* couutry this year than iu all thn pust put togtthcr. and It i remarkably fine. There at# #om drod acres in tobacco iu this country, which will yield an average of six hundred pounds ptrwcrc. it so ouid, l an averap* off !fi pet owl. { and if s.i, a yfold of jlb,oUo. There is uo county ou tho f'lobc, perhaps, were tobacco so more prolific than lere, and hut tvw where- the weed so us fitter tex ture or flavor. It was feared Ifant the late frosts of spring ortho curly frostifat nutaaiu would pre vent tho successful culture In this high moun tain region, but observation ba# taught us that we suffer less than the lowland*, and can produce tobacco ss easily s* wheat and c#m, Wc would not be surj'risrsf If there were one th-iisand acres of tobacco in Washington empty next year. minor Hist a Southern authoress Ss about to go upon the stage lira been interpreted fay many yairf nunc* a# alluding u Miss Kvaus, of this city, ntid by other# to Mum Martha Haines Butt, of Norfolk. It so now said that Mfos Lisric Petit i# th# Prctt refwted te,-—JfeM# ifr#ury. t ULltlßt'K, HO.fDAT. (WTf>BEBI. IHM*. 1 f-- -=WCiSX. -i- - TfrrttWlal Right#. In oimtber column pill b found a*t article on the gubjiA-i froM the Mobile litgitU'r. That jviMOAl caoa.v* therein !<> rcfnie the pwithm of those wfeoswaiirtain that it in bdh the right ami •fb# duty of Cu#gre ii to protect tbo Javehobfor in UK .J.fospiMperty i.u Hit t^tiw.rn^ tufoir. That position, j*M# l*efore liy *ihr r.d f;< It-jlnUr, but th lirift of tlie attack hcrd“for* has been to show that, if the Tlomrinc of The prrdw- were logically and thom-ciif ally ti #, it iVnutd be destitute of prar-tirttl Tnluvi, and sbofthl not, thuroforo, be made a jodiucal iwuo. W have, in previous rof ibis paper, in a •Iwcussiuu of ‘'ohsDiifi right” eugihiijto<! Jtlxix propocitum and do nut carv uow U>rcvuw H hatodi w ahouid have to totavel bey end the rc oord in order to reach it, for the iirgnuint of the ftwjMtr'ti to allow rtiat"'rnl#ber’ f?ongr.W nor atiy other jovvor rtftvrVi!orinl LcgDlfttero ha# jurlsdi'qc Wl of ttoftsubjcrtt utatfor; the right* >f ibe .'lanjhufder in an “rgatiucJ (..rrftory. With, all due refjKvct fir our wu must, be aJ - • lowed i/t fay that, iu the article before uv, he hft# not his iuutfti fairnoak in Mating the po sition of hi# ojj*onwiM. For ioatomic, he t yv, “Dor tbcortor of goven menl prceludo us fr'mr huhlhtg Bubjfe<d provinecM to fug ruled and regwla- U-d for. o r own selfoih adV2*taafFs, u ck arlv i*o j.tyinf that the fwotccnnwisr# maintain tho nlT>rin etivooft hat pixtuiviU in'; Hopjofy, lliv fortwbe# of tbt) argument are not' zo dppedb#lo nijUir-: Gictodk. ; -ume any inch position. Certainly, n<* ground for tho imputation of o #idtlflbnt: M ex<t in their dfeinand that ali oUstruetmn# to the en* joyunuK-of their property, iu com turn with tbo Norrbbrn emigrant, bll bn rrmove'l. Again, tliia pav/gge will be obacn ed: *Tf, then, a* com. laimity wblcb wo bad (jut right to govern, V.o licvodil# interes's junparded and fimpromißod iy tto inftHntion of idxvcry, we rhoubt not bo uior ally, right, even if we had the power so do it, jn fowling it upon them.” Here tho Ifryititr rejeat* ttlf ‘>plii-i which be. i -iana b rio igorH*io efunrbi, ‘or h niisapprehetmiun of t|)e quoti<)n. This old idea, of forcible inter v mi Hon is the parent* of 4JI the difficulty. It 1* #nlßient Lew to say , that such an ijiea aiaf wa# entertained by tho prutectionirts, Hut to the argument of the It* pro poakiuu to, * , Jlu# mi utyrtnlsod terrihuy the anme uivnittpnl righto Ihnt air od in it. tod State h \ - ?M— ----111 support *1 tbo'ftffmmitivrt of ttfig ijurtMion it sny# “Tlie aet of incorponulwii of’ a lurrifory to foo aolctnu recognition of tbo exUfeu'e ol u IL-- tinct'piilitieal c.ajjujuaity endowed with nil tie power* which the htokrul compact has not dele gated to the Federal Jj<*gi-latiiro.” Strangely enough ibis propo*biun involves nufking more nor bias i-hu ft. prtitiv ftfimtipii. ft? is obvlcu that ibequ elbm in dispute betweeu the H< ji*t> r an*! the proteciiontot# relate*- solely tu the pos o##lOU, by fbe “p'Ktk| com u unity,’ of Ibe right which the Hetjitier in ih.- above sentence assumes that it doe# p**!o'eia. But’ supp*#e we wnivrt ilio fnßdcy and accenr?b,g}c us the non elusion. How will'U luntier then stand / In Be<*. 3, Art™ i, the Federal compact 4a* delegated i to tlie Foderoi LeghßAim-P the power iv make “nil i needful futon and regulstfons r the or - ritory or itbev prp|>ory belouglng to the Uniiod siiati.n,’ Thta power, tiievcforc,—tb power of logirlation—to one, of 11-c Wstowmerrf *f wbfob. upon thi* “dl.ctiDct political eommenity/’ the act. of lucerporatinr i+i* Hot a sotoenn rvcognitiou.— Again, says the JfrifUter, “As Soon nv a distinct political community is Wo&ni**wl, the boungrios asuigm'dit <v.aio to boHiuuruiou property. JJy our political ay stein, one community cannot be lUfl property of ftnofher eomutunity.” Now, hurt! ara two propo*ilions. The fir*t otoady beg* the dariu# of a territory uoasoio ba couanou property iVorn tlf# Hale of its or"ft.tiiaeHon to the matter in dtoputo Tho dftooudpropovlHoi) asvt;t* wlittt no one, we. presume, over had u thought ol itouy hi". U would W equally true, if alllriued of the poplc of a territory nutt-rfor to it* orgftntoation. A man who ow tie a polce of bin 1 may wake rnb-s j for tlro regulation <vf hi# tounnt—may say wha# | ground bo nmy caltlrato, what line; ahe aliall re - pair. wbnt woodland ho may not tre#p*M <-b. Yet, U>U right of tho owner does not involve hie proper*,/ iu tho tenant. Tho Congress .f tbo United may pa## laws for the government of the people of Oecrgia—law# winch they aro bound i obey j but thjs necoaftity of ob*Ueoee docs not ptako theta the jwopoi ,v of Cou,:/re#a. If it does vbiletioc to our guliUcal .-systoui to hold iimt the boutjdurie* of tut organised territory n’* the property of Ilia Fnited States, then, surely, tiia Couttit&tton is in bko nun* ;oniam wuh that syrtaub for in the section wo have quoted above .Hu* ivords “territorywithout limitation as to organisation, und “property” are later chaageahly. Th lauguago is “tcrrilory .r i other prvyttlgj’ The territories were soqiur -d by the common bitted und treusuro of ail the Kfatv*. Cohgir<‘M is the appotuiiol agodtuftho Flute*, to immugo ihtir property. When the population of# territory ‘*e*>rut! audio font, iu the opinion of Oftttjprwu*#, to uthorite it. it may, iu the exorcise of its ptAvoy lo Make ail utwtlfttl rules aod ronltttidha,'’ urgao iie n territorial government. Tho powwa wbirth thi# gowrmuenl nro those only with which the t’ongro* may, in it.s dUorrttjbii, endows it. Povrar can be derived f“om * other mmnx-, nad Concr;.- - cuuaut part with that which it ha* not. Th act of organuatfon duc-a nut change ‘ thn rclalitu fautweeu the territory and Ike jjtuto*. Thnir rights huvu notheou # rvliu-iufoh* c-l, ami camiMt be tnlrim sttrt fay imj lioatiwn- An uct of tho territorial fa gi. data to which deprivoft the citrzanVrtf <*ny Raw of rights win oh they eu. joyed anterior f<> tfau territorial vrganfoutt-u #. tlmreforc, an naurpatU-u of puwer. Thi* thvory I# illustrated raid conffo.n—fa fay thu action us Cotigrej** Lorn the very iiuupliofi of territorial GovernMetii*. Instances ftltu*.' i t wet bout num ber, cvul-1 be wtfafa and froui the roo-oivl# of the fob wfal laturey, of the exiteise *f the power, Vy (A'ngress, t > tcyiso and even annul the aejfon of the territorial legiftlriures. iitsuh irtrvcilinnon wonlu Do st and fooxpHealde upon rtro th* - ry of mmm/- al soretctgnly. still would l-o tfau .ItyjaUln.-sis of It# ut*ii-t\i#t* *h e, when it so toaiomh#r#d that the Presidout np oiiitfthc Jd-cs'Al’ the territorial -Court#, the Cotigns# payt<Lcir salaries and tho ralaric# af iho Delogntcs so Congixip. and, indeed, the whole” csja-miv* of tie twritoKul go\ - rnuicut. It is high ffttic that these graiafaies bo withheld by the beutberfa jieopla h rturh gov#rtuu‘yu) Iwu tfao power whfafa the Av./wter .* it. Jt 1 spar ing lo<> Uear-ffar-iba ekunocft st iiiflnfoal fugl*fo-’ lion. lira AHvcittiunut. Außtci nut UAt. Dcoguu.—Planter#, Garlon cfs, nd Nil who till the earth, are interested iu the ailw-rtfoemeut of Messrs Guuty & Cos. in an oUMfoolutnn. The “American Guano,” which thy are prepared to furainh Ha# boon subjewed to a variety us nxperiuieuts, and the n-snll# are; a# satisfactory as could have been dot-ind. Cer tificate* uUu on t without number, train various eectteos of lira eouuu-y. attest it* uKQrftotdinary value as a fnrtilUer. Oneof U* chief recomiana dations so it# Cvunpaiativo cheapt -■**, It i*afaimt tacuty dollars a ton cheapor than the “Peruvian tkaanu, * and ik stated to be more durable in it# effoct*. Mr. t’Uarle* A. Peabody, near thi# city, used it side by side wttb the genuine Peruvian, and with Dec .Vs Manipulated fliuno—manuriug nn cre with equal-piautitio# us each kind, lie think’ that the yield from the ‘American’ is equal to either of the rv*t, while other have pronouuccd it the bo*t of tho throe. Thera lo*ti monial* shoul-l, at forafa iu.-urcit a foir trial. SroviM, Tiw-Wabb, Ae.—K. M. A1 worth has ou hand a fin© lot of >*teyvs, Tln-wnr©,” ‘Wo.-dwi* warv, aud g.-uds gvinially. Iho publie are invttod to üßSaw hi# rtoek. Mr. lira*. A. Jhorris so ailverUsUig au aiurir a fal# #lock of -Staple aud Fancy Dry Good*, for tho fall and winter trad*—embracing Ladiu# l)re*s Gowfo. Shawls, Mantillas, Bonnet.*. Millfo aery article*, end general assortment of s npl© and subrtaaUnl foods lor the country. Our plan ting lrfoudk are rispeetfaily inritod to girc him a call, a# he guarantees satfotacuou. a • >... ;&<.;•. ■ -w*. ■. ; n H .p-r>/ ‘ti*wu<fUr ol>;t Pfc-rtrt. •r<*-hVoinvuA too- Ot $MBko. t*.*.*• mat di. Oft .!.•(*. .ilMiitfo- •>(’ f jniK tlFy U** dfofc** l< uiuk’ TJtpy nijlWfoiwßtf for trt.aihii, iwtr .!••) ium dw .-Urr’ :* bo Im‘i* cUom. ‘2 he court |ck.“ ti*qo-iutod i •< for tlw dcleoc*.'. Robert Y. <J*nrd,ol Wiftchuftpr; Audre# Hun I'-t, L*u., h*’ pi ‘-ecut’ j). bg tftol Jan;.* W. l.joHa buy I : fr ap>ted i.l CtimWr lnipi . ‘-vftftyd T*i Rt u'hty theettorge qf cuitobirurtw. - • oM'TWhscy. reported Filled, arc still. kitted HtXYwvitw sf.d Itourtoy, oft <'id / ibft.h*cf'Ofoyirited, f.mafo Quirtu **f stmbm wmy. I Si-k 4 Sryr3'l>-o,4ft*g# it-- u Thflrs>lay. Tl.s ext>uuii#dou irlal of j'uo iftsurrtationistf, Brown and ptf #*#ion#te*,,/b<jlbr r: f 3t Ju*’ -<•’ of the Peace, ptol tab ; place on Tuesday tyxi ii. ibe court roi, tho I'ireiait Court i*djiui'iiing foi tbaf prttqo HM'. Judge Parker's the grand jufy ws. nt) ttbb-and )ippi')pn#t'rtffort, referring mainly to the Pfo attempt io<xciu tlisffm 1 n in W.#tr Thu poopto of Cltomht rsburg, we> c*- siderpbty e*cji*f yt#rdaydy tbe i*pp irepf e. ft! oteu ot th* f> ftiifiy.i’ii !Y<m Ilarp.t*t byiTv, jofod fob the notorious C-,k. 11* WirCfe#’ u.'rtted so tpc. ifortfoa -ire in pnruiflf him. Tkc b-lfow'tifg is tha onri,j#auftt repot-tw*i L< barn ihki> plc Abater kjfafttm, *<f V if. gifciu. li* .o Mc;|V^liu)i'ii c >j!o, ‘/.I Obi *, mpl Also priioufr. Bco^t): Mr. Mx ‘• n- Can yftu toil *.#♦ !♦#, wfca fur utobrtd uuiwwy for you# expedition ? Mr. Lro'--. •- j iur . iuoi il w\ fX I cspfjot Implicate other*. I eonld easily T-avc saved lav-r-lffr -m it bad l cxrrrfift’d my <•?* better judguH-nt, ratln r than ybided tt my )Ufc. Mr. xMa#ou— lfym,would U!I u# vho . you i bftns —who urvi.!.,fitho n.cari#-- thnf wouln be informnl*>n *f fnfnw Mr. Browir--! will euvwcrfrcolj a oil foUb fully ui)out wu#t ounn-mi iy/t ls i IU answer ui y tbuyj, l cum with fa nor, bn! not about othir . Mr. Voilarfdifrh'ftß), member of ffongreft* ffotn Ohio, who b#il just o# ovofth) - Hts P-rfWn, wlo ens you hurt? Air. Drown—N’ man suut m*> burn ; Il was my own pru*fßlMg # and thht nf lay Muhtr, or h# of ibo ifovli, nbtoh*' - *'! ymf pfert'o fn ftwisfifort i\ (ft. . I rtka#Wgnrt rm.rt i human irwia. Mr. Miisuu-dluff do v.xvjuaii/v'yuarfarUi J Air, iJr./Wtt—ltfaiuli, j f . topw- , u arngoil ty of a groat wrung tfoU-u xf’ faiina^py— f #ay it. wUfaing to be off- r.-live—"swd It would for purtoctly for any fuan so inter* r-j With you ftt) for oft t*> true rho-o ym wUifd}l|’ #0 wiJio*Ly hold lt bondage. A do not nay utto io suliicgljf. Mr. AL#vj—Did you roifohkr ti to a unliiary orgauiaatinn. is (jus ftopef (the cbristilulfop) ? 1 hivfl not yet read it. . Mr. Brown—# did in ‘•wn# lUmm. I wish y-iM W*>uid giv# that payer flort uttuuMou. Air. dlawtfti V-u <m*idtr youmH’ the ***#. m#nd;r-iu tlxkf <.f thnuo Mr. lirown--I wit clmsen agrttaWy to Hte or ffkianee# of certain doemmeufa comimuiderdn •-Maf ‘d that forc. Mr. Mu*oe—What wivge# did y-ci offer ? Mr. P-rown-’ Non®. Mr. VftUamligham—-B'liffii in f-lovefond, djd you attend live fugitive,ulavo law coevenu t there? Mr. Brawn.—?-*. I wa# there about th# time of tbo nittiUkg f d lire Court *> try the tiberlia ft * cuo n. . 1 ■#)>■># u puldy .'y on subjact.-- I sjiokc uti slave tew H- and u.y oar: rescue.* Os awkrtw. so for rt* I hftui auy at a.H, I wttadisp'-Affcnl tojwsGiy tho OWiin peo- ; pie for reeeumg,t theoafte, fanreuuw I have my - ‘ self foroifaiy token rfovo# from benduifc. Iw . eoheerned in to king aievenafove# fr-io Missouri 1 to Canada lust winter. I riuuk l Apakg- in (lev-.- ’ laud before Oft- t'aiiventton. I <te,not know that 1 I lmd auy i toivc*!-atteo with any of the Ohoraii rrwuera. i wa* sick part >t too tiuto l wa# m Ohfowilb rboa /ii . 1w part of tho T uie ui j cMumy. Mr. Tißai-i-jftiauu.—Psd you sec anything of! J (fobiia ii. (*ddin* t bores Mr. Hr<wn —’l <Hdtci hfau. Mr, Yailaadigbaia.—l/ni you converse with’ him. Air. Drown.—J did. I would not toli you ai;y thing, us toorse. thut wnld faupljeato Mr. Ufai dingN. hut I ovrtasaly mer with hint and hud oow-1 versaiious with briu. , (dr. YfoUaftdi^ham, —- Did yon c.vjnt a gene ft- j al rfoteg of too slave# in <^#bof ytour ■ csrif Mr. Br- rt".:. N- ,*ti: li ‘> did t it, fX pccftjd to gather them up tV-lu tlpg to Uyte and | set them free. I Mr. ValUinU^lam.--Dijlyou,. X|'a;ct ttjj hold till iuon; Mr. wrufaably I had unit* a ! klB. lofanutKouw that I ov.>).i u | rev-'al mv plays. I am bare a prjsjteer and : and wouudii, I Irtu'ifohly iwlufated envaclf t tube go. Vou oaorrutv yofif nidfiagth ia 1 Inc that 1 could hunt taken if I hwl ipi * alfowed ii. T wu* b-> -forty tsffUsV < ..imn’r-rhvg ‘ tbw open attouft—dii del uV-ng my mMcin-uts 1 tllf<mgh M ( 'i! hlj’ I! W-i.” lUp to tfac till.: I U.V ! mui.dvwd fay tho gvv.. rum -nt Tt jftaft all occasioned fay my U*ittv t* spar© the >(’ iuy iffisoner* *uo thuii fmiritie# iiu-l rift- c-wniip*- i uity at- lar&e. I hitd p<> M’ the ehvoL inj* of ihe m-'gro Huy wpod. l Mr. VaUat-dj.; -Hiii \t but ihr.e d-*l y<-u Cuia inciiccyrtui .>rg;iutKi<tirt‘n -in Dftlpt-is? Mr. Drtwn. - That ofa-tot two years Jf I ((suictnl'cr light. It I think, in Mr. Vallahdfaibam. AVlm was wcfi tiry: Mr. Brown I \v .aid n -tt ;! ts f V-col Iccu-’d, fall* rdo i:-A rv> dt#Cl. I tu.i kfiissrt wore .oiwctw.l in Mn^ - . I may lufowtr Incor- TftCfly, tint My hftad is a Hule c-ufo*(-4 by wouadift and iy memory obscure'on*’ j. da'ft?, A-t-. r -In reply tu flinsstioji frfafi) ft of t^u*K. ! J Will rcifiaik in reply t tlufoc (©piirtlng 4y.11- ’ thwl I rlftfar, hi fa© In-r, Wfalforfm ; ..ut a ! I umuftmt 1 faoUcva W lu? wertetßv iustiffh’ Th’ ri'hq , not to < t tjni: prt of art or raftion; ! but ay t-Ue <-cmtr:iry. to nld riioee fbffvrinjrunder i a /rent wrung. I wish to swy farther thut ya bud bettor 11 or tho SMilh, prepare ynurselve** for ft mi mfamest'of tfafo uttoatiun. It mud.fu ‘ up for settlcinontsooner funn yon are pMjfared ier it, nod the “uonor you commem-e > ritoft pry para 1 ion the better fbryutt. \ on may di-<- 1 pure of in** very ©rally-—I not neftriy dfoponed us ii©tv, but , hi# rjuefctuHi is to bo s -riled - tbis negro <1 ue>lion. J . The end is nut yet. — W**h. .State*. A Kiipptteftl iuaapirai>r We yesterday published a list, ext raided fir* m a Virginia paper. if tli- p*Tft**es tn the Bmitfatrn States marknA *>n Brwn*s map, designating. s is *nppfocd. tlHteprtint- of ibrt designed iu.riirie.etWn Among fbmn Orawt'-irdvltte, in ihfo SMtte Is t>‘- h found. We fobve Ueon infiniucd that tfauipnn Ste vn*. who -H ft# woftteK-l nod made prtauuet with Drown, reamed in and about di ram shore for gum* wuokti lo*l year. For tempering wirti tlfonegrona. be wa# arrested by Judge Lynch, blacked and rod* a rail. Theitew bo went to t’ruwf rdvilie, whop’ he was Obliged to leave for the same efture. IT these arc fact# (iritit we hare no reason t- I sHppo?* i!tiurwt!K*.) and if it is the jaltre Sfnvru*. eoi ruKorulfoa of the Mfopicbih so apfardmi thnuke ■ plot fas# heyu tftatoriug for *umc months, u|>Mfh#t 1 aholHiiitt c>ufo#ftrfa hatfe Wn at work In fuc South. If tlie cUfocns Uviug sifatmt Ihft point* JvslgnittctHt* Brown’s map. have tirttfacd nny snsjficiuli# uiri um-iuucos, and would make then. WOWII through the press, or other woo, much light might be thrown oji ihf# dark und uetbrum# plot. — AnjiUg.i I biijnileh. fuHowiog incident turnidics a ruthcr •tfopara .;tww onaimviitary pun (he piule.supby of ftlmliriun pfailautbopy. Tfafo is a fair pfptvsrtlta won uT tlu; tiiaswi <d jH-opfa- whose fate excites so much *vutputhy in the kuraim# us our p.vtts u uiies. “A negro faov luh-nging to Mr. Washington, who wa* taken fay the hu(-urgent# ut the tituo hi* luio ter Wa#. when lie rem-tied thu Ferry fays of fered Bike. faith he r<-fumed, when oiic of th<- inrarjp nf# ;- id linu that far was fW*v null slm-uM fight the whites. The bay replUni, “I .kwi't kite.© anything about bring fr- ; 1 wa# free oto-ugo before yon took iu**, uud Vm mt g-dug to ft gut tmtil r sot- Mtto-*fc Lewi* fighting, and then I tu ht for him.’’ Thte boy wa am>bg tho pris'-noreiu the engiue h->nev.‘‘ Tri fatfitL. Mat nf, our readers have heard of the ftliuo.-t futeTdtuil whl&h toolc place lasi Week a eras - the State sane, between two f'itlm&bte gra tlciuun of this county—o.’ Randolph and JI, C. Childrens, of width lw* Utter wtiK severely, if tn-t mortally wounded, In tl<-. head at the flrjft lire- Tlte origitml ohalfangu wa# rent fay Hill, byt Mr. R. relusod to recap niXti him n a gout lemon, and tfm Inexorable on-tv forced Childress, between whom and Itnml.dph there was no enmity, to take h-< place. We d* test the praetieh of dueling. It is contrary to the law of Omliuid of ©Very Mate, and we .ire sorry ,#o tnany h*norafalc and clover men resort to this modi* of witting * .depute or ft <|Uieiol -wh* i'. it WB* to ns. that them are just.ii# h-vnorufale mean- of iKtcnmphshiteg a >cttfoment withuut tv surtlng to so fatal n-sulU-; and Wc hope the titae miiy soon oomewhin our people will become rv-. odamtted upn this sufafre;, and the hadgn f houqrAccorited to tho.-e vtn .have tho moral he rnfott to rcfnre to.jeopard their own live# and thn’ of thnir neighbor#. “YfhgeMNt) is nunc, sayetk tho Lord.* Wo learn thut hope* are entertained that Byi **rn#a will recover. For the rake of both w hot* fa# may.— Eutaw Uimrvvr.,..UiifiOr TiIiiWEKH filSnS) oi TBi l 01.! .V.w>- TIME? j\ LATIR FROM EUROF2. AKIOVAI. ‘ OF THK T^iiift-te OCEiy Ip KO. N?:w tou%j Oct 24, Irtjft. Tho stciui*hip ffovAii <<•. fi'>u KuttUratup* has atiivtHl with <)♦■* in • bed3th iu#t -Liverpool I'.iit.n .tf'triel —for (ho two days protion# to the departure us the ot*raii Dw>n, !M<>o folios. Thu market wa# utoody. Cofti ni* q utrp and M kft'V# luj ‘Jdj’k, PkHAIA. Xbw ¥o*k. Oct 2<i. The llrjtixb sreanrebip Persia, with Livrfocl ■lute# to Saturday, (brtTfdfaf has armed at this jMirt. Her fuivic* • *-• >w. day# later thaw the Oftaan </H<.en’s. Lien pool Cotton }'•!>■ hot. —The xai# of Cot ternfor ttie ws*k were bjo#, ut an advawwu of 14$ to Fair and Ai iddlingipmUtb# had •irfit.rovd moil—(he toftrkftl- rtlofiiig firm. /,frtf (im-trui Mnrkttt*. —Bjftlwtotul#, to •Ubiag, i rwViS. iu# du'i, L'mJoo V--y Mnrlrot —Honey •#* #lightfy •si ft**.'!’ C< civ i ft .-••) at W#’. j i -o. ! New York, Oe* *“1. The #'Cnj:s bip Jatuu La# arrived * jri. Juki# with Lveipod due# to tho J7th. is'ijrt import3 Hte Liv#rjxv ‘ .un market steady at prvv? >uc *ptotnt'n*£. rfmbr# of two days Ift.nfM) bsi*s. t I'OKrtk iiaro improved *rd are quoted 4t VO@ AdditUnal by the Clean Queen bcocral Xrws 11 he #luj> Oueboe, of ;New Orieana, was wreck ed at ktodySfofi© Lightfawnw, on the Hlb is j rfftgt* Auriiria refu.-'; to diminish the sauxint of debt | .duefrom l ombHi- y so .S#rJinia. - • - 11-.berCSlftphtJtxixm, the celebrated Engineer, is j dwrni. . | Ijanvi und Picdir <nt propose so submit the , L-isju’nyrly dbhk affaii o arfotralijo. I Nttiacxoi).* urYesteift t faotii made iu Paruia Tlie principal authors n<l in th ; VraurdM of A nmi, aru in thft bauds, T'i> pit;.- / trJifiqelH, wfid the iliitoruiiog of Hie I f-optthi w: has been .ordered, allfeongh the city wU j HntMpdMt Tiy Mi<drthi*t aitif Tuscftn tr*v'pi. ! Oftnb tidi'i pro'-Umation to the central string | s#.y#: Tbft hrt'ff fov *b new ‘triigrie Hpproacb-#, theeni my.threaten and will perilattack s)ft in ! # lew -lays. i Thu Pop* was t> have #a interview with tb tvittjftf K#pie# #i t'watlv Hoodelfo, whe re be will j prolong bis *t#y in cofifterfuenceef tbo i at Is otu. ’ After the Pope'? departure, there wnn n dr-mo j rtf*fivh took jdaoc. in honor to the Sardinian Attifote/ndor- It Is vwii mated tu#t tee thou Kami left their eari at the rwi ■ic:)ce.— 1 Tfte Am! Jirt-nilur was fr> !svPon tho f<Hh. liftTS-BT. Zs ix, .Oct Cunforcuce jdo coi draw tv ft elofto A#(ria'e deutand# have ’ itoc-Q roeistr Jby Sardinia ftnd France. FrantH -1 requires Hint uli thi? expense# of ibe war ball be , paid by Aiteiri* #nu Piedm-mt. AdiJfionftl hj itic Feisia. # Niiw Yosk, Oct. ‘i*. —The rti auiihip pwrsto,'* ! mails l -ft tbis wtortuirtg for the c muh. ! IlfirWitf-'i cifCttbir,’ qiWtts R j ntfouftCnn’ i*f |ftt j week s tmprvved foviinit, wilft ft iibvral Fuaiue#u>, ! and l-l6d. # -,id. adVrtncr in ft!l dcsr/tiptioiia frftu iretu sand.- llrttu-r qUaMtier sitft rtiU Baoru iu de j mum!, olid the #Ukf adv i-.nct is uju*n them. Last i India cotton ha# been token yjilvartoliy sos est ; porfo; being free front ftnd (t guts nk-oi ial ffre : ferwnee over common Aweri-nr.. The im port* far , tliu week Were H.iidfl halo# ; kwowu to k at srti j from America Id,oi>ii bak>.. ngafost lU.UOO aftiue i time hstyear. Mbfdßng Orb !t at 5 Mid ! dliog Mofailrt* *IR ? ;d,; am! Mid-Hing t'foamie st j b illf>d. The Man* bcM,;r utarktn unsatiaiUcwrjr j de-dincd farther, with tho tilth; disposiifon of ! bayerX to cx texwivu uperiftthmsywvett at tower * pr'.cckthan tU prewut, I VYakwitetd, Nftifth A Cos. report n) f'cadi j neftw in the niaikox. and that better dtotofiptjofa . Amerteau Lad tlvftw<*d IRJ. Lower giadc* ’ were fosy aiu),do#bk. Ti.lft etpentar giv <p4ftta i ti-w* the same * tho# given by iii vvoU A C#, | t’iarke A .-foos, in their cfoewtar, ropoft .m ’fad ; adv#acft for dcsU#.hle Aow ricao dos-rlpsionx: stui j Siate that the mat&ftt eloW healthy wf b I good decMMid. l.r qwnftaUoM av# tor Mid dfilng Orleans Tl#. Mtohftling Mnb*l# fd, and | #!<=* *r).i. Kiehfrrds a A .-;■## • #ay that the dftasnd i wag'grtd‘for the AiydiuSg ned iteltor griui* s. Ia Orieans Mini Mfo- le go.*J ipialitiesj there was Ifald ‘ advance, but tho Ivw. gr t ie* were sftld with ditfaeulty, ©veil at un ljc t.i a on foimor rate*.— la Upland# tfanrv \># rcarcoiy tuy ianpre voiuci.t, ; ;i# holders generally ero wultef pdiers. • The * bhfas#9 in Maucttoafor bad ku rtansed tipdftr hartlciAftg Livwpoulprices. Acr.iuytrt from.T.orV’h sro ciuitradt* lory. - A report my a that the treaty will toon be #i t-n ----ed, itm! ihe Lurmtefiti Cnpgivvs s■> sett bit. The t'xyquttter es Um Aoj-.-rkah Cytital at Leg : hum km bvcii witfaUrawfa. \oVxV nvQtgt&x. A(w VuMft, <X-t. ?v. Thu sleftindhip Nwa faoottoa lias nrrired at Farther Point, bridging LiVcrnool ftdv i -cs to the ltub. Ifigstpoid Cotton Sales of three day# 24.000 bales. Market gv&emitfy Hr.cfaange4i— Uulders wore t-ifori; % freely, lnt tL'med ue dto- to pfftsfa sale* ihtcjpi.ol tiemi aj Jfnrl Uica-Uiuts were deuUnUtg. Ptofifkin# dull. LoM’lo’h 3li\ / M<trkcK~— ConurtU Wero atVO? s . Idltiloim! faj inr Tevmkyffu j FxJtTßtt Poixr, ihii. 2U—TL* ru#uily |>cnd- treaiy hftfwWFxanbe awd Austria, war sigh, j u.l by those jtewtHs on tho lT#h Ukt. The Hnxt<p*H>iiK* &■%**, ia a lift* lays’ with regard to the truoj? u.-clf, Hus ,i in m ba. pornuti. quecUioii* --to settled iu .tkv ftolh'W;*c.. inauQftr : Sari.uia rmaans Hie Mantaaa ti..* ru .* which wer® c-eftapiwl by her armies, at the rnw iftrtnt when the nmitsi.ioe whs Signed, swu-Hfafaline of demarraii-m fixed by that armistice fowronu-? tho pfnjii.nmit lYualk-r between Lcmbardt u<l Ttmotto. Suriltti*. Ifi return, thfe*’ ft*tlv i*f the <b bl - asi utuuv hundi-id j ami (wan-v mdlums-. teurt is, togeu-ux wuh no * litutovrd and iwcnty ifedhrms us the kajn of 1t?54, < r in alt, about ‘wo hundred i|iid seventy m{l - The difiicylt.v relative to the cminum of tho fortress**, has ixwu cotupxujnis ing fhw rival pretewtlwoi >f the two pewters. It ihftl In oddity rt tw the iHe great >K.ior#, .faanluiiiv/.'pam, Swailcii, Poa ugal, \a- I foes und Runic, will b pwsdaaifaj iu v u* euittvm pUted KvTwpeaw CaagWti, lil* snn'!itcrtil that n trotitv ktirwi France . .iuJ-fcaruiuU will b signed in a sow days, and that## irfop.irtite ttwaty will be subsequantly signed. In London money whs reported easy and Abun dant. There were report# ia cnvuUuoh of pmbftbi q changes iu lit*’ French wJauujr, bad vircuwistan u ’ tti't Ortburred which i a Jrcftl measure con firm the#* report#. The apprehended trophic* with Morvrtttn npd Spam hat e town Tfa* Lmpernr of Morocco has tomiejadiull #attefaeuon4e #*path. bßCottn nifti-atcii. Liverpool Cdfffiu Mnrfccf--HRlt'B ofcotton tfare - day 2l,otH> biiTos, of which took 1,000 r and exporter# hulas. AlaiKhoster advices wert fawrablu. Tarn# clored quiet bat #t*aiy. At London Lrv.i<i#UitDi wore dull. American aoctmtie* want #iow ol sale; lutpri ce# were unaltered. AWriTA, ttot. AO.—There wa# a faftary frort at ncksburg. Mi#*i#*tp|ffjad pcint# ab*re Sat urtUy, tho ttfiiviUHl heavy to kill ootfoL. 1 “ brand Juey ipilcitWMK f V*ra Oat. 2ff.-~Tfaw lran4 Jury, ‘*tedft>. found tho t-dfoicmg gnutot ibft pri mmer# takrih at Tl irptr # Firvt—€ iisplriiigwi’h the uegmeafor thepiir poftw of cHatiHjKifttt ineixiiaftti-a. , ‘ I. Secuntt— Trcu*Mi againftt the vtu>tatoftwrylfh. !>*!>• ■’ ■. ■.* A (to <imDk-l f\un Ly Uio court r..r iii. nri,.ssaW'.'twW*!!!* The have Jowded uat so eA#tpgJn*< ut) Wxe guard a the Fcd. ral ftrirtorio And arecn Later from Mextra. Nhw OftLiAixir Oyt. 2A. •teaaMbjttip Lrittgin* Vof* ftgx the ‘ i : 1 • Tho TotbiWw bring# tfaitiy-wren tlfoufawwl. -lvdhtrs )u ic. J’ - .YRr® pad Stittu# ilo- j. of war Pavan uah, a<i j a Fi tln jli farigof warwerc n't Facrificgs- It wa# reported that the acting WritiaK , tor,.Mr Matfaewfa, hadutiiori/.td tfaolritkh Con *ul at Yorw.UcKx to rceogwi/u tue <* v urnMmfo* v - C . ‘ ( Jlh-lre had returuedto JaUjja. Miraman*# expedition agfoimt Saa L.>ui#Putoii is #uli txlked of. Later Irftiw Texas Sbw CHti.aaxs, 0; t. 54. IT#h *r* rvertired Browusvilk* date# to tb 20tf< The ‘foxicAn troop# hH returned to Mat#inn . Litnit. Largdirn hud arrived with tfareftreui;- Tbw c;1 teens of hud eaptured om of Cortina a leaders and mnrtjnceH him to he hoop. C- rtjoui threatened to Imrii the town if tha svri ♦ woxected. Oroat alarm prevsilrt*l nmoag !he rit'.zcns. who were fmyvjug tho hwh in haste, and threatened to abandon ft. fablers arefotopec “ho'dld ttfriift oon. Tfart-e btmdred troops were effpeetaf from San Antonia. The Tndfons w*re <*mmr.itingUspftfattftthras all th - Way down the Riv (irau-te fret Lagfo Pa#-. FrtVotft serer I'nitf/nted — li-evt Fight with the JilfifaH*. N w Omjass, Oct. J 4. Hwlvofttoa tLitec to tlie 2mb were recoivot to day. The fovur mmiiaan# whluoif ahaieurent. Th# LlaliM * Texas) Herald pttfali.-be# a x*or that Maj. Y undent had a Hack u 1 tin fdkaa on Concha river, audio tho caAcagomoul iitat ansuaci lvrt forty an n and killed wut hiufortd ludiaus. Vsu OiiLBAYi, Oct. 54. The Ma-gfaxinik Market and four Aquftrv *of hurfoinys #dj-ittbuf, w-jra ffyfttritpefl by ‘flrTa# higfd. The luW i# ftftfltrtafilil #t SIS OJXW. sew OjtT.tMU's, Ortf.^f--Late faccrartjts ffnm 2-! ex lew stole tlyat Yidaiiri ttot luff for Tcto#: Int that ho i? raising trooy i against she Ixilypral*, and thut #cte pelatk have ikclared fhr Lira. i uputrr at a wlftvfr .NtfW oup bans i Oct. 2^—Advices from Jviugf ton, .lamed <t, t<> flic stb int., state that the *!#vr hsrfa Laura her Vcca captured by the Prits steam er A relate. *_• (rt.:grrsfoA! KUcllob v.o, Va. Orb 2* —Piyor i.FeTc-ted in th- ti 4 district by a majorpSr*wf fr-fc twelve to thirteen Therein a nui n Algiers who tell* ueb g>od j storuss tfoa kte irteuda sy_ it ie xlaugeroo# to walk i. with LUu ip the fyrost, for nil th* hyvoa# come Traund bifai to laugh,” r"?—” -• M .j COM MH iiKCUkJ). t'OLt Nitfs sbitoit mrui* sriThutM. CoLt WBite. Oftteher JUb UOTTON— Siure otu- iMA Vl\#k?y Report wf I tbo uuwkct, th* “rrevipts bwio be*u qiute iar^c. ftMMNftHftg io the *ggregafo to balra. So t erowdadwid Itirej faftrebwjti the vtaj-loye*# hi the i WwreUtmse*, that on sotuc day# tiurinit toe pa#t ! week, tfacy’ have beet* c*npolled foUimttoaUite ! boat in faia mgfat faefwe th© i-uUon w# properly j h*>a##-i aud cured for. The limited storag* r* so frti - ©rtttvu, o 1 . fa • #• auefa diUy. | h<2 duutago hv*t season, ha# fawcA ia-agreura. ■ - fare ufavfarted fay the urwriyu ol two warwfa ; u**-* ; fthd ofot -u shad; aud planter*may fenl ateuxnd j thati wp>o that tn.tire ikuro w ili be uu trwufaie for | the future. 1 Tiio ralvi of tho past wvok, up to the dosing j of bu.-ujofss fauura on Satj day,tot>t up.iidt> bales, | a larger nmuw than 1.. t w*vk fay raraxol faun . In thu *#riy prrt nf the Wc Uj tjU maikci was -vait* and 111 iffrtl Were aff* <-trt*r wAh Hindi dlfa fi- uriy. Utr/iHft Were shy in rumimg forward, unless faejor# were Wtirtog l auhtiuf to a decliue Which Whs n* t praute*i , . v The foiclgn .new*fay the Persia, bringing ad vice# es an advance - t I lt> to ttfal, ftujmeiincntly CM.tfftesi up ‘ti the arrival of the Waai#fa*p | Ja#- n, vaMstHl (pritft a fawoyaitcy ia th* mark*.!, 1 jurd *!#hoK*a wr cauwot sny that thora receipt* I'creMnd cerrewpowtL g ■ advanra in sir .ww lufiki-fa rate# at prvvirtii* mere readtiy than faekp-ro. ‘ ■ ed in she .-iiie p #itinn, uud on eJatnrday’ w-V ti-. 1 atni fli imat- and, closing a* -ui former tpiota which we append; M ddlings fi : 4 (rtf It), Strict Mid, . Gr,.l Mid. I*> v i tf/. U* '%, Mid. Fair There an; many onlctttetiotuj afloat ;s to th* probable extoal of th# p.waaat, faut nothing like a rdiartio (KiiniHir. can l obtaiuo*!. At rhix #cw ftftof A* y##f,-ftH $0 tmHetf cahmlti-m# are nothing more foan gura work ; tujd w * shall not v*uifo upi#t a piedkUrtO, wbea #u many older arai mora iateUigvnt beads have failud to oft mi and net *ijnlfy Rut Wr avwst again reiterate oar foriver qseatVin : TCbefn ar the t-ur uijliion# of bales tu eouua from i Cou nel%Oet. SI. Tfc? R weipta of Bnturday am-mn fed t ftf **alm and tin- eale* to 2?2 bales. The market tuan lot <1 eoifiidwrabla uiKvuuej, and (fee sale# that w*t* effected ware at our previous quotats.<n Strict 51b? \Q%OHX> Good Mid l\ , Mi<l Fair fOVjc. Mobil*, Got Jh, COTTON—Sad a# of cotton .'.£rt)b bales. Market bales- ‘l kc market was a*U*r, but gfeaerjuly U o cUauged. N*tr Orlraji*, Aug. 2S. of option to-day G.OUii bales. Ih mar k’ iv. gvoi raiiy unchaegwi. Sugar firm at ?* f!g i S **ds !<*r fair. * ■ ‘ II l k ai la, Oct. 24. t'O'T lON —There *m a better fcoliug in our niarket the past week, thau 4*>r wnuo time previ ous fcjiljmee* a.ivuue**! ?*. We (i uut 10 to 10 . Some bw Hates of strict cotton were made at higher figures. ct't r<u| sfA’fKUH.Nr. \m Isis ltaer ived lat week....... „I,SIB l? 20 “ previously ...M 4, WO 4.002 TblaU V.*U „..5,34tl 5.A02 — —... . . , MRS, WINSIXAV. need nawiuHi female physician. has a iN.i.thm# *ff“9 k. HuMrea treiliio*, *ri*t]y ft*. uUio* in** pree**ofit-wthm* by sottenmKilu* jaws. r**n.'iitl fcli ‘a!!smuai>n—w i’.TefUy all uam. *t4 is sur- to refulate the bowel*. l>*prwl Upon if. mothers, UVK. ill *i v* test < yoursHve*. ,f i*u*t au, healili to iiuwaii l‘vfUoU> mfe ia aii camw. He* udver u*<-db m iu AH**Ui**i column. Roy—<tw-fv Hallo* at s OtsTsrKWT.—raneer ami Berofala the rc sulmcitbw of iubwrtted disease or irregular m “*h fwv vanish ttnawr the penetrating nnd ex pelting imlueitotj of thi# foe to these dirvtnfW rs nsi the uutimeiy rabuurM!) to cMefte text the knife may in? obviated by the application of this powerful salve. * S 4dat the manufactory *No. 80 Maklctu 3*cw Vork, and hy all Druggist*, at 20c.. 02irf a.rfti >1 per Uii. Oct. 21, ‘.e-<l-lw - .-W . ■ ■ - ■ , 4 -r’ ■ - Strumous or Scrofulous afic-ctioiunre the canre, the Wight, flu* potato© rot of mankind. They aro'rli. anJ filthy as well a** fatal. They arise frpjn cvnUunmaumi and impurity of the blood,,’ ami uro u be Mpu ali around us every whore. Oik- iiuarbr of nil we meet aretainted with them, and ••. quarter of these dtuof them die ly too, because they are cnniblo. Arana a ah-’'aimlla oieaaeea out the Scrofulous enmipiA'q from the blood. readers it pure and healthy, end effectually exuurgc* the lm*i coo lamination from the ejrstcm. j?ofonger groan under your bcr*>fu l*n disurdere, since the irresietibU Arr* ha pr'vidvl his masiorlv cuiabtnation of curePiv* virtues tkaehc calls bAßArAluu.A.—Dsaiees#/. Wmtorhury, Os. Uet. 3. i This is thrf'V.’ ! IfalwitT he- remembered tliftl Jack .Smith baa |lwys it bind an ind.?patofite remedy for pU>w-t t)iiujxv.'o*.- N*eij>irer;!M-u)cnt. - : : ‘ ,u>t,.rtr. a to H •/ - *ly?plpJ-|H and ii# <?Ufo.u*i!iw.! tvi,v,T<xu,t in bodily .; I ! r.-tiforu*j thu pNfo U k^u-h, ntfiHwlft mini! toll# natural vfgi.r. flic Great L'ugthli Rcistcttj. ‘snTJlkky CLAItKR’S Colebiated Fo-aale Pills. Prip ortit from •* pre*ci ij.riou *■/Sir J. C/nrkt, ft. /> Fbi/**cifun>r'tr'ir.r>i<rni’"nH, the (J tu>m Hia'oKfc.At i.jM.i.irtij kt.Mtot#v nit t.iHvVT KJS4H.IAH HEMKPV file HfthAb K.NM.IWH HKMhIDV rtl JAMS?* M.aRK !;'ft FEM.VI.K iMLI.r. rtiu JKHtn PtARKKfo n:.M \I.K VVUm H|4AMfeF m,AJHriP* FKnALS PIU.M sos t* ?*Y Al t. IJRUi*. it* t c 5 bv au. usi* • |PUt MV ALL lift! U4lijT.* xS n. -ftt.uft atwL ‘cu <u,fi, to is -O’ >t4 t fw..t, W lCMt|* 1 ftftUm. cnuUmn.f a Fr.* i*oi ru iw4d. ti'u-UwK gold ia <'i'urnb'iM. tv PemhsTton A t'mu.i. hum it. awo •; .x-wiMlftMt Uroaawft’ji. MAKIiIFJ On W*dnftuihv. Oct. to r i'Jlb, IfaW, at the rp# .•ear# of o>>nSlant White, VerktoW R, Wes Sto#‘*r eifttuyv Ntv Yiwk. bv R v. U, W. >L WRmi. Mr. h. M. Hywri, of Lufuuht, Ala., au<i Mtea K i/abcth H H hn?.of To ktuva. In ti'.ri*eU bfoifolJH .Ma., cn Hie 55tfa Ovlch*r. ’ y L v. Mi \rJtwirnret), l>r. J. B. ItarneOe, . i Onk TV.wcry. t iMifslMl Fwi*arind*D, of Ilus >cil enuiity, Ala. DIED. P. S‘.H,O\ T M finio*/, iHrd so rhe city of C>b ; •••., Ml • r d-ter.rt’ c. I.m- r- tl •f-in-'Y w, L. It ‘V. nitri cm> -iffct'K'-r, jv.vy.. Hew.. *i f, rv f* *_v. ■ i He vr * a member of tho-Metfaomvr Church, ha*- dig J. ‘hi and flu {.io* ui Mfi.iit Jeff’ i*. in. Cham fov.*,’ ‘Minty, tfi the ycjjr ttt.-A. I>r. tirifr diad in - : cfailwr- uto mnftnti bto Jimt. Hi# chr. tvr ic.y Wo iruthUiily # naured apin tbcftlort butrenvlihf so oeißtuucr: **ti wa* an honest man ” Poire to hfo #*Ues. B. 11. h. l- .i l/ rhte uity, cn tM.ndai, tfo tfou ift#i . oft.r h vivid : ini f. of th* t,'t* up. Wit i.t Ihj is. ?b .'t ffa-faLtrif <*l Wn. hr. Mud Ffoabeth S. Iu of K. < n, lift:, •> year# end 2 — Ui A ik lit HriON', Kjhj., heg# leave t mikonurr a+f be tea rfoi-Ule. for the office of S. lit rr ~) <L o*te#l. us It* V’kaitxkoiAhwcireufa, at tfav epfo'-.-at'i i'xjt iti oi. Awj! tvy, .id Uy-Wo to ausmiw'i- tl* name es L L “ I’ Vi l'-iH 1, a.>-p aa a t i.'vJwlate few Jh.iitofa- r of -.u r:i4iidfauort..ic rtinrau. m tin* u* ftM .. Mi.£ rtl.,. *i'H. Wet 10— t Wica lire sntßf >f <*l!of4dß I. l.Lri'i H >a a Candida!* for .ho of ijl-ffh ii ‘ t i-j Infori if Court of January e <i. nst and, JftJil. to :.E\v cioods * —-t-rir- TFi'ffS— ‘'’ ‘ Kai. i x rr a ne. a. NOIOtXi T> ESI’LCTFt'II.Y ai ittu-o >-e n- hi# wed I.C iii i ■’■ .-• s‘- i cr.x . • foil .* ••* •■ia j/f wM'ikof * ’jfl.'A .i. * l'A.Nt > AND ST.U'LK PilY-CruODS. I VmtSF* INC, a b*tr<;r. V vtijfcty op I 1 n-t ( root in, 3IANTILL IS & SHAWLS. A. ! w a itoav? -wpn.v of Lhj ’ItI s. ( A-rtiv h•< l n A JI!S KT I^WKf't)# KU .■ n < >.J F v ‘f- ( A FlX^lkT** To| l. fh<*’ t-Mcof-ti)* at if Viitiaeiy H-.-e ----rti.v llr>!- e |V •(’ m ajl i# Chi p.'D’-oi. nf.d M v<-- Ti.x* - whh b.; Witt* greet taift. mI I- ... a . • .tan <*• l!,-. IU iht gnm.* will plaaftrtaurt Urepru*— W uMt-m.inrv LifcuJU.E % \OUUIf* Ofti ;;i a lui .\u fa*J firu*4 l*utict. . F. C. TILLftTAJY, ()\iv S'Rm K DRY-GOOES EMPORIUM! 137 ilroad ’•’* • ‘*i .Ncy:;, .■ 4, R ) {r IHi >mW. vuhv' 1 w Lai be la* jvumvp.l, ■ mi (fr.ijt; <J’ ;Uhf:un to hi* ; * i iqf* amt W'f f I-nI ;k’ < J rfTA?i.E FAItcY DEY GOODS, ! *• Wemtd t-.; attention to biw varit and | and ai; M- , W .-t DOMESTIC DHT-GOODS. [ Piir. *oi !K't > jjo.fW tier*- ‘bnuflii-uV.; 8 --f|’ /jo •*-..ti ,i.r,ju !*.. Ur: tu. > r*. >• *.%■'• I•.fn •> J-'” <■■*. Ujaii Us u*nal }m K fei ?i A. pthir-* : ; tr u>>)p M**med t* ill* belli ilul unit tasty *’* fteu in n-w iil im’.i s J i;ji y a a p*wAa**-J *> an r i*u*in>*e>l *o m)< .h,M *od | .1 M WJM r- #arc,intr,: to |tlCM**> •! lifo.-o I I*l. !l ’ll*, Irt’li.t lil iki* Very laus. it *fG- ftaii Texture. Th** *r •! . Im* w***n |uni’4iv*<l *W Pawl ■nil oh er thf *•• • i- *nr^t*<i<. ; and cm. **■<{• it ;t ■ *?<( *#• < prirr. mu< l> low.ettmu .tr-ic:■-* oiil .! earner in tl< >eu"i> \ W>*- ;m jpoMil p ifttwl of with “tv tenor dtate *U- Af *ti* H* •„? experts Mfrir ftftJy O PIUOjGS, ami ;• M.i! rf who may fivr vsiiti a vi. . mat Positively but one Price Will be .'need pp-'B tlUi aritckr **kl.vt|Mt*.l to t’ TOW*r* P i TfTI AUV <Klt v {f r % ;**j 4Wit. i’ . Uiosvd fc.iwtl tush nial Cretlil System! ! BKNKm’S OF KACIi; o < fIERJT l.'iui#*’ I ha\e a a iwi'tn ‘ @r :<■ I get „ y tuevimm , Vf| ard law not ii’ iib f'l a’umi payii R tor lion. 4J* ti.tii: tite <ud uFilie v art; ami I rtt> not have i {•*> autf wore (hurt the printed *>t . vol. r j>rwe.<; flic ;me I <rn with ate vwrj ,ir iron wil jfo kali I m- | will imwatucp you It. in* m %n<i itaw you tan #•’ ilw ■ aim tdati<.|p l \ .*H I ion.-r ‘h ny 1ru.i..l I iw \ .-n iMt ntil of (tie r|i i tent. .’ “ i'*m •***• *U**, where \* cn< . ‘AtHiH..ip ! yttii 4'f < b-rR* isi nji t'cilii al il,m *n.r jtoi |m* s j of. T.ibP in* :•<♦ nftru> i .•uirttßb mei •. talwj y**ir oT ami be mu<- ( you ft. to the CASH DRUG STORE, I Kjit-rtn J. A. AVtUTESIDE & CO., |V.If!.KSAI.K AM) KKTAif, ; CASH ]) ]! rG GISTS. ma a-r., (OM HIUK, <.i:ou<.ia nearly ifpositu thf U 1 Miters’ Hotel, > •at. it#,—4 wrf. THE BREAT FEVEK AND, AGUE XiEME^JY. Till. GRENADA ELIXIR. THE GKEN \!)\ELIXIK, k. WAUKASTEI) 10 CORK 18 tVAUKANIKI) TO CCRK FKVtlt AS’D Alll'K. FBVKU AM) AO UK. THE GRENADA ELIXIR THE GRENADA KUXJU IS WARRANTED TO Ci'NIT.IN IS WARRANTED To I'UXIAIN NO ARSENI A’ OR .VEI’CDHV NO ARSENIC OR .MKKCtTR’. . Tll£ GRENADA ELIXIR T 8 vrarraiued In contain on thin f tYi* leant injunowitn L ilie *y*tyt . and can be flvt-n in a;, cane* and tnd* i all rircWWWliUlev* Tty a bottle and \t- convinced tbm it n not iiiyilM; beat hut tb*- rhenpcM Unmedy now •- tweed to live jmWir. o n Dollar B-mie b'a* often rnred fVi.ft! de { in caae*. ttewamherlt i* r*rm!Hl, nad if t (aitatecaw. Uiw motley Will breminded m* y*u. (4d wkotetftiettiid reiatl bj I'KMBEHTOX & TARTER. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Ad lH llr.if ,i.i. in th. Cttr, Abn> tor ul tey Pi. l t>. Strohcrker. Macon. <>a. AiMktueyer * iiiilianl, Xouifowary, Ala. Julv iNnrttb