The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, January 23, 1860, Image 1

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I\. di (JO., Proprietors. Volume XV. vL)e Qaxin Ci.iics Is P ‘.Mi.-hed <\ r> np>iyitog (S.uudays eftifap-* .ojj at piN DOLLAR3 prir muiii.iu, in ftHvam-u.. ioveu ik&inr* . ‘til hr; ■rv t Ti** tint of yu*r. .. <£ e lUcdtln Cirnrs f.< T’/jrr MONDAY Mi MINING, at Two ‘JoilUr.'per ounuittt *tisfty Ui ad* ue©. o<>ti r uu liautloluh >ii 't,Op|>nU* tlit *<>( OUIM'. •A L) V id ‘J* ii <3 ii *2 4wi yf tiv<} iwmi utd la.ljt*&hir th© IJauiy v>r Vy..*My Tu©*->, wriu. i>e .Lwoited i*i &?t coni- iir (fa- !’t in-, tit,m *nq 2 a ouuts lcruauli •ulnigqqein iiuoriiou. A-lv. ni*t* . ■ * We *Hwm “wHI b( etliiv'f i :*•*.’ - pwHirn* for (bu iirwt, suni.titfi ’ . v ;(••'! . Übhu.jUCMt tuacitiou. i>i- . jut- wui i#y for t Th- -.-fina: are th©coiffrftcOWg natorwbwitge-i, able at ok© wtc - - | V *t.v it,’ ‘ . , <c U c ‘ ’ -X 1 u *&.vt f 3 j sl*3- I- si Us 6 B It • c . ‘ 6 !1 1 1 2 <0 1 0v I 5 fcoj 10 <*)* ls rib 20 (X; ‘Z ... bODBon [fr (>” ? <*>. • on* Do 3.. .. 7 frill in* If SI)W *'tl> 3:*U’ to k> 4 jlO UiJ *•!> UJ i'J Ui ju 00 40 410. b\> Oil V .... , U yQ.I7 00 i o. . to •** ate to £0 Ott 6. . . : 15 00'i‘c 00 2? 0> st t/G fit) oi 1 ’ 7o flu 7. .. 17 00 25 r>o flu 00*-70 tm HO fa*. *5..., i- •*'. <Oj 40 to* -V* ■ v HO 00 110 v lo— i zb oo Jo ijo i its ou, .ay iK ik; oo.ioooo DAff.Y KA*#KH * 3 5,5 3 * p i 5 63 C O O t O _ r e j s 5.3 3- i =- . 3- 5- 1- & , ■ - | * : TZ.'-JfrTm- H oti 13 HU 1? <*X 2 < 4> 2. . . ‘ • ‘ ‘ 14 0(1 i■■ - • •• ■> 0 3 12 ft lj Ho 13 00 -o 00 33 00 40 tb 4 1, • 10 <7 22410 3J u* to 0 wui 5. .. . IS fi j ZB ‘*} t(t> 4\* ■“ st? IM rlo 6 . *t l.| !• -lO *?. JO ‘ l> !*• 70 <• 7.. . ! .* if” jf.i 4 l Ot) ‘H> * To ft*. <H’ [ 8. .. l 3i> o- J ftl 44> l.q ;•/ o Oi. %UO nnii'tit*.! I Aa4uwi^inrt'*n U.V r - ~.••! •••... -U- ivquinAi 4,.y tAW U lh tit iun iUc fir# iuwfl.tl4> lu tbo. luuiiiU he--, tweeu ihe hour* of-oil m the furoa.M u au.i Aro< iu tif ;i;U-nw 4|. :!i V'.nftt Tfouie in she ty m wttWrtheiprajMrfty i Hnto. K-.tir*;.- <>r th. “iveu iu ,i j achie'gatetlu fort) d.y- jtroviou. ij i * Jltf >lj >-i s*le 4 J$ liii.e of 6f prepeTty muM he git'en t dayn jtn vkm* *othi. iy \.UC'’ uiehtoT- tud Cn-ditux* of aa Ealet* mu at l*o forty tayiu • appli.- uh .< will fco ttiade to tlit ■ : gr*o*i a11.;.- ! c Mutmatuni sckiy i*oi>tbs. Cii .tip.*- far hovior.* ul’ Avi*'ialiva u?l be pyLiltfO.-: ;uifty dayn—for l>i. r iiiiewi.a fsoiu Ail uiuir’ i .'i.tioo t m-inthly -uj? inonili*—fur Dismission ffoiu*tlaar.Hwi<jipi forty <!?• v iltilo* for Kor- -h>i*ure ol un;V bn pui'li-uo.l monthly for four in utL.-’ -forosUthliah in-T lost |).qor for thy ijHioe of fTrroe inonthu—. for ‘ title.- from l'jro*;’iter? ot AUiuiais ‘ trr •!<, where; boudhaabo.u iivu by the de- Puhih-Htiona wiilalwal: be eoutui'iod accor diiX to tUe.-v, the legal u piireiDehin, nulosti oth erwise oriored. •\r.-AiVLIS3 [pjo y oo4i)Lio PiitN ri>J<ir OFFICE. Haadoiph >tuot, Cos ambus, Qttoi&iH, I AYTNG liTftiees. M aperatimi two of U<>i li A C*>'s Uyl,lf \I j i*: H PHKi>BhiS ETWtI&a BY ; TEA Iff, vVo ire i>r-;p tro'ito oxoeute, at sh'-rfnotiee, every diftcriptl ‘ti of BO i.< WD JOB FRJN ua iir psnsci • tyk, ii-i chejij.lyr as esn be 4am ’*ny%here it> the South. MV in*’ - on hau l a iu.rt'o variety of NKW .Jf)H TYPE and eaaii seep a i ualaaii supply of Plain & fancy Paper A Cards, ij id'.isuio -. *rturning ,'J'Xivis kind of wort, with prompts- - flindi ivin makelt great ly tu the into rest of persona in want of I OSTKB *. HANiymi (;If{<H4LAtrt, PAMPHI.BTH,*. o\na, OKniiAU-VriONtf, BAN \ < iIKCKS, tor,i -■ on.Anmc, !,nrn:n okaus, B,LHK.VOS, DR W U£< BiPi’S, BLASk NOTBd, CAT \LOIiUES, I.AIIKUj, Blanks of every tVcrinlios,&e. &e. ALSO. RAILROAD * STKA V*BOAT BLANKS Gxvm vz 3. eAXi.T,. Thip Lop . : is uii-ler the maiteireaMnt of Mr. I*. S. POtii KK, wsunttuHij; experience and a lino pledged reputation as a Job Printer, are a sttfi -ienuftiaranteetnat .ti workentrntte-!’ to hto ear* will Re ox<Tite < l with ndfaithfilurw We have<w In conaei'ti p with the oi&ee a complete BOOK BINuERY and having very r*'p‘'7 cocured theservivee of Mr. W M. of Phnadelphia,'; .n this hramrti of oar business, w- i-Mjpe onmives o give the in-st perfect sut isfaction : ‘die munu* anure yf ail stales of Led ana. Aooo mt Boob Court R corda. btaamboat au<i Rail Bfwd Blank Books, &o M*e IntendefbHo bsoatdwtif! In the *tyle ml finih -.! or w.rk, in either dopurtmeni, by any and tiiat we uuiy b-3 abl* to ruak©*.ur latiai'acUiry-, we have adapted he CASII -tTSTHM. t' r. I t a n V.T.T.T* t fto. 1 1< >\V H'YATI & < H ). Jobhlii(; ACoininlgtlon Hsrrhanliln Boots, Sliocs A Leather, Nu. i: .1 U COLU.U II l’T,A< K, Corner Marr- y Street, New York. ftUBEHT BONN**, (Formerly of Wuriu Q 4.) TmveTing for th*- above firm, would r**|xj'-aOft* ▼ *o licit you ’ ptronCdft ! *•ll—w ’m* NOTlfi..’ I FaREVVARN aU porfotu flora tfn ling for L two promixsoH notes, ?iitd tarn, da rttrosge er bearer, ot>e do - 2.VW De-^m 1 r IHfiu, th** other 25th t>cec:nb,T 141. Xa the doUmU*ration ot aatd anlea has failed, 1 uui detorsilneU pot to pay them uolum coaipaiUiii uy law. _ w.'>k_. JACOtI.PAn 1\ RR^ nuMi, m.HU i TT'tKJENfE Trunk , Sarntoga, French, Sole JCj Leather, and various olhor Trunkt for L VDIKS AN It GJiNTLEMEN. Also Boitoet li*>*eß, Leather Bags* Fellisier Bags, Valisw, Ac. For H*Me v©ry"!ow at A. C. SANDER? I C o*B Boot and 3Jp*c Store tt>2 Broad Ft. Colnmbnn, July 4, f*;,p dwtt bLaISTK-S, Os .very IwrlytioD atfei] by Lawyer!, or nfllcri f Court, yrmt.d ueuly Uid <m luywWr puffer *t tb. lIMUo oina, , ‘i® c asm iun I'.um;s- WANTED 50,000 LBS. B ONES. PO v\ hi. lt I wflf'civv One Pnllnr per on* hundn‘o P ftoiinrts fb (tcdc,'iverAß nit* a* my ptaee, a few step* ruylowth Ourler PkW y in (,*ulu’nit.M H lil. M. CDI lift AN . < winrniwj X_ ‘ajlt)- Wife r FACTORY mm WAITED ATTUE “UJrtaslo Factory,” COi.UjiCb’ti, (iW)UULV, ‘■pT'i: irsOT R M.ANIJF \-TllHlMe-CO ran cm 1 ,-MV n*m- ms lieuihi: Twep give eteedy a.. -* ... t* m -Im :r Young wmi n*an i ;uji ti in 4\c> :. ;4.'p*if lu.mih. UoustiH inroishetl o i BdOWKwaao ikstitcts, ISTt-iu- LuG raiist... Qu. F ACIT TY. \Y TI. JOHN’S, I*i inclpal ft- Pioprletor. itur.rut -rill Mutio iu.lno, Aioial aud Nl.euul ftou-ure. EDA’AUD It. DK-KSON, ‘'n*fr.*. ** t tu ATuifmiS Langniigc# and Physloal ROnXEV DT.NNfS, li>tru‘‘tur in Fngliph LaugUag* aud Lueraiiuv. I; Mi IU \ I -1’ AN b I.A 1> V, lioftTding Tie part ment. I'U hi SivbolaetU* Year is divided gs intu vw> Terms. The (hfiring Term ~ ‘Hhiii Wry will ciMiuuvuco on Dm 2d Monday 4n - iw.tloli.M’ ou ibe wwok io July. The Autumn Term will ojK.*n on Ltie tirrt, Mou’igy in Aspieup'or, and e-Jose < u the tiret Thursday in Deer other. i ;x I ‘F.NSKS : Tl ftroX-S]prfngTcim fit). Antumu Term ?2 tf. li ‘ara p. r fn.-nth sl4. Yuiti>ai payable iu advance. Board half In i-IviiTicCj lialaiK'r t the ch-e of the term. A pn- rhta dmlacti-.u will bo made fr..m Uie iiu.udiu • ase of protracted absence, but not worn the tuition. F*r foiiber mfcriufftac, apply to the Prinei pA. deH#—wlrn G33SSTA HIGH SBHOOL, 1 For Young Ladle ami Ocntiemeii , IV FaXiPv .*• of this It} lituuon trill Zfht- ‘ ‘ M: MOKOAV IN UN ■•> The im* ow iu. *u it-t> iim> l>u |iUFui-fi ui*j itu ihe tin- r imu ol the trucln re, au,i the option..fihVjKiint*r fuaniiur. V’ :v , a -t.:utn. fir. i-k tti.d tleOn-w M v*4*rh I. infill l*aM-i|i ami Orrur.*ni. .Vi rtiiv .i:ii —ArHlUii-lre. Algebra, fit-ometry. Bur vy u.g, l*i, A Italy iital Ueuuu-try miJ liaj .UiU. j ,V-r**i s! Sr. encei—Philosophy, ilheuijetry,, | M.*eov.fc.c EeurtMi Studies —’ irtliegr rpliy. lie-ading. Wririug, t*, K-.uaii (•ruNniißr. iicogr tplij. Uwtnry, Atuuwiauii Wo.i-tn, 4.c UUIlUfs yVH >oKil Hl Kky. I-Vr < tnlmgroplir. IfeWirutM u ur Feunnlt*4m* tSWAOD tot, ttvogiapb/N Ainittitelte, tu llivto ry !>'ti..i .h- ittove 9\ n, I Tor E. ii r Ar,'’i-:. tic coitctu.lel a-on ] For hig.'.eV V i*!h* ’ourt, litrtifbagw*, Indent nr j M <}er*-*W-'i ural *eioiir*->i 4UOO PwptiM wiAi Welturg- and Iwm tlm ume ot eitiraue 1* ;tirt u.ikj ut No#ttiieu fc lot a its* time ,ih t)i i.t Ci-Hn Bw.ti-fnot h-vi-u to ten dot lire per niot.tb, in* fuj tng ‘V!i!*hiiigii(t If-dgin? T.nti‘*n nod tin nil ilm- at :!m tio*e ..I wrlm.i‘ .Vtr W,Uiut lingiey w*l hoard at i*. cum eiuvul in Ul* tp. ii -tariu iuui'jn of Llic loarJiere U make tiiiw Hr*•’ •< 1 i>n eceiMl i” mine t*l a Ilkvlcflid mi G. o.gla it affiird e*4fj pftMtf.e fnchity tp young tuea and la te r*. p neiirV a r-d e iu< .i:i m ’l*l*d C<*i.t*iß.-.t ‘di fi a-|JI he |e lit the siudeut hw lit*- | ittuea of tut altar **’•?. 4*-* Utt-Mun w4mt- aysHt-tu aud j uoiougiup w> iti tor parduolarty **re t Ui** nett- j uiiigUire lutisi h:'> bo Wife bid -.till irahiod Paretite | ■r guartfl ins m.-odinf till tr f Hiidri-n or ward* to tln ’ •in -e nivy fi'Hi ndeored that uotlwnt> -hitM he oinitfert | hu h ian mt.ltthute to la-iir • welfare, and that the -Uiih'l)l eh N hove rite under u*e (©al< bln! eart-ol ihoet* i >hu vv;liparDruiart> look ail*! lueux her mornlotaar . t't,-i. ‘rheyxfM’rieru wof the icarhent wafr int* ilretn in <n. t viwmg nit-n w r h*’ with, t<> pre,.nr tlMtnuHvi-e a -ruugkli for u-.u lx -that they w ill rind aiivantaevs .! .tit* * l.itoi . ip ,*a. .j liy, mid will be li.iiid.l •l W>ai {nuu- <Ut ohji’ i, il <ic#ri.-tl. H 411 IT, ) Ctfxn *•! HAMM. AM v ‘ ( oe-ein. r faii.*h<-o. in**, i oonty. <a. 1 It* awhafrttter (r.-rtnerly ot Kih'islie Haine iiouuty, ■ti.) tekite duetn- ihwdt•’ nF -ruiuig Ins tiund* ilott •a. Ilamm tsa r..:gtiliirgiaihialc .>i *im* ofthe ut*>ei ap r.vcd fJr.U-*g •lathe Ifnihti, and haAlia.t five jenr* rngrie. ire in te'n l;iosr. He wottid say In fandorto aU .I***4 that Mr Haiitio ha* no eapetnir nu a . * iter. J H. U Kt i.-po.. e—Rev, F, H Tc tgue, LaGntng*-. (ieuigia; I .low.ird College. iSation, Ate iwvjl—vJbj i SANFORD’S LIVER ItiVIGORATOR NtVeR DEBILITATED IT IS <:oMPOUfiiKlr ENTIRELYIVom ••uma.and 4 Has t- v omi- au eatahtisited fa*'., a etauddrd medinite appiKtetlhy all that . have ueetl u, and tar** •oiled (u wiUt MU.ii a* deuce iu all disease* lor ‘•Vtiioii it ih re*-.titus*-ltd- ■■ t-d. II hue ft withinthc last two years w)o hn.| fiveu irp e trf relief hp numerous iiiMdicrt'-d rertiflt atee hi nty poeHenaion ehOw I'niMite utnei it* ad up- #0 fedlothe leinputaloent - Um: mdivulu-utakiug daiuiuM*diiiuucbtiUa- Ultdaeio ipYgrmiy on am thebtywei la-tilicdiclHiceofyoiir m* judgment guide you in lie ofthi t.irr.R IK naORATim. and it ‘VI eure /,ree.- Cm poonu, HU .lot H jil 'ib-i.*. J)Y St’k'.l'HlA, am Ckrvw UiurrUttn, i ‘ M.VhU COM l‘LAlXTs.l)l*r.*Tk. HY, Y. SOt n SI 0.V.1C/l, HKtul C txHk KXt:s\. Ui- j* e-, CHULI HJ <'/>•!* -n Mtrrb**, Cl/Ol.EhJl m IXFAX/ t M H.A lU -1.1 XCf:. JJHJA ftICE. * Fatalt h KAJ% I..\SA h*. aml uiu ue i-ed *ua*jsefull> aeanto-f/.a ----ary, F<:Jy Mrtiirta* ,Pg It will rore J fll'F fT F. Af>.l C H t'., fae ~ tlioaemitleeantesufy | m twenty mi nut* a, it M* two ur three I'm * Want ul* are mhtn *l coiutnaiioement trrtlte utt u a Jill ukv at i£ are , yufty their Utstiiuony iu MX fayor m MIX W ATER IN THE MOUTH WITH TUB IN riGORATOU ANl*svA ALLOW Hrvrif TOGBTH Ktt. FRH.'R ONE HOLLAR PER B< >TTLE ALSO, SANFORD’S Cliathartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegi-tablt Eitracts, ititU put up Iu Oau-s, Air Tight, ami will keep In any Climate. Tn. family ca _ tba*tc pih i ag* rt :*• nu a UVf f’ailiiiifh Q wtMch th* piopnetor hae n*ed tu hie prarpee ture than twenty yenrs, I'hr c-.iisUtoti! nu iciu-ntv Jr demand from ihnse who havejDiiausf.i UK; PILL* -and thenon whirl! ,u. - xprc-inregurdtotlu ir H uae.hae iadarnd me to put them in th* rca*;h of nil ut The pf..u- -ioh well kn*m tint different chathehca **•! *. dttf.*t*mr{*ilionsoL, the U*wHe Tu*. FAMILY CaVTHAKTIC PILL li.ti<,w ithdtn* leli-rtuce i-. r this well ee ttldiehad fit* i bi-riirmripiMinded trpm anj variety of the pur*'*t v-e t it,;.- • x>. i* . which un llrtteniitnrefjr part of th* Afiuc ntary* mat. end ’ H B,,rt *‘* fr ,n *U cn8 ’ u ip-re ehntlmrtn i* w nM-d**d. aurh a* Dx u*NUtigw*to* f th> _ dTOMACH, Hi.t.tri vxas. palnk i.v thiQuack and loi %■ C>H liVE.VEM B. PAIN and HnnuM turn THE WK'M.B BODY from AUlWeneold. wtiwlj feom nllv. if negb eted .Midiii n looteomneof Pe v r. LOHs* OF AI’HK u I’ITK, 8 •y ----a\-rio.v or Ctn.n ovx*[Jthk Bouv. RRTTLf.**- MtiHU, HE ALLACBE orPwKIuHT lt HIK iO aii. 111 INFLAMMATORY w DiAK.Aav.a. Wi*kMH r Cxlff.pnrH or ABi tTi, r UrtKfWATiew. a Orea.. Purifier of the Wood m ,iHtlmuydie*Kirtowlilrb rtesiiwitielr.too huM**rus •* to oieiitutiiin Una adver- Ueeraeni. l>or*E Ito it. ‘ Price 30 Centi. THE LIVER IN VIOORATitR and FAMILY CA riIARTM PILIJS are reliuM by DmvKMUe generally and mjd wlrdt.-s tie and retail by the Trade in ail the targe towns U. T. W. lARFOIip, M. Manuft* twror and Proprietor, unel? wtw gar. Broadway, New York NOTICE. _j(m The aubcriher offer* for sale a valuable Farm In the 7lh Distrirt of W'nrih “'hn (' . r.ftnulerint hftHH at res nf Lnnd. •30 **r ! ■* Arres onen Land*, a neve f)ln Mouse and A- row upon the p ae*. 1 or Vhh head <f Ceiile,alM>ut lb* atime number of hog*. And 30 bead of slteep. Terinawill f made at* ouihHulatlng and atrirtly so when tile t aeh is otlered. Enquire In AMtanv at Jaa tfilFaLiiterv Btaltle*. sos dirertiona to tlie plat e. June *—wtf TIIOH II KENDALL. YUnUFAX WATCHKS! -B IN COLD AND rtJLVBR CArtRB. At Purpitt’a oidHtaud.Juae’s New BmJdtng einhoa, Georgia. *J*um Ott IK-4Wtf T. •. BPRaR TII KliM IU N U F TH K STATKS,AXI) TIIKN UY K H I'*l UN T \ UF T 11K NTA TK S. OBbCmUH, Tl tNDAY, J.INUKI 17, IStlO. Mp. Pugh of AlaHantA And thr F.iiqulnr The Eiiy.iirtr makes an eiTorl/ Ui Uiuve; ww ever road from that bl© juirnal. td put Mr. Pu;U <*f Ain ,Iu aiklui |i-*aifct**n before his con slit licit ts. If the article c<<uld bo pi tic oil i the ! bauds of Uta voter* of th 2d LR.strict of Alubiu>y, tho irouLle would Uv epaiyd ue lo *uy a word in Mr. I*ugh's buh,ill'; (of fhol is potent that fl:e A* i./Miiyrr is in the tuplsi o( a thick, fog, audl* , striking nt Mr. Pugli iu the and irk. W bat hue ; Mr. l'ugh Juno? IK* has nalrty Votctl for Mr. Hamilton of, together vrith other Demo-1 emus, frrr speaker of tho House ! “Tell it not tu Mr. Pugh votes for a Southern slevo holtb-r, a g-.od democmt atnl a true imtu for Speaker! How It* has coinproiuimui his indo pemlenoo I The A'n jhircr tries to leave tbo itu proatftoo, however, Lhal Mr. BiiuitUon i a Doug las, anli-Locompton Democrat, and that Mr. ‘ Pugh iu v.ling for hint supjtovlou ,D Higlas. ‘Jfho Lii-julrer would not slate anything without tho ovidemm. M r o deny the assertion of the Enquir er and call for the proof. \Ytien i is slitVwn. , then w may bo induced ib believe that Mr. Ilam ilton iaufisound. Mr. Pugh has right fTcs I'ontltcuuDig may ever rely up >n his Adclity tr. HiU Sou Hum u ear*y. Ue suffer frqiAU4\y r'oiirk* of our coluinp .rary, bs-oauso Ihey ure btM©d upon uuDiing and afbouui id nothing. bon Lam* fur Thu DUiUdel].hia Ary a* say* “with an iiihi nirnity* and eiithusiasiu rnrely eqUMllcd and iwver surpnn.-vd, public seidimont all fryer this wide.ex UMidtnl Union is rapidly eouccutrating up*.n the diaiinguisbud Hero and Btxteauiaw, Gen. doiuiru Lank., Senator from as the man to head the democratic <*olnmn iu lilfifl again;! the Ke* {>ubUr.m and their e *nfeikratcs.“ Tke Moutphiv 1 .ivit/mmhe in tquully innguino of aueeca* with Goo. L .ne as tho standard bea-cr. Many South eru papers hitvu eipressed ihelr preference for hitn. Whit* Cald'ornui, Orrgmi and Indiana pn* pure h;. vc sjKtkea on l e-in * Hyp lain. IftheSonlh | is tu t fk-’ a Vorlhi rn man, then*is no doal.t that LCB. Lg,mi is tho roundoHt, purest and uoble&i j Uwtu.iu us ihem all. . j The Jcrusatain corrusp mdent of the Bos- ‘ to Traveler says that Brine* Alfred, Quwen Vie t'.fia’s s.-cond aott, who is H midshipman in the British Navy, while in tho port of Jufbt,feocivcd I aseveru thrashing from u l.roihttr middy, whom j he had insulted ; aud if is rulatod of him, great ly > T< bis credit, by hie brother officers, that after his i defeat, Lo beg jed the victor’s pardon lot having cotuiueiiood 100 quarrel. frb- A B>.arU to revise tba pregratnine of in- ‘ struetion in Uie MiHlary A-lemynt West I'oint | nSs*iubiod on tlh- 12tii inst. It is composed of | Col. I. luiieid, Engineer*; Maj. M rd.cui, Ordi j u.iDi-t! l i„i,.ui ; yiaj. Eu. .ry, First t'avalry ; I t ‘4qt. Collum, Eugin-uci-; and M- vm*. Cnawn, <.f Kichmontl, and U. ‘V. Arnilli. of New Yotk. Hon. Wm. L. Yan cry was tho leading spirit 1 in the Democratic Convention which uKeciAhk'd iu Montgomery. His remiifk* . upon the recent divfohm of th dnoof-racy in Montgomery Boun ty were ho eom-illatoTy, so high toned, so patri j oUc, that it extorted piuiso lroui lus violent oppo- I sera. His speech upon the pint form of result)* | tbrn. 1 *, is reported tu have been v!o.inert in the j t att ‘iue, lowering up mount Allas, whrle the | oficisus of loderaJi.*in break their billows at its 1 fact. Mr (.arlrtdl on Un I’uloa, Wo find in tho N**w York H.*raid ati epitome oflht’ recent speech delivered by Afr. OnrtreM of (ieorglu, on the (Juiort, ud\ooauog j.eaeeable Nopu.raUon.The Herald heads H with lira glittoring . “bfKjeehof a (Georgia Eire Eater!” on 4lic ’ irrcprojttihlt) ftiidlict.'* a.vfmct tbs follovv iu*- I will further explain what I understAad to ‘ Le our righto, ihe legal ecustitulioniil rights off - tuu rioutb, iu inta specie* <d iii.ntlu-l: sikl l will I further uodertHke to show that these rights are i as clear and assn- rotl bj any wo possc.-s, and that they have Vncn as.-atiled by the rupuhlicao . tmrly in tin- 11< i -v. 1 will, in the place, aonounee o4amuty. igieeable though it may . be to y--u, as itia indeed to me uni n. uty people ■ —yet I feel it my duty to announce the solemn fact here to-day, that it this aggression oentinnm upon ihe Slaveholdiug people ot the thmlh they 1 will bs compelled, ly every principle of ju.**lko, ofisenor nod of ae.if presei v>*Ui.ii, to sever thr j ue which binds un to thshuiog, peaceably if we may, forcibly if we must (Here a gentleman * called for a miterstioo of the sentitneiii, which ! the gentleundi re]>e.ited in u gravu and hoc-mu . tone.) I wish to uav* it engraved upon your 1 minds. 1 waul yon to scud uiy liotpe to vour people. I want you to tell them that an | humblereprnaentative of an Intelligent, a Inw 1 abiding, a gallant and patriotic enD*t.itueucy, Btu I tv*d hefe to day, that if the avowed j.urpoic ol tlroaholit iop part ntiempted to curry out into praetien! operation, and if tmdf ti-.•aulrx, and tn* ! suit**, and invasions upon our rightx. and upon • our honor, do not in. mediately ecu so, that the \ J)o<ipb of the Bouth will Lo compelled, by every | sacred principle, of honor, of jnfctfro*, of equality ‘ of self preservation, to hr-ak oft every tie which ; now bind- them to the Ddion*- -pcur-cably if they 1 can, forcibly if they must. I rrnst gentlemen 1 understand me plainly enough now. ftcnutnr DtrsonN fipetrli The corroapondeul of the Tharlei- | ton Mercury, thus allude* to the speeoh dolivored by Benator fvwrson in CougroM. The bold, iincoinproiuiaing speech of Judge i Iverson, of Ucorgia, will certainly command the i rwpstiof all, if candor and hard sens* arc to I have weight. It is a long speech, but it covers many questions. Upoe Hquattur Sovereignly he treats at leugUt, aud he speaks plain when he t says he will uut suitport Mr. Douglas on thu Cin , cumati l’latf-.riM, aithougii he d*-e.H ind expect or <ieuiaud that the uouiim-u at Clutrloston shall ! agree with him upon all points. He Would glad ! 1 y sup|a>rt Mr. Hunter or Mr. Breckinridge, nr Mr. Stephen*, of (Yeorgiu, or many others who | might he meulionod, North ami South. He thinks the Sou'.b should have immediate legisln tiou for the protection o t slave property iu the Territories, aUhough no proposition i now pend- I iug really demanding it. F KJJIt Ike &pir it of ike South. 1)1 m l Trade. Mr. Editoh : I addr*sed a letter some time ‘ since, to Messrs. HiUiland, Howell A Do., of ( ■tiarlestoA, asking them to furnish ran with stub practieul suggestions, as their experience in rhe importing business would enable them to utuke, 4o aid me in maturing A Bill, (which I ox j-ect to Introduce wln.-n our L*gis)uturc rC-aase|n bl js) for the encouragement of Dir-et Trade be tween tho Southern States and Europe. The sub- 1 joined letter is tbeir reply, which, though not JUi teßiled fhr puKHeation, I have taken the liberty . of making public because Os the value of ita ‘ suggestions, ahd the importance of the sahjee!. j Our people are satished with tbo resolutions on thu subjeot of Southern KjghU; they are reudy lor action. The present state of die public mind. 1 at the South ir most auspicious for the inaugura- I tion of a uollwy, which may relieve a* of our com j uierctal dependence up->u tbo North. We never -•an ekpect to see that tfo-nerwlem e entirely re* • moved, until our political mdependence is go- ] eurod, hut it is* in our potref to ©mxrt a good dial j f-ir the relief of thorn trade, hampered us it is • by tba restrktfoiif of unjuivt legishition. While if am not without hope that something may h** ae- , aompliabtftl by legislative onuetmonts, 1 um ati*- i lied that all which tho JamjdaUiroa may do, will fail short of success, unless tbo people ui’ the | South shall determine to patronise tbeir own sea ports, aud tbeir Bade. The Charleston importer* idvartis# that they will sell upon as favorubla t< ruia as the Northwp jobbers. Let our interior iner hnut* give them a trial, atnl let oar people • nc-oarage thorn to do ao, by tru<lmg with those who purchase tbeir et'-cks In Southern markets. vWiuotptt organ ii# Southern Trade A#oeiations in ever/ eouuty, and plodge our patr->nage to thenlaarebaat*, who w.H hay #f ini* oOLC.ui!iiß, gko::gia, mommy, jam arv <a, iseo. porter-s. VYhoiu-vor wo oan cofueqtr .to patron t', • - -i” -ufl) hi S-'uthorn soa porta, wo shin ! tu c- u'dii'oe! trade beet wool the Southern St*i,*a m.-l jh'imvpe. TiH (hat i dune, ros.dn.i .nj and regudeDye eQueUont i , iui|K<i!aut. ’1 of our unput frinh i> due, not so much tu (nr waul of capital, as i ill to tho want of elision,. Keip©tAlly jours, WM. 11. CHAMBERS. Oh a hi,Ka ron, 2t>th Doe. 18(>V. Wm. 11. CuAMOicKa, E.q., Eafauln, Ala. /Wc AVr .*—Your of the 27Ii| is reeoived, and we are plensorl that vow nro taking an interest ir the pubjeut of D * root Trade. Our - pinion, concurred iu wo believe, By near Its till the lion chant A in the importing and job bing biiflineM of this .Sty, is that vary little can ho elfceted by Legislative rmtctmoni*, as lung as we ure ill the liiueo. a Don iuterooiusu law will he a dead hitter, aud bounties un goods of direci importation will not result in any large increase <t impi rtat'ons What, -n our opinion, will aoeoui* j pi sh more.’ is tho <ieurminutu-n ou tho part ol .•swutUeru plato oncMuragc their own svapori*. and their < wn lucrehatits, ami thereby make market- <1 irh?e ]ioini3. Ts ffhartfs mh find fiber tioiitborn sea p>rfu hm) any aa*n ihu.o* t‘iut tliers would be a dcuiaud lor nil goous ‘ they might iuipori, .a a very short say ou* . or tw > year \>r would wi'ness the sja'CtaCle, s<> j lY.neh'desired, of stCanurrit plying week I \ between l )vrip-uiL Hnviwand >-thr Lneopoan jiorts, and S nil,eru e.itus. \M .r i- i.etiJud is i-utr-Miage, hip without : hiit *ve uiii>t he conti tit ti sea New A-ok con | ftnin to o ■-upy fiie positimi of the er.minorchd ueutßc of 4.1 m country. The S>uiboru elites mu input! is iheup .v ns New York, ami it N uilioru Hade should seek Southern markets, European hou***s v. aid inuhlhh their agftucivtf in them, imd , wiibdraxv AVotn New York. A spasmodic etlori tins Xpimr wdl mu accymplish whnt wa desire;, there must be a lix&d determination to keep it up, U* t n ‘ i#i rcuhircil iu tho importation of goods. Sup|*me, fur eX a tuple, tho trade of fharleidou this S],ring should be tripled, and tho UK-rchanl# iu wutioipwUon ot uu equal hicreaso, or at least an equal amount of biismeas. should iueroasu their iui|M!itiinß for th* fall, and the Int rior mer chants from preiudiee or other causes, ahould tail | to come here, why R Is apparent they would b grant losers aad tiioir iinporlations would tall back to 11-uw ku-iMi wants, tio.als whieti ur*‘ sold in the Full are iisuitlly ordered iu the Hpring piece ding, as they have to In- made, and tnose m*ld in tho spring, ordcretl in July or August preceding. : ti-* you w* how .important, nay how essential to t the ou'ouiMgem*ul ot dirycl importotion, in tho I ussorano of palrc-uage. The ci-nt-utmrs in the j country nro lne‘ parties who curt hr eg übolji Htis I state of things: let them deliberately rsilvo to | patron ixe such more booth as buy tbeir goods iu S>ulhciu jams, and thu Ulterior mere hauls will - h .jiu-ntlhcM- market* and vert soon will ‘buy ; present such attractions ns will lent* tjo excuse j lor any merebant to vi*it New Y>rk or any I Northern market. The beat remedy for our evils we honestly be , liove is a utbern Con'e b raey, the next host in [ t’omuiereiul Indvp<>nil- nee. He pecilrrllv yours. Ull.Lil AND. IHtWELL A €O. THK Yo!..NU ixtiNl'UAlKY L'o\ RF.MBM AN. —A | oo'rre.Hpon<teut. of the Nashville L'uAon, alluding v ■ y.mog Br-ovn. th*gifted young Keprosentauve - from the Fifth District nf Kentucky, say*: IK on* a giMipts of the y// *r ‘c tjer, with lis uiond linicy, u cultivated iiuaglibation, and a mind >uiUuA for immortality. DitfliiigLished at Col I bge for li is bunutlfhl cio. ntP n, ttie OWnpvl n\’ l,i ’ ‘outre was iriwavs entovded by ladiea ami gentle im-ii to hear his iu* “inparable cUbrut. There wus not h Itudent at Centre Colh ge in who dov-s m i recollect hi* speech on “The Wrong* of Ire land ” It whs (ielivored in bin junior year, alter an ahacnce ol six month*, and with an elegance of beauty and piatchlo* grace of gesture which won all hea tH and elicited tlmmler* of Hp))lau*e. Ft v as'tndeed wottbv tha pahnicat effort* of the beet Iritb orator*, it wa* eubnoqueiitly pub)i*h ed iu tho Loui -ville JnomM, nud bore the inqireiß ■•f a nmol which had devoted a lifetime to the choi- t culture of tho flowers rtf oral’ rv. A wiii ‘Wt-r. but without •hihlr- ii, linndsoine, and ! under t wetify fivp year* of age, he now goes to t Washington to mingle with tb<-anven of the land. ! Thu* Inr hi* native niodisly Un* forbade tbu oo : - upain v of the seat to which, by a eoUHtilutioimJ. diuahlllty, lie did not feel bim-elf entitled. H ha* rfhtcd with the highest sense of honor in the ! unifier ffoin tho time In wu* liotninated until tbo , prv *eut day. The eirruui*tHiices which brought - him out was the imperative refusal of Mr, Jewett, Ihe Inf© member from I hi* district, to abide the j detdnion *t h DistHet. FouVemioa. ‘i'lionmpon a . i/'on Vent inn was colb-d, and though Mr. plainly told them that the family record huh a {tin*) him, ami that he could nut fake hi* .seat if elected, yet timid every remonstrance he ace -boson I be. champion of the <xmto*t, and was tr l * umphantly elected. 9ri*KfuoHfTY or Fi.mxlk Eviiikri'*.—At the Liverpool Asslrea, thw, Mr. liusnd. oue !of the barristers engaged hi cauc which involv ed pome peculiar aud interesting townie evidence observed : “Tbo ovidcnce f women i*, in some respect*, mipcic.r tq that of m*n. T’heir power of judging us minute deUil.i i* better, au<l where i there are more than two fuel*, nml something he wanting, they supply the detieiem y. Wherever theni U room (ftr their imagination, which i* more powerful and active ihan (hat of wan, they im mediately Cringe the thing over and supply the SP” . Alahaua inmuiratlc luimnilen. Momfiuumkry, Ala , Jan. 14. ! The eoinuiifice appointed to draw up a platform embodying the principles for the Democratic par ly of A lab-inn, made their report to day. I The platform take* the highest possible Kouth ■ ern ground. If fti.-tiiit* on territorial protection to ’ shrvery, and dmu and* that all the powers of the : government shall be employed, it neee*sary, in 1 it* protection. It ttegaxirm Douglusihiii in ail its j form*. The report wa* adopted hi n ma tu animoualy— ’ Mr. Forsyth, of Mobile, objecting, with perbapa | a few others. A resolution was adopted, almost unanimously 1 nVtrwtrtig the deiwgtite* to the fThaiieston Con ’ vet*tion to insist ott the eiidorsemutit ui the prin- j ’ eijdo* of the Alabama Htute I)ewcratie t'oaveu -1 tion, before the noiniuutiona for l'rw*iderii and j - Vice Fresiiicnt. in rase the Oharleston Cowveu i lion retuac* to make such endoracmeuta, then the j delegates from AlaKuua are instructed tu ro— ! turn homo, call together this Own von tion, and ! ufiike their report. Mr. Vaneev made a noble apeeob in the Con- I ventiou to day. 4 otqillll ( utility. i Ordinary- P. 0. Wing. ! Ck-rk Hup. and Inf. Court—Anto* Turner. | SherHT-Jaeoh T. itelcharl. Collector -Darling Creed. Burveyor .dninuel C. Gregory. All IteuTocreti hut the Ordinary, and be an ex* : oeheut officer. _ j EtVDVfi t\f I*t fils moil BKTiti.Kfftew.—Tha Allentown, Penn., p*|er* atiite that witlnn a week the greater ja/gtion us the Honthorn puft.Hs “f the ( I’othh In in Female rn*fifut have been withdrawn from the sc ho 1 Five young ladies from Mia*io aippi were withdrawn in ofle iloy. - • ‘— —— PriHidt ill’s Levee. Tho Presideal’s levt-e wa* very wuU attended this oVeaiug, uottaukring the Huioli number of I strangers iu the city. It i* atserted to-day. upon the laud authority, that Mr. Hamilton, ot Texas, who wa* m udnatod j tor HncuUor by Mr. Dgvis, of Indiana, is not an anti Leeomptuti deinorrut nor in favor of squat 1 ter sovereignty. This fact excites softie telk I from the fa'-t (bill Mr. Douglas was on tbo floor ( of the House eoumlting with his confidential lriuisd Davis when the falter nominated llimultou nud must h ivc bueß p<ftfed a* to the views of Mr. 1 !luinll;o n - The question hs, who is cheated if THr, vail co?rrtactors. The report that the mail contractors bad se -1 mired an exteunnu ol their paper for sixty lav* 1 tarn* out to be a mintako. At a meeting us tho t contractors, held this evening, at which nearly , all the heaviest Interests weru represented, no me appwarod to have a knowledge el any such extensions. Every day hruig* intelligence of : the failure of contractors all over the country .and those present in this city are in despair lest the i same fate overtake them before an organisation will be effected. Money ui your parse wm ur-jUiljou; wisdom in your head will adorn yooj but both in your necessity will serve you. Consti tat ion--a term frequently employed by politician* and dostsis, Sai whisk is avl uadei stood by si that, COL! Mills MFDNERDAY, JA.M ABi fa. fa.U). IMiiacrm) orHIMeU. The demperucy of Illinois In their State Cen , en; mu. appointed the following delegates for the ~t-ixf•* at l.rrge to the Oharle.sten Convenliun, i • wit : Hon S. Marshall, WtlUom A. Uichard aon, 0. B. Fh klin, T. L. Dickey. The n Holuti i, teouaiiaclifted tho ro-adoption of tho Oincjimau phi(f rn, an adherooce to the psriy Ttomlsce, no new tc*t* -r issues that will create divisL't*. Ijic protection of ull property gunrautred by ibo Constitution, assert that alave ry i* not a Utedo at institution (tortvingdta rnltd*- ly from ihc Constitution, I*ut a municipal inslitu lim uxi.-tiug undnr the law* of the Statu* ami territories, that fugitive alavesshould bo surren •tered, that the Supreme Curf doeieions should be executed, endofeoa the Drcd Scott deehdoti and c-iidcinu* iu ‘ho iho*t hitter farms tho Harper’s Kerry outrage, that “it was tho natural eoua> -|nonce nml logical result of tho doctrines and t - aching* of the jmbliean pHriy.*’ ILm. A. A. Dougfii* wn* roe* mmouded for the Pro*iJnoy. lb'port ui thr Snntiir) us the Trraaitry. Wears in debt,l to the lion. H<>will tobl, f*r a copy of hii report upon tho guveroiaout itnnn’ cos. It is a buainoss like document, and othib jts very dearly, in hvnndl oompa**, tho infm-twa tion de.'ired lroui bio doparluiont. It appears therein, that tb“ reooipt* into tho Treasury du ring tho fiaoikt year lffhlf, including loans atitbor izod by Acts of t’ong-e**, worw 7fi7. Tho 1 expuu-liturus ldr thcsaiu*’ tune ware >7, leaving u ba 1 uiau iu tho Treasury ou July 1 18.69 ol $1,33!*,‘476 34. Th.* Secretary’a estimated roaefpts for the cur rent fl*cal year ending Juno liflth, IHCO, arc 976, • 884,641 3D, and the estimated expenditures $91,- 002/732 Sti), leaving a balance at the last men tioned datef 40. This'lsUer amount will he .subject to a reduction of ever SIO,OOO,- i 000 Ot) to pay dellcieneus occurring in tho l’oat- ! offirc Departim-nt. during Hie ph*t and the present , iiacal year, *nd to carry nut Certain Indian treat- j ioa. The views of the Secretary upon The com merce of 4he count ry are enonuroglng. He thinks that the Treasury yan take care <>f itself with its proven, resource*, ts Coagres* doe* not give out too cxtraMigautly. WASHINGTON COItRESrONBENCE. Ort;anl/ nt tungrew. WasihmitoX City, .Tun. 12, 1800. Gentlemen :—The ditlicultu * us organizing tho House appear ta inorsaso rather than dUoit.nd), j Tho prospect of u!ooiing a Speaker i* as romote , now iu. on the first day of theaeskton. The liluck \ Kepiiblican* are uhalinute and deter mined in tho j support ol tbeir Heljwriie e.andulate, Sherman.r— I If they evor recode from him, it will he to unite | upon some oue equally as obnoxious lothe South. An utlort has been made within the last tow days j to ooneentnite the Republican votes upon JIioU- ‘ man of l’cnn*ylvania, who woselefttud a> an anti- I l*H<n.>ptoi, nnu AAuiini.otallon democrat, *ut wlroba* been anting tully widi tin Black It- jul. lioar* iti the coldest for Speaker. He i- the man who threateued the Southern StafK*, imv and nil of them that shoidd Seuude, with thu forcible ar guincMit of 1H million* of the northern peupUt) and j taunted tho Southern in -inh> r* with the impu- J dunt declaration that I’cnnrylvunla could man J n fact ure more arms M| 4W days, than tbo whole South could buy. 11© '• io.feat, one ol the ui< >**l rabid of tho aboHtioiiista and one of tho meanest scoundrels iu the House. Hl* now uiider.-dQod, how* ■ -r, that the idea of sup{>ortiug him ha* been abandoned, mid the KepufoUcass will adhero - to Sherman, relying on the adoption of the pip- 1 rality rule at la*,t. It lift* also bmn .*at*l lately, thut Mr. Seward has TounMted tho Kepuhlicau* to vote for Mr. tlilrmrof North Cumliiia, hut it i* uiideTStoo)! that ft niOicient nutubci’ could not t*e brought Into the arrangctocut to auc'eed, nml that rhc uie has, tor thu present, been aban doned. The opponents of the Bis k Republican* are computed of t*ur different parlies : Xfc® SoutltO.u J Democrat*, the Western and North*.ru Dem •- cnita, who tire acting with them--tn© Northern nuti-Lccomplon <l<‘iiHt , riil‘ and the Aincricun*.- These are ull, Lm extent, anChg*>nUlidal to 1 oju-h other, ami impracLic.tblo. As t<(the N<4th ern and We stern dem oorats*. ©specially thoe Irotn Ohio and Illinois, will not vMe f r an Amcrldon, for the roaS'>u that a large uloipeut in their dis tricts are composed of Foreigners who won Id never forgive them for voting far an American for speaker. There are not many of tbi* wiug, but enough of them to defeat the oleetiun of any Arne riean. Tim anti-Lc< ompton demuouato are only | soiae five or *lx, such as Horace Clark, of New Y'ork, AdtittU and Itiggs of New Jer.u-y, Davis, (if Indiana. They will nut vote for a democrat who wa* in favor of Lecompton, or who is favor able to the administration, and even if nil the American* were to vote far a democratic speaker, the want of thc*e flnU-Leuompton votes won Id defeat hiaelection. The deni’ oratl [Wopor ui I body the Southern member* aud the few from tbo North who agree and a t with them, would vote for auy Houtbern A Wtericau, except ateW of t hem, who arc particularly obnoxious to them. Os *u<*h is Mr. oilmer, of North Carolina. If the Whole t ol the rogulur dwuocn‘ts would v#to for him, aj- I though he oould not get the votes of tho Ohio and * other W'uatern democrats ; yet, he could probably get Votes oaougb from th© Republican camp to ‘ elect him. Many, perhaps tho wholn, of the Heathern Democrats will wt support Mr. Hifmkr for reason* satisfactory to them, and I think • ought, when known, to be approved by the South ern people of all parti**. Mr. Htlraer, although the owner of slave© himself, is well unddatood to sympathize with the Republican party or the North. A large portion of his dl*tr et are Qua kers and Abolitionists, and ba wus ete'-ted by them. He did not formerly re*iv thoir votes, and was a’ first elected by a aoittll majority fiver H very weak pp'-nnt. He conciliated them alt, however, during the last Congress, by 41s I trihuluig a large number of abolition speeobea | artd other documents of that kind through his district. He made a speech In tb* House during the last Congress, which was greotcri warmly by j the Republicans, aud which was considered a do- I hided nuti Southern effort. He la besides, a high j tariff man, and advocates a revision of thu pres- I ©ot tariff for the benefit of the Iron Monger* and ‘ New l/Dglnud Mafiufsoturars. This coßoiliates the Pcniisyiyftf'ta Ropuhlicnns and o'her North ern men, and would bring many of them to his support. These things make him verv ohimx iou* to the Southern Dsmocrafa, and they will not vote for hhn. They have manifested m wiltlog n- to vote far Mr. Botoler, of Virginia, or any other Amorloau who dos out stand in the position ot Mr. Oiliner. The Democrats cn m/’ control tbu North Western anti-American members, far , any American Hpoakc-r. Tho Northern anti- Lscouipton Democrats cannot b* brought to vote fur auy Administration L*."inpton Democrat, and tit© Southern Democrats cannot be induced ! to voted far the only American who oould got RcpuMioan votes enough to elect him. And so tl*o matter stand* It is surprising to tno that the Cohunbua Enquirer, ur any other trufi South*- eru man, enn wth or urge th© ©Lotion of “Nr. Hilmer, whose sympathy lor tbu Republican par ty is well known, whose high tariff views urn so upposod to the South, and who is a more danger* ous man than an open, undisguised üboiitioui*t of the North. It is will understood that U elected, >. w,M tna Ui* CußMitt,M M (nit th. uto J slavery, high tariff, submission UtAos and wishes of the R- piiblican and Union I. union sav ing members of the extreme Southern I'tdon wing of the American party. What the prospect il for an organization of thu House, yon can ns well aco un those who uro ou the spot to wi ncs* the angry and distempered notion of the House. Mr. I’ugli, of /Ytfcharaa, mu do otm nf the ahlcat atid moat dficided spoc(‘hoSln tho Hohfio yeater di'.v, which I 01.-* c\or been delivcreU on the floor ol’ CongrtMlg. It wus n telling spi ed), and has “given him u very high position s a debater and ft nian of tn'ent*. I ho|>o hi speech will ho published in evt-ry South.-rn Right* pft per in the Southern .States. I am respect'fully, Your obedient servant, OBSERVER. Delegate* to the CharlcMou Convent lun AUhtwnt. Fur the Stole at f.nrye. V. S. Lyon, of Marengo ; A. I. Meek, of Mo bile ; D. Sv. Buinc, of 1. ‘Wildes ; W. L. Yancey ; of Montgomery : J. A. Wffiston, of Hninter ; 1,, i*. Walker, of Mudison ; 11. 1). Smith, ot Lauder* dale; L. W. Lawler, of Talladega. rnou tub DisTntrrrH. I*t District—Dr. (J (1 (Iriffin, of Marengo; R <1 Fcotte of Monroe; J W I’ortls, of Clurko, and N II R Dawson, of Dallas. 2d Di*t—L L Cato, of llafbour; O E Knox, of Pike; T J Burnett, of Butler ; and JR lireacr, ot ltele. 3d Dirt—M J Bulgur, of Tallapoosa; P Q 1 Hooper, of Eli -mbor*; JOB Mitchell, of Mout gemcry. and \V (’ Mol vor of Macon. lib L>i-t—John Erwin, oftlreeh; M W Brookr “f Perry ; J (HTuild, of Tuscaloosa, and A W | Dillard of Sniufar. Mb Dlst—l’ll Nornum, of Franklin; It Ai Patton, wf Lauderdale; M W (J.irlh, of Morgan, j aud W t’ Sherrod, of Lawrence. filli Di*t—R Chapman, of Madison; J(’ I’rad- ! Madison ; T 1) Cooper, of Cherokee, aud j A J lleury ol Marshall. ! 7th li*t—l T Heflin, of Calhoun; J T Brad | j lord, ot Talladega; V V (iarrolt, of C<)dsa, end P i j T King, of Shelby. j Elector* for the State at large, and for the Di*- ; j triots, vfere then selected, the fafmer by hoclhmn- ■ tion un I the latter by tho Delegates from ca* h Congressional District. For the Si"tn nt large. J>. Hubbnrdjof Lawr-uco, and t 1 J Morgan, of D.illa- Alternate.- ED Tracv, ©f Morgan, and W II t'hninh'ors, af Barbour. Ist Disk—.l S Dickinson, of Clarke, Alternate —T K Irby, ..f Dallas. 2d Di*i> —E S Short r, of Bnrhour. Alturnnte I -II A Herbert) of BuOcr. ! *'M ]>)>;—.C A Battle, ot Macon, Alternate— ( S Murphy of Montgomery. | 4th Disi I\V tjarrott, of Perry. Alternate - I B V Ramsey, of Sumter. onli Hist. -It 11 Litidxa/, of Franklin. Alter- I ; nale R N WaTden, of A f l rgan. I fllli Dist -Nick D.vuj, of Madison. Alternate i -A M (linson, of Bloual. i 7th Disi.—J B Martin, of Talladega. Alter nate —R W Oobb, of Shelby. Mr. Yancey moved a vote of thanks to th© of ‘ fleers of tho Con volition, for tbo able and Siitkfaa j tory manner in which they hud discharged their | duties, which was curried unanimously. On mofiou then, alter acontiuou* scssiou from j 10'i A M, to 10 P M, (nchrlu tuelvt %oiira) the ! Convention kdjotimed nine t/i*. True Doctrine-Elegant Extract ’ Thu following remarks from Hon. Sbulton V. ‘ Leak©, of Virginia, set forth the true State* j Bights doctrine. Wo con gra to late him upon its j ulear enunciation in the Hall* of Congress. Lot I the reader perusu it, lor it is truly eloquout. i Mr. Ltuke. I huvuuu design to luuko a speech —uou; in the world. ‘My only d*-.-igu iu taking I the fioi*r hi to correct n un.suppreru ntion iijto which thu gi ntfam.'in from loiiiiesaec [Mr. Stokosj lias fallen, iu regard to the psiiioU ol in** houor i ed State which 1 have the honor, in pail, to rop rcaout. That genUt-amn quoted Hu* morning tho hinguagu of tlio lute Hovcntok of Virginia, in the | ppctndi which ho imi•!© to the student* roiurniug from Philadelphia Lo Kfabmoud, two or lor>e wouk* uiucu lie quoted il with approbation ; and I presume hi* iutentiou wa* to mtriinif© to the B fat© of Virginia th© *©ntirn>;nte of (iwvurucr V! i.ot's Rpcoi-li. Mr. Mokos. I -lid allude to Ul© remark* made by ex Governor Wise, iu whi<*b h© said that lit* j would ’-glu iu tbo Ifpion. ID- went further, and stated thut if h© were President, he would s nd a oouiuiissioij to tbu Northern State* ijiat hove passed laws contrary to the rights and imdreais ! of the South, aud would demand a ri pcftl of those laws ; it they refused, he would scud a second, and a third kmc, aud if they persisted iu rot using, they would do so at their peril. Mr. Lu.ike. 1 presume there is no difference between the gentium*n and myself a* to tlm lan guage of Governor Wise. lam nut here to vin dh ata tho lute Governor of Virginia, <r to deh-nd him in ttuy parucaW. lam horoto take uaru of tho honor of tlm hUfa of Virgiuia, imUrpcndont i !of all (jovuniors and all outsido influences 1 ■ admit tha% for uugbt I know, the gentleman hits ; qaotod liiui ©iwreutly. But say ou buhuli of the sixth uongruH-ioual distriet, strcchiug us it doc* [ ulotig tii© uackbono of the ,Stut- one huudrud and : fifty mile*, •ml comprehending withie us limits the very liourt, gui-gruphicatiy and reulimeutully. | of iho ritate. that 1 rupudiete th© senuim iil wliu ii | th© genii* ui/iii uscrih* * to thu luto Oovejuor of j Viiguiia. 1 choose rather to refer to thu Itcpre- ! ’ sentwtives of that Plate to l.cor hor ecu tit nee fa than to auy other souroo. It, never uulurod my bead, uud 1 undertake Lo say Dial itn©\ui mil* r i ©<J thu brain us any Ruprusuutative of Virginia on this floor, to fight in*id© of tiiis Union. Thu i-h-a i* rHliculuds in the extreme, it is*he rudue to ad nhamUrm. Wo have a remedy which we have a right to apply. Virginia is the judge ol | that remedy, p.uuou mu tor saying t .at Vll giliia know* her rights and dare maintain them. >ho is thouxclusivu judge of any intrmgiuient or I i those rights, and of Die remedy which she-shall apply. And never in the hietory of that Com uumweahli, uuvurfroiM I7UH to this day, bus Vn ghim dfe.tmed of 'ruHtirig an intomeclo© war ’ withie the Union, But elm will do another thing. There is a : puac< ful remedy—uy, sir, a constititUonal reme dy. 1 scorn to stAiul on thu ground that y >ur Sewards occupy. I acorn to place the right* of • Virginia on that higher law thut lie* been preach ; ud at tlm other uud of tho Capitol, and that is ul- | ’so held and practiced at this end of iu Virginia I , h is the tight, when she pfaxsoe, to withdraw from I this Confederacy. [Applause from thu Dtmio - ©ratio kJtnubus.J Whenever tho heavy hand of ‘ uppiussion is luid upun hr, whenever she l'eels I j that the burdens of the l r ni*>n more than couii-T ■ terbulunce the benefits t” result from It. she says I j t you, with tlmt quiet and dignity which be- i I cotno her proud and ancient renown, “J. with- ( ; <iraw inyNull If iu your ossociatioh, and stuii<l ‘ ; here as I was originally, on that proud and ole- j j rated ground oi |orc, independent, undulegnud . ! jum-rclgnty, which 1 nover nons*.-nte<l to divide ‘ j with yon. ‘ That is hor doctrine. Wo will not j fight In the Union, but quit il (lie instant w think , propef to do so. Wo make no war fin our sfater | Slat©* of the Confederacy. We have ho right t* assail tho fttftte of Now York or the mate ul Pcrtirkylvania ur the piUJuut liUi© State T Dela ware, whii h Major Noah once said I.© could put in his breoclib* pocket, ami >'f bo Could, hi* pock et would Imvuasoiitained a sovereign:y. Wfi hob! to'thc right* of tlm t*ute* a* n ab solute, imlafeiuiibl© right 4 and w* hold furlhcr inors that that right is not aggressive in Its elmr at r. It is protective ami nob aggressive. D * defensive and nut olfemdvo. Iti* a shield and not a sword; or if a sword it is a* that Homing ! sword which guarded the gate* of tho garden of ■ Pden, turning ev* ry way, and yet doing harm to * hone except such as attempt to invade the sacred , product* which itguaida. [Applause ] There i* Virginia doctrine for you. Neither 1 Governor Wise nor all thu Governor* in creation ! shall commit in© to auy other. I make no war on the ex Governor of Virginia, eloquent andahlo a* he is ehivalrio and brave ; but just ns erratic. ( I do not choose to how down to evefy sculimeot be utters. I stand here the advocate nf .Suit© ‘ sovereignty, pur© and ab*olut, and I naver in tend to give it up. Rtrjnrn or JAvrarir* —This day was duly eel. braced by the Bunbridge Volunluurs, 4’apt. U Coiup'all. Bn. lu* to then. We slk.ul 1 like to seo t-a auaifcsr eat LujJrud wsu m , tbeir raaki. .ha ■.ini', nti ikspu. .1 vn vr.\ id, HMD. locUleiifa ol Gic.Uarttefv Wax after c 1 Our eacbftug s arwerowded withflucideuU of the j late dnniktrdbs ucfKleut at L;iwrcuc.e> Rlo., and j we append a few f them -NkinU-rc'ting. Thenum | hor oi killed, wnudad ©nd nriss;tiit is iiupos • S'ble to arrive n inorti thorough clearance of th© wreck of the f’uMch Frotn tho * most rdittblo date wo hg vc seuit, thy re have hoeii ; at k-aat two hundrgd.dead' l bodies taken ttom the | min*, nml at !e;i*t'thft nuif.fa'r SuVoriy injured, 1 many of them nnumva far life. I A most scurebiug iuvcstigptjon wll bo institu ted a* t\- the ilO • urity ot th© building ; nml tht ©viJorir© rtddnccd thus far “• to show that the , wall* ql il w.-n , by umuy, .thought t<> hu too frail lor tbu point* iuu. m .- iiimiy wub- which it was filled-. Hundred* and thousands of pporafive* arc leaving ihe other facU.-rigs, frighlanej by tbu great iiceidont io th© Kraberfou Mills. “Tin- whole country nr-mbd Law roue© was in s slate off. v.-rid* excltc-went. Pennmtf wyw eurite into tho efiy* Inini the neighborhood .hiring the hight, sat" That tht-. houses wt-iv nil light©*!, aim iiunuira wre oh.h r hastening to the scene, or stemling by th • rntf.lsldo -ouguriy qifafttifiping e\cryboJfy lui id’ the <M*stCh Win* tho of thu fl ufUs ,r*v their sympa thy nu tfxcitetnfent wore red*-tihiod. •hie town jTtitqile w.*rke*l tm.iifully over tiro ruius. and muuy umtowlv . *-aped de>trtti , lion lheiiiM iv< “. Solo*- wcTi cofnjjetteil by Cuiutues* frtijp the Upf|id o eim, lo desist lYotu tbeir hunt. Ufa labor*. One ts til© oprjrativ©©, Mb* Olive Rwdgl-s, of L’nluM, .Vln., after leitiog lu-r ----selt ffowf lritin tßu fifth ~ by menus <*f the itoiiUin;; chain ot the elevator, pr*‘Vud hortytfh si.comt ilwreneu in l ev unwearying 1 aiteiui'i## to the .-uffvr i* during Die wliolu ; Uight. ‘f be phy*U inns of Lawrence rendtfred alt tba aid in their power, and, sutuiuom-d by tclugru]ditc ! duspatoUe*, latpc'number *'c;mie from the. n-lgh- I’ boring place*-. Tw.-nTy-two Cam© ffrtin Lowell, to IYui THirverHiUi *tx from Mnfiehuyter, tw© from Bradford, tw-cTroin Methtiuu, ami one geo ! tliuhan from Decry, N. H.. and to© from Brook lyn, \. Yi, whO were piii-MUg tu the enrs, stopped’ i nud vnltujb ©letf .Leir o-rvL.-t-, mid wt-ro imtiruig J iu thojf exertions. ; As * te-nlay. the City Hall wa* eonvrrt oLiufo ii li-,. pita! ’foV the wrulndriil. M.-itrcrscs were thickly sLvteod up* u tfireu f*;*i';. **t (fie room and open lbnu iby t-ufier'-r.- were lai-f, wlille they were surrounded Ly Ihi**v fri* ml- who admiufa to red uvuiv 0 , iiridb.y ft'© Uiudlu artod sat- 1 goou-5, who Very few of tho inUuLßaute >*t ibe town retired j to (Uiiif hod* dprfifg tho flight. T*.- M*-m keepers ! kvlß their .-hup’ upon. Toady t© furuieh ai j tliiug I lltrti w*-i;ld tlu Miffenff - . * : * w-.iiu-U*l. | or refresh tbu wt-uiled bmUefe (f those win Were l at work. There wereftumu rth.-nu kslle >. vmpc* from death j hv those who WPio hiiriiid I- im ail; ilj© fuirfa. One j ujitiro family of live person-, ull employed hi fh* mill, wa* rtivtul. I Out little buy wanji-rod nmong (he ’woifia^cn, I sobbing tor lii- - mother, hi* iqily (Yiand, nbu was , among tin- ruin*. Sin Wiijj fluiilh re-cucil, aiiti ; I the meeting would hwVfc ineUt-d th© Klouto.-t of • | heartk*. On© mftn sh thu card lonta kb© crash, jumped into tbo waste box and pulled the Vid •fawn. The box w n-t eruehel t rfud he wa* got uut uniiijured, walking off as soon uff tbo li<> - j wa* r:iw< i. The o* ofacers, with, 1 believe, tw*. * r iLrva cx -1 ceptKUi.-, Were in l!o pari us Die huibling which I did not f.DI, aud were saved. j | one girl, who had die r htvnd-caught in the ruins, staved hcr.-uir M tearing out two finger*. Sim wos-othcrMrise injured. I Uu Tuesauy evening, hr*fare thu fire broke out, j w l|il©to -> tb"U*a!. 1 iu- 1. were ©\ej ting every en ergy iu rescuing tbeVurvivu'rs fr-*i th©r living I ‘-'■j'ub-bi us, ttjxl Ul© deii'l fix ui. the rubbivb which | buried them, u pa{;t,|[ue upon thu body of a j little girl. -Sin Jay iq.parcnjly ftnndx and benrath h I poudufuu* block ofii-oi, weighing *>vur a tbuu sand puunjjs, aqd whi’ li ©oven-.d hu-fliMy tq ©bin. ljer back wa- pre •- *1 agauigi a bug tlm bur. one of her arms was thinst to tiio elbow through ft ring Ui po; - ofma* hinqiy, hu<l sbu wus i.y wedg’ and ;n by 1, avr icon gearing. Intent, billy ou pres 1 To/hci i,'. ; • u*.- and fatm *>•l little disfigured hh p-.-.-ibUr, the Lien labored ••iircfuMy ion move the” biook of irn without ©rush’ll,© her -UT finitbf-r I’-oir of llrem tugged | upon it, but could trot make it Mir. Aiter hoy ltad.nia.iu ©cvx-ial iiieflcctual ai loiuptu, a sutlwait nml atliß iic man, in passing, caught h*>ldof it, aud, with maiw.-Uou* power, aided L)r tho eXcu©tn©nt, wlncii tbo pnchK 1 ©d upuu him, he succeeded iu lo<c*©uing ji. Tbe other rubbfah'rvji© tiiuu fuugftvcd and tin- biidj’ Lwkuu fair. when, wflut wk* tbo surjiriau ami joy | of tb 1 non to find ihilt bt-y had a living girl instead ui .* orp*. and iu *ry, (hat hwr iiijn ries were irwtffulal.hiH c*oipiuativeiy-ifi(ling. { The heavy ir -n ban met w>tb sum • ‘wore p*w- ) ei-|'nl oht.l ru* tiou tlmn bur body, uud liar lit© wn j *|iarl iu it by a minieie. Hail thu proasuro upon her body b©cn bataligbtly un-res cd, or bad the least earalssctiesa been aH*>i-l in rxtru atin-; her. -ho wouhi im v© U’vu nn-übur added to tb© list ol viotlius.” Tbr Ip.ilnrfikola Tln* *. Wo ar© in n-cuipt of.lliu first number of a pa- I p r bearing the above titj-, t*> 1,.- published semi i weekly during tb* apasou, and weekly | during tbu balum eof the year, f The Times ia owned and edited b't Messrs j Roger” A Stofer, and.preeenlf a fair up pour. moo. | W© cdrdially rx'QiuuunnJ tbo paper t 6 our Iricndc ‘ j who have I)u."im-.- relations, wdiv ApaWelih-ola, j and from tlio known ability ol - tli’- (Mr. ’ Eugun W . iL-* mrs,)rt*a -rnuefu. hi -I rcmljr wri ter; wo buv© tv* fi- l is a to it ”itnre sufiotnM* Bute* $-> pui annum, in>.©. Hire orftrgriMS. Tbo paper* in Virginia htaio tbiU *wnrs of | slave* uro asking an *h’nn*-< of Hi and 15 per curttun th© rule* iff la*i year. In >.nr own city, j we learn that a eouahh-rabl© advance’ ba* been ileuiamlu-l ami received io many ca*es. Tbe de mand for labor ff that dcscripiiou ia stcadilf on tbe increase, ami Ir in lb© enormous price which H ooustanrty paid tor or<linurv (iuM hands, and m'>r vftlnftbk- negrm-s in proportion, we look to © tht; price of shn-u* gr—i-’y in udvauceof what limy are even .atpresent sulking. A hum-1 uou Mitin. Uetiin, tho cukibra'od hatter, whose establish ! tnont under the Ht*. Nicholas liotol, was (head 1 mirutiou of every visiter to N©w York, line failed j lot au limncns© amount, This i* the same ©hop | who paid !; “'AD far the choice ot seal* in C'aatle Untdcu on the delfftt us Jenny Lind in this eoun try. Could anything more be expected than a I r*gaTar burnt after such a display of fully. fhrUprrft Trunpr,—(kHlßmrtft. Tba Ban Frftneiseo cerrvsp<*uduut of the New York Hpirit of th© ljim-8, in u letter to Dial pa per dated the !b“h nf December, thus speaks of the above Uoupeof ©rtikts, who*© Several uppar- Houu* in ibis oily weru received with so much fa vor, aud who*© return amongst us Is looked for ward to w ith *0 much'pfansur©. Th© ©orreapon- . •lent, it appears, doe* not entertain >bftl opinion of tii© merits of this ©orpa as was held of thci4 1° the Houlb and Want ot th© At hurt ie tS tales : “Thu New (Jrluuns KnglMi Opera Troupe, wkh Kosiilia Durand us The prliua donna, Mis* Geor gia tlo Non, Mis* Ail 1 King, and Lyater and Trevor, baritone and tenor, have been her© for severui m -u'h*. The old ruutiue of English Ope a It 1* been gone through with by them, us si-tert by several singers here, at first one nml then un ‘borplttCu of amusement. They have Mjecedod by sliMwd miiuiigeiiient in umassing (v.riniderable funds, hut a* far tbeix ope mi, 1 like them all except the m or FfoiTivi; BtAVsx.—lt Is stated that there are now in Canada forty-five thousand runaway slaves from the South. Valuing tlfas© ; slaves at uu average of one thousand dollars 1 ©aob. it is ©tear that the British provinow are barburinjjf s46,ooo,Offffuf the properly of tbu U. Btwt* s, and keeping it bcyonJ tbe reach us tbe . rigbttui uwaers. FJSYXODtH. COLuUITi, JAMES W. WARREN, { ****** Number 3 fienate Printer • fa’U. G. W. Bowman, proprietor an<l editor of the Daily CoueiUuii -u. vn* elected printer to the “fanutu (m tbe 17lb inut., notwithstanding the vio-. lust accusatluus made against him, aud the strong combination* entered into to procure hia defeat. Mr. Bucbauan bucked Bowmuu throughout tho coOtesl. A (load Man Pullen. We regret to I earn (hat tho venerable William Arnold, a well-known and much esteemod minis ter of the Muthodist church, died at his rusidunea oti Thursday test. For half a century he labored with distinguished success in the vineyard of His Divine Master.-and now reaps the rich reward of those who turn many to righteousness. Truly a great and good mau bus fullenl— Macon Mr.*en- V* r - m Dal lira 1 11 Macon. Mr Burr, the late able editor of the Indepen dent Sooth, requests us to nu y that he has proposed to est .iMixh a Dully iu Macon simply from the 1.i.-t that there wAs none here. As others have > utcr. and the field he ret (re*. Mr. Burr should have hhrwn his own trumpet ©nrHer and louder, and like the Telegraph, mlso got the ladies to do it for him MaeAA Metefnger. Murine Sebouln. Among the mairy suggestions far Southern indttptftnh-nce, W© Imve but on© Btato who ho* intimated th© policy of establishing a Marine Boho.d. The Genurnl Assembly of South Caro lina has appropriated a small amount far the es tablishment of a sc! 100! at Charleston. A sum *0 suuill that it Media-as if the appropriation was intended hs a charitabio donation, rather than th© initiation of a grand system of onnuucrcMl indepemiuiico. Aud although we are inclined t, doubt whether she kept iu mind tb© old maxim, “Woll begun,* halfdou,” yet, insomneh is sh© iu advene© of hor Southern isier Statos. When shall w© hh a Georgian, I,© aide to cense saying to oar people, “|..<kat South Carolina!” Is not onretb© Empire Stute of the South, and ought she to be behind iu any grunt nr spirited enter prise? Our forests Hr© broad; in i>ri*ttee grand ©ur and strength stand the Infly pine* and giant live oaks; we havo deep and spacious bay* and harbors, and burdyuud adventurous youth. Thun Why not imv© ship yards and aackool when- the -.eir-nco of navigation may fi© taught and perfec ted by practice, .If wu over —and Heaven true! we may -curry on u direct trad© with Europe, lot us ha\© our merchant ships aud s© much of our own making. If wo are to constitute an intogrnl part ten great Bou*hem confederacy, let bleor iftaus un iifl tho Banner of ludependon©©. aud I Ite no far**iu growth up!.old it; but let it float- in b'd’iy pride fVei a mast.Luod of Georgia pin©.— (ur moantaiUH bring their vannon a-rxl place them upon-deck* of Georgia oak. Let each non. man feel ihaitlm deck !,© ijwa<U, the sail that watts him onward, and thognllant mast that tow er* abovo him, aro to hitu twin brotKers ol'tho -unte roii, and he will, with them, gladly go down to thu uttermost depth* of th© sea. but nev er give up the shipl— Pain bridge Argue. Arrkst <*f a i:iuui Tgitcf.—A man giving his name is Wui Jordan, from New York, was arms fed in this city, yesterday, and committed to jail, chargud with stolen (wo likely negro uioii. the I r-.perty of Mr. Solomon re eiding at <-r ucur Etatiou No. 12, Central Rail road iDavteburo, VN a.ibmgton county.) Jc aj>- pe-ars, from tho information we have been able to gather, that- Jurdau hud recently arrived iu Sa vannah. (hv stt.aim-r. from Nov York,) and had mud©.hie way into iho interior as far at tii© point above mentioned, Hu prevailed ‘-u the negroes to accompany him. with the understanding that he wus to sell them for the highest cash privwj ho could realize far them, thou steal them again, ran them off to one of the fro© States, and divide the spoils with them. lie had bargained far the sale of .the negroes whifa 01* hia wjv to -this city, to a wagoner or planter, at $ltl(iO ©ui-h, Tho suspicions of the pure:;Nsur kaviug haeouie erousd, <m bis arrival here lie I eyed the cir.unufiHiice* before tlm May or, who put the police upon Ufa tra k of tho scoun drel, and he wu arrested by officer King some linte distance below the city, on the Band Bar Furry road, bavins taken alarm at th© delay of the purchaser in meeting hi* appointment far the ©oueiusiuß of the trade. It is luted that be had 11 confederate in tho affair, who mad© hi* way to Buvnnah. An cxaiuiritttion of thu cure will probably ho had at an early day. —Augnetu Chronicle, 13/A. ITikAtow.—Mr. Fleming - will favor us with a w- week© season bogimiuig about th© 40th, with Miss Jooy Gougenlicitn as tho Btar, and a bright stiiT sh© is too. The Theatre, by tho lilmrality of Mr. Ralston, will be much improved. Anew Drop Curtain has been provided, with additional tfaenury. Mr. Fleming propose* to offer Out favor* of (he Drum a a chance to see sumo very fin© Cmnudms both new uud sparkkiug. We ar gl id to bear it and bop© tbu house will be crowj dtfd. Mre Uti4.u.— Mncnn Telegraph. AttoTHKIt LkOIHI.ATIVK DIFI'JITUTr Its Kax has. —The Kuna ‘* ferritori and .Legislature passed a joint res lutiow adjourning to meet at Lucotnp tou, which Gov.’ Medury vetoed, but the Legi-lu tiire passed R over the vet<* by ti two-thirds vote of u (pioruni. The qnu.-fi(,n hue now arisen as to the cotujttrationaßiy of tlris vote. Tbe majority adjourned to Lawrence, aud the ruiuority remain ing at Lecomplou. Both factions claim to be a iogul body. IToxiftna.—On Saturday evening last-. Thomas Graftn shot and kilfed John Fowell. The killing occurred at Dr. M.mroo's, about two miles from this pi hub. Both wore drinking. A preliminary investigation having been held on Monday, Green was ordered to givo hall in tbe sou yf one thou sand dollars, lie was, wo am informed, from ToAhoi county, und nad bat recently removed to I but vicinity. —Bninhridgi Argue. CoJfSTAM T —There is s<*ar<!ely a virtue in the whole cod© of love which is more admirable fiian constancy ami ennjugai devotion. Without this, all tb© teller charms, even famulu loveliness, seem worthless. Whatever beauty he may pon hcss, even though she tnuy have the ting© of llcbe on her checks, aud tlm grace of an Ariel in her ©tops, will go for naught, if she i* destitute of-this chief excellence of lovely woman. T-H“ Items (min the Baiubridge Argus. H"io i-k.—o iturda} evuning last, Theft. Green * not .nd In. FJohn Powell. Tii© killing )r-cur©d at Dr. Menrou'ft abowi two miles from tin* pliuie. Both were drinking. A preliminary investigation having been held on Monday, Greet was ordered t© give bail iti th© sum of one thousari'l dollars. H© wan. wo arc iniormod, from ‘i'ulbot eouuty, aud hod but recently remo ved to tills vivinty. AAteßor Nkohokk—The negroes belonging to the estate of D. J. Bruton, deceased, were sold on th third in stunt, iu (his place, at an average of 91.147. W H 22, on one and two years time, with interest from (into of sal©. They were front three io fifty years old. The prices our planter* pay tor negro©* is tiio best evidence of the fertility of the lands and tbu general prosperity of oar Boun ty. Give us tbo advantage ol f abroad*, and Decatur will be the Bauuur Bounty. Thk Bx.mtimk.vth os- tub Ptroa Famii.y.— The Fugh family have demonstrated to the coun try in both houses to day. In the Senate Ohio Pugh was against dissolution ami for Douglaa. The Ileus© Alabama Pugh wn* in favor ot ilisao iulioti end against Douglas. Dutigla* ha* a re curd for both. When he was lighting Lecompton lie was bitter in lit* denuuQiation* of th© (ire cater*, who wore avowed dissolutioniatl. Now be is courting the loudest diasolutiooitl*, lo secure tbe Charleston uom uit tion. At a repsosentation of Mozart’s Don Glovani, a young coxcomb l ummcd so loud certain air* of the opera as to nnnoy all hi* neighbor*. An amateur who sat boride hiut. unable to bear It any longer, said aloud, “What u tool! “Doyou idean in©,” said tb© troublesome fellow to him.— “No, *ir, I complain of Mario who prevent* my hearing you.” Aifernry.—Alfred Tennyson has been paid £lO u line fur a poem, which in announced for th© January number of MatmiUan’e Magazine. It is entitled —“Bea Dreams; an Idyll.” A ease was tried for the second lime in a Cin cinnati Court, a few day* uinoe, involving the ti tle to a barrel worth ninety cents. The ©o*t* of ih© case have amounted to over 950. and a* it il to be appealed they will probably reach S2OO. The first *od wa* turned on the 20th inst., for ; the commencement of the now Parliament buil . ding* at Ottawa, the fature eapitol of Canada, i The uitiien* honored the eveut by lalut©*, lire | work*, *te,