Newspaper Page Text
R. ELLIS & o£>., Proprietors.
Volume XV.
vEijc Dili In dirties
la Pntdiahed every moripng (Sundays exccp
.•d) at SIX DOLL VUS per .uimun, in advffrioe.
Seven kX*(lws it’ not paid bofulro the end oi‘ year.
Is Published every MONDAY MORIUNO,
at Uwo DullUraper au>mm, strictly in advance.
Office on Randolph *4B rest,Opposite tUe
Po-i Otiicc.
A lvertLuu.u;- of live liny* and less in either”
the X> wly or Weekly Times wilt Wo Inserted at
50 reiita for the firstiuserffon audio cento foreach
Advoriiamuuta exceeding five Hues %fll be
eiiatip 1,10 eeuts pur lino for die first, and five
cants for oftflh •• übse.qkont insertion.
DispUye l adv-Jrri -jsuouu wui bo charged for
the--spiMje they, occupy.
The ,'•.!! a g are the coniraciinfl; rateacUaugo
able ai vkaoure.
, WF'KKRV li AT Kb.
r **. i"* . *l~s ‘
No,. I I 2 S • 33
2■.0 1 v , o : ®
2 33 = 0 =
>vt ’ F 1 f r s s f f
1 S :vj 100 5 .':♦• 10 00 isl 00 20 00
‘2 5 HJ S 00 l 11 OW 2,1 00 25 00 30 00
3 7SOil 00 11 50 25 00 35 00 10 00
4 10 00 15 00 1 1!) (X) 30 00 4b 00 50 00
5 i*2 00 17 do 20 Ou 4U tW| 50 00 60 00.
6 lh 00 *25 00 50 00 6Q.00 70 00
7 17 Os 25 00 30 Oh’ 60 01? 71) IK) 80 00
8 20 Os dii ‘JO 40 00 70 ft* SO 00 90 00
1 ■ fr 0040 00 5.. <> * HO H) Ho OU iOO 00
-4 ‘ ta 3* o 5
No.ol 5 g a 3 jj |
5 a 3,0 a 2
**’ * j O’ i sr =r Sf • ar g*
1.. . 5 o\k 7 TKI 900 13 00 17-00 g, 00
2 9 4MJ{ 12 00 H 00 Id ot) 25 00 30 (X)
3 12 Os? 15 00 18 00 V 5 00 33 00 40 0
4 15 00 19 0 22 IX* 30 00 40 <K 50 OC
5. IS flfk 25 00 HO 00 40 DO 50 '• f,u oO
6 ... 20 On! 28 00 3.'? 00. 50 00 fit) 00 70 IK)
7.. i25 IJi .13 00 41 00 60 ,70 OOf dtl 00
8.. 30 Ohj 38 00 16 00 70 o>‘, 3 0 Ot 90 00
10 1 40 ojsooo 60 (Xj SO 00; yo 04 100 1 Q
.JSalps oi Laud and Neg t ecs, by Administrator*,
JBxv.-.utvre*, and*;.-. are required by law tu
be held oil tho first Tuesday in the mouib be
tween the b >ara often iu the forenoon and three
in iheafteruoouo, at thcC.JurtKu.uso iu the coun
ty in which the property is situate. .Notices ixf
tiie sale must oc giwn iu a pu ‘dc gazette fur*y
days previously to the day ui sale.
No Lice <>f tin; sale of personal property must be
given a* Ic.iitfcen days previous to the day ofsule.
X*li* u 10 I!v;Lt4rf, ,iu 1 Creditor* of uu Lstau*
cuu *l be pubiishudlorty day s.
Notio* that supplication will be made t<f the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud or N'e- J
gr>Huai )• pubUdjod weekly two months.
Ci: • .’ a- t'.i* Lmii: . -d Admintstratiou must be I
rmhilshi j Wrrt.v days—/or Dimuicstou from Ad- j
niriLmitiou, ui >n;bly -if months—fur Dismission
from Uuardiiiti-nip. fe;.y d;.v-.
Rules for For-. l-.Hure of Mortgage inusf be |
published moirthiy for four months—(ore#tbli*h
iug lost paperafor.theapa*m of three months—
foi coiupeßiug ( i’.hjb trofci Executor*or Admini*!-
when-bond has been given by (pe Ae
oeiwe'i, the fuUspace ‘4’three month*.
Tubiicawon* will aiwads be continued accor
din'# to these, thod©g;i! requirement*, unless oth
erwise ordered.
©©;§)[& oO(Q)ii:
Randolph Street, Cos ambus, Geotgia.
, AYIND in imm-i and opcy.-uimi two of ilUt
1.l 4 CQ’d CTK LENDER, i'KIs.'SES
RtfNfittSfG B 7 ;>T£AK,
We re j. spared to execute, at short notice, every
description of
din uirpasse.d stylo, as cheaply ax can be (lone
anywhorerin the Hoath.
We have ou fond large tk riel? of NEW JOB
TIFI*E shall keep a com ant supply of
Plain 4 Fancy Paper & Cards,
OurtVuiifieJ for tncpl.noff (hi.-- kind of work,
With pr • nprho.and *l. I utcli, will make it griU
if to the iutvas Os l hi want of
‘lEf.l’S, © IN I IS,
BAY*. l iiECKS,
W.’TTfili HUAJW,
OiwVV tiß‘ liiCT.-t
CA i\\U Kit BS,
Blanks of every flc-cription, Btc. &e.
(ilTii TTM Jl 6AXX.
This Department is under the management of
Mr. I*. S. PORTJSR, whose long exp?r ; enee and
a**ku<rev lodged repuL*U'n ae a Job Fruit* r, an u
gudfofon t guarantee that all work entrusted to hw
Oatt; will de executed vita ;uergy and” faith fain ai
We have atfw in eouuectiou with the office a
an! 1 having very Te©en* , '=a ©enured the service?
of Mr. K. M. CLARK (*ave of l'fcil adolphia,) in
this branch of our buainea.,, we pledge oujrrtolve*
o give the uiojt perfect satirfitolion : the manu
al* t are of all styles of
Account Booky Docket*,
Court R ecords, steamboat *ud Rail
Ho-id B’ltik R’ oka, Ao,
We intend >: to be outdone in the style and
, r iur work, in ©Lucr department, by any
•staWishnwwr South, and that w luuy l>c able to
make our on *#aiwhfceu>ry, ye.hawe adopted the
I ft., I J ffT.T.TS 4 CO.
E. BWmTii 4 &3.,
* I!AVEon bond, ami will cotinu©4o receive
t ‘ a In* „••* ati*l h• a . miffo sterk.fmtiruring ve
gfc.-r ry iT: / m-fopi* line, wpicii are olftfeed to their
W/'"3 frieiidi and tue puhlie at iN-tskel pric es- fhw.e
and nee its. dwtf
XtiM K'dr Slllti TlulHliMfN
At v III! HR. Aqpfr. all jrndee,
T-’ ‘ 150 Btu# and Jbbi-* ho ire Mol am-m for Mile by
fehlO.ltf E RAIW4RD A 4JO.
fancy flour.
£)i \ oflLtt. Extra Clio ire Hj.mi borne, for sale by
tC\J feU'JUdtf % UAU.NAttU k. CO.
BACHS Par sale by
U\J tei.Wdif K. BARNARD 4C0.”
liVl iif u I MIBQT 1 M?f*IITATIoN, various
lUvjUUI/ brands, for sale by
ii.urt? -wdtf U. U A KNAR 11 4 CO.
1 1 If i TlKLfl for sale by I
AUU Keb. Id.—dwtf I. RARNAIIIJ. fcC-O.
I’latitiiig l*ota(oeM
inn ,lA RE PUiK EVKrt, for sale by
lUU febltldt E. UAU>AUD 4 CO.
, Tin* Atealner WM. SRABKOOK.
~C'” .t-gA Cam F HARDEN, will shortly take
pinn-on this Line, Icavim- Xuvhii
t<lVhil2BfifcsS® .uh and Charicntoifiwire a week.
Havim* u through imiglit urreni(tneiii with thr
tVuuaiHeilnMul u<l ils rouun;U<Hiw. nil freights be
tween t,'li irl.*u>n ami the Interior of Uergia,cnniNgn
dto4h* iigfciit* of this line, will be tbiwanied Willi
dt;s|iaich and free of change.
.1. P. HID ►OKU, Agent Muvannali.
E, I.AFITTE Al Ct>. Charlcs’.on.
Noa. *2s—dwtt.
i ltange wl Scluiliilr.
Or no a Moxtgomk.hy \Vkht Point R. 11.
COLLMI3PB, Aug 16,16:
TMtItOIUJH 10 M'-mptiis, Niaativille and New York,
1- m Knoivilie) per accommodation Tram, louv
ua D4h|. m.
Man Trains
Leave 1 .’ohimhua ~ - ....6.15 a. m.
Arrive at M*.nig..uiery. 18 m.
Ai rive at West Point 8-2.' |* m.
Leave I'ldmitbus. 3.43 pin
Arrive at Montgomery !•’ 4;.n m.
Arrive West Point.... .8.45a. m.
Leave Montgomery at H 30 a. in.
Leavy. Wst Point 6. lh a iu.
Arriv. at t’olumliH* 1.40 p. ni,
Montgomery h. 45 p in.
Leave West Point 3.60
Arrive ait'olumtiue 3. a. iu.
’ Fremht Tram leaves Columbus at IP. M
Arr.ves at 18JI3 P- M.
freight Arrangement
BY an arrangement between the Raktroad Companies
composing the two routes from Atlanta to Colum
bus, eonciu<la attlieir eon - ention at Savannah on the was agreed that the following ruler
tnXweeii Atfitiita ami Columbus sliadl govern, taking
effect from the Ist day 01 May 1867.
Corn per husliel lie. W'heat 18* Oats S* Bacon
Whisky, Flour, in sacks or barrels per 100 ths S(w :
(tagging, Hope. Lard means or bbla per HH) lbs 45c.
Coal, Pig lion, by carload, per ton, $3.75...
Corn per hughel 14c. Wheat 15. Oats 10c. Bacon,
Whiskey,Finur ii! nr &•'”*. per 100 Iba., 44c.-
Bagging, Hope, Laid in cans or bbls. per 100 prtumie
55umts. Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per l<Mi#4.oec.
Preeident Muscogee It R
Superintendent Southwestern Railroad.
Supennicndnhl Macon and Western Railroad.
Suporuiieiulcnt Alhuituaud LnGraf Railroad,
Engineer and Superintendent M AW.PR.
Aug. 17, 1859 <l4wu.
mobile and giraed e. e
fjAllE Pasjieiixer and Freight Train will leave
I Cirard iitx p. m. daily, connectinc el Silver Run
vvitli a iltLily inis of rttagcM to VilJulu, Oieunvile, Co
lin i Fort Chi nee and Mariamm, Fla. And :ii Busj-n
uton with Mie Ktafren d-iily for Midway, unit Hardaw ay.
Leaving Caiwn Springs at 4 a. in. daily, the cars w ill
rc;u n (.u.trd at 7 a ui., . ouncctin* with the Opelika
RDd Mokrnopp
ffgX Duplicate receipts ui uat ascouiiMtny <ui Vr..i K i,i
I v* A IMreight must be paid before Hoods will be
; Freight delivered at the depot before ft>Ur o'clock
p. rn will be shipped the follow ine day
Freiebts for station Number 1 (Fort Mitchell) must
be prepaid
vN ay freiglit must, in all cases, lie paid in advance.
Nov, I—dwtf.1 —dwtf. f&ugmeei *. Hupt.
ON atid alliy lilb July 1868. the Evening Mall
Train wtll leave iNdmnhusat 3.45 p. in., and ar
rrvr at Marun i> y.IH p. m.
Leave Moron at M. 43 a. hi. arrive at Columbus at
3.4 b p. m.
Tin ilntmng Mud Tram will leaye at 4 t)0 m. ami
arrive at Macon,i. in.
Leave M i’ on 11.45 p. m. arrive at Columbus al
iK*i hi W. L. CI.AUK, Hupt
Columbus, July 15—dwtt.
“33ae10 Factory,”
X ploy thirty morebaiuts: Tney will .give steady
work and good waxes. A onng women can earn iropi
*4fltn Wh|er nioniU. tlomu's fiiniished tuiuiUes free
o ichaiK-. Jau. ‘J, Ihdo-w3m.
IT Irt COMPI>CNf>ED ENTIRELY from (•unut.and
has become an eelMldisbed (bi t,a standard medh ine
approved by ail llint , h ive used 11, and is re
soiled in with Court •,* deiu ein ail diseases for
which it is rseuMWlid- ed.
It line-(iiredttioiisands wirtiintbe bust two year*
who h:t<l giv.oll UI) hope of relief ns numerous
unsolicited sertitjcates ™ in my posseseHin show.
THc dust- must be ad up- ted to the ivniperumcnt
oi the individual inking itaiidusediiisurbiiuaii
uijesaaih net gently on oi tlie bowels.
U:t:ii-dictates of your A Judgment guide you in
I- if the Lirr.R IJf y yiOOUJi rtJH. and it
will cure l.irrr Com p bunts, BU.IUIMi At
rocks, /> YHCKCniA. sd Ckrtnur 1) tar rha u,
A'A, UMOPSY, OUH SIUM.iCJi. Jiai'Uiuil
C'ISTirKXKSS, Chat- ‘iM ir, CHOLERA Cholt
raJt-Th>,*. ( HOJ.FHA m I.YFAJfTI’M F/..U'/7'-
h \ and may be used successfully as
ary, b\natlg It Will cure RICH
UK AItA C H *■', *as * thotuauds can testify) is
tut eat y min a ten. 4’ H lto <> or three Tm
sfiwnfaU are taken nt conitueitceuieirtotlhe
.ill who us u are L'tmtitf their testimony
in its fsvor sat
Cbathartie Pills,
I*lire Vegetable Kxlrael , aul put up
in <.!* Cases, Air Tt|(ht, and will
keep tunny Climate.
The FAMILY CA . nrsßTic Pill is a gen
tle mi t active Cathartii Q w hich the proprietor tuts
used in bis praclire more . rimn twenty years.
Timeoiistnmlv n asing Jr demand/Voui tliosc who
pave long used the PILt.H -and the sansfai lion which
alle\pr*e- mregnrdtoUieir.n ‘ise.hnsinducedineto put
thuut in :Ur rem li of all yj
Tie proleiioii well know jL that dtft'srent ehatharteg
action ditb reul portions of. tlw bowels
Tli a FAMILY I'A-VniAkTir I’lU
has,wiih do-’ relerencx to ~ Uiis well esibli*tied fact
Iho'ii rniiipouiidod from a M varwiyofthe purest vee
tnbl* extracts, which xct on ev'brv part of the
alimentary < ninth and kre Ff ‘goodand snt'e in nil cas
es where a etiathntic is in’needed, such ns Da
r 4noi:uksts of th e RTtiMAI If.
COST!VKN ER H. PAIN Mi BoxknKbs ova*
■rut: WHOLE HOD* , u fruit Hidden odd .whir|i f
tfe.iyenlly. if neglected. enitin a I
vr r, I.OSS OF A PPE H TITK a < aKteino Kkn
sAiroM or Coi.n rux Hirnv, Rksti.ksv
n ian. HEADACHE or p WWOHT Ml rue llkal*.
t ‘HILMRN or Ain-LT*, P Raftl'NATlMM, <t (ITC\
Purifier of the Blood, m andnigdydiseeseetowbii li
tlesJiisheir.tou nuwrrous W u mentioiiiu this adver
tiiujiuent DOSE! to 3 ‘
Price 30 Cent..
TDAHTM: P11.1.H re retail, and hy'
and sold wholesale end retail by the Trade in all the
large towns -
H. T. W. HARFORD, M. f>..
Miionho turer and Proprietor,
anel7'-wsm. 33ft llroadway. NeesYork
flg The xuhw nhr oilers for sale a valuable
fefgLst'.i k Farm in the 7IU Dislrirl M Worth coutk
<ia., consisting of ‘Jo acres of Land, 13U or
J3bb ’* ] A ’ ’*■” o P ftn Lands, n new din House and
S-rew upon the place, |!M> or 500 bead of Cattle, about
the same number of hogs, and 3b bead of sheep.
J • - • immodetlng mid sin, tly so
when the cash is ottered. Enquire iu Albany atJax.
Hill's Livery rttables, for directions to the place
June 4—wlf THOd.H. REN BALL.
thk iisins nr tub statss, \xir rns siivhk imi vn nf tiik ntaTks
(KILIEiUN. Tl Kxil.u, J AM .VJIV 24,
Deulb of Jam s \\ Jonin.
Wo rdgrot to lcarft Uto above saT et-ons i*inn
<nw last Augusta excbmigcs. Mr. Joner b u- boon
the editor of tho ('hrunirlr and AVtoftiiK for the
last twenty years, lie died on Tliui.-day* 11 i;-l:;
last of pnouittonia, in the fifty seeon*! year ‘of
his age. The Obronido A St'iiiinel eeii- tndis
the melancholy announComent with tho folKiwing,
“Mr. Join 4 ? was it nativo of Oglethorpe comi
ty, tla., and was engage 1. for several yours, in
mercantile pursuit* in tho upper part of the
State. Iu IS4D he took elmrge of thixixtpcr, an.l
tiie seal and ability with he conduct, tl it
are well known to our r. dew. Os i-is c . rial
Course it may not,parhftp.', be becoming for up :■
say more, than that he was frank and utldcvi.i
tiug in the *tippoft of the prineiplos he profc-M'd.
and smeoro in professing them. If, in inaininln
ing these principles, he had the misfortune -as
most men of his earnestness and activity have—
to excite personal animosities, we trust they wi’.i
be buried with him: and that political fin IT
und political opponents will nnito in luouri.’u
the loss of a man of talent, enterprise, pnbii .
spirit and patriotism.
NVhat gives peculiar severity to thissu.
dispensation of Providence, is the fuel tluit, hav
ing led a single life tvr eo many voarr. Mr. d.u:r
was married Within the lust six weeks; null his
young and interesting wife ho* hardly bid aside
the bridal wreath, before she is called t*> askwn
the veil of widowhood. But tills is a subject t*>
saorei for public disc use toy. Tho I'irc!’- iu which
ho moved has lost 11 warm-hearted incmi, tt>
whom many werestrougly attached. His
siou has lnyt one of the oldest ami most milieu
tial Editors in the State; and this community
has been deprived, of one of its most active and
public spirited citizens, who, blit omc w< ■: x,
appeared to be oommeucitig anew life, with all ;
the promise of lung <xtuiaued u.-oFulness thm ■.
bealth and vigor could give. But the dent nay or :
came, nml .ddt l ii |
And melancholy clos*. W-1( does Burke naj,, !
“What shadows we sre, and irhat shadows we i
Thk <fov runiihs.-*-Ail >ba NWrthorn or non
•lavoheldtug States have liloiik Republican Go
vernors, exeonr New Jersey, l’eiuwylvi'uia, * ■i-o
gon and Halu'iruia—making fifteen iUaek H •
publican Govcnntrs, cffhnting kam, <. Thu
GnvemorofNew Jersey i,-. an old lino Whig,
and the Governors of Oregon, California and
PoQuaylvapt* *r© DciaoonU*— tho latter a D *u>
glnfl or Popular ty lhnuo -rat. All tin’
Soutltorn .States have Deoiocmtie Uoveriu'U’* ,h\-
eepl Maryland, wlirch li.ut ah Ainci ioan, ami
Texas, which hu-s au American Dcutporut,
licrcplhin and Bgmhor (PHimlNsloatT Mmlngt i’
ItimuoNti, V:i. Jaxu^Oi—(lSih'C. H. .Mcimn,n- j
gsl*, the fr,iu tsvuth l.'ur ilinH to I
Virginia, was osoertot io the Oitjdiol, iu ‘hi- ‘ltv. \
tliis irrvruin& liv Beveral tniHtnry (.Mikpaun
The Hags oi tiie. l niteil S'lat*'.- and of Vir r . J
iluuh t| atmvo the hnibliug. Lit a w--r<l, the ‘ nu
‘ll.- . • I l “IV.
the (leiuonslration quite Unposiog. For i ur
ln*nre be mldresse<l an immense concourse- of
people. He al laded u, iunl .dofieriW and the con
tinuc.d inroads which the North had nuidc upon
tile riglite of the HouHi, to tlie f isc and pug/ >.-
of Ahoßtltufi^in.
Mtumningor tbeu drew a gloomy lecture of ihu
prangut rulatfons^iitingbetween fliu N ch ami
tti” {South, ami allowed ; hat tJie gu.u.u. f tin
Constitution had |.iroved utterly
fur as the figlits of the Hot M-b wore eyma-rm I
in fact they have proved to be no pr-dectmii n’
nil Lo this section of the l ni-m. Uo eon • a del
that the inUor mu.- t demand pmv gu iruntoe” if
thibUnion ix to be pc M-rved: dtlici w: • eotiep>
sion after eonevuniou ivnitnur to ire yrimiud, mi
til the >:>nih lores all her iutlnunco and all.licr
tights in the oolifudeiaey. Tint t |... .kcr tlr ;il
11.0 bolding el a vunveution “1 too ,-iurii iij
Stales to consider the relation.*- imw • .idling vvil
the North. The s|Mcl wo# liMeued to by llic
large auditory with iiitense iotiresL
(Froiu ilia Ciurli uton < ou ier.i
At *evn o'clock on Tbtired.iy vv, i.(i,.', our city
exjcrrieilced an earthquahu ol more violence than
uuy loti ox recorded, wo believe, for fifty your.
The duration of tho greuto.-G • -too of ihe uiottOu
or diiltUll)auct , , is stated by vgnutik observers nt
15, 8, or fO seconds, ami the whold time of tho wo*
don, or osoiliutious, at 2U or 2a suu*is. Th< di
ruction was froiu the East, V|ieHtwariL or nearly
so, and the greatest, impression wus fed along , the
line ol uroad street, and n cither ; <l>
At the I’ostulln'o—which, for the information
I of readers at a dTst aiiee B uiay slate, is the Kn t
cru tomiinun of Broad street tho ooueussioa wa*
sensibly apd even violently exhibitcd throughout
the Luilding, and in llio disiilTitiigomeiitdf papers,
letters, A ~ from the pigtou-hyl*#, or eas*.#, ano
the nhoi vos.
Al the. Courier office—-mvir tin; Po.-’toliice—-
there vriwt an equally vio mt dein i.rntraiiou
throughout the building. On the firsl tlooi - the
alarm wag notgireu #o diet in el iy fu nc/iou, lmi
by uotse produced by (he shakuig casus, siggidc
and other furniture above. ‘On the soeuiftf atogy
tiiere was au,;h concii-si’ n as iuf gome sijtsvodfi to
prevent ail work, and on tle third story theafleeth
were mow sigoagiy uiara*.*i.
Al tho Hank ~1 oharl< stou, which if a lew nn ls
Westward Dorn the i‘os to Bike—and i* a very #uU
sfantial building—'the nfdtiou was gtrongly mark
ed, and excited immediate njijuehei.siou ui . t> uc
‘■atiistropla- to a atdgbhormg imildilig.
As earthquakes are not edtniuun With us, and
we have had a long exemption, it wus natural in
each ea e that tiie nunjt-t o< any ‘baking House
should suspect oiac such range as the euthko,
downfall ol a in-igtelmcjug house. In juojtiy,case#
that have Ioa;u reported to us, this is as the ,
first impression ol the wifnesscs. Many, howev
er, who happonwl Io i>e so situated iih lo *ppr;
ciate the pe< ulitir mdiou ami anuoda •buractm/.
tug uu cartiiquakc, assigned that ettu.-c as the
hrst ttupuisa.
From many places along Rniad gtreef to Un
rest end, report* have- readied u concfirrin
generally with what has been -t.ijfd. In the”
store and go owe of W. H. AdMips, 1m Broad street,
the effeets weYc unusua’ly distinct in sound aud
motion, and tlii* may he well explained turn t!n*
quantity and variety'nt iyon inaiermls flier* col
leeted, inetwves, grate*, pots, Ac.
Southward iroiit Broad sttett, lyehare report*
from South ffiy. Jo one case tb” -luil. ingot tic
house wuss pwitifoily perteptihlcihal the Occu
pants iualiuetiveiy ieft it.
Northward of iJioud afreet there is a portion of
Hie city in which in uiy houses seem to have es
At the Mills TTfmse the shork wn-* no’ at all felt
or ktidorn at live iiwhtut, by many ou the rtrsf
floor. Du the upper Boors (here h ere s iuo gyuip
A stmilitr report is made ft’oui loniates and
guoiHs) ut tie Charkston Hotel. Uefwtan the two,
titer# are ho oven in which nothing was • j
oed at Ui# time, and there Wore aiftp many < i:i*ii j j
out of doors and on the streets, who did n >• ex- j
perusnvo *n> thing of the shock, but dcnvt -l their
j fir.-f imnlion of n lint tiiquakafrom tho tosli
inwny of otbois.
in CHlhoitw street w* have a report fr<a tho
Western “bud, near Ashley street. .-Tninge tp
state, in this case, the textimuny of the ohservers
as io the rocking of tho buildings, is and. met and j
positive that the motion was lorn the South,
Northward. In all othor eases that, luv rca*dto.j
ed us, ands the iutpressioti# made on those who
were iu tliis Office ut the time, tho direction of mo
tion, as abuVo slated, wax froiu the Last D> the
A report hui reached u* from. Spring street,
which is tho furthest point Northward I font
Broad street, that has liken month m and by any
witnesses whose accounts have m-uahed us.
We might extend this reimrt by nu.tuioning
many instances of household alarm :uid experi.
elite, fatinlies, frightened, children rushing out,
but it Is tire I teas to attempt vuoh detml*.
We await further and fuller rbpoxts, un4 espe
cially reports from inquiring and
friends, who will no doubt cougar# tli ‘.bscrv.v
tions aud depositions ol frienus, and b.due a
pgoper account of the phcii"ioetio'h. Trie tolo
graph was not lb oounoctiou Northward or did
not bring us any reports,
l'ropt the We t. we heard as soon a* wc ha Ire- j
j cover, and Mir no!W fotffiogt thnj Amr.ijm, Atlanta \
:C- .1 M 1,-1 ‘ ‘i ‘ cvp. lA-.'d Mir sic ek. Wo Ujpo j
rc.irivi acr-rvuto giid exact n pints as to the [
time in aoh | Imc
In'titla eiiy. tv. i% cimlhlcfH in planing our I
‘Ho. k ar or k.smm'y pft -r 7 o’ -irek, as .th • bell >•
.'1 St. Michael's hud bill, i..milt*d u few jjlnduirv-i
and was Litva'i'Uptod t“i juxuo seeoinitt (iy llio
Ha no Act.
Tho altnextvl A.;t, passttl by the Ins* Leg is la- j
uifc, and signed hy iko tloviyuor on the 17th ult, j
is atneu4ap*ry of the Bank Act of 1857, mid is j
intendod more fully to ovpUin all doubtful points I
wlpeh have liocu the ennsu of so milch trouble on I
account of a difleretiea in Ihu ideas of the eon |
struerion platted on it by different persons :
AN A<T, amendatory oftbc Act of 1(467, ootitl- |
od “Aii Act to provide agnimU tho (orteimre of )
the toveral lliuii. Charier, in this Ktate, on ac |
count of imn-spccie payment for u given Unic, |
and f.p atherj.irtrftoses (herein warned,” uud ;
decbirat'-ry of the rnc hrient aud moaning of j
cur lain reel inns of the saruu.
Si:c l. Ur it uurtM h, Mur (fait-ra! I
!/the Shjtr <>f Ocnrgiv, That from and after the j
(lassagc .1 tli‘s At, ijoUdii,; owTiviucd in the Bs,h, !
Uth .t ‘d l'>th .- aiioys <>i t ho above recited nci j
sliiill l)- construed to riXdtrioi tho .several Banks j
j ot the Btati. to a rietj ttf per eentunt per nnffum
it. I In* di ‘ .•not ••( piirchtiM-of f.u.igu bill*— |
w , ,di. it is hereby d.-,4. i. and imd eun :cd, may be i
d..-counted or punihascd l y ww i Bnnkj- at then ;
tra • ninth.’ vnio--. I'roviayd. I lmt ilio rutouf
and not in any < :Twe Ih< -router IMu 7
poj- .SMitmn per nMlWtn, jtd dm additional Vote of !
tiicco.r of twin.sporting spemc fr-on the point nt
which the bill-of x<dtiYri,.c may be payiibbi to! ai ui-ii'-h jhe vvu:- di.scipmtovJ or pur- i
chased; l'r.n nU’d, fliat t|i> foreign bill so pnr
‘ha!-e.i or sola is a bona ode commercial bill, and j
is not.a loan >- a v.iinuod.n m>o by the bank. i
Provided, That the exchange purciiai-. A or sold
action is not iu substance or in fuel a twan or
mere ae.nimiHodulio* whh hdho law ir Httcm'ptod
<o be liy resorting to tho form of a*bill of |
czohango, foreign bill or draft.
And provided further, ll m every tranzaotipn ,
j intended as a bunt or imeomiMo iiUo-u, in whieji i
| mnro than 7 per oeutum p-r aui.oui token elth- j
j e.r .Rroctiy or indii ecil.V. by ix.- -i: ii.g to (lit* form 1
: of a bill of exchange, ioicignliill or dp aft. sb ml j
I bo illegal and void, and is hereby declared to be j
in viola!ion of the trim intout and nuauirig ofthc j
! aotol ii.;, b-sure referred to.
I Stic. 2. RopoalaVbtliiiUl Liw>.
——a. ■ —■ *.
Oaptiire of Uio WTundet Uy.
Rohukiiv ok l ure Town and Sk\ bu , Amimu
cans Ivtu.tJ).- -la ks.issim of tho 3d inst., the
BrbwnlvHto (Tfexau) Flag gives tho Jollon ing
Ycsferduy our worst fritirs w. re oonlirin and by
aufhentie infol-mulmu from Caiaarco, of the In
kihg of K:.-. Grande City, uhe 24th iu.-t.. Dv ‘
Ct.rfinAa, at the htfkd of 426 m n. IS very effort I
possible W’iis mad.* up a I'esoo to nu>i I him,
but withrtut avail, there being nt fho time but 3<>
.irnnid mm,who unTinimousty dcctdevl not to tight
twelve time# thoii* own fnnil>or. Wheroupoiio*ev- ,
oral Anicrii- ms. wittt* thbir lyoi|liev, left for llte
Mexican side of the vivsr.
(♦n the Hu tli. (*otl"..‘i- sent n force down to 1
Ringed It mark# wherOth. y foiin.l and killed i
Mi?.'_Robertson, Mr lfn\ and iTiptiiln Spears, uli
“f whom .try highly c-'i ■ “i*d mi ihc lio< (Fritude
in thru Marling qnnli i.iR-gidcs thc-e, two
| others w? i.uun<‘- irtr rmknowiYto were also I
I killed. The robbclSe’ oh lie -. l, ;niV said in J
\ iMtvaw... dauw ,ia a gonf.rnv. , nmmier. but j
litrtf t'"'.A .-trit evi.m'ng if di,-.V.!:i : . the MoH(.r# mtifr )
| gctlii'eanl ik, nnd it n.t< IV-sm-d and Ucii ivfd that
not only Ibe town would Hr kh-1: {, bht that I ho.
Ain-nCitu fun.tli. .’ w'oiud beTuMili*(sly niurdered.
Doctiints is reported lolnrTe and • biit;d Iris hiteu
t'em to till Rdinn, lliMie-e T.i.iTidi directly to Ltt-
POdo, and effect a crossing of Hie river.
‘•Xoutiii.i x tii. oi iMKr.v Ui.tkam ” - Much
Ifi being said by lit*- hpcitkers aud writers in eve
ry qimrtcr of (be liuio<i, agiii;fl M uiliras of bdh j
the. .North and Iho South-’ N<*w, before we cau |
unde in’ ih#.deuunoi;tiutt of Souiiieru ultras, we
the sense in which die term i*
u*i.;d. If tiy Soulhcrn'ultras i nn-Riit I
in onrVuidsf wbo w .uld d;s.--''l>r (bo Luion in a
war ofiiggrO’ i|i upon ihe North, wo hoar lily |
join in the voiae ofeontfeitomtion of tlicUl, if in
deed svi'-h to bo found, lint ii
the turn ts intended for that ‘portion off he Jiou
tbcin pce|di* who dot hue tffosi euiphaticully in I
favor of rocktatwo to ift*.* doctrine# and incnurcS |
of Win, 11. Scwaid :.i and John Browji, Me have j
tnd a wwrd df (oedutnuutiuh l< utter, pu *-ur i
npmimt, fi'i Sonib, rn niuu exft he Pbo ‘•uilra” in J
support of the rights secured lohim hy IhoJtVd)'-
ml (’ i fiiutinn. W ate forthu Lnitui upon tJ>e
principles of the OensHCQtion. Wn are agum-t j
Die Union upon tin- prirpiipie* of rtiu “irrejuv. sb
bb- conflict,"and #uH. w*- btditm* to be Ilq- pre i
vailing sentimi nt of the Hobtli.— Vinjiain ladco |
ludliM i Democrat Ir Slate Foment lon
Indianapoj.ih, Jan. IS.-—A rcKoialioa wns I
ad pled by dr l)e!iiojT;i< v of Indifm.i (hat they j
wdl sitj.port (i e n uu- <* of* the’< harleston Con j
v*i iiii. n, put the ?! 1> s ;ii • Tn Hrnciod to cast |
tU vntfe'of tho .'''a i r as : unit Dv Mr. IJbuglns.
Tim dcb-gaU;# were eleetc-L Thomas A. Ben |
drtcYs Was lumiinatdd for Dovrnor by ucelauiar
tloti, and amid much cntlnniiasiri.
The Coil version adj ,urm*d this cveuHg. A I
m ijorifv of tho candidates on the ,<tatc ticket
” r.t :
worn adopted in favor of a stru t Cono r u iiuti us j
dm Con-I, tiou r tlinf ii i-f inertpudi'-nt to rxer
chfw d'tubDul.constimfional p>,thin endorse j
Katies# Apd Nehraskir; call on the ißui ■ fatiy j
members of tin; Hrtus* of Jt#[*rlives to
Uitnd firmly by the r u ilsr lb k .'ruttc tfomititss
•Mr .dperiki r; favor the honorably, yma elul ac
qtiibitlon of Duhaq denounce th Jnwa recently
< fnu'Ksd Iry Mas* with r< ans td-forelgii
idiyiidstriltionT irtstrucHiiteirdd- rao s (u Utilities.
r Mr.
he li . i ■. y *jv’ *l :
favor the ;.jvTlig of n to aefluil set
tlcr**-; oppo-u the fti-opriMug of t iesdavc tnidu;
awl eudLrse the Cincinnati phi* I t tn.
i ruifs of AbißUluJllxm,
The Now Vo/k jiJoiirual of ('• iiiiacree sums
ih.'S. aj very tciia iy. Among others it intm
tions tlidtfolloWiifg:
The Abolition) t- have ciiute*! many dtstli# by j
vioieu’ **, and sent dkires;• unto *d’ fuiuf- !
li* in thrillV4l holding States.
They have or will have caused Uic fn<e nogjroes j
trt bo i-xp<l!e<t lioia ri, ;t yt lhoe Stales, grewtiy j
to their injury m>d distress.
Tboy eaiMed the slaves throughout the j
aj.d more, severely deAlt with in cuse us insubor
Min InhoWcnt persons are greatly incortveni
entod througb uidoundi and ftii.-pieioß. A inission
nrr of (hi- Aid Society wrilx.s us lak
“Only the ligtit of eternity cart reveal tbc rx
teut'm jlu. etinrfngcaiu< and t> In/mecnt thuusimds
by Oiat wretched alfwtr at lJHr|>tT’s ‘Fifrry. May
D id restore peace to out country, and ptlmpvrJly
TnV.v havi gieatjy . Jamagftd the mutcßaufs, j
mamlffi'Hurers, and the whole piquilatidb of tin
NoiTij, by.'.heekirig the inler htrgo of conituodl
ties with the South, herelolbru so advantageous
to aiTconernud.- ,/
1 buy haVe exposed our no Hon to the direst ea*
lAmitie# tvlifeb min# but tfo*r iin whoUy avert.
I They Lav# shown ‘ themselves to la* without
com inn dice rnuifiit. or ©No rccslesl of CotiSO
qiteiiUuS tu OKerybodv hut thcrrtselTWS^
Nin-Ivtkhco'u.-;r,.-—T!io New y nek oorre
poudent of tho Mobil# lu a'toceot letter, |
‘ _
Non-ftrtcroonrsc wo/*ws inagnlfliecntly. CoyM
itqwspupoi;, slothes, hoots and shoes, hats, bo
siory, clucks and Watches, fancy articks, station
ery ui all its Idrai*. fiuoituro of ovary vri(rfy| ‘
croekory, bariwcr*, gbi -ware, narpels and mat :
ting, and other lloqy aove iug, iron and tinware
t * i"l, I .* ,p -r o,.ii y .ir, or one. six 1
months, {real Dod, wk#t a revolution would be ‘
producjil bpthcßortb ami Suuth. Your seotluti 1
would save a hundred uuillimut of bard dolltrrs, o
its equal, cottoq, Ut ImiLLinanufauiUirers, afidthe
•North* Would be minus # hundred in
vogkiri najuv-os, stores ffiak pay $20,000 a year
* JwM „'! r, , aad JOU
flii w .gp,n t Inti uii Dio uowspepot s upd p fiHcsof
rtuiDVortfi tu /'*ur favor. Kail ibw sh q<-keeper
‘fflhe Norrf hy li m j iterOORrSO.”
“i,a. .Tun. 26.
i The hark Galana, bound to Amsterdam, laden
mUt oottoo, was burnt yesUrrday oif this pou.
COM Jims M HIM sow, .fINt Alii 23.1X60.
We havo to r< p*'ut tho enuio old song of “no
organization,” Tim IloUNo'ds idill ongnged in ilie
.liseuHslou of !lelperi*in, nnd flu ottihitvruU. The
doinocrati ur<f rfieir Ue
! (ennittation to pr.*vet)t tb*> election of'a Ryptildi
j can HpeuJk.T. A'largo number of Soutbcfu dem
j ocrais have rufolvmi to prevent a vote being ta
ken ou tho motion to adopt the plurality rule..—
; This they are, dbubtiers, able to do by parlia
meutnry means, We commend them for it. Tho”
North, much more Until tli© Sooth, will 1m a loser
I l.\ the default, and rather than so© tho Blank Re
publicans triumph, wo would prefer that the pres
! out e.MitliCion of things bo continued j* as
. Mr. Corwin expects to cast hi-’ vote lor Shonuan
| —-till dmuusduy. AVhilo there is no organisation
| there can appropriations of tho public inou
i ey. In tho niciudiiuo the Federal Trcit’ ury it;
getting tilled, and, in tho■ course of time, will boa
I prize which tho South may consider worth its
. while to fight for. Tho South is getting along
: very well during The interregnum. Tho fuiluru
t of mails will bo some inconvenience, but this is
mju.rwry and can.Do easily remedied. l‘odtul
, •mmut.ioution with tho North is by no moans a
nocos ity, and letters and papers enn bo circula
ted among Parselve* ivitb but little difficulty.
1 The Sonata on tho 19th was engaged In eon
teriifjjTlio-question whether there was such an
i gun Ration of Congress as to Authorize tho
I triinsaction of business by the Senate—such as
tho reading of bills und tlieir reference to
; priafo coinmiltoos. No veto was taken ami the
| abject was laid on the table.
M 08011 If,
! SvviißMK Cor nci t, 23—Tho Supreme Ooun
! -il of overcign Grand Inspeixors General of
j the 23d and last degree in Masofiry, au I t e
! Govurning Body of the Ancient und Accepted |
j Kite for llm ©outherrr jurisdic ton ol the \ ifiitcii i
: Mates of umri. a, dosed its labors in Clwirlcs- |
I tun lust week t hold All Adjourned **sb.n ill
j the city of YVashiugton, couiuieticing on the 2.ilh i
March next, when a Sorrow Lodge will l>o hold
: in hyuur of General Quitman.
’ Tho followiug are the jdlln rs of rhis distin
gu.siio* t-)•<!• ftijil'AHy !
Albert I’iko, Little “Rock, Ark., Soveroigu \
Grand Cuimiinndur.
Charles M. Funuuu, of Charles on, : . C. Lient.
Grand CounuandeP.
Albert G. Mackey, of Charleston, S. C. 8oo f y, |
j Gon'l. H. I*'.
j Aehill© Le Prince of Charleston, t. t'., Tixos.
Geu. K- K-
Charles Scott, Memphis, Tenn., Grand Minia-
ter rtf State.’
(Maude Samory, Nw Oricads, La., Di-nml
W.S. Ruck well, (leorght, Drupd
f Fri-.b rick M'ohber, Louisville, Ky., Dr. Btand
j ard Bearer.
I Aziirtuh-T. C. Penrson, St. I*aul Mdunesofrt, -
| <1 r. Unp ain of Guard#.
I Ciu.rlus Lit lieu do Ladebet, Dr. .Muster of Dor
naiiroad Msrruunii.
TTm N1 aeon uitlzon of tho L'ls nays : “Wo bad
the pleuburt! of a ’trail, on yes,*rda.v, from In#
Llouor,the Mayor of Aqgusta, l’usii r Bltuijret,
I'sip, who visits our city in furtherance of tho |
project, recently revived in Augusta, to build’ a t
railroad riiroot from that city to Macon. Wo
have only spaco fin this is.-ue., to cummwxl tho eu
i torpriso to our capitalists and cii \ auiUoiitior, as !
; one worthy for their most xoalous and liberal con* !
! idcration. 800 advcrtisvnuml niiiiouncirig tho ]
uponiug of hooks of sut/Ncriplioa nt Ibo various j
’ places on Che line of flic proposed roa'i.”
! I’rtniTivi;i.v Kki ks .in.mi Duvornor Morfriui, |
| i.fNcW York, in Hi.-* late in-'C.iugo eemsincs, in soft j
term--, to hy sure, old Hro>vn’s mid into Virgil in, j
I and disclaims that tho people of New York liSVo |
j . ayri it to iutqrfido with slavery iu thu. Slates j
i whro 1. exists. This ii reiVcubiiig, iu view us (
I ibe fact that4Jovert)or Morgan’s uauu) i# among t
the first of those wfho rtcokmu> ud W tlic universal !
! i-ifculation of Helper’s jttiktusui book.
I Thi; I’itKKPo.wtM mi-; Ke vs.*-Tim Ob amber.*’
j of’ (.’ inmvrce, both at llainburg and Brcuiuti, j
I have p *(*ed a s.irio# of rusoluliout on n amnmer- j
I ciai que.'tioti of groat which they i
j iiiciui lo transmit to this Vtiropeau Uongscss at !
I’ari -. Tiu y are an cxlu tmion of tlio fnfiwipluft j
I adopted ny tho Uo)igri of USati, In.regard to the >
J hJtkty of private property on tin; high sfeitr in
time of war. By tho “decluralion” of the Cam* j
! gress, jitir rpadvr# will rem> ijiher, it
j I at, that free ships should make fir*-e gifodp; 2d, ]
j Hintjmpor bloisktido* actually unTmtauied hy nn j
j mleqiiiHe force should he valid; and, lid, that
privapj armed wartaro on tho oepun should he
; uliolislied.
Advkhtixino. —Tn J otimal of Commerce has
this paragraph :
Aiivkhtlhino Dhaiis.--Thu West African
If: r.ild, piddislicd at L'ajjc Boast, Dnld Doast, AJ’
rica, ecu tutu# thu following wimoiincC.mont: ‘'Ad
i- rhac'iieiihi ■tuut.rlcil yr><tin to#*iill subscribers.” -
That is What we cult u liberal policy.
Thy London Times, when it was first start nil
adopted the sumo, principle, and Invited, adver
tisements from all quarters to bu iftsorted gratui
tously. In its original prospectus it stated Dial
• ■lie great object of its publication was to- furnish
mutual information of ccb other's wants be
tween traders nd those who wish to purchase ur
tildes of any kind. Advcrtijtjmt'uhs •were, there
| fore, Inserted us among the most .in foresting ud
| iiaportanf news of the day. They wcninulated
Jso rapidly, how. r, that this system was speedi
j ly discontinued, the discovery having been madu
j their announcements time Hie paper through
I w/ticb they worn made.
Tin t ali front south ( arollna.
To-day will by foriually piei iited by tlio Uoui-
Miis.- iwiier from Souih (.armiua, an “earliest re
do t” of that Huat, addrs'-id bj’ Lor Logisla
tivtx tinvunniDiit to the (Jovoruqmnt of Virginia.
VVi/ut the substance and niteiit of this request in,
cm be seen by a glance nt th following resolu*
tiofis, which, wo think, ought to bo. ra-published
at tins time:
I tin* •i.rtTtojrn or Mourn pahoi.ina.
j WheußA*, The Suite of South lurt
Ordiufinne of A. It. 1868, affirmed tu r right to
foccdo from the f’unkdi’nicy, whenever the oe a
,don should arise, justifying her, in ties own judg*
j inefH, h* tukhig hat step-; and hi Ibo rt—olulion
j adojiicd by her Convention, declared litat she
I irebor the lintnediato oxer.dau of that right,
from iisidi iati"iis of cxjiediuncy oniy | iuid
! Wit.:umam, More Ijign suvep years have oMpf*
| ed bine# that Convention adjourned, itful -in the
intervening time the assaults upon the institu
tion of slavery, and upon tho rights and equality
lof tho Houfhcm Ftato, havo twee a singly con
I tinned with Increasing violence, and in now and
more alarming Ibrins: b 6 U, therefore,
I 1 J. Urmdt rd, unujitMHHlrff, That thq Flats of
,Soiith Chr-dinn, still deferring iu her Southern
sisters, ncvorfhelesa rcspoOtfully nitDOtiiMo* to
them that It is tlio dbHhciwte judgpiont of this
Ootierhl Assembly that tho ‘slavi-bolding States
1 should Itmitodiately my#t together to concert
tqeußurcH fur unite*! action.
2. ll<-Holuetl, uaunhmiueluj That tin* foregoing
j prthtnblo &nd resolutions be eotnifpinipaUMl. by
; llio Dover nor, to all tho slavelrolding Htuttm, with
’ tho earnest rc'ptcst of this State fliat they will
; a; pint deputies and adopt, such measure* ns iu
! tl.oir judgment will prtimot# the Skid inbftting.
I J. ItrioivtiH, utHttiiyuruiJy, Thftt a Special Uom
| tnissionr he appointed by his Excellency, tho
, (L vornor, to eoiulnunlcitt# tho foregoing j,reaDi
ble and yosoliitions to the State of Virginia, and
j to express to the authorities of that Slate the cor
i dial sympathy of the pooplo of tiouth Carolina
witjj llm jicople of Virginia, atnl their earnout de
sire to nnito with tlioiu 1u measure* of ennuu.m
T. U*nlt'od t iHtriiiinoutfy, That the Slat© of
.South (’audio;- owbs it to her own vilizensto pro- ■
teot them a ini’ their property from ovary enemy; ,
and that for’thtt purposu -ot uiiliiary-|*re|>imitioits !
for any eintwgancy. Hw sum ot one humlrud thou - j
sand dollars(Ml,WOO) be apjm>|)iTated for mili-j
tury cuiitlngencWK.
1 hereby osrtilV that the forcgblng 1s a correct
■ |>y ©film plViwnbUl and rosoluiiona of ttie Geu
• i I \ • inldy ..f South Cufulinn, adopted, on the
223 of December, 1859. ,
{Signed) WM. E. MARTIN,
Clerk of (he Setitito of South Carolina.
Daruuiovr 27. 18. 9,
In other .vurd-, in view of tho grave assaults
upon tho ri-rhls und equality of tho Southern
States, oursLtvr State of South Carolina deems
it ueeos&ary that the ulavohulding States should
unite of common Jclcncw. To this
odd tho State of Virginia i# earavstly rc-iucsted
to apj.oiut deputies to moot other deputies from
Smith Carolina to ooneert measure* l'or united
not ion,
And this is embodied in .solemn Legislative
act, aud a Special ounHULuMonof lia* been apjudn- 1
tod to visit uur State for tho purpose, of urging
this request.
Thojiqucat itself is one which demand*a
prompt jtnd explicit.answer. It cannot he eva
do.l ami it ought not te ho. Wo mint itt once
accudo or deny compliance with t. 1 iore several
points must bo eonsid©rod in thuir uatural order.
let. Does the present invasion of our oousti
tulionid -rights demand active measures on the
part *l Um Southern Slutc-s, to repel the aggros
.■non* On this point Lhcru can Imj no doubt. Tho
iuvjwwn is a coniiuaou* olio, aud loaves no
choice \- c).t a* bciwoeu absoluto submission to
wrong nml defensivo actiou.
2d. Is ft desirable rlint tho B<*utit©ni States
should Unite and harmonize their effort* fur com
mon defence? lit re. too, fin question admit* of
mum .but an zlknualir* uiijwor.
3d. Would a eouferencu of deputies, such ns
South Carolina, requests,tend to promoto the uni-
Iv uiid harmony of combined ana c flic fait action?
On chts qncsrin iho whole decision hang*- to
great extent. YVc ktiow that there are many
members of tho General Assembly who would not
! hcfdtrfte to anttwer this question iidinulluvuly.—
1 M r o know, too, that there are a few other* who j
| would give it its n prompt negative. ThcV'o Ist
j another el nrti who doubt—-sonic who own fear—- j
; Murt a fsiluroof ii coni- re nee t< Attain to lire oh- !
ijeeld for wlricfi it may lie assembled, would only I
leave the South in a worse po Irion than bof* re. j
Wp deter, for the prcjjcut, tho tin*reoli discus j
fciou of these opintous. Bhl We auggest that n ■
r<nflrefit* |iu© that ©vidautly inien.ied by the j
L*-i;isiature of South Carolina give* tint oh mote i
of utiny Southern action- than does j
Ihe Itnb'a.-r of A F"iuhrro •*/;. t’op
von'Miins urn apt to lie mninltiious, and to dwindle j
into Hi ere spo-c h-mukiiig for individual purposes]
and out -ii.- offset.’ Buttt oimterotKH)composed of I
! sont* two nr tbreo niemhcrs from each State would j
j inwst each im-mbcr with a High VMponSibttby, ]
and onablo tiiat. intimate unmoral ‘Mimmg all tTe
members, wftliont which it would lo difficult, if]
not iarjmsajblc, t*. arrive at nuy definite and dice- I
ti\<- plan us proposed action. Our forefather* l
umlarstimd Tho wisdom of thi-* distinction when
tht-yrtont hut three men Irotn Virginia to sigu the
Ciinstitution of the I'nitod Klates.
There i*, too, sjumL or qucsM'o a to be decided.
Li,in not n sovereign Suite ut’ Uiis confederacy the
right Ut and in.uid, at nny time, tlml her nistcr
Stall ll -bH meet her in conterericc, tu consider
j the political nrte**s*itfos nnd exigcneie* wbirh sbe
dunut# snfltc’nut to demand juiut cousidcration or
miilwFaction.? Dims not tlifl obtigaiion of coni--
ity nun ng Suites, so closely united in eon fed era- !
Dun, if,*h demand that a request for a confer* nert, !
I'ormaliy and sileiunly made by onn State, shall i
bo promptly aeumlud to by the State to whmfi the J
) request is made? -t’eriainly.-it aoetus to ns, that
no State is oseusaliUi in rtdusing wieh n request. !
j uii left-, an ol the gravest uiui moat urgent
| nature ran he openly adduced.
And if there i#* State to was* la whom wo ought
to yield thoutuu'Si limit of comity, oi nurre than
comity, that Stain is South Carolina. Less Hutu
thirty year* ago, Virgiula eent wCuinutissiuner to
| South Carolina t convey the “tarnuat request,’’
j ii(t, that mir Fistur State ahouJd merely, nn*et u# in
j c ‘tiltrence, hut that South Carolina *honM re
i m ind her <*wn sovereign action Mdoptd in a pw
; li-icul criaii. of vital importufioe. What South j
j (kpoli <t h id Biti ruly n lused on the demand #f I
; Mm (isneral (ovjlihi';n.t, was prutiiptly gruqted
j on Me ‘ caimeal requeal” ol the State of Virginia.
1 Ami kaw than tt*u tears a*ro, South Carolina
I forbore L Kgfojrt vonreqitT-noe. of tho posi-
I lion u-siinii and by Hu Stale id Virginia. Ccitajn
j ly,-then, Alio \ irginiit logialutor wli** ‘shall now !
, refuse, f.. anc#*ic to tbo mopb: request oi’ South j
l Cureßi.u, to ho puruiittud J<> meet Virgiula hi a
! fm lei mil eonlc.r-nvc, ;ji a uu men I of common
i (httigfr, nnii ly m uxchatfgc view# and imruioiii/.c
j sueguKlionti t'l-uilva.’ici* their cumin on welfare — 4
I uu oh a Virginia assumed u
j ly wiiich call only he jtißiitied by the dear erf
I rcu.-utiH and weightiisf (uuisideraticrid.
[ A word.mure. No fact is more evident than
j the f.iot that a large impurity of tbo people of
| Vjiginbi lire desirous to maintain the Federal
i I mon, at *h expeuso, if-flefttreeary, of crrinnl ao
i fern* of Dir novoreign rights “I lheir Slate iw
i tk’ I tiuiu. W bun, then, the Dewertil AsS‘. uildy,
• sliall ncoodd to the request of.jDuy sister. State, hy
the clootioi* of deputies to ail inter Sialir c-mfor
cnco, let it bu done will) the exprestt doclnration
I thill ii i. dune with the carnet*! expectation that
efficient in. in* xvill b devked hy whiefo so umin
■ lain, that strict ok-* rvnuee of curetitutional rigjil
! which in itisopurahlo from the integrity of the
| Union.— il*chtnonA JSm/uiw.r, With iimt.
(iav Lett her'h MeHsagrt.
The Charleston Mercury thu# coutnicntd upon |
tin: incskage of Dov. I.ctclicr;
Our readers will rejuioe, w<; are sure, to road a ;
tii’ -slge co high in its tone—so truthful in its j
position# T and *” resolute in its roeuiuiumida 1
non# The Oovi rnor of Virgiuj.i rec"turnonds |
that Virginia siiall Invito n convention of ull the j
•Statesln Hie l niou t” consider tlio muLur* of
di#ii, rvcuicnt liolwCeii them, and, if they cannot j
agree, t*i piovtdo for n po/ti eful HQparatioM : and j
that (%*nitfrfs*ioffrs abuld he appointed tu wait
ou the Legislature* of the NorHu-rn Mnut which
have nullified theiugidvc slave law#, and p) in
sist, ip the riHiite “f \'irginiu, upon their uncoii
difioiial repeal. Wn coiigrutulalu Virginia mid
the S >ntli upon these re-comohMidailon#. l'iycry
Slate in the w” d* uht* Hot, is ready to go
into it general of all the States. U
the NoPAi'Tii Sfatos assent to ibe prcposiifon, the j
South will either have tbo g’uiuntite* * necesAuiy |
to her pent*e :uid safety, <>r flih (bihledi-rUcy will j
h< rlisrorived. But will the Northern States cou.
Hi ut to go into a general convyirtion ? Wo tlwnk
n <t. Thdtt, wo trust, will folrew a Southern Don
von lion. The mixaioti from -Routli Carolina is
mu t opportune, and, we trust, vr til meet su Ur tan-,
tially with success.
Freni the Mouth WciUorn News.
Denimratic Rcttug.
At a meeting of thu J) >iuoufa.i# Party of Sum*
t'-r county, hold on tho Ifilh iitsL, on umtihu oi
i hi. John U- Worrill, 11. Ravens Esq., wn#
called to the L’liuir. and Win. It. tiuccry, reques
ted L* net a# Hocrutaiy.
On uiotiou ol Wm. B. Duerrv, a committee
wa# appointed f report busiuos# lor tho meeting.
The coin mi I too con#i#iing of VV\ B. Iluerry, J.
A. AU#foy Joint It. VVorrill FBqs., return, and,
uud after brief coiisuilalioti reported thu follow
- Tlurt thu Dernrutracy of Sumter, ro
cognise to the fullest extent Iho right of tbc Dem
ocratic Executive Committee,’ to u<’ll a conven
tion of tWwpnrty, and ti appoint the time aud
place >f holding thu oativstnion.
Wy l ieref'ire appoint the following gatitietfteji
t'.-wiu: N. Mcilaiu. T. M. EarUw, VV. A. and iw
k j-. .1 “... R. Hllrill H u. Mi< .v. W D.
‘•lewart. Ir. John A. N igtiL Dr. D. It. K. Winn,
\. K. Brown. IL F. Ttoafp, and Bouton Hyrri,
delegate* to tJie ♦JunT'intlou, to L*e h*M iitT Slil
ludg.willc, on tin- 2nd VVodiwsdoy iu March next,
■t” appoint delegates so the Natioiiul Jk'inocyutln
C'*tivolition, to bn held in ('barlustou In April
next; with power Ut each to Hp|>nmt # proxy, ilf
case ho tony Hot be ah 16 to trend.
On ni'itiwii thu Soutii \\ cslern Ne>r <f fhi#
Aity, and other paper# favoring, are requested to
tiidirtfi these tiroroedings,
JAN. 11. RAVKNM, Chairman.
Wvt. B. Ot'KititY, fteeretary*
- . • ■— • iii
MoyrnoMKttr A, KirAH.t Rau.R"(i* -The
Work us CVn|n|Qtisi) Cuin.iu arid. -There have
been for several days over two hundred aide b*al
i. and begrots at work on the first three mile# of the
M'rttlgumery ami Kufaula Railroad. This wo
b ipe will he continued closely, until the daily
trains Shall he #ot In motion from one cud of the
line to the oilier.. Tho completion of the road to
TTuion Springs should not be delayed beyond two
years, at furthest, and in three year* Kufaula
sliouhl be Touched. “Time is money”*-atld the
sooner the road can ho finished, the less It will
gostiu the construction.—JAn7,
Minn Im II ?
There is too umeh oom ervutism and patriotism
i uFtlio North, oo.jivlo ot tho Dv ioo.sjalic party, to
t sav6 lh© Imoiv irfttu disaujuuoii.— -Svuthttr* lie
j coiiitr.
ts there i.- “too tmifth” to sure it, t bon, of course,
jit will uyt be saved. But wo pn-sumoour cutetn
porury iu i pajiW”’ ngh,"iin d wti l 're, wo ask., i* it
nt bo found in wiuit <ioes it, consist, and bow
m i hi- icqi.iNd ? The difliatiitj between the
North uiitl the Bouth, which, iu the opinion of the
/{to ordu t seeing te threuteu u ilitsolution of the
l iiio.i, grou s out of the qiiesiioii ol*slavery : the
latter section claiming rights iu respect to slave
1 ruporty which the former will not yield. Now,
too plain man, it wuul t seem that in this matter,
true ooiisofi aiisiu “"iifttMts In a strict adherence
Ii thd terms of an instrument fdjjnod t>y both pnr
lics, tvnehing tic -u lights, delfning ami guarun
toeing them. Ln ibis world, men of similar faith,
who acknowledge any great prinoiplo and fool
its importance, generally man *gc to eonsort to
getbor, tolihvc some organization. If their in
terest iu tho Aubjtjct Ls not sufficient to induce
thorn to meet fur o .unsol ami concerted action,
they will bes mud to he weak uuxtHurie*—-iinjio
touf, eVcn f* suve tho Union. They would boa
bulwark of fog against tho abolition’ legiouk.
Now will tho Itrmrtler juiiut us To an organi
zation or body of men in tho North, outside of
the dcuuieruMc party, whose professions even
wjuiut at orthodoxy on the .juestioh* which dL
vidu tho two sectious of tho Uuion? Hud it not
been for‘‘doomsday,” Corwin'* rucwnt awkward
conduct tho li’cn (Ur, doitbtlcMfl, would declare
liiui Ui bo the roj.rcseniaGva of tlii* “grant cun
scrvatHr© c-luiu©Tlt,” A strange fart in ettnneotiou
with these anti‘democrat ie couswrvativo*, is, that
they jiecef otc.
It i* pbuotiUy itrgodi however, in oxpUuntioo
that such man taka i** interest. i:i polities, butlie
qoi tly hy till s on*’ great criei- iu the history of
; tlie country occiifs, when n sadden, they
! spring up wiLh the miraculous energy of Jouah's
’ gourd, and help the nation through it. With
’ - ueh men, aye, and many others, coweurvatism
| cnsi :. in jiiv •■•iTiiig the lfnion, art whutovor
‘. ..-f. Li mis *iis tho Black ltejmhMoaus ar’ j
f**,*isorviitiv” .}.ar ffAcelkmec: tor they declare
.hat, what ,-i ntii'iun: of h.-nli rtnd q.prcß*i*n ]
;**- s ““ 11 !
j f* rco.l l<> in the Lniqix. This in the kind of |
! ‘ediinervatism’ amiq.utr'iotn tn at rho North, out, I
- ids of the Ocm .eraliu party, ami ot ihts, woad
} uiit, “there is. too utu h.”
SortifiytN Hot At- s in NflnTHr.ux (.Ttik*.—
i The Dailiugt*m S.-urtiesncr say.-; “We notice
that-tyri verier munis u s Houthom Houses located .
in Northern cities, arc nlrundy beginning to make I
t i-if appiau'nu. o. We do .-.kiecrcly hope that J
Soutliurn people will refuse to countenuuco any
- jr-h roriccrns. They are too much like ‘North
ern men with Southern prin.'iplcs,’ Let South
ern cipiu. li.-*:* niiMifii busitl6es houses in Sou
thern ciiic-. let tl>. ;r cap!t#l circulate there and
niri in l>:<i ! 'Hiig up Southern •stmnerno and trade,
| and In establishing Southern independence. Let
us Tufocv- to go to Nortbcni oitiee to trade with
j Northern or .''outh'ern W**ir#. **.”
H(>. A, JoH’ on 11 u Pki,\U)ENT.—The Dem
ocratic State (’wnvuntion ot which a
seir.Mcd nt KanhviTle on the lAth inst. nominated
il-m. A. n, a# it# candidate for the Preiri
, and ucy. subjut i tp Uic dm isfon of the Charleston |
•’onvuMion. The delegates selected for thu State
at large are, Hon. Lnioiun C. Haync# and W.
C. V*’biitb"-U". n,q. Tho other delegate# are
lion. Audiuw EwiliL ‘ ..iuii |L l viijlcpiin.Lsq. Win.
: M. t#q. and 11 *t. J. 0. Atkin*.
l'o#-t 1)11 I .. Di.i >r: r.i The creditors of
Ihe IfoM. Opi. ii. Iniuiit are mu fiu<i tliat alter .
Hu- piiH-ago of tho nppropriatiou bill by Con- j
githe pro ure at'fot.4not# ui ibo finance of- )
* i',f the dopartm. u* ui:! lie Midi as to render j
1 iieci#-cry,.ui j*isuec k all putties, the payment 1
o|Vi#e# Jit tku ordur of pivr*-ntalion. Sin to*- I
iilXn(# ot’ iuriebt* due# -h**nhl he sent to thu Ikl
A.##i#.aiti l’. .-'iiHJi” r (jcueral in *<lvauce, to be
caiefußy* examined, recorded, aud filed. Re
cuipts will be given In each case, and payments
ijmdujiiM'ofilhig to flfo dates of filing, ut the ear
liest and ty.afii r tho money shrill be appropriated Ly
Clm gibus.
S.-r rui uN Prnt.istn:• v. 1‘ H. Nrtt.r.—
Wc lnv(\ time and again, -'referred t<> ijuj itr
rtionpi* bi-Dcfit rtimfurre*! on our section by the
‘oiithi vn T > ubtV-;,ti*>T! Establishment* ut Niinh
villo and Cbiirtcxton, respectively, >f thc'Mutho
dist and JbiptiM rli-nominafimiH. Whatever n
man's'religion-* Views, ns a oitfxflrw ho must ro
jo’ujc at flu’ ifiTecii.--# of these enlightening uud re
lining iri.-Htiijb>iiHj mid at their cuceuss as Soulk
| |li-v. Vr. Neely is n> win the city, and many
j friends .If#ire if 1. ir his L.mutts address it) be- |
i lialforthe Nashville fstahli#hinent. He ask# no
! appropriation, but desired simply to lay before
j uiembt rtl and eiMren* generally tb • ar rtiiaent# in
favor of movement ids dunominutiou
j have instituted.— Mnt..MnlL
supreme t'ouw of tburg.u Ijcurocd and court In
Tho .'apretue Cni i <1 Dcoii. a u>ut <n Moti
: >lay ui'.rnilig —pi. sent Ju i r ;.-# uiiippk'n atld.tplo
phuns; Mr. .Nl.irtin, llujoiKgr; Mr.,
..i !i || city or
. Sunday :.i I i.-t, cn ruutv pi ’All aay, l*ul
nxr* .*d Ur 1* pro tit un Tncrlay nr.ruing.
On the opt i.ii tfif..i Ci u ’ Jyrdgo Lumpkin
addressed tii Bar. and Mid tli at. after cumhuLh
tieu, the *i Jourt ba t dalormi'i. and to submit the
question of adjourn incut to the Bar. It, was not
.tube di.'g'ii.-ti that much ;.ppr*dicn#loß ami
j al.. m) wn# !< lt in regard t-rflic Small Box, and
! that f<*r hm.xilf. ho would Ih> unwilling to re
quire thu at (.dance, wf any tbc pi bur of the Bur,
who ri'Kiredfoavtt* d''abounce on jiccuutit of ,tb
cxirtunci-of the ii ‘ Hu tJtcu ca-hwl upon
Judge Colo, Jndgo N bit. Mr. I'.if, .Mr. dcDrat
; nrci*l and Mr. Bari .id Hill of the Muc*n Bar,
for inliirtt... ion i . regard to the Small Hos, and
sbui ns t • the propriety of nu adjournment.—
Uu - ’l* tua i . *ve Hu ir views, and the ques
ti.,n <>t i.-j- .uiumut wax submitted to the Bar,
h>ui upon a vott. L.Wnlvi; wore iu favor and eleven
again si. HI B'i.uui’ meal whercupoit the Cpurt
was adjourned th* j'ullowing order passerh
SLJKritFdtlK CoCßT,January Tttrtn.lfifiO.
Th ■ l urt met, and up *u consultation
with thu uicmbors *! tho Bar. dcewUig it tiiqai
liri< ,inc Mi upn.ui *f the prwval'‘ne of Small
pig in the City oi Macon, to continun* it# sea
#ton,i’ i*
Order* l, That the < Utrt stand ailj.-urned until
tb * next Regular Term. And it i# further
Ord red, Thatdhe I lockets of all the Circuits,
nj r 1 t'tra#)b: to tb’ proriont Turin, ho heard at
tfie ii -\’ f’crni.’ b* 1 * •• any chumo- reminable to
‘ .-iifit T* rt* are In’ .rd.
\\ "’< f *hrt following men* her# of thu Bar
1 ’r, • 1 -|: c Ol the < Hurt:—Wallace, May. MII
!■ . c Iwunb Mini B.^pe-■ ffm Butler: Smith us
I ralhnt ,Vh*b” v, <d‘ Harriot Rlaudford im*l S*lie
i itffr <{#!,’ “al r.'nia of Buena Virla: John AJkmrs,
If >.,i .v, .-diTTMI, lK>wirng, Holl, Jobnsou. In
| guiui and It >/n of t’-duoibos: drtti iftenrcid of
’ ■ ‘ I
*nri K! <,i of Am-ri* ■ ■ Vu uu leleyrufth, Utk
Funeral ObAcqalss of Jaittcx W. Jones
The fun*- al < ‘ Hr. and nm - - \V. .lone*, took place
[ -in yfsterria;, ul'tc rnoun. Neably ©very store on
tlio liiK* of tb j procession was closed, Aud busi j j .'nded in order to afford all au op
p.,rilin ‘v of .paying the last sad tribute of re
,y-rt 11 thu remains of a former much ustaemed
‘ * .
Thu funeral service was performed at St. John's
M’ tbodi-t cffiureh, by the l!ev, Mr. Uraham,
where n forge coiivoursH of our citizen*, male and
flfttnuVi, were in attendance.
After the swrv i--e at th© church, the c-rfnge
in vod k> th • com*4fory, where ibe last certuuo
nie were performed.
Our lab nl’ and, UpuLhfarted, charitable and so
cial fellow citizen, is deposited in bis sdont fone
mi'ut, where tlie bicki rings of lifi) are forgotten,
n and th© beauties and uin.Miitio* of existoneu arc
only remembered.— Auyueta Cuiuhtutiunaltet 22d
JAMES W. WARREN j Edltor -
Number 5
Veto of (iov. Klurk
Tho Territorial Lugislaturo of Nobra*k, in
open delluiieo of the Dred decision, passed
au net abolishing slavery, which Governor Black
promptly returned with bis vsto, We wish that
otir iqioeo allowed us to present tho whole me*,
sago to uur renders, it is tho ablest exposition
of Territorial right* and the clearest comm out ary
upon tho Kansu* and Nebraska uot. that we have
seen. After considering tho question so far a* it
is affected by th© treaty with Franco in tho acqui
sition of Louisiana, Gov. Black remarks:
Tho Federal Government is a government of
States and not of iudividtinis or of masse*. Peo
ple makeup the -tales and States make up tho
confederacy. Though the general government
acts on individuals, within und without the
States, it is only in the exercise of powers, delo
gAtod by the .States, and oonferred in tlm consti
Iu the first American Congress or 1774, colo
nies came together, through their representative*
and by a union of colonies the wrong* of Massa
chusetts Bay wore made tho wrong* of Pennsyl
vania and Virginia. The revolution was not a,
social revolution—it was political. It wasarev
olution of colonies hy natiM. The Congress of
1776 was a Congress ot Colonies, ami tho decla
ration was alive with lh one greui truth, “that
these l-'idled Colonies ore, and of aright ought to
be free and independent Bistcs.’* They mudo
good their declaration, and became, not only free
tint sovereign.—each one sovereign and |imicpi'n
dentwifhiu itself. The articles of cnMtoderiilipn
were entered into by States: the constitution was
formed hy u convention of States, each State
adopting the coiistitulioft fox itself, tluls making
it, as fat a* applicable, a Haw unto itself.’
Alt territory ** acquired la become n Mate; lut
it is likewise acquired for tho common benefit of
the existing Hutto*. It is their.*, and tho federal
government holds it as their Trustee. Como
quently, every citizen of every State ha* a shore
in it. It is his in the first instance, because ho
is a citizen of someone of the L idled Htutcs, and
hi* has a right to *utor into the Territory, cloth
ed with his rights tu a citizen of the State, lie
takes his property with him, from hi* own State,
and if he may uot do {so, then the Territory is
not acquired for the common aud equal benefit
of the several States. Does tho constitution of
the United Suites, theu. carry slavery into tha
HttrritorkM? No; but, under the Constitution,
und hy virtue of it, the fcdcrul government (in
quires territory, for the common and equal bene
fit (if the several Stalfes—zlavoliolding and non
slnveholdiiig alike. JBr-iug acquired, all may
go into n. with their property, of whatever kind,
und if tlu-y may not there i> no equality, That
the constitution recognizes *luv6s as property is
■settled beyond ti doubt. Ami though it- cArri©*
-i nr cry _ll*wbex‘. ands- im-lini-.-s it.—
A sbtV(‘ hold by the laws of Kentucky est-apttfl’
) into Ohlo.atader the cmistitttUon he is sfill as
j much pro|*erty as he \vt before. Tho lav. of
KonUHiky doe* not follow tiiui, nor can it hold
him within the Btate where slavery is prohibited;
but the constitutiou cuu, and doc*. B<> there is
no escape from the fattt, that outside of the State
limits the constitution dues assert the right of the
I master to his slave a# property, and it recognize*
j tbc relation existing between them as lawful. It
ie u special prevision, 1 admit, but it must be
Lome in mind that it is not the special provision
which makes hiiu property. It recognise* th©
right of property us already existing. When this
Territory ws first organised, bud the cULeris of
all th Stale* tho right to couife into it, with tbuir
families and their flocks? Had tlio citiaen# of
MibSouri the same right to enter hito the enjoy
ment of the*r common estate, a# tho citiaen* of*
lowa, and had both the right to bring with them
any property which which they saw fir? If they
might not, by what law were they restrained or
forbi fduii ’! Surely mil by the treaty, for it ia
sealed tu the protection of property, persons and
religion alike. With it, these three arc equally sa*.
cred. Not by the prohibition of 11420, called, in
awful rnockory the Missouri compromise, for that
i was repealed, and is now pronounced unconstitu
tional and void. I assume, then, that thu citiaen*
| of the btiito# owuiug slave# had tlio right to come
i here with their properly when the Territorial gov
eminent was organized.
This brings us to the question of power in the
Territorial Legislature. Have we the power to
manage our domestic affairs in out own way, and
exercise tho rights of Legislation as a free peo
ple ? I answer, we hate, beyond peradventure
orduuhL But communities, like individual*,
I have relative duties, as well us absolute and rela
tive rights; wo must u*m’ugr “wu rights, so that
j wc donut injure or take away flic right* us other*.
| This is good morals uud good law. The doctrine
i of the rights us the .Slates lies at the very founda
| tiuii of our political fabric. To legislate against
. tbci ighi# of any one State i* to strike a moral
I blow at the rights ol all.
Iu this uiloiupt to prohibit slavery by an act of
theTeriturial Assembly, ] nui eonstiuiued to say
you fiuve overlooked the true in turn mid meaning
ul thu organic law.
it should bu remembered that the restrictive line
against, slavery, knowu as deg. 30 miu. was
dusigned not only to coulrol the Teritorte# north
of mat Hue, but to exclude slavery forever from
:U Mates L> las formed between that lhu* and the
Itfili degree; thus making flu• act of Congress lo
operate ou Htate# un well its Tcrrtories. I s;iy this
was thu design of thu ad of 1820. uflil .Mr. tday
ton proved It in the depute. Indued the great
object was “t bavutto more slave fciatce.”
A j the organization of Kansas and Nel.ruska,
the AfissCiuri restiiotioii wu# blotted out, uud de
clared iuoiMjVutivu ami void; “it being the true
in teat wmJ meaning of this uct uot to legislate
j slavery info any Territory or {state, nor to ex
clude it therefrom, but to leave the people there—
j oi perfoetly free to term and regutute their de
an stic institution* in their ov. n way, subject only
U> the ci.ustitutiou of the Foiled Mate#.” This
wn* (he triumpli yf popuJursovereignty over Ctm
grc#sional reatririion. The right us tho people
to form and regulate their doufevtic institutions in
their own way, subject only to tbecohstitulionof
tho Futted States. Surely you cannot think that
i hi* meant thu Territorial Legislature created in
the iniucluw amt by thu same (’..ogress. Is that
|M*pular aovewsienty ’( Let us look :
“Ami he it further enacted, that the legisla
tive power and authority of said *Tcmtory shall
be rosiedqn the Dov* rnor uud Legislative As*
seuibly.” And the Dovurnor or Executive bus a
voice uqaal to in re than a imy- rity of each
House. I need hardly say he is appointed
Preideiit, and may never bo amu u(*flus people”
b* tore hi# appointment. However ugreeublu it
might ho t*> v u and to mo to suppose that we
are “the people, ’* hi the sense of the organic net,
1 fear thfit wc n... t surfcu'lur the soft delflsfoa.
It is true you met * ted by Ihe people, but they
did not fuiiiithe system under whh’h you are
elected. Congress ut and Hi© Presiduut did all that)
uny more, they shaped thu system in all its details
even to the number of each House and the very
•lays that the Legislature may consume iu each
J Intend th© utmu.sf respect, but I must say
“the people” mentioned in the fourteenth *fcc I ion
of the organic act never did mean, and was never
intended to mean, “the*Tcrrit**rlal Assembly ”
It was the people of tliu Territory,in their orig
inal and sovereign capacity, and they only, which
could have been intend* <l. “The sovereignly of
a State” (says Judge McLean) “does not rouble
in the persons who nil tho ‘intercut departments
of it* government, hut in,tbo poopUwfruin whom
the government 6omui• ted. aud who may uhunge
it at their discretion.” Thi* Is true. When the
p .>ple *.f HiD Territory mewl in convention to
frame a constitution for a they will then,
f**r the first time, form their domestic institutions.
This is creative power, and implies perm nency
They (Fill likewise form and regulivfo their domes
tic institution, iu thwir own way, subject only to
th© constitutiwfcjpl’ tbo I'uitcd Mutes. Speaking
*.f your |M*wers, tthkh ure temporary, because tho
Territorial government itself i but temporary,
thu organic act says 1 1 icy “shall extend l” ail
rightful subjects of legislation consistent with the
conatifotion of thy United Mutes, and the provis
ions of this act.”
But not so when “the people” are referred to.—
They ar© subject only to the constitution of the
United Status. In creating their own constitu
tion, and thuH preparing to form and regulate
their domestic inslrlutions, in their own way, (not
the way prescribed by Congrcs* for the more Ter
ritorial government,) they are not subject to the
“provisions of this mb” but “only, to the consti
tution of thu thiifcl States.”
And iu thus forming their >*wu institution* io
their own way, ami entering the Union, with or
W ithout slavery, a* they themselves may deter
mine, the people vindicate the great doctrines of
fitirtu sovereignty and popular sovereignty to
gether. and illustrate the harmonious working*
of a perfect and oomploto system.
Tim citizens of Dalveston, Texas, are prcpar
iug to invite the Hon. Edward F.vurett to deliver
hi* oration on Washington iu that city.
Why is killing bee* like a confession ? Be-
I cause you unbutx'um.