Newspaper Page Text
Democratic State Convention.
To delegates to th'Na
tional Democratic Convention at
Charleston, will assemble at iMill
odgeville on theseeoNn VVant>*Mf
ov Ma< a next. Bjr order of the
Executive Commillec.
■, -
me i>iiifenae flrttiri.
To show that wear© right K*jufr*r
mrnng, in nftWBW t© the ©hjoet 1 of the Confer
•ncu pulled by the LtflfUtura of Soufh Carolina,
we pupiish in another plioa the resolutions jm***
and by that body ami transmitted LefUla*
turw of the Soathern State*. Her© then i* the
record. As to the argument* In favor of a Con*
formic* wafrreffer to lat Mr. Memmingbr apeak.
That gentleman in hisaddr©** bafbre the Log)**
latara of Virginia, say*
*The great and leading argument in favor of a
aanfenmoe in, that it is the proper step in any
contingency. It i* a measure which will pre
serve tu© Union, if it can eu*titut tonally b© pro-*
•arved; and if it cannot, it i* the preparatory
flap for flknffVnin dofeti©©. Thoae who d-wfra trio
natotainaoeu of tile U’ftfon dh>( percclae that
nothing i* more likely u drive tack tbo |aggro©
j.j* of Hu# North, and to renter© tou* our right*,
than the exhibition of a milled and determined
purpose of re* i* lance. And tbs who believe
that tha Unift oasuMfl be preserved, will et!VtUy
perceive that a ttoaibwa Ootifeitenee it* u wtctn
•ar.v atep to effective 800 thorn tfofcnet. This
measure ought, thoreforn, to unit© all parti©*, ex
onptiiig alon© that—if there be any ntifth*•-■which
favor* unconditional *ubnjin*im/
Among the subject* which would be presented
to tbto ©onsideraiiou #>f the Conference, the con
tingency to which lb© tiequiror flhri, (the el©*-
tin of a lilac It Republican President,) would
claim . plac©, for surely a mope alarming proof
of the growth of abolition power, could not be
given. lUjjt could be made to appear that, tbo
•word ril tb© Government would par* into tbo
handa of one who believed in the doctrine of an
“Irrepressible conflict” between the Northern
and Hod!hern section* of the Union, and who
would wield it for the aakjugation of tb latter,
era think w© are not hftxarding too much to nay
that ovaii tbe Enquirer wonld doubt the pnhrjf of
attbini**ioT. The enemy iiaa disclosed bla pro
program in© of aoifoo. We have boon forewarned
aa to tbe mean* by which I hie great etui, tbe to
to] abolition of alavory on the continent, ia to be
accomplished. Who doubt a tbo sincerity of hi*
declarations? Well, If wo believe he intend*
wbat he threatens, in the name of re-won abow u*
tbe philosophy of waiting till h© lia* the power
to ©any hie threat Into execution—till tlie abo
lition, federal arm ia properly braced for the
conflict. What would be thought of the conduct
ol a nation who, when war waa declared against
bar, never burnished a aword pr loaded a gnn
till th© booming of boalile cannon along her
coast told of tbe enemy * prosuure?
Tbk March £oM rjmo*.~ All opposition so
this institution ha* died out except a little from
the Federal Dttiott. It ia In a bad humor. Or
nationally It come* nearly right, when something
(Yet* it And away It goes again. U promise* tn
b© th® most numerously attended Ownvoullon es
tbe party which baa, ever aeaetabled in Geor
gia. Buceoss to it!
No More harden Heed.
We learn from* letter addraeeatf to the Editor*
of paper* tn tho 34 Congressional District by ‘
Hon. Thu man Hardeman that the Limited appro
priations by C'ongrean to tire agricultural bureau
baa deprived the frttombdra of the opportunity of
souding garden need to tbeii’ constituent*. Wo
am glad of It and truL the money of the Ckv
arnment may not bo expended for auch foolish
purpose*. Not one aeed tut of a thousand la
planted or will take root.after aown,
0 A Tfftt.)
Southern (euvmlun.
Metert. JCditurt 1 nui not in the habit of
writing fbr publl* journal*, and more especially
for political papers. but in jour reply, in to-di/’a
ima, to the Columbus Unquirer, a* do the purpo
mi of the Southern Convention, you *y th* b
---jactof thu Convention i* “to rmow// upon the
coarse of action proper to bo taken in view of
what hem happened and what probably will .hap
pen, to affect our position in the Federal Uuioti.”
Ts the object of the CoilvoutKoi is */ji to ■>
•* what it to be done for tho punt, and in the
•vent of the'election of Black Republican Fresi
dent, thaw it is worm- than idle, it iefuUy, to meet
iu Convention at Jill. M'hal doe* the AbolithiW
ittt care about our row*ll/01*10*7 whUft you fur
ther say that “no Slate shall ho bound by the a*’
Uon of taid Couveatiou “ 1 don't nee in any
event bow auy State could bo bound for 0 mm
tKftroeeie* 0/ opinion. If the lion volition ir hold
at all tot it paea rcMlitnw’ raying what it tellldu
for the pant grievance*, and In the event of cor
tain ether oonthigunccs, und tot it bind the Staton
by ail that is sacred. to carry them out. Then
all partiee will act advisedly, anterior to the
Presidential election, and be projiared to meet
consequences, which ought not to lu short ot a
dissolution, “peaceably if wo can, forcibly if *v
All appeal* for “harmony ami union,” arc
mere Idle words, thare is no sympathy in thorn.
“The overwhelming power of ttlack Republican
ism in the North,” look upon three appeals M >
stereotypic und luftignificaut term*.
I bare been a (lod-loving Union mail, all my
life, but we (Southerners) bare bad 1
to injury, until forbenrauo* has ocased to be a
RmeluUons ot tomth t arollnu * hem him (outer
“Whereas the Slate of South Carolina, hr her
ordinance of A. D I#WI ißnsei hw right t<>
•erode from the Oeuftsderaey whenever the oee*.
sioashoeld ori*e, justifying her. in her own Judg
inenl. In taking that step; and in the resolution
adopted by her Convention, declared that she
forbore the immediate exercise us that right, from
reu*idra<in ri” expediency uly ;
“And whereas more than eeven year* have
•1.,.* .i since that Convention adjourned. and in 1
the iuterveuiog4iuio, the h*auU<* upon the mti
tutiou of slavery, and upoa the rights and equali
ty of the Southern States, ba\u wneea singly etn
tiuued with mcmi'iug \iotonvo. nui in new and
more alarming tortus ; lie it therefore.
“I. Beeotood, unanimously, that the Stale of
South Carolina. *tiil deferring Ml her Southern
■mists, nevertheless respect UUiy anaeuaeo* t.
them, that it ie the deliberate judgment ot tbi*
General Assembly that the ate* oh old ing State*
should immediately uu<e I tog oilier to com on
mensure- tor united action.
“J. Meeoleed, unanimously. That the foregoing
preamble and resolution be muienicuted by tho
Governor to alt the etovuUoMlag State*, with the
murue* 1 request ot this Suu that they wdl up
point depot*'*, ami nU<>pt mri\ uicaeuyue * iu
their judgment will promote tbe <md uo-ctuig
“Jt. KeawUed, —nnlnumri.v, That a special
oetnuiis*<ou<'r be apputetedby bis Uxceilem-y the
Governor to rumniuuiouto ibe foregoing pr. -
amble and rerulutton* iu the Slate ol
and to expre • * te ihe aothoruie* *4 that Smite tin
eordlal sympathy of tho prw|de and Snath Carol um
with the,|Miopto of VrfMtua, and their earnest and
- to suiftc with them iu measures of common
defence.” P
0 —— 1 M • p r
M rttrsuioi Disaiiiauan- . A yoHpgmau
by the name of \fm. W. If wore left this c*uuty
in August tost, starting on a trip to p ddto t<>-
bae;-o and Miuuu* wmd bate, uwl be also had
a few copies of a book on tilted “Scenes beyond
tlu Grave.” Uc drove away u pair of bay burses,
one a maiw uud blind. Mr. Moure wa#lat hoard
fvouat Ureemiburu', Ala., about tho 2tMh of Sep
tmi*er last. About the middle of October box
eon tain in g some mniianl# of hi* rtoek were n
eoired here, but containing I*l intimation of his
His friend* fear some calamity hue befallen him.
and any parson knowing what ha* became <1
bun, will confer a great fa vim- by addressing Vi
11. Thomas, MeGuire 1 * Store, Floyd county, (it.
I'upcr* in Alabama and ML.-r+ippi will confer
a great favor by oopyuig the above.—items (</.)
Courier, /'st. 4.
KvrfeniN) of Joshua It bidding* tori ore tbs Hraat
Drown Raid t on in lure
Mr. Gjddkig* testified in *ubstaac© ns follow©:
.John brown hud become known to tbe people of
hi* town* —Ashtabula, Jefferson county, through
the tratoaanien* in hnuaw, and bid lectured in
. ■ rel villa iu thatpart of the Mute. Hw
p-jiqd of Jiitloiadn bad be -oja# anxioo* Vt ***> and
licar him, Sud a boo of hi*, Jdtiu II roam, Jr., be
ing about fifteen mth tinwi #*ffeion, hearing of
thta fact, wrote a latter to him ((liddlnga) ©ay ng
iua< ltrown would be at Andover a) a given
time, which was in tho latter part of Mayor
dune litit. My. (lidding* then addreea a rude to
him (Brown) ateat Andover, rwiuei-tiug hua
to call up and ice lam, with the expectation that
he would give a Iccmre Drown came one
iirday afternoon, while a number of the men w
the idlag©, (lidding* ib< ru. wtre engaged
in aganui of Urn hall, or but and ball, (lidding*
wan ©aiUd a*ide and introduced to llrown, who
*tatc*i that he ©nun then to m*ka arraugement*
to lecture, and a|ipr**r*o| anxious to have loiuo
ariAngcmcnt a* to the amount of •ub ho wa* to
receive. Ghiding* disliked the idea of hhalTer
ing about t to# amount, and told Jh’owu to come
and gtve the lecture, and they would immi hiui
paid. Jlrowa accordingly came on a Wodneadav
aftcrnoiMi, and lectu/cd In the < hureh in which
h© t<;iiilig) wan uc uH/iim and to worship. Alt©
the lecture (fidding* Invited, hirt, with other geu
rleincn to taa, and brown accepted the invitation
and Look tea with Inin and remained *•* converaa*
tiou *om hull or throe juarlef* of mu hour, when
bin rrria|f© or couvoyancc drove up to tb© door
arid be left. ‘J hw© were the only ocoaaion# on
which ho averaaw John Drown. Neither in hi*
lociurt nor in bii Mnvn*lin did Drown allude
in any manner to any arrangement, combination
or preparation, to invade any Slate to Incite in
*urr* < lion amongiuiuor robe Allow, or anything
of Uio Jumi, Air. (#. wax vary ponttiva and om
phalic on thi* point.
Mr. Ma* hi inquired about a letter which John
Brown, Jr., van - *wtd u have written to oinb<>-
iy, in which he aialed that (Jiddmg* bad coutri
bated ibp © dollar*, and had formed ©ocictie* for
the raining of fund*?
To thi* Mr. (lidding* replied, that he could
not, of cot)me, undertake to explain any tetter
that John llrowa, Jr. had written. lie could
only y that Mr. John brown had called on
him a© he ((lidding©) wa* about leaving I’ortng©
county to lecture at the lSc.lectio in*tUute in the
town of Hiram, and be told him that a* he was
adv< rtlawd to lecture at Ravcnua the following
day, and a lawyer lived there who had been n
Semite*’ in that HtatefOhio) a man of by
the name of O. F. brown no relation to John
brown aiid who wa* ©aid to have been at the
bund of an a*ociattoji to raiae fund* lor “cbarila
bh>purpose*,” which he uuder*tiMid ditUnctly to
mean tlie aiding of i•-••aped *lave. lie (UW
ding*) would call on Mr. O. P. Brown and m if
he would not give unmet hiug from the fund* o(
Umt m>ciel.y or avaociation. Thi, Mr. (iidding*
©uid, mu*t have been the only remark upon
which Brown could have hated the Maternent of
hi* letter about a**ociut mn* a* connected with
Mr. M<. nu inquired wbat wet the aubject of
hi* ((lidding’*) lecture©?
Mr. (Ihbliugt—l lecture u)Kn (he trial of
John Qninry Adam*, upon the “higher law,”
upon tewfic* in (Jougr©*ionai life, and upon the
power* ami dull©* of imiuan government*.
Mr. Mhboii - In regard to your lecture upon
tlie power© end duties of human government doe*
that not have direct refer on ca to *lavo and the
right! of tlave* in*lave State*?
Mr. (lidding*—lt hua direct reference to the
rich)© of human nature, the Divine will, a* tnan
ili'Stad In the law* pfnnturo. th© legitimate pow
er* of liuiium govern thtru t*, thedntie* of humun
goreriiMienU, ol tbe power* pu*iie*ed by govern
Mr. Mason -but ha© not till that direct refer
ence to hlavy* in the *lave State©? *
Mr. (lidding*-- Wherever 11 human soul exists,
there tlm right* to which 1 have referred exist,
iu’ iudmg tho whole human family.
Mr. MasOn l>o you comddor that this higher
law i* superior to huuiuii law* und tho constitu
tion of our country?
Mr. (lidding*- No eiinolmentor mandate of n
despot invading those hnihan right is law,nor has
It any of the elements of laW. It confer* no powers
upon the oppressor,. impose* no obligation upon
Uie victim. Upon these point* Mr. (lidding* said
he urged the doctrine* of eJi the (Jeruinu writers
updn naturul law,und most of tho continental wri
tar* upon that *nbJoct in all the Christian -world
for the last two centime*. He pvoeewtod to say
that this mail date of despots wenentdtodto no rs
spent from auy person; that opposition to such
despotic unaotinctits wn* not only tho right but
the duty of every good eilisen ; that those who
pass naeh enaetiiienlsrondor thcuisclvc*accessory
u. the criuiu* committed under them, and have
for ages received the duUs'tation of all patriotic
men, und that from tho tint* of Nora to the
present despot* have been regarded with
ooiitciupt by all lovers of Justice.
.Senator bavin, of Mia*.--lo these principle*,
you have laid down, apply to juuatics or ineane
Mr. (llddings. Certainly. They are taken
care of by the hand of affection, in a way to e
---curt* to tliciu the cigoyuicnt of life and all that
liberty with which they unit safely he intrusted,
und rendered u* happy as they can le under a
auto of dorangi’iuunU
Mr. IJavis Do these same principles apply t<>
minors and apprentice* ?
Mr. Uiddings—Yes; tho minor 1* taken oare
of also by tho hand of attention, protected in the
enjoy incut of all these rights, and taught the val
uu of them until ho arrive* at a sutH. icnt devel
opment of manhood to ho able !■* exercise them
without further direction. Mr. (lidding* said ho
proponed to debtor hi* lecture in New York very
shortly, Hud might hooii publish it, and when
did *0 he would aond Mi Davis a copy.
Mr. Davis said lie woubl bo glad to rcceivo
Hr. I’rnniftffton Npraker
A ooriVßiHindcnt of tho tlcorgiaTclograph from
Newark, N, J., thus write* of tiov. Itouiiiugtou,
tiiu Speaker etoct of tho House of Ucpreoenta
(lot. I'onuingtnn, of this city, is an obi line
lioury Clay Whig, who was taken up by the Re
publican* in the lost Congressional electiou to se
cure tho vote* of the Americans, or Know Noth
ings, who supported Millard Fillmore, and who
agreed to support him provided tk*y got the ma
jnniif u/ th* Count)/ uffirrt, Hy this Couihiuatiou
ibe Democrats ol t‘iis Dtotriot was beaten.
Mr 1‘ nniug n got lUtift more votes than any
of the Seward or Helper school could get.
JMh-Mxny persona here are aware that n white
mao here n short time ag >, and being
short ot money, ttUurcd fer sale a uegr * >m;ui at
such a low price that it aroin>;d tbv suspicious
of Deputy Marshal l.awrenuo mid policeman
Havtlcy, who nahhed him an<V put him and the
negro iu the Uuurd lloumc. About the niu tirmi
Mi*. Wimbcrl.v of Leachapoke, Ala, missed a
uoaro nun. who shosupposed had rm away; and
upon tho ntficers here telegraphing her to know
If she had last a negro, she replied, gi’ ing a de
•orlptiwn tis the imgro lodged in jail in Macon. On
Monday* two weeks since, an Hi.-or carried the
negro and Ijlackwall the white, both chain
e t tog. thcr, hack to Imwchapoka. where Wack
wli has hsrn tried and hie ease sent tu the bupe
rior ( ourtWt Its next session.
We v. ish ho had been guilty of this iu South
('a tunv, where they hung all such scoundrels
for Mich offtniocs. Alabama, we are sure, will
not let him off m> easily that will be tempted to
make the experiment again.
W'ico* Telt'jrapk,
Fatai. Smootixu At vaiii at Yu ksii huii.—
The Vicksburg Whig us the lSth inst. in untie
ing tho killing of Col, Roy , in that city, by Mr.
Shepherd, says:
“It to our painful duty this morning to au
-11 uince the death of our Ptouinr cotcinporary of
the Y\’ ksburg Southern Sun, Owl. Win. I>. Roy,
which wsourretl in our otreets, yesterday morning
at the hands us J. D. Shuppaid. It appeared
from the testimony at the Coroner’* invastigatiou,
that as Col. Rov was crossing the street between
Mr. Tillman's und Messrs. Hardaway .% White's
Mr. Sheppard stepped iq. und deliberately shot
him, 4>c bail l otto lug in Uiq toft breast, just above
tin heart. Col. Roy drew his pistol, but was
unable to use it; bui'oro he could cock it be Ml
and Rmnodititely exptretl. The pistol was found
by his side, without a cap being scarred or a
barrel di*chargd. Mr. Sheppard gave himself
up. and was lodged in jail. Os the cireums'an
ces utteuil tug this sad uflair, the public are ju-o
bably avrato. U wa* u uu-re per*<mal alt air.
greniugaut vffiuaueial matters conurau-d with
the Sun tdlicu of which Mr. Sheppcrd bad fur
nmrly been book ktwper and citshicr.”
J i oax or mat Cmkkokkk Fun 1 it. —The Hun.
L. W. Cook has resigned hi* oflice as Judge of
the .'■bipori -t Court of the Cherokee Circuit, and
the Gueru*r bus appointed Uui). D. A. Walker
“i Murray county t > fill the vacancy. Judge
‘’ n*k hk- made character on iliv bench, and his
I'Signatiun will b- generally re-gretled by tho
peupla of his Circuit. We are of opintou thut
the ap tod ut incut of Judge Walker 1* an excellent
OU*. He is a self inode man, a fine lawyer, and
a g.'uUcman of irreproachable moral character,
euU all Uie qualities id head ami heart necessary
t” make an u. viepLablo and useful Judge. Wo
predict tor him a suce.*-ful eorevr.—/Werti/
Wheat. Mativ field* that wore believed to
have l*eii eutirely destroyed hy the severe cold j
weather are beginning to show some signs of Rio
und promise.— Athm*, t Trim.) /’.<(.
Wheat: This crop promises to lq> very spot
ted. £otae crops are very much thinned by the
cold; others seem not to be injured, while a tow
arc almost eutirely killed. The wheat sown in j
the dry season, ome days befhie the ram *; in,
ha* suffered most. In consequence of the un> cr
tam prospect, the price of Hour is extremely .
high. ALtdiwH \oa,) ) tutor, Itt, I
ccuwttct, mtUAjtt ii.intto
Maoov A AtrooxTA Ha 11. Ada to Tb City
Council of Augusta on Prhftgf evateiug last par*
a resolution directing th Mayor to !*# hi*
proolMAlUon to the voter* ol tbe city, to d© |
tormine at tbo ballot box <AJ the lftth of Fbili
ary, whether the city corporation shall naWirlie
f. F i(H),()ftO toward* building of (ha Miicof A Au
gusta Railroad*
Macotc A Bnt'Bwi< K K. K.*— A meeting of
the Stockbobler* of (be Macon anl Brunswick
Railroad wa* bold, ia Macon on the Hth. X a than
Ba*t, K*q. wa* appointed Chairman, and Arthur’
Dickinson, iirq, Secretary. The Freeidtftit’i,
Hnginner'* and Secretary’* Reports were read
KourOmn tbousaud *. veu baud red and fifty one
share* were repronaiited tn tho meeting, fho
foliowiug gentiumeii were elected Directors for
the year—the saute Board a* a© lout year;
11. V BOSS,
Cur MorfßUr.vr. —One branch of tbe Ken
tucky Lgi*lafure ha* pasted a bill appropria
ting |IO,OOO P, complete Die monument ut Bex
ing ten, in honor of Henry Clay. The statue foe
the monument is Ut be inaugurated on the I’Jtli
of April, thfl anniversary of the birth of tho de
ceased ©tatuaraan.
jfi&'On the ftonl vote for Speaker, we *e that
Mr. Crawford, of Georgia, was voted for by
Messrs. McQueen, of fi. C* Cioptoo, Curry and
Pugh, of Ala.
is authoritatively stnted that some pro
gre©* had been made by Bord Miirauiey at the
time of his death toward the completion of an
other volume of hi* History of England, and a
portion of the M.H. I* fully prepared for |ubH©n
tioti. Circumstances, however, will probably de
lay for saraaiime, the appeursnea of any portion
of the history.
Uvivkrhitv ov tua SotTii.—Tb is institution
chartered by tbe State of Tenneswee, is located
at Huwanee, a point on the mountains, near the
Nashville and Chattanooga© railroad.
The erection of building* ou a scale commensu
rate with tbe magnitude of an enterprise con mu
plating an appeal to tho interests of tbe entire
South will be coiumeuccd in the *pring.
The committee on organization uud system
of instruction, have corresponded with the most
celebrated institutions of the world, and inspec
ted the leading colleges of thi* country.
Military OniuitizATinN.—A military writer
in Alabama comment* upon the bill before the
Legislature of that State providing for the or
ganisation of a force. Hu advocates the cstab-
UsUuietit of a State ling und uniform ; recommend*
the woolen *hirt in prefercueo to tho tight ©oat;
proposes the creation of commander-in chief, un
der tbe Governor, in th© person of the senior gen
oral i.(fleer; codemu© the eluutivo system, uud
would have vacancies in all grade* tilled by ap
Politics aud Rtuoiox.—The Mercantile I.i
brary Association of St. Louis add re* scii a letter
to Rer. Henry Ward Beecher, requesting biid to
deliver a course of lectures, hearing in mind that
in cow Sequence of “diversity of view*” tho socie
ty was “very careful to eschew all matter pertain
ing to either polltlea or religion.'’
The revereud abolitionist declines tho terms,
and intimate* that tho iuvitution may hare been
intended a* “n pleasant jftt/’
UafVMHHiTr or QrohqiAc—Hon. Henry R.
Jackson ha* declined to accept the Presidency of
Frunklin College.
Wo understand that Judge Lumpkin is now
delivering a courae of lecture* to the *enior cla:?,
upon the CoUHtitution of Ibe Cnited State*.
The Chamber*, Ala. Tribune hoe ut its mast
head, the name of Hon. Henry A. Wine, of V„
for President, and Hun. Joseph l*nne, of Oregon,
for Viou Pruihtoiit^^
Dirbct Traiik.—A Texas paper congratulate*
its loaders upon tho estahlishiuent in Belgium
of a company directed to tho maintenance of a
direct commercial lutcrcourre between Luropo
and tho (iulf of Mexico.
democratic State .Central Committee of Rhode
Island havo issued a cull for a convention to no
minate u Statu Ticket, elect delegate* to t'hnrlc*-
ton, Ao., to meet in Providence on the l.Vth of
this month.
jMP'The Wlyg (lenernl Com mil too of New
York have agreed to rend a immmittoe of live
to attend tho Virginia Whig Stato coiireutioo to
bo hold at Richmond on tho ?2d ln*t.
Mlasiaalppl Kcnolutlnns
Tho Senate of Mississippi lih* passed resolu
tious unaniuiuusly sotting fortli tho rights of -la
Very under the Constitution, aiul that tho elec
tion of a HUvrk Republican President,on the sen*
timentn avowed by tho leadurs of that party
would lead to dissolution, und that
“In order to be prepared for such a eon tin
gmey. Mississippi accepts the invitation of |touih
Carolina to her sister sluvebolding State* to
meet iu C'ouvoutiou, and proposes ibe first Mon
day m Juno null, and Atlanta, Uoorgia, a* n
■ailablo time and place, to meet to counsel to
get bur, and determine the aaUoii they will take
iu such an event—which action shull bo report
ed to the Ooveruor, who shall eouvene the Lugis
ton. re, if, in hit judgment It may bo required.”
How TUrj werr Klrrled.
Forney's ideotiou as Clerk us the House of Rop
ro*ontati*u* was effootod by the votes of ull pres
oul who had voted for Speaker l'cnningtun, ft>
go.her with thuso of Uorace F. Clark and Riggs,
and with the exception of Mr. Du* Is. of Mary
Mr Hoffman, for Strgcaut-at-Artni l . also re
celvod the votes of tho Republican*, uud about
half of the American vote, and wn* thus elected.
Seven American, namoly : Merer*. Mallory, May
nnrd. Moore, of Kon lucky. (Juorlos, liutton and
Smith, of N. 0., voted Ibr Mr. Undtrwuwi. Mr.
(Hossbrvnner, in addition to tbo Democratic vote*
cast fur him, received those of Messrs. Umdigny,
Rristow, Hardeman. Hill, Leach, of N. C\, uud
Vauoe, who belong to the Southern Opposition.
I Pi'eyiMiu XiiUtHtL)
(Ttlxcott* Meeting.
Atlanta, Fob. 7, IbfiO.
A largo and respectable meeting of the cilisuis
of Ibis city convened at 11 o'clock to-day iu the
City Hall.
On motion of Cel. A. A. Gnulding. ll<n. Win.
Kstarei, Mayor, was colled to the Chair, und C.
K. Him loner rvqueeted to act as Secretory.
The Chair briefly explained the ohjoet of tho
mooting, which was to respond to tho suggestion,
mod* in the Virginia i.ogialnturv, to hold the
i General Conference of boiithern Stoics iu this
city, and to receive und act upon thu Kcpmt of
I tho (’.•mmittev’ of liltocn appointed at a previous
! mooting ; whereupon, in nsipouee to a c*U. Dr.
j Jo*. I*. Logan, Chairniuu of said Committee,
I made the Ibliowing report :
lFAervos, W* find in the public priuts of tho
country the report us n sun** of resolution* that
hiive boon introduced into the legislature of tho
1 State of Yirgiuia, reconiuioodiug the holding of
a Southern Con vent ton, or “Conference,” iu tho
! city of Atlanta; aud wbemu, wc, tho eituuns
! of tlcorgia and of the city of Atlanta, believe it
I not only ill aud proper, but the imperative duty
! of the Southern States of the Auionoau Union,
iu this important aud alarming crisis iu our
! National ailuirs, to luwet together by their repre
sentatives, duly commissioned lor that purposo,
in a spirit of tratoru'ty to counsel wiili each oth
er as to Uie best remedy by which the Cumetitu
tiooul rights of thu South may hereafter ho fully
respected and preserved in the Union, or, if tho
aggression* of the douiiuaut section upon those
right* should he continue 1 , to dot iso some feasible
and 4 then*lit plan by which the rights, honor aud
integrity of tho South tuay Lai preserved out of
the Union; therefore.
He*.iv*U, That we, thu oiuseua of Atlanta, In
mas* meeting assembled, without distiucUou of
party, and only recognising ourselves as belong
ing to a ueuiLioa country, with common honor
and common interests to preserve, do most cor
dially sympathise wah, and heartily respond to,
the epirit and object of the resolution* above re
ferred to, and now peudiug before thu Virgin!*
jUtoHkd, That wc urgently invite iebgdw
from Virginia and ull-our sister SoutHm State-,
to *©samb!tr fSteAllants at such time a© in thor
wisdom they may df©ignutc # iipr Hie purtio-'r of
vonfornug Pgct tb© pupen ItiMf
paru*. 0
H< *olee<l, That we most oordiuMy off* i the h ( ©
pitalitias at tlii* city U* touch Convention nr Con
f©ranee,'’ and pledge of©‘:lvt* to make ugtplc and
appropriaic provisioa for tho o\
the ©aid dclc/iitefc, and ojtr (gllow Soutlrb* gen
©rally—and do heft bjrnpfo to then* -ur Baud.-. ■
beiftl and home*.
Ucnito.d, That a copy of th< ‘• r<mjßlr>ns ba
duly certified by the fmithiliaA) noW9ecretnry td
thi© me ting, and that the Alnyr “f flic city, ii
bis official capacity, be <i nttami
transmit them t-> the Governor of A'irgirii with
a special soli*itettan that they bo prcSeut* and tv the
General Assembly of that rftatc.
Iltxolrnl, That the newupa) • m • f thi© cj-y V
r|u**Urd t<# publish tks proftesuiug of
A vote was taken arid tin* report of tho Cjio- 1
mittce fomctirrcd hi unanteiouidy.
On moimn, the ma ting than tv>.urnad **,
WM. \\/’L A(TD, fhairman.
C. It. XI ANi.KttfeK, Secretary.
I’KHlotAtn—Hon. Ahxandur Jl. Htephdi
cam ■ passenger n (Jin ouoduy nfteraoon, ‘>i “i
gia train, attend lliy'hm<od buperior
now in fcsnlort* Hi* Judge 11 It,
Mr. Stephens i© engaged !-*r tin* dr fem e ~r J<>n/. j
who tml* chafg. <j with th© murdsi of Osborn, j
Jan©* v.’u- found puilly at the lat (sem, but Ui *
Supreme Court at it* seMioii lately in Havmiiiab, i
reversed the dacision of the Court below, on cc’ ]
tain points, and so tbe case goo* buck to-tiie Jury
Mr. Stephens is al©v employ< I , Cut ot j
Swan A Cos., charged with illegal vcn-liug “i •
Botiery'tlckefs, in which ntnn al th *-'<iprtm
Court roversed the? bnidins; <if Judge H'dt, site, j
a* wo Uiaro r virtually <!♦*.-i l tbo matter u> ■
of the Lottery Heater*. - Ckrm.r <'■ uud Sevin" f -
WaehimjtttA CorrrepniuUnKr S'■ }oil U’ rnhl.
Wit-hlngton ittma.
Appointment *'f ( -V. Trrnenn Y.- In l< than
hour afu r Mr. tihmshrenner w..s d'disated -S.r
fftmut-at Arui* o£lh© House, tj.<* Fraaitiwid ten
tlore<ithu pbteo of Treasurer of the I ■ btate© in
place of Bam'l Caeey, deceased.
flu Pott (jftiee Apnntprint! ox Hill. Thor
will be opposhl ‘B hi tti'e pas.'ng’ “t the I* > * <M
flee Appropriation bill a* iutrodacod by Mr.
Phelps. It provide*Dimply tor tb© payment <
interest to mail contract"!*, o'linting all that
el**s of service which and > ■ not come under thi© |
bead, but. which i* sijually ©milled to ronv-ter
ation. It there te any jn* . c m allowing intor-
Bit, it is due to all who have rseoived cortilicabs ;
of debt from tbe department, and to tbvc who
have not been paid, owing to tb* failure of tbo
appropriation btu last session. Hundred* ■>! J
poor clerks, mail agents. A©., nr© in thi* latter
category. There's a great deal of Doling on (in
Jiuth of It'll <lUinent ■<•/..©'■ ‘ ’ ‘‘ 4 •
b,f.-lTb! organ 1/iitten of tin-11. n- lihm t/rocgM.
in an*.(her. ©i rival o&cott(meter© for© hull
dlaga, in tho lull hope that then long delayed
due* will flow U paid. Th*> • x)y- t Iget tln;p
jrropriation for the lr ; cr public 1-uii ; rn ■
grafted on the first bill appropriatin;.’ monry.ic i
Hitch of the as aru cognisant of ta
Jaot* ia tb© esse aro ready to aeevdc ia tbo woo
tractor*’ wish©*.
lln 1 1 run U tn tk* i'ariji-.- .Mr. Burch of Cub
fornia, having matured I , : itiulroad toll, in :i
eordauet? with the memorial of the Railroad C-\ n
vention held at Han Fratisi. ( alifomia, In
Sttpteinhur i©t, will preaanf both th • tu. n .rial
uud bill in Hu* Hon on Monday, und u-L -’ <r
appointment ol a apacuU .monmiri*© und *r!y
. M?tto on the subject. Mr. Bur* b Juu (urni.-dic.d
copies of l)U bill to ail the • ..( . is and R’ pt
rontitliv*!*. and ban adilfcwd to *;,p b a circular
I urging their cu-operutioii in passing Lb bill.—
Tho bill i* reported praeileal.! *, and ask* noth
ing more that) reasonable uid general go
The Atliti<inu Os A'r*.— A l*um o dc.iu
oorats who ato hsra irm© .© have enterred
with the Southern iteiuocral* in C'.-ogrc©*, and
propose to advocate the atluH.*#c.i; ; Ken-.. -- into
the Union with the Wyudulon©tiinU n,< hang
ing the houadarics so ae to incla lo Pike'* Peak
uud the portion of the Territory td ,W ni.*lin ©oth
of the Pliitfo river, the changu to be cunnutted to
the vote of (he pcopju .and Kansa'*, and, vvhcu ra-a
cd, they are to b© aduiillcd a* a .Stale by the
proeiaur ation of tho Pccsidaut,
Jlou. M. *. UmmU, d'H, Puli, -o ov, J. Ari*v
and other rapubltown ©,who ara beia frour Kui-'.*©.
insinf on tb© admU©io|t of Kansa* under the Wy
umlot constitution, without .tud alteftttiou, that
eoaitllntiou being already retihml by two-third©
of tho oitizeua of L be Territory. The qu. uou of
population will Tint be urg’ and, as Pcattit, of
Kansu©, liiim said that be it confident tlmrc .:?
one UuudrtHi thousand i>*habitani; ©. it .. .m up
fully L.< tbu requirement* of tho I.u&UU lull.
U, is also proposed by IhadetnoomUo .S. yator*
tn reals! the organ.raiton of any new Terrlt*.* •>•*.
They.want tuatUtob D.ic.uh *ud to© region round
it to Nebraska, while Utah nod t!.- Tcrritoro >
south of Kansa* are to be annexed U> Now Mo.s
ico uud follow ilstortuoas. To lb - it H nbjevud,
that having tceurod slavery in Now Mcxiby
law* this immetuo territory slculd not be brought
under thu ©awe enactment, which might Mtcnra it
to slavery forever.
(oiniucniat ,\tnalulrrcsun>f
Prom the fluntsvtilc (Ain.) Demo, rat.
Measure* nro in prugre** in most of tbo South
ernSta'e*. looking to the retabllshuumt of h>ih
■Mfoial indSfendenee of tbs North. Tho Pr*-.*-
denta of tbs various companies of Vir
ginia haye called on tho Presbtom* of Bontftorn f
railroads generally, to u- ‘ct thvin in ConvAntiun
at Richmond, f<* adupt residnta and plan* i”
provide luc*.motive*, ear* and eve-w thing •••-.■
employed In railway opcratioi in tl-.W utb m
by importation from abroad, and no longer to :
look to the North, as heretofore. t r n Mipj*'
\V are dslighfod at t-h■ iie < . 1 . w-o 0 n.
greatest sneer's*. Ju-t tho other da\ 11 Sv’,! rn 1
paper announced that an a-. *t for s u. North
wn Ineonjotiva builders, had recently b- vi 10
tho South, uud procure.l orders for leomt;vc
amount iag to half a million of dollar iu value,
which could have boon equally -> well pi -vid.-.l
in the South, This is aery tug sham* t*> South j
srn snierpriao and patriotism, and wo trust ii |
will never ho repealed.
Numerous Virginia mH*iinrs have revolved to
use their bc* efikrU to oatablish S.>sti*ern com ;
mereiul itidep*ndanee. and emqmenec by >in j
as far as possible, goo*to of Southern monufiic
tur f*r wearing apparel, household furniture.
Ac. A similar UK'Vv lias bcuu made in Perry
tfhnnty. In this State, in a meeting iu whi--*h t'.c
venerable RtaKts Rights Denva, (ton. 1 . D.
King, presided, and tfov. A. R Moore, Ho. I
W. tlarrotl, and dhcr prominent gent.cuicu
porUoipattpi. We call attention to their pr**jee
ding*, puhli-bcd elsewh*re iu our nrfuuua, find
ooiuuu-nd the example to the citucn* M Madis.m
and other couutics of our State.
Cannot our iucrohants be induced to purchase
their cpfing good* from importers in Charlswtou
<>r other Southern ottios? If not, can they dc lino
buying good* tor this one reason, and sell off
their *>l*i stocks? Will not plant*!* and other-,
move in this ui.tttcr, and udopi active aud * lti
otont measure* lor securing com me trial non in
tcrcoursc for, at least, one c asanf Tka pin. ■ o-il
cHect on tho Forth, and on ourselves, would bo
tremendous, for their reformation or rum. and
for our redemption from a commercial v” .lag*’
humiliating to <*ur pride und degrading iu our
munbeod. Think of it.
AYiwmrvi. Puklate —Fr m nblngrnpV.ieal
sketch copied hy th Mobile Hi s i ter tioui tho
Fork Kxutuitier, we learn tb:it tho newly r ■
orated ('atko)ic Bishop oi Mohilu i.- only in tbo
Slih year of his ftge. llois anutivo of t’F yue.
Irclaml, (‘omtnenced hi* exetostasticnl siitdics in
(-iuoinnati iu 1547. at completed them aud
FtntnlHiburg, Md., where hu was ordained priest
in 1863.
Tbk Lxtb T. ’iu* Mumi : w.- Lord Ms- iubiy
was to have been buried in Westiuimier Ah'; v.
The sxtoii of the Dean and diopter was busy on
Jd iusU, opening a grave for the grunt historian,
not with Kings and kni jit* of tho Garter, m.t
even with tStcpheneou or loiford. but iu Poet’s
corner or the south transept of tho Abbey, lie
will lie at (he l >ot. t Addison's statue, and cl<* v
to thu gravouf Issue Burrow, one of tho great
TriuKy of Us 111 bridge men. Macaulay's own col
league. The historinn wrtl n*t lie tar off from
i'amdun—almost the tathux of English history
not far from what remains of May, the but,-nun
of the Long Parliament, and near to the remain*
of Johnson. Garrick, Sheridan, and Gifford, the
l ory editor of thu Quarterly Review. He will
lie laciiig the statue of the poet of “The Pleasure
of Hope.” at whose fiiuvral the noble historian
helped (with wise selection) to bear the poll. The
filh inst., was the day fixed for the funeral.
Hon. Thomas !D*tlxr Kino was at the Lanier
House on Monday, bitt loft that day for Perry to
attend a meeting of thu Stockholder# of the Fort
Valiev and Brunswick R a 1.
It is expected that an organixation o this
company will he shortly effected, and we hare
heard the names of Col Howell Cobb of fl utslon,
Mr. Duuipsey Brown, and Mr. Scarbrough of
Bttlaski, spoken af ln conm*oG<in with the Presi
dency. If this road shall ho completed} Bruns
wick will be well supplied with outlets to tho up
country.— Vmiy J'rU<jroph.
*‘Tm; Union. Our StoVs bn* just rev ived a
•opy of a punipbh t thu* ontltfed. n pretended
antagonism to Helper's rblieviluXt* rohimu. It rcry
codlly hi forms the slave State h w to take care of
slavery. No doubt it will bo widely circulated.
Let it Min T— Montgomery (Ate.) Mail.
For tho benefit of tko*o who did net s o the
great comet last year wo will uun'o that it wjil
appear again during the au u an v; P, 117.
COttlffllN, tmSIMY PEfiffHART Fl. Mt
Mar(h Tcnvvyition- Fi <irai talon. I
Yi'r wort >viilifj to r;e the ConvoUti* n w ‘ n
Wardi, it it conbf jo-.-i>jly bu-jt C i. vet/li /H ‘-I ‘he
.\> ‘in fi|’iln .Tt .*©, i!ui q* pr iiui©- *r©
Uc * guUte i ing of a taction - apd it it bo wt h, Ifr.
! will notbe respf? toU ” ‘ >
Will tlie r ; ?.rnnttb AV/ot**. p!©;- e show ‘o b
umabr© ihc*iitnu ai:l manner in which “the Us*
f,;uu W.frMmVoiC. PC'R'T 5? I ttgaiiiftthc ttctioii
offuc UoiiVenti-.n, until after C.iiiVftoi
i'.t. httd herjt o Uni. ‘ Tk- >/*htifto’ U ill
U: Kxwiruli.-p f?oU|tkitt did *"• Rnbli-p .
card until after, the Legislative-Convention had]
‘ been called. Wls defy Hriyybhlfy to oritr..ili"H
thi- I* *• and mroish ihc proof to V M\*’ p*.-itidn'— onion.
Not iKnngor, but to abfroW, we ‘Vcnirafii' r ‘” |
the “*tap.’Uitrt*” and ‘•tvijl futn.ftg tlm^
whs a lfco • ‘UxbcmHs c <tern oritta pot*u©l agan©t
the act ion .f the December'Convention. * wa* a j
prclupiuary me . A o*o.*/<cr, cl a
tew member* of tbe pflrty, to'take into considera
tion th© propriety of a call fnr'lbc JBs'ccmher
iwlativo Convontion. D vra* frfirc and yd *ft’ r |
aid Con vent ten had been called.” Tbcfl tha |
I nitm f.uj njiu a grave error, a* L*> the time of (ho I
intorCvrcnce of the Executive Committee. N*w |
forth© ‘SaonwaV/* The card of (ha
j Comujittec wa - placed on the .*©eeret:iry’s desk t [
{ fho preliminary Novcrnbtr meothif, before any J
call had Wii ?ftdv t‘r the Dv< iulkt Convention
1 —before any action bad U©n had—before a*o’
L,i,,nuk, u Jb.c-i..-f., iti.r.- 1 *>
I any h',u, •.*,. rf\, U,l„„ in ,and t, .U 1..-
i comber Convtuition v Jftcatnnd ly Dr. 3f* I
! collator from Houy;ou, htd a ineuiber of the Jl*
J ceulivc Committee, nr . ■ U.u vu xtiqg wa© j
organized. A discusste# ar*.- upon it, iu wbicH i
Messrs. Reward and jrwm,-tic '•'* appote u< *
aft or ward* hy the December C mvcntlon, oppostd ‘
j to tbe call of th© TxiscntiveCwmmiiUw, and Mc©r % j
! McGcqc :, White ut, of Muyc u” . uud M Uey, j
of Harris, sustai ied it. This i© the true *( ;t© *4l
! facts, a© wo h ive it from the written testimony < f!
i Dr. McGohfe iu> l other Democrat*, who were j
j present. After t reading of the call f the Ex j
c litiv© Committ'.-c ‘*r'tr the protect many
j democrat* nguinat th© sppolnlmept of another J
j time fur the nti Convemiou, Itiun I
j 1(1 til© call Os th© Executive Cnmmiti';©, the ittis
j baud of d< uioerata prt*©<;ul, throw Che fire-brand i
I into our rank©, by cubing a Convention for th.j |
■nil ol llm .
lof tbe Excf (itive f'./imiiitin©. i it will be j
i ©<cn that the tew uicuibcrs !ntur<? who
: H ‘©rmbk-d to consult about the ppuß.?im ut of |
j titlie for tho Democratic Hint© Conrontfbti, had •
| ull tho lights te foyo thorn and were not ignorant j
•ol tho hc:tod t)f Hu* Execotivc < .mmlt••*;. Thai,
; the call wa* read in llicir hearing, but fhey re- :
f iiißP'l to abide and tbu* created
| tlx) disoor l, disuuioa and confpsi'.n in tho party, I
i which it i© liie V,bjc4‘.t of th” March Convention ;
! td rectify hy ignoring the T>ct*mlor f'vnwn&on, j
| and uniting upon a basis of principle, upon wbi< b )
| the whole party can stand T.d broilitfrly b elhg |
j 1 r Tito Ecderu! rte ha* completelyte- j
!cl lb* t'otap;in upon this .jueetion. Wo arc. glad
J that alt-r fimtWng side Vv side. wUh its, in TOp- i
I p./ft .f tbo call of the Jvsoeutlvc Comrnittfie; n(~ ,
j March Convention n* tepidly >nllid, awfl ro tip- |
} pi>inting tho delegate© ter thi? State At large. *©- I
looted hy the LegislaUVo Com critidri; after ith j
I nouneitig thal th© 7W*h*d privt'i. ‘
| puirilton. that it wrrtild nofodpuaw the Mar? b Con- j
it bar finally settled down to title; U tho
! March convention ♦© ‘■joihtrins~af “faction’
j it will be re|wct**l —“If it bo *ui h, it, will not be
i rnspaclad.” W* c- rrtnXir th© Unguaga
i imd manning wf ©ur coU iapuiary. Wa shell #x
-1 peot. botwesn tut© period ami tbo a©s.*uibti*g of
t h March (Nmvic.t ten, tohvar ably dxsßuasud, ter
I the hc*t tun ,in ti. hwtory *f (ewatsA*
V tttatTpiSidlril), which hu© her*Hi>t <ve panted tbu
briMW of phiii)imp?r^to-wu : ©-"which *baii pn?-
: dominate” “the vottf i I’ fuc timi,” or tb “biaeof
I jitrtepro lone© hur cute mporary takes, we be.
‘ itevc, tbo “nkuah vk “ us the abort? proposilion;
lion. Milton X I atkmn—NrtiMai*.
1 Mia, MHtnn S. Latham wax Rmuguratcd Uor- j
! eniwi of (California on the ‘Jth, mumnatod by tbc !
j dwtioc ratio Legist-Uiva oattcu* on the imb ter;
I'L’nited riuitec .** -.m at or, nod otoetwd to that office, |
on tJi-; next da y. Til# roto at ,*d—Latimm,
i (dsm.) ‘J7; K lmuud Itandolpb. 4nt-Leaomptim ;
d* in ) 16; 0. to tsh.Ut. ( ep.) A Mr. LruhNiii j
I Washington. He wvlwisd U* tilt the term of the j
| late ctoual-r Hr-wto ruk, wblob expire* in toKiJ, and
will *ui>eiswU) Mr. iitttjn, who * w. app-nutud by :
I tiio Uovrnr of Ctoli/ocuia, duiiug a of j
j tho Lcgi*iatuie. Mr. toph-im wm a lucutbur ot j
j the House of HuiHftftuiUlivi* iu l scl-l, and a*-
1 |uitt*l hUust if wrfh eredU* Mw is a rotkr* of |
j Ohio, but emigrated to Aiabausa. in Fill, and |
| from tboece to i'wßtond*, Hie etoeti'H t the j
I uiicd 1 !* itouato wa ; a surprise, not only to ‘
hff ttetepeLloriktotit, ta Uta ; ;■ ’t.
The Dally Lotvoiuift c.
j TUw to the (U<* f n neat and t ie- .
gnt daily payer* published iu tt oiy of Attou* j
j ta, under the uucpkus wl Me t*. a ui. 11. aud A. j
i 15. Hbawl I hat if will moti mth isuxqtes, wo !
! |i*\e no doubt, from tho well k *wn ohafactor ;
| uud ability of those gcutlcuica * Joumahat--. •
’ Wo “look out tur tho hycomo* re,” ovary day, 1
“nhou tho whistle blows.” All wHuytad llm |u>- ‘
( oomoiivo will coiMiludo it is a i*i-.jU valuable j a- ,
Tltv Dad) lVlcgrapii
We have nuintcutiounUy .neglected to qp>ak of j
the. Hppvivtftince “f this daily paper in Atxcou. j,
J-’rom the specimen* wa have *ac.u, it uxhibat* i
hue ty pogritphic’vl appoint man t* ami much labor, |
both in the seto*.tioUS and the dituiiai lUnart
* !
tucut. < umucivccW up Wi a bast* of such worth, •
surely our friend. Mil Cusbv, eaauol \
sent paper that ail will glad to wvlc-iue to |
their families. It* .-iilwcripUuu prices 14 ?v>,l>lh |
Remctnbur tho />.u'y Trlryfoph ad subscribo to
ELtcttON or iTofiv The following gen 1
t!*mn tut’ been elected Sri:, Inr A to* tkuif r, j
*p,mßyu Judicial Guyiths Uy ilo Lcgi?latufu of |
I t Circuit—\\ L. II jyston, of Ferry.
U “ NT. ts. Browne, ~f TnseaWsn.
4th ‘* S A. M. Wood, t .f L.tuderdalo. j
iih “ W. . UaroisoH, of I>vKaib.
h;U “ J. M. Arrington, of Pike.
10th “ John 11. Caldwell, of St. Clair.
Ihi; •• It. H. Daw -m. -•’ VVHvhx.
Tho election for getiviier of tbo Gih Circuit !
cono - oil to-day, which will c-.mplon: Uni ole. tioii ,
ol Solicitors by tbo present General Assembly.
Thu t u.ou as it Is.
Tho Cuthbttrt ll porte, in a well w ritt< n article
upon the March Convention, thus
the value of thu ITnlotf.
“A* for oursoif, baa no terror*. Vie
j are for tho Untou ns yur tuflicra uiuffuUr-fi Union
lof indu|iidnt suvureign Stoic,, with equal rigid •
aud equal privitogvs Rut a Unioq upon the
priuoiph-s sot forth iu the platform* uud speeches
| of the Block Uepnblicons, is worm* thqu despo
tism. If it depended upou our voice, wo would
Aot live iu such a Union ton minutes. Uur lore-
I 1 lathers oouteudod suveu year* tur .equal riguts
with othsr KugUeUnitii, aui wo would have equal
rights iu the l uiuu, or iudupcuduuce out ot U.”
Domoemttc t&ectUTgt have been held in
Floyd, .Whi'lß'id a ltd Cte* c<-,;hties, and dele
gate* appointed to the March Convefittbn to as
si“ubio at MiUe.q evil la.
Meeting of thr Mo:hhuWrr> of flic ShuHt Western
Hail Hoad.
At tiw snnufU election f>r. Frcsidout aud hvo
Director* of the South Western Ruil Road Com
pany, for tiio eiiMaing year, the following gentle
men wore unanimously the led ; thu nnuiver of
shares voting W ing ff.ll!>*-*
Prescient— U. U, l l YLKR.
Director*—JGllN W, ANITKKSON,-
H. A. bdi 1 LTI,
A dividend of 4 pur cent, was declared fur tho
1... six luuuttfr.
Ton ‘Viu at Cho r. —-1 jv ll<*h\ *rd county, far
mers umum us, tiukuiprc lliati a half crop will be
madv.di thiit. S fi(Ws are entirely barren,
owing to the heavy t'.-‘■A'k*;V-yri (lv Ttne
E •; off for,
rote tub iin ns.
Hftasati (unset. atr Ucftipn —*‘( Itlzt-B.*’
//©*©*. Eitlfoi ©/-—I n tb*’ last teatb- .id the
l ’n.lweui U nion,” over tl.e -igu'ni ; • r “Citjr
itp,” tlioifi the followiqg sentence: %
rsi-oii frvr ,tte* Man h f litematio
0 ill bUf'Kr.n <*i
if-'.iHr'ef ‘ ri*hiiit.jeF and his eor.tewenitae
all be fumm next wii.fer working Tfi.fiOO
ntw frieod© low “lied Know Nothing*, but why
will iheii pt uiald? bo in tho-litld as Iverson or
m; nWtoVMn&i*#’ f >%r
*v(.j li- Ifc- nwtm ofJtldjgv Iverso* boon
lugged imA luib contcM Y*lw*u! the bestumr Ad
j the Mur"b C*.rv*-iiH'*m? Wbat purpose did
I “Cni/.-n” design to subserVA by it? Judge Tver
| ,-vdp w> in Washington City at the time the De
| e.*uibt*r Canveu tjjn wa* eailad, did nut know
| that It was 14 Lie eaUed, UtMu vai uul appr.cisi of
l the result,ofjhat^onvention uutil *it* protjeed
iugajPlarsdin.tka public priuts. AdtutUiag
I that he woblrt have produced di-atfbution iu the I
I Meeting if lie had bt?<?n present, ftrrd had desired .
I it, it was imj'OMti'ie in lb© very things, |
for him to hart exerted that iailawma. The oh- j
| ject of this writer, evidently, is to throw the re* |
ipopßlbllJty “f ■disturbance a|wn Mini and bis
friaml4,-ud ip plaeu them it) an unfavorable
| light bsdofa th© Uttmtofau*parly. But he i in
| no wny responsible for the prewnt *m.dttion *4 ‘
Jthtng-? cfinuficTed the*© fconvoruioite, fftf 1 !
i wa* not ** in: oj the call of tbs Dt}??©u)btr Cob- ‘
i veni ioti or -4 tin* to-to-a of the party until it
count to light Girin**) the’ j/htw.
| Nv .*irr, the Yritih 1.-*, >*t the troitVe <.-iots
1 the tvluriil oi on woitguant > ..wtstm acy to
[ rutenitt to an uw.iff aotable j- mptioa of power
J übon tho parteol'sofu”- thfeir repruwr'itativ**©,
i uud to having a < m veution, p"'l. <<t upon them
I without thelr knowledge or consent. Tit© peo
i p(r ha..- ri-bt t<. e.v{r©H* their wirLes in a mat.
1 uY of thi* sfrtt, by delrgateS chosen directly by
| (bemsrlves ter thal txpr© par pose. Th© mew
j burn t/f Gm *eb-oan*ti4tttd Cirtrveritbm were scot
jtn Milfedgevilb? ter different purjw’se, and the
S interests of the party, ami of th© !* for
I woost- ©©pactal be no lit it wa* V’ gotten •
j up, would liiivo ten n better subserved,, hud they ;
i bnv? tet e"nvtl"tiv alone, arid employed tbem
| h Ivik in doing what they wcnmol to do.
‘ lH* ejl-r Couvtnftioß i* the.eausc ©f all the truu |
bte in our ranks, iud thoso who called it in *ueb .
j hot h ?te nr© nloue rcponribte, and nor dodge :
I Iverson, who knew nutbiugof it, or .tho?c who j
: M w proper to rub r the matter of ohnaiug date- ‘
j gn< * *♦ tb© people.
‘ Not #u(felled ‘with this, the sentence <vn>tains a
j llyig. at .Tudg© Ivi r©u<© Southern Uigh(.i jpnti
iiMtfits* Hi© Aiuenean Daily aud “D suuiop Hem
I < - Hy thi*. ti meant o stigiaatisa these
i parties H* divuiihmirts. Do you know. Mr. **Cit
| ixan,” ‘that tfio Georgia *fehg*t turn, with t#w *<di-
I tury c.xeapt.Mß, sLtuwi* ©hia by xida with Judge
! lorr *on *. tfce po.-itiott srtihd) b ha* token npoil
j ibe
i uearty’ every Kouthyru man in Congress, from i
l Yurgifiiia, tu h inarched up to the lieu* j
whi-h he chalked out da bis PiMttfic It mu Hoad j
| n .eraft? Do you no t know that most of iboM |
i papers in Georgia* that hittcrly denounced tfiat j
! apooeh, now occupy- a wr uliw |*..eiUvir ©v*n i
j thflfi lie doc-? Were you In Boston, New York
■ or jMiiludelpbia,li*toiitjr to fhoso great Bnlon ;
speeches, < t,have you read nothing but the
! Ptilrtnl l nio*, that you have fallen so lar tos>- S
* bind the ttuic# in your ofrn Btafs, that you lo
1 not know the feelings and ‘sentiment* of her |
: oint©.*.:- VVtere4©yuu,ai,d tbu*© whose pare |
j ticular interest* th© Dc*-umber Convention wa*
j called to promote, rtirbd its tbe event of the ©tec- !
} Hon of a litßck RtquiWicun Preside nil) p i a sec- j
j tionuUiid anti stev cry b*si4? Do you stand with j
lvrm*<. TupioU, Crnwl.-ril, Gai trail, Jackson, ■
; Undcrwftid. Hiirdi.msn, w 101 l she <U*r>rgia delo
; gutter, n"< UW I)., yon stand with €lny Ain. ’
tb© whulo duteafatuu hum tt*©t ftarc? X>'~< j
V you • tand with Dtivte aftd i tmd the entire
! MiAialppi are you ©breKst *
with ‘Nolitou, Hill, (1 timer <t Cos? Say. trfieve are |
yv v UetoruWHi aUeiupt t • h-tjl Other men up j
in Ur* cnuitonmutiou of tbo <6.(innunity for their ;
priu.dph'*, hnvA-tbe to iVow year own.
: The Unmbtts tnc to put all aside,,gnd
1 for every man who tit® South and nor iu- ;
liiUlitonv to tukfi bm p “SUi m openly nod boldly. ;
Her only -‘tu tr is t* e'mfldo her teteveste t‘6 n*r
man who will not show hto hand - to trust no
I innn who*® tmtiukui Mpitettop* are o nigh an to
; lose Bicht ot D>* ehtiga:ias to the honor and in
’ ifrlK-fldtnce 1 f bis mrn -cctlon. The hordes of
j UU- k Rcpublicantom are moving heaven and
I cnriDto erusb every <juß>*rv'fttß'o etomeut out of
! th* government, fw ei*t It* machinery to ati
(•)*)'• try moulds, that ii my work the speedy ae
■ coiupitohnicut of uur coaij'ieie overtbfuw. Their
purpusv* ercavvwed—their ptou* arc dev (doped.
! And yet, yeti. Mr. “Cittoen,” would bold up to
the nevfn w%lo are o he* very
| men who arc eu**kiD*j to paralyse Hits power, and
‘to ward oil the impending bjpw, You would
! charge them with an aUcyipt <v disorganise the ,
\ party in order to ends, typing j
J that y>u tu&v thus oover up tlie motives that
\ pre nijdwl ynnr *ci acts. The pc>q to of #•****-
I ui>tor’ji:d their a and interests, and
) th-'V kuofc, full woll, wkh whom to trust them.-—*
{ They Will ■ iiftbiit an honor those who. in th*
f fttcu of Nortb*rn threats of flic gaHow*. and the
I duntUiciation* of uoitherii tubmi dare to
\ aland up and warn them of their dinger arid
( erettMKd them t“ prepare to meet it. Tim ftfturo
j will prove whether or not “CUkc®*
Lcd without his hu*L’’ Henrgmne, arouse ye, tor
j iu* March convention. NATIVK.
j Februarj- (4th IcbU.
j By rahyffno# t** the proceeding* of a meeting
of iu Directors of tho C'.dumb 11* and Hamilton
S hold in this place Uit oatnrd iy, it will
[ b - that Mi. L. F. Qrant hr.- Imcu qlwted
I Ohtef KcvUicei , and Mr Jetete ; .eLuyhu, Bvo#
I tot At y and Ttnoaujrvfy pu . tqai ti>%per ceut.
|„r tiw •.v ... ••• ■ .1. .1 j.. jw a. hm
; pui[**'tou( coimucncuig op.i.Uionx, The bai l
iiijj of tin- rood to u->w a “tixed fact,” and if Jlr.
j if rant accept* the pi#Hiou owugned hbu, the
t triomto et Abo rood u*ay rely up- n 4 ounatrue
j tw>u a*, xopidljr <m it ■au be pro> uved. Lul the
j friends of the road persevere.
Mani pai four ** Baw*a.—The Richmond !
\m*p<t,vk> py.t
k (Iwreis a prqjuet on fuel sos the criabi'soniui't
jofumu mi factory yi sluas *u a Jar.*, scale. \V t*
I trust it will succeed. The preprint, rs >f th*; lar- j
1 A- r P s,rt iWa ffU’l land at Cbeatrir, tttng-n ]
1 Uii# city an-t offer th give to cutn- 1
imny any umount of gr n-ri wcilcl f.r their pur
s p oc *, gud tafeb a lib* roKfcare I the k. The
J eriterprite, we arc would be *u and
I U is one tcculiariT ndchstery to tender ns Inde
pendent of suuib’ <>r the pmllaniral villages of
I Vew Kngfuid, which are about the uaOst perfectly
s abqiitlo iib and towns In that ici&arkiiVly tanaticid
I part Hf the wojld.
) Aoi.innkis Facinf* Hau.noan<—A toWer Drain
i Fort tfuchawan, Amo , rtfce 17th ult. myr.
I The new life iufuc-d ia)o the Southern Pncifio
[ raili .ad (thfough Texai give* us reason to hop*
t>t ttfi ofiiJde''n to 1?1 VasUj Ifthft ft .cflectod,
j our California frends mttV rest aasurred (hat the
j first rail red acr>.? the continent wfH fooch th*
( ocean at lonio othew-point than San Francisco.
This dtiUnco over an almost level cottutry to
j salt water is only GtW mile*, while to tian Fraa
j cisoo il i* thirteen hundred. The rrotc from
K! Pare hither hty to pais through s*.mo
! country, hut heme to (Iff XT unis rfic country it
! almost a perfect level, but littlff gra
* dipg and no bridging. Stranger thing* might
j happen that) that this read should be intended
through to The* Gulf in !>* than five year*. The
r' >'f cun crt'ily be obtain; and, mrtl the
j|pUllc laud us Sotiora appropriated to aid the
Mortal things (ado—iuiuioriat things spring
I more tKehiy with every akp tu the touwi.
¥ Z’HT’ “Love in a cottage” 1* all very well,
when you own th* cottage, and have tots of
ureaiey out at interest.
Air. Rembrandt Fcalo has been restore*! to
There arc a thousand ut work upon the
Mobile and Übio Railroad.
Work was coumuvnc**! cm the Griffin aud North
Alabama Railroad on thel^Hh.
There was a great mlssionary dcmonstrationtn
the churches of Wa-hiugto* last’ week.
T ho-populatliou nf Baltimore is about 2io,offof
that of Boston about
Life's great success is a happy heart, and a good
conscience ihu best estate, \s ho hath them 7 M
i ongmuklonal.
WabhixotoH, Fib. Ao Senate to-day
ihire a* a di*cu*iTn relative to tfit- Rrrtiidem's
veto of the F t J"Ctafr Ffists bib.,
Tb j’dfitoi delicacy bill was #ceivad and re- ‘
terred. ItVil^ndittMly'ftfcWiYrow.
Iu the House thy postul bill wa© passed, and
ifi© House udjortVned until Th||r*diy.
jjlr. Mat-son, of Now Hampshire, wa* alceted
<Uwrki*|wr an.l Mr. Lhom ot Jlm*
PiWtTha.l'.r. H-.lontlnn'-vaa J"f Prillin’to
th, II.•
Wasjmnoton, Feb. 7.
The (nnts t.-dny *M prfeoipally in
discussions on the franking clause of the P 0 * I ®*
bill. The bill will agaiu be up ter consider*
tion to-morrow-
The mail contractor* wem ejrcuiatiug, this af
ternoon. a pcGtion prayiug for ucisou in
the passugw of ti postal appropriation bi^
WAiniwtvb Feb I—Th© President yesterday
i ipci a mc ;ge lo the Senate, giving hw reason*
[ for not ©igningtl)© bill for fte improvement oi
| the mouth* of the MHMi.ssijfpi river,
j Scfiut*. —To day a meutbrial was,jocavad from
L (Jit mad con tractors praying ter immediate re
liet ThwJ’ostal bill was diAussod, but no defi
uite acUoi. was taken,
WashisOtos, Feb. 9.
| Tn the House to*xiay. the suuding commiUee* I
wero reported. Mr. Gilmer i* tbe Chairman of
■ .K© Ci©ftauUw© on Eleotteus; Mr. Sherman, of j
Ways an i Moan*; Mr. Ilickman, of the Jodi- j
einry Mr. Grow, on Terriforiea; Mr. Siantott, i
on the Military; Afr. Morse, of Maine, an Naval
Affairs; and Mr. Ashmore, on Milenge.
The election of Printer has been pur.tpor.ed un
j til Maadny,
| In tbe Senate, an amendment wa* adopted, pro
viding for the total abolition of Ae franking priv
| ileg*.
The deficirnev hill was pawed, and the Senate j
’ adjourned until Monday.
Wasiiihuton, Feb. Jte.—Th© House was mm b I
i engaged to-day in dfeeusKlng tbe atpadieney of j
instructing the eounsitteo on commerce t> report ‘
; a hiU, prohibiting American vessels from enga-|
i gin* in tho CooUaor African apprentice trad©.
L The House went into committee of tb© whole,
! m discus*i ■.* <rti the President's Message.
i Vst©r<lay Mr. Mites Taylor, of Luuiaiaua, ia
treduced a bid ter tbe urquisitiou of Cuba, asd
j tbe incorporation into tb© Colon.
Tbe Standing (onmlltcca©f (tor Uohhc.
Sherman will be Chairman of tbo CommiUo© of
! Waysiftod M an*, and Leader of tb© House.
Mr. Grow will b© Chairman of th© Comraitteo j
! <>n Territories, the position Unsigned him i.y Speak- ‘
jer D.i.ik* in tho thirty forth Congress. Had j
Sherman born elected, th© chairmanship of the
1 Ways and Means, would, by parliament©- i
! ry courtesy, hafu fallen to Grow, he being Sher
| man'.- principal republican competitor for tbe j
j ,(|itkfcralji|..
Mr. Corwin, from his past positn u is, by gen- I
j era! con.o i. . awarded th© ‘tf the {
| CotuatiUee n Foreign Affairs, and report say*
j that Speaker Pennington will assign him that po \
Mr. Wa'sht.urno, of Maine, declining to aoctopt
tii© chairinauskip of th© Committee on KUotwnk (
leaves tlte fold I” Mr. Wilson, of linliaua, a muu j
every wly quailßcl for the pos*.
Mr. Ha.-kfn, of New York, will probably be ]
Chairman of tin- C< lumirtoe on Postotiicvs aud !
Pint roa>!,.
Mr. t-.-lfax at th© head of Indian affairs.
Carter, of New Yur<., ©r Washburn©, of Illinois,
at the head of the (’ ■m i,; Hlfic on Commerce.
i'cuuttl, CilMtflbaU af Corn III! Me© on invalid
Dawes, of AUsrachus’ tU, Chairman of Coas
iaill©© <>u Uwvolutsanary Claim*.
Curtis, Cbauuiau of Commute© on Military
Mr. Adraiu will prohahly retain hi* place at
i the head of the Committee on Engraving.
T&ppuii, of New Hampshire, is tho only repub
lican elect iti t< this Cong res#, who ha* served on
tb'-Ju'h'-iary Committee tn the hist Congress,
sad..therefor©, Mi© cliuitutansbip by courtesy, is
da© lo bin* ; hat th© honor© .ngetu to be divided
i between him and Mr. Fu reu*. of Peunsylva
i fita.
E. Joy Morris will be Cha rtuaa of tho Cow
uxiKce ou th© Distriet of^olumbia.
Mors©, of Maryland, of (\uuunite© ©u Naval
i affairs.
Pettit, of Indian©, of Comtuitte© on Library.
Vi aauixnroiß F4B.lo—Tb* Republican*
generally express their dissatisfaction at the eou
trttction of the ll"uc committees.
Arrival of Minister Mr Lane.
W.ASHi*>vo, Feb. 10, iB6O. i
Mr. Me Lane, th* American Minister to Mexico j
has arrive.l in to ; < Hv. \ * definite conclusion j
t Tius yet been arrived at by in regard to
the merit* i the treaty with Mexico.
l.atham, ‘ attforum .Senator
The telegraph bring* to us the gratifying 1
. nows that Latham, the recently elected Governor j
of California, formerly a cititeu >f Alabama. Was
been lWad Tnited Atato# Senator frotu Cali for- I
nia, as au anti Doagla* Democrat by a large mu- ;
. : *nty. M t B
M rj’uad News
ANSAfAtia.Fcb. 4.—The debate* in the House
of Delegate* on the v oiu Cundina reeolution*, :
evinced the prevalence of a strong Union seufi-'!
I ment, arul au aversion eveu to considering the !
doc tripe.
The kw - ion rasolntions wore mad* the spe* !
rial order for Wednesday.
A slautr.
WasutKOTox, Fob. T.
Intelligence b> bwm received here that the >
slaver hark Orton, from yt;w York, bus been sei- j
sed by tho British, and delivered to an A men* !
ran iteueer. Tbo Captain was imprisoned at
■ St. Helena. Phc had upwards of’ otio thousand
‘ uqgroes on hoard.
Ncntrncr f Dr. lOH,
WUntNc.Togk Feb. T.^Pr. wm. Boyd was
! to-day oonviotod ofialualing two slaves. Hu wax
sc raw .iced to fonrceen year* imprisonment.
Death ot W s. Drayton.
Nnw Yung, Fob. s. —W. S, Drayton, agent
! of one of the New York* Southampton, and
j Havre steamship line*, died to-day.
1 Wasbisotus, Fib. S.—Dufrees, of Illinois was
. nominated by the Republicans for Friuter of the
] House.
Hh!g Appoint mints
N*u \'oux, Fob .S. —The Whigs of this city
I have appointed live delegates to the Richmond
! Opposition'Contention.
From Alabama.
I M<riT;OJtfKY, Alit.. Fch. B.—The bill known
, as the Railroad Bank bill passed the Senate to-
I with slight amendment*. The House will
! paobahty concur. There is much rejoicing at the
| result.
Y< w Oricoii- Fob. 6.—Cololie! Peek, who killed
I Harris at the St. Charles Hotel, ha* been dis
| charged by tlw Grand Jury.
Nbw Y'outDFeb. 10.—The Chamber of Com
men uof this city, on yesterday, adopted a re- 1
port and resolutions against privateering, aud in
farurpf the immunity of private property on the
ocean iu the time of wur.
Trrrlblcbalr* >urtl.
Was nt7roTt*.x, Feb. 18.—There aw* a terri -
hero Inst night, and uhus continued *ll
day and has oxtendnd north.
At Now York there ba* been much damage
done to the shipping in the (Jocks*
At Philadelphia many houses were blown
At Washington th* gale was aery violent, hut
no damage was done.
The Weather i* so old. just now, down
that pe.-plu are compelled to wear mustard plan*
tore on their ehwks to keep the words from fiMt*
ing in their inouthe.
AJtRIVML . &r£tfior THE
Nkw Vouk, Feb. fi.
The Kl'umshFp A.i:i him arrive . with Liv.r
pool dfite- te the -'ld. ult.
LivkUpooi. Cotton M aukkt.—Sa c -of cotton
f-.r the weak,
cau#d by th© *t suier’s news. Alarki-t buoyant.
pwrpwl, Friday l*>th.—■.'talea to-day 10,(MM)
bßle*, uuotutiou* barely maintained. Some cir
i?ul*rs report th%market Steady.
J)ir OffcHii* 7"’-td.
MiddliugnDrlcgjp#. fij’iU.
Fair Mob it* 7,fed.
Middling Mobile fi^d.
Fair Vjnind Td.
Tbe stock ol co*ton at Liverpool wax fiofi # 000
bate* of which 5A2,0t)0 Xme recall.
M..neUwtor adviges were favorabk. Prices
Havre -Cotton MnrUet, —Tri* Ordinaire was
quoted at IMS frftpct, %aa at 100 franc*. §al©s
of tie week f'.UOfi bale*. Ail .juiiliti©* slightly
declined. bale*.
London Monvif Market. — Consols were <juo
ted at 04 7 u fhv money, life 1 for nec-unt 1—
Bauk notes have advanced to 3d. 4 The bullion
in the Bank us Eugluud bad ducruaacd £3311,-
Livtrpool fi-uoi-ttl Market. —Fl or steady;
Wheat (|Ui.’t: Corn declined ‘ld(a fid: Pork quiet:
Sugar firtqi, Coffee; Rice firm: Rfcin firm,
at 4. ."id (4,+*. fid.fefipiri?!* Torpantine steady at
H.ja. M(tootle ; Tea active, advanced ’id.
(teiitral News
Napoleon\ free trad© fW*grainM)t: was rec ived
favorably in the
1 The treaty between France and
England i* napected shortly be signed.
In Frans© several dipb-matic cfaairgo* were an
noaneell. lbirr. t go- sto Constantrn- plv; Graiu
mant tn Madrid, and Prince Lutonr Dauvcrgn©
It was mfi"r*©d that th© Pi pe demand* tbe re
call of (he French troops fr< m Rome.
Pari* Bourse wa* firm* r and rentes were quo
ted ut W* franc*.
news i*generally unimportant.
T|l Sardinian Ministry were unannounced.
Din said that (..nut Cnv<*tn will be at the
heed f tho Foreign uTteo.
A eon-piracy in favor of the Grand Duke has
been die ‘cr-rvil af Florence.
Tbe reLaion* *t France ami Russia were grow
ing intimate.
Nkw Touk, Feb. y.
Tms steamJip Nodl) I'rittou has . rriv -l sit
| Portland, with three day* late# iiiteliigem o from
! Liverpool.
Livarpuoi. Correu. M^kkt. —Sales of cotton
for three day* ‘1 l.lM'O bales. Market q'ttef, but
: steady. Some circulate *ay that: price* were ea
i mer, without quotable change, others report a de
cline of 1-1 tel.
\ Manchester advices favorable.
! Consols y.> iu 4 ; ‘ 4 ,
Additional by the North Britten.
Pakti.aiA)* Fete V
i Chxrbs Lenuux Wbike htis been Hppuinud
j British Minister to Men ico.
Mr. CobtU-n, M P., buT lwit nearly all’ bispri
i Ji* iuvcHtmcnw ii American rail
! way Mc.irii • -. pounds lirc Wen
l rub*vribcJ lor Ins relief.
I Th© term* of the French and English treaty
‘ ar unknown. Th© Pari- l‘<iy say* that on the
conclusion <#the tryjt.v. England and Franc© will
| eomiiiotore negotiations vfi'h other powers ter
! similar treaties.
It was rut.; .!.l that the French army will be
f rediiccd one hundrtal tbwi*an l men.
i The new Sit/oiaiau cabinel ©ouvi-fg of the
( Comgfedto Cavouf a* (Secretary of Foreign a flairs;
ti"D. Fanfi, in lire War DepnriiH'Ut: lb© other
l department* ©refilled hy Sigaors Alagnaui, Jaci
’ ni, Uassiirh aud Kl< a.
j It ws* reported that the Empctur N 4A"Oi.i;oH
’ had written a*< **ni teller to (U© I’"pu, of a
j tb*MKteniug na'ure.
I Thirty vessels have been stranded or totally
: wrecked off Alfrcsiraa. in the bay ©TOibnoßar.
Th© lat*t telegraphic report tcceitcd at
Qu •< uptown says, on t authority of the London
New*, that tbe e utiaUcd drain of gold, coupled
with th** feet that the Jiunk ©t: England had
been selling spick, had restrained the reevvery of
tho fund*. This will iMUtsurably account ter the
( decline In cqnsol*.
J Ts'.cgraphicdespatches annotfDcc the decline
( of one and a half per centum in Austrian stocks.
Nkw York. Feb. lb. l v,: 0.
The ad-amaliip Canada has armed at Halifax
with I.;verp<".l dates to th* 27th ultimo.
Liverpool Cotton of the week
83,bt18 bales, •# which speculators to< k lfl,(H)8
and exporters L1,5b0 bale*. Th* market closed
firm, with an improvement iu Fair and Middling
qualities of 1- I fid. to % and., partieularly Up
Sale* on Friday wore Ib,MOO bales. Market
closed firm.
Latcr.rmu Texas.
The Galveston Biudoic Crossed. —The Civi
lian. (Ualvuetou,) ofthe id iurt., My*:
After about h* tunny semis a* werw made in
surti’if. in Pi'rtqr's story of the Quarter Race,
two iron horses, followed by a Idng iru:n of ears
came thr ugh from Houston yesterday afternoon,
and pulled up snortu g and paining in tb wotd
and of the city, auiid die discharge of Cannon and
ll greet ii.g-o[ the u Veroign p-ople.
The bridtfc is, we telicve, the iotyfest of tha
kind in the Fnitod and Je superior picew
sos umrknaanshlp. H e r-.a<i is yn*urpj**d in
any way, aud wc dvirbt not a lare oni<>unt ot
traVei drawu to it imundtaicly though
competing with on* of the best steamboat routes
and lima in the Union.
©eMocbatic AfKEnwaa.—Demo; r .tie nieetuigs
havo Weu ludd iu lottny of the iuidtur u is
of Texas, to appoint detagaip* to tho ctL Con
vention. The Galveston Neasssy*;
A* fur as these mooting* have spoken, they
repudiate the doctrine tlmt a Territory may, -I>y
unfriendly legislation,” impaii the rigiii* of
slavehoidor; and demand of ihe General Gov
vrmnent the prutoetiou ot slave preperiy in tbo
Braar Dollar.— Every dollar that to spent at
homo, ior payiug for s< mo borno-mado urtirie,
ins cad of beuig sent t-> the North, is worth more
to Southern Independence, than a five-column
•puueh itt Congress or the Legislature, t-ioy,
then, every db'.lar you can, from going North—
and when you find n man needlessly going,
North.4o spend his money utnqpg .nr unemies,
mnku* eri -s-rturk agnlnJt bis name—, he may
; be a candidate, some day.— Mom/ornery J/uiL
j Ax Emperor's St a Bugs. Deni* Napoleon*
! stable* iu ihtvnow Louvre afe described te sunM'-
| thing inarvollous. Accomumdahou has been pro
j vided for ninuty burses, with coach houses, a ri-
Iding School, and every necessary dependence.
The partition* of the stalls are carved oak, and
the rack* rouse, the manger* marble, aud the
chaft! steel. The column* are covered with a
nw kind of stucco, equal to marble lor smooth
ness and polish. In th* Gnur Henri 111, there
i au iron staircase of very gcutft’ slope, by which
the horses go up to th* ruling school, situated on
a level with tho picture gallery.
BoixiiAin Lisr BKTWEtijt Flurjpa axd
j Gboroia.-—We are gra ifi id to see that the long
siandtng dispute iu reference to (his mailer is in
! traiu for an early and final adjustment. Wo
take the following, in relation to it, from th* Tal
: lahassee Flondinn :
The two States interested in th* Boundary
question have each passed a law declaring the
presvut line now being run by the Conuuiasioimr.'-,
*ball be Ihe permanent boundary, without the
necessity of correcting back, provided thftt at th#
eastern terminus the line <l<h*h nut miss Kilicott’s
I Motud than ouo-iourih of a mile. The
acts also of the two State* confirm the titles to
han<% jide holders of such land as may fall either
in Georgia or Florida by this survey.
From the remarks of the Thomasvill* papers,
it seems that a very respectable tdis of whsi has
heretofore been considered us Georgia territory
falls to Florid* by the prop sed line, with a
“right smart” sprinkling or Georgians. All
right. They are heartily welcome.
Why is a cat on its hind legs like the re t 1 uij
of Niagara?
Rcsauss it is a cat-erect.