The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, March 05, 1860, Image 1

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4& CJO., Proprietors. R. JSLajIS & . v/uUIIC AVI ‘TEXAS LAND & STOCK FOR SALE. -v Kv*H K.UK I\ >t Tt .if band s(fu ‘ ,n *‘ l ” Patncl > Jmnty, wirtm. a few mile? of iltc . i**l. t .lituii"f about iior *Cf Wvv tn<>tianrt live luntd.l *cr<s, w i um i A ■ir'X'iiwJK With um-i|i.cii! .>*k. J>: ami hav- j ids n ir it? ventre a never lunift* Ink** of j clear, f *>#h w t**r. To parlio* dcsir.iu* of •hoi grating lo Tfi'ft? either f*r j farminf-'ir |.h'K r .leuii; pur;> >-• and mini • lil-ia to- | duceuiauu uo*urp*M©d *y .?uy io..u.uii tu the Suite. j AMO, One tract emtalninir irimni i.HW at • ***. nittat< <1 on j tfi© Si os i* rec Si ||nH< • I ■4l- tiMlttlv. williifl litem n- : of •illtntrr. niti| .b.ol itlu same not:icr Iren U' l town f Kt M ryX ‘the U'fwsmiiis 01 Ui proposed Ark in a and *vm Du g < H (Hr* 1 1 Ti'im to In it h (Ac at. vw perfect A tiM'i of Cauls wiU Uu i*i I nvjUi rit her of t|ic above (raus, ifdiMinn]. For term* arid pnmeiHar*. aldr©-- He- nt I* w - “oe-!, j I* n HYRNI.. II Magazine . Mew Orleans, Im. Dewittlnr .t|- wSoi Every Planter Wants One. R. G. WILLIAM’S Southern Cotton Packer BVTVV, I* bvw in successm; ••pcrauoii tltrougbooi ImMi Jeoryia. \.::b 111:1 n T>iu* i'Steiiteu a* 1.. lit ui h 4 Tliw & ew cannot t e exc* l.ed in chcapne** durabib ) , or •onveuicoew. Every per forming pier* of ibis r*er©w is mot. I-’ou- baud? two is andoi.f nin eca i p* k a bill J o 1 n weighing from SUO to 700 aiui.d-i in w uty 11 >1 •. 11;.• -. Tft© screw can lot alt acne.l t’> the < 11. ..t > • wilii (mtoonwaiMU'C or hunt s©p irateh Warranted to last HI > ears, 81 ate an** couu > u u> tin *© by me, ami myiawf { a,*nts. Individual ihbl? ami screw* f-*r sate by il<* to wdu>ui I li t . sold C utntv Bight* Tin* *< r* tv trort mi fe pnrife. t! at varum* | foundries fu* $7 it Persons deni mg nil. : n timi will tddr:*H. •. WiLUIAMH, ~1 i L. WILLIAM*, Haunuhjichve, da. FEE CEIITIfICATES. rttewart County, Ca., Jan. Ist, 1 This to r.ertify that 11mw-un't and mv entire crop of Couun on It. Wiiu ns’ Suuiiurn CoWoa j Packer, din I utu well ideared. t MI BCITII.L ALLEN. VVi Hster Count'.. Oct l!irh, Mi H O William*. H.-ar Mir—l an t;uw < •mv your M luiheru L'i:t>*n Packer, and desnr. no tietur ‘ lua iiiiir lor Packing Cotton Your*, c. J W URL!.. 1 Heuston Con ty, G.t Fept. |RJ ‘. | Tfclfe la to cr My HhM fa n n*w u*m( Kfi Wh- ! ha -V Cotton Pa-her ami ■ oni t#f 11 1.0 >n, run t < Mi 4 ** Ir • Mcrew .r any other m ■ In • -t I mvorn lor a. king o 1 n J ,\ * If Felouary A. lo 0 -wS.e G(UYIH)\, HcIREEiIV A. Id., IMl(.ifS M L WUOLEMAI.E DKVLERM N P iRStO-V & DJSliiTia ID F. Y-C3- OOD§, Fancy C &c. A c. No* A I Btrelay*rt A 10 Park Plnoe [Wi t remove in Inly nert to tin- A* >n I*. 1 •• ftmiJuig Broadway Now York, Oar lirk wi i!r • ou.p •tc * \ the first e'.iuitxy and tinner'be imofoitr tilt. tIrPRCDRY, recently KIIEI'TIERI) a M l HKEHY.CIi irhwton S C.) will • <>m;/rie rlss.-np'i.’ti i’ (foods in our line and qitij-l .0 Mouth im tod M u !ia es:-ru Tn l>*. MercdriHU vi-iunc Aiew Toik nr. re*pe-rfuliv mvi- ! Mi to give ua a cad. Jhii. *iO—v > HOWES, HYATT6c CD. Jobbing ACoiamltiloß .tltruhanu In Hoots, Shoes A l.eather, Ho. 12 At* COLLEGE PLAO . Corner Murray Street, New York RISERt BSMMii, (Formerly of Warm liprings, tla.) Traveltrg J A gout fur the. ah.ive llrnj. would nsjiotkfuily so licit volt.’ janl4—wSm 7 * Btltlil it’S tut tnutK OP TOP. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. HK ‘ Nti Hu l..ipro.< in. 1 n Morris's ! me a*n** •'t> iii>. lope-mi) ‘e ■ 1 ..iii.iv, tn .-l<- Inf 3o rents bist imp* to Choßm and Jehi oor, Cos lumbu*. <• ‘ J. 1. iIAUKCU. ’ February t<tli, IbAo-—>\S:n. \mi l oil 11 G 11:1 no ! H’Mfi cnnthhiatioßs •! t'.is i;iae f ion n . A puts a %ft rttlr’ it.* • ihkmml a* lull • • ri to :he I'.-Ii: . lull A. Ut pi|.i-.j l • • j|) dav by (ll’NllY A• ■. j ftohunbiis. .1 .(l j SAIiICEB’ LIVER I.iVIGORATOR NIV 1.11 1> EI! 11, IT AT ES. iT IM COMPOI N'. ED EN'TtHELY irmn tuna,and ! has become art established fUc, 1 •lamlard medii ine j approved by ait that , , av._- u> i it. m l is re j •orid to with court aw dome in all die3aa lir j which it is reeoDituend *kl ed. it Ihs cured (housande wiuniMbe laal two y.-ar-’ who had given up hope - of relief n* naiu.-roua uaiotkitsd crtilit >••* * in my poaacsMou ghow Ttie dase miist be ad up- tvdiuih’- leniiu raruei.t of the individual taknu m and udeiiin sucftituun- j titles as ma: renily 01 -JZ the bowels. Let the dictates of your an judgun-af guide you in use us the LIYEH I.Y y ICfURAi'O!'. xud it | will cure Lifer (.'■mi v/.s, HU.H'f v r tack*. nrat'EtoM. mm ‘ i> mr,■ h St)MM f. H COM PLJ /.Y />,/> A'JV / / Rf ItRnfSY. SOl'l: SIOMICU, /Tu’-.’ CJJSTireJTKSS, Choi- (g> ,'f. CHOLERA < ’ “>*■ ra M*rbut, CHOLERA mm LYi AXTUM EI.A J l i L EXCi. JA l I>ICE Eemalt l* EAh E.\'SS j JS->, and may bo used miccessfuUy a* auorgn ary. p**niln MetUan*. — *C It will cure LJCh HEADACHE, (as ™ thousands ran until;. twenty mi* u tee, ij em tw or three lea mult are taken at < ounnen. i ui.rut oflln au ick All trh* u* it are . their testimony in its favor mm MIX WATER IV THE M DTII WITH TfIF. IN VIUuUkTHH AND MW kI.LOW R Tl| TfKiETII Eli PRICE ONE DOLLAR PUR HOT ILL. ALSO, SANFORD’S F i.MILY Cliatliarlie Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Purr Vrgeintilc Kilract", anil jit up (it Uln-s C*es Air Tlgiili and Mill kerp in any Climate. The FAMILY CA - THtmc Pll4. is a gen tin out mve Cathari Q wliich MtC piopn- tof 11a* used in his practice more■ ;ntn twenty >eu- T i-.c inaiiUyticreiv-ln]| |P deuniid tVuin i!i m who havelmif used tin* PILLS tiid the s.itiaf s. (ion lm-|i all exprss* lures irdtotheir H uae.bas mdiiced me to put them tn tbe reach nf all The profession well know that different Chatham* acton different portions <>f the bo we • The FAMILY CA [>' I* II A RTI C FILL has.with due reference t ■ r this well s ahlieited fai l bee a com pounded from TI variety of the ri rest vi •• table ettrtets, which act * -likeoneverjr part of tt* alimentary canal, nnd tin* wj good and safe in all cna es where a • bathartic i* Hesnied. such as I)E acsuBMRNTa of the _ tTuJlAfll. rti.icn*] MESS PA IN* in Tin Q HACK AND LOIN rt C ariVBNEd H, PAI N iwo Kimi rtn over THE WH OLE BODY from sudden cold. Whiih frequently, if neglecUnl, -ndin a lour course of Fe ver. LOMR OF A PPE- I ITE. a Crcepiho Mas ■ 1 rms or Colo nvKH'Jrug Body Rrrrt.Ms- NUI, HEADVLHK ci p wisiohi in TWA il:*l). all INFLAMMATORY (.DiPiEASKa. WOtt.MS ir CniLDaxN or APt'LTa, L* Riircmatism, 4 CCol. Purirter of the Blood r* tadmiuiydiwancitoirblch flesh is heir, too numeron- W to mention in this advei tlsement. DOME Ito 3. ’ Price 30 Centi. THF. LIVER IVVIOORATOR nnd FAMILY CA TH AttTD PILL* are retailed b) Dnggiste neraily and sold wholesale andirctail by th- Toidc- in all tin- , large AIf FORD, M. !>., Minufa.Hirer and Proprietor, nnelT -wAin. Bruadway. N.*w York SIOO REWARD. H R*. YED OR STOLEN Iron the un d TStgio I. on th- m.'liioi the ‘7th : 1 ■ ■ • Ts3T\a beaTy bodied black horse Mulo I < < £Sm2jem'* e ' un “'‘l- hau ls high u>t*e in ! b whin -ml . roAomare iadi. • cariy tw.. years old we-i grown to bar age an I estfa fliie. Ifsio;.-n. Iwi ! giv j the above reward for the mude ’ <1 eon.with evident • to co ivict, d-livere l .it oiy Louse, or su urely kept 1 that | can gel. them* p .*es ion It stray and 1 will give S'lo t cr anv iiiferort i “t that will l*-ad ?u , the covery of Ma. and cop, or RlOf >r eiiher. I pur Ins* id the mule us Mr. Kehy, a ruha-:rouiat who ,nl he got him of some nun in Talent county. Ga. Address me M Cow ike <: Barb nr county, Alab-mi. Anv information thankfully r*r 1 ved Kb. 11-W4k, JOHN M. DRURY (Ol.lMlil'S, Doi'SLts arfl (tell. Scna'or DoPolas, o flouiocrat, and Hon. Jons Hit Li., an t marie am, stand title by fido upon nil [ questions affecting slavery, as fur m we uro ad j vised. Both opposed the pro-aluvery tAO Constitution and both hold einiilar views in 1 r-eutd to iho due trine of pn>ttfotiou L> slave j pfnperiy in iho ferritiriep. Mr. Douglas in from j 1 freu Miatc ; Mr. Moll and fl.-ivc State. Onu is true : jto tbc *‘:tntt-alavery sentiment” of hl people; ! the othtf lif rvg.iKl s tin* In (creels of the South.— j The fnrtutr fcr xc*Uahlo in port,- the lot ter !e- i rve- ‘O’:sure, u- a whole This granted, it will j I surprise tic render to helievo, that yutalde of Ute.j j Montgomery Mail, there has not Well a single ‘ j (.j>poeitlrm paper South lo condemn Senator Hell ‘ for his pdi teal course, while poor Douglas has in‘t Ihe anathema* of alt. It w uld |ni7.zlo the sin Jen! of Wblory to onder?tand the ruloofae j J torn nf sttch prcfscs, ami prejudice might ascriho ! r • them tlm Latest political motives. We leave t-> die reader the explanati m of. this paradox, nnwHliog to .do injus'leo to the ends 1 aud nitos of the r eposition parly South. In the ColumMsii Enquirer, <>f yesterday’s date, is a hamogue against Douglas. In (he same column : ’ mentioned with considerable complacency tbo : ftut that John Hell has been nominated hv tiio I’xiov opposition party us Tcnaeeauo for tbo j Surely, we have fallen upon strnmro times 1 Tennrcilcut Oelrga to Chirlruion. Tho AVa diingtoa correspondent of the Charles ton Mercury denies tbo Btatc-ment ;'"ing the j round* in tho nowj-p tpors, that, eleven of the i twelve deb ;• lies from t‘ innecticuf to the \ati"t! al Deuiucrutia C*)nveu(ion at Charleston are fur } Dun la* f r tl>® Pro ideney. tt Is merely tho j “!>ra gam -” resorted to by somo of that dlstin- • guiffiied gentlemuti’s friends. Mr. Douglas stands j 00 curl lily chiinee of a numinatiun ut Cbarloston, j and tbo result dill vhow it. T!e <2J In Miauta. Ti.c 221 <>fF Lru.iry wm ec,L hr.ifcd in Atlanta j by tin- oitlilary of -hat city, a id an elegant ivj*uet at night. F.J- qnent and pertinent speeches were ! made by CM. C .wart, CM Dutn an, Mr. Burke, of 1 th* I*.'. . ,-.r • . i - , .x. U. Thuiuas, A. B. FcaU tf j the 1.0eu.11 . il c, M ssr* Hull. Howell nod others. ! Capt. Wall.i*ie v - the u.ast, “ ft**, Gat* City I Guar J*.” It w*.< received with ebn* r. J . **'i'h* | Press,” was giveu by Col. Do mum. The St-nli- | meat w.k resp -u-iod to by Mr. liurkc and Mr. 1 .S als, iu A*iQ ) wol! : iui’- l remarks. Oi her teas'* ‘ w .ro drank Appr qiriate to the occasion. !L ntoemry of Uor.h The Bern era< y of Worth County held a meet- j wig un the fill lust., repudiati- tho action of the i Doc iu!*er Owivuutim. doc!*ria i'm. the r.pfiouU j iu>s have no utit .ority tn represent tl.e Georgia j Pautucrary, sustaining the call of the Executive | Cumirt*t*. re>-u(muend!ttg Hon. Alexavplu 11. J StkPjif.ns for tho P'efide.mjy, nnrt approving the * ootir9of H u. M. J. Crawford in f'ongrsa. A'l olnqunut spoc b was made hy Mob. Wil lintn A. Harris, Orator from Worth, in On* pres- . •at LrgiilaWire. Delegates 1 wereappuiutedto tho j tfarcit C<>tiventioD. Al. hama LrglilalHrr The Alabama Legislaturu adjourned yesterday, j tho 27th Inst., aft -r a session of twelve waeks. — Many IwpurtiMit bills wore passed, which were ! ably dtseussed in b* L braiudwut. Hare a Her so will enimo< > itw ihi*e whose paesngo in our judg ment. r.-flvuts ore-lit u’ 11 tbo Sigle. Seldom b m bdy as-CHiLlcd nt tiio Capitol possessing io touch wisdom, expcriunnu wvd übiliry, the one i just udj ‘ufiied. IIS ppv*omlin*'i will make on , ui>res< upon Ifni i . • ritv nnd glory of lb* State. All bwnar t ALiHama fur sefeutimr her , •sm? ui n** coni>’ Iktfi. Th.* hames of Balloei., Chambers, h.e-. CbifPre. Psr/ms, Porsyih, Wal ker, uid otiinrs, Will be lung, rcmiuinboreu in her ) iqurut spfoeha were mi le in Uu- Scu- ! ate on (be 20(h lnt., by Massrs. IDintcroud Cloy 1 an she death of Mrdivula, nt Virginia, mid in tho I II .u'o by Iffeisre. VttilnodigUutn, l’ryor, and Rev Mr. Wtt.t.iv—Tbo M;i *n Te r e-/niph of 21st foot., announce lb a* this irlftoif n*l olnquent South Carolina div'in* has accepted a call t* tho { pastorate of the Presbyteriiui Cburoh at Macco 1 principal feixbtbusiitCson tbo Con- < ord and Portsmouth Railroad is the transport* lion ®f crate* of fish, end orer IfIO.OOO pounds j o r we-k nr • ‘bipjicd from Portsmouth to traders | id ♦tb- r ptnrr.. CumutmiettLad. Dr M m J .1 obi*son, Delrga’c, No member of the democratic party, in this ; district, would more Worthily All the place of dele* j gat® to the t’h.i(liF*tun Cun. *nti*-,i than Ir. Win. ‘ J. Johnson, us Ft. Gaines, Clay county, fie iaol : the right pohool. At this juncture of politinal | affairs, tbo school io which .Southerners were I taught fbotr rights in fbo belief'days of the Re ! public—rights that look to an equality in th<- ; f’ni-m or iudepcndepce out of it. The l>(*ctor is io innately un*l widely known in the district—be : hus grown up with it, and with 11 well-stored I mind, has k( pi up in knowledge of Nationul ufTa'r.s as they bevo arisen, eitb-r to alarm th* South or j to ensure her real good, or to lull her into some sense of fancied security. W'e trust the (J us**:iU'jii will ddagates ofthia order. I and if 8", Georgia need have uo fears for bu ; honors ut Cbui ieston. * CLAY COt’ N'TY. kprerli ufLeitl PaiKirrston. Private: /•'. <>f)rrty in Time 0/ War, A deputation fr un Liverpool. Bristol M*ru-hc- ! ter, Lends, Hull, HellkiT, and Gk-uoefiN-r, on the pi’opuee'i <!.t* iuptiuu of private property from osp- I dire ai sea to time of w.r bad an b torsi*W with { Vi.*e. uti Pidmtrs on on tbo evening of 3d trt 1 February. Lord Palmbiist ’X said that he would not i ilatier the deputation by profs-sing to agree with them. He .itisddoMd that the very cxi tunc© ol this cu-iuT-y dvpei'ded on its pusaersing the • u;u maud of the .was,and that if I me nee.eeenry far j th'tt object to ref nin th* power of eeixinQ she oltipo .IN./ I*. HW. imvi.jilliinjth” . foraitjn Po rein. War w* ah t-uortuous evil, but Mil it was sume<lines neceMary to go >o war in self-defemm; and a naval power like England ought nut to surrender any means us weakening ‘ lur sneiJiictnt sea. If wo did nut aviso their ! seamen on board their mc-tbant* vt-Bs* !t we j should have to light them uu board their #blp*-<*f j war. Ho dvoied that privid© property was spared \ to war on laud any more than iu wr at sea. On tho tjoidrary, Armies nun enemy’s ooeidry took I whatever 1 bey wanted ordoair* without the slight *rt regard to the rights of property, as wo should hud'<> our cost if n hostile aroiy should ever succeed in landing in this country. It*v. Hrxrtr A. Wise. Jr.—This distinguish ed tourig divitio is Hie Rector of the Church of j Ibe Savior, in West Philadelphia. Ilin cotigregA- ; ium< are vary largo, ami are highly pleased with 1 hi- simple and dirca.t style, so different from that j and bw divtinguiiibod father. Hois Said to ia **lo- ! *1 tie ut io delivery, but i* etn’iirnissed by a brou- ( c'aial uff • 1 *n, wnioh intorrupLi hit* at times hy • a distre? i-ig'jough. ll9is -aid to be youthful in ! appearaii’ o and very griooful in gesiieulatioo.— | Atlanta Teiopernitae Crumaer. Stevens and Hazlett, Harper's Ferry cou- I fpiraiors, ar* to b* hanged on th* llth of Marub, j proximo. > THK INUIN OP THE STATES, AND THE S 0 Y.E R E Ifi NTY n P THE STATES. I (tilllent illHdllgeUCtN How TIM: KkVl’ AX t'IIICAUO CoMVBKTtOX ‘Vn.t. St\>o.—Uu- rvLuhiieHn dolcgAles t-. the CuTAgo Nation*] Cunvfivtiun will be ueorly ns much dividcvl In their personal piefereticus n* the *h*mf*rr:us are likely t*> bv t Charlostoti. ‘the nay 0 lira now new, Xi w York will go solid lor William 11. Seward ; Ohio Gill stick fur Salmon IV Chare; Pennsylvania will m-i give u]> Mui* n j t’innefon until oum other cnmlWate secures n 1 m-ijc*riiv of the votes; Missouri aud Maryland, probably tho only two slavn Fiaics which will bo ropre-’ uled, will hang on to tho Inst for Kdwunl i R ‘fes, nnd taost assuredly holt on Seward ; llii* ! nois i- looking -irong for Abraham Lincoln : the 1 voto of Maine and iil probably boa unit for William Pitt 1-cs-* n.lou, aud Mus.-iicbuaetts is wavering ; be ween Nathaniel I*. Bunks and Henry Wilson. Ni -Y Hamos n i re. Th© which is : to h elected in Men llampshiro next nmuth wili have the choosing of a United Stntcs Bcnator in l i.ue of 11 uu. Dottiv-1 (.'lark, republican, whoso lei m expires with the present Congress. There ■ has boon no movement made by the domocrats yet • re stir up the people to a full fenso of the present condition of political affairs in tbo country, and ‘be ansulut* danger tlicre is to the perpetuity of 1 nb>n, while the republicans have already ■ nuiovneed spreading their llclperite doctrines . throughout the Slate by the aid of abolition “tump orators. With a little energy on tho part “f the democrats nnd conservative men, lltdper “'uand Uuh-ism could bo crushed out in New Hump-lure. Try it. -Mirami: Hates.—The Indianapolis Journal •u \ s Uni? fifteen of tin* bfack republioau papers - l liidiaua nave declared their preferences for old Madam a IfatcH, of Missouri. Gt'TERN ATfO.NAI, t’.VJfI>IDATEA IX pRXSSTL *'aia.- - I I.c people's party fc?tuio Convention of I‘ciiiisylvania will bo held to-day in Harrisburg, ’ H"d (he i dlowii g named gentleman will be pro 1 ~<*u(td beiLro it for the gubernatorial nomination : --- flioiu is M. ILnvc,"!’ Alfeghunv; John Covode, °f Wes moieland ; Andrew G. Curtin, of Centre ; D ; ivid TaiggiirJ. of Xarilminberland, William 1). h'-llcy. •>! i’biladt' ; Lemuel Todd, of Cum berland; Towuseiill Hiiynus, of Chester; Levi . Kiue, of Lebanon, aud Samuel Calvin, of Blair. Suisiirtn. —lt is stated that the Governor of S*.u:h Carolina neglected to invito Tennessee to tin- Convention of Southern States. Vkiivumt Deleoatem to Cuahlrstok.—The , I cm* j i.i ij <•! tbo Thud Congressional district 01 ! Vena nt havoaeleeted Lucius Robinson and 11. | It. him'ii delegates to rbe Cbarleatou Oonveution. ; Ein-ra Stuart and B. B. .Smalley are tho advo I'ok Mixvjssippi FnEis Neoro Bill.—Tho bill tor iLo <:\pu a. ui i-t free negroes, which pass I tl.e .M.ssuuippi House, was strangled iu the ; •'emiP . Loi ismma America!** Grttn to tni; ’ ‘•kmocmat*—At a lue.iiug of tho American “• “■ ’ ( ■* ot both bouses of th* Louisiana leg is I I -lur.-, held it Baton Rouge on tbo JOtb uIL, *lk) ! toll’ Wii.g ro*dutiou was introduce*! by Seuntur j Hi v i vc,/. That the Recrotary of this meeting ’*• uisitu. ’ I io inform the dem ieratio memla*r • tii- ! og'-laturt, iio.v iu caucus in tho Capitol, • ; i t ( w.- ; ;. g.j ours.l oc to unite with them in •*.m dining the nominee of tho Cbarlestou Con* I vcfltion. And it was carried, by yeas 17, woe* 7. The \\7i *-u. Ution Partt ix Kentucky. j —At u I liMi imxuing lately belli iu Livingston ■"( my, Ky., the lollowiug resoiutiou was adop ! ted Thai we deprecate tbo ceaseless ngi- Laii .ii ui iho slavery question, ms it is subject which, if leu i*!(/iio, will regulal* itself according the laws of tho laud and f society ; and while v.ii an Si'iuUni uivu rc devoted to the inatitu i, - under wbi.di we live, and would tight to the loii'b for the right* of our section should it bo- I c'Uße noOHs-sary, s'ill we can see no just cause for i•• di*.- ■iu ion of (he liuion, and in our opinion i'i ro could he no ditheuity under which we might : tub r in tlie Union wiii* b would not he too thou •*••***f times worse were the Union dissolved. The meeting expressed a preference for John . Dell, of Tennessee, lur the l'reaidonoy. An l:u'nt iun D.i in the Lflglslainr*. From th Moulgoinery AJnertiei.r of the 2itb, j wi extract the following: ’ ’• •-'*•: J.I ‘’s ] !"'■<*. ding* io the Legislature are J of -pi-cia! inttrost. The House uiwinimou.dy concurred in the res luti- iis ol eicnaiur Jones of Green*, which had j the day previous pa.>M*l tho Rouate, with only i\” clis*entir.g vote;, and theso two, bocaure in 1 tbo opinion of tho g utb m-n Uioy did not go far enough. These res• • luti. ns aro in respouse tu >h* r* lufi'ois o; Sunih ('iirolino favoring aeon iVreii c of the .S'outlicrn .Slate.-; and they author* !/..■ tbo Govonmr to appoint one deputy from each Congressional District, and two from the a’ large, in any Conference of tbo slave* h* ! >ing Elates bt'twre.i now and the next mooting ; ..ft no <'. noral A?: ;.ibly. It has only boon a i \ s .O *• .i Mit-in --ion paper proleaaing to t* c cxpoiu ui o| Alabama sentiment u.-ruuu*! a most bon'iiij loeio air against any such pr* p**B tio*i being even presented by any member “f tbo i.<T>bitur; and predicted tbo overwhelm ing det*-at ui tin outberu ( uuler< oco movonient iu our St.'e. 1 lie unanimity with whiob the i Lef.'t'aturehas pa>-i and tbo resolutions are on<*tli it strikm • pned/but the dictation (>f that sell ; assumed oiguu l* as little heeded us its position i- uil( tty contemptible, iho action ol tlie Leg*'uro up*.n Fcuornl relations places Alabama j up ii an eb:v ation of impregnable strength from wli.* Ii Mi* looks .biwu upon the impotent assaults ot Nortucrn froy> and tbeir Southern allies itb tb<- proud di-dam ot a people “who know their rights, nod knowing dare maintain them.” The bill oi Mr. Chambers of Barbour to en eoutiigo direct trad’ between the Southern States and for* iu countries, which bad previously pass ed the llou*c. pH.-M.-iI in tbo Senate. The main feature of (hi.-bill i.i its exemption from taxation of i ll gi>odH imported direct from other countries into this State. T!i< lluu -e concurred in Senator Calhoun's bill, which already passed the Sunafe, calling a State Cue vent ion to revise the Constitution or to Fr,:it:■ a iii w Confutation, subject to tbo rati fication of the people. The Convention will be r imposed of h hundred delegate, to be elected tu xf August, and will as-euiblu the lollowiug No ’ vetuber. A DcsPATi.n from Mb. Ward.—-The Wash i iiigtou eorrt'Spuuduut of a New York paper Despatches from Minister Ward, received at ! ‘he dtii'e Df-jiarUneut to (fey,givea flattering ac count of tbo working of the Chinese treaty. He j stales (but the Kiupcr**r o C'liinn whs anxious to rant him an interview without other ceremony i than i obs* rved in approach:ng th© Presi*lent of •: e United •Statps. but the matt* r being submitted io ilie Chinese Cabinet, the Emperor was voted town by two iiMj*>rtt. The Japanese Ci>mtnis> -•oners were expected to feavo at the time ap -1 pointed. Rev. Dr. Balcii —fn April last Rev Dr. j L” a m P. VV\ Hatch resigned the rectorship of ; < iui-t Cburch iu this city, been use of the condi- I ciii of his health. After looviug Baltimore Dr. , LI. removed to Middletown, K I, and last fall the I v(<iry of Christ Chun b, Savannah, On., upon the | rceiiri.n'iun or Bishop Elliott, tendered him the i rectorship of that church. Fearful of th© result ! “feofitiautd labor iu a j-outl.ern clinic, Dr. B. do* i ‘ lined t*> a'TCpt, nnd took charge of the chapel of i the Holy Cro.-o ..t M'd-Letown. Bishop Elliott | bai* recently withdrawn his resignation of bis r*o i torihip, and has invited Dr- Batch to become his j assistant, With p©rni,<sion *to huivo during the j warm weather. He bus accepted, and will in a j -hort (hue ootr upon hi- new field of labor,- ! While it Baltimore Dr. Batch was generally es i teemed for his eloquence and Christian bearing. Ororcia Itvbttions.—ln tho list of patents ’ i*u<:d lo t the week ending Fob. 14th, wo find the : following: L. Acre©, of Tall inform county, Oa-, for im i provemont la cotton seed planters. Win. L. Aldrich, of Atlanta, Oa., for improv- I cl press for attaching leather to hilliurd cues. itofe rt 11. Brocks, of Greenville, Ga., for iin ! provemont in plows. Abner Carey,of Horn*, On., for improvement j in cultivators. Abner Carey, of Rome. Ga., for improvement ! in cotum seed planters. Tnr Episcopal Cuuuch.- 1V observe that ’ a paragraph hn* been going tho rounds of the I paper -, l iving th* statistics of the Protestant Kpi-coptii Church *f the United Rtatcs. The 1 voininuuieants arc stntdl to he 5b,767 in number : —whereas tbo figures should be 185,767. The contributions for the past year in the Protestant ; Episcopal Churches of the United States, for mis sionary purposes, amounted to th* large sum of I $1,1127,H1. COLUMBUS, GKOBGIA, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1800. | r ODIUM BIS, WLI>\fcSlAV, FKItKIAHV ‘J. IMIO. Penusyhakin RrpnMtrun Convention. The Penney Ivauia Republican Convention which assomblvd ui Ilurrisburg or, the 21*t ami 22d iusta., appointed delegates to tho “Nnttonal” RepubUoeh Convention at olib‘ago to nominate a Candida to for the Presidency. Tho deb-gute* were instructed to vote for Gen. Camoron, tin present Republican Senator fTem IVnnayivaniu lilr. A. J Cartin was nominated for Governor. The resolutions adopted by the t'ouvention do olare that the administration, by diarogurdiug the claims of tbo Industrial interests, fostering see tional oxoUtMticnts and the ruukest corruption, ha* disgraced republican institutions; that it deserves a signal vvbuko from the friends of con st itutional order; that believing slavery to bean element of politicu! weakness, wo are uualrcrably opposed to its extension tn free Territories; that the dogma that the constitution carries slavery into the Territories is a now political heresy, sub versive of peace nnd harmony ; that tho rights of th*‘ States must bo sustained inviolate; that tbo lawless invasion of tho soil oi any State or Ter ritory Is a grave crime; that the opposition party doe* not seek tho abolition of slavery where it now exists, hut loaves its amelioration and ulti mate abandonment to tho moral and religious forces pertaining to the elaveholdiug commuui tics, assured of tho final prevalence of justice throughout all the land ; that tbo threats of dis* union by tho democratic members of Congress is a hold avowal of contemplated treason whiuh it is tho imperative duty of tho people to sternly con front and forever silence; that whilaopposod to the extension of slavery we hail the people of the South aa bre’heren, rejoicing in their prosperity’, and that we are prepared to aust.un their consti tutional light* uud privileges. The resolution* also approve of a homestead law, and one for tho purity of the ballot box and the preveutiou us frauds upon tho naturalisation laws. Kqueairlan tita u:* ol'ilngton. The inauguration of Mil!:. (.dlo*al *ta(ucofGen. Washington ut tho Capital ofthe Lid ted States on the 22d Inst., was a grand pageant. The Pres ident, Member* ofthe Cabinet, Member? of Con gress and the 7th Regiment of Now Y’ork par ticipated in tho ceremonies. Hon. Mr. Bocock, of Virginia, was the orator of the day, and made a sp.oeh. such a? hi? genius and tho inspiration <f the hour would fend the count ry to ox poet. - Tho slaiito i? a perfect success aud rival* lbmn Ronbout’s fatuuu* picture on canvass. It was erected in accordant with an act of Oougre.??, passed iu IBf>3, which was simply a revivifying of an old series of resolution* adopt ed in 1 78;*. After sluinber ng filly year* on tho btutuo book, il war repasaed and twelve thousand dollar* given the artist, Mr. Clark Mill*, tu do tho work. The statue is finished according to the instructions unbodied iu the folh>wiug reso lution of 1783, to-w it: That Ibe sfutuo be of bronso, tho General to be represented in Roman dress, holding n irum heon in his right h ind, and hi? head cnciroiod in a laurel wreath. Tim statue tu bo supported by a innrtibi pedestal, on which in . to In n preaeiil. and, in basso relievo, the following principal ovonts in tho war in whioh Genoral Washington com manded in person, viz : —The evacuation of Bos ton : the capture of the IL-ssiiins at Trenton : tho battle of Princeton ; tbe action of Moiitno.ttb, and the surrender of Y'orklowii. On tho upper part of the front of the pedestal to bu engraved iih fol low? :—'The United States of America, in the year of our Lord I7SJ, in honor **t General Washing ton. the illustrious Commander in Chief of thu armies of the Unilud Elate? of America, during tho war which vindicated and secured thoir liber ty, sovereignty and itidepcn leiice.” Alubinia Kxemptlmi Hill. We call tbo attention of our readers to tho hill of Hon. William II Chambers, of Barbour, which ha* recently passed tin* Alabama Legislature.- : Its provisions are capital, and ensure, in our , judgment, tire best uud surest way of establishing the commercial independence of toe South. It exempt? from Tax at ion, those goods sold by Ala bama merchants, which are directly imported to the South. Encouragement i? thus given mer- . chant* who are import/ih, It ul*o appoints a commissioner for purposes stated in the bill. Ilu* tfele nn the 2*2d, There was quite a storm aud fall of rain in tlm ‘ 8 tats on the night ofthe 2lt of the pres nt month. From our exchanges, we learn that on f 22*1 and 23d, a gale swept over umny cities in tho i United States. At New Orlean?, it did serious damage to tLc shipping, stcumliuut* and build ing*. Five persons were drowned. In Louisville, Ky., it unroofed many housi b and prostrated all tiio telegraph wires centering ■ there, and impeded the progress of the railroud ! trains. In Cleveland, Ohio, considerable damage j was done tho city. Tho burr cane *■ cm* lu have boon general in tho South nnd West. Contented Kleetlun. Tho seat of Mr. Sickles of New York, is con tested by Mr. Williamson. The Committee on elections in the lower branch of Congr-M hnvo the matter before them. M . .Sickles’ plurality vote was one hundred and sixty. Mr. William r ..'outlaid* that he uao prove that more than •hr - hundred illegal vote? wore polled for Mr. k kies. MafttaebufteiiK Rboemakent,—A Htrlke. O i iho 22d lost., the shoemakers of Moertu ebusetlf very quloGy made a strike, throwing ttiat thriving busine*n into eonsidorable eunfusi m.— Tbe entire o’ thin is supposed ty be interference of ibe abolitionist of that .Slate with Southern insti tutions, fencing the South to udopt a poli y in imical to Northern tnanufootar r?. Heretofore, tbo MsMiMhuMttf shoe-daslcra bavo supplied tbo South with shoes tor her four million of slaves Thus touching the pockets of the abolltionis's may make them c :ase praj ingfeir tbo abidition < f slavery, and wake them up to a ruiuruiug o justice and right. Thv late I umi .tilt) near Elion, Ala, W© regret to learn that little hopes ar© entor tainod of the recovery of Mr. Fletcher Roger? who was shot n few days since near Enon, Al?.. by hi? overseer, Mr. JobD Johnson. Johnson hit? not yet been found, but is supposed to b© 1.. the neighborhood us Enon. Mr. Cute (wo believe that I? the name) has been arrested ns on ucces sury to tho murder, having assisted Johnson iu committing th© crime. Mrs. Rogers, who was shot in the hand, and not in the head a* first published, will recover front tho wound. Douglas In Louisiana. Tho trno Democracy of Louisiana are opposed to Douglas’ nomination at Charleston. But tho distinguished Senator has warm friends in tbe Ktato audbenco tho democracy are divided into the anti-Douglas aud Douglas wing. The former being in tho majority, the American party sympa thise with the latter and aro willing to unite with them to gain a temporary victory. If the fight was made, tbo Georgia Americans would occupy a similar position, and should Mr. Dougins run a? an independent candidate for tho Presidency against tho Charleston nominee, thu Americans, in our judgment, would support him to break up the Democratic organization and reup tho fruit of tbo ill-gotten victory. Gen. C. M. Jackson, an Ex-Ppeoker of Iho House of Representatives of Alabama, died in | Autauga ootuDy oa Sunday last. The Union—Whig,—.A m e uioa t ,—olposti tion Convention which assembled at Richmond, Vo., has adjourned after glorifying tho Union. We trust that some if tho vi''>od(ion jucrimls will publish the platform adopted with that part i ahnieed which relates to the duty of Congress to protect slave propoi ty in (he territories (?) --*%>- Alabama nnd IMxtt Trade. W© now pb(**o before our re rk.-'-s ihe bdl of Mr. Chambers, ol liarbuur, wtiieh, Inn ing p.i.s#ud the Legislature, is of t-pccml interest: A BILL. 7’o be entitled .hi .1 / <*. E.iroittnga Direct Trade between the Umilhei n State* uti <i I'uinit/n Coun trita. * v ce. 1. fir it enacted by thr Senate anil H i<*r of liepretcnt'itivc* <nf the Stair if .{Riba,a .in Uenerul Aeemb<y convened, That the sale* ut ai! goods, warqc and marehuudfee dir oily impor ted into th. .State oi AlaOuma liotu tbreign ccuii ir es and sold oy resuKut morehauts within tin* Stale, bo and they are hereby exempt from all tax .Ton whatsoever, levied by the ."state, county, , or utumcipitt autb rity. .See, 2. He it further enacted, That the provis ions of the foregoing section be, aud tlmy arc hereby, extended lo .ho Safes within this Btale of all dry goods, hardware, cutlery and creek cry dirtoUy imported into any one ot the Southero St,i us of tins Uni.ui, from foreign countries. Si-o. 3 Be it f nher enacted. That in the aa- Hi .-smeut of Luxe*, all puisons d.iimiug cXum - ti"ii from taxation from safes on me (Imudi , under tho provisioua of the Aet, shad romler to tiio iisaessors a statement of sui h sales, verified by aSblavii in writing, made before the A.-sessor, (to be tiled in lhe otlloe ol tho Judge of Freb.uu ol lho oouniy,)lo the words following, io wit: ■‘l, ——, Uu Solemn.y Swear (or athi ill, nS llm case may be,) that tho tuercnunufeo embraced in the lor. going st.ilouicnt of sales, wu* luip’ iied directly tY.on a f reign country into the ci'y of - 1 um informed by , of ssideni, cl wii .iu V puro.i.ised 110 same, ami l bu iicv* tho same to ; o true,” and tho per sou claim ing the exemption provided for in tins m t shull also life iu thv idUve of the Judge of Rrobalo of tlm couuiy certified copies of the tuvor as of the ‘ J ui. rebuild ire on w hch such exemption is > iuimud, i j from which it shull appear under the affidavit ol , tlie person trout win tn (hey wac purchas'd, that . they were U r. etiy imported into some on* ol ibe j Southern S . t sos tins Union li. m a couutiy foreign t ihe Uniud Slmcs. See. 4. ll< tt further enact!tl. That th*- 0 * cr- | nor bo, and bo is h< r. by auiboiired io appoint a i Co-iiimssioiu-r within the talc, whose tuiy it I s ..ill b u to (on hr wnh b.mibir Couiuii*Mom i on . , the pai t o’ other Southern* s. and with other . I poreoi.•* intorcMed in the usiabln-.iiiic t *f direoi | trade between the iiociiheru st *iea mid f*ri u | coumrie*, fur the purpu. •* us < *ll cling i-iforma ! tion ai .1 maturing a pluu lor the ©imouri gcui* nt | of direct ouiuuicm ml iitereuiuso bvlwn-n tin- ‘ ports *f tlm S. utb nnd foreign i-uunlrics; nnd | said C’ lnmisiioiar shall bo required t” report t*i . i the i ext eßsi"ii of the Ucneial A svmhly id tl.i- , • State, Much inforuitttioii ami proposiliou* a* ho i itu*y have received, together with snob snggoe- ; • lions us bis inquiries m..y haio cuahl-d him to inaktgiii aol of the purpose* of this A* i; and al ‘ hy > u-iiuiunicatiuo \ith tho in -chante of the ‘ Souiin iii State* to endeavor lo i nlisr ilnm in the * eiK-uiinigeiUeut oi direct lladc between llm South- , ern Sun and fureign coUotrbs. See. 5. Ifc it father cna-te /, That (It* suiu of j forty live iiuudro i dollars bu, uud tic smi'ijc is hereby appropriated out f any m**ney in the I Treasury not O'horwisc appropriated, uml p ut .'l j at the disposal us she G *vcrhcr, to pu used iu cm- I ring cut lb© provi.- iuo. ol this Act S-c. H. He it Jmthe enacted, That the Gover * noi of this B:ate fe', nnd he is hereby r- purred t** cause copies of thin Act tube igrw *id* and to tlie , lixc-cMitlvijs of the (Ids.-i lit .S mtbcio 6'u'cS, wi*li I the request that it* previsions be laid Leloru tho ‘ Legii.l.iturc of their respective Sut* a. Virginia Oppusitlan Slate Convciillon Ricumond, I'cb. 23, lflffO. j Tiio Oonvoniion appointed a foil list of dele- I ’ gates to the opp."sitsou National i • iienu. i. to- | •I -v. There in but one .feh-gaio m InVor >f John M. Botts out of tt.” whole nil in her, (he balanee : pledged to oppose him, and not to v*.do for him if ! nominated lor tho Presidency. Tiio object of tho apposition j.url.v is said to be to make a noiniu:iti"U before the ropulic.i’ * ‘ I make their-, wßb the that the republicans I ri.iv lake their eiiu ; elate. j AHi ndoo of pda •• was presented to tbo lion, j 1 Win. L. Goggtn this morning. Cast < v Wm* A. Choice.—Judge Hi-lt, of the 1 Mi idle C.i-euit, in pa. .log aenteneo on Thoina* ] Jones found guilty of Voluntary m.inslaoghtor at 1 tho last t’ tm “I tiro Uichm <ud Superior Cunt, used tlie folio wing language: ! “Your drankuun©** Inis been the plea that ha* j j mved yi nr li'o. At your former irial,this court j ! held dm’ *n iiiikeiiiM'.sH. far from being an extetm , j aiiu.i or indigntiOn of your oriun , was an aggr-i- i vatiun -1 i . Amt it i* mo-t lorlunaie for you | ! that you I’i.olid a * “Uit t> which yon appealed j : eiitcriaiiit g a difli rent opinion.” i; will L.’ K iln •in red ii ut in ib© trial of Win j jA. Choke, Jiulgw Bull duliverod ilm aim.: th.irge j to the Jury that Judge Hull did in ‘hi- i asu <d { JoniS, and Choice has ll| |> ‘.ibol ‘0 tho Supreme | C"'irt. Ai urding to the *b * i-i-m of llmt iitbu : ! usl, alluded 10, anew trial rnu** be grant'd, ami { I <'ln.i'-e cannot again bu convieled ol murder j Home Conner. j Southkun Hioutb Krrnext*.—-From ft pri ! i vn e letter too gentlnmin in Guh place, we Uorn ! [ that the studuntsof M i * i Uulv- r i y, rt I’ n ! fluid, held a Southern Bight* modi'g on lust ; Saturday afternoon, uud ml ‘pied strong re sol u tions,declaring their eternal allegiance to soul In rn j homes and liiowths. Am mg the resolution*, Was j ono which binds (iwry one appearing on tho r *s trmn lit eounneiidiuient, lo bo *lu-ssud ilii-loibiog j of southern miinuJVieioro. Several no-tubers of i the In* ulty w< re prc-eiil — Jiv/lihoh Y'mitar, Pel). 23. JT-&” A rough common sense p rvad * ihe fol- | lowing in which there is certainly “more truth i than poetry:” “Great men n*vor •well, I't-* only yottr Hire* cent individual*, who uro salat id ill llm rate of two hundred dollars a year, and dine m* pota toes and dried herring.who put oil air* ami fl nihy vv.iiatcout*. swell, puff, UuW, aud endeavor lu give thcioHclves a consequential appearance.—* Ku discriminating person ever mistakes the rpu rious tor the gsiiuineariiclo. Tho ditferern't* be tween tbo tao is us gr ut as that bet worn a bar r*-l ot vinegar mill a bottle of the pure juice of { the grape.” Mideira Wish The grape crop of Mud irn j bo* (or H'/trio years hci n a I .hurt . This product j having been Ira long period, the principal sun ‘ port of the Island, its bdlure bus broug t genera! j diet roes to the trilrtthUants; and a v*<ir *.r tw<> ‘ fiucc, cans* and a famine, which th* iitiz**ns •!’ | Uidied Slates contributed largely to relievo. We j luirn that as .ye . no rctmtdy has been foui. l (•> , eradicate the disease of the vine. N- w cuttm*** j front Europe, and thus© of the t’atnwba fr .in tin: i Unitud .State*, have boon iinpnrtuu. but were at ■ ta-ke l by ilm existing disease shortly a'tur their j Importation. Plenty of Man'y . —Tbe government of B'd/i- , glum tvcr nlly advertind lorn loan of thirty milr j lions of fratos, and subscript! res wore opuiied , iu the Belguu provinces. ‘The total am Hint } subset-il*d was four hundred and fifty millions, ; or ftiteen time* tho sutn needed. ~ The Bor* or 1842 -In the year 1812. w© b© I longed to a yuuug U'aUegeio the beaituf Goor gia. In the clans below ours, there wen* l ur i buys, with whom we were on tho must intimate tortus Clover fellows were Ri.b Harper, Lucius Lamar, Jouks Juries, and Tom Hurd iuu:i. Har per wus then thought th * most iutulim-tuu!, hc greatest gouius of the four; Lucius Lamar, we w ro informed aftr leaving the College, was the acknowledged leader of tho Phi Gamma du rirg bis senior year. Jdiks Junes was steady and studious. Tom Hardeman, when wo know him, thought of little else than fun and mischief. Hu was our captain in many wild expeditions. Now it is somewhat remarkable that these classmates fin ii olass of tot more than twelvo or fifteen,) should b*, all of thorn, dlftllngu'sbed *1 ready as publio men. L unnr, Jones and Hardeman are m’ tubers of Congress: Lamar, taking ranks with Curry of Alabama and Pryor of Virginia, is pro nouuoed one of tho rising stars of the House. Har per, Lainir’* bosou, friend, ran for Congress, and was beaten by Hill,the Know-Nothing, by a very low votes. Junes, by on mean* equal to Harper ui genius, succeeds 8 ephensof Georgia. Harper, 1 Lamar and Jones are Demur rats liar <>rnan belongs to the tiouth American party.—C?org ••an Time*, (ULUMBI S. THI IWBAY. HAIKU I, 16(10. Alabama, (he Lending Smilhtm state. It doe.t our cuiil good to witness the unanimity of feeling in our young sister .State of Alabama upon tho HggrcuGonsof tho North upon our in ’ . titu fens. AVhflo many Southern States are <- i ;Ing pmatis of glory to the Union, and trying ■ r p ‘HL ,il purp’ *•’ to resurrect the Union party us oihtr luy -, i. in cheering to see Alabama with ■ ir ciivn lay and >wti hi r ultimatum of forbearance to ftiribi.r wrong. Tho resolutions bolow are in tlm right spirit and in good temper, nothing of the hf-ig ndoeio or bluster about them, but -iuiiily an unqualtlUd assertion of the position of Mubuuia upon thcqv’cstions affecting her interest and prosperity. It i* gratifying to know that they were udop'.’d in the Legislature by both parties, with lmt two di.-.-'-nting vote*, and these votes would have been recorded in tho affirmative had tbo resotution* boon a little stronger in thoir tone. Alabama responded gallantly to South Carelitia. It in not tho V'>ico of ono purty, hut tho whoto people, speaking through their oboson representa i lives. Well does Alabama doservo the plaudit of ‘ well done.” She is the II arut Percy of the South, and wo cheerfully yield the palm of praise to her chivalrio sous f-*r their high toned benriug, : gallantry nnd spirit. But here are th 4 resolu ti"n:*, whiuh assort the doctrine dear to every : fto man. to-wit: Resolved, That tho Stute of Alabama fully concurring with Uio Btate o South Carolina in j ’.limning tho right ot any State to secede from ibe Confederacy whenever iu her own judgment .-urli u stop i* duumnded by tbe honor, intercut* a ml safety her people, is not unmindful of tho ’ ta t that tho tiMsuultit upon the iuaiitntion of luvuy uud upon tho right* and equality of tho . utlurn .Suite* uncc.i.-iugly continued with in rcusitig violence and iu now and more aiarmiug l'"i iT.s, in i v constrain her to n rductaht but early cxcrcfeo of that invaluable right. Rc-*1 ved, further, T hat in the absence of any preporiuinii* lor a aystemutiu co operation of tho Soutbcrn .Stauis in resisting tho aggressions of iiioirenemies, Alubnum, outing fur herself, has * luinuly declared, that under no eircutnaiKtiee* will sho submit to the foul domination of a sco , tiotiul Notthern party, ha* providedJor tho call .*d a Coin ciiii.ui, m tbo event ol tho triumph of -uch a fu'-tiuii in t:.u opproaching Presidential efedion; act! to ui-tintoiu the point ion thus a— nd. ii*u i.i uh assumed, ha* appropriated Uio atlui of >2oo.o(l'M'*r tin- military ooutinguucte* which hu Ii a course may involve. ’ It Iv*. and, furtb>.-r. T hat th* State of Alabama ban iliii.i endeavored tu prepare fur the t-Xi • n ns - I the futuV -,has not deemed ii necessary jtu pv*.p a moot ng nf (feputfes from the sluvo •'*>l'li -'atr. but anxlou-ly desiring tb* ir co •I’ • iuo in a atriigglu wbl h perils nil that they • uld most dear, hereby pledge* horeelfto a C"r ital pariicipati.m in any and ©veryeffort which, in hurjud miivuL, will pruieut tho couunon bafoty, .(•!v.mi the c-utoiLon interest*, and serve the j common can so R -H.dved, further, That should a convention of dvj'iilie* trout tho bUvohuldiug B.ales atsetoblo ’ i*i any tim*i U*’ -rc tho uiceting of tho n< tt Uon •:t i A*seiubly a f.r tho I urposes and under tho I Ktuliuriiv iudii'tttndby the resolutions of the State j *.i s .Hifi Cutuiliuii, tho G -vernor of this Stuto be, • .1 .Tu io hereby ,%u< borizod to appoint one depu ty rno di C- o o r s.oniil Disnict, nnd twolr. m tb<- .Ntatu at large, to represaut luo Btalo of A'.u bauni n said Convention. Collision on the Central Kitlrmtd A telegraphic dispatch was received ut Macon, i niplif before lust, stilting that a collision took ; place on tho Central Railroai near Millet) which ■ prevented tho < mnectioti of tlm trains ut Mncoi. : Wo learn that the messenger of Hamden’s Ex- I press was slightly injured. i Washington County.—The Democracy of this i county have passed resolutions instructing their i delegates to the March Convention, to ignore the j Ike.i.uib r Convention, that harmony nnd union ’ iii av ho respired. The npiritan I tone of tho reao ! lutfensaro conciliatory. Mr. Seward and the New York Legislature. A ooriiMpondont of tho New York Herald, wri ! ting from Albany, tho scat of government of tho ! Stale, protend* to give an idea of th© standing of | Mr. Howard in the Legislature. There seem* to ho a diversity of opinion among tho Republican ! mein cr* m to the availability of Mr. Seward as th Ba-pubUean c.iudidate for the Presidency. He is aekn'Wlcdgjfl to bo the embodiment of their primi|ib.-but. the recent disunion threats of tho Democratic Congressmen in the event of the alec lion tu the Presidency of ono so radical os Mr. cwiiid in bis views upon slavery, has somewhat ‘limin',.-.lied tho chance* of that gentleman forth* | Hucestdon. Wo did hope tbe Republican* would | not strike I heir colors. R.irey, tho American horec-tnncr, wan [ c inii money at last accounts, in Paris. He : vc hi* exh’bitioii* in tiio Cirque Napoleon, and I tbe receipts ono night left biui $3,U00 clear ! profit. 11<-inn rtlutliig to I liurliKtuu, S (’. I Theio wits ii destructive fire at Charleston, F. | 0, on the 20th ir st., consuming a large Rio* i M.ii in the rity. It wa* insured Ftsß,ooo. Tlie j tine r< -id nee of Col. J.uoa**, erected in IKOB, afeo caught on lire, and the elegant paintings and ! wood work fli:c>ra ion* seriously impaired. The | total 1 ss by tho tiro, about. $J(),000. ;rir*l.usu Bonheur's picture is on cxkibitioß | in t.'uarl'.-lon. It i pronounced a chef ifouevre. Z 1 -~TTo atniivi rsary of the Charleston Socie ty took place Sanday, the 20th inst. Rev. K. H. Myers read tbo annual report. Fourteen hundred uud fourteen biblca h and been sold, and eight bun dred and eight diatribulcd gratuitously. The re pun cull* upon Christian ladic* to aid iu the di* .*• ‘iirnation of the biblu. Rev. Mr. Peek ad j dressed ihe audience. A MAUNtrtOKsr Llorsn at Pinn.\i>Eepiiia.— ! T.■ Piiilii'l-Tphia paper- contain glowing <l. s- I eripii niH of anew hot I callo l th* “ftoniltiontal,” iviiuli bu* been leased by P.iMn Steven* for a ; t-io us iwaive ywao. at a rent offflO.UUO par an , iruio l b rc -Ir-s about ix hundred rooms, and ’ it m cHliumicd that at feast ono thousaud gac.-ts i can bo ttcu >m a ••iftted. The Presidential tyur lion rt. tiled. The *to ru last Thursday uigtr blew down tho I). ino©r >tfe slug staff which ha? been standing for *cvral years ut 11*0 Went end of Broad street, in our fity. It wn* eroded, wu believe, by lito Do mocral? during the lu*; l‘r<m leoliul campaign, and over smeo then has “stood tbo battle and the lrc D wh* about one hundred feet high. It (c I liii*i Tbu'-d.iy night and luy next tu >rning pr'.-'rali-'l on the ground pointing to th* North Went. An ardent fife.i and and admirer of General Lane, of Oregon, ohsei ycd when lie saw tho wro k that Im hailed a as a g tor inn* omen, that ihe qm- ii ni a* to lto would be nominated at Churl stnu w.t : now i-elllcd : that thu old detnu er.itfc flagstaff, anxious for the eroct on of aUller and h ind?.m r ono in its place, “had resigned it* pust,” and that its last official act, while lulling, w.i? to /trout n* 11 Oregon us tho State from which tlm next President wa# to b© elected! General Lane I? on? Ofthe few Northern *lal?tan wh” stands with the S -utb on the question of Cun gr - iminl protection to slavory in th© Territorfes. ■—Hos tula Spirit of tbe South , Feb, 2SfA. Cortimas IN Matanouah.—The following news frm Biownsvillo, of date tho oth insh, gives anew feature to the character of the Corti na* insurrection i A gentleman who arrived at Goliad yesterday front Brownsville, reports that when he left, Cur Una* was in MuUiuora*, and on tho day before drilled his men, two hundred cavalry and three ; hundred iulurtry, on the public plain of that city. lie also stated that ho (Cortina*) was cblaf in i command of the Mexican forces at that place, who ! iv. rc favorable to the Church party. The above is corroborated by three ofMip-r j lord'* men. wbu passed through here on the r > way to Austin. BushL gin Dims. The Appropriation HHt*~-pconomy in the Sk /ienditnn.-—TUv ILmao t “imuittcc ol Way* and Mean* uro engaged from day to day upon the Civil, Legislative and Executive Appropriation bill. They uro culling it dowu considdrabiy be- I vv tbo figures of last year. After thin bill is disposed of by tbo com mi tic©, Guy will take up tho Army nnd Navy Apprupi intioii hid*. They Oteud to prune them v ry closely, lopping off all ui.uocossary (xpontiiiur. s. The /Lpliitiotic Quip* and tha Inauguration Ceiemnuirr, —lt Im* excited no lin o purpri.-o and di (pleasure here that the whole dip! ni.i'io corps, which bad been foiimtlly invited to pirtieipato in and iiwifet at the Into , i-r ui my m inaugurating tbe Ntaitio of WarhiUKton, rcfus< and to b pre-mt on t'io paltry pretext of te.diideal ctiqtictt*, alleg ing (lint tbo position aasignid thel < n tbo occu s:on tv b not a* digt,ili*d a* they had n right to expect, thereby imp ymg that -out* ©light or in sult bud boon pul upon ibcm uud the gcccrmnetit* they reproM ut. Thu Pr< .*i*lcnt. in his speech on tho following day, with dignity rebuked this dis courtesy by nimplo allusion lo it. The Sickle* uud William**** Contented FVmc.—- Mr. Fiokfes resumed and otmchith and bin argument to-day before tbo Hnure tb.iutuntw on Emetine*, lie contended that tho petition oi Mr. Willinuisi n doc* not allege lads ©iinUid) to mil ti.r it dtd'vllee, and alm> that, tho ('mission to give notice of pro- j eroding*, as required by the low of 1831, tbo failure to support petition by any ?• ■mhnony, tbo j occupancy of tbo seat since Dcc:uiber, nnd licing i sworu in ns a invar t r will out olje©tmn to tl.e j ecrulicut*, exelud* Mr. William.- )• f'r< in any! right to eontcM hi* seat Tho oouU*taut will now j submit hi* reply in writing. Indian H'-ie in AW l/©a , i#n.--TTu Ir.dinn I Bureau bus received (fli< i*l advice* that the | Navajo* have at lust coiiiuicro-i'd u dee .- vo war i upon our people and ru ids • Tiilmgtbc vl xieans ; al ‘iiit tbo Rio Grande. tSnpertuier.dei t ColLns ‘ says:-— M A war with the tribe i* now In-vond tbo possibility of prove tn ion.” Ii will '(• reColluctcd that last yeiir a treaty was mmlo by Captain Huuncvilio and Bupcrintud©nt Cos 1 n* with these . liidiim*, but it bus nut yet been acted uti by tho 1 government. The Pn.ti n and IYV*t Point Appropriation Hdt*.— ’lbo Rcnsion and Wist Point Appropria tion hills would ha vo been passed to-day bud there been a quorum in ibe H> u-c when tho com mit toe rose. These bill* el lei tod no debate what ever. there being in them no nppropri lions in addition to Ihuso previously r.utliori/ed by few. From VVasUluK.'Oß ( by. A oorrespondout Ir* m Washington city to tl.e Bavunnuh Nows thus writes: Two grout p'.litic-u! ape ches were made to-day iu tho House—one an aide ( xponi'inn ufSou'h ern views and iuteriu-ts by 3ii Luiuar. ; and tho other it masterly defence by 11. W titt>r Davis, of his position fr. in tb aidudvei*ioU-( of the Maryland Legi-fetnro. Mr. Sevriirit i.t about to open Id? in j the Son to. lie lihs brought in a hill for the, im - ! mediate admission of Ki.nn;, n- a Ftatc, with ‘ tho Wypnd'rtte Constitution. 11 ho intend* to press next week, when be will uu>kb a puli icnl speech adapted to Mi view* and prex nt rather waiting popularity iu hi* party, i t.i* measure, too, will be pressed by the It * publions, as the leading i*>uo fur the Pio-idcnilal campaign. If tbo ml mis-: ion of Jvun. u bo not reb.icii by tbo Democrats, the Republican? will have no ground felt them fora conical boforeJhe pauple. jJHlf*I(, i uii'leist..u'l among recognized lead en, .v. Waaliiugtun if Uio Ciinvlestun Convention notniuuio a tuutiurti t, that, the Cin-j ciunati phiifi rm will bo ro uthmicU pure mid rim -i j pie. bis geographical p .itiou aud *eli*jtial *ytu ps thy furuiabuig a guarauiy for the rt*t. if n Northru man, tm n a plunk to be inserted fur the Drl Scu td'ii-Hio, with the Boutiirt inler prctai.iou that tbe Constitutiou carries slavery | iuio Territories, aud entilies it to proteettou by ■ Cuugr-.c.i. Not True. Almost oi ory shu t of u. vquipor used by tho press in North C ir.dina, Hmnh I'm Ji a, Georgia j and Alabama, i? cl .Southern Munulucturo. j Three fourth*of all that is used in Now Oilcan? is made til the Nor:b. Li X©t>tiv.?i>vu il is livided I between North ami .South. The Soutb. ru Metho dist Book Concern gui? most of their* from North of Macon uud D.xuu'* Lino. Tho above is from the New York Hun and is wholly untrue, as repij'U. the newspaper* <>f Gcor- ; giiv. We do not u?t- -i sheet ot newspaper mol*! .North. All our heavy demand* in tins re.-pect arc Hatislftci -riiy met by the B..tb Mills, 8. Caro lina. nod tbo Muriel*ft Mills. Georgia. Both also supply tbe “Maiboditft Book Con oern” at Nsh‘viilc. aud the paper* ol Augusta, Fuvaunnh and Atlan'n. T'bu.-o of Ouluuibu* procure their paper from the U<u k Island Mill*, (bdunibu*. and man *” others buy of lb© Athens (Ga.) paper mill. We think there e hardly a shout ~f .Northern made newspaper used in Ueur giu —Mu con Tel eg rnph. Gen. Joseph Lane's Buy hood. Ocn. Lane, on© of the hrnvcjt Generals of the Mexicau var, and t.uw I'nited yiufex Scnuiur from the Slate of Oregon, Wus the son of a r*-v.- luiionury patriot, noted lur bi? bravery ui.d for hi* tough, iron constiiutirfti. He had ?( vend boy*, oi whom Joseph wus one of the younger. It was tbe ..Id pcntlcmau’a delight to 101 l iu* buys all about hi* bard scrap * and tough ?©eiK du ring the war of the It. volution, unit i. vv.u: their p ide to become “us tough us luther.” lie I ved with his boy* * ii tbebuJool .no of *he nior.iitn u uortheu*l Lake i.corgein the ‘• v. <f Chester, Warren county, in this State. Guo 1 tii reenu tioti* nf tiio hoys was, Wluui in the -urn fi.'. to tuke turn* in sttiiidiiig on a stunt; aud Jet the other* pell him with stones, uud no one who could *iHttd this pciiitig lotic< ?i wh.- •*nio-t like father—tough uud ti’ to be <t suhlior.’* J'ney all in their turn w. uld yield ui r the pelting but j young Jo. Hi* ii-murkdo th. tu, w.,on hr got un tho stutnp wa?, “Hit* i* my pu*!. im-l i will m v or leave it alive.” Hun* •■in ugh, be never would, and hi? dctcrmiocd wi t and > nv -ry coining lo bis father’ ‘ <ar*, ho cL-ip|K‘d him on the fe 1, saying to the other*, “Ii • n b- ys- Ju, will uever yield; ho will die Ur?t ; lie w !’ tnul ft Gctu rill yet.’’ The old ni->i did not live to see hi* predict fen fo'li.'kd, but J - ‘ and iii ke u General, and brave on •, too, a* well as a m.hlo man, nnd a D utucra ic Senator fret” ne of tic young giant States of the lur Meet.— A*w York Daily Stir*. Black Rkpubmcan i actich.— I be New York Tribune comes out strongly fur Bales ns the Re publican Rrwidenti.'d candidate, ltsnys: “If, then, (.ur C(.uv.niion shall decide that it CHiiu it .i ely umuiuatw Euffurd or C'buae, we hold, with due *ubinii.'i). that the man (bribe hour I* I dwurd Hwtc*. < f Alin-ouri. Mr. Built* is emi*mended to our tudgiueor. bccane, while e**eiiilli.V ft llepuldicnn. be ha nut hithi fCo lie.n idem died with our party, and i* .mt ix poind la th. unjust j r ju'li er which iucc*suni uiisreprcsetrfation Im? exoitca a.aiust our veteran iJadtu*. Horn, reared, and nfwiy? redding in a ?l?vu State, it will be tuotallv tuipueMbfe to make anybody bvlfevu that bu iiiediuie* di.sonh n a* a ui. un* of getting rid of *hn cry, or thut hi* elto tion would rhsuli iu disuninp,” Fonrr Nixv. Childhun Diiownkh.—• From Mr Bro Otis, edllor ol tbu Quincy IJet'tld, we Ireru that a mud tirrll fe euluii ity, rivaling ti>a* of ilia I'einhi.riun Mid*, incurred on Tt ut*day lust, mar thu town ot Dardio, Hitum*, on Ilia Illinois river, and tvmii 1 twenty five, tnda* ttbvo Alton. Fifty (.hooi chi! Iran, m at a univi r* ?ty at that place, wont out upon ihu iuo to play. I h.; ico gave way, and with one x< uptfen, ull wTc feet. Our iii'oruiuul uns unable to give urtlutf pifcrtirtuiar*, but he yeprerunts that tho dlagu wa* a scene ol universal in J.truing u!iuo*t vmy faintly in it having l.<toD*)or more of it* uieuib. ra,-8b L*ni* llertUd. Lot’ll* NkuolkoX.—A Raids lifter writer thu? ‘hfcribi* Louis Nupofeno on one ol ib# spat feu* avenues us tbftl iigpcrjul city : “Driving a fiair of *|dwn lid bay* attached lo a box wagon, with Ihe rein? in ht* own bauds, nnd Handling them u* llr<h he Wi r • ucusunned to ,t, without atiy uulrida*, oquerrio* or guard*, , l, u Emperor > npnleon cuiuc along tho uvenuo |[„ dressod w“l a black overouat, and a hat ,vbicli wa* ot a fuilibin of its own. The puintsof lii? uioustarho looked partu nb.rly sharp, and !iis burpermr a* thirugh It had just ©nine from lie barber*?. It required a steady hand and u ( i,ick eve to guide tli'i-e dashing liurso* throtiyb •bu iiniuutts© throng (rt’ vehicle* of every descrip iton winch llln and iho av-mue, purtlcolurly a* thu driver, while kci ping one eye upon ihu Heeds, i’ i?obliged with t u other, to acknowledge the salutations which bo revived au eve y side, und •ui keeps up a o mtlnua! bowing. The K upi-rer. -ivo*, as yet, no sign* of age—hi will bu fifty iiv-uoti the 20 11 • I April ucx ‘u’ bek- •* fresh and vouug, 1 think, a* wbuu I *aw him five year# *•” PEYTONH. COlOftlTT, I-. JAMES W. WAKEEN, (Editors. Number 10 •I""’ “■ 51 r lluntih—TU. Fort Buiitb, Ark., lltruld i. a strong a.lvuc:iu for Mr. Iliin tvr'* nomination fuf the Presidency. It Bu ya: i Among all thu prominent men ofthe country none would bring to the discharge o Presidential dulte*, sounder state-umnahip, truer patriotism, , ur record of more spaUe** inlegriiy, than Sena tor It. M. T. Iluntcr, of Virginia. On him wo \ Dtlicvo tbo party, North and South, could unite. The South know* him * her true nnd reliuMo frit'ml; and at the North, hi* past service* and his known fidelity to tho Constitution and the Luton, will inspire the Democracy with confi dence. Ho.v. A. li. Stephens.—Among the Items stir- Ilieliod hy letters, from Washington, wo find tho following: •‘lt i? now understood In political circles that Mr. Dougin*, failing to secure tho nomination at Cbnrl. gfon, from the united opposition of tho South again*t him will transfer all tho strength Imran Command iu favor of Alexander 11. Mu* phone. Ho will have power enough hi the Con vention to control thy nomination of another without being able to command it for himself.” Tin: OttANQR TrKb*— Tbo Planters’ (La.) Banner us the In*!., inya: In thispart of our parish the mango trees har* 1 nearly all burn killed by tbo sev’ero ireesc* ot thq I present winter. Even many ofthe sour orange i tree* have hewn killed, though these arc so hardy , a* to bo perfectly BUl'c against thu Irecsea vtbi.h : ordinarily occur in tbo country. Many an orange I grove that was-clothed with verdure and buuuty last fell, now lock us dry as a pife us brush, Ci kino to her Aoain—A curiou? circnoi . stance* to"k pfe -o lu*t week iu Louiaviile, Ky., Saturday Gm papers contained uu obituary no tice ot tbo death of a Mr. Morn*, nnd an invita tion to bis Irienda to attend the funeral from tbo corner of Murkvt mi l Brook street*. Saiuidoy ; morning tbo bear*o nnd carriages were at tho , door. Tbo body of tbo dead mail Inid hevn j clothed iu tho funeral raiment ami inclosed in a ci Ifin. Number* of friutnlsliad a?s* tnblud. Sud denly the man in the coffin gavu signs ol’ life—- Rumor states that he kicked the ouflhi lid off. At any rate lie was saved Imm a death by burml alive, aud i* doing will. Iniman Tit"tu: k* ix New Mexico.-Infor tnuitou bu? just been received here ib. t uoi lung , since the Navajo Indians ir. New Mexico attack ed a party of so'diers iichi* F.ri Dib.ioce, killing four of them and wouuding others, and drivii g off a number of oxen ladon iag ro tbo Jurt A war with t hero Indian? me ms inevitable. ‘I Ids iuiorutß'ion is conta nod in a letter ud-.rusned to a member of Coogre*.-, duted Srtita Fe, January 2S, and vs as brought Viy the overland mail irum i El Paso. Trk TBUittToRY ok Nevara.—The Senate Coiumiiioc n Teiritoiics fiavo bx*l under cuu ■idoration the subject of orgmii/'iig the Territory • f Nevada. Judge Oradelbaugh, ut ihe siiggi s tinn of thu eoiomiucc, hitv ng just returned from L'tali, and being familiar with tb*l Territory, ap peared before them, and c •mtUUiiicated nil facts in hi? possession rehiiivo (•• it. Thu committee are of opinion, a? i* afe >Ju go C., that hyorgnni zing tin? Territory ir will in a great measuro tend to hr ak up the Mormon aettiemeni, by di verting tho populaticn into litis new To ritory. Tbe (.'(jinmitteu will tu-c irdingly report a bill, ud urge upon Cougru.-s its eaily adoption. Fad ‘rcjntcNT.—On Thur.-day evening of Inst week. Mi-s EiiZa Hi id, of tins ciry, w. a most film king If bur ed, ty beriir.a* (niching tire.— Sbo liug. red “0 uniil Tuesday umruing, wbvn death relieved jiur froiu her cufieriugs. Mis? I*, id wh*. a young Indy ot tnihi nnd affec tionate dispusitiuft and bur sad tud untimely death (ins cast a shade ol l-.rroW ov r Ibe vvliofe circle of her ai qiiuin unc( s uud frfeude.— Bed Puirit (tit*.) Citizen, Feb, 2J. - - Nrount? Imrn to Kiel their Overseer 1 nv an Aii iiirio.Ntsr.- ‘.V yesterday, ir.-m a j it lin Id * >Liv*, .?ay ? h Munp'us A'ftlanelicof (i. 2Sd ult., the puituulms ol tbu tragedy enacted in A.'blv co'uufy, Ar^ ansa*.which has created great cxtiuimnt in that locality.— Jasper Murray, ovcrseer “t •‘•amut i M. Carter of Georgia, who ha? rcccnGy retlicd a phintati< n in j Arkaeeu*, wus killed by the negreiß uti ihu pon e : a few ays airicd. Inquiries instituied develop ed that the criuj® Was committed at the instiga tion of an abolitionist named Sneed, who pr unf ed Uu: negroes that if they would kilt the over seer and get bis money, he would carry tlkin to a free State. Five o? th? negroes and the white man were nrrrsud, and are in jail in Ilumburg, Ashiy county. As before stated, the most ii tense exeiti merit prevails in tbu n. igb orl o and, and it would n .t ue surprising if Suwtnl met hi* (feaerts in a moat .-mnmary tuanuer. Two of the oldest newspapers in Germany, tbo Ci’zrite o’ I.cip.'ij and Rostock, evhbruted >n New Yeuf’.? day, the former celebrated it* 2boih and the latter it* Lilith birtln’ny Asa Souvenir ■ f tl o occHSiun, the Leipsic G'< *tte presented to is ? (hscriber* fee similes of it? pub icudon on the I*l of Juuuury, DirtU and 17GO respectively. Germany in Favor ov Riik.e Traps.—A Hamburg fetter tqreakf n” follow* ot the (ff ct prolncod in Germ my by the new* ol ti.e treaty of comm ;rce belWeeii Engl.did uud France. ‘lhe U.riuuti journal* are all di*cu-iug the treaty, and tliey unan luottsly aeknoirfedge that tlm pre ference green t> the system of protective !u i. s, nn ead of prohibition, i? a great progress ‘or Franc j, wh e manufactures h ivo uw attained a degree of purfeutiou vrbieb will viiahie them to bear <• iu/i liiioii. J , iu*iu mem* finely re aired la fallow in the Hama trick. lief uiplomi ic agent* ac r dire I to the German gov (.rumen's composing tbe Z diverein have received int-inn tion* iu t**at sense, arid (be Berlin Cabinet (lo in nid* carte blanche f.r t lie romluMun of a treaiy “f o mmerce with Franc • “’"I E Among lie Sines of ihu Z *Uv* r in, S.ix >ny, Il:in.vir, and the Btiitus of Tburi’ g.a b ivo already du ll n red in favor of a rodu-u - • of rti?t >iii? duties nn all r.-iw initorinb, and of a gradual approach lo tho free trade system. There i* reason to b .|'o tint th Bouthorn States of Gona my—specially B .varta and Wurfemborgi which a'une hara hith er. o resisted these t.'ii'lcre-ie*—will now accede to the wishes of Prussia with a view to tbo ad vaut il-cs they eouid not fad lo derive Ir uiu com mercial treaty with Fr m e. Ewir.'Mt Iti'cnt \Si-y. *k Amk’UCi.—The Lm don Ij.hl> Ki'Wi, m | nper ciim-iuvri bk übtlitv, in apt. iking of the l i iU-d Sluter, *:•}> tin l u : i n hart a Poriiwisif r-Ocin ml. !* in n> of T>u\ n Ke'ntiunc, a Setrtdury id t’< h age n ( utd< n *■ u. and of I’uMie Laurie. ‘I U*tr ure il t five d< |mi ii turn of ihe United Stntm nt, i-ini lln uro mII. The Amcrirat it lime no tuniarv id the Tienstny, ol'Wiir, ofihi- Navy nrnl ol the Iniiiior, mill lln rifro there run ho iio just rout pur iron bo vr eeu ike legislative business ut \\u*l.iigton und Lmidt'ii. Max asp Wifk Mi’nileiiri.— L'uHy Tinsdny morning lust, Mr. Ti omp-un nn<J his wile WITH hotll foil ml tis-id nl il l II- residence. I'Uir lU’flucH, iii (jnrdt'U County; tier l-cud# Imving hoen horribly leiittn with a rledt* hiitnnnr Mr. Thompson bud been diu “g<d *"if of hiahoUfO and h>ii found in tint ynr"fui* wifi* wtfi found in bed. weltering in -(•-’ and. It ‘• ‘bought the deed Win, perpetrated by s-mo int urnaie fiei cl, hoping to get a < “Ci>i.h r,jhlt- quantity of money, but lie sutcet del iti gefiiig only $75. Mr.Thouip si*ii wmu amtTfhanr, and a •nl l have been u veil r * perl able and eh vir fcthtUumii ■—Atlanta /.o< oinoliv* Tow * Tai.k\—-’t le* bet n pro;- Offd hr Borne of our ell I*l im, tlmt ti c l ily i tni.iilibou and pur . htißit the e eguMt res.t en-e Mini ground* on the “llili” |wi offered lomlehy ihe Kx< uirix ot the Into Dr. Fint.k iu, fur he pur. o>o of rendering it to tilt) next I egiulNture .h u f-ian iful she for ihe f’apit- lof lit tug iu W'e nro rare that if the. rout of Ooirri mini in ehangttl. on more heanti i ill lot at ion o m be lound in do -bints <f our ‘'fate for tie ilcof the Capi'ol, 11. n llißt beau tiful and coßjiniiinliiig cmin.i o . Ul t say t'e eiti- father# to ibis programme f— Hutto* Ttli yrajth. ft a I limn re Southern 7W ■— The ‘'erehants of Baltimore Ifikri smd m .Southern Trade uro ta king step*Jo rt -wteblisb dirvt i iti-ui eouimuul |,,.|*reeu that eity and Savannah, Qa. Amammwation.- A praeiii-nl geologist, who ealls Iniiifelf white, but him a colored family, *• a |t week vseortod out of 1 llinoisti wn, opposite Mt. hnuiu, withe significant, bint to may away. Sniii/nitiftn fn the lent il Stufei t.—-The to al emigration fiom all foreign rountrieß int > il e lotted StMlt-f for il o nor .Hill g Det-tmbi-r 31* 1 H.'O WMB KJO.OUU Icing M'luut lea per ccut. gw n on i4lt