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Volume XV.
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fte Cf otomlros ffecllj gitwf^
> j
Appeal to Southern patriots.
“Now is the day and now is tbe hour” for all
true m.n, wholovo tbe inotittttions of the South
1 better than tbo triumph of a party, to rally around
the :untlard which upholds their rights and pro-
I claims their equality in the Union. There is no
excuse nntv for patriots to falter. The flag is
thrown to tbe breeze and under its folds every
• lover of constitutional liberty, without distinc-
Bon of party, can tnko shelter and repose In safe
■ ty- We make no appeal for domocrutie princi
ple* but principles dear to every freeman. The
akiriii of the nominees of the Constitutional Se
ceders'Convention aro clear of squatter sover
! oispity, and there is uo excuse • r the shadow o 1
I an excuse. why men who have boon lend In their
I professions to the South, no matter whether
1 whigs, democrats or oppositionists, should hosi
’ •* for st moment as to the , >ure they should
! pursue. Tbe proud Spectacle of a united South
j Is now offered them; nut upon a platform of
; doubtful cob* trust ion, not upon men of equivocal
I position* upon the slavery question, but upon
J both n sound platform and true m. n to ndminis
j ter ti> gosurnment. Those whore low of the
I South, constitutional equality, and of tho Union,
> is superior to mere party triumph, will behold in
j rb C .tfetitutn ft il Mates Rights Party, all the
| beauty and,!. l-*ry with which a ! -ve of country ran
j invest ir. Wo have m ade every effort at oonciii
tion end harmony in tho National Democratic
) party upon the basis of true principles, and bav
f ing failed, no alt creative la 101 l hot to hoist-the
. cf t:.c Fouth, and battle for her just right--.
ii—e a mm
John Bell on Abolition Petition*
j ‘‘That llua,,John Us’ 1. the Oppo-itum cutitii
d ‘ r President, v„,ui in C to receive
j U r e •buy i:, h;oa-ily, squarely, aod in tho mist
j ‘ mpbat'c istanru r, aud ca l fer tbo proof.— Eu
j guuar, b, lt?60.
Wjutt is meant by iho “rr*;cpti>m n os a petition?
I Simply to entertain or “admit” it. This tbe En
i quires will uot ‘deny. The question then is, did
Mr. Bell cv.w favor tbe ‘ntniwuM of abolition
petitions l y Coiigross ? Either for the purpose
l of r<Jb-c-uc* or any thing else ? In the Weekly j
• Enquirer of the dato re quote the follow- !
j tog:
“Finally, Mr. Bell, seeing that it was t relere
; to try to procure the rejection of the petitions, and
j that Democratic party dodges only increased the
limitation and annoyance, came to the conclusioo
| that the bet inode of dealing with the question
was to (rt the petition* be iircKiVRD and referred
to arc remittee, with instructions to report against
; their prayer.'’
Mlmt mute do tvo want than thi; ? Here Is au
; fuimiasioti that Mr. Bell favored precisely wliat
| we charged : that while in Congress, he thought
! “Ihe best mode of dealing with the question was
: to kt the petition* he received and referred to a
eomiHiiUe.” Our charge is sustained ly the Eo
! quircr if -Ml", which ought to l>e good authority in
I proof of what it denic?. But perhaps, the En
| quirer does not agree with us that Mr. Bell in
favoring the reference of tho petitions to a eom
j mittco meant thereby to receive them? In other
i words, that tho pimple question of rcferonco did
I not involve the reccpttouof the petitions. In tho
! s:un issue es the Enquirer from which theex
; tracts are (akch, we find the following in allusion
[ to the resolution* of Mr. Pinckney, of South
■ Caroliou, in IS3C, to-wit:
“The question upon these resolutions was di
vided, and the vote was first taken on the simple
1 question of reference (which of course involved
Wilt this suffice to prove our position Mr.
Bell favored the reference of abolition petition*,
and “of course” fho “reception.” YVc think the
contradictions of the Enquirer enough to tnstaiu
ui. But hu will not flop here. In a future issue
of tho Tunes, wo will prove from the record that
in 1810. Mr. Bell v ted against tho 21st rule of
he II ‘mu of Eopresoutatives, with An.vxs and
flu>ni:cs, which provided that “no petition, uiv-
I mortal or resolution” about tbe abolition of slave
ry, should bo ‘'received'* or “entertained ia any
tcaf* by Congrats. To vote ogainet this ra*l
tion was equivalent to saying that they should bt
“received, and entertained in eome *c**g.”
The Enquirer lias challenged an investigation
of Mr. Bell’s record. It is :i dork one, a wefball
! prove, and u > fioufhera man ought to vote for
him ::j prclore ce t • such pure statesmen n*
! I’reehenridge and Lane open a platform thatod
mitsnf but ontf eon.-truotlou,nJ that in favor of
’ the Constitutional rights of tbe South,
i Tho f.Uowing States were represented in the
■ 0* n vent ion at Baltimore:
Yerift&ut, Missaebusettf, New York, Fennsyl.
’ vaD'd, ]>4aw.'ire, Maryland, Virginia, North Ca
! rolih.t, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana,
Texas, Arkansas, Jiftrenuri, Tenaes
j ear, Kmi.u ky, lows, Califorwiaand. Oregon,
Bn rki oridge nad Ltnr
Tii4uAtlCKe(, say* the Montgomery Adver-
I i/.e, that ovary atutos Itighis men can cheerfully
’ ®iipprt. Eloquence, gen ns und statesmanship
I —wwdbft,coUrago and fidelity*—tßcw) are the
■ .-Uiuis the uouTuiecj q><9ses3 to the suffrages of
j Uiepe<>pl®.
Rtu rn kj—tha first of tbe new States admit
j ml into ibu Union; Oregor.—tho last—unit® to
offer candidatM wbo->o success alone will perpotu
ate it. _
East Ananaiu CunLuot.— Wo call attention
> it tho Cemueuccjaent Exercises of East Ala
'i’ wfil n<* doubt be a treat to all I*j
vers oi’ Ed jc i:bu to be present a?. Auburn on this
occasion. The addressee before tUu various ciass
! C3 and sociotiet will bo delivered by gentlemen of
i distinguished ability and eminent qualifications,
j as will bo seta by tho advertisement.
I Addresses from =ucb en us Ssut aett, Dowde’l,
I gunford an l MoTyclre, cannot fail to attract a
! .Jegreo of Interest not usual od pitch occasions,
and crcata la f.ivor of this new aud floorlsUing 1
| iustltution a host of friends. The future of the j
\ East Alabama College lid- to be a prosperous |
Post Office BuMuchm.
! in tbo iijt Fort Office oper;ttions for tho }
wettk eliding June <MJi, ltd)0, inclusive, wo find
| the fottowin^:
i l.itnb',i*h> and. Fine Fla In r, Clay county, Genr-
I !!■•
Same* (Jhuvrjed. —llolnicr, Early county. <ja.
to OttSvia.
’ F t tbe Week ending June lfith, inclusive, wc ;
liml the following:
lSetahfieheH.— ofaylfff, Lowndes county, Geor
, ‘ gloi |
Di*coMt''(ii:iE—Lorig , B Bridge, Hancock couu
. ! ty, ‘Georgia.
Xami* Chuttged.^ Mogjakna, Msrriwetbcr 1
I , county, Gtu, to Chalybeate Springs.
JbSTin tbo list of patent* issued for the week
j ending dune 12tb, we find the following;
Win. YV. Oulpoppcr, of Augusta, (ia., for im
r provemcntH in ear couplings.
! Charles W. Richter, of Madison Go., for im
provement in vapor lamps.
George Smith, of Macon. Oa , fur improved
’ hose pipe.
I Merer, Editcre:
“Now is tho winter of our dlacontem
Made kU rioun sum net by Umh sou of York,
Ami slither oudSthHt lowered o’er onr
In the deep bosom <>t' 1 tin* ocean burled,*’
The Douglas yoke, tho Squatter’* chain,
j Was urged upon our nee ks jit vain,
All frCo-soil tyrants wo disdain.
And shout, hoorah 1 for Brock ami Lane !
“Now, by Bt. Paul, the work goes bravely on:”
Tho next thing in order is a rousing ratifies
meeting, at which wo cun express joy for onr Mv
j livcrance and liberty*
Messrs. Editors--words cannot tell the mighty
1 results of this victory. The whole South should
| hold ii regular **ie Dctttn I’ vdnmue.”
Gentlemen, I propose that a day be set npaxt
J for general rejoicing and congratulation.
Let special invitations be sent to each eno of
that Spartan band who composed the Southern
Rights Convention who so nobly sustained our
equality nud rights nn.l vindicated their instruc
Let tbo President of tho V. 8., and Cabinet, be
invited to moot and rjoicc with us.
Let thoso mure thun Uutuan Senators and no
less honored Representatives in Congress, who
ha- o breasted the storm of Abolitioi), and foiled
its waves back upon iho enemy, be c<>rdiu!ly in
vited to attend.
Let all the true patriots of the country evory
wlicre, who “know their rights and daro muin
tain them, bo bid a welcome, one and *(/, t*
ootne and join with us to givo thanks and praiso
<o the Delegates who acre instrumental in achiev
ing this great a victory.
P.B.—Let a meeting of the party be called
and tbo necessary arrangotuont - Mnui f tcv., .to
—bo made nd uppoimed,
New York currvspoudcn! ..f the
Montgomery Advertiser ssys:
Let mo call your Attention tu a growing evil in
your midt, which ifit is not chocked, will lead
t > seriouH consequences. £ a Undo t-> tin* custom
which is beginning to prevail iu tbe South of free
nogrocs Mt that section visaing tbo North in
the summer time. I have already out stverai
Claris; a mulattoes traveling on the North Riv
er and Button bonis. Tbeto follows pass tin
jotson bero at tlio North in mucli the name tyl*
•a their suporiors, and ruimn. when tho wiotei
months eet in to ihoir S mthmu homej. YA’tiib
here they undoubted!* fall in w ith nbuliilunls>,
md vrhu knows to what extent; they are nsed >
tools among tho negro population at home? lh’
‘reqaei.t murders nl” w'hi'ra by slnvv, aod tin.
runaways to the North, may no own’ in in
-■mall extoot to tho secret emissaries. Tuo atten
tion of every Huutbern legislature should bi
.-ailed to thesa grave eire m-iauec.-, und hi
passed and vigorou-ly executed, preventing m•
<roes or half breeds from returning 10 tho rejutb
after once absenting themselves, under pain c
-i rao svVero punishment—oven death rather than
thuexis'obce of such an evil. I hope theNuuth
rn press will take up tho mait-r iin 1 press i
upon tho consideration of tho people, fur it ia ev
ident that a native mulatto is far more danger
ous, for many reasons than a white tout..
YY’t athkr jam) Choi*r.—Tho Flaqnenuaa Ga
tcUo A Sentinel, Louisiana, sara -
Never, wo believe, fn-ottr expcriofico in the
Sou;h, did wc feel greater heat or a more suffo
cating atmosphere than that which prevailed on
Tuesday and Wednesday nights, tho 1 Sth an”
I9th. Rain in touch wanted—the crops aro sail
ly in need of it. Cisterns generally are einptj
A good soaking rain now of a day or two would
bo invaluable.
The Clinton Fclieinnn Democrat. < f Saturday,
Another week of soorebing but weather, with
tbo exception of a tine shower in this vicinity, on
Sunday night. Planters are complaining very
much for tho want of rain, and the corn crop is
suffering severely. Cotton is promising now, but
what will bo iis condition, if the drought oontu
ues. remains to be soon. The first cotton boll
wo have received was * n Tuesday, the loth.
Choi s is Xortiikkm Mississippi.—The l’at
ola Htar of tbo 14tli has the following.
Since our last Issue we hove bad considerable
rain, enough to last uafor some time. Wo have
mado diligent inquiry of thn planters living in
different portions of our county, and, from tb<
best information wo can obtain, wo feci safe ii
saying that tbe prospect of a large crop of both
corn und cotton is at present much better than
ever known before, Tbo dry weather we had bo
-re tho last rains sot In maided all tho farmer *
to kill the gra‘S and got their crops in fine con
dition. Os course, a one can tell anything
about the future of the present growing crop, a
tho long, but, dry summer months aro jet before
a*, when too little or too much ruin, rust, boll oi
army worm may oompletiy ruin the prospect.—
Hut wo never.b -tewa, at this early day, pre iu i
.no of the largest cotton crops ever made in thi*
Southern Vnuoi N*riu rn Seflcty,
(IN lIEI'LT TO hfMNlsrt.j
Mr, Sumner has cureiuily gleaned from Un
newt papers all tbo crimes tual buVo been perp.-
irsUu ui the Sou hern Siaio*staco the adoption o
.be Conatituuoti, and heattn .utes them uli t
slavery. Slavery inUiocuUre of all the duels, <•
ail the streel-bgbls, of all iho exploits of lb*
oowie Untie, ol wnich the Southern States bav
oeen tho theatre smeo tbe foiiutUiiou.
bos done all it could in the way of wickedness,
out ms but a barbarous iusKtu.iuu alter ab, au
.is deeds have been tbe deeds oi brute foice. It
ueVer b* reached, nor is it able lo reach, tb.
.luolimebeigb sot Northern civilizations in thn
ureeliou. it bides its head in shame when caLeu
jpou lo pV'jduee a single iusluuee of three you u*
•vouren seduetd by a single man, and all rnurdv;
and by strychnine, iteauuotsbow u single pruneb
r wuo has been iu tbe uabit of first debouching
uci alter wards murdering tbo lema es oi bisllock.
£ bus not produc-ed a eiuglo Avery, so lar as w.
snow, and wo duu'v know *fteiber one could exist
aittim ts aimospboro. Saductiou, poison, anu
.uu<*- iviug clergymen are tbu products oi an mi
t-iuiced civ luation. They are comuiou cuongu
imong the otiusiituents of Mr. .Sumntr, und he
baa right to feel proud oi repreawiting so mu t
refinem ut. He can look down ur scorn on tin.
•arbansui of tbo South—which never bus exbib
r.jd, nud n ver will exhibit, such proofs ot od
*■ aoced civiiitution an bo may tuo all Mrouud btu.
m bts own nat.vo land. There b may eco the
.jonjugal tic so little regarded, that elopement o,
no wire with almost the ffrst pretty ftllow thn
uappens to come along, u aim .st a natural con
d.queucj of marriage. Tbaio he m y we divorces
granted fur too asking, whenever iho wife *.t
soiuob- dy she bapp ns to like a little better than
the man to whom she has sworn Iter lai.h ut tbi
altar, —or tbe husband takes a fancy to . oua
younger and bettor ookiug woman than bis wife.
There bu may see tbo prison crowded to autibco
tion, with malefactors of every possible grade;
j front thorufhau who - cals in tlungsboisaud bow
u -knivep, or brains hb unsuspecting victims u
mgbtliliy miles at sea upon tbe da:k of a sloop,
to the elegant gcnUunau who poisons his wife,
or tho accomplished banker who swindles a whole
indeed, Mr. Sumner might have spent tbv
j rest ol the se.--ion in contracting tiic effects ol
j Northern civilisation with Southern liarbarisui
‘iu the single article of refining crime. It can
; hardly bo postiible that ho objects to crime in the
abstract, for hu praisce his own i*ooplo among
whom ft (luurbfbcs in great perfection, until ev
’ ry individual meml>cr of a Northern cotnmuni
-Ify must Wash from sheer modesty. It Is only
t the grwsness of crime that he objects to. The
, .Southern people are sad bunglers, and do tho
, thing awkwardly. lltmt’9 tpe wrath of Mr.
I Sumner.
Mr. Sumner Is laboring under the same prof-
I crenae lor tbe refined way of committing felony,
i no doubt when ho lcrate the South for having
I no manufactories. Manufactories alt over tho
world aro tbo fruitful parents of erim*, and that
, crime is of the highly civlized doacription—such
! us burglary, shoplifting, petty larceny, rioting,
! murdering in large bodies, striking with slung
j shots, be. Tbe crop of crimo in tbe manufac
turing districts of New England is prodigious
every year. But here he is unjurt to the South.
The South contributes to this its to of crime, and
i tbe suffering which is the immodiatn oauso of it,
by keeping up these munufactorien. The exis
tence of New England depends upon the South.
Tho South is her bust—indeed her only foreign
; customer for ell sho manufacture*. She sends
her, too, the raw matoriul, for she is too poor to
produce anything that eomes out of tbe ground,
except hav, and that, too, the South takes from
hor. —Richmond Diepatch.
“t'lrrinnstanrcs alter rases.”
The Sav.AimJh ll*publican t'ccupiss a position
.n rofcroncc to tbe two swelling Conventions nt
Charleston and Buitimure, which we are at least)
comprehend. It plainly iutiinatss that if the w
ctdsrs liad stood by their action at Charleston
and placed before tlio country two sound men on
thoir ticket, it would liavo boen tho duty of the
South to support i. Now that they have fulfill
ed this condition nt Baltimore, and ia addition,
have carried with them all the border States of*
eept Missouri, and whatever of soundness there
remained in the Northern Democracy, our oo
temporary leaua very porcop ibly to the idea of
giving them the cold shoulder. It aays, the tick
et nominated hy the seceden nt Baltimore ‘>
•‘respectable, in point of ability, and has th l )
addition il merit, so far ns onr present recollection
<>f the past course of the nominees serves us, cf
being entirely safe fbr the South.” The reason
which it pretends W> give for repudiating the Bal
timore movement i.s that it is tho “ticket of a
more faction, split off from Iho Democratic part),
ind, so far as appears from the record, it is with
at tho credit and prestige of nationality.” But
would not tho Charkstuu movement have been
mors obnoxious to that objection ? The latter
had tho co operation of only eight Slates, and they
were all Southern ; tbo former bears th_* endorse
ment of fourteen Southern State.', entire del ga
llons from two Northern States, and smart •dices
from the delegations of (Ireothers. So far. then
- os the liepnb.'icau has regard for the “pres
rige of nationalityit is bound in honor and
truth twgive the greater credit to tho Baltimore
movement. It was frupoesibla for cither to hate
any other than a “sectional character.” The fact
that the qwe-tion which enured thedh i-ion of iho
Natiop-.i! Democracy was a etctibnul question
prove* tbe proposition. The South demanded
prut sot ion tor her property; tho North refused to
qrant it, and the former declined further party *
tsjoouAtion with tlio latter. These ar; Iho facts. ‘
YY as the course adopted by tbo Southern State.-* .
right'? If yea, it makes no difference whether ;
bhey bo u “faction” or uot. Their cause i a !
one, aud the people will i>udltr.
U: fklcs*rss if (be Donglaxltrs.
Tuo report of tbe m.ijority of ht cumuiitieo n
•redentiala in tuo Baltimore Convention may bo,
•alien ns a uriteri ii of tho spirit and purpose* ot
liu Douglas f.ic-tiau iu that body. Their dodsiun
m fitvor of excluding the regular Democratic del- I
igution Ircin ibis Slate and admitting the bjn
twlegation. nd in admitting balfofthe bogus dal- ■
igniiujD from Georgia, betrays an utter reckloa
leesofal! daccncy. ‘buy bavo reported, as it ‘
eem% Iu la. or of ndinittiug tbe delegation from *
Alu'iis-.ippi. In wbai respect doej tho regui.-n j
l legation from Alabama differ in the merits of J
sclaim to aimiuion from the Mississippi de!p j
tatiouf The deU-giitioiiß from both of these State- ‘
i Cbarlc-ton withdrew ; a convention was culled ;
m each of them by tho Executive ( .munttce op- j
i -int‘:d by tho proc eding Conventions, oud rbn ‘
present delegations from both tlio Slat -s warn •
i •pomted precisely uudor tho same circumstance:-
nd bvr tho same constituencies. If tho Missis.*.p
----,o delegation the Domocratio puny
ol that State and is so recognized,’ y tho Couvcn
urn, the Ala bam nl legation i- uqUuUy entitled
*bo recognized .m l ndinittc I representing the
Gln aw \tio parry of this Stale. The merit of iis
• l utu t-bo bu adml'ted is not at all effected by
he fact of there being a contesting delegation
from the State. This contesting delegation, as is ]
notorious, represents but a contemptible min ritv !
of the Democracy of Alabama —not an average
perhaps of half a dozen men in each couuty of iho
‘txte. And tho Douglasites propose to admit tbe
represontat ivet - of this wretched little faction und
. 010 out the delegation of tho Democratic party
>f Alabama, appointed precisely in tbo same way
arid hy an exactly tint,tar constituency as tho
Mississippi delegation whose right to admission is
•mooded. It would be an outrage that would set
.11 consistency, reason and decency at defiance.
\ gain how is tbo case in respect to Georgia?
Cho bogus dclogation from that State was ap
• hntudbva little clique of bolters who after go
ing into iho Democratic State Convention and be
ing voted down refolod to abide its action. They
were in a minority in tbe Covention >■. forty-one
■> hen hundred and ninety eight; and yet the
I) luglasitcs decide that one half of tbe del gation
f this bolt ing minority nballdifplace half of tho
i >l-gates appointed by tho great tnnj -rity of tbo
<> mdoratie Convention of Georgia, and sb 11 be
allowed to cast uno half of the vote of tho State iu
the National Convention ! YYasever a decision
more unfair and outrageous? It shows tbe reck
less an 1 violent spirit of the Douglas faction, and
thoir determination to trample down every con
sideration or justice, propriety and and -cc-n y inor
ler to curry out their purposes. —Mobile Trib
Johnaon, Jackson and lobb.
YVe and p the following extract from the edit *
iul corruspondvnee of the Georgia Forrester:
Ex Governor Johnson next spoke to tbe Con -
rentiou. With all his great powers of rhetoric
aud argument be labored tor one hour, iu a Uor
lulean effort to convince bis old friends that bo
vaa still true to tbe feoutb, wax bound by ibe
Kansas Nebraska iwet, >o the doctrine of tion-i
-tsr vent ion, and that “protection” meant imeiv n
u>n. In tbe middle of tbo Governor's argttm ■’
be convention adjourned for diuuer. Thai, ud
our nine nt was latal to the speech, for after din !
Miriiie Governor was wholly unable to pick up
tie thread of'hie argument and for two hour.- J
iouudcrod through tbe mod extraordinary, w. ! |
red tern tie hurricane of personalities and tji. - ;
uentary vegerica of logic that perhaps ever .ell
romtin* iipi oi a man of bis acknotvlcd --1
{realties-. Tho only point mado in ui* urguirn m
that to I SOU, tho South surrendered brcu J
ututioiial rightr and that now she is cstoppud
rum demanding their recognition by the b u {
Wo listened to this £{>euab and witntirsid the
rustic ruvingaand magic p|eals of the speaker
vuh uiournfui regret and painful throbbing* “i
l o heart.
lion. Jleury It. JucLson followed G v. John
son, iu a most euruert, eloquent ttod couv.n iuq
ugutneut. Hi* remarks were to the point, and
erribly destruntivo to tho doctrine of the* squat
ters, mud completely demolished tho (rail tenc
ai-nl erected ny *Beward, Gardner and Johnson
•Vc have seldom listened to n. more powerful ur
nore eiTectivu speech.
Upon the conclusion ofToi. Jackson * remark**,
ul atuid prolonged *uil thundering opfdaure,
uid (or‘ Cobb,” “Cobb,” tlie Hon. Howell Cobb
(.{anl arose, and in thirty minutes closed up and
psrfoctod bo great argument—routing the one- i
oy, burse, foot and dragoou. Tbi* was con .
-iderod tho great speeoh of tbn conveutii u, and |
the i <ng. loud und uproarious applnuse that fo’- ;
owed iu conclusion, gave the highest evidence
•('the entire Approval und endorsement of tbo i
LJwartl Bairs lo Favor olLlmoiti and llanißn.
Bt. Juno 19,1560.
The Democrat to morrow wid contain Judge j
Bates’ Utter in support of tbe Chicago nominees. !
After disclaiming that bo feels tbe least pique or I
iUsatis action at not receiving the u >uiin.<tion {
tiimseif, busays that it ia plain that tbe approach- j
mg cont.j t mus* be between tho Domucraiio and ,
Uepubiican parties, and be prefers tbe latter.
Tbo Democratic party, ho say.% bus merged its j
existence in tbe one idea of negro slavery, and is I
wholly sectional. It has, in various instance*,
endangered tbo equality of co-ordinutc branohe* ,
of the government, and attempted to degrade tin
judiciary by striving to make a passive register of
party decree. In most, if not all things, be con
siders Ure Republican ptirty the opposite of tho
Democratic, and therefore entitled to bis support;
and this would be a sufficient reason for bis sup
porting any man whom tbe Republican party
might put forward, if be bad not other good rea
sons for supporting Mr. Lincoln.
Rain aid Chops,—On yesterday morning about
eight o'clock the clouds gathered in black inosm*
to tho Sou h and South-west. Thunder and
lightning indicated the approach of a severe storm,
but tbewe tbreatnings passed away in a most dc
lightful and refreshing rain which lasted more
titan an hour. Ifil was general this rain will do
immense good, for corn wus nearly destroyed by
(bn long spell of hot dry weather.
YY'o see notice* from various portions of the
country around of the appearance and ravages
of the Chintz bug which threatens to and serious
damage.- Selma Itiue, 22nd inef.
rWitbo Memphis Avalanche,
rtio nml Bcolt Decision.
N o dislike tiA direure a theme so hneknied, but
the doctrine nt Squatter Sovereignty is so obvi
ously uneon&tit ‘iuuut and unjust that wo 0.-inuot
refrain from air. quunt cxpoMm* of it* nbMmlity.
We Imvc .'itru h..wn that the dogma i* wholly
and entirely antugonUiie in tlio l*rod Scott dr
cislon, and with a view id'impressing eorraetcon
elusion* upen the publfo miud, we shall rueapitu-
Into what wo have already aoid. Our remarks
will bo short and cotieisp, but of suffiulcnt length
to show that-the judiciary of the country baa
branded Squatter Sovereignly u a rank heresy.
The Dred Scott Decision *uv^
‘‘And if Congress if self c inn-.t do tbi.-- if It i
beyond*the powers cnfi ynd .un the Federal Gov
orntuent—it \ ill be .qjfttftted, we presutnc, that
it cnilid )u>t authorize n Territorial Goverutiteat
iu exercise them. It. epnl I enfffer no power on
any local goiunam nf, e. t;il,|i*hud by Its ntithori
ty. to vi'.lMte tin- pr .visi.*n- of tho Constitution.”
I hie quotation, explicit and emphatic, is
lr"in tbo opion deliver, and by tho vcnorable Judge
Tanvy, in tbo Bred Sentt eiwe, and run bo found
ut ptigo in tbo pamphlet copy of that cose ns
published l.v Benjamin C. Howard, Ct.iet Ju*-
tioe Toney, alter ;•>>. ning (at jingo ho. of tho
pauiphiof copy) tflat tlio rights of person
and property were united under the Mh amnid
uumii to iho I’tiußttiuriftn, and that I'ougreus Imd
no power tonb. lish or exclude sl.ivo property in
and from ttie Territories—he said, an aer passed
by t'ougrwss to do uitlier or both, “could Imrdly
be dt.niiiod with tbo nauio of duo process of law,*”
All wid at unco perceive that the .-upremo Court
uflhe l uited iMutes, in its decision of ho Dredi
.Scofi ease, held it ns uiumnnilmiunnl for Chn
grc*s, b v nn y art, to abolish or exehido Uvo
proper)v Iromjho T>rrltorie* owned by the Uni-
Uni Sf.itus and held by tho Federal Uovc.rMueut
in trust. Mid as agent lov alt tho Statee. Alter
the t'hief Ti-ticu itiakoe his argument and shows
com iusivclv that the power is not only not grant
ed to (V'Cgru* i • ib.iii-h or eveiudeslavery from
the Territories, but exprcMily denied to Goiigrvsx
by the liiib to tho < uictiiulion, pro
mu to show that, ('(ingress* in iho übovo quuta
tin. “••'//■//••.■.. <- 1.0 f‘Utrt rmt ttctf I .•/ One
ernt.inut e*tuh*tiihed by its to violate, the
l 14 ’ 1 ’ tone ci < ,i,totioii,'’ lor iho Oouri
lioltl- it uhuun.-! itutiuiiul and wrong for Congress
bff pass any act that dupriv us any el
the Ma'ct goM, ii . , the Ter •- l ights
iihcr m person or property, aud then with equal
force nil 1 plainm .- -hows that n Territorial ur
}•• •:>! GuVomin i;i, ‘ , tabli-hed” by the authori
ty ol (’.•ugre-s, catibot d’> th:it wliie Congress
i ! >lf CHMiot do. Thn is to say, ( no
bav n j the power lo vi daty tbo right# of parson
and preperre , C eau iot give, or permit
“.my loeiu G’.yoi uiuciit *atuMi#h t d by iuauihu
riry, for the 1 crritorica. tho power t > violate the
provisions of tbo V .nst.tntiou” by nbelisbing or
cxoiud,ng ulava iiroju..|jy from tho Terntorif*.
P', us Judge Douglas und bis IViomU ouul pd,
u TerrUoriiil J.- riMaturj Ims the right to esiab
lish or eXcludo .-!uvc pr-peity, if. of course, has ;
un equal right to s.iy what is ..r shall be proper
ty in the Ten it it. Ji t.o Territory ha* tbo
right to aay v is pruj- r, v, it h.ia the right tu
Miy w hat pi open y shall bo held in the Territory.
Tuo Republican leaders erty thatCongreto has
th right to sa v wba- is property and what prop
erty shall bo h Id in Urn Terrkorer>, Dniglas
aud his frieuda h ,'J :j while C ogr ■< baß no
right t. say what in ju .porty, Territorial
turcs may boih eny whether shivery 1 J property
in ibo Terriiorw /.uu! wl.-.-fh*r it may ]>o held in
tlio Territoik-i.
Il tlmrit.iio mi i ytin*’- m u ia to lo deprived ot
i t b e done
by vilo uit I in-i iu un u political manoeuvre
a< popular 5.. creig ,ty m the Territories. If tho
nv.irh i'ois fttubitiiiii oi the Douglas loaders dc
mund t u. *a< vificu oi thu rights of thu iSuuUi rn
the forriiuri.-s, und t mt *• lime-honored pritud
plcs”—th.- five l uvesund tw,. (it her—must he
appeased lot it bo dun • openly aud manly, ami
nut lutnduously and evenly.
The Supremo Courts any “ tbe rights of urop
nrty are united vl?h ttic ri.-rffts oTpm := u. Irthat
be trin , wc id; if tne Territ .ri 1 l.egisbitnre c.m
not exclude tbo persons ol’ fiJoutboruers iron) the
Tarritori s well as Ida pr pery in slaves. ]i
(buy arc united as the Supiviuo t >tirt bolds, how
can tho Terri toss A! Lc. Mature exclude ono With
ou tho power to exo id tho other lif they are
united, as tht* Court h and . how euii yon aapamte
per l >u and property ? if a Torritori and Legisla
ture him tbo p.,wvr to exclude a South in man's
property in slftt. ■< frem thu Territnrj bus If mu
unequal power umt right to txcludw u Southern
m.'in without bin slave a from thu sumo Tc ritor.v ?
For thu Court holds ** the rights • f property r*
united with thu rights of per.->n, and placed on
the mime grounds by the Cumwitiition.” Y'es, the
Court #aya tho rights of property and person arc
no- only united •• out placed on tnc s.imcgrounds ”
That is, 11 a L'.*;;idaiMr** bn.* a right
f. exclude or prevent the South from entry in •
property in si ive- int tliw Torriii.ri. s it has the
atno right to exclude or prevent us without pr- p
•rt> iu * laves, from going into tbo Territ. ru*. —
Vcs, but Hays Dougla.-;# und His ouppip'itrs “you
have the tight to carry your #l.m i into the Ter
ritories, l,ut utter you arc there, you must not
•xpret the Territorial LcgiriftUiro to pa- - laws f<<
y. ur ‘order/ If tb poo] In of the Territory
elionse they run destroy >r tako your prop rty in
s hives ” if the Tcrii wrial l.cgi lature has the
right to deploy or take a way sl.iv", .i ha* the
right to destroy life < r take iway liberty, tu tbe
Territories; for tbe Mipreuio Court #jiys, right
of property and person arc “p . , and on thy fame
grounds and united under the Conatiththm/*—
Therefore you r .mint vi. tut •nr i i.> i m cither.
It a Tertiioiiul b sl.ilnrc tdinaid deny to h
.Southern man, witliunt- lu-’ .'dove. I'm light oi
privd, fo of K"inq Into that i uii>. Douglas
would cull it au alxir.u t ri..-! i. and m t worth
yontending for, and a-! vmi n vuu eApimtud the
Territorial lagi-lat ..o b ... “order”
f>>r those who demand juui.ctb r* for property
ind pti i
m lijnl
it proiftabb ir him ; • into tiiu'icniiory, yet
- - toil
t-ucti M from his w ,,n . . ... ~• ih
ltuu ;R SUOiu AKfi'ShYsT,
Yed’s Fainrlfr-. or. OppoMAg Tickets.
I barn g - l.m-k hi re tin in’ V. r al.iogton, 8#
the fun i- ol!'U -rin I. un- r; , and them was no
tree in staying thcra uny longer. 1 nm glad it’s
i.vr, too. But 1 ‘.m v what di vlish iuw men
can say about ti.c n< -.•• iiianon*- -Iu ib my men
bitva been in urm*, i1; but tltu- ih nutniut
tloo —my txownn Inppcn to he upon opposite
liekft*. t*d J can't vot>- for one without voting
ogainetille other! Now lf'n'Mbat to>. b.ui, alter
working ntbi mid day land swuliowing to much
bud whisky) wi.ii tlisorfsoi p#o| lc, trying u* get
my men nuuiini.ted,arid now to find (bat I can't
voto fur cither of them w.ttiuut voting again*’
tbo other! Iri just fliy Iu- U--I hollcvo I shan’t
vote nt all. lns'cuj of p uimgttn'm both on thu
tßino ticket, which would have -vud the coun
try. they arc both now miming fur thos.tuie office.
Any foul would- u ivo th.ogiit that whoa Douglin
Came and wn they M have U-i him -lay down and put
up inv other laiir —> ot tin y wouldn't do that
and #:> vo tbo e miitry—-bu; thcrnV no mow talking
about ibe couniry aoW.
This Utliulwst d{spat ti you wj! from up.
I’m !or c bun). in eight ur t*n dayn. Toll
‘.-'quire YV—ai.d Dr, H ——— - tbut I’ve done
thu 10-:-t I cou'.J, und it the country ain't saved it
ain’t my fan It. Thu country may he aafe, hut
that's devSiisli uncertain.
Youth truly,
Ur. FltziutricU will Decline.
YVahiiimoton, Juno 2J.
Hinco the nominntiim, Scuuior FiUpaudck baa
announced that ho hue received.many <1 spatebes
from bis constituents deprecating his acceptance
of thu nomination ou tho Douglas ticket, aud U is
now rci ponsibly reported that bo will duclinu.
Fitox llayti.—-YYu loarn from Hay ii HratFres-
Idcut Geffard has recognised M. Louis Guetjcns
a# coin iu* ndul agent (or the Bolted Status at caint
Marc. Tho President cuutiuU'M his lournoy
through tbo Republic. lie was everywhere re
ceived with tbu lirulieut inilmsiatn. Goiiaives
was illuuiin itudevery night bu whs there. At Capo
JLiyticn tbo keys oi the city were presented to him
on a pinto of gold. A project is on foot to form
an axsooiiition for tbo encouragement and pro
taction ol'immigration. Thecolofiy ofemigrantf
from Louisiana, numb ring sotno two hundred,
havo sottlod in a deeirabw location near Saint
Mare, in tho Artibonit**.
Mr Breckinridge on slavery.
Mr. Breckinridge is sound to tho core on tbo
subject of slavery. As wo expected, the Opposi
tion are quoting a garbled os tract from a speech
mado hy him at Tippeounoa, Ohio, in IBsf>, in
which he said that the domoorutio party was op
pofiod to extend ing or realrietiug slavery by ent
of Can gran*. His position ia Correct. Ho denied
tlio powers of the Federal Goiommeut to propa
gate slavery : was not tho “design of tho
South to bo uggreudvo upon tho North.” Tho
Opposition will please quote wliat Mr. Breckin
ridge says in full upon this point and, also, bia
recent speech before his election to the Senate, in
which he explained his position, pothat no Roit'h
cm man could object to it.
lion John Dell on AbollUnn Petition*
We repeat th<?charge that wo uindo against Mr.
Dell that ho voted for the reception of abolition
petitions in Congress, Tho proof i* overwhelm
ing tliut he did vote this way in the Congression
al Debater. It turns mu that oven the Columbus
Enquirer, that had denied tho charge so emphati
cally and called for tiio proof, is now forced to
acknowledge its error. Tbn Enquirer excuses
itself in a very singular manner, That John
Bell did not vote Va 1811(1 for the reception of
abolition petitions. Tho denial was broad and
Hat. but now it. appears that Mr. Bell wus far from
being au “ultra opponent to abolition petitions.”
On the 12th of Duo cm l>ur, 1837, Mr. Adams, of
Massachusetts, presented abolition petitions. Mr.
Lawler “rasod tho preliminary question of recep
tion, on which Mr. Adams asked for the ayes ned
iiuys-- they wore ayes MI, nay* GO. “!?o tho pe
tition wus re reined” \s ti|o language of tho Glola.*.
Mr. 801 l voted aye - that i* to roecitu them. Mr.
Hunter, of Virginia, Mr. Wise, ol Virginia, Mr
Dawson, of Georgia, and other t-outheritors rot
ted any. W’c hnvo utln r proof a- to th*’ acenra
cy of our charge.
Supreme t'uuri.
Thu duprouie Court, says tho Macuu lulograpb,
of the 20tb, began its session in Afncou un ys
---t rday,(tbo2.'ith,) Judge--, Luthokio. ‘'icpbcn*
and Lyon presiding.
Tho following ease wiu. intr'idiu v". i o’, ibu .m
gnruent wan not concluded :
George Hargraves, Ex’r, plaintiff in error. .
JatncH M. TTiambers, ct. al. Debt from .Mu- J
JolinSOu A Rbmn for jdaiiuifl iu • rvr Hlnv-
H >Utbr defendant.
Till; G A LI.AMT L'ACTAlif.— Ma*:uN V uLiX •’
tkKit*. -Tie Maenti Volunteer ‘, had a fine timt, j
it seems, on thoir recent triple* dial y< oatcSprings, J
* correspondent of tho TeUigmph .-peaking of tho I
gallant Captain in connection with tlio Ladle* j
say*/'T hope he is uot severely injured, and
tliut lie won’t move to Cvlauibur. It j# a good ’
ways over there, hut it is uot .t kaiJ-u- wig to .
travel as that to tho Chalybeate springs. And at- I
t v all the officer “f the day was win pulled (■> i
send a rorpnralV guard for the Gnplain Lo bring
him homo. Take care, Volunteers, T warn you |
aguinst Columbia; cliaiiue, ‘era it i too lt, utul ‘
yon too slinro the Cupta n’s fati.
The Two L’unventlons-TUo Douglas and breeders.
In tbe seceding Convention nt Baltimore, which (
assembled ut lustiuite Hull, tbo Committee on ,
Credentials reported tbe following delegates duly .
accredited to the Convention, to-wit:—Verntont |
1, MuSHaohusetts 10, Now York U, Pennsylvania ‘
12, Dulawurv 2, Mary laud ‘J, Virginia 23, North 1
Carolina 10, Georgia 23, Florida 0, Alub-vtna JO,
Louiplana 11, Mississippi It, Texas 0, Missouri
2, Tennessee 10, lvontiicky 10, California ?, Ore- j
i gon 4. Total 281.
Tiii. l ) does not iuclude tho delegation from South j
Carolina, who wortat Richmond. The Chair- j
man of tho Committee on resolution?, Mr. Avery, j
of Ninth Carolina, reported resolutions which j
were the same a.i embodied in the majority re- j
purl, made at Charleston, without the crossing of j
at, or the dotting of an i. They were passed j
ununimouGy, and arc as follow.,:
Resolved, That the platform adopted by thu. !
Democratic party ut Ctuoinoftti bo affirmed, w iib
thu lollowing explanatory resolutions :
Ist. Resolved, That tbe government of n ‘J u t ;
ritory, organised by an ad of Congre.-*, is pro |
visional und temporary, und, during its existence, j
uli citizens of tbn United Slates bavo an equal
right to s'.tile w 1 j thoir property in the Territory j
without their rrerifs either us person or pruperty .
ieiug destroyeu • • impaired by Congressional “r t
ferriturial legit rdi- n.
2d. Resolved, !” .t it Is the duty of the F* du
ral Government, .*4l Ms departments, to protect, 1
when necessary, the rights of person- and prop- i
jrty in tho Territories, und wherever else its mn* j
jiituiiunal authority extends.
:td. Re*- Ivcd, That when the soMlors in .i ‘£• r j
ritory, having an adequate population, form .a {
State Constitution, tbe rights of sovereignty coin- i
menc-es, mid being hy udini'-KioH into j
the Union, they stand oo an equal (b eing with )
the people of other -Stutcs—aud thn bu* ;
organized ought to bu admitted into the 1> li-ral i
Union, whether Its constitution prohibit* .r r<
ugnizui theinilituiion of riavery
Gvrr (his Convention Hsu. Cuhd>
who re: irnr<l the Choir in tb.- oihi*r (Vmv<*nH..u,
Dll. Her ol red, i fiat thu demo-imiu p.uly are
in tutnr of theaequisitiou *T the fsifcud of Cuba
on such terms ussftall be honor*Hie to oursulve*
and to Spain, nt tho - nt*
6th. Resolved, That fb uiinctiuollU ol Stnto
Legislatures to defeat the faithful ceeuuti'Mi “t
th<* fugitive slave law are Hostile in -harttar.
subversive of the •-omsHrwilwn, and revwiittbmary
in their cfTccl
fitli. ResutvHd, That thn •l'-nioer:i-y ol tuu 1 lil
ted States recognizes it as the imperative duty
of this government to proud tbe n.-ttuiuli/od
eitizen iu all his right*, W hether at home <*r in
foreign land*, i- the :ume extent n* i- native
bora citizen.
And whereas ore of the greatest uece.-niiit*# of |
iho gu, in a political, commercial, postal nod
military point of view, is a speedy ooinmuniea.
Uon hotween tho Bmitie and Atlantie
therefore, b if
ResoUrvd, That the democratic party <U> bore
by plerlgo themerl\ to uso every means in their
power to eeeuro tbe passage of seme bill to the
ox tent of tho ooustiltttidnnl authority yf f-oUgri-ss
her tho const ruction of a Fuciffe railroad from t lie
Mississippi river to tbo i’actflff ocean,aC Ge ear
Rest practicable moment.
On proceeding to ballot for President Hox.
.lori.v C, BK£CKgxuii>fti, of Ktntuekey, was
nominated oa thu first- ballot and the nomination
eon firmed and mad* unanimous by aoeluma
Guu. JosKi-u Lake, ofOrognn, Waauimuiinou
ly chosen tbe eundidiita for Y ice Ficaidom
Jn tbo ItrauLAa Cots vi.srtos, Mr. CuaUiug ra
nignod the Presidency, rk a ‘Muty of self respue t
and to tbo Ccnveniion us then organized,” amidst
ilia most dufuuing applause.
The Convent! m proceeded to ballots for a ran
dblate for the Presidency, as follows :
For Douglas—Maino 5 Yt : New Hampshire b ;
Vermont Massucbusaetts 10; Hhodu Islim-I I
C-mueoticut 3S ; New Y ork .’ls: New Jersey 2’.
Pennsylvania 10; Maryland 2Fj ; Virginia I’j;
North Carolina 1; Alahatuaff; Louisiana ti ;
Arkansas 1 j Missouri 4'/£ ; Tennessee J ; Ohio 2d;
ludiana Ri; Illinois 11; Mioblgan f; YVisconein
fi; luwn 4; Minnesota 2/^.—-Total 178^-
For Brockinbridge—Connecticut 1 ; Pennsyl
vnn’ta ff; Maryland %; Arkunsaa Vi ; Minnesota
Vi — s%-
For wise—Maryland H*
For Booock— Virginia 1.
For Dickinson—Virginia ’ j.
For Guthrie—Pennsylvania 3; Missouri }
Kentuckoy 4 l A — 9.
For IE Seymour.—Pennsylvania l.
Mr. Parsons, of Alabama, explained tbo pecu
liar position they occupied on this floor, coining
from the extreme South, nnd they should vote ns
they did They represented the popular voto in
Alabama 0 n this floor, and were willing to meet
tho issuo at tho ballot box.
Tho vote of Alabama wni much applauded.
Mr. Pierro floule, of Louisiana, rising to card
tho voto of that State, was greeted with loud
dicers. Ho said they were uot discouraged by
what had transpired. Tho popular voice hud
boon long pointed to the one who was to fed tho
next ruler of these States. Thoso who had rais
ed, by intrigue tlio storm here, would find in for
ty eight hours that they could not it, and
that if would overwhelm them. N’eccapfon must
beget disunion. Thu.-o who went out us tho Con
vention said they carried with them the sympa
thies of the South, hut believe it not—believe it
Mr. Soule proceeded nt length to review poll
tics sa affecting tho South.
The vote of Louisiana wa applauded.
Mr. Stnrman, of Arkansas, when hia State was
culled, said, in justice to himself, and with sorrow
be parted with tho convention—ho could not lon
ger remain aftor what had been done.
Tbo whole voto cast was announced as 190?
of which t*. A. Douglas had received lr.’Vj,—•
A second ballot resulted as follows :
For Douglas—Maino 7; New Hampshire 5 ;
\ oruiont b; MnwuehuveitN 10; Rhode Island 4;
ton noetic ut ; Now York .36 ; New Jersy 2‘;
Pun ny Ivan iu 10; Maryland 2Rj : Virginia .3;
xortb Carolina 1; Alabama 9; Louisiana fi;
Arkansas 1 1 .; M issouri 4, 1 # ; Tennessee.'•; Ken
tuuky D; Ouio 2;’.: ln lmiui Iff; Illinois II ;
Mihlgnn fi; Wisconsin i: lowa 4; Minnesota 4.
Total 181)j.
For Breckinridge—Connecticut \h : Penn*vl
vania 7— 7A.
Fur (luthric— Pennsvlvanin 2’.j ; Miesouri
1 ’a ; Kentucky J'j—6Y U .
The whole vote of Minnesota was oast lor
Douglas, although several delegates declined
Total ll'-i ‘a votes, of wht< li Mr. Douglas re
eoivdd 18f}£ and was dclared nominated, il *n.
Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Ala., wn-’ nominated
Yice-Preaidcnt by acelamatinn. Tho following
Ibo platform :
I. Resolved, Timt ns, tlio Dumoeroey i’ tbo
( nioii, in cinvention u.*sciDbied, hureby duularu
our ailiruiaiH'O of tho rosuliitiona uuanituously
nd’ ptod und declared ,* a platform of principle!-
by tbo Deinocvutic Con veil tiou at Cincinnati, in
ihe year 1850, buliovtog that Doiuocrmio prinui
plc3 are unchangeable in their nature when ap
plied to the same subject matters.
”• Revolved, That ilis tbo duty of tbo United
j .States to afford ample and complete protootUm to
1 nil its citizens, whether at home or abroad, mm
| whether native or foreign.
• Resolved, Th it one of tlio Jtm-eiwUfas of Hu
nxc, in a military, commercial and postal puuitof
view, i speedy communication butween the At
i I'inticand Pacific State.*; and the Democratic
p.'i ly pledge such eoustitutional government a*
ii! in-uro the construction of n railroad tu the
Fm-ilic cuftot ut the earlies practicable period.
E Resolve , That the Democratic party are in
t'tvor ot thy acquisition of the Island of Cuba on
such terms as cball lie honorable to ourselves and
junto Spain
b. Resolved, That the enactments of State
Legislatures t< detent tho faithful execution of
tbo fugitive slave la v arc hostile in character,
subversive of the constitution, and revolutionary
in effects.
Snocuixn Catastrophe at Sax.— A dtepatcli
from C ape Island. New Jersy, dated tbo 21stin?t.,
;atcs that the United States /-twiner Walker wc*
run into this morning; nt thro* o’clock, by an un
known sch oner, off xYlsecom. Tbe steemersuuk
in thirty imnutcr.. Th*i Captain, oflicers and f.*r
:ty men were saved in boatc. About twenty nre
, Georgia Miutaiiv Inshtute.—The auuual
Ccuutnoneeinent of this Institution will l>e held
on the 13th July. Tho address to tbe Gr.adua
j Eng class will be delivered by C'ol. Lochrane,
,of Macon, Ou. Tho following young gentlemen
| will compose tho Graduating Class: J. M. Joho
swo, Mariutta, Go.; It. H. Atkinson, Macon, Ga .
A. A Freon an, Macon, Oa.: R. L. \Y r ade, Sa
vannah, Ga. out for Him
By reference to our advertising columns, it
will l.u seen that u reward is offered for tbw per
<°n who reports for Now York houses, from this
pl *ee. It is evident that feme ou or more per
■*'>i)3 hero, aro in the habit of cummunicai mg with
h.i: are lunucii ‘M'r.iiunercial Intelligence Agun
cioH ”in tho Northern cities, representing the pe
cuniary condition of our merobants, manui'actur
cr , <Fc., by which the credit of parties are affec
ted according to the notion, whim, or malice of
[ the reporter. It is done in a low, clandestine
way, so that when mi a rep restitutions are made,
th parties aggrieved havJr no recourse whatever
on tbo slanderer. Under this mean and dis
graceful system, our very best merchants and
trader* .ro frequently injured, Bmetiinws their
credit utterly destroyed, ami no one can find out
| the incendiary ‘cotmdrel that porputiate* the
i malicious deed. Thing* ham cine tu a pretty
pa 3. when *ouu .rrcMpoosible, villainous petti
togger, or lnaigaiucnut clerk, from lankec-dom,
cun stub in tin- dark, he reputation of our best
’ itjxen.*, with impunity. YVo earnestly hope that
. very good ciiUm here and .-Denhero will make
il their otiMiiihS, to ferret out these scoundrels;
and onr word fur it, it one in detected, a most ef
fectual quietus will bo put tipi It such rascally
proceedings hereafter. -E of tula Exp rest.
Gi:n. Lam: on I'uoh ami Dot r,as.— In a re
* rit debate iii tbe State, Mr. I'ugli, the Douglas
■MiHior frun Ohio, mado a few rernuk* ui-ftarag
inirth. Deim-raiic strength in Oregon, bveause it
wus pno of the two NorUicru flutes that rided
with tho South at Charles ton, and alluded to the
fiiot that at the last election tho majority thera
was only about fifty.— Gen Joe Lone, tbe Scwtur
from the 6tato, explained tbe cauoo of this rtdu*
■ --d inujorHy a- follow)*: “At tho lato election,
when wo run through by so small u majority,
i very Squatter t><vereignty mail overy ono wh”
held that the puoplo in a Territory couhl prohibit
sliwer'y- -who bald that property should no* bn
protected—voind ."traighr out for tbr- Repub I lean
tHMidtoftfce, and we beat tberu united.”
On ail occasions ha* this gallant and trim man.
(•••presenting an extreme Northern State, had tbo
hiddner-s to “peak out lor our right * in such une
quivocal term* a* ought lo grapple every South
I urn heart u> hiui with hooks of t feel. Tbo lUch-
I muud Convention could nit do n better thing
I than t> DoininaLo him for flu* Prusnleoey. • M •- <
phi* Avalanche.
Ui;u Ri Hf is Cotton. —The \Vrtneaboro’ North
Carolina Argus says:
VYo have just; bc.u put in possession of frit it* ui
of great in crest tw cotton growers. Those who
have tried it suy that common rolt, about throe
pecks lo the acre, *utn broadcast, will euro cotton
of this disease after It has mude its appearance,
and restirs ir to is original licalthlulmand
color. U'e should think, tup, that tho time reme
dy would lie likely to prevent Iho disease wb"
it i* apt to make if* appearance. Try it, v*>n will
be b*Deflated.
Stoio; at Hatanmau.—W- were? visited *•
Thursday aiternonn about fivoo*Cloek, by rt heavy
rain, with high wind and ball. The Rind which
was from tho Northooif, blow n girla tor several
minutes.during which time several tree* Indi*-
forout part* es the city were blown down. Y\ t
leurn that tbo roof of the temporary cerpentei
shop at the depot of the tiavannuh, Albany and
Gulf Railroad was blown off, and that Mr. N
Cullens, who had taken shelter in tbo building,
wn* considerably injured by tbo tailing timber.—
During the storm, which lusted about a quartet
of un hour, cunnidurablo bail fell of a large tiz
enough to do injury to vegetation. —Savannah
A Tkkiudlb Cataki roi iik. —lit thj groat
tornado which recently swept through lowra,
destroying, umongt;‘herplacet), the town of Cum
unchc, a terrible calamity befell Mr. John YVeet
phul, who formerly owned tbe garden known by
bi* name. Tbe house in which bo lived w*
tirelv destroyed by tbo stortn, uud he with bis
whole family, nine in number, buried in th* ruins
Report says that all were killed.
Cut Her Tohowh Off —A woman named
O’Connell, residing in Albany, New York, so en
raged her husband by eonfUnt abuse, that, while
she was administering a curtain lecture to him,
be seized her by the tbryat, choked out her to guu
and nipped offthe if with u pair of shears.
JAMKB W : WARREN, \ Editors.
Number 26
W.nni.voToa, Juno 22.
Tit Ft,cl,. U-juL
Mr. Morris, dom., of lit., cited, tmt f.Mod to
oliUiu, lunvu in luirndtttu are., lot on nruriilini
Inraanaua.itM of il.r o, t. Uu.l, 5
tue rooHs., all ri.a iwto Mr. t’.ret r.
Unjlniahtd Ihtaincas.
On motion of Mr. Uur. h, dom of o*l, (ho un
iiutabeil bttoiaces wa* truusiurred tu (ho tax
Pniitpuj J)<je.u:i;euts,
Tho House passed the resolution, 86 against fi2,
reported Wednesday, by Mr. Ourlcv, treu. the
Committee on Friniing. - antMidud ly Air.
I TU Guff r. ( 4 , Seynice. .
Mr Alley, rep. of Ala..-, from tho Post Office
Committed, , 0 bill authorizing a p.. 8 ;al
contract from New Orleafti to Mobile uroi n 1 the
Mexican Gnlf, teuobing at two IVo ports, accord
ing to Air. Buttcrfidd’a proposition. Referred to
Committee of the Whole on tbo State of the
The Pont Office Deficiency Dill,
Mr. Washburn, rep. of 111., repor’ed from llic
< ommittoo f Ccnferenco on tbe Post OtTUo De
ficiency bill, that they were nnsble so ague, ami
ask to he dischaSgud frem further servlet, uud
‘hut tho Ibuiw insist on Its amendment, with
vorbal alteration?, restoring tho inland-rem. e,
diaeoßltnuixi in Marsh I Shy. cx-ept th<-mu,o ex
pired by limitation or improved tbe service fur
nished by railroad or otherwire, retaining thu La
bel steamer contract douse, tbo P,t Muster
General not to bo debarred from discontinuing or
cur ailing tho service in accordance with the ex
isting law.
Mr. Miles, detn. nfS. (’., said It w.-is almost
morally curtain that tbo Heunie would not agree
to tbe House amendment.
.Mr. M M.*bburnc hu<t every rta .u to oxpt-ot a
iiivorablo result. Hi* motion wq.-t ngreed to
yo* 3;, nay* not counted.
Demerge of the l.nnn /tiff,
Tho Loan aud Tren.uiry bill, a synopsis of
which bus been heretofore gw on, was passed®—B3
agaltrit 77.
Pension for Old Soltht r.
Mr. liraliaou, 8. upp„ of fi mu. mado an effort
to suspend tbo rules iu order t * consider tbo b.ll
grsiitmg perisirtng to G.e oldiura of tho w.->r of
Thu Hon*” ret-r-mi, :'l agaimt bit —md. tw .
11. j.r.pW.t,,; , j;,, X nt. .lied Jodi, in,-if ,tp
prop rim tori Dill „
Mr. Morrill, icp. of Vt., tuudo a report from tbe
Cotuiuil'oo of Cuttfjrenci: ..n tbe Regulative, Exc
cutive and Judicial M'.l. They recede iron) ibelr
aiueodnaent relative to regulating tho priming of
each House, uud thu benuio kuin anmndment .
withdrawn, it being rendered unneecc-arv ly the
passage of the bill fur that purpose. Tim report adopted.
TU !'inter Adjournment.
Mr. (Jrawlbrd. dcro:, ni-ide no un ui :-
ccssl'ul effort so introduce a resolution tboi both
House- adjourn to-morrow noon.
.Mr. Keitt, deni, ot ri. (’..paid tbo President in
formed him that he would not sign numo of the
bills till Monday,
Mr. Nelson, S. opp., of Terni., ‘ incflV*t*Caal’y
moved a au*penion of iho rules in or Dr ttriaitu
i nee a joiut resolution i<> ox lend the session fill
a’l the ponding bill* wore acted n u
Mr. Sherman, rep. of Ohio, wanted so adjourn
till Mt nduy.
Mr. Colfax, rep. ol Ind., re id that although Mr.
Sherman retd ho bad got through with his bills,
the. Post Office Commit tuo had not, und imuindtd
the Hon ret hut the oW Office bill wu tfovf bo
ing considered Iu tho Senate, and would, bo re
turned with amendment?.
AlanyrummcccadtH tadiiopn wort) unJe to sus
pend the rules to act on private Tbo con
fusion throughout tbo proceedings wna general.
A numb* rof private bills w*re iroWt* time to
time passed.
At a quarter past three adjonrnod.
The Beniti-tt < and Hie Japanese
James Gordon BetiffSt’, tbe millionaire propri
etor of the New Yo.k Ilcrabl, rcecnily gave the
Japanese Embueaiidu): a grand l n 1 and re
ception, nt his palatial residence on the Hudson,
near New York. For the btn fit . f our buiy
readers, wc extract fmm tbo rep fr\ of tin- r P ir,
from the Express, ab;i f Uasq-lptlon Os th ‘bar
nc?*’’ worn by tbo hostess ,u ibut :
“The skirt of her drere was of looped Illusion,
with u hand*omeill< under?kiit,bi v,’ which was
an elegant waist of white .-din. The hair *u a
bandeau.*, rolled at iho la k and fasti with
loop,?, which re-* <1 upon a magnifueiu diamond
crousvd dagger. Around ibe nu-k was a splendid
pearl necklace, which slrewod, by the contrast,
the diamond* un this !:utv’- dri*3.. to greater -i
----vantage. Many rtf the lady gnects renj>n iced—*
aud who should know hotter than they ?—that
Mr*. Bennett had nearly SJOO,OOfi of tliauru.ds
and jewelry o - her person. Mr. Bvt.nct was at
tired in plain block evening dress shit; Mr James
Gordon Dennett, Jr., was also In tbe recepHwn
room, dressed in a black c**ut, while vest aud
white pantaloons.
Wmaton, who bends tho
Douglu* vR’ t"ral ‘icket, is speaking ut Vurious
point* iu (bu 811110, nnd avows hi* intention, j. is
said, to prosecute the war until Iho Ja.-tev< edtr is
exterminated. YV.hul a mortifying spectacle lo
see one who but a few years since qtood s < high
in the affection* of the s>mhern Right# people of
Alabama, counselling the rurrendcr of a pi in
constitutional right, und fur thu first time, p end
ing the cause of Unionism and submissi o! lie
baa bad sotuw hitler eiiemjef, as w, ll a* worm
friends, but the most malignaut of them utv r
predict -d for him such a humdlntlng pi.aition as
tbi* I What a test us political soundoes* is time,
and how few are they that endure unto tt eend !
Ob! Hliainc, that renegade fire-coters should be
the icry chiefs of Squattomn), and South* rn
Right* quarter horse-’ the |brcron>r nags in tbe
race for ItougiuH and tbe spoils! YVfth all due-do
foaenee to die Lx-Governor, however, wo aro
bound to ihink thut in laying out ibe ext ruiina
tion of tho secedors u* bid ruuimer’n wuib, be will
(iml Iho dug day* aro over, that be bus
somewhat over-croppi-d biinrelf.— .Spirit o/ the
South, JEuJUilo , Ala.
Aftti’ trii atKkv YY r BST --The barks Wildfire
and Woliatn have l>eeu oondunned andordrvd
for Male. A libel bus been filed by ibe Dntrict
Attorney ugain-i tbe unknown bulk. Tho rliip
Surah G. is nearly ready lor .’tun, and will probably
sail uext week for Havre. The negroes who ure
well, generally kei*pup to a healthy standard, but
tho diMcnsed and broken down by suffering, tail
fast. Tbe Hospital ia full; on an average < f lUO
pur day therein the -trrivul of tho Wi hum,
whoso living freight wore in a truly pitiable con
dition ; and up to ditto DRI have died since toeir
arrival in thi - port.
The season of wreek# has been thus fur a very
barren one, uud business generally is qui'o dull.
Key West continued healthy*although th<- heat
was intense—the thermometer raogiug from 87 to
ffO. ltnin was much needed, both for vcgclulibn
and cistern. _
Bku. axi tvauatT in MAnr.xflo.—The Doro
upolis Ousette say* of tbe Constitution urn on
strut and puny * tueotirtg in that town ou the lfiih
inat. :
Tbe meotiug wiifc eom|H #rd of about thirty
ptreon*, and was quit • outhucia**ic. In *pp< in
mg tfslegoicß, tbo Bull and Everetts will find
that they havomada at least “ mit-Uke unkos
a certain gcn'.leuran hat ereurfi*htd in tbe l**t
lew weeks. We tbUikjif twenty-five delegates go
(•1 boluutltey vrill leave just five of the people *t
home. __
jfab'Yha New* Ficsyune Las tbe fol
lowing filibuttcring iteni :
“By way of Vera Crus wo bavo advices from
Chiapas, the oxtreme tfouthern tit te ol Mexico,
hi the effect that another ill.buster expedition lor
its invasion was organizing in tbe ncighb ring
republic of Gu t. **Ta. H D ‘‘barged that it hut
iho personal oneouragelnent stid support ot
President Carrera, hu.iu uhimaio übjt. tis H.e
permanent nrnti-tt of tho State aud Us an
oexai on t , <3numitla. M
Iu a recent speech in Congn bj. Mr. Mr-
Clcmun i, of 111 nD, ‘Oinfhring Mr. Duglus to
n OHgfe, tadebfidin tbit-fliglit of ibt ri<':
As bo soured Tor above tue bonus of bi# cn
■niusf hia tuil guivttcdin lhaeiir in nte
of them.
In little Mr. Pougl-is’s cnrt, this quivering
cannot have taken place many inches suova ike
ground. —L luiavilte Jeintunl,
New Obleee,. Juß,2—l'iitr* •• (•'>> ‘
Douglas meeting hereto-uigbt. The 7/*
was serenaded.