The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, January 14, 1861, Image 1

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COMtI'ITT & WiKKO, Proprietors. Volume XVI. A Plantation 0)1’ Sale. jgfjL THE mbwwk-r, residing in Tw igg® outy. GiU, oflrri for ai"hre I’kimur i.lHh nlu *fet*sell ruinitv. AG . cont;itidn|[ uffit Htmiire Ai r. j*. mare or less; ebon I acres m 8 good maw- <■( , cultivation*— situated between the HaldiicboMN and North Cowihoe C’reekti, four milea xouiii of the mo bile and fJirac I R:i..n>.ul, adjominr tlie i>lu.tiatipn-n ,Mi*i>rs Holliday, CußMeth aud Nr* Frrrv. Tnere is a good dwelling, gin hoiian, screw, ami ad neeewrn ry outbuildings <>h tli® pine**. Puwhftser# will do well to rail and examine the pr. ou>i*#. and see the Urn* and luxuriant crops of notion and corn. The (Mcst-nt crop i* a sufficient guarantee of the pinductrv itscss oftuemiil. Tlm.-re wt-hing further iubsrmatieii are referred to Robert Alien of wand Fori or Tli”- U. l oleia.i nos Oleiniviiie. Ain. H I KICIjAfIDHOV July 16-wlhu. M irton, ‘i niffs '<> Enquirer copy weekly 6 in “Mb.. PLANTATION ANT) STOt K FOR SALE, I have route to the couehodon lo return to fapjllLNorth Carolina, a* my relative i are alt tlo-rc I witlt to •.. til i.-nt i poMse** ih iPh i have a to little hiimuicr u'wtdeiicr Id rwie* uorih es < <•! umbos, Ua. and near tire Troy Factory Three hundred acres ol food Land, well improved; about 150 in a good sintgoi cultivation; good liwrvlhnf house, negro Son****, barn, •tab’e*. gin house and screw; firunug tiieiiMi-* n| all kind*; cows, tregs, mules. warm us. household and k lichen furniture. Corn and fodder, and various other arttcl.'s too ledums lo mention. In a first rati- m-tgh boihood, grwtd neiglihors and good sojlfcty. Please call and look at tuv land and itoi k It. II BRISi3HELI>. May ?tfc-wtf. KTOTXOE. ay The subscriber offers for sale a valuable k Farm in the Till hirtrictll Worth * onn Ga.,consisting of ‘.Ovti a.r>is of Laud, I3u vi l®o Acres open Lands, anew Um House and licrew upon the pine®, 150 or 800 Head us Cattle.abnt the sain® n umber of hugs, and 30 head of sheep. Term* will le made arcwmtmdnttng and strictly so when the cash ta offered. Enquire.n Albany at das. Uill’a Livery Stable#, (hr direct ion? i<> ilie place. June I- wlf TIIOH II KKNDALI. FOIt. SALE ! 1 AVION in KwasWi county, Ala. 10 nr 1? wt ■jaHwV li nay 1>“ J:i uil nurvh.i sei- Ab -ia twenty a- i hundred a. i.s. . huii Wdnm land * , ;••> t. Mr tuck on the premia* s. or to me in Tuukegte. All ALSO—FOt-t SALB, My present Residence in Teakoyee. one of the best j mid nicest lots in t< wn a.uf couveuieiUiy situated.— I Also, tuv Plantation on tap- t i uk, two or I t!r*e m.e from town t . HATYI.K } October *J, IfidO—w3nt. Land, Stock, on nil Fodder FOR SALE. . - I oiT-r at private rale, my R t; j . - •li'4i< e ami Piautalion ih Huiou it * *>• mn ■ i h • i.lui •• i mu •. • ‘f-’i are inrii.-ivaiiori. il in remarkably wed for cultivation, the greater portion being aliuustleyel. Th reiitb uci is a trained dwel ling with ft itwmn pl*ainrß tit sated in ns healths a region as there in in lire rtiaie. The mipiovemematits are ail good and Mbattmin!. Framed negro tunis ■•, stable# and barn and an excellent new gin huuse and screw I will also ceil ail Biv present sunk of t'om and Fodder, Mules Hugs and 4'allje with the place Persons desiring further intoruiaiion. are referred to John A or Thomas J. Lewis. win - live adjoining, and they w ill take p!ea** in ebowing tb<> plain t part has* rs. e*AliAll A. LEWIS. November -V--d3wU LAND FOR M! . nL. I iil fell my Platuaiion in L . .ell Cos. two miles south of l'<-iiee 1’ i ullioe Acres, with taro hundred Acre# cleared. Tbi.-= place hae a dwelling, good gin house and serow, uegro houses and kitchuu, and all other MCssawy outbuildings. Any person wishing to make en quiry are referred t W. fi. Tilluiun, C lutnLii.-, 0-a., ormveelfon th- ('iantation. Oct. B— wlf J.C. BROWN. Woo it i:\vt it u. STRAVKH OR from ih of Airs. il. Jl. Lockb art nuar *’ 1 1 “-. on the hi/iit I l the 27Ui Bcpt. two MULES; on*; a yellow bursa mule, or dinary size, with black rings around his leg#— the other rather darker, and perhaps heavier both broke. A liberal reward will be paid fur their delivery at Mr-. Lockhart's, or it Btuleii, the above reward will bo paid f.<r the mule? and the thief with proof to convict. dec-ft—dlwtf It. R HOW ARB. , FISTULA3, PILE, STRICTURE, CANCERS AND 60*0 Ft LA CLKKi>. PA.M I'll I.KTsi contHinuiglesuuioitials ol the high* *l | character, as to his siicn as will be forwaidcd to any that may wish ilii-iu T hose wishing, to t**t the ctficacy ol Or CLOFTO.N ti w oiidottdi rcW'dn n muoi give a correct description es the dmcaae. its npp* te us iimpM-nt Map. present condition, location, Ac A three cent stamp must acconipaujr aU COBununtca- i lions. Address J A . tJLOf’TON. llußtsviUe, A ll *. tJL’RE# UIiARANTELI* marinwly, f SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. ITU* COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY fr<m t urn*,and has become an wst.ibljahed fact, a stand lnl iiieiin me —approved by alltbat , have used it, nnd is r aorted io witu conn ieitce s in all diseases for which it ia recommend * t-d It bns curedthousands ivithinthe last two year i who bait kiveu up hope * of relief u numerous unsolicited certificates !*’ in toy possession allow Tbr dose must be adapted to the tempera in cm of the ladivtdnal taking and used in such quan tities as In art gently on 38 the.UowH*. Let the dictate* of your judgment guide yon in use of the LIVK.R lA* VUioRAioR. nnd .1 will cure Uwr Oae pUrimtu, B/LIVI'S At taikt, /> i SPt PSIA.m * l MM£’ R COM PLAumnimr.JtTK RI . I'kuhs r, SOUR 31UJt.ltH, Hubttual COS TIVC. jYKSS, CAW- . CHOI.ERA CknU raMorUu,. CHOLKRA M IXKAXTCM FLATC LKJTCE, JAVA DICK. Mmalt H’MhJUjnM £4, and maybe i *ed mccesitfuUy s>an<'>rd*- />, hmtly MttUcmt - ®B It Will cure SICK HEA J> A CII A", (as ™ thousands can U >;t >, i* rnli MimifM. || ds far #r terra T>u era <** < a at c ‘iuu*eiui n.* nt ollhe attach AU arA# ea it era ™ thc*r tesliaiohy a ita favor. aa mix water in the mouth with the iv VIGttRATtiR. ANDBW ALLOW BOTH TWETH HR PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE ALSO. SANFORD'S FAMILY Ckathartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pur* Vegetable Ettrai ti. and put up In Oln.o C... Air Tight. nil will hrcplnauy Climate. The FAMILY OA rtunro Pill is ag. n ite but active Cathartic Q which Hk ptapnetor has nid in Am practice more . than twenty ytr The constantly increasing demand from those who have long used the Pll.l.i* and the aalifctj..n which alli'tpreaainrcgardtntlieir n ii,iiaauidnr • it im- to pul them in the reach of all m The pruteaainn wetl hnw jlj ihnt different Chatham* acton different portion* of. the bowed* the FAMILY CA&THARTH PILL baa,with due references t>> r this well established flirt been i <ni;>' .iinded from a variety ofthe purest veije tabie extracts, which net •'alike one very part of the alimentary canal, and are roodand safe in att caa •t wltar* a ebathartu Wm needed, tuch a* l>K iNGivr.xT of the _ siaa PAINH jv TmQBALK AMi l,Olfi H, COffTfVBNEM H, PAIN • •<>•*■ ass ovu rm WlloLK BODY..,from saddancotd, which freqaently. if neglected Ta longcoarse of Fe ver, LOifl Os AI’PF. H I’TE. h CaKgemo IH;ii asririn or CoLP OVga THE BoiV, R#TMt** •*. HEADACHE nr P wgiottT is nu Ht*t. all INFLAMMATORY w Uiasaara. WORM*, in Onapaaa or Adi lts, T Rnr.t mstihv, area. Funder of the Blood m lhdmanjrd . •** owm h fleabiahetr.tno numerous •* io mentfauie th adver isiueni bosKltol. ‘ Price 30 Cent*. “THK LI VER IN VltioßAToß and FAMILY PA TH A BTC PILL* ara retail* and by Uniggtata genaraily and told wh<deaaia and retailbythe Trade in ait the j W. .AVFOI.D, V. u., Maiiufitcturnr and Proprietor, ane!7 -wlm * Bwmdwav. Nrw Ycr% _ notice. A LL aarton* indebted to J. ENMff &.*'<>. eiihe iVbyNotaur A<count, past due ant rcoo-cted coma forward and at:b> without delay. Onlambua. March I. IbflO—wtf _ FEESH THOMASTON LIME, PLASTEB PARIS, AND ROSENDALE cement. f. •OAEVAAi m O'otumbtt.*) Ui'i'hln aimci * 9 • d‘OLIMUI,TW£W)AT,JAM All\ a, UMI. l'anir Iho Enquirt r \if published a letter fruui Fran! liu. Hoard cnutity, ditlod the Ist es January, gi. i the re.-ult of the election oacnrriug th<> <f.iy o/W, In that fnuaty. We wight l*e di#purd to admit that our neigh bor’s corgvspnitdeiil * ould foreecs* that till) eo- would ho oicHcd. but it is most too much to boliiMv that be could have knuvru their o*actajoritka. i> it any woudvr that theEa* qaiiku-ihould sail be sk-piJwal us to the >•'( us the triumph of setvsaiou in Uoorgiw “i - ” iuu AusLhal.—- Ibo I'tf'woLo Guard, Cspiaiu Thotuas Mcddlctou, eay the Courier, wh j ate it"” in churgc of.tho Arsenal, raised a hiwatiful P*Li. •tto A, to uko the place of tho Eedyrul l lag who h was fuktu down. The Hag wu- hoisted amid cheers front Iho company and a large ci wd ot . j iu.i- The l’a Intel • I ) Guaid, i.iiabor over .mo and men, rank and hit*, composed >f young sui. l bravo hearts, thoroughly drilled ;:..d anaioiio lor tho poet where (i.eir services aro most needed. Our young wen, u well us Iho old, will all ho found ready for any vwicrguncy that .tuny ccute upon us. iitmirit of Hr. Dcujai&ii of LoaiMaua, va Uie Aiuugii* meat *c<o!a!toB? of Mr. Crittcwdtn. In the Bonale on the Slat ol* December, Mi. Bei jatnin of Loui-iaua, m.-uo masterly, even unusually eloquwu* -pie-.h on iho peuding reso lution for tbo auKuiuu lit of the Coustitutiou.— T'he followiug sbstracL refer,ring to iho Lojisti tuti >nai points, no from vl*B Notional In- UillLgcntur *BU- . . . U lui. 4 ‘ in tha j mm us Ituvi. g u i**'Ul lo ouhdraw, it makes m* dHTerviicu. INcnin that case, yon 1 must either permit her to depart i:i peace or you 1 mast act upon her by mditnry force, because ’ Um*i is no difference in eoeresug a btutu and c> 1 erc.;ig hor pvple in i. v * dually. ilcru Mr. It, ’ quoLJ from Vatic! t<> show Bouth Curoliua, 1 as a guveroign B:.iie, h.:< the tight to shield her citizens from all consequences growing nut of ’ nor orders. In unawer tu iho quety us the J .Sena’.or from Illinois (Mr. Trumhuli) ns to what J Jis rebellion, which that Soont<*r f cm. and t'. think { a matter of j from Vatiel t* show that between 1 Bouth Carolina and iho United .Mai's would not [ Ibo rebellion, but civil war, in which the Lulled : j -'tiites Wonta be bv/Utid to observe the ordinary ‘ law nnd usages of war. iti ihi# connection ha 1 quoted the letter ot A;r. box t > Mr. Webster, in * reference to Alaxaudcr McLeod, wlksh act whs j 1 Huanuwh ugcd by tins liririsii tjoverument, and 1 also the answer oj Mr. Wetater. n.ltnittiiig the ’ irzeapoaikdity of AivLeud, since his govvrtiuaent I 1 had usium l the act complained of on itself. | ‘ Wo, said Mr. U., deny tin* right of u citizen to * dborindunto between ocnitfietnn: noiumauds coin- * ing frciu the limerrunonts of tire Btate nnd the ‘ I ulled eii.i!**. No ciiituu, ot. ff.-uNt Lwolim* j has a right to tjnp finn fire anthAj ity of hi# State j in whatover it might undertake to do. The ru j mark ofJuhti tfuiucy Ad*U in roli rfuuu lo hi* j * imUspoalthci to control-or pttnish certain rur- i ‘ veyurs m tire State ol Georgia, whu had regard- i 1 od the Statu lnvv rather than the law of the I nitcd ! State#, was alsoFcfurroil to. Bui, said Mr. It., if j 1 you are going to bane rebels in Boutb Carolina. ’ wherewtu your Cuutrt*. Marshals, IlUtrict Altor uey an*l Jiirwra to convict ? Vwueanuut reniovi* | rebels elsewhere lor trial, not only not out of the • State, but not even out us the District, fivcu il . yon were tu try tin in, you would obtain no con *. , Cut tv. irfidfon .... • would -'.quit them. ! II .w is bh'. kade to be i ;. t r :k<. i 1? this u peace •, power? f* it it t taiher act of war ? But ycu will have an tmbar;;<.. V,n cannot, buW- j ever, viftbargo the ot *.no Biato without ihuttii gnp jl. Ih'.- L'. ii-tiiuiiwU of the Coiled i States I^.l-iis it. N’..r i lUic any right to ‘ bluckudo } ill- untamsnir.ii/uul, uni out of the J’ power of tho President. Tbo honorable Senator from Tennessee (Hr ‘ Johnson) cit’ and the example al U .ishingtuii, who went into to put down the,whisky war, but he did it on the requisition of Judge within the Suite. Air. 11. argued further that tbo collection of rovcaucalxoiu could not bo v flee ted in vcseols in tho harbor. Hu would not argue the dreary catalogue oi wioiigs ot which South CuroLun coiuplAii.--.aiid for which she de mands redrew, byes use she is herself judge of what #hc should do. Hr. B. mentioned many of I thcSw voiu which were that the North de- J nies are property iu the Territorial ; I that the llepubUcans a’L;gu it to be right tu steal tins property; disallow i;tr, be carried across a Bta'o or ‘<n h lawful that Itopiibliruns hold up tli > .'v i.h t > the wofldN itci-wi as thieves and villain* of the LU kesidyc The cut* rue lion put uj*<fu the i.i/iistuutiou hy j thttiti.puLji. an party he South ha l n<* hpe of I changing, or ts producing an aiteniUoii in their j conduct. Tho day for a*‘jaaltucnt is pi.**t. Wuh | iri a lew wveka wu purl to meet in couiiuou coun cil no uture 1 kiwi. Indulge (sahl Mr. Jj.) in ]no vain delusion. You have no poasihle justifi cation for it. Tor lire recstudo ol our iUt.uGon# (sold Mr. 1) ) w o tu iheSuprune Judge of the Universe. W hat may he tho hv.u of this con te. t nu uiau cao tell. The future uiay be adver*e toourariat; you ui - y set our citic# in fiatin s; you may spr ad duauladlon wt.d ruin, but this you will not and •; you will never subjugate us, nor convert u into abycet alavvs. The eoucluoioii of Air. liuDjaunu’s i peoch pro •iuovd a •imultaneoua cheering and a clapping of hands ail through the galleries, which continued for aerne time beyond th- power of being checked. tho Legislature of New York, Mr. SpU sols, 4em . qflWcd tli fr-Uowrlnff preamble ond resviutious : Whereas, iri asoo, a- deUuod by the const it u tkm of tbe Luilcd Stateexists in one •! the State* ot tho Confederacy - i,*J when as, it is tire religious as well us the pallioti'* duty of each BUtutn its sovereign capne-ty, as well as that of each eitizen, to ma*o every ucv.'*-ary sacrifice for the preservation • 1 th ■ L un.ii ot Mate# as they were united by Washington and his associate!*; and tho £u*U> es New hoik is now, as it over lias been and ever will be, unalterably and uncom promisingly iu favor *>! the Lilian a# it is ; there fare. Uefolfftd, It the concur, that (he Governor be, and is hereby directed, in the oh toe of the people rf the tala of New York, to render to the I'rcrideut ol’the I oiled States the ervi**eof the militia of tlw State to he used in such wanner and such time* an the President may [ doemheat to preserve fbo Union, and eofuroe the Contlitufioo nnd law, offhc country. KeSolved, That the Committee oit Military offices, bn and uxa hereby directed to inquire into tho condition tfffflScwy ami available strength of the military force of Inc Jftate, and to repott to the Scutate at the curliest practicable day, what legislation, if any, peeeMary to render that branch of Government fnlbr effective fer any exi gency that may arise: and, if requisite, that the raid committee rjort‘n bill to r.iirg $ 10,00(1,000 to arm the Fr.nUa. Mr. SpinoJa, i>n prf .ienfitig tho abe vo, said : llu favored giving to every lion of tho coun try Ur fullest rtgh * under the CofUUtution, ami to protect those right! at all i./.arefe, but tv bo ecgr •fiowht attempt to devf.y thll Unb-w should do r) at hU peril. Tin* r< eoiuiione wwe laid over. Wbat llie “Inn*” lliinlu. 111. London 7V. rtccivtU b/ U.t mail, has tm cdiioraLou uur affair*, in which occur-, the following remarkable passages The South mar have ro right to IntrodttCo slavery into the Territories; It may have no right to turn the educated and moral inhabitant* of New England ipto negroes-catchert: but it hat a right so the aUtantdgrtnffree trade, from irMrh it i debarred h>j a tai iff ifn O*H far the bentJU of i the Northern manufactitket. >V aro told, And j can well belfore, that an important (dement in toe desire for secession arlv.e from the condoni ng* of MU* injustice. A Southern Confederacy, enjoying free trade with England and France, uri'i exchanging tho product* of it* coil directly with the great manufacturing uud artistic na tion* of Europe, ia the not unnatural dream of Southern economist. Tho protectionist legida tiou of the United State* i* a disgrace to *o cn torprisiug and intellectual a country. If conces sions to the South are to bo tho order of tho day, that of commercial freedom ought not to ho tho Ut on the list. _ _ i Apnomaie.xT nr thu Govanjiou,—Jobu A. i Jonea, Eiip, of thi* city, ha* roceived tho ap -1 pointment of Aid-10-Camp with the rank of Col- I oaol, lruw Oor. Brown A good appointment. TUK l!N HI !\ UP THE STATES, AMI THE SUYEH KIUNTY HP THE STATES. THE rORHESPONDEN( i; BETWEEN IV S*rutl furolim (Vintiiittiintrrs ntt>! th** !*r.’*M*’u{ of the roiled Sulf< PRKSrWiNr UI'CIIANAV KKFI.-IM TO Ttßt nVK ONE or THE COMM ‘. Mr \ TtO.N Tire following efllchtl t irrcspondum c 1 tu, :t the B. ('. Poffimliilnncrs and the Prcsiilcnl <>f iho Unite,lßtntes was laid kef re the (\>n cvtvi-ii In secret ,*ey*hn l.tsf nlyfliL W AjfirHrfirroN*, J9th December, imjo. Frn- S? hntvo tho lion- r to transmit t . you u copy of the full powwrs from tho Convention of the people of South Candiim, under which wo aro “authoriAcd and cuipuwervd to trout w ith tho Government of the United States for the de livery of tho fort?. tmigar.inO?, lighthouses, and *.ther real estate, wilta their appurtenances, in the limits of South Oarclma? an i also fur an np portioniucuiof the public debt, uud fur a div i<- iou of all “sher property hold lvy r t:io Govern tnuiUof tha United Butt** ns agent of tho CVm iedcratcd Btales of which B >uth Carolina was rocently a member, and generally to negotiate as lo all uthcr mmsares uu l arrangements pro !er so bo made ami adopted In the existing re lation of tho parties, and for tho continuance of peauo and amity between this Common wealth and tho Goveruincut ut AVusiiington. In tho execution of this trust it is our duty to furnish you, ss we now do, with an official copy at the Ordiuuneo ol Becvselon by which the State < f South Carolina hay rosumeJ tho powers sho delegated to the Guveruiuent of tho Lnilvd States, and lias declare l her perfect sovereignly and Independence. It would uleio hava hicii our duty t; have in •brined you that wo wore ready tv iicg<>tialo with you upon nl! such quostions as are necessarily ralrod by tha hdoiftii>n of this Ordinance, and that we were prepared to enter upon thisnego tiuliou with the earnest U’ -.ira to avoid ail uu ut • -ary aud hustilo colli and s>> ta inaug urate our new relations a- to teeuro mutual re si<ect, general ftdtantagf*. find a future , i go ( .| will and harmony, bmvfMal t* n't the parti s Cvueorood. llut the tvuuts <•! tin Li-l tvwuti l> ur 1..0n . render ?nch nu assuraneo impossihle. wd came hero the represt ninth c f nn authority which cauid.ut any tuno within tho pm*t sixty days, have takcu puxvc.>a>ion of tho lbrts in Charleston harbor,but which, upon pledges given in u man ner that we cannot doubt, determined trust to your honor, rather than to its own power. Biuco our arrival hero ru oUkret of the United States, acting, as wc aro u4.sured, uot only vitk out, bill again at your writers, hue dismantled (.i v fort nnd uucu|>ted auvthcr —thus alluring to )• I m ia*, important extent, tire condition ot affairs i under which we came. Until theselrcuiUhtnees aro explninoi in a ) nreuiier which relieves us of all doubt us to Ihc spirit iu which these nogoGaLons shall be ore j ducted, we arc forced to suspend all discussion as I to any arrangement? by which onr mutual inter i 1:1# might be amicably adjusted. And in conclusion, we wouhl urge tbo immediate withdrawal v/f the troops from tire harbor of Charleston. Under present rircutn #tanccs, they ra h landing roan ace which ren der# negotiation impossible, nml in our r cent c\perion v e show#, threatens speedily tv bring to a bloody tesu# quest ions which ought g | l o aettled with K'niptwurree and ju'lijumjiit. Wo hi*.vo tha honor to bo, Very mspeotfullv, your üb't , rv'u* 11. U. R Alt Nit LI. 1., | .1. 11. ADAM'S, ! (’uiii.oi - ...... j .IAS. 1,. 0811. I L > tbo Drvsidcntof the I nitcl . .’.itt : . THAJ t’tMtMUKIfTV. HKri.V . WasHtxtiTvx Orrv, 30th December, 1m “. Gkxti.CMi.X: f have’hiid the honor t • rieeivc f | yourci'Uiu.uniCßtiou of tuo fi>th inst., ti-gcther with u copy of “your full powers from tire Con vention from tho people of .South Carolina,'’ nit- I thnrlzing you t > treat w ith tho Governinent of ’ the United Btato#on various important subject# | thercl'i uiuntioned, and ulm> a copy of thoUiiU nance, bearing date on Iho 2t)ih instant, drcliir ing that “the 4 1 uion uow subsUling between South CurolitiH and tho olhtr State.-, under the name of tho l.’ oiled Slates of America, (,*> hereby | dissolved.” In nn- vvorto thi#evigmunlcatioii, I have tu a;, that uij* poviflnti a* Preddenl of lire United States was clearly defined iu tire menage to j Cougrest# ou the In.-:t. In that i ttu'.cd that “apart from tho execution of the law#, o far ■ j tin# may decide what shall be the relation# be tween theTVdcral Government und South Caroli- • na,b‘u ha# been in veiled with no bio h diseniion. ito pop.ioßze# no power to ehango tho relation herotoforo existing botweeu them,much lei-.*-’ to knowledge the independtmee of that State, Thin would be to invent a mere Executive ofiicur w ith the power of recognizing tho dissolution of the Confederacy among ottr thirty-three #ovcreign State#, li bears no i meuiblaneo to the rneogiii tion of a foreign fa facto government involv ing no #uch raaponilbUty. Any attooipt to do this would, on his part, bo u naked act of uiur fißtion. It i.-, tberefota, my duty to submit t< Congress tho whole question in all Us bearing#.” Sueh is toy opinion still. 1 could, therefore, meet you only hs private gentlemen of the highest character, nnd was entirely willing to communicate to Congress uny proposition you might tiovo to matte to that body upon tho #uL ject. Os this you were well aware, it was uiy earnest desire that such a disposition might be made of the wholo by Cungnwho alonC possess the power, u# th jirovent tbo inau guratim of civil war between djy parties iu re gar<l to tho possession of the Several Fort l , in tbo harbor of Charleston, ami I therefore deeply regret that, in your opinion, “the events of tire last twenty-four hours render th;- iiupor<#ible.” iu conclusion, von urge upon me “the immedi ate withdrawal of the troop# from the harbor of Charleston,” stating that “under present circum stance# they are a standing menace, which ren ders negotiation impossible, and a ottr recaut experience #how ‘, threu’en speedily to bring t n bloody issue quaition# which <toght to be aoltlcd with temperance and judgment.” Tho reason fo# this change in your t ith... i that since your arrival in Washington “nn • iT< ter of the U nited States, noting, ax we(you)T assured, not only without but again. -t your (u>y > orders, has diainsntlod one fort nnd ceeUpud another —thus altering to u most important <x tent the condition of uflwir# under which w< (you)fiHtue/* You uli-o allege that you CBtn iiare “tbsreprsNtiUtlrei of nn authority which could, at any time within the pad sixty days, huvo taken possession of the Fort# in Charlcrtou hulbor, hut whish, upon pledge# given iu a uu#a tier that wo (yoaj cuan t doubt, d* U (mined t ■ trust to your (tny) honor rather than It# p/wor. Thi# brings me to a consideration of tho na turo < f those alleged pledge**, and I*l what man nor they have been observed, in wy me . of the id of Dvcetnbcr L**t, I tatcd,in reg.ii.l t tho properly of the United Btale* in Bouth Car olina, that it “has been pujtha*. I form /air eqoivalont, by the consent of tho Legislature *•! the Btate,” forthe treed* n f l rG, tnajpulnes, arsenal#, Ac., and dVtr tbe live withority “t. exercise excla ive legi:dli**n” ha* Ire n express ly granted by the t VBstitutlon lo UongrtM. It is not believed that any attempt will h ma*!* t ■ cl Die United Blair < fr* tn ih!.t fd- perty by force; but if in tbl# 1 f.hottld [prove to nu mi/ta ken, the officer in command of the fort# has re ceived order# load ftrteti/ nn the defensive. In #u<*h a contingency, tbfi responsibility f*ir Com*u quoncc# wotid righthiliy n t upon tho hcrnl# es tho usiuilaotsThis b* ing the condition *>l the parti®#, on fiatortay, Hih D®c®uibcr, four of the Jloprti *ntatlv®i* fr**ni ft*/uth Cr*du a eatleil np > on me and rnqosated an interview. M e h#d nn earnest conversation on th® subject of Iksso fort#, and the West moan# of nroveuiingß ci.lll#- ion between th® parties, forth# purpos* of spnr , log th* effusion of blood. I #U/ *c<-I, fofpftt dcntial reason#, that it would bo hot to put in writing what thev said to m*: verbally. They . did #o accordingly, nod on Monday morning tho 10 h inst, three of them presented to ino n paper signed by all tho Representatives fwrr. Booth Carolina, with a single exception, of which the following is a eop>: To Ur# Ex* r.LLXitfc'T Jawr? IU chamax, I'iiCAtUKxt or run Uxirco Stati.s: In compliance with our statement to you yes terday, wo now express to you our strong con victions that neither tho constilu cd authorities, uor ny body of th® people of the Btut# of Booth Carolina, will either attack or molsst the United State# forts in tho harbor of Charleston, previous ly to tho action of the Convention, and we Imp* snd believe not until an offer boon made through an accredited representative, to negoti ate for an amicable arrangement of all mutters between the elate and the Fe'iern provided that ne retnfvrcemen's .bail be sent ia- WIsOMBUS, GKOKGIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, iSI, to thus® f..-ris, nnd their reiativ® inilithtv stiitiis ! 1 •'hull remain as at picsciit. j JOHN Mcgt'LKN. M. ],. BONHAM WWW BOYCE. lawuvnoem. Ki.irr. ’V vsiiia,; i .*x, Dth I>ecembcr, lhffil And her® I must, in justice to myself, remark, dint at the tiimi Hit* paper was prtwoniud to mo 1 ■hjocicu to tho word “provided” a* it might he const i*itud iut* an ngroument on my part w hich I auviir would make. They said that nothing was ! further front their intention—they did uolmmir- i ‘lorst .uni it, and l should Hollo consider it. It i is evident they couid enter iuto no reciprocal ] i ;ieeiiumt with uio on the wulyeol. They did inn prof, hto have authority to do (hisuud woro i > ■ting iu their individual ebarooter. I oousiderod * nothing more iu cfloot, thanplre promiso of * highly honorable gentlemen to exert their < inthteireo for th* purposu expressed. The event i h. proven that they have faithfully kept this | prouiHo, although 1 .have uever siuce a line from any one ol them, or from any member •Till® Con v r nth re on the subject. It ia well i known that it w.tsuiy determination, and this 1 1 ‘rfciy i it, not to reinforce tho fort# in ■ ih® haihor, and tlure produce a oolliston, until ] they had been actually attacked, or until I had I cerium ev id cnee that they woro about to bo at- lacked. This paper 1 received most cordially, ( and considered It a a happy omen that peace I might b'* -till preserved, and that time might bo I thus given for reflection. This is the whole sown- i dation for tho alleged pledge. i But, I acted iu tho same manner ns I would have done had I entered into a positive and for- i mill agreement with parties capable of oontrac- i ting, ahhough such an agreement would have i boon, •>!< re v part, fr>*ui the nature of my official duties,imp ssiblc. The world knows that I have > never rent any reinforcements to tho forts in * Uhnrh'-tuii harbor, nod l have certainly never i utllo it/, and oi’v chan;” t*> ha made “in their rein- 1 live military status.” Hearing upon this lubjeot, i 1 refer you to an oidoi* is-ued by the Secretary * of War, • n the 1 1th inst., to Major Anderton, but ; not brought to my notice until tho V Ist instant < It i; (is follows : ‘ , “V I'.MollAXm At ov VKUKAI. INSI II iretlUNM 10 UA- ! I ,mii a\m i.s**\, i lirei ai;hm.kiu, * i OKI MoM.TKII.*, H. * . | “A ou arc aware of tho grout anxiety of tbo 1 Secretary of War that a collision of the troupe vv ith the people of this State shall be avoided, 1 and olhi -1 udied determination to pursue a course with ref* roiicc to tho military force and lorts in 1 this harbor, which shall guard ugniiutt -ueb n i;,dli.-ioii. lie has therefore carefully abstained : from uiereu-mg tho force at this point, or taking 1 any measure* which might add to Hie present 1 (\* iled Mato of tho public mind, or which would t throw any l*mbt on tho confidence ho feels that 1 T-’ at ii Car’ liiii will not uttciupt l>y violence to i* < l.tttin possost-ion of tho public works, or interfere 1 with their occupancy. 3 Hot .s th-; uned aii'l ucu of rush and iuipul- \ - . p i may jms.-ibly disappoint ihusuexpec- i taiions ot Git* Govcruiucnt, lie dooms it proper 1 that you should bo prepared with instruction# to 1 mvi t .-m unhappy k contingency. IL hup, there- 1 t.-rc, directed me vcihallv, t**gi\o yu such in \ trmt'ren-. ; V, ou ;ue careful?}’ to avoid every net which 1 would tit cdlesidy tend t* provoke aggrexsiou, and t f..r that rca n \ oil art; iml, without neccasity, to t tuko up any p>- itmu w hich could bo construed in to the .. -uu'plion ol a hostile attitude ; but you - ar: to hold p<>- 0.-ston of the fort# iu.tbis harbor, t ami if attacked, you arc to defend youivelf to tho 1 hi*, extremity. Tire umilnc.-s of your so roe will < not permit you, peril a pc. to occupy uioru than j in, f the ihtet fort-, but an attack on, oral- 1 t< mpt to 1 hLc j.reo mu 'l cither ot them, will he | 1. ‘.aide lire an act of hostility, and you may then 1 put your ouimnund into either *f them which you 1 1 may deem most prop r t>- bicroiDie its power of i i, tail ‘ . You are also authorized to toko#iin | 11.,t .-n:ps whenever y**u have taugibl® evi'h upo , 1.1 a i'm to pr •1t 1 a hostile act. I*. B. BUTLER, AsHiatant Adjutuut Geuenih F..i;i Mo* i.iiiH'-, S.C. Um . mb. rll, HklO. I Thi-i in coiiforiuiiy <0 im l*> -rucMoris* to Major Lgwll. JiiliN B. TLuYl),Sceretaiy ol War. i ih*-o were the la -1 iiretructious truireiuitto.i t*i ?i.ij. A ll I<*. - >ll before his removal to Fort Sum- Icr, with .-in;: lexception, in regard to a par , tieularv. i .eh docs not in any degree aflbetths i pu .cut question. Undetr tbeso circumstances, it 1 re clcur 1 ‘.it Mj* r Anderson acted upon Ills own 1 i .pm U : y, und without authority, unless, in- * de'c-i lie had “tangiblq evidcmia of u ilesign t<> 1 -[ 1 Ito a hostile ii"t'* oil tho purl of the nu- 1 ;11 r,ri’ -f -'..nth Carolina, which bos not vet ! i nail. g,*>l. Still ho i- 11 brave and honorable 1 i. r, and ju#tiao requires that ho shohldtiot he I copdcmncil witlmui a fair hearing. | !!*• tin# ire it in;i}, when I learned that Mi<,p<r 1 , Amlcr.-'.ii had left Fort Moultrie and proceeded j , ; j.. Foil Bumter,my first promptings werut** o**m- - m;>:;d him to return to Ids former position, nnd there to nwuit the contingeneies presented iu bis j instruction - Thi# would only have been done will, any and gi'-c of safety to the command by the roucurri tn ‘■ -f tbo B <utli < ‘aroliua authorities. Jiut i • lore uny step could possibly have been ta ken in tiii direction, w>* received information , that tim “Palmettoflag floated out to the brsezo . j, (hisHo Pinckney, and u largo military force ■a ci.t over lust night I tho “7th) to Fort Moultrie.’’ I hue ilm ttutboriUes of Bin 1 1 Carolina, without ...thing or asking for any explanations, ami .1 udAl.. --.believing, as you have x pressed it, that the officer had acted not only without, but against my orders, on the very uuxt day after the night when the removal was made, seined by .* militaiy furco two of tho throe Federal forts in t!*e harbor of Charleston, ahd have coveredtUcin under their own il ig iirei.*ud of that es the Uni ted S tutor*. At tin* gloomy porio'l of our history, start ling . V'*lJ|, ‘i ceeil each other rapiilly. Ou the \< iy dav, the 157th iu- taut, that possession ot . (hc-o t. .li’ wu-taken, th® Palmetto flag w®# | i.ver the Federal Custom House and Post j Olii o in Charlvatofi; and on th® same day every j ‘ r. *.f the Custom- Colloclirr, Naval Officer | Mirvcvor, an.l Appraiser -resigend their offlees. , And th.#, although it was well kaowu from tk® ! langimg’ of of my Messago, that us au Exec utive 1 Iticer l felt infMelf houud to collect tire revenue at tho port of Ch*rl*#t*>, under the i \i 1 i.g 1;... . In the harbor of Charleston we h.” I threw f.,rlm 1 iiifri.riting ouch other, j ! ull of which the Federal Hag floated only I four da} ago, hut now, over two of them, this , ling I. * 11 ..ii ..jl.-tituted iu it# stead. It is under ull C. .-i ircnmstanccr that 1 am urged iuuuedi ; atcly t. withdraw the troops from the harbor of ChuVlcrtnu, and am informed kbut without thi.** negotiation is impo-ihh. This I e#niiot do j th - I ~i I not do. Buchan idea was uever thought of by me in any possible ooutiogeney, 1 No mu h #tlu*ion hud been made iu auy coin i,i 11 ii i ,ti n between myself und any huuutii being. But the infersuco iu this I am bound to withdraw tbo troop# from the ouly fort re naming in tho pogsesaioii of the I und Plate*, in Hu harbor of Chsrloston, he: a tree the ofliccr there in command of all ot th® forts thought J pr.q.- r, without instructions, to change hisj.o- I Htion If- UI “>ie of (belli to auothor. At I hia point of writing, I have received in for I muth.ii by tc|e|*tagh from Cupt. Iluuiphie} in j (-oiiimuii'l -•! tho Arsenal ot Cliar!*'i"U, that “it I lot# to-day, (Sunday, tho •10th,) een taken l.y J t r*.’ ur aruis.” It i# re t mated that the uiuui- Itiunsil war hc-'oiiging to the United BtaU# in this Arsenal aro worth half a million of dollar*'. f. unent ia nerdlui * After this information, i have only t<> a*bl that, whilst It is u*y duty to ‘ defend I “it But*r a a portion of tb public | proje:riy of thn United Btnt agaiin-t hostih’ at- j 1. k , t.xii. quarter they may come, by . > 1 ir m.'sr.a a# 1 may possons for this purpose, I do not p> rev! vo how such a defence enn Im con- . h ru*l int'.a nu uMf® agaiiist the cRv “f (.'baric* - | Wiili grout personal icgar<l, I remain, Your* vi,ry respectfully, JAMES BUCHANAN T-> il..j, i ,ibio Hubert W. Barnwell, J ernes 11. Adam*, dame* h. Orr. m; ( -.m* unr.ii or tub coMnieaioar.n* to tmu pitasmaMT. Wa*lllSoTou, |>. 0,, Jaii. I*. I*9l, fi; \V have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 89th liecembor, in reply to a not* address* and by us to you, on tho 2ijib of the same month, a* Commissioner* from Month Carolina. In reference to the declaration with wlmhyour reply commences, that your “ position aa Presi dent of tho United States wn* already defined in tim MeMage to Congress of the 8d instant that you poBHMt* “n power to change the relations burnt*.loro cxiiling” between South Carolina and the United State* “much leaa to acknowledge t Mo, and that conse quently you could meet us only as private gen tlemen of tho highest character, with an entire willingness to communicate to Controls any proposition we might have to make—we deem uonly ueseasary to .ay that ike Slate tt Mouth j Ai* nf'nr’ ! Oaroliuu, liavlug, iu tho c\i tei.-.> \ that groat J right of self-government which underlie* all our ! poltMcl or.;mirations, dcclareil herself roveitlgn and inde|'.*iideiii, we, ire her rmifesmtativei*, foil no special solicitude a# to tho ehurncUr iu which you might recognize ire. Satisfied lliat the State had simply exercised her unquestionable right, wo wero prepared, In *>r er t. roach good, to waive the feimul remsidoratlons which your constitutional scruples might have preven ted you (Yotn extending, We came bon* there fore expecting to ho received a# you did receive us, unif perfectly content with that entire wilting ness, of which yu a-.-iucd ire, t-> rubiuit auy proposition to UongrUd#which wo might howto make upon the subject of the Indcpcndcnco of the Btnte. That frilltngnes# wire amide recognition of the (ii.mltUoq of public atl.iir , whioli rendered our prwscuoo ueeassary. In this po in*>n, how ever, it is uur duty both to the State which no represent and t , ourselves to core -everai im portant uilsconeepth'ire of onr letter, into which you have fallen. lou *av : It vtas my vaiiivstdi sire that such a disposition might be made “film whole subject by Congress, win*alone posse.-s the power to pre vent the inati'-ursiioii of a civil war between the parties in regard to the p*Hit . siuh of the Fedoral forts iu Iho It irhor “i t'litrh*tnu; and I thorclorc deeply regret that in \our opinion th® event# of the last twenty four hours render this impoiod- Ide.” \\ c expr* .-v dno such opi'ii n : and the language w hich y.-u quote as ours, is Hit .red in its veireo by tho ommsmoii of u most important pail of the scnteiii •>. What wo did say •• But tho events of tho Lret twenty four hour# lender such an assurance impossible.'’ I‘luce that “ussuinnec,“ as contained in our letter, in th** sentenea, and wo aro prepared t*> repeat It. ’ Again, professing to qiiol.j ~.,r language, yoU say: “Thire the uullnnilie- of Buuth H.'urulina, without waiting ..1 usking for any explanation, and doiihUoss believing, as you have expressed it, that tho officer had noted tiot only without but against my orders,” Ac. \\ 0 i xpiv.-sud no inch opinion in refertmeo t*. the hello I of the people ol South Carolina. The language which you have quoted was applied solely uud entirely to our a#- Kiuaiicc# obtained here, and based, ire you well | kuow, upon your own declaration a declaration which, ul IhuL time, it was impossible lor lire uu thoritK-uf South Carolina to have known. But, without following tills letter into all its details, we propose only to meet the chief points -■! tho argument. Some weeks ago, t 0 Mato •! South Carolina declared her intculmn, in the existing condition of public ulTuirs, and. seeodu from tbo United States. Sho called a Convention ot her pooplu to put her declaration in force. The Convention met, and passed tiio Uidiunuoe of Soecv.-ioii. All this you anticipated, nnd your course of notion was thoroughly considered iu your annual mes sage. You declared y-u had no right, and Would not attempt, t<> coerce a seceding Suite, but that you w. re bound by vour < “iretitiiiionnl oath, and would dofend the propcire <>l the United States within Ihebord* 1. ol> mil t'mollna, il uiuiUcmpt was made to take it b> 1 .re**. Boeing very early that this question of property was 11 difficult and duiioatc muc, }ou iiiuiiifi'otrel a desire (•< settle it without coilisioii. Y..;i dil 11.>t roiiiiurce llu garr* Il iu tho harbor • < Charlelton. louie luovudu dinliiigtiislicd ami veteran officer the command M Foil .Moultrie bwcuuso lie at tempt'd to iiu u-.t 0 his supply ol iimiuuuitb'U. Noil rreUftd tu send additional troops to thosamo garrison. when applied for by tire officer appoin ted to succiud him. \u uecepled tbo resigna tion olthc 1 Idtst midmost eminent member of your Cabinet, rather tliun allow the garrison I” lu> strengthened. Aou compelled mi uflicor, -ta tioued at F*.it Humter, t.. return iuuuodiately tu ihuAr-tUiil tol l} musket* which ho had lukeu t<> utuihre men. You expressed, u>t t.< • n--, but to many, of tho most distinguished of our public eharnotvi-s, wh*..-o testinreu} will be placed upm* tire record, whenever it ia nec.--.ary, ymir anxiety fora pea eful lo.'iuiiiatioii ol ibis contro versy, and your wilUngiu s 1 mt to diatuib tho military status ut tho forts, if C.iiinnissioiii rri should ho sent to tho Government, wlmsn com rrtunicativire you promised to submit to (‘ongr> s.'. You received and acted ou iresurain’e < from the highest official authtritlcs es Booth Carolina, that n atteuipt wouhl b® nmdo to disturb your | “s session of tho lorts and property of tire United .Stall r. if you w old not disturb their existing ] colidilion until tbo CumiuisfiDuers ha I boon sou'. I und th® attempt to jogiliatu hud tailed. You look from tho member- of tho House of Keprcf.’i* j tulivos a written memorandum tlret uo streii at- , touipt idioul.l he 11:11 *h\ “ provided that no r* in \ furcemeui ‘ *dmll ho .-eat into iho-o fork*, ami j thoirrelaliv* military xlatire -hull r. main 114 all present.'’ And although you attach n fureo to I tho uecepUm I such a paper- although you I “considered it ire nothing uiuruiii etloct Ilian the 1 I promise *>l h ghly li umralilo gentlemen,”- -as uti J j obligation on ono side, without corresponding oh- I ligation on tho other it must Ire re-member®*l | I (Hw*aro rightly informed) that you were pledged, j 1 if you ever did send reinli'ri ciio'nts.Jto i* , j to tb**hO from whom you had reeciwd ii, bofore , i y*u I’XOmited your iei*"luti*)ii. \• *1 *cnt >1 • - to your oflicuia coimuaiiding them, firi*:ily I” > follow a lino of eoinlm 1 in n.ntomiily with such , an understanding. Busiih # all this, you hud re ■ oivd formal uud olli i.ll notieo Irom the G>.v j ernor of South Carolina lliat wo ha t bean p poiuti and Coiniiii -o.iiei'f, and were on - or Way lo IYu>diingtoii. too knew the implh* l condition under which we came; our arrival w,.p aotilied to you, ami un hour appointed f"i* mi intern* w. ; We arrive*! Ju Washington on Wednesday, at j thro© o’ehik, and you appointed an in tor view 1 with us ul otio the next day. Early <Ol that day, Thursday, tho news wo reeeiv.ol lore of tire movement ot Major AmleMon. That new# w.**. , couiuiuiiinittxl to you immediately, unl) i v*iu por tioned our iiieclii.g uulil hnlf’-pai't - o'clock ou ( Friday, iii order ilrei }ou migbt ci.ireuli ,v"ui Ctthim i. Gu lii in} wu nivv y*-u, nml a*.* i*ail'd upon you thn Iu rudeeui your piedg#*. You ’ cuuld not deny il. With tho f.rei- wo have Haled, | | and iu tbo luce of U> crowning and c u.clusivo j fact that your .Socrotary us W.u had repigm'd in | #nat in the Gubinct, up-n ti” publicly uvuivo-l ! ground that tbo action <<l M:*j"i Ai.*lcr. w "ii had I violated *tho pledged lailb *<l th- government. ! uud that unices the pledge wns in.-liuifly rvdeenu and he was dishonored, denial wu# iiii|>*<>ihlc; you . did not deny it. on do not deny it now, but yeu*i'k to uecupo from ii# vbligution on the ! grounds, first, thnt we tcrmin itcd nil negotiation I by demanding, us preliminary, tlio withdrawal ui I the I luted Slates troops from the hurbor ofL'har j lesion ; utid econd, that the aulhlTitU# of South f'uroltna, instcail *<l usking ixpluuatiou and j giving you the opportunity to vlmlreate yourself* took p.-session *d other pr*.p’ ri} *.l’ lire Unito'l ,StHt* s. We will examine both. ; in tlio first place, wi-deny poi ivcly that we I have over Hi stiy way niii'lc any such dcuianil, ourlclUu 1# in your pwssuscion : it will stand by I this on record. Jn Ii we inform y**u <>t tho ob ject# of our ini*Btou. We muy that it would have j Irecn our duty to have assured you <d our resdi i ness to cemutenee nagolintloo* with the most ear nest uud anxious desire to settle nil question# be tween u# amicably nnd I” our mutual lutvuiiUigc, but that events had ron.lured that assurance iui potsiblv. Wo sla'ud tho events, and we said that until sonic satiefai lory *xplaiia(i<>n of these c vent s was given U#, wo couht Mot proceed : and tlieu, I having made thi# request for cxpliinAtion, we added; “And, in conclusion, w<; would urge upon j you tbo iiniuciliuto withdrawal of the troop# from ! the harbor of Charleston. Under present eircaui- | ; stances, they an* a ilamling menauee which run- I | ders negotiation impoesiHlc,'’ Ac. *• I rider pre#* cut • ircuuistaiM'cs!” What circumstances/—- * Why, cwarly the occupation of Fort Huintof an 1 j the disninntling of Foil Moultrie by Maj- rAu derson, in the face us your and without x|danaJ.i**u or practical disavowal- And then* | 1# nothing iu the letter which would, or could, i have prevented you irom declining !• withdraw I the troops, and offering the rest.trntlou of tire status t*. which you were pledge*!, if such hud becu your desire. It wouhl have been wiser and better, iu our opiuiou, to have withdrawn tire troops, aud this opinion wo urged upon you, but wo demanded nothing but such an explanation ’ of the eveuts of tho Inet tvreuty four hour# as would restore our confidence in tho spirit with which the negotiations should ho c inducted. In relation to this withdrawal of tho troops from tho harbor, wo are compelled, bowover, to notieo ono passage of your letter. Referring to it you says “Thi# /cannot <1 . This 1 will uot do. Such ’ an idea was uevur thought of by me in auy no#- 1 aible contingency; N” allusion had over been ! made in any fotniunnU'atbvn between tys#|f nnd i any human befog.” In reply to this itaternsnt wc arc coinpclltd t<> i my that your convenati<m with u# left up*.n our ’ iuin*ls tho diHtinct'imprenHon that you did #erl ou#ly eontemplote tire wlthdrnwal of the troops from Charleston harbor. And in support of this impression, wo would add, that wc Imvetho posi tive assurance of genth-m*'U of tho highest possi ble public reputation and th# most un-uliled in tegnty—men whore t.niars and fume, secured by long service and patriotic achUvemcnt, plucothoir toitiuiony beyond cavil—that #u**h suggestions had been made to and urged upon you by them, aud had formed the nubject of more than one ear nest discussion with you. Aud it was this knowledge that induced ire to urge upon you a policy which had i<* rseoiuiucud it it own wis dom ami the weight of Mich Hiithoiitv. As to tho sueoi.d point, that tire nuiliotities ot South Guro- Huit, iire tend of asking < xplnnutloire, and giving you the opportunity lo vindicate yourself, took po.-'i •'I ‘oofollot propiii.v ot tin* 1 nited States, we w< *ld etisorvo, I I out even if this were so, it do. .*> not avail you lei* deteiico, f.r the <*pp**r tuiitty thr ileei'ion was offered you before thus® Li*-re pceurie.l, \V mri\ and iii Washington ou Wednesday ; ii.” nows 1 r*'**i Ma.tor 4Vudorsou reuehed lo re early ou Thni ‘diiy, mid Was inline diaroly ooniimiuioMted toy mi. AH tha'. day men id th® high. ginihlrr*tii B i.- cii woeessfiiHy to lift you U. your great oflico- W'ho Lind lre> 11 your tiled aud uu® li rend.# through Ui® ti iubles i.l p ur udm in-lration, . .night you and cut routed pm to wet- -to Met at onee. They told v'-a that dory hour coiuplleatcd your po* siti'M'. They only sxked y-u to g.vo tho u-s.-.u raneoihat it tire faot> were mi— if tlio com muiml.t acted without mid against }*>ur orders, and iu violation of your pledge,, that you would rufd’ ic tho ‘mu# y< \\ had pledged your honor to iiuiintiuu. You i®lWodtud"<! •***. Yourßucivtry t War, y.ur imaiedißlo uud proper advisor in this imilter, united auxo irelv i ol your de eisuwi, unlU ho fell that delay wrs becoming dis honor. More than twrlv® hours passed and two Cabinet uieotiv.rf had adjourned, beforu you knew what tho autliorilie.l ot Sotidi Carolina hail d"MO, and jottr prompt d®eiei*-n ut any mo ment ofiliat. Hum would have Mvoidcil tho sub sequent complications. But, if you hnd known tire re t ot tire authorities of Booth Caroliun, should that limvc prevented you from keeping your faith 7 W hat wms tho condition of thing# 7 For the inst sixty day# you have had in Charles ton harbor not fore® enough to hold lire fort# against an equal enemy. Tu I thorn veers empty; omirtd those two the mo.-t important in the harbor. It oould have been token at auy time. You ought to know batter than any limn, that il would have been taken, but Ibr tire * ttorts of those who put their trust in your L**nr. lio lieviug that they were threatened by l-’ort Bum tor ®sjaiciallv, tire people woro with difficulty ro strained from seem ing without b!, the pu#- aeesiou of this important Ali*‘r many and reiterated usMiranees given on ) mir behalf, which wo emmet believe unauthorized, they dc teruiil.e-d to forbear, Mild in good faith sent on tl.eir Commissioners t®negotiate with v ou. They mount you no ha*in wi-l.ed you no ill. They thought ot yeu kindly, believed you true, and worn williug, a# far us wu •* consistput with duty, to spare you unnecessary and hostile cullision.—- Bearoely had these t “uuuuiioiters left thou Muj. Anderson waged war. No other wolds will de-1 crib® Ida action. It wu# nt npeaeeful eliango from out* toil lo another; it was a hostile act in j tho highest soiree, und only justified in the pr* ! eneo cl ii superior enemy, and iu imminent peril. 110 abandoned hi# position, spiked bin gun.#, ‘ burned his gun.ertiiiMgcr, madu pr*‘pariiti"in Ibr j the destruction ofliis prel, and with'lrew under Cover of lh- night to a safer pireilion. This was war. No man could have believed * n ithout your assuniuce) that any offieev could have takcusueb it step “not only without orders, but against or der.'.'’ What lire State did wire in -nop!.) -tlf dvlouee; for this art, with nil its attending cir cumstance! wire ire mm-Ii a# firing a volley ; lire war t>* in* thus begun, until those eounneue ing it explained lireir aeti. n mid dis.i\ “VVtd their intonto n, (hero no . it” r*'ont lor delay ; mid even ut tbi- litolaeiil, win e w I*‘ willing, •* *’ iii'.ietlian prubaldo, from the tenor *.l vour lot tor, that reiiiloieenn-uts aro hurrying on to tho con flict, *0 Unit whu. lire lir-t gun shall bu tiled, |U®r will have been, “ii v.ur part, one cotttinu ous, Consistent series of aetioire, ( “UiineiH ‘iig in a de in* >iret ration esvcnlially warlike, -upporled by i- • b.r n iiiforeenreiil, nml t ruiiunthig in lefcat or victory. And nil this without tire slightest proV'.i atom ; for, 11 lining tbc many thing’ which you have said, there i- 011 c thing you cannot Miy: you have wailed anxiously for news from the scat of wnr, in hopes that delay wmihl furnish some exetree for 1 liix prceipilafb'ii. But thi# “tangible evidence <t a design to proceed to a h .;*ile act, on the part of tjre aiiflmr,ii*>s wl .*'*,'ll Ui Carolina,” which in the only jueUfi"nli*.u **l Maj. Anderson, y. u ro i*'i* ®l to admit, “has uotjycl bet 11 all. gd. But you have decid’ and . you have iivodved in hold, I.v force, what you havoobtaiu v ( through wurtulpUre*'d coiifiddnce : and by re. luring I” disavow the u.oioi) >.f Major Anders .n, tun® .*oincited his violation of order# Into a h>- g.timat®u’ tof your Kx®cutiv authority. Bnb® 1 - -11. \vhnl 11 may. of thi# vve are a--nre I, that, if Furl .Uonltri® hire been recorded in history m* 11 memorial < I t'ui'ditjn gallantry. K"H will nv) np.-n the <**i'*•■<■-eding | age 111* m:peri-h. , able te-lim *ny of t ai'diun i.iith. By your coiir- *', y*'U (.>*•• pr .babl} rendered civil war inevitable licit#". Hy. 11 e'h*m.-e I” force tliis issue upon Us tin; .Slate ot South C'nr linn will accept it ; and, 1 dying upon Him w ho i” tire God es Jilutictt *re well us th* ti'i'l ol Hosts, will endeavor l<> jM-rlbrin lie gieat duty which lie# befoi'i 1 . hope full}, lo lively and th*>r •■uglily. Gur uiMs'ren being *.i.e I 1 riegotiatiou nml peace, nnd V"Ui U"i** leaving ils wuh'.ul hope us a witlidrni#l ot lire 1r.0.j In.lll I ‘T Buniti r, or of iho ratora(inn nf the •Inin •/* *.v i.#ling at the i>i -.ur nriivnl, Hodintirmiting, a# wo think, v**ur det*niiualini (*• rdnforeo tire garrison in 1 |i, ) IH itioi‘ us (we r< #peetfully inform } • *ll Illxt .V. pilip. ‘* re'.lM'illg .0 < hnll’ #!oll to \\ ii tiHi e the Ii- w"f lo .r. ir, very i* ■peeiliilly, v mu ot.edieni -eri Milts, it. w. r. vr.Nu i:t| 1. 11. Ml VMS, * 0,111. ‘.. 11. I .iUHiSJ*o|tn, j |,i- Lveoflea. “ I*! • -i-ifi.r -i !•- I nit.-d 1 li.-. I.ob.vviii'’ i ‘ . ti'h.r “iii’ ii the docminmi: K x i.< t ill i. M AJrel***'. ‘•*. o'cl'M'l.. M cdo’ -'b. V. Tbi# paper, just prc nted to the Prc-'-l i.r, i 1 ~f -m her., -ter thill Ire *h ciii..-- *•• *• ■ -'v. it j \ Voire I rout Vri/ona. li., dnfireiiees existing h..ia* *o the p***| 1c of tho North and tire people ..ftlre 5..m1., lit.* *• inenusing in inaghiGnlc for #* ieral x • r.-. until low an alnii'.'t dcidty hatred i f**B t'ctw**cn lhc” two division# l the cuuntr}. Vn*i. Giough it pain# us (•• sco u**b an inharm*.oiu condition of thing*, wo cun sc® n* possible **l.aii'*c *>l ami cuhly sett ling these difference# in the Uni i>, bitt believe if tbc I’onfedcrsC} i- not if**.- dv*-d at lire | ic*"'Ut tiuio, it will certainly r***alt Irom ihi# in testinal strife in a few year*# N.vciihclci-s, il there can be any menu# deviced by which Gils great national catastrophe veil b” pn*i nf* and. and .• mflik'iteu and gomt feeling rvlored bclwf.*n tbo eili/oUHt nf these two gran (*iiv i*"-n <ot Gi lie- , public, would gladly give it our to *t l>c.,riy hiipport. Bill, looking upon a final dIvWU'M ire ioov itji'le, mo cure littlo howa*oii *i >- accom - I pb-licd. W'lf therefore lavor the tormatioti nt a Northern and Sonthcrn ('mil' l iler.icy. la thp event of th® establishment *.l a .• J oiithcru j UpntY'lr**y, AriAona will knock s’ the door of thoir tir-t tNrtlgrvss, t"r ndruDslon a# a (Gate; i and it is N*wM* xi o will *b i'■ • •*u* I/moV/o it i 10, at) i Min \m \ ii. iuwiiu.v. CoM'Mat s, Jan. Hill, ltc.l. Mu. l.nrroN -In n cciß"*i m tlii* niuiniiic's Kuqulrer, there i# an allocion to u ii. a delegate to the Convention lf'u t ‘haiiaho” *h* t* county, which I dnslr**. to Mdi<**. •**** c*t respondent iutimott* tin’ niy p"-*ti"o at H time is dlfleront from what i'. ws* l**foi uy elec lien, and calls upon my constituents t” have an imm nli ul a under#! nnd ing with lire. I pre sum© he did not sc® my card published in tin* “Weekly Times” of last week, in which I stated my position fully, or cist hoeouhl not have been in any *l*>ubt as to th® course I Intend pursuing when cnlled utren In the r.invcntimi t< veto upon the question of secessiun. You will therefore do me a lavor to publish uiy card, which vns vx toreivolv circulated in my county several days previous to lire election, thni my | i*•*•• may I.® fully snd fairly known. Verv respe**'full▼ y)urs, A 11. FLF.W KLLKN. The Enquirer of yesterday publiilu-d t Ho c ir*l • f Mr. Flowellen as requestod, and saW; ••The Card <*f Mr. Klewclleu of f-hntUihoiHdiee which wo pithll h to-dsv, R idlest os hi# cour* with sufficient dssrnoss, Hereafter w* shall class him as an immediate seccssinnDt. We hnd not treforeseen bis address, nor do w® sup pose th o*r correspondent hs-1” Nt'.ft ttfATB of srrxins rv Ytwa nr axi*. Tho Barnstable Tatciotsays “Our peopUare suffering mesh from their it” bitity tu sell thoir flsh.” To which th® Boston Rost ruefully roplb *; “Our ireopl®®r* suffering from their Inability te buy Hrem ” t on MIHM, Tm iISIMY, JAM ARY 10, IHfil. 1 Slichl Wtfrfjtwrv. The /. -,nher of yestordny learn.# from astute iireut In tire M..utgomery ('.'iifcdnration, of the \ .de of Alabama in the recent election, that there i 11 eo -operation majority <*f 0,2.1 ft, with ten e iuiiii. -be hemd tV"in /V* conlro, thoMont gdmory ,\.lv®rti>ei fumbbet a statement, foies i'i'hw ‘/**• . *'■ ‘ of ihtS'-’Otinryof Slate, showing II m viority *.f 9,400 for *e<*#ssioi, pod only six eoumie.s to be heard from. M hleh !# mo#l likely to he onrroct 7 Tin l’ i.r in Gkoroi*. -Tb® Ooluinbn# En quirer . 1’ Monday, claim# tho Btnt® of Georgia l*r lire f"-operniionistN by n doddod majority.— It bays that solar as heard from, tho immediate Bccct-ioni ts liovo 1 Ifi, atul tire C'o-op®ration|#t# ‘.*# delegates, and that there arc many couutles to lie At* from, all of which liavn g*>n® f.r ths Co operation party. We rather priffir to heiieve tire statement iu tho UoltimbuH Enquirer, thun the inanuyWturni dls patcl"’ vt certniu eraxy opium eaters, uianufa®- tun <1 for no etliur purpoa® lliau t iuak rash, inc.oireiderut® nml antl-confert no® **’h.'i .uirtt#. Tin - > .'ulled diapatehen fYomGeorgia approx inint* l.i'Ui a* much t<> tli® truth a# u di#pa‘oh s. nt. iiwiiy from thi# city to a cor tain Georgia pa lter, reporting lliat Judge Brook# had been elect ed l*re>i-b ot of tho Oonvontion by a majority of tW’ niy. Falsehood#, deception, miantiitcinfnts, etui ?•> to# the erdcr of tire day among sou® p*u plo. -jl/oof C ‘ofolcrmi .n. I'iii* i.# pretty tnlk for a papei that can’t toll tire truth, when th® truth Marta i: In ths fae®, 111 the fir**t paragraph above, it perpetrsics no lev# than two “ iniutatcmeiitV’ even In reporting wlut tii>> Rmi’ •hi id. Thftt paper, (the latter) did imt, *n it# !s*n® of Monday, ‘ claim Georgia for lire (•” operationiats by a 1 le.tidnl majority.” It did I*ffuto ihat •* i*'’-’ tire counties to As /ichi h ive gone lor the < 0 operation party.” - How could it Htntc what, by tb Nvippo#i|ion, it could not know 7 Bu.di difficulties, however, do irel stand in the wav of th** nnrc.vsiliii>g faith of the (■>;/,,l,,>'>■■■,. IVn vv"ii!d remind *>ur co temporary that person# living i ugfar* ha'dlniions, are in rather n poor condition to pelt their neigh bori*. <rgi trill vote two onr for S>renitut, YY *ll t'.c t'ottj\(li ‘itioH ami uiiirkihail’ mwiw. \Ye 1- iirii li-111 the Memphi- tr.ilanvbf Mist Andrew -I••tm- .-ti, one *>l the Senator# Iroiu Ten* m -. . ii.# publicly hung in effigy at Grand .Imietion in that Btat*', on tlio 2Sth of Dccemlicr, 1 l'..r his 1 ceciit inluiii'.ii# apecdi. advocating the 1 po'iev , f eoereing 11 seceding State. We only | regret that he w;ih represented by u uian mad® ul r,re-, ami that Ire wu# not prevent in person t* ‘ t. o il t in lire ilramti. ! ( Hit* < ulbrrn ConWenir). iM'in the Cbarlcfton Mercur)■ W 0 publish below tire resolution# paused by ; tie ."” .ib Carolina Convention recommending ‘ I-, tier si.-ler State# of tire South the assemblage ( of n <'"ii volition to foiui n U'onslltnlion (ora Southern Confederacy. There were two project# Hihmiti.d 1., tire Convention,looking to thi# end. 1 Tin* one reported by the Committee on the Sou thern : it* , p.<'p.-i**l a /V.u-Ni'n*"/Government with tire adoption of the Constitution of the I nited r*GiG's; the oilier w* submitted by Mr. |;h, it. -11 and pt"p* ■#. dtl c tts.*einblgo of a Con ■ll i• •11 of t tit* Southern Sfiito# to form a /'< - mo. < i. ,-it t.*>\'•rutueiit. ‘live Coin* nti'ii of S*uth i •.ipdii't. MM'iu, in .-oilre srt, to linv® combined both of tin re By tiie rwotifionti ad opt* and, it re oiuuiend# amt provides I t a Con , thr S ‘-'iiinj Sf ‘le 1. and dt®ruiines Hint it sti’iill tbrm a Constitiiiioti fora /V*#ia | I,4,nut norl Covfidtraey, and at the ! , t(U e time, if autlmri*/.®# tho o.itabliahwciit rs a ; I’loi i-ional Government by thi# Convotttlou uu- , I Hi the t* rin:‘irlho Permanent G<*verunient of ,1 - ‘iip. ru < .niudenicy may be agreed in. In I \ i<-w “f tire threatening n-poct of our “Northern l.reihreu,” it ffa# ■•iippo-. and that tho speedy or tratiiz;li'11 “f some Hurt us government l.y the ~, il, - Sin tor, might bo necessary to repel sg . ll'ii*'. -tho auth'-rity to establish a Prov i doiial Goferniuent. ((f course lire whole mutt, r w ill **o for Hie detflruilnatioii of tiie Con- , ” i.tioii of tho receding Blate#, when assseiublcd. il. ceding ,Staicf are fully oonpotcut to #ll ib.- .'idimiry requirement* * t g<- v mini lent. Lite i. l pr* p> i’.v art* #atb under their nduiiulstrotioß. A ic,\ v•* 1 -. mure or I* #, i# 'f n* conseqireuoe , 111 forming t'tre terms of their Confederation.— 1 I'.iit if there I- imminent danger of aggression ii .'in the ‘ ortli if *r cxiei# it may be wees- 1 ...i \ t'rei un iinniedinre Vr"visionalG'.irernmont 1 -hoiild i.o iirg'inived. By the tim® the Conren ii, „ scuHd* #, be attitude of th® two sections , ..f iho Ifwion toward# each other will lie elssr - ,i ugh. awl the Convention will hethla to pur '■'lo timt I'utin# which . irenm#tanee* will then rciiiire. Tire probability i#, that the Northern , I < .pie mid fttate.-mcii will #eo rim desperate folly ~(■ HlJempting tho coereion nf Ihu Southern . 1 ,1. , in,.l lire Convention c#n proee®*! ! without Ini-re, calmly and ihumtghly, *0 Ist lire foiiii'li*'ion of aßoiithcrti t ■t 1 .v. iiojii 1 RINUI.F ritt.NS. 1: .. •, |;r -*. I*i *'. this t'i,*nvent|..ii d** ap* j ..ui a* ** in ir* i-m mer *’ • pr*M*e®*l lo each *f tire slsvi holding States that niuy ss**Q)’)le iu Con vention, bribe parpoc® < f laying our tirdinanoe f.„i..ii before lire me, and re-pectfully i, |iing their c-optWlinii in ilia formation of a r nitlicro 4’ .n!®<leracy. That onr Commissiouem usorefaid be further awlhorixi’d to stthini*. ■ <•’ * art, the | ...i. i*.ll < ~fi*liiuti “n- a i..* l , n , *visloiuil t.... ii uni* til f r such M.i -• ■ iu' fi b* drawn their .* jure*.turn wh *• tfetcrciuent of i!m* I nited Slate# “t Ainori - /V< elded. That tire caid Itroviaioiial G*-v*n t. " tli® ten ure of all officers and appointin’ nta Arising under ii, niiull ccaae and dut* riuiire iu tw*. year# ftoiu il,. |. ; t day of July ®x, or whew a permanent Goviri iirent >llllll haveb*o^organised. I bird. That (Ire said C'ouioii--i*ui®rs be an* j thuri/’ dto invite tin ‘ ding .**i'“*s to meet in * ouvciilioii, at atieh tin.** aw*l pt i.*. .- umv he ! nirr-Hd up* .., l- r the purpo-*’ *>t • >nuiig and ! j.miing i io..tlou,SU'*h Provisional UuveriiuKnt, un.l ... Hint the >'id Provisional Government ‘ hull I” ui'gwnised *"l g* into effect at the I : earliest period previous I*, tire llh *•(’ March lsfil; I uu.l tliitthv .nre tun vent ion cf sccc.Wng States : iui'.l provide forthwith I • . 0.-id.r and propow ( a * .>tiftitu.i’ ii and a |dau for a p®rniannt (Be* vcrnincut for such Hutc, which pr*qrened plan ; sialllie referred bu. kto Hu* several Ptats U'-n j * cntiui ■* t o tlreir adoption **r rejudlon, | mirth. I hat eight Deputies shall be elected :|v bill •• 1* v thi* (’"ii vent i"ii, who xhnll beau- j iliori/’ i I-, meet iu < onvcnlioii such Deputies as limy h” appi'inlrd !•} lit® other slav eholding J ;■ h cs who may secede from the Federal Union, |,.r lire purpose ol carrying it” effect tire for® 1 . res..iulb>n; and that i* >.** recommended 1 i .il. -,iid Male that each be entitled to mho \.,t„ in ihc said I'.invent ion upon all ques* tiniiH which may la* voted upon therein, ami ! that each Statu lend as ninny dcpnliva a aro i . qo.l iii u uni her t< thu number of Htoators and ’ JG'pr. >. ntativ*.‘S to whleb It wire entitled in tho t ngross of thu l nited States. The following aro the Hepatic# elected tu rap* ; ~ . i,l - utli Carolina in th# pr<qm#ed tonveo lion; Hon. 11. JL HIIKTT, sr. M m. M. W, BAHNWKLL, IJ..H, .IAMBS ( HEftTNI T. ir. IL n. H. G. Ml MMINGBIt. Hon. W P. MILBH. Hon. L. M. KKITT, l|.,n. T. .1. ‘VITIIKH ’ If n W. tV. BOY OK. Tux L -m'os Timks ox Onxnmit.—Th# !." •lon Titucs, in th® cars® “f n artlolc a pun th# i President’s riwoge. make* tli® foHowlng com ! moo': • Many nf th® wisest deeds in history have been j defend’ and in the most Illogical document#, and Mr. Buclmnao’s purpose of letting Eouth Caro* i liua alone will bo an addition lo th® ounher Tire President knows that lie can do nothing,t hat public opinion would not tolerate the invasion .rid conquest of Ih® .Southern States, and th® holding them as Donqucrod provinces, and (her®* i f.,r® he declurei that the Federal fl*.v®minent has ’ no such right of coercion. PEYTONH. COLUUITy ) ..... JAMES W. WAKKEN. \ Number 2 From the Charleston Mercury. To our Frionil. ia Florida. That military preparations of an active uatur® are at.ret, emanating frotu the United State# Government, is now pretty well ascertained. — Whether it be upon the docks ®f the Harriet Lao® or the Brooklyn, or lb® Macedonian, or all ol throe, does not alter the fact. From all iudica lions, it uppsiiis tube the policy of the Adminis tration, inaugurated by General Scott, by mean.# of takiug possessh.ll of all Boutheru fortresses, to block up the harbors of auy Southern seoed ing .Stale; and thus, by strangling our ooin mere®, to bring all such Status to sue for mercy at lit® hands of the United State# Government, aud to thank God and General Scott for permis sion to return from the evils of our ways, and ia accepting the fictitious and destructive coiupro mine which iu time will probably be mad® us, to ttisii 11 gain with fraternal affection into the charitable arms of our dear Northern brethren. That ®ny vessel or vessel* will Ire sent to enter lit® Charleston harbor, we think not Very prob able. We lie vs no usHuraitce that Gen. Scott and Mr. Buchanan, though old, are entirely iu their d..uge. Still anything way happen in.,* then® *la># “f original diplomacy, ingenious prin ciples, and prufuuud political wisdom. We are now accordingly prepared here for any such ac cident',. And should tha Harriet Laue, in any of those unfortunate freaks of fancy to which the *rex are proverbially liable, present herself before us, in all the pride of hor power, to storm our imaginations, we shall not. bes > ungallant as to refute her the warm welcome the courts and challenges. To uur friends in Florida we would respect fully pass 11 word. There are t w*o powerful strong holds und most importuui points of military of foBHH and defense in Florida—-Pensacola and Key West. Hie btatc# both of Geurgia and Alabama have wisely lakcu time by the forcluck, and put tire revolve 1 in possession of such for trestre# a# 11 within their border#, simply because they do not chouse that their territories should be occupied, their commerce cutoff, and the lives *>f their pe .pl® put iu jeopardy, by Gen. Scott's ur Mr. Buchnnau's despotic theory of the powers uud duties of the Executive officer of a consoli dated, vulgar mubocracy. They have chuseu to ward oil'violence and outrage by a timely pre caution. It anything cuuld'end to demonatrata t i tho Executive ut Washington the folly of at tempting the blockading of .Southern port®, it would bo tin, late action of Georgia aud Ala bain# in regard U. their forts. Yot it is iuq> eibh) to tall t whil extremities (oily and do* perathm uiav .I*ire men. In rhie view, it is iiu portent for the people of Florid® to reflect that there are, |hmlim|u, nu i..rtres along our whole { Southern **"**•! more important than those ol j Florida, Tire* * forts om command the whole Gulf trade. And ehoiild Mr. Hiichatinn carry out what Hpptiid- l> be his (oeoent plan, he certain ly nrnet <le#ire to hold poascssioii of tb**se font. Ho way I hue, with lire a**ivtiince of war steauisr*, block up Hie whole Gulf. Bullet Florida hold tlii-.-e fort*, and the entire aspect of affairs is changed. Such v*e#®la, in time of war, will have no port of entry, and must he supplied iu every way from # very long distance, aud that at -ea . while tire commerce nf the North in the Gulf will fill an oa-y prey to our bold privateers; aul California gold will pay all such little expenses on our part. We leave tire mutter fur the reflection and de ‘•Won .-I tire people of florid*- FOltT reiABM. The Saxiiunah News of the 7th lust., gives u* tho following interesting particulars with regard to Fort Pillanki: As M.'aiuit assault from thu water, i( i# defend ed by an ample unuilrer of J 2 pounders, much bettor uiouiiUd, sod in a much higher state *.*l efficiency, th.#u any oire had supposed. Notsim ply tbc casemates, but the quarters at present occupied by the officer* and privates, are bomb proof— tho ceiling*, thirteen tect in thickness, and covered wit Ii a at Hl'hank sod. The open nroa withm (he f-*rt i* not paved ; the earth i* covered with a yielding sod, formed by grass and tund thr*>wn up**u wt*at was originally a sand bauk. H'abcd ha 1 been artistically prepared for tbo purpose <>i receiving, capturing uud utter ly demoralizing n eholl, il o >nM n*>’ have been better dcvlxod. A hlicll falling npn it must be buried in the rand beneath from two to eight foot, and by the sod above will be stripped of tbc power even of throwing sand into the eye*, if, indeed, tho fore w**ubl not ho extinguished ore the shell should explode. Those who were shelled upon from San Juan d’Uiloa during the invostmeut if Vera Crus, will remember that th second morning after th® landing the attention of the eucuivwu# *i.*'i*tly directed ten sandhill occupied by Won. Quitman'# brigade, which was thus exposed to tlteli eye** doahtle®# I” draw their tire. Thenltelhh to dodge wbioh in their decent, became, after a while, rather a pleasurable ex citcment, buried themrelvee in the aund ; their (uses were generally extinguished, and the cau allics rcatiltitig from their rkplosion, when they did explode, w**ie but lew. Avery little Work will place the interior of Fori l'uleaki in such condition as to remove the nren within it beyoe-1 the reach of even euota enenalties. 1 ire Governor, whore entire action in this mat ter if, wo repent, beyond all praise, has placed at the disposal of b'l. Lawton, iu addition to the u A uai armor of each soldier, on® breech-loading oar bine, throwing, in the hands of au exper* (iiarkMoun, sixtcou rifle l.alls s minute, a Colt’s r* volver'and ou® sabre. fin* dituh around (he (oil U beiug rapidly clewued out under the orders of Col. Lawton— rice field uegnres having been placed at this work ■■ • *2e f tht bsTfrnsr sf Virgiiis. Ru nuoxu, Jan. J The metmag tt (iof. i.ntclicr waa sent to the (ieneral Aesembly to day. The Governor renew* the proposition contained in hi* last message, for n Convention of all the states. It boewues, he *ays, our HaU> to he mindful of its owa iulcreM*. The disruption seem* inevitable. It new ConfeUrnele should be ferined, we muss have the o*l guarantee* hes re we can attach Virginia to either. He condemns the action of Mouth •’aniline, saying that she ha* taken her Southern Sister* bysurprise, and that he would have made no special reference to her, had hi not been invited to do * by her ieie Exeeulive, m uncalled for reference* to Virginia. Ue says dial the iion-*lateholdiiig Slate* are eloue chargeable with the present atate of affairs, and if the Union I* disrupted, Upon them reels the re sponsUdUty. (Ic oppose*a Mute Cotirentleu, and *ugge(* die ■ppoinUueut ot two of the moat distinguished men ot the State a* Commissioners to the Legi* lulnie of thoae ,-iati' with h have passed Fereon at Liberty Bills, to insist upon their repeal. H doc* not propone, however, that these Coiumis ►ioner* should go to the New Kngland State*. It is due, lie says, to Virginia, that site should | I,live proper and clioeiivo guarantee* of the pro lection of slavery in the dfetriet of Columbia; dial <ur equality in die Slate and Territories, ( and our right* of perilous and property should l,„ a lequatnly secured, that vre should be per iiiiticd to pass through lb* free Stntea aud Ter- I vitoriee uniuoiestvd. It stave* are abducted, die State where the lon* occurs ought to be made to pay the full value I the date lost. | Like guaranties should be giveu for the luter | State *!?*• trade, and for the pataage iud i eiiforrrmwit of rigid law* for the punishment of j eu.-li persons lu the free btate# as orgaulae, aid, or al*e*. in orgauiaiukjjeompntilea with a view f ’ a-*.iUliig the slftvchoTding State* and moiling the slave* to insurrection. The General Government should be deprived of the power of appointing | p tho b-#a4 oflnra of the slaveholdiug State* persons hostile to their institution* MMftuiimtasl to their rights. He further says that he wUI retrard any attempt of the Federal Iroopa to pass across Virgina fer Him porpoaa of coercing {inv Mon them Htale, aa an aot of invasion ! w hieli i* be repelled, lie Is uoi, however, without hope that the ) resent difllcultiea wIU And pome oaltaV-'ory solution. Uet New Kug land and Wes Pro New York be sloughed off aud a iy tk*Melves Canada. Mltsipplan’s !•* the fallowing latter from a minl-tur of the gospel: Lxt rapof fuavrou ru U*i . -Citisane! - According to tha preimalion -f tbs *'resident, j lw day has been mm s*t<le ar a day for •* sting and prayer In bohalf of the Union. SJuoe the issuing of said proclamation, tiieAd * ministration has gone over u> the enemy, and it Ii iiffdff to hope for Union. Gird on your armor la*(ead, ami preptre to meet the enemy. Mur cause It Jwat, e 4 we have nothing to tear. The ainilcsot Heaven and the applause ot the world cannot fail to Mi upon a people struggling for their right*. May tied give us brave hearts, and enable as to do our duty towards “our owu dear sunny South.” .1A AIKS THKOUOLD BUMK.It. J *<**<>■, Tan. 1, 1961.