The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, January 21, 1861, Image 2

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Wom the Now Orlwairt Delta. fort sum. iti the Fort—l*t peace prevail; (/fail* the you- -bat yet forbear; Bat if word* otktndoaift fail, Then cry rweuc! and ~yropurt; Feel no*nge|w~glve the hand ; Fling i>” uxftoaee—u-. ntoit; If the foe vepMitlcsa>tan4, Heath Carolina l fo4* the Port* Samtcr-nau>e of old renown; Smnter! spirit! guard year own ; Be then still, cWtalric town J tl the *m*i of wrong be town ; Pcuplw ! strike •—hwt not HU rehtn Bight lie* in that ****! r*#**rl- Bo ye armed—Hut only then, South Carolina / <*§*‘th Furl. Take the Fort—but yet beware j Btrike not at an idiot’* call; ‘Tie not who the uxost shall dare, Bui “tur who admit dare at alt; If all kindness, spurned, shall fail; If all argument fall abort; Then, though Heaven tteclf grow pita* Heuth Carolina I take the Fort Xako the V oft -hut not till they, Barer thou even kings or slaves— Men in place an<J tnru in pay, Dare ho id(uU or he knaves ; Peace ! hide tin-©, shrunk and pale— link in corridor or court; Then, at last, kl i/nod prevail—- South Carolina! tk* tho Fort* Now Orleans, Bee. 31,1860. 11. mmm mui*.. oomtom hotan. ‘CoLi*wcTen'sOaFicu, Ac. * Sir— (’apt, Jn . herevan has tbie in < mnt handed me your note of (hie date, in relation to tl# recapture of tin revenue cutter J. 0. Dobbin, in reply to wbiat, I beg, in the name of the Federal GuVfrhtoenl, to thunk yon, and further to state, that 1 received a letter from the Hon. I’hiUij* K, Thomas, bccrotary of lle IV i>urv, some fifteen days ago, requesting me to direct the Captain of said cutler t ef sail for Baltimore a* *ooti ax convenient, and on his arrival to re port the aatac to him (the Hervetery of Uo Ton sure) in wilting, and await his orders, and that in nWc-dione© tv said lost?actions, the CttltOT wa* ordered, Mid on Saturday last proMred for sen, hut woe detained by unfarorablo winds until last night, when sbewa* taken possion of by par* ties unknown to mo. Du tier these cirowtß* I must ink the favor of you to direct (hose in charge to Allow her to proceed to sen, in comfdl aneo with the Instruction* from this office. 1 have the honor to remain your ob’t aerv’t, JOHN BOSTON, Collector. TaJit* Jfcgeollency Uovaruor Joseph K; Brown, Pulaski 11 an so* Pulaski lluusk, Jan* 8, IbdJ. Jug* IJoaroa, ii-q., % Collector of the Pori of Savannah: oir : The Revenue Cutter, J. C. Dobbin, which was Mixed by *ora* imautiiorixod person or por oft unknown In inn, has, under tho order given hy me to Colonel Lawton now in couiuwtud of- E*rt i'uiaskl, to protect Government property against injury, hum recaptured, find 11 now aground near Fort I’ulufeki. Y'ou will pleaxt! send a revenue boat aud lake her into custody to .night, and J will have her haul cd oil to'iaorrow morning, and dtdiverod to you nt such place usyuit, may desiguulo. i niu-hro grtd. ll*o iawlena svir.ll r ol Iho voanel, uml beg leave to iMurn you that i > hall, from time to tiia*, give such orders as will protect the custom house aud other properly belonging to (ht Fede ral G o vein men t, till the action of Ihtft Slain is •leterttiiuod by tl**Convention ol bcr pnoplo. Very ReMpeetfollv, A-\ JOS. H. BROWN. f. I’CLAAKI Ilottiß, Jtiu. S, IBOL •logft lios’i <ift, CoHoclor, Ac. tiir—V"ur ante in reply to my enißuttrafoatlon of line *• veiling, UfoeeirM, and I have ordered Ih* cUiivery us the J. ff. Dobbin la her captain with (Vs pertnisiHpn lo proceed D *a,as you have repeated. Very rcipactAiUy, Ac. JOS. 15. HROWN. XOIIIU BARBS. Thti fblfowing fpfetii thu Mobil* lit glutei* of .fguuatjr 4Ut Confirm* tMlirpaUh alrt-n ly jmh litfa*U A o( otoervalton, consisting of Ibroo i-. mpiiiiirit r.f tho First Volunteer Regiment of Alabama, took a -mit trip U *\v u tho Vy lust night, leaving at u.n o’clock. It in suppos ed that they have gone In enquire whether I lie re are any cool und clever officer* of the I’uited hftatos Army nbont, reedy t* praetice slralfiffiottl wuroi'aru uml t > block up tho only port of the Comm awe ait h after nhn f.ln*!l have declared lioriHdf out of the ring of the Mark Uopublicsn adiakiiatrniinn. We have no offtrial Information n thi* subject, but cln utuntau* * * icm! n |o |>e lice* abut tijn nrtuori all >a* in relation to it are tra*. Alter Hurt Hu taler experiences, it is (|Uttei>Mtural tliHt it hnuld'be true. Mi Hirwippl, Louisian u, and Florida have some poiote on-their courttt which it vretu * cheaper in look after now than hereafter. After tho horse lias escaped thcru b no call to abut the stable door. Since writing the hbovh rumor lies It tha4 a I tip to the Mount Vernon Araenal, in Washing ton bounty, 43 tulles above the city, has bean inducted and was executed lust night. A de tachment of three companies, to-wit: the Mobile /title.*, Capi. WuodruU, the Washington Light Infantry, Cap!, tirade,und tho <lurd Lafayette H* !uc, was deluded for this service, and embarked tho rWawer Selma Into Uit night. i’be Companies detailed fur l-’ort Morgan were t ioCartetp.. Oopt. Sand-, the Fusiliers, Captain Moinbevg, the Imii'puudcnt Rifles, Capt. Mikes and alia Artillery, Capt, Kelchitiu. itotimr further -aith that,flu r;e tttovctocid* npo by ur4t>r of the tfovertiar of the Stair, and that hois acting in concert with tho Lxccntivrt of (Jeorgia and Louisiana, an 1 last night whs tb lima agreed upon lor Uritftig possession of ull §>>- *itiut> tt those three titat. a wliiub might he untija to ftdlpw the fashion set by Fort Sumter YPashinutox Cirr, jUec. 22d, JSflO. U**>- An 1 send you the enclosed printed slip as acuriosilyi ami u* one of the thousand evidence* ui the hatred and vindictive toe ling *MitteUud by tin* Kor thorn Abulitionistsagainst tin* .Southurn people. They am absolutely luri nuoat ilmiwna (hut(he Fhuili l about to take cure of its own itiMiiuUous, its right*, interest* Mid honor, and ut n> them of tho millions which they extract eWry year from tho pockets of the Southern miopia t * fatten and Ktreagil wti them, and swell tl.o Übmtcd wealth of theirMMlUwuudm nabobs. Lhi < printed alpha* cica slated in Washington, and sent It* all tbo isoUhtm members. Vadff truly, Ac., A UKQKUIAX. Anot tni) for,- Ocn ll fur Tinsus! Uewidi Oobb, Hubert To .mbs, Alfreu Ivor-, u. Members of Cengresf Peter K Lore, AI J ('rawlord. L J Cl or troll, J W II l uderw .. 1, Jus Jackson, J J Joaea. Jo*; pb hi brown. T L Unorry, (’ J Williams, li II Wort. George liillyer, Joseph U Lumpkin, Richard V Lyon,O A Hull; II tl L innir, Thomas Thom av. Iverson L Harris, William V Perkins. K V iianscll, Ahx A AJitu, J‘t*nms f Hstinuond, N L Hutchins, L G'l'ahhiiss. t\ 11 Fleming, (11) Rice, lilt Jack* n. A 11 Cobjuut, Peter Cone, W M Hlaughfcr, 0 CKlib>a, Hugh UndMuiau, Lewi- TumJin. Hardy Htrigkland. Vv A Loltuii, \\ M McTntoab, Win Law, HvimucJ U spencer. Mar cellus 1> MiplusV, LtxnmrdT Doyal, Wur F Wright, Jus tiurdnm\ 1. A Nehns, Jntnc* I. Howard, \V 11 tiuerry. *• Houso of ltcpvantadvm—Geo TV XraFford, Kl.cncsor tHtorucs, Henry L Banning, Kugenius A Nid*t, Chao J Mi'H.*uald, Huilmru Jones, M .1 WeHoAm. .The John* .u, Washington I'.-e, A II CbuppeU* l*avij J Hailey, X 1( R Cobh, As hury Hull, L W t'rook, A It Wright, II C Yun cey, L J Uh'nu, II M V Miller, Uobt McMillan, Sunmer J Huaith, F e Bartow, J W Ander son, Wur II Dabney, T W Miller, A m Sj'e'r. YIIMNU. Aj lutiliwc evidence i.| ((u! nwakvno.l npirii in Did \ irgture, iu belt all of Iha bouih ami hci> *<■>. wi* Uktf frwtu the Key* Orient;a Loll* the fallowing vstruet from it letter written, the Delta *•>'*•# to u tt iulvuiHH iu that vi y, by bis brother, a tiiMlnsuifhmt vitiun uutl politician es the 01i Ooutinion, who was a \>r. mincht mpoorter of the liell and KvwrtfU party ta n lo | at e >rwltl#btUl contest. We ptm to be . n the eve of * n volutfon, an J p. rltepa *W mat. i have elun,.*: t th l>,,fon and. a# >u kmw, have baao highly cotuwrv alive to my foeiioKa. l:t the ■ w( i !. . . ; , publican* *itu*Uu eieetioti >i Lincoln leaves us i hut one tsoursu tu pursue,and that i*. toufc earewt t ourselves. 1 g” With Virginlia— SMm/ I I wiff 9# i cit\ |A* SomUi. The secession ftn.]itg has eprvui! bero fn tbo last few wevks uiuH rapidly, and the ppfpl\ for once at least, are far ahead i lira politician*. Everything now looks to seven •ion and dissolution iu s vary short time* an t it this occurs, then i hope ho may succeed in c*. tsblisbir” a r-'ou’.hern Confulcracy, iu which there assy he more sympathy ami <-ot geniality than in tba present tl .rerument. The |w(Vp!o of tbs North and South are to totally different in n thousand ways, that 1 scarcely think it is punt* his that they can over live toother in pcaco un der the same Constitution, Hut my hoart stid JlflpM iire with the South sand should wsrooinc, rtHlt thut all who hate tuy blood in their veiu* will be ready to do as our forefathers did—staud up for cur rights, at the risk of lifo and liberty. Os this, however, i have no fear. At the first tap oftbe drum, Iknvw tuy boys will be ready, and their father will not wait for the second up.” S. W. StHlord, Attorney at Law, HLAKEI.V, KA.IUY,CO„UA, ~ April 2, ISM. wtf M .1). RUiKKS, KfcQ., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Oii Inter, Texas. Mil RIII.KIU, E.q , Allr.rln-y .nil I niHim llm . at Law, and fleaeral Lend Agent wIU alee *U*n4promptlytoth* toDcciloiiorf Claims. All mm immiraiHNM answered wit it out delay. Address, Oil emr, Texas. AM4-Wtf. J. II TAYLOR. WM TAYLOR aYLOK & TAYLOR, ATTOUNBfH AT CAW. C'ulhbcri, t>a. is r ||,|* pltAflK K in the Counties of Baker,(day, VY Hallman* Karly. Randolph, Mu-wan in. TsrsU, itiul will give prompt attention to nil business ntrue led to them novtl—Wtf- Shorter, ( humhers & Shorter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KC FAD LA, ADA. Will practice in Barbour and the adjoining counties of Alabama and Georgia, a. a. siioktßß. w. w. chanbbua. *c n. short**. May 27, IKSW. U CI JI.I.KNK & TflltNII^KU), ATXOBXsnSFYS -A.T FORT <A!NKH,*GA. WUI practice in Clay nod adjoining counties In Georgia, undiu Henry county, Ala. Apr 4l * AMl—wtf TliomaN W t old), ATTORNEY AT I.AW, PItEHTON, Wcbfter County, fla. Will practice in the counties of Clay, Chatta hoochae, Wabttpr, Karly, llandolph, Stewart nnd Sumter. Particular atfonlhni given In collecting and remitting. JaliM 1867 —wtf. M. J. PARKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Colqnitt, Miller <'o„ On. November 6ih, iB6O.- wtf. n.M. MA I*l*, AT-rnaiarEX at law. Oolumbus, Oil. WILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit mid adjoinioff coonlk-. Off)r on Kitmiolph street, n low doors went of the Pot HfOrtt. JulyS'V—dwtf, .lOKt'ldl I l '. I*oll, ATTORNEY W.l’ law, OOU'MI!U.S, (iKOKtJIa. Olfh e on Randolph Street, <#vr Holt and Hilfchln’s Office. April Itl --wdly. liai'ion lletliuui*, ATTORNEY AT X./VW. TAI.BOTTON, T.lbotCo., <* OolnUr 2t,lhM. wAJtf. itlosc* A attokneys A-r , COl.VMfltlS, HUOIUJIA. II I MOAI> WM A.UWD. pTt Offii’e mt door tulbe i t •Si'Dt. I. liU. dwtf. JNO. a I'UH.ll'M. WALTER 11. WHKMS. -V WeeniH, A.ttornovH fit L:w, CHAWI’OHD, ALA. Will praciie* In the Court* of KattHtli County —iu tho Sujireino Court of the Stale, and in the HußedSUttoiDistrict Court af Montgomery. March ’J-l, 1860—wAdtf. A-.v.j J. YCOLI & SON, W&TTr* df.ntih t m , •.^MkrOftlce on Randolph iUrrLaecr Bread, COLU Mis V \ (JulutuLus, Dec. 0, !St7. di* vi’ DISSOIiU'iION. jN ■iiioM'(|oono of the death of Mi. HANIKI., the HUGHES, DANIEL * CU. W!m dissolved on tli fltli February. I'lio uud r i n*d as surviving oartnerf, arc ready to artlUo nil claims :ii(iito:d said ifrinsitnd those indchtod to suid (inn. wtt| pieiiMC Mottle iuuiiciliati iy ns the husiuoo* nm.l be r.loned. The uu4crsignU|in the mm und style “t in ;m> .v iiouKs, Will i nidi nor the Warehouse V fomints • Imi llualnena in all its branchess Office t the Lowell Warehouse WM, Xf.iilNSHß* w. C. Teb l.t dw*f XO Country Merchants & Planters .1 AM F.S Me I*l I I r.r.11'.-A. In tailing thQa'tentnm otbuyoiH to. liis t totk of FANCY AND IST A PDF DRX-aooi>a, hogs to say thntbflh now prepared to otter lor t tHII a Inrgi.* N'sortnioiit Ofgnodajusi received,by the Pisca, Hale or ra<‘kag<, nl Norilu'en .Tobljinyr Deiees An he has A resident buyer m New York, hu will no elVe by every slenmer, Invoices of me ti i>< ods um lie a nii sell the tnuic ut nr, dun Mon of it) u* IV) per rent. on runuiur prlees. llT’Alt Inspeeti *noflhcirtbck Is n spec tfully ndle itvd. J AS. tio, iii-oiui steed, MASONIC lIAI.I, BCir.DV.VO, Coluuibua, tiept 20, JbtiO. dtiwl!'. 1860 FALL TiUDE. 180 S.YHDUHV WARN ESS SHERMAN & CO. Il‘ we on hand the largest nn.l best assorted stock o Saddles, Bridlos, Harness, THUNKS, Willi’S, COLLARS, UOKBE COVERS, LEATHER OF ALL HINDS. Machine Belting, &c. &c liver brmight n this market, wluih bre offered tu their (Y it) ti tl * hdU (he pubh. genernlly upon teas ena ble terms We would return our thanks for the patronage Hint hits been bestowed upon us since we have hi*u es tablished inl'oluinhu*. and hofte by tan dealing ami attentionto bubineag, to merits cuntiminnee of the SAMI'. Sherman & Cos., Nest floor to the hank of Culumbu td'oluiulu*, <1 .Haii’ tt-Htstf. BRANDS* KRONER. HAVE itKMOVKI) TO OO BROAD STREET. (NEXT TO I'KAHK'N BOOK NTUJtK) UMKRIt mu OKKH!TIH IKIirLKKIdNTO( K (IK Pianos. Melodious A Organs, AT VI-.UY low RaTKH jHBOi-. -i They would call a*tentlnu to a *|4*n tinted Psrlor Urantl ft lino. T r '“ J? Twd “Premium Cornett Pinto “ uiid : “ - w \I V M -*onl AI.FVAM KR ORGAN*. tor t ‘hurrh and Parlor, i r <t —PIANO? *It'NFDAND KKPAIRFO liUAMs a kttONKJt. thittt--wt Uuartn Nil \M Re ad ;• t. IOTTOY FOR LIVERPOOL. . f ZUay undeiMgtfod N prepared to make a Will :es to I'l.Milei* And uliirn, on t’oiimi Aipmeat to Liverpool. D<tl wlmdlw \X It VOt'Nti IRUNH.S, TRUNKS I. KUUKNIK Trunks, Saratoga, French, Sol { Leather, and various other Truuk* for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 1 Also Bonnet Boxes, Leather Bags, Bellisis Bags, VaHses, Ac. For sails verv low at A. C. SANDERS A CO’S, Boot and Shoo Store 102 Broad St. Coluuibus, ’u y 4,180 V, dwtf EAST ALABAMA COLLEGE. AUBURN. ALABAMA. TIIK ti I*HI SG TI ;ItM <jf this In - s'itution will tic/iii the 16th of Jan XT FACULTY: REV. W. J. KAHHNKT, D. D., I’realdent and Frofessor of Mora and Mental Science and Biblical Literature, JOHN DABBY, A M, Prekrsor of Natural Hcientro J. F. GLKNN, A. M., Professor of Pure Math ematics. J. T. D INK LIN, A. M., Profuasor es Anccint Languages. J. F. DOWDELL, A M , Professor of Belles j Letters. W. F. SLATON, A. M , Professor of Applied ! Mathematics, and Principal of the PrepMruto i ry Department. | Board can b bad from $lO to %\4 per mouth | delusive of lights and washing. ! The Spring Term of the Preparatory Hehool begins a* the same time with that of the Col- I Irgc. J. T. DfPNKLIB, Rce’y. 1 Januaryf <ll w at. Hamilton Female College, 1 Inmilton, Cf n. The .Spring Hcasion of this instltu <jAtbdi will commence on Tuesday the ‘lay of January, 1881. HHMC JbeCollege is iurnished with a well selected OLcuiicul and Philosophical Ap paratus, and with good vncMjcal iustrnments. The Oournfl of lurtrueiion is thorough and tom pie te, embracing all the branches usually taught in tho best Colleges. For Cutalogui*, address J. H. VIVKLACK, Pres t Deecmkcr 31 SPRING VALE INSTITUTE (TiIIBERT, f,A. TIIR next Session of this new nd pul will open mondamakuaky u and cent'nue live months. • uni * • ni T*-t h**rs will Hr in Btimduh< ■ llußr.t can be had wiili ilw Principa's and pris bt - fiiindies of near residences n rett<#iiahfn trautc. I’„r f irtlier particular* send for a catalogue. There are seven rca-oiis why . lilts Xtlliud COln meuda inodf to public no’icn in prefeience to manv of our popular schools. Ini. The hoalthfulness of the location. ‘id Its fVene from all the vices w hich tend to allure the mind from deep and earnest application to study. 3d. Tfethoroughness aad diligence to which the shideitt is subjected- lining lau/ht that lie has no time to waste <th. Vmal iiiu ic isadaiiv eicrcise, free of cliargn in which the whole school Join in tha swc. t arc,,i,ts —wl*tell arwnses the tired intelleci, and u store* ela*- tieiiy to the drooping mind illi. Tae efforts made U dote'opfl the mind by th use of practical Instruction at the expense ot the nupriKtirai fltli, Tksdeep interest manifes eil by the Tea, bets, Trustee*,and CitiMtns. gives it tiiat social and lively aspect, r.o hurniontnii* tn the youthful mind—ren derir.g Hie *< boo! house a pleasant,resort to the itu dvnt instead of a house l dread and hatred. 7th. The ■ yeterustic mariner in which the school I* eondUeled. •‘Heaven’s first law” is adopted anil practiced. A H. KDOBItI.Y, ( ulbbert. (in , Drc.JH wtf. Wavorly Hall Seminary, The Kxercifes of School will bn rcaumod on (he 11 tlx -January. ” Minx A. E. JACKSON, will con* wy ‘ llll,: E*i'kHc Depart siehf. XW Tuition sl6 to $-2 per cUola> a lio year of 40 weeks. Muhic, wiih ii** us inctruuieni, S4B Drawing ami Fainting, 24 Board imho vicinity, $lO iosl2 per month. Die. 81—wit W. FOSTER, Principal. mujNsvYomn iNsiin w, TALBOTTON, GA. THE Exoreisvsof this Inutitntlnn mil ho rc.uim!'i Junuiny 11 tlx, 1861. “r|gM£ Tuition per Scholastic Year 140 and <>". Hoard end Wusbing s'! pi r sSb-r v. etdt. Total expense for Bourd and Tuition from $166 to $l7O si;ay a McLaughlin, Dec. 24 w3t Principals A Proprietors LcYcrt Female I,'ollcge, TAIBOTTOK, GA THK Krcreises of thifj Invtitu'ion wi| ft b** resumed on tl r ■ 2d Mon.iuy in Jan lary nrxt (Mu.ok Hie pre-rut year llie ( •4iee h’s been under the charge of Mr W (l. HB AI.M, nud we ilo not hevilnla 1< suy, tliat n more gnrillamanly and ffidehl Teacber i not to be found any wherein ilic Ni-ite. In our opinion he |> ‘<er,M'* rare lalcnla for condurling u Female College. II” iiuifnlnlnr'cjcellonf discipline. |tren rvi , on mirabhr order, ihml ndvar. ccs his ptipils wiilt am pidity we never biiffir -seen mirpn**i and Mr K. ia a native to Mhtati and a Graduate of the tie.ogia ltulvcrsity. It I* h * purpose to devo:<- himself event aifnljr to the noble or. upn'em in which h** In now en gavel. He nieipN the p.itmnwge o< he public nnd we triiNfliat n generous people will sustain hitn KH. Wornd, jH.lf’ Mr Win. gi. Mr.nvn, Hr T. 11. Tillnei, ‘I honms A. Hrowu. \ F. Owen, W„. J. Weekcs. Jr>hit T. Itlmint. Hi. A Wynne. Talbott on,Rii . ‘i- dh ft. • wtf. Cl NEVA ACADEMY. Tho KxerciseN of tins hclkm.l will a commvneeu tho SKCOND MON • 1 AV lN JAN CARY. The Principals of this Reboot buvo j'oim) t” great deal of trouble and espenso tobaiid up u school on nn equality wi h tho best, and no effort will ho ‘spared to tki iko everything agreeable. French, Latin, Grcok, and till other brauchos usually taught in our College* will be tmight in tlto above. Music will also bo taught in full. Horn and cum bo had lot any tiuwibcrof pupils on the most reasonable tenuN. The rrincinals ure fully cupncitatvd for their htiginoss, and will do all in their power to make thu school lake high rank, Principal Male Uep’t L. U. McNAMAU, “ foeinlo “ Mica L. RTUKKiS. Govava, Hoe. :*a wtt FANDH F()K SA3.F. s I w ill nell my plantation where I ” . I reside on the ()hauahmrhee river in'res cleared, good water, good Bfl S® land, welt improved; 4,000 (kn lit fc-mv^t ! wl’ l ' ,|| * cll ' I ' lll ’ P'"" 1 “• tlte pmtm- Tb'M iMiils/iHI to* divided in suit fHends that may w ant to buy near carti other. Al* ao HMat iesbesl farming land in KaiJy i oun'y, j*m ntg the tog lord oil'the line of Earlv and Iktke’r; ilao, ?ffi acres on Ayeock'* creak, sioatl improve me me on earh trad, and many sruUiring lots, t will sell low My p side m-e id in ('lav county. (5n . nine ut ilea he low rort (iaiue*, aut Ki< v. u fiom iUaXaiy. I w ill sell alt H*y piVperiy on the rffiiaa U l ean There w llie rise ofi'ije loin tired mgroes, au t stock iu proper lipu • nil and look; u bargum can bo bought in eith ar of the places. July :tt wii. M W.MTAMPRM. hr. j. bover noirs .IMPERIAL mm mm. VUK t hMPOWKD or A ri'RK AND I N AIM I. icraied \\ me. > ntnbMied w iUi Umhury, So!o ----iiioi* h, r.wt!i'y. Will Cherry TnV Kaik, Kutkenard, tHin-’iuiio flowers and They are inauul wtmed ly Dr Dolt liiii'seM’, who 1a an eilMirtsnred uud u.eess&\l Physirmn, and hence not to ho * aeeod atu< a the quack uiMOtuan* wht<-a Rood thri M uutry. and h the Mt doal ProtVaanm nreeo jusMy prejudiced These truly val- I liable bitters have not to cu belhre tlie nwhite fhr owe I year, and >ml there tea heavy demand forthaat from j all p ms of tit** Di mi. I I Vi nk No lit West KS|h Ml I net New York r*ys *’l have het it creally WncAttcd by its iiv li*. Dod'* Wine Hillers, and hui now using them finely and micrefti!4y iu utv prat lire. Asa medicine hi/ |Y iliftli 1 i onsiUer them tmequalod.’ Dr (iuernsejr, No. |h West 4NI Mt|Cet, ssyg: “1 Inve n*e:t Dr both 1 Wine uters in ‘my prac tice and tu nil etws when* a tonic Is requitod. I cn- Mder them Miwurpa-s. and, and . lieeifnllv lecomnicud theni n a valuable Family Medicine.” Dr. M< admin el Florida nays: “For several year* 1 s'ttlercd n'i the horrors of I'hfonk Dyspepmn. 1 used a l other remedies with outnvntl 1 d-scanted prujiidire. and Msmt Dt Dndi 1 Wi . Uiitcrs, which have grsarfy beneAtled urn, nnd 1 believe will cunt me ” Mr. t. M. Weaver, of Albany, N Y “My wife was sink las rapid!) witb rounuiuptioß; the b*t ph\*iciaiis iu Albany And Niw York CTiv pronoumed her case hopeless Phc use and Di Doda‘ Wine limer*. and D cured. ’* Mr. J F.. Mutate ol Newark, N .1 ’any* ••-Ml dau.liter MSeeMiemn y bit she’ had been nt- I tended i y four ( our beet phyen ini s; her disease wits indamiiiutioiioflhe hotwls, winch hadprotlntsti extreme debility Ilr case was ronsiUered liouelesa by nil who saw her A tbend reenmim uiied Dr, Dents’ Wine Ritter*; she used them and iw w ell ” Mi. UriltitHi, NUot at the Danner of l.ight inllos- Inti. say*: “i*i I. H >veo Hods’ \Y me lltttcift have rtifcd me of the Piles, in the worst and most ib*unate form ” A distriguished lady ol M.dttle Als , willing lo a female friend.asyst “I would advise you to use Ur. J. Il<*vec th*ds’ lin petiai Wme liifteni. I have used them and Cousldrr thvm a idi asing to oar sex .*’ We might wide a small volume Mid ihe*would not gite *iie one lourth of the lastitnonula in ur pngs as awn, as to the v itueof ih*se valnabi. H ters, but wr u ill only say that they are approved of by stir best IMiy sir ana. are doing utwrh good hi ail parts >f the cminlrjr, *mt earnestly entreat , the aftln ted to trv them ( II AHI KM WIDDIFIF.I l* A CO PropnsMM, 78 Wdlmm Direct, New York And sold by Druggist* gsoeratly. Molt* Wholesale and Retail Ageni* fur Heorgla, l*Ll MM <t ti TNi.R. Augusta, tia. Sold m (\Uvmbut bp ACBT k IVBRMON, June M dAwlv. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. He I mliold's Uucliu lor (hr Dln<fter. Ncliujpdd's (iuchu for the Kidney licinibold’s Itur ba fir the Ornei. lleiiiiboUl's Buebu for Drop-y Hrlitibold’s toMebti for Nervonsnai#'. lielinlcotd’* Huehu lor hot* of Memory, flelmheid’s Dm hu for Dimness of Vision. ileluib<,id’s Uucitu for Ditfieult Breathing. Hahohold’s Bucl.u for Weak Nerve*. HeimboldS Burbulor (Je icral Debility. Ilelttihold's line Gil lor DniversHl UUsrtade lii'lmbold’* liu< im for Horror <1 Diseas> ilrlmboid’s Itiu im for Nifrbt rtwra *. Ilelinbold's >io iiu for Wage in IHc *. Ileluibold’s liui bi for DrynesMol the Hkin. Ilclmboid’* Bin Ini for BmptUms ilclmbolil’s Hufihu for I’.iiimiu the Back, flelnihold'* Bui bn for Heaviness of the Eyelid, w*h Temporary Dttffnsion and LoenfKigbt Ite'.nibold’s Hu liu lor Mobility and U> riiehsm.-ss.wuto Want of Attention and Horror of Hoi irty, lleimUild’* Ituc bn for OhstrucHnuM. Ifclinbobi's line bn tor Excesses arising from tiirii, nniluli Diseases of P EM A L EH -F K M A LEH - KPM A t.EF OLD OR Yol .NL. H1M.1.1,, mahi IBD oil rug. I KMIM.ATINt; MAURJAGE, TARE NO MORE PILL*. THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. lIKLMHOLD’rt EXTRA! T oP Dl < IIU !H THE VERY liEKI REMEDY IN TUB WORI.l) For all touiplamu incident to the hcx, whether arising fruit) indimcret'on, habits ofdissinatlon, or In tt e DE< LINE < *H LHANOE P IJFE. HRK K V MPTO\JH ABOVE. NO FAMjI.Y rflfoi |.D BEWiTIHUmT | Take uo tuor. Balsam, M.-rt ury or iinp!* asrui( Msdi j cm* for linpleasnnl and Dniigerou* Diseases. IIELMUOLD’rf EXTRACTOR fitCIIL Cl RKd t RET DMEAHEH In all their slapil, V Little err no ebungo of diet, * No mconviuucu'e, AND NO EXPO l HE Bsc HELM BOLD'H BE till hr e* eM# arming from habit* indulged in BY YOU NO AND OLD, And for all disease* arming from huuU* of dissi|<ation. II removes a*l improper due barges, and will r;*<ne the patient in a short time to health hit A purity, l-se IIKI.MIIOED’H EXTRAS ’l’ T 111 Cllt hr dis eases snd stfeelion* of the most rtistre -mg haraeder. Us* HELMBOI.D'H EXTRACT OF BLCIIU fural affbctimisand alldisensc* of the I BINARY URDANrt Wbrtiter exi*itng in M..le. or I r.-malc, from whatever cause they may have originated, nnd no matter of IfOW tO.Nli r*l AN DINE All the above disease* and sympton.a admit 1 1;• same tfnim*.-iit tutd may Originate iimu the site**: cause. READ! READ! READ? HEI MBOI.D'H HI OIIU i* * ifeuurt ph"i int m a*te j and ndor, but insniedtaCe tn ttsaction. Per on city of PMiulen.t.m, II T. i ing duly sworn, doe* say .that hi* preparahoncnuiaitgi , no rtan oiie, merrnn’ or injtnion, drugs, but *s purely VegcUb e. If T iiELMIiOI.D . • M ..! • ■ rer j •worn and snhscrtkod before me, the rxl day .( November. Ihm, WM F IUMBaKD. Pries Hi per bottle, *r six lor delivered t>- o.y j address. _Prepared by 11. T. MLI.VfhtLD, Prastteal and Analgiical Cherni t, hid rtotnii Tenth Mt., below Ch* stnut INiila Bowaie of Counterfeits. A.M) I .M'SI.M II I.HI UKO.M!-. Who endeavor lodt-po*4‘ “of their nwu ,, j j.wl ‘id her j Articles on llm n-pulalmi tutstnud by llolmbold'vtieiMiiiM I‘repn ration “ *• Eiwctß, “ ** •• Harsapsriiia, *■ • Improved It— Wa*l.. •OLD HY J W IIKOOKH. And ail druggists every where. Ask fur llelmbold's —fake no ot her. tui out the advert:** men umi nd for It, and avoid iinpi-sithm snd ex; if .1 W. Uro iki . Win tXMM fo/Coli bas.Oa. Aug 17—dwthu. Thonftiiuds'arc ila.iy *;• i i /oix in Hu. puce* of DK. iJ ATON y ki INTANTILi; CORDIAL, and whyl bSTHUS* - il nti rr fiuls f ajJ-n-i tm+Uvtutumi rrJaj w hen given in time liitdaUk* twagb . iwul •*r tryuuluHt wffl rouvintr you what w >-uy D Iru* M gan talus M> I'AKLliOltll) Oil DIM.ITL of any kind, and then-tore n-tiev-s by r*r mfertiiji* us yiHlr child, lii*t<. •• *t of dwagcslUg it* *•’ *is.i -bilitßi* For litis reason u 1 ommwmlsus the ..n ----ly reliable pp puralion how known fir Children Tret Ding, 1> Ia n Ik* a, Dpfnlrrv, <i ulnu (!• BovveD, Acidity of (lie He* mmlx, Wind, C’olil In (lie llrivil, mill Crowpt “l*"* fi'f mi/friunji tin rum?, r*il> I veimiiu, < ■, ~ refultt&ig ibt innerU, mni rdttvmg pa ta, H has v.i eyna- ImtugHD uvtt-iiHttiPf'PK )’ ! n%i‘U in nvfailtpp sunn tii all ca-o-w of CMftW ulslofft* or other Fit*. . yi-u ralm-lhr l(fr and hmllh v) momr chtidrev, and vtr V /a sure Itumfrum thmr sndand blighting rrkn h are it rltun h> r>ult from the v-r of ngrtrUvr vs wku.h a t nlhvr rtmnUttlia lujan'ile (.‘l'mjdaml* an nrm<- “>u, tv',- u.'iu bin Dr. KntuiiN Ix.xautlle <Ol dim. you cab rely upon, (l in p*ffi-r!iy h ttoh *#. ami fitniioi itijtii*- iiu- moot dco- a:c.inlaid Price 15c*mU> Full <1 r,-t lioim accompany • >bottle. !•*•-■ od>nt ly by lUt-IU'U A 111 HINT, No. to t New York Mesi.tiiv human liioud npottbeiitf ANALYZE 3D IW ays presents tm w Iththe same essential elements, and give* of course the Trtis Stdiidsud, Aiuct lyae Ihc Ittood of a psrgnn fiitfering fr*>u i hinuiop ki* *n. Liver Cninpluinl. Hyspcp-ii. r- Ida, 4 c nod we find In <Vf'l/ ttiAhiHir ceroillt ‘bjui ‘i t,* 111 the red globules ol Itl ltd .N|,i -iUy tiu.ft drArtem les. aiul you nrnwiuh. •'all The Hfooit Foml i. founded upon this Tbt- ‘ry hence its astum-hiiig soccwm - ■ FIVE PREPAEATIONS adapted t* the deficinn* ics of Che Flood li different diseases For t o ugiin, < olila, Itroiichli h or any aflecllon whatever of the fiiroNt or which is also the \o fur l>r |)i rvlii of Splr lli,Lnii f Appetite, and tor • clirontr romuliilt-ts.nnoiir fnou over use. grnrrs I t i>tlity, ii nervous proatratlou. N - ftirblver ruinpta nl*, N S tm l)y*|e|i st. /#• (i .. ■ • - . .... - 0u i* Ink'll tjr <lro|iH and r:)Mtc.l iwm- di . i*U” iii* • iii.ui, so that wngtyo igiOM vo’i nAn, The No 4* n-i be mole 1 rrrg u I nri lies* II > litrt, nml W * h ucaaes, Ae, ;r. .o doe Iron* (hr this. I'm Unit It lirum, F. i upt laMS, Set o fnloiiM, Kidney und lilmldcrcvnipUlnts lake No J. |nail eaAcflllic #)rerjf< ns most bnnu.t t ty foilnw.d Prh cos the Blood Fo.oi, ftl p.i hotite Hold by tTH'KI'II 4- HI PONT. H’liygwi* Mi Maiden Lane, New York. For &alc by A esc Nr Ivervm, Femlmrion A Car htr, J. A. WhHosidi! ,fc r,>.. \ rqwhar; ,t Chap, man. and J. W. Brook*, < dumb. - March 9b dull only mm m STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS And Grows and More and More Pop ular every day \ND testimoninlß now. <i.d ainu*t u ui,,>ugnurn ker might he given trout ladles and gentium n in alt grades ot society, wlonm united |stummy none c-olihl resist, that Href \Vnod’s >fir Rtslnmuve will real ore th,- ha 1 I■ ! ;.•< ■>-. ands *.>-rve ilie Iw.u ot Wie youth to old ace. in nil us \ mithml beamy. Battle Creek, Mnh . !>**:. t|. Prof. Wood—Tnee w tit ‘|:l*a*e accept a hm to to in (or in Uw*e. that the hair <n my ail fijil **# i'hi twenty years af<. enu*< and t v n toinp wiU'd rKntiif disease, attended wuh an eruption on tto* hsnd. A runttauAlcourse of *nif,*ii.-ig through hi# hxvtng iintucod me to n ttnteof di jn-ndt me, | have not b**H able to obtain stulf tor caps, notfio r 1 been able to do il in up, jfi couesq*,;:*• of wltKli tuy bead ha* smn redcttiemoh front , eld, Tb - in dared tue to pay Mess's Hrtgg A llodg>*s almost the last cent I uad on earth for a two doltai b*tt!s of th¥ Hair Keistorutive about the llrst of AugWH i.i 1 Ftave fiithlHUy followed the dueitjwne amt the battl spot Is now coveted with hair thick nod link, ♦hnnuh short; it ih auto w tmg In alj ovi in. > hasd! Vsellhf f.otiftdem that another hirg- r.. t would re store it enl n iy and p r:itsnm*y, I te*;l anxioust* pofrevere in Its use.iiud b#ing dorlttui. of me.ins t put dt a<* any more, 1 w .mid a*h he. itthon would*! not hr xviliiiig to send iiieaq ordor • thine ag, tit* for a bottle, and receive to thvse'.f the seripMlre dr (laratmu “Ure reward Is to those that air kind to the widow nnd the (arks/Y** “ ThV fricud. HIIMANNAI! KIKUY Idgonier, Nehle Cos., Indiana, FVb. S, HAp. Dr. Wood:--Dear Mu In tfue ‘ it- p.-m ~i u„. year IFS‘J, while at ending the Mt:\ie hud National Law Me hoot of the ft tale o|N w York, me hau. mon * os n** unknown to ate. somme need falling ref very tupidly. so that m llie, skoit *pa. of m inontbs.itn- Whole upner part t my senlp Van aim* st entirely h*. ro't of its covering, and much of the remaining poi turn on the side and back part of my lo ad shoril) al ter becnuie gray, so that you will not bo surprised wheu I Icli >on ihst upon uiy return MHtie Mute tn\ nnvie rasual arquattilAnres were not so >m< h at a h*# to discovar the cause of the change in uiy up, earom t "> umre intimate acc)uatMlam-va were to nvog mae me at all. lat omw made appiifat,m to the mostskitlfril pbv sirian* ih thr 4 eoiintry. but receiving no a.- urance ironi them that my hair canid again be restored, I was forewd to become recanciird to uiy fab*, until, lorn*, nalely. tn the latter pan of the year 1N67, your re*t(*. ratjve was reroinniemied to me by a drucg.M, as be ing the most telmble llkir Restorfttive in use. 1 u-.s I one bottle, and found to iny treat sati*thrthui that I’ was pnwluciugthe desire# effrict, mre that time, I have usod seveu dollar* - w orth of your RestoriSiv ~ ami ssa roault, have a rich coat ol very noil black hail which no money can buy A* a Hgarkot toy gratitude for your l.tSur and skill in the pmducli.m of so wonderful an ankle, 1 hate re. otmm nded its use to many ot iiiv fiiends and m qaninunees. wh<H lam happy to miorm you, Ri using it w ith tike effect. ▼ry tiuUy, yom* A M I.ATTA, Attorney and Couuellor at Law*. Di pot 444 Broadway, and t*y ml dealer* thtough reit the w or Id. The Restorative is put up in bottle* Jof 3 rise*, vis— lai|e, mrvMuui, and atuall; the snub holds ptut, and remit* for one dollar per bottle; the medium hold* at lea*t twenty per cent, more in proportion thau the Siitaii. retails fort Wo dollar* per boii.c; the large holds a quart, it! percent mte in prb(mrtion and roiatls foi litre** dollars. O. J WOOD A t !> . ProprtHors 444 Broadway N. Y. and 114 Market Mt. Louts, Jin Andst.ld by all good Druggists rad Fancy Goods Bwalar*. oft U-dw*. FEVER AMD AGUE, frfWn wmch mankind, suffer ever a large pnrv of the globe, is Uih loiuwiuruca of a diseased uttan HI the syar.m, induced by the poisonous miarui of vegeia bl dt-t ly This exhalation is evolved by the action of sol . r heat nnwotimll, and dies with the w atery vapor from it Whip*, the sun is below the hotixnn this vapor Regers near the earth’s asnikre, and the rirtus is taken wiUt it th/MUgh the lungs into the uiood. There It acts a* an irritating poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of tire body. Tea liver become* tor Id and falls to secrete not only this vim*, but slio the bile from the blood, B>uh the virus and the hde accumuhtie in Uie circulation, and prodM Wioleat con titutional disorder Tin Ihs kidneys,and the stomach sympathize with the liver, and become and sordered also. Finally, the m .lntel oi eurorgaiiism, if in till a'tc-iiipl tO expet Hie itoiicei*mfftimm, tow nlrale* lire whole hh/od of the hotly iu the internal uiuctotu* to fores them to cast it out. The blood lea vys the surfkce, and rushes to the central organs with congestive violence. This I* the chill. Rut in this effort it fliiifl. Tumi (lie l 1 ev er foil ms, in which the f>lood leaves Ise central or (imml rsshei -t ■ in expel the iirjiating thoohxh that oit>> rgmai excretory—the kn lr this als<i tt fa;ls, and the t V**; tern abandon* the attempt exhausted, and vqgo- fur the recovery of strength to rspettS the hope am cflnrt issdH r dsj Ih ts urparoyij IKT|H IABU Hucit cOMshtutionai (tijMXNlcr wi.i of r.ouuHS urideriome the h* aitli Hit :/ rot r. looted Wshavo inhorcu to find, and have found, mitl do a. , , - Ayer’s Ague Cure, which neutralizes this malarious pohiAn ih the litre and, and stimulate* the liver to expel from the b_>ly. As R should, *o it does e*yc tills uffluti.g disorder with perfect certainty. And h dons more, or/at her doe* what I* of more service tn those subject to this inset- j Dor . If taken 10 dgiurOD it *tpe;s it fn >m i he system ! a* His aba .rherl.atui tlrus keeps thon- who umj it flea j Jioiu jls attack* i keep., the y*:em in ! *. t; h ailbouf li j exposed to th* dhuwts*. (loii*erpieitHy it not only j cures, but protect* from the great variety of aßWturns ! which are indured hy this iiiokiirnaot Inflnoocs. sni lij a* beaut’ nl bever. tiiij fever. Dumb, or Slacked j Ague. fiurrodKai lUaUuoe. or Hi ■ ll*>l*r|t' 1 , ; Hdloas Peyer. Near risia, Uhe.iun.u,. tn, Gout, DUod , ne*s. TooiacXe, Enrarfle, Fa atrnh. Asthma, Pftjpi. j tati-m*. PatnoH AfferHon* of tin- Mph-en. Hyirtsrir*, ! tthitc, Pasa!y*is,a4philnl Affections <*T ttf* Khun- | I mil and Bowel*, nil ui wmch when arising fr<ui tins ! | esufe, will be fpund ln *.* mors or mss lb.) u. I tersnitleMt type. This “Ain't Ulka” r*luov*a ih* cause oftliean dersngvmen** Mfemun the < j This R accoinplijoa by stint i itiug tn nx<getort* to eipei the virtue fiom rto* system ; of id ‘hew organs | by degrees become habited to (k Ih * ihe#r office >f i their own accord. lien.. tens wfui win term twh w Time may aecoaunplish rite >.un*nd, but Oiten life is fist l/iwrsiimwii, r in nauksf in tbs n*resri|n, while thw” As a t.iar; ’ does * ntoece i its with safely We h -v. rm v n-nStin to h*liv th •) .* nuiura> well as safes rcn.miv tor tin? .l diseaxS* which • {tuned by the mhismstir inset u<*w ? Ip,iii any other which ii.t* bven du-covdd ; mid tt Bis *Htl another imporiajit iolvantaye toMiwp ‘ !i*-. v be li i*. lhat n )* fhenp gsveH <•* gCitu!. \* that it hi cheap as well It good. PBEPAKED BY Mt.J.V. AYER Sc V O. LOWELL, MASA., Prick Dsn D4MR fkk kmu. Ayer’s Clierry Sectoral, hi* won for ittdtfrar h a rerrewm fir/ -h*- 1 nre < l sv*ff varteiyofThr.Mii and Ids* Cnispta 1.1, (hat it is en tirely untie* e**i:y fi-r us to rerun >a ;he eof tar Virtues, wMWitH and been oyerl A* 1* it •- long fit ert in coolant tt#* through mt tins sect<• >ll, n • need not lu more than asriire the poop p 11* keep up to the best 11 aver has hem. and th t It may j be relation to dolor lhir tl<t all t •* ever bm >. fine ltd to do, • Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all th* purj*o*es ..f a Purjcatir* M* U- Fon (X.cTnrvkK** : Fob tms t'taaoK Hiwu'-u, ro Javmoi) i ; I’vu'tuK i-tanoe Dwct.imx; ton HEAO*niB; Fa Titt! 1 mix i t Utw xrtit : Fob a Foci. M-rONA! u i Ft ink t t nfc or Fa*ie*4.A*; Fob itif Files ; Fur nis < CBM or •raoputa ; F| LU Mcwrvt U)f < ongbAt . in , Fon tmr i‘i nr. On Rwfc'** n**i j F** Diska** up TMt; H*Wt i Fua THafyVsa or Ltvsta 1 o*ri..\ ist , Fun Dnursv ; Fa 711*; letsk or Urrm, Tus m ‘•> Foil WottSM; For rok Lear, or i.Ol r; h. * Dianas iu.; lon TUB Mat or Net a a b*. t a , Fun i’l:tV!Nb TUBS . , • | Th ywe si, ;:ar-c. .uted, ... U*' k : can t ikf* U*<*n p'.casAtitty,amtr.e'mg pur* ly Hi ibi*. | an harm can arise from tt.e r n ; in mtj* tpiatrtjiy. Trice 23 rriitx per Box! Flic H r l-fffl. (Jjcot mwptmis mC;erg.vo<"ii I’l’inu IW, . Nieii, and coiineti 140 ‘.. ■u ifesliaV Dm their 11 .mn j Ui certify the us f*jlnew * \ iftesg t*n-r -and cs.hnt onvspsie Imre will not psrn die i.i*nr; oii of the in Tie Agent# : to ed luri l*t graft mu Aimcao Alipanae in wit ‘ll tfvy >’ also full de .up ion* 1 f tie.* ahovu . pmuds, and j tti” lrestArni that snout® he followed for thepture’ : Do not 1* p off ‘y Of.prineq, ee w ill, pp para's m they eovk* n.o.f* pjtdil on U-nurofl Ayer’* and ti'ie i: . i, * do I. ■ ‘ •* *t aid heie is tor them. n-t they i 1 it All our it niedo 1- (•* ‘at* bv HAVJLANfr (TtARK * ftF ’M. ,* J (MR I*ll TUt KM*, / I M ‘JIHHdN, M -hi . *u ts. H II 0 I Li., VVUW iW , A i Y it / ’ And ty .-I'd Uso f gists *te n*y ml*o.*mry, tot 17. IfM! dwoor (h nge off ch.dul . MußibEk GUMBO RAlLRO\t> / Ho ml. All., Nov. 5, I ‘ln* J l/ROMawd min this and tie, Ho- M m I rainwili •-:v* j V iheOirjrTd H*pu lay *u. pi.*d. at ! k: 1 1 p nt , RotlarVivc at Ifiloti Hpriirgs at 6# p. m ; leave riiioii MpringM dotty i Mifmtaye oicopted) at l 73 a. 111 , und sue • ol (air&nrttlfl). I} 111 i, v Frvight Train will h*i,ve fiirord every d.i\. Hniutsys eu .•pti-d.yat t* o% ba k * j*., and an*.eat t aiou eprin; at I'.’ m Leave fngr.ii Hpnngsevery : dtjr (RuftdMys e*<#pted) at H:n p m . and uxtsm* itltiirurd at R Ms to NnvU-dwtf R I. WKI.I.A, flujTt ChniiKr ol Schedule. \u\y, TOOMKRV y-iD \\ E§TPOINT K.\l 1 1 JKU |! > 4 GoJV A% \ , Or rit a MAhitojienr Wggt'TuiaT RK. COWIMRLR, Auj* it, KM# CON NEt TlDNtt . ’ I ’HUt ft Lit to Mvwiph?*, N'nshviflc* and N. u V ora I (VMI Knoxville! p. I1 1 mum-’.. ; I; !1 , . JV ‘R* H 46 y. h. ■M.iiTniins D av. ro,uiruMii tl, x m Atriv,* tit M--tMgomcjy .. si ft m Arilvc at Wrsi l*on.i ■: *ls pr. I* ive f'oln in bits. ~ : i . ;, AMivr We** thdiit.. .. ... .4.45 a, in. U Otoutsmii. - ■. n< < ;tO n. h*-, bravo Was!jpomi... , osa ip. \tfivu of foianivj. -I.dii'.M l Momgomcry. - ~ Is*ave \V* -*. • 01. * Auivr atlXilunitat* \ a.-n 1 ■ 1 rctghi Train .*av* t ... , 4• M AirivcsM lliihl'.M Freigkt Arcaujro'nent lIKTW n:\ VI I.AVT v a cm.l IIIIA. | fMf an arvaflgr>p-<ntketWrwu the ouipawie* | cnixwoving iho tw.> routes from Atlanta 1 ■ ‘ |mn, courtudod at their c.itivc iOoi . If*'h iusiMnt, u was sgim and t-.*s r ■-* ... tietween At'.viia Andfilttoekis-. •* * - * t^ , , esm tr im lb** Ist day VIA WRMT POINT, < >ni peg tni. lwi ll<u W ttf; 4at9 . RfMt WtrNky. Ftir. Ih *>r !,•**,, *- j.- ! *•> lbrl’Sc':— Dssvmc. It T l *. t ard in sou* of h’ i*r t'•> , *. f!n lUh'sPlgAron, by earjpaa, per t* - VIA MAtJON.’ J emp ■ frerbei Hr WhosTlS*. Yats hi#* Rsr*. m W‘htek.*y, tVilr 111 .*<K<riiKtn*rrk *>e f 44*,—* Bagging, tape Urd,u4rsorSlai F-hV noired* SHflli!* tVaf, F*vt Iron, by ... , • : i j ~g% J. L. Ml. M IT A N, t i ISMKRRQN lOOTfi. RuperinSrudsut Y\ v v: ILUnu flKn 44 mil RtßMtiniendentAtlantawndl.h"l*if* ” BAM 1.. J)NCR. C"fte*er and ftthpcftn** i>. ..■'? A \V P R Attg. 17, ltiV ilßwtt. MtTSCOGEE B. K ! CIIA,V Q K O > Si?U Kn • IE. /AN and afrevlgth Fh. Dub , ;he FverHug HUD ’ * Trath will U-ax* t xr p. Vl . ; rivp at Msmn at tt t 4 p. R i. Leave Mason nt 11.3ffp , w. arrive at tjdumb - ai k. d# a. in The Morning Mail Train will kmve ..i 3.1a a#, and rtmv* at Macon a sk l.ave Mi, .'it 9.4 k p ih. m;v* at t'oluMtb*)* at ih W. I t'i.AUK. fruhf DolwmhtUL Fob. TT—dwU SA VANN All ‘! T'.TTk Si B A 3-P Ac l TLUi, ~. g*. The Steamer \VW ■ ■'fr— lapt• F. HAKDLN, will shortly tab* her place oioliis Line, leaving RAvap R|oatffißiM!i awd < trie*toil tw fee a w cek Having k throiTgh treight arr.-mgsrHent vvuh Ur t'emralßailroad and its conaectums. ail freight* t*~ twiuMt t!hsrlesion and the Intfrfot es Owargla.eretkrn ed lo the agents Os this line, will b* fatwardud wok dispatch and fYeeof charm . J. f BROOKR, Agent Savannah. R.LA#ITTE & CO. Utstleerire. tS- dwtt, w* anted; it j RYBHRLS clean, well-saved Cow liar. UW Fektr—sraf, it F COUtMVN, Ayer’s Ague Cure. War ! War! War ! IS bSCLARSD SOABMST K*IS OF AM V*Bint) SV i)it. A. W. ALLEN’S SOUTHERN LINIMENT! ANI) every Mouthemer will he *ati*ffed hy using one Dollar'* worth that they bdVe no further use for NoriUem Luiiineiits. Fm Family and Ptamafmn us* it ha* no er|ual. It cur** Rlu-uii.atMun, Neuralgia Hiram*. Bruise*, Burns, Fresh < uts Fains in the Hack or Limbs, Cholic iu man or beast, and is the on ly certain remedy known for Blind (Dagger* in Ilor*e* —und every oue will And it a sit ring of tune and mo ney by keeping a supply on hand. (£rFfi!pared try Dr. A. W AI.LEN, Columbus, Ot. Nonegeumoe without the H|gnature arid B*al Os flu ‘7 ALI EN For sale by HIU4I HAST A CHAPMAN and J. W BROOK* (krlumbna Wa ate responsible agenl tn *Very Arm them tow 11 ami village. I£7*CACTION TOEVERYROBY-Don’t nseany more Northern Llinioent null! yrni have given th* Ntmthern Liniment ft fair trial. CERTIFICATE. CoLiMBi s. May IS, 1869. Dr. A W ALLEN—Dear Htr. Allow us to present you thie -rhikoac for >our Houlto-ru Ltotment We have used over a bundled bottle* of your valuable roe. I lime during the last year, and do not he*.late in saying that w* never -aw a Lininmnl equal to it. and have used all kinds We have used your* for Cholic le'th ff'rjlegfee# and llor*ea, and in no instam ha* it fttileiHff effect {K*edy relief We consider it an in vaiuabiomedirine lor Ltwiir, Hprains, Brumes, dwel lings. Fresh \Yutnd*. Ac.,and would not be witliout It for anv caustdetniion. Julylt -Wlf J. VEB.SOY A Ctt \ MKUICAJk A KOH ATIC BITTER CORDIAL. A*B TOXIC AHOif A TIC HITTERS, A C ordial for Ladle*, Aged Perseus, Ac. Os the** two varieties ol Bmnc* th* flr*< ts tn be Utken mixed with any agreeable fluid, while the *- cond may be taken pure, or both rnaybe tuittgl’ and to gether, lorto mg a [otter of grvxter or ieo* mte.iauy *•• a-, to pauw every Usts. The aroma and dniscaouM fl tvzvr these Bitter* have H.dn. ed the finest judges'to ttiem -uperior to anyhiiherto maitulactnr cd Tl-ey an- parucnlarly eAtacymt in rsst.mug hendji, and re-r-Ktaldtihing impaiied digentfon, (hat fiailfut h oir- • of uieasuu; such •* D>*|mpia. Ner V; 1- imf l-.vef Affertioii*. cpnersl Weakness, etc . all fsr.'itch render life a burden. In any fever, fot |> H by |H'Xrv.ltHi canVftiSKSSM and *ume(Srtii Ucakaee*. no rcio.dy Is better adapted to restore strength and hasten 1 lie'Ampleie return sf heahh. iL/'N n. The American Itiuer* may likewise b t-ikcn pnte Tto ydomit contain much spirits. The strong fl v n th* v possess arises from (he aroma, the pre loHU'iftmc of a hitler prim iphs, both of wt.Kft are hors* wer. highly agreeable. Haid Bitter* have been fntr'd .i into a* ne./a us* m lb* print iplu hotels, eog-e in.ii*e, At. R7*N*Mby A. ft FEYCnACD. V) Royal fftepet. New dr mans. TII’ *M \H BRAHILL, Agent lor Coinsubus. U iv li. ItVA-wlt JN OTICE. MR fl < M'KLE hiving disposed us bis Carnage Repository ah 4 Iftto. k In tha Carriage b oine* in t oittM-bu*. has located his oltU e nt ilia More H We*r* Chpffbt A J.-iiuaoi., Broad Htreck where all Pm’ .1 indebted by note or aeronnt will ftn f their riauus m Lite Iniii.f* of J.,|in fj. McKee (•# srttlemsnt. Ad par owing o 4 cl a no* are garth marly revues ted :.i ci!t and fv renewal or ntherwi-e. ImJv 1* wtf II C. M* kKK. Lot klrarf, Young & Huberts, CARRIAGE BEPOSITOEY, East sii>k or ro,LKTMoarK stsect, OFftFiITM TICMPKRAIfCK 11 ALL, AT THE OLD STAND Os Tt< ) m:i ITS Jc Me IC E I-:. UT F. j* sit - Ui.’ attention of fneads and the puh!w gM.v/aily. toosr large and varied stock us VEHICLES, of every ileSr liphsu. eMthraong tfy vansly •( Fine I'ovchei, Roeßawayi. Light Xcp Wagons, Tap and No-Top Baggies, Side Spring, Baggies Fancy Light Trotting Wagons, &c Alt oflhe latest An*l most approved tyi # and best makeiv, and whish wc ssgxr :<>r sale on the ui St ar . ti.iu.i ..I itiup icrm Until convimed that the t'AKJI Vi!Tf M 1* o*t eouduni e to the iMU-rrsts of b*.U hwjn andyxiter. wrvahati . w> .ondun or bu io as a nearly as poalUr ua ihat puui. and we thstnHorf! eJRIv utroihxhuv vxdi cmmkr rv to fish pm. HaCr. I- *ni sot tM wake it | ■ *1 > i ■ ‘V* slviuruc, of all (tattle* dasUMig vein- ‘ . lea, id bring ilie power. Having ample taciltties we ie-i* if ‘iliy o)ieii a call, and hope by stmt n item no. i l> Ininiic-# to merit and receive a like rat abate of pa 1* S il ivorg ••itcaMve and capplet* workshops m hre flilly |f. pitied to do repairing in all its brainV *a! the *b<rtet noln e and in the b*t manner To en.sbl* n* to aslnpi tbs* iowaal scale of prices. ■*!! work done It <*ur shops wl'l he (Htii v* dalivety of the rk R*>HT U I.MIIIR, *.<. H YOl NM. J<B. A KDBKftt'. I !ninbt*a. JnW tO -wtf. WORK WANTEO, I\Muow prepared !a roatrort for f'arpenier s Wuk,etih*w im l<>wfi or c*Ußtrjr. to Isige or small job*, on as gor'dic/ms as any at<*p in the plate, and k. i*rn;y 1! as wyß ahd pminiwi*. JWIII A AIM ¥ CUBA HOUSE, . .UMPKIN, OA. TUR ub- ertber having taken < bvrgs of rin >• atm vs: Irousi, sod entire Iv renovated **d btfe and HR up li Mate h>r the *r. onim<xl3tiß ot iki* iIE 1-nblk, solrcbs ft Nliar® of their piironoge it*’ win no i>.m# to pi -ass>; and having bad C ’n**i(k*raL.h’> r . in*n. *• m ratcnnit or itoe apj-nte And roiMl’mt Oltlu ;.:itsii-, t*i •->> Adeni of artv ng tat ii* 00..8 t BONNARD fftyd intn-ra dAwlf. J. 18. DAMI I, A t 0., Uoapgtftfully TctoifiJ thooe tmlcbtoj M'lham for goods, | i>n hasc4 prior t-. the {.reornt year, that they sLould ufllw of lha fort, that in these hard times ik i? difficult fur them to cotn tn.ind the means to meet their own lubilities, and tyuft that they will c< ni forward fromptly and hecl-’W H the relief iu tbeir power. > t 13—clwtf. GEORGIA CASSIMKRES. THE E_A.GHL.rE3 MINI F.M TL Rl.Utt ( 0., lit) Biftltwn to Hie grunt variety of goods which they n n. f.iii i. have r.oW to i4A-r to th*ir custoiae.s, a CIOSIAC A-S3XMSRE3 Mi * *. udecti t f; v orgi.i and Florida Wool. FVr 4>iutbd ty >( fabric, tn auty itud varely of i-01-rti and t vie of Anwh, iticys* c* od are equal to any o MU’ .i Ui tbit or any tuber mnrkt t Goluinbus. Nssr 14—dgrtr:. tOTK I To Fariuci’s & Planters. mX333SES’S PROSI’I lOT’FRTTVIAM OR V.m'rMhdfd Guano,: f I HE universal eaeregodlat ha* KMMNtf ilie u * p to* akogn vulwoMc* |ertitns* r m b.s Sesttew has ic idy rouipted bgrge erden *r.*hi our planter* tor iirt . nungS’ .<vu < htT Fgtun r* sni I'Mnton are retiiirsted to send im • heir .-rdcM *rm'c Uately to insure delivery in tio* for Wc t twrw >waki**g arrNwgeno'iits for a large Coßumbut. Her |7—dltwif GRAY DOT, McCRKERY & ({)., mwinn* a. wholesale kealekk in FOREIGN ft DOMESTIC 3D It, O O 3D S . I’nncv (ioods, *&c. *fcc. Nos 4 1 liar>la|'*at *4O Park Place W i remove in Jotv neat ta tbs Aodui Fbioc Building HcoaU’w-av New York. <H, k u 11 bVunpMah| ibe first Tebrnary sn4 nmtSff the supet x w>ton of oik HR. Net IttltlßV, ‘...■n(ly SMEKKEKO k Wc( RSERV,nrln.t,,* ) w ill. ompri evary description of Goode in our one ada:>;e4 m ♦aatfrern and Wornhwetern Trade Merch uiu vi-inng New York are respertfoiiy invi. • Ito give stiJ Jar tf-wij. O BORG lA— Chattahoochee County: \ IJ Johatj. Berry applies fur Lett rs ot * t'Uftuiirwahiii tr the pt r-ons nnd prupeny of Mary J . .laiu, *•1 Aa T. Berry, cbThsggd. A i perupad required to shew > lae (ts any Urey hi>f wTIT"4HUU letters should m k■* t* eanTpf p.uanl on tß*4Dt Monday i tn Pebruvy next Given under mwfoasd and crfletal tignaturelVe t>t\ ISod* / K G. RAIFORD. Ord Peril, HMMWd ii KOHti I A—Mitrivn County: ~ mnmh*after dateapnlicstiwa will be mads to L t lie Court of Ord nary of said etutniy, for leave to sell a pviftmii of tbs ngtH * belonging to thse*- ixte of Johu ll**remk.n deceased, saul nagroat being ;)IS interest ol Ihs said John lltrond<>n tu Ins fa'ther’s estate, Georgs Hvrsudus. lats ot Wnktnsun routity, li£o A MLkri.NDfN hx'r Msv, 19lb, 1806 —w Bu T. S. BP BAR, Sticuuan.>r to >. H. Fuiphv <*r. l>r<>u<t ,v Uumiolpii si. OOXjUMBUS, GEOH.&IA. TRACT] CAL WATCH MAKER % S\ 98wwa..<:.0 -is:. • j ST WRUNG SILVER & PLATED WARE. HCAIB WORIi, A Beautiful vari*ty of Paffreus. I will uiake te efder ay desigu au*i style ami plattyon may roqutr WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY Repair*;.! Ly competent and cxj , “ri*n , ‘cl n'es-kmeu, and warrantad. CA N D:s ! C’ A.NTKS I •f old. Silver, Ivory Lou4*4 Head*—Hickory Crooks an J Swords : PEBBLE SPECTACLES, t* (/ J (b.lduai! Steel Frames, V'_U/ of ih*belt quality tunnufactureJ. lii.. 0,. sot io .. dlraioea losuilall *y*ft, lin rite the attention of all touty Stock, ftod will show it wi:h plea .. e, wiietheryoc purokss* o*o %!%*, Purple'* old Stand, Corner II road ait and RaaTolpli “■ - Oolumbus, Ha., Oct. iff, IftbS.—dwtf T. S. SPHAR. HEORfiIA, Mi scookk CovmrY. UrIIEJtEAS, Samuel A. lliiliag app h* for ! the Probata of, an i letters of ndtuinintra- 1 li,.n with the will annexed of Frrnlcrick Tobey, J dercas and, la's rf said county. AH parson* concerned are hereby ncfifn-d to show cause, if any they have, w y said Probate ! and letters should aot be grunted by the Court j of Ordinary tube held in and for said county on the second Monday in January next, (liven un tier my hand this Clh lay of December. 1569. Dec 7 JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Chattahoochee County: Ur)ißMA>fl.<\ W. Tlioi.* for Dt ter. of fDit,.fWßuhtp I'orHg’ p-rm Hand prop erty ot Naaey C Auaun. or A 1J Austin, deceased: \ s’ Ail |wr**Ti# rom crneßMire hereby B'-died t< fie their nbpltkm*. if rfy reey hare, on t!,e td Mnr.rfny in January oti.ej\si>s *.v!d letter-) aoi L* . granted ta -ju*Fa|ip:i. ant \ Divefl jwffft rmy band a* Oih, . f3d Novensfiei sty O. 1 L i. R a IPORD, Ordinary. Dee-mherf. Ifl'iC- WkM. UROIt(IA, Marion County, Marian Court of Ordinary, October Term, 1860 IIT HERR AH, Warren L Hattie and Jana H B*t VY i;e Admndilator* on t o: JOre|.h J. Rvtti* 1 havingptut; .tied to be Ui < (rout *atd adtniuist ration AM person* foneemed are required to show ) ifaoy they hwe, within the (true pw-srribed by law, Wb) itm s-titi tt rr)i L and John U Battle should mg W >li*mi -.f at.'urding tw ibe pr yr of the.* jk nt ion. OiVst under my hand at office.this OrtnVer Ist.D'f l ). MAM *M HAIR. Oi’t a wbm nrduwry GEORGIA—CIay County: ft II FRi; A ~ Miles M apj-.. ■ t fi.r I eress • VY Admin.eD.itmu o |he.stai w L.ward Hull isle of said courtly, dereased Theee ase r:t. Its and sidih ail and singular th* kindred and ere it Hors of itsuf deeeaeed |<> appear at m> olhro asd Ala thetr objrrtmas. if any they have utli rwie letter*. trMUie amnu-d to said applicant c i ibe ’ M--n>iay in >l ~ Given under my haad and off!rial signature. Nov *fs. I son H A. M r.i:ND‘N, Old. D.e,3. IhrtO-wSUd UKOKGlA—ilarlon rsuat) : CITIIEBEAH Jailer MUjr; ;*p, i • VY of AifnanbHTMtoM on ti*.* of Mary >l. YlrGaerah. late of said cowmy. decease:! Then*- are Ihevefnre tnihr *n*l admonish ailand *m- SNlartbs kindrmi and i.rsUHors of sard deceased, to he and at mv offi< on or to-for- Jje Flr-t Monday ia Jan* a-y next, and li e Hwdr ahfeetMvns i* any they, have, otherwue said latter* wiU then and . then; be gr.uitsd. tt’ tae* my hand and official ‘fnatwre. tho- D c 1 errab- r 4h. IMdP. Mk'COM ||%!K, Ofd decltt—wftdd (•KIHUsIAi Marlon ('onsty. U T lKltK\t*. Isaac Hurt vpftfWN to me for Iruers ot’ ailMi.nMtßiin.ii. on Uieestata < J. Grew*, laic to’ mm!county deceased These art therfor to rk* and adn..M-h ail and sin gular the kindred and treilitors of said di*c'd to appeal at my oftre and *hW cause, why sunt letters tn t)ld notbe gr*nta4l | otherwise said ndtamtsfrati -n wrM be granted 10 said applicant on me second Monday iu Junuary west Given under my hand arid wffi. tai vgnuusr* this the mb tay ofT)c iwttn. M vl.t' M llAlß.Ord Hue. IS—waod GKORGiIA Marlsu (.'aunty. Msri.-n Court of Ordinary, Augu-t Term, IS6O. UrUEHBAM Auskurn Drown, admiosstraut upon the nutate of fl W t'arter.b-ivii.g p*-t)ttOned this . Lour Mbc dischar-p.l (rom sa:t ud RisliatlOß: i AU pereaws coneaiiMtd a/I bdrehv not'lied (4. rliew \ HUM, tl ary they bate, wHiiln live time prestHb##] 1 lv taw Why the s lid A-eshnrueMr *wn sb<<w!d n>>t he ‘ iliatsse . e< 4 o mg totbe prays r o’ lrta petition I Given under my hNU at ..tlire Mh A ll 2, iMiO. . .MAltnM llAid Aug 9 wffiu Ord ns v. (J EOUti lA—Clay County; ‘ \*rrfKßK4 MtssE itahs th fftrick .ad. appih n to u ,4.r Leiiergof Admfnhrtrati’ ii o-n the *b ! UneofMary A. Johnson, late of said d<c.'d. j bTaric are tlwefor*ta. atu a.,m ni*h adlan-i j singular, those who ore mienan si is* stirs cguM - if anv they have, why saui hrUuiN stneiid n.t be j granted to ssnl spplh ant at fits Cugr| us Ordinary 1 lobvhutdin gmt |..r sard ronnty <M tire Btst Momi iy ! ib lauOitry neat. (iivcn Hiirlciiuy b'tnd and official kgradtum, 2>ih Mae . iftao s \ M I.EMMO ordinary Drcembsrr 3, Iffiß-lfid j *1 BORG lA—Clay County 1 Court cf Ordinary, &v. T< or, l-ifiD. ni I.E MUI Jo n W pinnae. I iecutor ..t II r\l.* r..>T It i/stt, Uleof Aid < -niv. d* • “list'd, applies for b-iters pf n ftom kaui Exni'or shlp: it IS therefore ovderod, by ttiu C<*iiirbat aft f*ec..a ----0 nserned idiow cau-.-, if any they have, on or bets*;*- ih. Joncieint'ft saht t ourt 01 Onlmary lo beheisl in <nd Rvrskht • ounty, whv sant Use,utor aboatd not Ihen b** diNii.ts.M and; and that this r*i. r biijiubftidieil in ;rnu nf the Law. “ . A true eatract from the Mmu4e#f saht t’rsart.Nov. I 2 4 tb, ttkiO dA M. LKMm.N, Untutary. I D* J->wtiw. _ OKOIUIIA- Mormn County : Marion Court of Ordinary, August Turin, 16fit), \l’ HBRB 4B Nathan M. F.*mto ..f th r last w iU and tenaiiM*nt ofLavio-y Ariu'-rung t.a vl:<g petitioned this CoUtl lo be UiiKhaigt-d ‘.mi haul Executorship: Ali person*contemed are require 1 to \ ew eauae if any they have, within ihv uais ,*iye rtbed by law wky tte said Nathan M. WA|s u *boW not b dia mbted at i'oiding to llu iMsyar us h s (>liUoii Given under it> hauJ sud ofictai •ignUncs* ‘ills August the let I van. Amr MALCoM irxiM. Ordinal (Georgia, MsHogccCouatyi R 1 LK M-l—Whervus Kdward Han.ard havtßc app ied lor dDanrtioH freia tlie a<lmitt*oraio>n of the estUa of Jam • L. Girard, de . ued: ft is therefore ordered, that all per**** coucerwed Shew cSuw, f an) tln-y Iwve, whV tie ehoui|l not b# dismieesd front dun tv'ratu.n ky (tie CSfrsrt of Ordtnsrv to be he'd in .nd for *on*y nn On Are Mor.dav ui June next, sud that t„i Mute be utxh oshed iu terms* of tbs i'w A in* extract from the Minutes of ward f >mt 43d Nov. INAO JN<*. JOHNsUN, Ordu..*y November ti, l*J--W6ni tiEOHULA—Marion County: CIRREAN Isaac Hwt amt 1-me FT I’eshV, v > tnintetrators on the retah# of 1> >e ,o*, deceased, having [.* tittom and to bs dfarWgcd fr m said administration. All person* concernedara hereby request and to *h-w cau-e, if any they hnve, why the snid Isaac lltm and Isaac If. l*e. ble* should not be discharge*] B r.*< r dins to the prayer of this pitiuon Given under my band and official *Mroature, to,. July the Id, IfiW MAI.COM HAIR. Ord. July urh. |*fk)—wf.m GKOUOIA, Marlon County i J/artvn Court of Ordinary, .VufV Term, IS6O* Y\J HI REAB Robert M AndersappUss forlatter.* ? V of (tiiardianship i*l the person un i pro,crtv < f MarvJans MrCißuts. orphan ttidmlborof Mu'c'om McOfUtvDt Ail person* w bo arcconrerned. are rs*]uird to *hev any they have, w itbii* toe time pies ufo u bv law, why frtter* of Guardianship should not t-e gran ted to tlie said applicant Given under m> liana and officia!tigw>Utre tfifr the ! Nov'7. HNt MALfOM HAIK. irdmary. Bov la. 10(4)—w4tKl # NOTICE. T WILL sell trofors the C ‘lirt Uoasc di>or in Buena 1 Vista, Marion County,Us on the first Tuesday tn f sbruary next, twenty nine arres of lot if Laud No. ; 153. in the J*2d district of stid cr untjr, beloajftng to the estate of Bsrah L. Hall, late of said rouuty de'd, aod bow in tbs possossuu of M L Bivins. -AML* Vt HALL, fisoMUor I Vm m, NKlvirtfis JL 1 fl EOIUJIAOIay County: • nonilts after* opplicatmn will b* made to ths Hon. Coo it of Ordinary fir wild county, to leave 1,1 *• . tim Warrant* Imloiigiag to the estats us Geo g M Ward law, de-cased. late of said count y— foe the foaefft o'TJie tutr* xnflftMlitsn. Ml WARD MCDONALD. Adm’r- D*'. rohtr U>>li* thfr- wT n <te tw>*i* bob. GEORGrA-kcClay Cuuuty: lioMils date, appli> alion will be t math to the't Kift of Ordinary of'said county, fi.r leave to .It a poriiwn of the negroes hnlongiug to the estate William ttratt, deceased, late of aaidcoun ty. or the benefit of lire heir* and creditors. l> VFI Ft DO/IRR. Adiu’r With the Will Annexed. Dec. loth I*fid hIM GfiOKdlA —Chad tab 00c bn* comity: Notl- e to lfohtor* and Dr-editor*. —AU - ->iv udeblkl to the eatL**f Nathaniel Obb de-eased, l.'ite es Mid conntf,’ are requested to Ht.'tke imineitiats tmyVent,’ jad all those having a nd aganutt Midr*< Wnl present tlienitoma du ly an iwr’ti ar* and W itfijATtitu time pivcrrbed by lew iir thev ws i not bpftltd \ JAVPLR J. COBB, Adm’r January .Th lndi wDid GLORi'i A—(lvatt*4ch* Count yi VOTIt ETO DIHITiMM k\ D CREDITORt* .v Ml peroin* ind-Yur-d.'to/the -*tats of Wldiam Cobb, deceased, me r-Rj*&t#d to make immediate payment, ami ail hnvihg nJuma ngunst aaid estais .oereq tewed I* |w. writ tmun duly proven, within the l.ji< prescnl.t'd by fetw plhr-v will not be paid. MARY AnVcoßß. >. . , OLIVER L. tl>Hll. j;iwu:s/) ?ih-wt<!s. 2* Kircutor's Sals. UflLI. bo *<i!j t* lore th* Court House dour In th- town of B'ienavis*a, Marion county, G v on <!* first Tus-day in February next, within the hour* of i l -, one negro woman, named M rv.ab-H id v rev* of age. one negro boy named CsvMitJ , atm ii 1 ten years W; one negro boy Handy aie.ut 6 years o.d, belonging to .the estate of John llerreii-h-n. ii*’ease,!, forth* heneiitof the heirs and Cfedi'or* Fy-odi-rof 1 lie Court of Ordinary of Ma rloii county GEO. A lIERENDON, Ex’r D enil.. r 10.!’ ,). wid* ■'A, v.arloa county. <v ift of OrJiaarv, August, Term, 1860. Hi. ML AW, t'harlottg kfunford. Aduiiiislratili --tr 4,f TiMi(u:is M. Munford, having Dpyin-d iui ie iers of dihiuH-o. n from said adnnnis -1 trillion: Ali (on. erued are Iwrehy n.<udeii to airew < m-.\ if.ii.j they li ,v.-, why the said Charlou Mun frd utauhl not to dieMiiNe.Mi fr*ni sard :tdministraiMn •7n s. 11 ttdar my liaiiJ amt signature, this August th. IWi’ MiLOUN HAIR. Orel August 13—wfun. ♦XEORtiIA-*-Tan>ot courtly; C urt of Onbnnry Srptemler Term, 1860. 41? ItKRKArt JobC P.itter-on.administrator of Ms > I ty Aim CLtheau, itn* for tellers of rrigrrussiuM WO in mid administration: Ht i intered.l hai all persons coin erned be and ap 1 ear at my otlksotthe April Term neat ensuing of ‘hi* t ut, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why u and iMtors ahould not be granted. A triti.- ex i rati from Hie umtutes of said t wurt, thta 4Ui flk-ptr rub* r l^-oO MARION BETH CNR, Ord. **e[rt •m’-er 10 1 n* 1 - wbwi. H Est lit* lA—TulLot County: lof Gi Jinnry, July Term, iB6O. R 1 I E Vl-"*t Whereas John B. Terry, adiuiiiis ir.ti -r. unit M.f; W.tMlin adnnnistrairu, ptl -1 (mu 1 In* Court lor tetters ol i;istiiM!on: U*; i! therefore ordered, that all p.-rsotm concerned , ami ai itie February Term neat ensuing of j tin-* Court, tlen >tnd there u* shew cause, it any they hat** Wbv lai l ‘l iter* Nbould not be granied. I A true c* tract Gout Bo* mmwies of sri.l Court, Jcly ‘■ 4 h. IS; VIAKION BETHI NK, Ord. | July?o wlhn. tiEOKtilA—Mo wart. County. Tv (A# Jhnui-M-U Superior Court of taid County. Mpllßpelt t 11 of JameaC r.*sp.*ufu|ly aheweih I Uia: onthr Ist dty ol June Eighteen ■uudicd .and Fi n*F s .t, your pent inner wan pi .see sard of iu- own right of .l (.rruut origuia proriMsaory note . ;di* :ind IV. -Uted by p. Dorse, formerty of :tid ( .runty, u cpy of winch is hereunto annexed.) hint Um Uk >• mt < noie hath been or now i ti.l m- t:;ii if . imot be b.Uiid. the aume having be .lu * and rem lining and being wholly unpaid; w ivaemre y< ur ptlltuner prays tliat the annexed .p) .• naid note iusy he i t'ab ishcd in lien of said bat i.'iz net. J A MF.H ( L Ait KB Th * Bid 1 h tutor IS. gS'i.'i 47 By the first dav of January nett I proui i* topny Jaiu t nuke or b iirer. One Hundred and Nn ety Fiv.- n. Martaod Fnrty-#even ttents, for val nernenod JAMES P. DoRSE ThtsTfh >lty, IBib Georgia, Slew art ( . uniy -In person appeured'be f.e the trndefntgiii-d James Clarke, who being (Tuly sworn r-adb. ‘hut Uu* im-is >ta:ed In the above pet* ! (ton, rela*ive r.o the annexed cofry note, and the Ins* ‘•f Uk* ‘I ; li i me true, and lliai noiil copy is a true t'M'V l '*’ eaid h! nrimal. Sworn to aud suh *• 'Tibet! before me thiN 13d Ott. I'. ’ M Lowr. J C J \ WES CI.4RKK. Rt I.E. VJSI B V THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR OF .-TEW RT COL*NTT, Oc| Tern. IDW. :• 4 1 rite, it>ik’ Offi v of the Superior *. > Cotntof llssut County. J.'iTn s 1* Done, ) Petttton to eaiahlish Notes. * C arKi*. hiving by his petition filedin this of ti e. #. ! f<rf f 1 that lame* P Dorse, late of said county made md executed to lom a promissory note of which the foliowtug M n 1 rue copy ; RIW6 47. By (he first day of January next I prom mb to pay Juno Clarke or hearer, One Hundred i Ninrt> !i \* DoUaisand Forly-Navfti feme for sal n. received *4f<ted) J A M EH I*. DORAK sndlhnt said original ha h F-een logt so that it cannot I” fund, aud .baviug prayed that said ropy which hath been tw-rn tu ganoid be established B liea of •ml lost *r gi riat: It is 1 tor**#>re ordered that the said James p Hor-e d>> show cause (ifany he lias) at tin: ne.\i lertuol ihe wip-iur Cnur! of said county into h Id 011 the third Monday m April next. (181) why slid 4 opj should m> U 4 stablished in hew of the said h**t original, stud that A copy ot this Rule be published on. e 4 Ml .nth b.r thru* months is the Colunikas 1 - ; -\t l eA.rv th, next term of sard Court. This lh* ‘Hd October, infid. Wiircs Hoi. W M c l*r.HK ‘Nd A lni**ira( ftomihe Mintirem ahewart rtuiiefior ( aurt,tfci*M day us Deretuher, Jefst ~r D -iu-Gu E F, KIRKWEY, Clark. tiKORUIA— Tat Lot County: Cotrt cr OsnisAKr, Jlli Txxtf, 1869. QI IK NI! -Wheress Henry H. McCrary, ad 14 nciiiairaior of Matthew McCrary, peuu .o* ihia *nm tor la tter* nt Dieniissioii; Ben ordered ihet all person* concerned le sod ap ptar st the February Term nest etinning of thte Court i lo* ii nrid lire se to sbovf ru*e, if any they have, why * tul kKters houkJ hot lie grahted. A tnre * xtrart from the niimites of *aid Court. July Mill. DM. MARION ti F.TiltN F.. Ord July 30-Wfirn O£oH(HA—Marion Country: \l r HERE*6 John L.'Matthews, Eaemtor oftb* f lastwiM and te-d.xioent of John Heresdea, ba * my iwt.iiciied tl is Court tu U discharged iruH said Ex*( utcrelupi All pervoiif :on. eiwed are required to show suse ll an) they have, w iUiih the Uo.e presritbsd by isw’ why tire-aid J !, I. Matthew* nhouid noth* dis charg’ and ocri4ig to the prayer of hi* pettution. Given under my hand andofiirisl signslwrw, (bis Ang lt, IDD. MALCOM IIAI It Ordinary wog tfowtku 0 BOKO I A—Marion County: U'HKRBAF f'imnn Blue, Administrator •• tbs ustnte ot Margaret Doud, applies for Leitsr* or Pitni*siaii: D tberelore ordered, that nil persons concerned u* show causo, itsny .tlusy have, within (he lints J ,r • ril.ed by law. why the said applicant should not be dismissed arc-rding to the prayer of hit petition. Civeu mid* rmy hand and < (filial ngnature Ibis Noveiabur9oth, le. * i<— wom MALCOLM HAIR, M Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral A N I) J K VY K L E R .