The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 14, 1861, Image 2

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lULUUM- THIKMMV. UrTOM'KtR.IUII. -■ j JKFFERSON RAVIiS.j or mustmippi. FOR VICE I'RESIDENT: ALEX If .‘STEPHENS, or oKoitfiiA. ELKOTORAL TICKET i. DfW.—JOH.V L. KAURIS, of Gljtni. 24 * A RTil 111 ilOOl>,ef Hndol|,i, U 1. t. WIMIIRRLY, r Stewart. 4tk “ Or. E. MoOIBKU, of Hoaitr.n, -ft •• I. r. OABVIS, f Richmond.; tt “ >M. 0. M. 11AM MONO, of Clark 7tk * 0. C. GIBSON, c.f Bpaldinp. ik •• JOHN RAY, of C-.wl-i, tk “ 11. H. CANNON, of Rnl.ui. 14tK •’ H. F. PRIOR, of Cbm. FUR TUB STATS? AT LAHttK Hot*. DAVID IRVIN, of tybb. Hon THOS. E. LLOYD, *f Pribomana RiTt7iWKt. Kixteeu Southern prisoners taken by the Federaliat* at the hat lie us Rich Mountain, on the 12th of June last, arrived in Richmond on Thursday lust, hav iag been released on psroie. Among the list we find the names of D. Yonng Company A, < Neuman Guards) (ft Regiment Georgia Vol unteers’ Geo, W, Allen, Company ~ 1 1st Reg .ruent Georgia Volunteers. The remainder are •II Virginians. Ai abaua LKOi.jLArtxt.- Gor. Moore oi Ala buna has bsued his proclamation calling the isgisletare together on the 28th in it The Memphis Appeal of the 2d Ru-Uni, jrs We bare information front Padiu nh us late as Monday evening lust, to the effect tbit the Yankee force at that point •mutinied tn about live thousand. A large quantity of provision* sod munition.! had been landed, indicating that ih# Yankee* expected fresh arrimls of troop ‘. Fuhau-jv C>rsra:as.—Mi .Augdite tie Moegnagy, nppoiiitcd by the Pom master of \'ew Orleans special mail currier ft tb* No* lAilenn* and Mesicun null, < ounce,tin,'at Tarn iuo With the FnglisU'atearners for W. India nod 1 iirope, baa juftl'oitiplcted th* fftraefttarv ur laugoioents ntTiiinpuu, nnd w ill start from N. Utieaaa w ith the first mail on the 10th feitunt, elnatt the double daily singe Jiuool 4 horse poet <*oacbs>#. Iratvrcen Now Iberia nnd Nlbfotfs Huff will he running to carry pus?unger? to • •id Irn m the Texa* irotttfer.**iWiri/fe Ads (’.## — Pinekoey Ren dull, j, p, i this eeutjly, rsyi the Atlanta Confederacy, ft as ihesrn us a woolen poa> jacket worn hy bis •*a, It A Randall -a private In the Atlanta Grays—at the haul* of MaR/tesifo Main#, having seven bullet hole* in D. Ntrange Jrow liim scup •4 unhurt. lie also showed'uv so*u< button?, bullet-, nnd ! (her memento? nf fife Lai tie-field, with a letter . irons Liaut £ B L ive complimenting Uo gallant- I rjr of his sun. jffiffi” The Yankee Healpow i* Uo itamo of it * oompany of Choctaw Indiana culi*ted In the Con. | feteral# service Ai>ot* ior riiK Tiiift.Nii tfui nrpiu. Extreme ibirat is one of the moat severe inula the active roldier ha* to encounter. During a long inarch vml on the field of a long nnd hotly contented ‘.attic, he is often almost overcome with fatigue and thirst. An old fYontiersmau, wlu has bad •uuob experience on Che Western border* and on ‘be plains, suggests to til tbn following ih the oast remedy and preventive of thirst that bat ever b*en discoveredi After a mcul tukc tbe offer ground* and boil them over again, and pour it off into yourcanteou uud let it cool f>>r your neat march. It is nut only nutritive and stimulating, but R will quouob the thirst mure eflertuaily than water, U will uo two .r throe time* as far aa water. Also, take the ground*, .fUr being thus Used, dry them, an 1 put them In your pocket, and chew thorn nt in ton all on the march, or during any arduous sendee, and they will likewise repress thirst, and satiate neatly ths orevluga of hunger. ’lbis cuut-e bus boon tried with the incut gratifying results, and is worthy of a trial by every soldier in the service. ,\W7fe Ratnat, fiblit Opiuidß ill fair, John Mitchell, writing from Ran., to the Charleston* Mercury, on (It# 27th of August, •ays •Tbo South is rising into high favor io l'niuce. Pauplc are setting about to revise their old im pruMiona, and to conceive that there must have been something wrong in the I’ncte Toni litera ture they have so long been doped with, lx it not strange that the Rout horn aide In >ur long controversy, had been ably, lucidly and long ago expounded uud eulorced in books ud painpb lets by Southern men. yet nobody tn Furop* read them, or knew ot tbolt e/u icnce. In vain Calkoun vindicated States Kigbls. lu vain Southern Institutions have been viudmatod by t*r HamtuonJ, l'rof lew. by Dollow, Ruflin; prate and many other competent men. No* body began to tbiuk of seeing what was to twi *a.J on tbat side ut tbo uutile alter tit* liettieot Dull Run. To ot-an a paaxaro f Kbsis I into the w ild'f stupid heaJ, there it nothiug like 1 ibe edge of the sword, i'be I retteh are peculiar* ‘ ly alive to tbe value of this method of tuiti | lusomuch that military gallantry and dash aro, hi the uyes of this natmn, almost a guarantee , r ‘ ibe poaaeaston ot every other hi/h quniitv. n | telleciual and meral. They greatly roreror..** tbe prinoiple ofjjeyer an } nnd have nut failed to contrast tie gallantry at ffonUmrn aeotlottieo and atatesuu n nt ‘ with tho Uhsvnrof the V*nk#e- who hired lrnhnien 1 and Get mans t* l*ear tlie brunt, it Is lor this re*mu tbe action of President Davie iu hurry iig to tbe field trorn Ricbiucnd hn* done more ! .errice to the flouth in the mind; of Fveechmon, I ibae any other single tnoi or argument, though, j la tact, the President ugtrd wi *ly h writ a* o i<Hf for if the route bad taken place South •sard tnelead st Rorth ward on that day, it wa not worth tW while to live—Richmond, uor tl* wv.rld, w..ld have Inien no pUv* lor him. Pros* the kuebv die (Venn.) Register, Ud, Amvtl es lien. Jnlti C Brfrkinridw iu4 IR Utfiuiieti Fieitites fm liwatnrky Our ( onmiunit’ was considerably excited ye.* ! iirdej by the rumor tliat lion, dehn Wreoh wiridge end other distinguished Kentuckians, mih here lately fled from tbe Lincoln tyranny that State and to-tile thoir escape bi \ irginut. n.mld We down on tbe train Iron* tbe Vast. The | train was detained ep*n Um rend, and d> I not 4fTi* until halt utter l u clock, nud thru one ••at couraieing inoxt of the jhwoih looked for | uat he*n switched oft somewhere on tbo road, win): to the train being larger thnu the engine •til# Ii nut Hun. Wut. I’rwlftp, boweref. late l ailed >tates minUter to Soaiu, and one of tbe tugitlree, was on board. I! was warmly gVeet- t by tbe crowd, ami made a briul but suring •peeeh iu rerpuasc. He wax war rid t tbe La soar liouxe by a purtiuu of.f'eti. Cerrolt's llifto tiriaade. who were R towu The freight train arrived iu tbv evening, about half after i* o'clock, bringing tkedetallied pax •etigeis. among whom were, llort.J.t'. Hreekln ridge, Col. ILtdge, ot Kentucky, Major W*h Mfigau, of lid Regiment i’wnucs.m* Volunteers, with Mrs. K. b. Mcklratb Ho#. T. i.. Walls, ot the Confederate t'otgreer. lion. T. A. It. Nelson, ul several other promioeia geatkMuet*. Mr Hreckuiridge wax received with great on tkepiaatn by tbu U'ge crowd aaxeuibUd xt tbo depot, and escorted <■ tbe Lamar House l y *ho ♦th regiment K. T. Tmbmki Volunteer. . Arrived at tbe Hotel, in re-ponso to loud c;i!R, om the largest crowd we bate seen nm-nibled ‘.a Knoxviliv, and amid stratus of martial music •nd a display of fire works, Mr. Brockiuride a]- loared upon the balcony, wax introduced by Col. Jobe H, ‘’roller,aul returned nix thanks for this earn* and unexpected reception. He do*-lined to discuss thequestun* which hed Md to tbe dieruptiuii of tba old I ohm, because of tbe pecular circumstances In which be found himself, which forbade tbe exprcaiiou of bis feelings until he could get lack to tbat home from which im-was now u fugitive without a crime. Rut be assured tbe people of Tennessee that Kontuckienfc would yet preserve tbe liber ties of that Stale, and repel the Lincoln inva ders who outraged her soil, and would yet etu brace Tennessee ax a sister win* had eome to hor axsixiam c in Ike hour us her deepest need. When Mr. JL paused, a boo ,uof wax thrown [ to biui from on# of tbe winilowH oft ho bouse, for wbieb be returned thank* in * few eloquent , remarkx, and retired amid theebeirs of the mul titude. Col, Prestun was ibeti loudly Milled for, and , made n ■'tirnng address, in tbe course of wkich alter referring to the outrages perpetrated by ‘the Lincoln despotism upon Kentucky, and the fxitklcKnofl of its Legislature to the remarked that tbo gallant State w* now under the heelx of a military despotism, wbieb bud not gained its ascendency by force of arm?, but by fraud, lie expressed the hope thnt, if peace should be restored, tbo boundary of the two C'on •edcracit* should be the Ohio river, and that no ankee bauner ahould ever float to the hreere bouib of tbat line. Mr. Croton wa:: foil.,wed by Cel. Hodge, on* 1 other <>t the distinguished Kentucky fugitives, who ma*ie an eloquent speech. Spec, hex w ero also inudo by Col L C llaynes, ll’ n. T N Wall, a member .f the L’onfederate Cong re* 4 from Texas, Col Wa M Cook", of Knox county, and Major W*h Morgan, of the •and Tenues ce rag!merit. After tbo xpeeuh of Col i'rexton, tbo Jiev J II Martin, of the Second Presbyterian Church, was Introduced and read a beautiful original poem, happily applied to the ooeexion, entitled tbo “.South in Artua,” tbe word* of which wexhail hure tbe plea/hire of laying before our readers to-morrow. riucb an ovatmn to tlixtinguixhed guests baa . not been witnessed in Knoxville for a long 1 time. l Xn thould also meotioa that after the arrival <-f the visitor?, Gen Carroll * regiment from Camp Ramsey, earue Into town, nnd added by their number?, to the entbutA?m of the oc a* sloiH Lift ii tort UftjKlr. The Now York livening Post teceribea life in the f urt as follows: Tbe place is not so much s prison as It is a Momewbat “exclusive” boarding house, with suf ficiently stringant mien for t tlm eighty or leas boarder? in tbe ctabliahmenr. These rules are eonapicuonaly placed en the walla of each room, so (but be who runs muy read, and for reading are somewhat In advance of those fur running. They prescribe that the prisoners reoiu must he ready for Inspection at nine o'eluck in the morning; thnt washin;* must be done in the yard of the fort; prixoners muat not lull, with ary member of the garrison, J*ut can coßjuinniriite their wants to tbe sergeant of the guard they mint not leavetbeir rooms unless in eeißpany with a guard, they muat obey implic it! v the direction* of any number of tbo guard; and they are notified that any t'anagrexaion will b punished hy solitary confinement, or such other reatrictiuru u* may l*o iieccwSHry P. a strict enfi rcoment of the rule? There i nothing specially stringent about the** rule?. The primmer* must and moat nut (ioeer tafh thing*, but they are nllowud runny prlvl Itrca. Thoaa who are together in <ne room can convene freely with each other, but they are no tified that. 1 bey mu?t not talk shout the politi cal afloir.. i.f'the country in tbe bearing {of any iio-utber Os the parti mi. They can hare light in ibvir rooms until qua*ter past nine o'clock, and after that hour mdse and fond talking ec u for the night For an hunr in the ratrn iug and afternoon thoi>rlroner* can promenade about tho premise’ m <>mpsny mthu guard, nnd at miob time* can cull on their friend i and fellow prisoners In the othr room*. The doors of lb rooms aru opened ut *u. in. au>l cb *d at p. in. It may he-tated that tbo prisoner? gen? erafly appreciate thoir privilege?, and that there have been no Infringement? ..f the rule* Niiffl cient to merit pnnlehment. At Fort Lafayette, ih elsewhure, “money,” a* FalstaS’ say*, “I? e gtfod .soldier.” 1 hove who have th# means nf doing no can live nearly u* well at Fort InFayette - niiy hotel. In one largo room, which i* about *i\ty by fifteen foot, thoio are tm lom than thirty “f the bolter elias ; prlu|ietit who hum both friend* and money. ! These Imve clubbed together, and have arrange ment* bv which their meals arc furnished to I order. Their funds wre deposited with one of the !*, who acts ns bursar, and tho wife of uric I ot the soldiers does thoir - ateriug, cooking and wishing. To meet outside bills for food, sup phe-, now?]>apr*, tobacco and other comfort?,! 1 tho prisoners give mi order i<n the bursar. The : dub men got n good breakfast and dinner,(with a moderato” ailewßtico at dinnerj!ef Some *Mu ulaut,) at a cost of about ono dollar r day for curb. They are subject to no extortion of any kind, and supplies are furnished at moderate rat ox. In the morning, when tho Coney island boat or first tram, from Brooklyn, arrives at Fort Hamilton, tho prisoners who have made ar rangement* can get all tboclty morning ptipeix, and are thus dadv Informed of all'uirs In the outside yforld. Ther correspondence only is subject to censorship, and, n already been stated, letters written to or By the prisoners arc opened itndrcadbv the proper officers, aud the few persons who have been released from custody have been forbidden to carry nway any written communication. The club men live well. They puts thou time in reading, discussing (among them solves) matters nnd things iii general and “the situation ‘ in particular, and play cards, chess uud checkers by the hour. Tobacco is not tabooed, nnd the club, for u largo part of the day. is under tt cloud in more aense? than one. Similar hut finnllnr clubs have boon organi sed m some of the other room*. There urea tew prisoners, come of the sudors and other*, who iiaVA no money, and arc consequently do pendent upon tho authorities for their daiiy bread. These arc furnished with good and wholenoim*, but plain food, differing but little from the rations w the aoldiers who are their keepers. All have an unlimited lookout view oftb* bay nnd fttateu Island shore Thepasa- j lug ships and steamers break the monotony of J nu otherwise weary day. The three daily j trips ot the Coney Island boats, arc looked for events. There can be one opinion only nftlie con duct ut Col. Burke and his oiticerx nnd men towards the prisoners in their charge. The prisoners are allowed every privilege con sistent with their aula keeping, ami have no reasonable caune for complaint. The loss of liberty is, of course, the main privation, but those prisoners who have been discharged, testily that, fto fur from the imposition ol any nu necessary restrictions, they were more in voured during ihmr incarceration than they had nny reason to expect when thev were sent to Tort I.ufayttle. ChiitrJ tppwurt 4 InkuKlM . “Wir'i I tioiC in Ihf Cnpilil. j -i- 11. -<p.)mh'ut ol tbe Baltimore Sun, writes ‘ Thi ity, a? U way know, ha.* gradually come to present peculiar taaturva uuders statnof war. wkieh our citUenx could nut have, a year ago, UiiagUioU. Wu had all so long been accustom ed m the sight of improvement and progress in the “treats, avenues and rquarvx, in the extension and erection nt public buildings, construction of water works, 4c . under liberal congressional ap propriate n>, ihat ( wo dreanicti n- iof any early aeewemy l*r the uxpen.*ion of these thing*. Not only arc the improveasent* of the character tuoitly Fiixpeftded long ago, hut costly buildings mid highly ornamented grounds have had to h devoted U uses widely ititfcrcut from th..* thgy in •- -Unsigned for, with the view ot *utninint’ ; th Kteot army Which h- liecn collected here fur, oi it? turn. uMoihiog the national unity nml <io\rnmei!. The i-übiic building*, are, however, no longer uxc.l for the -tuartering of troop?, a” wa- ft-uud .ibxolatcly nece-sary whoa, five *r six month* thev were first hurriedly gathering to the dcl’cn,t* .-I the capital \nt and contfor * table ramps, in plcui-ani rural ?rctions surround ; tug tho city, and in tho extended and well en ! Lunched pc stiußX on tho >ip|>--ite rule of the | i’ototuac have obviated that matter, afTording not only picturesquo scene?, but iK- tncibtirs tor | rctotaring each military arm efteeHve by drill, ’ camp bto, picket duly, Ac. | WMlm jp-cHt capitol huihime, in which the nq-r - ntftttvc# of the people pinbl.-iur legisia , tu.n, and that sugtot btnly, the Supreme Court i hold* it? tltmirs tfoiu Him- to time t? now bnt a aiolixtruMS bakery, *a iar os it? cavernous baso- ■ men* isconcern©tl Thera great ovens, fourteen - iu uuuii>er: bate lawn constructed, from whence hri.t-l lor the urmy u all sides g.-e? out hy wag on load? in fresh iyavee. day alter-lav . and al most hour by konr. I believe you have copied tYuui a cotap<>rary some notices of this e-tab lixhmetit heretofUre, but I would now say that it I? under the supervision us Lieut. ‘I b>i. J . Cate, ol the Ifitu Infantry, I . £. A.—-that there are used e cry tw nty-four hours St buxhels us pota tocN tor \ea?t,2ltl batrel* of flour and 1,-lOt* gal lon? of vea*t mm mg out about fdUWO loavei •l bread, and oue hundred and titty men arc eiu ployevl at cost ol abou| s&,§(!(> a month. In the post office building also arc other great -t-*tea ( -i the army, in charge of Capt. Bockw nh, IroUi whence am issued, -n requisitions, the eof toe, Hoe. ?ugar. 4c .hauled away by team* to the and I fibremt regiments. There arc luuuense army bakeries over tae river, also, for tlie troops on that side. But ’‘war'* devastatioM,” vxprciully, are ob obxerveal- cin some of the public ground*. The extensive National Monument ground*, lying be tween the > ansi uud river, have hecu of late date but a eattlo yard, a* it were. There the cattle keepers now atteud their herds, which have, du ring the past aeasoo. luxuriated iu the richest pasture, produciug the tiueet beef. Here busi ness. as iu the other departments, is carefully and aytematically discharged—the cattle conn- ted and tramt'emd from one field to another each day, water provided, Ac. The stuck is well kept op, ii itwithslaßiJing the large daily consumption and in the Kquarcs limed the mi in I* r now seem* greater than ever. About I/O (at cuttle are slaughtered for the l roups daily. These IhingN [ bare noted indicate the-change in the mere maierial nppearance here. con?e* qßuiit upur. thewtate us war. I’foio the FeUirxburg Kxprcs.*, Od. )rra lb/ Arv,( lb. HUmw. The l.ynchburg Republican of {yesterday ha* the folio wing important intelligence Vorierdiiy wining a* m-eived some intelli gence from Fairfax, which we nra assured is re liable, and convinces u* that a grind movement ha, ere tbit, been attempted Ly our army,which if nucceeeful in it? acnoinplisbiiHiat, w ill be pro ductive of coii-cqucncy?. tho Magnitude of whose result? cannot be over (estimated. Provident Davis,reacb?d the .function on Monday, and wa? received by a regiment from hi* own tftate (MissiHfdppi; and iu respon e to their enthusiastic reception of him, made them a short address, in the eourw of which he told thorn “that they had work before them work of tbe moat important kind—work in which he had come t*> Lear with them hi % pari. He did not intend to say to them “go and dr* this,” but be intended, when the hour crime, to say to them “ouie, follow rue.” lie inteuded to lead them blmxelf on to gk/rioux victory or ii patriot -ol dier'* honornbie grave. Oar informant describe? the effect of President Davi*’ speech as perfectly electrieni. The light of battle shown in every eyo, while the cry of “lead oh on,” burst from every lip. Immediately after tho conclusion of hia address, tho President took a special train and waa conveyed to the advance of our lines near Fairfax, wber hia pretence wa? web oioed with the same enthiiMiasm which had greeted him at the Junction. That wo shall hear exciting new? to dny or to morrow from this section, we have no doubt, nor should we bo have the pleasant duty to )*>rform n a few daya of announcing to our reader* n great victory won by our gallant array, and to congratulate them that the Southern ting is wariog in proud triumph over tho citv of Washington. Tho uoiiiiy, who bad shv.tneed their line? on Sunday, and taken poxses/don nfthe line of hills occupio-1 by our army, suddenly and unncooun tably withdrew to their < ntrencbmentx at Ar linton uud Alexandria on Monday. This move ment wa* not antietpatad by our Oenerals, and can only bo accounted tor upon the supposition that they felt them selvt um jl’ounless protected by their forfitications. New* i iui A ai. a3. ah. ‘f lu- I ’on Smith Time* Ac Herald, of the l c th tiltay? Col, Hindrnmi i* raising a legion of picked j rnen to few*) under Gen. McCulloch, t Seoeral ( Pear.-e, under whom tho Siuic troops wun a> ) much glory, raising a regiment for the sumo | service. Cdoiei Frank Rector, another hero j of Oak Kill-., is railing also u regiment. Cap tains Carrol, Humphrey*, Lewis, Kayser. Ifeiul, ((riltilh, Dotson, all <>l the Uak Hills ui my, wo actively engaged rui-wng imuntry ci-m ----pauiet among their laic euuuodr* in arm*. I.ieut. Col. Province i riiviug u fin.* i.ridlo fy company Captain Maddox, vxiu/ . now i:iii .iiupml near here,ltlled up tus cavalry compant uiiilrr tho special direction o Gen. McOutlot h. Coiapaolc v arc also rapidly filliu,-’ up in Mad ison uud Wixshiugton countiux. Tho Jay hawk era, under Lane and i gonicrv, Mere becomin: very troublesome, and General M-('ullm-h tvn preparin'/ f • march against ih-ii. Cel. James. A1 iulosii, un -ipt riutivod uud cducatcl soldi*-/, ha* been appomimt . Brig adier Generiil. t(- serve under t'cnernfMcCiii lueh. Troops lu in Jutat a/ul i writ* al so hastening forward to join Mo4lwMo-h. Reports hud rstnehed j'ort Smith ibsi ‘.L.ftitO I'. F. troops were t Roll a, Mlftsouri i Dirt* r fir i fvi't’ •imuhu i this phim; jtMl arrived from New York t'ity, nnd*-r circitrnstan< c* and t!irou,;L • hanncln both funny and Interesting, Lm which It wou't do to tell, report thnt grout activity m manifes ted at the Navy Yard in tint r-sty in fittincotit thn n.-vv gun bonis intended for our Inland wa tors. They report that tlo-y wore in th<- Yard nbmjf two or three weeks aqo, :nd saw some 00 m fin lxfHs which were then launched, nnd would be ready for action in ft short time, uud i were to!11 Ly the workmen Hint they were for tha expedition to North Cnrulinn. The Lout? . are *o constructed ns to carry atemt 300 to SJW men, and when fully louded ami equipped will draw from f> to 7 feet of water. They nre heavily corked from tbo waters edge up, and covered with heavy te*n to tbo top oftbe railing. That those Lnitt? are being constructed aJ mita of no doubt, whether they are to roue into our wiUcrH or not, of course \ve don t know. Bht when we o-nsidci that they are of the right draught and that the Naval officers there are anxious to employ, immoduUi-iy, pi lot? acquainted with our sounds aud river? ut j salaries a high as flfJippr month,it may not bo unwise in us to prepare tor an early visa from tliut quarter.— Ntwbern (V.l’ lI Ort. ‘lift. An oi Manassas. -Lieut. Ld. Hull, j tho ?un (l the Hun. Anbury Hull, ut Albans, I wua ?truck setisetels by tbe concussion ol a I rug I meat of shell which tore away his Cartridge box and belt without annuity Inflicting a wound. Ai the enemy paisod he icvived,and being ed by a hostile Captain if he hu wounded, he replied. “I think nut,” tho* he wa? unable tu ri?c. Ihe T.iOoolnite run his hand over the body of tbe AppAreiitJy hrlple?? inuu tad. discovering no Uuund advised hint to remain where he was until aid could be rant to him but Lieut. Hull finding himself recovering, rc>? and Imgnn so convey water from tho?trsuni near by to the nuracnm wounded arouud hitu. This he did until night with much pain to himself: nnd while he ws* so engaged, a num on her -ehnek request ed a drink, “No,” says Lieut. Hull. *1 am car rylng this wari-r t) those who cannot walk, you enn walk, and y >u inuy go L* tbo branch and help yourself. ‘ To bi? surprise ?*uie <>ne told him lie wa- *pi<ak ing to Brcsidcnt Davis; and then heinaistnt up on the Breeideut’- ttriuking tho water in hi? can teen. Afterward*, when walking tho treat? of Kiuh uiotid, a? he was recovering, for he endured n long nd painful spell of illness, he wu? met by President Davi , who inilioely reeogni/ed him and u?ked to what regiment be belonged. “To the Mh (la. regiment. “To belong to that regiment i? glory enough,” was thncuilaut Fresident's reply. While carrying water to tho wounded, Lieut. Hull, foutul Capt J. t. Cooper ?eated|iu-ar Bull j Bun stream pouring water on hi? kneo, and wu? tho first tu nt open hi? pain? nud examine tbe wound ilia’ re-tilted su fafelly. Capt. Cooper | did m t think hiuiseU dangerously wounded Correepmutance us tbn Macon Toiegrsph. ! risr Bns Month, ano Onr io Si-ami*. I ace. Mr. liltt>r. that you number the Confederate v inter it* al /**••. I number them ;l raven -and good substantial ricforn.* at thnt, r,> wif Big Bethel, Bull Run, Manavia- I'taiti*. i'ak Hill, LexUtgton, ilnnlcv River, where l!o?eucrant was repabe-l by 1,. ** men nndt-r Fb-vd. nnd (irecnbrici, where fi.DOO were driven heker *kel tei by S.fioO under (Jen. H R Jackson. There you haveaevsn import mt victories- -<*nemonth, and ono so spare, to --syr nothin ‘ <1 tho chance? of another bn. re tlie *)\tb month ot the war teout, which will not expire till “ext Fridav. SR\ I N ‘■Seven” a right nu accept iho amendment. I'm iifuti is F vt-i. ok Uain NY- learn trom j rolinblc anth- iity tat five ami one half in.-hrof | rain tell it* Ma< on duriug th*- *toria *>fla?t Thursday night and Friday morning, embracing a period ol e ‘bn-eu hours. Tha “oldest inhabi tant ’ may be safely challenged to produce a parallel to tbi? - Jfo'-ttN T<hyra^k. The “old*.*?: inhabitant” here ID who is Governor of thi? Bin*\inee, clerk ot tho weather, • inuiuan<ier iu chief, and Bashaw of three tails, says #, lly Authority” that the fall in Thomastou wo? six inches i wanting on?-, •< nrtrr of a ~ t,) iu sixteen tiuiir? 1 hat was ?) uic fhi * # ’p*ea JTfe/. ’ Vdß'Mon,” Uie Washington correspondent of tlie Baltimore Kuu, cenjoeiures that an expedi tion by land ami sea agaiu-t Texas is iu the Lincoln programme h is reported tliat Col. Doniphan, of Mo., whose name linked with brilliant achievement* in the Mexican war, has joined tbe Gonledu rntes. If this be true we hate made n valua ble acquisition to our cause m Missouri. A Tennessee exchange says the hanker? of Savannah, du., in apprehension ol n bombard ment by n Yankee fleet off the coast, lelegrnph •d the authorities of Nash villen lew day? since asking permission to *lo|H>sit their specie In the banks of that place -m • The ruling prices iu Chattanooga, on the 3d, lor bacon, hog round, wu? cent?, suit*? 13c.; shoulder? 174 c ; hams IV to SRV ; beef hams. .Iried, SUc lard VWo. corn, in depot, 80c-; wheat 80c* To tlie surprise ol the Trustees, as well as of the strangers present, the graduating class es, at the last commencement of the Mury Sharp Femaio College, Tenn., rend'their es says in hom* mad* eottv a dirts**, “a pledge of these )oung ladies to make themselves ail that the present condition of our countrv mav re quire her daughter! to be tq* ! 01l MKIH FRIDA). WtTeiUll. ltMl Hie Miswii, Keii) Th *u? meeting which has bovn in pro {.-roes f<r noiue weeks in the Methodist Church *n thi? . ity, l* still in cxifctenc*. and seems on tho increx-e in intere?t. The altar is crowded nightly with anxious penitents reeking the way iu Life, *d a largo number have professed to find the “peace that j iFsetb under?tnuding. ># On lost Hnbhath some H-vemeen united witlf Halnt J/uke Church, nnd Ik 12 m-cived the holy or dioniiceuf Biptirnt. Kex -.Mixxr?. Burks aud Wright ;ue indefatigable and ?ealou? in tbe good caufc, feeling the importance of the troth, that “he ttnt winrieth soul? i* wise.” i uLNCIL CHAMkF.K. Ocioaßß, 7th, led!. > Sextun Keport ol’ Death) from Ist July to lat October. July I—Jaine* Haiitb 2". year* of age; typ. fever “ R. Kmfroe'x child, still bora. •’ Mr. Code's Haines Brantley, f. j year*, fever. Mr*. M nt. 17 years, consumption. , l.liziibeth IL rli.-by, 17 yr* •• Mr* Bradford 86 years “id age. tt James Kicker's child, still burr. If* Ja? L Lloyd's “ Mi.** (jleon, 16 years, typhoid fever. Affcs Dnloche, I-year*, scarlet lexer. 2i Sarah Malony, CO veur, ever. “ John Obriant, Ktfyear?, ” Wiley McCay’s child, cold. ’J‘J Sarah \\ right, 27 yean, fxver. 2.1 Harriet Hudson, *0 year*,typhoid fever ‘-l* J D Baldwin, Ml year?, he.rt di?ou*e. ** Daniel Buckley l • “ eoßJamption. .. Jane Rohinsou, 16 “ fever Au. . Wm. Tyler’? child, fever “ Mr. l!**e|r’? “ \ an Leonard, 6t> years, c nsuuij . ,■ . . - Mary King, 2 ,; 6 John Clegg'* child, till hum. s Rev. W. ('arks’child, typhoid fiver, II Richard Dray’? “ t “ l 5 L Thomari “ -lilt born. “ Mr. Carey ? I*. C. Moore, 2iycwr* killed on railroad „* * Mr. Merriaoa, ‘27 year?, typhoid fever. J’ept. 7 Mr Ballora'i child, *till buro.^ “ Mr I'pton’* “ “ • Mr (.'lark's “ * o J. K King/0 year- c t^uinpti..n. 1 1 Margaret Handers, Ii yr* typhoid fever “ Mr Hene’* child, 21 Jane Dixop‘2 year?, coagestire chill*. II B Dixon, 22 years, typhoid fever. * Mr. Morrison's child, teething. ’• Margaret Welch, ‘.’ year?, rtun-uuip a, Kvpectfully, 11. M HA HR!’ ( ity tellur Which wa* received. Ffi-m the Coluiubux Kaquirer iluii. Alfred limbs I . j.!/>?f - W(- ir-id? writ* th* many 1 ritiien* an I admirer-of’l c H<*n Alfred Iverson iu tbmking V o mfRM i- >.. • t > u-ghesi j boner ,in tbe gift es the .->■ >, Ii • <•.• •.np* J virtue aud jitriutirin. t.r | • tutepuiansbrp that j -i... .c.l ihe nece'-dy •>■ J j manfully f-u.-hi Oaltln f>-rt oti veu-, m ->ue- ■ ly tunra u rrtl y ..f reward L.v a generous and wp pm iativo pe.qdc, than aru th •. “lower taovio i p.dUL’iau whvCOUtd aee h 4ih,; ImU min and * tresa< u in it, until the p pie pas-.odit over tbeir I bcft'l? nud iu ?pte us ih.-m. if left f.. the 'de ! of tbe j*eoplr, ue lb) not druid l ut that be W'-u'd j be elected lu the Lighcat oflire in their giti .or they age not - * forgetful us banwiitx i-outerred n* arc those convention-merger? who are L> day in debted to the power of hi logic and eto<}ucn<'e foffibe v'ri-'i which l.a* givuu them all the iu -portaß’ C they n<<w etiiov. T* him, a inachas any pnbli- man Suitth. *••• U'us indebted for being Troe from ab til) <l and Lincoln tyr raoy. And if deni’ .i.-. g t.> play Henry VII (, and pull him la/ter days, to prove “how tv rate licit i m.m who leun* <>n party favor*. ’lot tho - wii < ware former politii-wl uppunents show tba’ up appreciate the work he nccutuplished, • i b;n. nut and cannot *o soon forget tho ben.i u a-’i sion and the roaißfeaanee of State? right? to - A idly by nnd ?ce l! the honor- and otiicoe Knatched by les* worthy deßiocrnt*, nnd not recall to their mind tbeir ingratitude and injustice in passing by a chief ••ornvr -tenc to the tfuiiibi-rn Confederacy. BAIL. ? if’ We have announcml, on the authority of | a tteorgla paper,the arrival at Savannah, us an I Iron clad vt.el, freighted with munitions of war, ;c* The New (rtean? Doits, of tbe 4th Inst., j ‘A raliablo ventteiusn informs it that he iwa? shown V’ opy of tho manite-t of the cargo of the vessel alluded to above, and that among other article? were the following 20 cannons, V'OO Knfield rifle?, 2U,UUU army pistols, li,ooo sabers, loupiutl blankeis, army shoe?, *2.000,1100 porcussfon eape, 2 tune powder, a large lot of quiuina and other articles much needed by the GonfMerato army.’’ Tn* VV**t Auxin*i thk Kisr.—The Mi sou ri paper? are indignant, Jhe Illinois pipers are abusive, and combine t.< shower down wrath and reproach on the Kastern States of the Fed rml I’nioo, an] . n the devoted head of Abra hai i Lincoln, and the men whom Hod in his juatieo ha? placed around him. TU great cause of the <>ut<*ry i* tho ordering of five regi ment? Inuu Mi* soitri to U’n*bington. “ft is a burning shams,” cries the Chicago Tribune of Sepi. 10th nlt. ( “that New York. New Ragland and New Jersey ranu. t defend tbe capital with out stripping the army of the West of live thou sand men.” A. B. Kudler, who was taken prisoner while under ‘ on. Walker’s vomuiand, has been elected Captain of the Baker Volunteer an Augusta Company. “'XT A company of Tllinoians has joined tho Confederate army in Kentucky. They are from tho Mound City, under >muiaud f Capt. Car roll Riiwting*. Tx, .. Pm cun The following i? wu txiract 1 from n advertisement in the teicbuxvml Hispateh, in reference io red pepper “Thi? mi dele kmiM ho caretuliy pre?eriel bv all who wish to mime ter i.> the comfort and health of uur forces in the !.**. 4, ground up and pa Kmi in bap , foxM ur kegs ** lm AR'iV Wut.* IN Ot,' A BIT A BAH!?B Tho Mobile Register, of the ‘ tth nit., say? On tho river, the army worm has < urnplotely xtrippuxl every leaf from the rotton stalk. In other parts us t‘*o parish they are n*>t so Lad, but it is only a “question of time” with tbaso varmiut . Dan <i Akuv Oiti. in ‘J ho* llfehinund 1 IL patch says White it would appear. 1y Mt ♦; tha Mil... . the uflu-ifs tu li e • unfedi-raui States array are paid moreltUmlly than* th .rain the 1 edr.*l army, an invcstigatiun will, perhaps, lead so a different oonx'lusion. Our t lVtcer?, it is true, receive a lucrative compensation in money, but theft* are no extra allow nice (tut of tho amount they have to furnish their *• ration*, uniform?, and other indispensable articles, white at the North, a certain number of rations to cash officer are furnished by the (levernment. and they are !®ft free to apply thoir entire salaries so private pur ! poses. Wu are, however, among those lievc that the rank and file id the army should he well paid, since the officers arc iqit to receive all the honors of war which ought to make up for any deficiency in other respects, while the private?, who sop tain most ot the hardship?, and are generally unknown to fuiue. are placed* at the bottom of the list in respect to emolument. The .lackaon Ahousiy/uiti says Hon. Al lcrt G. Brown, of Mia*., will Ly common con sent be elected one oftbe $• Alton front that State to the Confederate Congrces. I.ook*r-on in WANniNiiTOM.—-Mr Kdge, one of the leading journalists of Kngland, is now n Washington a* a looker on nt the American crisis. He wax commissioned to make tins voyage ut the request of Mr. Bright, M. I*., and ooniu other statesman oft hat stamp of lib eral opinions. The Memphis Appeal teams from a reliable source men from lowa have gone in to Missouri and joined the army of Gen. Price. They bore a banner on which was inscribed, We eoiue so the relief of the oppressed.’ Fr. m tbe Atlanta iutolligeocer. bIoKUA WLITOKS. The Georgia Volunteer?, wherever they Luxe had an opportunity, have covered lheinaelven With glory. m At “Manassas” great battle two regiment? ot them ware distinguished for their in trepiiity nnd dauddoes courage, and we may mid,for a ?elf martydoui that would have ira mortal*/.ed “Napoleon's Did (iuard.” Neither did the murderou* lire, nor the* uvorwhclming nuiohcn of the enemy intimidate - r awe them. They stood their ground, gallantly contesting every imh of it, until victory crowned their al most .‘upt-r-human effort*. Well iney (Jeorgia be proud of her son* that fought on ‘•Mima?*#? Plains. The retreat at Laurel llili, again taatsvl tbe valor ?nd endurance of the “Oeorgia Vuluntes-i Though it w:- a retreat, it wa- •ne before on enemy whose power to annihilate, no -ana wan cun doubt. Wo know the inaicrial of which tbo First Regiment of Heorgia Volunteers iici.m poaed. Not a man of them. w arc ruoh'ient, bad ho been left to his own choke, but would have preferred death, to the retreat which he wax hy military decipiine forced to make. We are grati fied, however, that they have *o aoon had an op portunity to *how thoir daring to the foe. At (Jrvcubrier tbe (Jeorgia First and Twelfth Regi numts, formed a part of Jsckeon’s Brigade. :t!id gallantiy did their duty. The boy? of the 1 r*t Regiment foubtlens thought their time hod at last eome, aud when the foe retired before them, it must,like a balm to a wounded v .re.havagreat ly relieved their pride a* soldier-. Again we hear of another brilliant achieve ment of Georgia Volunteer*:. In u expedition to “L'hickuiimcomtek” beach on the North Caro lina -oa-f, the Third Regiment >■( Uaorgie Vul nnteeri* haxe Xichieved u brilliant victory -the rtiiilt? T which are imfxirtant to the Confedera cy, in tha- one thousand musket?, i.x flehl pieces, all tho tents of tho enctuy, together with large supplies of provisions, she**, stocking*, and other article*, were captured. Thi- < xpedition wa- led by Col Wright, who had hi- dur-u t hut from tin. for biui. ft was a well pi aw imp I expedi tiui., uud gallantiy execo'etl. Ail I > nor to the gaiian'. Cuiunel, an-i the emeni he eo mma tided. Thu- tar in the progress “f tha war. ihe 1 leor gix Vulunf/era have done honor to the Htaie fn.iu wbieh they hail. We are proud of them all. Many have taiien upon the but; e field, and man y from Jiae?o, but tbeir nieuiut - will live inn# in the heart* of tbeir .>u ril* tn srut* and their frfoods at buine The noble band *f thirty thou *nu 1 that till l*exr arm* in the serrate nf the Cunixilersi-y, will revenge upon tbe invader* tbeir so- . Let theta bnt Bicct the enemy, and (Je<.rgia * chivalry, and Georgia’- honor, uud (Jw/rvia's might will ho malfttMinc If r h<*iory i Ulißtrri Ci.iritutMH k It/ <i ßpjH r! (f ti> liai. The to!.owing uontnbvtioße ol th/* pcopli ol th - H“iuih, for tho support *f the soldirr* it. . nt the held were received iu this city on yesterday, and lifted at the Passport ‘ f®-•.- Thi extent of them will sbow the unaniinitv with w hii It our whole |iopulatinn intend id euj'uort th <• ho are Ctrhtiucr the l*ait!c nf freedom. T. R Ilcndr mm, $ jOO worth nf riot lung t > the 4sh and i’Jtb North Carohua H^guuertt. J. J. Hlltchcaou, $• JJUU worth rl rlnlhin.- ,V:,to the f*th, Lin, Utfc and Hth AUhaa.. Ki-'.-iincnti. win. IL Mrl’limocV -•?t,(H*o v i tt rq loth iug to tho I .'Mb AUtmiua Regirweat. J. J. lUwl*, SI,OOO worth ot uicg.uwg to the 20th Georgia Rey.mcnt J. U. Huns :tt! Thoms* . ; of clothing to the Georgia Aridlery .lame*, tteaife and W W. B*-nw k. ft.WH) worth oicloiiuag to the fob S.C. and 4ls lxi isiann Bceimcnf*. J. |L H ire., th us cl , ,A. to 3. (Regiment Dr Hlewart and Mr. (’larkt*,'?',(**>*’ north o; elotlung, iVc , to Die fob and ‘-ih M>- --(ppi Regiment*. C. O. Thururuiul, st‘,th) v.-oitu of elotking, .Vc., and FIOO in gold to tho Oils L -ui- uo* Keg imu nt. J. 8. Turnbull, SI,OOO worth c,f ,-fotfong to the Bilk Georgia Regiment. J. Wood, $l5O worth.of ciotbiiifc to tin* du Alabama Regiment Own >S. I) Watson, Agent for . ontriLotnr ?2y,ooo worth of clothing. tor tiie *th. lOth. llfii, stii, .’hi, nnd !hh Alabama Begi uaeAta. The oggregat)- value ol’ contributious th until amounts to Rich mend /.’ Siunr Talk. - The editor of thi* L. udon Weekly Dispatch is “no slouch,” not he, a lien it come? to “putting the pepper on Froman article in that paper, a column nud n hah ‘on.. in which he mercilessly peppers the raw sore ofthe galled jade of Northern pride and vanity, we take the following specimen pinch of tlie hot stuff, if tbe London man wa? in N’w York, he would drive Bennett and Raymond distracted with envy of his superior capabili ties in a certain wav : While blatant Yankee tool? have, in Par.i, been boasting of their sympathy with the de* pots ol France and Russia, and in New York have beou hovrliog for a war With Kngland, while they have been besting tbeir breasts like gorillas to lash themselves up to ferocity, and bragging and boasting “enough to make a 1 monkey pukc, ,: the Southerner? havcsnid noth- 1 ing, preserved their dignity, by wise andetfec- j tunl reticences have quietly blown up tin* Times’ correspondent with xmard* and bo*d, letting Inin apparently see everthing and real ly know nothing . and steadily pursued the i policy we have frequently foreshadowed, oi , pretending to retreat until they had leJ the liiradei? into our Southern territory, that they might rise up behind them. The result is an ; ignoauntou* defeat of the vaporing gaseous of the North, within sight of tbeir very capitol, . in a great pitched battle, and a demonstration of the utter unreality of the pretentions and the enure hodowncs* ami treachery of all the ‘ appearance and demonstrations ofA be Fe.le- i rah at*. Thi; Oropa. The aceouuts from furope rej resent the crop? a? generally i-b'-rt. Tho .>■ o i? true of tho Northern State? We inter. lr< j •tatement? in the papers, that they ield will bare suffice for hum# oonsumptlon. This will prove * heavy blow in more ways than one to the \ anker nation Fnlesx thay make a surplus of wheat the? hsve nothing for export. The South w* their ole market for their chattel? and notion, aud that market ia no more. Last year they had an extraordinary crop of wheat, and hv lending it to Europe, they wore enabled to draw •pecie to thsir eitie-, and keep up the appearance of being of rome consequence to the eivilued world W ith nothing now to ship, (heir naktd ness and insignificance will beexp"?e<t to l‘u rope, .md their specie will return nc-re r.ip'ntlv ! than it oaiuc. The crops tn ri> ‘ -'u!efer?'c nr j vet*alb “ t *..•*>• r • ‘ i ■ u, 111 r. * 1 •(! V • *) \KA\ . • >vupw*ui I 1 Hdr, koWarer. -h.. M d uuv konp u )n hand, buv eonvert it info* meat. A pig. • ven now, it pru{H-rijr fed, wilt mahegoud pork before warm weather next spring. There will boa demand for every pound of bacon und beaf we can wake in the Confederate State it the war coutinuos. u plenty of meat will >• c cential to our safety ; if it cease-, it will **e a -real blessing not to be dependent on the North western State* fur a supply. As our country is the uoiv one, • which we have any account, that is blessed thi? year with abundant crops, it encourages the hojH? that we are under tho .q-offal furor of Providence, aud it should aduiouish us of the importance of striving to derarve n continuance es that favor. /,**• K mend lUtiudi tivk JrsTK K. A Mtnv *H? o.r l'on<ient writo* We wera shown by a volunteer a siual! vol ume. with a young lady's nsme in it, which he took from the pocket of a Yankee he had killed. In it wa* written “Taken by me this day from a houra at Fsir fax. J. B, ( 7lit N. Y. regiment. The volunteer bad written beneath ‘ “Taken by me from him who ?tolo it from Fairfax, whom 1 killed in battle, and return ! L> its owner. A. 0. 4tb Ala. Regiment/ lie had arranged to restore the buck to its owner. $1,200,000 a Dav.—lt is stated that tho Sec retary of tho Lincoln treasury inform? the Bank Committee in New York that he is upending $1,200,000 daily, or $5,400,000 a week, and re quires, therefore, money with rapidity. The exports at the port of Philadelphia for the week ending September 26, were $202.5 V', an I imports for tbe ?ame times37,s“o Atnsiovi Treitnenl of oar friwiMi. A number of ~ur soldier.- , who wt-re taken pris oner# at the hsttle of Rich Mountain, on the 12th of June last, urrived here yesterday trom their place of in Uhlu, having j>os?ed j the lines ut Norfolk under flag of truce. Mr. David Comfort, one of the number, for J merly a r?idenl ol Charlotte Court House, iu i thi* State, (rive* u* an iutclUgeot and deeply iu torwetuig accouut of the atrocious treatment in j Ohio of a number |* i the prisoner? taken at Rich Mountain umi re)c*<-d on parole, with the J dixtim t oudti •insidtu/.’ iltal they were to be -‘out j home. Mr. Comfort, with murtran of his fellow prie- i (Maer* released *>n parole, alter being detained for a long time at Beverly, wax at last sent into Ohio, supposing that they war* to be returued homo. Mo arriving at Columbus, obfo, they were all arreted and imprisoned hy order of Gov ernor Denuixon. The place of tbeir iuipri-<*n uifcnt was at * ( amp Chacc,’’ about four wife* from Colmnbu*. where a large pen,closely plank otl with rentint:l tower?, wax made so Mive a? a prison. M'itbm this eecloeur# of plawk which was about xixteeo left two long sheds hod b-eii ert-cted a? places vt com. nettle ut. These were divided into mer stalls itßJjuut <Uu>rt>, nud without one -ingle ar i -le of furniture, not even budding or blanket. Into these were partitions refeinbLog dills for cattle, our aoioiera were throat, i be*u!2ering inflicted upon them almost exceed? belie/. Tfiey were led on fcaoiy rations of cracker* aji*i use*# pork. Hotuetime? they were paraded a? often * a ferefl time.- a day to be shown t* visUor*. Many of these were Ohio Indie.. Bt-uU* the j cuoiit-r. 1 i 1 parole, m"t) r ’ wh-iu wa? Mr. Couiturt, who wax thru* 1 into thi? vile and brutal place of COfifinciuent, it was already occupied by oxer hundred citir.un?. of WioUtd Virginia, captart i by the army, boride* nine twenty live bo Idlers taken is the* ariou? en gwge mentfi in the W< t. tn giving us u relation of tbe tuiteiiag* of tbe : prfouner?, Mr. Comfoit mentioned incident* ol tbe brutal apd cavege treatun-tit of our wounded calculated to afl’eci tbe har.lect heart, owing to :b- want cl tran?|ortation, tuany r our |h.ot wounded soldi* r? had to lai carried m the urm* of their coairaiicc. The surgeon *t Camp Chase refuHed to supp y bandages when they wete ask ed fur, and of tlieir com adt-s who attended j Use wounded are ?aii to have been unable to pro cure soap to wash iheir wounds. One if thcac wounded soldier*, taken at R ich Moiini.uii . had been shot by a ball through the mouth, iVariufing foxjnw, aßerhsr had tir rendered. Ahe wj standing among hi Yan kps! captors, ii Federal Colonel rode up U him j with a cocked pistol, commanding witha tear- j tul oath, “if he mui uuo **f the d—-d rebels j who had boon hiH>Dug at hisiueiu” ‘JTie sot- I •Lei did not reply, wTo-n the brave \nnkee] otfiecr, wtlii usu'thei h utl outh, discharged | hia p'Mo! in hia mouth. The release of thu paroled prtanaers Iroiu f'atnp Chase v us ti&ully procured, after weeks of gii'til auffu* ug .iuduono: indignity through libc intervention, us il i* undur*to.xi of Gen. McClelland, who had x.ium*tided the Federal I for* ex at Rji h Mountain, and had engaged to •end our pfiaottcM homo. Mr. Comfort hud ( written t<i Geo. McClellan of their mi prison - I ment in Ohio, anrl an order was procured lor ! tuetr r* lease fiunt t ov. Dennison on Saturday I la-t. The prisoner were transported by r*d | road to lielair, near and fii*-n<-e ty ■ way oi IfariisbiM-g nnd BaUmiv- <- ‘r> Old Boint, ’ Virsriuia. Mr. Comfort heard ttotfcing on the route of ike j defeat <4 (he federal (br<-o? tit V irgioitt, beyond ! >• reput t al U Ooalmg that *uia* gwborwl otji-er on : j ihe Fc trr)!';ide bad Uu tuortally wound* d—l Tin .* th* oidy louiidatioii we con foam for the ; J wild iep rt hr-uigbt so NurluiK. md given with ! Such hecdh - c vlr;** i>V trie pre-fl ut a | , ftVix-ptng and dssufeive ‘ivtory . tho Biff Sew- j All M.’UUU a. i t>n through Yuri, Ba, one of ur i . wo? apprusahed oy a rexpretabtu iwk i ihg pvT-un. Ilia tasa wbiqerui is but ear that | “it Wortht be *le.*fi* tu -peak h a sentiment?, but|U> I te’i (he people to v irgiiiiu that the \ aukec* were g'diig to h —|l a* tost *mi the v could “ ‘This was • I tbe twdy ciidews of “a Nrtbcri* ntn with I * .Southern principle*-’’ fto nuUi. I by our -el-i 1 ilier* in a!! <■;’ tbeir • •-.urn an-l tr:.\ 1 in :tte t I V.rfth. j We faavn r.htaio* u (he o .wig ii >*l our | 1 priaom r 1 i-nifou l<i tb ivn near • ‘idumbus, j Ohio, including - lauru-o pasutr ipr is ewer* j who were r eii J’be number ts ter larger > than wftioij any idea us. Among the nomes *f j (nil. ten* kuiimppcd :r< m Wulsia Virginia, are | *sid I be tliv -o ot iMUie six or reveu <>bl mao, | Ij- ■*•” i vrufy y) ar . J u.-e. Iho L/1 wail bo scann- i ! villi -•*.!r 11 interest. Let all tbo ratfontig > *nd -> whs h it b r* into)l*erod. and ; or b ii la Urc efouiur ur ey .L*y grows \ mure food aha urgent for rotilbutiv* krath e. | -niH Ajwrm/w. r, 4tk Tho li.-*: *-<• tup rise? one !ntridr-d and fitly * x i prisunwr:-. 4.1 Virginian . with tbe following eg. c-eptior x—tttuny of them loyal ‘ itiren? *>f Western , Virginia. xm-xJed fur ihtir ?out!*ern aah* i | :u*nt :] • ri W Alien, Ist ‘*enr;;iii Rogruionf David \eng, and do John i> Kieg, lintberford county T-• o. J i> Barnett. Ist Lit-ut, Hawkin*’ Tennc-?ce Lee Buy* C K Wfii-ttiing, Rathertsrd. Term James H Taylor. Natchez. Ml? William V Lung. Kentucky. John 1> Lusby, Arkansas j Charles Magby. Hot Sprint:?, Ark. id Rogi , uieuL Col Rn*t. I'roaa the Ktchinontl l>DpaL-,h \\ e cjq enabled to Jay before our readers a j : <-opy of th special order l sued by Hen. Jackr m | | after the battle Ca*u* Hartow, finer- Banttt Riv.-b, N.W.A Haturday, Oct ,1m ?. Srhcui. Okokii No. I * J The (olluwing will bo roaiat cieoiog parade j i t*eff>re nh vt lha curjw if ihal |n.rtn.n oi tU, i l*t division of the army us Northwestern Vir- * ’ -’iaia at (>rcu bri'tr river ffot.Mßßs ‘ After a I'auipaigo, to i oi peer*, j | lirr hardship, tho eueuiy, descending trom hi> } mountain fostßr? cs, has aflurded you tbe iong- i I Coveted oppurtuuUy * i to.-ting your efiiciency m ; action. onfideftt in hie greater numbers, hie i 1 superior aims, and (he comparative weakness of I i you* p*'.--it ion, he sine, with hi* wagon train*, tu anticipatiou ci an easy victory and a peram- I “ cm enjoyment ol its profits. But gallantly and well h.vvo 3on aiaintuiond your place n line i with your bftitbcrv of the army of Northwestern ; I i irginia. Mci.'ing his earliest advance* with sink mg ex hthiuons ot individual daring, receiv ing his cuncont rated tire tig inure than four hour* with th* •■oclues.*- ol veterans, aud then, when he mpposed your spirit to be shaken, with a calm determination, iudicaiing to him what hia tale ! would be should bo attempt to carry out further his original dengo-. have you repulsed hi* brat efforts to charge and to break year lines. Though ‘ you were u->t in force i. put?ue him, and to re- j ah. e the full fruit.’ of your triumph, retreating ; he left behind him the unniiatukatile evidences ol hi? route in the boditv of his dead, too tinnier on* to be earned with hiui, tho ?b**ila&ttieut of 1 trms and accoutrements, even to the, olora which i n the mornin?- he h-vl f! united .*<• incoleatlv in ) vottr front. Hobliars’ w ith prUle l cougratuUtc yon Sirned? 11RNA U. JACKSON, Brigadier General Commanding. * ’ ‘‘Vi . Th,i Ml, .Urn, | fn>m a letter ut a lueuiber us J.. Kershaw's rg ---i iment, H. C. V., ban b a f,.u is had the Cbarie* - ’ ton OutirU i Miibhid'i Hill, Advance Point, ) Army Pot -m ic, gfj t. ?X, tst’ri. t ‘ i . So you ;tre mill under the itnprc j m >n. vrntt iL * in Ch arte?ton, that wv art- xtarv ■ i,. ~w . much better off th in hundred? of I .an.ui- . x-ine 1 win give you an a?erjgu I ; n.erw ;.u i .*o iuou iu toy uic** at prepeal: we , I liaVA .*r break laat coffee, bs/cf-ntnke or iri* * bacon, and nice raised bread. .wuu*iue.< puta- ! I toes. t>ur dinner ye*tcrdv wa- roast bW, Irish ! > potatoes, cabbage, bacon and tusatoe? and rice • boiled together. Our u*f? but up t.* tbw date j j t ruia ltd July, U oa! y four dollar* and a half! j “bic-h is forura>. We has* uien in thi* com ( puny, who, if they were in Heaven, would not I i I citnuuw ruaVjgiHni raised brand, j Mnviut ari ~g tub Botoua. . Th* Richmond j ••saasfeef cf Saturday, the th in*t„ wy? Me have been careful in our statement? of I ’ the movement? of the Army un the Potomac, nut to ri?k the truth of the merely popular and : va.rue reports that reach u J. \ esterdar. however, . wu ’btained information that put? beyotnl all ■ re nahle doubt or -peculation, the iiiitnincnce •1 an early -. t-neraJ action on the line ut the Hotomao. ‘ Dir readers may rely on the absolute truth -.f the statement that the eouoiy hasenws j ed tbe Butotnae with the bulk of Hi* forces, and j that there are. at present, by an estimate which ’ put? the matter out and doubt, one hundred thou sand Federal troop- on the Virginia ?<<!• us the river. Tho Richmond Kxauiiner, says: A lady ; who ha* arrived hero front Washington citv. re ! ports the fact of the continued exodus of families ; fro ® th ® Federal Metropolis. The most enenn ou* sacrifice* were made of property in order to enable parties to get away. The lady’s own large j household establishment, consisting of furniture. I lo - brought her only *Uy, at auction. she wa? told by tbo auctioneer —a well known party in Washington—that the Government had xpo- i ken to engage him to sell all tho public furniture |in the capital: a rather significant indication ; that the next Lincoln Congress does uot antici- < I pate holding its eoseions in the Federal city COICIIBIN, HATIKB.U, IM 10VMI HR IMB- From the M.u-.u iel<-.-, Fieriiei us Smators. Several and *tingui?hr<i (Je.Tgiuti. fiave • n j i named as euitabfe pcraoii* to vepr* ‘b* I;u the Senatv ot ihe o*i u d.-ra'* t. • •s*irs• • | profuse to - >< th” ‘ “ regard |uf them. It • said that |u-.a - c >■’ tw j Candida o. i.*- • fotm.a •‘• ‘• - 1 /‘ s *•* ( league? sot-re h a*.* app ‘<ot-d a Rn_-. i (Jeneral iu two aruiy of I Is* (’ •* - * ‘•* ’ ‘ j 1 Siu<-e that appuiuimrn'. b< * a-- *•'•• ‘ * I bwm indicated, so far a 1 a-*.- • ,r..-i tR i uagbt not and wilt not. in iu> upiu.oii, ic ? • <•- j i didate. Goo. To) mbs s'ni-I- u?- 1 •■ t tn U- ‘ j truot rank of ijco.-gix’- >-uiiueti< *•• **- li r ‘ git ted at-A patriotic Wu at'i * •* u“k- ium-% ‘ wherever hi got*. Me h.)? tbe <-*-uiidyu- v< t the j people of (ioorjfia in a very high d,\.pe*-, ihl j under other ciroum.-iauce? toighi 1* pretemd for tha St-nulo la any man rn he Afat*. It can ■ not be (feared, h>W* v t-r, that he ha* not *i. idm- j it us a* early a feed in tbe cau-o *>; hualheru j indtfpeb'ionoe a? baa Judge Iverson. When tbe ; latter uttered that bold and lousing speech iu the ; Senate of January, 1 ID, iu favor the vary : course ehich hu? reaultmi iu our pretvn Cot. federacy, his colleague hailed it with contemptu ous remark-, and spoke of it.> aeuiiiueul* with decided uppoaition. W hen Judge lversou de : It voted his tarn nu* Uritfiu speech, in July I A->l*, 1 in which ho marked oat as on a tnup, and nidi- | •rated tho policy of the South, w hu-u ha been { *o fully carried out by the people, Ui* colleague | on the stuiup that lull denounced the speech, ! aodsaiJ that “Judge Iverson ought tub* eon- j damned by every heneet mau in (Georgia.” \ **t ) in D>6U, lien, ‘iuowb* was loroed to yield to j the power of public rantimeut aud to adopt and | maiutuiu the cause of *ecc??iuu ami a rout hern Confederacy. He bus done so with truti*ceu>teut ability, and deserve*, a* he bus receiv*d, tbe plaudit* of his countrymen aud the higltst f -t public lav*/. if*.- wac rewarded -y -i a seat in the Confederate Coi’groes—l>y (heap poiuttueiit ol Secietaiy of c*;ate,ati*l non by tbat of Brigadier tienerat la tbe t ruiy. D rerun* to me that be t l.w -an-bed, aud Umi ho ought am to reitiu D-*u bb j*e*uot position while the war isu.’ i! ha acquit? hui>Jf in i war a? he baa dune in council. *• hi-* friend? j h-q c and boiu ve he t> tU, still higher whshls •wait bull, and he a..1 be .tide io Cuuiiuaud ai.y i po*(ti>n to wijcb In? ambition may aspitu. To j reaigu hi? high aiiii.’ary uffico ia(be(a*-e of tbe I enemy tn • r*irr to .-.• k a pttrtdy civil pus it tun. | however emtaeut it m.*y b , would subject turn to injurious auspieien?, and ertode otreog il nt i over*helming ipp*Mittiui* to him. Let tienerai Toomt*? remain wLare he t- and vindicate with bi* sword the great revotuti >n which his Hercu i lean mind aud fiwea belpe*i to icougurata. The tiU>e ollfol-j. H Hill ha- iu losco ?Ug- j gestei u? a candidate tor the Seuate. iiu is a • m*n *d much abilii v, aud l have no doubt (hat j ho i? a ?in< era friend ot *ur great cauoe. 1: ii trun that hv wo? a deci-ied and influential Do- ! •)peraUouii.|-erhapc. anti seruMfoawt an-l Dniun | man : but when the Male decided to secede, be i patriuiit-ally loKowcdtbe .State arid gave m iiD i early n> (tie iiutbcrn Confederacy. He I 1 stands very high with ihe {•aopie. especially j tbo e who were one* 111“ pobik-al friaed? and ni i ilea ift j itfy time*, lie is a puouiar ni .n and 1 vv.iot.l e au auie teftaluf, .ut ie is coui- • | parati.iiiy a >vnug man. and ought t * lode hi* I time, ‘file . uurth Dietiict,vu wiuoh be reside*, in j ! anxiuuti v>i moke bun the.r MpnwmWits in ! 1 C:*ngrc. tie can Leeiii-ted to thnt unporfiut i , and fi ic -r.ibia poi lull without upp—itfoii. He : ought, in my opinion, !-• be rutixfied with that j office :.n > present !• m .he otic he ii*<w Ulle j with-! -oil .ibiidy, an *ur will t>e ail the mure u-’oiul c: >t from Uj parL-xmeutarv e.xperieti* e wiii hl .- !.* .a-t attained, i trust tbat Mr. Hill he content t> atn> lii.* ilistnct to retain hi? | eminent ..tvi-r in >ue House of Rcprvweft tali res, ! and that hv wnl no* jirtwiit his* for the j [ . uni by rod t iwt#* healed content j | will, nider ft :>A U*r tuhut*. I am olcarlv us j ( tbe q ift. -i ibid yuaoger m;i who t < but go t i the eld, ahuuht ytvlii the higher and graver of. i ■ far! ol the nation in tbv fray heads and Nest r*, t who. I. ~ i<a |iei h.*tn-c to fight, may \H render ! bigthy iiupurUnt service in the council* ut the 1 Cobfiedsw* >. 1 gratify i-roler, ands think all j : cuusuler**’ mro wi-l rcc with me, that the ; 1 Senate c th. • *■ - • • ; should be fill- I od by kuch i.ivfi ~Jc&kins, Lumpkin. ! ! Subet, Craw fiord and ihekr evaywr? in n"e. ex i periencc, wiufoin and patriotism. It i? uuderatoto that Judge Ivuraon will lc a i candblate for tt*- Senate at the apfiruaching •*?- ! mob f tho legi>l*tare. No man within the ; : liuiite of the State more richly dc-or. c- tHe lion i or than he In every poxitferi which the i : ha* hitherto placed Ltea, he bn* ctved for well j l and faithfully. Who will deny t*. at die proud j I place which Lcurgia uow ocvupiua auioftg the | [ iuiemoNt of the Ci’ufoder/itc State- i- due in a ! great meacure to tbe wi.d< m of hi.- counrela, | ml t<> that sagacity which foresaw the iiu|>en<t ! mgaturm nnd warned her of her dangerits to j the heat moment of hi-career it> the Senate of the ! I Sited State? Oongre-e, he • mie-ted every inch j us ground with the etiemic? of the South, and j 1 -fuol at hi 1 ’ post a tearless defender of tho t'ou -1 Mittilfor!. exposing tbe purpose? and acts of thoso . who were -rekiiii’ so < vi rloap it? barrier?, aud to pervert it? puwrrsfo the uc truction of tbe guy emanewt. a tbe pillar? us tbat once noble fab ric were t< ttering to their fall, with boroiog curse* upon his lips, for those whose guilty baft*]- ! j had dune this work, he left tho Senate ehateber | in obedience to the mandate* of hi* native State, and unmurmuringly took hi? place a? a private cirtseo. while other?, le?? prompt and dc'-ofi \ | their stand f>r uthern ir.dcjwu i;t.. *. ,-.£*fr!y sei/sd and proudly wore nil those honors, which, -i ■ e been tii Hstribnt v, would have been *h.ired v* ii him. Georgia not continue to bestow at! her fawrs upon those who entered tho field at tbo eleveuth hoar, neglectfeg him who } bore the burden and beat id’ the day Let her ‘ not ungratefully forget him wlfo, disregarding tho selfish policy us mere parti’.n-. dc pito tbe cla mors oi political enoicie? r.nj the remonstrance? of our over-cautious friend-, warned his country men that the old hip was fast going down lot- j neath the raging tempest, cried aloud to the faith ful. to man tbe life boat*, ply their ar? wit!, all power, and speed away to tho shores us n South era Confederacy. Aud now that the sound beam*, the unbroken p:irc and untaltercd *aUs of tbe old wreck have been fitly framed July a now nnd nobler ship while the gallant crew, with linn a?.uiranee, tread her steady deck, nnd launch her, with (nil ?,-il?. upon tbe unknown deep, let them o and |Vrcr*t tho faithful pilot, whose c)e;*r ringing v i e *? lir?t heard above the clashing wave , nnd wh. fin?er first pointed to the port of ?*fe/v. JrSTDT. i urn the Mont;’ iiiinv Au*,*n -.i. MORE NEWS FROM TENSACOLA rME EXPfIMTKIN W SANTA USA ISLAM. AN Accor N’T FROM 1)R. MANIA. A n,,l ilu> .’.'llfusioa nil uncertainty afcou- reports fraught 0y pa ssnogvrs sail lei IMS % this moralags train from Penmen!., we lia.l atmost despaired of obtaining anything approaching rchnWlMy. \V fortunately, how i". t-r, Found Or. Manly, who happened lo he al Ihe menu of anion on > peaceful mission, Irani wboln a’ e received a connected account. Or. M's wei! known accuracy of judgment will, we trust, is? a sufficient apology for the unwarranted uae of 1 , name. Kvemhnu; w as still .n t onfio.on win a Hr. M. i. ;t al nine o'clock lost to. In, ami the statement lie yaw “* was Os course, made up ftoin lha sifting „f the persons! narranv.-s of persons more or less reliable. whom he beard relsle tliem voeler isy lira aeeouut is suUtanliallv as follows -1 i'a Tuesday nn-lu. about Id o clock, some | twelve or lillecn hundred of onr Bren, under | command ot Brigadier li,u Aider. i tliebnv in two aw ill atsunier- nnd s.srvs at. itched to l Oem The men were picked, gen ernlly from fourteen to se.. uie. ii uics . . , menlefnmr Al .. luma. I'loiids, (A ‘t t.s. I ..iiisiina and >1 .... sippi: no full company being taken, except perhaps, the t'tineh Riflua, from tieor-ia. The parly diserullurked fr,>m a point opposite Pen sacola, near Santa H„an Island, about live boles from Fort Pickens The men had to wade, ami some of them lo swim lo reach the beach. Suite of their cartridge, the -to wet. landed on the Island, they wore divided Olio two -quads,one proceeding directlv across to Ibe Southern beach, beyond Billy \Vi:sun' ’ imp. and the other marched down ibe North cm beach, opposite each other. They killed the sentries as they went, some ail in number -piked the guns, set /ire to the cabins in which the Zouaves were camped, and shot them ns ll **y fan oet All aeree that the Zouaves ran incontinent!/ lor Fort Pickens. Thev rarely loolnsl buck or slopped lo lire at our boys, hut shot as they run. They had thrown up some -ami hanks, but none of their big gU na mounted, (fur men took over a goodly nuan. uty o/ rat tail files, with which they wcurolv spAed every gun eaenpl two. They burnt all Ihe houses and stores, except the bo'spilal. she only tomudable resistance was from some I , S. regulars, sent out from Fort Pick on. to redeem the ground which the cowardly Aouavea Imi abandoned. The regulars, how ever, fiudmg our Ibrco larger than they usd expected, seemed to have become panic strlc hen. and retreated until our men were in the act of returning from Ihe Island in obedi ence to the signal from the Nary Yard,— They than advanced and tired deliberately at our lueit) i*iddVJ Up iu the boat-, aud d.d them noire damage ll*un riuy fi.ul received •tuning Hie tifl” 't’ 11,sst 4>laud, ii w >at (hm liitou that Gen. AnlefoOn wa* woiul| m il, r nr tut Two or tiir e gun? were afoo nred nt I hem when doling, trpm Fort Bu-k* n, with out elicit Our lUeu supplied theuisclvoH well with siuhll rui* that they took trom tbe*ftJuy, They ai -• i killed m e negro aud captured auothyr. rev :• ole*'n i risuner? were aeeu (but they brought b ek how many, if any uiore, it not known ♦ -lie account said tbe notorious 001-nel, Lilly U iLuii, had ui ula a straight run froiu bi* umr q iet tu Ihe Fori, Another accuout from one ot •ue captured prisoners stated that be bad not | #U pt at camp that Dtgbt as usual, having remain cl at Fort Bu-kcns. All statement* from our men who participated agree that they killed be . tween (wu ami time hundred of the Yaukei-*.— ! Our fort* in killed aud m using is forty, and .10 wounded, five of wfi(-n\died yesterday. Moat of <-ur lo*?e? i* a'tribuud tu r<>a* tiring, when uur iiieu were ab*<oti*g at the Zouave? troiu uppu- IMte Mdes, and to tfoir not being aide to distia g tib the badge of their imuradws in the darl - ness of the night, and shouting one another, l.icut C'ayer, when *u lari, wa? on the beach |in a wounded C itidilmo. trie trivud* who had him iu charge, bsd carried him two or three } mile*, and were finally compelled to leavt him t. • save tbenitlvM. lie had requested iheui to do ! ? > pfeviottsiy, but tby clung to him to the 1m , uiuiQrut and then j ‘it i uicu r hi? bead fur a • pilfovv. He wa? shut in the thigh, and wa* inu’ b I exhausted from l*h v-l.n-r. He fought gilfeotty ia* lung u*- he could. Ii i? supporeH he *vd*tu i ken prisoner iu Ibis helpless comiitiuu by the Yankee*. ('apt. Nelm. of one of th* Georgia eotupuniea, was kilted, whose death was groatl.v regretted. Notwtlllatondfeg tuy uufonunake .to.-uUnt? re (erred to ovciriuuing the *th ••( yr tunny u| our brave - ■•lit-***, the object of Use * xpefiition wo* uutaplelelv accomplished, and the result was highly saririavtory and inspiring to the offices* and ucu of <-ttrarmy. The ouiy übjeet cunuu. plated, whr the breaking up ol Bilu-y Wilson'.-’ i-atup and not the taking of Fort Bi- ke'i *. Tbi? wii> d-u e # iwpletety. NN- ariillery wus taken over-only mud It ami?, pik axes, lm balls, and file?- A receive b ro, cuftipceed u; the remainder of the slh (leuryia Regiment, hsri started over to reinforce out teen when the tig nail were find by den. Bragg fur the body ).,, (he Islatil to relurn. it w. about V o'clock in tbe morn lug, they Lad be* o entirely’ sucutsafui and beine iu danger us h iug surrounded by tho fleet and tbe force at Lichens, it w# thought i prudent fur the troop? to raeros* the Hay. M*j/ j Yu Iges, one ol tbe “dtaiteguLhed’’ Yankee pn . oner* taken, tubi our officers that ( 01. Brown, , the command* r of F-*rt Bi ken-. “ uuld open In j b ittcri* * on them yesterday or last night, but j up tu it o’clock wbeu tbe (rain iett, no deuiutt ?tration had been made. Uur w- umied were be ing well car*’ fur by the Lube? nt Ben-acute. We give beb'W (he (ulbwing additional de -1 (ail# from the Beuia- uln observe! On night t.!**rc la-t a parly of C**ul> derates, , sbatfeusui here aud *i tbe \y \ atd, went over j (•• Satjta R sa 1 •!iml. under ihe caumand of j Brig. He* Amh r*. . n iimnder iu-chief. Cni [ J:wi*i n < t the u n (ie,.ra! Rcutnent, Col. Chal j liters ‘bu V'b Mia. i- --pi ‘ Kegtmuat, at and Col j Aoder - a . t ific 1.-i H rote lligiuteai,each cum • ms!. iirg their respective diTi-. ‘ti?, tu give Cub < Billy W4i*un aaurprue it may he well lu remaik (bat \\ iteon and bis | pirate? have icon sometime fixing ibeiußelvt* j couiforiubly un lh Utemi, and 1 1,ut they had 1 built a large Storehouse and filled it with jio ■ visions. This uur buy* thoui;bt too good for nu< b i men and we*e dctei tuioud t->destroy them. They : cruased uvi-r tbe Lay uud uiarcbed up the beacb, i killing picket? whenever hailed by one, aud up . • n arriving near enough opened tire upon the ! YriuVce-, who bad by this time beiotue aroused, , and reiurm-d ihu fire. For two or three huu>* j ‘.he sViruitehiug w:i? kept up, when -nr ?i.le wete ! ordered tu charge Kayn net.*. Tin- the Yank ■ < ouid nt ?tnd. ami ti*Mi toward? Fort Pickem. Our uwa thi* proceeded to burn everything they Could laid—tout.-, thw huge storehouse, lugetber with the provbiuti', A.,, making u couipieti ma*? of r: ui of lu- ni--e encutupmenl ot the s ituTiou? BU’y and his thieve?. They ev en gath erel tbe tptendtd , mi tell by ihe Irighieued ami J cowardly validate, nud piled tfoiu up and burue them, for. fur spikit . a uuuiLr us found in | tha h'lfe.- ;•?. an.l Miming tbo c.-uritiges ol the [ .teinc. This is ju*.r retribuifoi ur ttie #c* of burning the - Judah ’ sematima ago. ! We ~.n -t “ate j-m .uvalj tha lu*? on either j ride, but the Un n ucy* foil ike ground pretty wei ,? pot ted with them. They bre.n :!t fifteen l of tbo \ ante* over ye terdav. ami mild theig I it* prisoners of war, u >c ut tfo„. a Fergeuut and j another no tea.- a per unage thuu M*jur \ ulgc?. i Sergeant Be** -and private Laphan. of l mpu ny L tleurgin (irey?, took the Hap off Billy Wil j ?un'* . nd -.ore the first to pot tire t<- ! the tent.-. ! Ail honor is *'. • th< brave umi chivalron , I Southern b. ys, who uidtbeir work ?u boldly and j triuui ibnutlj. It wu- a couipt'-)*: Hiect’ss on then j rD- TANARUS! ? property theyff.te.-d -jt.l wa? of gram | v alue, mu 1 we opiiio there will te: many a hungry J Yankoeon Santa R w ?a tl.c |*ruv wtioaa ! raplared. Wc po ft. pre<? it pt* cut with tk-s meagre • i rntinf of thi- This evening we ! -hall have the hiH particnhirr, and give full | stateiDent. A piece us Billy’s (lag can be seen at our -flico, : kindly prraented t-. u, uy Serueant Rees ot the bth Georgia t ,iun. flu might havu been seen yesterday morn in : Lading a large live Yankee through this city. Among ihe k.lh.i ).e n-gret to announce Lieu tenant? Xoim? and rinyrer, and have been kindte (urm-hed ihe following .-tatement of the caiuat j ties of the Clinch Rifle* by one- of the Lieu ten etna: Killed J. If. Adaut?, T. J. Ouuk missing, U. R. Holt ; wuundt- I. Ncwtoo Rice, M. L ’ riuiirii. both alightiy. We regret !!• tu learn i that General Audcrruii wa? alightly woumte l m the engagem* 1 * . From tbo B * scu.a riuard? we have t • record that Mr. J'oter O'Xeui so eevereiy wounded iu the arm that atuputoiiun w.ns ne<*-.sary, which o|>eration wa? j*rturuivd yesterday bv l>n. Har i gis and Creen, at the i.dte.s II .?pttl He i | yet ia a critical condition. We learn that tho cowardly aud brutal ben-?. °f H iteon - comm umi returned to the battle field alter uur men had lett and murdered the wounded men Jett on the field. T'neir very act j goes so show that we aru fighting a base and pit siten nuius “pack, ’ whose rotten and cwarulv principle* prompt them to any act* of znoe> n? and coward, o. How craven-hearted mart have been the wretch who tjsve the order for tbo murder o! a Wuun<te)l and helple s enemy. A ju?t idl'd will l ertaiuly visit upon them a u t an I torrible retribution. I’ rum the Rii hu.ond Dispatch it hmlacky, Capture, Sentence of Mcaiti slid mpe es James 11. Bttrnam F*t. From Uu Burnum ju t Arrived fr .ui Keulnc.kv T hare übLiiucd the lotfowin; i-cu, .f lntn t (NW.-erningthe whamabowts and doing? *f the Confederate fbfoe* u*fer (lm. Buckm-i The(Jeuerai makc.i hi? headquarterk at R..ti ling tirccn and i* at present oceuj vmg hi? foicc. of sente 2(.OUW men iu ( tearing iliu Umn river country of tbe Union * Limp?, preparatory to mu advance upon the Liacoluitsw at LiuaUthri.uu, which they hold with f>,tho inou un ter the turn coat Kou.-*eau. Buckner ba? dispomed the rnianist? at (dlu?gow, made them .-wim the riv er at Cluverpurt. and poll up stakes at Hopkm? viife, capturing all tb* ir arm* and muolti .n-. He ha? taken p->?M - mu of the railroad t.. wiib in u few mite? us Klirnbetbtuwn. and cuu-u. plate? an Hdvan -c at an early dv upon (bat pls<-*. Both parties are font tying thewnelvaf, wherever they g.. TTm (Junlcderate force is made up ol three Mo-iswippi regiutem*, seven T*ttne?ee and 12 of keutucky, with Kentui k ian- rallying tu lhor tandorJ by whole rcg< meats. Shortl.) alter their advance t<> Bowlin , (ireen, rien. Buckner found it uecussury to so .i dispatchr? to OwensLoru', on the rihio rivet. Tbo routo lay thru ugh a hot Fni-.n dtelricf,nd wh'c < ras held l Fob r*l troupe from Kvan?v J!e. I:, diari:*. Mr bsrn v.i v, v <mliert-d . v t ;,„ .i patches, 11c -tuned . u tile 1 lh „1 ,-cplciabsr on tha 2tb be was Captured near llanford by soma 4*ll of the eaemy. Whila tkr.v ihr.v eel. taking him to headquarters, he excused h m c'’ for ain mem .and itetmycd bis dii| aeh. Arrivsdnl Hartl'aVd, they rear, bed him tber oughly. but found m.liuue abd were on iks pmat til letting hitu g<, whvn u rouut fame m with hit paper- Urup, Iragment . They jut tbt together a # ti-l dot ipb<rcd the CDIUOtI, an-l bolding a court martini, ta&teooed Mr. Liurnntr to b ihot neat mum.og. I Miring the night the enemy wura joined ljr another Federal regiintmi tinder Col. Tlawkinr. who reported that tU® then sand Cotfadera-e troop# were <.n their trail. J'uth regiment# thrn retreated to Owenrhon where .Mr. Htirnaiu wa.* fortunateenough to have an interview with thy j.yrnoti.w to wb<>ui the di patchc? were addro#il. and the ohwer* of hi journey were ueeutup Imbed, the lock* on ‘ireen river were blown up the next night and naviga tion topped. lie then tamed hi* attention f hi* own i>at ?y. 0-l llawkin# am a relative ot hi*, and reprieved Kiiu fora .-hurt time anil 6y mean* of the coo'itarngn a<l a Federal uniform Kindly fund? had by a friend in the enemy’* rank* he er- nped, horse,and #tru*k out lor Howling <iiocn. 17: nine* doinnt. Un tba road ho met with both friend* and foe* * roar rested twi y, and finally got home with the a*, eistan-e of Mr Todd. hrother-in law f Lin- coin, and brother of tw” gentlemen nowin the ronfodorute service in Virginia. *Mr. liurnam’ brother U Adjutuot nf tho l#t Kentucky regiment at Tairt'ax Court House The Federal treated him very well wbiie they had him j but they were tba worst seared set of taen ha ever saw when the report of tha advance movement of Confederates reached them they never thought of making a *taud. only of re treatiog Your*, truly, KWTUCKUar.