The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 21, 1861, Image 1

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(OI,mITT \ WAKKK.Y Proprietors. Volume XVI, caU'HHIH, TIJKbUAV .tH'TOBKR 15, I SOI, Casc >kmviks, Brunt-wick, <ta. I Oct. loth, I SOI. ) Kii.hrt l ‘"/uhlbut Dit-ilj Times’ Dear Mr: At an election of office) - f.*r tho kth Regiment Georgia Volunteer the follow ing were el©;tod Colonel C. A. 1,. Lauitr of tins uunah. Lieut. Cul, - James Mi;Donald, of luK Hl*. Major - John 11. Lamar, of Macon. TheJjlli i 6 a tinea body of men a** tie. r. ,a baa Rent to the field. Your*, Ac. I*. Letter from Pensacola. IWlfru lira;; an.) Ilr.>n I’lnsAftti.A, Thursday, Oct. If. t\l. Brown will allow any comfort* ornecesMi ’ rie* to be win over to oar wounded and prisoners ; in hi* bands. Our tut nln Riiken* all fpoak wc 1 ul their treatment by the enemy. Gur dead have been brought over for burial. The baggage of Major Yog L-, *ut log prbun er. wo sent over this evenin’, and a* be haa gootl liceoutm.nlatb*! - assigned bint be eau n<>w make hinve!f a* comfortable n- cirmi instance* admit. Our Mobile artilit'.y L.;. - who wen’ over with I only their fide ariu*. came back with four mu a- ‘ ket**, cartridges and .-ther avettlu of the fray. 1 have no tune before the cars leave to get up letter no>re at length. I endow authenticated •-opies of the •II pitul Correspondence” between i Gen. Brfg and Col. Brown ‘lJielalter him ac- j trd very badly in thi* matter, hi- course being | altogether ui.military i*c. . riliv., to n-a,,©s of t civilized warfare, and difgraceful and di-hon*•ru ble to his position, betray ir.; the ox a- p.©ration and retaliatory -pint of h <mred and irascible mind. Th® re*pn*e <-f “'n. Bragg to hi- . in manicati- n show - him up fairly beforetl.■ world Harvey bad much betn r I ecj . o- I, and n l “let hi* angry passions ri*©.” *’ bad hoys are o-d apt ii Tho following is the c* i rv*p> s. It • COL. BROUN TO i IN. BRAIL. tliifnjfla iitkrs. llr i-au niKNr i t l ii i y, ( Furl Pickens, Oct. ith, I <l. i Bik I observe this morniug.for the first time. ■ y fllow dag, hoisted over a Urge building, di rectly in trout ot my butteries 1 also tinder •land that officer * wive* and . bildren ur© in the adjoining buildings. 1 *b> n.*t mat < wut u the tick, women, or children Tire building* will necessarily be exp* od to my hre, should there be a bombardment, and they are I.asides subject under th ‘ to be used h tx protection to any of your u o| , that may be ‘bettered behind or before them. 1 therefore give you this noti e, that the rink, the women, and the children, may be removed. >o that if tired on, the responsibility urn rot where it belongs. 1 am, very re • peels,*!’ , 1 •'Ldt ri’i iSigned 11ARVKY BROWN. ('olonrl t imnandti. r j Brigadier Gen. Bratton Bragg. Commanding troop-*, near I';- • ol.i. CmKX. BIUG G TO COL BiiOW \ Hbal'.i a men* Taoocs C, S , mak Pensacola, Fla., Oct. D, I '*l. j Sin 1 received, Into last eveninf, y<mr om municatioo of that date, with profound -t it ishment. The building on which you bad tor the first time observed a yellow flag bn been j well known t * aßyour command, a* well an t* lire L r . tt. Navy, as the military hospital of thm elation, and now usnl for that purp* <■. (tealing with one who bad been an oil brother soldier of high reputation, 1 had hoped that our intercourse and conduct in the Jiostile uttituile in which wear# placed w ould be mark ed by all the courtesies and amenities of . ivil* i*ed warfare. But it seems from your i-emiiiii uication that you claim ilia right t” vudAie j the Hospital Fla .’ ■■■<( m.o- ,t m,n/ be o!-n ■!. Ad- j mil this principle and vve revert to a state of j burbarism. The sick the woman and children, : uud prisoner.-*, must become object* of vni- ; geance; the white flag must be abolished; •Beauty and Booty,” “Kupe and Rapine,” must follow in the track of a victorious commander, i decline your invitation to make these the ob jects ol war. Your Hospital Flag has been and shall be respected. In the a flair of Tuesday night, your Hospital, with its inmate*, was in our lo*a**inn for at least one hour, and, as far us I can learu, my orders to scrupulously respect (•oil* were rigidly enforced. Ottr Hospital, and tlia two adjacent build ings, occupied by medical officers, will contin ue to* be used lor legitimate purposes. Noth ing has’been or will be done to attract your hre. If, under the-e circumstances you should put your threat into execution, which would j only be in accordance with the acts ol some o l j vour brother commanders, of little experience j in the custom of war, 1 -hall take care that the J isct shall be made known, that it may receive, 1 unit will deserve, the execration ofihe ci vib ; /•d world. I have, the honor to be. Your oh t m tv i, BRAXTON Bit Ai J< •, Major-General Commanding, j fed. Harvey Brown, Commanding I’. S. F"j. e* j m the Slate of Florida, Fort Pickens. Yi i.i ibis Aekivsi..- - ‘Vs hare evidence that j m Uritish vebel has arrive*! nt sCunfcderate j. .rt wdhin the past week, from Nioa Scotia, With a valuable cargo, consisting chiefly of army sup plies, such as clothing, blank©!*, me- beef, but ler, crackers, lc. Ac. Wc congratulate both the army and tho good people of the port where she put in for the timely aseistmice.— Satan h llr puhttenn. _ Lm i. I. A. \u.a* Lieutenant Mdtn. | death been ttnnnunccd m nnue< lion with the battle on Santa Koixa Island, wan a native of Libert county, Go. lie studied law under Judge Thomas and, when admitted to the bar, commenced two pru> .w oof hi* prole - ! •ion in the town of Wumiitoii. Ho we* • delegate to the National Democrat u: • invention, at C'hsujJwntou and Haiti more, in | and was an alternate Klecior on the Dougla* and Johnson ticket for the old Lighth Congressional liiatrict Lieutenant Nelms ,* md inoro „than veers of are at the lime • 1 his death. Augusta Mon Ota. I.ri'i Poam was TnwAi:rsi> Major Allanrworth, who ha recently returned ‘ from Western Virginia, furnbL** tha Nashville apers with tha causa Gun. Li# plan t• an trap and whip the I.inoonitt- arm,)- in that section being frustrated. The plan, it seem?, wm admirably arranged and Cheat Mountain was at one time surrounded by the Confederates under Oeid's, Anderson, ; Luring, l>o nelson and Jackson, and had it not ! Lean for tha killing of C<l. John A. Washington, : who had in his possession the plan* of attack, it j brilliant victory woujd have been the result. On ‘ hearing, however, of the death of If* aid, (Col. Washington,i (ien. Lee, with bi- accustomed pru dence, promptly ordered our troops to their for mer poiitioui.-- P*t4r*bury K prut ®k CnUtinbns Tt’ccM* t • • Tbt‘ Health of onr faiii|v. | nv cnon v,.ii oaubv, or vast ai.uamv , I .RISK. j tn..r;,r 7/, 7 „n,/: tlwitlemcn Feeling, IL. u -amis of ( .ur tel low-clti'*'>, tin* dccpicvt soli, it it dc in rep ard t.< the health <*: ur mm), I i.-iu t Fairfax and its env ir*n-. (>• - •* if there *oam obvious can so ”t tho v •-! tm.-iuii i -i. kne ■ among our f.-r ce*. Jhe call.-* . Mi lay cpu.i<*n, .n uintl iipparent. ! It i* iniw a\\ til e-tabiLhed but, that fur the at i Ul spboi© to rightly perform 1t ofllco in support ing hum in hculth, it inu-t c-main. c . the ;<■ tivc condition ot oxygen. It i* readily detected iin all healthy localities. 1 tested f.r it in the • | tents of ..ur soldiers, and none couM bo | ©red in the lower part* of tho tcuts in he m* rn- 1 in -• The sleeper* then woo without this e*sen liitl condition td the vital air. The lucre absence * of this might, perhaps be borne by urnst cousib I tat ions for many suceesrivc hours: but it would j j be remarkable that tins agent thnt ncntralizod ; I the otono should just be*uflioiunt to produce that j neutrality, and not bo In o\, *•• llonoc, wc t<* i ,e h lor wlmt Savi calls j.nfci /i.c, and fonml It I abundantly in a tent In which five of our soldiers slept. This is u heavy pniuscible substance, without odor, and is generated in ecitain endi Hons of decaying matter. Its source in tho tent- is probably mostly from the emanation- of tho bodies | tho sleepers. I Nothing ptitrifics more readily than those einiknit tmn ,a- may readily be prove 1. Another source is froni the soil ,„1 which they lie. Thu living vegetation, vvhi* h would othorwisi*consume those I material*, is destroyed, and the warmth (*1 the ! j b.*dy hastens it*production, and there i* tm . no j in the air to consume It. ! ri/oiuj and piiterinc are aut.igon -m-. Where j on® exists tho other cannot. The above are tho fjcls can they b© rcm. . iiod M o think their colt >iJi• •:s might be revet 1 cd. Ihe toms an* too . o-o r night fm-v ; I u**kht be made s . |], u they moth] m l be t dosed ; I *>nl\ to shelter and kicp •if the storm • ,* I ; thud .■ the tent should always be open . the > opening*,, arranged that it might he altered I d.floTMit sides of tlu* lent. tp,. ,j u . |,. i Sl u storw*. I.* 1 .* |C aie 100 in.inv in atiut „ m, M ,*, > tod. Iho leiUs me too near each oilier. There should beat least mot r* *1 betwcun ihe teiil- s>> linn the sun may ha\e its lull effect mi the inter veiling space. The contents ot the lent*, rapeedally Man 1 keN. itraw, \v.,i|udilLlbo place*! out in the -an every day, when th*- aim sliinc*. The ! tenia should be completely rolled tip or e | moved at least once a w eek, that the -im may 1 leave ils purifying ©fleet oa the soil. Much udvnutage. no doubt, miglu be gamed 1 oi the location of the tents in regard to c.o h other ami surrounding loculiiie*. thirprcvaj *}‘t winds re w esterly. All oliensive h*. ale tu-s slmiild, of eoiirM-, l.* to the leewaid, **i cast aide oitlie camp , the tent* beiiiy amuig [ id North and Loutli,© cooking and lire- ; should, a non has posible, bo mi that id. . that the v dialed ir may n.t be driven iuto tl.< tent*. The condition* are reversed in the *r ran; eiucni->j many of the camps. The *i. k nes* is novv M.inewTi.d Mibsidm for want *•! ! mntena! in Kitbjcels ; but if no better arran-e nient- aii* made, pneiimoiiia, pleurisy mid typhoid lever will appear with prenlci vim- Icnec. .Many .•! i !.• . .mips are kept* !,*i ti.>i..(len- j -ac luatei ..iN ; but even tins, w .• me sorr y to ! <i, Yt • H fi‘ k l Hie , uiise w itL all. ]tut tho utiim, l j eleunliii.’ sis m*l siiifieicnt. *1 be virus has no ! lie.. II y Clin. ■ lion with filth, as exhibited ! t* nnt lit >*r ‘niid!. I'll© most lonthsoiu© coni! 1 lioro may be tree trout the active agent in pro- , vine disease, .md the most clcnnlv, upparemly, may •it in realest jhivm r. Th© te I are the only eriten n, mid these slmuld be an plied. It - • ! that tin . oml.ii. ~ rt<|n.n and flr< impru.-t ■ ildo, II “vrv. i tins mi\ !,o, 1 cun not >av. if army discipline •*. enacts and is indexible, >lm i* iu conflict with law more inflexible, and vvlu-di will never yield. Hu inau Lem, s mu i have pure . r eoiita>nin , ill essential element'. and the condition ol sup ply lull-1 :-e . t.xerv r.l, * r RUcb result* as me now manifesting then.•. Les m nr army Mill follow. 1 Lave made the at ove st.,tcmeiits without argument or proof, (but your space might be spared, and with the kindest feelings towards all concerned, having no other motiv e than the interest of our glor.ou* cause, b\ pro mot ire the he illb of our noble soldier s. Very i espe,. tfully, .1. C. 1 • foil wr'MK Ariox Bktwkkx Bai.iivi**Kf a\i Wa uiveil) \ Sroei'i'i ‘l'Jie Norfolk Rayßook of Tuesday, -ays By rulormatiou re.rived here this tiller noon, by way ol t lotting o| truce steamer front Old l’oinl, vve learn ll.nt an order has been issued by the Federal authorities that all eoinniunis ration is to be stopped between Wnshicglon and Baltimore city for thirty days. In consi'ijiienee of ibis iiiovenuMit we may expect a ce*.Hßllon of the passage of peraons from tli North to ihaFuulb through the flagol tiueo steamers between lierir and < >ld Point, us they irnve to go to Wrtshiu-ton to get piiase prior to leaviug the North. W'e are unable to conjecture the cause of this movement Os rutting oil communication between those turn cities, unle-s u is that they have some important movement nt contempla tion, and think, by resorting to tins menus, they will keep the Mouth in ignorance of it. it ►, j limy are calculating without their host. Iu the meantime, we bad best prepare for an atluek on Norlolk. I hkhiv SvMi’Arnv. --The Chi.*:i r • Tribune, I of tho 2d iwd., has the following. Tho Philadelphia Pro** asrert* that nearly all the diplomatic representative* of the JCuropeaa | luonarehies iu Wnsiiington, are in sympa thy with the rebels ol the Southern State- ; and j that at a eouvirisl gathering about the time ul | tbe Bull Bun disaliter, (be eungratulatiou* ex changed among them over tbe humiliation oi Bemoeracy wort loud and unaflected. Tbeiuoid rabid of the gang is Lord Lyons, the represen tative of her Brit inic umjcrty. Are there things true ‘ Tbs lirrcßbrisr Kishl >V< have the following from a private loiter from lr. 11. L Hrccii, Surgeon General of Gen. Jackson’? Division. It illu trates the respect of the If. -'unt for flie* hospital flag: Cbhat Moi'ntain, Oct. t. Yvterday wasnoe of the nmat peril©®* days of my life Karly on yesterday morning our pick ut” wore dnveu m by the . ueiuy, they retreating to ibe lire. nbrier river, which divides their line from ir . At 1 minutes to . Ih# 1. j 1• >• lin tw>. coluuiiif, with six batteries and 4 howitrors. The houso occupied bv me rtand* on the eact bank of the river, and in wiuch I have to rick and wounded men. As tho enemy approached, I orib rod my boapital orderly tu bang out our ! hospital flag, hoping that they would re ject i that sacred emblem ol ruflering, but t ■ my hot- 1 ror and indignation, they opened upon me in tho most rerimrsmle* manner shelling the hoiu.c | | and firing 2$ ab-.t, many of them into tbe room i that I wax in. Two of tbe Conical shobs burst | in toy office, wounding on# of my sick men, though, flo-d be thanked, none of inypeople wore killed. How jwo o'. ,i]ed death, heaven alone can tell. A piece ul one ol those sLelin that j burst iu tbe room, weot into my trunk, which, tell son, 1 mill send alog with seven 12-pound t ball* memento®* of the great battle of “Breen brier. ’ Pur lr‘a? s ws* not large, though too nit*- n> to 1-e offered a* victims te m h demons IVe have just heard that Hen bee bus beaten ; KoDcncrati/ ou the end of our line, on® more tremeiidoMH stinggle and we will have driven the Yankee*’ *.i*tof Weifern Virginia, butthi; strug gle must of neceM*ityhe a terrible conten ‘('he I ackees uiu now fighting to get out of ifie country. f’oi. A. G. Bit r. We observe ui the city CoL A. L Lire, of South Carolina, who bs I been attached to the Mali ot (.lonoral Ueauro- | curd for eeverul month*, but wilhr i learn that he has been compelled, by .1 severe 1 1 attack of rheuinatisiii brought on by exposure . I at the service, to relinquish his poatjor a time ! I \\ e wish him a speedy re duration to lieuli I- Huh mou.l i:,ujuitn._ The London Atlirn*uiu stater l that Messrs, j Longman's !” ‘tM by the late nre include the whole of the stock of Macaulay’? fifth volume, ! and the illustrated edition of I.ulla Kftokh. The .Moser-. Hlaekie, among other property have lost J the whole of the copperplates of their large quur to Atla* l\>rre*p. nden<v . f the Mobile IJo mMci Loltor from PemaL'ol:; tut sun rim i:\pi:mriu\ l‘i >* v. >i.v. Friday night, Oct 11. j lie i. Anderson, who wax wounded on the I boat alter the expedition bad embarked for I home, i*. I understand, quite comfortable. His conduct is spoken .<f iu the highest term** by • the mpn engaged, Sixteen or cij lileen of our dead have Boon J brought over, reeognized by their comnules j and friends, and scut homo lor burial. The j Georgians are the .< at. >t .Hulfcrcrs; they cvv i‘ued theiiiNi lvos with glory by tlmir heroic ’ deeds in the ticjit and their e.oiiduet toward j the wounded ou tho return to the hout. But where all did well it is hardly fair t > diserim innte. I We have not hoard, up to this hour, anything ! from the Island today ; or have I been able to | hmru any of thu names of the wouuded or pris- I oners over there, save Icetil. Sayre, of the Ala riue Corps I semi you additional, all t lie minim, I run. of the killed and wounded. So far. 2d killed, “ ‘ wounded, and ii, pn-Duers mi thu Ulami, in cluding disabled. I sent ymi vosterdny a few names uud as on reel Iv ns cuibl be ns.-ertainetl j Here is thu !*>** of the Horolims, uiveiimo ’ by a member Killed Thomas Bond, I.■*., But:, and j Hemy T>llinghat, nmi Cupt. Bradlord. 1 Wounded—W’lii. Duihum, Jo.>. Kins, T. Pel I Iter, Sims, .md Veter O'NVib I I'iiM'iiers Lieut. Far.eV, IVu. Barker, j Moek, Jarv is, I. U. Fan, , -on II , j Ml I mitin: Hides Killed, I -Ml. L. Nelms, 2d ! S. i t J. 11. Bcddo, Corpumi t'lias. Baton, Pi . V vl**s lb L. r Oday :u *t >S. I *u®s ; vvoiin. I I Alien. Win. I . *u. Sf \\ |„ ~|e r I I .. I .ley, K. I Wall. lb.rdee Bill- Killed, t i R. W. .S| t * V v | art, mid pi iv airs i Ink .mfl Sin ill. w.nniibid, [J. • Laud'c. l M ut .! Bi .in l Go U, ltl|ji Mi |,i K, m, in Momig. I inn - M ill Men w© i ,1, pr ,i, |, , . ! Ala. tin *., t li. . Ui ‘BI.. irt me WOW ill lull V h w . ui ■: v. hr, vvliieß 1 hope will be in M tittle® ns© t.• the .... ... \ *- w ere tl n \\’ b * ! ,fm ... ’ Fr. in th. Ab.I.U ib; :■ ■ .ir.d Adin.i .i lu. . . fRAM*.N A* . The uhjo.'ti.'li I th. cpicstraliun act l > th mdi’eunstitNtvd ad ’ .*©!• of h -or.', ut*, It ei.iup I . i mci. haul i pey hi< d-d .r . , led. > ...,.’ < ought I . .-tan.l doting tho w .r. Ld us I ngl.-li thi it n ms 1.1 the mcr i.unt. .1- l®ct “!■’ ‘ ■<<’'■> l . i all themmirv in th. .'"iinlrv ui Ids , . - l.d. but *. , i..., , it lioiil I ft into, u.idutii •.it-'I I, . |, )Ut |.. called * u i. pay ni . Wr 1 f 111. | . ,’ ‘ ‘ r . . I*. |. , 111 . the nil 1 r t the pc. (.!,* p . V . b I l!.f 1111 i chum c. I.* ct .nd hold. U .i. v. np, .>i, , g0...1*, and tl. c. 1,.*, 1 r oh. an.l nil . lie. lions and u- p.i.vtnci t . tl. .. .. m .i - there Id’ tto. vbcl.dtt.i.C’ th* W . t. . ■ 1 , . ii. .Li Will., ur •. t‘l lIZ l.\. U utter Quartets for SeMirbi. Mr. 1. kbart introduced the ibtlowii. full m the House of i\ .• * \ <■ terd i, A WM to provide i r bnildtn j hut* or barrack s “ G .ops M,d l t it hei pnrpo tbe Stale ol I oliuvs---. *•, ‘J h it tb Gov crimr l> - reqil sto.l to appmiil ihrec *. ■ itij. I. lit pin ,f, w hose duly it -bull be, after • mi nltniioit wiih lb© proper mditjiry nulhorilic*, to -s<;ln*t s(iiiio siiitnbic nit* or *ueuilli i.ast, Alnblie mid W e-lcrli I'iViMOIIH ii tfio .i a If. tin Wittier Quarter® li*r our troops and caime to be cret - to.d boiue ruituble wonden boutvos or barracks with ehiinttcy*, lU#or*, Ace . ;e they may dcciu most uvaduhl** 2d. Be it further eri n U-d, That the ium id seventy-livo llmtiAttrni dollars !.<• unci tlm mum® i hereby appiupriated nut of ti.c Treiuurjr for ibo purpuM t itvl ray ing the cm tot mi id bulblnvs and paring th® grounds |..r oati.p*: nmi ihju. the* t omj.troller, upon the j-roja-r <witilicMte v l the pemons appointed *o’ the Governor, give tu each *t im/ii. a w iirmit on the treu>ury !*>r the sum of twenty-lire tliotuuimi dollar-. I. Bo it further cnucto.l. ‘J hut thu pvrson ! appoint) | by the Governor enuring on th* vlutiu 9 ‘ I their ©(lira anail g:vo bund* m tho Hum of thirty Ihuii.-mnl di-lluc- i eb for Ilio faith fid p. rform ..<■•* .J their duly Mid that they bo allowed t 1..: mu of -ix hundred vtollai* iuii b b r their rvi i* , i*. te paidm them .m ctiri mcnm ol the 8.-v. ii i that their ilu'v bashvi;® pt-rfi ’ m ed. Ith. Bo it further emi tnl. That thi i t lake effect from and ttflef its pustni-. y. A .1 -patch I*, a Northern pafar, dutml . t. I i.-M-l-l ■•'■■■ .• t rank I*. Hist'Sr reinve- •. i. • pi the ottered ru lewea from unvil, .m mveougalion. The order el i :.i • made it afjeftr that I.® w reh e.| i per onal (av.r u* the I'.vMuiasU r General, lie <n obne* t*. rdutu to tlm coiuuiiind | of bis regiment till tbe eargeß agniiMi him ar in- ! v-ftsiigaied. This tarn eanne* tfmh excitement. Freraont'c departure probably sio-ptvml* furttiar procee.lin; * ut present. II nj.ouded to tho charge* o| Frmnoi'f c/trnv igunt price for mu kets nnd r harbiiif ami Mule-1 hat ho had tin* Gov ernors of New \ ork, iMj'..."bu rtts, oln*. and Indiana to eninpete with. A rtrange fieee of inforimition ‘ uim front Baris, t-i the elfect Hint a nmiibcr of I reneb Canadians have arrived iliero b* I'leim the aid of tli Government in rtlicv ing tbe colony from its connection witli tlic* British Crown. Remark ing on tliif; fiu't, the Buropenn Tiiin :• s.iy?: •‘Berhai” thi * uma*y fueling iimong lb hah, htu/tuimy ace.nut for the uniiiMiy reiufurcfipetite vv ii it, ii lin* already been cnl to Lower taiiM.ln, ! and tbe oih> r reiiiforceimmljl not been sent j which bin loHm talked about. Now ibis fuel httM tran-pired, \*l> ,aio a mo/■'/. , of which we were prmi u ly ignorant, and tbo Aiiitricnn* i will .oe one, ul-si, which wi.l reliov® u- of Ihe iin| illation of disturbing them. It would have been better far lb© Govi rnment, wheu inforrued of this riJiculoßß plot, .r whatever it tuny bn called, to ha ve fuMblfl th !!fir to the world and nhide l.y tbo vf/irl'lV v*rdiet, which in this I can# would hay© been unanituous snd ju?t ‘* I A UaAti I bit.’ Vlpert Lincoln, (says tin i It oi L i.,, ii ain Hegi.der,) one ot • apt. J hand.--’ lieutenant , i a Iruve u; and gallant l.oy. fit : I Copt. Sliamb.'* entnpany, be an? taken |ri> nor ni.e | de> Ust week, al hpiingfirbl in MsiOpshir. j ty, and lo.dl. bar i tmd. Iu iL• oouditinu, bo vt v, left at night with hi* raptor, when with his hands tied acre co b tdber, ho iktc. hd in j getting his p!. t-doiit, shot dead tbo man who Jia J him in charge, ami -uceoedml in making bio I e*eajj lo In I'iiiiiid lc , f iur mil. and) t,u.i J lie is ref-re ented m u.e of the brau- t and ju..:t J ■ taring bor- iu the ervice hi- < mirage, in bot, Htl'O* I'nthrtl Pirtin!’’ | Mr. John I'.id -ii over.(or for Mm L. 4. Mat- I tbew u , of Marion county, li*., sends u the bd- I lowing extraordinary’ day’ cotton piokimr with ten hen 1 Waid, ’ ■■’•oai., Trank. -<1 Allan, ‘•) I Luke, 15 .lack, j WUhoii, 1/1 Ti Ir, 451 Tael 2’jt ■ ‘M2 :is: TH K S 11V KUKlli NT \ II V T 11K NTAT KS. rOLDiMHUS, CFORGIA, MOMIAV, OI’TOHFIi ‘2l, ISfil, ('OLIMHU S, Wt It NKNli.ll, tit ruiu II 111, ISIII. I*rpisei| Ifisi liarsp'. of Sirk Mlifis. W e innb r-t.ind - .1 y • the Kiehuvond Kxaiultiur) that thu t.ovcrmutnit is eoni-iilCriii : t 1 e |duu ot gwing absolutedicehargoa instead of furloughs to tin* si.-k fniMior* likely lobe incapable . t do mg duly for any considur ihh* period of time The plan it’ recommended by a number of coilsLtnru lion-. It in vbe safely ©ntminted Unit * good ol tlie sick and wounded mildi -rn di churgod, under the*© circumstance-, will, after re, ruitingut their home* im-tcad of th© lio.q*iial f volunteer again t,> take thu field. The prep'isu.t plan will focur© fr them the host, treatment, ol course, wiib the c.iro ol ru ativcs uud friend* and the e.iu enioiic -flume* will ruliuvetho U*'.ipit;il.s o* much of the inconvenient pro. ‘ tiro upon them; nmi i e.vlouliitud to furui.-'h on tho who!©, the m -t eeoiiomi- ul,*c.\pydilious nr.d, porhiipv, humane di-po,iti,.u ~| „nr inva lid • I fier*. I ltf fmfoi!cr;ilt‘ Slates Lilian Tit',” ! hi> ; the name of a newly Invented nmi - xi ociluigly simple band, made of hickory -o • >ak, lor the purpoM- oi baling ia.non. Its in ventor. .Mr. Iv N. I'nvis, of Holly Lprii.. - Mi *s , on v t* rd.iy presented bis designs !.,• i-ie Hi,’ Bui on t Cbliee ant Imi iiies, an,l >m x •**,■ G - ed mi iiiinu'dialely obtainin*; letters ol potent. Ibe tie’’ dispenses with the u-e of iron bands I or ropes, uud bring - into use hoops, of w hii h stntidde luiili’riaj is |o be toiill.l upon ever) p!aillation The peeuliaritv ewiisists of the ‘ lock’ which joins the lw*> ends togefher. It •> a simply luetalie bund, with teeth inside the ends are placed within, and a wedge is | dwell bet w'eii, sei urinp ill* in mere will i-1 \ nnd pcmtanently than eitlnr i* p*- or iron • HUltkcl’ l**i nut SuUifls. I h • P.ichimnd Bx tl miner of the I lilt -hi A Hi, •) unu.l.ei l*;.l. .1 .'blicr.**‘ Idiinl.i l (*• • I* bale moul dig .bout < blanket I have ;i;mV|.| here, old will be it one© dislr.billed tb Ugh lio-i I-Ip They -111’ lilidci-I I toll© . pot el .1 i.ncigh iniporliiti.n **| clothing und vr. i ll* .'led lei ilio S.-iitli otnu 11 oi© ago. The tin., tv <• Utti’ liti* oto lb. cmtlert ot .nr tr.-eps vv • t.* i ■>( u. w lo tli. “jitny v.>r>.. ‘*l Bich im*nd .ut- - I w lii.-h ii'stur -. to mir I'er.-eital I.n I , .1 1.. || adv •” Iw.* i>i4 1 t.iT, a pa.r ..f t ‘ iiik. f I* i the iii. *uins prua • i ti 1. doll 41 I lie (•t iu llii'| It) e )I *• only foriv K l.:i| pll -1 <o i-, We • eb. • now under treatment at the General H 1 pil'd Norlhei i romei of Fecind at reel \moim ihesivi* l It.el,e|is, (• | ihe 4.hl I S \IMI V vv lai w . vei v s,*v ei ely vvoiimlud in tie'i hi Lv a Miliilie ball, Which • halter I tin* Lmv, in the l-att:. ul ,M,iua- as. an I ■• •• ‘"i ■ •.• •. •* • i ‘in I- iii .iore .s |, pie the I. a tl. ,i ! e w ill b, | . tii equm tin ui . . i, . ti|iu’ M ui.i’ 1,.) nnuill.s to < oii4', if | all. Tin - •■lb* < r had been linv i eii’y . . * if* ui*©i .ii 1..- - ‘ll* If. I ■ so .■ I\ .- | o.iiul oir. ..lie'll- tlu>-. u l.ii l|o\V nllir. i •oi imi.v. ‘ iHlml'i r ot wlo.iii one i ailed |o . hru. on h.vnmvc.l In i. M the but ■ I Mail.. I 1.111 .II nil ill iy b>l lull, .II ■ “•■>• vv.. i.osl il.en I**l* tl.* I lll.ill ami •” ••It-C'iuen. , i re. ■ i'. ed Ihe e-pe. 11l allel.lmii ol the t.’onfe lei rt’e -s, > 1 1 1 j*• i<. Thu contest for ‘it.-possession vv is ■... Was i opiutvil ttml 1. taken .eveial Hines dor in tin* battle It finally passed Into our pos -*•- ion, (in; few men m . h .<"■; m>t dea l or v oinubal having a*ljomm and will. |le rest of tin* Grand Army towards |he Long Bridge. Tim trite st iy of woman - love nnd devo t"'ii w a well illu-n.iled by an incident whieli • ‘.'i.iii'd -shoilly .1,1 the battle i l Af.illit.ssa-.. 1 In* of ( it pi (tickets, a holy . ii....cried with one ol the mrespeetubh* families in the t tale of New York, had followed her him band lo Washii'gton, uw ait nip, m painful aux i,*t) the result nt tho eimtest iu which hownx cni ijjed. Jler eiiquirie*About him after the ileci-i/e action in which he bore *0 prominent a pH it I-’ whieli the flying fugitive* gave the most ntgmmirv • olnring. left her m. r©om to • biiibt Lni the ‘ i el-el-.'’ f.a-l Jil t ivounded, mol tle'ii -niuiujirily di-j-at- li-'J him, in in . oidai'.i e xv ii Ii their itiießy -up|>o,oil biiMuldhiOluies*. Ib - oining, after Aids, belter .ntorim -I, uml a>< il linin ‘ l hit he w . • alive, (hough l-aMy wounded, she rosohtd at nil hu/.ard* |o join him. Not bein’ ab'e lo him a vehicle iu Wush • flgtuii, he renortcil to the only fi'tisible plan, that of buy in- one and hiring tin*, a driver nt an ooibitanl rule, to coiidurt her ill quest, id Ibe object ol her t.oli<*itude. It .* not known whether Old when applir-flo 1-yhti for peru.i'.si.-u to go l.eyoml lo- lim • lem wed bis oalit ot alb gi.tio ei- |lie l.inioln [ < bvernimni but it .* *uppi.sed that th© sordid l-l line■!. t* d.-l. I’m- ido.l wilt a while * . a huh he kept Icm tin util ly dying in the bn*/c, Mrs. itwkcU* i *]>prneeh<*J the <'nf'.h-riil<- pickcln, and Wan eon* | dim■tel. it prb- ncr, b Col. .. K. 15. Ptewart, .’ luiiiunding the I*l \ l avaliv, This <• llic r, an old personal friend of the lady, iitsi* t I upon her {’’•due back, oilrrlng her no r J ami ttiiio;’ her ? he eoitld only proci<el lurlln r i u pro ncr. aid have her ron •■>urn** f.rl. itt tlu.H ... (tilt ui. and. 1: .diiv iiig to ber Mop* /be wii.i “cut to the hcitd.pi arter* of Urn. John ton friend .1 hen ut former day?, alto ii'ul the like ar unit ate, with the addition of a vivid pielure of iho horrors rhe might et|tcct to en -1 ‘-ottnfer in the . ight of (he hundred, of the .l. ud, I wound’ I am! dying ‘he would eomt) in eontart ! with. In age,oi dance with her n-|uevt he was taken pri-olior, mi l joined her liudunil, wh-.nt h nurredoil the held and rineo his arrival here J with n devotion worthy of all respeet. She is jin all respect h, rrgiirdcd by the ruU'< of war us | her husband. Tl.clatter, no .1 old, like most of I the I nilcd .Stat< Army utlieers who clung to llm I old wreek. .and who went thrown in our hand ; by the fort ums ..f war, arc do atbiitd to -me | extent at the tr- atiuioi raocived Ly thuiu. They ; do not lib.- tbe that piiroU’H urert:luK<d them j Hud b -me, atii'.ftg whom, no doilld, i? the ofliccr af .vc spoken thiol it hard that the con . Icr ii'.ii u o ally accorded “othoe.r? afi.l gaitllumeri” in civili/e 1 wttr i j not granted them. Tliey for get that thi -i the ui" 1 1 uncivil civil war that the world l.a. cm.i ■. ii. That any < oiir eot eon duct that the Hitthordie adopt towards th.iu i >**;.• tiily dineily hfoiiglil ul.oitl l.y the mvage nljd niiiiiitlily policy that govuilif the sc. ti.ilift) by brods that have umrceded to i)m* miserable ratlins nr of the once fiotirihing und cxten.ive <of afo and pos*.*• *i..f of “I'nHe Mam.” If bin “M al.l lii: .idvi-1 is Were not making tools ol ■ i he. men who, under a mistaken scitso id duty, undertook lo light Ins .•oetionul nigger staulmg t attles, no dliner or private noldi. r of the I r.iied States need -tay uinotigat ti any longer than ho]tl get es- hanged or got paroled /?/■/, m"nit ?Jr ‘J he N. O. ricajuno says and thousands I •ay also that it i.l not legitiinute, and, indeed, but hula short us traitorous, in times like, to insku the scarcity of nuctv. ititi/ the basis of heavy ati*'alien iu prices Fmiii Kslfr Virtiaia, Me p-ibii!*li l-td.ov vxtracls of a fr.ui a mon-b.i .-I’ {'. | :. M ilk in ‘• c.iitpHiiy of Firrt Gem “,ia li*■*.■jin.-i.t. I-. Ins I'ailmr in iliih eii v, da toil, t ’ A M I • ItAIIToW, (. t. .Mil, IM'.I. 1 have m*w the pl.-.iMiru f reporting to you oil© of tin* limes ill© Y.inki'if caught the devil from *ur boy.*. l 1..; cm mv conimuiii'i'-l tiring I'll mu pickets at ~b,mt >i\ oY|. . k, on Tburiday uiori.ii.; tin* “and, when wu were ordered under ai m-. t,ir picket.’ fought them bmvulydbr ttbout nu hoar nn.l a hull’ checking their advance altimr tin; load l -t tliutiiiii*, but tbu cnurny bring ing tl.. I. • .ion nlo --ii them, i'.hu picket*,) and ill© y l.fiop out tin k ed, I buy wui© obliged to refloat, they on.) Miiub, üboct it o men. rill* 11l V poiniuei.ccd bombarding our on nip ;. g. -itt loci A M., mol cc i o*l tiring nt -pmr ter i!t-i I‘ l‘ M. Il.c t iinnoiiading wu luces ini during that time They attuniptuvl to cross the riv* r i vlina is ism ilGiuck t thi* time) uu •’nr I'-ght tl mk, but v* ii buck by Shu umkui'# bailor\, ml the ll'lii uud Ist tlv*rgitt ..'.'i. tit I t.c .a led iii -.-lining the tuia *’ t-i* .ic .oi >i4 mir lull, but vm'm- tliuru re p;i!'. .| l.y a .1 t iclitu.'iii I tlm U*gi n- in. :’ I ll I.V their ft I. t Bu.-k. Iho ‘ ooiM gin lb . on.-nt boiiig on tho x ---11 emu 1*! i .in.l iii peak iii g ilistiuieu, one of tho \ . *■- .1 i. u , an.l *keil u- wl©t IL>gi • - “ > til.’ v* .*, iu I up. ii .a . ..I onr bojs telling ion. IV.I- 1..’ I> I G*'ll 1.1. lie Sling .-111 to his ‘* i” * ni*'-', i- lu.ivr lull',"an.l lhr\ dul ImV*, an ini . . .1 > b.. i.iniy a- .v i I ■vv men I MV* ‘III. ‘ “ • I !l-c .ti .s plowed up bv I ‘.-.ii b.-diul I**, round .'lmt, c.mist ir, phurioil Case, hi..l notinic non*ki t ball.- . Mid iii.nge tu *:.\, tlu n w.m v.'i v lew lout I don't (Link lii.'ic i ue ic (hall It* or I killed .slid I• or St l vv.iiiii I I . it “in - . I Only .a..* <*t Ib gimui.t kill*.l, Ml.I oil.’ .I| | Otcd Ol b*. n...|1u11.V vv.tlllld ed. Tin; cm inv ‘• b . ■ na kin aii, but .- siippo* *’. 1l . t .'. ul .on lI.C) I* il m.'i. “0 the bold, ..lid .... I. I .'ll I'’ We, ‘ll I* .1 - “I killed and wound. I I-.. w on.; young man ( Gvnkcut sln-i in Iw.’ ut il.c w .•( bv ol.i* “I “'.i .'ioiiu-n hulls; I lit* VVie i xc v Itl.elv l.llow, l.el i.oau 111 Ik It Id j . cai .Id an t bcb,i. 4 i.. il..- ‘>tb Indiana Rrgi I mem. I In.. o. • ut.. it. n lot >. • k ibt .1, uud a good vv .■ 11lid* and. ...lie ol tliuli. : ‘Oig lib.-Ul with their it.lmt oil, oi.iH v*.tli it leg oil, oilier* tloo nt 4. 1 1 s loin pin,; .ui Tim Y inkcc ;ai l • :I trillion (~ .• ui Itoppi t il, winch had . veil w 11.., flying over it, hut lo*;.I J . aulioii balls into il, vv oil ml ing x-mo of the riii'k . Yanki© b.r< *‘fi.tfi'tt. r*-- i.'.’Ott. The t .I.onlni buy* are till vvtll. .1. f. S. li.c Honey lirt ctl itintiii'.’ SoHlWru Urn hauls. While the | *. ‘pic lire I‘onlribulillg every del bo they eau -pur, l . Ihe . oiiiloil of the s..| 1 • liiM's, it is but ju-t ibill il.c merchant nnd tr.obn.; , 1 -■ -Innld ..iford some evidemu* ot pulrmli-iu at let l the mL illy*; .-ne (*ffiv|- I. m. I” |.e. lllate Oil till* necessities ttll.l tli'*- ti. . . I tb.- .'.oiiitiy As it is, not only uu* the-e < lit--e- (• in ii il. iul flit upon I lidfi* vo cation <>| money making, but, l-e-iiles eiirieli iii lb. ... civ-’ out of tin; needs of'the ioun tiy. Il.en al.d - pi', ll lal lulls stand lo tyv . eii Ibe pi oplfl and the sii!ilii*rs. They and- ilni.b'i ili j 111 \ . I bey leap their oWll till loeil'i* g:i mi s i'ill i>l I l.u noble ‘ll llgglfS for ull ti. it a pe-iple b.-bl dear, ami Intiili* nnd prevent 11. \ • luni - r •<‘iitribulious of tin* pttople to their br iv e defenders by umu<vp<di/inp; articles ■ I prune net .'"iiy, inllaloi:', pru-e.-i beyond the reach id ... in r .l purchasers, ami etnlmrra*<- III:’ till* li 111-J’ .1 t .tl ii Ml “I vohllltl'el slues |o i he army. Tin tCis n - in i e-sit) (iu -peaking general ly i -I tin - 11 1 -11 • I We ian lies.. i.ate any ll ll iu - ber’ o| 1010 le- lbepti. es ol wliii ll li;lV® I'CCII double.l md ln i-e.l l-y trad, unniopulii-s anil - j-*’- tl lali \e ci iu l.u. at i< -.1--. yv i flu Hit ail) lert'-i* ill llir It - Hoe of tiling's, fi.i- tIII* siuhieil III)it 11ions|rolls o( loniie. pl ices. T’hcre I-, l*-i instance, no just reason yvhy bacon should now l-i* thirty live cents per pound.~ • ‘ur ex.'lein •’ - iy (bat iu the leading market* -•I lb;-oi lii'le i lie -tk-are, it any thing, la r ►ei than be.i it Vas selling t'loill llliitceil l i-Iteen e< ul - .in, m dry good*, the same unjust .in-l >pi eulntive advam e elle- ted i-y motmpolb--, of . apiinli'is, is evident. We have been t-. 1.1 lie.l for b'.inl.els, whil ll pr--!-.i l-ly cost not more than one dollar nnd fifty cents t” two d-dlars per pair, live and six dol* l.ii u* ii-- a asked. I'pnn that, last win • ter, s-ii.l 1 .-1 --j not a quarter cents is sold . M” ‘I he -.line slock too) at I welve ami a half ■ •cnH. A-1 v in. es Hill.-’ a u.e prr-pori ion have be n made in other Si rt n Ic* lie. esviiry for the clot In tig of our troop*. It public -entinicut i in-1 equal to I'li.mii*© ■‘•'.l .-.m- t Ibe money - re. . I ut imrel.Mlit® vml lia-lr >iiii ii wii see .to reason (. hesitate ■>t il**- uee-'ssiiy 4-1 tlu* < itiverumnnt to lake the matter under it- . --nlol, nt least ho inr, villu.iu M.leriei ili. VV'.lli Ibe l< gitiliiut© IfnudoiTl ■ml culi'ipi’ U ii trade, n- to break up spneu -in.bin.lion- a- ain't ilselt. There are l.olioralile and uuble . aes y\ here n few ofotir patriot., uu r< bants, eoutdit with tlmir ordi nary r*• profit*, lmv©eminent©.l ot Ilnur good ■ long i* they lasted, lit the iisiisilpii'. . The profit* lmv© he© ll RUflicient i- pay at l©u*t Jor lliuii lint** ami invcHtuients. why should not tl>. > In morn 1-1© oiunilcHtiiiiwii of pi'll, uj . .nit patriotism, given Ly a tew id Our no r- I. ants, I-it iiiu-le the rule, it need lor, l.y the ripor *l till) lew, |r (him© others, de praved b) avail. 4', worse in iu- l till)(I the e\ i-elh -l ‘.ilitm eueiuies ‘ vv ho, having mudi-their ul-.iiey out ol tbv Smith, nf,* content to lonvu .t v, itli-iiit uJii' alia-l.u .cut to a i -.uotry, th-- pluiuler nmi Nj.oil f-t yvhi- li they only cared lor. Ifh h. i'. i anutur. I Its llefraif i of \f w Ortrißv. Tl” I'., aymi nftho fih mat. has (hr I.*lb• vv me cnrOiii ;i-ill’ iillcJii ‘. iicc The ritv and New < trlcftns h aosiiuuiig ti.e oipuct i<l a lar; camp. I.very where, and all liic tunc, the dm ol martial preparation i* ing “ti tlio tramp oltbc soldier, the iiiapirtng ‘•"tltol of tin- martini music, und the rumble ol w ii/on* carrying camp cjuipoges, niiini tioti and irlilici y |o(he point*, selected by iiiil *l nr V ‘. nin e the public dc|ftii*e* The p.isil'ibt v ‘ t ft wild iiltempt by the innlev..lout citciuy i” make a .Ic-. cni upon onr coast• .n force hi* way up the river, icalling out the whole population to arms. The wuumr.ns for thu inditia has hu.l the tw-> f.dd clfect of preparing s lurge reserved ..rguui /fttion for thariontingeni of un netuul invu eioii, und us trlliog up tba voluutaai eoiiipsuies with the !< I material for soldier S\ e will not j pciilulm np.-Ti (ho ituiuher id'defenders who i tight bu n.11i.-d for a e*. <>t netuul ilclens but WB will veiituie the o|d(iiou thill 11. pox. iblo foreo which Liliculu in.old bring to the roosts, even if (hey could effect a landing, would ever r .. h the city except as Hy land we are iiupreptuitde, and the coast and river assail** Ide point- ur Mtsceplil.le of thsl degiso of dalctiHA that floating wood aud iron can uol inuka oi iuiprussiou. IKtT- < l .'Joseph ‘ |. Taylor, brother lu the late l'remlrul, Zachary Tnylor, l.u* been ap pointed I niie.l States ('onimivaary (rnrai vice General Gibson, deceased Frntn tlm Memphis Appeal 12th. Tm* New* Krirrve I’awpv B e luarn fr.Mii thu Auilln Ga/utto that Gen (Mark has celectud Millican’-, Ihe teriulmie of die Hi.lot-iii Central railrojvil, and Victoria, aft (lie poinls i'i-i the location of tho several cauipft, One tlmiiflriud oieiiwill be ntaii->nulNt each camp whore thoy will beimiNterod into the .-urviceof th© Confederate .’ talus, b> sorvu during tho war, unlcs.’ ununur discharged. This force wt’.l be udmiraldy riliiutod to repol any iuvaaiou of the cuaNt. NVe have the ban Antonio l.odgur of (ho 2dtU, 2fi(h amt J. tli, from which w# take the annexed iteiilft: Lieut. Ldward iograhani of tb* Confuderute State.* cavalry, who wan aaftigned to duty In this military departluuu!, iu charge of Home three or four hundred priiM-nurri of war, became ro disgusted with his occupation (hat he threw up his commiMi which has been accepted by tire President. Lieut. Ingraham .sun Motive, energetic Ihloh tod officer, and Itiw retirement will prove a loaa to the service; far butter would it have been tu have confined all the prisoners in the dungcou’s deepest cell, tlia ii to have lost one r-uch officer to the service. .v. i./ry'n Jin Cupt. .1. B. McCown’i and • ‘apt. Cro.-san’.s compame have been mustered into .service, making fourteen companies of Ihe l-rig Aile. The Nacogdoches cm airy are expect ••d to-day. Mnj. Baguot of Kiloy's first llegi ineut ttoemupany them. In Aft ray. Some four or five members of • ‘apt. Lnng'a company, attu- hud to Sildej'n bri gade, came to town last eveoing. without leave, r'ot mi n sprue uud oniiie in ooliisnm with the police, when oiio of the rangers was shot in the side, dangerously wounded and inppo.-ed to l-e ui. rtally, though he is rut alive. Miguel ile la Gar/a was shot through tadk anus by some rangers belougingm Mbley’a brig ede, fortunately the wounds are nut likely to prove fatal. Hon. T. .1. Divine, Judge of it.© Western Dia- Bi-.ifeilerttlo Slate < Court, dopaits to iuor r*.w tor Brownsville, on ihu to hobl (Iu- first term of his court. The tallowing i- an extract of a lettu to a ci ti uu of Augusta Ca>w lUnrow, Tmavki.rit’ft Bi riiKxr, ‘ Green Brier, not. 4, lstl. ( I'm; Ycourding to promise, and with pleasure I write you a fiwr lines t.• intbim you that tlu* enemy imi-lu an alluci. Upott u* yestrr •lav Itu v i'd firing on onr picket! at w ii \ ,M , and t-t cannouailu our cautps at SA. VI. Their nr© was returned v by two ol our baUene*, .--tmnianiie-i by Capta. Bice ami Htiewiiiaki*. With ten minute* iniiirmiaaion, ibia continued t” I ‘ ‘<• A. M , whi'i* tlm enemy re treated i*. their obi ijuarter* at Cheat MmmUiu, quite satisfied they coubl uot force their wav iliruiigh it-. Their lmv© is cstiiuateil at six or sev en thousand. Gur b-ri'e was less. Our lo.i is about lit teen killed uud as many wounded. M e learu from mir pickets that the enemy's loss was about l.u killed, nnd quit© a number wound ed. Our p bkotft did Hot parlu ipatn in the en gngeiuont, but having been cut oil, lay conceuled .tl-out fifty yurds fnuu the line id l-uttle. • juitiv a | anic took placu in the enemy ‘a ranks on their retreat Blankets and haversacks were ‘irevved on the ground for four mile A mem ber ol the First Begituur.t brought in. in tluv , m.-ruin:;, a lnr*:© I . S. 1d:i”, wliicn they had left, and a midst Irctiieiid-uis slu-nta presented it to General IJ. I*. Jack Non Inst night, while Ihe brass band serenade*! him. Gon. .laokHoii'a action yuatorday won tho uttection .out vuiilidenc© of hia entire command. M© are luoiiianlarily expeutiur it it airn.k from u..-(her iliriction, und mir iiaversn.-ks are tilled f-r four diiy s’ lighting There is n good .leal .-I excitement here, - uiised by such reports as the burning ol M a diingtoii, Beamugard in Mary land. Gen. I*ee had ntlm ked Boaen.-.ant/ in Ihe rear, uiul caused him to letreat, Ac. t hese are caiup minors; God giant they may be true’ There i* so much excitement enueed l-y acouts coining in J must conclude. P. M We have had ex!i*iu*ly cold weather here, iiltfiongh it ia pleasant now. We were very uneasy about C.d Bamsay yu~i.*rdny. He w.i acting h; ofticcr of the day. and had charge of tlm pickets He was n-d lienrd of after the pick ets took the road, until about dark, when he made his appearance in camp. The Ist llegi ilimit received liiiii with shouts, liie conduct whilom charge ol thu pickets is spoken of In the highest terms, lie held in check the enemy one liuiir and a half will) only a -mall i-pia-l. .md then hud inaiiibush until* tDo e lie my retreat ed. when he returned to . mup with informaliu)i a I-- their uuinbers, artillery, .Ic, which will pi obith'\ |*e of great us© i<>->ur General c. V. I*. Fina!l(’kh l-i fur. Com Kit*: it aci A late number of th.. Kiidinn-ii-l Whig given thelnllow ing gratifying iiitelligen. e 1 1 says “From i'll© iu a •itiiMtioii to he well informed, we learn il.hi Hi* liiihi.imhl ©uiniilioi* .1 the Cuu luilera.-y h far I*. • i*r iliiiii we -upposeil. Thi- whole expcmli'uri) of th© Governuo ut, up to thi.* day, doe© not e\ee.©d <n million . Thi*-I--©* not ir.i-ludi’ th© expeii-litiin*- Lv tin States amt voliiutury 0.-iii- ‘'iition-. Weiilxo In'.ir that thu iintliorities feel • l:ir of io-i being nine to raise v\ hutuver -mils l-e nei‘©.**ary L-r lin* public * in*! We ari -.1 I t hear thi-. and it ©ill ho ru-ii.'suring to t s • ■ uiitrv.” Tbi iinm-uiiei ineut will siupri*© everybody. I h© iimiuiur in whi* ti Hi© Si me* have i-oiue to th© support of the Confederal© Tn-aniry in its time of nerd, Milord* some eviiteneo ot Hi© ru s-iurci’- and moral power of our new Govern meiii. An-I yet no Suite ha- seriously uuilnir riMsts! ilHtli. All I'oulil il.- l©u liIUMS ha inueli u * they have doll© willnuit -q-pres'ing Hi© potqdc. Juat think of it only fi/ljj million* up to 111© pre*ent time, while the* g*-v©rniii©iit in groaniug under a Litrtlien of ©#•//-/ million* for •reel ! iiiiii-.n* abroad iMiiiteiiiplnt© thia pic lure, ami then -ay h--w long it will lake Hi© Lin coln t cranny to . onqiier nnd sul -jugate n* St-. Jhft. Dm. lUva* Fxi>e:orrio\ Bsi-mveu. llai.icav, Gi*i . ‘J.- Dr. Huy©’ Bolar Ktpetliliuu has arrive-l her©. Tho party are ull well. Two ••f tb© expedition -lio.l iu Aiiguui. Honlag, Ihu *4Htr,fi rmer, i*n*l Gibson Caiathurs. i liy reach i'd Sniith' Sliuits on th© ."th August, last voai, but emild not p©neiral any further eitlier ls*t yeur -r this ‘The expedition w intered at Tort Fonlk. near Alexmi-lor. With d* .:* und sledge* they rearlieit lalitu-la nI. ‘ - on .Mav Nth, tin year. |Mr. Git-son Carnther* was * native nf th.- -'iiy. Savanntrh Net**. from )he \. O. res..cut. (>. t. 11. br. It. t, Tliv"i. Alio* own re.pi*t, this true pulrioi anU.b* iingiii*hcd soldier ba* been relieved liom the aciive iloiics oi hi*important coniumod. I I.ui this should be *” .a alike a source ot regret In tho public and the Leneml. Tlie people wish lo*—the country need* Ins services lie i* tuitions lo serve both, amt die lor both if nerd be, lull, untortiinatriv, physical iuen parity prevent*. Hi* head i* clear, In* brum n.iiVr, tin.l his pairioiisiu us l. i vcnlusot yore, bill, n* mliiiiHtcd ul.ove, Ibc disabilities ot di** ctoe preventing thru personal and active ul tcntiou which he deemed necessary to the r**- .piireiiicul* ol ilia occasion, he usked to be relieved. motives will be duly nppreciu led l.y his lellow-cili/riis, and hi* conduct cm responding!)’ honored. The subjoined dispatch from the Acting rWrelury of War need* no explanation - |{ U.'II.UO.VD, tht, G, l*>t'L- I. /.*/■'. Vour dispatch received. ‘I he I lepurluicnt learn* with regret ihulihe staled your health i* such a* to cause you to request p> In* reliev ed from active duly. Vour request is granted, but you ar expected to remain iu coumiand until the arrival ol Gen. Muu*lield who l.a* been appointed to succeed yon, mid who leave* tor New Orleausto morrow • J 1* Hi.uui.t. OOLU HHI'H, THURfIUAV, ODTOKKKI7,I Mil. P'.kJit 4uii Politic. When the Administration soul <ion'U Wia© Mini Floyil to YVcatorn V irginia wo rcgardml it :m an cvidoncc of aoitiHl iiidgnient und discre tion. We thought Hint these restless and am bitious gentlemen would be fully employed in skirmishing; with h enemy and during tho intiM-valsbctweenlhift exciting duly, they might gratify their political propensities, lorwnnl their aspirations and perhaps do the tttate some service l.y converting the Hu ion diaciplu* of Pierponi, OarlialevV Cos., Into pfood Statea right secession Southerner*. At all events it aeeined probable to us, that their .schemes, quarrels nnd military exploits would lie confined to a limited and appropri ate sphere. But our laic Richmond exchange*, come t> us with the commencement of a warfare, be tween these Chieftain*, which, il’ uot speedily checked, will produce innumerable personal quarrels ami collisions, and may iu time di vide upon one aide or the other the whole m - my. With a volunteer army, tics List i* not hur.l to accomplish, as all will admit, who can rc 4‘idi tho meiuorahle quarrel and court-uiartial between Guns. Pillow ami Scott nt tho el.ism of the Mexican War. YViae’s officers say that Floyd ia no pnrtoJ u General un<i Floyd's it lends express the *nm complimentary opinion ot Wi*e' military ;ic qilireniouls. Some of Wise'sclUaera have u-m.i; S ‘ far us lt> criticise Floyd itiid-hislights ju the columns of the public press, to which some ot Floyd’s officer-; have i cplic.l, in u similar sirniu and spirit. Floyd himself lute iteinauiled Hi© authors of thu attack upon himself lt>r the purpose of bringing them befori* n t ourtmartial und the editors oi the Richmond Lmjuirer retitso to i:ivo up their names unless Gen. Floyd xvill ( tight ilium ull. Sso the ease stands at present :t very pretty quarrel iu which the Army j and (he public at larce, have not the slightest j interest. We incline to the opinion that friend* ofboih parties, are to a certain exti*nt right,viz: that neither of tlie gentlemen, (though talented able and serviceable iu many positions,) arc Generals. Neither ol them have done any thing’ worth quarreling over or bragging about: and ms tli*; military service coubl not possibly sutler any iletrirnent therefrom, Hie Govern ment may as well . rush the lu*s in it* incip - cncy by retiring Floyil a* they have already dime \\ i*e. I’aßgrfHxiftaal. We learn from a letter to the (Jolumbiis Ln qniier ol yesterday datcil from Jhchmoud, Yu., that (’ol. 11-lies liolt i** a r.mduUte fin ( on grc* in this Ifiotrici. ‘J'hi* makes three camlidatcs J.r the posi tion, viz - ('id. Holt, Col. W. 11. itobinaon, of Macon county, a very worthy und amiable geu tlemau, and the present distinguished and en ergetii; Rcpreseutntive, lion. Martin J.Hraxv fonl. John f. KrffLiurithp*. Thi** tlisiui."nislic-1 Kentuckian has entered the service oi the Confieiterate Stales, uudei General Buckner as u private soldier in the i rufik ). Whit ‘lVuDcssee liai Dune. Wo luarnYroiu the message of the ilovermvr of Tt)iiiies*oe, that wahiu le>- than Hi roe months from the pasta"© of the a- t providing for u uiil itHry oigaui/ation wilhin tho State thirty Ihou- Haml voluiiteor* were thrown into the iiold.There *va n< much alaorily among tl. Brave people, that th© nervicas of a lurgo number ol’ oompa nias hud to be dttcliue.L In additu.n to soldiers, several regiment* were orgaui/.ed fur the t'<-nfod®rate States- makiiig a total us thir ty-eight regiments of infantry,several battalion< of cavalry, and sixteen artillery couipauUM.Tbii so far ii the liberal contribution ot Tennessee tu the patriotic cause in nhioh we are engaged. The same promptitude in making munition of war. The State having been cut 4.1f from foreign market*, it had to stimulate the enterprise a lid talent oj'iu own citizens lojirovidu them. An armory was estnblitthed ;ii NiiNhvilJo which Im- lieen furnishing two hundrcil and fifty guns a week'while there uud iu other plucesoflhe Stuli; the best kind of ‘iiiidl and heavy artillery is made. A percus -in cap factory w;i*al* establNhed and hs fiuuishcd tt> the fonletloratc M.ii. • tuclv© M.dliouH ol this 4* i lcoii-m of wur. The factory i* now making more thnu a quarter ol million every day. All tins ha* been ac compil'd.ed uud©! il.m supc. vi*iou of u *mili tary and financial board. How much expense l.aa lecn incurred iu iloin:; thi* w ill be neenin Hie followin'’ extract Fur full purtieulars a* t- the M4*ti<*ri ot Hi© hoard. 1 refer you t* tbeir Teport, ir*‘Ui whieli it will be seen that llieecpoiO'©* uii*urri*d .n or g mi. ing and supporting, -inning and i-quippiug the proviaiottal army, are u* follows (/uarteiniMster Gen'* I >©p't V I fi Commissary Gen’s l©p*t. .. ... r.2.',Ud4 t>7 Bay muster General’s ltopnrtJiiani . l,ini,MUJ mi Med.eal Department . . . . -.i'd,761 21 • irdtilMiii© Department • I 20 Kei-ruiliug imt vice ... ,2’ 2k Advance on guns,saUpetre,powder contracts, a©, J6fl,H2fl fid Aiivuo.;© to Gen. Billow, Missouri service, VOU.OtM) ml contingent xp©ns©H g|,®oO OV Total s4,fiS7,J#fc 77 Tux Biuhomkks or nn Savannah HibN. York I.veiling Boat says The trial of to officers and nine men of the privateer SuvHnnah i* ©t down for Wednesday, October 21. Th© Prloner* httve l-eeu con lined in Hi© Toiihri sine® Jum V -th, the.lny when ths Harriet Lime brought them t.. this city. The lr t . slicer, lliirL'toii, ©ud tbe Burner, Bassa laigiu, have been reuiovol to a larg© and comfor table room In Hist pari'ot the Tombs known a tbe new prison while i'apl. Baker and the 2d mat©, Howard, occupy thu Mime cells to which they were first couiuiilte t. Tbeir b-ng ©uuiins meul dose not ‘©©in to have affected their health, but they are very anxious for their trial, and say tost they should prefer almost anything to a continued roideiu-e in Hie Tomb*. T)IV. PHIVATKIkK St’ MTV II AT l*A HAU Alt 100.— Vkm A>tinn n/’ th r Attfrir.iu ('until/, —A New York papnr sat* The pirate .miuter weut into Hsiamaribo, on the IVth of Aitgiui, for coal and supplies. The I .S. t'onsul at that port, Henry Sawyer. K<p, the moment lie ran In, went to the Governor and protested, iu the name of the I nited Stales, against any applies being allowed* and asked the unthorities to drive her out of port, but they reln-vd to d<> it. He then sent on the same day, by the next mail, to ell the United State* consuls in the \\ et Indies, notice that (die was at Hint pert, and also endeavored to se cure boats und purohiise all the coal to prevent the Captain from accomplishing Ids object; and was o successful that the Suiuler, which expec ted to remain only three day*, was kept twelve day*, when -heleft >n the l*tof August. Two men deserted, and after the vessel left made their at tha Consulate aud gara iul'oraia- PEVTOH H COLttUITT, JAMES W. WARREN, ( Kd.tori Number 40 ii -n similar to that which ha.* appeared a- to tie mutinous stnfe of ih crew. They sty that th© angino ul thu Suuner can be run but® lew hours, as it heat* so much, and it the Brooklyn had kept aftpr her. in ;i short time ?h would hsv© horn of4rhauled. They carry their priaos to miiiill bay near the month of the Misaißtippi. They have four thirty-two pounder* and i.nw piv.-t gun, but have m>t sufliciettl men, having only sixty-four all told. On leaving this port, tho Sumter disguised herself s.. ©a to look lik© s iuorohant bark,by taking down the fiuok® stack, closing her ports and completely changing her rig. Jhe Hmii.siH's enure© was prompt and ener gntic, and worthy id high o-mmndatiou . and had atiy <*ur ships been near, hi* action ill a., quickly notify ing the Consuls of Hi© whereabout* i.t the -Sumter, would have given her trouble. L vrounox.- It in undeniable that there mm* oidu who huvo taken advantage o| these war time* to enrich themselves at the expeno of the pi'opb*. The ilnrling object wit ii those sot t of men i> x* rich; this is the nemo of then nntbition, nod the slim total of all their endca voi-. They Imvc no regard for man 4r devil. iily*o lur its they tnny be made tributary t. tl.O'c 4-uitv. They are the hoi*e-fcechea of the boily politic— the vampvrea oi octeiy —m wlii-'4* presence widows weep, and the vvailoi v. rclchmt orpluuinge is hcai.l iu vain. Then .on liivxim are gorged with gold anil ailvei •ml thi* i* thi* Ark onheii t ’ovenant with HH. and the depository of a coma from tears an.t blood. The laughing fiend keeps guard ovc* these box it* ntyil hags of gold, and giin© burr, bly at the pr. senct* of hollow-eyed j-ennrv The bcgirur .* dismissed empty, with a grim act* of which Imli is madenshameil, while the Ii ail arms oft he fiend eatresses the gold like >oi I ed *imki!* iu l ho darkness oi his infamous den. ud) a one .* ripe for the flames of the pit. old should have the badge o, his ilarru.ablr doom nailed upon hi* lorohcnd by u biasing populace. It is with u shuiUlenng feeling wt tliinK of such men ; our souls revolt, anu xv© spurn them hack ns the very retiisc and •--ourliitr of creation. -Selim Hsporter. I Bach :k < i vKr orn u OiMcvn by a Boi But tow kn w luo tu. i that * a© ot lh nrrt pr.• <-ner'taken i>n the field -•! Mauaxses was cap 1 tured by Georg© 11. BsrweJl, a boy of I : ysar-. •nos .Mr. V Bat wot! of t’larks coiinly, \a. i ¥•< in thi* wi a : Th® boy “hod heard r.f ua. * uud longed tu 1011. ‘* ot ths train” of s- iu© bob’ lon dm tu uveiigo hie country’s wrong**; but, be ing to., young to outer regularly into sarvic®. hi iivompnnied hi- fathvr, j* an independent volun tuor, t*> th© ptuins of Msuaisas, and, witli u-al ing-piece in hand held l.<iunelt ready to brin* d.-wn Northern vulture* at night. About Ihe commeiicciucut il the luiimig tout Georoi* nw a Yankee Lioutemint iuakin.<; a retrograde movement, and pulling whip t.< I.m horm made alter him. ••Kie.knpoo*’ (whu was ns ki'eu lo i ;itch the Hessian us ids mils, ter) cleared the fence at a bound, mid stniii showed the retroniing officer one pair ot : legs are ol little avail against two paii; he stop ped .short mol di*playcil n ting of trui-c. George then look nustwsioii ol bun, buckled lii* sword hni I plain]* around his own waist, nmi maivbed him ofl'to hcadqnnrii> in “don Lie quick.’ When lie vvn* scut with ofher prisoucisto liiclunonil, George took U-nvi* ot Jum and oiltre*! to return bis pistols; but lo -lei liued, saying, “Yiui arc n brave bevy, gn.l have fronted me like a gentleman; led me your name, an.l when you go home send in© yotirl ikoncss. Onr young soldier is now in .umli .i uiember i>i ('apt. Win. N. Nelson - Bui.-’ We shall hear of lu/u again oq ih, liobl, where v alor vv.ns u _pl.*rious name fy di'Cilft of daring. K,-Jj are ihe l*o) * <•* ti.e .South. Hoc. can siiidi u pcopli* ©y©r (.• eon tiered’ ihe at Hsvliittxtuu. llnr© has Loon *0 much of misrei-ic-cuittiiw*. jiid willful tuiMihood .•< morning tb® iiupris<-n mont <>f iuy iiituily at Vi ahingtu, that, though . unwilling to prolong the notoriety which has a’ i tH.'lii'd to it, I am impelled Ly public, as well as private coiisideration*, to n.iiko a italuinern Hlmilnoilher xt mnafe the fact* -‘nor “i dowu'Miight in malice.'’ Gii the *;;<! Augu.xt iuy ri*.dcii.* at VYaahing | ion wa* ruildenly entered by a body of soldiery j under the coiuinand ol th© “Detective Police,’ und my whol© family, oorvante inclmle-l, placed under arrest. Lvcry room and every article of iuruUnr© ami clothing contained therein wa.- .-uhjscted to the severe.*! -frutiny ami search. All Hi© correcpnintenc© of tbe iadieu, and much of ruy own. i found ui tn© v.m-u uo*d a -mv iaw otic®,. • ii'. toi/ed and wrrifti uwuy. VV© nr© thiij kept cb*e prisonei- jV.r a week, during ixbi.'fi liine the insolent iiitriision .f onr I, super * wa* such that w© wore cumpellod tu abandon our par lorn to their oxduaive use. ami neek slielter in Hie upper iii-artmenG. At Hie end of thic period 1 wu rclo:i©d frum impriftouiuent, and my wits, two young dangu ier* end n*y wife’s eiitor;a visitor) wer© taken tu another hou--© where they wer© cuoliued in Ivo email r.-uiuH iuimediately under the roof I'btffto hud Loen useil exclusively Ly servant’ and were in a loathe. uie condition. They wer© uuluruisbed, ><K)© with two rude b©d and be.* steads, in this condition, th© ladie wereliif wiHimit—n<u only the comforts, hut tbe deeenotrs iv-i ©d I'd®. From time to time as tbeir u imp!u iracbed u.u 1 -.upplted them witn HbeeiH, blankets and ©ueb other requirement’ m-i were uccesnary to tusks their condiiiivn suppun able. In ad-litl-’ii to Hi© military force which Murroiimled and guarded Hi© house below, a ft©n tioel kept “wardsml watch” night and day at their chamber floor. They were never permit ted thu leant ante is®, and never left their room* hut tu take their u.esL in an adjoining apan mem. .*•• rigid wan th© excuniiuunication that ©ion it. ©ickneas they weredeniod th© presenc© our family physician and that of an army vnr ge--o substituted. 1 forbear to narrate ib.s hisior/of thir auttai ings ns they have detailed it to me. V\ heibet these were inflicted by the brutality of the subordinates who had them in charge, or of their superiors in command, or whether tiisj resulted from mere neglect and iguorance, 1 haw no mean id now determining, but whether the <>ne .r the other, this traima. tin will mark with emphasis the progress of tha extraordinary events of this most extraordinary era. Having > een thus confined for three weeks thrv were imally leleaifd and a dag of truce given fi r .mi return .South via Fortress .Monroe. Tor Ih 1 termination ot iniHf..rtune and happy consunimu tiou of our hope*, we are indebted to the pars., lent etb.rtfl and ,;reat inttnencuof Judge Wsvi... >.f the Supreme Court, and the lions. Keverdy Johnson end K.lwin Stanton. The friendship o these gentlemen, which suetaine.l me throughou. tuy trouble, eanuot l.ecouij etisaled by praise, bin this public acknowledgment ~f our obligation .• a j leiisant duty. Nor can f omit to men tion iu this c nnection the name of Col. Thouiu- M, Ivey, the Judge Advocate attached to vicne, al McClellan'* start, who from Hie moment he was intrusted with the case, acted with aU that promptness end courtesy which distinguished the upright magistrate and gallant soldier. The side ..flense of my family consisted in ac live but open rrtorls to relieve the wants m ih Coiitedernte prisoner* . .maned iu U astiiogtoo in supplying ih.-.’ ot them wh.. were sick with proper tnod, and all with such clothing as they ure<led (in which they were aided by the contri butions of many cit Mans;) in tha undiaguipad expression, both in conversation and correepco dance, of entire (empathy with the-'touth and ,i< the declaration ol our purp. sa to return to our Southern home u* soou a* pran.cable, uur ot landing “hath iliiseitent —no more.” The Gov ernment has re'ained such of cur erresj ~n deuce a* thvy deeui necessary to vindicate then conduct, and with thi* knowledge J defy it*, n. clalo, high or low, to -how that it we* other r greater than ns l have described it. It iv needle** to add that the proceeding cn our arrest wa* in violation of all tha form* and requirements.<l Uw. It were but idle uiccWti j to complain of this in pre sue# rhe fact optnly proclaimed that the constitution and iheiaa.i are blent amid the cla*h of anus. *vtata Necessity, once denounced * the tyrant's piss uu w ull* the throne, and by its despotic will al..u, dominate* the land. In iheir struggle to preserve ih i< Mortal Integrity of the I'nion, il.e Northern ruler * trample in the dn*t tha constitutional principle, upon which its goveriiment is based. To preserve the public liberty, they invade private right, and taka from thecltixea ilia protection secured to him by their most solemn compact. Thus w learn that nations profit nothing i,y experience, aud tha future historian will repeat tho saroasiu of the Abba Hieyts, “Us >anient Lre librae, at ils ua saveut per etra juate*.* p PHILLIPS Moan.a, Chrt, 14,1841,