The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 28, 1861, Image 2

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(ULIMLI.’ FOR PREBIDENTi JEFFERSON RAT IS, UP MI 161'SIPM. m ; ALEX H. STEPHEN‘S OF -OROHOf A TiOMJtiT; l*t. IV,*t.~-.?4)ilN f.. If Alt It ffc, of Ulyito 3d *’ ARTHUR HOOD, of Ken-iolpb Hi “ J. L. WIMBKRLY, of 4b •* ETr, r. MrftKHKK. *f MfWui, Mb 44 r P. fiAHVI S, *f ttirhmon 1 6th 4 ‘ HfHAM O. FA \N<U,of Mft linur. 7th •• O. C. UIHBON, *f BpaMiftf th *’ Jomr KAY, of <fowu. vth lf. 11. CANNON, of lUW HHh • If. F. I'RIfJK. nt-*,'**. INIR *iv. n*T* at i.iaujr* ifuu. DAvm rutty Ar ttifo. Mon. Tnoa E. Ltovdfbf CfuMftatn MAHIHEB. At the fuiUUficaof the bride's father Io Wynn ton, ->u Thursday noon, by Hoy. filter f.uti mutt, Capt. P. 11. CoUQUirtf eotii >r #4|tor of thla paper, toMtjt J.'UA .wujy (Uw;*ht<r •*! Crol. X. Earl 7 Hurt. May tli* blefaiug* i-l i’rev t d*uoe heaßowfrad upon the happy coup;* as abundantly us were the good things lona the wedding foaet upon the I’Kiateßh. P. to. Any forlorn wtotowtf or bucUelur who Modi It dWfiauß-lo enter the bUaafulstole, will he soro to heller hi* fortune* with the Utr by join* tog the corps Ld.ton l <d the liases. we merry thorn off at the rate oi about one a year, end al ways do it well. J*. film! of > LflUi trga i B. ia!) of on- of 111* toloniio l CouiiMif. •‘1 am rcaly tarty fur Many „f rli. brave follows aomprUing oat army who raised ia e weim clliuit* wilt eertaiuly suffereii.l p*r bapldfn *f cdld this coining winter, if their friends end aympathhtorA du wot attend to (Lis particular necevvity. I weed net say that there who stay at homo can te.ike many shifts entirely oat of tho ranch of a poor soldier encampt away from town or tillage anl without money, on some bleak hill snrronndjd with snow nearfv two feet thick.’ Baffle ofLciiiftor The Herald publhhod at Fort fltftith, gives’ * correct atattwaDt of th* lots msuined by the Yankees at Lexington, M. The ppt toll* til that 174 Llooulnlt*? were killed, ami 780 Wound ed On oar side 42 were killed and 87 Wounded. We captured <1.600 musket rtfSow , 1,300 pistol*, 78 flhftrp** carbine*; fire cannon; twj twelve p and bowifaer* ! I?ft vrrt|*onc end bafflnea ; Bf3 hir*©-; 378' tents; 9,509 dollars, effect a iruiu ftoam r; $950 000 **nh <>ufatne<i from men io battle) we also took I 47s pri*uaai-<. Tat Naxm CeiOLt** Cusar,—-By an ; rr,- vei at Notwlk, Thursdy tanning, cverv thtog t reported fjuier at KvmcTc Island. The ‘Jootedi.v lici hat went hown tr* Hat teraa on Afuadiy >eet Ui'rd to onl ce the Fed •rale from liietr tet*< rt#, th<M gh two day* ware occupied >e the i floritu get a fight Tho ! SvtfulU Liav U<Jok refiorte that tbo Federal* ar.i preparing to m\w •. Urtanohr I*Und and iur that purport* are ibrowinw>rer> retifbr**mmt into Hsrtteraa, where General Msaeffeidis Mi t Off, IV Til* nLot.AAnj'H*. Th ChrJe*t‘)U Mcrcu , ry of lhe S2d, say?; “A t hudge fijiftakeagtlece j in the veatels hlo •tadisu: this Imrhor— tho; that w etf here g • nt riy l<avni; r 1 relieved, and tfic flagship off the bat* the ati'aui frig ate Koanoke, Capt. Marsiiui. irheii uslted by •*verr ; ffto|ifffleM of a lighter draft, one >i ivkirh, we think, te the King commanded, W beliefe, by an aillcer nniiu-d irtori. She is n merchant craft altered into a war vusacl, but la of email sir*', mid oanffto iato ebaiiuw w atcr. Who v ver she may be, she move# with grout speed, end inekn* a convent*ui bio< hadcr.- vVe understand that the policy of the l inlerals tor the future will be to gradually take oil nil the heavy *h pj and put Rutibot.l. te their place. Our (bneminent cannot too soon meet this policy by placing every shipwright m at wrork on suitable steam veescle, to he used m the opening ot our (torta to thi commcri v of the world, end destroy inn the vossuN u huh ‘ itonatentiy thrvatea iho coast. Cepi. lin pout, C. M. N, u ho is to cotmuand this part of the ronet, has not yet arrived, but ia looked U<r immediately ; and as he m an ofli ■r who stands m the old Navy, active operations may be as fiectt and soon eltei hr take* | charge Kuo.m WaaiKKN Viß A gentiuiitfn who left Oen. Floyd’s campon tlie lbth mat , give* usaonieintercaUugtnlbruiatiort iu regard tu the ftiovyuients of uur army in the west, *otn portion of w hich wo r<* permitted to uuke public. Gen. Floyd, with hie command, left XUg Stwe'l Mountain on Sunday last, and wai at New Itivgr, in Kulcigh oumy, ty two mrio* distant.j on UVdnetdsy. Uis intention is to get a Ag|it,it ppset'ble. and he will attack the eiuiuty w herever he encounters bun. Kosvncrants fins pcattered his foitf, and is toragiag about tun countiy. coinuiitiiig all kinds of depredato ua and outrage'*, in whieb the **Ujtioa” men are not spared. A portion of la* army is in Ni< h >!as cotmtj, and the remaiudcr at Dogwood Gap and on the Gaulty. it it conjectured that Gen. Let may strt in pursuit, but of this nothing •* posi lively km",’ n. -fitrAmcn.f iv 4. raei* ter Co*>r ~<llHtudi the ul tiuutlay MuiMtug tuifimidu 1 * ware l ick ing yesterday, ibe throng ~r* uud tl Mar ury Oft a# uund abuudut mailer f- r Ulk and oußgraiulation. To alt the ti|>leai of runior auu remark w y fcot n altadat 0 will te enough lo m n .* tti.,t a groat uieuyt thing* 1 tie dream • 4 of in Y>tukcc pUiioe< p , are daiijr bung c ---couip l<*bcd by the individual • nitrprla* and dar ing of ‘< ithernprf Our prmitwrs m fur from •du % th *ttgh we hear luea tb *t formerly of uur ueni** in the New Yik pspem. Awoi g iUv rl- it •XU t l* M-.. , pane yf Ui brig ti jtV U| J •’ rngdi tUM*-r, tr u •) for N*w Y*rh, with a eht ©* t U -Ul— >, aud bon*y *♦ •!<> t •; r..l iji-u bU Ix.’u | Q iujp .rt*t ‘ *l. i(o t lUT.duuU'y) Cttfshtt to | our it •t'k f -ugar. u 1 .*< f •f. © * lr. Tbr xre other mpnn-m niattace that have i ro pi red, >o wh th w* do vam thmk piMper, t yet to adode oi hn* i*o is4*j r gu!y. | Th*t le gUOd O>U tO briiaVe that, I'l *d>H- i tion to the utikt h!>' t sd’ng qti nitron. a j * earn trn*p >n freighted with Yankie rO'V©. u alone our v *t, not %iy far {rum ibis lierUor. >om. p op!©, who np:m r tokfiow nj r© tha i'ihrr. ©ay thsl tt attempt to ©{ a ’a-wting \* I rr V mad* Thank© toibe rnrr* of '.•* H. play, H t net hkelv Uiat w* abai have tb nor ificnuosi of vhroii ichuf auy lltterae AfUir’ on tha co.i-t oi this (State.— < h itUtton Mi" r rnry?lr* KlNiiivß.*A Chicago paper ataUa that tUa bill wf tha A<lauif Fxpreea Cotnpboy agaia*t tba L>oOvtia goreruuient }>• r Gan. Fr m ot, fur iW trauaportatioa us goa, auiiniißitlcu, etf., nuea tba great ‘ Fa'bfiadar ’ took eotuaaand at Ft. Lout* will amount to dMO.tKHJ, TatiNo mi o A rt.—lt ja ©aid that tba arty Hoes Wiu ai*a, of Uallimore, uaa t laaaad from tha Lincoln Umul*, u a* an ‘iMith ol illegianiV ib tha ibapa ol $V ujj dapoattod by tut brotbar j to tha pockata of a puhl c fuii**uonary, ! Uapir.lltr Coenl't Ktptrt. lU. t th. Tr.a.ory for th. #.<•• I ,ur 1061, w.r. a. follow,i From o,o.r*t T. 1800 -....H1V,?* C 7 .. - use it a .. u* so :> 1801 *2,00 00 Saratoga of W. A A. R K. 438,000 08 It auk dividends 37 144 00 *U Tw on bank stock 58,637 7; *• Tax on Railroad* 11,688^6< Taxon foreign bank agents 1,430 ftt 44 Tax on foreign Ins. rompenles, 1,402 04 44 Intsrest on edaeatlonal fund, 6 000 Ot Railroad bonds ho’t of Pant'/. ’ in 186 b . , ... 6,230 41 . ale of hoods and pay fur stock in Atlantic h ftnlf Railroad,l £6,0C0 60 u fals of bonds fortalhury defence of the gtete SlO.uon 00 Loan from banks for military i f tbs Ftate 657,600 00 ” Amount refunded to $1,000,000 fund l ,r sain of tieomer Hm vaufiah and V'. A. Gaskall, jay master .'1,022 46 ” l s ‘.n testimonials . 130 00 ’ lend right grrants 453 00 4 “ copy grant* ~ ? ; 026 ” Otiwr utUcellaaenus items, a mure full aceutinl of which will l*e tound ia another i/srt 11 this report. J,oßi 8V Tutel receipts ~52,006,036 OS Add to this the cash In ttib tieaau ry f t fiber 71 ut. fWO 574.820 84 And wtbitft a t*4ol fund of $2,278,888 18 The (Hsburaement* fT th* litns period amounted to $1,86 A,761 ;:2, leavings hilance hi the Treasury of 9324,05$ M, The estimate of income for neat year isl # > 152 718 42, end of the current expense, $827,- 331 6. Th* good arrets belonging to the Flat# are rstalngned os follows: 1,8.13 shares of stock In tho Rank of the fitatu of UeorgU $183,380 •’OO sharia of atopV in Ib iV of Angus 1. 90,000 150 shares in the lim it Ol*(iei . Kaitroud and flanking Cos. tfl,Ooo C,600 shs/tH of stuck iu the AiUu'At A Gulf Itailread Cuinpauy, 680,09t> Kuilruads of other flute*, bought from TeuitentiAry uudrr eat of lllli 1868, 11,000 ’ vulre 1 Bank Asseta, eatiuatwl by (lrn. ifethunc, agent, at 1,400 8983,600 A ilii IVesleru A Atlantio Railroad (value not to )> put upon the sain* by the Controller or Treasurer. This Road, however, paid into the . late Treasury as nett earnings in 1860, $120,- <OO. lo;o, $4 60,000 audio 1861, $128,000. And tha total ol‘ public <ibt in bonds and loans trout banks amounts to $3,088,780. Os tho million appropriation to pit lb# com moil wealth in a state of defence,sl)47,Bs2 ‘.'l have beau expended. To this loan the hanks subscribed as follows- Central Railroad A Banking Company, SIO,OOO Bank of flavannah, 60,000 Bank of the Elate of (ioorgia, 120 000 Bank of Columbus, 36,000 Planters’ Bank of Savannah,..,.. 60,090 Timber Cutters’ Bank of flavanuah, 6 000 Farmers’ A Merebanloa’ B’k of tiAvaunah 16,000 Augusta lusuisnco A Banking Company, 37,600 City Bank of Augusta, 40,000 Mechanics’ Hank of Augusta...... 50,000 Lank ot Audits a 60,000 l ntuu I uuk of Augusta, 30,000 Georgia Kail.uu'l A Banking Cuinpauy, 60,000 B.mlt us Cujuueroe, Savannah. 60 000 Me rum Bank of flevanneb,.. 100,000 iutal amount takou $812,800 Os ine military operations of the titate, Culu nsi iuHtta.i t jitr.ui iu luuuwiug sumaiaiy Thus U will he seeu that our but# has at lhi i thirty-four lull jegimenU (sum* ninre than fullj and tour partially filled regiments, together j threu haUalluns, and utber independent I cuiupafilfft jn Virginia and Geuigia, aiuuunliug j ;o all l<> about tarty regiment# in the Confederate ituti-rnuiunl tcrvice. And betides this, three rvg uients unrv iu the State service to hr iuornas •-i to six regiment* within tit# next twenty days, Ur thedoieneu of her .’‘ea coast. Us the regiuumta and hattnlions m the Con lodcr&te Ouvvriuent servlet, Georgia har- uruicd, uccpurtred and ejulpj)ed twenty-uno ragiuicuU, ihrtc battalions and savrial couipaniec attached to fail rogiuiantu- all of which accoutrements, ) ojui|'Uient.. .1 ami a portion ot the anus, havu bcu paid for out of tho $1,006,000 appropriation, tut will ho soon in tho abstract accompanying fix in Report, and trout the lis|iort us the Guartermns ter* Geueral. The tax valuetionefov 1861, atuountod t 05642, ■’03,995, aud for 1M6U,5C72,324.777. The decreas ed valuation of clave.* from last y*r is $80,679, j. 0 * and the average valuation was $690 33. agaiiiHt value ut iho ('Mown lots is $140,711 and the in ru i. -d value of city and town property is $371, 2M. Mt-rchamUse fulls off $2,806,846. Money and solvent debts im reot-e 05,028,0*9, which is 1 ncoui.igm.'', ‘ 1 UK GKKENhBUItU EXPKDITIOF Preripititr flight of (be LuKofujlrv Gon. Hardee, who started on Wednesday last with 1.500 men to Urwonshiirg to break up Wari’s cnciiuij ineiii of I.lnoidni;i< there, has returned to MunfurdsviUk. lie w* delayed tu his march by afuddeo rise iu Little Barren river, which prevented bia force crossing, thus giving the vuetny time to efioot their vs. ite, which they did In reel Bull Ruu otyb. borne 2 .11 ut o*u. Hardee's cavalry, who sun •TeUrJ iu etfvctiug e crossing, proceeded te iireensburg. but th* Liucoluitva, Home 1,460 in number, having hesu advised of th* movements precipitately Del towards Lebanon Our cavalry then occupied Greeuabtirg, where they still remain But for the inopportune rise io Little Barren, the *urpri3# of theouemy would have been com plete. and their entire force would have bees cap twred V, t/; vitff Patriot 32it. i uk >t abi> Molabsks Cbof.—Tba proa* peot of the augar crop which la eapacted to axcaed 1)00,000 hhd*., being by far the largaat ever produced ia causing aoute question amonr* t'Untars and dealers as to what course will moat conduce to the iutereta of all par* ties concerned An addreaa to the plantera, in the N. O. Cresceot, anggesta that only the he*t augars be thrown on the market, Inferior qualities being kept for refiningi that all tha inferior molaasea be converted into rum, aa a domestic spirit util be a p tying article, that only three-fifths of the crop be seut to inarke tb*- <emamdar held oaer ; that ablpmeuta h* made early to antioipate any hostile latarrup lion, and that othercounoeroial depots be t ib’iabtd outside of New Orleans. f u OIT Di*caxrA>cY.— tba Atlanta Cob fed • cr i y, • yt : tiuneral Henry R. Jackson, lu bis o3i. laJ report f its Graanbrtcr fight, on tba Sd tta 1 ., says he bad seven kilivd, tblrtoau tuiaslng *ud tbtny w untied llasays his own fores wa J h6O He ustioiatrs the furea of Reynolds'*! i- 000, and the l< s of the cuaiu v ut upwards of upwards TOO killed. llut Reynolds, to., has tnada a rtpori wbicb has found its way into tba Northern Journal#. Uotajs ha obtained a glorious victory. Tb# rebel# wet* routed and jiwri#d. He says bv *n)y 1 #t 10 killed and 11 wounded, bis force u*j i.OOO and Jackson's 15.000 aud ba says b blll*d t-var 500 of tba rebels. v ” “** n >nst be tba raflactlons <f a disinterested man, a foreigner for instance, who has no rnaan# of anowiug tha truth ? It .s estimated at the North that tbe-rna- I tional dept bir the let of Dacambrr next will be $3 I )O,Cx.K),QOO, which# at f par cent vaterasr I *.s only 521,000.000 a vear Sopeitata From the Mobile lrsLunc We uotke tbut ‘he Uiohuiond Dispatch com plains that there is e tdfdmi In the execution of the n Avt. It would ho lit finitely better, perkaps, fur h large class of float hern oitiHi,a that e> r am pto vision I>f i should never be executed or en forced To lends,negroes, end other pr party ot the vn my, Is well enough—ya at 1 right tbet It snoutd be. Bu’ the provisions 0 the bill stop not here. It require* ail perw.i. owing titbit to the to p such Ind^btou oess, to be *ud mio judgment, or to give eeuu rity lor its peyiuent at a tut are time, \ eying L interest anuusUy. Let us ee now thi*v will work. Our Uiet hunt* have <id the goods into the Interior, lor the purchase ot which the now propw ed itvjurr'rated debt was contracted at the North. Ih* iu evior urerebants purobeeeo (heir goods on tiuu* ot the larger dealer* l outb And ruillion* upon uiililons si> now due by th smaller interior merchstits to sh larger city merchant* South; and in Itlia r .nditir n li e war con.*’*- upon u- flow much of this in enoi debt will nif l-o 1-ali/ed i< hum no ken r*n discern The State* or umat of them tisva at laws to protect onr a cltlfens from oppresnon b) suit, salwof j-roj.orty, A , bscanra money m being iu the eowutry, camiot be r-oUecvwi wi h out great saefifi'/c. Thu* lu.rcy matter* ure ii flat a ywo in the flout H gwtrdlfg, sa to ut- Land ing dehfs. But tbi* HojiiwtrHlwii Act, Ln Us mild benig nity, throttle* the feouthsrev, and dcmaixla. 44 flir, pay that thou owest” to alien enouiic* into tht Confeiierste coffers, u* l sn a*t of retaliation, for Roothem property conff*aied by them, or the rigors of the law will lie put in tone pgftißSt you. And pay he must, or give ceeurlty, thereby giving this Northern debt n preference and pri ority over the debt* due to •ur flout hem iur cbsntv, when at the mu<b time (be Mouthurn mr chant i* precluded by , isy law* in .uue Btxte* from ever euuingfor hi* rnomy, and tt,ii seques tration comes to make a clear sweep of the mat ter by requiring tbe monoydhtended for tbc pay ment of houthorn debts, or ho must give meuriry lor tbe ultimate payuu-nt. In either event the interior merchant will be totally unable to pay bis Houtbern or borne debt, because tbi* fce queetration Aot bas exhautd him. The operations of this law will result in the loss of millions to our brave and truest flouihcrn population, and in many instance# will work their ruin, totally and irredeemably. And for what ih this done ‘ The preamble to the act vsya it is retaliatory. But it ia in ,re than retaliatory. In enforcing floulbnrsot* to pay Northern debts, when te will work their ruin, is no retaliation To have sequestrated lands, begroeM, stocks, moneys or good*, belonging to tbe enemy in tbe po*e* J i'U of parties houih. would hsvo been retaliatory ; hut to include the debt of the South in this net, makes it moat suicidal and oppres sive, when our people used relief instead 4 op pression. We call upon the merchant* uud jwuple thru’ this Confederadon to get uplpotiMou* and rsuu-n strenceii against this feature of tbe Hctiiieiiratton am, to he *ent to the next sessiuu ot C'ungrraa, to be held on the third Monday ui November aext, aud ask its repeal or ossential tmdjficauun. That the aot had may be uniform, we suggest the following#* the lonu of uuunrial above re commended to wit Whereas, the a< t of sequestration tuskes re quirement* of .Southern citHcns owing debts tu alien eorroie*, which, tn lirir operaiton must result most to many of rmr loyal citisens , and, whereas, said citi/an* will not t •oahlcd to pay or further secure hi id debt* du ring th# war, without detr merit to their South ern crmlllors, the undersigned respectfully re qttcHi the provisional Congresr to repeal <>r mate rially ui Uify so tnuch of surh act n applies to debts due by Roothem citlinn to alien emmies Let any man reflect upon this law and its op eretioriM, and be will perron s (ho absolute Deceit sity of leliet trout lu heavy rtaction* Let the law require every floutbern debtor to pay his debts duo to alien enemies to the Ke oeiver a 1 fa*t at he can get the money, but, in tho name of humanity and protection to our owu citisens, let this (nature of the lew bo repealed, and not grind and rum our own pople. CONFEDERATION. Tut IVvTTSitutiox *rtt*—Ftoiitai, ?irr.Auta Finrd txru. —Tho Ku inn nd Die* pituh, of Oct. 10th suya, we tuv g.thurrd some g intelligence from member* of C#pt Cbaadlcr'e corps of Artil ery, from old Carolina, who wore detached from their company ot No. U battery on tbe I*, tomac. and sent to Kvjo*jort for temporery service stone W-U r<raf.l mtU -• ..f affairs t the latter pojur, it may b eiifi? to any that thi river is virtually Mcckaded. *J n th ui rnu'g us um l.'db u.-t tbw 1 utter.\l steamer FwcahouUs pusssd .own tho nvtr, fn ingt\v -Hot. which wu.o nt murued, but pre parattoti was tnmlc ut unrets rive a wrm re cepiien i. tl.n m\t pasaer by. About at In,or afterwaid* Urgsthrvo nidlJ **ti-iiincr, Ma;>po- H.d tu bo thu fl tnimde, hove in *-1 Itt, when ::r batteries opened with telling effect, tyid she wee , •truok fivooralx times. tbs next morning, the bntvd I'uurnsv n.ugbt to run 11 e bloi kada, and rttccctded ; but t un called the n**i*taiice >t two tug*, by which she wah attended as lar m Maryland Foint. 8b wa struck by sixteen shut*. Thera are now about fifty railvv* els laying ofl A quin (.’reek, tearing to pan* tno batteries. ! ohould they make the ui tempt, they willcnomin- l ter obstacle* which ay deter ethers fr <ui tollow ing their example. Among other acts parsed ot „u , utiageou# j character, by the Kentucky Legislature, say* ! the IU ’hinond I’iawincr, I* one apj>rprlaiing | fl ve rnilliori’- of d>tllars *.•*■ the prnfootitioii of. Ahruhain Lino •In’-* *nr tho fl* utberu fltnti s. I his act of ini 1 mens inijMiHture up. n ! the people is in addition to tbe direct and iudi- I rent taxes rxai tod by the Federal Government, j Tho direct tax Imposed on land* and negtve*. t autotinting to SBO,OOO, with the indirect tax ou I the tee and rofiee, and with tbe appropriations >4 the Legislature, foot up au aggregate off?,- 246,000, which tbepeopln of Kentucky are ak •and to pay next year alone for the prosecution of the war. We hud lUu followingoerd iu thoAugnsta Con stilutionalist of W tdnesduy. It speaks for itself and wo shell offer no word us comment A Cano to tux feme —lt is currently ru tnored upon our sireets, aud generally believed, that l umber* of our merchants are engag’d in apecnluting in the prime necessaries of life, and that there ure now in our eity considerable quan tities of provisions sud other articles, which are being held back for still higher pr eea. It comes within my notice, that these reports are causing the ittHtihrstatiou of much feeling, aud 1 deem It my duty to appeal, in the most siL-mu manner, to all who may he engaged in theee attempts to oontrol the prices of articles us necessity, to ab stain from a course which cannot but result in great diatress to ail the poorer classes of our corn- 1 muuity. Common patriotism demauds that all j of our citisens should make sacrifices for the com- I inon good, aud not that advauruge should be te k* nos those least able to suffor l trust that whilst these troublous times shall oxint, our tuerebauts and traders will he satisfied (as they ( were before,) with living profit*. RU KRT H MAV, Mayor C A. j PROCLAMATION. exkcut.vk department Milledgevißa, via. Oct. 10, 1,-61 J ; Whvreas, iu obedience to my proclamation 1* sue 1 the W’h of fleptembi r las', to the people of vleorgis, calling tor volunteers for the Coast defeuse, u number much larger than the exigen genet’ • of the sarvioarequues, have patriotieal y aud promptly nuderen their sevices. 1 t)uu fore issue this my proclamation, giving notice that no m *r tenders of servb e wdi be acoeptvd, and Q 1 tbwae only will be ordered lute se vice have hereto tor u leudered aud beau accej t ed lu accordance wi h rad jr> claUi.,i u Iu all case* where companies have been .u cejt.d upon hd agtvemect to march by a giv n day, snea c mpauies will Oe required to comply atrivt.y with the agreeravut as to tluir. or they Will not be mustered into service : and in all C4i'S w. ere companies have been ace-p ed with out a definite day havirg been fix and by which tbe : cue#| ary boutd he ready to inarch, it will he re* quired I* 1 suib company usanh by or Us re the Ist d.y of November uext. (first giving no li©• to this dvpaitmvet ot Its readiurse to mve,( i or It will not be rwwwd nto service. N • volunteer will be mustered into service who j does not carry with him to the p ace of rend'*- vou-, e good country Kifie or double barteled 1 shot-gun. or a good military gun. ta fund tton for imwmaoitt utr. and no Company will be muster ed In, unless tt has bet ween fitly and eighty uien, rank end Jtt , armed as above re<juired. All Cornpan s or individual volunteers going to tbs piece of rendesvous without a strict compliance ! w Rk th# above terms in future, will be rejected end tout home et thrnr own expense. Ulven under my bend end seel of tbe E teru. live Deportment at tbe Capitol, in MilledgevCte. 1 this 10tb day of October, A. D. 1861. JOSEPH E. BROWN, tl. veruor By the Governor. IT H. W#tbm. Bec‘t Ex. Dsp’t. ( OLt Mt% ©All Ui Ak Ot iOBkU 2tt, 1141. - 1 ——r-sr-r - j.-’ ■■■: 1 t lieeceot 91 Fort F/I!mre sod Teuv A OOrrOtpondcnt of the Chui'.eston Meremy writing from LI Rase, T< xas, the. 31, •>* tb* V iiited Stab s troops, stationed In New Mexico, are concentrating at Fort Cra g lor the purpose of makings de cent on Fort Filltnord and th * part of Texas, w th a view to recapture the prop erty taken from them after the battle t.f L t M> *HI At Frt Craig thero are nine ci-aipanU-s oi Ceiled fltst- s troeq *, t\*rn if r-, and tw of v-.iunteer. 1. tg-j re- i.l-m n,ti. a are txpt< tedfrom A.ouqucque and otber-puints They have betides t< mn light nrtillcry, thro* gens of heavy calibrt The Mercury’s not) undent •> -■ i* i *i that I’utiM tho Httcmpt b made, C L Tl.> I*r will tb# whole expediii n j-risoi.t <- ; w ir. Rv*)crtfd Rrrfiiiifwi of Ibe Soilbm foiffdcr i-f bf Eofllld. A mo t txtrautduittry statemept, *ays tie Rb’hu; r. I Exau. net. of the 2l*, obtained } #* t#fday io thes4jfstt official circle* of ibe.” g nittvn of Ihe Cetjedsia* / by t.rrat Pri ain. I i* ceitoin . a d.-pj ch ngt arrived Wire yoe- \ ter<l*y from England, having l.< d.-dln the iiM ■ i<*U ■ ui. 1 ■ - •v. ./ to rru'-’i die f"tth | through Mi. Lig'in fcl.d the Wuri If 1 • i*|.ort ia I understood tu lw that hv was irrestvd in tbio j and rohb'-.i ut hi* hi *ubsjncnUy rfl*ct- * mg hi * c*cape 1 this city. The tr.-ertlon f tbe j agent 1# that the di*pitches c •ntained a**jrancca | of the immediate r< < • gnin n < f ur o.,v<*rtmer.t by that f t.’r.-if Pn u.n ‘*• ■ *l, . .te- i mrnf, whi- h 1 utodo hi ti. tit • | Hilive uniii- j ner. wir!- ut :uMi* . any i.< • • *• ur own, , prjfr*lng to know b a •!. u -vrr rneu has vtr ifisd or fed 1 te-1 sh rq • r n. . I iri.t.fficiel ( #xpr -- if* of • rfi lct . a hi. ! . readied u- lavt night. Flax ur 01* Wari.s Mi**oi tu —The K<;i correspubdentuf (he flt. I. iuis Uepubiu-au wni s 1 under dale of the ‘■ h imt„ iu f>llov<. H 0 tru*l that he may bo right iu his ewfijeelute The plan* *f tbe Cunfiuleni..’ , nt * j 0.1 boro, i.aud <4 |li r#p* r *r iuui--i l on nothing official,) are about w* t.dlow* Price ia tu 6<bt and . un.pier Frunuet, dro .ng him hack to Jlbr-*n oifj, an-l tt.ence t Louis; McCoMuch'* f.rre< art! f. insr. I: > p'-n Holla, while Uatdrc or Fill* w ajq r -uhtrom flontb*sMt MiHH-mi Hating |)(.neniun o( ib termibiul the lb rev radr-a *.* tie Pacific, .**••■.’ i. west branch m i Iron tb#tbr * #r mies arc to pr iced n inultsi u. ii-ly t.. (.< >i -. a<l ikku |.uivuiua us that city, li e plan is qutie vx'eni-ii cly li-t, and lu.-ki q iii.- pi hi., it they bed tb#power teesrry it m.i • -ts ffa; and Ikf Ca!!n Intfff-t h'dilo/t t ‘<ilu nit ut T Tho I turf <. ‘ must I'iihvi .m .. i . in their cotton . or they im f mR , ~r they must decline ts pay nil debt* and repudiate the ti .v ----eminent lex- • ‘1 ii.-y arc . x.uh to p..y tl .i ----j debt*. *ial lla v ba\a no the (luvarntiitfui uru< if ti.* ro u a.y earthly chain 0 tor ih- iu tu get the turn. <of paj ir g ihem. but In otdrr tu do h ~ they iiium Ui*ve inun- y, r..l tbi* they can only get by advances from tb* hanks, <>r by selling tluiir c.dtt.n to spe.-iil.iti ‘ By the latter |'4i* y ih>.*y wf I be e*mpil* <i n sacrifice thuir trp*. True, by fuhtni'ting 1.. the sacrifice they can save lit* u . rry aud relieve th# mere ban *, but doesjlhc public good or c in mon juxth-e require that the • .uhtry shall be sus tat nod and the m*,r no tile -••! relieved by tho sasriii >• of t>uv tntero 1 , that 1.- gfti? an l most ImportantiatnrcM ; I .;Why ahottTd the ootton planter alone be .••.rj'ef tutus tho scapegoat ■ t all 111 • < < . 1 1 ,<rial classes of the country, ami wt <: • hi ex peeled to beer all the bes den -1: v* ri.inont In a -t tog gle Involving nut only l -, but tho wed being of v*ry .other interest iu <*. j 1 * •!But let u* In quire whuibur the public ell ns the inn r* eat of tlie c.uitfO pßorvt . ustify the jol* icy of aiivaucoa by thu ba than that „ v. ... r ,„ *.. v war prices. Supper oottuu thouldbs? Mat preset pri res, ar.d that either from a continuance of tbe blockade or other enn>u*, thu market should lc still ftirthvr depressed. To the extent of the de ptension t’ 1 .••j.fnilator w <uM differ, :i,od the !. *- j <h would f.iU upon tho l*aiik*. Public confidence In their s -'ieucy would be shaken; they would j bo fooipirl’ 1 \jr*••i 11 “* ■ the lino ff'.'ird rcounts: J tbe *triip ••■*>- i t die ni ncy u.,ukt would bo ! increased, an.i •...** pr-Mise *•( (be would I be heavier than in . re. On the . her hand, sup [ p.’O the prise oi cotton ah on Id advance; the I planlor would bu, lu th# extent of tho advance, j less able to pay bis d* Lis than be would havn | been bad h* held it, and the merchant, will ho to j the Hume extent ‘h. iter in bis r.'ectloiu* thaO he I would have been Im i tho plan t.f obtained a bet i ter price for hi* cit<.i . Agtun. the relief to the j country will b*i npue go,oral it the planter* J should real toe the benefit of the increased price, j because the profits would be ] i diffused attiotiga large l i *. while, if tbe Spccu I ■ latr g*t* the advantage of i. th# prufit* uu- ag ! I gregatsd in a few band*. I ether word*, the ! I couutry would be vastly better off if fifty thou- I sand planters nbotild make on# tliur-snd dot-j ’ lar* each, (bun if ono tlioii“.ind spo-ulatoTh -hould make fifty thousand dollars earh It i* manifestly true, that in ■ far a* the J Bank* are 0 nccriifd, their c.'i.diiicn would he tuncli better iu the tmd cott< n should decline, ! that tliwir affvan’ t’* should have been tn the plan ter instead of the buyer ; for in the rare of the former they have the estates of the planter to protect them ugaiust and in the case of th* Utter, they h>\ ® nothing but tbe cotton. And if cotton should edvacc, tbu remit would be alike to the Banks whether they held the L. ih he bill* of tho planter <>r the buyer, for they won and good lVhn'i'irr therefore, uiay be the fu ture of the c tlon market, the country ut large would be lietur if the cotton were i.) the hand* of tho planter than the buyer. Tho planter and 1 n-'t n.*k, u. ri’ if neci-stttry, that other iutcrci* '* -Lunld 110 sacrific’d, that he may bo advanced lu* only uA* that such a poli cy may be adopted or tho pr*.motion of the pub lic weal, a* shall not single bun out us thu victirn And fortunately for him and the county, precue ly that course of policy which is best calculated to secure too good of the public, ie that which will protect his own iutercsts. The ILirA* will be more secure, their prollts will be just a* great, the country will be best served, aud tbe planter will he btst protected by the course which we suggest. To prvssnt the question iu a somewhat differ ent light . Wb’iher the Banks relict* the plan ter by advene *, or aid the Layer with the facUf tic* te purchase, it ie alike au advamo by the B..nkx. 4 tho •ue case uis au advoirre tot;.', planter of one half tho value of bts crop, secur td by the cotton itself and the credit of iße plan ter , In tbe other, it is au advance of tho full value us the cotton to tLo buyer, m.cured only 1 y the cotton Which is afer for the Banks 1* Which is the twee for the country? Bath will pay the same profits to the Bauk. Upon this ■ atciutut of the cast, is is bvyood O’Xitioversy, t j iheiuterest of the Banks to a. cotrmoSa'e tbe planter, rather Hv buyer ; and t\e B**kt h :11 and to en/s thtj a t iKtmtrivti jsartt/t to lA* syiecu iMoie, or mnlftt iclo conlro! th>n a-t iottrttitd tn tht co'ton trad*. These advances should be made upon such teims as tbe planter uun affurd to accept; that i ia, on sixty day bills at the h-gnl rates f dia j count, renewal.* till tb* blockade i* raised The ‘ Banks can put their funds lu nu better security, and their profits will be sufficient to pay b*nd ‘ some dividends at that. A PLANTER. 1 Im Tin Roam.—A large tour masted ship 1 (supposed to be tho Great Republic) loadel with j horacs, was towel into (he Roads, yeaterdiy, at noon. About the same time, a large three nos t cd bteamer came up, and both auebersd ‘u j James River channel A large fleet of the enemy is in tbe Road, and the station below reports themes buoying the channel out to Newport* News. Greet activity prevails among them and something evideitly is in the wind.-— Norfolk Day Hook, 19th. (IxirxiPXH, Oektober twunfy-lviirih. ) Mtefi u Ei>itv 4-*- M* un a#*#.* vd uli fiokcis uir In gr.tte d.etrea an appde to U for 1 iftaf- Rlyiu ou th# well nown fasste of the L’ gU iatcr on ihosfl'ex of ‘he l.toekaid iu oxclomHn HtamußJ Hit*! rvesttb* end si* b thin,: ahifhln rtv.iJ* in part the *tok boyes, who per j'i* th* honorable nu jhdii'tiiM cxlli# us ga*bcr nittr. hen'a abvUt t< ux. us jlsuteda h r,>p ot lhai haithy uud 6.ur*ik‘’ A peat Sisuii, aau h"*ve-., Jsn-pi. ; e■ t abun lent y-aH bn- <f*pf trt* Lev no rmvrkit ii the tJuvermcnt dn nut agr# to by ur t r< )•-. Mi pbtitwid pt U itiorcM wh i 0 - ‘h *k r *ueul nars, lias writ tin* And be ** r the present rtaits* tutu , / i sji; fl.'ft koogrovi r 4 Lnj *kui< my, upd air goin tv kurry tfieii via quo- 1 her* rtddy perched; and rrjb'fJy r.- z j wheM ourkungrcHincn gi j .ieafr<rn luum, )ha don't lik*to re ft.Ht or VMibs rased tbur. While I ttfi.U'ly admire ifiiss • 1 *p*vi! • sower l-uul.k catvouts, tui pr.iM-rpul • li/aulei li. i as.-Xs* that squiar bo alt is op fur Mskin Jtff davL a hoiesiMl in*-r< brut ot kv .‘.ir.d a* 1 am with tbe kuwiestOM) nh". and jaenis isc’hiMie <>n tbavisl.inf *d Into Ts <U, [ knet.ot se Use 1 tslss et wen suit 4 eggnkeitura! j j huiuiuiiiitf) |.i rt pru I'ocr i.iuiber. I wsot I . j to ma 1. K >*• fiord ituui <*ut i.ra pHalf ah *wii I-11 a pairy t, .idei mi crwpp #*• gatberfl afi j solh-1, | w'l iiae ju bruwi.s urtny uu tb# koa^t ! fhr 4 util’llll*. Wi'VM 4*Uwrs m ii.ol.tli, v ittlcs i , and I'iothi;# fuwad. I l,k p’.i.'em. „Ud1...0 Li. el; Hitt fonrs woanf give tin*, and my fukters I ,r ! I.lvfnsT-n wt-nt rxcep fi r Ie;: fur I ‘hat Utr t s Ivclnjf Trka with sM# ut T 5 j and k in.rbptiy ass l <tugcr aCrerdin V*rc pbrtoTt I, J*4.c r.YAl.**. From \t* Male®. | .'pisial Dsaputob te the Si. Louis Rcj uLiuan. ! Jmu 1-knukm t, Oct. 11—'lhe Santa Ku mail and t.’auH’ u City expie/s reached here yesterday n,'.ning, three mast ahead of cntrad time. By II w bfva tidi. ii |u the (si lnot. !*:< -)< t t* fur a rev ii ut id buHiucss wtro mure fl ittering. In eon- j “vquuiu e of better than w*4llpe* tvl. It w<- rarm.rel lL n nte E*ih <’ (ivto flUnuucr j ’ sf-te urio l 1 T-x , fi r what I'.riu t- mi • Uidfi< j Tea nd... < r statcH tbai ti. H. NilVr, f rn.r ----; ly fuller at fort Wi*a, bad gone south, also, lu ! r *i-e troops and move northwnjd with th#iu. Msj >r f y ado’s rommatid of released trouj-i. , under ('apt. P dL.ek, 1. umber ing 260 or ‘;o6 men, j J wet s passed, uu Wedfx*day Lot. at head us -be ! Dry f.ute, about. ISO irii’cs fr*'Ol hei#, ntbeir j i way to tho Stfitea. 4;4. Mints, w. fi t > . ,u.wand *f vulunseerf. , wer Hiirpr -i and about thirty ludca ft. lu F> ri i Cru j;, and liiui? 21 L ; >itena< *u l nine ••. j w*r )> leouee*, it e balance rui n*ak •• j Pert le tvhig him ntb lurch. 7• y a j cip ur.d if # (K.veruci'u’ w g ns. C'.p ii r | rs*, f the I’iflr*, with a cnanand f t ur ootu i | • f* t am in pureuit of tharu. Watt's ui j rly is <-v, r 2,060. Kiev mi •- nip lines av been mustired in to 1 service In New Mexico, under Cul. Oallegus* i ifly the express from Cannon Ciiy, there viu ‘ brufigbt into the States $2,146. i Both Exp W and Mail Company, ire paining a fnf.utnM .n fi r thrir energy in v vpeniting j all matters tfitru t and to their car. A <tcrresfrt>nd<HM wf the M<,hii Tribune, an ting m relation to the* attack on Paula Rosa • * *ays that a Lout fifty of our fofetM were ktUvd, and fifty wounded. Another letter says that but for a “slight mistake vve would to Jay be in (K*e**io of Kort Pidrcm ’ As nuK Cutrsux Bnx McOou* a —The j foiinwing is a l*t rgutphic diHi'aii-b recilvvd by I Major iftitik t.’.ni Uu McCalluch. iSfJfSSM AhK . o<l 6. flli-J lO.\v . ('Ui k-—-1 >* .l f-.< r ..H wiiuwieh tu j jin in#. They umt rnatuii at tn#o -r they will he t>o late, i a ) gnrrufiij cquipay* anil frail rf* itnft.ui tu Gap tain i I Davidrm,any. I’ixx Ait ii tt.ocs, brig. Men. j I Men. Fit..: has tainu Invck to Juhnatown, j j! ‘ ■ ‘lLv 1 >.•!:. )/mu * w ith a large for* ‘'. W R, Ur anr 1 I V. Vrt SmUiiwi. 11l (lu l\nfe<irt<i C-.rt lu- J.t, ,*!* M. ; grath delivered uplnlon hi favor t*f the cun- i J utituiionsJKjr t-f th# nest raff tn A#’ thus re- I fusing to sustain the tk-tmirrfr .>f M • r. I'et./ru, Mitchell.* Ifbalej. irttoirs in the Crfck \ticn. Wu four a from the Mautgumery Mail that | j 4, licpi'Ul hulyfo, cue * f the chief leaders of th# I old Cre k j any, ii* she tcai if 1,700 nen rear J the Creek Agency, it. am - againri t‘;. flouth. t Th#V hivc* orucrcd the Coufodeiate flap tube j taken down, which was reared by Mclntosh's j ropiumit, and the‘vtars and striper.” snbetitn -1 ted in its place. Oon MoCulloch, tv icjl and j 1 crush cut this ontbreak at once, Las ordered j J 1206 Cher* kccs, ufiO OnageM, 1000 Creeks and a j i battalion fruu Col, Cooper** regiment, tt u-arch I | upon thorn at once. Mej- Claiko Lma b*to a- j tiyily u fv*r the past two day fitting out I the expedition. Col. Cooper Will *iumo the 1 ouuuaaud ut the forces” Thie “llupothfoholyTu” was always a nils- I chicvuuF, bad luuiau, and has oiun given the 1 u’d T uion government much Lnubic. lie It ! was that inapy years xgu, led un that portion ot tbu Creeks in Georgi*. uhu luurdartd the i hiel ; Mdut mb, tu that hurbaruus and • luody work ; We hope that punishment will # - u ovettake the j bloody vUiaiu. ‘ll* has always exercised an evil j influence over that tribe of InJiau*. Bold, dar- ‘ ing, aud bloody-minded, be, in spite of hil oivPi ‘ K.iuou, is tbe ravage all over, and uulcra time do eated will bo uiach harm. — Ail-mt t iutef peueer Os IhfiKt Ml. The ctiUeue of Macon held a inerting Mon day, in pursuance to the call of the Mayor, to consider the prO| rieiy of ts&utug “Cb. oge Dills” by he Cty. Th# Coflam tee a, pointed tor pirt busme-a submitted the followi-gre solutiv n which vm ado, ted: Resolvid, That th# City Council • c reques ted to sstie. not cxcevaing. Twenty Thou, sand Dollars tit “Ch iige li its,” receivable Kr all du'.v* end taxc* tone ct., aud ted cu.a iv in curro t Itn k Note*, win pi • * \ | iu rums • f Fiv. .loth end upward . The egufaiion f U • ’enoHi!nrt:un of the bills !•> be issued, left IO tbe discretion of the City kouncil, Mn. Risixli —Tho Richmond Dispatch ot th* 23d sxyr W* observe that tbe notorious cor respondent of th* Loud-m Times expresses th opinion that tbe North ca * easily rut jugate tb* bouth if the puts forth her strength. Mr. Russell’s letters from th# Vuited State# thus far have not been of a character to give weight to his opinions on any subject connected ‘ with American affaire. He is a superficial ob server, and baj not th* faintest comprvhenston ol men an l things on this continent. His bit ur i prejudices egaiust the SuQth were sufficiently | shown in cue or two us his letters written n t ■ long before the battle of tbe 2lst of July, ani his deposition to decry aud ridicule tbe North | iu several letters written soon after that datt In bis letter describing that battle, he was evt ! dxntly of opinion that th# prospect of the Nonl ’ for overrunning the South was rather blue, an. w* shall not be surprised a month hence to hca; ! that he has frlleuback to hil former position. Secretary of the State of New Ji-r ----tty ba* ptesented th* Legislature with an ab ’ street of the State cantus, from which it appear? that the total population of tb* State ir 672,024 Os tbsre 844 080 are white*. 21 988 free colored, and eight slaves. lOLi mtiH. Mount 1. orkobkr 38, mt> bflivißm< ii rwUrf. J/ *’ ri. Edits > * - 1 see that turns of out pi - B*‘t ; 1 ‘ ‘•*• and as u relief to thi cortun pl.i .tof th< tL* gi-x rn* men l should |>u cUa-a the ceSt* ft ci | fl.ix i* relitf f..r only one ■’ • u- • *d tt a heavy tax, up n-‘‘•l • kir <*! . . \\ hft re lief is prp • and i.r tfi* u-Li-huni- at and th# shun lands off vrno’Ti *fi” 1• n 4 to :* ’ fttuii * it art they ii - toxt “ !<• pu\ • pr-x i-iu/is tu buy— no dhw iu * I (for tax- < arc lfa#dy heavy but adopt ihij p ftit y aiul lur ta* ,; ’ ivnil be Juu bled and that fi r th . rein ive i.-ru iu • ihe j COtlull pi totor. I have tui ft.. . r ..ugh 1 ali-ujati * up n Ike c* I pei’ito ttiTwtlfl at un and iTTeparctUeTf * ott crop, and It m? 1 t fall *hurt of ah r sl6 6u0,- 06k. This sum will b a clear t i tu the gr.vern men 1 and iun*r be euppilcd by direr* t4ntion Wr rc n- w tax ad t r;ii* \l 066,t. *u, W 4 mur then fl.c ta t'd iu rl*> 15 Tm'D.OD * ujor**, ft.r the e*. ;> U\c Lt-. - fit us !'•>• It-.}* planter- Wk* l” topay thr.iu taa- ZMm luMlupilfi, the new hunt and the ih*-anfarmers win raise ftowwb. tu,. . w;-V r tl.- i Itur, j iati rr. (1. the | ttai* f tfto-uiwebJWt. ie'WWH, l pM'C’f I a*v Hindi ] uIH’V. The gwvermi ft! • Newly In• n ■*>.*tßiil'i>al power to *4 > si.v 81 ttilnf. T*t;r **!vk>#fcta* 1 of tlse meawivp and rnni .’aftn. het D Hw*. shh urg* ! ? th* rxr<** ot tho f, .wit over h* <*<•<* i'* i‘-n I i from tb* neccasßy of tlw four’', ur foure truth* I filly* fb#*h#tr**M*y f tlie rutMti pl#unig inter : e*'. Necessity iu'tii-W* nwexahiM fl-r Viol iting i the C’neti!ufi'-6. S\s b.ivr •■.-* t-rn r ft is j lira <id ir<<vert.moot. i.uai* ( bi* iscrbs* u! ‘ 1 unw<i r rante4 p*>wir i tnc dieparageutent of j Southern tiWtoTSt* the * m iter wl ff hich Is f th* date *u cotta w AntereM, end If otsttiv-w g6‘t -1 t.rnn**sir. m it- vury inforioy is r utitere tb* ex i ample—dura io< .4 iftlu aaoTMt bfukrr - In nch i out into flu* I-iti.daiii•*--tramp t* the C 0 ititn'ton ut.der (eoi, ar t tax One offtl.t j uumu.ttnity (ur th* tonetit. i atMuncr, thuseontr j iv* atraogi* the C'HKrrti and I.cgiu the iW*fttu%KiZi i anew TANARUS beUar fr will fie lot n•. ’ l(wul. Il.r A- r. r *l,l h ,l,i i, j | prupuSeA* *e iiw •* i-uaiSv lee<t weedy, s-jr they j j uwi,*Hy w,’ke n, u tbeir |(lAn>*'iuiu> ■ r n.ay 1 | make •trepthmg s.MS*ecar. t.*r rheir ipftirt j ! and awppuTi, while trear every utherda tw^Sf * | u ebe#* iba r dady Again. Hts | (tie PuMSKW propu-x: tu a- *!• *to j lhe *h m p.aut. r twenty dm floftet# pur bai*. t they du nut pr- ji>* ( alvAi<e tat y ufhar ela* { !of (H'luiutioity. V/ba-ru tlmn, i,< tbenec s-ity ui . 1 life gt.rt ruiiivut 1 u) r g ev even n ivu.ti.-ing upon , th# cutton *iup, when ‘.he harks are wiftmg tu j i utttk* the adxaii'ht end tCuc Sava tbu g v<rriim-nt j I 10# heavy #X|*#is**d r.i#k, and save rh: |.jple j j ir -m Ifi* > (ex iifou fky are a,b<>g'd to in ! car sboui-l *hu p,*n-u*nt 01. bark in ifo,;# j ihd ut, Uni geruux and i.owarent*bli .|. t | j Jrie . Again. Mr 1. *.tui, 4 pruiLet agwiaei shy an j ell snou ) trUai and (.’infs .‘eg -toituri. MKGHAM j Rea. hi, l. Fagt This d'.sttogii.-hc i geiiflfman Wu.v Hi our city on yesterday eu i< it tutor I’.i.-iii’ i.,, wie-e hi* | ! Regioi> nt Is stationed We wane pleased to set him in tiu- health nod ■ . spirit* and tu lern that the pc.-pie .ft hi* die | trict, wtil return fiftw tu tho oe.xt g .#r.- * WnWnwsl of lovirfi. i Wear, author'* Ito ann. uaca tbu’ MJ u .fi If rt w#rd i* no hm h rt a • atoll tote for | from ibis di t i-t Th?s aim uucernents wuuM ! hevn to* n n*.*i irv’ifu. . but fur tlveae ere i fiwi. S J. fmforJ. Thi* !i'ingu|..nd aud able s miaamsn ii a ! ft hwolri.,- ’.ft to tVarb'.igtUß hi* eocgres.fonal career lie is rjgdafct, aMivtand I j. hi’du'.les with signal abVßry j and Bdeliiy U* ban hut for cqmis us a wise ! and efficient Ug slator. Wo have n and übt he j >.m IwaU-ed. lie will lu one *4 tie load ng . men iu our natuu.i. . u> W , 4 U that we I could have iU'-f# like him -Sot,: t fW/irfc Til Lmn.a-UalM m,t ftmr fok ua 1 ear* • trunh!* f thw ASf* * <r- an f * solve. . re * . • <• V.. ■,. j |i . all fwr wifuriiiathm „n the ?u . ! Oil iMie or .4*b*tvci.*.~ Tim Pa-w-ng, r i:M , inn th# r<>aft wrH Iter..after t.r:'ue in | 0,.!mb... m, ihc morning .nft fa, fb * eve- Hi’ *.-> Tfiu Charkstua Courier i o *i,tfons the j unval at that |n*ci ..u Monday fort of no | than eight vessefo, foadrd wait rfo*. The rc- I ceipt- fotu,i up fbtos) bimhcis <u*gb, and : 46u ofoan ric:. VmMm hcfirWn,. LtWiimlls Oafcreii.c I Till L’>ir*v['l* Conform e receiitly held its anmixl ssrt.un at r , wi is vs lie, Bishop K.xvsnaugh presiding. Ju>! befc-re tho Con sere no# plooed Its libor*, h"ino off)cars ot LhWiilo** army iu-j formed the whole body that they were pr-.-oners and w nftl “not be permittfd te loir# th* place ilei*thry ti-uk the oath ot atlegiacco to the I!.S. Oovortrmciß. Wo regretto record the fact that m vst of thorn Complied. tht# information in the LuuLviU# j Courier. Gout* fcasuMU—' Th* Maoun itlagraj h f4*4g- j e in tho tolluwmg sensible remark “U old (tattle* are dead, a* wo ’uie><4 ihom tube—it there Ui... a single mason hy tbrv they should exist, as all u.u£t u**•: it ! there u, as all admit, a total and entire iuapti- > tiulo us all old party b*u*s to the mate of things j ‘ hand, why make a iuau's pusitfon in the old i .ritej a gruuud for appealiag to the Legist*- | ! iure or th* public in his b half"’ Far tie# caa- ! |uft be dl aud alive tuu. Luk the public men of lhe fltat* all .Maud upon their own merits, nu* t prejudiced iu euy way by old party cennectKm*, | and th* secure the Wst. /htT’ Uuu. C ti. Muaim.i . r, Secrorary of tne Truaeary. has rutjru’d the worm thanks of toe government for the imimticoDt gilt io the 17*r Dtpirasflt by the citfr ns of the valley o the BraiC*, trom Warn t*> tbe mouth, of TBO,- ■ 06 bushel* of curu To ftp l:ai?trn ®f tHe Cnfvrrcf. Diview of the peeuUar circumstancaa of this j cdy. and th* ( rcscul condition of the country, I eouie ut the Frelfthers have prop. **’!, through Bishop Time#, to change the approaching Annu- ! al Session of the Georgia Conference frum this place to Atlanta. The tffieial Board# of tb* | Churches in Savaunah have kindly consented to j th* prop >sed change. Editors thruughsm the Slat# will confer a favor i by calheg attend -n to this change. j. 11. CALDtVgII,, ! W. S.Daxx. t avanuah, Oct. 23.1, 1661. iy.v Soitlieri Fe&r! t aivu. The proprietors of the “Southern Federal Union” will begin the publication of a dally pa per at Milledjrvvii!*, on lhe day after tbe teuton ] •f the Legislature. It will be strict)y n news md legislative journal, ceohewing ail party f el- ! ag. By agreement with MvMr? Orsuo of lhe Smthcrn Recorder, it will b tbe only daily pa- | ;.er published in MiUedgevtlle during th* ap proaching session of th* Legislator*. TERM 6: On* copy for tbe eesnlor 41 Oi) Six topic* fur. A 06 W* will endeavor to make our daiky paper a reliable medium <>f legislative business, and hope the public will give u, a liberal supp-n, as *be timer are hard and matvrial high. Borc-axc*. Nissxt 1 Baxs. Atlvjrtc es lhe lißculuiitk tu K- lwky. Mavtkld lliiur- ilm AUmphto 44 App*ai,” of the 24th M “We bsve inform i:fi.u which can ba r*ifod un, direct from C lun.l i, tb>t ‘U F -dwalvsl# five thousand HTr. njr, t'C*ttpid MayfieW Kjju 4,tl Tuesday mgto ia- The adv ance hi th* Cunfedoratu *riuy ut V-Innirhuj tea# uutj tn miles distant, nottor <-■ iniaanu >1 01. Br*wn Our readsT? tan anrioipnre the rc-ult us such a proximity f the eofifflitdlbg force wi*h a# mtoh certainty as ws can “ The Nashville “Bni.n r ‘ ih# sau.e .*tr ha# the following “We are perm tied lu |.>nblih ifi* iulluwmg ; private dispatch wlklt i.< r*’C:Wd m th i city | on yesterday lfofiii. .’ ii#u. Wii os. —Tho toes us Mayfield ' hurst y**tr.rd*v m rning by i*vu thouaaud Lin . utoites. 1 A. Mu'flKt. Mayfield - ih* luwnty eto and Gr*v Ounnty, Ky. Uis aloiit 6 ini.c* futslh of P*due*h, 15 mile# north us the J eone--**# Luc, und between 10 and 2 eest of Culumbus, and about tbe rami distance wt us I La 1 nnewce R.vtr. Tns uMrvmwut a iiuporianl os* -Ws hope the attention us (i. n- Johnston will nut be drawn entirely off of Kaeteru Kentucky and Tennessee, while this ia going on in tbe West. They want Ito com* down through Cumberland Cap to Kss* eonessTc*. _ _ Wfslern Tirgiuia. We foam from I)r CUrLe,w ho lies just reach ed the cty from our forces now in Raleigh county, that Gen. Floyd, with a strong- force, hid crossed Xtw River at Mill r’a Ferry, had pas-ed down beyond the mouth of th* Oau -1 ley, and was directing hi* march towards f Charleston, in Kanawha county. Jfis com mind will probably cross Kanawha tivflr at Malden, twelve Mika above Charleston.— ’ Generals and L.-rirg were ail! on Few*.!! I mountain, doubtless awaiting to hoftr of the I sucre.-# of Gun. Floyd’* expedition ptMOre ad- vancing tqKfto the eiu*my on tho Gauley. We learn that the inili l ia of the ctftlfctfy had, by cutting down trees, blocked up the road? leading irom ifie eremy’a position in difectioo I of guuimersville for a Considerable dittande. I If this is true, and the work hud )>ren dme effectually, the e eroy will be Lm.iv\cco Gen. . oral Lej on the vast and General Floyd >u tho west, me totter of whom wit! | ba jL'u will* In* artillery to cut ofl hi* supplies \ by etopping the running of sterner* vn the ; Kanawha. Ivr Clarke rrp'Uta thul the tiui)/ as ru- j j moved to four again advanced (joni the Cau- , Ky iu the dire, tiuo of Sewell with twenty five • I thuusaud uieu, tut he hiuiaeU give* no ere- - 1 Jercc to ih* lutuur, boiug amre iuc uu J to be- ‘ \ neve that Rosenc auu bai gone off with the j , b t of h s troop* down to the Ohio rvrr,and j proba y proceeded thence into KentUeky.-- i Thu gtoutwy accounts givfit by thu CTacifi-j neli p -p#ra of the e'lemf i & laiM ia Western , j V’lrgioiu . ouid nave u tie put out tu excuse ! I for the actual or contemplated abandonment ‘ j of toot field of operations by II • ancrwnr for • t tie more iumpung one in K a use 4y. .AST* \ splendid of o atdlv"* i cavairy, 9U6 airi’ f J in JlK*hui>iiid An the 1 LRa, five day - 1 ia ibe saddle fr--u* theit < tm;> <>f j icodtzvoua ia N.rth, Carußn*. -^ %!n •**s boTsvs : are huth ‘pick’d, '’ ~d they wru th r.ughly equipped. VVe euppo>a . .-.vre n.ftive Jiurwrmen w aid whip 11. f titues the t iwu*i r< us NfoC’lel ! wft are ~-ggitr> n hr--- ‘hart.'’ - WPOa. I Motive of tft<- 6 f rut , - • “W* have taken ■ pda* to lea.■ i 4 r.,-j. i tlie c-jtioa rf* •lr talking wills uiany inteuitfr&t firmer#. From ’ their r‘ri<;rrenr repurte wo ciearly lnfor that th* coUcn crop *n this and the Adjoining coub t ,-s will l- short by - ne-fonrth. Accotiata from | th* bott-ui forms *n i!’# Ta'lahaic ure equal ’ ly unfa voraide. More than four thuusaiMi have been I brought tu Washington since tho commr-n.'emcnt sos tbe prv*nt campaign, an S have been huaght i for the army at the curt us flr hundred thou **ad dollars. _ It is stated that Western IV sc a* will ic almost de .-q u'atcd during the present year, the loyal | citi/.ms l aving detoimined to remove t* a near and bapptet h< me in Call ornta. v hero the Con* j il.tauou the laws ere ra|M ,tc I. .Wikn X*s. bp'Ciil ik**| atehea to the Cincinnati | vipers. W*it mo ron, Get. li.—Capt. Henry Clay,son |of Cal. Clay who ftll at Hurra Vista, and . I grandron of Henry Clay, hat he* n appointed j I AMbt*t Adintant General U> (left 1’ ‘f .1 i - aoQ to serve in Kentucky. Lkai.CioM, engineer, wwh 0 >*l (hi .New { Voik Forty-ninth, ncunoiHlißtl yesterday two t uiile* beyond Lew in* vide, m front of Gen Smith* ! j puefiieu, where they found the c-r.caiy strongly ported iu and about the bonier These Ml a lit* tie bring, but nobody was hurt on nitr aide. if. A. Gar’reL, E#q , ha become psriuaueiit | c iitor vt the Umoiq Southerner, after tilling the I j-loco Kr come months a* temporary editor* with : credit t hiji -As and satisfaction to l.ts readers. ’ lion. WW. Togne, a (aembtrof the Tv-nm#-| ?eo House <,r Representative* from Wavti* vun- ! y died on the lltli inut. I.U'ER FROM EI’ROPI'. liUHV'JM', Oct. 21. | l iaiii:u I'uim Get. 10.—The North Aniori- : io arrived with Liverpool dates to the 4th. Sal- j ts of enttou lor the week 0?,O(M) bale”, at a a ad- j ; of.**, with an upward tendency. Specula tors and exporter* taking 27,000. Quotations are Orleans 10%, Middling 10'* Mo Du lu ‘ I Mia. 10Upl4. !?; Mill s*;. Flo.I; :IS,OW I bale*, American 419,t00. Contois *J2H to i'.i, ui >noy. Decrease <f specie la Sank *4 - Rngland dunng luo week, ft 7,000 pounds. Shipments of rott< n from Liverpool to tbe | | Lulled .vtiti during tbep.-iai four month* .'..700 j I bale*. New* from 1 ranee uutu.poriaut. It is believed that a further advance in the rate * of discount by the Hank is inevitable. O’DonueU oppose* any action on the part ! Spain in connection with France and England, in | ire cf Mexico. He prefur* that Spain should j set alone. Halipax, Oct. 16. J ino sta*u.r Aral/U arrived with Liverpool < i date* to the iib. boe report* Cwtloa sales on ! I fat ur day 15, 00 bales, and a Arm market Breadstuff# fiua. Provi ions quiet Cocfwls uuchsngid. Mr Liudivy. M. F. in a spec* hat Sunderland to hi* constituents, gave it a* bis opinion that the English Government should urge the raising of tbe American blockade, and that both Eng land and France should now consider the expe diency of recognising the Southern Confederacy. There were cheers and some hisses. The financial depression continue* in Par:*, j *nd there had been some agitation aw ing to the advance in the price of bread. lUe Tope refuses to compromise with tbe one. mica of his guvruinnt. The relations of Italy aud France are satisfactory. France asks for no Italian territory. The Spanish expedition to Mexico is actively programing, end will won leave. ft. Jonas, Oct 10. The steamship Etna., with four days later from Europe, passed Cap* Use* yesterday: Cotton wis still advancing slightly, and both wheat and breads tuffs had an upward tendency. Tbe Prlreo Napoleon has s**r t tbe lioperur an important State pej>#r on American >ff*lra. Tbe Chiret* Kmpen.r Is reported and. ad. Mr Lindsey, M F. in a public lee nr*, urges tb* expediency of England and Franee endeav oring to effeot a peaceful separation of tha North and eoutb. Eail Rnsntll and srourages any interference in Mexican affairs, but say* Government will pro tect subject* in their property and engagements. TELECMS OF TIiEELEK iul tu (he fluids. I'ixht on I lie Pot Glim . EIGHT HUNDRED YANKEES KfLLtb WOUNDED OR DROWNED Kichmokl', Oet, j.>, Thu following official intel.igeoc# he* cejj reccivi-d. dated alCentrevi 1# 22d Col. Evans report* that he wax engaged mo-l of ih e (ye-terdav) with 12 regiments and 5 batter;** us tlie enen y a?*r the Potomac. They crossed under cover< f artillery fire, Iledrov* them 1 acl; with a heaVv Josh !rt killed a J 5 prisossrii. Cel. Evans had 1 Regiments . • 6gvttis. Col. of t regon \va Lifted Col. Cogvv clland ten other oiff. e * and pieces af ofliEc y wvr- cnpiured. STILL LATER A ape’ml dispvch from Manias as aoyx th,- feeleraJ loss at the LuVo . the F Iju u Monday, near Lev*burg 4<>o to 500 kit! and an j wounded, and 300 drowoed in tho Poton attempting to reerosa the river. The Confederate los ftOO killed and w . 1 vied. T.iuuif Wii.t victory for the Confoder • Hicn.vttwp. Oct : Th m'isJrtHan- Airft Adj’t tieneratoeU > - r „ I ,L. frnra t'smrevi leaf I tr 4 - ‘>Ybri; la-ft ii'glt, 1 about SBO pri*"* • r uti*l l2o‘*tt#nl of r: . taken a* rbefi.?bt near hf*kor/ on M - > 1 Eremj C loss f erae, n i*u* and i itru. On < federr.N* the InfWmvy r->n<t was i-inj Oof rore< * sr , tf*g , *'( wwr* toe g tTh \Trgi 4 |’ aod Ifftht ippl and h > I Ith M bold in reserve Sever.) 1 ntlc'i‘"i Iman I . of the battle ticar L’C.-bu on Monday, a.y thu route uid panic of the Tcdoi'.! . , exceed even that et Mannftvxas 1.- The Fedcraiist.* to .k to the river, the r .hr- . almost a* thick’ as swaiinlog blickliirds, au . is impo*ib!e to Jvseribi* the fee we or ■ w the number drowned. Hundreds were - while Itviinminff and rtruggliug In the v Many left Clothh’.c of all kind*, rn.iny-slr w~r each other. Most of oar‘Wounded* w ,!l be brou fc : . Richmond to-morrow, and hearty all the pr - J oners *n a day or tv >♦ { ii, Oct. f,. | iuitlicr dna,l* tom the LcceU.rg nght | Uederaia t.uoirueaced croastag the Poton->; 1 Sunday inghl end conlmuevi during the so . j 1-ighluig turnole on both sides The Fcdrr t were wrli prcrfected 11-y a Iseavy forest. V.Vi j routed three tlines at the joioi of the bn . und reinforced each time. The &tii \ j haigcd. caput red a bras* battery aud j*>.t t! \ cuemv li-ji !,t. The Federal made axlesperat j tand at tiiu tivei, but were l .ugbtere > t • uat 1 panic at ruck they attempted to ■ >s- - j hundreds were (IrownuJ. j wqnioiel. 04 fouyiof i Isth Mi.^. regiu.i jis badiy vr-unn-led- i,o#Lknis truopi fsnght bii H'**’"I*’ 1 *’ ’■ lb '> ‘■ lasfrh.fliH'J *, i'O tw-..**.•••-. . afopt uaJi r ■■ j .lay, < llwi . -*<; i ouiishuni ur r. j iufor •* u i'i't. j 0414 pnaouer. arrived dewx thf* morning t - j ken at the Leesburg battle >a Monday last. } Among them t 01. \V. R. Lee i t the 20th Ms i sachtiHctts Regiment; Cot Cogswell, .! tt, f 12th New York Regiment; Ma ; or Revere, A 1 j PeAtaon anti Assistant Surgeon Reverts ot* thr j 20th Masaarditrsett* Regiment: six Captain- J tnd eleven Lieutenants, from New Yprl:. M 1 rr .Fceior.i.ii^k‘,, j Sodi# report over one thou. vi,J pnswnvi j ken. The lowest estimate reports CCv*. No reliable detat a yet rwceived L j and wounded of the Confederates LATCH.— ICO score pr.>aners fetched he* tlis aiiurnooa. PaJiengers report Leesburg in posse*.-, of 20,000 Fedvreii.'ts, Thst Confederate* re tiring mtde orders *o evacuate L eabtirg it the Federal* Ap;>e.>fei jh large lore© l*r; viouetothe battled Monday, ais u durst od that suui ur orders w re issued but Lvan fought the tattle, notwithstanding. The Con lederate lose wiAnn r ach 2do m killed, won; . ded. ad niißg. t<e Federal lo* in kills and 1 wouin ed, prt>one • and uussing about 2,000. j Several bsmtirt-d more prteOuer* arc expc j te<l to iuo<rou i Nun>erotis arc. relutiwi of’ pyalian j dotds pcrfoiinrd by the ( oniederot* Mi never tbiigUt with mono during chivalry. STILL LATER.—No ofli.-ial informal.ou hnm bee iu received of the *VJrral oeaupaiion **f Lee*burj an-t a yentb-mnn who left there u j 4, o’clock Wrdufwhjf afternoon deuiea tf*r statemert. end yet in official circle* tbe Fedrr ocenpatioß of Leenburf regarded very prol a Lie thong!; n ♦ vet acoOiwpf.sher! Nettingoflltdnl to day rfr** n’t*, r I ml Htcnwy frr.m tbe eawr *. t tL# QhafieeQp Cvuriwr. I MoUK LKTAIL3 OF THL LATL JIATXLf Kicbmomu, Oct. 2.. i The fuibmiug detail* ot the battle near L<- j burg have Lera received. Ike bttl* lock plac. j near the 1> g Sj'ring Mijl, ixttweeu Cun rad's m j Ldward’s Ferry, twu tu< • > wurtu **f Leesburg ltw*n entirely n light t infantry on our s. i* W# u-eu fiu .tiii uu ai'Couut of the ‘hi* kit wlieru the tnoiuy ored an ! weru pueted. 71 u enemy’s b •> is almtU uur i -n* n i- lied * about Am'>g tie killed i a>u •-( u*i. Fetus,’ | Mis# **ippi [ Mortally w. uardid, Lieut. ( r,Jbfceui. F.n . j end br. Itreek, es the Mb Vir*i Ht ? ! We have over hth) prisouvra. Lieut. Col. Tobb*. of m.h Vrrgii< * I ■ •-ui-•'*. wounded ?lightly. Frivs. Hit, her ami Bono ho kUk’ (lit lulori it IteibaiK. special to Ihn < harleHtoa Mnreury. lifcaifoxn, Oct. 22. j The following despatch w;s rvcoived by the ! Fresident at half-past ten o’oiMk Uet night femeut) Headquarters, Army of the • Foiomae, Oct, 22* t i To President Dev.? In addition to tbe news air >*,|y ?ent, concern iag Gen. Lrao*’ Victory near Laos burg. I have i report the eeptu*e of nearly r x hundred pri* n ert and twelve hundre t stand of arm*. The e etny's kfiled, wounded and priox. era, numbered between cue thousand and twelve bundled. Tho rout was a < rnplete onm It *m an infantrv flght. No artillery w*h fired by n*. The ttb Vtrginiaand 17tb and 18th Mi*ri(-sippi Hsviuieut were the truop actually engaged : the I.lth >!,- fistlppi ltegiir.ent w-* held in reserve. ■ Signed TawtfAX Johdan, Ars’c Adj. Gen. I hive private deepeb* tiring further • - counts ol tl* hltair JhefigbMrii; we* quite se vere, and lasted nearly all day. The enemy croaeed the river under cover of a irstnendou rann* nade fr m tbe Maryland abore. When, a: the close of theeugagt men’, the enemy fled, iu the attempt to recr< ts t>ie liver, at Ir-art 300 of them sere dr word Oor Ipitsd and m uoded amounted to SiHt. Toe Mississippi Rcgimants were roraaianacd by # Culoqels Fvaiuersiwu, Burt and Balk*dale. Tbe killed on our side i* estimated et only So the wounded at about 3ftk Fir* hundred if tbe p-isonerstakin w 11 tehee to-morrow The enemy is expected t r u* w the attempt to ro. G< n. Even*, has eHed for relnforoement* which have been sent to b*m. Tb*- *n#my are represented. In this ins’auce, as having (ought likedevi,*. Our men did their work manfully with tbe bayonet lioutiem-a. who participated in tbe fight, and who arrived here, sav that when tbe rout of the enemy began, tbe confusion even exceeded that which prevailed among tbe Van kees after the t attle oi Mau***** Plain