The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, December 09, 1861, Image 2

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(OLI MHiV KltlUAl, IGIMtHMI 0. P*6| From the Southern Confederacy. Adjoirwul #f Coiifrrtir.. Ud Tuesday evening the Conference llali wea so densely crowded before the hour of buaine*>, that it Wes wiili difficulty the Bishop gut through ibe “blockade” of disappointed spectators who filled the floor* and stairways, itriving to gain a position from which they might hear, or even aee some of the proceeding*. The ladle* who had gu out to witness the oonoiuding seas ion of the Conference, end learn who would be the “new preachers,” filled more than half the Hail, aud seemed to be waiting with restless anxiety for the appointments to be read out. when the Bishop antn-urned that, on aotne -0. h oceaaiona, the cilitebs after their cu riosity ha*! boen gratified in hearing the ap pointments fir their re* locality, had disturbed the further proceeding* by leaving the hall, and on that account, he should postpone the appoint ments for the Atlanta District until all others had been announced. Just here it cost some es fort to avoid clapping of band* and stamping of feet. With the exception of a little pleasantry and a little more hunenube, the transactions of the evening were such as we should expect of a grave and wise body us Minister*. When the question, “Where ahull (be next Conference be laid V* was presented, several place* were nominated and their various claim* presented to fbc beat advantage; hut Macon was chosen hy a large majority. The following resolution* were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thunk* of this body are hereby tenderot to the citizens of Atlanta for their generosity in opening their doors to tb # Conference, when it became necessary suddenly to change the place of Its meeting; end for the cordial and elegant hospitality dispersed since we have boon in their midst; to the Protestant Methodist, Christian, Baptist and Presbyterian Churches tor the use of their houses of worship ; to the city authorities and the Inferior Court for the use of the ip'olotis Court Hoorn in the City Hall for the srsalous of this body, and to the various Railroad Companies for redocing their fare to ihe members fending the present session of this Conference. Resolved, Hist tb oily paper* lie requested t<> publish theebovc. Before reading the appointments, the Bfeli-q., in a few appropriate remarks, referred to the laborious task of harmonising the many conflict ing interests in arranging the work for the com * n l y c#r ‘*p'ke of the distressed condition of the country the probability that the Ministry,ln common with all others, would have to forego the enjoyment of luxuries and even conveniuu eiea, but that, with Divine assurance of brewd and water, they who were celled to preach tb Gospel should never murmur while their own sou* and brother* were marching through rain or snow all night, on abort allowance, In order to encounter the enemies of their country und defend the cause of liberty. When the appointments for Wesley Chapel and Trinity (which were waited f..r in almost hreathlts* sllanoc) wore made, an audible ex preasii nos satisfaction j*r vailed the whole house. The closing prayer of the Conference was by the venom Me father in Israel Loviek Pierce. Jt. was out nent, Solemn und impressive; and when he pleaded earnestly i< Cod for our bleeding country, our armies in the field, (he confusion u! ur enomie*, for a speedy peace and independence, and a glorious career for the future of our conn try, every heart es that vast throng was touched and breathed a patrioti response The session has been a pleasant one, and our citizens have greatly enjoyed the pressure of the member* of the Conference. I’roiu the Pufemhurg Express, KmuUl.lf tMi|if from I inri.lurfoin .Safe Arritil llulllf, W ilihiio li. i’arvin nud Williuur li. Willis, of the Washington Ureys, Oapt. Thomas sparrow, from W a#’ ing ton, N. C., pesn-d through Peters burg ev.'l ing bui. re last oil Uu-ir r turn home, after ab og iurpri* muiunt at th* Nurth. Their escape from fuiibor I'onflucuienf, and their sub sequent avoidance .< detection, and arrest, are reutaikubfe -almost miraculous. They were la ken prisoner* in company will! many other g il iaut North Carolimaas at Pori Uatteras. We are all acquainted with th* circumstance* of the surrender. Fr-ur Uatteras they wore taken to Fort LaFuvet:. the Bast lie of New York. Here they were kept in eloso cv nti neuron t until the Utter part of October, whan they were all put aboard a steamer ana taken to Fort Warren, uear Boston. tin their way to Fort Warren, Parvin and W iilia formed auiue plan of escape, and announ ced their intention to Certain sparrow, who told them they must do it at thoir nk. If they tailed heavy iron* and close confinement for the bal ance of the war would he their lot. Uut they possessed brave hearts and wore roufiJvut of suc cess. They supplied themselves with bread and water, n candle, matches, Ac. On their krrivel at Boston the men were marched ashore in coiu panns, as their name* wete railed. Immediate |y lad ore the tame* . (he “ Washington Ureys” were called P.irvtn snd Willis left their company descended ffvm ihe dck aid found their way info th extra euai ro<.ni of tha steamer. Here they con -e a fed thim.elves, and in a little while had built up a wall of cal around them so that any person entering the room would not discover them. Their fete ctnpaalnns ln arms were gone and they were now stone in the dark, unwhufe some coal bunk of an cuemy's steamer, not kn .wing what a day or an hour might bring forth In this condition they remained for a day, or probably a day and n night, when a Urge tmai her of sailors were brought aboard the steamer to be shipped to New York. tin the Ist >| Vcv#|i|t>er it* ve el fedt Boston aed laud- I I er I• o• I at the Hr . klyn Navy \ ard. lu the bus amt tinluiii ii CA'iutqiient up* i tb* M debarkvi •.*,< ur heiu.ath wght they might have ‘lieir pfeec and concealnu tit aid inikr th*.. esc -po lin y gam. and the deck and went uuuh | served on shore wnh Ihe crowd of sailors. But they soon saw the 1 ilrir turn. fur escape had not yet come. AH i<round the N vy Yard were j station’ 1 ontineb . wh< m it would be impossi ble to pass. Tfy tberrf're rcatdved to rvturn t < tbi* t 1 an.% ..i and H ; .it a liuU longer. They now C • I• .1 ilom-oivisin the private apartment q| ‘* • ~so<l muhii.hl thus for two days when fu ai y, il |<r• \ identially, in .ne of bor t v <he - *-:*mer run M ill of a schooner in the riv-r .• 1 w** r p *rfed ■* turn h damaged *s to cause her ‘<• nuke or Jersey City wnh all pu*. slide Great •-v> c*im-nt was produced among her i ><uger sod ev* ty ihiug at.d eve ryb dy woo •>. * . . , . A t “ rabfe i ppolt’ u Mow , rot rid lor the pris “"" t-ihc. |rt,mut tl.vy toi k advantage of it. iMy felt their bid n x place again, and as soon as the Jersey City Winding was reached they tusbed ashore I'm then took passage on a ferry bowl lor Nw York, In this great city they found a mend who took tin in m and kiudly • arwd lor ibv:n Me adi-cd what they should do, wawifui oiriied them wnh money to complete their plans. I’tiey took passage to Baltimore a* b'nion Bailors .iim ‘ itl ern cosher* of the deepest dye. In in* hobfe Mouumttilai City they !iad mu tr i u before meeting with frieods of the fs- nth and her detcwdwrs. Clothss were given item and they were aided in getting employ tuiiM n a wood *<-hoc tier, hound tor •otpt point oil the fewer Maryland shore. For sixteen days they > ti.eJ like beavers, and by tbetr unusual Industrious halots ud be ha Viuur, they gamed the nubuunded confidence of the Captain. His every wish was few, and every act wae done with pleasure. But the proud cep tain was soon to lie deprived of hi* pri*. I* wee the night for Parvin to keep watch, end the captain bad retired, and Willis had pretend ed to do so. But hands were as busy as eyem- Malls lor the small boat attached lo the schooner were made and fitted. The proper hour bed come; the sign was given, and the two men set forth <m the dark water*. It was all a venture with them, for they knew not whether they might land among friends or enemies. After long hours ol suspense, and weary trarel, they landed on the Virginia side of the Potomac, b* Jew Acqna Creek. Here they were taken in eu tody arid sent to lien. Holmes’* heedquurfers, where they wete joyfully recognised hy old ac quaintance from North Carolina They were famished with free passes over the railroads to their homes. Is this not a strange and r*>iiteuiic tale, read erf But it is uevtribtltsK true, and put* fiction to the b!u*b. ■ ■■ • The following is the order read to the troop-. Headquarters First Corps of the Army J us the Potomac, near (Jen tre villa, > November *th, lattl. ) Übskmai. Okokkh, No. 76. Anew banner is entrusted to d*y a- * battle flag to the sale keeping of the Army of the Po tomac boldiersl Your mother*, your wives and your sisters have made it. Consecrated by their bands, it inu*t lead you to subaiuutfel victory and the complete triumph of our cause. It con never be surrendered eveto your uriH|,ekuhle dishonor and with consequences fraught with iin mensurable evil, I nder its untnrnilud fold* beat back the invader and find nationality and everlaMing immunity ftom r an atrocious despot, ism, end honor and renown for yourselves or death. My command of Oen. Beauregard. THOU. JORDAN, Adj’t Men. A llulfl of Baltimore Declared “CwlrrAuA.” A dispatch from Baltimore, In a late Northern paper, says. Borne what of a sensation was produced this morning in the western section of this city by the Provort Marshal sendiiig‘ii large force of po lice to Killer’s Hotel and seizing the whole es lablishiiient und all its contents, including a largo number of horses, the content* of the bar room safe and vault. The object of this movement As said to be to prostrate the mail arrangements ot the rebel sympathisers here. It is nnpp* i that, from this hotel, there has boon rvgufar commut, kept up to W*l river, end thence t.. Virgiui-i The proprietors of the hotel have not been so pacted generally, and me regarded as loyal un n, hut it is supposed that certain employee* mid ludgers have been receiving mi l lr*ninitting letters South. A number of letter* havu been seized, but havo not yet hewn examined. Two parties, VYillimn Hart and John Karla, have been arrested. From the Boutbera Recorder Cust of LfgUlatioo. The reduction us the Senate from l.‘i2 lo 41 members, ha* saved > ltd in per diom, and a total or for mifeuge, making in all #2 saved to the Stuie for a session of forty days in the compensation of luciuiiers. In the House of Representatives the dully cost of I6U numbers at $ • is iucludmg the do < keeper and uiesHuuger, mid for forty dsyr. s‘.4. .“•20. Mileage, at an * vertigo ot SC(I, auiMuii>* to SIU,Htt. ‘lhe cost oft he Becretary’s Department in the tSenato i* 687,M1, and of the Clerks Mo , partmeent in tin* Hu* SIUU pur Uuy. The u<- fnunt uiay be thus staled for (be evadon - In Hentife, per diem u mileage 2.Mu “ .Secretary’s Olfire... 9,.>00 *16,400 In House, per diem $.:4.'’.20 ” mileege 10,110 ” Clerk's ottloe 4,000 *18,400 Total per suasion of 40 days t1‘1,020 I'uiiltuuxnre of I lie Smiuti. Ruforo the General Assembly met, it wh* sup posed that only a lew bills wuhl be essential tu tho public welfare, such e* providing meant fur the defe-tiNeof the Male, and uit-Ntufr* of ciiiulnr importance. Ten days had been allowed, or rallior bed been suggested by autiiu papcis, h aiifficient to complete all the principal luisine**, and that being done, ib* Legislature should it uude adjourn, tu save the heavy • xpi nse ut a lull. scHsioti. Sudi m v.ew was no doubt h.-msilv • n tertained by thou who exprc**-dit. Twcnfy eight day* of the presout *c**i>n have ,itrendy elapHud, aud the main action ha* nut been hast —we uiutn tho paH*ge us the hill i<* /i.*i*iMue the Cuuludeiate war tax by the State ut about $4,- (Mill,Odd, mol iu raise $a,000,(100 more for -he de tente of ihe £ft*(e. Wu think tho remaining twelve of the forty days will not he 100 much to finitli what is now pending in the two Mouse*. Fur the last w**k or more, the Senate aud Huuae have been driving busmen* forward with great industry, holding ihree sessions per dav, and u>t adjourning until a fete h-ur at night. At thi* rate we think it probable they will transact ail the buidnesa that may be necessary within the forty days limited by the Constitution.— *rw He*. Ki.rcTiox ok Bank Direct- as.--We see by the ('hronidu und Sentinel thut the following named gentieineu Were elected Directors ol the Hank of Augusta, on Monday last . Mesar* John Bones, It. 11 (.'uimiiing, It. A. Held, Win Shoar, M. AVilkinaoti, Henry Moore, I). K Wright, Ja Brown, Win. 11. Goodrich, James W Davies And at a meeting of the Board on Tuesday, John Bones was unanimously re flected President. Increased iuforuiatiua and later devnlopueuis cuuvitice us that the invaders and plunderers at Port Royal are recen ing and deriving nut only less then tiny claim in their inagn to* in i p >rts, but even less than we were di pi-*ci ut iirat (o admit. In retail “ii to the inveigling and n-uut'iinQ ot i aervauts, many readers cau rem luber that th * game we* aiu-mn'ed ia 1813-14 by (ho foe, an i that in the l‘rutty f G:>ent -be queaii .u of coin pensati -u wa* referred folio- ( * vr, wh - proiapllv alfowed >6 per * apita ter servants taken a very large urn a prices then prevailed- t'har. (V*i#r. Lt -- -i.x \ AXUALiau \s ihearmy of Lm- .'ln. under (fen. Payne, returned to Paducah Inm Milburu - u their letreet t;oiu a foe they did mu veti wait to aee, utdu rs com util tut act* ; ot cruelty and tWt, which auoiild disgraoe t-verv • •sheer oUacbed fothu ciiumand Wo have one iu state’ from und< uhtvd authoriiy, which we give as a tuiiq-U: A widow Imly whs tr. ut h. me at chureh. The s I diet* entered her dwelling tiffed it t ,f every thing valuable they cuuld cany awny ripped “pen (he • ii> leather bed she bed, and scattered the contents in ihe yard; killed all ot her purk hogs, and packed them away wnh aud fed • ff the i aly h..rae the poor widow owned ..n earth Rhe is thus left desolate, impoverished without provision* or mean* tu procure fuel tu get through the approaching winter un hvt she may. And tk>* ts Mm thnn pi olt v , um, —flu /#N&Ns(Ay) Aties, :tu/A, W- Rnoreiary Meaumnger, in a fetter tu a friend iu Charleston, saxs “We cannot prevent the „ f minor point! on the eem-oastky ,he fleet of the euemy, hut I trust that whenever they utsy their ships our eountryiMti will s fe ß them a Carolina reception. “I hope that every planter will burn hi., them every blade of grass lIPOkUNT THUS CAST TOXISBU. Th* fn*urn< t, .n ISmtati t — Th* Traitor* At tn J, unt Trotjff ‘ Co*f*d*rQt*t RejiuheJ i We|hMVe itibirumiion that on yesterday a large body of tJnlonieta attacked an inferior torce of Confederate* at Morristown, East Tennessee, killing a number of the latter, the balance being retire before the superior force of the enemy. There is intense excitement, and it appear* as If the rebellion, which wae supposed to be qiteifed, has broken out with increased virulence. Nothing but summary vengeen o will repress the Lincoln incendiaries of Hast Ten ne***M*. They are pound with the demon spirit l and controlled by the avil counsels of those arch bailor*, Johnson and Maynard. We ha vs also ini omati-.n of the arrival of Msj. (Jti, tieo. CritUndcn, at Knoxville, to take command of >he Cm.federate forces in Kast Ten nessoe sod Southern Kentucky. His arrival at ibis junomri is ruolt opportune. He was an officar high in rank and distinction in (he old army. He he* **n much active service, and is pos#* sard of that inimitable vigor mul courage, as well as thorough military knowledge and gen eralship, so necessary to cope with the formida ble rebellion of the Lincnlnitea in Kast Tennes see. ‘they will find in him an opponent who will drive them like chafi before th wind. We are truly fortmate in securing Ibr important commands the beat officers in the old Federal army. Den Crittenden is the eldest son of John J. Orittsnden, but unlike his lather and brother, is true to the cau-e of the ftouth. J/empArs A valant he l i I Fr./ui th* Cit ifcuali Comaioroisl, Nov. 21. linrril Pillerwui D.froie. Hen. Robert Pattere*n of Philadelphia, who has been in very ill favor with his countrymen *-n< e the battle of Hull Klin,as Lo was uu*ler.*tood to bo to blame fur the undisturbed junction of the for<es .if Johnston and Ib-fiuregard at MauuMa*, ha* at lr ii)'ih unde n public speech, charging the responsibility for the failure productive of such grievous results, upon Men. Scott. We pubtfehed hl remaiks, and it i* only fair to say, , they con (din utch tliit is new and important regarding the terrildo blundering which had its culmination in the pMno of ‘lie 21st offiuly Un. Patterson claim' l that he proposed to do the things which we all n<-w sue should have been done that he gave timely information of the movements of Johnston’* forces—that he could have Wen at Manassaa the day the battle was fought, but telegraphed and waited in vain for orders. The retirement of Hen. Routt gives Gen. Patterson un opportunity of defending himself withoii* pn (iidico to the cause of the country. If his statements are strictly reliable, and they seem to have boon made with calmnc-* and pro oisl-n, while those most linportnnt can easily be verified .r disapproved by doruuien's, they go tr toward exonerating him fr* m blame Tho following From the New York Herald of lb 2‘.*'h, disclose* what the Yankees moan by their throat to “opHu'’ cotton ports. The plan set forth will doot.ifex-i strike our rea.lers as a queer way ol carrying uut the programme “The naval and military expedition, which commenced it* ohruer eo gloriously by the cap ture ot Pur’ Reyal, has made another splendid stroke by the occupation of Praddock’s Point, the RoMtheru part of Hilton Head Island and i Tyhee Inland, •'••iiiiiianding the entrance to Sa- I vounali. To tins puiut a pcr’toit of our “sbrno • tloei” from N w l.ondou arc now haMtening.aud wm hisv look forward t” the ccmplolo blockade of all the cidrnrw t*> Puvannab In a few days hy the • tr. 'tii*il block ado of the channels hy our ( Hunken whaler I’he mnp which we publish I to-day and (lie editorial oonuncots upon there { cent uv.voimoit *'i Ihe mouth* of the Havannah river will explain in the must complete manoor the ol*ic t and imporfwnce of thi* expedition.— Riivnnuuh may !>u Considered henceforth as of no itn(.. ifatiCo to tin* South s* s port.” Antiikh Rkii.mamt Aihikvcurnt—We have the gralilicatlon of anumincing upon un questlon.i'dc m.iliority, the roioplefe success of x skirmish beyond Manassas, in which the First North t’amlins t'avalry Kogiraout playod a dls tiiiguishw*! part. <n Ti* ‘day morning last at onrly dawn, Col. Robert Hanson, with n serge body of hie caval ry, who now 0.-onpy an advanced position noar t’entreviile, started un a scouting expedition They had proceeded hut a few mil* when they full in with tha Third Pennsylvania Cavalry Regimciii, cu,mu infect by 001. A vcrill. Ai iho comm >iii lof iheir lenders, (be North Carolini.ins made a da hing charge upon the 14enstns, killed urn ac<l taking 2f. prisonarr; dim., a large ntimber of hmses, anus and e*|Uip taenia. The Iva.iians were utterly routed, nud tied mi Hull Run stylo, leaving their dead and wounded oil A tin iii-bl. Strange to tatc, not a man on our side vun lofet. and Ilia is uortuiuly <die us ’he most gallant and remark tide affair.* of th. kind which has oofur •ul during the war, nod Col. Kauttoiu ha* quick iv won for hnusell a disiiuotiou of which he may well be proud. U 0 coiigratu'aie him and the noble Old North .Slate upon tho brilliant result of hi* expedition, fioiayi the Petersburg (Va.) F x press. lirorgix Troops. ‘lhe ud “i Confederacy efye-terday learns that both il ii ./. ot tho LegisUturc have passed resol a Mon.*, urging tic Governor to turn over to rhe 0 nfed*-r*f tluvernuient all Ihe tro.iiu he has cal i*d >nt-> tho service of tho State ; and that if l>*vii will not art oapt their services, he then pty th ni all fl and discharge thcui. Sxt.tnr <Uir enterprising citizens, Harris At. Ho**, to fic,-.i!utuodttr chased 2nn - I k* of salt. Governor Brown in the plenitude of hi* wi <l. tu.has seized the afore said ItMf s:.cksin the hand* of the S. W. U R. Go., but graciously agrees to release It, provided Harris A Kosa will lake an oath nut to *a I over $6 .<!> per eck, thus kindly asking these gentle men to pocket a ln* ..f limit. As they are poor men they (demur to his K x<*lfency’* high handed (ueasure, and havecufere*! suit nguins* the 8. YY. U R. Cos lor the vhlu of their salt, (f Gov. Brown go* * ,*n, nail and all other ii<-ossancs will disappear from our market, t/.i....* TrU /titfh VI witK ‘* ak Bai.mmi The Odnuihia tlwardixti t<o‘ic. - b!< ,f c tu-u, in which while ..ak slats, ba-ki’t turhioii, teke ihe place td gunny cloth, anl 1., p* if tbu Same wood take the pu<* of rope T 1 > dev ire is the w.-rk ol li. N. Carter, of I, m •■■os. who -'lata* that, with uia cbiiHtrjr for •’ nimg he ill I. two hands ran ge* •ut enough f-p m *dc in twenty minutes, j Tun K**ri Couivu “ u have udvbi*. *;.>* I the Columbus iKy.) New a, of ihe .Htlih, to ihe edict that iho •• lin l l< r “Manassas."by which *<MVer uni • she i ku ■. u, pa.-zod liaUm Rouge oti \Vedt,c*.fe> 1 1*1 .1, her wu) this place. She Will he a.% mciMi.r. The Grand Divisions us the Hons of Tem* P* rwnre ■ f South Carolina, its annual ses *••* in Cos uinbiiA. S. C., 1,.8 week. Among oth er Imp - “•'**, the Grand Division severed Its con n “Ub the IFvisi. nos the Foitid Si.• *, and rccomim mfed a meeting of and lega te* from alt ihe Gr.ird Division* in ihe Confeil crito Brat .n. h, hold at Ailu >iw, Gu., on the first Mcdiwuday in May next. f..r the pur "f i rgani'ci| * National Dlvi ii.u for the Confr.letH., I•• hi>.. lx. flte 8L Louis correspondent of the t'liicinnati Enquirer say* that troops a r pouring in there in large number# from lowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and other States, and that General li dlock will soon be ready to start South with one hundred thousand men. The la i.daturc . i South Carolina, on Tues day feat.alerted Hubert W. Barnwell and James L. t)rr,to represent that State fe tba Senate of the Confedarxte States. lOU MHtk.NATI BOAT DKfkMBKRT. IMI. ■ Itrlli; of th. Octwnl Cttll-K- The K ertornl Colfegr for theHtele of Georgia met in iho Hull of be House ut Kepreiientatives lost Wedrirsd ty and cast tho vole the State for Jefferson Davi-. and Alt xander II Stephans, as Fratdtfeut and Vice 1* e*i ent of the Confede rate Stales of’ America, f’ rsix VMur* from the 22d day of Fbmsr> oex. Ihr Slliers bffMi ftnn|awy. “I*, r onn**,” ihe < ‘-rr s>|Mnd*-ni of me Charles tun Ci-ur or, wri.ii.q irut Muna ** remarks a* follows: One of the /r- m .st • -jiu<*.l*l lons to the ar uy, tu truth .m tiidt*|H'iMahlc tigatey in promo ting ilie i< iiiiort ol < 8i co .ltd uirn, is ilie H. u therii hxprus* C tup-tn y. ?u ‘Uisnii. upon thou* n.i* <d \ 1 1uu I.lm | acki.gfcs have been for warded to Virginia trout uvery p ini u of tne Booth, ut.d deliver'd to Unit wo*r>, winch Would have r.e\ei rea-bud 11.e.r linalioU hut for the aiuplu uieana and *> •t-stna ic arrange rueiits whicn huVe boon p seed at ibc disposal of the public Fur rite ti-et two month* alter the coinn nci,U'-nl of tbu Wur, murk difii-'Ully w*c experfenc. din |<owr*l ng p tree s, and bud ug them m ter res- 1 mg this p. fiu - if. .Sept, the entire u. o limcry of thi departuicnt baa been managed mil* the r*:gu arity of la:k work i Formerly the lo *of rlt•* Coinpsoy mom than equalled i:s ruceip > r nolwithstauding the “army risk” n. wbu-li • *ry g. nerat p.icknge was subj cted, in no .im oo - l ave the officers avoilud th ui v. sot ini* r luifed to pay piompriy fi fell i u.-e*ioned uy un*iug article*. i\ •* iii.w • tu, llitiro is litil danger of anything bei-g mica triad which h.. a prompt direct i*. n. md me re eipts hive iu rvased up ward- of nils iiMiclrcil p r pni. I ideed, I am tdd * .at ill ore fii-ioes* is and .tie at this little pUc I . n ordinary Goa *in lli largtet • fti cc* in ili> t ..lied f I sic- Tn d-q.-.t In* .<u<upi.y i- a wo I en building laid • t! m* dr in departments, which are * * .■ *t* fetUsnd u-id -Uulv.d I! re are ile posited, wit ii Muir dtrerlion* nu * ml. the lari oum parcel- as they arrive, * , M,al at a gianre the viaitor may discover -r tnui elf the presence of the ar'iefes ughr. Ir aodr ion to tie is a hook iu which i* noted thu at.lren .o each, and which a olerk i* coastaotly ‘-ngtged in poring over, while responding to rhu cat! ot the crowd of ap plica (ii* who Ini* the out ide ot the railing which dividi-a ihe ui.uu c.rrider fr *m the sanctum sanctorum k r three a iiinr ihic nrraug lucnts the army and iu him nidi hi ,| i . ,\|r. J bo \ Bow en and I’hsrli* It. Khnnao, ihe Hopriii on.fent and \ s-Dlant Suprnn'eidot ni (he F mpgWy, by wb< m iho intrictt’ .** of ih< i.u ine** bar* l>een miraie fed, order *•**... i bed, and a perfect system of op-.rutu.iiz ii.oi gura'ed. Few gernfe iimiit connectp.l whir th*- army deserve m. r* en comium for substantia! services rendered and certainly in lie have shown tr r gram as men of find rale bo* in ••■ah lufent. l.xUsil an! thr North. A late V* ashifigton disjulcb sj) s By ihe arrival of the steamer Oily of Wash iug*’ n w*; bav iiih<riuali*'h ol In a the late Oof re|."i..fence hot arm Secretary -few ard and Laird reletite to the orr*-t . f I’rifeh subjects in tbi* coantry, wae ricetnd. It made a very unfkvi ruble iiuprcssiuß. Ail the l ading Lon d"U paper* asaeil Mr. H* wind end our Govern ment wnii gnat bMtrrnee*. It ia reasonable to conclude ih it ihe arrv-t Midell and Mason from a British steamer will not improve the toui|*r of these journal* r ..I the British Gov eruroeet. Hue. (Jri. ferki. The Mobile Register und Advertiser, of the 4th lost., in an article oil tin* ‘‘reduction of Pickens,” *ny* • “The reduction of I**, k.- - by Uuabardntetit ie now believed in Ih- feus.b e. and Gen H egi; put* for:b the whole of In* batterie* in a contimtOHS ficr <d a few days, knocking much of ifn wall to piece* and rendering it untenable with h >t direct and falling abetl.— I he late engagement has taught * le*a..(i rape cnillv iise-nl at Fort Me Hue adjacent bat t*vte*. us wilt be shown when their increased and heavier metsl i* next levied, u it probably “>"ii will le Ihe promptitude with which iou. Ii agg Improve* lesson*, ue shown do nng the bombardment I he first day H.e ene my’s men-of w*r got nuu a ponitum which the gun* ol MeHne would not bear, and bam men and away on her to iheir hearts’ 04)u ml - The next ly they attempted to play the mine [ game, but weie wofirlly rniatakui. autlcring severely .idd having to withdraw. Tho n ght betiiro Gen Gragg had threw lie imaml men at u , and a baiiery u* - m readines* by mom ing l*> pay Hi respect* lu ihe naval gentlemen, when i hey ai'einp edto renew their perforro an. e* of the pluvious day Thin we learn from a gentleman who was in the vteim y tlnr ng ihe tight, and hna returned lo the A-iiv I nun him w • ufeo learn hew it was that tlii'ii* cume lo be n p >siiion which shipping could lake without guns bearing on them. It was beheted th .r iher* was not water nigh to float s heat y vessel at the pin. wberq ibe Niagara and her consort went into Mellon, a* ail ihe charts markeii the water ahaiiow there It eemr, however, t fiat dr.tliug currents, tide*, or some cause, had deepened tii.. water, and that this was known loan escaped negro, formerly employed on a Pensacola pilot feint, lie piloied the sh.ppiug in, and they achieved *mall success one Jay. which they dearly puul for the next, in being sent to ihe right about in a disabled condition, will what 10-s o| life i no* known. It ia a J that the ruddjf of the Nicgara was rendered ii Seles by ne of the shot which caught her astern as s’ *• lu net! to run from the unexpect ed lire which opened on her Tba lfen*aeu|a * >r vsp.u.dent us ihe raine pa per write* an (be l-i iiibL a* fuiluWs: Col. \ ilfej i* y lha hero ..f tba bum r.|iueu(. It. bet 1 (he weakest pusitu.u iu ••ur 1 inee under great disadvantages and under a most fernliefire, to which he e.-uld not reply. Mis lit; lo fort w* riddled, cuinpwrativslj, with •bull ami r tie l ( .tunun shut. It is hsrder and heroic tu sufler than to give hard knocks, .uid od. V tliepigue had to sutler alui st in si lence and subiutssmii a surma >f frightful at tempts at nt'jug>liun l*M - kenz. ab.i.e, during the U tubardiacnt, used ah.>ut fifty gun- >nl mortars, and cwrering a space us abont five miles Owr htUeries were c -n. • fra'ed for the u.>st part upon one fww— -I’icV No wonder it was a hot p!a*e. ! south wall* .f i .ri B.- ktr.. attest the ac curacy of the tire from the batterVn of Fort Bar aura*, and .ft .puin* Daws .a. Clark, Msbry ami l*k. ii, I ti mMr wll is ocarred, a see mate Stove it , and tht rv is one h Ie higan.mgh (••drives horse and cart through. The Err of the mortar* is vertical, sad iheir effect* are in side, not outaide the F< rt. Hot a* wo* the fire upon the First Alabama Regiment, nut a man iu it was injured -sn usljr. ! Hie fl <g ut Barancas, as wall as Mcitse, wa* iwicc shot away. Cspt. Dawsou was stunne-i i and kuu'ked .1 wn by the force of a Urge hail I pasting near h-m. A NiutlUr lindrif *lbe Lynchburg Repehlican, ot the 2tiib nil., publishes Iho folluaiug incident, ruuarkabie .i ikr* for i* - -'ngiilurilj as wall as fer its ineisn choliy fulfilitwent tu thv brother of one of the parties concerned • Just before the war out, and before Lin colh's priM'lainutiun was issued, a young Vir ginian, ii.iiue<l Summerfiuld, was visiting in the city of New York, where he made the acquain tance ut two Misses Holmes, from Wa'erbury, Vermont, lie became somewhat intimate with the young ladies, and the intercourse seemed to be lautaily agreeable. The proclamation was itsuetl, and the whole Nurth was thruwn into a blare ut excitement.’ Upon vlsUtaf the ladies ooe evening, and at the hour of parting, they remarked to Mummerfield that their present meeting would probably be the last; they must hurry home 4” aid in making up the overrun - * and clothing fur the volunteer* from their town. Summertielii expressed bis regtei that they must leave, but at the same time especially requested them to see tint lUe overo*s were well made, as it was his iuteuiiuu it he ever met the \ ermout regiment iu heitfe, to kid one of them and take his epat. Now for th is qni Virginia mj eled. The I Yurruout rg'uiHn'. a portion <f which ws i t'r ‘oi the town of Waierbury , was * ‘i t “• \ ir*r*-•* The battle of Manatsas was food*'* in w ,M *b iii) w-<re engaged, and so w* .Summer 1 * and During the battle S. m irked In* uan, u l kio w mg lo whal jj'.a'e hu belonged ; ‘be fata* bail w spe on it* errand of dca‘h ;th - victim leli ut rhe fl isb of ibe guu, aud up >o rushiag up to ■e -lire tiied. ad man’s arm*, Summcitisld ob served i but he bad a fine new oevreoal s’rapped 1., ti s back, which be determined to spproriate to hi* own use. The fight w*s over, and Sum meitfelibed time tu exaurne bi* prize, when rrinarkahle as it may appear, the emt was marked in ihe lining with the num- of Thomas Holmes, l .irtd in the p C.kefe were found letter* sinned with ! the name *f h* is*er*. whom Hummerfield had j know in V* \ > tk, sod wfi- m fie had made I Ihe remark we have quoted, in Which the dead in, w* addressed * bc-Hier. 1 fie evidence was cun* lu-iva, he hsd ki led the hr-.lher .1 b ■ friend, and ibe remark which he htd ma le in je. had a melancholy uifl.lmenf. Bear an red thi- is bterally true, hoiumer fl Id now w*rs the vat, and *ur iiit*rm#ot I stales, it u 4 a little impressed wr h t he singular < y of the coin culm ee i r <ui ibu 1 h.csgo Tribune, N v 21, TI. Cur f thr Trel. Thr 1)1 Arr S0 A geiiflcm'in well ao-iwi, to the legal piuto* ;*i nut the W. s', solids u- M e (üßowii)g p’ io sin rei il.oii to ‘he rare “f t e Trent Inasmuch as rbey are the re-uit • f m < h ih ugh guided hy copious b ariiing, rb y are worthy stieiiliuD’ He say- ; By the law f nations the fe k of fbo Trent wa* a pail “I Me ?♦ tritorv <•’ F glan The I’rtoi hart viufe’ed ii” tdockadu ; had nul sailed fr.-m au> rebel purl, and c.uld n4 he re fore tie li ilile to capture, htie wan a ) übio mad packet rui.mug lr..n, on Koglirh port l another. Iluiiiari Imiirgs are But “couiraband.” M.v n and Id II *hi either tHo..|*ed re bes, and thureture • ihu.g ucre • r less ibari pulili cat refuge* *, <>r lh y w- re arcreuiteU envovs lo ‘he Krituh G vnruin n If p- i i-al refugees and on Brilub terf'fi.rj hat we ny right tu o.iaie rhti i.-r Hury slid ar * them * If a cia.iitcd envoys, had we any -uch right ‘ W uld any uatfen bavin an ounce “f self roped, ever *urrm ter a political refugee, ur an envoy accredited to its own Government? If no uaMon Would surrender iu either case, h ‘W much leas would a vi. la( u of teirit ry and forcible abdudiou be submitted tu ? These seem to h grave queries , and whilst I hope and trust that ur Washington oasuisfe may pr< ive are in the right I ‘hull awan their pronouncing with some anxiety. The (jsn ti'i pronlemation giv** u- n-. r ghts, you know D i>a private * if-nr fe-iwnn her and her subjects from the Augusta Constituiiunsiis's, sth. Thr Prejbjlrriiß General Aisemhly The first session of the Grncrul A-sernhly in the Cos oft derate States commenced yesterday, h 1 j eleven o’clock A M , at thu first Presbyterian Church iu this oily. There t* a large at (endanee i and the proceedings of ibe Assembly will l*e e* I Considerable internal, to the dcnotninaMon which they represent. Rev. Dr. Waddell nominated Rev. Francis ! M.-Farland, of ihe Synod us Virginia, Prut-byte |ty i L*'Xington. as Moderator, w:. ch nunsiue Iti was appri-vi-d hy acclamu'ioii t bsr presiding officer lect, <>ii Taking bis sea'. { tiis<ir* u tew appropriate rnuiurks, at the ci.>e ol ! which he invited Pev. Dr. Palmer, of New >r : lean*, to prwach the epenutg aornen. ! Ihe invitation wnm accepted, and ihe Kev. gen i (lewan delivered au eloquent nod impressive | sermon, which was listened i with atteution ami l gratification by the large congr* gallon pre.-eu*. I Alt- 1 soiiio other appropriate religou-* i-xcn-isai ihe Assembly adj urnod until the sficmooii when (be busiaesa of ihe ocasuu w s rusuued. Tho Assembly will tie in e*Hion here for sev ! rnl davs. (•Ho* SrrJ for We ere informed that an tat*-! tg-m pitoler of thi* coumy has tried the vxperimt;,'! - t finding his hogs < n cotton seed, an*f h.isbcs u successful. He cuimueio *d fei Dteetol ci fee mg thu*, and so eontiuurd unt -1 after ham - . and then turned the hog* ini” the fields. they fed ibe wlnde time ea<-t-pi when in the fl fife <u. the sect IL* iu tli"d of piupanng the loud, wis to boil ;hc **M.I until of a soli nature—*ratify mashing when prosaed between the fing->r*. Let it Jrt hours after boiling end then il is ready to be put in ibe trough for feeding. He tried the ex periment this year lor the first lime, aud a! th >ugh an old plant'r, ha* nw as good or per t hug* heller hogs than he ever raised before. W u would simply call atteoti> u to ibis, reitera tiug tho tact this pfeuter has been success u if b-'cs can he raised oq outtou seed, we do >iul see why Ibe Cotton 8-ates caimot make thii own bacon, for there are h u- u,l- ui seed on every piaiitatioti ibt caunot be w .rib to the planter lit>re than lu to 2j ocuts pel bushe'; but wbtu turned into h.c.u would he worth thrice lha iiuouu . The planter lo wf <>m we have referred, used no co r n, exc' whru be put up hi hug i to fal leu and kill. What do .-ur planting Irtend* think us tht: U-‘ teif la ii tmt w.ntb trying ’ J I'Ntil'M H Hftl The Piantera’C mvcßiiuß, which was to have met in Memphis on the lrtth Lm., has been post-, poned until the third Monday in February. The present a'ateoftbe public mind, and (he general uprising of the citiseus of the South to rope, the invader, have ren ered it expedient to defer the aasembling of the Cunventioa, a general attend* i iDffe being dmribls when it shall meet. Il is n>>t too late to tell the tollovriug nitre- I dote ilioul Kvans, at Leesburg. He called I for a volunteer !•> make a rcertnaoisance oft he • force of the enemy, w! u had rraswrf the river Tom Hscsii.wl Richmond, vt em, auiwaabsrk jn jiff-y With a irp m pleased the Gen ; wral. who aaid, “I hive a lat mHo.” “That'a i au, General, replied Torn. “ttO*i hates a alow man.” aatd lha General “That'a an,” answer ;k4 Tom. “Take a drink, then,” aaid Ihe Gen I eral; “it wiU do yon good.’ “That's no,” aaid I Tom, wnh unction ; and there the interview j ended -- CL <’ ourur. | lfOtrtniAßa CnarnmnaTni.— A dispatch from j Baton Rouge states that Messrs. Nparrow and | Sewmaws have been aiected Confmlerata Senators j by ihe Logiilafure of Louisiana Mr. sparrow has lung been apr-nafeant man in tba State Mr Satmaas —whom w taka tu .ha Attorney General, Tbotuas J. .''•turner is m fist *• *t ilnorgetuwn, D 0 , and a lislant rla *iv* us C*L Pol J. Setnmas, now in command of tier Toombs’ Brigade, at Ceotervdla. Ila is said tuba a young taan of muab learning nnd eloqum .—iVir. seep. 5. ID nvinu* ar Picaxat.—A correspondent of the Mobile I egister, from Fort Barrancas, near Pensacola, says there have been burying* at Pickens, and from the manner of tha funeral doing*, it is thought that two officer* were laid to rest. Goon Divinnnns.—Tha Central Railroad, the Planters’ Rank, of Ravanaah, and the Marine Hank of Georgia, have each declared a dividend of fire per cent, on tba operations us tba last •is months. The Ck|dire of (he Henry l/vii. Wext PaacAaorfiX, Nov. 2S. Edito-i Delta Thi* morning, just at day light, I saw the steamboat Lewis rounding Belle Fontniue Point, running East, when all of a sudden hbe headed for the mam fend at doubla-qiiick time. But too late—one ol the accursed Yankee ateaine * w..s in cloae pur “ml, which tired three tunes. The Lewis soon run aground about one mile front shore, when lhe enemy’s launch beaded her got her off. and in us little lime as it lakes me to write the occurrence, the poor Lewis was diaJppearing in the gap jMtas betweeu Horn and Ship island*. I his look place within two and a half'miles ol my house. The Federal steamer then look a position several miles Kal of the West end ol I [oi ii lsfeud ill the Bound, crouched, read) lo pouuce on some new, unsuspecting victim*. — bed and not have to wait long, for at about Ik o’clock M a large topsail, double jib schooner appealed from the N5 et, and. strange to say, loie light up to the euemy, a heu she could have easily escaped, a* the wind blew ireah from ihe Souih. film made no effort to run way. The steam er’s launch hoarded ner, and without changing her courae took h r .o the ste IBM which tuwed her < 8 towards Ship Inland, iheir dcß. Where can ait uur guu boats he le-day? Kcho all* Wt- 1 0 WU* i? If Gwn. Luvai.’s divisi'U ur juiisdietion ex lands east us Pa.c-agouls G* n W thrr * extreme hmiD —haeartainiy nughi to Imj up and doing.— (luce the Mississippi Round iu the baud* us the •m eoiy, what are iht .nhabitutits <d the aoaeoaai iu do? Tu him i.H k tot | tufeclioa, and hope bai we may nil be disappointed. . V ery reapte: fully . You. ufi.dimi servant, A. K LKWIB (Nr Gun ILxU l tail Cairn. Yaateiday about noun it w.i* übservid tliat a euupfe or three ut the uuriberii gun huals weie round the point above Cuittaibu*. Mieatn *’ immediately made uu our guu boat*, three in num. lar, and they stalled up to have a cuiiver-itiion wiih“ Ahrahaui,” it agrecabia tu them. But as soon a* they knew ty ihe smoke that o grace fully curled, that w were coining, they very na turally hiehe.luu* aud returned to Cairo. Our sfeauifcta pursued und followed them up tu WHhiu sigtil ot that awtu! place. Au anxious i-r -wd of thousand’ Mood upon the cmin-nces aruuu t our #iw, n gardfess ut a r.iil er i. w day, awaiting 111 b irathlesa zuspriisw there the upt urn, of .lu- cannonade. But they were doornail to he and a*p|> -lU'ed Wa nuppoe ih , I Abe’s l*4k* h vc cutu iuded that .Suuday w nut a go. and ilny to tight Bui] Kuti .* an il * aura in puint. Aticr Him three boats thai had be* u lying here bad *tatte<l, a lourib, the Met'rea, v*me (•• uur wharl ; bu without lining a line en*. pitched oil up the stream hunting fur the tight. There wan much conjec ture as t- what it Would ail rr*uh in, hut fur uur part we take it (hat our b- i- ?#w what they wanted t- aee up the river, aud mi Iheir return communicated iheir information to the comman der, which was bb il should he. I*. . w Since the abote was written, we have scon a gentleman who accompanied I lie expedi tion, abu inform* us lb*! we tired some ten ur fifteen r und* of *beife Mj F rt IL'lt scattering the Heß-ians like ra C■ tvimttu* t A'/ ) Acres, 7 ih inti. From the Hiiutsville (Texa*) Flag (|iui Krroimlisi af Ibe So. (oalrlrrirt b) M’ Jlfa. By an arrival from Tampico wc are put in p.-aseasmn ot tlm foll'-wing offi. iai ducauiv-nt <r in thacus orn b use atTsinpic- Muriiiuie l u-turn lluuse, Tumpicu, Taiuaulipas H-puhl’f ij itu-ico, timer it l 7'/eoary thr tfa’itiu. hut section--The chief Hicer iu charge of rbo Department .f Finance, o ‘lutuuDicaU-s the following-upon r order to this General Treasu ry In an official communication date ! the 4th inst., ins* Klf* Honey the Minister of Relation* and Government inform* tn* ot t tie following: Hi* F*oe!bn>\ the President ordains that ti e v.iwefe of the Confederate States of the South zh'iibe admitted in th- p rts of the ReputiMc *ul j*ct to the - mi’ re*'rictiotis an! under the same regu a'ions us the vessels us other nations. I transmit tbi* to yon that y<>u may circulate it to the Maritime and fronthr eusiemh'-o** s for the futfilitm in us tta purpo-w. I hereby communicate it tu y< u that it may I o so done. God and Liberty. Mexico, May 11, fetll. JOHN A ZAMBRANO Tbr lilttta Lxw ami ibr .\r'(ia|>rrs. A ruculutton ha* very properly been intro duced iu tfie Tenneaaee Legislature exempt mg the printer* euipfo, ed on dui'y newspapers I'rotu du y The reasons for the move are given by the Nashville Banner, m the fol lowing otiserv.itiuiis, w hieli none ran gaintay l-rum no taxlv of’ men has the present War draw n so laigeiy, in propottiou to it* member*, as from the T'vp'graphicn! Societies of the South. We think we can safely say that n> body of men, as a general rue, posse** more intelligence, pm riot mm and public spirit, ami j when the tocam sounded, they weie amotig i Ihe first volunteers. To day barely enough j are fell iu thi* city lo supply the actual need ! on our focal papers Those who are mow em ployetl hi the office* are generally men who are kept hi home by peculiar circumstance* U'e there!’ re sincerely lrti*l that no member of the Leg i’ at ii re will ref i*e hm vole to a measure which is designed to relieve the newspapers bom such ail embarrassment a* seems likely to ensue, if they do not The peo ple must have the paper*, aud the pa; era must have printers *’ Huvnimi I'lnKßiAr Ways A cor e-pon •lent ol the Richmond Dispatch state* that w hile Genera! Floyd wa* returning torn Cot ion Hilt, ami the Van! ee* pursuing him, the latter heard that our Cavalry had g .( in ‘heir . rear; they immediately turned tail and tied, leaving haversacks, guns, stores aud imnuMi t on, in their flight. The ludicrous spectacle was ex habited of two armies running from each other. Several instauce* of the same sort have oc curred during thi* war. Une of (he most re markable took place a fortnight since in Ken lucky. Our forces had retreated from Wild (’at when a panic seized the Yankees, ami they fled without pausing,some filly or sixty mile*, and the lu.l.ans and Ohio regiments were stil! flying when last heard from. Andy Johnson w as in the retreat, aud w a* overw helmed with shame and mortification. What Sot ihiun Miiuaho and Maohin tiTi cam Do.—-The Savauuah Republican no licea the casting of guns aud mortars of large calibre nud superior workmanship by Mr. A. N. Miller. These guns have stood the test ami have been pronounced equal to any cast in the country. Mr. H. 11. Liuvtiie has just completed mounting at .‘l2 pounder Beige gun which was taken from his ea|aiii*hiueni yes terday a tier noon to be placed in position for the defense of the city. his is Ihe first 32- poiiuder ever mounted as a seige guu in Geor gia. The carriage is of Georgia white oak timber, and the iron work is of the best finish and most substantial character. Ttbk*.—Advices frna‘thi* locality yesterday | contain ri .thing new. About the same number i of ships were in the roads and the Fuderai flag j wa* floating from Martallo Tower, j Three steamer* came in at Warsaw yesterday and after cruising around, nearly iu gun shot of Skidaway, retired.— Sav. Hep. fl. Tha New Orleans Delta learns the attempt of Mr McKeever to open a mail route via Tampi co has been entirely successful. The last tnai l carried was a very large une, and another wil 1 sav# in time for the next steamer. COLI MtilN. MOSUAI . IHtU’ MRKK U, I*Bl. Lfgislilitf Relief. It is a viry common opinion that, in time* of public distress, the law-making power cun give relief to the people. How this cun !e ‘‘A eted, except by removing the cause* which pr duced the calamity, i m seldom inquired into, for a prop ercooaideratfoir-of this question would at once expose the fallacy of the idea. This error ea j'uiuei- A dangerous form when legislators imbibe it and act upon it. The bi- ckade of our seaport* is the iuunesfiivte aed sotti. i ot cam* of ali the .ry dilff■ uty in the Cunfe fernte SUtes.— By reason of this, eo'iun. our great exp rl aud chief motor of trade is couiptlfed to remain on our ban-D and, cu -q-u n'ly. the supply of tb -se wants and the discharge f ihoee obiigaiions, which its refeave whb w..nt to acconq* mb, are prevented. Now, he most direct and only ef fective lU'-an* of me ling and removing thi* difficulty ie to rabe ibe blockade, aud to th * end the whole unerg e* ot the u tin should be directed. The notion Mia* the evil can. in the .-Highest degree b udligafod, by chartering a “Cotton Planter*’ Bank.*’ or other legislative legerdem xiu i* extrav igaotly preposf riu. Uut wb ie the Legislature i unable to aflord relief under such circumstance, it is petent to J > a deal of mischief by granting wholesale license to indiviituals or cor porate bodies to flood the country with worth fe* paper. There i* a Mirficieot number of banking inalilntiotis now in this as there has bran heretofore, to furnish means for ali 1 he eti/e buxine** which may * e offered. These banks are controlled and their affairs managed by prudent, tried aqd faithful men, and they are well established in public confidence They-have proverbially a sharp eye to their own interest, and will not be likely to turn aside from operations w hich to oamiotis and prudent rnen, promise a fair return. Notwith standing tbetr known solvency and their es tablished credit, the UM of these banks are now iro ih ten u* fifteen per cent below par.— What must be the and scount upon the bills of a /i#M*in*<Ration,based ujvon cotton, which shall cover she .S-ate with eight or ten millions of paper f The “Cotton Planter*’ Bank ’ has bean originated and chartered, we undeisland, for the purpose of doing a business which other bunks in the Plate consider unsate It to, the bills of the former w ill not be received at the counters of the fetter and must, con sequently, sutler a depreciation. The planter may get eight or I*- 1* cents a pound for his rottou tn these bills bin when he Irie* to use them he wa§ find the discount upon them will be at least equal U the diflur creiKfe betweeiuthe price ol his cotton and what it a worth lit the market. We wish, then, to assure the planter that there i* no re lief to hi* embarra*"iueu- m any of these leg islative expedient*. W bal others cam-ot d>> for him. however, lie may dolor himself, ills difficulty consist* in having nothing to sell but cotton, which nobody want*. i*et tiim, without another day delay, turn hi* who!* attention , and energy lo raising hi* o grain and uieat lor aate Tbe e w ill be in | large demand during Ihe - oiiiu.iwiuce ol the ; war, and wilt t-oinmand a g*>d price in goad j money It he Will dotbi* and forget, for ati■ e, ] that “Cotton ta King, ‘he will grumble n-i wmn- j of hard times anJ heavy taxes. I’ROChAMATIOX. 11l THE flllZlAS HE EiST TENMSSIK. Me long a* the questiou* of l toon of Disun ion wa* debateal le, *o long you did Weil to debate it aud voir on it: You h and a dear right to vole tor the I ni n, l>**t when 3e e>- *ioii wa* esiabb-bed by voice of tlm peop’e, you did ili to distract the country by angry word* and itisurr* ct ion ary lomull. in doing ihi* yon cvHiitatt the highest crime known 10 . the law*. Out of the Southern Con feeler u-y n-* people pOMfu such element* of prosper itv and Imp piness a* those of F.a*t The >’oili eru market winch you have hithi rto enjoyed j only in competition with a lest of eager North era rival*, will now be shared with a few States of tlie Confederacy equally fortunate, politically and g ('’graphically. Rvery product of your agricu’inre and workshops will now’ find a prompt sale ut high price*, and so long as cotton grow* on (’oufodeniie soil, so long will the motley wh ch u brings flow from the South through al! your channels of trade. At thi* iu • m -ut you might bu at war wi h tba l uilod State*, “T any otiier foreign naiion, and yet u *i .-utTor a teulb of the evils ahi h I pursue you in th.- strife. No u.u s Uf* or pioperiy is safe, no w- man or cl ild can *ba?p in quivt. \. u aie deluded by seifish ditn agucues aho take car* of iheir < w-i jferscnal safety You .-iru citfeeoi of Tenue-t*. , and your Slate on* ! tlm fl >ti federate Statu* So long aay - u uu up in anus Rgaiuat ib#r* State* cm y.u 1 >uk f-r aiiythi.ig but the inva siou of yotir horns*, a-oi Uie w.isnng of your •übatanc- Tt** < niition •’ things musi be ended. Tin li.iverntuunt coiuisands the peace aud Smiklm tr<'p enough to enforce order I prueleiin that every uni w'nu comes in promptly j an i delivers up his arms will lo pardoned on | taking the u-tlh of allegiance. Alt men taken ill ariu* against the G.-vernuu n’ w ill le tranupoi- I ted to th military j rw- ii at Tu <-d-H.-n. Ala. and Ihe confined ibern during the wr Bridgi b-trn er* and deMr>-y -r* .f Railroad track are exeept ed from among il>>pardonable. They w.i! be tried hy drum-head c,*urt uutsnal and be bang* and 1 on the spot. ,D. I •adbkttkk, Coi. uel cottiuianding. Headquarters, Greenville, R. Tern*., Nov. Ut). , 111-sri Sriurr Hy lb. lUnion banirwil Piptn AiJiirt>wii I. lb, 8ri1.... Hmiiirr. The Warhingten c-rrespundt-rq of the New Y *rk Herald, under il -lc of the 27th in-t. tefe ■rraph* as fd! w • Tbc i’rcM'ieut and Cabinet wen -art ~| ~o S itiirday af:er< on fe4t by the arrival f ti - tingui'hed milßary officer of the United Htakes Armylr-oii F-rtr *s Monroe, with papers that ha lTmenJueiaed (where, or, by whom I c .nnot say ). There paper* were spread before the Pres dent and hi* ministerial udvfeers for exxuiii-u ----tfon, and to their ustouLishiueat., proved tube communii ations from Confederates in the South, forward’ *1 by British C"ti.*>ular Mg-uts in the principal cities of the South to Lord Lyons, who in bi* ofli -idl capacity, it appeared, had forward ed the (’ 1 • !’ rafe documents on their way to England. 11.. w they fell Into the hand* of uur officers is wore than 1 contill’at present. That the Freshlunt and Cabinet *-re a pood deni ex cited about the dvvvti.j went umde by the b taining of the j upe.# then- i* no doubt. It is possible that Lord Lyons will be able to explain the matter sat afaeb rily to our gown, in nt, and thus extricate himself from the u*pn ..u that now rents upon him of cutluidui* with those who are iu open rebellion against the government to wbi'b he is accredited. The following, from the Fortress Monroe cor respondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, will probably explain how tho papers addressed to Lord Lyons Da] pened to coine into the nMusion of the Lincoln Govtromtnt. Last evening a Confederale fl .g of trace was brought to hy a blank abut from the gunboat Gen.J. K. Wool, and upon boarding, she wh* found to have on board a few letters frotn ,o U r poor follows who are prisoners of war, and one gentleman with a foreign air, a consumptive cough, xn-l a trunk full of generalities, all of which the Confederate Lieutenant “reckoned was all kurr.” Thin gentleman said he had very ur gent biiHinets in Baltimore, aud would like to go up on the Louisiana, but Captain Davis, the Pro vost Marshal, thought the air of Fortress Monroe might be of benefit to the invalid refugee, and t Id him he might take rooms at the “Hygeia,” aud then started for the headquarters of Major General Wool for instructions. After Captain ndDavis had explained matters General Wool a rmin-d to defein the m*n and await order* rom Washington Tfo “poor r*fu.p ( bis name on thi- register t -he hotel ‘ae “Brimi O'Hara, Puerto Rico, W. 1.” Upon ex>i ui ing bis truuk some valuable i, a per* were found, tbeeoiucnts of which it would not le publish. Bome were sealed und stamped by ‘'Robert Bunch, Her Majesty’* Con sul at Charleston, 8. 0., Them* were directed to “His Excellency, L-rd Ly ns, IL B. M. Minis ter Plenipotentiary at W ashington,” and were carefully conaigntd to ih care of a special agent who will lnkc them to Mr. Seward fur inspection. This inoruing thi* apparent umie.-arv applied t.„ a release, which waaiigiuu ref mud by Gu. Wool ns he ba-i unt so ui advised ut ibe w febes . i Government Tne Mr. o'dam men'roiH-.i, ws, for U|-. ward* ol’flltcxiO >.•, tne MriOr-h Vac Consul m Puerto Rtoo. I .-iu v bariestou, at w days ago, un t.i- r-urn r - ib. North, which hu had let’ iu NovtuiWr. l be- nly document which he cari t t iruio ilo Bot -u ( • n-ul theru was a devpatcb t-> Lord Lyons, written in a cipher, which the United Stale- -.fficials will he unahi to rea-J. Ttiu rate oent that important Con federate doeutnetils were taken Irotu Mr <i'H>*r,Ci trunk, ts, probibiy, a tic Ti.-n. Tin- Cutlua llaritii.n iu buulauil. Front the London T.mes, Noy s. Tlie itccotmts fr in l anca*blre states tl : the paraly>in of Dad* in tho distrufo, owing to ihe scarcity t-f Atneju cittoii, ia bei-otiiittg more vi-ible day by du Each *uoceedi..g return hw- nut. k-i -o: m,i being gr.uualiy reduced in the lour* o! u u kin ; some that u ere w. .king tix uu in ;• , weekleug ledu-edm inm by noticing , te l up in tbc morn-ng and evening; tome tb.t were wik.iig four iia\ mg teduetd to throe a.dsv in - hot g di m J ni “gttibtr. I rom p . ticulius furaisin and by corrcspotnlonls ot the Man- Chester Examioer, lb* f'.-Uowmg figure* have been f.uq.fed, which, alibougb not corn piste, are *ufti ivnt to *h w geucrady the *tate of em ploy turn tu the vafi- u* iocalitn-H ol the cotton trade. (Tb s table .-diuwe a tolui *t fid ..'•2 people mi wtk on tud • I"-,-. 15,u2 ut work five <laj in the w-ck: .*fi u'Jfl a’ work lour days; 2fi K.. 2 tfir.t days, and 8,063 un-n in u idle.] The Tm., adds: Th se returns .ire imperfect, as there are sev, ral important disMiela not ei.ume/-aied, and it is feared, th t ihe l ist i'**ui u! the number of w.h king people totally out of employment, and for whom no nri-t-s i- It ! but the poor rates i.( ebarifehlo Mb>v-ripliens. ir b< l w the actual state of the ci-sc. ad - tiH ‘h- total w l <-ontinul increase. With rrterenco to the rci oral, and recoin rue t,d tion* to milt own r to Work only three de v- * Week, and t ti-e rp.'cnl tti-n? a* the) cfi. . t such a mar t- would havu on the cost and suj. j*|y of cotton, one c rerpoodet;t remarks Mu t thiy si. w • very imperfo’ I kn w!.lge of the con j coudi luo : li - trade. There areperhaps four (o me hu11... iuiH owm-r* iu LancHsbir<-, bu! the co-t <•: w i King short time ia cou pxrati v* !\ | *u great, tbai it t- quvVtwmed if there are more Ilhao a bn-d red that • uni afford to re.-ort ton l*ey i.-‘ s% BQ'<n )•-. In corroborutit u i.f l>.ir the fact t* cited Mill nnmerou* master* are giv ing nulico t tfi* so k - people that tbeir mill* i will in* entirely closed >• ■ on as their present Stock of cotton , OX *.*ted. j iu Pr .-t n the uu.- 1 rs have given notice o! a i radfictioij el .*ev n mj-I i half in the I wage* pH lit .. their l -inn -.- .* ‘fh* l.iilcr ii hv t deicrti. o u on a s-rtke uitb'Hijh supp-ort in thi suicidal • ursecau hardly h* evp-f t t from fei i low work ic. b are (mi the wr t* of severe 1 want. | The Lotton* Timps ns Cotton Th- l at irtbuti s the inactirby in tl ** ifeai; id ter •-• kttiO i India to Urgent.g ) *-- !u: .ti a* to the j Aitieiicao supply. I*ut s:-y * ’ilm other rirrutn ; stanev* have ala-- .q-era *d f < r> i. y to nch , teault. ‘1 he real cause o* the prcr.nt dullne-- | out scarcity of cotton, tut (tie at'sencc of h and j maud ‘or t ail o, tbc markola ot ihe w.-rM being I glutted woh l^tnca>hiro good*. Mm ot.. tntet | in eeriMtltiig -q vratb n, are doing what they otu-t have d'-rfe. * oner .-r feier, im-*p live . the Stoppage .f Ibe American supply WELL DONE. We are glad to see that Col. J. A. L Lee ; one of the Representatives from Muscogee ■ has introduced in the Legislature a resolution declaring ‘lie permanency < f our separation from the old Government, und the delenmna | lion of Georgia to sustain Ihe uww dispen-a j lion at all ha/ards. True, this resolutiou cm 1 lams the ile -ferati -uula )urp<>se which i- en | throned above nil other* iu the breast ofev \ . man a-id woitiioi m < luuigm, but its uuauiiitoii.- eiidor.-eiueiit by the L-gi->fetUre of the “Km ■ pir State ’ carries a moral power which will oper le both beiieiicmlly lo our friends and prejudicially to our enemies. 1 N'bv so k Tribune s-v- rdy “cuts up’ U -II Si.t-rui ill's put-lAbl.-t’- li to thu p-up'e ut Sou h Cari'liOH. It -dow* that be ino*t careles* ly eoßcl*d.tb unsct.uvou* doctrine of “fiutc auvereigntynnd in fact pla-ed him.** If and io tronps in Uiu atri ude ot cnforcing thu N ti- nil sovereignty over a Slat* which, by hi own rareles* wduiirHion, has a right lu oppose them as invaders of her territory. The Tribune also regard*-hr whole pr ciaucti. n a* wordy and iu bad luste, and hopes th t the worthy General will fight better than he writes. Fo bo it. Fmom Bki.-w —l'be general anxiety to bent what Bruwu i* dmng or Bragg i* tbit.king t*> we ibought w-mid be relieved tbi* mbrning. at about twenty irintro* fief, n-c.’even o’clock, when wa heard Ihe report of ~<-ht gnn. But that wa* ad: It inreyar‘d that a sow ve®a*-ls arrived L*l night, in addiliuW (O the floet oft’ the burbot boa U„ \ we euuhl n-.t ascertain only -e noticed ten large v>-el* of old Ahe, rh so !•■- gether. in sight tbi* morning, Fubind Wilson's caiup. It is generally expuctid that "Uielhiog will turn up at an early hour. Peua.imlt Olt+tn - A New Ft ki.. When the oil i* pte.-sed from the seed a cake is let*, which r- - mbit* she well known Unseed cake*. If Is su’d H t ten dollars a for. und is now being purchased ex tensively iu this city for fuel. It tu .k,s a bright fire but burn* away somewhat rapidly. Are uur cattle artd bog feeder* a ware of rhu value us this material for fattening purp .-ee? It is coin] --v I uH.eutritire and fatty matter, the bull heit g re moved from the seed, hy a mac!.ine einstructed for the purpose, before it is pre.'Kd. At a time when crab grass and prairie hay is selling * from twcnty-flvc to twenty reven dollars a too, *!id corn af severity-five <*ntsa htishel, oil cake at ten dollar* a ton ought to he turned into pork and beef, not burned. To burn it is a burning shame—it make* us fiery to think about it.— M.mpki. A, Gknkual BnrcKiaxu-.K.— The Louisville Courier of the 2Jth, says :—We regret to learn that (jen. Breckinridge is quite ill with an at tack of jaundice. We pray for his speedy re covery nnd early resumption of active dntiex with his magnificent brigade ‘ P**AO It ok Marimks. A large detachment ol'Marines pa.**<ed through our city yesterday morning, says the Augusta Chronicieund Sen tinel. They were from en route for Norfolk, where they will ship on the Confederate steamer Merritnao. The Boston Post says: Robert C. Wintlirop, acme months ago, asked James M. Mason when he would visit Boston. The reply was, “nut until I come xs xn Ambassador.”