The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, December 23, 1861, Image 2

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A 111 toihttiw Ji fimaftry. A gentUmftn in NaUbe, MU*., furnishes the New Orient* Pieuyufie the following para graph : The oew jandffroprored mode” of malting can non of lamellar wrought iron, invented by James Carkeet, of N etch or, MU*., patented Soptomber l/lIM. The inventor claim* thl* gun to be su perior to any one now in u*e; susceptible of the mod gigantic proportion*, and equally adapted for light artillery; combining strength and light nee* in a dogreo never before attained. It can not be made to burnt; and to prove the truth of tho*e assertions, he would challenge the invee tigetion *f the scientific twn in our Confedera cy. lie fit now building, and ha* nearly com pleted, a *0 pounder conical shot. The weight of the gun will not ex reed 500 pound*, Uklng the place of a gun of the tame calibre weighing 3,M. lienee, in the cane of necessity, eoeh a gun cao be drawn by nmn instead of horse*. Tciu Cliiaiw Br bigial Boudin,*. We learn from the Iloueton Telegraph, of the IfHh oh., that a bill haw been introduced in> to the Senatorial branch of the Legislature by John T. Mercouri, Keq., restoring the original tmundsriasofthe Htate. ft declares that Tex as yielded assent to the settlement of her boundary because the question was linked with the series of measure* composing tiie comproanieeof 1850, and for the sake of peace * and the preservation of the Union. That the United States has been guilty of bd faith in nil the quoeiiohs embraced in tho compromise ‘ “ v of 1830, resulting in the dismemberment of thst.Udfon, (or the sake of which Texas was williujr to sacrifice her Immense territory.— •tv tlinally the United States hns broken end violated her part of the coin pact, and therefore it is annulled and cancelled. The bill then re asserts (tile to the I>©undunes, embracing New Mexico, Ate., and authorizes the Government to take military possession. The Telegraph** correspondent says the bill meets with much favor nnd will probably pea*. mew * e—ii Kulcamk mjk liftman Minoks imtiirArmv. —An arrangement is about to be entered into by which ull the British miuor* who have en listed in the Ainerioau army ore to be return ed to their respective homes. Many of tbe*e youngsters have volunteered from Csmu.ii, und ns Lord Lyous is not How in*the very best of humors, he ha* demanded that they shall be returned. Tim Secretary of War aud the Sec retary of State have graciously condescended to accede to his request.— PhtL. JPicm. JKrr. Tuoumum Ti nas vt Again—llb Cap* Tuans mic Ftsamkm Kmchshb.—- A few days since General Thompson, by a stratagem, cap tured the steamer Empress, on her trip Louis to Cairo. Jeff got only four hundred cav alry horses, and noise ether valuable*, took the crew prisoner, ami set fire to and burned the boat. This iaiormathm we derive iroin a gentleman from the other side of tho river, and who knows. —Columbus (Ky.) News, 4. Mi Lit ary ;Mivkmknth m Tux as.—From a private loiter, dated Jbaneo Cos. Texas, Nev. 18th and addressed to this oflioo, we taka tho foilow ingdnteresUng item of lb (Winalien: “It may interest you to know that Gen. li. U. Sibley V brigade of Mourned Texans leaves Ban Antonio to-day to meet Col. Canby, whoi with a rfirong body of Federal troops, is re|x>rt od to bo unrobing into Texas from El Paso—* Colonel liny lor retreating before him to Fort Levis.” PassAOet.A. Tho manner in which Bragg handled hi* big guns t I’ensaoola deserves to be long remembered. The Northern papers are compelled to admit an amount of damage which we had ne idea of front tho modest accounts of the engagement which were given by the Con federate commander. A Yankee correspondent from the fleet to a New York journal states that the monster steam frigate Niagara, carrying one of the moat enormous armaments ever heard of ta naval warfare, “wm completely riddled with ball*,” and the ('olorado, another first class steam frigate, “thoroughly disabled.” it is added that JBragg’s ”*fguiar salvos were terriflo.” It la evident that they know how to manage big guns at l’u*a<Kd, nnd that Hilton Head by uo means settles the mooted question between Hoot* and forts, in lavor cf ships, oven with the ad vantages of steam amt other modern improve ments. A list-mu Mar op-War. -Tlio English uteautsiiip of war Racer, of e'evos gnns, Cap tain Algernon Lyons, arrived off this harbor on Friday afternoon last. She left New York on Tuesday, and hns brought dispatcher to her Britannic Majesty’s Consul. The latter visit ed Her morning in the steamer Carolina, ami the ttneer soon after left for I'ort Royal, from which piece she is expected to re ft this day and will soon after sail for New *— CVk Courier, 9/A. I’RRMUITRftIAM GISNKItAI. ASSEMBLY- 2d Day. Tbo Assembly met at OA. M. A number of ad ditional eotutnissiouers were announced. A eom muideation was read front the Presbytery of Western Texas, staling that thoy had seceded frowrftM* lienors 1 Anreinbly of the Presbyterian Church iu the United Mato*. A resolution was passed that * a committee consisting of one min ister and an elder from each of the Synods be longing to this Assembly, be appointed to pre pare an address to all tire churches of Josus Christ throughout tho earth, setting forth the causes of our separation from the eburrh of the United States, our attitude iu relation so slavery Ac.” A report from Dr. Wilson on Foreign Missions was tundv the special order for to-day at 10 a.m. Muoh of ike morning hour was spent In dis cussing tbo constitutionality of admitting the Byaod off Baltimore into this Assembly—Mary land not heiug yet a member of the Confederacy. It wut finally decided U> admit at least a par tial representation from that body. There was no afternoon cosslun.— Ckroni W <f Srniinot of f>ih. Tbs Corti, C#sl. • * The New York Herald, of the 3d inst., con tains several let tore from its “Georgia corres pondeut,” anti has rough and innocuruto map of the entrance to Hit van null harbor. The cor respondent boasts ot seeing the ”tlg of the Union once more raised iw haughty Georgia.” From the Richmond (Va.) Whig Hot In far.’ Baron till Link Sail Ikr. ff*. S, Young: Dv.u Fin: Tn those timus of extreme scarcity • of salt, you will confer a k indue** ou the pub lic, in public hiug a recipe you gave me for curing meat and,making sausage*. , Yours truly, J. M. IfeCUR. Oaf. J. M. Me On*: Dr aw Fin; In accordance with your request 1 ’ “ send you the recipe fur curing bacon, and will state that I have bee* using it for twelve years. It requires a bushel “f salt to 2,900 to 3,500 lbs of Pork. 1 prefer the bacon cured by this recipe to any 1 have ever eaten, and the quality of the bacon as well a* its economy must com mend ii to all at the prv-M ofi lime. Respectfully y<mr*, W. B. YOUNG. To 6 gallons water, 7 lbs. salt, 1 lb. of sugar or I pint in lasse*, I te*p<oiiful salpetre- mix and after sprinkling the liosh ride of the hsin* in lh Milt, pact iu a tight barrel, hams first, then akoutikrs, lastly middlings. Pour over the brine and ts not covered, make another draft of the and repeat till all i* envered, leaving the inert in the brine from four to seven weeks ac cording to the site. For riausagn.—Take I or 2 lb*, brown sugar to 1W lb#, meat, talk with popper and sail, and let uo water come in contact with the uwa. The sugar prevents the sueeagefrou, becoming strong, as COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. COUNCIL CHAMBER, j iJ.CBWnKH V, mi. J Report of the Chief Engineer of Co lumbai Fire Department, for the year ending Dec 10, 1861. To Ilk, I'onoraU, M*ir ■</ CkMOOk! of (A. Citj/ of Cotnmbuo. <IBRThMM—I herewith submit my Annual Report of tlm conditlyu of the Fire DepartmcbP and of the public • isterna, together with the num ber of fire* aud their origin as far as can he as oertained, and the probable amount of property -lostroyod—amount insured, Ac-, Ac. The force of the department is now composed of the following companies and their apparatus as annexed: CokCMUU* Kmuinr Cos. No. 1. Poniuaa, James D. Jwhitson. White members 45, 1 7J , Negro “ :t4), ) I first class side-lever Engine. Jk feel Boction Hose. 860 “ double rivet Lcudlug Hose with all ne eessary brs* and ioather pipes. 1 four wheeled Hose Carriage with all neces sary spauuers, wrenches, Ac. for working the Kngiutt, also one hook and ladder truck, to gether with ladders, rope*, hooks, Uro buckets and sxe*; also one hand carl and 16 gallon* oil for oiling hose; 4 kegs powder. The Kugine and apparatus are all in good or der „wUh the exception of the leather pi|>o# which need repairing or replacing with new ones. VIOILRRT Khoirr Vo. No. 2. M. ilarrloger. Foreman. White members H 7 I 99 Nogro ” 401 71 1 first class side-ievur Kngine with all pipe*, nor..ies, spanners, wrench#*, and other apparel us neocssary to work the Kngine, and in good order; 2 Hone Carriages, iUUU feat double rivet and Lading hose of which KOU feet is in prime or der; 16 gallon* oil for hose. Mraooßßß T. 0 Douglass, Foreman. White members 18 I ft .. Negro do 60 J 1 first class side ami end lever Kngine. i four whoeiud Ho*e Carriage. 1 two ** ” Tender. l OUU feet lauding hose; 20 (cot nee lion hope; 2 brass and 2 leather pipes; i do* loading hose, spanner*; 2 section spanners; I axe, I wrench and four lantern*, 4 extra bras* neftstc{ ail in good or Her; H gallon* oil for hone. Yoijmo Am kick a Firm Cos. No. 6. U. T. Hunter, Foreman. While uieuihcrs 86. 1 first class side lever engine, owith all n<v H sary pipes, spanner*, nocsles, wronohes, Ac. Ac.; 2 Homo carriage*; 1000 feet can ras leading hose, nearly all of which is in first rate order; IH feet section hmo. ‘i ke engine and other apparatus in good order 1 will hare state: The Fire Companies have been much reduced in numbers by the members volunteering for the war, and tbo drain wa* par ticularly large upon Cos. No. 6. which iu Janu ary last had 85 members which were reduced by their volunteering to the number of 10 in Novorn her last. Hlneo that time exortious have been made to fill up the Company, and they now have 36 mem her*. Aii of the companies have more fit fens member* in tho same way, but itre endeavoring to fill up their number* a* fast as possible. I am pleased to report to you that the City has suffered from but few fire* the past year, and none of them of that extensive and destructive character that have heretofore destroyed largo umounts of property la wur city and brought groat fe>* and suffering upon our citisons. The following list shows the fires for the past year. Jan. 26 —Store occupied by Mr. Fishackor, par tially destroyed. Feb. 16.—Kir® over Kills A Livingston— small durnago. Feb. 20--Unoccupied building of 8. Junes— destroyed; email damage. March 20—do. do. flcstreyed. “ 16—Blacksmith simp on Front Street destroyed; Nov. 27—Small house of Mr*. Tilly, Meroer *t , destroyed. * Dec. 2d—Btore of Mrs. Adam*, occupied by D. Tltwmson; loss of goods very heavy, and building partially destroyed. Dec. 3—Old building iu roar of Oglethorpe House; small damage. Dec. 6th—Kite hen of J. 0. Brewer, destroyed. 1 have uo mean* of aseertaiuing the amount of property lost by the sevoral fires, hut it is very small, except at fire of D. B. Thompson’s store. Kicrpt In three r four cases, the origin of the fires have without doubt boon from accident or oarotoiiHuasN, aud although the other* may have been the work of incendiaries, I Imve not been able to obtain t\oy trace or clue to the perpetra tor*. The following will show the condition of the publio cisterns. No. I.—dressing of Broad and Baldwin sts.; fell. No. 2- -On Thomas street do. •• 3—Ou Jackson street out of order A empty ** 4 CrosMug of Broad and Crawford sts. out of order aud empty. No. 6—Crossing ol Broad A St. Clair, in or der but exhausted. No. d—On front *t. near J. B. llills, at the fire of Dec. 2d, half full. No. 7—Crossing of Oglethorpe aud Ft. Clair halt full. , No. 8 -Broad iL near Messrs. Knnls A Cos. half full. No. 9- Cnnsing of Oglethorpe and Randolph streets, used at the lire of Dec. fid half full. No. D) -Crossing of Broad A Randolph full. ” 11— ” Front t ” *’ 12— ” Oglethorpe A Franklin 14 44 Ifi— 44 Broad A Bryan 44 44 14— 44 OgiethoipoA do. 44 l- ” Jackson A do. 4 ‘ 44 lfi— 44 Oglethorpe A Bridge 44 Tho ahovo cisterns when lull contain about fi‘2,ooo hhds of water, an amount amply •mtll oioni to ex iugutsh any oriiuary fire, but it Is of ti:e greatest importance that some mean* Hiouhl bo ucvfeed for filling them after being exhausted us at the tire of the 2d lust.; as in oils® another fire should happen to break out iu the sumo sec tion there would he very little water available for extinguishing it (except from private oisterna in the neighborhood) and to depend upon their being filled by rain is so uncertain, and may Ooiuo too late to be beneficial. Ti e private cisterns t* which the fire depart ment bus noecs* (including the one at the Jail,) contain about son hbdtt of wafer, which can In* rendered availnble in cane of uncossity. In adddttiuu to this Rotary Pumps, propelled by the machinery of the Palaoe Mill*, Eagle Manufacturing Cos., and Graut Manufacturing Cos., oan be brought into service iu ea&o of fire* in their neighborhood, and will furnish an in exhaustible supply of water. During the past summer the Fire Department procures at their own expeuxe 25U pounds of buck shot and fifty pound* of gunpowder, and the members em it purclumed aud had a cartridge box fitted to their lire The shot and pow der have boon distributed to the members of tho sevoral companies, and by them made into curl ridges, to suit the different kinds of arms in their possession, and is available in case of nood. The promptness with which the several Fire Compauios have turned out, and the stren uous effort* made by them to suppress and ex tinguish fires for the past year deserve commen dation, and have met with great success, for in no case, has, the fire spread beyond the build lug In which it rriginaled, aud iu most oases tho building ha* bvun but slightly injured or par* Dally destroyed. la conclusion, permit me, in behalf of the several fire companies to thank your lion, body for the promptness with which you hwerospon ded to (he need* of tiie Fire Department whan called upon, and the festering cure extended to them, hoping that the future course of tho fire department will bo such as to meet with your approval. remain, very rerpootfuily, yours, Ac. J. L. MORTON, Chid Engineer Fire Department Columbus, (is. Dec. 9, 1801. Which was received. UuOKtiiA AMO TIIM FmOKRAL UmIOM.—A fC*O lutiun, introduced by Mr. Lee, of Muscoger, for merly of the strongest Utn n men in the State, declaring the dissolution of the Union i‘fixed, final and irrevocable.” and pledging all the resource* of Georgia for “the prosecution el the war untd the independence and sovereignty of the Coufvderafe Suttee shall be acknowledged,'’ passed both house* of our Legislature, Saturday last, by a unanimous vote. It will tbus be Man that eur delegation in (he Gouiaderate Congress will have no difficulty ifi proclaiming the senti ment of Georgia on the Liueolu proposition for a Joint Union Commission. —Sur Hep. Qvayation prom KueeELW—The following is a quotation iroin Kutaeli'a laet letter : “I nm naMurcd, if the Northerners *uooel in landing at any port iu the South, the plan, era, n n proof of thetr determination, and a* i punishment for non-recognitnui, will lay their <*0(1011 in dames on every sere of their soil threatened by an enemy. 1, who have seen the tierce boatings of the! fervid Font horn heart, can well believe in a cotton Moaeow— nobody here does. They all believe in dollars; they arc satisfied the planters wilt yield to to many cent* per pound k>r cotton. Stand by, and let ua see.” Shorter, ( hamhers A Shorter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KUPAULA, ALA. Will practice in Barbour and tho adjoining counties <f Alabama and Georgia. R. a.HHORTRBL. W. H.CHAMBRftR. H. R RHORTRR May 27, 186 V. ts CULMCNB 4 TUKNIUBEKD, ATTORNEYS AT I*AW, FORT GAINKH,,(JA. Will practice in Clay and adjoining oountie in Georgia, andin Henry county, Ala. Apri iH6y—wtf Tlioiiiai. IV Cobh, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, PKKSTON, VV.h.ur Count,, tin. Will practice in the counties of Clay, Chatta hoochee, Wabater, Marly, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particular attention given to collecting and remitting. Jan 26 IH6T —Wtf. M. D. RtifiKKK, ESQ., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Uiliurr, Tern*. Mil. ROOKItM, R*q . AlUirnt-y Sn<t I: <*.*• Jior , at feaw.Mnd (ifneral Land Arit— I will also aUciu) promptly to tho collerthui of Claim* Allcoui m<i ideal ton* an<w<’rrd without <l lay Addri-**, Gli tner,Texas. fe-bft -wtf. /. 11. TAYLOR. WM.TAYLOR TaYLOR & TAYLOR, ATTOHNKYH AT CAW. Ciillilx-rl, l>ii. Wild, PIACTICI In tt Conntiesof Bakar.Clay, i Hi mm n, Barly, Raiulolpti, Stewart A Terrell, and wlllsfeo pronml atleßtfeßto sllhurinea* entru*- iefl to them. novll wtl. M. J. PAEKEK, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, Colquitt, MHIor <’o., Oa. November 6th, 1800.—wtf. ft. R. JORKX. A. WOWROR RILLRRPTg. JONES & GILLESPIE, ATTORN KYB AT LA W, UNION BPKfNOH,ALA. WIKI, jmieiuc in the several CoUftref the Stale, aud pfirin ularlv ultend to any buriiwn in tie counties ot Hxcos, Rn**ell, Barbeur. Montgomery and Pike. U/“tlfi<e in Wfeeft'* Hrlrk lioililing. Main rtireet. April I, iniii —wly .IM-|>ll J l ’. I*oll, attornhy at COI DM HUN, UROKOIA Oflire on Hnndolph Street, over llolcmd Hatrhtn 4 i. Office. April 16—wdi v flarioii Itetliiauc, ATTORNBY.AT X.A.W. TAI.HOTTON T!botCo.,a Uulwtwr 24, 1868 . wtdll. !lot' Ac Lawn, A TTOHN IJTM A.-A- A, A. W . OOI.VUHVS, UEORtfIA U. J. MOiSISh. WM A. i.AWfS. Mo* Office next doer to the Font Sept. 1 1863. dwtf. JNO M F'UIUIVi. WALTEUIi. WEKMH Fltili|H A. Weeisiw, A-ttorneve at Law, CRAWTOBD, ALA. Will praotloe tn tho Court* of Russell County —in the Supreme Court of the State, and id the United Suae* District Court at Montgomery March Id, IfMlfl-- wAdtf. 11. Isl. MPP, A'l'TOuarmr at j.a-w. Oolurabun, Oil. Wll.l. i<tat.iire in ihe riintiahoorhec Clrrultand adjoining counties Offii #on Bnudidph street, a fra door* areal of the Fust Office*. July'Jh dwtl, )9, M. lUflaH, Attorney at Law, UI.AKKLY, KAKLY,OO„(JA, lilakolj (}a., April 2, 1866. wtf W. 1). WOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND ritILU'IToK IN t HANf ISRY, * ULICHNVILI.K, ALA. W , *‘ ,< Petite l all the roll lie ol the COlintktH ttf ’ Balloon, Hlk, l-otfl'n, Dale, Henry, Mm 01. ami itilsvelll 111 ulliines antriMUnd to Ins charge, ha will he iiHxiitied by Pngir A. Bulloch, when they an’ not omployed an opposing counsel niaitdly. Hamlit-1 Tlialrher, ATTORNKY AT I.AW, Utorgtlown, (iultuiaii Cos. |La. WlLl.prarrtrc in the counties.of Webster, Terrell Hnndolnti, rhuttahoniHtewart, Milliwatt, Clay. Buriy, Miller, ■ml iu Barbourcounty, Ala. May fj dll MJB&g *• FOGLE & SON, 1> h>N V istk. ‘teffi-Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, COtO MBUH, 4; A. Columbus, Doc. dArrtf. I>KS. LKK & PHKLPB, DKNtISTS. OFFICECorner Dfoati aud Kaudolph Streets COMMHVS UKOktotA. I) soy. tuber Ai. (Slit. wAaly ARMY REGULATIONS, AND ARTICLES OF WAR, adopted for the uae of the Army of the Confederate State*, In accordance with the late Act of Congress. Price by mail 2 s ! 60. Fur ale by J. W. PEASE. Sept. 28, 1061. U SXjAINrK.S. Os every description used by Lawyers,or officers of Court. **rfnfsd ttotlv and on superior payer •I *“• Fancy and other grades Flour, 4) jW \ HHI.H. to mi ilv* dully expected, tor aale at vl M fj small advance lor the l ush. Fob IN-—dwtf K BARNARD .VO or UO,tl> fli'sroi'n At Administrator'! Sals. □ t ‘ii llie low 11 o| v hi Cltu iabooi bee fnuillv. Rsorg'n. ell the first Tueedny ill iuii- Ad uary next, within he legal hour* oi Hale Ml 01 bO Likoly Negio.'H. in t tigiog 10 the eHiate —iL if HRttim-1 Jones den.tfvd Temia made Known 01 thedav of sa'e. N vt'i wide WILLIAM UAGLttY, Adm'r. BlU|iret ropy e la KTRAV DIULK. The owner of aa etry bay Mule, lunl him at the Livery Stable of Vorttoy iV Muh.ißy, where lie can gel him, by paying charge*. ,tov 2d -ts. WANTED, A HIP! ATtON AH TBACIIKK m a Hrhool by a Mouihetn Lady, thoroughly qualified to give m atrueiioit iu tue English branch’ •* and In Muaic. Address Bos 19.1, CottimSU*, Hu November 11 wtds. To i tent, Anew mid desirable residence in Linwood a abort distauo* east of the oily aoiamona. The dwelling house eontaina four l-rge and comfort able rooms and one small room. There are two out house* containing twe rooms each, a stable nod carngA house a apleudid well of water and u good garden, the whole lot contains five u'ros. Fosses* tun will he given immediately. For furihor particulars apply to the. TIM KM OKFICK. Sept I 4th. dtf TIB Til llr-DAVIS has r moved hls office over the Drug Store of Urquhart A Chapman, on ijß liroed street. Orders left at the Drug Storeor office above will he attended to. Dr. D. attends strictly to ail case* of Surgery entrusted to his ear*. Columbus, Ua. Nov l. dtf IVOTICE To Farmers & Planten*, R-EESE’S PHOftPHOPEKTTVIAN OR Iffitiiipuhited huaiio,! itnivMM. occexuihai ha* aitendrd Hie uoe 1 <fihe ah.#ve ‘alnahtr letiUixer in tbiswtftion ha* already nrmupled m*i .ider* from eur Planters for the coii ague atom Oui Phimer* and Planl. M .ne iqflin*< > and tO end in tht tr order* ionn*" | i:li-i) ‘*■ i > tn delivery lit ton. lor tlm-, Wen# not* nieko-f irranrwnt.lw for ;< large •imply <; NHV y < <> (biiiiiKbtti I fee i f-dliwn (FIKS'f OLABS HOTEL, Oatarr lirea.l *iitl Ornwford Ucraais, tXct‘M Bt ItS, OA. HATCH COOK, U.M.U uwtf RKol-KtKTOfc Southern Masonic Female OOJ ,LFQE, (Under the **.•(rol >< ibo Grand Liigt us G •.) Rev. C. P. COOPER, A. M., Pies. WJi.i. rcsuoio ox< on tho 2Wth of Sep- ! letriber next. An efficient corps of t-t-ren ladh* and genlle men will comprint the Faniliy, ri pt*Miliiig, a* far a- praciieabh ,every < dt itouiinadoß of ChriKiian*. Thin inxilulioti ftpi*ytlt fw th< parr let *,n and J bortevofeii-- ,a*w- li i infere* 1 l ih# feihri puiiitc, i"r tl>- t-.,, j’*rt. The pnc< im, bejW'fid * ur. nt .xjM.n,.-, IW the nexf Colli ,'iHB: y -i r, will be u ntfered hy ih# Preside),l U> the TlOKUrv ol Lhe t'.ilifed, rale State*. Orphan* <*f deceused, and daughters of indi gent Mason#, will, n imrutofore, eoatinue to re ceive grntiiM'fin tuition. Cheapnt” ( paiTon* and ihoroughne*- te pu- ( pits, arc aimed at in the -y>t(#m |ir<>p<>*ed to U> , puraucti. No pair anr expense will fe spire.l t<u**cur<- the best talent |->r the varu-ns Drpar'tuanls, to i>v 1 rxel viv*/g .< tA led fit tn mik-i j.- rttHiriu-niera. j A Preparatory Dnfmriuietrt i aM. ehed to the j College, wltiro puif-eul <# afri.'i- it Will la: givuo ‘ to laving well the ftiu'dil(efts of erfeeatlon, iw ; absolutely in Miary to hirifrr *•!’ MiMhll ad- | vsnaitf 1.1 The uses , tho pruciicami the orimimotlal, will be sought m )• bluuded and develofa-d throughout, ib* a bob- regime of th liafitsiicu, The u<jfil Hi.d religtiHis < ullurc ■ t puptla will • scruptlloutiijr H>pt a. view. French <i ? | uniah will be taught by a lady perfectly rvmveisuwf with both t 1 r* language*. I The Musical Dt parlmWlt will he taught by h gent.l man, a*f.*’. il l*y -in a. t langbahrd lady, * both p's-M t-. ii'i',. xiji rii-1 re m<l genius t* an • in- j incut degree, and occupying fin* social p..*i- i lions. I Tke.lafe )'n>i lciit f|?sign*Rjg to aiier and io pri vate affair-', united wi'h <h>- re iced \ i*- I’nai dent ami ifi® Trustee# ih t mwn ding tbo la*u tution, under ii* prearnt lijitcuou, to m* pu it® ‘ confidence. ‘1 he I’r* *idenl i* boitpVed with un s <*< niplt | montury cre.lci.iia a frttm iB-hcj. G. F. i'ier##, j Hon*. Jea*ph 11. Lumpkin, T H It. i 010, and | Col. W. 11. Jaoks-tn, President of the Board I ! Trustee- of r r i niversity. Ooviugf- n, the Im-atmn <d itc College, tspitoi ant and tic .Itky. Ife.ardi ait lx J.iatued from j sl4 to sl6 p” m >i.tli--“sl*2 t<* I I in ‘.r<Hnafy tinea. By order of ibe i're#Hfeßti®t liourd. JOHN IMItKH, D G M , ! I’lHiJelit of the Board W, W Ci.amkk, Sec’y, *ept 4 d>u Encourage Home Literature THK Hmitlirni Field A Fireside. BKVOTKD tu !.itnr,{um, AftiruJiurotrad ili.r ticulture, edited by genii, hh ii oftnmmut ability, j in their several departmeiiim it- published every j SATURDAY, at Auguiu, Georgia. KXI'RIM.tIuNS OK lIIK I’RKSS “Its Writers are Iho in Ml ittMingulsbed in the • South.”—Delia, New O'ieani, ** Stand a to the very first rank “ - Presbyter- | tan, Char lest oil “A paper, indued, for the South ** —News, Savannah * <f A iiiont aeeepiiible pnpi 1 L'hrisliaq Indus, Macon. “Squalled i*y low, sarplMMd by none,"— Times. ColutubuN. “The beat investment of two iLdbirs that could 1)0 made.”— Missourinn St. Leu is. “Dduerve* tho most liberal pnlrofeafpo.**— Bap tist, Atlanta. “W : ‘* cordially vomiituud it to Southerner*. I *' Enquirer. RlchuiomL ‘•lts contonU are varie‘l and agreeable. 1 *- j Chrisfino Advoeilv, Nett Orleans. “Calculated eminently tu improve tho soil and the mind.” - Knqmrer, Mi uipLie “Filled with tho choicest tending Matter,”- Journal and MosKcngcr, Macon lia. r ‘Md etctlloiil journal, odiud by roiapeleul gentleman."—-Chron.clv aud Sun*mol, Augusta tfa. “Best Literary journal iu the country.'*— Jounn.l, l.ouisvv'ie. “A Southern Messing.” Argus, Norfolk. M lt!very nitding man in tho country should take it - Kopulim., Aupuaia. “The t)*i family paper puhlinhed ” t'ouner, ChsrliHtou. •Ripial if not superior u literary merits, to any join mil published * —•Htaadayd Raleigh. “A wolooum guest at every firnaiue.” Adver j tlser,Montgomery Ain. TEKM.h UK BUBSCRIPTIuN PAYARLK j ALWAYS IN ADVANt’K Finale copy, per annum $ % HiX copies, “ HI Toll copus, *• lb Twenty copies, ** >8 Hiteeitucn copies sent gratia. Tho FIELD AND FIREsIDK will shortly enter upon ns third voluum. and i n.w FIRM LY KRTA HLi.MiKD. It is bailllMMtiely print ed, in hdiu tiirui, for binding, ou hue papor. and with dear type. Every exertion i made to vindicate itn claim to he THK riHHT VVKKKI.Y PASSS IN TUR NOtHU. JAMKSii Mi DN Klt, Pr<.prw|Mr. AugwMa, via. April, I bit I NOTIOIU. TU* -Ulna fiber oil it is for hhJc. vatWUhU.- K I'srin in the ?ttt IHwtru ini Wonticoun .i-oiiHietmi oftteo u r.o o| Laud, ISO nr -r- 11 Al ice opets LantiM, n new Vlin House and Hcrevv upon tin- |tfaec, ltd) or iltK’ head oi V'uitle.uboii tttc emio) number of ho**, ami SB head of -10-t-p Term* ittßlFe made ai coMtniiMiaOngahii Him tly *0 when the canh is otfl-reg Rm|Uiri in \thsuy tti Ja Iflil H Lively Ht.|lU>n. for treelion* to the dart* ten* 1 wii rtHMS 11 HKNnAI |. Bake r & Jarvis’ jsiand Guano. BEIMJ Uii Ag at at v'ouuabusef tin aMieneae Uuauo Vioopany, lain prepared to o,fi r tbitir I'Xeelh‘Ut to l'luuier* aud othttrw, tn any quantity and at Huvattnuh prieM, itrtual expenses added A good aupplyalw >s on hand Feb.lH... .dwrtt t lIARNARD. LANDS FOR SALK. I will wwll uty plant alio o where I ,9? * reside on 1 h*< inutattoof live river H SOP I'Jtio acres cleared, food w ater, food S j4*Unft ** M41 * n improvedj 4.(HHI acres in ulenient, food utilis on the preum These lands tan be divided to suit friends that may want to buy near each other. Al so B. M acte* best ihrininf land m Early roumy.join iiiu the big lord on IhtttlMe of Early and llakei; also, ?tm acres oh Avcock's t-reek, smstl iui|roveim nts on each tract,amt many scailoring lots. 1 w tii si ll low. My residence in in risvo.mnty, Ua , nitre miles be low I >it Uaiites, miml Eleven fioiu Blakely. I will sell all my properly on the place 11 lean. There is the rise of one hundred negroes, and stork in propor tion fall and look; a bargain can he bouglitin eith * of the places. M W H r VMM li NOTICJE. Ihavsopwnsd anew MANUFACTURING and REPAIRING Carriage bsiablLliiiient “ n, opposite hid gn Harris A (V*.,‘Stable*, aud am Mr*** -! j|i*tpns4 to d<> all Repairing pertaiu . W ..imr to the CARRIAGE BUNIN ESS I at FJtIR PKICKS. I have a full set oi old and corn potent workmen. The patronage of my friwnds and ths public genaraMy ngspoctfully .-olieiied. fah. D—vlwtl JNO. G. MoKKK. ‘PLANTATION AM) STOCK FOR SALE, t have mm* is the conclusion to return to py'KjLNorth tJarolina, a* my relaiivesarw all there. Therefore I wish to Hell ail that I po—rss in JXa.Heorgia. 1 have a beautiful little summer leanieui e N miles uortli of t'olini-.bus, via and near the Troy l actor v Thn-e hundred acre* ot good l.aud, w.'lliaiproved; about IM) in a good stateoi cultivation; good dwelling house, negro houses, barn, stables, gitr house and screw; fanning utensils of all kinds; c ws, hogs, vuules. wagons, household and and fodder, and various other ankle* toft tedious to mention, in* first rate neigh borhood,good neighbors and good nulvly. Pleasv call and look at my land and stock. B B BRINMFIELD Nay 7th—wtf. T. S. SPEAR, >* I I -MU* II M’ -b. l‘ur|ile, cor. Broad A HnnUolph -t f.JOIjt i M OUB. OHIO t. fit- t ■. PRACTICAL W ATCH and Akkß IFIDTUI SB’JvGyU ITJaWBUMB JT k STKRI.fNG SIi.VKB fitPLATF-D WAIIK. HA.IR * brounhli . itMijr ,f fattero- I eill inakat’ order any dmitfTi and style and plait you may requ-i W A rCHES, CJ.OC’ Ii ivi .V .I R W BL.KV (tnf>a>red by -omf.# wti wft i tparfeo-wtd Wnskiwa, an.i Aarraefrui C VNKH! GANH'.m* 4 old. olivet. Ivory fe.aded li*a.ts -jlntkory i.>.ksanu A - 1-1 PKBSIf Mifi, W * dot* i,)W Mr- - ’-11 of the beat quality Ibaliilia uired. <4l:imat set n m.i 4 < t n*i V yea. 1 invite the attention of all teifiy Sfessk, and will show it >G pfe * 4 . t • , . < uipie''sold fftwfidf Coiwr ftresat aj4 Han fe Iph Streeu. C tfeiiibus, Ga , Get. JV, 155 . dwtt . > r*AP., fsimie iisii m-wm \ i t in; <it i t. i Titfe COJL.OmB r l ’® ‘X-XjGKXSfilfia COLQUITT & WMitiiH, IUMIIIIPH STRBBT. ARE PREPARED TO EaECUTE fHi/HwK'f'T i* \‘TT?b TOscr vmjf.ay-1? m In every Style of tho Art ix J li, A !i CQ) (Q) \& fj & fjj £ WJ r A !1 ., ANDWITfI mSPATt'H Tiioy linvo also n oomplet. BOOk-KiifefelßV, dint vtill put up I tool. Nil, any t.vie ol Rindins. t'ol.ihibin., Gnori'ia, Mhv ‘in. Troy Manufacturing to. - * 1 *Sb&ss3?& fc=Scs&(. -_2J ! “Ifw-rn H e would h%Ve it retro Mlb red lon we ‘ Wmmut still lUMMUtactliriHg largely for who,- and retail the itrthiwing ~tiel-svis Si'JeflßSv'hair*. lteds|e.ii. Wooden War, Mali. * -a, A. Act we are m-tlinv at h w prices for the V \r<it, regardw- ot Ih, I anil l eader-, will nnd il , •* *tt-or inieresr u cal'on us Iwforr sending then or iters In toteign markets V i.-tr ordeis wilt receive prompt kitettliou J:Fi f*tto\ 4 If a MII.TGN I 'o huilmi., ,vt m h tn dti Al iitjisra Hi Slikli we ad vert w copy por change j t: A.OL E HOTEL, OOLETHORPB GA, Tilt sHkncrttm (lavittg enureiy mmiva ‘ led and re title ih< abovi IfoUi Mo >|ie [ - . 4 -1 accommod iron 01 the (intda m.hi. a hao ‘ •e ihclt yKlrwMiip It’ wtR spare nt pairir t” pt- and ec * oinou tit U‘isugb tna *ii I rone nice all of tha: fact Pv'nt drtu. it vy HTILEH HOME INSHHANCiT! I.MHK MARINE AM D I*l VKr R, y tow ‘*i rate* vv Tils: UI OHI.I i UOMk LVNIKtm (MhI'AVV, OF I'OLlMlil S. iiK'fßi^A. All rlatin# for liMisetr prom|.uy adjusted and p ‘ without iiiiuet'CHsary delays or eipemren. Apply tu l> F \vll.v • i\, Hec’y. l| jrv>tkceta the rear of the Bang of t V.lumbus ‘ Columbus.Fb |H dwtf WANTED, ~ To hire a Gooci Cook —Apply inane. Lately tv nug 80, U 8. ROTHCHILDS A MRU. *Ol l> OUT! ft hr McGOltall A O.lati ‘ d-snoard V I . flood* to Other parti-* ( icpie.l ,11 then- i deb eu I J nit he i by • r >n ettt I lie irwu.d without j delay iol seine E,liter one a the tun* cm be touud at the old stand to t. n tn i u ‘■*. U. L MctJvH v;|t 4’ to t'oluuibvu. Vis Oct. 7 wtiu PIKE HOUSE, Union Springs, Ala. . _ . Tlllr* new and commodious ! - V House, at the terminus of the #\SM>3hm|m “htetole ami Uirard itariroad, is now g complete order for the reception aud Is not surpassed by any in this kocthu of country lot the rouveivieuce otlt* aceomiuodtiuoiis. Uiv* ns a rail and prove, wlial we any JOHN ,M FRAZIEIi, Jantlb-dlv FRANK JAv'KBON SILVER RUN HOTEL. Boal’e Depot. TIIIA well known house la stil iZ|N kept In ttk usual good <nder, and Hu* accommodations for all who *•> call. The present Proprietor wtllsparv nun .in* fur the comfort of In* customers. Jnu>A— wlv R K. UII.BRUT UKBKBIAi Marlon County, TWO MONTHS after date, application will b made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said County, for teavtt to sell the land.’ belonging t> the estate of Mary MoUurrah, late of said county, dtsotmaod. JAMES MoGARRAII, Adui'r. Oct 14, IRA I— wlin. TO RENT, TIIK middle STORK under Warren's Arcade Apply to JOHN WAKKKN. Deo 14-dtf Saddles, Harness, &c. ‘A Krtpay ’ ! I LET IT BE REMEMBERED THAT SHEKVUN & (X). Aru UU on hand and ready to give good bargain*in | Blibt *, imtu>s * iii is \^m Lcutaer. &c. y &c. For the Cash or Aftprovr'd t-redit 1! W • varue>*iy r. .p. *t ..t Mtooe wHu .ire in debt U ( us it* #eMle lh'Jr ~, >y nt *asmm as |..*mi!m. SHERMAN & (’(). No M4Bro:d Hrrcet • ..|nuibu, lla. Coin Nit. u FVorwary 7, itklj ,|w f Pntx'iv with whom w. . tv-rtts*. r*tenseeoi.y PAY WITH COTTON. pin .'uhirifcMi |T.In ref-rivr mtl4>n .1 : s o'l I” Idling, (•n.luti.oum.l,.- I > I's It) for jilt tlo'iti and„ than,. TU j lou lo la doiivaro.l iu ordor .1 any Warvb. u..i: in | tha city. Thin ~ r.■ ti,.u to ,tad rilty .iuyjt from d..t. CODY, KLKMISO ,t SWiT. ei>l 10, ISI. tUwlet AMKKIOAN WATCHES! IN HOI HAND HII.VER CAHBA, UFa Ai Purple's oio laml,Jobs’s New Building JF*jk< tdunibu-. Ooorgis WkMMk stet tu 4wO T M <speAK .TT IST ItEOEIVED I’lu* Yulunleer’s Hand Iktok, j J“'.’ I' 1 - By J. W. PUSS. SPRING VALE INSTITUTE CUTHBKKT. GA. VTk. TUB next Hess ton of this new snd I***!** 1 !** r Hchooj will upon vSjBpON MONDAY,JANUARY 1-1 and continue fivetiouths. Competent Teachers will be in attendance. Board can be had with the I'rmcipu's and private families of near residence* on reasonable terms. For farther particular* send for a catalogue. There are seven reason* why this tlrhool com •mend* tUelT'vo public notice iu preference to many of our popular sthoola. | Ist. The healthlulne** of the location. [ Id It* free-lies* Horn all the viees which lend to allure the uititd from dorp aud ckrttmit application to study. 3d Tb thorough tic-.a and diligence to which th* j linden’ * subjected—: eitrg taught that he has no liutc t<. waste Uli Vocal music is a ally exercise, free of charge tn which the whole sclioy: join in the *wol hcci nt* —which aroiiHcs thetireo intellect, and restore* elas ticity to the drooping mind sth. Tho effbrt* made tu devaiope the miudhy Urn use of practical Instruction nt the expense ol the luipraciM-nl bth, Tbeduep interest nutnitemed by the Teachers Trustees, and UUiUM. give* it that *orial and lively aspect, o harmonious tu the youthful mind—ren dering the wchooi-house a pleanant resort to the stu dent instead of house of dread and hatred. 7th The systematic manner in which the school! conducted. .‘‘Heaven's first law” Is adopted and practiced. A H. KIM;ERL’ Principal. CuUibert, U* , Dec. 14 wtf. ifinp ol llie Meal ol War. (Just reseived and for sale, for cah, by July** J. W. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD,) Columbus, ti;W, Out. 25. Ihfil. ) ON and after the 2fith inaf. tho Mail Train will Leave Columbus at. 2 25 p. m- Arrive in Macon at. 1 66 p. m. Leavtt Maoon at 1 u- >• Arrive in ColumLu-t at ••••T H a. in. W. L. CLARK, Sup't. C< luinhus, Get. 2. 1851 It Uhii&gd Schedule MutilLKfcOlhAKl) RAILROAI*. 1 *D iard Ala. Oct. 1. Ufill S tk*Girard D|att daily riumlay# eserpuiff) ai :4 p Hi., and arrive t I'nfen Spring# a. t Is p. m ; leave Onion Spring* -laily ;rttid.iy* exaepied) at 6 t, in , ait<l arrive it Uirurtl at IbG- a. hi The ft* iiih‘ Tran- wH :<•**• Girard every day, .rfuiiiUtyx 1:10111*11,1 ’U OOH <t Ji., ami arrive ai Vitit.o i-priai * *i 14 0> tn I.* <v# Umou rtpriii** daily (duuday#excepted) Rt l: |- m., and arrive ai ft tip n Oct 1 rfwtf M IS WBLI.B, Rifiri CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. MOirwtlMEßf AND WEST POINT ts 411< IfOAll COMI’ANY. Ovrirtß M onraoMßßr Wr*t Poirt R. R. Columbus, Oet. 24, 1851. ON and after this date the fa*engor Train on thu M AW. P. aud Opelika Broach K K. A \ li .1 K IV 1 I KK. will Leave Ciduiubu* at 7 36 A. M. Arrive at M >utgonn ry 145 P. M. Arrive mi Went P -iut I 86 P. M. Leave 50 ntg- inery • A. M. la are West Point 8 16 A. M. Arr wat Cotiuubas 2 10 f W. Freight traiu leave*Cofembu.-... 16 46 A. M. Ifieighl HETW i;,N : 4,iN ’4 At Old ih U)>* |J V i” an tnsonicti r>i twe*a the Railroad .ompamo composing it><- two rmiion I'roiu AlliUU to Cklua. bun, roi.-.liitfeu a! ilo’tr --a . eiitioa si. Niuuiiuh on (fie ((Hit i’retain, it wo# agreed ibal the ftdlowieg rate* between Atlanta aud Golumtiua -(tail govern, takiag efl< i Iron ttm I*l day oi May 1957 VIX WBrtT P*INT. Misuei lit. Wheat Wj Oaiert* Bacuo \N 1 ,*.ay, Flour, in •arfc* <tr Uarrci* I*l 166 lb* iXe:— o<igg:i>y Rope, Lard in e.usot bbla. per 166 sere 44*. (Vrel. Pi# Iron by ear toed, |n-r i0n.t1.71. VI4 MACON V *.! |HSI lit!,.ltr. 14. Wm-atlb’. (Mil Ua. W’fciekey.Ptoni u> aank* or, per 106 lb*., 4t.— n<ti M,j liiif.i . iu i.inr oi utiit. |i** tot |rt"iitdi t 4 t. ... I’lgtioit.Ly tar load, per lontt RHa. J 1.. MtiOTtAfV. * fimoegr* U U dbtl W A GAMS, • * tpvoitiJ-id* Midonthweeuuu Rauiuao KooTfi, •Wpe.utt. u.i.-m Moavii and turn liatltued GBo.u HULL. rnleni A'lauuaint LaGi-tng. Ht- *•, #Aftf'l. G K*NE* M niierei and Xi*i •limendi • *• k + t* A. Au< M If 4Ot ■ StßiS-Ml’ ti.. The (Hearn* - WM skAgktMi?, i s* Cap*. F HARfiLN .vtlt b<trUy lax I place oM.Uue. Lute, leavin* davits Ui toil t-'h:wii-aH>ti tttrtiv wink | il.iViit* it :br,U||M ireigiit arfMtu;t-m*-iii wult the | >MTalß;.it’ sue iu coitart.tMin*. sii fedgitUi be* I iwtn-a < ‘ftarleeiwdi silo th* 1 lnu*ri• <f t:rt rgt* rasMU* ! Pit it the agt ...t ol lata bin , will be luiwarded with I de*|>au-b a tiff C-P* Os rliarg, J. 1’ liKOufeß, Agent **.l van nan. B. LAPITTE At rn CWarleaiuw WoV.t* -W 1 ; Tfuntaiioii for Sale. i I OFFER for sate my Plantation in Bttsreli i t ituuty, Ala., souiaißiug 866 acres, übut 466 of 1 which are in a go.d *ta-e >f cultivation, inu lei between Wie Ii a. ,-it>u*ubl>ee and North Covri koe ereekn, lour mifea North of the Mobile aud Girard Railroad, There t n good Dwelling, Gin Uouse, Seri w and all uevusaary out building* on the preuiinea. Mr. lienry T. Locket, who re ki'l*i oil th<- place, wife take p e-i Mire iu ahowflig H t> purchaser*. Other land* -an b<- ptm-ha<*ed immediately adjoining, if desirable. 8. L. UICfiAKb.SON. Marion, Twiggsco , aug. 26, IStli. <4w2*u. ro HIRE i LIKKLY NRGRO BOY, enquire of - Y W. H it PHKLPS. ARgiist IV—dl M Hamilton Female College, 1 liimilton, C+a. v The Spring Session of tbi* instno i tiofi will coiuuicfioe on Tuesday the 22<1 day of January, IHfil. ii-Jt I’ iRi il ihe College is (uroished wiib a i well selected Chemical and Philosophicai Ap- I paratus,and with g<-<>d utusicai instruments, j The Cour-e of Instruction is thorough and j complete, embracing all ibe branches usually J taught in (lie best Colleges. For Catalugue, address J. H. LOVkLACF, Pro. t Deoeiober -ti LAND I’nß SALK. l will sell my Plantation in Russell Cos. la., two iiifle* xouth of Unhee Post office —<Mntaining beven Hundred and Twenty Acre*, wub two hundred Acres cleared. This place ba* a dwelling, good gin house and screw, negro house* aud kitchen, ami all other necessary outbuilding*. Any person wishing to make en quiry are referred to W. I,.Tillman, Columbus, <#., urtujMlioD the Plantation. Oct. B—wtl J .C. BROWN. tpWtl iMonUinuffer dale apphratbiH wiil be made :< A. the Court of Ordinary oi said l oiiuty, fur leave to sett the land and negro,-* iMdoaguis to ilte estate of Vk'llham Wlluami<oi> •tcceamal, iai** of uid taVuty fl II MthKl'. Adin’r. Jutvy lefil.—4tl. AtliniiiiKli-alor’K Male WII I. be awtd biff re theeoari bouse door at (!uho- U in rnuahHM-lie foamy Georsia, by virtu* of an orib > itoju ikt'l'iiuri of Ordinal) for saidtounly. on the flral Tor* ‘tty la iiciob r n* *1 wiibln the lan ltii hon* of *•.<!-. all Ibe iunds bebniru U •• she <-*taie ol AU A noti it deceased to-wil Lot i niubr-i t ighty rtve ("ft) to the Hub (and) District of *a and County cou taiiic *l’ ‘l t acre* nor or less, also, east half ot lot nnuibei eighty fitur 6*l) tit >aid dis.rm at and tounty iontaining 114 a't** also arr* * n-eie o# ;* ,f lot of land nnntber seyritty-sii (W) in said diotri, I j and <9ttu>y MaaihfineU fisiirhundred and sight J acres nut eor !,- There is mlmiui 956 afreit.e chlti tion \ good and *#Pi -t noM.-e on Un- prewtta* sand otber tt,pr-*vent’ ills lol< rat ly good . I'* rat’ made kinm n on the day ol sale. JOHN bIJNNKLI., Adm’r. t'uraeta Ga., Aug fe, 1661. Aug. 96 id GKOKUIA, NarlonConnlyi IU LK NISI Marion Court of Ordinary. I I ‘ 111. ItKAS. Will am P. karlow having made <t|>- * V plication for letier* of adniiitiHlraiioti u;tou I lie Nretats of Marlin K Uailow , dei eased Tbese are therefore lo cite and a<tni uolt all and singular ill* kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on lhe (list Monday in t November, to sito-v cause ts any they have, why said I feu m should fiol be granted to mill applicant ac cording to law. Given under my hand ul office, this Srpn inbcr 16th. !h) MALCOM HAIR, i ftept IX —w4od Ordinary AdmluUtrator'i Rale. be sole before the Court-timure dor in tb town of ('ussela, Chattahorhee muniy.Ga., on lha Ist Tuesday in <TI ber next within the usual hours of sale, part of let* <-P land No*. 18, IV and 40, iu Ute 6th it Ist net of originaLy Muscogee now l baitafieochfecounty, containing about Btm acres Mold as the real estate of Mcliord Jones, deceased, agreeably loan order of the t’ouit of Ordinary oj Muscogee county. Maid land w situated near the loan of Cusseta, and from its locality and quality is very desirable. Terms madekuowrn on the day of sab MARTHA JON KM. Adm’l June IU, I*6l—wrids. Ucorgls, Cliattatxwoclxce Conutyi Court of Ordinary, Aug**t Term, 1881. David Wynn an| ) | Augustus Wynn, 1 E*ni ot Gin Will of’ Proof of HU la mdtmn form. I Thomas II Wynn, s dttd. IT is ordered by the ('ourt that 1 homas t-'lower, minor grandson of Thomas II Wynn, deceased, who Resides without (hi* required to ajw K ear before said (’nurton the second Monday in ovemkpf fffxt, being an Adjourned Terra ui ih* t'ourt, and see the proof insole mn form of the wilt of said Thomas ll.Wyun, and contest the same il he desires to do so. Further ordered that this rule hr published in term* .f the taw. Given iiud* t my Jtund and ttffirialsignature, this August &tb, I Nil. Aug. IS wSiu H. W , PARKER, Ord. Strayed, From mjr place near Cotton Valley, JbWTa Ala., a tall Bay Horse ix year* old, _LLa-H. Lob tailed, with one white hind foot ami ankle. A suitable reward will be given for his delivery to ine, or any information concern, ing him will be thankfully received. may2o—wtf*lm E. J. BRO'VN. UITIISTB POST IIFFH 1 GSOKG 14 * ClmttahooctiPf* Contity, XITHERKAM, George W. Hro -k* applfee m . ” fo* Le’iers of a- un- lstrniiun on thf si„t, G. J; HoweP, late of said umy dot t us* ,i Thlwi* therefore io cite and admonish all and sin gu a- th ae Utter—ted to be and appeal at my 018. .- witliiit the time pn scribed hy law, m show mu , ~ any they have why said letter* should i„,i |., Kr atn ed to said,applicant on.ihe se. ond Monday in January next- Given under my hand and Official Signature 11,, fitb day ul December, 1861. M W PARKER, Ordinary Dec. V 1844I —wlO GEORGlA—Chattahoochee county: VVfHKRSAff J me* It Duncan applies for let v tort of Guardlaaship ol the person* and prop,, ly of Mary J, I uity E . Nancy I . Robert a Joseph E < *tbb; orphan* of A. C'o’ b, late olsaid county, deeeas. and: AH persons w h are concerned-, are required to shew canoe it any limy nave, within the time pre* ml m -,1 by law, why letters of Guaidiunship should nm be gran ted to the said applicant ou the 1 1 Monday in Janu ary n.-xi Given under m\ hand and otfli iitlsigniilure this u„- 3d t l)e. emb’ r, INH MIKPIIK.N W PARKER Old. D.*C V I “111 W -Old. Administrator's Wale. Ur i 1,1. be Sold before the t’oilit House door igt lb. •by Ot t'oiutnbu* Muscogee do uni y G a on first Tttesdsv ii) Jiiuonry n< xt within ?h* legal hours ol Salt:, by irtoe ol an >rdt‘i ol il r l .mri oi Ordinal yof said eonnly, lan wf I .ltd No iyi th. ditrktol Mustoce-conn v. rtmd a* the p,,„ pe ty of Daniel l.ood. duceased. W I> KD W A R|IM, I H.T MOOD, |h.r* Deeniuhar V— wids. GKOKGlA—ChAttuhwtrchce County: KILL fc Ml SI, tIfIIEKEAH, R vttM Rt ese, dmiliiHta or n, n„ Vi *. l. ... it. W u. Ml, .b e. ..1 buy „ u administered on* id et .!•■, pethwn* Ho* iatuiiior Letter* ol liwmimiiiiii It i* theraiore ordered, that all person* ooneeriH-.l show cause, i? any they have, why said apple at,; should not he dismissed al the Court of Oidiiiitry n he held in and toi * aid county <*u the firm M.oid..y n June next. Given under my hnitda* it i. life, in I signature, Nov M) IB il. MW. I* A Oidrpa , Dccetnherd, lß6(.^W**Ht All nil a Ist r atoi Male. UjTlLl. he sold nil the Ist Tuesday iu .(unitary nm be*in* the Conn House dor ‘in llannii.-i Harris county , tJa., within the legal hour► ol ...... Mir land •<* negroes belonging tn the efct.tle ... Ham Williuiiisoh, u c ot *aid county, deceased Part of I ot nurubor Vlfi. “ * •* 261. • 2.7. .. .. . “ 44 184. in T&tbul coiiuty *• ** •* tuo. “ * ins. Also, 3.V gim-s it rraon <6*; ftouity st; Frank .'2, It lit 26 1 Henry-17; 3; Aai.* li; Elbe.l 1 ; ties* t; V\il| Gu< en 2 < unit iwo ••naif girl-, one innr and the etuor two years md soli or Bh?r benefit of lh*-he*t and ctedtlois Term* made snow u ou lie day ol sale GNORGE li Mt'KffM, Adut't Oriober 14lh—did.-. (•KOltblA, Alarloik Cuuntyi IkjHEMF-AM Aina ml u M Itmt apples for leltr- T> ni adiutnistralioii on Ihe ratal, ol Eti.env V. ft id, Itti.’ ot said ( OHllly iU*e.ea ed: ‘I llivrefore ur cite und adliioniab all uixl siogufei, th. Kindred and credt ..t-.-i ~;inl .i, m be and appom at the t-eurt of Ordimtrv in ami lot said coni iy , sue ill* then ot.jetu *oi*- n any iin-y hbve. other w fee uid letter* wilt t-> t.aiiitil on n,,- litst Monday in De .übrr next. Given nmiri my buml und official xign.iime, lliu* Gel 2d, I SOI MAM OM HAIR, Ordinal) Oct, 14, fetlj wfed. Aciiuirtietratoi ’a Bale. i \ ILL be ooid tiHore the* oui I Hnusr door in ifo ’’ town ot tiuena Vuifß. in M.irVm touaiy, <*M Hr- His; in* .-day in aanuury n< xi, hi cm ih, - ol an nrd i of tin- CoaH ot •h.iiMny et Maad ewuniy. ail the tand* * I *liginglo the l .ii- ..I M-c M Gntiab, ib.rns. .1, town: on 1.1 Mali at ot mimtu r ,ui rin tm iw.-niy hi h .feat 1.1 *h fc*pl <oua y, eoniamiiiy I. !}.• a. i. s io *- res Teit.i KHMir Known on tin* .'uy.ol sak- JA w Kr- w i.AUhAII, Adi.'r Oclof- r 14 il lb -1 w n*. 1 GKORGiA Ob i iahuoohee Couoiy: j-j W o ifi art, l u lcy, p i Mi. wdili u .1 io li. Ho . i • ii,,.*) Or -ii ry oj t;i.U .o inly for wav*- u s- il ihe l.n cfe and m .-rort belongiug to theveta • >■: VVu. - ohb i ol -.i i couniy. ute'd. <. L t.irlir, / ,H A . Olife ( Adl ” (*.'i o, lAd i a2m Atiiululstratur'H Sale. YY *1 *- ‘ •••,! on the iki Tuesday in J .treaty next uMioi.- tin: t.ourt llou o a- or ,u feuena \ isla. Marion mnty, wMi .n the lega. h,ur* ol ab ,an tin iilia* oi c-laleol John GuUiu.lal*- ul said .nun ly, and. craned, via. .*'•) Ih hail 1.1 I.oL No I ini!,. Xt*t oistneL ol Gee now Marion couniy ‘1 erm* inadr known ou ihe and -y of sale Aid'll A LIIAMPioN, Adtu’r. Nov. lH|h, !Ml wul*. GEORGIA —Marion County: \\ HERE A tiiliey Gouidmg r. applies lor letter* T oi Adiiiui.vlrauou .on the estate o’ Gi lley Gnu loin , t r. late of n.ud coumy, d:ea* and: 1 btsi- are tocite and aduiurusli all and singular the kHukndttud creditor* efsgMjl deeoaac.l to appeal ai my office and file Uteir objectfeus, il any they hay. otherwise letter* wife be greeted to said applicant on ib !st Monday in Jumtmy nr it. Given under lay hand ami mil. tal signaturi:, Nov lllb, Ibife. MAM-' 1 M IIAIR, Ordinaly. Nov lltb wild L'AKtT roiv’fi cALK.— WUi In: *<fed on ibe bmi XL* Tuesday in January actl, agrwnabfy io :,n nuln ol lli Court ul' ’ Uid nary .. Mnnou county, lieton: ibe louil lloiiihi door m lim-t.u Vista, in su.d c.oun ty. wilhta toe legal boat* oi safe, twenty one m grin * belonging to Ilf taiulc ol James Duke iaU ..I b.ud county, tfecousod, vut: Jerry u man, t infer a man; jack a man; lienry a man; J0in,...,* man; Tom a boy; Joun a boy ; H.uu a t...y; led ;t boy Jerry a boy, Nat a boy; deivy a woman, fe. is. y a woman, bJeua woman. Mary Ellen a woinun; tdiurlotie a jin; Maigin.t a guii liny a g.n, M.i fefi a gnl Victory a girt* Mny ag.n Teiiu* w.ik known on ibe day ot sale. P. A Di KE, Executor Novcmb* r I'ih-w id* (JKuK i.A—Marion County: Kt'l-E N Alpha Cti.iUii ton, toiui John W tirtdin, having u> de applicati.oi ler letter* oi donut*, ton from *std Evccuto. dnp: Aii person* concerned are bm-by rvouitcd to *h* w cause, ti any ih* y have wnhin fen u N ,r pit-ctfen and t y law, wby r-a.d ~iuaoi u hould not l< granteu to suiff appln an : CiiViMi ttiMk-t my band and * Ih,ml Mgmiiuit-, tbi Nov. tXtii. lNt. MALt OM II AIK, Ordinary Nov Imli IHi wftui bkOIUHA, Msrloa Cottalyi r |^WGawruUti*a Iter date application wil. be made to X the Honorable I -,*urt of Ordinary, ol sanlioun*), Gu.,lor louve to *ell U land and negroes tag to (fee estate ol James hum late ol said i uni>, 4ec*d riIANCIH a DI KE. Ek’r GEORG lA—Chattahoochee County: Noth e to DBfeKiun and creditor^. AH person* indehted u* ihe notate of a fe Ausiin late ot vuuuty, dec'd, are re|irei ed to make uutuediale payment, und all person-, liuv sing d> tuuiids against said estate are m'lined to pre out the iu 111 terms ot fete iaw lor pay no in JOHN Hli.NftLl.l,, Adin’r _ Nnveu.ber l set - wv.u GEORGIA—Marion County: UM-E Nlwl Whereas fe A 6. | , adiiiiuistra tor on fete opiate ui Au.<>* feun<aii, applet i. tua fur Letter* *m Di*im*ton iron, sad adMitaktUa lion: All persons lOncorn. and are hen by Notified to -hew cause, if auy they have, v tUiin tire huh- pr. *. ih. .1 by; law. why sere -aid W A M*ril b.nnd hoi be dm. luirsn'i ifriti juiu! adiuinisiraintit Given under my hand and rngnaiure feu* Nov •(*, ftb MAM M DA IK. (nil N >v A l*M Mr* I A MIR - rAI.E -Wt l be .M.| :.l £\ felt* f trurt ttoUHe doom, the low it ol Dawson, Terrell to nty, on the lusi Tu.sdaytn Jam. ry m *l within the legal liout* or sale, Lot of Land N.. J*i, ui th tlih durtrict es ortgttta'ly lUtidolpn new Tt r roll county.* Uohi u> a jutrt ot the real eat at* of the late fe ilH* P. Baker, deceased. li nns made known on the day of JGffEl‘ll ArtHW 1,1.1. Adm'r Noveeiber D, IMI.-dUli UEORUIA, Nuws|M6ouaiy. KULK NlSl — Court of Ordinary, September Term, ISfil. rturah Ann Jeter, Administratrix of the esta'p of Wiiltain I. Jeter deceased, having app.ied for dinim* is ordered that all person* concerned rfiotv eaUHI, #t any ferey have, why said A.imi.istiainv should mo ft awHimse at the Coast of O.ditraiy to be held la and for void • ouuiy, on she first Monday tn April ney, and that this order lie piitfei*i,ed cording to law A truet xtract fiout the uiinutes of said t ‘ourt JNO. JOHNHUN **P’- *1 ly-wfiat Ordinary. Admlulatr Sale fe tsre tlfl- Court House d.Mir tn f a-SNI, Chat n hoochte County, Gu on the lira! Tire-day in Ih t em ber next, wi*li mi th lega! hours of -tile, the and* longlui to rhe tMate ul Agmlm Cobb, dm, a*ed, con aialtag tifthe foduwioc parrels, to-wlt: Lot No. 113, ts e west ha f< f lot No 212, and the west hit sos lot No. in ihe Md district of >a and county, p onta nlng KM) acresreera or les* (old subject to few widow’* dower, be o der < f the lout n Oidtnary of said county. . Terms u.iule known on tt e day of *n <- or.illw46d JOSEPH Adtu’r Admlnlstrstorfe bale, be sold betore the t.Vurt liotme door in riisseta, D'ttitahooc'iee coanty, Ua. on the first Tuesday in Dec* tub tr li<*l, wilhin the leg. hour* of sale, the plantation and negroes he.nnging to the estate of Charles D. W.tins, dt'< eased. The land* being puls of tots 174, JTil and IT’, in the 7lti distrif tol said county, conlaieng about 300 acres, u large poriinti of which is open mid in cultivation,and will c Jinpuw Gvurab.y w*ih ihe bent u; land* in ,r*. W. Georgdi, There are nine likely i.egi>t lowii two men, Freeman aud Tom. and the following girlniutd boya,Louisa. Pink, Adaltne, Winny, Hen rv. Warner and Levi: fey virine of an order of the Court of Ordinary of sfiuf county Terms made known “it the day of sale. LAFAYETTE HARP, Adm’r Oct. It, HlH—Wtd*. GEORGlA—Chattahoochee County: TWO MONTH® afterdate application will he made to th Court “f Ordinary for said county bn leave i. sell the and and negroes belonging to the estate of Auuilta Cobb late of <*aid county, decensed. JOSEPH CO fell Adot'r. Aug. 19, ISfil.