The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, June 09, 1862, Image 2

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- COUIUBOS fBCHAiU. 41**5 IWW. Fru the My hi e Ad. A teg- 4*l* IIEI! iSfCEESTISfI fMI WISH lOftfiZ FHOM lO.TOR NOTT w* C nun, May 28ib, 1862. Dsat F-rsyth: D-y <’ <**7 * it *’ Wee*, late been sprat nefching and cyui-* by th* *r-* ** Rr " l ***** tod again w ct flden-Ty *xpccied • pUc-L *d betUein 1k tb*n twt; four hour*. Tb Dypdlir, wl’b thtir cbArucifiriitic timidity nun prudence, hv© bum pdiug ibeir way ttton* tt#,rd4 Corlu h, and jalntofulpg until the) bive hq iiauictKu wttoj at with fill Ui#app!wac*i tow mechaul*) aits co giv*, *OO ail ibe abundance which * rich provision eouw tty ©an fu/iiiah. Ii u low node mood tht *ur UefififfiU *r about t j fiTafiOfite.fiod isave thfieonuwtedffouuo io tbe enemy without giving battle. Thi* wil doubUeil lauawfl-ri*® With fill, great disap pointment li the a gu.usiy, find curves louu aad d*epfiianiig Ourtuin lira talers *f iinuieiii wisdom* Wire done mom of the I'urion* Uki#p djjfoejpie war began, aud louo of the fighting,* ’JWvlii soon fie satisfied however, ihsiit 1/a wiromy'.©, aud-tb* no* disastrous Mow thoer ii? fit tbia time .that V* iwrtd r trike. , W# inajryet < *v iifird light toefere we gei „ff, lor it i# presumable (Bat the enemy, whet* they discover i'. mil fcttaek u vigorously end attempt tu cut'*ur army to ]>iec. We lean* from aeverfil etchsnKed prisoner that the) think thoy hare ue in * posit ion from which we cannot retreat, /r. . con id tail J expert to bag out whole army. They take it forgrantedwe shall at teuip: t • reU&ftt \>y the Mobil* and Ohio Kail road and will make a desperate attempt to rui ns oil, but our General! know what they ar about, and the uwu will he successfully made, and with ui< re lu. ,to the enemy than to us. Ii U not pradent r.ow to speak cf oar plan of oper •lioui. Toe mam reasons tor the evacuation ol Cor* iutb are the following: lit. Water is very scarce and bud, find <ur army is cwffenug greatly with siekoess. 2. Xhe enemy are inoru advantageously post ed in poiut of hoaltb. and have rervired *ery rein*orceuieQie. 3 It wetlojld he detested, it would be tbe da* ructiou of bo at my of tbe Mississippi: 4th.—ls wo wefj to win a battle, it would L t.Jtr b'ich a di-api rate struggle, that a Would isi u lar more than we un now al lord Uuraiuiy wo ..u he au cut to pieces that w should have nothing |*fi iu ope. Lie against the euttuy a trooj*. ou ibe dull and thu Mra •lerippi river. Sift—Thero in nothing teR nt Corinth to fight iur. Xhe ruiiroud 10 the Last la cut on fiotn ua. The enemy cmu take Fort Pillow whenever they Lho -se to uke the mailer * riuufiij iu huud. <he whole <;ouu*ry for im> ui.ies aruu. and •• i.,ng-d out by our army, ami tbeeiieuiy can fiuU nothing but die. nsoanu eiarvuiiou m our rcur They cannot poeatUi) ad.ui, c Kilo die interior in auy direction Where they Wuu.d not hr kurruuiided by etui Ul. ll w e cau kct ji i oh Jn army ut we hgve now. we cao iu Ui-* courti of tne auui(uer,cut Up iu Ut*iui] any rmv *liey nay atioiupt to eeud out ot le.iv.i oiyheir gunboat*. Xhe • p,:n:y u ceiiaiu y the heat ior uiin out preseui couuinuu Xhg Uoyemuient i vv stmg u\v y under ua will lona ui tXpeL -r* ail.y, und we cun certaiuly defend our litoMJea longer than they cu. ker-p ~# such u v.. r rt ihoutand m lea Ironi their resource.-* Lu ry hundred uitlea they . uir,:cre*."'* ex;.euea in reoiuetrical ratio. Uur Gciieru.l wdl) no doubt inko every meu - ufiuipeUiug their piogreae und anuoy 1 ‘iff Iu i:i, and if iny will keep a few hundr and men m uiteved along the ruilro.ida they can render them worth * to the enemy. There inn th of tuicrvi that I might tell you but ni not at liberty to do so. To-tnor row mu > he mi eveniiul day. Uur reticat will probacy t* omii.cnccd, utiicia the enemy hoo*c to L-ome up aiid nttack ua. Our plan uow ia jer the whole army to march ot)i and bivouac nt front if the enemy and offer him bailie li he refu*c\ our inaicli will prubnbiy lOuinience southv.srd l now, II A. A*... hear cnituon booming with in threw miles of my office, mid a general en gngement may come offal any moment. Thi* i* w turning point in ou> nffiir* Voira, Arc., 9c., J. 0. NOXT. In n postscript Dr. Xott cnjoina it up. on na not to um the foregoing until we bad learned of t e i vn. uation, Puasengera and letter* by iraina hr ng ihnt information, and w accord)nply give niu the public The letter h v.- -i ci. ii ~ur possetalon, as its date indicate*, several daya- Er*s. Wu Sorcs of the South. War Song* of tins South ; edited by “Kohe* mta.i,” correspondent of th “Richmond Dispute h Ww m\VH recoiVv.i spcciinwna of iho a<l vanned a hew a of the above work, now m pres* 4i Rich mood The editor is I)r. Shepardson, the able and d.'tiu u.shed oorreapondent ol the Kichuiotid Dmpitch, .and well known to our reader*- uhont a ye r ago, at the IVnaacola and Moii gomery v rreapoudant of the It will be a uonii iiaiiun of •ptritastl and patri otic songs ot aouiu uvemy Southern authors moved with the which our contest for hbr y na* imparted, and will he worthy of pwru*a* and preservation Ut. Shnpardaou ta eminently qualita-d f.r the task he haa unde - taken. We >nke the so lowing notice of the forth coming book .rom the Kichm nd Enquirer: Wam M>a *p iRa Potim —Before the b eakuig out of the present war, few peraoua Iboug t ot having bookspubhalMNl in the South. Southern autho *. sent tneir produettuoa *o Yu see ot dIJ be printed—in tact, w blindly I looked t > ihe North tw furnish u* witn books and p pera Tti<* war uoiw* ha sliding a haa eioMlh and u uiber c s eviia upon us, has ne• r lb le*-, ecu a source ol benefit to us ta * g eul iiiHuy rc-pecia. We n o now wr tiue and proili *• ur own books Messrs West At Julius *ii have in prefis a volume, by Dr. chep ad on, ol i. rgiM, entitled ‘ War Stouga ol the South,” edited by • Ikon mian,” tbe l nit tiled c rr po .and. u o| the “Divp tvh.” 1 hi- Ne v Y<*rk press haviU|, a eh tnu above annouuce m nt in the Kic m *ud papers, iintculcd tlie idea, and consider \ p ep sUirous to. u “Keb* •i‘ to p'*b 1-n *. *•■• s D- s>h p*rd*ou is one o ( . in i g*'d sou#—a h nli nu .ded **ul nivair m u lemaii— nd we lel con. vm ed li..i te *i-i prove to the G lhataites, b> ill pul” c u ii*-t Ins M t>ar tfongs,” that wr . r t Ot i*< jdcM upon them lor boogs. ou litm b ,•!.% ha- • a ways been lar supertoi to *tie ‘ a i * u up at u No*ih tor we fl*v i. at the in—they are pure a..d unaduitera ed. el ho spontaneous outburst ol p“|“. i' r i*> V They show ih senumrn s ol me pv o, a <•* |oa tne ie to the a*#* it ton of our eu ..y. that his revolution is the work of poui,eii.ns and par > eiders a one. C :• l*wV krigiiie. Dick i’er-a-un— 0 bojy •,iv .o*Ot Mr. Acvt of th Cos uu bu Guard*, r>turned t.oui Riot mood this in rumg. ao<t ..ay# that he lett lieu T'K'ifil)-’ Dn.'fede eti . Lijssd .iCfoss iho Ceutrs Railroad at* ut 4 niiit-s above Kicbu*t,nd. Tig Ysokeva vruro ab.-ot one wile fr<*m ih*ai end tb pik • <f th- two 1-tow# w*re < roitagtiy * • haagihg afvilltUa. Tbe Btplul tine.-sl AMOfialios, TUa Oentral Aaioclatiof of the Bap<istt ol Virginia tufil in Richutoiil,rhurada.v, trcnatv< heir busiosf.w, and adjourn)l *.n T idny. Rev. Robert Hyland, D. !>., preaded over the Acwici dion. The organ of the (hnrch, the ((•.-raid, will furnDh tbe dciaf account of tb* ialiboralioc* and tr*psiicii*na of the body. Th* olio wing resolutions, u iujjnul :icaiJuiul)',4J ait Ate the patriotic *pirli of the Anocia'ion, ■o<i of the large and rerpr'teble <lor,r :air: ifion sb ch they reprs em After a year's egpericacdof tbo civil* of war. which La l served tn deepth cur xfihrc of their iorror#*~with i>ur coaotry iuvaded ut roan) joint* by an uoitiUerod ar,d ur,pcrupulotta foe wi h umay of oar heeutilul ri'iei rd town* cap red, enslaved and oppressed--with much of oni dr heritage overrun and draolatad with many *f oui*fonile field” orimioMd with tb.- blood of ur *one and onr many of iur •-UoW'fUizflOi nd friends in loa'hfiome captivity -wliti all the annoyance . me rib -c* and suffer offiof war pressing upon u, and within tbs our.d of the artillery cf or invader*, we, the ‘•prist General Aaocifitica of Vlrglni*, do re •olva- -1 That we aolenniy reitcr:do mr brio coavlc ion of the rectitude of the cause of the Confed ■rate States of Anerica, and our unwavering •onfidenre io it* final tttccen. We appeal to tbe God of Na'iona and of Battles that our tuo ive in supporting the war is not conqueat or the (•jury of ourenfioie*, but the vindication of onr uherent rights and the independence secured to via by the toils and blood of our fathers. 3- That in the the government >f\.t free choice, ngelnwt fAfaeburuc and pow <r of un enemy greatly excefoing us in uumhor md material roscourcos, und in the many victo ries that bare frowned our arm*, we acknowledge be bund and the favor of our Almighty Protec ts *nd that Wf offer to Him the tribute of .ur latoted tbankrgivlng. *5. 1 bat wo will eoatinue iu | ray, and we car -iixtly request ur brethren to continue to pray, • bat tbe Lord of liontc—tbe (Jodof pence—may stable na to maintain our independence, •or cberiahod liberties, and gain an early, honor iblofttid pcruienrnt peace. 4. That we sincerely and deeply eytapatbise with onr fellow citir.oL*. who, by tbo invaaiou of heart leal enemy have been compelled to übaa lon (heir homes, their churches and tbo grave* •f their kindred; arid affectionately urge our btfctereu and fellow eitlsens generally, to extend to them a cordiul hospitality, and such attentioua *nd aid aa their circumalancee of etilo may re* quire. &. That in tins deplorable conduit, on our pnrt so juer, we deem it our duly, and I he duty of tbe u hole country, to submit to any toils, - icnfico” and Miiffcrmgs which may be de manded to prevent u failure that must issue iu uur enslavement, degr dat.ou and rum. 6 Thai we are solemnly impreseud with our •>b igatiotuto guard agatnoi tho mdu gence of * biller and unchristian sp nt, 60 likely to be e ‘ ffeodered by war, towards our enaaies aud ibe invaders of our aod ; and that we will for vently pray that God may incline their heart** ■ Well ns our own, to pur-Ue the things that are right and that make for peace, so tba the> may enjoy the blessing* that a kind Pruvi doiice has beatowed on them, and leave us un molested m tbe possession of our own goodly Heritage. 7 That a is the deliberate opinion of this Association that no citixen owing allegiance io the ttta;e ot Virginia, end lulling Aithiu the unes of ihe enemy’s army, can, while ibe e n cat between the two governments is >till pen • uug, take the oath of allegiance to tl v Gov erumeul of the United Male-, wi hout incur. ! mig the guilt of treason or of perjury; and they fervently hope that no petaou conuected With i • hu body will bring ao foul a blot uu bn o*n character, or on that of the djeiionunat Mi Ceuffdtrid Amual m C!um!>o?. We ure pleased to aanouitce that Cupt. f. ; G. Huiaplcey*, of the Regular Army of the ! dotifsderaie rituie*, bus been ordered to tins city, where In* is uow iiiitiaiiug and ?uper:n | tending preparations for the establishment of u •hop lor the lunnufuclure cl guu carriages, •irtiiicry hnraeac, knnpaueka, lulsutiy accou •r men.a, Ac ; also a luboru'ory lor the lubri cation of small arm and field ammunition. i|u. Humphreys was in charge, until recent- V'i ni 11 ii to u Rouge Arsenal, mid was com pelled lo leave there upon the lull oi New Ur leans, lie brings wnb him to tins city, the machinery und stores anved from that Ars nut Fue spacious lot und eMiablinhnieui of Uur sugar Af Moitoit ius been least-d mul i to be eve led to the iiiiuiufacture ol field cnrriuuew, irttllery lutplements, Are ,A. . I\'rgea will ; uUobe elected on the lot lor the neccaury ron work. The establiahtnent of Lockhart, fouug vV Robert.’ has also been leu>ed, where •t i* prosed to make artillery harness, in antry accoutrements. Liiupsacks, Arc. Upon .lie :ut * I ilarrittger A: Morton, uear tue Alas-, eogt e Railroad, will be erected u laboratory tor the purpose ol the Arsenal. Tins eutciprou will necessarily requite many employee*, men, women and children, and auy quantity of material, such a* leather, iron, sheet tin, oak and other timber, A.c. Wo have presented u brief outline of the magnitude uitd amount oflabor and materlul whtok will lu required loenlaMiah this work, the importance of which to the Couledvrate mtc> and thin oily, cannot well be over estimated it is designed io be a permanent government establishment, und parties having any itcce>*.ry material, m large or small qusntitu - required in the scope of us opera l,on * ‘ v ■u*' • well to dispose of it to this | ..'UbSahniciit. Capt. Humphreys is a geutle tnsa of high alandin * and an efficient officer and it is coped wili receive due co operation n this imp -riant work, lie maybe found at No. ‘.‘B. 1-road street.— Sun. rtpscialto iho davannah Rcpublieuti. Ludiif; of Federal! gear (btilesloa. CttAKtcsiox, June 3. Ihs tmsuiy this morning about 400 •troog, ou Juine* LUud marly opposita iha city, tbfiy were engaged by our troops, uud fluauy rspulaed . ith a lots of 20 prnobsr^. •acoap uiaraTCH. Om. Gist’s l*st dupjtcb says “lhs prisoner* tattsu ibb laurniug reported hat the tnsmy Undud 1,700 sti. nff last ui o hton Ua ifity island, and with a like f.rcs at Lvgirv vill*, on Jvibu’a tsUad. Ths msoiy is in front ol jj, hut uu tor covsr of tbir gunboats. b, F. M.—Twsotjr Yankee priionsrs, captured n Jaum’ Island this oiorainir, have just pass, and on tbsir way to the jail Niaary more tv. ro cut . ts, and w.ll probably be captured -- lls.avy fir ng vontinuM iu that direction. From iho Jackson Misstssipj mil. ladug el Trops at ltaloa K.iase- Mato* Kofae, Al-.y 29, Iho Fodorals atteuptsd to land troop* at th gair •>n yetiorday morning about 8 o'clock io mad boat*. Just as .no ol tuo bouts war about wa* hied tuto by au icd punfoot oouipauy of uiouutcd uiru. With* ut giving the uitisena timely Lottes, rbv Federal* then coai mtucvd throwing shot and shell into iho icwi n-shi struck ihs Harney ll -u.-c. Msn/gth •T hoU‘# wr-rss.rnck. Iu half an hour after t> 6- .ng c>>u.ioeuc-d nearly aU tbo w. men anci hrldren bad !aft the town, flying in every direc tion. Tbe federal* are uow landing troopi— it cbt expected here eoon. Three hundred guer ;.a ;re uearWwu, with several piece* of urtil i-ry—bo f work w.R soon com ounce. •iivr.—We nndereuud that Ibe Sah bpriugi ta th* ‘owor odgo of ibis t-tuaty, Lave but iaa*d by a ( oapauy U thi* placu stere oat be no Uoubi cf their affording au imiaacio ausc tlty of tslt. if Opened to depfh *— Werf *•(*•) id*. * From the Charlearon Courier, Junev 1. MKSdPTriIIF A FIIP FROM BID TOKU CAP* m9....nmoßMi.\fiT siAfAcn.M.mtt. BIST OP 11IK CAPfAW. Wo uiantiLLcd yusurday that fhipuin Wil u h id been presented * iih it service , p uts ‘and {old chronometer by the mfrehaots ol Liverp* > or the extraordinaiy ra cap’uro, by mon f he BrifDh ship Emily St. Fierro from b?r Yar • (teo enptora. Ii seen s ibut the price matter, as iatant and crow, nuiuber ogaix n u in all, to 1 possession of the rtt I'ierre, the crew of irbic •vero tranaferred to tho James Aiigcr, with ft exception of tho captain, ‘.reward and cook. A 1 >r nearly all, of that prise crow acre mtritur, vnd it nn tor tuu yfasoti that Captain Wtlaon ais fffewurd and cook wets rauined on board tin. itaptured -l.ip, f<> that they might as-it iu rmv.- b-r to port. Tba following t‘ the Cup- Uiii’a account of the bold utmtageirttyt which l.e regained|M*riou ol his vessel: Tho captain *uu>4 that tho moment he was aware of tho intent ion of leaving h.ia on boaru the Kmihe Cit. Fierro, he came to tbe t.on that the vesffol should not be taken to Fail id'lphia, and resolved that be would reesp ur< btr, if practicnlble, aud bring her into a JJritis: port. He inquired.of the cook and mewart wheld r they w>>u!d assist him iu hi* efforia to retain hor; “i.e of them at once cotHenred t> do so, bu tbo other deliberated upon hi* conduct. After wards, however, he also agreed to aimst the matter The Captain turned over in his mind tho boat mean* “/ effecting hi.-- object, and ecx n came to the •-. io luslotj i*. iu the best course so be adopt ed in the cmeigincy. The prixemastef's mate wits asleep abiu on the morning of thi day sfw the yyjtnre, and he d*trui ! f.c(l ('• Mscurc hitu iiJlbo instance. The cook and kiewftrd wviearmTO, and were icatrifeted by the Captain of th course they weto to adopt— Some cloth was thrown ore/ this officer* hood, his arm* wete secured by Capt. Wilson ami irwnn placed upon bin hands; and he was aiao prtven ted from creating any ul irru by a gug being pliut ed in hia mouth. Capt. Wilson returned to the d((k,ar<d, in a UmiUiar manner, enquired from the tuuslcr of tho prize crew, “Well, Stono, rvhat i.. the p ‘tfiriou of the ship ?” The officer replied that they were somewhere off ilatteraa, and were about to chin ge tho course. The Capt. invi ed Luut. ‘ :oi‘ i ito tho cubia'o prick upon iho chart the vo. u *ei'a position. Lieut. Stone accotu pariied the captain into the cabin ; the door was chsotl, and the cook and steward buiog al:o pro sent, apt. Wilson diew a belaying pin—be did not take a pistol, as ho wan anxlou-i to prevent any noiro being erected—aod demanded that j Lieut. Stone should quiet'y consent to a pair o* < irons buiog placed upon bis hands. Iu tbo presence of such a force the Cicer waa Oompolltd to submit to boing placed iu iron", nud also to n gag being im-ertod In hi* mouth. Ihe nm:y prilsaan being then * cured iu bis mbm, C..-)t. Wilson returned on deck, where ho met three < f tne prixe crew, und ote being a very powerful fellow, ho was doubtful aa t > hi* treatment of these men, who were still, in com- i r.snn with the rest of the crew, i- l;;oorance of j Ihe proceeding below. Capt. WiUua’s ready wit, however, -un ny expadietit He j ordered them to go aft arid get out of a cu‘Xy n co! “i rigging, of which Lieut. Rmne wamcp-. ; icseulcd u.- being in netd. Tho throe ui(ni.suspecting sothieg, ruiervd the acqtl'e, Hut, aa noon aa they were in, ihu hatches were placed over the rgreai, ku.i they were thus tmpii'oaeil. *ln iho inonuimie the for enulle door hiwl been fastened up, and .u thla iiwinuei the whole of ltie? vvati U Ihslowwus 1 prevented from tiling any part in (hu affray i ! Still 1 he other men of the prixe crew were un- j j -ii - n ou cl wfiat waa going tor ward, uud iho j .ti|>tMin h-in forward 0..0 ot his men to ask j v.uetl,. i thry would assist :u navigating tho i Lip to i llri|i*h post, us ho was de eriutu and I vhfil *he should not go to Fhiladelphitt. U. : i nnu consented t>’ assist him; other* w tio ro i | fu ad, were p!ni-ed v. it It iffy three men ut the I’ sett it Iu *Ait‘- lilt- tit if uou dock bnd been ds posed of m till* manner, the watch blow were brought out o| the forecastle one by one. nud j int-rr.*|{pted n- to whether or not tt **y would j nsia| Capt’ m Wilson iu novtggt. e the v#-.ael j Tbrs* >*>i< xmrid to -he a bole nf tbu’ iHnr*. t*u’ 1 -.lily tw or was n sailor, -b - “!.< r* !>?{>• iati'lsincr. in if-.’ <ior-s -.ftVw dy, hotwr cr, tto nun- iif Hi- pr./cmen evprt- and ‘heir vviHiuguas* t - - G-ipt. l Vllm.t>, hut ot- .{ >b mvu waa atWrward* c>iifit>od in cousciurnce j •>f viol f.oc With iliis -h-ndar crew Captain ! Wils<n vv it* .-mnpHir.t i. aavigata Uu- ship t*. , Liverpool; md iu the i-otiKe of tfc vuyaga en ; coUßii rvd a furious -mR. which broke the tiller* ; j Batin tin -iuergmi,-y ls.. the itigtsnuity of j | Captfiiu h I-- ‘ < was uq-tMI to th© oceaaiim; the j | sartoua del.” whs remedied, 'n th* restc* whs i I safely brought to Liverpool. From she Vicksburg Whig, May 2sib. AlWn #u Ikf lisiissipfi, IWo *>f the enemy’* gunbonia autuaed them ivlvcs for three or lour hour* yesterday eveci. g, by thr< wing shot ind shell into the ho irt of the city. About one hundred aud t entjr fives mis siles were thrown during that time, but eomuar utively foir of which a| y.eared to be directed at cm fort* Wo have heard of no oacttaltia*, bo yond i -und'r tide damaging of some private residences and --nt or two of our churches. At *'?u o'cl ;rk I ts 1 night (tbe hour at which we wriio,) ike llftiy -till continuer. Our forts have ns yet, inadeuo reply. W o learn from % gantluman reoently from Nov Orleans, that when tbe boats suit to Mobile and up 1“ Red r ver 1 r ti ur and beef, to fuod tho oitizeoe, arrived at Niw Orlcau*. Ucn Butler appropriated ‘-uc fourth of tbe provisions for bis troopi Tin* h i.- iucoustd the planter* so that they refuse • > *end any more, they say tb<y are willing t IW-d tbe oitisone -f New Or!eat., but will it ivcr feed the VankcM if they ean help it. The 101 l owing eorrespoudance pasted between Gett. hmitb aud the Fcderala: Uaadquarters, j Vicksburg, Aiay 26, 1862 ) To the Officor commanding 0. H. Naval Force* but iw Vtckcburg; blr: lam intorated thut the negro force bc louxing to the estate of a Mr. Johnston, who?. Ill's unfortunately lost a few days *iuce, i* “n the levee surrouuded by water, their be use* being at the point of tumbling down. Tbtowners of i-UntMiiona adjoining haver* qu rd that u fl-ig of trace b -at be *ent to aV tdat you allow this force to be removed, tegethe with their provial ns to thi-tcity, with a view o being sent to the interior. Should this be m corded ou behalf of those Hking, the boat o. * •eating tbo flag of truce will tako tho negroe away. Air K. It. Towne, a ne' of Mr. Jcbnstou, will take charge of the removal of tbr negroes. Very respectfully, M L SMITH, Brig. (Jen. Com, T S S. froquois, Below Vii-kaburg, | May 27, 186?. } Sit • Your request for the removal of the n. g r. e b longing to tho e*ta;e of Mr J,.hntto. imiOt te granted. Very reapsctfuTy. Your “b’t aerv*t, jamks o palmer, . C mill tiding Aovance >quadt- ii l • M. L Smith, Brig, ‘lenersl Cointu'dg Yiokebu.g. ftJ - The Herald's Washington despairi ay* tUt recall of General Hunter is detern. und on. Ilia proclamation wil l be made tto -uhject of communication by the P.eeident f. Uongrese, and to tha wy to the country, un n.etakably coudemnmg the course of G> Hunter, uud clearly announcing th* policy o the ndminintrfiiian iu the conduct oftbuwar An effort has bsua made to havoGeu. Benhan placrd in command of the Depxrtment of th Soutu It it *tted that if he could have ha the consent of Gen. Hunter, he wou'd lone * r have ruetpturud Fort bumter aul reetored tb. Federal authority U Cbarlwiog. From Jacluon’s i rr.aand, L * Tne Lyra i >ur, Rjf|uibieuuiiaact|upnin jv-!>g nee I r• •*t pitewngiTH W'O loti .SVtu ton that General Ju<-1 iroui nriny, with the |>svr pttoi d‘ lb --• lelt you'd the |irnwit;eqK ’ Mjitured.aixl iu-i j-ior- * oil l'ridgy (uorit’ ng In*tftit \YilliHiri*port, in Maryland, without -h-’ toast h"W©i liny force .n the vicimlV to qtpo-c l.iicin Willi intsport i* nljoik twci;'. • miles aliovc flrprr’s t er;*/ >t- and weafppo-e, nLatf nUieiy ■ “tn Itiillfmo'e, und seven v ft\ •? or eighty •'rom Washington Whether the arrtTywjUid • dvauce fuither was uu. ku wn. The number Os prisoners ink u tip toTh* T"* ■ lay morning, when the roil jer toft, including • hoaeaent od, was at tdrt^-tifee Hundred. i’ It is aniil that the v/i deal cn-liti*iasu> extols am nglhepeo lo of the Valley nt he presence o| our armies, and tney Were Uoyk ng 1- tbe < undard of *‘Uld ‘l new U"ml rgenumber* The same may be mud tl the peo, le of folary— aud, (.ear the I'oiomit-, wb > wtoluoiueu fi'i h delirious J"y the alars uud b-ir* o tbe Cquled erary. Th* dwimaiio i ut iva ofcoutic, •juJy kL .wn lo h u:-©*'. Rut u(- n ut t iup “f the c uutry, liUbCiOuo. fau u* W ‘inpr*.: .1 wuh tL . .-oly toc.e twenty fiva or ihinj mi'.taaDurti, ( ufffiU. i'rjpio WUuaarp-rt to Il)i.,iißioffo, bui ; . ftw asil v, there • -n* r. olleLt turAsd. . toerfl he rtrii.e* a good r.uT-ad wi’bm two, or J b'M-iu'Ut run f (jbuiubcr.hurg. ’ J uurg i* thv bcjfoagh capital of i. t. Fvb * aylvufiia, aud to pku:autly to uxwd ai tbt J lion of the CumOfriand Valley KuJrflud wi a gOt ‘ Frankiiu Road, lort; sue n.ihs df :i*b i aorno hundred ands: ty toile i n*K “f Fn 1 idalphia Ii to coumc ed by good lurop.. 1 with Baltiuiorr, Futoburg and Pbiludeip <l*. - nd tiy railroad utth Futladulpbta, Uarr.itburg, etc. Here Gen. Jackfua cou'd dea ;roj two * xunaivo rail oada cimmcuug the cast wifi* ><• was*, aad i.aviug alra. d eposed ol ho Lai im to and (zhio KaJ/oad, h* vuuW thus ari uily cripp-o the wetere connci't m* us the j rat*rn oiU* * to I'ennajtoattto and New York tho country abound* In every ftttifito r* -.-.ry for tho of tnua and b<*’ IDE BICUO.U Bitm We ruat f'etnailioi to tiny wtU brlrg iotolligib.o ncoount ot tbe battles ol U-t.Sa'- day and Handay,'but wo arwull in— V erba! n ports by travelers fr in Kiobniond claim very iuipoitaiit advantage* on our aids b * l l* days, i They repreis-.t that the eneir , oere fij..ea buck - H Biiin and A bat/ on Saturday. and lb*'’ i‘r oca occupieu the Jtupot *a*ti.etu; • * j ti ght. That, iu ibe Glut of i. e *.. /; i-> f-- | capture Gieir quarter, o :uud# a fnu.iul . - d.ot i t u*urk*iry anti - u * bayonet ti aud, tostug nhoutlour Louie; •! utog wuich theeutmy w-.r? j orivtjii back ■ bite *.r loi r ttule* further, tuii tbs j jirvun i iiieruliy piled with the woundid end s.uiti, ; i by ur tbo greator pari of which t * th* . I eaeiuy. Tbo conll.ot < i .iutiduy toak pto e .n i low, marshy ground, -iu for ariiltcey or i hyr. and Oeliro waa ‘ought iillUoA -tdl -gethc by infantry. l-u >; ** , however, *ro rtoiuit-d j tuhoVubc o cap, ute, h> out troops. .’uh ii tho *i <a Inni Utcbwond, j but we t,. pe to g. t rvlhibi j uccoui.ta to day'.— j j Tho ‘act tha* they were v: y < hjticare *ad *an giirmiry a iUg.qles tunoo: be dotthted Afc >n 1 Tt! CEV. Sro.\EttAlL units. Tbe r.ictimond (V. ) Dispatch pumn>he* j mvut'.r of Gen. i. J Jackaun, m wji Lit i.- , ’ *ia cd lha he b ro <u Cl.k*bu>g in ti e | | counyol Lews*. Vu, m toe yt-o U.. r In ‘ 1642, hu entered t-c La -ed dlaiedUtil tary - va. etuy t Wtst t oi<u. end gradnavd With . j the cl 134/J|lh** shiuv tu w icb Cco. j Mc'Jlellun grudua t-d lie vv,. iLuj.; or,lured ojoin Gen Tav or'h army n .a .y i the | KioGrn de, < ith the r nk w| #•.-i.d Leu eu* j iuut j cpiiiiioiiidcd u bal-toy ui itie gc>4 Vera | I C'rhz; uud av p wmoted First Lo otejuar. . i | For h,> \ . D'luct ut Ce r-> Gordo, he vv*- • r- | c le-i • npla it, wa* m all ol Ue . ssuu bat ad w’ breveited Mjor lor bt|rrv o es. J1 1 iicilih was so in i.eli h-(iii‘r.'d yf.ncu*it* i pugMlffali e am conqu-l ed io i* gu •-•! , acv-ptc Ia i vvtotswrsh p-t Ute \ t<gj>f<a j .try lust ituic, whcic he -uunutail u t :-o . Is tesl uol li.a dla.c In height, 1.. about • tiX lt* l uud Weigh* about ISJ pwiu.ito, lie s . - e. lutdUal, i ut a iLorn and ei/m-eteu 1 i*us man, • and has no fear o belli la He i<p,-< i,r to *.,c j a loan of uLuosl auperiiu ~an undwrance; aud t I i.a adored by his men because he requires of them to do notlim, whicu be does uo* Jo b in | sell; bre une he couMuniiy>. Hum t-i vie t-ny; and because they see thu he . ageut soldier. RllAli ViLCAUm Wd kirtt that vurr*l U o ,igan n#abrought m Gordon ytteierday ib. lo;. rn eu*. of tb* Ramah V iii itM-ra, Wjlkinaou r -unty, iu the 11 h c;; u.fs t tvi r ; k 1 iii iu tbo recent b titles vt Rob mural C.-q-i. K,U ■ , tre Lod,-r .- and, was unrounc. and aaaon>’ tbe rr killed. We trust there to some ui .-.toik-.i to-at the statetricdt .Vrt a V'rl >jr -pli. lies. Diichtll, in U'-io. Hatan QrAi recs Tmnu Divisios, t CxaP lAVL’ K, HiMaviLLr Ala, > May 2d. ifcLv ) To th,> Clt tens r*f ALib.m,). North cf tbe Tetocx^egßivcr: Artn’d rif**rr i-s Lave fired ru; trair* mi •ho ratlw y, have burned hrid,; , have attctuptisi to throw tny rngi’ict tho track, barest • icked ray gua ds, have cf he telegraph wire* Ml these r.■ ta will be puMl.h and with <! .vh if the (- rpi-trator* can b. Jmwul; cr,-l ‘; -toy cißLi t, I will do, r--y the | r ; erty cf *l2 wh- sytapath a* with the Ji,'Ut!'*ti) r.L ’■ . • m ite c- ig’,l orhood where these c.cta wrc e rvtni* 1. Unorgat.ltedi leaders hkve n > ri;;ht to make war. They ar ootlawf, robbers, ptondarer* and murderars, afitl will be treated ns such. 0. M. MIfCIIELL. (lot. C- mounding U Division of (he Ariuy f the Ohio. INCIIMTS OF lit BATTLE. The Rtiibiuvnd • x turner t tUedtb related tb j Nctutrous icatancre ar* related by tbo wonn •* ol tbulthte of qbuir r-/XDpa< ii i.n the fi ,1 j la th*Twenty-sev,mb Goor.ia rvg.mont wire *o brothers named \V 1 mius. At b pvoing ftlofi ht two urn were detarrd tf< w e eh •rnp -iy iu the rvg uifiDt to c;.iry ,(J ih w uu id, and one ct ha Widurm was am* ng ‘h* utuber in tho chur , w it, i,d!,,,g ,tie •rother in -he rack* had bi* brut* and .bid - u •y a *hnt. Tho otter hr n*r c<-ic n, up, turned ver tho b dy aad tve .m r and th,- c, rj so us that I bm brother. At ih:t mnui-tn aui t ji -rced ■to head, nud ha alr.i fell dead ao- s h abrothei’a • M) . A fin# young follow, ab>a> ~n xf ., ri e s ! *, wa| shot th*< ugh the b ar .-.t thi si © ot a i turad,-. lie dropped ffs nk*t, hi and, elapsing s emu rads. u'tereJ tho ,r... “ito ucihtr” j ud tell da.'d Auutht r wuundtd of tbe Twenty •xvreiilb G r a legi&rut, t* Is of s loa i g ut* ih Mwien j Uifilf anl Yankee hr,'ih o:*r. B.'h b and •I -rd thtor PCs St • eh otb- r t be .?- ioof•'■ ui t< r;v j a..., s Y.,rf toded hind ii bush. * • -1 wrn *• a vsta : f l . • . uriy rai'iuig hom> l - M - t, U : tbe Cce iiratfi n bad .ni th:vu t-ua-e ■ .?ot Duck in * omnia Wit bio an - r -. ■ thabiMcff tuoiKDt, and the gun r| bi* a oniM would ’ levied, lifi daiaruiiuud o b , b ta, so, ht ibarge etaui, to ra.* * h s and *J. the Yankee h,y,xboul enw 0l J. and 1 -ppiou 1 invt r, acd j wlf too. * bullet k'l*d tb, Y -act. h u - J ■- roUDt ot ° charge aot bairg tau.uieci b/ fLe gua 1 rteeUcd and hleefiu Ft c. hA ( Oilill;lit. PKIIIAt, Jt*K 0 CMJ'J tt**ck 8g firdr, Wo l'jru Hint Mr, Wil'.hu : W. ILi-to* • tJchec, Ala., hern r| “rlqd ua my t n .us,y mining fora Wi'k or norr, was an<.* rutnlly murder*d hy hm own tie r" on 1 pln r <i'lun, in Uussi-U county, about three unl frout thu above place TL oveiieroi Mr 11a ria had gone to the w,r audtbe latter wait tmu iag to the bu mess cf ih’ farm Lix-tif. cv. - mi of hia o*-gr, m-'i !aH a p an t,< Ki I b m a fooad iheir iq [lortunify on Wednesday night • last we k Ut waa fit ing ui.dtr a it*e ah i 1.-’anceWi ta the boftse when the tnurdere approached aud knocked b n* in the hen J .to uo ax i. Hi iff dy Wat c (tried ii.t > the w n baria-l in shallow pit tv •! i1 *g rolled ever • fbe Ltog‘"',ir* 1 otng xa nfiU trotn bij long a i*oe* mat rbure wet foui play m the uisticr, •> rented one of the uegro** 1 , wh •, upon ihep'ou'’ ■>{ impunity, and \ulgad th* whole ff*ir f murder, ita> five of tbo n. greet, understand ilia’ u.l ot iho gu iiy made u ’■> i ,/oufesatou ot their crime. Tbo cit s ns of county—ab u‘ utueiy io ouu.b r, after cn.t im lsou do eriu-oed upon the imiuediaU t‘.xv< I of the murderer". • ‘i wo ot thoUig!i<*s wre ugsirv-d to the KUwu* J id i thru* others dtoposed of the c-.dy. It wa. ; decided to bum the ioruier and to lat i tor, which r. os according!)* done on \VcUut*d<. i laa—just ona weak after iho coo. mi sftou fifth i crime. I. to stated (bat all tfa* eg rocs ou tl • • plantation wore c<guiaani • ( tho flMKiiurt u( i j tor.t pf the guilty pnrtio*. Mr liarria icaves * i widow au'laeveral cblUireu, und wo bava heart (hat *wo of ifn a<,n* arc in tbo mmy. rrcin lat, rrciiioa. ik a lit purl of “Mr. fftofroy, I'int Stcuta-y >J t\e FrswfA Lrj itto'i, a % taken so Parte — Views of it. Jteroitf. I he foil•*wing are uEtrac* from a lettor, da tod SV'aahiagtan, May ?2, pirdishad m tho Nw York TiuifiM Freviou- - nix uupurturu Ruropo, • • h SOtn uiiiu. , Mr. Ufiuffroy, First decrelary of the brt uoh Legation, communicated to *• m* ot hi/ frieuds in Washington, tho teruit f htr obrervation iu llirhaund, where h* bad iioen !io company with Count Merour Mr. Gc -ftro) • Wat* nf (.pinion th;< ii.-.- Rebels may fee •*< o qtifirod, may aitfVr dekal u;,on dfifeai, ut that :.i,;v iviii Lr vi r fit rnit ti'r l* auhducJ. He was particularly • ruck with the unanimity c-i l*eito|i there ro! peeling the comluct ol th* war. iit c >uid not flud h riogie man who wad not for fighting to the last father than surrender. The ivm-'e population ”JfoM tha gre'.teat j rivalim ■ w ,kt -iu|lilik. j.itty ot C4jury *.{ li!o i jJ. - .Md— iv. u;*at, salt, vegetables— j sui! to . people sriuck him ax uaaware f thu •! **u!e i f thu g- 1 , audrecoi 1 conform cheerfuilj j (0 (hair I VT p./MOU. j Th .!-j i r-pre*n'ation u-jdo to Llo I \ap* „by Mr. Dayt"n, ihattbe inlutd tram i vv u ! *• •-■ *•, as m,oc tbe harbor/ wotod *• i i.e* -t.itl Govcrnuin-t, ] : -vLicn .he private reports o 1 | tho f 0’ rh 0"U *!-( In to*- MUtlu ru pi rt.- tl uly J • • r*-". *•(. Iu couseqtti-e, U*c Al. M< • | cier to < •-ta wbicri, * f F. Amur*-n. oi f I l 31.-Nvrv.tor s. verto M.mi*i<m with j ■ t aw rip/tseM* ivc* ol too <: u tdoais to i i ItiuOaioud particularly with Mr 1L j.uuu , rboj. Be knew bethre, a l there *cqu; ed itn corietaty, wiitcb h.-. Uv*Vcr, ha. rbv toj ‘ C-uuing *J iu** w.*r, ol in* fe n.s* v! the * .;/•* b-.fu piople * u oouipromue, -r io go u h | ! t;> tuo old U-.i"’ - H- -..0s rVfeitcna, aiihoßg - ’ did. rmi in iotas i -m tbo*- t Air. (Xeoffrwy, . te ! j ,-uo. .n i,> uiu .no . j ill a feceul report to the Kmper. r Air Me ‘jean, be rremk t wutui l JSew G leans auy* j I til,it at ho gtl ito trace t U lou leelmg is vim ! hie iu Now orient** be doubts n t bat it be j Co*ieU(,ttto L-.VCI ItOiCll Outrs uut aci w tb I ! u,,u eJ rgy, thu ■ oti-eqoetice o Us tuao tio . or f u*nc will be- to tire and a , } urfou ht- j*.qiu tiou,w h,, a Wo..,d.iu sucu - ; ■•*?. *“i ‘“k > r, A**ru lOlhc Llttwii .Among I ttu re potto e.oa ti rt mg rumth tr u t, Ou u j ui Ame ica, .h.fc .:itc outy one vv. v-ii j | Mt ~*n ru - All win or* pjMU.e y ueuv the cX l ’ ijCMnllt* T lus cause < - the atix.i >, certaiuly j j .'.id ■ xi-t aom- day* 4,>> ut official c,reive, U<*d I* j uu rr.i ruu.d Us..! .. rAt tic ,i ,(.u ivc ih.u | po*m\e. tl tinted upoi, ,he uncertaiuty oj |j tne tmpC ora re*u.u ion, air bu w*., tmve -. i.eard ol .1. M* ro o, a repo t, and al o. hta | corners tiuti with .Mr Geotiroy, who bn* al I ready reached Fans. Iu the i* me coutifictiou, we copy a signifi- j c nt parag.eph iroiu the New Vara Herald ol I ihe 24 b ; lu .(debate in the ITousc of Common* on the j* relutiuiis of Lug and aud t ranee with La Uut led elate*, it i* worthy of remark, that while Mr l>ireli aeri that the most aenou* dif ferences an*l cn-iunder-trtodmg* exiat be.weeu Lord Lyon* and Al Alereicr at Washiagun - about Auicricau affairs, Lord Palmerston, on j ihe contrary, rrpre*en ilieui a billing and cooing It e a pair of turtle doves, the oiject of Mere er’a visit to Uicbmoud i* rr doui'y still u inys ery to the Bri.ish > abmel and Pur haineut, and Louis Napo.eon ami bu agents have succeeded in m\siit\ing British diploma j < y and d< awing the w,o over the eyes ol oven so u-tutc a at .teaman Lord Palmcraton Tune will sooit devciope the plot, a* tt has done in the cu- of Mexico ■*::. Sex ou ba- been ippoin cd the Yankee Mi.'itary G vernerof 8. ‘ . (rom tho Vichsburg Cifii t of AVcdoeaaiy evenirj. and Whig of Thotodiy, we clip the ial lowing hs r Wo arc Informed thrt the roracr cf the Van k vs being at work in c!*rir.g the timber in Big Bayoo (• r tbo purpose of landing troop* is ail h'tax There is (.either sxe or s.,w ai wurk ii that vicini y. We übteio this Inf-.rnation fr u peraonr e,k>, are well posted of a’! that ia gotn. i •n id that quarter. A *-o dig o au (.verjgi account of ti e sh -to |S.U by (Lu Yai kecs, at ihia city and the batte ivi, they krtvewastfid 10 600 ( ouuds of m<ai, | auo 2 6,0 pouude of ponder. And Strang* t . f j) n-j c usual tie* t” rep-rt. Duimg the b a*'ardui'nt vfiiteri.y evening a uuiher o pe y e had gone -n jlay Par- ,r Hto i“ witness the fir ng, -be- suddenly a shul. Ivli , i Washington treet, close by. lii*n t tie,-** j “• r> saj hew long it tuuk tha. pry to get i; away. I'lio.'u CurtTiaxooav A gcntltuiao from ‘ Cbnuu > ga, rap rt* (bet Gov. Harris aod hi* .v <>j-,iant, H (*. W.C. Wbuiborufi are B ia tht |i*s* fining up m ii vi*b*n Rr au important ng g vaaive tu v iU(Lt> We have bad intimations ‘ I of tbia bnlore ana havo reirainea trvui publish j u; ibctu f<>r pru (L'lei rae ua Yvao not u w hi a- iibir y t- make tbe plai.s ol tio*. ll*rn- pebi.c ea nt,uiplaua a den g ia>,v | i Kl 0 aula* -t v put lie m ot wba r laet* • k • w ■ tuig -t e*ui4*> a <1- toy iu b > ta veimn *-. Iho ( a van r<• fightu g *ud e are u . u.- . f-.b ro (...u- lh i>. W tbvrvu-re i• -• k f-.r hap p> r*-*uda frvui I.l* expedi lou.— Atlanta /• is* ‘■ Vat PtivutOki or I'anTii vx Ba>ps—The 2- . ■ \ttng * •:r hs b-;*a r vlvtd t y a g.ntitnueu ’ city - . i-l v : C. S A. Wan DaratMicM. ) Hicbwoud, My utJ, iSCJ. ] Man—Your V : er f he 12 h ,tir jut Lac beau rceiVud. It is ibe opiuiou ol* the retirv c* War that pr-M us bet WO’ o tbo ages ot IS and 3J yeart,. iul ie to oixtocrtpiio', io*y t . u.artvrud into- Corps of P rttirtu Buugarc. Hvsieefuly, A. T. BLEDSOE, AsaUUntfeoeo'y.of War. re t e.i* pm pi. . The Trcßbkt is Mexico. Tbo L oJoo Tl*- •-'*•• •* 4noo *Uo( iwn'.ic. •-w* *i(Ul r mania: a j xsrotisu It to ab?nrd tn it?•:*>- a wpvbltoj ii tm ot government ca’ li tOurn , where, .ut of a popultdoti of flr* mUlions, tare* and a ial, at Iw* li*ws- oot’i.uta''■>(', are plunged in the in ■* I’ - >vnl tgDor*n<w>. At, ulightened desyoitora . what wc require, und, .lUbougb there ta gb*. to prejudice* to utercouio ,1 the outarf, the rdu. a'r 1 end respectable por ioD of ibe iuhabiUbt.l will r*on b* a'o.e to •p— ----reoiate •:rnme t. •VPAtM IV TH K WAT. Ail w ulfi depend Up’ (be inat r- :in rh ch boob ,uge ii brjagbt iibo*;:. If DR (-• Englarid r and Fian?', Hi* matter might easily to managed m the acme iu • r troi oo .f -;••-; vu~ rh urt j tbe difficulties. Tb * I ret: b uud Lag • ?J|.vuriinic:it.i have sirsemmitted h J j r ..vom error m afl-.wiug opam i-; tb J .fa ive. tuneoUabt to be tost m rectiy- I ng this ful.m move. The laaFug vs Hyaniab . .reert at Vera Crux baa created a stroog I*Lg | f irritation, which cu. ulwue be removed by j presen'-u of French und English u ‘ \ +- J lUK BIIITTnU CLSIU*. Ia u,d ri-h to improas upwU her y*a j •iuvetnuieul the absolute n-ct.-a.*y ot sppomtiLg. | Without 1 h nf time, * m uw. men t- near and I teetde upor, the vnnou deutsods which bare n-*w 1 r. ma'xt'i dumutnt tu tue legativu for upward 3 cl wcoty year . They exceci *20,000,Mb and m vole* akpoat every t.'oocfiivaM* -’*> ountempia dby tbe law cfutious. Noufl cf our eowntry (utVrc.-idonrs fn Mvxieu >ub “ae of two cxoep IodI) po*tn the r.-cf-4ary quallfiretiotis for ucb a task. vv aai an. coniw.t at* boat.. Mr Rorwh, nho beet, endeavoring lo purchase, • , leha'f cf tba United States, a righ’ “finterventton in !'*♦ affair* of Mexico, an 1 who, rom lo fault • . •” ha* failed in tw* tvir,u* (ttemptj, u. a upou h third He p-ropoaea to convfirt the c.tri r ic: the country into an Auierican ccirentio*. , ,l ether word* (ogive a high value to bond; i.*suud in taay ease* at a djicouu’ -i upward.” of ninety per ecu*., aud ski to. era •ow hearing u market value -if six d/llar o>r •!,? cue Uucdred-doUar *” ’ . The interior debt haa been ineurred by slumst every P eridett Dsuiog, na his B*etstit<es de manded. or for purposes of bis own. a certain number cf ibene rods. Their amount cl late h*• beer: considerably reduced by ibeir being received in pnytr.eut vs ebureb X >mi ’ dftily there must et?ll remain about f-Hs unO.OuO to bo ructe; .hx coaaent ot the Mexican <.,v .-nicer’ .a* teen “brained ty r, ; o pay dowu eight per cuu iu cash—t*c* tempi wig au efier to to refused at nch s u omett .4ay ho.airs will dubtlej sci.:a -ocb r. op* rtuu.ty ol wbta rung Atutficuu prcl ction tor u | - a bich ( t'<a /i- xi Lo falutto.-*'; but wbetb- j it tick ait ck j fbbing frcecndißg H eoßtkuenr I w ... .Ue dignity of: great natmr. .suu rather 1 I ■ - ...x;; I iUa ; ,ifigu g ,v.ruuin:s wiil tef allow *u-b . -ionve ntioii to take precedence of claims iu* to j Uir m|ncm. n,J cu. The Fttaii is Esri)*. Tl* site -ple t i buffe/ o are I ■ is ..v n - I gfW-i “vwiones” herald -1 by tho Yankee i*a; rs- ib Cork (ir-Un-i; iUpcrter, in nvte tu ‘ •lm uews broeget t, iby arrival a— ibe fit *u-.fs (rout S w York, ea).- •1. ii :rwn tsi.i b* luutid iu t-ar -f!e/r*tpbi( i . ~r ; i'r.-tu the j-nrUcuiar* whi-.-b w* have . e-- ■*’.,* tv * -beet by tie be-t t f*,rsa, and -.-I tb. [,j . . a>- ale* ~cu icd, Wo i.rn'.t al ibe .- uclu { , . . • -Ci-r,( - to tue Ni-<rtb*ru or st>.-d-r j .to c-aiir . /h to.'iei wore J'.uie Uian exa. - £ raiiou* ut t;. • gro>ert descripti i ; that th j u Hiiit- ~.(( mvra, Ibaß tiwld tneir-jwb, a, .i ;• t.-. M ths jXoribt-rnti u; a fix, which oni v a rar. • haaco lor tbciu it tu) ate able t g -.u •t. PaaJiUg, ra uy tb. wn*-, * ii i: W j oucl ja-Jgo, bad no p-r iculai iu w j b La o tola a.-- (LrtA tho* tu uo i i'ms . * ... ~'ufi victories of tbo Federatu, art 1 c .... ato euitres) iLoortect.’ 1 Cu i.Lfie l lUfcKaTar-XD ~H vrou i o .lii| r -Cbau I, ed wi,'. .- that o.t) Jo upou t cobt*> [ •'* *< • i -•* H'.- , -U [cu.: t oar ai'*ciii ju'w. ;ti il üßu.bki ’ ;) -i .alba .urn i,.;,- have lt*&sjp;<to. lu c.uiuioi,. w* jcouvfid by mdl Hie foil wing j fi'.oin pencil, aruten at Cbarie*(hu a * n u> \ J'steroay. •‘Twcuty 9oiii Vaukec veaaeis urn bow re | porud lying in and r>iu present appear rtucea, they will eudeavor to effect a landtag ct ii the idtau today —ax least ibis ,s the tatpreasioD ~( tbo?e on tbepu.. tiou. Mercer at tbe beat or- - regi-ieo'S,) Cviquiti's 46. b Georgia teiug an :vng them) elt <aat night tor J nines to and. Befiidc-* those there art ab ut - - Iboßiaud o.boi .ui!,'s ready lor tb# figb*. Fa vsLnah vrwuij do nei! to ket; her ty widu ! rumn. Heavy tiring u uo. beard in tbe direvCiou ©t ue Island.**—b’uc. /toy 4. m i *■” - optv reals. Iu reterciuw to the prucUmatioo of Abraham, th- 1 first of the despots of the United Stat. , ojkoning cerftin ports ot tbe Confederate Hta?s re pub oil the (ol own g Act of the Cocfederat Con ?re*a: • (l* wed April IP, 10*2 ) StECTioH 1 The Congress of tbe Con’•derate At*u sos do nac>, Thai it shall be ua 1.-twU 1 tor any person, by bime!l, bis agent, or iu auy rr.wnaer whatever, transport to any por r place in the States, which may to *t the lia- ,n p isseeri nts the enemy, t*) xoU jervin ka )• ol ten, tobacco, sugar, rice, tnoias •e#, yrup or na ral storai. F.r. 2. linpw es heavy penallier. UltElfi MTS, \\o notice, aa} • tbe AtUuta Xoteiligoacer, that me ot our eXvl ttt gos are tu tbo babil es mak g ratber lujptt ont itutem-. nts relalire to tbe ia* jou u'-ru movvoieut in Keniceky. Tb< ofiw# ut a graud revolution ia public reotiment, u tbat dia u > ant‘ot (ail to be both [.leasing aou mar sung, yet tbs good ot onr cauje deatand* prudfißt reserve iu speaking of any new Con { i cerate tu veocenl or stratagem by tbo citizen* ! •;'that ucf rtuuals atato. Tbo latelligenoer has ••eta io poaw9i-;B ot facts tor several days past which t* path bed coaid not fail to create aeo * -rttious ot p erthure au the bosota of every Bontr* ; t-rn men, but from prudential motives we dec 1 ne | publish ng -hem. Ww have ur info matiun from ’ a old fi lend* ame mtor us Norgtn’s Bquadri-n | nod wbvae .u-tell geuoo and probity aniit'e h,.- -t metit* t > much c edit. bv.C o and for th* , ,res-nt, tbat a decided change uj public £enu men; t, K n lucky has taken plu-e, nuJ tbat a |•tmis ir nng io gallaut Wesba! I be greatly * vrpnsed if be ‘'! *ympatbiser ’> f ao t. t g. c- a targibla form to (heir “treason'* io 5 * if days. Hast TIK MTS. • i v Kooiville Register, ©t tbs 2d instant j - >*• t.v Vv pros.*, Luveleatued by t!o ----gr* - ; *LOi our spleudid v.clurj Achieved by • u* luvioihlo -* • ue*a 1 Jacka.n—.bis dm* upon j Le :1 f Maryland. Banks, reiuforeod by i6,OuU iro-'pe frm Wa,birg:,,n, made a B‘fiod B-nr Wuliamaporr, Jecksvu attacked him aod 1 ruutd hliu, Ukiug and 00 priaouan, aovl is Dow par qmj too reputedly vanquinbei Federal ’ .ciny U wards Waabiogioo. Tbe unfaltering I career and unV yokes ruroess of this distisguiab ed General nretftoasptfiug t° sake bin tba b*f© *f tbia war PiniiM Rugers,, ,!fow rr !few. \’ a ag; .L t * *no ttiiv-. .cj ent <>i Part win R- „ctf. WAo &*?u~ed tb yihvkny U progre-eiog finely et-o i car i_r eottq letiou. A< the Cun • ’ ot- atO"LK ui, a tow days, Wr * 1 •• i. ■ od iinie t- -died C"ia t iftd .. ttorttoLi- at ou-co. let n feULrm or pull a triigvi, wait ‘ - “‘i-tJ into the , f hia tom* ud ti* da<: -. right* k'-owa to freemeu. Il th<-i *> wa time wbia should call forti oar uadiv:d>c.-Merg'd that luaeis nw. Wien we pphoii our eo territory by land and sea, (•irround'td by ateuoat a m of tuip.acable rto l ,:-*! • f,g f w (5, ged and ou y all tb uu hallow ed obition* tbat evtr disgraced homai natur> ir C‘6’ übanaonei state; our *bi -ities l:ufniiiKi*d und*r a foal dep;iisu ; ( eneapy'v gun* thundering way t our nation apttal f tb -* J! wu*re I'atrick Uenry w-ket ou gffrious Vi >; oi.( to tbe fi ft outguahitgxtr-au . of liberty at <i iedependeot-e, trembling tor i i safety rbn gr. vjof W (b,ogtoTi dai-y pollun ! the Vandal Ire aay wiieu we look 1 he**"t-rrj (m t* a£id rewtu.bfir that poser. > Ito ta altaivd for all tima by our b*roi-u or v ),m -vLtu> .>o, wt at more Is netdtd to fire o 4botoft ito >nd make ibem one a.u sink to-r eparatc*- *u a independent*. tu-w and tort j *r. ‘ ii f-t li that tout hern m i (]a tv b. ed to fight. Le: ut.!ter*al de*< * -oleli-jr. rt-;- ;. -.vo’- uur:. .-very foot * s y-r U ! fitfiteg*, yet wu must rot b w the tetk to tb i aat'vl lot until eotireh nnnihilafed eud tltinc w-tXAtt ViLtAia* —A iiitud wuo baa Ltki wldw'-ue of our guerilla companies for soil tiuL g rmu u* (Lmi durttg tbe utseoce o tbe ••lu t from Nasartu county, a cumber of tb i*d Jleaaians cam# lroio the Iluud ci n# HA. v, Vis I led th* plantation ol Juda* O'N'e* t (of* pianos, uieiodecfiis, ai.d oiber va.uaoie: rtL't earr-v-i them array, besides couiuuiung e rtorie* <l *;.<u<JrtUous suebss hove cbaracterit, u cue Yaikru ewnundiels duricg the war. Iu Juage <O’ea Ye 1. >U3O ectcn lime since, e>x of the enemy srere captured aud ore killed, liis uiuod tu.ueU tbe oil cloth io tbe pasrege, an, ui- LepiiLcijile** outtrade* cut out toe potUot stained and CAriied ir *i t Ibsen. We bop ilia’ thu la) ;• uot far ui* ttut wbec a just [ uu ichiaeut will I.© visited upua tuea* uiaittodere o •f ©ur am, They should not be allowed to us ibe Ml. M >ry V *od St. J, bn*a Kivifs, witbou oeirjg i. !• .•I-;.!, aou IroUi th* *igue ol tbe t:m*. arc dt- uot tliuk that they will much longer. Alert nt tba proparty ft lon and deatfjy* • ott&ea fr Judge o’Aeitt wad B. tl. Coach ntau, K*q t . I'rtCCttad.Qj. It is rei'ortsd ibai Capt. otevei;? with Li oou-pany < t - v j sno, eag.,ge<i oue : lUn o* coy <, gviubottU ea the M. J .o r ’ river, aud o. OJnsidr*b!e aamagv to ooat whs ground u a abort distaae*, and the deck was fed of Yno soe-- wLr> our u'.sa fir---.’ a fiol.ey M a xty si-"., | he fust lire. The *a(uy i’, i* ippot u, bunt, j tneir d*.-a-< et !•'-• ■< < .-Ir. <’* —<> “**r U tU.\ I Later. uiu Daj cf hi Hhic. f ,oui toe ousuber ol guuboalv t.;. r-aeto off-lbr harbor of Chari*-100 and >u tha River, with (be ieudiug t troop* hl<l be con tmtied firing wey Up upon the chores ot Jec.r* Inland y*lerday, it srecrix that tbe uUsck ou .Uerleaton i iiiub ueut it • lie icved tue I be Uura*ide Fleet ts be *, and iti! e day i i ta'. is upon vjm The gun-v cl our 10-rts mu Be courage of cur tr op* ere about o coal* .uto requ.rtitiou !te guuoua aot l e etieui> nave nut, wo judge, been yet subjected o th fire ci au-.-h % - m proie -t our hrtrbor - (J. ies* .bey have .t (loiuuer o 4>/rt are wb.*-i we by uu Liras* -eltrve, they e likely to pa j uearly (ur tue enure iu tutiuiug such a guu Ile; Wnb tbe breastwork* on James’ li*u< , ur troop* can tuhke a strung, und, we tiut, • ur< stu. de enve ev<*u hirtiLs*! greei v Mipe I r.ur uututjei, will,l ‘• i>i v . i.L-- il -• j tro rightly imorineo Our people are in ru.crui pre pared lot *!(•► j ~(! rc M.U,e tA- cpi 111. .J.CAJp.. 1 . i aiiroad*. work shop*, Leu a a cl newpnper { ue Ibe to *>gn popul (ion, lew arc nut tu lb I • auks ol the eriuV We have eve ything a I -take iu the struggl , uud ii fie lo hope iu ca> I I failure We trust the del- ace of charle* • iu ia i3d‘J. will ever L-e memorable lor its L * ,ji.*iu ni and it* t (Teel up"ti ti e country. I mu> i .e vvor hy of the cause, and ol the old City aa< •t the I’al/uetio Sta a— f?/.r . fe* J Jereuty Uk i*ut> Lsi tl it” fit. Ijiu". Th© Sew York Journal of Commerce, o .be *Joth IBM. : The fine regiment of Fire Zouaves, raised a this city by col. Llaworth, has ceased to exist after a carter ofimto> tune and reverse* *uch ae hctvc fall- a to tb j lot of few r gnaeot* a the service. Tne remnant cf the corp* tumbering about 600 officer* and men, arrived at this port on tbe transport B anstonc Iroiu Newport Newt, and were put oq shore ai /overnor’* Island, there to be mustered ou* if the army. The Zouaves say that tbn chief dirtsstrefaclioa wan the refusal of tb* arnry authorities to let them go into active •ervice. Instead of being pei taittei to egbt which hey say would have made thru* perfectly happy—they were employed iu ho* pital service and other unmililarj dutien ai Newport New*. Whatever, and howevei trivia! or serioun their ground? of complaim may have been, the Government dtd uoi ibiuk it worth while either to coax or coerc ibem to retuaiu. Ou Friday ‘at they were drawn up ia a hollow square, and nakei whether they would prefer to comioue in aer vice or be di.-banded. Tbe vote in favor o he tater vi aluiont unanimous. Col. Lo rr aud several other officers had pieviou* r signed, and became connected with othr rg*miiatio a—and their withdrawn! haddoo* much to increase the genera! discontent oftb regiQtn’ jaJt io another plac we an article o I feriog ten tbuusand tlullara .cr the head of Fie. fym Butler. V,’ are authorit *d to say tbat n •aggestieo comes from responsible parties wi vre willing to give largely end cheer ully f bis object. W* w>uld out object to givuig mall aum ia fur brance of thi* trely pbiiai* bropic measure. A!< acy is bo übje-t, howevt .o tb* removal of a nuis.cceor a m*ct*r tb (ticks In th* nostrils f all honorable pe-.-ple, b 419,006 Is ft pre ty high pnre tc be paid for green Goard. \Y© are that fiicD fe taring iiatbs.-rr'* r-r lie h er. prmitted iiv* as lußgas ha bar Bat !’. .•? i- idoi,m maa. Whatever may e tea lat. f the counti his doom is scaled, ibe quicker fie is mauo el tbe power of that retrsbutiv* Juitir* wbi bangs ©ver bis the better Jaditon ii eimippinn. ft!sFAilK LOAFtIiS There is ** • evil under t..e un ’’ which u *o4.u like to see icinoved, and it is he p-w (••per ioe er—the in mi wUoU r no* spend b ui ocV for * p.ipt r. but t -e* ocenst-.u to Ik*i row v urn te.ore you base reed it, or <-auo> you out ui your tile o gel tote it. There co ecu.fort or pieutorc *o ptyuig lorn pep* lor the benefit of you se.t end fmu* y when y< Qn*e uo recunty ‘.hut you csu p iss one . these gentry w tLout bevi g to gi e it Up.- And of ell men to grumbta ebout f*;lur. u uieils, went of news iu paper*, tying dispute!* es, Acc ,Ac i these non paying tfet*tD>eii *r tho 100 duel iq their criticisms- A eotuwnorcry he. l it form at ion ihit tbe Cbt eafo Tiaee its? .suppressed by the Lincoln Gw srnxttt on tie tOifc tost. It wet not ee. rider* • gnod level pnper. The times *a the obits edited ytper in Chicago, >ni it orgtn of the e Jfimg 4r*+>. (OU BHI *, MT( K Al JI >. i (tPW , jftuexirr’crf.Lz^s jaTsrj.. ?-. .. ... I rum t! i r t Ths B t ?* ff f-ichra u. Bflutt ut Os lt Llilt tli l, Kitkooiil Lne>.,. Iremnduus I‘iihiii.j on Sj. diy tud tu t s la-mj...Ctpmrp a fi', Pti>ier<, le. At • pa.M , ,ih r . t„ u , -lon mH V |>vr. t,l th. , h , ol tho j.uih -i.l ot u, . right -M..u JoUlsiol’ .rui,, t.. i‘ rtfi-i-L r-r., .lo L - .-l llil . div,.i Ds , „b ih.rt.a,., (1 .„, , H'ttou, llrld,. , Bo.rth. • a, h *u4 i ik Rik.rr.llro.d To. .n.m, fore.b.i In. uimj c Hive b.ttello , i.d f.llvu l-, t Q , IU Qt -f h.ui, to ei to mi .ior lb. prowl, .( our roo,. tb. ia ro J.ttcuil. A , (k .„ j -luol ,i iru..b, -iu.ii * b. , „n,i„u. D ,-, i f -bi.b our br.v. troof-s j h . , ul fi (cf oe (.".riel, a .barge „, ~ ,„ d „ >l, niNtie lieu 1111, ,b.So H r , dHi , [b , u, .and lb South Caro tr.. leading the oorgo up to Ibe Tot) BUttiM ol 11,. u „ de . . ‘..rifle Are of grape, ea. Her, round >h t and U.II, ib.i cut tb.tti du*c bp Korea. Mourning ver bet a-, ban.,,, , heJ k p, IUll „ n be poim of lb. bujouct, ,h, Yut.l.c , a-i , - the ue. In po,i;,ou| u , U , w> wbjcb * uro. opened it, lire, aud In tun w,a 1,1, erg.Lumb.te,nl lb. Yankee, b iri(i kil| , d ukeu prisoßcn After as oh. inure bgiil of tn h ajr , iu, fell oark. leaving ailletn f.iecea nf conipu.iDg ttr.e Wtteri.j, in p. ric'noua (roepa. Uur |„„ l„v, including erterte. Tho Yai.keea n, vb tot asftriatned, 1-ut it h m-po-ed t . een equally benvy The heha; i,-ur cf rj :t em ip!crdid One C'-mpicy < f f!. e N'urtb Car iaa regiment alone, t *l. ICi prist,, >r( j rough* tb cm tu tbe rear. the enemy’s vas estimated at fully 30,000 md reio < tc*d oß6tan ly. After t&e -rsi * i ere wf tbe firing wn our r,§i t'.tsg, the cl cm y atumpM u deusr i.strati, r (Crw*B tue CLi kabuminy, ul ‘-ur 1-tt wingov-rth •f tbe M< hnnicevUle Tornpik*, ud<B tn* N t r. Mile Rom!. Ho was hire f illnnCy opposed bj Gb. (. Vs. : itilth’f* division of icfaom u l*o. MagruderV artillery, im luding o e c. Vi h\ iLgto briga-lw “t the fttb It /rth Cu.. U fa ©ao 2d Mi**., ut.J A ’ iog Brig Geo. Cul. Wade li .;u r • i'a commaed of iho Isl b N f l . a-d nd 10 b Ga. Tbe Hampton Legion, rapport.-i by tb u ;gj. N. C. K.i th*- IP- 1, Grt. tf’tempttd ■ •’ep'ure r battery trutu Ui* *i * uy.b it fi r. u.., Ui . ly suppurted, toll bj k, nut v uut i *f t f r r • ivi-ig its flreand giving ihc-it *-wu > r u:;, smd lifting the “neiny tv re w sht -3. ton,ive Uur loss *. i- rt Wit *a*oi . he*vy a- w tfi* rub', wii.g - -j the a m ; hu* iuuig ,j, TC qkTu Ij l nuct-ever .I Krtl.iin aud tt*- e-i’ ff *.♦• Wfi wibg •>! . i’ei; u • ■ •.( hi* .-tr i u hlr ■ ’ H (li •! 41* 4 “... ti. j)l ..a . (uU ii ■ * ■b.'(g.-uie, m rin hi u • ~ -,4,011. iir.ami-ui . ... ) IB t(? CO. ihe flgh Wf kt*u to and gradually fr . * Wft t,” tr,-- 1 g( ‘ agniti, sU it fivi ©•• i* x iu *it ©i*. -,.Dg,-rhk . i .-rki e , au ou4 t tbw o fi. •ur arui , r-s uu tuir .r-ua iu tne p.,uuia‘ I fr w rnr:cf t‘ . .r ctuy b(4 beet: f retd. Ihc s.rvug'j ol taeeuuu, isauppuasd tu 1 OceQ Vur.r ~ris*! -.-u until wioga, au I ti*-’ u-* pro I p riu-uioeiy hcu;). Ike ml vr. uouuiiiig ol urtil!*ry bear.i ween I •.i'Lai.y city uu 4a.u d*y uturwi g i.e I • t tb* • J'.-; til* uiißgs from • I a 4J. About uo-.u it bct-firtiuevideui that biuuiiy I l * ■ u3 doing ttiung tbrKlue*. The ambuias- a “i -. 1 .•!*.;:* uashad gofiu out, ttU4 <ur ciutqti- m m*lu ti I-* tt Jl.ttie ( f tt XI--US ?U.-[/b(ist, bti 1 olal.rui; buy kuew io<* well tbw mviccrb:* I uay m whom iuey bad cutifid. and gcbeir tiast.- f I -n ;i*rv in Vo .t lea aud uu Dursebaek begv | u arri'.e truul ibe diiecuuu us the lines, a* 3 by were Ce-gtrLy eurrwundid by gr*-ups wi ci? | mud aud aul,Here, tu wto-ia they daimigj tt I uewi. Tii*-ir pre' wa* marked everywhere 1 >y litauve gruuj aOl lutoucre. **tte bare r | ulemi tbe cu< my !” pafSct Iruiu lip to lip, ai 1 • bokfiog h* am ul sut’diuci'.wo lit up every tao i edaeuod uoL by tbo ecvrd of tho gal sut un 4 •bu ue-.l lalieo uL-i wwie .-aill lulling ia : ’ tight. Toward* evening tue wounded bepaa to c -m a fr ut the seviru. > ■ sea of ecu n, and pj, ewrriei to lt hospitals, that yl!. and reside: * .Via: y appeared to be only slightly woun.. rarely sufficient tv disable them, wnl Uu c :i and chatted with the hundreds of synpatbitfi who gathered around tie a tcb:. lances. Qtir at® o w unis wore through tfca body. Ki more tarions, lay efretahtd cut, and some it of death. Throughout Saturday they acre Ik. •fought iu, up to y.-teid*y taondag, aid a: 1 cnptivoaol vcbtdei were impressed to caflj tfctCl. asuTllie accoobt of the ti&a; V’e bare avuie auumuual accruals oi iti* t> a our right wing. Tbo aces* of the baitie r* • bout eight mill* out CD the Williu-abur; road. Tbo artillery on cur ride opened aboat ‘*• minute* to ore, F. M. s and the cannot**®! •on tin ue>l for the fpuc.’ of one-half or thrte <j’ I e,-: us an hour. After a boavj fire cf owJu-: ur troop* ebu ;:ed upon the eaeu-jr in tbaif*- ‘.renciimtois with the mot devoied gall*:"• 1 rrpulting liua at the point of (be bayonet, 1 - back uutil e had por*erioo ft t* enure ramp The enemy, be tog bea.'j “ foi ord, drove ua back lor a little apace, •ould cot recover bid camp. (teoera! Smart was in command of •-* ut General HUI waste immediate >( that port; ‘*’ it* it where the fight w* ■” < ‘*■ r •. 1 Alter tbo Yankees bid be.n driven I tup, it wae thought lb**t they wa I • two the Obiekabominy, when Uou. ‘ t toyed throe regain nts 0 lotore* pt men rtil § a was fwatii, fcoWwv.r, ihat tu *>’ oLBg bearily teinforcwd, *ud the :eg a r * f called. ■ . I About this time tienera! Stuart iu'. oniait e, who bad atueOwd hieef *o W k -* 1 a,d, to tieoeral li.i , ‘* suc& g*nr*‘ ®‘ l j s b*3 suigbi fluU on tbi fltld,urging b o J * v, ‘ I and position, a* reiolurceuieov WerOoo.iD|( B P” ■ ut m.u.aoce *.f reion.r *uivn e ga* ft* 6 ®* I as to our in **♦ and the Qrn.g t"o>n* -1 . b louiand her J cb ere. \t er i®‘ 5 ‘ I i t eouwtUvd torobout wU hour, the ■ •I* ♦ *otne of the regiments gs* ~B’ r I are ws me wavering aloog ‘-ur 1 *>*• ■ e. Lieut. Fontaine and Col Moors **‘M ÜB. aiuar to siato tbe ’ *’■ and to rally *ucb of the regiments * b4d ‘fM t \iu iu'o disorder. Tbe T wenty iia, tbe FfnN.rb Cerohna, aud 1 ta* •’ ■ giiuents. were reformed and led ioio * c, * fcß , I lunel Mojre, ned kbeo put in comm** l * ■ aitb. . I Aboklbalf-p aii o‘lock <Jeo. J# l sion e:ie upon the Celt in gallant 1 H n i isb'iig oc aid -able 4Uta with he eumbat w oow furiotf* * #r * w uuous roll of tau.-ketry, varisd by ~>oal boouiifig of r ULry. Tne 6'i‘ t • and umil about eight o'elotb, whet >-■ aro drirco etill further back, and • • fl . p.)Bejisino of (heir camp, bavtog ‘b umber of piee *-f tbor artldery* The Kmg William artillery,Cap** vr.s prouiißUtt tu the light, and ,ios*. conapicuoui rcauit? Tb r .osted In the road, and was o half pat five o’clock, wuen It *'*- r tWr jss iq killed and woae^ J ciblo—tbir y-aev-io out of eighty **• . veneat WtUt® Ctrtw was weio** 1 ” 1