Newspaper Page Text
COLQUITT & WABKEft, Proprietors.
Volume XVII.
A & - w®’ f
I r'Mwg'f*
\ jmp&£ • ‘-■ ’ •
. i. iMii.
Ilif Hat Ilf of HichuiwnJ.
Although but lew detail* have reached m
enough it* * transpired to assure us ihut the
great bailie deciding the l ue of Richmond has
X been fought, and that victory b*s pare bed upon
the Confederate standard This ntaftnificen
result has been accomplished by n comhiuauoo
H of rnnaitinniate generalship ud resistless val
or, such as the history of the world scarcely
ad'ord* u paraliel. The movement of Jackson's
army from the Valley of Virginia to the rear
■ of McClellan’s army, the overwhelming dash
M upon and rupture of the enemy’s works pro
I lecting his right, bv our troop* under LoBEr-
HI si re mid the two ll.Us, unci tfcc resUe?
B| onset of these orubim-aTorce* upon the van-
II ‘lit positions of the enemy north of the ('hj.k-
B[ ahominy which urovt- him finally ucros* that
B stream and huddled him in a contused and
B frightened mass almost in sight of the city
1 wl ‘ cb be came to capture, are achievements
which, in respect of their grandeur and im
| portance, are unsurpassed in ihe records of
1 t time, and will cover the actors with i;ujerish- j
1 abletlory.
A Tlißt we i h.ill kill or capture a large prupor-
H tioo of thd fly. og leumant of the Yankee nr my
f l a probaole supposition, but whether wo do
HR n,,; . their utter r*ut und demoralisation is an
f ■ accompli-bed fact ind will be a dfontronn and
I :ii:{gerio£r blow to ihe cause f>r whioh they took
up arm*. Thus has ended thr “on i<- Richmond”
AA expedition, whioh h*- ogrusaed the attention of
m *hc miliurj genius of tie North for the last i
| twelvemonth, arid placed under heavy eonfribu- I
Eg t'*o the entire military resources of the l ankoe |
P nation. The t tide of battle ha? at l*-t turned ]
| in iur favor nnd may we not hope that it will I
La n •• be r. .- t steadily Northward ucUl the ir.s.,-
B lent tor. AhAil neek immunity (rum itie ravages of I
■ flood in ihe rei'ognitiuti of our power and j
■ independence. |
I SWCtAI fIHtMSHffIBM’E 111 lilt Tims.
Camp Kamholph, Oa., ) I
; Jure isth, ISC2. J
A M ‘*' : p* 01 ”*’ -Myikailert ur. .rnped
B at • amp‘McDonald, but in ohrdiwt. . to the
■ pow ers thatbt, we nre now located at this in
'fi icreaung lag-end of creel ion. Before iravt'np I
■ Carap McT). we w*r assured that thiswn* the
9 ’■<’ pi< ultra of e n can ir>o; cuts from Dan tr>
9 Beersheba. Bui ye sod* md little
a the magnificence of *b<- lontfiM oofttlm a
H deserted log school house ou the one side, aol
■ a hard shall window Us** church on the other.
E The parade ground, which was said to .equal
K the commons of Columbus hi beauty nod excel
■ leoee> san old field about u mile and u hai
Kg from camp, orwamested with gul
H stumps, and fallen trees, and,taken altogether,
n iifbeiMM in.v.'uijM'eiit'’ blaekbeny j■ i•,.
[■ side of kingdom come.
H Our < amp is located upon the sided pictur
Ksqu.- magnitude, overlooking u most me bin-
excuse for a road, through whoat- soli
Wf i*rv windings a atrnv mu!t; might oecmtioiioJly
¥ find his weary way, providing he no pe
| cuhar proclivity Jo;- uny particular locality.
L is this “magnificent” Camp Randolph,
|Hwhose romantic beuuuea were painted to our
pMaiag.native minds, to excel l’eura: oh’* < etc !
l “Voles of VaucHtae.”
H Our regiment still remains ot. statu quo, Ue
jH>-; no nearer organisation than v. hen we left
How long this state of affairs wil
He permitted, is now past eoejeetwrn. This
so far. reminds one very forcibly of
elephant won in a raffle, and what dir pa
is to be made of it is n question which
Speeins to cast both probability and coujtviure
in The shade. Tune tnay possibly unravW the
knotty and mooted point, sod .sometime be
nweea this and Christmas 1 mny be able to
Berald its. organization.
B Mr. K. W. Denton, our able and (efficient
Boaumssary, was suddenly und unfortumstely
•filed from the sphere of his usefulness and
‘tb’- .itld of his labor here, on Saturday n ig ht
at C *®P McDonald, being crushed be. .
IWr.-n tw o cars as he was in the a t of coup- (
fc, them logelher. Ah un industrious and
energetic officer, he displayed a real and com
pet*-ncy most worthy of the poaition he so ably
fille.i. He was untiring in the discharge of
the duties of hit office, and hia death has left
’ H* 01 * P°* •■ fill a-S well a * did the
lam. ;l rd deceased. He was kind, modest and
r. “o*l -n bis daily walk and coaver
aatior exhibited the noble traits of a Christian
gentleman. May the * ind* of Heaven blow
fni r upon his stricken wile and ohiJdieo,
dire ed by Him “who tempers the wind to
the” ’torn lacnb.’’
■ -M*. ramp Ulr it 0 VOld of 10cldr „,
MF- 1 ■ (>“!'.on ihe fm n v J
It'” “ Jl “ I‘>U. urpfd adi,.ni.fd m .
■ hi >ha. p.„ of Cu,,l Thao, Uc
Bit'll lan .Honda,-, by the ■<, of- . ,
15 h i* band oxcemfiogly wni, ond jf
bnvr no doulu w will I
bit. game to ibe tuuo ol n and„.
dollar, boumy. W bvr a In , u
I J ““‘I II tie liss tlir drtmet, in. c
I •■■"ldler Will be a brief ,>ue, a> |,i,
needed in .1. ert.m
r ’ “ D, P- “ 5 1 ibilifc, is i|uigu beal- a suwciin is raurl, needed, end
the Cidnuid will at .... j
will ni mi curly day p.
one. There are only lour or five a blent
t.impuny on account ofbickoe*., and
■”’ l ” ,llr ™ I tie Jlrk li ,1. i:nin|,._
J: l, ‘ other companies are not eo fortu
md no little corajiiniot exiau, titai there
■Sr" 1 °f meilieine 111 1 mop, and . j
■ liemaoil for Hie services ~fa „i.*e U „
“'Porially volnnieem, „e apt to
■J 1,0 • '• tutiei, enmpisiur 1. openly ,1.
I' 1 “ l, "‘ II P at the tardiness o 1 orpnii-
Wt “"i ‘i c liarnmmg discomforts of
iiuin.SMlii; IJISI JWliirts of
l l,oln ■ aoip In eninu, to any notion,, ol
■#*nt,ne of ration., , well u tire .|au
't'|uali.y dole; nut ti, the troop. f r „ m
m li, y- l: “t wo are a forbearing a. wet’
set o t men, and are hopefully
forward to the “good tnao i 'omug.”
• conscript ..amp it near by, a; a | lo a
■o* infantry uuder Colonel iiartaloo, fl
• i>Qy >f th>*
’ 8I “| 4 * lt < , fther there may be *ome3ooo
*t this point
’ ° P ‘ *“ ‘ h ‘ s ~cU' > • lookirifhealtlu
R h “ m * U ’ wh,l “■*“> is much needed—
the PrOkDeM in k.a
It , ‘ ‘ h * P ro ‘P iby no men.,, gloomy
1.1, a* the wheat crop
’ more than realized the expect*
!t,e fanner*.
mort worthy for
m m y o e lt|
ffl|y|| and u T*voir,
• 1 1 “ ■ ■■ ■-
®te flohutfiß liycM® (Times.
- - SB. -11 .’ll .. ILi ‘ ■ •
From the Southern Confmlcracv
\ nmm mm rxov smm hill
Dstii sauK, ii.\ , June 17, 1802.
MfiMrs Editors:
l cm asked t<i give my uown of the Conscript
Vet, nnd the controversy on that subject. Ide
. line. The duty of patriotism now is to eu
••oarogo our troops, not to dianotiaty them; to.
keep our people united, end not divide them.—
.State right*and imth idual right.- 1 are to be saved
by soldier*—gallant, a(ijkd * md not
by israe-makers ad abstract theoriavr* And
an for axubitiici, tat ito beg ita votaries to con
sider that the times are inopportune fur -ueb tu
plration* now. Look upon this scene of disor
ganization, blood and death---the legitimate cal
raination ofumisition, ;nari follies— and beehochcd
-to eilence for a season.
At the tune, if \ can cc any good likt
ly to result, I will giro my views of this law.—
At present allow me tossy it ia the duty of every*
body—of States and people—ru obey it witboet
re uct .a. e and mthaxit qaiUing. We Know the
•enemy greatly Area-led this law, ami imped it
-> ald he rc. iated but the eoldiors und the peo
;.U* everywhere (egaept perhaps in hast leunea
•**) l nobly rc'pcu’linf to its oalla and when
.hosoalfeoted tire there is surely noth
vig in State right* whjchreqairvoiiJM* disturbance
■of this harmony by not affected. •
It tM&Dot I t*. • unpoctaßt to leave a tew young
men i-tder 7 * t<< drihi privates ..per thata*-e,a?
j t- reqtare our greet Iktatc, whioh did s.• much
I to inaugurate ind ie doing s > much defend
1 the new tioveramant, to Mt the tiret eaample
I of reaiataeioe to ita law*.
Havitir said th 1 * nuu di by way ©f fnaonstnnce
j and * ertoaniy intenduy* tv censure no tuim, I
1 dismiss tine aabjert.
One wurd on anath* - subject The edtninia
tration ofghi t. be eg.poried cheerfully and
witbe-ut uiiSgiriog. No good can, bat much
harm will .<ome of opposition. Every blow
atrikea the cause. Mr. Davis is, ,n many it
epects, a noble eotatnple to ail Kxecutive officers |
lUe LMtrps he exercise* nr power j
without legislative grant, be interferes with o,’ •
j privnlr rights, and £gh'.< stcoe but the common
. enemy. Eves •dropping libellers Rre ui.aoio-.ted
| under the wind ! bis >flic and olanderers !
l find freedom in the light *f hi* midnight lamp
i He will n. ver lo a “dictator.”
I Above oil lt im preserve our un'ty- -obe- the
jI t* i ml “hclf uot abuse, each othnr. U'ltd ;
j ihisrrsolve w arc certain of success, and when ’
•he Struggle 9 over and we review it with caim
m.-, we •hail be awtenished, nut at so many* •
but *t ho few reverse* —not that ?o little but that ‘
i* 1 inut-fe wu, .lone. - j
When th oontut began, the enen>> had o i
<uv J Ifciuj unu u
ffreat nwy . a regular aruiy. an <>rjcaoi
eiEoient WWI filled arraorie-, *rd yjag’ J
redundar I population—adventurer,• (fathered
from every nfinu immense mAnufActorii*- t
finusUes- roasurces k status as u natjr.f, *rj,t ull i
restrained aoeosh To all the world. We had o<* ‘
organ'll-g.i termteut ,no army not a soldier n !
wh; * pspuUtiou. Inrgidj uuusel t*> ■-
p-,’nresod labor; nonary- not a warship; in
ferioramu , Mid but fetv . , them; very limited
munitions ti f war err lew manufactories, aid i
very little i aw msterial out of the bowoi of the
rsrtliand i , mm, standing or credit among
and nnnnee* to, the notions of the earth.
Let us !. true tv'<ur only friend-ourselves. .
Lei us pres* wveunr'oitijr trengtb—onr unity.— ‘ in m!w;j ra rcruember rthw -ne grem f -I. wal
lfw ngope wrj other fact, iu this great strug- i
gle Opr en euues invade to destrr.y. lomit and
cn-!nvr. t\ ‘e detfenJ to ,ave, a- eoge und be free.
, Thus deters inp, we •'Aimot fail.
Voijr , verv trulv,
H 11. HILL.
L\it* i iruß s hiviti- l eller.
ft 003 (he Mobile Rogis'er L’.ih
Hicbkovd, June i\
Dear Nck: . nryth uig at a stand-still, but j
expecting a tight t very day. No one has any
idea when. <x- wl at time it will i-ouit off. I
h< priori . f*. be icj u few days. This rity is in
•tttito ab left i, as u. ua!—streets tilled with sol.
diers, pti ~(j leers. Col. Battle emi unced
publicly t t he on drew parmle, two
days sincb that O'd- Lomax is in Dultimore
doing well. I pray h God That it may l>e true
J, - , i- . > _
A young m direct iroin lialtiiuore, released on
|>aroie. <* and that he> bad aeen Col. Lomax ar and
brought a letter to .Vlr-'. Lores'.r At the anj j
uounen t the boys sh*uted wit - .y. Plot**her |
has Li d,*. -barge and will leave u*t:i Three !
from each mpsny srr detailed to rook, which j
reakcs i; a , t-ry easy ihin'T for the Cadets, • our
‘th’T'e boys ue it-, -md by two negroes. I have
root TeporV -d for duty yet, J>ut wiJl be <n hanl
soo a.
Yuorv, truly,
WlLfifY i. BKOVs \ !
-V * 3 ckh, Jr.
1 <* b-ili.
The Sat 101 Yti*rday publmhea the follow
in ( private dKipatch
Ktcitwovo, June 27.
Da. It A. U T m:r Your <?n iame** wae
killed l ast e-
rn*imy * work *. His body will be recovered
ij, x* r , 11 is (a-*l word-4 to hie Colonel were
c*i; tii mrdhwr 1 lave m di*chaig* ol
"y duty, nod happy.’ Ur. Kllison write*
P*i’ . . • t - ‘ay
Kokwkix Li.u-.
W),i*t j.onMil ‘tooth’ w ’ *> “ iobiiru.
p.clnr,’ ■ nvlmi f ifonli <!lz upon ll.e
l urn. : i it ewlta lke ZO” <” z.ctor/ i ici
fL.limvi .Mi, l.oßt npolt lii.trium
piiaai.t.r. hI b*f, #< l<- coo.eion<- ol
duly ‘! !■* K.'i M <ifl*z a'l li)zyiic- k.
■lying uiome Yl, nid lb. noi IUI
the kc ul of tr-Uft “P<i. 81.3! lovr J>-’ rl.
‘ll .upreoitc J, and lb. 3'l"l Mlrfi.r, <0 lb.
.rj.,* of do oi.tion, r. 10.111b.r, i.i, mother
Vv’hn ooi r. <lv o tubiin, lc my l<i
bo like hn” 1
Tu,: Booroa: iuaiw* or Ik llAri*-.- .-t Li.oion
‘Jo. Hirhmoo 4 B*LLiii,or l *i* ‘• Cel- WaJ.
Hoi(j,lu. son, Mir “'imhir.'l iou the Uampioh,u, us Sou lb f-uroline, ‘-ne of the inoil ■■*-
ilnicU'jheilaiid *llnloorr in the write, her
bee, |,r<iuio,e.l >,. flriMlier-ifenerlb,p. In
fliereorpanirnii’ of the Lepton, Lieutenenl J.
Merrej'D.ugl. f the .lUnnin* Uuurlz, wee
elected Major, rod Cepu <: ry, ol ihe IV ewer,
Ounrdr, l.ieu . n ml Colonel. I'epliln ry won
. Inmou. . am, , I Nnuw. lil oomj nne hne
tri,-nptured .woof tbo eoeuiy’z batlelle., #nd
h; own r.rK.nnl nrlluowy Imriny beer,
U'-Oi or. ibttl srnle,! beltirtl.ld- Ihr !.ir.|)li
menr of hi. ele, ee w intrenzed by the rir
itmdUnre thnt it w.i wUlioutopprmition.
Salt.—Snot, ntiention i- I'einK K 1 vt ’” .iu
*ow to (he -ielt i.l e, or pond, nboni n mile Irem
town. A -o',tir,,,. ,e procured leer tlun u pint of
the .-and or eertii fi “m Hie btain frw da,, rinc*
end .'Of of it made ab "i tw lnzge table tpeona
!u! of anil. Anoi ber from Ibe aur
lete a cunJidamtle ,|UatH, ol pore, and
an,a he could in a HW t‘“> IJbr enough to
ruppl, hie,d, 01 ’MM t"*>kk Ife
hope eaerjei.c me, y bo liken ot onoe to
mehe nit for onr cMWItJ.-*<Wie
lnpu;l Irani Vickvkurx... Uoo-infuts of ihr Enemy
He have copies of tbo Vioksburg AVblg und
J.veoing Citizen of Thursday, lr m which wc
coilate nnd cotulenMc tbu following interesting
particulars •
<>n Tuesday evening a launch full of troops
<MM-f - in ilu* fleet below to the old cotton seed
oii w .its, just above the point, nbore they wen
lired upon by on*- picks. The Frds thinking
aiscretion the better part 11 valor, wheeled their
bout around sad nude for the lied with nil po* -
sible baste Several well directed shot* wore tir
-d *t them but with wlui ef.fict is not known.
i‘.. H•<jgnhi|> Hartford, the Sciota and tan
u-aosp* ,; i Joined the lower fleet , estorduy, in.
creuHiug their number i , forty-one oral’ of all
kind?, thirty-one t.t which nre war
Th® enetiit s guuboste abo\c kept th*po*- • n
quietly all day ycutenlaj, •.1 *i <: ,
two ot them dropped down a ’onslderaide di.
tanceaad laid up. Everything reantni J
tbrongh the night, and ct Inrthw movements |
have been noticed t dev.
The VaoktH - having pnnapsiijo -bova and !
below Vicksburg, nate cvtumocced culUcg a J
■ anal at the bond.
Very Muh Likl a Fiuit—At about uvo 1
“'clock thin in -ruing the mortar boat* were j
placed at anchor near the Louisiana shore, while j
.sooil* of thesieiuu pi opia> ventured on this
; lie vfithiU fair range oi*-ur guos, when a ‘.oil
•directed aku from the battery drove them back
at double quick. Wo arc of impression that they
were lundfng troops from their transport*, while
our attention wax diverted by this movement of
the gunboats.
The Citizen do.;# not credit the report of the
skirmish near Grand Uuit.
The plans laid by the enemy for the capture of
r this city, sys the Citkeu, are gradually being
no..oped The atteuipiK t reduce ickaburg
by mean? ot their gun and mortar boats have
kignnlly tailed, and they hare u m >*frc-I that
they cannot take it by water, and n n. effort
i being made to take it by land, in thi. wo
I apprehend they will liod as serious and diflivult i
a job a* they have under!
’. Titt-ksiy
We find Uio fo'-w.ig itcim In tic* - ■ -‘'j
; Wednecday evening
| This i;>e;\.sig iho r.>o Mcrarch sad twi ••thi* \
’ li ankoe gunboats could ha vary diMinotljr *ii |
; fiom the Courthouse We, therefore, know of a J
i ivrtainty that the enutcy ie now in eight nbove 1
| well balnw this city.
( Tha fleet below w*-e s'esrcrd-\ evetiicg i-n-j
, ••. rd in throwing •!!•.< th** bc'-.-w j
I our batteries. They di*i no! move up and still .
! keap their old poaitiMi They arc evidently
waiting !or the arrivnl of their tranigMtrts with
troops t-> effect ik landin*;.
Thi* morning i. s rfporf*Hl *b;n th; ouwtuy id (
j lauding (rou|M ;*t Warren-, o. We ii.,re - pyfll-
I five mow ledge of the truth of th<-> rap.-rr, but it
j .-orre.-, imls witli thoir previ <xts m >euien‘i. nn<t .
> indicate:* that an attack by luid tu bo made *n
this place. AR*-ne oVI *-• fwelv . ri.:t: ports ‘
j <-Aine up above the guu *i -d l..u*i*d ,‘r>ps |
lr.’ Br.-wn A Jobnetou s place, n too LoitisianA
v h*rt From the outni>er f tran.*port.v engagod,
th* v must have ‘ai>de*i n largo foroe.
Tho Citizen says, “If the onmv ...tanipt i >
<Ao this plane oy laird, somebody wi l ! get isverc*
1 ly hurt; and if (boy wish to lo** any gunboats,
’ they .-an try ou. oauaties by water. N’i.'ksburg
will stand. Thu nmc has n* i. come Nor her
I fab sow led. At tho a#, me time it indulges in
1 soßio pointed remurk-e upon ‘‘Oftlcori r**ling
j rhrougli tho streets, or bringing by the m.tues (
1 the.r h r. : , und unconscious, u ibe ,
very eve - an oxpe te4 attt-r by the niewy,” <
• anu ak.-, * where if Genera! llia^g?”
* Wo*r.r.M will Niwk v'xask i'h New
’ York JourotlofCottHnerue furnishes the in-'at
remarkable Item o! the present renu-kaldc i
limes. We rould scarcely believe it, i we did
not know thui <e huarnal ol Commerce I
wouldn’t lie !*out so si-tia us a matter. “List
Sunday, (nays the Jourui !,) the L'niver-'j.i-t ,
Church on Broad wav, pm •* nied (be unusual
•igki of (he edito mth Tribune, Horace j
Greeley, Lsq ot white bail And greasy coat
tau.: itt the imlpit. Mr. Chapin, with hu
gouty wa* too unwell lu preach, nad H"r
aco officiated in his stead This is what we
cad literally stealing the live/ > •>: licMven in
| which to serve the devil.
’ kiiucia Yatihi Renown 0. i*Tcai. W.
J laaru t'.iat ona us the Yankee Lit ui an an is who
. escape i tr> in Camp Oglethorpe b out the ‘iUtb,
w; captured somewhere near Ha klnsvllle. f-y
a pmy consisting *.f William Y. U of the
18th Loaisiaaa, ou furlough, li. L. h'eymour and
I James L Land,utltiteas. He w- rerod f*y
a little girl while endeavoring to rob a hen roost
The other* war** supposed to ft* nut far off, and
part if.* are in close pursuit <•( them- The priso
ner hn be.< L-rought bark tv Camp Og'euhorpe
Ma'Q* Trt.
Gw. SkieMi kickwl'’ OvcrUsri,
Th- Wusl.ittglon dtepntch in the Herald of
the 2-‘th intuai, *ay- :
Th- nomination ol Oeo. Shields, as Majp’
< i-nerai, wot r*-;ected by the Senate to day in
Kxeeulive sr-eaton. It iaeaid there wa not m
vote in h*;> Juror. Tie it Hifftoi.y idticed be
lore tho Cou.ittttiee on the conduct of the we<,
in regard •* battle *'-< Port Re|M|blio,
showed, hi th* animation ol .ienators, tbt
General Fhielda wa*either ineaae or totally
ia<mpeteat. It *• taid that toaay of the offi
cers nedi-aland military, oeare*i t . the per
son of Genera!Shield.-* for aotue nine past,
have l*oen ready to bear to his <n
*ADity. Some Senator* cull it by i different
name, hut it was sufficient to cause his rrjec
lien a* s Moior General, and will probably
depnve him of any mllltdrv command what
over. .
PlcisA.m- QtrAßTr.n*.—A Yankee “'rrekpon
dent with Halleck s army writers—
’ “The Troops safler less frim disease than lro
Mxkt. we*>d ticks, liazaruw, corpioni, and gsJl‘-
nipjierr. Inam-ts and reptfleM are thus .-lassed
Oae lia ard eqaalr five scorpions; tw acorpiont
equal one galbaipper en* gaUinipper, v -uels oae
snake me snake one gal'.vr.upor fwu orpiM
and **ne H/sard enoal ti one w<*>V tick.”
Gw. Bifkiirr,
The Louiavilfe Jouruat ol th• l!Kb. now
Union us, say tbc Federal Oongress ss n*
solved iu fwvor ot the m nl Hu* knei
The Journal triaa to omfort ittu-lt soying
• can stand hi - eichange a* well ns
bt* reat o! :hr Union can.’ Cvn/td-
Kromtbe OkarlMton Coune
\m frooi iir-
An slielliog of the one luy’a bat
tery kopt up oo our vide. On Friday nev-
of our sbeu uxplodc<: m their works,
caiting a per fee 1 stampede them.—
.Snortly fcl'terwarOM a while Hag we* rnised
uod our battery ceaaed firing fbc enemy*
ambulance* were *eeo oomiag up and taking
off the wounded, ahowiag that our shell* had
doo some elocution. Tbc enemy urc cm
dentlynrentbtufng their works hut do not
inako the ilifbtwt demonstration of an at.
” --- |MK,
tOLIMRIM, WKttNKflltAl Jill *J, ■—
Editorial Chuf. v
The .Sum < ’ vesterd*y.'annoure? rbe withdr
torabip and euitorial umnag hi ant of that paper,
ami the accession to the latter office William
L. Scruggs, li.-q. \\\. part with Mr. t ..rriugb u
with sincertregret. His uni’ormly oourta*.in
uni obliging deportment during his ecti
nectioti with the Sun, has won for him the
respect and esteem ofthe entire fraternity. We
trust thythe k nta.v gather abundant laurels io
the ‘..vw tield ill which he to üb>*ut to entor.
i’- Mr ruggs wo t-Ateud tti< right haud -t
ell wsbip, and tcl ittre that we cannot *.ipiess
for hiui. a bettei wmiipban that he iuhv, in all
> aspects, fill thofoot vnoaled by bit predevessor
We copy the followiug
II i. nedtence ton ueterminabiou someuui* eiiioc
armed at, t.> enteroma nranh of the mili’ery
Inert ice, my oonuecion witn the Ann, by sale to
Mr. DoWolt, terminates with.•■ orient ts-ne,
I that my arrmigenienti ui l-o compt. od to that
J end.
Now the't>:i* connection rea ?*, it iuay not
: b* unliHcoming tu say that the Relation 1 have
i nsuined to (lie timncr'us pßiruae ami ieade*K
J of the Sun, uior immediately to hs generou**
citizons of Coluiol'its, uud our eourleouv cen
rero* of the >'ity press for the three year-* just
closed, Huh hewn of the racat egreeebl# character
and will I c remembered as anu ng the must plea.--
art reminiseeT’CeH ot .iMiaiew het cbcqaeied life.
1 u the estimate wbVh they shall make ot the man
ner in which the duties incumbent oa me have
been discharged, 1 trust will bo considered the
caucling demands .*ul daily eeveritiei u journ
allelic exislonco
1 part with my lute associates, IVlesors. l>e-
Wolt A Clilbert, on most amicable terms, an-t
with a sincere daaire that the amplest success
may crown their eneigy and enterprise. lam
uiso plot.sod to stale that mv editorial connection
with the >un hav been oue ot entire .’idepend
1 wi i be succtwKied <o the eilit-irial depsrunaur
by M r Vt L. •Scruggs, who aswimod the editori
:t ,<|.ißir two weeks su < e, and wh**ui l oowlisve
j the p'ensure of formally intr . lu lng to th* yul
• lie. lie was f #rmei • , oatribitU‘f ti- * -veral
I periodicals . i tli- day, mbiw recommended as
nr. < *;u:: r ed writer, able edit, rah J worth;
j genf.euiui and aflords every guarantee that
i t..u-. t hi of the paper will hi amply sustained.
It. J. VAKJMi l ON.
tn assumin'? the i brs and responnihililies
• . thi- editorial manage meat us the Sun, 1 can
!'Ui . ii.rt * the hope that 1 may U able to mee:
t ~ *.-* o: i *• worthy and efficient gen
’ t;c- mi* v.. • int>‘*u"•**>•■* Ti(f withdrawal The nu
J iu- ou ft. .uvr- wi 1 1**., .‘--iiLt, v. ll l*ng u/asnilisr ;
f i..i. i.r t.-.’ libiaitu-J tt.-*** |'lJ -* uiaunei >u which j
f uo ii dijM-hwged hi** J'ui- odttot
I ft will, thervfirc, t*a my brat great <*f-Ja*!t To i
j rtU ..jui, F ■ la- ar* I bisjr !.• able, the ohara< t**r 1
I the MUJ a teltuMu oi. - paper, deVulea (-* ihe j
! j,. -rtUr.J ol the ...uutr\. and j
i .< .. .iti, t>. tq. great cause of iibarty ami inde- <
: I* ,deuce in wlu<d our straggling Republic is
j U..W t-ngagod. \V.VL L. |CKI’GGh.
V icksburg aad th Walnut Hills will
! !;yurc pr.minetiGy in the history f thic rtvolo
ii..i -lur famed Hwightn will be rendered me re
iai.i -i than evwr bes -re Posterity will rwa-l
ot the degeoi Yickhlairg with plenum and with [
i :or we believe the authorities wii: make j
! .-.neb a utolensft •* will recieve the plaudits ol the
! whole cMtofery. We hv*pe that we may he able
| to keep Them at bay (ill operations elsewhere
fbree them to afandon tile idea of u-ldiofthe
! Ml. i.-Mippi. We have place hero which ran
’ ,r.• l,e i.rturnvallated, >.od i® nlwavt open lu (he
i • ippiien and armie* ol (he < uunuy. There is
| no reason, therefore, why (he enemy's bonte cua.v j
| not be compelled . here far s.e Gme,
i,r eLc withdraw alioge(her for should (Lev
Mii-rcetl in i -du.-ing the lofT” we shed be much
mi-iAkenii ihey are periaiumt pewenbly ter* |
copy our oky. indicate* that uti.iet i
the present vepime the enemy wit never have j
my peso* about Yicksburg. Le< us then meet ‘
tbftiu without s. morbid, mad hro'aed terror, ;
without a reck lass Uoatieism—only eotbusiastin I
upon the approach of danger, without a foolish *
fatal exaggeration ot our position, but with a 1
steady, Uuntles* bearirg, a resoluto heart, * j
hol<* hand, and h eonscieoce lifted iwtl.—L ii i
burg Whi<f.
ih<- iiritk 4 ('•*!. HrUert A i'-auUi
fills all hearts hereabout with dnpvai slufi end j
grief. He was in many iaspects th- highest ♦
j ty ptj of n mao. In the camp, u tine discipliaa
riuo a valiant soldier uni .ring iu bl ‘Uvojion
to Hi' 1 interesteand weldtre of hi- ‘.irjmiiQd. and
brave perha, to a fault In civil Ida he wu*
one of th most ‘valuable men which on adorn
*nd bias* any society. To all the quoliUcatioo#
of a good citizen he added an ardent. *'bri like
and o oasis tent piety, which made u daily av. na
tion of “going about doing good.”
We most deeply sympath./e with bis w.dowed
Hither and other relatives, in the ios* o< such a
sou. it i a great hrreavoin-ui to them and to
jtl. con. ‘iiit 1 corps# ot the i.'olenst, we learn
, i ),? i r ,ugbi t*. Me* ou tot itiurmeot. H -
u ther’f* only . barge to the, when Col.
.iaiith ieft home lor the l*ft time, wss to hurry
bock biaiua*ier’a body. Aha never to
h.oi again alive. rhe itoow his impulsive
bravery tronid bit/ay him to 100 g-eet hazards
When tho tight oauie on. heladjast left the b'e*
pita! hm Iwenty <layT ftoatinemeni with fever,
and was ’i weak as to require aseirten<;e in
mouhtitig his horse None o: ibe three wounds
he re'-etvd v fatal. He died of exhaustion
jr*.m the loss of b:**od and over exertion in his
weak state of hea'-G*. •>“ T*l.
A f aitmm l Kkrvavt.- We give au i—ldeal
regardiug a faithful servao’ at the battle ol
Cbicishouiiuy. When General Kui-k** tirigmle
had driven the nhemy froar dUptf v#dtt*ls and
had captured toe gone, the General was w*>uu
• led to ‘he arm but would net leave the field or
rnitka known lut injury tu the troop*. He.<m
iUff weak, heeapied an ,lrkanse negro, uiiued
ArchU, manfully lighting behind his master, aod
ordered hiiato bring water from e diaianf well
Mount Mhb** h *’ -A/cAis decked oil o the well
under a * how rat shot, and soou returned. The
regimenl to wUirb he vas attached (IkHb Ml
sicT.ppi) sii soou afterward” ordered to occupy
ones th* capture* redoubt*, and to bold it a<
ail bars rdf. s<une of the oompauies being i*
waut es amtuuuittou, A/A> again volunteered
bbi services und under a murderous lire went fully
one mil-- to the roorend returned to the redoubts
loaded down with haversacks tiled with car
tridges This nolle deed v* witnessed by the
whole brigade, and was eppUuaed with hearty
cheers,— Cbirl ,'on Cos rivr.
Tu* VakKBK TiUtt CoL Lamatt.
whuannee el a CuffifedenHe port, (in tbestesin
... lUw.f reporiMoetaoMfo of uegreea wesr
;LT.. ly ky Ik. &■>. Fort K-,
.1, b. C., >nd Cnbt.
carlo, f*o* “T 4 /* 4, aud bad bean .old Ibaca. tha iraiiol
lbl rtaiwool I, ooojrtaad b, tb Col
mt at a port -S- V.m.
_ll till Rith ii -lileHnnit Cunlnkul.
Iranitv Fair” picture** ‘*a Tribune oorres
*w r u “ ““ ‘ i'deflifeht contraboßd >
jeg the lb tov\ ing ni s tu •:
I It b'lottg to dc army, luare'r* s-ked the
ivgent coutrabnutl, uneasily.
I ihnt in--1 am—ye; I am with the
-ir, replied the Tribune orrespoudenl;
ar ’ would like to ask yon a few qnation*,
and Mia Beau regard, t o*r nth or at Hic-h
mond r Yu, inaraV.
lut A vr*s;u)ndci.t *\ note ut K*ch
™ol'4l ifiV.
1’1.f?®,,, v, t.,c(i Inn* he ?
I>il And ho. >arr.
lutX-'oNiggwra, n
ollici. ndred t’rtuiaud. 1
R,aty hu
Mire Aren't
Im*- (Kv hat • I re you .
you in s;d*
liu Coni oiara'r. here*
lrilCoi e |i t v* lien did he arrive
Jut Con \ WI , iret . (our luuota ago.
mean weeks, don’t you i
Im ,(hui \ uiara’r.
Tnb Our you think the rebels will
evac.jati Ribud ‘
lnl Con->l mars'-*, deytl light l.kv de
debb'l! I
‘lrib C*M—Vlou’t undnaiand me, sir il!
mean will theln uwny *
Int t'oti—qinßr**’r; de\ oilers runs 1
‘Frib Cur— McClellnn had attacked
the city three ago. he could have killed j
them all, oouldty. .
lot Cuu he killed rncoi all, i
specs. 1 got t| r u fence, and tie didn't
saw me
• • a \ e n .
Whoc,lu,r r.y„„y al tcd Ihe uoiren
poudeni alter a iy
lut C ** i -Mars'rv^
I Tfib Cou An*l v ,,„ v itb great
brutality, no doubt!
lut Cou \is, me tus’rate.
Tnb Cor But yoi*j| your ireislaiu, <luu t
>*•!.- I
int Cou U, yi l *. Ml.
Trib Oor How -you like i.j go North*
lot Coii—Thun * *'Uth. ain't it ‘
Trib (\r— U, no. lipecn Nnrih •
Jui fill YiS, .VI Ml •>’4
Tnh •ur T’o what A.-
;< ‘lon J'n Florida,l^’,_
j ini* Florida .
In on \if, Alur- r. , w | c ;< r(uwU lib
Tnh Cor— Whal, your y, n <
lut Cou Vis Mere r.
i Tub Cor—“W by, did on lift* in ‘
j Florida ‘*
Ini ton t) >'i*, .\larh’’ l( a i,b Jar aocnc j
\ forty tidy year, 1 spe*-'?*,
the .ideally uiuru.L ( |,y ,h,
j ‘C|il . ■ I “111., luaiiaud lo met,, j
j the . orrcHpomlritt at ahcfy, it JUUt tme , uU d |
; he i>hui up hi* nolr hoolij r^t , re i. The 1
! foun and brother gnaed , ~t . e . i ; form
‘•ah lutriest, and murinurA cl ,,iy .
• Lit i * imiy It *Ue j- 1„ ~ „ I'm u
!*,.>.; with whieh hr
spei ial in much ioubt whelk ltil . | nhunc
correnpomivnt war nut, alien wol! ,. , o |j
than the intelliMcai couiral*en\ ol| |,j I
J eu.lertv-,r“d to find perje--: IreA, |,y foilcw
I Ig lhe north star
Ibr li-WI 11u.n.. .Al Awful riK
A member ol ouc ol Hie New Bitilley *
cooipniiiea, prominently engaged \ ,| ir (| r
day h fight iu front ol lit* hu<ou>L r(t4; p
follow* in regard to the action: \
i hit rplicrical case shot were .iw( l|dHl |,., !
each ol them consisting of n cloitcl lOVH ,j ;
seventy-six musket balls, with a mj
powder in ilie • mire, that i* fired ivL tiwe-,|
the sume as u shell. I'he missile Itnfpf* U s
a aolid shot ploughing ita way throngh a(M .<>-a
jol men. and iben exploding, hurling ward |
| n shower of musket bulUiliAi mow di\ the !
toeio heaps. Our battery threw
jot these a minute, and as w had (he ,
j langc ol every part of the field, c 1
I (old with frightful effect. Hut Ihe'•"sir.yw |
, not at all daunted—they marched ieadi( il( i
! und hailed a perfect tonent o halls upon*,
j YVKy we, as well as nr,r horses, were ,t
everyone shot down, will forever rcmai%
I iuytwry tome. We did uot mind the lead ‘
i boil, however, but kepi pourin'/ our . an* sli!
| into the dense (oasaea oi the loe, who cm*!
*tt prodigious and ovcrwheln. iiR |)r. Atl
they fought splendidly, too ‘tor shot tor
limit ranis sfi'lf upnu, hod shattered th*i4
asunder in h nmnner that was frightful to wit•
ut-M hui they cloaed up i.-gain at once, aturf
ratu*-. on un aieedily a- l.ngliah veterans.
When they got witbir 40u ysids, w* close.l’
•,ur cam shot end opeued on ihtir, with unister
and such dostiui-tion [ never elsewhere witne‘-
ed. At ea h dirrbargf, grant /mj-h wero irmde j
in their -funk* indeed, whole • lupuiiicF wont
down before that murderous tirtf but they Ho
>l up with in order and dif-ipline that wa” ‘
.•*• inepirtng Tt.e.v *eemeu to be atiioiated j
with the <-uurug'j of despair, blinded with hope <
ot a speedy victory If they could, by an over- I
whelming rush, drive u* from uur position.-- j
It wa* awful to see their ranks lorn .and chat- j
t<tred b/ every discharge, of canister that wr !
pnured right into their faoex, and while their !
dead and dying lay io pile* closed up and etill !
kept advan>:lu| right la the lace nf the tire. A’
>ne time, three lines, one behind suotLej, wi re
steadily odvanring, and three < I their bugs
were brought in range ot one of our gun* shut*
ted with -anistir. “Fire!” shouted the
Mtul down went those three flags, and a gap wa.-
opeoed thru'agt) Ih■>** three Hue* aif a thunder
bolt had to. u through them, und the dead lay
iu swath". Du: they at unc*: cloved up, snu
came uUtadily never halting or wavering,
right through tbs woods, over the fence, through
ibe field, right up to onr guas, and t weeping
everything before them, - aptured every piece.*-- j
When we delivered our lax*, lire, they were with
iu fifteen nr tweutv puuen of u, and, as all oi
our hurne> ware 4tbor killed'or wounded, we
could not carry off a gun. Our whole
wa* cut to placet, with what loss I do not know.
We tel! hack ou a lecvtid liu* of *efatr(Ku-hiueuU' > |
and there held tbuencay io check until rein- ,
fori-etneDts arrived, aud then we kept our poal* f
ticu till night put In end t < the battle.
lint, (al JoU H Wrtuu.
A pr.vate dinpuUh m the Augusta Chroni
cle V, Heutinel, dated Ricbuiond, let, etate*
that Lieut. Cot. Join ll Ween*, of the I0?h {
Ga., t* aeverely wounded.
Knsiw^sn.—Geo. Humphrey Marrhallbar re
signed, and hi* reeigiotion bea l<een accefitod
by the I'rcttdeoL His late oainmend wa* turn
#4 overtoGen. WUlkiaii, whu, with hi* forcer,
i* in Mercer or Gilefi oounly, Ve.
We kbownothiag <4 ihe ca*e of thU reetf ,
lOklMßlh. intKßDAl.Jiai S, lgfll.
I ‘
The lMe-t account from the battle /jpr
i Richmond rapvweeuts the Federal army .voe
i cot; (rated in White Oak Swamp aud the
’ federate forces all ou the BoutJi wirle of *hc
; Ohickahomioy and cloaiug around themu-
Mi L'lellau had burnt ail hi* *.*omiuteaaxy stores,
! hi* means of communicant* with hi* -*ouree*
! of supply were cut off aud uo meua ol esca.o.-
tv en except very doubtful one by he
. -••* • river. The
vaa toroed to right on Tuesday shown tit*
, desperation tc* which ha is radm--e.i and how
. cloaelv he is prested and naqimad by our
i force*.
i The fuot that he Ua* act mad* a precipitate
! ritMS’ i t the James, may s*em tu ia*lbvto Omt
I be ha.-> i*eeu (< reshiUed in his inteadeU ui*-#auient
:in thnt dtraot ica. it is hard, doubt less, for Me
j Clellan e get his oonseet to capitulate, or to
j turn his hordes loos* to ihiD For thewHelvon, but
! to this alternative, we think, he wUI seen be ro
du.-ed If he could gel .iupp!i*s oa .Jauten river
bn W U“ transportatinu to eoov'*y them to him,
aud beside*, *; mpurr from a Confederat* c ffl
c*r mighr he uece**ary f**torn ui the pro*
vromeue. Th* Young Nafeleoa is “done for.”
From the New Yr>rk Herald, Juue 2..
t , rpeM Uteneotnm ui lbs luiletl statfs.
| ‘elligenoe front Europe by the Arabia,
.* * ‘f telegraph from Halifai in our cr-l
ipn 1 * ’• Ir of the bigbeit importance. 11
uuiuh 10-day, , , . . _
~ > intention of tue ntnpcror of the
joronhadow* tin
-atlcm with I rglstiJ, to inter*
i French, n c<*-tp®- D
, xjerYi'nt.otf lu the Aaecriean
: ij.)*** bv n are u 1 •
1 ... ~ ” tolUmlciJnrpf
! w*r, yt order t'v.p* l * • , *
bMiif oi - ‘t**'” (h. North
.ii.l it.. South. I “'th tUo ... H'l*=>Jt *• wl,h ‘* ■r,i
----,1, ... th l-srir C**iHllt*ti’L n W, >.l’ ‘“u* 1,1
Unpu. t !•* Mhl kJriiUlMiM. Uld wlUl lU.
..I ,1„ invasion of Mrrleo, far tltr .vuwvd
p,,rv,.K. of d.M.K>"i5 it* >n*Utot.. r.t. kd il..or
u- pre.f... luntTH><!!H, Ur l.w< is If •
u,. . „u,iliii ( :*rur. Uk,rjujr prnuu™ t
1 l„r.J u,tk*H|)ftt.oib CiT IM[ .. HuUnls
i .... ,t.i,Hil.oniu Movie ,v‘-prr.,ut
| , mr” tIJ .hi. tor ilioruot hu-
I mnn.:v . • >l ...ion for iutr*rotij in tk
! I'niut*. Hi,* - . cr ,'Mtoo ul ioVkh>, n4
’ 1.0-ul.iy to Ire, UirtitnCiuu , ••! th, U ttm of
, Uriti. i and French philanthropy. The London
| Time* “f thellth rofi* at-.-us promised
otioo, ami take- no comfort ig <'tir ,>pture of
Ww Orleans Their ruined *'o|io*rre a&.i our.
Ittz-tures, and the ravolutionorj (aL'ivACUpy of their
owu population cpnsequenoe ot the prolonged
- distress, are (he real lunentivM to tue action of
the power*of’Wwieru Kar- pe,*-d uot any a>in
, pochy for it *’• ‘ gs *n uiuaaity in the Now
j Tno l'ngiiah journals and ibe Kuglieh nobUL
• ty in both housv- Farlixmeut a fleet to be
- greatly shocked at the course of Gen. Bo'ler in
j ,\( * Orlceu- Lord Palincrston, in the House
ii .-miiuiie, stigiuatidcs it au “in/uim-u “ au-‘
I inch fbsf -n Engll"hiuan should blush iw.r the
1 Anglo-b .xmt i4ce. Karl ftuuell on the Fame
night denounces i in the !i-u *1 Lords,
while Far I Cariptrv<*n says *‘rf is wlV.out a pre
cedent in the annals of war.’ Have they lorgot
ten Packet! ham’a watchword cl‘ “beauty and
booty” before New Orleans at tha close of the
war of HU- Ij. or the tomahawk and scalping
knife <i (he rtavr.tro in the war of American inde
pendence, when the British tloxerr.menl pa-d a
. curtain price for every sculp produeed by the
• Indian n* the result o| his slaughter of the white
!hK i , whether luer., women or obildreo f Have
4 if.- foi. ii'co the !ÜB?sa"fe of Wyoming, *J>4
- i|, (ic-dlrh ,lua of thi.ii o jslk*g Htesiaoi i'•
Oguld they uot c*U to tplnd tie bloody cue of
Glencoe, iy Scotland, or \\t airooloug butchery
j o | Cron -:i, at f)i-.bcd, inlre'aml, ! f tre, lij
h;...n! and he tmehep ‘'.six p||| tnafi
I woman o 7 liiM *o tbt ff-.: 1 ;f‘?r tU” -yrrer.-
usr of Ihe fowa ‘* WU- v s Ue (f|T g,ic*t the
Chinese, to oomp ‘ them to eat opium tu their
certain * trucii.r, but for the advantage v
Jlri'Ub mmeree’ Aud,U .ailv, is'he r memo- ,
!ry sw tr* ■- berous (ht they *lo m- /emiaLr loe
i itridti*-z( H'lsliogs an* Clive -u ludia, and-jI j
be pi ■ o dvn ptvteediags of tbc British I
i-fi'V < . . i/i- the hspoyf ty Ue thy du*t
i h*-i'io • they w.titld not bite grassuTfridgu*,
! • nriify io the prefect*of ‘hair religion, oud o.‘
! ‘lqid'.wiog of th* miserable yi'-ilma from h*
mbs nf nar.iton. Let us bear ao more, thore
. 1.,*, j it pre*-cleat* for cruelly In war.
‘he reel mean.og ot the aiork humanity o
j katiornt-.u, KuaneJi and the ether Uritish Jtatos
| mciig, .but they desire to Inflame the public
’ und of Knglaud and al! F-irope aguinst the
\i.i -i ‘-'ates, od to prepare tbc way for that
• -. ;,Oou H’hioh /inti Uu-ael U irnute* i*- eu
l.i a |uetion <d time on the part ol the British
lluvnuiem. The London Post, it>- rgan, says
Ir toe brticultios iu the way at reconstruction of
he L uiou ar incutriiounvenle.” The
|oa<lf| Herald, organ oi ril “ - owiiinn ask*.
Ilttw'gnr < Aumrleaio he uai- i*-l *nd Ku
lk*e ('endure''’* The Per - .-errrspfadenl u i
the pkpeis acaef ihu “Nnpo
ni. iy uj -i ,ts ‘ie • i-openti“U <-i Kuglaud
Lie cbeui*.- -f laterventlun u: *’•♦ Lr.ited
I K*> , La* mediation has been rtwo ud upon;
I ‘I rimdtiu.eou* pr-poeitiuu* wU he suuue by
1 Ui- Ijod Frixtire ei Iki'-huumd au-i Woeb
, ‘4n, uid Mi*i <ztz! re uol, titljorhy the
N’l, ut ‘he Swu <hr two pewf* will impose
j p4on rlu- briitge/eaU by forte o. artn*.*’—
L*ir r- bar hi/il as ir.tiuieted t-y La/1 Hue
i ‘Bi|d by (be fflanchettai oaa/dion, that the
’ ‘ii. i !* to let franiv, l>r the i esenl, go
*’ ic to the ca*e vl AJesuio, and
tha^mq, m , a, ; •-/lund e/id Hpaiu will owe
> ■ >u
Jlfio I niiad Juiee wjllkn >w how tu deu!
piwars should they attempt to ioier
fftre i her domestic oeusern We will soou
havelrwy “f thr quart#?* of a viHHoa of
u 1 * 1 ” ‘lgaged after tha suppret* iou of the re
belli'ld ii fieot of iron clud Visselv which
will ‘A ihe couibiued auviea of France, t up
Iho'l from the face of the oe*an, nor
; will we, r | ft y down our arms till we wino oat
every of foreign eway in the new World.
again.’ ko ‘umoos scheme ot tho European
power tfe H k up the republic* of America aud
erect ou* it) 9 \ duhrls tnonarubical *y*tia.
eitendiniko, Hudson’s Bay to Cape Horn.
Wbxkk , Tev i'—A lata number of the
i New York n say*, if it would not be con
etrued int >Wttack on seam military maguate
r might n'L c-titidered iooowpatible with
tho publicilffiM, it oald ask to be intomed.
what ha, bv(L w | the ten thousand priiuner*
captured byL. pope on the retirement of
Beauregard'Ay from Co/iith, of which Gan.
Halleck soiAitlyaod joyiully informed the
Ouveromea’ firasbingtoi. The Tribune de
clares that It bUpt a studiou* lookout, but
has seen nothiy the arrival o', three prisoner*
at Halleek * ho^ srt#ff> or go y depot
of city. When Tribune get* the iafoima
Gou u eeekt, b, u* eae the paper
I in which It W fi io the v*bfa~mjfaktrm4
| PTh*.
t'OlfMßlf.-t, fRIDII.JUr . IM>
Fr, u. th, J-.iobmoltd Fiumiuer, .tilth.
FttrlliM front th, Etui Battlr
/*terf/*.tu n/l\ri HaftU.
Fn.m ic oi the participant* un the flelil of
battle we ’.em n the annexed particulars of the
battle oi Friday. Ortloael Campbell, of the
‘ieveatb Xorlh Carolina, wet killed, and Major |
Blunt wounded. Five companies of eight
were placed hers dt “.wi&tf. Two huiuliwd are
iMis.ilng out of the regiment. The brother of
Lieutenant Colon*! Hayward, of the regiin*t
was killed. The Yankees letr numbers es dead
and wounded on the ueld ; deau unburied, and
wounded in tho way of their retreat. From Me
ohanicavill* tn Uainus aaru it was oe sceno e*
hatec and devatUtion. Our forces, utter feat \
ing them back from KUysou's aili, ,tuoe upon
another strong ooaitiou ar ()ain* ’ mill*. From
here, lor a mil* end n half beyond, tho lighting
wu torrifl
The. etc. my burned their pontoon wagon*, hat
t.ot so olfotuaUy Knt alt the veliieloe and rvn /t- j
h®*V n ‘-‘I be vkvod. We are usaured (bat we
rurod oae bnltery ot uHt aitUUry at ia !
farm. They are g* a #, Hn d are
Many of the prisoner- takeu w*r drunk,
(laines’ house, Beturday evening, two huudr
rn.l f.?.\ wounded VankeeN were lying, with t
of their own surgeons attending them, nndt
the superin tendance ot a brigade surgeoa. ‘l%i
Burgeon out tire was terribc ate*, deadly
The field presented th* most remoikaixn ot
eiugular rtpparancr, being thickly detteo wit*
rad broeehvd lire /onave*. The w***r war
plenty and good, and out rraitiN felti.vwiug tkM
tfriuy \.em put in lilt* oonifltttm traaepurtin-
’ rnvisions to our men. # )
The destruction ol horses was (etrible. Olio ■
shot is juid t<. lnf\u killed -, itv than uixteen
in a single baaerj. Captain Dabuey’s artillery
worked the “izoag Tom” ivnd “Long Charlo*,’ .
and Capi-.<iit Dabney was hurt to thu knee by a
AHsisimiL Adjn'uut George W. Alexander, Ass
s.daul Frovort Mathnb, who was an old eh ip*
mate, look the j iw-f of Captaiu DaU*ey and j
worked the ,-z-xitj -with auwom, oapecialiy I
the “Long Turn.'* From a -emuats the gun ?
did learfui havoc.
‘i h< I], rri • i of (fag —¥> ( Vsu-,. . irk vie. ;
iuui (pi*tiri { s Jui*** Uictr.
Yez c-rduy it was uciuuuee-i iti th* streaui that
during riuturdiy uight, MoClellau h*d eluded f
ur and bad crossed the’ i-'Uiehabouiiny with t’ie ’
main body ot his forces, making a vapid move* <
menr in th* direction of Dumb Gap , , .James ;
An i -it hour of lb* day the news wa- oon- |
D* iii*-J, and it ova* knwn that onr were j
in l ull pursuit of the retreating column* of the
onocuy. It is reported that General liugor’s di
xif ioQ, which whs on the flxnK of tho enoiny.was
engaged to watch him, bat that whsn morning
came the one my was no where t-- bo soeu.
h i -uppusod that McClellan’s movement n
i ion h ■'< gunboat* and efl'eor his e*ca|)e by
tic, fames river. Fifty transports are reported
to belying in the stream about 16 tuiloc below |
the city; but McClellan must have teen a wiser [
ml ui<.re provident thau we ;re ,
willing to believ'e, if hu ha* prefiared trioe]>or- l
(ration iu udvunce for th:* svsnuo ufevuape.
At a late hum last evening oar advancing
< ilmnns had not iou.e up with the uncmy’s rem •
hat ii la probuhl* that advance parties of our j
l oavalry h'-d -auo up with bffia and were harms* j
r-ieg him. The enemy could nut have been *
more than iwelvt hour* in advance, and i
we toe! afruru l that the roads taken by our pur-
suing eolumof, and the disposition of our ioree* j
between him nd the river, will cat ot! hU re- i
(peat, and enable r. e Jo eccopie e fietory by j
deuoraU/ing bio whole < :utnnnd >-v capturing u
iargf portion ol it. in any event, however, it -
ii mortifying ihr.’- the f-netuy haseiudeda* when I
wo bad him in a critical poaition, all the adv.m
(ages of which it. would he impossible to renew i
It is imp’ isible to ascertain the preoine mxn
i.-r !ti wLb*l* MeC'eHan managed to elude our ;
i Riiaid.
I riii mile* Irotu Kuhm *u4, -a (ba the York )
i HL .r r,ad, thu aaemy were in ioroo on aatur
d*y nl'.hi. During that night (Saturday) |
our pickets beard them busily engag'd a. un* ;
lavrlug, siwing, A . The ruuiblc of c: -n
carriage-''wo* also conrlcully audible. V* (
day ul"u: i.ooti our troops advanced in rh i
n-ctlon of the w >rk, which ware touiid des • •*.
Their eMrenchmev.s w.-ri tounJ to bt km
li' and ©laborato. i iii’ immediately .vioa*
mill, - I •''* -i i. rui t post, a, lx if h bad b
I ‘ippuicd to 1< a lijrbt ••ardw-rk, designed
weep fbt. lailroail, lyucd out to he an iuitnot
etuhrnxurcd forlifi*-avi.n, ex’endiny for huudrou
of yards oft either hide of the trad, i tul cap
ble of prt tsciiiu; ‘s*. thousand mtu. With?’
this work wore found great quantities ol fixe
anitmini'iuii. which had n.iju/ently beeu pr
pared for removal and .oen •le-irriad AU the’
cannori. as it t other r. •#& bu-ert-, : 5,4 her,
.-art,#- 41. McClelUi. >M. fas imeqiueF that
if he can keep hi* gunn from Isllln/ into <*ar
hands it may furnish Uhl wit, giound* fern
future boas'. He will claim to have “retreated
iugood order terry logoff all hi* gan*.” Tluse
I'-ua* h- will j ‘■•■hably find it convenient to cast
into the .lames river c: *.he C'hickahomitiy. (
Atti-i |tesiug thD l-it ery, ii t •es eeutl
ouai) pushed their way down tun rauroedaml to j
Ihe rig'll, iu the direction of the Heven Plnee. j
At throe o’r'.o’ ilMi't colutnu of e wa.*
seen io i*Hue from the woods two tudcc u. h 1
vuu -e of thehe'kery aud ha’f e mile to ihe right
ot the railr- ad. Tat rxnohe w#a foar.d tu |in
cced from n perfect ol uutaxu at the enemy's
o,mmimiury •lore*, which they had tired and
deserted. Ibe pile wa* at least thirty toet high
withs haseeixty fret ia breadth, coosiating <>
sugar, and baeou, butter, prepared meat*
vegetables, &e. The tire had so far enveloped
the heap an to deetroy the value of itec Dtont*.
The field aud wood* around this apot wan
covered with every description ot clutbing and
estup equipage. Blue greatcoat* lined the earth ‘
like leave-j Iu VainmbfoiA. N<> ledication wav
wanting that the cueuay bad Jo*t thin encamp
ment in havte and d.sorder
There wa* *utne fighting yeet.erduy, but only,
we believe, with eoaUered detachßient* ul the
enemy* One of the prtuotpal engagement* of
yesterday was parti* ipitod In by tho cavalry of
Colonel BakAk, fCoii'oel Kammu’s) at a point
about six miles frusa the eity, between the Rot
'oid'i Bridge and Nine Mile road. The gun
boat* on the James had all moved up io the di
reetion us Dutch Gap, end U if the general pre
sumption that the base us McCißlLl*, retrea t i
to he loomed there
Death or Lxxct. Pottxr. -A private di
patch received here yeitesdey brought the sa l
tiding* of tho death of Lieut. Klohard PotUr of
the Columbus Guards. He was killed in the
battle of Jaly Ist, by a fragment of shell, while
supporting a battery. Lieut. Potter was highly
esteemed in this community, and we can truly
sny that oo rnora perfect geutiemtux or braver
patriot he* offered hia life on his country's altar.
The same ■ iapatcb state* that W. H. Fcrrmt
was woaided.
JAMES W. WAREEN, ( Editors
Number 27
nil HBa,penny, jn.f ISM.
ftc Caonlj Cuuitlee and Geo. lottnibi.
Haring publj.hmi the reply ol IJcn Tooab.
M the llaudulpl. roiuujr CntunilMM, no havo
u’.t felt at It tin riv u. ileriine compliance with
tho requcMut tile latter la publivh their rejoin-
Jer, which will be found below. Wc are
. that the Triced, ot tioii. partiea w.U unite with
ua in -Jopi.jruio the criminating and peraonai
eharaoter which the controversy had, trom ita
oommeurouionl, mourned. There can he no
doubt tied (leu. Toomba has, in the matter of
hi, cotton crop, ihoaj-ht and ictud ddfereiuly
from a majority ol, u. ibis seetioa of the
State, bnt in this differentia we can tiud no fouo
datiun for tho chsrae that he has boon govern
ed by unworthy and mercenary motive.
i Againn thie .mputution hi, puhiic and privn.o
character, hi. pu.t und hi, procenl pasiime,
oppenr .a judgment. We know that tienera.
Tootnh.; hue done nothing in reference to hie
cotton crop that he dio not ndvire his friends
and neighbor* nud oro,,booj J, .„ a , io .
I ‘H.Ueving th utour importanco a, a aauvn. und
wmov>7 uations, *tia due tu -Ue tact that wc
I ware producers o| the . tapb* ibat plgtked ibe
woild, be did uot ibiuii *1 prudeui or proper fur
u to abendc i uUogetbur, wm .or ua
ibe | roduot.i,ft v -otton. Ouu. Tm , rXcugLi
(bat Hus 6ot(ou lUiiauld j-iam one half.,
cropof eottou. \V u ihor Uii evtidurt anu ad
’• toe weruieiw it uuy auk t* for u to ,ie(t*r
Tiine, bat thnt bis ttiunveti wert* h.>uura:<ie h-.m
•v'rlotir nr cannot doubt. Hittertainiug ?, high
vpct for the meutUrs of the Ccmatitt*e, a,
uil ua if.p t*D. TouiuL , we juduJyro ihe hope
-f boil, purttee will mini, better of (be mutter
1 oi* eit-vh other.
St-rraurnT, June 17tit JSt^.
Ctpv. K. i oUUBS :
Bit:lf wu wert disponed to n,>ti.-o y **dw
• S>.,ch” li, tho ‘'Muillbu. Tinittf'” 111 (bt lutio anl
(epirit it demands) we might be templed to nay
taut it betrayt. thn* mffate.i ogottiUß for which
jfou have acquuo.i come notorifiry and abound*
with evidenct, that u written under *e/..v rthcv
- 4 ion you h.ivt (*t aJ! proper appreoiation ol
Iwha; dun Irotu h t,*oßtleaian and a soldier. A
.gallant soldier ani-*raffects Cue brajgait, a gen
lioutau never JeJcanis to nJ.'niy txat u anioUu
. ** Q d axaiii’ioua a*pori*i.ii ere.: against (itose
’ who may ha .bi<u offence.
S 1 But tins.we wit! not say at it would violate
that ru;s. of flomdure which forbid* the “aaswer
ingot h fool in his fully” for **tbu’ thou abouid*-
bray him iu * morur with * pei-Ue. jo: will
j no; hL foolihhneas depart iron. hliu. Jhootd we
’ thus retort we would he descending tu year lev
el. Ycur n-.-nsb,, reply k j the “C-mantt* 1 Floi
eniH-” hn. aariully recoiled upon yourself—
regarded a * <t is, by oil who have read it uc
a pleu of guilty to the charge inaae againstyou
wrung from you, by the goading* of a condoma
ing conscience, Iroux the consequence* ol which
you attempt t> escape by indulging in vulgar
epithet* mat aro disgraceful ro your dignity :ir
they are buriui*** to those to whom they wer;
s idieFned. If your jwu.v ‘e atldrds you any
, pleasure, those aguim: whom ic wa. 4 directed
F*ek not io disturb ycur enjoyment. Your
I rw. rt In the term ‘cowardly uiisc.eants’ betray^
\ much more than iugoranue ; it br> every sicai
j titudo of willful perversiou of trutii for which
| juu have nut tbc shadow of ao excuse. Thos.
| jvhom yftu (hue deooLßOo are your equal* iu
| all thing'* that hiq honorable oud yield to you
, only when jou enter the held oi tlelauia <>n and
| detract ion—(bore you will out he uioiested in
the enjoyment of your laurels.
r You arc Bx .Senator,Ex .Secretary of Stale
aod B/tg ;d*'f f-Unvrul, From you, r.cftMpfe tu.
wed aa pre -pt km confidently expected that
would teach lessons of devoted patriotism tu
thus© who locked to you for instruction in the
. path of duty. Uuw you have loot these expoc*
j tat lon* let your largo colfou croy, amiwer.
Many whom you anvuxpt a xtiguistire have
Jong beau your devoted trice if and
I defenders, aod were -dew to believe ibm you had
1 tor tsltry gain di regardea the di*tresi>d con
! dili-'O of the country to the extent to which you
were charged, but whan convinced ami called
un by a sense of duty to (he pubh • lot on es-
I pression <d 4 opini n ol your uupatriotio oonducb,
j(A purti*a Unit- - .* merged in t A#awruoewe
planlrr, und they fearlessly did what duty de
uiOJKted, reckless .<1 con sequencer and regard*
1 less of vout wrath.
\<• > jre pre,-ixuiii.. * t .<> uiucji, ir, upon th
pTejiige .i j- tir piisl itcrviue*, ana th. d.votioi*
• ol jour pat:; . when you conclude thr.t either
( will screen you from merited conaeinnatinu.
when guilty .i intldoiity to the iiuerews <•• iht
oouulry. The leMiiulions which you *0 rra(A
-ffls uoTiuun'-e, wero un.toiuxous'y adopted by
1 fiji'Otlog oS tha eiti/'jny of Randolph county,
bm by seine oversight nere published &h the ac
not the c mnuttea o< safety. They are tally
dorse i *<y all except the tew who have lollnw
> yoiifi petuirious example.
We avail onreelre** of your aiodium oi.
tuout cation
V* urs, Ac.
h. *. UI!K.
A p ‘rfi ju of tb© Committee <■: Safety
of Randolph Con My.
I*. r. This hat hewn delayed for aouic l*fg
I in •eatfeqaenee wi the at**em>© of *iimrol tne
. Oootmit
aert 1 <>HU?r<Jay, the uuht't tp
---! lain, t.’lsy (.'rgwtwfd, who eeoeptd from niiuj
Oglethwpe tfouie Inim ago, wu.t brought l*aok to
hie o*d ijuartora it. tbi City. L'i: Atlanta Con
tederaoy ut yeoterib/, eontalna the following oc*
lice of bin rapKra :
Yesterday tu'm'run the Yaokeu on4>i. f ia;,
Crawlord, who wiu taken piiotici *. Dtuaden,
and ifterwordeexcaped prison in .Viacon, iru
brought to Ihix place by Col. 1. T. Ktell, of
Wiocheoter, Xenu , aud Dr. T. C. Angling, of
Jacksonville, Ala.
The prisoner, we learn, had made his way
to North Ala> auia, and very soon would have
| entered the Jfoderal lines, bad he not been <le~
j tected. lie wae out of money, and found aiaoy
| difMcultier in traveling, under extatmg eiream*
’ ilo poeitively oented bin ideutuy all
the while unt It he w delivered up to the u m
uiander of the poPt ut this plane, when be aaiil
it was no use to wo ho any further denial, and
that he wu* the perron he we* wik*:n for by hia
Two other* were Brought up mi tho Bruua*
wiok Road, raptured sooiowhere na the UomuU
[From the Alout. Advertiser J
Tho (idiuwiug disputoh wo rooeived by the
Governor of Alabama Saturdxy:
R/rnMoxDf July 4.
Gov. Shorter—The moat reliable mtvlhgcnoa
i that the advance guard of the eitr my, with
their alck and wounded and trains, have reach
ed James river, at Weitover, 2 miles below
•u, f*oint. R r e have succeedud in throwing a
force hetwewa bU ruam bAy guard and James
near. We are throwing a oolumn betw.en him
and the Oblckaboiainy, and pressing hltn to the
point, ills escape, H* this aooouot bo true, ia
l upesvlble. We hare than safe.