The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, July 07, 1862, Image 2

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fbc lit* AIM Bi’biaond.. Imv> KdismbmU.,, Ik taw Kalliu? Bd. Tic splendid contest of Thurnday n fie. moon which resulted in (he wresting, by General A. J*. Hill'* division, of Mechauicsvllle, though wilboutdecistve results. except the possesaifcg of tho place served to attract the aituntiolnof McClellan from a ROretMDt in rear whiob overwhelmed him. There Hill's division ol 12,000 men stood u ecus* fully, opposed to nt least four times their numbor, behind earth, work*, which they, one idler another, evanra ted, carrying off their gum*, which mounted on wheel carriages, were not captured, as some of our eotcinporahe-A announced yesterday, though their position* were gained and held. Many valuable lire* were ioat at Mechanic*- nU, On! they received immortality there. At o'clock yesterday morning the grand f mi ft fU main of (leuernl T. J. Jackson tjrnt ac. compliant**! With hi* army, which failed to gut into position the previous evening, lie, fresh from the held* ol exploit* in the Valley, curue down the Ohtckahominy on the right dank ot McClellan's Goal Harbour, in thu *n nay's rear, and put his front upon it at Old Church. The enemy had fallen hack still fur ther during the night. and Hilt's and A/mg- Htmot 1 * divisions pressed him in boot and loft tlonk early ycierdav morning. Thu*, by n strategy unparalleled for it* brilliancy, wne Medellin circumvented. ftp i<> thi* writing we have no accounts of the liaule that baa been progressing that would justly particulars, hut MoClelhm and his mam army wa* report. <| reireatmv down tho Cblckahoruiuy, bearing < rt mini “oicuewall'*” gun* in tho direction of Weal Point, where the giinhont* were lying ready to cover him. It wan nix o'clock whan the enemy gave way, slier leaving theft- last breastwork bnttury of Win* *:u i;un, which was their best, mounting heavy siege gun*. McClellan retired, burning up hi store* nt the depots of bin lines, from thr top ol the capitoi, In the square, abulia of white smoko could be seen r-amg in tho direr.- lion ol Old Chnroh and the Whno Houae, At brat this was thought to originate from the firing of cannon, that could not be beard from the uLtance, the wind also being contrary; but later in the day it whs ascertained to have been caused by the destruction, by the eueniy, of bit immense mores off to the right of the Mnukuuiuavtiin plltc, onthe farm of Dr. Gained* The muttering* of the fight eonld bo occasion ally heard tiiiuugh the report of heavy gunr, but it did entirely away us tho scone of (he conflict was re i oved bj the retreat of the enemy anu tha advance of the Confederate force*. Tbs rot? - a*. of McClellan'a army, and the par mit of the Confederate army, ha* moved our batfet nforrnatirm c'-nceming the light, whiob we learn, *-a kept up at interval* with grea aerari*/; but through the kindness of ati officer from our hho-, wo have been nuppiuid with a ver, iat.-Ihgent penoii diagram, furnishing the ’ is of the wtraatlng and pursuing tore#*, -noy was represented h moving ,lr '*“" T ’ ‘ ~- t h ’-Ms side of the I'uiuunkey ‘** <•’ “ n tnuaitf it at iu .•ailr.aut, ’ J>- ol ooutripplng MOk ian, * • : making fur itw /m, l.tldp, in MHIIO !i -1.1 4 ‘Toning Wfon U a, ot tJuniOtt bj. .I.j'kMiii. “tfir. l.nug.tMt’ji, A. J>. Hiii*. .ind It. if. Hill*, divinon, worn pro turd open M.L'lollanV ror, vcbtlu .MiigradaraaU 11 odor, on iho Chickatromlnj, hold uu righl -log in (hr direction of Now liridgo with a por uoo ol ih enemy in trout of stinm. Thin was vho apporf;.t .iiuaiion ofthoonuio. up io,ostor d, aftwawra. An r<\> ard tho battle, r ,eri of battle,, that tho ovrutto) day m j,a little that n. reliable. Ho, 100, of unr lou ,„d Ih. of the niwiray, hut It has boon hiavy— that nil Ihc. oii.:u.y'H Hid* Vttry great: but, w* will uot reuui.. ~u ‘ euro,. It appear” to bo conceded that the enemy HueonMlolly withdraw tboir for o* from the p. itlon hold bj- thorn on Thursday night,alter the mpturo ot Morhnnteiv{llo,tMving b*bind a, a blind, .nnin aittrinlehore and a batte ry. whieb, when ohargod upon by tho adranoa yeeUirday morniug at daylight, war found tn bo ao.plyof tuon and gun,. A purruit of three hour* brought oar for,-on upon a formidable bat tery ihirtoen gun, at itainoi’ Mill, uoar the New hunt road, ilaro oeourred our lioaTia,! In.n. Thu braalwiirka wara rilnatod an a bluf, aaroa, a min-n.rai. .'anal and kWainp, with rifle piu in ir..m Our Iroopa eborgod through and •v all aith a valour and determination that • wop: everything, olearing rifle pit, and battoiy at the point ol thobayonot Tho troopa that did thu apUndid art, ol gallantry were from North ibo brigade of (tenoral Pender. Thli o a uotuinplieilod through l.rritlc volley, ofmun ketry, shill, round .h.t, grape autl oaniatar. that piled the ground with Itw valoroua dead and wounded. la ttiu ratrul liodlw of oavalrjr ware (thrown I'irward on lia Prorpaoi road aod ilia Tuekot ">rt'•> intoroapt them, kal it failed to iBOOMd. Wohaorit mid that MaClollaa’i r*. trait wai condootad In B ood order, and that the ••a oajr curried forward all their dead and woun drd. it wuu sold taw ftriaonara war* taken;— howovi’ that may be, but fen have arrived in Rioltawid. Aetar aa our limited knowledge extenda thia tuoineut, there la a eery tortnnata laolt ufgenital and ootnaaleakhad offleera killed- V- o her the light ballerina euffond Mverelj Par.-all 1 , b,ltiur> ,of Itlrhmond, Col. Llndeaj ” ‘ok . ~ went tut,- the aetion of ThnrnJ.y even las > abet a ninety men, end brought out ®tlj ikillf or forty. Seventeen of their horana were inti and. The Maryland battery Captain ■- “ tie Aeiiiani, in the aama hatae loat Ute uai. an .'deud wouided, end tever.-il horde.,.— U. i -r, lluuwr of Kurjlaud, tba lurgaon, fha CberajK-ahn ArtlUaty waa <>rdere4 ■ Oil*! Lougstreat'a dMaltm on the rig!,, %Lo mu no. engaged. t “ hour Ir -it!;.- Apputomettiu rivor, near Pctinburg, helow Port Wi.thall, that Oghlit* biivt. I) . „f the eooutj ‘* gonhoata nud our (0 ‘" ! otannuawL The anemv hand, etrty.; *li the shipping* CKy Point, tiereri) SiVteP wert left. La ” kmm j. ‘ 1 4* limie* i,t ,\y*f. ■ W .-j lima M.Jor >)!> MJNlltl •■! tho J’ ‘ miviu k il.wrtl Hill in ’ ‘ wtlwho .1 4 u Ohio It lut •Vrnlßf . u loan the tiald h eon.. juKae. ft riolii aru. boa Muni. * thou*, to lof>, liill'i divmon, ilaa ‘ ‘ “ ““gagol tbo whole hay, md vio ">rl u u -oaßhoUt, wo ou S o„-d la . urriflo bat- Uo who too anoiuy sear Cm! Harbor, bad v*iM otaiut lohad by lard, maaooaef th.rn.mj. Ju>. at tin wa wauafed wml iarso biKliM oi troo|Hi nn apprariag on th. hold, wbict .ora up|io.d to bn reiuloreraieat, undtr Jackson. I.ator aw.nntt brought fro* th. eU ofJWttl, aro , lnt.rt.a e Th. roinfommaiit* that rraohod th. a aid. .art whirh wore wppural h, and.rti.owal J.ehoa, er troop* of Clrntr.l Loafl root's di.Ul.n- lien oral Jack,,* ,„ an tl.mral HU’. loft (luring th. day, bm war alro ~i u m , to join th. ganoral an’ ggei*n: whirh .timed about fir. o’olooh in the *D!UD(. At this hour tUu action became general tor the Um time oo the Richmond line*. No ruck col liliou of numbers has yet occurred iu the hiitto. ry ol the *ar. It in estiruated.thai eevntyvfive thousand Confederate t.oop? were engaged with on *lo*l. if not superior, force of the voeiaj The scenery of the haul* held 14 described M Iklly sublime, end iu sight of carnage * . oeediog to ghastliness the worn imaginations of tho horror* of war. Nightfall baa caused an intermission of tho terrible conflict. Fro* tho beat end moat re iiehle information we can obtain, the Sold waa undecided, when the notion waa luteruaued to bo-remmed this morning. The field of the imposing battle, on which ‘the grandest fortune* ever eonboaud await deeiaioo, ie about twelve an* tr<•• the cuy of Rich mood. . bo enemy’.- retreat war rertainly not a rout, no the hg -Kyhlßp attavt oennrs.—i’ He loft, mgr Jd ■■ tala ant, eutryliv off nil bi*j >i*d and wounded, ! ‘VUn no murk., d'di-oder t the route bis :,lnt, but -uob a* are in-i ridr: : and, nf to ths, akdViitßCnts cl iurjjcT m#ee.-. There i* occasion to upprehaud that Model- Wn, In (alWjjt back on bis present Hue -A deleuce, i*n* iMpwVMt btf) positron. Tho mtvantge* of bis present, pusition ure mainly urtifleia), but ’hey axe consMorol important Mint serinas, nl ; houkh ho g*.?** uj yesterday several positions of :reat natural advantage, especial I > •hm m Me • -banicsvillo, upf'ti which be had cx)>r.ndo<i every -o*Mir< to rnaKe it im/iragiisbU. It i* maiuiiam tha las* in y*ter vngtf[Zn -nt. Xko vuiy *tMfcU':iit*; we c;m of the cti ..title;- oi the tornflo buttle of the evening nre vague and ghastly moasuge* that •the greuml i< -overed with -lead.” The spirit •f our Irwoj’M He umiiminixhftri. There was no rrnggliog but from excesnive Intigun. The issue, which D vet undeoi<ied, is en ru.Atod to ike valour of our troop* and the provi dence of Almighty God. Uler uni hterefttiix from RKluasntf We Mid the fio)lowing interesting iiein* in thu Macon Tdegripb of thit^morning: I HOM THK 9ri’H GA. It ICGIMHNT. Eu anosji, !AHh.—Mrs. J. B. Cumming —I had two kUJi‘d end ten wmmded. Asa Vann klUndd j, fj. ft'iKviio, THE MACON G1 T ARI)S. lUmmowm J uae 29th.—W. C. Hodgkin* k .Vliacou Guard* in fight. M. Whitfield killed, i*'. oulhvim wounded. J C Andrews misfiog. H. J. Mkmaro. itichniond. Tune 28th.—T H Bloom -Col. Lmnar was neverely hut not daugerouaiy woun ded in charging battery, and taken prisoner lo dey. Os the Mern Guards, Lewis M. hitheid, killed, and T. Sullivan serfousiy vounded. The J.. A. Wijucox. The (irny Guard*, Jones eo., Cnpt. lion nor killed, Green Tye nnd John Moore and five slightly wounded. The abovM la a despatch of the fibiii troin Gnpt. Bonner, to u*. L. <Jc A. ’ Richmond, 2Kth. —i* ]■. iJuvvdre: l have just received a verbal request from Lieut E | Bow dre, on the hsule livid, to telegraph you that the joyful day was our*. We have driven th.- enemy several mile* beyond ihejr eutreiicb rrirnts, and taken their gun* n'guin to-day. JaMSS M. UKA.H.N. * col.. UAIIDSMAH'S HEUIMKNT. A despatch liotn tb* C<A>nol 10 hi* wffij ywerday, report* mu Ulih.d and thirty live woundod. FKOMUIIOM OF COL. A. H. COLQUITT. Wo havo boon permitted to make the follow ing extract frotu tint tor received in this city by u gonGeinau from hi* >n, who is a member ofCo.O.t};:, kU.. Hoi. A. 11. Colquitt, ban ho* 7 i promoted to Bri/. Guucrr.l. His brigade OODlUtf of iho situ, 2U4, 2fftb uad 27th thtorrh. Lieutenant Col >uel .1. M. ,’Niwlon ijt now in command oi the regiment us Colonel. Tracy i Lieut. Colonel.’’ DJKAXiI OF COL. 808/SKT A.3MIIH. Our community woe |fiuucd yesterday by u telegram ni>uucin< tint death of Ooi. Kobt. A. •Smith, -Mib Gil, Irom three wound* received on Friday. At tbo time of going into i.Ml*- ho was Miercsly üblw to ait on his horse. The Christian warrior hu.i ended hi.* mia:.’ mi--hi* labor* over - uud hl.ihpiril lots winr..i*l iU bight to the land of bliss; where care* nud -I rife, will in- iunnr disturb. i’euoe to hiu ashes! The tidings of his death mar to some extent the new# <>: ourgio- | riou# sup.coasof. 6TB UJJORGU. Wt under u*nd Col. Newton oi UiiH regiment j wits killed. Lt. Col. Trwy n*n wounded in the j luce uuil thigh, Or b wound*. not dangerous. | From the Mucou Toiogruph, lat. *"* j MIATI MiSFATCHfiS \NII MIS ITBSJB. ilu-lunoitd, S'.tth —Mrs N. Hn**.--Th* 2nd Georgia Hut t ilion not in the light yH. They have croKued the river Heavy lighting v.x )ieote<i to-day. N. BA>*.S Richmond, filth.— J T Smith, M I Carter, ll J kSa'um killed; 14 wounded; li D May, mid Col Bert, #cvfdy. J T (IIUFFIN. Richmond, noth.- T R Bloom Col L M La (Mr i* in Rirhmoiui doing well. Tell Ida wife to come on immediately. D. R. JONES, Brig. Gen. Richmond, Wth.- Col L Q t? Lamarr— Your brother ia safe—complete anccess thin far. The enemy routed, and the destruction ofhia army probable. A O MYER.S, Qr M. A dispatch from Col Lamar to his wile from } Ku limoud, duted Mouduy, ;iOth. announces hi# nrnval in that city safe. Hit wound is only a tle.'h wo uud. Rich men.l. noth.—l aiu yet safe; was in an avvlul L title, on the 27tb, driving the enemy. Casualties: Cos f fith Georgia Killed, Henry Hunn ant! J E Andrews. Severely wounded, ii Bullard. W Chitiy, E Floyd, O A lTerrring tou. .1 F Kitchens,WL Kitchens, .T VV.So .. mon, A R Wynn. Slightly wounded, W Hell W Boaauian, J R Paul. Went into action with twenty, two men F 1) WIMBERLY. Thirteen killed and bounded out of twenty two mew This U severe Liutcuh. <*k\, CuLituTTT - We see by a dispatch la i* and the MOth thatittn 5 \ H Colquitt was uu huri at date. We learn that the reported death ol Colonel Newton, oi the Cth Georgia, turns out to be ;aise. We are pleased to believe that he , t) atill * pared to the rcg.mem and country. 2(hU Ceoigia—Ool Cutuuiioga e4it the lid lowing dispatch to his iady yesterday, dated Kiohmoud, ~tul. I hud aue man wounded yesterday. Our aruiy still victorious so fur. OolLu. ua Ljiu.ii is wounded, but his wound i* not daug^roo*.. 13mu UußVM—We* weru nuder a mow: ter rifio tire on the oi anting nnt evening. Killed, Lieni Odoiu, Jaiuct i’erdue ; mounded Umm Allen, feerg*# UonieiU, .1 II Hornet, A vent, Wiley, Sunboru\und Botvcr*. JNO. J. ALLEN. Wo stud the following m .be Aqgu.-i* Oou ittfat ouelist of Meoday tuouung; Richmond, June 29.—Tae 49th tie. Kegi uient has lost three uien hilled audrnx wound* ed. Wo have killed thousand* and taken thou* Md* jirlaouerc McClellan <* surrounded, and will bo taken ia a tow day*. W*M. GIBSON, Col. 48th via. Ukhinoud, June 11.-—'The Boh ley Ki demon were iu the fight, but not hurt. Hare only five wounded in tho comp my, aud about ninety in tho Regimen;—3?d (Ja. . Lieut. G. W. RogJd. raivaTU insHATi kiuH. rnivaru nurarcuns. We havo been requested to Malm that ft >* Mr. Wiloy U. DuKoae wh<> waa wounde i .t tho battle noar Richmond, and not Mr. IHidioy i)u* Horn aa at tiret reported. Among thorn killed ia Oapuiu John C Uurrb < f the Bowman Volunteers, of Kibert eouaty. Captain Burch waa a protaiaing young lawyer, of fine talents, and deservedly popular with all who knew him He waa Solicitor of the N< rib* ern . ircuit, over which Judgo Thomas, jr. pro •tdee, and hla loaa will be deeply deplored by the community of which be was e valued mem ber. A private dispatch reoeired hero report* the offleere and ccember*of the Moalgomer> Guard of thta city all ontnjnred. The following are the caaaitle of Company K. 48th Georgia Regiment: II E Mmingle and Robt. Knox killed. Lieut Wlleon tligktly woo: ded and ilfk raved by hi* watch Bamuel Werreo, wenoded, ether* tale. A private dispatrlu dated Jane iOtb, from CpTB Archer, Hichumnd, taps] ‘ iitcbxaond I ure all nulillteept ilillnr, killed. We On sdlj driving the enemy hack.” T BMUkood, June .-My.battery. (MUledgr. J Artillery) engaged *n far only at long range.- No cafiuiltie* yet. Capt. J. MILL£DGE. A diapateh, dated Richmond, June IMh, >uj i> that thr i olio wing ‘enaualtias occurred in the frving Artillery of Wilke*county: Killed—TLewis and Cothran. Mortally wounded—W li Dußose. Slightly wounded—John Vance and Chappell. •'•• ('••patch deled Richmond, June Jftlb, says :het Mr. K C Perkin** of Taliaferro county, a member of tho Richmond iiu*ars, eo. A. was •evtrt lv wounded. From the Moatgumery Advertiser. [lhe Ivllowing private di-patch Iron a perfect ly reliable source, wee received iu this city la*f •■/enino.—Kb. Adv.] Richmomi), June 80, U p. in. The advance traard of Gen McClellau's army ha* nrrlvod in Richmond under an escort of Con federate Hoidierr to the number of about 4,000, and others are coming. McClellan bar been bad ly whipped, *nl is flying to the Jarne* river to escape. He ha? destroyed all his stores of every kind. We have ruptured bis balloon and all the fixtures. Gen M a grader is after him to night, and it is said will capture his whole army before morning. McClellan is said to be mortal ly wounded. We Hod thu following private dispatches in the Souths!* Confederacy : Ricbw’ HU, dune 28. To Hon. John W. Hooper; The following is a list ol the oasualties In the Kingston Volunteers; Killed, Lieutn Jo* Duu lap, D L Brownfield; Herg't.James Dunlap; Pri • vates A J Payne, PC Dice, John Henderocr end Johu.Buiney. < Wounded, (J V Vice, Jame- T Read, J Satterfield, Geo C Nix, John Sher niao, A M Holland, H A Holland, A K Hcv’t. I .troy lJurriuighs, Evans Abies, F M Martin, J 1* Neal, A. G Gibbs, and Larkin Stephens. Mtrg'r V Tomlin is safe and tound—not killed, as reported. JOHN W. HOOPER, J*., Captain. Richmond, June 29. Hon. John W Hooper; On (he 27th Stonewall Juekaon attacked McClellan's right wing. The 2!st Georgia Regiment suffered severely. Lieu’. Keenly, of Dade, wan killed- Many wounded— uiyaelf the number-through tbe'rlglf ;<rm. 1 ;im doing well Twill leave for home to-ur rrow. Cnpt. A 8 Hamilton is aafe. THOtf. W. HOOPER, Lieut. Colonel. UtcHMONb, June 38.—-A. K, Heogo; We were in tuo battle at Garnett's Farm last evening -all sate; one man of tuy company, John A. Mailo* ry, “tightly wounded. A good many hilled and wounded io the brigade. K. M. bEAGO, Captain Cos F 20th On Keg't Gen Toombs’ 4th Brigade. Ku kuomu .Tune I*9 —The following is a list ot ■ lui.ilties iu tbn MilKr Rifl> , Floyd county, in the fiot’le of tho 2hrh ins I: Lieut D Ashbury, W A Harden, W A May, U S Ware, H B Wimprey, sod J M Martin, hilled. The wounded re Lieut J M Montgoojery (severely,) J A Fravier, FM Kcvuoldn, E Lee (severely,) J M koberstou. F, I* Whitaker, (sightly.) D. BCOTT. Capt. | Lxprc*ly tor the Montgomery Advertiser.] , Mosilb, July J. A special dispat h to the Tribune train Granada, d*t and June MU, says Northern pa pers of the state that Gen. Buell t* ad vanein,r on Chattanooga, and that Morgan is -i iuUuneoiiftiy marching on Knoxville for the relief of oast Teanessrr. A dispatch to'the Chicago Trtbuue ttjGeu, I Ifindiuua s At'kansas Army is from ‘.*'>,ooo to ‘IO,OOO strong. The Yankee Genera! L’urti* is being reioforecd. j Jtu*ksou s Tenna*e Cavalry burned I.JOU i bules of cotton on TUui>day last walim j twelve miles ol Meinpbm. | Tin vote at the recent nninicipn! election ; j in Memphis was small, no respei table .person j being :icandidate* lor otfice The London Times regards the defeat ol Gen. | Bunks by Ewell, as a moat important result : (or tho Conlederates, on account o( the leanon | it trn< hes the North, in show’tog thorn they ; must iunke ellorls greater than auyihtng they have yet made, in order to restore n single j border State to the Union. It also says that ‘be attempt at the subjugation of the South grows more and more impracticable. A special dispatch to the Advertiser from Jackson, dated June 30, suys (Jen. Chalmers him taken Boliver. Tenn. Col. Tappan of Arkansas, says Qeu. Hind man, with 30,000 men, has Gen. Curtis com plotely cornered. The State is blazing with excitement. A battery at Duvall's Bluff, com mands the White river, supported by 3,000 Confederates. ’ The people along the river refuse to trade with the Yankees. Knoxville, June 30. lien. Buell's army is rapidly crossing the i TeuuesM c river at Florence, and concentia- I ting at Bridgeport, 34 miles from Chatta- I nooga. The enemy oroseed with a regimeui i of artillery ut Battle Creak yesterday. Gen. Henry Heih has been assigned to the com mand at Chattunoogn. All is quiet toward Cumberland Gap. From the Savannah Republican. LAS TON'S BUlim IMAGI!)... I RIGHT'S LBGIUT imvom. mtmit mi m figiti cmsii Richmond, June 30. i Geu. Lawlon'i brigade was actively ei gaged in the light and acquitted itself will honor. Wright’s Legion is very badly out up aid’ many of the officers are killed. Lieut. C)l- ‘ l’urr lost his left arm. • *1 Capt. Butler,of the Oglethorpe Light lufln try, is ahoi through the lung. Fnvate Coombs is very seriously woun Jet! and not expected to reeover. It is reported here to night that Col. Lame < cUbe L ghth Georgia, lie* been re<'uptSri i Irom th*- enemy. I Kront tho Macon Telegraph. I'RIVATK DISPATCHKS. Richmond. July I 0. O, Siparka Heavy engagement yesterday evening am slightly wounded in the ahoulder. : cpuUed the euemy, Three wounded in** t Gresham Hides 1 expect to be at hom#a cu- days. Hoye Imhaved well. lamin >* ■Bid, THOMAS. HARDEMAN, Kicumoko, ful Mrs. S. M. Mauaing, Hawkiusville ( clone! I.une wounded, also Licusat Smith badly. Mat.'Rivers prisoner; gi in—nt not auticrod ranch. lam well. 8. M. MANN#- BAKER FIRE EATERS. Ricnwoxu, J l. A dispatch from Cspt. Plane to hfr'fo. states thst he is unhurt, and racatit the wounding of two of his men-Hamiw •** Uerrold. Special to the Montgomery Adv#*r- Riobmond, July I.—Col. Baino da* 8 Willisinson were killed tod# Their bodies will be brought to the city. A. J.RRY. A private dispatch received by a gsnian at IlaynosviUc, give* the cacealtie* of, Haynes vil'.e Guards a* follows— Capt Jobs *ud W Daniel killed, and M. L May serioewounded —balance sale. The Advertiser also learn? thst <* J Wood ward of the 10th Alahsu*, i* eti ili of Ale* buna's illswafttlifceddeed. From the Richmond Examiner, 3d Tit- But!-’ hooud Richmonii...tb Eaeny * f lml..,Vieid)’ s Situti'iL. oomtiiiuaikm of tin Enomy't Jttir the last accounta which’ we published r day ot .M’ Cleiluu's situation afforded *^ er display of the -nergy of this rominander ike dexterity of his retreat. Tuesday mos hed given unmistakable, indications that kb™ mount nnviety wns to secure his r.'trosd :o extricate himself from a position in oil from any now source of supplier, kould be compelled to capitulate, or u iigU t Me cettalnty of an overwheliaiug defeat. There is no doubt that the enemy ft has managed hi* retreat with great spirit Judge ment, and that as late as Tuesday ev4 the idend he mode near the Charles Cityd was the oocosion of a hard md critical upuier.! The rank* of the fugitive enemy tuined their organiiaiion, and were coverr lo rCitr of their retroot with a that touj® iospirnl ■ iiher by exoejleut dlscipliry’ 1116 ®® desperation. tfince the enemy ha* lelt his l *rtii c ‘* UJ P uo the south ido * itio Chick;di*.milking up h)s line of retreat towards the Jar v, L il ° :iw been favoured by a country i ‘ l ‘ n 3 yl dense wood and rwntup, which 1 him cover, and whloli is ill °P* r ’ atiun*. The difficulty has bfc do ene my iu this intricate conn’ v rthicj” f* cura ble to b s * ctreat. * The ft*’!>< Turnedlls * n 9- Wo have .me f buttle of Tuesrlay evening wh*ch, despip* 8 iS'rust which yestrday>perv;.ile.J in i*® u that tho enemy was ngint. b i J ,lT " 1 F U!,, ‘ <kJ from the field ofbatth , and ■ ’‘ ad dition wh* made to cur leily |s 4 ‘ ou 01 T ’ c * tntTos, ulthoogh ,*ai ha-*d ftn< * ut /;reat cont of lie. XU enemy had su'-serd) rtti.,ng position with i line lcr ’ e * on l^e crest of the hill where ho wJ* wa> at..*cked by Jackson ou hi* j nWuudMa griier on tho centra- Long!* be ing held in rmrvo. The lpwero not fully engaged until about six o’^j* a 11,0 evening, from which hour until abt ul’b’ battle raged with unexampled fury. Oder's divL ion ia rej*orrod to have bcn ;eG cot o i*’ a P° r tiou of his coiiiiiiand hav r®® * n an Bt tack made io very tond -qil T’ otr<3 0,1 “ ne ,j| he jeeany's batteries, wW( M upp*wtcd ‘y two heavy brigades. had bed. after n c'loflic’ of several 5 ’ - 5,1 “*k lD f * ll 1,1 the enemy's Inf forte* “a l r,, ‘ ■ ‘•isting of cdgfit. nguns, Olid the j l *l 1 v '*h our aUviiuce in pn*e -ion „j ! battle f Our lo** is reported ts ! ir K*- on "’ ’ the hltterie* in which if wr '*’ ‘ :,nd TB ‘ ’ .ken, but finally round*'’ °" r ■ “ ihn > h#v Ing liec-n furious end A h 871 erc -’ (ell beck J,owe vc. ihcP ** na vef y W-vi-ion of their retiring, wa’ f* ! - ‘ >ar pe " rTßi nut bf ‘Ugbt into whieb afsnre Hie foci that the co'my waJ’" I *'-*, and the ground gainoii which he h J hw.g tnntesiaA. The Vankees tt tnghi furiously an<l Willi atlvtpm ted tpf 77, ) ,OV Ik. K.rmy YcaUrda, io..rnl’ prrnl that th, unaiuj’ ‘ I )?,. f* and l,orl ‘> Ih, tin,. 1.,, r:j •<* “P >” 11 CflMk <Sw m.., h.w. r ,<>* th, fight. Th. i.i,uiion, lh,,i r,prMWts th, tnou, within tiC llM Os th. river an,l tht lUO alialln ..f tii^ bHM * • WliDg within oar ..Ivan— *• A I,rn number of Iran,- port.* wre iu ttf er at different point*, among (hem’ho Vender * B<l il to be probe hie -.hut theie !n ar * portion of the Burn side'* com in nd> however, of the > riemt' operati*}®® the river are vague and i' , *nvr*sttctory. The .lirection i* McClellan’s retrea* tn the j river ha* Neck, little north j of City Point, Opposite hink nf the river, and where a in/ 1 ,!, c ream rnnkei a narrow i neck ot land. ti,ne •filing, how- I fcver, we ktnrj utt * ,h,a te hn * driver. I below this c intact with the river; which, I if eorroet. tvf’ <"rtunate news. I j l /,,. ( , ~njn / ‘/'’•terday — th* main h<uiy of I oj the tm tMioot4ky our Uriel fr v ,*r a cifi/'Uioitthe < ui-my, V*.’ >javd uunt * *he position of our lines ws may recommend to ourrea •lor| u rel'*. which gne the important in tfi,g #w tbat the main b..tyof the eosmy> tbrj >• tii/** n ‘U* ‘ff Irorn the river and has i Hriu i.tiinv Hoped by our lines. I In Li|a> evening the enemy's position,woen ihi ang/ GUC,It l wk place, was south oi the <4|ukor'*d, noitir fr. in the house ot Mr. Ulturi/ L w suppoeod that in the ni ht, the attempted to retreat to the river in is- up oll °f Tut’ ey Laud, hut llnding the L.uiuac, and his progress uupvdcd by a is iiahad turned tow.ud* Curl Nt-ck, beyond thioti* col uin as lud been pushed, hoping tu knkf'M luudiuga high, rup the rivet. From jh‘ ‘ tion thu main bodjr of tho iorces has Lccjiven back, ami is now enc.ocfd by our lillut Atlcieticc to the court*- of three roads— tlivalues ol which hav*g frequeutiy uc.Nir ji, |i the accouuu ot the progress ut 4 ih con- ItH south of iho Chicalioiuiuy—the Long Ihgc, the New Market and the Quaker rd*> will show that they unclose a irtengiihir ce. la this space it appears from the best fount* we have, und are willing to trust to t readers, about fifty thousand of the enemy Yu been enclosed,*our troops coinoundmg o three roads, and cuiuug them eutirdy off >in GOMiiuumcatioii with ibv river. Thr'iiuapular spare seer red tu is apiece low Uud, heavily limbered with (hick a portion of the Curl Neck stale, owned by YY’illiam Allen, lt is known s a swamp, although the g ouud has not Jways that character. Il is a ground, k.Hv iRVer, that iu wet weather cut- Let all the rain, and is readily converted nuo a morass, i Up to four o’clock yesterday evemug there hml beeu but little fighting of iui|>or*ce the train adding lo the discomfort of ihu eucuiy< and ihe emb'irrassmeiU of his situation, vt hicii by this tune must be extreme and terrible on j account of scarcity of provision*. It is coasidered not improbable tint a por tion of McClellan's forces succeeded Tuesday night iu toiling their way to the river in the vicinity ofTurkey Island. The bulk however of his diminished and scattered forcts, at lean to the amount of forty or litly tbou*tiid men, is still held in check and cut off iron commu nication with the i ,vc-r. The shelling of the enemy’s ginbont* m reported to have cotttintied with but lm! interruption since lueadsy, but to have done ns no considerable damage, the fulhug quite as often within the enemy’* lues a i oer OWB. JV*.nf.'i/.rci4t— TAr fFvundM#— Omr D r te. Owing to the number of woundei requiring hospital room, and the number ci pnsouers being brought ia daily Irom the lues, the city is t*tearning very crowded. We wculd suggest that there are tent? in town, aid that the islands in James river falls would make most excellent camping grounds, wher, owing to Ue rapidity of k the river, tkc pnmners could be guardsd by a comparatively snail number of sentinels. Thu disposition of he Yankee prisoners would afford more rosm for our wounded, and would place at ther disposal a number of factories and large buldiugs now used as prisons. Wo hart it on authority of thorn who assi*. t* 1 on tke field that our loss in lie notion of Tuesday amounted to betweso tb*ee and four tto .sand, killed and wounded. Tvo (rain* #f four boree wagons, and many private vehicles tv ached the city about noon yeatarduy with their freight of woendsd. They w* w distributed among the eerieii hospital*. At the White Oak swamp out of which num ber* cf the wounded had to be taken in thearui? of the aeolstants, many of the wagons got into tho miroffome stuck faG, and other* v/ere over turned in the eflbrts to et’ri’fa# iheiu. .Mean while the Wittlc i it *he distanoe. A'* ting ihe vehicle* bringing in the Hounded yeiti* day were strerai ot the tine ambulances narked “V 8. * captured from the enemy; they nrc wnterproot, and mounted on two wheel* with spring?, and are indeed n luxury to the wound ed, The number of wounded brought in yester day was estimated at one thousand. A .'rent umny of the more slightly injured in the arm* und elsewhert bad their m>urid* bandaged on the field, and walked back to the rear where they met conveyance*. It was remarked yesterday that too many per st)Q* anxiously awaited iu the city ‘he arrival of (he wounded instead of going on the field with vehicles, and assisting in bringing „off as many of th suffering a* possible. Instauoefl ure told o three or more persons going on the field in a hack, taking in ono ot the wounded, and monop olizing on the wuy back the seat* that migh* h tve accommodated three others. Tnx Latrst.—We havo accounts from our lines as ‘ate as 0 o’clock last night. No fighting of consequence had taken place during t. e day. Io bis re’reat Tuesday night the enemy aban doned some ot his artillery and a iarge quantity of More*. 23 transport* are are reported in the river, ft ic thought that a portion of McClel lan'* army succeeded in res- hing the river at some points below Turkey Island. Fruit* the Flu li mu ini Dispatch ‘iOth. MICitMY SUIII AM) H1M!...H1 BEIT l\ WH niCHT!! About 1 a. in., Sunday morning, our picket* down the Nine Mile Road were fiercely at tacked by the enemy and u severe and lively tight eaaued. The enemy were driven beck with lora, many prisoners falling into our hands. Many of the Federal* threw down itioir arms nnd urrendereu voluniaiti) *un day moramg, about aix or aeven o'clock, an oiher fierce picket fight occurred, Genera* . • jriflitii'* MiaatTSippi brigade moved down and pursued them post their tortifi* atiou*.- U thus became a matter ol tact that the enemy were iu mil flight. Pursuit wa-* maiamly made, and several j I'gkU endued* All their cuoi( -wagon < ‘Di ! iiiwaary, au<l qunrterinaaterV • amp , also—| were totally destroyed. Immense pile* of, itorea were iilax.iag nt th* moueoL of our visit, j tuo Mi**i’*ffipp.auH pursuing over the red j ii*be<ofihe • imp* sad tore*, our army is tallowing close m tiirir heel-, and many pna- j oner* ore hourly arriving. Loud explosions i were heard Uuring thr afternoon, reused by | tbedentroctioti of vast quantities of ainmunt- | tion. D use coin am* ot mok darkened the’ • t,. The rui!ro id Merrunac wa* fnr in ad-j t a nee ot our men, nod vn vigoroiiah shell-I uig the enemy at etery turn. They are en-‘ tea roriug tu reach Jamo r*ver, but are to* tally cut nfl therefrom Their loss must prove fearful. Thr> nr tetieating >n good order, iun/evrr, but it cauaotjie iou(’ ( iuaintamed;they *IU toialiy demoralized. M'< LXr.LAN SAYS “heho* got u ja( wboro he want* as but, a,, so n* of tho prtaoaorfl remark, “it may be .io'’ ; butcurtniniy our losses end disgrs ee are not joke. If he inlands to win, this la l -, aaak’s operations does n<>( look like it.” nor Generals ] ire fully olive to all hi* UH.veuici’-, and ure’ hourly hemming hi® in. is Af r < r of two days, it is reyt.rted nunvllsd by MoClel- ‘ lan to hary thr de i A(o., hut General is ! said, rcplif*. re no erne now to think of the dead let ■> .• dead bar', -.hedead. The only j prnpjsittnn I can receive from Genera! MoClel- - Ln i for an unconditiona! We ! ; know aet if this lie true, hut give for i what it is worth. ukk. uiirm-Ta I’ was mortally wouuded, we arc sorry to hear, l.y a fragment of a whut standing uenr tho Merriiua© ou the railroad., Hu troop- form the advance, ou I ihe country looses a fine officer j mid go.Leman. Gclonel Barksdale, of the i-ith j Mo; ;.• :pp V oiuuteers, now comioamL the Mis-j sissippi and a finer officer cannot i>e found. the rensRAL fl.An Made by the itaolvea* t duet on our Capitol was captured by Ma.t, Uloumlicid, v>t General NLgruder ‘* staff, in the Federal cwotp.-, and was exhibited, with great Mppiam-e, to oar troops. — It is an immense pteow .( work, fully tweu’y feet long.haviot; thirteen stripe.* and thirty two stars • tiereon ‘ We uuderstasd MeCleUan received it as a present from the ladies ot the city ol Boston, ■nd premised to plant it ou the veritable “last ditch” to whioh the rebels th uid be run, aod afterward* would elevate it, with all military honors, on our Capitol at Richmond. How are the ra.ghty fallen! Verily, George B. McClellan w II be deeepitat’ <l, and sunb is the fate of the Greatest hvlog Liar’ {Private Dispatch-} RtcitM ■•*!*, June JU. To A. K Seg Yesierday. our army this side tbv ‘ hiv abom iny drovo the vandals three miles. My company found sixty lift* * buried. We are cnnuocted with ••StooewaHY’ Tiie Y ankees destroy ed ucarly very thing. We had mo one hurt in the regiment. Thanks to God wh facilitates a just cause- E. M.bKAUO. t-apt Cos 1 .’0 Ge Reg t (You Con. Gw. TwntW Iricvle, The B i'hraond. Dispatch of the iOth gives the fullowing account of the port taken by Geuerai Toombs’ Brigede in the tight ou .Friday Inst 9n Friday General Toombs was rdered to “feel the enemy entrenched to the East and front of Garnett'* farm. After :*. eivinst written orders to advauee, Gen. Toonib* *ent f* rward the 3d, 1 >th and 17th Georgia. The ensui.v bed near threo bri.ade* in n skirt of woods behind an </h/riso( felled timber and brash-wood. The Georgian* advanced epiritedly upon the Yankees and urove them back, not, hoerer, a util they had fought desperately for the ground. Find ing it unfavorable to flank onr forces, the Van kees withdrew and left us in possession of the field. It was maintained until orders were -mut for (ion. Toombs to retire. Our lose may be summed up as follows Killed 34 : wounded Hid, and t mi. sing, up to the time the reports earns in. Cel. Mclntosh, of the loth, lost his leg, Oapt. Birch was killed, Captain Tilley tLngerouslj woanded. This en gagement was a spirited and creditable atlair. General i oombs obeying stricUy his written order*. I'RIVATK DISPATCHER. Rjcnvotp, Li,* Mr.. U. A. K.n.11, HtarifriU. Th. liirbt .till niuM tarionii,. Tw ui of our ti-iiipu, srrton.l, w.tuajr l, .Utrrn i>tk.r, Hifhtl,. Audj.w C!i.p[,cU boy. HI *.ll. H. A. FKKRKLL. till RIOHD, 3. 8. K.thrMM f. Bru. J. S. IVuioUrg, Klin. Blue ul Kot-utikl, ■U(bl, wouudoil * M. M - lIK-lHOII), Jul, 4. Mr,. U. T. Olorluß, victer,—four fu.ha.t, <lMr<'7*l Oil, Llgkt Qu.ri, .11 ~f. in tup ,l Drury'. Bluff’ Vltll go tban i0.d.,. H. T. URKKNWOOD ”G*. Bu.DKiuur Ut,, raUnff from ibe cemraud of tli. Artnv of Iko Writ uwiog to ill hwltb. Tbocoßmi.Dd bw, of rouxH dvrolvod upon Ora. ffu.eo. TELEIiWS OF TEE WEEK Special to th- J line.* Rh h;moni, June 2V.’ The latest reports from the IWhs represent that there bean no lighting to-day up t(< eleven o’clock Our army was then in line of battle nod it was exrected would nwii *d**“ e upon the enemy. Tho anxiety so benr frc tll iho battle-field is Intense, although every body iff confident of n deciiive victory. CUisen* .ire rightly excluded from *’ .me., and reihbb- ii tormalien of the progress of events are difficult to obtain. Only a few brigades of the attacking column ot the Confederate army were engaged yesterday. Magruder’s and Huger’* divisions were util! held in reserve ou the weal *de ol tU Chickobuininy, %L-re it is understood McClellan wa.- )#teiday massing large bodies of troops. A renewal of the contest wo. expected thi* morning. Two regiment* of Msjtradrr'i DirUion —the 7th and stb Georgia—faff*red >.u-ter •tay in attempt ng t* take a battery u*r Seven Pines, which war defended at least by two brig ..<U . f Yankee? Col. Latuar, of the r>tU Geor gia wan wounded soil taken printer. Lieut. (Jo). White, of ’be 7th Os., vm wounded in the neck, ‘lhe casualties of the two regiment* are about 200. There seems lo bo no doubt McClel lan's communication with his urce of supplies is efficiently cut oft. The mutuant of McClellan's army is now on this side of the Chickabomtuy. The bridges eie ieitroyedto prevent purtuit fro in the Confeder ates an the North, ft is reported here that Mc- Clellan ii retreating towards .fame* rive-, where bis troops may embark in tranviffori# under pro action of gunboats. The latest reports from the lines give this in -1 formation and states that nor army is pursuing the enemy and he) s to captute many ol (hem before night. i .uulliei. Private •liapatche* received in thi* city state th .t Adjutant Lock Weemn and private Henry Thomas, ton of the Intc Joseph Thomu-, ot this city, ere mortally wounded. <£Col. Alfred Iverson,Of the 294 North Cnre bon Regiment, alirhtly wounded. Cipi. Forrester's company hn* loit 21 in i K died and wonu Jed. ih* Wnb:i. (.util lot ii lir ts?M/nt j W arv-k>ndly permitted to publish the follow- I ing privsi-e dispatch I Rioanosn, Jont 28th.—To D. P. Ellis.- The I Columbus Ousrda were nos in the engagement ! yesterday. Ab -ate amt well. ROSWELL ELLIS. flu >*o*n, June .10. Ye-terday afternoot* XeCMI.a dnatroyed an I aimense quantity of stores of every description and abandoned his for’>fication* preparatory ;to a retreat towards James .rlvei. whi*b whs rommeneed last night, through White-Cat j uvamp. The Yank**..- aom been closely followed by • otar troops and Hundred* of prisoner* have bean taken. It is confidently expected ihs* the greaterpor | tion of the fugitive.’ will be intercepted Hr. i rap tured before night. smart’s ouvairy cipturod iackee* yesterday, who were trv mg to escape to York river. Th© attack upon the Yankee fort ideations ot Ellison’s MUD on Friday was made by the 44th aud 4 K tfi Georgia and the 2d and 3d N. C. Kugiinunts. Thr 44th and 3d suffered extreme ly. The 19th Miss, went into action wiitf'2l, hml had 31 killed and wounded. The 2d Mi-s Battalion had 30 killed and wounded. ■ fiie 2d Mii> had T lulled and 71 i won tided. lie 11th had If killed, 141 j wounded nod 7 missinjr. The ftth N, C. had -1 | killed and 4.3 wounded. The Lh Alabama had 1 “3 killed, 10-1 wounded and * uu-ssing. Ihe Herald of the 26th rvovived. In the fight ’ of Wednesday Hooker’s division with Ueintzle inan's corps, supportod by Gee. Keyes, were njragC'h .MoCleltaa in Li** dispatch*- to Stan | tx>n says it wa 4 net a bauie hut that lhe advHn nge ought was fully attained, with little h>f, iit .ugh the cnc-:.> resisted stubbornly. The 11 ©iaid ff.syi that feuds in the R*ptibMe*n party j >n the State - t New York mih daily/luritooiag in i bittern*** and interes'. Gold has miv*! to 108’ . Th© demand I for gold from Banker* who are remitting t*> Ku | rope, the pruceed* of Amarican stocks sold for | F.iropean account lain excess of the supply.— ihe cotton market i* excited with an advance of 2‘t< 3 cts per pound. Momlk, I one !f) Special tisputi;U to the Advert ;*.-r, <lh|i;*l | Jackson 2’Jtfi, sy* Pnssengera from V ick-burg this morning re ! port that yesterday morn in,’ 7 Krtleval veeaets I succeeded in passing up by our butteries. A ! -evere bombardment then commenced, luHt.nj; i two hours, bom the fleet and nailery on the i l/iuisfnna shore it is nodeistood that several vessels including the Brooklyn, were badly ! damaged. He ivy Laughter among their i crews. hud utne, iiuuudiu j, one womnu, killed. Our batteries uumjuied The lire is principally directed at the city.— Several bouses shattered. Tt is supposed the enemy will ,ot renew the conflict t*>w sere* s days. A deserter reports the enemytoss heavy, and that they expected uu eu> cap. ture. LATFR. We learn from Vick burg that the enemy is slowly bombarding ‘he town from their mortar I i oaiA to-day. The Telegraph office has been i smashed. A gentleman from New Orleans says Butler i lias issued an order levying a lux of $2,000,000 ou the city. A special di*patch to the Advertiser <lnted Jackson 30th, says : The Yazoo correspondent of the Missiaaip pian, writing under Jets ol the 16'h, says:— Two ofthe ei.emy's gunboat* were reconnoit eiing u the Y'axoo river, when Commodore I’mckoey burned the Con.cderale gunboat** Van Dorn, Folk, and Livingston. Tins action is considered unnenessary ami is much de p ored here. The loss ot property ts heavy. Gen Van Dorn issued an order of the 261 h to the a. my declaring that Vicksburg should be defended even to death. The Federals can never capture Vicksburg. The fleet appeared too much crippled to eugsge in u suceessiui i.ght with our batienee. • Fktersbi an June 30. A courier just from Bermuda Hundred* at 0 o’clock reports that a portion us ths Federals have been driven to the river where uuder cover of their gunboats they are endeavoring to etu bsrk. Four transport* hare pa*.*d down the river heavily loaded. Our field pieces on the Chesterfield side encaged the gunboat* nnd poured hot pis into th* m The gunboat* dropped dovrn to Turkey Island followed by our field pie ces. The enemy fleeing down the river bunk hotly pursued bv our troops and were falling thick and fa*t. At last accounts the firing was Inept rant. Riomozn, June ::o. Reports from thelim are somewhat coflict ted. The ina.iority of m cments to dav indica ng that onr army had hemmed in the Yankees, aud that the greater portion of (hum Mould lie captured Before night. The dearth of informa tion from the*l!nc to-day has been remarkable, and no news whatever could be obtained at the War I'©pertinent Rerernl hundredJhorse? *ap lured by lien. Stuart passed through the rlty thie •veuing. lint A private dispatch from Lieut. John Hew -rd of the Ist Regimcut Ga.. Regulars states that the Columbus Ijoys are nnhurt. ills twiere doabtlesN to the ('olouhnsboys in that Regiment. | Rt’ HKosn, July Vestenlay niternoon the euemy wus at taokod by General Huger in the viua<ty of White Oak Swamp. Thedivi ions of luong- and A. H. Hilt, were also engaged.— The aoiioa became general uid lasted eeveral hours, with heavy lo*.* on our side. The ene my was driven back about two miles further down. Jackson's forces were engaged with a column of the enemy and captured three batteries. The Enquirer xtatc* that a Federal oCcer brought in yesterday, reports that M Clelhn • mortally wounded, aad that .the \ ankee •rmy ia entirely demoralised. The tight yesterday took place on the Dnr. by town road, ;about live miles north east of Darbytown, it commeuced ntx>ut I o’clock m the afteru. The force* engaged on our de were General A. 11. Hill's division (and *everal brigades of ia>ngstreet s, embracing Kemper’s, Pryor’s and heatherstone’s. The J aukees made a desperate resistance, but w *re driven from their entrenched poemon and pursued two miles. They were heavily rciuforced and checked ine lurther advance of our men, but the ar rival of Mag ruders division, about 9 o’clock 4 again put them in motion. The darkness prevented our troops from following end routing the euemy. Oer less was very heavy, but that of the •‘••■•••was immense. . “• captured 600 prisoners, who have er nved is the twenty pieces of cannon. prieoners is Mnj. Oen. McCall i captured by Lieut. Rawlings, of the d7’h Virginia. Brigadier General Mend**, was also i-apiurr-d Thi* luoruing Gen. Meg ruder w ;ut in pursuit nf the Yankees but hod not overtake . ihemjat 8 o’clock, when our informant le f t. Ths *ngwgo ment yesterday is tqhnve tsu sanguinary ’ f flu -eriee of cor fli 1 this city. Thi valor >f our troops is beyond 1 praise. CIMKIaKSTi’X, July 1. t Lnte last night Gen. Pemberton re<'idvedjhe following: Kichm >iiU :.0t \nn finc.i to your ; lore :* that Rtfer 2 days fighting n* enemy have ‘ abandoned thoir camps nnd is m fnl! r ‘real cloßtly pursued by our army under Goneral Lee. They attempted to destroy tj .ii- t<)r**s >. u left their tents s auding and Urge quantities of their prisoner- are coming in. Ibigoed.j G. VV. RANDOLPH. According to urders at day t>r*k this morning falutcs were fired simultaneously r.t a 1 the Fc rto md batteries around Charleetou. The firing wa.- heavy lasting 10 minutes s artfttg the wholt city. To-day flag were flying every where. The Racer still lies unohored in the ll.irbor where she wll! probably remain some time. Tier otticeri visits the city frequently. Richmond, July I• Sharp cannouHiiirg ;i:d occasional reports of musketry were heard this afternoon in the direction of City Point. The firing t-eaned about i o'clock. No information of tla- result re. eiv ed. Two hundred prisoners captured thi.- uioru ing arrived at t> 10-a'ght URIVS k- Ot>i'AT|l||. Rit.iiii. Ni, Julv i. W u Lovrtbei 1 nro not woutdrd. Soutf. i- -afe ’ ip! Lock Wvetn* is wounded. White and tlolt, of Canty Rifles, killed. Ogintree mortai'.v wounded. A. A. LOWTHER, Maj 15th Ala.. Reg. ’Jon. Twiggsi re.-cnad thr fjllowiog dispajc yesterday fr t. Hi hthond, Judo 3hth: “We have uowuioeU a mpl§(o success thti* far. There Is no doubt of MTlellan’s rout, and ihe probable destruction of most of hi.- artny.M o have ’©cured many valuable stores, thoogn the euetuy destroyed a largo portion in hia re’ rt- *t. Our friend? are all safe. A C. MYERS. Aug vtta Chi cinch. Richmond, July 2. AT account* concur in representing the battle yoterd .y to huve been the most des perate and terrific wbtcli has yet taken place. The enemy lu*ld a very stroo; position md maintained it against the repealed araairttaot our iroops for auveral hours . having concen trated their entire force for h last, deaperuie vtand. A heavy ram hu* fallen this forenoon and it i* lielieved that there ha* not bean much lighting to nay. Occasional heav s reports of artillery have been benrd in tli:i<|diroction No prominent Confederal** officer was kiTed vesterdny. Moiiii.x, July 2. Special to the AdverrLei. Jackson, In.— Th New Orleans Delta offbe 2Sih contains a number of Butler's order*. No. 17 declore* the City Authorities delunct, and assumes to him**lf all the dutiei* of both the Mayor and Board. No election to be held until n suffi cient number of loyal •vtirern* will justify if.— , No. 40aequu8snte the property of Major 1 General No. lb allow- ve-sela with -upj>!ie*to come and go, a*'tgo the City Hall to tho use ot Provost, fixes the price of flour at s2l a bar reland closes all barrooms, unman license be taken before the Ist of July. No 61 allow h no vessel to carry colored persons without a permit. in the Provoat Marshall's Court the Union Bank filed a putii.on against the Mer chant* & Trader*, Bank for *>iic huodred and thirty thousand dollars.’ The Merchant* Ac f radef* Bnukoffered to pay the Union Bank Confederate Notes, which tbn Union Bank refused, and the case was ti:raJ***d onthe ground of want of jurisdiction. Lieut. Dickey, Aid to Gen. William*, died from the wound* he received at Grnod Gulf on the 26th. Special to the Tribune. The ‘ackeonALf* aUsippian of to dny ay: As v.*e write the booming deep ton** nf cannon from the enemy's fleet .a Vu'kaburg. is distinctly heard. When ! j it is remembered that the distance, h, railroad | is 11 unit*, we may well that the td unbHrdui* nt ;s the most tremendous ever known on this continent. The oilmen* >t Yi. k-burg, and the mtittary authorities, ire firm iu deiermiootion to suffer H.e city battered down before they surrender Gootideeoe, de terimnatioQ and chce; tuino-, perx m.e.- Ihc ramps urn! people Gukyaua, July 1. b urthcr particulars vny taut Jack eon's Cuv alryjbosides destroying a train ol curs,captured 10*'. loads of stores, LOO hordes end mules and sl.’>o,ooo in >;*r.te. aMof which has been saved and brought South It is rumored North that iN- *itar;. Stt eii ton,wi!l resign and be su>- ceded by G'-mwal Scott, some say Banks. RlHCXoxn, July 2- ’ Innumerable and conflictingrepnrli have been i afloat m-day relative to >b© tight yestoruay. No I official in formation could be i.bteiced, but r-tu j atateuieut.i deemed reliable it appears that . ... k ‘ sob's tureos whff occupied the ieit of our - -- uc | ©ceded in capturing 2 batteries which Had ] ravi i ou sly hue a taken and retaken. The ei.* ->y’ i I batteries playing-.nour right were (inally .cut* J ed. Iho gunboat* in ii.e river were engage din I shelling tho wood* occupied by a portion of om j troops. The battle ground was occujccd by th* j Conteieratee thie morcing. the n* m. Lavm;; moved towards the rivor during the nn;bt. “h ! Y'ankee Gen. fcnmner is woun - *td a pr: n*r. Nobody seem’ to kn. w the piuci*o siloation of tbe remnant ofthe Y'ankc* nnay but it is be lieved that ha.- nut yet*ff.<*-d its escape. The Yankees m la*t account* were two mitts l>eyond the M'en< of the conflict of yesterday af ternoon, haviug retreated during the night. The position they hold ‘ esurday upon -be un mit of a hill, lorgified and defended by stveT:< batterie*. They are now supposed to be under cover of their gunboats or in close proximity to Jamei river The heavy rain tbiP morning probably prevented aetire pursuit, and the un derstanding is there has been nu n: to day. Among the rumor* which receive cie denoe is one that Gen. Hooker, Y aukco, wa? mortally wonmmd yesterday. Prttonors have been arriving all day. Northern papers received. The Tribune ha- a special uispairh which *sys - The severe and most determined haul*-, was (ought on the j wrighi wing on Thursday and Friday, c!n med by some ofutir officer* a* u -ttetegctn: move ment. which will soon result iu the capture ol Richmond and the enure rebel army. Th* Herald has u dispatch of similar tenor. This i* the latest account given. An official dispatch from Washington da ted June 30ib, says the Government fins no ac carvte Information of ths state o( affairs on the | I’eniosuia, by reason of interruption of Tele graph commudication. Nothing has been re i-ieved to warrant tb** beiiof of any .arums dis aster. Fulton, Baltimore ir*m vl Associstad l’ress, sent a uie-i>ag<* staling that the Seerethry of war and rided that nothing be Telegraphed re lative to aluirs on the Peuttsula. Tin- action J of the Government had creeled tho wildest ex citement in the North. Frsmont has resigned or been removed. The fVaahiugtoa correspondent of Now York Times, says ail the latest advices public and private from England, indicates spirit of res tireneeson American matters, more significant tkanhitfierto manifested. CitAaLCsTO*, July 2 The enemy exhibits activity on James Island and seem* to have abondonod the lo cution of ndvauciug eerc the Island, via .Secessionvdie, and is landia? iroope higher j up the St no it with t view of tlank jng Fort Pemberton, The Yankees have a largo To;ch of contra bands throwing up works near Newo-wn Cut | Hridge, below Fort Pemberton Mobile, .Inly ~ j Special to tke Advertiier, July 2d, ley? tbo federal fleet i* still bombarding Vicksburg, but with little effect. Special to the Tribune, (rrenedn, Ist, •ay.- 1 a gentleman tnrt from Mempbi*. says Northers account* of the first two day.-, fight before Rich mond, acknowledge McCletian badly defeated. The Avalanche pays there i a large of pickets killed every t ight in Memphir. Mobile34—Special to tho Auvertiaer—-Grena, da, I'd. -Yesterday the Federal*, .’,OOO strotg advanced sod occupied Holly Spring*. Jeck son's cavalry them throe miles frhm the city aad poured into their ranks a heavy fire, killing and wounding one hundred. Jackson scamper ed oil with aloes of one mm wounded- i'e r ---els are also in the neighborhood of Ocn Villi pigne PrTtftm no. July A courier to Captain Milligan of the signal corps has reached Petersburg this lore no on from Bermnda Hundred?. A couple of fret-negroes were sent over tojbbirley yesterday. They re turned and report that the enemy and hi-, wag ons have left Shirley and gone towards West over on the North side of James River oelow Cay Point. Heavy firing was heard all yeatarday after noon four ntileo below City Point. All gunboats and transports have disappeared. None visible at City Point. Two divisions of onr army were in olose pur suit of the Yankee* this morning, who were r> treating through Charles City County, near th* River. Stuart's ceve'rv, who have been opera* Oh PdOLUitVry, li'.'f jui’ etl in the purtuit • which t.air gi • - dilf'-n of the COin.t\ B win< u ihe icoet ii be--fs'arily flow. h .fl ro'*,,m,t3 j,j. , ;> expectitiiuu of liiecap. I id re of nuiafit rs of rJio fng.r \<■#. H Gee i.ionul firing tu.hty in r.nroi Wtstover C. ■ If.. Charles City Couoty, 28 miles tn.m Rich- ■ ma-vnrl. Several fugitives fmm .MeClelUn’s army I kuve been arrested today <,n this aide of Jamci ■ river, and five just brought in and lodged ir ■ i Petersburg jai;; utters ne\r Rtfrau.k ■ : Hundreds and taken to Drury’s Bluff. All s,j H , M-'Clri ai.'j army i- badty worsted. Iho enemy V 1 abai.dened Carles X rk Tuesday night, leaving ■ 2o pie,of cannon, several hundred boxeiCfixcd ■ j iu.muuirion, and lust amount of commVs;iry I I and other store*. Parsons io the vicinity irpre- 1 -nf tb<* grand u-my end enbaus- I tod. buriod ut dhirb y and several woun- I Jed lelt there, Th are Mill hovering 1 nbotit Berkley find . hilling th© woods. S 1 Chakleston, July Bd, ; The enemy last night evacuated the-r rrvj. I Hon An Jume* 1-Hud. On o-e eithe ruo ks .1.- leli h Ward ioi-ribed “buirwell Stce.-h we go, but will c. me again.” Many unu j... rto the ruasAu of this movement. M, niu think H-/ bulk ol Hunter’s forces have been ordered to Kit it utiNp, July 7. Gen. Rob j • n sci , occupied -Moriticid, Har-iv r .siiy. .•.‘ipru-ir.g u large quantity of comm is r.’ ‘•t - Gen. H succeeded in corn u u ‘ J • • ( tvairy force*’ m ‘he Valley of Vir ginia. Knm: xd, July -J. The lit .miner Yuras from sour ©of vr .:> reliability, that the rvc.-n: .1 atcl. , JUr Mioi->tM in Eu opc, ar ‘icii ;i< t> ;,t*ur.; rna early of the CoQK-,d..r tt y . .si -ielJ has Indicated immediate prospect ol re ; uiU.m | by the Fronch Government, j The officers of the Sumter “ t*r . a few v..- ;igc, j*.lt wvdl .'it Southampton, KoglcmJ. f;,, I Sumter . till ~t Gibraltar. Richmohu. Jalv i. Owing to fb* reoH>tcucaa of ihe army, it is veiy clilficilit to oDta>fi ißioru.*. tion of the sit.iation of aflaira. Various ru mors art- afloat, Hut cone can be traced * reliable source, it i* only certaiu that Me. Clullan’i. army ha* been complete y rot;;’ nnd WhiLt a portion uiay nave escaped trans-po ts. a large number will be capture.: Our v.jiorv is complete’ Mobile, July j. A -pcciel dispatch‘to he Tribune, irom Vicksburg ;d, say* the upper fleet slow y bombarded the city >ea>erday aod to day without effect. The lower fleet ilen\ The enemy have established communication oj posite the city, between the upper aud ’ow# fleet*. It i* believed they ore building rail road connections to transport provisions The Brooklyn is re,- iled sunk. A dcserier -ay* the euemv have suffered considerably from our batten's, ihat one >tie!l killed 9 on the Tuscoeora. ttiffpatoh to the Advertiser front Grenada :>d, says 4.000 Federal* who advance j ■outb Tuiilesf .a H'.-lly spring-, were attacked yesterday by Jack'on'* and Pienions cavalry J,6Uo str-ffug; aft. “ -harp eva'eft were routed and driven hack ih g‘ MoUy springs which .the C'.niVderates c.-uyied. Gur lose 4 killtu and several wound- -i Federal loss aeveu. Arkansas iotcil geucc eonfirras rhercp. rt that C cGi* .’ Inucg hard pre.-sni by iuriUtUHT. aud Rain©-. Hig capture is a nsiden.-d certain. Por t-r RuDgern atti-cked a guarded wagon tra : 12 i u.iU • -at Memphis on Tuesday and destroyed 21 wagon*and captured 8U horses and mules. Richmond, July •. ; A ‘ from i*. ursbnrg say* tnat a gen ilo-iati w. , camo u'dm •:own the rivor coui.:ed eighty v..... .tub ku. .• at and below UtiKtiy y a t r.iay. Heavy eannenuding was bearu back ol Berkely from tselvo to half-past one. A dente oolamu oi smoke was ?ecn ar..-ing. Sub sequently tbe Monitor aod another gunboat j. as rad up above City Flint in Ibe aiiernoon, shelling the woods'furiously as they pn gre- td, ‘iho Tribunt of the h tays the number of killed, w ;.nJ6d and m gsiog, in |tbo fight near Charleston, was 6SS. Oen. Bonham hu> leen .irrestod for making ih* uaoh. He and his •• tnff hareioarhed New ‘fork. Mobile, July A MpciJ dispatch to the Tribune. ( aied Jackson ;ith, say The Memphis \rgus an.; Avaiaucue have woib been so j t nded, ib* for mer foraskiug Granl’i. j ciumt . a i publish tin* t southern acoi.not .•!’ .MeCttilan’- : :.r ki j uuiffd, and the latter for alleged Hilary seu uiia:-:.t. published in ih*.l juper. CVnlo'ivratv at-: now within four ia\'.u j of ALm,W arm work expected soon. Look ou: fur stirring events. Soveiu- en more <>t tho or.* n> V pickets wore found dtod last Wednes day morning. The Northern pc; i- oi ihellUth are perfectly sittnt abfUt McGleLat/s “on to Richmond.” i’o Nh Jeon'? dufeat is not meutioned iu any of the Northern paper*. A dispatch lrotn Gam. state* tint tw. eompa uii cf lilinoia Cavalry, whilst goirg up ih river ‘roin .Memphis, mutinied, and look pus *.e. on of the -reitniboa'. Cause not assigns T hey were arrested on their arrival at Cm: . X icksbor., oib.—Loinbaruuu at still coi:M>*c* .-lowly, with bat little <fleet on either h-.dt. GKOlltil A, ULi-ion i ountyt • IHiKBAR 4-\ If. Mrtad tiuardiaf! >t Mary ffV .lane Law, firintSiU Mary June l ►.. n. iise.i.x j niMi'e h ffitSi ;e*G<;me. I, ou.l , •in ri n> • • . I •otters of die • houou: AU pctßo,-s concerned are hereby notili. l t<* ip- I , ear at the Court of Ordiumy i-t *r:u con . iv < >; me ‘ <t Monday in rteptemicr u> ■x.,.-.,*d *] u . . ■j- ‘my thev Lave, why saiu Mi t .; i fioalo not be o:r-i: !.•►. ! iron, said Guaiaun^M,.. uiveu undi.'i niyimi.a and •■ihc’aiiuznature Jnne ‘iT, laoi. MALCOM if AIR, fid. J Tlh, i s - *-w U)4 K> -H.GlA—.Marion County: iff. HEiiLAH. a L C.'tLT having *ap;.tM .1 f, > <ei. v u-i* othduu nti-l,nupon ib< ♦ uuu. of l<*v.U L. Muria*, fle r t*vd ls*>e are tnetuler*? to cite and admonish all and •nxuiar, the hiiufrril and creditors ol • 1 decea*. to be and appearut the ( oart oi Oiuinarv in hud tor *Meoni ty, sud li** inci. obj. tiious, If any the) ter* Hill be grained OB iki flr*i Monday in §epteiiMir uext. (Jiveo under uiy nano ana official s.pnaiur-, this July 1, iiC'J MALCOM Ii AIR, Ordinary. Juiy 7, r> vd. GFOttGlA—Marion Ootintyt f MLff N1 J L. rtmitli *.!<..uu*- I ,-t .rr! A. ifio-iss. U,- • u*d naung tii and niisi t*'ii • foi ltsUe-v of iiiiiuibVion irom rail ratios: lL*i ll.erforr uefe and ndmonisb all and ■oßsiuinr the k:ndrl n,l i-icditors of s-J dri raratl o */:, w u a*y 11 ry Ij.iv** wit in L om* presr.rib and hy law wtiy , . tomi should not t* dl*tarn *-4 irom a ! . i adruinutratkii. Giv. n under in, u.tiid sßii <illci:i S’gnatnre July Ist. 1” *- MaLuo.M i. alt . *Md July ‘•, F'it u r.m (iKOfi m t, MsrlouCoiiniyi UJ 11LKLAS, Amanda J*. Ho.* having nude -p pIK-: ot lor letiers oi'admiiiMtratioi. upon the tv'.te of t\ . W. R,ift. . seed, i Thaws nrw'iheii'ture to cite and adm msh all and j fingioar Ji#- kindi* and uud rmtnorH ol aaid deceased, to h- uiiu appear at my office on the nisi Monday in Vueua... to -mum oaun** f any they have, why sam lett.'i l.t a'.a uot be granted to said applicant at cording to law. | <*n u uituer my hand fat ‘office, tbi* June !ri, : MALCOM HAIR Junt—wi.‘:od Qidinait. GEORGlA— Chattahoochee County 117 HCK|AB Marl; A G*orgc, adnunMri* or cub Vv u namrnto aiM>xo. on the rotate of Mary 11. George, daee&kci., applies lor dismission ir u> *std adrointstraiion - All person*roneern*-d nr* required to i. tiv ruu* if any they bavft, witimi sj.** tune prestnoed by law why the naid Marx A. (Jcorps ahould uot be d.* nusseil an on: mg *o ih prayer of hr* pstition , outer* wire letters o . i*i:n,aiou uni hi: to p icant ou the. fij MoisdS/ in Jauuary n. xt Uiveu uud. r (Ay uauo and ufficia. signature, th s June I tb. ld<J‘T. J.n 81 w(un iS. W. PARKER, Ord. | GEORGlA—Meaoogee County: I hOiICK-lf i*-n Testamentary i CL on ttie v*ta eof t bar J. SVifiiams, Uet'd isleol | nid co ,iit>, bing is<tu*db. the fiom*rajlc, ih Cour* j .| ordinary‘T*itl county to the unuirsigned, sJ 1 lii.iejwd to raid r:ate, will com* I lorwnrdaud >mhW; and those ha’ inr willprv wat tb Ol WlihiH the time preaerik,ed by luw or ilis> Aillb*’ oarred. R.F (IQ WARD. Ex’r. MARY ANN W||,|,IAMH, Bt'v N. 1.-Lrtt*r* on wi 1. until turinei no tire, be direr.iedfcO Itie 41 R v noltK tin. K. R HOIV AFP, Ex’r. March 6, 18C5--dSro GEORGlA—CbeUahoochoe County HULK NI HI, WHBRKAP R vers R( se, adramirttator on the f-iut* c f R W. He.m, decees* and, liaving lufiy .dministerad on raid estaio, prmmut tills touri tor Lcti'M ot PirniiHSioai It is therefore ordered, that all persons concerned •how cause, il any they have, why raid applicant >hou!d not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary >*> he field in and far saideounty on the first Monday In June l.*u2 Give ‘ undri my hand and official signature, Nov IMI R W. PARKER. Ordiuary Dcceinoer 9, 18H1-—W*in GEORGIA—MerIon Countyl Court of Ordinary Junt Term, 18f2. R! LB M?l. . \7IIEfIEAB. Wai-rcas W:; ..j R. Nu; Guai vr danofMat;ba* Nutt, hiving app lew f ni-v loiffiiou from mt.i Guard a ship: All persons concurred arc hereby notified to rau#*, if any they have, witaia the time pit y/ bv law. why tfiesaid Wm. li Nutt should t diemissc accor> mg tot ha prayer of bis petin Given under my baud and offinai sisna’ Juue, lent- MALCOM UJJ jus •—wflm /