The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, September 22, 1862, Image 3

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ra fej. tarns’* Army... Official lfopitfiiw, Wo have tho pleasure of publishing the fol l't#i g copies of official fctlegr tins to the Snore* , -rv .!’ War, in tol.t in to iherocuut i-riliiaut successes achieved ry M.-j -i den W. \V. Luring in Wes t n Virginia CAPII.'ItK P JIM fIAM VN. Ui’Ai)i :■: , 11K-• W V*a.* [ V. -..nos c. . 4 >t 11. I dd. ) Jc!. Ii; iffi't llueli.: fc |j. I-bus C. H- Gen Koileyh in a- pot, w-’ i &,(>f) stand of arm uo ! i.oane s* .. ah v.’ which de stroM . lie h k the com::, officer and thirty pr . iovs. ‘l i. ne\ day bo cu i ,l “ UH Wcstoii! •uo ... ho tc.k ii> liville. Tho next day i.o tt k C and. K.Ub':.,no and hisregi mut *•. !•... t. u. tfcf n:x: i*3t < ir " vo, ‘ luroe us liw enemy i: -n Hr vcniwooil, ul t>>® nnxt ;,J err. over • ••• nnu.liin.y rJ mile. ltht..-! ; ■ : lu:* untß on tb.- Kornwln. ,H g -.. 1) W ***’*• JW'-’ ; e li.-r .t. , v , ru .. y,unr HOl'Sr ‘ \a:.:u P‘*- S W V- > Payetto C. it. cep I , -2. > A/or a fatiguing tnarch l ennieep’ i •’ *u my near!. 1 ? jiii.o >< n yerruruay, (•’ ; * i***d I *( ■. | , h t; •: bo*i <>’ . so w<:ich w (! r ,,t. cont vtrtii.: every ilicit of my | aiiv i v• r rent llc*, bo cutcrc.i bis foriifioa- ; tion.H t -hi place, which were strong, and con- j sLtcd 11 very formidaM# outer work?, enclosing j a quadrangular tort with g.i,e sand redoubts, aud well mounted wish nino heavy pieces of ar tillery. My tatii pushed v;* \o the wills with great spirit, irlli*‘ jr g-c.-tt loss on the enemy. | Our loss small. A.i - ‘ 1 • ffall, tu tho force of tho cn- piy already in me foil, tbre* rc-i- j merits w.-re addad ns re u-foies; men at by one j of tho many r>d* which my forces were not j uumemus enough to guard. ‘lbis iu.ido the toe- j my about ftva regi.ueut* stronger; but whilo | wo I ty tu <ur nrms 0* renew thu ;it>-k ibis J ruotu-.g, ! -: my fie 1 Probably they i -ok. the .uiie iv and by tho rucf tieruienH en tered, and lam now merter of tl-.r wotk?. 1 \ \ la iluhlt; , at . . H, i 02. j A ‘ter lighting tw > obstinately uU aid fights Gauley—the enemy Im.vui,,; 1-oos. put to tliglil J their wag >n r.. . -. The aga *n and many non were burnt l 1 iforo they flwi. lam cm-.; : S the K o.avha and panain - ; the t u my. Wo took 700 burre! of .-a \\ , War l> , .rti •. ■< ti.r. .-ring: Viutid.s tJ. H.iVib. ‘) lion. O. W. Kasnow', Sec’y, of War : I After icoectnatkirerishing from Gau’y down. ; rei>, burning ibeir s ores and most of i rn- iru’. bevy. it:;, in full r*.treat Jenkins ■ KICBMM), HAITI E.f tuilowing extract if a letter fr-tnnn ‘’ubr Koh” writer give •*,. •• ‘ f!• ~ ■ Ivy., four days* jt v> <u to tbs battle. I -how-, that Dull Utin Xcl.m.u bad ni Richmond j gome clay a before, aml hoped to entrap *.ur forces instead of being b- 1. arduous duties of dirripiining raw ir>o; % and > preparing them ffir th 1, an ondertak'- which, l>v the way, is far in n :’u.vt periccee -T Croft and Mn*w*n, the Sa.-.v \. !i he M. Cteylan-wh-r-. I : r . :..,i,teih.l.;-w*li bo assigned :he < • mmaml of a • livisiurt. tj, and is situate : c r.v • si try in the world. This county i-; *• •; j,tho mutt weattby and aristocratic in the ,iu;d con tains quite a number of Union rm.-.. General Nelson’s arrival at this place wj ■ mdoed oppor tune, as the Greets wore crowd-.:*. • who were ordered t. their camp?, ‘; weie re-organized, end drills, tc., c tah;’..'!u.d. THK FIGHT AT l” tiiSVIUUi: HAND* SOME AID FROM 01 ft l ’ END IN MAUI LAND. The only re*i.-tauce oar ttoops encountered in crusting the Potomac was from the Ist M 1 nchu?c Mvalry, who k*4 luitn ; erab’S, >.v. i t'caiupcmi a- a raj A rro A letter 1 to the N w York Tribute complains ilia* tie first duty performed by tlu Ist Regiment Mary land volunteers eaikd out lor the tiefcnco of the Ftate was to j *,ur a Tolley into tie retreating Federal cavalry. The corrcspcmucnt, Jrota that, thinks that the Mary i and trooj - canned be rc - lied on. We give an extra t frt :u hi* icttur. The road had l>een clear in the morning, and was counted on for obstructed retreat; j but, while the inan<>-u vering in front had con- I sonied the dsy, some Mar)’and traitor had j piled atones at the worst p; n the road in ! such quantity that the horses, at illoj, ‘ could not fail to go down. Enveloped in clouds of dust, the head of the rc -.mting ro’- | umn came down the road at *pe < and plan j ging into the and nones together fell in confusion, piled one on another ia heaps. The reb**' were <•; ‘ beh l tu* and those w ..o wcr.i ‘aid ouiy im-’vtc.r. The retc'-%-aa firing into n:;d sabering t ■ prostrate men. Some of them were <ru he*. J under thetr struggling hor.-es. Capt. Cham-! rUin, whose borne hup fallen upon iiim, shouted to the rebel leader that bis men were helpless, and the fimg was ordered to cease. Capt Motley and Cupt. Wells, with moat of their men, escaped. Capt. Chamberlain, with about twenty men, were captured. AIJ were liberated next day on parole. Before the men were sent off Gen. Lee xf .de them a speech, advised them never to i* :e up arm t again to subjugate tbo baui'u, ofoturcu teat there .ire and rotm be two Conte Jen es on this eenttaoDl.tiyM?’ ***&*&’ hon ethic* and pr.Htics in by all of which the men were duly edA.iid. Capt. Chamber lain hud a long c. inrcrsatioj with . i: bugh Lit and Stu art, and reports that their cavalry forces are very large.© <if. ‘ons fired from bouses along the street* on the retreating cavalry. ;‘At Darnistown the rebels flun;.’ ..r.i Lottie , and all sorts of missiles it va the windows. The Chicago Journal, of the 2'Jih uU., cays John Chief of the Cherokee Nation arrived at Chicago yesterday, accompanied by bis family and a retinue of .about fitly persons en route for Washington, where be will lay the grievance* ofhi* people before the Presi dent, and urge the vending of a body of troop*, to clear the territory of hostile tribes oi Indi ans and cut throat rebel*. John Iloss is a Union man; never was anythin’, else,and nev er could bo. Bat for more th in a year bis life and that of bis friends has b-cn in hands of traitors, and the chief wus compelled to pursue the course he has taken ,in order to save his people from ruin. He ha* played his part wisely and successfully, and we now hope the Government will follow oot its work of reclaiming that country. About ditto weeks ago, Ross and his i datives were Over powered by superior number* mid lortfed to leave the Territory. Making the best of their way to St. Joseph, Mo , ihey came from thence l-y railroad to this eity, ><u l left l-*i evening oil the Michigan Central Kailroad for Wash ington (For the Daily Times.) HEROICS. A l’jutbowii ! qu ek ! for, yo Gods! aint it shabby That honest old Aba shouldn’t have an old “ abbey,” Grand, gloomy and vast as tbo balls of old Odin, To gather the gas, as his heroes, explodin’, Send their ghosts into space to gibber nn l wan der, In a style to astonVa a dead Anaconda! A West min.-ter ! straight! where, out of tho weather, the world may behold Doodle’s dead all together; There, flat on his Luik, great Scott should bo With Iho other tall boys that togged “der iuu- McDowtll, McClellan, Sickles, Seigols, Sykci*, I Hiker, Duller, Bull Nelson, Dlcnker and Dir ks, j Hunter, Fremont mid Pope, and tho rest of the Yh„l,., Ila a posture derived from artnD and a straddle, A8 they moved, when they lived, at their latest skedaddle. A wonderful show ! and, for dollars and cents Hero's a plan by which Doodle ouu dodge tin: expense ; Bitch hero to bring his own l'aa as be dies, And sign bis own name to the legend—•• Hkiik Lies.” (1\ r the Daily Times.) Mrs, PartiuntuQ on Pope. I “ SVm J'nj.e to St. J'avt!” 11 why I thought4ho poor creetur As m.ide the Bull run, belonged to St. Peter “’ COSFLIMKMS OF THE SEASON. ; i render at ClarLtvilU, Avg. 12 I*o2 “C.runt PMason of the V Ist Ohio, (the sumo ; regiment denounced by General Sherman for •. cowardice at Shiloh,) with oft men, two cannon, j and strong entrenchments at Clarksville, Mirren- ] i dcrod, without resistance. Thesurren- : j dor w.‘9 mad. l loan inferior force of rebel eav&l ----| ry, and Mason end Woodward mudespeiches | ! complimenting eaeh other.” MVS OX TO WQOUWAKD CoJ.'Wo-dward, I cannot refrain from exprer- ; My sense of tho honor you do tuo to-day. In taking a sword I otu tiroi of posee&iog, And tak’ g if, to -, in >•. civil a way. T ■ tel! v >u tho truth though I've fed no aisgiv- j Coucernir g the rights of the cause 1 xiphoid, I h.ue had ;; c mviction that one As*, still living, Is wor h a battalion of Lions stretched cold. j At Mtiloh,'lsaw I could rav atmnunition— And my bacon—by thifttug my ground; ! S.i my brave 71st, with a yell look position Where all was serene, as we afterwards found. Mj liuckcycff, for this, were by Sherman berated, Ho ventured to call nano better than sneaks; | lint, Colonel, this thrice happy chance I’ve await ed To prove there'* no braver than him who uow WCOIiW Alt l> TO MAICX. Thrice hnppy, dear Colonel, iua I to acknowledge The churns ot a soldier so polished uud Irut 1 w ■-yle of address w mid iluinine it eolh l -'-; Hour deeds, unexcelled, beenequ<ilK<d by Sbuuldjyour govoroiueni to apprtciett* your merits, TJel’t ve me, your worth f r.ot slighted by >urs; ! It values tho true Northern man woo inherits— | And uses such wry remarkable powers. Ij every respect,you're tho equHl, dear Col., Us Pillow and Bragg. <>ur two brave t and . wi -. and • . prudent, your fame will keep ver- ! md ng after y. ur win buttered frame goes to j Ila .e your bright wepon, your men, and your- j For ail arc a j ersonal favor from you; Au i regret:i:i;* your talents arc laid on the shelf, ’ ; it • yor parole, and now bid you adieu. —[Vanity Fair. ! j Aw* i her prop -t, writing t>> an agricul -1 tural | ; > cr agy:“When you wish to know j J what the weather is to be, go out and aelect ‘ | the sum: tut <;oud yon see; keep your eye upon ! | it, and if it decrease* and disappear* it show* ; a *tateof tho air which will be sure to be fol* | lo .vvd by tiip) weather; but if it increases in j hizc like your great coat with you if you are I going from borne, falling weather will not be i far off. The reason is this, when tho air is becoming charged with electricity, you will ! see every cloud attracting all lesser one* to war .A i until it gathers into a shower; and, on the contrary, when the fluid is passing off or diffusing itself, then a large cloud will be scan breaking to pieces and dissolving.” Tins Snkak. Tollman, who recently tsssyed to cross over into Canada, dressed ia iomale attire, with his wife, and a child in UU arm-, is still at Stevenson House in Lockport. The authorities .in Pennsylvania I LaV'dicen t’U-gaphcd to, and inquiry has betn 1 ; rvs to what shall be done with the man, hut no reply has been received up to last Thurs day. He id a man of wealth, anfi'-ays, if it had not been for the entreaties of his wife lie would have remained at home, and took his chances of ; draft. He says he luxes his country, but h*ves his wife and family more. He has a large am of mrncy with him, and i the gourd at the bridge a package os $-'.,000 to Jet him puns at the time of detection, but it may be said to i the c redit of the guard, he wus Incorruptible 1 and refused tho enormous brfire, but placed the E .addier under urreut, and wok biro to l, >• k port, where ho now remains. —liucheeier Lem. Rrn igat l n Foiiibshadow*d.“ At a recent “ ;r meeting” held in Brooklyn, the Hon. H. Ij. nton, in order to stitnnlale tba bellieoa© sot ‘in -1 of his auditor*, said, amongst other t i: ;j . that if our (loverntanet wont to pie , •iier<9 w al ! bS no United SUes to pay the ■ b.-bt, K.;dhe vfuulJ advise those who hadsny thing love- od in United .Htates Stocks to save •II and ■pend had. This look* a good deal like preparing tho public mftu in Linooludom for a repudiation of rho en rtiiau* war debt which l* running uj thereat thera.e of some *tx tmllion* a day, — e ino ether way of ever poking it.—CA.. Courier. Nrw Bkioaimsk Gk.xbralj.—The following recent appointment* of Brigadier General* have bed made: William Steel and J F Eigen, of Arkao*a.'; Fraud’s A Shour, of Florida: Col Skurry and Allison Nelson, of Texas. dr*. Braoo’h Aii mt.--Information received by ns indicates with certainty tbot Gen. Bragg,* arrsy arrived at Glasgow, Kentucky n tho 14tli inliaot.— Chattanooga Hebei A letter from one of Wilson’s Zouaves, at Pen <xcola, says thoy are steeping in luxurious pring t>eds, uud upon pillows of tho softest down, upon which the fair daughters of secession bare been •runt to oloao tboir.languideyes. Tho toozoot lounge upon carved sofas, survey themselves through splondcd mirrors and revel in the rich libraries for “books to read.”—Thoy stroll open vernndahr, and pluck oranges and lemons in gardeus scouted by magnolia and olianders. Plenty us srtay chickons, goese, ducks,pigs, Ac., yet remain, and beef in abundance. Vcr.iy tLo zjo-zoos ars in oluver, TELEGRAMS OP THE M EEK Riltiuom), Sept Id. .N'.. new* of a re'iablo char.cler fca> t™n r.- OBivedfrom our urrny lu Maryiamt lor Mural days. The New York Herald of the 11th contains nothing later from (ho Isout of war. It ojeatfocs “ report that Suward will re.Mgu un i accept a i align ui.nsii'o. tool) JEMS PI.OII HI..\IICH\. Kno.willk, September 14. Couriers who leit Lexington, Ivy., on ilu Gib instant, with dispatches from Gen. Kirby Smith, arrived boro this morning. Ueu. Smith’s army had not >oi reached Covington, Ky., but it was mo\ing forward and tho pooplo were rising en to join it. Three thousand mon were re cruited in twenty-four hours. Gin. Smith Calls for an immediate supply of twenty thousand stand of arm*.. Ton Kentucky regiments were being raised under tfoueral A Buford. General Smith made a triimiphant entry into Lexington on tho Ist inst. Tho people from the susruundiog country rushed spontaneously U receive him, pouring in all day hudjoiniug ;u the wildtst deiaonstrulioiis of delight. The la dies cried with j y and gratitude. Geu. John .Morgan arrived on rti.f 1:1., und was received with boundK a cuthusiasm. C<d. (Seutt'a Louidiana Cavalry took postokion oi Fraukfort, Ky.,on the ;>J inst. Col. beott plant ed his battle flag on tbo dome of the {Jute House, the at reels being thr.nged with men aud women front the surrounding country, who received our triH-ps wilh a brilliant ovation. The enemy evacuated Fraukfort on the u-ght of the 2d inst. Col. * eoit went in pursuit the ; next morning, and fcu: back a largo uuaibcr <>f j prisoners, beside- throe hundred mules. It was reported that he had overtake n tho tlyingcuemy, had succeeded in getting in their rear, and would j capture tho ei.tiro traiu, with vast quantities of j i ,r j Tho Lexington (Ky.) Statesman, oi the 6th ! in*!., contains a stirring aiMrssjr frum Getie.aU j ymitfa hud Buford. j Gtuorul Humphrey Marshall via# exp-. htc.ltj teach Pari.-’, ivy., on the nigtit of the (Uti inst., I and would camp on his own farm. Do Courcy’s brigade of I'edorals left flu- North | .'ide of Comberland Gap on tho I lib in.-t., with | j a largo number of a foraging uxpc- j j dilion. j A skiriui h occurred oil the I2ih instant at j i Baptist Gap, threw miles from Cumberland Gap* ! | The enemy were driven hue).. N ■ particulars of j the fight are given, j IlicuaoMii, Sept. 15. -Official dispatches re j reived hero itate that Gen. Loring d.leaf ed tho enemy in the K i wba Valley, \‘.i. and < I that U.n Jenkins had m tdo a -u -e-. (aid i 1 into Ohio. Gen. McCown has made application for a lar;* climber of arms for the Kmitu- . • w •” are ‘.joining tho Confederate army. 1 Nothing late from Maryland. N.-rthern pu | per* of tho 11th represent that McClellan's army , had inarched beyond Rockville, in quest of the rebels, and a baffle was x pec ted iu * few days between that place ani FredcrUb. The Leglsbiture assembled to-day in extra j *esion. Uov. LetehnFs niMMge urges prompt ; action to increase thu supply of salt for tho peo ! pic of the State, lie advocates aggressive war ugmust the enemy, and ..recommends that ua amnesty be granted to loyal citizens in por ! lions of tho State that is > verrun by tho ene my, who have taken oaths Liad'og them to i abstain from active participation in the war; ; aud also expresses the opinion that the usurped ; Govi nmient under Pierpont will soon bo over thrown, and denounces extortion and extortion era, and concludes by congratulation at tbo ; bright and glorious prospect before !lio country. ! Conobk.ssi ‘-xai.,- In the fermte tb Military 1 Exemption BUI was dbcuusod ail day. ! A communication from h President infoira ! ing tho .Semite, in reply to their resolui i .m thaj ho has no authentic lalurumtu a of fh* execu tion of soldiers in the Cooiadcrato army by any genera I officer. In tbo House resolutions of inquiry relative to the establishment of Asylums t- r indigo t rol diers, and bounty lands wire ad*.pied. The Conscription Bill was further distiuxsed. Am auicndment was adopted exempting a regi ment of State troops organized in Tolas lor the protection of the frontier of thu’ Suto. Cuattanooua, Sept. Ift.—-liitollicence rc.'oiwtd | by the Daily Rybel, says that Ruoll ha return 1 od to Nashville, aud that be had stulleu be tween ton and twelve thousand negroes. Ho | is working them on th# b rtifiemiona around Nashville. The negroes aro sterviug. Many of them have escaped t” •), owners. Large meeting*: have boon uel l by T ■e.vr lartioii in Middls T*>iiuors*6. Tho o.untry is arousod, aud they have rosulve*l never to al low the enemy a, aln to control their Elate, j i* hi vats Dispatch.] Kapioax, fciepL 14.—W. 0. Singleton. -We (tho 2d Georgia Battalion),leave Imro to-day lor Maryland. W. R- hwarriN. Macon, RrriiMosn, Sopteraher 16. In tho Senate to-day, Hill, of Georgia, from 1 tho Judiciary Committee, Kqiortod a bill to de clare cortain porsous alien enemies. Tho bill provide* that the Preidunt shall iisuo a procla mation requiring all perrons witbio the Confede rate States who refuse to support this Govorn merit, to depart wilhiu I*) day* beyond the terri torial jurisdiction ot the Cbnfoderato Stutes; provided that if y of said person# mail, during the 10 days, abandon tho Government of the United States and renounce their oath of ailegi ance thereto, Ac., shall bo relieved of tbo penal* ties against alien enemies. The military exemption bill won further con sidered, and the constitutional question diicusstu for several days disposed of by tbo adoption of un uraeudeueut for the exemption of such State officers as tbo reverai States may hare declared by low to be liabla to miiitia duty. An amendment to exempt one editor of each newspaper was rejected—yeus 8, nay* 14. A rnotiou to strike out ministers of the gospel was negatived—nays 17. Adjourned, In the House, a resolution from the ftcn&to fixing the 30th of September ai tbo day for ad journment. of Congress was agreed to. Tho conscript bill was further dineaetod. Mobilb, Siswr, 16. A special dispatch to the Evening New*, dated , Tupelo, loth, says. (leu. Ptioe's army moved worn Ualdwyn, Mi h., on Friday last on a forced march. Aim sttiigor just arrived reports that on : a turd ay afternoon the advance guard, undur <!on. Armstrong, surprised and attacked the ‘i ankoes, 6,000 strong, at luka, driving them ■til of town and taking 200 prisouors. General l’rieo, with the main body, oomo up Sunday morning. Tho enemy tied in the direotiwu ,| Last port, leaving in our hands SIOO,OOO worth of fibres, principally flour und salt. Gen. Price j’ u . Hi-t ■’ and when last hoard from was seven miles bohi,nd the itiemy. Omattasooua, Sept. 16. Telegraphic commuiiication has bceu estab listed to Huntsville, Ala. ihe Vaukeos destroyed all tho works and engines of tho Memphis aud Charleston road beforo leaving that place. Kkiimonu Sept. 16. Northern dates of .ho 14th have boon reooived by iho Examiner. The Herald says, tho rebel o ‘top at Frederick was broken up otv Friday And l ho army marched to Hagerstown, preparing to 1 • h into Pennsylvania to Chambersburg. It also rays tho rebels have retreated from their 1 it ion ia Kentucky beforo Ciucinn-ti. Kirby t'miih made a speech to his army ou Wednesday, assuring them that in a few days thoy would quarter in Cincinnati. Tho Washington Cl.r. nielo of tbo 14:h says: <l. u. Loring made uu attack on Harper’s Ferry on Friday, aud was repulsed with groat slaugh ter, and that tho attack was renewed the nxt day with the same result. the excitcmeut at Harrisburg and Philadel- phia is increasing. Tho Chroniolo also reports that 40,(‘Oft rebels under Beauregard left Richmond on Tuesday to raini-nee Lee, and that Now Orleans is threat ened by a considerable forco under Drcckiuridg 0 an I Van Dorn. lu New York on Fiiday, stocks declined \ to uiioperumt. IKS. sixes were quoted at iNH* ooldat lift 1 , Exohnngo 130 to ISO. liivcrp ul dales to tho 4tb received. News i uniu.; -i, uii. hud duoliued. Cotton | i.■! vai.> ed 2ia a penco sfneo Friday. Hi. iiMONi-, Sept. 17th. An t iUHaI dUpiiteh from Gen. Loring dated Ciia-lesti-n, K Couuty, says after inces •'jnt H.finishing we took this piuce at 3 o’clock jP. M Tho enemy fix regiments strong, made i a stout resistjnee, burning their stores a und most ibis town iu their retreat. Our loss slight j tho en uiy • heavy, und ho is iu full retreat.- , Jenkins is m his roar. 111. IIUy.M>, Sepl. (7th. In tho lb-use yesterday. Foots introduced a j rosolution proposii g tu miu! a commissioner or < immissioners to Washington, iropowered to l prnp*>s- terms of aju.-t and houorshlc peace. I Holt of Georgia submitted a substitute declar i V people of the Confederate Bta'es have ; urdently desired peace from the beginning, and ; whenever the baited States Government shall ui'iiii.t t a like anxiety it shall be tbo duty of 1 ■ i'l-rident (u nppoiut . .ininisnionersto trout i wiih suid G jvurmnent. Hesolutiun ... .and ...... :.n<l ujiuii me table.— Yeas fikj Richmond, Sep. 17. Tho Secretary of War received a dispatch to -1 day from M j. Brown, couiiusriding the post at | Dublin, stating that (Jen. boring's command i catered Kanawha Sulines last Saturday morning aud took possession of tho Salt Works, closely ! pursuing iho enemy, who were en route for 1 (’ .rod. n. Tho Suit Works were not much injured. Avery largo quantity of salt in on hand mi is idling at -‘E> cents per bushel. An order has boon issued urging the farmers to seud ! forward their wagons loaded with furugc. &o , : and return with suit. Richmond, September 17. An official dispatch from Chattanooga, con firms tho occupation of luku by den. Price’s army, and rays ho cajuurcd several bundled thou-Miid dollars worth of army stores. A private dispatch from Staunton to-day says that tho force at Uarper’s Ferry was taken by .In k ion llio loth. B,OOJ Yankees and 1,000 negroes were captured. Richmond, Sep. 17. In tho Senate to day tho exemption bill was further considered. A clause exempting I minor/*, hl.i. tker.-, millers, etc., wus agreed to; also a c lause exempting Quakers aud liunkure, and another exempting physicians. A clause oxoinp f:ng the ,;u*al students was stricken out- An ameiidmait to exempt overseers of plantations wan pending when the .Senate adjourned. In the House a resolution was udopted instruc ting the Judiciary Committee to report a bill establishing i* Supreme Court for the Confederate States. So •-'ituler: wore offered for th* cons;ript bill by Davis, oi Miss., and Dunham, of H. G., both < !'whit.:. .i : > iij.i’fud. The original House bill parsed yt-as 4V, nays 39. Dull* Houses adjourned until Friday. KicriMortn, L-eptembor 18. Tho report of the fight ut Hurper's l orry and ipturs of 8,000 prisoners is oonfirmed. Go Bm.dy, Gen. D. 11. Hill wus attacked in Maryland with 80,000 men. Tho fight ouiitiu uud uil du_, with heavy loss ou both sides. On Monday Hill being reinforced by Longstreet tbo battle wan renewed, and tho enemy was drtvou Luck three miles. Gen. Garland, of Virginia, wuu killed iu San day's fight, ilis body arrived horo this after nool. Cam: Moorjc, September 17. The Ysnkeoti, 200 strong, camo up tho railroad to Ponehutrala on Monday aud burnt seven or -fight cen. Tho Yankees lost five or six killsd, about the umn* number wounded, and a few , rimne-ra. Our loss was one killed and alow wounded. Moim.e, September 18. A #pe ih 1 dispatch to tho Advertiser and Reg ister, dated iuka, September 16, says: This piece was cupturod Sunday morning last. The orieiny evacuated tho place during tho night.— But for a prematura attack wo should have cap tured tl o whole gurrieon. Wo captured over a million dolffirs value. Tbo enemy wae etrongly strengthened. Our locs five; tho enemy's 30, of whom 10 werv loft doud on tho field. Our forces arrived iu time to savo tho town from destruction- Tbo citizeni were found with tboir household goods out doors, awaiting the application of th torch by the Vandals. The enemy carried off two hundred negroes, t Dirty wore recaptured by our ecoete. Twelve end three mills were destroyed ou their lino of march from Muaetta to luku. They retreated in lue drectioa of Corinth. They made a demonstration on our I no* luat night it is bflitvrd as a feint to cover ibeir retreat, li'.so ihat they arc crossing the Teniu'sscu riv er at Hamburg. The Chicago Times of the 13th says Stone wall Jackson left Baltimore and WusUuigton to the right aud i marching on Harrisburg. Jackson’s cavalry udvnnoo is on every road creating consternaticn. it not being known upon what point ho wil- make dcmonstr.vlion. Gov, Curtin called on the Mayor of Phila delphia to turuish 20,000 men in twelve hours t r defense of the city. The hour of retalia tion has cotno. UtonuoxD, Sep. IP. Goy. Letcher received letters to-day I row Winchester 16th confirming the report of the unconditional surrender of lOOOU Yankees at Harpers Ferry, on Monday without the loss of a man on our side. Jackson captured 50 ; pieces of artillery, ammunition, store.-*, Arc. — The letters also mention the engagement in Maryland between Boonesboro und Middle town, in which the enemy were repulsed with ft reported hiss of 5000 killed and wounded.— Confederate loss heavy. No further particu lars received. Richmond, Sept. It). In the Senate the House bill to provide for tbo payment of troops raised ia Missouri by Gon. I'rioo wan passed. The exemption bill was fur ther considered. passed a bill ti.viDg the rank and pay of Adjutants of independent battalions, also udopU-d a resolution of thanks to Maj. Un. Magruder und command. Foot© from the committoe, on foreign reported back resolution* in relation to the conduct of tho war and the navigation of western rivers, with modification!*. Barksdale < i Mississippi presen ted a minority report. Bulb voporti wore order ed to be printed. M. bilu, Sep. l'J. Fpei ial to tho Adv. & a lteg. from Knoxville 16th tiHy* the express messenger Lynch burg reports iu the battle of Cotton Hill, Fayette county Via , between Geu. Hiring and the Yaukees* Tho enemy's loss was AuO, ours 20. Among the killed was Lieut. L>\ of the 01st Vu., Regimeut. The enemy wai totally routed. Knoxvjulk, Sept. uth. The enemy at Oumticrlaud Gap prepared to evacuate on the 14th inst., aznl sent n!\ their sick to the rear aud prepared to Mas: to block up the road agaius'. pursuit. Their ad vance had re.ioiiott Loiufon where they received news of a favorable character which war unfor tunately false aud orders for evacuation aero countonuaudod. Oordonevillc, lftih. At Harpers Ferry wo parolled 11,1)1)0 piivatos and 425 ollicers; tock 2,000 nognes, 10,600 sfoud of Mnall arms, and 46 pieces of feunnon. 00l Walker's buttery todk 60U liersoh theoi.-elva.i. Our loss was three killed and forty wounded. Their iead were oovered u- ditches aud we could not tail | he nnmltur In the fight at Bhurpsburg, Mil., we took 3000 prisoners. Gen Gariauu and Col .Strange wtie Killed I) H Hill wan roughly baudle-i but mau uge<l to held the ououiy in check. Mobile, 2(Rh. Spec in I dispatch to tho Adv and Keg Ft or, dated Knoxville lUlh, say3 tho enemy evucualed dumber lurid dap on Woducsday, blowing up their magazine, destroying all their property, and blasting rock to block up the roads. Thoy rotroutod by tbo lluiland loud to Kentucky, our forces pursuing them at Cumberland Ford uud Baptist Gap. Andy Johnson's family,.who v.ero at Gi*.on vi le, East Tenn, within our lines, have been pc;- inittcd by the Secretary of war to return to thu euomy's lines., Fcptoinber 20. Col. Lindsay Walker arrived hero to-day from Harper’s Fairy, which place he left on Wednes day owning. Tho cannon aud stores dint we captured there hud been removed. There had been no fighting rinoo tho cupturi) of Harper's Ferry on Monday. Our army was it fine spirits. McClellan, with his army, wne iu our front, near hharpsburg, and a general l attio wa exported. General Rono, Vankee, was killod iu tho fight ! near Booneaboro. Jackson's official report of the ctpture of Harper's Ferry, dated September, Kith, : Yesterday God crowned our arms with another 1 brilliant suuoeis iu the surrender ut bn/pcr't* Ferry of Brig. Ger. Whilo uud 11,00 troops, an equal number of smut! arms, 73 pieces of ifriillery and about 200 wagons. In addition to other stores there is a kurgo amount oi camp uml gar ri*ou equipage. Our loss very email. Iu the Henato t< day die military exiniij.t.on bill wus further ooiuidorod and finally punseo yea- 10; nays 3. In the House tho Senate bill fixing tho second Monday In Januury us thu tuuo of the meeting us the next regular session of Cuugrves was pained; also tho House bill to piovide iur tho prompt * settlement us claims, arrearages a ud bonds duo to : -Icoeasod soldiers. Tbo Arkansas contested ole tbn case was discussed until adjournment. Tirrifflo Fi|fht at 3h .rpsburg ! Great Loss cn both Sides! f September 21. ThoEnquiror has a dispat cn from Warren tow of the Ulth, anouunying a ten if m fight at tSharj> burg oi WednosJay, the udv ac tago on our side, with gnat Join on both sides. Gonorals tflarke, Mauniig ai-l Branch wore ki) led. Generals D. R. Joins, K ft. Jones, Jtiplny ,nd,Lawton were woundel. pbe whole stroogl h of both armies wits ongegelin tho fight. Report s i t tho fight was i cnowoi oO Thurs day, an-1 tat tho etomy wers routod arid driven nine miles. e I Mont, e, September 21. Col. U’tialey Olmstoad, Cap t. F. W. Kirns, Lt man and 22 oi .hors, of tho Fort Pulaski )L'>rwn, arrived boro to-dny, via. Viuksburg xnd left for homo this wvoning. KicfUM'N) >, Hoptuuii or 2J. Tho N< York Herald o f tho 18th claims n victory at larpeburg. Its • dlspntchos aro con tradictory it oencur in litath ig tliut tbo Confed erates wen le footed. It oontu i letters l’ruu Los iuvillo which claim a victory n>r Duncan and Scott’s . orccs at Mumford rv le, Ky. The Bei >ad* correspond ent of tho Herald stye that fl nteamere are lying in tho porto 8L George waiting un opp ortunlty to i un tho blockade. The U. H irsenal, at J*ltls burg, was bio wn up od Wadnee y, killing Vr m • 80 boys and ptrte. FBDI’B. L DEPIIHHATIONS IN ARKAN SAS. A eolrcspondent of tho St. Loni* who a’u iih Curtis on Ms inarch tbiough Ar k:tto Helens, rayi that on the Aikansuc •do of the river, outside of Helena, 4, t.hore is not a home for ten miles but what hoa been pillage ! frern cellar to garret by Curtis’ troops. Trunks wr<. open, bureaus opened aud saoked, in foot, every drawer, cupboard, trunk, obest, kicked and pillaged; ladies’ dresses, our ring?, finger rings, breastpin-!, iu fact, everything mov eable p ssi • ung value, stolen ” And this writer say., that was not nil. lie adds tlmt “on the road tr uveb-d by tbo army the same ay stem “I pillage has been carried on. If a dollar’s north of moveable property ha* been loft., it waabo cause tin- .soldier’s knapsacks would hold no more, or tv.igons could not bo pressed to haul it.” Moiuls TiiRRATKNiin — Reports have been rife bore for Kuvern 1 -lays that the ououiy has u large floe’ hovering --ft’ Pensacola and Mobile. In cor - robetion of thc.-o reports, tho fact that a 1 *rge number of sick soldiers have been >rderd Irour Mobile to Montgomery, is significant. Is there no danger of a land approach from Pensacola. Look out below.— Montgomery Mats, ID. Clemoot L. YallaniNgham has bson nomina ted 1- tho Demooraey of tho third district o Ohio for re-eiootion to Congress. SALE, MY plaoo, S miles southeast of Tuskogoo, on the Federal read. There is in all 437 acres of—ouk und hickory; about 250 acres of it is <•!■ :rod aud in a good state of cultivation ; tho bobince ii woll timbered. There is a good framed dwclhu;. liaviug five rooms, a good gin house, cotton |-.oß.',auu all the necessary out buildings. There > a well, cistern, and creek running through the place, aiVordiug abundance of water for stock. Healthy locution as any in the sec tion. Terms easy. Enquire Os me on the place, or address at Uuarytun f, O. M. H. HARRIS. j Sop 18-w.3m Adiumiulrator’R Wale-. WILL BE SOLD on tho first Tuesday in November next, within tho legal hours of sale, Loforo the Court House door iu the town of Cuthbert, Randolph couuty, Gu., lot of laud No. 252, in tho sth district of originally Lee now Randolph county, containing 202>i acres more or less. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs ami crcditon: of Kpbriiita Lunsford, Into of Chuttahouohto county, deooased. Terms on day of* sule. 11. MILLER, Adm’r. Sep 13, M62-dw-!0d : -u c-.ctoi-’n .Male. WILL BE FOl*D on tlio first Tuesday in November next, before the Court House door m the town of Oussota, Ohattaiiooeheo county, Oa., the pla*-.- owned by Tbos 11. Wynn, late of said county, decuused, at the time of his death, cou tuinuig .-Oft aoros more or loss. Said luuds lie about live miles southeast of Uuaiota, convenient tu schools aud churches. A lingo uurKo:. -1 .ho promises is ia an excel lent Btatrt of cultivation und is noted for its abun dant yield of corn and cotton. Tho improve ments are good. Any per .a wi.ang to examino the promises an by . ailing uj.>o B.! mitb, on the place, *>*• m; Nell near Cm seta, Uu. Terms on day of sale. D. WYNN. I ... J. A. WYNN,) ™ re ‘ flop 13, 1 -dv.’4oa LOST iWfE. BY dm first day of Novotnber 1 promise t pay Lafiiyet Harp, <r bearer, oue i.uudrcd and twont.v-livo d.ollai • iot value received. This, March, 18<>0. KINNON FLANQAN. On thu bonk of thi.’ abovo noto is a credit of v ‘i, l3\i. ~• 1 uia tliH loosei • 1 mv.o uud not rhe maker, •ui.i >u t<> v.i,.- h -.tie iiaioo so u.* to get the money widn.ui iiijni'iiig tho maker of the nolo. .Sop. 22 -dw2w* N. F. FRINCK. €A V lLitY. 1 A M antborized by an order “f the Sooretnry of W :w to rainJa Company of I’ICKEi* CAV ALBf.for special service as Soouta, Couriers uii<: Guidos, to bo under den. U. E. LEE. liv ery man to furnish his own horse: everything else furnished, in: - dollars bounty will be paid, and Twenty-four Dollar per month pay. An>- person eubject to conderiptiou, not actually unrolled, cun be received. 1 may bo found at tho Drug Micro of Aooe A IverHoti ItOB’T it. RUTHERFORD. , JSep 22 2 m KTO'fCXCE. QtIAt:TKI:SIAHTKa'S Departmknt ) Columbus, <iu.., .Sop. 13, ‘O2. j I heve been charged with tho imj>ortaut duty of previui ur Fhuos for our Soldiers, and I must appeal to ibo patriotism of our people to aid me !indoin i’ so. 1 want Loathor and .Shoes at once Daily l. nm advised of tho urgent wants of our I Army. ’> and .-Iron); appeals are mad* depleting the dcplorahi > contJi'ioii of our Soldiers, many of whom are barefoot. To their appeals I oan yet muk. tu mull return.'*, but with tuo aid of those who by exertion im remedy tins groat evil I liiopri to i e.ugonitii r bettor state of affairs. I have I’.;- • itrol of P tho hidos of <’Ooves killod for the i >! of our avmios, and I offer them to be i tunn* on i.arcs to .iiose who run now supply iuu with L<iatbor. ‘flu; oilers I make are liberal and tba pv ; * *i paid for Leather ample. Shall it bu -i. . >ii people ut home disregard the erv ■ oi iqr delu.’ /era in the Hold, and prefer re tuiniug :h ; Lev •mr for home consumption. :.m ~. i ii <! ‘- > ‘till not. Let all join heart and liuud to .1. this great ofcjeot. No matter how few shoes, iiow sinai! an amount of leather you may have, let tho Government have it at fair priou:.. Tbo price you cliurge hue to be borne by tho • idior, out of his sonnty allowunoe. .Sh” luukers can find employment by calling UU Vic inu uoldii.r must be olothod; my orders aro tu -lu it; and with jiuij-Io i>ower I shall exorcise it in every way, to rurty out thono orders oven if 1 have resort to tho dimgrooalde duty of im prossmont. If. W. DILLARD, nep 16 tt Mr.jor nnd Quartermaster. PI.A..NTA-TI 01ST .■ ‘Oi£ SAJLJE. WE WILL sell k bargain in tho plantation, koowu • ■ > Motley farm. W'o will sell from six to t :v Lur-lred ncros, as may bo desired by purchasers, 2IJ acres good pine land, cleared, ,ii)-t 70 nciVM of good swamp—cane enough iu winii.t IUO ur lid head oi cattle and ho oxcol lont sutumc * i ikiigc. LINOH A PYK. nop Bth, 1862 dtf Mh’itiiilMiat motive. My> THE lost and commodious Steamer Jacls.®on, 1 L. FRY, Maxtor, will have Columbus ovory Sat, urday, 9 j m., uud arrive ut Chattahoopheo, Flu. Sunday, 12 a. in., leaving tho same plaoo Tues day, 12 u. in. Keptomber 6-dwtf W-AJSTO? :h:id. HIO.IIOO FOUNDS DRY HIDES, also, hJ,OUU pouadn of Jaght Harness, Bridle und suit; Leather, forVhtcii the highest market price will bo paid. FOLSOM A CODY. Columbus, Hop lfi-dw2w OFFICE IffiSCOOEI K. K. CO., iiiwm GOLUMUUft, GA., May 10,11861 fls'otiici; lo Sliippem. ON and aft* r mis dem all or Iv.lms for soldiers and other freight churgouldn to Ui Gonfodorato HUti-s <>t Amerlco, nitaai bo nccoiii|ante4 by a rniiulNitinn ihr uanspori at loti from o regular Guarteruiastei to iiuf.iro its ponipl wtiipmeut■ Tuts rule , will bo rig idly enforcuif. W. L Cl.AltK, Hupt Judo tt. HWB. and lire v ELOPBst OP(, COD QUALlTY,iui.nufacturr.l sndfor J. W. I-EABH. Un, 14, JS#3—dtf liitiitlsi Wanted. The Eaglo Manufacturing Cos. WANT to hire sixty or seventy Men, Boys and Yonm: Women Hteady omploymcnt and good wuji- aro guaraniei<4. This Coittpuny having duvernmenl contracts their hands are exempted f rom llie uctioh of the Conscript Law. mayll— dwttm fiSflfiULl WIIEJULLAS 1 AM bv .bo Soorotary of War u ~ Ml INUBPKNiiENT cavalhy com t'ANV'to bo usoJ as U U liltll.l.A S, to bo al tnohoil to no llattiUion, Hoflimoit, or Loglon but suujm-t to general orders, and iu all other re ai” 0;,i,....,:ru0J by tho rules ami rogulationa ol the Cavalry sorvice- Usual Pay, Bouuty, &e., Allowed. As soon us 64 names are enrolled, the Company will rendeivous at Atlanta or Griffin, lor a shor time. . Persons dosirous of engaging iu thi < active am exciting branch f tho survice will apply ftt the V:\ijtURKR Ol PICK. T. M. NELSON. April 28, 1862 | • tuifo i’alisiiti gangers & Dragon -A-ttoaLution. 2 Tho moat oimvoniont and complete HAND BOOIC for the ddiers on Imrsobauk, can be had at the Book Store of J. W. I’KASE, on Broad .ftroet. ‘S3EU PRICE FIFTY CENTS. Columbus, Qa., July 23, ’62. dtk JKSVfoLWYB iiiAMIfiCTOftV, IXTB an i r.quMtd to furnlHh ut short notice EN yv v BLOt* Uom any quaotity and of suporio. quu lily to any bt ioiotoie mauuiaclured iu thc v ou- Ui.-rn Cuiifedimiry. We solicit the patronage oi the trade. No sales under 10(10. tiond for qir -mens and price at die office ei tho Rock Island Paper Mills Company. .M U, McKINNIE & < O April Sl—dim Proprietor*- tun copy. AOTILiB TO RHIPI'IiKS. OWING to fib difluiuiUe.l mofiiuinliig lraita|>or tution,no ticij.iit lexccdt tor tlie i.ovnrmneui) wilt tu receivei) iittfo I-outliers Lxprt-ss t-tfim, lot Al.inigomcry, c qii.nj; over J-osty pousd per packuge.until luitlitr notice. June In, IS6U. S- 11. HILL. KILIUKY KOftkS ! ORDERLY SERGEANT’S ROLL BOOKS, MORNING REPORT BOOKS, Ac. Por saio at tho ’TIMES OFFICE- OoiuuibuN, May 8. Bakcjf c Jervis’ Island Guano, IkBING tiic at Columbus of the Aiuenca. JJ Gnuno ('ompany, t urn prepared tu odor their extetlout Muntirr.!- ii> Pluiiten* and, m any quantity and atSavarmah prices, actual cxpcimc* ail dud. A good supply always on hand. Feb.ll*. .ilwtl E BARN ABB. ARMY REGULAYIONS, AND ARTICLES OF WAR, adopted for the übo of tho Ai-.iy of tho Confederate Stated, in accordance with tho into Act of Congress. Frio* by mail $l SU. l-Vi .-iloby J. W. PEASE. Sept. 23, 1561. If J NO. M. PHILIPS. WALTER 11. WEBM.*’ Pfailjpti &. Wctui, A-ttornevs at Law, caA\mroap, Will praoiico itsthaCourth cf Russell County —in th- :o. rcme Court of tlie Staie, and in the Confcdera.*. . > jHiatriot Court at Montgomery. Marcii 2<. 1 SfiO—rWJkdtf 1,700 A('K£K LANII POE SALE. BY order of tho Probate Court of Rur. , **’ , l county, Alabama, I will soil on tho premises, mo fir t Monday in November next, for tho benefi* of the buir. i.U‘l creditors, tho plnutation former ly owned by Pearce A. Lewis. This tract .if land lies at th*’ junction of tbo Big and Little Uchee Greeks, D* miles south-west ot’ Columbus and one and a half miles from ihu .M. A G. R. 11., and contains 1,700 acres, more than otto thousand of which lies within the creek-flat proper; about 800 acres cleared and tho reuiaindor noli lim bered. On tho piaeo are two ottleunta —divided tar ton - ,k o.ioti Oi Which W well improve, l. A ]>orinunoiii o,nlcu connects the Lw*>Lett-o-, luenta. The purchaser can have the supplies made od the place this year. it. 0. HOWARD, Guardian. Sop 10, 1802-doaw wtds FOZt A Plantation on the river, in Chattahoochee oeunty, 12 miles below Columbus, containing one huudred and fifty acres Ist quality river land, the balance, five hundred and ten acre*, good pine land. Framed ovoreocr, xegro and smoke houses; good cribs, stablcti, Sc o. The place is very healthy and has most excellent water on it. Apply to .lOS. W. WOOLPOLK, l T WM. (i. WOOI.FOLK , lnl y C, Hills Bex* t"* Volimtcor*. ALL butfincsa for my company at Columbus, da., will be attended to by J. W. Burden,until Ist September next. A. 11. COOPER, Capt., tug 25-ts Company “C,” 46th Ga. Vo Is. Wesleyan Female College, MACQX, (iKOUUIA. TIIK TWii.MVUFTII Annonl Selll.u <d Ibid institutioii will begin on Monday, October oth, under the dirc -tiou of tho following Faculty: lIKV. JGHI M. JJON.NKLL, A. M., Protidcnt :.ul Prfessor of English Literofurc. REV. Cu.T’GY W. SMITH, A. M., prole* or of Mathematic?. HEV. FRANCIS X. FORSTER, A. M., Pn ! sot of Ancient Languages. KKV. WILLIAM C. BASS, A. M., Professor of Natural Scienco. C. SCHWARTZ, Profitit-or of Modern Lunguugr-s and Painting, A?.iistant in Matiiematias. p o o i;ttbnbkkuek,,2 of Mn do. MISS I H SIMMONS, MRS F R LINK, AssLumlt in Music. MRS C SCHWARTZ, Instrutttr*. iu Ornamental Neodle Work, Ae. C H FREEMAN & LADY, Rtewi-rd’s Department. Charges. Tuition per annum iu Literary Dop't . $60,00 Board, including fuel, t:; 1 *. t, v. tiding, 170,01) Extra charges for Jlu-dc. Punning, Ac. i-uovo tbes t"jrtthc- wRh tbo bill for bool;.’* tuulit be paid at the time of entranoo. [fl'.'-* rest on the lHt of March. For further particu lars address tho President. W. C. BASS, bee aug 28, 1862-donwtol6 Valuable Plantation FOS. SALE. THE subscribor offo-a for sale his valuable plantation in Cbatt4bo*cli*.e county, 18 mile* trorn Columbus, near tho liumpkiu road, con taining 2,300 a -.'.res, 1,300 acres cleared, 690 actus of which fa fresh; 400 acres is creek bottom laud. On thu promise* is a good dwelliug house, good irauiud nogio houses, a good water und packing press, well supplied with out buildings. Tho place is in good order, wolf watered, Ac, A good bu'gain < in bo hud in tho above de scribed premisei. Terms easy. Refers in Columbus to lion. K. M. Gunby and .Junn .!■>!•■ on* W W* fj.MITII. Hoptombor 8 -dim Afli* Richmond Examiner copy and send bill to tin.* often* FOR SALE. I OFFER ruy farm for sulo, ten miles met of Columbus, one uud a half uiiloa from Lined A Eve's mill, containing two hundred two und a half acres pine land; ono hundred and twenty five acres oleared, mostly trcsii; oouifortabio cabins, good wuier, pleasant und healthy. If desired I will sell with the place, the crop of corn and fodder grown on the plaoe, nil tbo slock, consisting of mulus, hogs, cattle and sheep. Also, a likely young negro girl. In my absence call ou V. Fye, wtioisuiy duly authorized iigoot. b. B. FREEMAN, sop 8-dtf The Steamer Munnorlyn, Capt. rt. .J. WIUTBBIDB, rr-c Will ruume her rcgnlar ‘trips from after tills ilnic. I.uavo Golumbus •kMMmiiMiiHainhridfie, ttlcoc’s lilnlfaml Lower Kivcr every Haiurday at 3 I*. M. I.navc lllnm’s tii.ifT for Colunibiis and iniermediuu.’ Umlintrs every Tuesday nt D A. M July 6, 1801.—dtf THE STEAMEB INDIAN FRY, Mastor, uSZSidt Wl * l * llv ® Columbue every Wfd ‘iiorning. Returalng, leave Uicoe'e UlufT every Friday even ins. For Freights or Passage apply on beer*. May Utli, IMI--ddiii. FAIL STYLES! HATS & CAPS. |*R I*. J^ANDON, Wi.ul.l inf.irin hi.inirnd. nml cu.tom.n (*•• lv that be han iust : returned from New k uroan wilh a well s*'!eofod stock of • P’ALL GOODS Kmiiracing HaTS of all kinds, FI N K FBENOHHATH. MILITARY HATS & CAPS MIASEH ANP CHILDREN'S HATH ‘Umbrellas and Walking Canes. AH of which h*> will be happy to show at Ida NEW ftTAND, uox! door to Boo.) dj* Johnson h. V\ o can ■ upply ouy quantity ol Noiri'o WOOL HATS. oa. n-dwif CAPT. R. A, HARDAWAY’S LIGHT ARTILLERY. FIFTY RECRUITS WANTED, PERSONS subject to the Conscription Act, now being carried into eti’ect, may volunteer in tho above company, now attached to Ander son’s Brigade of 1). 11. Hill’s Division, within it.'.j nnles of Richmond, iu accordance with the privilege grunted m said act, by reporting themselves in person, for the purpose, to Capl. Dawson, Enrolling Officer at Columbus, or so Maj. Swanson, the commandant of the camp of instruction, in Alabama. For further information, apply to R. A. Cole man, conductor on the Mobile and Girard Rail Load, or to the undersigned. h. fc>. HARDAWAY. Juno 21 —dlf EBCEUIIIXG FOil THE ARXILLEKY! B.'Cii'e'k’ MliXI WAATEII Xo Complete Company Ko. 2. BOUNTY MONEY PAH) AT Tlifi TIME OF BN LIEThtCNT, AT COLUMBUS, GA. Til E companies arc already reooived, aud the cull is now tor men to fill them up to their maxi mum number. Act at once, or lose tho opportu* nity of volunteering in a favorite arm < f the set vice, and of receiving tho bounty of SSO. Apply to Lieut. M. W. THWEATT, Headquarters, Billiard, I‘owß & Co/i Ware house. april 28-dim TO To the Produce Loan in Georgia. THE prico of Cotton and other Produco iB now highly remunorating, and tho subscribers to tho above Loau can have no reason tor withholding their subscriptions. We are instructed by the Secretary ot the Treasury to urge upon ull sub scribers (who have not paid) the immodiato performance of their obligations to tho Gov ernment. Tho holders of Gotion are expected to dispose of i‘ at once, either t.o the Government !at sh- tr,?ricei price,or to individuals as they iuuy p u., and tho proceeds of tho sale at present j. rices will to iuvostod in Bonds and furnished kheui. The Government grunted every indul gence while oott- n was low. They now require prompt .‘ft ttletueats. D. ADAMS, Agent Produce Loam or Western Georgia aud East ern Alabama. Call at the Bank of Columbus. Columbus, Uu., Aug’ F, 1862. and A’ w ts IT iij, Os sod by Lawyers,or officer* of *.'ov iv,,* v, •*. aatlyaaa on superior paper ftloofi Iron. THIRTEEN TONS of Hoop Iron for sole by tho quantity, by A. AL. XANDEK, 26-4 C at Van Mnrcus’s old stand. NICK W. GA^SASD, attorney at law COLUMBUS, GA. UrriCEwllh E. A. THORNTON, oppodtc Ui GcoiJia Ilonieilnsurance Company, rit. Clair cumci. Will practice In the GiiatUlioechee Clreult ami StetvHW of tne Pataula, Murcli nth, 18611—-dlf Book j^mdiug •• . XiSCb'FBD in supsriur styls at tbs a>a r ;fe ‘ ‘ll* urn Sun Time*. * Star Candles. r. v WHOLE and HallßoxcsCandlM.uisaie qua li'y, tor sale ut a* in all advance lor ChJb.i Vpl.V* h W (| _ B. BARNABt). troy laimfacturing so. Wi; would nave it remenilrred that we still manufarturing largely for wbole- sale and retail the following articles, vix— thiair-.llrdsteadii. Wooden War-,Muues (.i/, Jl. . Be. we are selling at low prices for the O’ABH, reganllc-’J oft he Tariff. Dealers will find it to their interest m callon us before eending their or ders to (oreiirn markets. Caah orders will receive prompt attemini,: JEFFLKHON HAMILTON. Goluinlme, March ,k6tli—dtt. \V papers in which we advertise per conv change ■VsT-A-TSTT’E-O, ii good Chair Makers, 10 Cabinet Maker!, 2 Turners. Good wages and steady employment. GRENVILLE WOOD, Sep*. 0 lin Macon, Geo. To riiiifilci**. OUR Warehouse being full, Planters will pleusu t top consignment* of Colton to our care until further notice. DILLARD, POWELL A CO. Columbus, Ga., Bop. 0, lßOft -2m Conscripts Take Warning! iIKAUqt AnTBIIS Ebpollino Ofvick, | .‘ld CongreEiioual Di*t., Ga., >• Columbus, Ga., Aug. 18, 1802. ) Having been ordered by Gen. Morcer to rcliove Cupi. J-L G. Dawson as Enrolling Officer for tho 3d District, Georgia, L have this dny erovrud upon tho tho duties of i id office. All men between too ages of 18 and in this DSstriot, comprising thu counties of Muscogee, Harris, Talbot, Chaituhooohoe, Mari on. Macon, Schley, Sumter, Webster, Taylor, Uluitmun uud Stewart, aro hereby notified aud summoned to r:purt iu person at these Head- or to the sub enrolling offioers of their counties, without further delay, uuder penalty arrust aud treatruont ub deserted. Notion Jong continued and ample has already been givea by iny predecessor. None can plead igno rattoe of tho law or their obligations under it, and henceforth no favor will be shown to those wuo still continue u disregard the oalis whioh have boon made. Tho orders given me are rigid aud I shall endeavor to oarry them out without /ear, favor or affectivn. riorg’t Proseott, ray Assistant and special Deputy, will bo found iu the office during office hours, aud will attend to uuy business connected with tho Enrolling Department. EDWARD CROFT, Capt., and Enrolling Officer, 3d Cong. Diet. Ga. August 2V, 1662 ~dw2w (OBt SALK. Montgomery, August 10th, 1802. I oft'er for ule an undivided Internet of one- Ihird in the C'huwaola Lime Works, Russell county, Ala. The Works aro in successful operation—the quantity of Limo Stone unlimited—wood con venient, cheap and abundant; the lime unsur passed by any prodacod in tho Confederacy, and the business protected from competition by the complete isolation of this Ume formation from any of a similar good character, by a space of nearly an hundred miles in tho nearest direction to any lime rock uapablo ol* being converted into lime. Any further information desired wi|l be given by calling on or addressing Mr. W C Yonge, Superintendent, Yoageaboro, Russell county, Alabama. BAM'L G. JONHS. aug 19—dwlm Hew Supply ol Uacon. A NKW supply of cheap Baoon. Coll and examine before you buy elsewhere. Near Tem perance Halt, under No. 5 Fire Company, 0. D. KIi>£NHOUH, A’gt. aug 21 dti.