The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, May 19, 1876, Image 1

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The (liiinesvillo Eagle. I'l ItMSII i:l;V KK TKtIT >1 OftNl\K. 1C 10 I> w in u * ICMTKItI, Editors and Proprietor*. > - •J O!; \ It !, A TB, I’liblinlu r. I’l il* MS ; S*i A-Y<*ar, m Ailvhik!#. on iOE *' 1H Ci rita-irn hi (Ju fuller ila/1 bafldiiig; uorth-wu* ecritfr Public Square. Age.tits Tor The fca^le. /. M. • i,i. si. islairflvilio, Oft.; I. l>. linwAkP, lJiuaa um, Da.; W. M. SamubwoM, Hajtvili®, J*. O. j lu. M. 4!. Ohuoiiw, Buford, la. tffi'li above named gentleitHMi are authorised to rualiM . liiictioua. rntmivM ami reoalyi Im aubacri^tiou to Tub Raul* ortic. *k Kni<'s of A Out* tluhar |**r H.ju.iro for flr-t iUHortlon, ami flit) . tuiU fur f‘.v< ii Hu Hr(|ucnt iutUrtlon. M u M r *. iiotirod ami obttiiai left exceeding Mix linen will bu I for a* aMvortUoimmU. I’nrHimal or aluiKivo couimuuiiatioua will not bo inner to. I at any price. of jjennral <>r local Interest, under v j-M Oiiimi hi||iiaturo respectfully solicited from any Mimreo. R.'ilixof Legal ,V(lvrHllnK. ihu rlirH KaloH for each levy often llnog or Ichs s'j fo 1 ti-fl Miihnmjiiont tou lilies or h mb . - J 64 MoHjpi.'o r.:'i*.i4 (4*o days) per utyiiaro - - 5 <M> lit tell ll'Oirt or luSH - - 600 A.loi'i ’h, lix'r’Huri.uiil’n'a wales, (40 dayh) pr mj 600 V.i.. .. to iI.-M-.ih ami creditors - - ft 00 Ultiit’H ’>r lci'r.4 of a<liu'n or gunr.i’ue’p (t wks) 4 00 l.t’iiv to h II real oatato - * - f> Wi In . . - .r diwm'ri ol ulin’n or i<uai<t'u (3 mo.) 0 00 Ivt'rav nutiiMiU a 00 ililahoiM (iinr|>roHOiftodotatß) - • 4 00 itiiO* Mini in liv rco camirt • • • (J On it and Frit'tion-; of a t'/i/urt (or inch) or* charged in all ■j n * tu/rli -/I'uirr vr inch• st. ott Nollfo.t of onlinarniH calling attention of adminin- Ira Lorn, nxo iituifi and to making their an no il it- tirnn; and of Sheriffs in regard to provision* -l.l.uis of tlio (Jude, PUBLISH kd i'itha for the Hlii-rill'd and Ordlnarinn who patronize the Kaou. A'lvcri irtci'd wiio iloairu a sped fled space for U, tt Ol l * mouth n will receive a liberal deduction from uur regular rato i. U Alt lulln .1 *. after first inanition, special coiitr.ictto tin* contrary be made. <; k \ i:k vci diic i^rrowv. lion. <li*orr.‘ l>. liUft. .fudge H. O. Wenlorn t'Arcuit. i. Hpeor, Solicit.>r, AUieim, Ua- t* ■ OOUN i OPt iOkttW. > H. M. v. innuru, ordinary. I. L. Watt-rH, Sferlit. .1.1. \l . it*, iMni’k H iporlor Oonft. N. ifljtru, i‘ i4 x *'olinotor. i Tax Ibweoiver. $ V . W’lteichel, Hurvo'/or. I'M ward howry, (loronur. Samuel Loader, TroaHuror. * UIIUIUIU DiItKOTOUy. I'liF.f; 11 vt kin an 011 Uim :ii Itov. T. P. Cleveland. I’aw tor. iVeat'hhig every Sabbath morning and ulglit, Mu* Recoinl Bahbnth Hil <lay Htdiool at 9a. m. Prayer meeting Wednoiklay evening at 4 o’clock. Mi i ii'.h'M.' Ciiimi'ii Knv. D. D. ('ox, Pastor. Preaching every iuu.hiy morning and night. Sunday at :i a. m. Prayer meeting Wednasday night. Uaitikt (Jiuriu ii Itov. W. C. Wilkes, Pastor. Pleaching Sunday morning. Sunday School at 'J a. m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 4 o'clock. FRATERNAL RECORD. Ai.UUMANV lIoV.L A HCII 4 Ilf APTKE UlOetrl Oil tllO SOC oii.l jin-l l '<Mirth Till 1 <<l ly uvoningrt in each month. J. i'. WinatiN. Soo’y. A. \V. Caldwnll, If. P. flAiNKsvn.t.u liOCi:., No. *2IVI A.*. F.*. Me., meeta on If .‘‘Trol and \ hi. I Tuesday evening in the month W. A J. B lUnwiNK, W. M. ii. Loons, No. C.t, [. 4). O. F., meets every Friday evening. <b A L11.1.v, See. W. 11. ITaBRIHON, N.(i. <MNi.- vii.i.K i.i vrvoi< No. 310, inect.M on tlie Third • •Mini,i , 111.{ |id Tuesday in oie-li month, at one elo. k, m . .1. K. Kaimma, Master. !•:. i I'm-Hii-K, .*,• iVJiniNi.xn S| All Lodge, No. 3l;v, I. <>. (j.T.,iiieetH ev ery Thorn I sy ovming. I I I’AI.OWKI.L. \S S. H. H T.atimku, W. T. North I'luHtcrn Star Lodge, No. lirtft I. O. 44. TANARUS., ...eelM every idt amt 3.1 Saturday evenings, at Antioch llhurdi. F. H. IIIfDSOM, W. 0, T. W. K. Um.rnuo, W. H. OAINRHVH.Id* POST OFFICE. Ofll- e h'Mii H: From Ha.m. to 12 1 -. p. in., aud from t' p. m. to i'i p. in. Atlanta, - - - . 6 p.m. H.n,u,.,i e and Western, - - 6:30 “ New York .... ni. I'd t•! (Mind N M'lli H 'i. .... ft: 110 p. ni : ivthloMcga (SU ' . Daily) - * 8: JO a. in. 1 " ( {.. w. Ih.m , ami Saturday) 0:00 p. m. 'L*v >i; m .i i ■ cel , wid rniav) H;oo a. m. • ” >• i 'dayi U:3d p. m. *Vab.- " • - * ft:i)d a. m. -ivt •••■• , v !l *r,v, ‘'ni.mlnr - 7 .*) *• MAII.S AUltl VK: h '.nl-l 'oilDt •! :| Old W, .d.e"||, . . 6:13 p. 111. N '\v V.irk, : .dern and NorUmni, - 6:33 a. m. Dahl *ii.‘*.u ------ 3:04) p. lu. Jeii'er-w (\\ dM -Hd tv nn tS it rdav) 6:IM)p. in. Cleveland, ( Monday and Thursday) • 6:00 •• M '•. - 1 •'rid ay) - - 13:00 ni. I'cc villu, (Friday) - - 6:00 p. in M. ii. AIiCUES. l’.M. w;j*.#-iwn. - ■ -7—*. n m> rnn tftt—■w—uniM—l )iV:sii!;i! and ihisiiicss Cards. A . .1 MI AS’ :|{ , x * ii v yv.ivr AND s in <; ko n , 4 3J: in..,•0 ille, < Mi. . iIH. o n 11.1 It.ftt Uiriniw' 11,it.,1, Oulni-BTllle, Cm. In'Jl-Iy < • •. ,*>l i'itici.l. iioiiMio, "■ ' Doi-iU.iir an, 1 Ivli- StcoiilH, near Our WitHl.l /i tl a 1 > tn , O rt,. \5 • l ull .DU In,Hi tUI.KM.-lllw hi.,l T.ioimn City i>l >l,■ r ■i„„'Diill, i:.VII,Hi 1, ■Hill on ilia at thin inn.- • I ,'iii.raubM :ntlHta,-uii. jan'ja-ty THOMAS UTTLE. i rs I ’! U!*l A 11Y, I Oil III! rttl'A f,M !■ Nf OF I.IHKAHiVt OF WOMEN, AND OIM'.UATiYK SHUOKitY, At Hit. itiilnoa’ It-ii 'l ni...nvm„, hy A. .1, Sharker, M . V. I). I.OCKII \UT, M. I)., I‘olkt ■ lli‘, <i., ’ ll i i’iDVO't’t,'K MKI'tiHNK in all ita liranctii-H. t> , HI lon Rivou to Ohronlo Dtaeawa ot wool, n ml.t I-liildron. fotilH Om 5) IS . It. H . A I) AIIt , DKNTIST, CaitiiM'svillo, <Ja. ,I*nU ly H I UKII vi. 1,. SMITH, VITOItNKV AND ('DDNNI.LI.OB AT LAW, il'lH'Som'iUr. Ihiioton county, (hi. pin! I if JOHN li. F.STF.S, 4 noUNf.V-A INLAW, Oalni'bviUe, Hall county. V. .1. \\ KMJtOlt\, 4 i TOILS'! V aT-LVW, I.Ulreviilo, Union county, - 111 . DIINUPj A n-DUNKi Vi’ I..UV, .<.,itf/,a On. \ o ■ '■■l'liliun of I‘niu-r A Slriiito-1, S. ■ - prstf. . K. \\ ILIjIALUH, - >' >IM ■ N x :• *OIiNSi!•T.LOR XV LAW, a i--ni h 1 ■ , i’ will practico in tho 1 " < •>" w osier i t'.i -nir i:itl pivo prompt atton im.i t*all ImsinoHH oulrimtecl t * his emu. •I mm I*J, 1874-tf WIKK liOYI>, VTlt KNKV AT LAW, Dahfoneyn, On. I will I’t.toi ir> In the fouiKU'S of Lumpkin l'i" "ii. in. t. V':m it in. I’uirtn au-I TowiiiMMiititios '■■■*• K ■!•’.* t "--m:, :u\.‘ Hail, White ami li.Uuiu in t!m Western Circuit. May l tsvi-tf. r. !\ WOFFORD, VI mivM \ AT LAW. Ifomrr, (i,i. NX ■> '-iUo promptly, iil ImisJmo.h.s entrusto.l to his o:uo. M.uvh Jl, 1871-ly. .IAMF.S iil IT, It no,, Mi A r LANn XL\ Nl* AtiK.N \\ HlairwilU l\ On 1 *ioinpt Attention Kivuu to all luisirnsj. .>>,••! t,. his t iro. jinio. 3, iM7I-tf BK\, \. MARTIN, A! Tou'NKY AT LAW, Dahloneqa, On. July SSI, I*7l-1 f S. K. CIIKISTOIMIHK, t IToKNK.Y AT LAW. Uiihuw, (7u. . \ \\ !1 execute piMiuptly all Imslnosß entrusted to hi ate. novltUf THOM IS r. URKEIt, V.. I.AW AND SOLICITOR IN , uni K:tnLru|Ucy. LHijiij. Hu. Will urac il. • in it" ni an. f 111-1 -. ami in llni Dial, lot ami Cir ■ ' ■" - ■ "I tin l . N.. in Atlanta, <a. .lime Jo,l#mr "*l. AN. KiDI'.N, \IID| \K , Vi LAW, a<ntte~,itle, Gcotwi*. Jan.!. IST ly IV Vi F.S A. TOW I'.lt V, ITOKNVV AT LAW, ;\ (iaiucavilU, 0- J. Tl IIMII 1.1.. \ 1 I’.iH M'h A r I \W, Honor, da —Will praolioe ;\ i , On iiun*s , imposing tlie West hi and Cir L'.Miipl altontio.i given to all claims ntruate(l to hi scare. Jau. 1, IK7& ly. rjen! fcJo'J i • Honae IMfe, tors, ft,,,! Olioioc Alispollmiy. VOL. X. Till,: CRItTKItttIAI. aVH.t BY TOHM O. WHirXiEU. Inir father a Omt! from out uhrvr.e tmnd The reuturUia fall like grains of 0 aul, W moot to day, united, free, And loyal to out land and Thou, r‘\ To thank Thee fo v the eta dona? And triiHt Thcc for the opening one. Here where ofoM, by Thy divtco . The fathers spake that word eff TMcu*. ' J * Whoso echo is the glad refrain Of rended bolt and falling ftlialuf To grace our festal ttifte from-all The /.oiiea of r*arilt our gufxdw wo t ail. He with us while tii* New World gr. eU The Old Worhl, thronging all its stroots, Unveiling all the triumphs won a Ily art or toil beneath tho sun; And Unto common good ordain Tills rival ship of band and brain Thou who hflgit hole in concord furled Tln>. war flags of a gathered world*, “ * * ' Beneath our western skies 14 Tho Orient's mansion of tfbo&WfH, And, fr. ightoil with I.ovo’h golden Ho ml the Argonauts of poaooj ; For art and lalmr met In truce, For beauty made the bride of ufle. Wo thank Thee, while withal wo eraVe* The austere vh*iM'**siiAb'r to nave, Tho honor proof Ita plane or gold, * . a y >he rnanhotsl n. yet >*u-,ght or sold! OI main* Thou ua. Ihru4,!i a long ' in neat- wN-uiv, cm* strong , Around <U]|‘ girt JUmaUiu draw T'ho - of ITiv righteous j AmL ..ant *# j 1., t th., n w ttmkaiikß tliwol.l I i’ltiMUt'.) Sleep. Sloop i;i ti boon commonly regAt-.ltXl as priceless, but it may be purchase,! too dearly. Macbeth murdered sleep; a very large andoinliappily, increasing number of well-meaning but misguided persons poison it. . The medical pro fession has a keen interest in the grow ing practice of habitual recourse to sleep-potions, because it is with the connivance of the profession, if not un der its specific advice, that these sorpo rific poisons are employed. Wo think the time lias come when some strong means should be taken to clear rnedi eitm from the reproach of countenanc ing tho play use of opium, chloroform, chloral, chlorodine, and the rest of tho sloop-producers. Tho public should bo told that they are playing with pois on. If they escape a so-called “acci dent’' which cuds in sudden death, they are scarcely to bo congratulated, since ii the body does not die, the brain is disordered or disorganized, the mind enfoohjnd, and t he moral character de prave,!, or evils hur.ftv less IT, fil'draft!,; than death are entailed. Thu consid eration may be agonizing, but it; is sir gout. The sleep produced by these narcotics, or so-called sedatives -let, them act as they may “ou !im nervous system directly," or “through the blood"—is poisoned. Tlmir use gives tho persons employing them an attack of cerebral congestion, only differing in amount, not in kind, from tli • con dition which naturally issues in death. There is grave reason to fear lliat llw real nature of the operation by which tlicso deleterious drugs, one and all, bring about tlm ttiicoitscion timst that burlesques natural .sleep, i t lost sigit,, of, or wholly misun ler ttoo i, by those who have free vecourso to poisons on the most, frivolous pretonees, or with none save tho exigency of a morbid habit.. Great responsibility rests ott medical practitioners, and nothing can atone for tho noglocfc of obvious duty. The voice of wanting must be raised instantly and urgently if a crying abuse i to be arrested, and final loss of con fidence in drugs avoided. Pc net rat in:; Power of Light Experiments have boon rocontly made at. Trieste for the purpose of determin ing how fur different, colored lights penetrate darkness. Tho results of the experiments are as follows: Six lanterns with carefully selected glass of different colors, and furnished with wicks and oils of tho same quality wore lighted on tho beach; and obser vations woro made by a party in a boat. At tho distance of a half loaguo tho light blue lantern was invisible. At the same distance tho dark blue lan tern was scarcely visible. The white lantern was seen at the greatest dis tance of them all. Tho rod lantern was soon at tho second, and the green lan tern was seen at tho third greatest dis tance. White, red and green lights have, the greatest power of penetrating darkness. lied and green lights are particularly recommended for light houses and for signals. There is about a green light a peculiarity which is this: that at a short disttneo it begins to look blue, and oft is deceives per sons. For this reason they who made i the experiment suggest that as a signal i a green light should never ho used, ex cept, in conjunction with rod and white lights. (living up n Si)!, Custom. We have heard of two or three grad uating classes in young ladies’ schools who this year will go through the im portant exercises of commencement •Jay dressed in calico. We wish the example might bo largely copied Tho emulation regarding the garb in which young women were to receive their diplomas has been in many schools almost as great as that concerning the standard of scholarship, and in many cases the expense of a graduating cos tume has exceeded that which used to be spent upon a well-dressed bride. J-"'ir K - - ~ Many young women who could no! afford to dress up to the dicta oi the richer or more extravagant girls have declined graduating and left school a few week* before the end of tho term. Others, who looked forward to teaching as ti profession, and whose diploma was thus a sort of necessity, havo ac tually borrowed money to expend up on the drees that was decreed befitting the occasion. Very few have had the moral courage to appear iu a simple, inexpensive dress. We knew a young woman who yvas a charity student at a college for youug ladies who spent bor rowed money to the amount of S7O for her dress, find was then as plainly dressed as any in the clam. It is n l mistaken, pride that itrducos young sifit>J**i An alls was, of who are limited in means, to submit to the arbitration of those who havo pleqty of money. Peopo*. self-respect would prevent a girl who had been odiumked ship fund, from closing her scholastic course4>urdund by a debt of this sort; and si#J Wkw hr ft vely .mad* ierAppeiir aw.fU’ A ’JftaT (ttS “ftiexpermiv# would surely win more res pfenwm those whoso opinions are worth con sulting. Strong < Hiiiractcr. Strength of character consists of two things—power of will, and power of self-r esistance. It requires two things, therefore, for its existence—feelings, ami strong command over them. Now, it is hero wo make a great mistake: we mistake strong feeling for strong char acter. A man who boars ai! before him, before whose frown domestics tremble, and whoso bursts of fury make the children quako—because lie lias his will obeyed, and his own way in all things, wo call him a strong man. The truth is, that ho is a weak man; it is his passions that are strong—he, mastered by them, is weak. You must mousing the strength of a man by the power of feelings he subdues, not by the power of those which subdue him. And lieu 'e composure is v. ry often the highest result ol strength. D;d we n ver see a man receive a migrant insult, nd only grow a little pale, Klld then rffTb."** “Yrnif intiTfla!. spiritually strong. Or did we never sec a man in anguish stand as if carv ed out of solid rock, mastering him self! Or one, bearing a hopeless dai ly trial, remain silent, and never toll what cankered his home peace V That is strength. Ife who, with strong pas son, remains chaste; he who, keenly sensitive, with manly powers of indig nation in him, can be provoked, and yet restrain himself, and forgive—those are the strong men, the spiritual heroes. I low to Succeed. Young men who are ambitions to succeed in life shout 1 tin lerstand very early in their career, that no trade or profession can bo well learned without tborough application—sleepless indus try and high resolve. Safe fortunes are not amassed in a day, nor is pro fessional excellency achieved in an hour. The lives of great, or useful,or successful men, all teach that impa tient industry, steadiness of purpose and sterling ambition, are tho only keys with which to unlock tho heavy doors of fortune and fame. Young men shoijld loarn those truths in the morning of life and keep thorn always in mind as they struggle up the rug ged way of human existence. Tho man who labors for fortune, who sweats that he may achieve,who denies himself and toils on tho road, is very apt to hold fast to tho goal when won. The man who burns the midnight lamp, that roads and stores away both in season and out of season, that climbs slowly, and with pains those grand heights where ‘fame’s proud temple shines afar,’ is more sure to make goood uso of his achievements, and to leave upon the shore oi time, fo t prints that cannot be washed away. About Hating. Hate nothing It is not worth while. Young lit'o is not long enough to make it pay to cherish ill-will or hard thoughts. What if this man has choat od you, or that woman played you false ? What if this friend has for saken you in time of need, or that one, having won your utmost confidence! your warmest love, has concluded that he prefers to consider and treat you as a stranger? Let it all pass. What difference will it make to you in a few years, when you go to the undiscover ed country V A few more smiles, a few more pleasures, much pain, a little longer hurrying nnd worrying through the world, some hasty greetings and abrupt farewells, and our play will be ‘played out,’ the injured will holed away and ore long forgotten. Is it worthy to hate each other? Contentment abides with truth. And you will generally sailor for wishing to appear other than you are, whether it bo richer, or greater, or more learn ed. The mask soon becomes an instru ment of torture. **%.*%+.* ** .* j * ijx -nj-yrrz’ZJ t * .m GAINESVILLE, GA„ FKIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 187 G. Wonderful Stories i.f (he Sagacity of a Dog. . I v .< >•. - - - >.••**;* | Mr. Parkinson, of dPrtostoH, Ecg laud, baa been offered £2OO for tho dog ‘Morgan,’ that discovered the evi dence against Fish, the murderer of tho little girt Emily Blackburn, but lie thinks that Taylor, to whom is due the idea of using tho animal in that way, should have the benefit., if uny, that may be derived from the discovery. 1 He has, therefore, refused tho offer; but he has proposod to Taylor to gDc him £25 a week and his expeusee to show the dog for a month,and probablv Taylor will accept. The dog was purchased by Mr. Par kinson from George Spencer, formerly gamekeeper ftt Brockholes, near Pres ton, who yesterday gave our corres pondent Somes wonderful Instances of tho dog’s almost incredible sagacity. Sponeer lived In a cottage by himself on the Brockholes estate, and the dbg would fetch the rniflt in the morhiyig for his own li&l hi master's JjreaiffftSt from a disfant farm-house. ~ On one occasion when lie returned ti >• oaKStuifU,. Mt* .rOT , with tlm taiUt,-hia manor saw that, he ’“ii'mi been badly used by a dog at thej farm while he had the kit iu his mouth, and, as ho used to talk to the animal as if ho wore a human companion, he said: ‘Well, thou must go to Haw cliff’s for milk to-morrow,’ and sure enough the dog did so next morning, without further hint, trotting off to Itawcliffs with his kit and mouoy at the usual time. Ou auothor occasion, when Sponeer returned home at four o’clock in the morning after going his rounds, he found that his cottage had been en tered, and two sorrets, thirty nets, some rabbits, and a spade had boon stolen. Morgan tracked tlie thieves through many devious ways and oven across the ford below Ited Sear, until lie found them iu a cottage in Black burn, whore tho wholo of the property was recovered. The thievos were two notorious poachers, who before noon on the same day wore sentenced by the Bl.uikbui u magistrates to three months’ imprisonment-, with lemi labor. Mr. Parkinson, since he bough; him, has spent iiiiuvv hours ou Ins ‘tnluuiiU.m and among many other things he can do are such errands as fetching letters from the Post-oflicc-, or taking let! era thereto. He will even fetch a Post office order, taking with him tlie mon ey and instructions folded up together, o-i receiving the command, ‘Go to the counter and hitch me an order.’ How to Break oil' Bail Habits. Understand the reasons, and ail the reasons, why the habit is injurious Study the subject until there in no lingering doubt in your mind. Avoid tlio places, tho persons, ami the thoughts that load to the temptation i reqiient the places, associate wi ll the persons, indulge in the thoughts dial lead away from temptation. Keep busy; idleness is the strength of bad habits. Do not give ip the struggle when you have broken your resolution once, twice—a thousand times. That ouiy shows how much need there is for you to strive. When you have broken your resolution just think the matter over, and endeavor to under stand why it is you failed, so that you may be ou your guard agains a re curronce of tho same circumstances. Do not think it an easy thing that you havo undertaken. It is a folly to ex pect to break off a habit iu a day which may have been gathering long years. Across the Continent in Eighty- Eight Hours. A train will start at one o’clock on the morning of tho Ist of Juno for San Francisco from tho City of New York, a distance of 3,325 miles, with sixteen passengers, each of whom will pay SSOO fare, the fare including a week’s board at the Grand Palace Hotel at SauFraucisco. When the passengers roach their destination they will be re ceived by the Mayor and Common Council of San Francisco. Mr Henry C. Jarrett, of Booth’s Theater, who is tho manager of tho affair, intends to roach San Francisco in oighty-eight hours from New York. The New York Horald will bo carried on the train and will be delivered at Pittsburg, Chicago, Omaha, San Francisco and all inter mediate statious on the roads. Mr. Jarratt, moved with the spirit of Amer ican enterprise, and desiring to do the fastest thing over done on a railway in the United States, has made arrange ments with the different Railroad Companies between New York and San Fiancisco to have at night at every half-mile a torch bearer, and during the day men bearing signal flags. On every different road and at every sta tion tho Herald will bo delivered, and in thirty-four hours from New York City the Mississippi River will be reached at Clinton. The Herald of Thursday morning, June Ist, will be sold in Chicago on the same day. Mr. Jarrett has engaged this train with the intention ol making a Centennial event, of the alta r. Leaving New York at one o’clock of Thursday morning, June Ist, he believes that his disiinguished guests will dta*|at the Palace Hotel in j Ban Frauciscc on Sunday, June 4lh There are bets ;hat it can not be done. Thirty-four hours to tho Mississippi liiver by rail And no stoppages be tween New Scrk and Pittsburg, is something woqlderful if it can be done. The United. States Government has decided to seaa its mails by this light ning train, aej Wells, Fargo & Cos. will also sond then) gold, specie and valua ble packages a/ the same. The ticketsTr the guests are of ex quisite workmanship, in book form, 5 inches by 4 ief dimension. The outer coverings are M solid silver, burnished in the centerumd the ten leaves inside are engraved* y a Baltimore firm. The passengers, s*teen in number, will have their si ror-bound tioket-books incased in wb e satin caskets, with a hhie or ecru's tin lining. The cost of each and casket will be S4O. Daring foe passage of the train th#T'a will bq inlays of engines at every tfta&oai wh<*eM>he train may stop. The excursioniatd dill form a stage party, no ladies being admitted on the train. to rnn but forty miles •*n hi>TW, ipiickuess of the trip will be accomplished by this continued speed withouisetopoageß. Marriage, +lt is the happiest and most virtuous state of society, in which the hnsband and wifo set out early togethor, make their property together, and with per fect sympathy of soul graduate all their expenses, plans, calculations and desires, with reference to their future and common interest. Nothing de lights mo mejre than to entor the neat little tenement of tho young couple, who within, perhaps two or three years without any resources but their own knowledge -Or industry have joined boart and kpml and engaged to share together the rosposibilities, duties, in terest, trials and pleasures of life. The industrious wife is ohoerfully employing faor own hands in domestic, putting her house in order, or mending bet husbands clothes,or pre paring tlm dinner, whilst, perhaps the little darling sits prattling upon the flour or li.;# sj.iejiing iu the-cradle— and ' very (Tuuf; w.-. rus preparing to welcome the happiest of husbands and tho bust oi fathers, whou ho shall corao from his toil to enjoy the sweets of his little paradise. This is the true domestic, happiness the ‘only bliss that survived the fall.’ Health, contentment, love, abundance, and bright prjspocts, are all bore. But it has become a prevalent sentiment that a man must acquire his fortune before he marries—that the wifo must havo no sympathy, nor share w-tli him in the pursuit of it, in which most of the pleasure truly consists; and the young married pooplo must set oip. with as large and expensive establishment as is becoming those who have boon wedded for twenty rears. This is very unhappy A (loud Sermon. The New York Sun preaches the following brief but excellent Bormen on honesty and truthfulness. All men ought to have found out by this time that it is never safe, either for a public functionary or private in dividual, to do wrong. It is never safe to indulge in swindling, cheating, or bribe taking. It is never safe to practice corruption, any kind or degree of it. It is never safe to indulge in falsehood, any sort of it. It is never safe to do anything which would bring shame to the door by being re vealed. One may fancy his misdeeds can’t be found out, or have been cov ered up,or can bo covered; or that they can bo denied or explained away 60 that people will bo deceived about them; but yet it remains true that their can be no safety for the wrong doer, and no security against his ex posure. Though this looks hard to some people, it is nevertheless in ac cordance with the fixed and irreversi ble moral law of things and of being. The only safety for a man, or for a wo man, is in restraining from wrong and in doing right Even in old times, at the very beginning of human history, it was said, ‘Be sure your sins will find you out.’ This is General Sherman’s estimate of tho fighting qualities of Americans: “Put tho Southern and Northern sol diers together you have the strongest element, in a military souse, that could be gotten together for any national purpose. As fighters they would be invincible. The Southerners are im petuous, aud will fight quicker and fiercer, but they give out sooner; the Northerners are slower, but they stay longer; they have more endurance, aud fight steadier and more stubbornly. Iu lighting qualities the South repre sents France and the North Englaud. Put the two together and the devil couldn’t whip them.” A young lady in Soinorsot county, N. J., who took chloroform before sub mitting to a surgical operation two weeks ago, has ever since been bliud, deaf and dumb. A Uriel' Essay on Mules. The mule is the most unhealthy ani mal in the world—unhealthy to have around. He is continually possossed ol a yearning desire to stretch himself — especially his hind legs. No man ever sees a mule kick him. The man is usually seized with ob scured vision just at that juncture. We have seen a man get up after a mule had kicked him (very rarely though) and sweir with both hands uplifted that ho didn’t believe the animal had stirred a peg, he lookod s > immovable and unconcerned. A mule is a very “quick” animal. Great quantities of that substance lie hidden away beneath his toe calks. Caution—take our word for this, and don’t go hunting around in that vicinity. You can’t weigh a mule with any sort of accuracy. An ounce of mule weighs more than a pound of any other live stock. The mule is a very head-strong beast. He is likewise exceedingly heel-strong The mule—but blame a mule any way. History of the Onion. Very few members of tho vegetable kingdom exists that can boast an ol der record than the onion. Theo phrastus alluded to it as follows: ‘There bo divers sorts of onions which have their surnames -of the places whore they grow; some also lessor, others greater; somo bo round, and divers others long.’ This is ample proof that, even iu his early days, a variety of sorts were grown, and in many places. Pliny adds tho queaJift#J.e information that ‘none grow wildo.’ Tho onion is also spoken of iu Holy iu connection with tho leek And othor fpgetablos, it is refer red/to as a luxury belonging to the Egyptians, at tlio earliest date wc pos sess any history iu regard to thorn. Though Theophrastus shows by his statement above that distinct sorts existed, we are inc ino.l to believe that there were not more linn two or three distinct typos then. They de rived, however, a variety of name, from the various places where they known to bu grown freely. OKI an thora describe a kind known as ‘Asca louitides,’ a immo said by Gerardo to lie ‘of a towno iu Judero, otherwise called Pompeiana.’ Singularly enough, however, the English name of this kind is givuu by this latter authority as ‘Scallions,’ and along with it is giv en an illustration and the following statement: This hath but small roots, growing many together; the leaves are like to onions, but lease. It seldom bears either stalko, flouro or seed. It is used to be oaten in sallmls.’ Both Theophrastus and Pliny refer to this, tho latter in tho sixth chapter of his nineteenth book, where ho says, ‘The one servoing for a sauce or to season moat with.’ Can it be then, that in Pompeii of old, chieves, as we kno.v them now, wore usod popularly. The Murder of Mabel Young In tlie Boston Belfry. [Boston Special to the Chicago Times. ] The publication to-day of Piper’s confession has caused tremendous ex citement. In tho Supreme Judicial Court this morning the counsel for the condemned man formally gave up the case, and remanded the criminal to the just punishment of death. The details of the confession show a depth of cold-blooded atrocity hiydly credi ble. He told kis counsel, regarding the Mabel Young butchery : “I took tho bat from the lower room before or about the beginning of the school, to kill somebody. At that time I carried it up into the auditorium, but during the session of the Sunday school, took it from tho auditorium and carried it to the bolfry. After the close of the school I came dowu stairs and opened the doors. Then I went up again at the time that I sent away the boys who were playing in the vestibule. After the boys had gone out and I was still in the vestibule, tho little girl came up stairs, and I induced her to go with mo to the belfry. There I struck her with the club two or three times, and she fell where the blood was found Then I picked her up and carried the body to the place whore it was discov ered.” After Piper had told this, in much agitation, Mr. Brown asked if that was all he had to confess. “No, sir,” re plied the miserable man. “I killed Bridget Landcrgin.” After tolling about getting tho club and seeing a woman pass, he said: “I followed hor down till we got to Columbia street. Then I was so near her that she looked around and saw mo. I struck hor im mediately. She foil down aud I struck her again. While I was stooping over the body I saw a man coming, so 1 star tod up aud ran away. I got over the fence and went along toward the railroad. While I was climbing up the bank of the railroad somebody called out to me, and then I turned back, took a roundabout way and got home. On the way home it occurred to me that I had a knife in my pocket which might be recognizod in some manner, and I threw it away. Mr. Brown asked him if that was al he had to say. “No,” replied Piper again; “I assaulted Mary Tyner. I wa sexton of the Church at the time. 1 was down town in tho oveuing, and near Lagrange street I met this girl. Mary Tyner. She spoko to me, and we ha.d a little chat together. I in vited her to go into a saloon, and sh. did so. After we had some refresh ments, I went home with her and re mained some time. In the course o: the night I awoke and found 6he was asleep. I saw that I could get out b. either a front or back window, and so I took up something in the shape of a hammer and struck her several blows, so as to smash her head in. I then left the house and went up to the church, where I spent the rest of the night.” “He told me,” said Mr. Brown, “that his deeds were tho result of delirium caused by the use of whisky and opium,” but lie has confessed to an other man that he carried Mabel Young into the tower iutoiuliug to ravish liei after he had killed her, and it is known that the attempt was made to ravish Bridget Landergiu’s dead body. It is believed that Piper also killed Katy Leehon, whose dead body was found near Longwood some four years ago. She was killed in the same manner as Bridget Landergin, and ravished, as the surgeons thought, after death. Time lost can never be regained After allowing yourself proper time for rest, don’t live a single hour of your life without doing exactly what is to be done iu it, and going straight through with it from beginning to end. Work, play, study, whatever it is, take hold of it at onco and finish it up squarel • and cleanly; then to tho next thing with out letting any moments drop out bo tween. It is wonderful to see liow many hours thoso prompt people con trive to make out of a day; it is as if they picked up the moments tho dawd ler-. lost. Aiul if you ever find your self where you have so many tilings pressed upon you that you hardly know where to begin, lot me tt H you secret. Take hold of the very ouo that comes to hand, and you will find the rest all fall into fide and follow after liko a company of well-drilled soldiers; and, though work may bo hard to meet when it charges you in a squad, it is easy vanquished if you can bring it into lino. I have so great a contempt and de testation for meanness that I could sooner make a friend of one who had committed murder than of a person who could be capable, in any instanco, of the former vice. Under meanness 1 comprehend dishonesty; under dishon esty, ingratitude, irroligion; and under this latter, every species of vice and immorality iu human nature. Perfect wisdom, says an ancient philosopher, hath four parts—viz , wis dom, the principle of doing things aright; justice, the principle of doing things equally in public and private; fortitude, the principle of not flying danger but meeting it; and temper ance, tho principle of subduing desires and living moderately. It is no more possible for an idle man to keep together a certain stock of knowledge than it is possible to keep together a stock of the ice exposed to the meridian sun. Every day destroys a fact, a relation or an inference; and the only method of preserving the balk and value of the pile is to be constant ly adding to it. Twenty-th ree thorn-and dollurs have been paid in for the erection of a mon ument in the Capitol square of llich rnoml, in honor of the illustrious Con federate chieftain, Ribert E Lv. It is thought that SI,OOO uuie wih be received in the course of a month The proposed statue will certainly be erected. To give brilliancy to the eyes, shut them early at night and open them early iu the morning; let tho mind bo constantly intent on the acquisition of human knowledge, or the exercise of benevolent feelings. This will scarcely ever fail to impart to the eyes an in telligent and amiable expression. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can boar. Worry is but rust upon tho blade. It is not tho fovolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction. Fear so cretoa acids; but love aud trust, sweet juices. ♦ A roally happy marriage of love and judgment between a noble man and woman is one of tho things so very handsome that if the suu were, as the Greek poets fabled, a god, he might stop the world in order to feast his oye3 with such a spectacle. Attorney-General Hammond says Uie immense “ground swell” in favor of his nomination for Governor seems to indicate that the office is seeking the man. F F. A T II F. K S. To be happy, borrow no trouble. Build up the weak and all will le strong. Tim fewer our wants llic greater . ur happiness. lfow ii. doo hurt some people to h 1 thorn tho truth. Life is too short to spend time in personal quarrels. Tho loss yon tell the more yon will come to know. It is better to live for our country than to die for it. It is time enough for God to answer prayer when prayer is offered. It is not the starch on iho front so much as tho heart that is beneath. Take your sad experience kindly and will turn to blessings.. Bettor try to make home happy than to live out in the world alone. To worry over what we do not un derstand is no mark of greatness. It does not pay to wasto love on a man or woman who will not return it.. Keep faith with your real friends and you rest your head in the lap of God. The young man who indulges the most does not make the kindost hus band. If husbands were always lovers, -.vivos would be tho dearest minister ing angels. The person who has the most conli 1. uce in himself or herself lias the most iu others. The person who would rob a parent of tho love of a child will surely die iu sorrow. The best way to conquer poverty is to stay with it a little while without blubbering. Many a lady with a good eye for colors and fashions connot clearly dis cern right from wrong. When a woman who is married lives o attract the love of other men, let other men support her. That man is at heart a coward who seeks to humiliate his wife boforo her guests or company. Growth and patience under the in lluonco of love will improve and make more lovablo any disposition. Every act of dissipation and every spree of drunkenness robs the mental of some portions of growth. Do less for tho wife and family ot another than your own, and you will bo ou tho road that loads to rest. It is beneath the dignity of gentle manhood to speak in quick, ug y, wor rying tones to a wife, or children. Children are tho beautiful flowers and old people are tho fruits to bo cared for if wo would provide for the hereafter. NO. 20 Suspicion is a base on which thou sands of instruments of torture are built by those who delight in making themselves miserable. How full this country is of wives who aro not content to be thought well of. but who wish to incite envy in others, and thus come to grief. Provide only for those who minister to our comforts and we have done our nil duty. After this is time for pleas ure. flow little do we realize that in a short time the fire-cracker fiend will be on earth again, to make us all bounce in horror, and wish that time was no inoro. Beautiful women are so apt to be vain, then to be hungry for education, that they grow away from lovo and seek only tho hollow oxcitoment that flattors vanity. There aro two men who should be very hayppy. Tho one who has a wifo contented to remain at home—the other, whoso wife runs away with an other man and remains away. It takes but a moment to close tho door tightly against temptation when it hastens elsewhere. And this is better than to live hours, days or years under the shadow of regret. Friendship may and ofton does grow into love; but love never sub sides into friendship. Sleep—death’s youugor brother; and so like him that I never dare trust myself with him without saying my prayers. Riches are the bagga >e of virtue. They cannot be spread or loft behind; but they hinder the march. A helping hand to one in trouble is like a switch on tho railroad track but one inch between wreck and smooth-rolling prosperity. We wear our teeth out in tho hard drudgery of the outsot, and, at length when wo do get braed to eat, we com plain that tho crust is hard, so that in neither case aro wo satisfied. The children of Israel, under a Ulia raoh, were oppressed with Egyptian bondage. Now it seems they are in a position to ask tho Khedive 22 per cent , on Egyptian bonds. ‘Thus the whirli gig of time brings about its revenges' Men’s lives should be like the day— more beautiful in the evening; or like the summer -aglow with promise; and like autumn—rich with golden sheaves, where good deeds have ripened on the field. Women, so amiable in themselves, are never so amiable as when they' are useful; and as for beauty, though men may fall in love with girls at play,there is nothing to make them stand to toeir love like seeing them at work.