The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, February 02, 1877, Image 3

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THE E AG la E . ox -x' ~y x t lij £5 . I riilav Morning, February 2^1877. business is picking up. Wheat is looking well. Stand up, Mr. Candidate. Fresh garden seed at Bradly’s, Who Mill go to Congress from the 9th ? Up to this time we have had no freshet. Our Marshals are having their hands full now. Our farmers have begun work in good earnest. .Sow your English peas on the 14th of February. Monday, Tuesday' and Wednesday were balmy as May. Who wants to go to Congress? Don’t all speak at once. An occasional stray bale of cotton linds it way to market. The merchant’s faces are brighter— business is better. Our school opened Monday morning with flattering prospects. • <- The trains on the Air Line are again running on schedule time. The sound of the brass horn again floats out ou the still night air. Corn was sold at five cents a grain in our City last Monday night. We notice a number of our citizens are having their gardens plowed. Several loads of apples have been sold in the city during the week. When the weather is pleasant the wood hauler’s looks are unpleasant. The prophecy is that the spring trade will be good. ‘So mote it be.” And now the soft peisuasive wooing of the fruit tree man is heard in th§ land. Butter, eggs and chickens are cheap er now than they were during the bad weather. Dr. G. W. Sauls, inventor and Pro prietor of Sauls’ Paiu Alleviator, is in the city. The work on the large new hotel, at (lower Springs, is being pushed with the utmost energy. We notice that the rubbish is being removed from some of the burnt lots, p reparatory to rebuilding. Does it reflect on a man’s character to tell him that “two lmads are always 1 better than one in a barrel,” All who would purchase goods cheap for cash or barter, should call on A. J. Comer, at the Henderson corner. Has not the beautiful weather of the j past, three or four days reminded you ' of May parties and honey sucklos ? Alley, the man who walked off on ) his cane, was recaptured Wednesday ! evening, near Belltou by Torn Hauie. There in a little uegro in the city , who sleeps in a hog’s bed with an old j sow and seven pigs. Happy little nig. j Several of our young men are mak-! iug herculean efforts at mustache rais- ! iug. The results up to this time are very sickly. We uotice quite a falling off in the { number of little boys on the streets 1 since the opening of our school. A ! good sign. Ready mixed paints of all shades aud Colors, ground by steam, thor oughly mixed aud ready for use, for sale at Bradley’s. Prof. LaHatte informs us that the contingent fund will be used solely for the benefit of the school, as it proper ly belongs to the school. Persons in want of Portable Engines should address Schofield & Son, Ma con, (la. See their advertisement to be found in another column. J. L. Gaines, Sheriff of Hall County, It. E. Burt Sheriff of Dawson County, and Simeon Palmour, Sueriff of White County, all have something to say this week. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Joseph Parsons, Esq., by Rev. A. D. Cheuault, Robert B. Hall, Esq., aud Miss Nannie A. Par sons—all of Banks county, Ga A fancy gent, bearing the euphoni ous title of Alley, was bound over to the Superior Court for gambling, last Tuesday. Not liking the prospect be fore him deliberately walked off on a stick. Communion services at the Presby terian church, Sunday next. Prepar atory services Saturday at lOi o’clock. Persons desiring to join by letter or by profession of faith, are requested to tie present on Sunday. Siuce tho pleasant weather set in, our farmers have gone to work vigor ously, preparing for a crop. The ground was thoroughly pulverized by the l.ite severe freezes, and is found to be in fine condition for cultivation. We learn that the wheat and fall oats were not killed out by the freeze, as many supposed, but that they show good stands and present a healthful appearance. Our police arrested a negro on Wednesday evening, who had in his posseosion quite a number of gold pen cils and pens. W hen arrested lie was offering them for sale at very low pti ccs. He calls himself Scott Milford, and says he is from Tennessee. He, however, has a number of letters ad dressed to Mr. Blackburn, written from /,. B. Hargrove. The nogro is a smart fellow, but tells conflicting stories. Wednesday night about 11 o’clock he set fire to the calaboose, and came very near sufliocating himself and the other prisoners. Up to this time noth ing definite has been ascertained as to the negro or jewelry. If you wish to know how many ! friends you have, advertise that you j have money to lend. If you want to j know how few you have try to get someone to go your security on a bank note, or a bond to keep you out j of jail. . Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, ) Cm of Gainesville, Jan. 29, 1877. J Council met. Present—His Honor H. S. Bradley, Mayor pro tern, and! j Aldermen Smith, Clements, Alexander | and Green. j Minutes read and confirmed. | Committee to purchase burial ground for the colored people reported: We | can buy from Mr. John Merck, south | of Air Line Railroad, some 200 yards j from Athens street, two acres of laud for SBO. Report received, and on mo tion it lay ever until next meeting. D. E. Banks. W. P. Smith. W. B. Clements. i By Alderman Green: Whereas, as Mr. Pfeffer has failed to comply in constructing side walk, as j agreed upon by Council, and as there j is still complaint laid before the Conn -1 cil for said obstructions to be moved, (steps and platform on north side of store occupied by Smith & Jenkins,) that the Marshal be instructed to noti fy Mr. Pfeffer, in writing, to have said steps and platform removed in five days, and if not complied with in that time, the Marshal have the same done and charge the amount to Mr. Pfeffer. Carried. The following accounts were ap proved by the Finance committee: Southron office, printing sls 00 A. H. Saye, extra police a 00 •J. H. A T. H. Daniel, blankets 2 00 It H. Wright, dieting prisoners 20 50 H. S. Bradley, glass, putty, freight, etc for college D 03 Referred to Finance committee: •I. R. Dyche, street work . $4 00 By Alderman Green: That a committee be appointed to rent house for Hook and Ladder Com pany. Committee—Aldermen Green, Smith and Clements. On motion Council adjourned. H. S. Bradley, Mayor pro tern. A. B. C. Dorsey, Clerk. Tlie President Sigus the Electoral Bill. Washington, January 29. Senator Conover, chairman of Sen ate committee ou enrolled bills, at 10 o’clock this morning, presented the bill in regard to electoral count to the President, who signed it immediately, and informed Senator Conover that he would send a special message to Sen ate to-day, announcing his approval of the bill. president's message. Washington, January 29. To the Senate of the United Stales —T follow the example heretofore oc casionally presented, of communicat ing in this mode, mv approval of the act to provide for, and regulate the counting of the vote for President and Vice Pesident, and the decision of qnes tions arising thereon, for the term commencing March 4tli, A. D. 1577, because of my of the iminent peril to the interests of the country, from which, in my judgment, the act affords a wise and constitution- al means of escape. For the iirst time in the history of our country, under the constitution as it now is a dispute exists as to the re sult of the election of the Chief Magis trate of the Nation. It is understood that upon the disposition of disputes touching the electoral votes cast at the late election by one or more of the State, depends the question whether one or the other of the candidates for j the Presidency is the lawful Chief Magistrate. The importance of having clearly ascertained, by a proceeding : regulated by law, which of the two ; candidates has been elected, and of having the right to this high office re cognized aud cheerfully agreed on by all the people of the Republic, can not be over-estimated; and leads me to ex press to Congress and to the Nation my great satisfaction at the adoption of a measure that affords an orderly means of decision of a gravely exciting | question. While the history of our country in its earliest period, shows that the j President of the Senate has counted ' the votes and declared them, our 1 whole history show that in no instance of doubt or dispute, has he exercised I the power of deciding, and that the two houses of Congress have disposed of all such doubt and disputes,although in no instauce hitherto have they been such that their decision, could essen tially have altered the result. For the first time, the Government of the United States is now brought to meet the question, as one vital to the result, aud this under conditions, not the best calculated to produce an agreement,or to induce calm feelings in the several branches of the Government, or among the people of the country, in a case where now the result is involved. It is the highest duty of the law making powers, to provide in advance a con stitutional order, and a just method of executing the constitution, in this most interesting and critical of its provi sions. The bill so far from being a compromise of rights is an enforcement of lights, and an execution of powers conferred by the constitution on con gress. I think that this orderly meth od baleen secured by the bill, which appealing to the constitution and laws as the guide in ascertaining the right, provides a means of deciding the question of a single return, through the direct action of congress, and in respect to the doubtful returns by a tribunal of inquiry, whose decisions stand, unless both Bouses of congress shall concur in determining otherwise, thus securing a definite disposal of all questions of dispute in whatever as pect they may arise, with or without this law, as all of the States have vot ed, and as a tie vote is impossible, it must be that one of the two candidates has been elected, and it would be de plorable to witness au irregular con troversy as to which of the two should receive as which should continue to hold the office. In all periods of history, controver sies have arisen as to the succession or choice of the chiefs of states; and no party or citizens, loving their country and its free institutions, can sacrifice too much of mere feeling in preserv ing, through the upright course of law, their country from the smallest dan ger to its peace on such an occasion. And it can not be impressed too firmly in the hearts of all the people, that true liberty and real progress can ex ist only through a cheerful adherence to constitutional law. The bill purports to provide only for the settlement of questions arising from the recent elections. The fact that such question can arise, de monstrates the necessity which I can’t doubt, will before long, be supplied by permanent general legislation to meet causes which have been contemplated in the constitution of the country. The bill may not be perfect, and the provision may not be such as would be best applied to all future occasions,but it is calculated to meet the present condition of the questions and of the country. The country is agitated. It needs and desires peace, and quiet, and harmony between all parties and all sections. Its industries are arrested; labor unemployed; capital idle, and enterprises paralyzed by reason of the doubt and anxiety attending the un certainty of a doubtful claim, to be Chief Magistrate of the nation. It wants to be assured that the result of the election will be accepted without resistance from the supporters of the disappointed candidates, and that its highest officer shall not hold his place with a questionable title of right. Be lieving that the bill will secure these ends, I give it my signature. Signed. U. S. Grant. Exchange Mansion, Jan. 29, 1877. The Baltimore Gazette says: “One of the saddest of the wrecks after the compromise bill shall be passed will be Mr. Ferry. He immediately lapses in to utter insignificance. Nobody will care a rush for his views as to the va lidity of the returns, nor whether he wants to go behind them, or before them, or on either side of them, or to waltz around them. His functions will begin and end in tearing open the en velopes and handing them over to the tellers to couut. If there be any dispute as to them, lie will have no voice in it. Removal of EJ. WILEY TO THE It El) STORE HOUSE OX GREEN STREET. T AM NOW PREPARED TO SERVE MY A Customers ou more reasonable terms than ever. Having a well selected stock, I offer them very low for cash or barter. I have a first-class Wagon Yard, and will furnish wagoners bouse, stalls and wood on reasonable terms. A supply of corn and fodder always on hand. janl9~tf millTiktefiy AND FANCY GOODS. MRS. E. C. SHOCKLEY VS ISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO HER MANY '• Friends and Customers, that she now occupies the Henderson house, opposite the post office, and formerly kept by Rich L. Johnson as a hotel, where she will sell Millin ery cheaper than ever. She is also prepared to cut, fit and make both Ladies’ aud Gentle men’s Clothing, at low prices. Also keeps on hand readymade Gingham and Lawn Bonnets. janl9 tf January, 1877. Out of the Ashes !! A. WHELCHEL, OINCE THE FIRE, can be found at the Candler Hall Building, at the old stand of E. S. Wylie. He proposes to sell goods at short profits for cash or barter. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuation of the same. All persons indebted to me by note or ac count, will please come forward and pay, as I am compelled to have the money. janl2-lm GEORGIA, TOWNS COUNTY.—Whereas, Martin England, guardian ot the minor heirs of Lafayette Brown, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell all the land belonging to said estate: This is to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. why said leave should not be granted to said applicant, on the first Monday in March next. This November 11, 1876. td E. HEDDEN, Ordinary. NO T If E . A LL PERSONS indebted to J. D. Coolv -A- will come forward immediately and make settlement, or they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for col lection. I mean business, 4ee22-U J. D. COOLY. VEGBTINE —IS— Tlie Great FAMILY MEDICINE —AND— HEALTH-RESTORER. General !Debility. Debility is a term used t< denote deficiency of blood. Tbe nutritive constituents of the blood are in less than their regular proportion, while the watery part is in excess. Debility .is of fre quent occurrence. It is incident to a variety of diseases. Tbe hover limbs are apt to be swollen. J lie patient is feeble, and cannot bear much exertion. The circulation is irregular, but al most always weak. Palpitation of the heart is a very common symptom. Violent emotion often throws the heart into the most tumultuous ac tion. The vital functions are languidly per formed. The muscular streni-th is diminished ; fatigue follows moderate or slight exercise. Tbe breathing, though quiet when at rest, becomes hurried and even painfully agitated under ex ertion, as in running, ascending heights, etc. The nervous system is often greatly disordered. \ ertigo, dizziness, and a feeling ‘of faintness are very common. Violent and obstinate neu ralgic pains in the head, side, breast, or other j-arts of the body, are also attendants upon the disease. The secretions are sometimes diminished, in females the menses are almost always either suspended or very partially per formed. The bile is scanty, and costiveness, with unhealthy evacuations from the bowels and dyspeptic state of the stomach, are extremely common symptoms. MARVELLOUS EFFECT. H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir —I have used Vkgetixe, and feel it & duty to acknowledge the great benefit it has clone me. In the spring of the year 1562 1 was •lick from general debility, caused by overwork, want of sleep and proper rest. 1 was very weak and much emaciated. I tried many remedies, without receiving any benelit from any of them, until I was persuaded to try Vkgetixe. lie lore l had taken this one week my improved condition gave me renewed hope and courage. 1 continued to take it every day, gaining more Strength until I was completely restored to health., lhe effect of this Remedy, in'ease of general de bility, is indeed marvellous. KLIZABETH a. FOLEY, 21 Web3ter street, Charlestown, Mass. SWOLLEN LIMBS. Lebanon, N. 11., Jan. 20,1870. Mr. Stevens : Dear Sir—l write this note to inform you of the effect of your “Blood Purifier” upon my system. When 1 commenced taking it, a year ago, 1 was very much debilitated. My limbs were swollen so that it was impossible for me to get into or out from a carriage, and very painful to up or down stairs, indeed, i could scarcely stand on my feet. . My appetite was gone, my strength failing rapidly. After using your med icine for a few weeks I began to improve. My appetite improved and my strength returned. I can now perform my duties as a nurse with my wonted ease ; and 1 feel I owe it to Yegktine. Yours gratefully, Mbs. C. A. H. TJLDKN. A PERFECT CURE. Charlestown, June 11,1861. Mr. U. R. Stevens : Dear Sir —This is to certify that Vegetixr made a perfect cure of me when my attending physician had pronounced my case consumption, and said I could not survive many days. M us. Ledstox, ;;.j Cook street. The facts stated by Mrs. Ledstou are personally known by me, and they are true. A. D. HAYNES. Would not be Without VEGETINE FOR TEN TIMES ITS COST. The great benelit I have received from the use of VEGETINE induces me fo give my testimony) in its favor. I believe it to be not only of gre:ts, value for restoring the health, but a preventive of diseases peculiar to lhe spring and sumntel seasons. I would not be without it for ten times its cost I EDWIN TILDEX, VI Attorney and General Agent for Massachusetts of the Crattmen's Life Assurance Company* No. 49 Sears’ Building, Boston, Mass. J Vegetine is sold by all Application for Charter. - To lhe Honorable Siqieiior Court of! Said County. i HALL OOULPI-Y. tTW-V-Jat v * tiou of 4. F Lilley, C. A. Lilley, Gaoim-' Rakestraw, James Leckie and B. F. Morttff in behalf of themselves, their associates afi ‘ successors, respectfully shaweth that they tj sire to be incorporated under the name ay(l style of the 1 .1. F. LILLEY& SOjfj’ CO-OPERATIVE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. X The object and business of said company will be the manufacture of Boots, Shoes and other articles of like kind, the said business to be conducted ou the co-operative system. * They desire to establish a Factory for tho manufacture of said articles in the city of Gainesville, of said County and State, and in connection with said Factory to conduct a Provision Stoes for the mutual benefit of the shareholders in said company, and for the purpose of disposing of the products of their manufacture, and of supplying the operatives of said company with provisions and necessary supplies of all kinds. The said city of Gainesville will be their place of business, and the place of their chief office. The amount of capital stock to be employed by said company is Teu Thousand Dollars which they desire to have the privilege of in creasing to Fifty Thousand Dollars should the busiuess of the company require it. They desire that said capital stock be divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, which shares shall be transferable only on the books of said com. any. That each stockholder shall at any meeting of said company, be al lowed one vote for each share he holds provi ded he shall have ptid all installments called iii by the said officers of said company. They desire to have power to manufacture Boots Shoes and other articles of like kind, and to buy and sell the same ; to buy, own and sell such real estate and other property as is necessary and proper for carrying on their business ; to hive and bind such laborers and apprentices for such length of time as may be proper, and as may be necessary to carry on said business ; to appoint from the stockhold ers of said company proper officers to manage said business, and control their operatives ; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations for the government of said company, aud con trol of said operatives, and all employees of said company, which may not be inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this State, ,and of the United States ; to carry on a Store in connection with said manufacturing busi ness for the mutual benefit of the sharehold ers of said company ; to buy and sell in such Store, such a tides as they may manufacture, and all necessary supplies for carrying on said manufacturing busiuess, or for the use of the employees of said company—and to have the power to sue and be sued—contract and be contracted with under their corporate name—and all other powers usual and proper for carrying on their business. They therefore make this application iu order that they may be made a body corpo rate for the purposes aforesaid, and with the powers and privileges aforesaid, and with the power of continuous succession for Twenty Years with privilege of renewal thereafter, and that after complying with the require ments of the Law, the Court may pass an order declaring their application granted. MARLER & PERRY. Petitioners Attorneys, Filed iu Office January 23rd 1877. W. S. PIC&RELL, Deputy Clerk. Georgia, Hall County. —Recorded in the Clerks Office Hall .Superior Court, Record of Deeds Book “L” page 297, January 23rd 1*77. W. S. PICKRELL, jan26-tdc Deputy Clerk S. C. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY.-Will be AA sold, befoie the Court House door, in the town of Cleveland, White county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 35, in the third district of White county, containing 250 acres, more or less; one undivided fourth part of the divided southeast half of lot No. 3G, in the 3d district of White county; one undivided fourth part of the divided southeast half of lot No. 37, in the 3d district of W’hite county; oue undivided fourth part of lot No. 60, in the 3d district of White county : one undivided fourth part of lot No. 37, in the 3d district of White county; oue undivided fourth part oft L-o divided half of lots Nos. 90 and 91, iu the 3d district ot White county; lot No. 33, in the 3d district of White county; also the entire ditch, water privileges, right of way and franchise belong ing to the Nacoochee Hydraulic Mining Com pany. All of said property levied on as the property of the Nacoochee Hydraulic Mining Company to satisfy a fi fa issued from White Superior Coart, in favor of John and James Glenn vs the Nacoochee Hydraulic Mining Company. Property pointed ont bv plaintiff's attorney. SIMEON PALMER, janl2 Sheriff. OC 4n COD day at home. Samples worth CO CtU *1 free. STINSON A 00., marlu-ly Portland, Stains I what Rev, Dr. LovU k Fierce Say, of Thrash’, ca,autptire t are. Macon, .January 8, 1876. Dear Brother Davies: Excuse me for writ j onl y wll en lam deeply interested. I have been speechless about two months. Could ! uot rea d and pray iu a family. Had tried , inany things. Got no benefit from anv. Since Conference gome one sent me from Auiericns a bottle of Thrash’s Consumptive Cure and Dung Restoier, which I have been taking now, this is the 9th day, and I can talk now with some ease. I came here, among other things, to supply myself with this medicine. No drug gist here has it on sale. I must have it. 'j want you to go in person tc. Thrash k Cos., show them this letter and make them send me , y express to Sparta, Ga., two, three or four bottles, with bill. lam getting on finely. „ , , „ L. Pierce. r or sale by Dr. H. S. Bradley, Gainesville, May 19-ly A Card. lo all who are suffering from tbe errors and indiscretions of youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, <fcc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered bv a mis sionary in South America. Send a seld-dresaed envelope to the Rev. Jo seph T. Inman, Station D. Bible House, New York. The Markets. IF-ixi-scixoiUtl . CORRECTED BY BANKS It BRO. GOLD—buying s Selling SlLVEß—Buying ar filing Cotton JXZCstT-lcet. CORRECTED BY C. A. LILLY. Stam, g y Total receipt, to date . on Market dull. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY K. L. BOONE. COFFEE-java ¥ 1b..."....". s7 q @ suoAR-iMb, Ex.' o.;:::::::::;— 25 ® Ik “ “ 7 A 13R “ “ Crushed 14 “ “ “ Yellow C 12 “ “ “ Brown io< 12 syrup-* gai ;;;;;; 40 w MOLASSES—* gal ®35 “ “ by bbl 32 kit 1 25,311 ' M TEAS—imperial 90@1 25 CANDLE5— ¥ft,......Y,V.777.7....'.'.... 7 °® l 'jj CORN—wlifted* b'uahel'.'. . . . 53 to *3 NEW CORN fc to SO MEAL-V bushel so to 7# FLOUR—auptrflue—per ft i‘.@ 04ii “ **tra “ 3*-# 4 V I; “ 3U& IX “ fancy < * HAY—clover ¥ 100 lbs “ timothy 1 ‘ none WHEAT—white—new HO to 125 BACON—haras—V.' ft'.'.’.V..7.7’.'. lU °@lß 2s BACON—clear aides—¥ ft 12@12!I BACON—shoulders—¥ ft 10® 12‘i BACON-C 8 ft lito IS BULK MEAT—clear sides 12 y x HAMS (sugar cured) canvassed.. 16® 17 EGGS—¥ dozen 15 HOTTER 15—dull CHlCKENS—spring 15—dull grown 15 DRIED PEACHES—unpealed V ft 6 pealed “ # 10 DRIED APPLES—pealed ¥ ft 3K SWEET “ ONIONS—dry “ 50 SODA CRACKERS, (fresh) 12 4£# 15 LEMON “ “ 15 @ 20 BUGAR “ 20@ GINGER 25# 30 SPICE 25# 30 PEPPER 30# 35 CLOVES (¥ ozj,., 5 i each . .V/.V.25# S9 ULTC : .T8 (painted) “ ..." 26 PEA .GRITS—V 1b 05# WEL ROPE— Vi ft 15# 25 AXLE GREASE—¥ box 15 AXES 1 00# AXE HANDLES .• 10# 20 PLOW LINES—¥ pair (32 feet) 25@ - STICK CANDY—¥ tb 25# 30 FANCY CANDY—¥ tb 40# 50 SOAPS—various kinds 8# 10 JiiAlSlNS—¥ lb 25 APPLES—¥ bushel 25@ 30 POWDER—¥ ft 35# 40 SHOT—¥ lb 12W# W. PROOF CAPS—¥ box 10# TOBACCO—¥ lb 65# 100 CIGARS 03# 10 RICE ¥ lb 10 BEESWAX ¥ lb 25 CABBAGE—¥ lb 2 # 3 BAGGlNG—standard -2 U lb ¥ yd 14# 17 TIES— 5‘.,@0,'1 SHOVELS—Ames’ No. 0 1 25# “ “ 1 1 25# IRON—Sweed ¥tb 8 (<o 4 SHIRTING—7-8 7 #8 “ 3-4 6 (4# 7 SHEETING—4-4 8 >.,# 10 DRILLING 11# 1212 FACTORY THREAD 1 () CHECKS 11 HEED THE I'UTT’S ■■■ ■ * • ■ ■ PILLS ?ss?i words of Advice, gas TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S "RESPECTFULLY offered by JLLLS TUTT’B W. H. Tutt, M.D., for many ptt.LS , PT!TT*ii years Demonstrator of Anatomy in t, tt Til HlTT'S the Medical College of Georgia. ‘{""J Thirty years’experience iu TUTT S practice of medicine, together with PiLLS TUTT’S fifteen years’ test of Tutt’s Pills, PILLS TUTT’S and the thousands of testimonials PILLS TUTT’S Riven of their efficacy, warrant me pills TUTT’S in saying that they will positively pfLLS r rrT mmi Q cure‘all diseases that result from a IMI 'riTrrMMc diseased liver. They are not rec- L ‘J' II S ommended for all the ills that afflict i,}, J , 1 * 1* ft* humanity, but for Dyspepsia, Jaun- PILL> TUTT’S dice. Constipation, Piles, Skin Dis- PILLS TUTT’S eases, Bilious Colic. Rheumatism. PILLS TUTT’S Palpitation of the Heart. Kidney PILLS TUTT’S Affections, Female Complaints. Ac., piLLS ri<|"tt'c °f which result from a derange- PTT T ‘ s m i •p'iVw. meat of the Liver, no medicine has * ,V. J,!;**,!' ever proven so successful as Dl{. •'ILLS fl-TT’S TITTT’S VEGETABLE 1.1 VF.R PlhLJs TUTT’S PILLS. PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TLTT’S ; TUTT’S PILLS ’ PILLS tult s ; cure sick headache. ; fills TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S I : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S i REQUIRE NO CHANGE OF : PILLS TUTT’S ; DIET. <a : PILLS TUTT’S : ! PILLS TUTT’S ’ ; PILLS TUTT’S ; TUTT’S PILLS • PILLS TUTT’S | ARE PURELY VEGETABLE.! PILLS TUTT’S ! : PILLS TUTT’S : ! PILLS TUTT’S ! TUTT’S PILLS I PILLS TUTT’S ! NEVER GRIPE OR NAUSE- : PILLS TUTT’S : ATE. 1 PILLS TUTT’S I | PILLS TUTT’S ! : PILLS TUTT’S ! THE DEMAND FOR TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S iPILLS is not confined to this- PILLS TUTT’S rcountry, but extends to all parts’ PILLS TUTT’S :of the world. : PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S PILLS ! TUTT’S • A CLEAR HEAD, elastic limbs.: PILLS TUTT’S -good digestion, sound sleep,! PILLS Tutt’S :buoyant spirits, fine appetite,; PILLS TCTT’S -are some of tlie results of the! PILLS TUTT’S ’use of TUTT’S PILLS. ’ PILLS TUTT’S ’ : PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S ! AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS ARE THE ’ PILLS TUTT’S ’ BEST—PERFECTLY HARM- ’ PILLS TUTT’S : LESS. ’ PJLLS TUTT’S ! ! PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S i SOLD EVERYWHERE. ’ PILLS TUTT S : PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CTS. : PILLS TUTT’S : I PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S i PRINCIPAL OFFIC E ’ PILLS TUTT’S : IS MURRAY STREET, ’ PILLS TUTT’S ’ NEW YORK. i PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of • history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. “WON’T 00 TO FLORIDA.” New York, August 30, 1872. D R. TUTT: Dear Sir :-When in Aiken, last winter, I used your Expectorant for my cough, and realized more benefit from it than anything I ever took. lam so well that I will not go to Florida next winter as I intended. Send me one dozen bottles, by express, for some friends. ALFRED CTJSHIND, 123 West Thirty-first Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This certifies that I have recommended the use of Dr. Tutt’B Expectorant for diseases of the lung* for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles have been used by my patients with the hap piest results. In two cases where it was thought con firmed consumption had taken place the Expectorant effected a cure. R. H. SPRAGUE, M.D. “Weean not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt* Ex psetorant, and for the sake of suffering humanity hope it may become more generally known.** — Chris tian ADVOCATE. _ , _ A A Sold by Druggists. Price 81.00 OfCX Pi A Weak to Afftpts. Samples uni; *>UO lIF vf I p, o. VKAUfRT & CO.. Auguela ttstas. angat-iy T. A. PANEL 9 (Successor) To Panel A: Cos., Steam Planing Mills AND M a 11 ii fa o t o t* y, GAINESVILLE, <i A WILL FIIIMSH UOOUs, SASH, lllindx, Moulding, Brackets, Etc., at Atlanta juices. Will Plane aud Match Lumber at their old prices. Lumber Yard at the Mill. ill turuish Hovelled Weatherboarding, Dressed, at the same price of the old style in the rough. Agent for all kinds ot Mill Machinery, Etc. He respectfully invites all of his old lriends and customers to call on him 4 before purchas ing elsewhere. jano-tf MRS. 11. N. WARE, (Henderson Building, over A. J. Coiner’s Store,) Begs leave to inform the public and her Friend* generally, teat alia ia new recaiviu* her Fall Stock of * (MTTLHLiijsriEJEvsr, HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUFFLING, LACES, Hamburg Edgings, Insertions, , Collars and Cuffs, Collaret Is, Neckties, taloves, Combs, Etc,, Etc., Atl ol which she ia selling to suit the timee. She also keeps Machine Needles. Oil and Attach soptij -6iu Pumping Machinery For Sale Cheap. C'fONSISTING of two Balance Wheel Wood- ward Pattern Steam Pumps, twelve inch steam cylinders, six inch water cylinders and eight inch staokc. Can be used as steam engine. Also, one Locomotive Boiler and one two flue boiler, together with a large lot of three inch suction, and two and a half inch dis charge jiipes. Above machinery is in fair order, and will be sold together or separately to suit purchas ers. Was thrown out of nse by introduction of Atlanta water works. Is well adapted for mining or other pur .... GEO. A. BARNARD, Office with Tommey, Stewart <k Beck, jans ft Atlanta, Ga. E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS., Advertising Agents, 100 IV. Fourth St., CINCINNATI, O.J Are authorised to contract for advertising in this paper. Estimates furnished free. Send for a circular. n o T i ck . 1 LL PERSONS indebted to the firm of * ‘ Lesser A Cos. are notified not to settle said indebtedness only by the books, which books aie in my possession; and all persona so indeb'ed are requested to come forward and settle at once with the undersigned. Fail not. SAMUEL LESSER. nov24 -tf Mt. Airy Institute FOR YOUNG LADIES! A B 3AUm.NO AND DAY SCHOOL EoR YOUNG iY LADIKS and will beopetiaa at Mt. Airy, Ga., September ‘iwtb, Mr. aud Mrs. J. K. Dean, priuripaJd, aadldted by an eftiuieut Corps or Teachers iu English, Ancient and Modem Languages, Music, (Vocal and lusU-umeiit&l.t Drawing, Pointing, ©tc. For terms, *tc., apply to ihe Fiiucipala. M. C. WILCOX, business Agent, aug'2s-tf Alt. Airy, da. E. M. COIIH, —PROPRIETOR OF- Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, TOCCOA, GA. W/ILL keep the beet Horses anT Carrisgrs, sin! VV carefui bauds will atteud to the transient stock. Satifaetlon (Insruntrrdlo I-alroiis. mayi J -tf THE OLD RELIABLE STORE OF M. MENKO & HR!)., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, -—-AND Furnishing (xoodtt. We aie now <luilv receiving our Large and Elegant NEV r STOCK OF GOODS, •Tu*t from Market. We shall expect all of our old customers to trade with us, and many new ones. We will make it to the interest of the pub lic to deal with us. M. MENKO A BRO., Corner Whitehall and Alabama streets, octl‘2-tf Opjrosite James’Bank. The Chronicle and Sentinel IS published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, at Augusta, Ga., by Walsh fc Wright, Proprietors. Full Telegrajrhic Dispatches from all points. Latest and most accurate Market Reports. Interesting and Reliable Correspondence from all parts of Georgia, South Carolina and Washington city. Georgia and Carolina news a sjrecialty. Daily—one year $lO 00; six months S>s 00. Tri-weekly—one year $5; six monthss2 50. Weekly—one year $2 00; six months $1 00. A Rare Chance. "VJ OW is your time to buy your Furniture. ’ As we propose changing our business, will our stock of FURNITURE At Cost for the next thirty days. All who are indebted to us for Coffins or Furniture, will please come forward and settle at once. By so doing they will save cost. Come along—we mean business, jano-tf DAVIS A COX. A BARGAIN. TWO ACRE LOT IN CULTIVATION. Good water. Nice orchard of selected fruits. House has seven ! rooms aud live fire-places. Two minutes walk of l street cars. Will be Sold LOW DOWN, or exchanged I tor a small farm. a, M. COCHRaN, i jalyli-tl Real Estate Agent. ESTEY ORGANS! MESSRS. ESTEY & CO, Did a lusiness Last Year of over ONE MILLION DOLLARS ! QUCH FIGURES are eloquent, and facts are 1 infinitely more significant than notion in Organ manufacture. THE ESTEY ORGAN Stands upon its own intrinsic) merit., and through this has won its way to the popular heart. The Kstry Recil Organ .VI an iiladoi y Is the largest and most complete iu the world. They consist of Eight Maiu Factories, Besides packing store, gas and engine houses, dry houses, etc. This manufactory gives em ployment to more than Five Hundred VYorkiueu. No other Organ has gained an equal popu larity, or been produced on such an extensive scale. Jt is sold at the Lowest Possible Price consistent with a fair and remunerative profit. For catalogues, terms, etc., address W. E. LODES, Music Dealer, Gainesville, Ga. Oct2o dm A usc list a ( oust i tutioii a) ist, OLUKS.T DKIUOt H ATH iMi-t n IX I'Hlt S'I'ATK. Published Daily, Tri-weeklv and Weekly, At Augusta, Ga. Cheapest Daily in the South! Daily, one year $6 00 Daily, six months :} 00 Daily, three months 1 do Tri-weekly, one year I 00 Tri-weekly, six months 2 00 Weekly, one year 2 00 Weekly, six months 1 00 ;e&~ Cash, in all cases. Full Telegrajrhic Dispatches from all points Latest and most accurate Market Reports, in teresting and Reliable Correspondence from all parts of Georgia, South Carolina and Washington. Georgia and Uaroliua and Local News a specialty. Address, THE CONSTITUTIONALIST, dee‘22 tf Augusta, Ga. K. L. BOONE, St ef EXSOK TO BOOSE A CO., TAK.E PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO HIS Friends and Customers, that he haa on hand and is receiving at the OLD STAND a large and well as sorted St ck of General Merchandise CONSISTING OF Dry Gr o o ds, Groceries, Hardware, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, j Factory Goods, Etc. ■■*<*— -tvrriry tnnen Ktvafc. • v ■vfli at cost for cash. Is Agent for the sale of ATHENS FACTORY, and will sell Goods l>y the bale at Factory prices for cash. aprH-tf S L. SOLOMONSON, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER!! Jeweler and Optician ! DEALER IN AND IMPORTER OF Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Spectacles to Malt all Sights. *er All work warranted to give satlsractioa. “iv *H WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, OA. JulyHS tt !\T •. .M. Persons (Over A. J, Comer’s Store,) IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST STOOL OF MK.LIXEKV tiOUUX ever brought to I I ALL CO V JIN TV. In the various lines the Stock is large, aud has been selected with great care. The Ladies are invited to oaamlue toy assortment of XdYtSSS GOODb, TRIIIMIXUS, Lit li>,, WHITE UOOUS, lfittißKOl DKHIEA, Kir. Will give also to my past customers a nice present, gar call and *ee me before purchasing elsewhere. ;HRS. itf. HKKSOVt. I also have a branch store at Dahlonega well sun plied with Millinery ttoods. oct27 3m D \ riVPATHPC! Stained for mechani -1 AlJjlN 1 IJ “ldeviceß.ma.lipa l or other compounds, or namental designs, trade-marks and labels.— Oa veals, Assignments, Interferences, etc., promptly attended to. Inventions that have been ((ejected by the Patent Office may still, in most cases, be secured by us. Being opposite the Patent Office, we ean make closer searches, and secure Patents more promptly and with broader claims than those who are remote from Washington. INVENTORS device; we make examinations free of Charge, and advise as to patentability. All correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low. We refer to officials in the Patent Office, and to inventors in every State iu the UnioD. Address, LOUIS BAGGER A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I). C. Wagons and Buggies! JOHN 0. BAGW ELL A CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Wagons and Buggies, SIX MILES WEST OF OD(,ilXG£3"Villo, <3- . KEEP CONSTANTLY ou hand a supply of First- Class Two-Horse Wagons at from $75 t s9s. First-Clast One-Horse Wagons at from sr>o to S6O First-Class Buggies from sllO up. Orders solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. jan*2 tf Black sin ill i Shop. THE UNDERSIGNED has established a Shop on laurenreville street, a little back of AKab Smith’* livery (stable, where he ia prep, red to do all hinda of work in hia line. He guarantees satisfaction in all caaea, aud solicits a ahare of pati on&ge. Price* euited to the times. inarll tf W. J. GRJFFIEB. J. O. S. TIMBERLAKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, C'audler Hall Building. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES feblß tf City Residences. I HAVE SEVERAL WELL IMPROVED Cl 1A Residences. Everything complete, which 1 will exchange for good* Farms. A. M. COCHRAN, julyl4-tf Real Estate Agent Notice ! Notice ! ! ALL PARTIES WANTING FIBST-CLaSS LUMBER at low FiavaKS, will call on Clement* i Whet stone, who are our only agent*, Lumber warranter! orst-ciaa*. sepra-u CAMP BARRETT. OUR COUNTRY! Wiiat Will Become of it? Is a question now agitating ihe public inind. The grave lasuta before Congress, the linai settU tnent of the Ute Presidential election; the Incoming Congress; the new President, ihe Fciiov of the usxt Administration; and future welfare et he country and people, are matters of great interest to east, and iverr Individual, rueh a crisis haß not boon presented -inefc the Declaration of independence. A Truthful History of events, and doings of Coa= grass will be given with impartiality and latrnasa in the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. a public spirited paper echoing the wishes oi the p*>, p.le. advocating subnrisseon to tee Laws, good Gov ern insnt, and the Rights of the People to be heard upon at] matters that pertain to the country's welfare. The Tricky Politicians, always ready to organize trouble, but who never participate in danger, will be shown up iu the r true characters. By subscribing for the Enquirer, you wi’,l get a faithful record of events as they transpire, without Party Coloring and unbiased by Party teelmgs, as the true msr t in a newspaper is its ability and willingness to give the NEWS AS XT COMES, and Dot as it is prepared by party demagogues to rote lead the people. Specimen copies free. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. FOR WKEKI.T. Single Copy, one year ii 60 Five Copies “ $1 75 each .. .8 76 Ten <• “ ...... 1 60 “ 13 00 twenty - - 1 50 *• 80 00 Without Sunday Issue With Sunday Issue By Mail, one year. ...3lf 00 IBy Mail, i year sl4 00 Six Months 6 00 | Sit Month*- . 00 three Months 3 *25 I Three Months S oh One Month 1 25 J One Month 2 SO Most liberal terms to club ugenU Send for speci men copies aud agents' outnt Agent wanted at every post-office. Address all letters to FARAN a kb.LEAN. Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio AMU ill 111 FACTS A CO.. muvcoSOla to Gbipliiaii, fidstuor T A C‘o., boiiuitora. Vatanta procuiaa in alicaun Lies. Xdjt’es vi auta/.cf. X> barge uulen. iho pateni id giautbd. No lees for mating preliminary e.i&mina 11 OLd. No additional teas for obtaining ana oonduci* ing ato hearing. By a recent decision of the Uornmn sioner u'. 'i reje. led applkationa may be revived, apj wiui attention given to Interference Casea before lha Patent Orilce, KYteneione bef.ii-a Oongreaa, infringe •iiem .Suita in dizferent iitatcr?, and all litigation appet taming to inventions or Patents. Send stamp t-. GILMORE CO., for pamphlet of aiity i^agrs I,it ltd (aes, I,aud Warrants and Seri p. * Contested Laud Cased pl’OSccUtod before the tiniled Staled General T.and oili. e and LopaitUieut oa Ihe in terior. Private Land Claims, Mhuny aud Claims, :nd Homestead Oases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, so aud 160 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip a assignable, and can be located iu the name ot ihe par uhiber upon any iioverninent Land subjecd to private entry, at yl.-jo per acre. II is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Bend stamp toCULMORh \ To. for pamphlet oi instituction. ArieulH l Eat rtiiil liuuutv. OFFIOIhRS. .SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the iai© war, or their heirs, am m many eases entitled io money from the OAovei uuifiit of which they have no knowledge Write lull hist>ry of servieo, and state amount of pay and bounty received. F.nclosa stamp u> GILMORE A CO., and a full reply, after okAminatien. will be given you Tree. IVuxiifUii. All ofliuoia, buldura auJ Sallora wouudoH. ruptut4 or Injured u, the late war. however ahghtty. oau o'- tatu a pension by addressing GILMORE A- CO. Caaee praaec-uted by GILMORE \ CO. before u,„ Supreme Court of tbe United Stales, the Court oi Claims, and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conducted ia a separate bureau, under charge of the same experi enced parties employed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GU,MORE k CO. is thus secured. We dee ro to win success by deserving it. GILMORE & CO., No. 629 F Street, near Patent and Post Offices, jan2l tf Washington, D. O. ~mTw 7 RIIYEN’S Law and Claim Agency. TO THE TPTJHIjIC. than ordinary iauilitiea to prosecuto before any aud all the several departments of the (iovernment, the Southern Claim# Commission, Court of Claims, Pa tent, Land aud Pension Oihces, any aud all claims growing out of, or incident to, the late war or other wise. I will collect or purchase Government Vouchers given duriug or since tbe war. 1 will endeavor to collect from the Government the Proceeds of Sales of Captured or Aband nod Proper ty, where the inoliey has been paid Into the Treasury; aud will colleot pay for Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc., impressed for the use of the Government, and not returned. Address, with stamp for reply, MASTIN W. EIDEN, Attorney at Law and Claim Agent, marl?- tf Gainesville, Hall county, Ga. A. M. COCHRAN, Ok£al7uiat'<b''illo. <--■* *... REAL ESTATE AND * GENERAL LID AGEIW FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF MINERAL & FARMING LANDS in Hall and other counties of North east Georgia, Mineral Ores Tested, aud Titles Fully luve§tigated. Spotlal Attention Given to Paruhage, Sale and of CITY PROPERTY. Those who wish to ceil property would do well to come and re&ialer the same. Sample* ot Ores of all Kinds Wauled ui my Oilier. a. u. < or litt a ft. J. DOK9EY, Attorney. TO OW3STBRS OF-- Mineral Property THE UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to test Mineral Ore ol any description. Owners of Mineral Property and others in terested, can now have their ore tested and the value of their property determind at a small cost by sending a sample of their ore to the undersigned, an old experienced assay er. In this way some of the best mines in Georgia have been discovered and found to be rich, when the owner of the property did not know that he had anything but rocks on his tarm. We advise every farmer in North Georgia to gather a sack of the rooks on his place, and bring them in for examination. We give our opinion at once gratis; then if thought advisable to make a chemical test, the charge will be light. Call on or address S. W.BUIjI.OUK, Assayist, aept‘2fi-tf Atlanta, Georgia. HENRY WRIG-HT Has opened a First-class Fating' Saloon 5 IN GAINESVILLE, ON'THE NORTHEAST CORNER of Lawrenceville aud Main streets, to which plate ha cordially invites all his white friends, when he will politely serve them with Refreshments, consist iug of Pound Cake, Tea Cakes, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Boiled Custard and numerous other dainties, at rea sonable rates. Call and satisfy the inner man. mayo tf FOR BA.r,E, A NICE TWO-ROOM COTTAGE and a live or six acre Lot, in the city of Gainesville, Ga.; about live acres iu a high state of cultivation, good well-water, out buildings, two acres in choice fruit trees, etc. Tt is just one-haif mile irorn the Public Square and on one of the most public streets in the city. Titles undisputed. Will be sold at a bargain, for cash, to an early applicant. For further particulars, apply at this office. Oct. Kith, IS7G. .1. M. OWEN, IN Dry Buods, Hiuttrics, Hardware, and Ucnnai Merchandise, t=}EJl_iT jTON, O-A.. H* E sell* Goods fur CASH, and furnishes the traveling public with a good, square meal at hi* ] Hotel on living terms. Call ou him. ‘spr 18-tf. LiESb SJsc* to GEO. P ROWELL & CO., New York, O to' Pamphlet of lou pages, containing lists of SbuO new papers, and estimates showing cost of advertis ing marl 0-1 y